ricksmarlene · 1 month
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You're the love of my life. I'm Yours.
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wecanbeperfect · 1 year
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metal-junk · 3 months
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i like ur funny words, magic man
the idea that probably one of the most dangerous people in faerûn can become good after falling for a pathetic wizard is fucking hilarious to me. also i am an avid defender of gale and i want to make VERY CLEAR he isn’t supposed to be mansplaining bhaal to a bhaalspawn here, that’s just the only info i could actually write a significant amount of. i’m the one mansplaining here not gale i love gale
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andrewdmeyer · 11 months
A Few Live Recordings...
It’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything on here. I’ve been quite busy retooling so to speak. I’ve been focusing my energy on the bari lately. It’s the one saxophone that, until recently I haven’t spent a tremendous amount of time with. Anyway, I’ve been working with my trio, the Bigote Trio, to create a horn-focused version of Gypsy Jazz and in the past that’s meant mostly playing…
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adharastarlight · 8 months
Reg sneaking into his dorm at 2am, uniform a little dishevelled
Barty, turning the light on and stroking a cat like a bond villain: why hello, you're out awfully late
Reg: ...uhm-
Evan, appearing in the shadows next to Barty: it's dreadfully strange how the light affects the colours of ties
Reg: merde
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rocktheholygrail · 4 months
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Hannibal 3x13 - “The Wrath of the Lamb”
Hannibal putting himself in front of the window to shield Will from Dolarhyde and getting shot + Will pulling a knife out of his shoulder at the risk of bleeding to death to save Hannibal from Dolarhyde
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sol-thorne · 1 year
So I uhhh... I finished the Iliad. I had a lot of fun but there were so MANY weird ass funny moments that I HAD to draw. Enjoy my personal retelling of these bits. (The designs for the characters are very undocumented and definitely not final though).
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Part two over there!
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putoutallthestars · 2 years
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♡ There is no greater love Than what I feel for you No sweeter song, no heart so true There is no greater thrill Than what you bring to me No sweeter song Than what you sing, sing to me You're the sweetest thing I have ever known And to think that you are mine alone ♡
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Justice first, sleep later
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skyshipper · 2 months
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the-paris-of-people · 4 months
I feel like we, as a fandom have never collectively discussed how fucking awesome Rachel Elizabeth Dare is. I honestly think she's the most underappreciated character in the entire fandom. Like demigods, she's incredibly creative, thinks and behaves outside of what's expected of her in the mortal world, and has this incredible power of sight that no one else has. She hates her father for being a developer, she volunteers in her free time to help raise money for art programs for kids, she's a great friend to Percy, she's incredibly brave (i.e. going into the labyrinth because 'she had no summer plans' , flying into a war zone, hitting Kronos with a blue hairbrush), she's really funny, but all everyone talks about is how much they hate her because she's a rival for Percy's affections but when you think about it... hello!!! Of course Percy has a crush on her she's "just as brave as Annabeth", incredibly creative, has complex feelings towards her family and her own identity... are you sensing a pattern!! Percy has a type!! All of this is made funnier when you realize Rick Riordan describes Becky (his wife) as a creative who he trusts with everything like he basically wrote two incarnations of his wife in a love triangle LOL
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illuminaryart · 3 months
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No Greater Love. 16x20 watercolor and ink. Each "I love you" was written by a native speaker or student of that language. Afrikaans, American Sign Language, Arabic, Bijabo, Burmese, Czech,  Danish, Dutch,  English, Faroese, Fijian, Finnish, French, German, Greek (koine), Greek (modern), Gujarati, Hawaiian, Hebrew, Hindi, Icelandic, Ilakano, Indonesian,  Italian, Japanese, Kinyarwanda, Korean, Kreyal, Kriol, Latin, Latvian,  Lingala, Luganda, Malay,  Malay, Mandarin,  Melpa, Mongolian, Nakui, Nepali, Papua New Guinean Pidgin (three versions), Polish, Portuguese, Romanian,  Runyankore, Russian, Samoan,  Sesotho, Slovak,  Sorimi, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Tagalog, Tamil,  Tedim, Thai, Tohono O’odham, Tongan, Turkish, Urdu, Vietnamese, Xhosa, Yoruba, Zulu.
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todaysbird · 10 months
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the greater sage-grouse, also known as the sagehen, is north america’s largest grouse species. previously known simply as the sagegrouse, the original grouping has been divided into the greater sage-grouse and the gunnison’s sage-grouse. brushy sage steppe habitats are crucial to conservation of this species; during the majority of the year, their diet is over 60% composed of sage, and the species cannot live in habitats where sage isn’t found growing densely. this unusual bird is also known for complicated lek-based breeding rituals where the male inflates the yellow sacs on his chest to ‘boom’ and strut, sometimes for hours.
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hoarding-stories · 5 months
Going wild about how each chapter shows a different facet of horror
The circle of Vassal and Veil: horror in the environment.
A classical look at things, there are forces in this world beyond your understanding, they will chew you up and spit you out. See them, know them, survive them, adapt to them.
The circle of Needle and Thread: horror in humanity
Really powerfully done, a showing in how people can be horrifying, do horrible things to each other with the most human of reasons. Nothing beyond our ken is necessary for true horror to take place.
The circle of Tide and Bone: horror in the self
Rather complex and with a sprinkling of cosmic flavoring there but, where did you start? Where will you end? It is always a rough road and how will you change, be changed? What will you lose, what will you give up? What parts of yourself are worth the losing if it means you get a step closer to what you want, what you need. Who are you, if not for the people and things you care about, what happens to you when they're gone, how far will you go in their absence? Will you look back and see the person you were as someone entirely different, something in you twisted, lost? Will it have been worth it? The horror in change and the fact that you cannot go backwards to the way things once were.
Cannot wait to see what the Circle of the Crimson Mirror has to offer
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hyunpic · 3 months
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quillium · 1 year
Two kinds of comments and replies on ao3:
commentor: nice fic
author replying: Hello you have done me the greatest of services. The kindest of compassions hast been received from thine good hand. May you be blessed into the coming days, for you have blessed me and mine.
commentor: This tore into my ribcage and you hold my still-beating heart in your hands. I loved the thematic strength of this story--the persistent symbolism within is everything, actually. Your characterization was so on point, I adored the specific choices you made to cement not only the dynamics and show the effect on others but also the further the plot in a logical manner--
author replying: lol thx <3
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