ellecdc · 3 months
hi! this is my first request but i was wondering if you could do poly!marauders or any characters with reader who’s in a wheelchair? i saw your mute!reader and loved it so much! i’m a wheelchair user myself with limited mobility in my hands and i never see readers that resonate with me. if you can’t, that’s totally understandable though!
side note; but i can literally picture sirius and james trying to push the wheelchair and popping wheelies or even racing LMFAOOO
this is so cute! thanks so much for the request, I hope I did it justice! & the second part is absolutely not based off of a frequent scenario when me and my friend who is a wheelchair user go to restaurants 😅
poly!marauders x fem!reader who is a wheelchair user
CW: fluff, simping marauders, Remus advocating heavily for reader's independence, James just wanting to spoil reader, Sirius being the master of deduction, subtle/casual ableism
“Do you want a break, dove?” Remus asked pointedly; mostly making a statement to James and less concerned that you weren’t speaking up for yourself. 
“I don’t mind a break.” You said easily as you smiled up at James above you.
“Yes, but dove, do you want a break?” Remus asked again, moving to stand in front of you so you were forced to stop and look at him.
“My arms are a little tired, and this street does seem to have a bit of an incline. I’m happy to have James push me for a bit, Rem.” You assured him, though you hoped that your gratitude for his staunch defense of your independence shone through. 
“She knows I just like spoiling her.” James gloated as he bent overtop of you, pressing a ‘spiderman kiss’ to your lips before straightening up and speeding up the street. 
“It’s less that you like to spoil her and more that you like trying new tricks.” Sirius commented as he fell into step with Remus.
“It can be both!” James argued; laughing as you squealed when he ‘popped a wheelie’.
“Prongs, if you break her wheelchair I swear to God.” Remus threatened.
“I’m not gonna break it!” James argued before bending down to murmur into your ear. “I’m not gonna break it, am I?”
You chuckled as you leaned to press the side of your face to his cheek. “No you’re okay; just don’t get too rowdy.”
“Yes ma’am.” He agreed readily. 
“God I’m starved.” Sirius grumbled then. “Are you lot hungry?”
“I could eat!” James offered.
“It’d be nice to sit down for a bit; are you hungry, dove?” Remus asked. You looked up and down the street; happy to notice that even in this older part of town, there were plenty of wheelchair ramps. 
“Yeah, I think that should be fine.” You offered; though Sirius seemed to sniff out your hesitation as he quickly rushed over to plant his face against the window of a nearby establishment. 
“Not to worry, doll; this one looks good!” Sirius’ shout was muffled from where he was pressed up against the glass of a restaurant he deemed worthy of the four of you.
“They’re likely not going to allow us entrance with a hellian like you.” You teased half-heartedly - feeling really quite thankful for his easy deduction and thoughtfulness that not everyone put into finding accessible venues - as you took over guiding your chair and James relinquished his hold on your handles. 
“Why not? I thought they had to allow service dogs?” James taunted, causing Sirius to scoff indignantly and launch himself at James which quickly turned into a playful brawl right outside of the restaurant. 
“Good lord, we really can’t take them anywhere, can we?” Remus muttered as he came over and rested his hip against you, watching with a look of ill-hidden admiration for your two somewhat chaotic boyfriends.
“Oi!” You shouted, causing the two of them to split apart hastily, not unlike naughty school children caught scuffling on school grounds. “I thought I was being promised food?”
“Sorry angel!” James called at the same time Sirius said “and food you will get, princess.” 
The four of you headed towards the restaurant; James running up to hold the door for you all and Sirius patting his arse on his way by, followed by you and then Remus. 
Sirius, in all his casual panache, sauntered up to the hostess desk to ask for a table for four.
“Sounds great!” The hostess chirped back, visibly excited for the attention of a very attractive man. “Would you like a table or a booth?”
All three boys slowly turned to face you; Sirius fighting the urge to shake his head in second-hand embarrassment, James looking at you with a sort of frustrated bemusement, and Remus who shared a knowing smirk with you as they all allowed you to field the question.
“Erm, I think perhaps a table would be best, if you didn’t mind?” You asked the hostess with a smile, trying to bite back a chuckle at the way the blood seemed to drain from her face.
“Oh! Yes! Of course; terribly sorry, I- erm, right this way!” She sputtered, turning on her heel and walking - quite briskly - towards whichever table she deigned to seat you lot at as if she were hoping to quickly rid herself of this awkward situation. 
Remus, tapping your shoulder first to ask permission, took over driving for you so as to keep up with the rest of your party.
You felt a little bit bad for the hostess who kept turning to offer you apologetic smiles as you and Remus tried not to laugh at her expense. It wasn’t really her fault; she was simply reciting a script she likely had to ask nearly 100 times a day. 
But the way you saw it; if you had to deal with society’s subtle ableism, you were entitled to a few chuckles at their expense. 
You made sure to thank the hostess as she removed the fourth chair from your table before she left.
“I love watching people squirm like that.” Sirius commented as he sat down.
“Don’t be mean.” You admonished. “She didn’t know.”
“Well she ought to know.” James grumbled then. 
“I’m not that fussed; it’s kind of funny.” You said then as you reached for a glass of water; James quickly leaning forward to grab it for you.
“She can grab herself a glass of water, bubs.” Remus chided tiredly then, shooting you an apologetic look. 
“Yes but she shouldn’t have to, Rem. Don't act like I don't do the same for you when your joints are acting up.” James responded as he handed your drink to you carefully before pressing a smacking kiss to your cheek.
You winked sympathetically at Remus as his face flushed in embarrassment. 
“The only difference is that she gets the princess treatment 24/7.” Sirius added with a wink as he pulled Remus roughly into his side. 
And though you’d likely never admit it out loud, you couldn’t deny that you sort of loved the princess treatment.
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generalsdiary · 3 months
Ratio and Aventurine are Sherlock and Watson coded but not in the way you think. Where one might assume Ratio would be Sherlock because of his intellect and analytic approach to life and the comments he makes, allow me to switch the perspective. Aventurine is an addict. To what? To feeling like shit and endorsing it, to having low self-esteem, to rejecting everyone in a way so no one gets too close and realizes how vulnerable he is, how much he yearns for love. He hid it away so well that he himself isn’t aware anymore of how much he wants it. to be loved, appreciated, and seen as more than just his luck- much like Ratio wants to be seen for more than just his achievements (poor man ain’t aware of how much he wants it either). Aventurine plays this perfect little role of a charismatic, lucky, fun-to-be-around persona. And that’s all it is, a play, a stage act.
let us switch gears back to Sherlock and John. Sherlock is also an addict, depending on at which point in the timeline, it is nicotine, drugs, crime cases, and similar. Here is where the point lies. Who is the one that pulls Sherlock out of that shit, out of the drug den, to hide his cigarettes away? John. We think Sherlock functions fine… before John, sure. After John, after Mary dies; oh no, Sherlock is not well without him. He can barely function, (yes, Mary’s death comes also in account here, but I won’t get sidetracked), living in a mess, doing drugs again, smoking, treating himself like shit and like he is worthless. So, who reminds Sherlock of his worth, of his genius, of the fact that he is human and not just a performance act that he puts on of deducting others? John. Both Sherlock and Aventurine throw these spectacles, these performances, these acts of a grand image, they play it and they dance to the song that others sing, moving to the melody that strangers decide; playing into whatever image that is painted of them no matter how untrue it is, ex. Aventurine will play a gambling alcoholic as much as you wish although he is more than that, and Sherlock will play the killer, the crazy ‘psychopath’ that kidnapped those kids and poisoned them, and he is also more than that. The difference is that Sherlock performs his knowledge and analytic skills, unlike Aventurine who keeps those cards close to his chest- that is how he survives, that is how he survived, his instinct, his trauma making him aware of a lot of things in his surroundings and aware of everyone else; carefully analyzing everyone to ensure his safety. Aventurine is better with his tongue, knowing what to say and when to say it, with much better people skills- that is what got him this far after all; so, he performs with flashy promises, with fun games- gambling with his own life because what is it worth to him anyway anymore? it circles back to his ‘the only survivor trauma’. Sherlock was ready to gamble his own life (S1E1) and who stopped him? John. Well, more like who saved him. The drug addiction that Sherlock has is a bit downplayed and it always ends fast within the episodes, but in its own way, it is also his gamble, him not valuing his life as much as he should.
yes, in a way Ratio and Aventurine can both be Sherlock. But it is not about Sherlock, as much as it is about Watson. And exactly what Watson brings to the table, to their relationship. In the case of Johnlock, Ratio is very much Watson. The one to tell Aventurine his life matters, the one to go along with his plan of deceiving Sunday- because Aventurine had this great plan, a huge gamble. sound familiar? The usual thing about Sherlock with big plans, ex. exposing Mary after getting shot, going to Magnussen’s to sell Mycroft’s PC. And who follows along even when they don’t agree? John.
to take into account Johnlock in the later episodes/at least the second season, when they are closer- we are brought up to speed on where Aventio are. it is a well known fact that Aventio knew each other before the first scene in the hotel of them interacting. So, they have a history, and their period of getting familiar is over. They know each other. we only see John openly criticizing Sherlock later in the series, be it insulting him or calling him out on his bullshit. The same thing happens with Aventio, where Ratio is the one to openly state his thoughts and criticize. While yes, one may argue that that is in Ratio’s character to behave as such, if we recall the scene between Ratio and the MC, he doesn’t behave that way if unprovoked. And Aventurine wasn’t provoking him, hence the conclusion. As much as Ratio seems like the black sheep here, the odd one out (which he is don’t get me wrong), in this perspective it is Aventurine who is that. and yes, Ratio walks on eggshells around him, apologizing for his harsh words. these two aren’t the perfect puzzle pieces for Johnlock, they do differ in the way they walk in public and who leads the way, and of course the point of this isn’t to make them overlap, but to draw parallels. And while writing this, truly a lot of opposing things came to mind, where both couples differ in such vast ways, all four being complex, rich characters- it pained me that Aventurine and Veritas would be compared to Sherlock and John only in the way that the “genius” matched the “genius”. smh.
Now the way Ratio is Sherlock is very simple, he doesn’t consider himself human- more like, doesn’t allow himself to be human, to feel, to connect, to breathe; when he is too much of a human – and the main reason he wasn’t accepted into the genius society. Poor Ratio, cursed because he wants to help and spread knowledge, what a mean fate struck upon the burned out gifted autistic asexual kid. To switch to Sherlock (also very autistic asexual coded), he is the most human out of them all, (I believe Eurus calls him that but I don’t recall the exact quote, also pointed out by Mrs. Hudson, John, and Mycroft), trying to be this analytical machine when his caring bleeds through his skin, evaporating through his pores, his love for John and so many others making him pull himself apart and do anything to protect them, ex. killing Magnussen, giving himself to Smith to a guaranteed death, faking his own suicide to protect Lestrade, John, and Mrs. Hudson. Sherlock who, much like Ratio, wishes to be strict in his way of life, but cannot help wanting to explain and help others, and Ratio here differs by wanting to help everyone improve while Sherlock is willing to help only after the person has shown some amount of will, intelligence, proved themselves in some way (Irene Adler) or he so rarely happened to like them (ex. the kid that was at Mary’s wedding). Although, their shared way of calling others around them idiots is neat. I’d say this is their main connection and outside of it they are extremely different characters, which is why further comparison is pointless and shallow if you just want to compare characters because they are quote on quote the clever one.
Case in point, Aventurine is Sherlock because Ratio is John, and the one that saves him. The one that grounds him, and Aventurine NEEDS him. He needs Veritas. And Sherlock needs John. Therefore, Aventurine isn’t Sherlock without Ratio, much like there is no Sherlock (be it books, movies, or the show) without John. It is more about the relationships between them than the actual characters, and that, honestly, makes it even more beautiful.
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eardefenders · 8 months
Sherlock & Co - Mailbag Episode 1 Transcript
00:00-00:30 Intro Music
*Typing Sounds*
0:36 Sherlock: What are you doing?
0:37 John: I’m collating the questions from the fans. Ah-well, d’you know actually they might not be fans. They might just. *pause* I don’t, I don’t know, listen, but, uh, ah, you know not actually, you know-
0:48 Sherlock: -Like you?
0:49 John: What?
0:49 Sherlock: They might not actually like you.
0:51 John: Us. The show. Anything. What do you mean ‘not like me’? Why would they not like me?
0:57 Sherlock: Well…you can come on a little strong…sometimes, I suppose.
1:02 John: In what way?
1:03 Sherlock (voice slightly high): You’re just, rather, keen. (voice normal, reassuring even) Nothing wrong with that of course.
1:07 John (sarcastically): Oh, great, thanks.
1:09 Sherlock: That’s something people add after making a crude observation on another’s character.
1:14 John (warily): What is?
1:14 Sherlock: “Nothing wrong with that of course.”
1:17 John: So you just added it because you thought-
1:19 Sherlock: It would soften the blow.
1:20 John (sarcastic): Lovely. Very kind.
1:23 Sherlock (clearly missing the sarcasm): Quite alright.
1:24 John: Okaaay, we got some Q’s from the L’s, and now its time for us to provide the A’s. That’s, uh, that’s questions from the listeners and for us to provide the answers.
1:36 Sherlock: Yes, I cracked the code, Watson.
1:39 John: Right! So! Beau from California wants to know where they should go when they visit London.
1:44 Sherlock: Er, sorry, uh, I thought this was about crime?
1:47 John: Whaddya mean?
1:48 Sherlock: I thought there would be questions regarding criminal activity?
1:52 John (lightly sarcastic): Oh, right yeah, sorry. Um, there is one here from ‘PsychoMurderer69’ who wants to know if he should stab his next-door neighbor.
1:58 Sherlock (seriously): What’s the length of the blade he’d have access to?
2:00 John: Jesus Christ.
2:00 Sherlock: Does the neighbor show signs of possessing any self-defense skillsets?
2:04 John (interjecting over Sherlock): Alright, no, where should Beau visit in London, please?
2:09 Sherlock: Um, uh, St. Dunstan in the East. Little Venice. Spitalfields. Brick Lane. The Vaults! Neal’s Yard is rather charming as well, I suppose…pleasing colors on display.
2:20 John: Right, great. Colors. See, that wasn’t difficult, was it?
2:23 Sherlock: South Kensington Ice Rink.
2:25 John: Yeah, lovely. I- Sorry, where are you going?
2:26 *Sound of door opening.*
2:27 Sherlock: I just said.
2:27 *Audio Cut - Vaguely outside sounds.*
2:28 John (sounding like he’s struggling to balance): Heeey, folks its, woah, woah, Ja-ah,*sound of skate blades scraping deeply in ice* Jesus, aw, bloody hell, ahahaaah Christ. *sounds of the mic rubbing as he presumably falls down, a sharp intake of pained breath* Ahh.
2:35 Sherlock (sounding at ease): Get up, Watson.
2:36 John: Ah, oh yeah, thanks for the advice. Uh, um, hey folks-*under his breath*ah, God- Sherlock, can get *sounding unsteady on his feet* easily distracted when he’s not w-w-what’d’you call it. Uh. Totally onboard with something. So he wanted to *sounding unsteady again* go ice-ce skating. Uhum *clears throat*, uh there’s a-a rink. Temporary rink open in South Kensington right now so we’re skating- hey-oh, ooo-getting up some speed now. Oh here we go. Ha ha hah! God is this what Canadians feel like? Oy oy! *laughs proudly*
3:10 Sherlock: Very good, Watson. You’ve got the hang of it.
3:11 John: Hahah, yeah well I wouldn’t go that far, but I’m not smashing my ribs into the ice, uh, for the time being. So-woah! Shit!- *clears throat* Right! Another question!
3:21 Sherlock: Go for it.
3:22 John: “What are your favorite hobbies?”
3:24 Sherlock: *with relish* CRIME. Deductions. Observations! Intricate studies that focus my mind. Feeding my hyper fixations, which often stem from crime and the desire to understand it.
3:37 John: …Riiiight. Yeah, I think the listener Sherlo8 in Poland, uh, I think they meant more like, um, you know, I don’t know. Golf?
3:48 Sherlock: Golf? *chuckles* I don’t golf. I live in Baker Street.
3:52 John: No, I-I know, but, um. *deep breath* Right, okay. My hobby is-
3:58 Sherlock (interjects): Podcasting.
3:59 John: Well, no. Uh, that’s my job.
4:00 Sherlock (skeptically): Is it now?
4:01 John: My hobbies. Uh…so I like to play football. I like films and tv. Ummm I’m very partial to a board game. Uhhhh… Oh! Ok! So here’s a confession. I have the flight tracker app. I’m not saying I’m a, a plane spotter, but um… I like to, yeah, just check in with that. Y’know? See what’s overhead? Where it’s come from, where it’s going. Picture the kinda people that uh. *sigh* Oh I don’t know, going from swha-Rome to Mexico City, y’know? Th-th-the weary business men and women tucking into their inflight meals, families that have created a whole crate of memories that they’re going to talk about for decades.
4:42 John (dramatically): The lovesick Italian man flying out to see his Mexican sweetheart. His heart bursting with excitement and fear that the stewards who keep complaining about some bloke in Row G, c-
4:49 Sherlock (interjects): Trains.
4:50 John: Hm?
4:51 Sherlock: Trains. I like trains. And, dinosaurs.
4:56 John: Ok. Great! Well, haha! That’s wonderful! We did it, another answer to another question. See, I told you it’s bloody easy- *sound of an ice blade scraping the ice too hard/wrong, a loud hard thump, the mic is rubbing terribly against clothing, sound is muffled* Oh, God!
5:07 *Audio Cut-Vaguely café sounds*
5:09 John (pained): Ahhh *sucks in air through his teeth* Oh that stings. *sounds like he’s holding his face*
5:15 Sherlock: Yep, they’re loaning us their frozen peas.
5:18 John: Oh what, they’ve got frozen peas in this place? Why aren’t they fresh, meals are twenty quid?
5:21 Sherlock: Uh, do you want the frozen peas or not?
5:23 John: Yeah! Yes, please, give’em here. *sound of a bag of frozen peas being shuffled around, John’s voice is muffled* Oh, yeah. Oh hoho, that’s the stuff, baby. Oh yeah. Ahhhhhhhhh. 5:39 Sherlock: Just to confirm,
5:40 John: Uh hunh?
5:40 Sherlock: they are paying for this? People are…paying for this audio?
5:46 John: Yeah, mate. Oh! Ah God! Ooo! Ouchie, ouchie, ouchie, ouchie…
5:49 Sherlock: Understood. Well, people can be rather odd, can’t they? Nothing wrong with that of course.
5:55 John: Uh, d’you mind? I see- I actually know what you’re doing with that ‘nothing wrong with that’ lark. So, right! Next question, ‘How did Archie get his name?’ says May Van der Hayden in New Zealand. Ah, well mate, I didn’t have much say in the matter. *clicks tongue* Um, I bought him as a birthday present for…uhhhh. M-my ex-girlfriend. Um, e-e-ex…yeah, y’know she was. She was-she was the bi- big one. The one I l-lived with and planned t’m-my life. Around. Sort of thing. Um. *clicks tongue* B-bought him for her, she chose Archie. Um. I-I don’t know why? Ha. And then she chose my friend who had a Range Rover Sport. So, yeah, she left me and the dog. *clicks tongue* And I left the dog to help the Ukrainians. Now I’m back. *clicks tongue* Got a dog and a master detective. Uh, lucky me. *awkward chuckle*
6:55 Sherlock: I feel your answers should be more concise.
6:58 John: Yep, thank you for that input. May also asks, Sherlock, seeing as you have handled cases for other countries, have you ever handled any in New Zealand?
7:07 Sherlock: Yes.
7:08 John: Oh! Lip, lip. Now numb. Ah, ah. Can you expand on that please?
7:13 Sherlock: Yes, but you’d have to stop recording or redact it from the podcast.
7:17 John: Aw, what’d be the point of that?
7:19 *Audio Cut- Sounds like they’re on the tube now*
7:23 John: Question here from Chloe Davies in Canada. Hi, Chloe. Sherlock, your hugging machine, is it based on that of Temple Grandin?
7:31 Sherlock: Er, she sent me some early designs, yes. I needed to tweak its pressure loads to clench my shoulder blades.
7:40 John: That’s the way you like it, is it? Hugwise?
7:43 Sherlock: Yes. Any sensation below the diaphragm causes me to stress.
7:47 John: Good to know. Uh, Nick Licher or, er, Licker. Uh…let’s go with Nick Licher. He asks, “Why did Sherlock need your shoelaces?” Yeah, why did you need my shoelaces?
7:58 Sherlock: I was conducting a thorough cleansing of our garments following the proximity to duck poo we had undergone that day in the park. *sucks in air sharply* The shoes contain the most potentially harmful pathogens. I removed the shoelaces for deep cleaning.
8:11 John: Okay.
8:12 Sherlock: Okay? Is that it? For potentially saving you untold hours and days on the toilet?
8: 19 John: How so?
8:20 Sherlock: E.coli, Watson.
8:22 John: Yeah, but on my shoelaces? Mate, I wasn’t going to chew on them. Right, Adrien Kaiser from Minnesota. “John, if you miss an upload should we just assume you and Sherlock have been arrested or are dead?”
8:32 Sherlock: Yes. As assumptions go, those options would be some of the likeliest. Wouldn’t you agree Watson?
8:39 John: No.
8:40 Sherlock: Why not?
8:40 John: Well, I don’t know. Maybe my laptop breaks, maybe we don’t get an adventure that week, I’m ill, your ill, a long list of things that aren’t dead or arrested, Sherlock.
8:50 Sherlock: It was Adrien that said it, not me.
8:52 John: *heavy sigh* Arlo asks, as a Shakespeare fan-him, not me- he asks what my favorite play by him was. Uhhh, um, I love Romeo and Juliet. Bit of um, a sucker for romance, me. *awkward chuckle* Hamlet’s too long, should’ve streamlined that a little. I’m uh going to go Romeo and Juliet. Or Julius Ceasar. Good drama in that one, I think. Kind of can’t understand what they’re saying, but uh I hold my English teachers at school responsible for that one, I mean also why are we reading them? Yeah, they’re meant to be performed, come on. Uh, next question. Soma asks “what’s your favorite tv show?” Uh, I loved ‘Band of Brothers’. Um, but, of course, an ex soldier would say that wouldn’t he. Um, psh, yeah, ‘Band of Brothers’. Or, something light and millennial, like, um, I don’t know. Fraiser? Or, uh, Will and Grace?
9:46 John: Sherlock? Favorite tv show?
9:48 Sherlock: This is us.
9:48 John: Really? I never saw it.
9:49 Sherlock: No, Watson! This is us! Quick!
9:52 John: Oh, bollocks, Oh! The doors are closing! Ow!
9:53 *Audio cut-sounds of a tube station/outside*
9:54 John: Misha asks,
9:56 Sherlock: Mmhm?
9:57 John: “Do you have a sweet tooth?” Well, I can tell you, Misha, that yes, he bloody does! Sherlock?
10:02 Sherlock: Yes, I bloody do. *awkward chuckle, sharp intake of breath* Yet, my diet is highly unpredictable and more often then not tied to my mood
10:08 John: Yeah, I can vouch for that. One minute he’s slurping down some borscht on a whim. Next minute, he’s going ten straight days eating tomato penne pasta.
10:16 *sound of a building door opening*
10:19 *sound of the door closing, presumably they’re in the foyer of 221 Baker Street*
10:19 John: *sigh* Uhhh, just trying to find uh…
10:23 Sherlock: Yet more questions?
10:23 *sounds like they’re removing their coats*
10:25 John: Yep. Uh, ooo, questions, right, last one. Uh, “Doctor Watson, hope this question doesn’t make you uncomfortable. Do you use a cane for your leg injury? I use a cane myself due to joint pain from Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. In fact, one of the canes was hand painted by a family in Ukraine during the war.” Well aw! *delighted chuckle* Aw that’s nice. Um, no I don’t use a cane. Uh, I had some surgery, and I was very kindly along with a few others flown out to Florida for some rehabilitation and then back to the UK for some hydrotherapy courtesy of the Ministry of Defense. Uh. Then they sacked me. So, heh, booooo. *chuckles* So, no. I’m actually cane free. But, uh, I have had moments. Especially climbing these bloody stairs *sounds of him stepping heavily up stairs* where I’ve wanted something like that.
11:15 Sherlock: Finished?
11:16 John (slightly out of breath): Finished.
11:17 *sound of a door opening, presumably 221B’s*
11:17 John: Right, say ‘Bye, Listeners’.
11:19 Sherlock: ‘Bye, Listeners’. You know, you do have a rather silly gait. *pause* Walking style. *sound of a door closing* The cane may have been needed. You do look weird when you stroll. Nothing wrong with that of course.
11:32 John (under his breath): For God’s sake.
11:33-12:03 *audio cut to end theme. It’s Mad Prodigy but a different part not used in the main show with a bit of piano.*
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willowser · 1 year
you find pro-hero touya naked on the sidewalk.
face down, ass up, and completely unmoving; it's a little after 5 in the morning, which is maybe why no one has found him or offered him any clothes. or finished him off.
it's nearly december, but all the ice around him has melted into a slick and dangerous sludge, and snowflakes are sizzling when they make contact with his back. skin a tender pink and baby-smooth; another reason you know he's still alive, aside from all the heat he's generating on such a frozen morning.
"hey," you nudge him lightly with the toe of your boot until he grunts and begins to stir. "i don't know how your quirk works, but laying in the cold like this can't be good for you."
some kind of nonsense noise fumbles out of his mouth as he squints up at you, frown etched so deep that it looks like it hurts. it almost feels like he's mega-wasted and is burning off a hangover, but you squat next to him and don't smell alcohol or weed or vomit or even nicotine. just ash, as the early morning wind stings the inside of your nose.
"c'mon man," you scoff when he turns his back to you, like a teenager not ready to get out of bed. "don't make me leave you out here."
pro-hero touya has tattoos everywhere — or at least in his most visible spots, with his costume. piercings, you're not so sure about; the last time you saw his face up close on a big screen, he might have had a vertical bar through his lip and several in his ears, but you vaguely remember a tabloid article about him almost getting his mouth ripped off during a high-speed chase. you know there's something though, a bunch of metal in his face and head.
this touya has nothing. none of it; born fresh right here, in the muck and the ice.
of course the first thing you think is: clone-touya.
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some evil ne'er-do-well has obtained pieces of his dna and is trying to create a super weapon to destroy the city, and in a cruel twist of fate, you get to be the one that finds him. responsible, suddenly, for the could-be end of the world. least you can do is offer him your coat.
you try again at nudging him, with the side of your foot this time so as to put more weight into it, and, surprisingly, he complies rather easily, rolling completely over until he's flat on his back. exposed and bare to the elements.
"whoa," you mutter, eyes shooting up to the windows of the department store he's in front of. trying, at least, to offer him the small courtesy. "you're gonna get a public indecency charge at this point."
this is not the first time you've seen pro-hero touya's dick against your will; two years ago, some sex tape he made leaked and your co-worker was so excited to have it in her possession that it had been shoved into your face, sound and all, in the middle of your shift. there had been metal there, too, but this clone-touya is brand spanking new.
only one of his eyes is cracked open, a thin sliver of his icy blues peeking at you through a veil of snow-heavy lashes. something about him sprawled out on the concrete like a sloppy angel makes your heart squeeze, even if you don't particularly care much for him or his heroics.
"alright," you sigh, shrugging out of your coat to drape over his hips. "don't move, i guess."
it's lucky that he's half-alive right outside your job; in the following twenty minutes, you use your key to get back into the building and pick out a simple set of clothes from the men's section that you'll deduct from your paycheck later. when you come out of the back to find him again, he's at least pushed himself up into a sitting position and is coming to against the wall. in his lap, your fluffy jacket is damp and soggy and drooping and now useless.
if someone would have ever told you that one day you'd be here, helping to dress pro-hero touya like a toddler out of the bath, you — don't know what you would have said. laughed, maybe, eyebrows raised, totally lost. you feel much the same now.
a creeping unease has started at the base of your spine at his silence. finally dressed, he simply watches you, hazy, with half-lidded eyes, and you don't know what you're expecting from someone like him, but the cold shoulder is not it. it sucks that he's actually handsome because you didn't think you were the type of person to get caught up in him, but — all his features are sharp, like they've been carved by careful hands.
shorter in person, and, funny enough, that gives you the confidence to poke him in the cheek, like a brat.
"you okay in there?"
pro-hero touya doesn't retaliate to your impishness — which furthers your concern — only swallows and smacks his lips, squinting into the coming day as it dawns.
you take that as a no.
when you loop your arm through his, he lets you, and offers no objection to being led down the sidewalk. he's — warm, which you knew, but winter is sinking through your thin sweater and the plethora of heat rolling off him nearly has you purring. easy to sink in to, to your surprise, more than pliable in this fugue state.
there's a breakfast place not far from the department store and you think maybe he just needs to eat, or something. drink some water. you've been up since late last night with inventory and the thought of a fat stack of syrupy, buttermilk pancakes is motivation enough to hurry him along.
this early, there are very few people out to gawk at him on the street and you're glad for it, because you don't know how you'd explain this to your coworker if you were to end up in some tabloid. the most attention he garners is when you wrench open the doors to the cafe, and even then, the overtired, middle-aged woman just chews her gum and gestures to a table at the back.
when she brings water, you order a breakfast plate for him and yourself, and the first thing clone-touya says to you, after she's gone, is:
"i don't like pork."
you try not to make a big deal about him finally joining you in the physical world, settling for a shrug. "then don't eat it."
he snorts, still a little disjointed as he stares at the fading pattern of your table. you watch him take it all in: the salt and pepper shakers, the napkin container, the dead flies in the window pane, his tall, sweating glass.
all at once, he drinks it down so fast that some of it slips from the corners of his lips and down his chin, and when he wipes a limp hand across his mouth, you just scoot your glass across to him. and he does it all over again.
despite the weather, he wets a hand to run over his face. "what day is it?"
for some reason, he laughs once. huffy and short, scratchy. with a shake of his head, he turns towards the window, leaning into it like he needs to remember where he's at.
you don't think he is, but you still ask: "y'okay?"
his eyes cut to you, alive, and he considers you for a long moment. "you know who i am?"
you shrug, unable to tell if he's asking because he doesn't know, or if this is some kind of intimidation tactic. "think so." and then when he doesn't respond immediately, you tack on: "don't look right, though."
it makes him laugh, sharp and sudden. "yeah, right?" he shoves up his sleeves to trace the bare skin of his arms, rubbing his thumb over his wrist before making crescents with his nails. clone-touya goes silent again, and he doesn't look up until the food arrives.
before he can complain, you snatch the pork sausage off his plate and the quick action brings him back to the physical world again. back to the table and back to you.
he smiles like a ghost, mouth haunted on the pale, untouched skin of his face. "i have to work really hard at keeping my temperature regulated, or else my quirk will just—" he shrugs before downing another glass of water. when he finishes, he wipes a hand over his mouth, sloppy, and then takes an over-large bite of his pancakes. "eat me up."
you — don't really know what to say. this isn't a conversation topic you ever expected to have with him, not that you ever could have expected one to begin with, but you think he might just be — talking. to you, sure, but not to be polite.
"and if i just keep going and going and going," he speaks with food in his cheeks, and you're a little surprised at how bad his table manners are. but maybe he's just really hungry. "it'll just incinerate me into nothing."
so casually he says it, eyes far out the window, trained on the day as it wakes. you want to say that your clone theory is really coming together — how could he know all that, if he didn't actually incinerate himself into nothing? — but you take in his inkless arms and unpunctured nose and your stomach twists.
"so...then what?" when you speak up, his eyes cut across the table again, expression unchanged. his answer is a lazy gesture to himself with his fork. "you just...come back?"
"good news is," he laughs, insincere, "if i get a tattoo and hate it, i can just start all over again."
you don't know how to feel about that — well, you do, but you think your pity will only annoy him, so you say, "sounds like a waste of money."
clone-touya shrugs and you can see the food get caught in his throat, too large of a bite that has him stealing your water again. "got enough of it."
“your time, then?”
he doesn’t bother to look at you, as he shake his head; it feels rude, like some sort of dismissal. “what’s that fuckin’ matter?”
“okay,” you grit your teeth as he chews on your ice, and try to remember your own manners. maybe he’s grouchy because he just woke up from some kind of ash-nap. “what are you gaining from it?”
and that — has his jaw stilling, nostrils flaring as he finally, finally takes you in. whatever he finds in your face isn’t enough, and you’re reminded, again, that you really aren’t a big fan of this guy. he leans close as he whispers, “you wouldn’t get it.”
and you lean in just as close. “so explain it to me then.”
against the nearly empty plate, his cutlery sings when he drops it, suddenly. with food still stuffed into one side of his cheeks, he sits back in the booth and crosses his arms. childishly, you feel like you’ve won something, and your smile makes his eyes narrow.
“and who are you, anyway? some civilian?” clone-touya — or real, angry touya; you’re not sure anymore — doesn’t bother to keep his voice down, not even when the only other table in the cafe turns to look at him. “y’wanna know what it’s like to be daddy’s prized possession? fine. how much time you got?”
you shrug, crossing your arms as you lean into the table. hugging yourself, making yourself warm against the frost outside, and in his eyes. “what’s that matter?”
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bugs1nmybrain · 2 years
L Lawliet x Reader: First Time Headcanons (18+ NSFW)
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Warnings: NSFW, gender ambiguous Y/N, L is a virgin, reader is either a virgin or at the least unexperienced, awkward sex, L is a top 
Minors don’t interact!
Your first time is awkward to say the least
The initiation goes either one of two ways:
If initiated by you, L will look at you like you have four heads when you propose the idea to him. He’s not upset, he just feels unprepared for something like this. He agrees pretty quick though, curious and even a little excited to try it out with you
If L initiates it, it will probably be the same effect on the opposite end. He brings it up at the most random time and is blunt about it
“Y/N, would you be interested in engaging in sexual intimacy with me?”
The delivery isn’t sexy in the slightest and is very unexpected
You two of you don’t know what on earth you’re doing
L did a little bit of research about how to please you, but research doesn’t substitute actual skill
You’d figure with L being a genius or whatever, that he’d have some idea as to what to do, but he’s lost
You don’t really know what you’re doing either
When you show him your exposed body, his cock twitches violently. He’s never seen someone naked in front of him physically
As you could imagine, he’s pretty frail underneath his clothes. He does have pubes, but he’s not hairy otherwise. 
His cock is pale with a flush of pink around his tip. Average length. Not really veiny, and kind of slender. 
Despite L being a rather deadpan and confident person most of the time, this is one of the only times you’ll see him nervous
He actually gets a little bit shaky and shy!
You have to show him how to touch you. Lucky for you, he’s a quick learner (and surprisingly very good with his fingers)
When you get to the main event, you’re both so timid
L is for once out of his iconic crouching position which makes him much more anxious. How is he going to please you if his deductive skills drop by 40%???
Don’t feel like you have to spare his feelings, he won’t get offended if you tell him you don’t like something. Communication is key.
He tries to focus on kissing because it’s something he learned how to do earlier in your relationship and it’s the one thing he knows he can do well
The pace is slow. He’s too cautious to go any faster. You’ll have to encourage him to pick the speed up
The feeling of intercourse is foreign to you and him. But your insides feel so so much better than he thought they would 
He’s a lot more vocal than you expected. In fact, he’s a little whiny when it’s feeling particularly good for him
Please touch his hair or kiss his neck
Hate to break it to you, but L will cum prematurely for your first time. The sensations are so new to him and the pleasure is overwhelming. He can’t help it
After the act, he’ll converse with you about how the experience was for him and will ask how it was for you. He’ll ask for advice on how to do better next time
His curiosity has peaked. Now he wants to try different sex acts with you and test out all kinds of methods.
If you’re lucky, he might nap with you afterward if he hasn’t slept in a while
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mimisempai · 2 months
Greg is in hospital and injured. When Mycroft finds him, he tries to play down the seriousness of his injuries, but Mycroft has had enough and wants the unvarnished truth.
Mystrade Monday  3.0  #10 - Character A likes to include half-truths and tall-tales in their stories and Character B likes to keep track of them. (I deviated a little from it) 
On AO3
804 words - Rating G
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"Greg! What the hell happened?"
The doctor who had just finished treating Greg turned to Mycroft and said, "Sir, you shouldn't be here..." 
Greg replied to Mycroft, "I'm fine."
Mycroft frowned and Greg sighed before insisting, "It's just a few scratches."
He folded his shirt sleeve over the bandage the doctor had just applied to his arm. 
"Monsieur Lestrade, we were this close to transfusing you, so don't minimize your injuries."
"And perhaps I didn't want my partner to worry!" 
Then, seeing Mycroft's exasperated expression, he added, "I certainly didn't mean to tell him like that."
Mycroft came and stood by the bed as he replied, "You would have minimized it even more. You'd probably only have told me half the story. I know how you are. Although I usually like to decipher your tall tales, this time it's not the case. This is serious, Greg."
Greg struggled to keep his eyes open and whispered, "But I swear I'm fine."
The doctor interjected, "I'd rather keep you overnight. "
Mycroft, knowing Greg would protest, intervened, "I'll take him home. I promise to keep an eye on him, Doctor."
Greg grimaced. They'd planned a dinner and now he'd ruined it.
"I'm sorry."
Mycroft took his hand and squeezed it gently into his own.
"Don't be. It won't be at the restaurant, but we'll spend the evening together anyway." 
Then he turned to the doctor and asked, "Is there anything I should be aware of?"
"Just keep an eye on him for the next 24 hours. Even if the wound isn't as deep as we first thought, it's still a total of sixty stitches in three different places."
Halfsmiling, Greg replied, "You should have seen the look of my opponent".
"Your opponent?!" 
Greg replied sheepishly, "The glass door to my sister's balcony."
"I couldn't help it, she had cleaned it too well, I didn't see that it was closed and ran into it at full speed. Apparently there was already a crack and it literally exploded from the shock."
Feeling exhaustion wash over him, Greg added with a sigh, "Can we go home now? "
The doctor took pity on him and nodded.
Greg sighed in relief.
Mycroft asked gently, "Can you walk?" 
Greg grimaced and replied, "With help I should be fine."
Thirty minutes later, supported by Mycroft, Greg made his way as best he could through the door of their apartment.
His lover helped him make himself comfortable on the sofa before sitting down beside him, a worried expression on his face. 
Greg put his hand on Mycroft's knee and said quietly, "I assure you, I'm all right."
Mycroft wrapped his arm gently around Greg's shoulders and held him close before asking quietly, "Why didn't you want me to know? "
Greg dropped his head against Mycroft's chest and replied, "It's not that I didn't want to, but I wanted to tell you so that you wouldn't worry as much as you do now."
Mycroft harrrumpha, "Idiot, I'll always worry, and probably more if you don't tell me things as they are. No secrets, no half-truths, just the facts."
Greg nodded as Mycroft continued, "With you, when it comes to your well-being, your mental or physical health, I don't want to have to use my insight or deductive skills, I'd rather you told me plain and simple."
Greg nodded again, and after a few moments he muttered, "Mycroft."
"It really hurts. I could use a painkiller."
Mycroft pressed a kiss to his lover's hair and replied, "I'll get you what you need right away."
He gently positioned Greg on the sofa, elevated his injured arm with a pillow, then went to get what his lover needed. He returned a few moments later with a pill and a glass of water, which he handed to Greg. When Greg had swallowed the pill and drunk the glass, Mycroft asked him gently, "Is there anything else you need?"
Greg nodded and replied, "Just one thing."
"Tell me, love?"
"That you take me in your arms."
Mycroft chuckled softly before sitting down next to Greg and wrapping his arms around him, holding him to his chest while being careful with his injured arm.
He planted a kiss on Greg's forehead and asked, "Is everything all right?"
Greg replied, "It's not the best I've ever been, but you're making it better."
He pressed a kiss to Mycroft's chest and added, "And that's not a half-truth."
Mycroft laughed lightly and tightened his arm around his lover, saying softly, "Try to get some sleep. I'll be here if you need anything."
Greg yawned and grumbled, "'kay..."
The backlash and the painkiller soon got the better of him and he fell fast asleep in Mycroft's arms. As for Mycroft, he didn't sleep and watched over his lover's sleep until he woke up again.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Mystrade mondays 3.0 : here
Mystrade masterlist here
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Santa AU
Gun batman is unhinged and doesn't notice he lost his gift, his own deductive skills have degraded significantly but he's too arrogant to really realize, none of that group realize because they're so caught up in their own heads and trauma
Tim's ability to realize what someone wants most isn't just a matter of looking at the person and having it pop up in his head, he needs their name and has to actively want to know what the person wants, otherwise it would be too obvious and too overwhelming, and once he thinks of what the other person wants, his own deductive abilities fill in why whatever thing is definitely the answer
kon doesn't know why some people give him rancid vibes, which is why he points them out to Tim, he gives his bird enrichment and he starts to trust his own judgement a bit more so it's a win-win all around and kon does eventually start to figure out who he can trust without the vibe knack as he gets more experience with people, the knack just makes things easier
Cassie, again, is pretty sure her sudden talent with languages is because zeus and zeus is a jerk who is totally fine with stealing someone else's credit
Bart hasn't really ever kept track of how much he eats at any given time, he can make a general estimate if needed, but that he needs to eat less sometimes hasn't really registered, and no speedster is going to race another for no reason since no one wants to risk falling into the speedforce or whatever because they were curious about who's the fastest so no one knows Bart got an extra edge in speed
People being naturally inclined to trust Greta only works as long as Greta doesn't do something that would hurt that trust in her and since she's basically a decent person, she's good
Cissie figures that blonde girls are a dime a dozen and that's why people don't spot her and she needs to work harder to stand out in acting if that's the case but she's fine with that, she's always worked hard anyway
Anita doesn't realize her illusions that make people happy have some extra oomph and she doesn't actually like gingerbread enough to make it very often.
Slobo is super strong already, being able to pack away more things and balance them on one another isn't something he thinks to do very often or need to do very often so it goes unremarked
The gifts santa gave them are powerful but subtle, little things to give them an extra edge but nothing they'll rely on like a crutch, but things that'll definitely help them make their delivery to apocalypse and survive to do it again the next year
I like how subtle the gifts are and how personally they fit. They aren't overt, and thus nothing that would become something they rely on. It makes sense that Gun Batman wouldn't have the gift, nor would anyone on his side.
Kon giving Tim cases is exactly the same as giving a bird enrichment. That's a perfect description of it ^^
Kon's morphing into him just eventually knowing without needing the power is fantastic. It probably still works, but he's got the initial step down.
The others not realizing why they have their powers on explained well. I probably wouldn't notice being able to pack things away well or the gingerbread houses (I haven't made any in years).
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artstar1997 · 26 days
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It’s finally here, the main members of the Justice Brigade, the world’s greatest superhero league that the world has ever seen.
Separately, these nine heroes from Trollstopia, which is composed of the Tenacious Three (Rose as Captain Sterling, Poppy as Rainbow Girl, and Branch as Psionyx), Jussy a.k.a Healer Charm, Emi as Zealous, Synth as Neptune, Demo as Ironsides, Smidge as Miss Aquila, and Milton Moss as Wildlife Man. They are known to be the greatest fighters for truth and justice the world has ever known. Collectively, however, they are a force of nature, leaders of a team of superheroes and associates of numerous crime-fighting organizations—the Justice Brigade. They are the earth’s first line of defense against threats too large for humanity to face alone.
Let’s meet the superheroes of this team: Captain Sterling Real Name: Rosita ”Rose” Barbara V. Madrigal Inspiration: Superman Base of Operation: Trollstopia, California Occupation: Singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, Lead Singer of the Snack Pack Superpowers: Invulnerability, Flight, Super Strength, Super Speed, Heat Vision (including Solar Flare), Super Hearing, Siper Vision (including X-Ray vision, Microscopic Vision, and Telescopic Vision, in which, overuse can cause headaches), Super Breath (including Ice Breath), Accelerated Healing, Energy Absorption, Partial Alien Physiology Archnemesis: Chaz a.k.a The Illusionist Among the superheroes of Trollstopia, no one is as versatile and honorable as Captain Sterling. After being exposed to the strange radiation, Rose gains Herculean powers for protecting her friends, the Snack Pack when the disaster hits the city but at the cost of her own safety. Over time, her martial arts and combat training paid off as she started to train as a sidekick to Silver Sentry, Trollstopia’s resident superhero before she debuted as an independent hero as Super Sterling. The Fabuloid mistakenly replaced Super with Captain on the headlines, so Rose chose to use the name, Captain Sterling instead. Popstar diva by day, superhero by night, the Snack Pack’s resident diva wins the hearts of fans and the world with her voice and musical talents but when crime strikes, Rose’s platinum blonde hair turns to black as she slicks back her bangs and styled into a long French braid, and dons the pinkish red armor, blue, and white with gold ensemble to save the day.
Rainbow Girl Real Name: Penelope “Poppy” Solena C. Monteiro Inspiration: Karolina Dean, Dazzler Base of Operation: Trollstopia, California Occupation: Singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, Lead Guitarist and vocalist of the Snack Pack, Pop Diner owner Superpowers: Flight, Sound Generation, Light Generation, Iriskinesis via Lumokinesis and Chromakinesis, Chromo-Egrokinesis Archnemesis: Pacifica “Pushy Poppy” Payne a.k.a Drab Grey Poppy and her friends were protected by Rose when a doomsday device, the Darkness Engine exploded into the lawn near the playground, causing radiation to spread in the city. Because of Rose’s selfless act, the Snack Pack was spared from the side effects but they were partially exposed to the radiation and they each gained superpowers. Poppy as Rainbow Girl can control light and sound. She wanted to make the city a colorful place by protecting it against crime and injustice.
Psionyx Real Name: Bernardo “Branch” Huitzilopochtli Rivera Inspiration: Batman, Phoenix Base of Operation: Trollstopia, California Occupation: Singer-songwriter, Bassist and vocalist of the Snack Pack Superpowers: Telepathy, Telekinesis, Psychic Powers, Brilliant Deductive Skill, Combat Strategy Archnemesis: Creek a.k.a Monkshood Resident loner, now second-in-command of the Snack Pack, Bernardo a.k.a Branch tends to keep things to himself, especially after a series of misfortunes fell upon him. It was hinted that he got his psychic powers as a baby but they were later enhanced when he was exposed to the radiation that struck Trollstopia. Donning a dark suit, Psionyx is ready to find out whodunit using both his psychic powers and detective skills while blending in with the shadows.
Healer Charm Real Name: Justina “Jussy” Butterfly Inspiration: Green Lantern Base of Operation: Trollstopia, California Occupation: Singer, Keytarist of the Majesties, Pop Diner employee Superpowers: Healing, Energy Conduit, Force Field, Energy Construct Creations, Superhuman Condition, Environmental Playback, Invisibility and Light Refraction Archnemesis: Melisha Indevor a.k.a Feral Ever since she moved to California from U.K., Jussy lived a normal life, working in the Pop Diner, hanging out with the Snack Pack, and dating Cooper. Whenever she goes to work from her apartment, she sees the superheroes flying around to stop crime and whenever she works at the cash register, she would daydream and make a wish that one day, she’d fly with them and save the day. One night, her wish was granted when a meteor fell from space while she was walking on her way home. She followed the meteor to the park, where it crashed and broke in two, revealing a large butterfly shaped jadeite with smaller jadeites and crystals, wrapped in a strange fabric inside. As soon as she picked up the stone and the fabric, a powerful energy surge flowed into Jussy, thus gaining the power of flight, superhuman condition, energy manipulation, and healing. She then turned to Satin and Chenille, who were not only fashion designers by day and superheroes by night, they also created suits and other items for their fellow superheroes with the help of Rhythm and Blues. The two pairs of sisters analyzed the fabric that came with the jadeites and crystals and were able to replicate it, thus created her signature outfit and mask. She took on a debut as a superhero, Healer Charm and started fighting crime, which caught the attention of Cooper’s superhero ego, Jester and became an item in both their civilian and superhero lives. Soon, she was recruited by Rainbow Girl, who offered her a spot in the Justice Brigade, which she excitedly joined as a founding member.
Zealous Real Name: Emi Inspiration: Quicksilver Base of Operation: Trollstopia, California, formerly Volcano Rock City Occupation: Singer, Bassist of the Majesties Superpowers: Vast Superhuman Speed, Stamina, Reaction and Reflexes, Eidetic Memory, Rapid Healing, Creation of High Winds and Tornadoes, Time Manipulation, Speed Physiology, Molecular Destabilization, Superhuman Stamina/Endurace, Enhanced Strength, Enhanced Durability Archnemesis: N/A Even though she got lost as a toddler and was adopted by loving parents who live in Volcano Rock City, Emi is often lazy but fidgety. In a school trip to a laboratory, where they perform experiments to reengineer the human genome for its own better. At that time, she knocked back into a large glass tube containing a fluid that encompassed her. In the meantime, the desk that knocked down toppled forward. The chemicals from the test tubes fell and shattered to the ground. Mixing and causing a combustion within the office. Trapped inside the vat that fell over her, Emi was safe from the fire but her body itself, her muscles and body alone was being chemically reconstructed. A group of rescuers had rushed into the office at the time to try and save her from the flames but two of them sadly lost their lives due to the chemicals having caused a poisonous gas to rise to the ceiling. Emi was rescued and hospitalized alongside some classmates of hers, who also got superpowers as well. Her parents helped her get over her mutation while going through her normal life until she learned about her biological mother. As she started her journey, she discovered her ability to run super fast that she finally reunited with her mother and met her two half-siblings. A mysterious stranger called Montgomery James was pulling the strings from behind to traumatize her. One of the resident superheroes of Vibe City, Darnell Jackson a.k.a Forecast helped her overcome her trauma and she coincidentally met Rose a.k.a Captain Sterling and Jester, who turned out to be Cooper Jackson, Darnell’s twin when they came to Vibe City to help him investigate a crime that is happening. Together, they fought Montgomery James, who became a supervillain, and threw him to prison. In gratitude, Captain Sterling made an offer to Zealous to become a founding member of the Justice Brigade, which she agreed.
Neptune Real Name: Antonio “Synth” Delgado Inspiration: Aquaman Base of Operation: Trollstopia, California, formerly Techno Reef Occupation: Singer-songwriter, DJ Superpowers: Superhuman Strength, Intelligence, Durability, Endurance, Speed, Agility, and Senses, Telepathic Control of all Aquatic Life, Weather Manipulation and Electricity Manipulation, Hydrokinesis, Liquid Absorption, Magic, Aquatic Adaptation, Master Strategist, Tactician, and Field Commander, Skiller Martial Artist and Hand-To-Hand Combat Archnemesis: The Trench Pirates Antonio “Synth” Delgado lived all his life at Techno Reef with his family but his life changed when he got poisoned by a cone snail. In an attempt to save him, he was treated with an experimental medicine that not only saved his life, but also gave him his amphibious abilities and aquatic powers. To learn how to control his powers, Synth became Trollex a.k.a Maelstrom’s sidekick before he made his debut as a superhero and he relocated to Trollstopia to join Trollstopia Records. He was rejected when he tried to join Guy Diamond and Meadow Sprigg’s team but he joined the Justice Brigade as a founding member when Rose as Captain Sterling, Poppy as Rainbow Girl, and Branch as Psionyx offered him to join their superhero team as a founding member.
Ironsides  Real Name: Damien “Demo” Sankara  Inspiration: Cyborg, Iron Man Base of Operation: Trollstopia, California, formerly Volcano Rock City Occupation: Guitarist and Manager of Ryuuko Superpowers: Genius-level intellect, via power suit; Superhuman Strength, Stamina, Durability, and Speed, Advanced Sensor and Weapons System, Flight, Computer Interfacing, Nano-regeneration, Shapeshifting, Portal Creation Archnemesis: N/A Coming off as more soft in comparison to his peers, especially Val, Damien “Demo” Sankara tries to find his place among them. Whenever he isn’t in school, Demo would work in his family garage, where he would make robots and drones for his friends or practice his guitar playing. His actual project is a robotic power suit, which he wanted to test out someday but it had some flaws to fix so he would pass the time with managing and playing with Val and her band, Ryuuko while trying to fix his high-tech suit. When he moved to Trollstopia with Val’s band, he was able to work more on fixing his suit while managing and playing with Ryuuko. With Lownote Jones’s help, he was able to fix his suit and become one of the superheroes, Ironsides. After being rejected when trying to join the Sylvan Guardians, Rose as Captain Sterling, Poppy as Rainbow Girl, and Branch as Psionyx chose him to join their superhero team, which he accepted. 
Miss Aquila Real Name: Samantha “Smidge” Redfeather Inspiration: Hawkgirl, Dawnstar Base of Operation: Trollstopia, California Occupation: Singer-songwriter, Drummer of the Snack Pack Superpowers: High Speed Flight via feather wings, Superhuman Hearing, Vision, Strength, Senses, Durability and Stamina, Healing Factor, Highly Skilled Armed & Unarmed Combatant, Zoolingualism, Utilizes Weaponry, Temperature Regulation, Absolute Sight, Solar Manipulation Archnemesis: Bash a.k.a Gila Monster As the muscle and drummer of the Snack Pack, Smidge is always up and running, being tough, often resorting to the most violent methods first, and overreacts with anger and excitement, making her emotionally expressive and loud, though most of the time doesn't behave like this. It was enhanced by her superhuman condition, which came first when she was exposed to the radiation with her friends, even though Rose sacrificed herself to protect them. Before she and the Snack Pack became famous and they joined the same record label as their labelmates, Smidge noticed that she had a secondary mutation that gave her solar powers, temperature regulation, zoolingualism, and a pair of bald eagle wings, which capable of folding tightly against the spine (like an "accordion") and can be almost completely hidden. Donning an eagle-themed costume and painting a yellow mask on her face, Smidge becomes Miss Aquila and is dedicated to fighting crime from the skies while living her civilian life as a music celebrity. She tried out in Guy Diamond and Meadow Sprigg’s team but her rejection from the audition soon paved way for her to become a founding member of the Justice Brigade. 
Wildlife Man Real Name: Milton Moss Inspiration: Beast Boy, Animal Man Base of Operation: Trollstopia, California Occupation: Veterinarian Superpowers: Animal Morphing, Accelerated Healing Factor, Zoolingualism Archnemesis: N/A Milton Moss was one of the victims of the radiation that struck the city of Trollstopia in California but he was trying to save the animals, which gave him the ability to shapeshift into animals, accelerated healing factor, and zoolingualism. While working part time at a veterinary and animal rescue, Milton Moss later met Smidge, who later became his girlfriend but he was inspired by her and her superhero ego, Miss Aquila that he fashioned his own superhero suit and mask that helps him shapeshift. He continued having a relationship with her, even though she has to go on tours with her boyfriend. When the Justice Brigade is being formed, Smidge recruits him by referral that he becomes one of the founding members of the greatest team ever. 
Trolls belongs to Dreamworks Queen Rose belongs to me Jussy belongs to @jade-green-butterfly Emi belongs to @groovinyeen @yeenstrollart
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chuuyrr · 1 year
love at first heal
bungo stray dogs x scarlet witch! reader
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): possible bungo stray dogs spoilers. mentions of scarlet witch's powers. subtle reference to mcu's infinity war. akutagawa falling in love but he's a bit in denial lolol
╰➤ PAIRING(s): akutagawa ryunosuke
╰➤ SYNOPSIS: in which you are assigned to a mission with akutagawa ryunosuke by the port mafia boss. akutagawa gets severely injured and is stubborn about it, but you heal him anyway, and he is astounded that someone as ruthless and strong as you can be so gentle and kind. full request.
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akutagawa has a black and white "survival of the fittest" worldview, with the strong ideal that weak people should die and be replaced by stronger ones. he is not afraid of pain or defeat. he's also merciless, blunt, and incredibly stubborn, making him the self-proclaimed port mafia's black-fanged hellhound.
but, if there was another person akutagawa believed to be as powerful as port mafia executive nakahara chuuya, or even more powerful, it would be you—[surname] [name].
the ability user who is feared by both allies and enemies, the harbinger of chaos; the witch.
he doesn't think much of you. akutagawa believes you're just another member of the underground organization he frequently encounters, but that all changes when mori ougai summons both of you to his office.
as you enter the office a few minutes after him, akutagawa barely looks at you. he doesn't even bother greeting you after you've said hello to him. it was nothing at all.
you're just another subordinate; another mafioso in the organization. akutagawa is definitely not thinking about how you could easily win dazai's favor if he was still here and knew what you can and would do given your dangerous ability.
"i have called the two of you here for an important assignment," mori explained, placing a few papers on his desk to show you and akutagawa, "you two will be on the frontlines. as you know, the black order is one of the mafia's enemies, and they are after the mind stone that we have recently smuggled."
you lifted your hand and to use your red psionics to grab the papers and read them while passing the others to akutagawa, who quietly accepted it back and read them.
"the mission you have along with the rest is simple: protect the mind stone and get rid of the black order," mori explained, clasping his gloved hands together.
as soon as the assignment was given to you, you and akutagawa went to the expected area of attack from the black order based on mori's deduction, while the rest of the black lizard and port mafia subordinates scattered outside, carrying firearms with the intent to protect and kill.
"tsk, they should be here any minute now," you warned akutagawa, stopping in your tracks and straightening your posture as you felt multiple presences entered the parameters, "on your guard, akutagawa."
"you don't need to tell me that," scoffed akutagawa, finally looking at you with his arms folded across his chest.
despite your warning to your partner for this mission, turbulence in the air was something you and akutagawa failed to notice right away as you looked around. only when you snapped your head did you notice a spear stabbing akutagawa straight across the stomach at blinding speed.
"a-ack!" gurgled akutagawa, immediately activating rashomon and shooting black tendrils of his coat to attack his pursuer, but the cloaked person jumped aback with their spear fast.
"akutagawa!" you screamed, and before you could dart towards him and use your red psionics, you were blasted by a similar repulsive force of energy.
you grunted, feeling it burn through your clothes and pierce your skin painfully, but you ignored it as your red psionics immediately pulled you back up. you acted quickly, already making your way towards akutagawa, watching him fight his pursuer while activating a force field around yourself to protect yourself from your own opponent who was tailing you.
"stay back and focus! i don't need your help, witch!" akutagawa yelled as he wiped the blood from his chin.
you scoffed at akutagawa's stuborness, but who were you to judge him? this was who he really was. without any choice, you reluctantly left and let him be before confronting your own opponent, mentally noting the healing of akutagawa as soon as you see the effect of his wound on him. even though he could be a pain in the ass, he was still your ally; your partner.
you faced the other enemy who arrived with the cloaked figure you recognized as midnight from the information mori provided you both. you engaged your opponent in hand-to-hand combat while using your red psionics, dodging swings and jabs with quick and light feet.
you effortlessly used the wall as a boost before leaping to evade the spear that was thrown at you at blinding speed, but you quickly stumbled back as your opponent landed a high-jump drop kick and felt your shoulder get wounded as your opponent returned the spear to themselves.
you clutched your shoulder, breathing heavily, and began to use your red psionics to patch yourself up when your gaze was drawn away from your opponent to see akutagawa's state. your eyes widened as you saw him gravely injured, barely standing with trembling knees and clutching his bloodied stomach and other arm.
the black order was unquestionably skilled. they were as stealthy as gin, akutagawa's sister. given how quick and almost silent they were as assassins, you and akutagawa failed to even prevent them from ambushing you both earlier.
but you and akutagawa were members of the port mafia, and you despised seeing your partner and allies in such a state. you moved quickly forward, your power augmenting your speed, as you blasted an abnormally large red psionic at your opponent, eventually sending them flying together with the damn spear.
you positioned yourself protectively in front of akutagawa, extending both of your hands, one aligned to your arm, blazing red psionics seeping from your fingertips as you made a direct shot of another abnormally large blast of red to akutagawa's opponent.
"oi, didn't i tell you to stay back, witch?" scowled akutagawa, his knees weakly buckled to the floor.
"throw all the insults you want, akutagawa. i am not going to let you die out here," you retorted, your eyes glowing red as you locked your gaze on his harsh gaze.
"i don't need your help. i already told you, i'm fi—ACK!" you instantly recoiled as he got cut off.
your eyes widened with concern as akutagawa violently wheezed, causing him to stop applying pressure to his exposed wounds, which turned out to be more serious than you had anticipated.
"akutagawa," you muttered in a whisper as your eyes began glowing into a menacing red color.
with your raw emotions now amplifying your ability, a massive repulsive force of red psionics emerged from you and it immediately seized the black order assassins you and akutagawa were facing, as well as the rest of the black order members who had now arrived on the scene to ambush you and him altogether, just as they were about to attack you with their respective weapons at blinding speed.
the sight of you standing there frozen still as your red psionics violently constrict the black order and cut through them like nothing widened akutagawa's eyes—it was something he could describe as ability on autopilot.
red painted the atmosphere, both psionics and blood splurging around you and him like a splash of red color on a canvas with bodies crumbling and falling like rain.
everything was red instead of black and white, and finally, akutagawa recognizes you as someone rather than a mere nothing or a simple subordinate or protege of nakahara chuuya bearing the monstrosity of a witch. it was almost as if he was seeing colors for the first time.
you knelt down to his height as he was on his knees on the floor, but the ingrained memory of you using your ability for chaos and havoc caused akutagawa to flinch. despite his obvious reluctance, your hands still held him.
you were already using your red psionics again before akutagawa could react and have his rashomon seize you. his eyes widened as he felt his deep wounds gradually stitch up and glow red, similar to your eyes and hands.
"you should never put your life in danger like this again," you said calmly as your fingers interlocked and twitched incoherently to put your magic to work.
akutagawa's eyes narrowed at your words, but he quickly stopped speaking when you continued talking, "i know, it feels weird, and that's because i'm sewing up damage at a molecular level."
akutagawa's eyes widened, and the next thing you know, he was speaking again, "you just... read my mind..."
"yes, i can, apart from getting into people's heads to control them like kyusaku," you explained before returning your gaze to his wounds, "anyway, stay put for me, okay? your wounds are deeper than i expected."
normally, akutagawa would have acted out by now. he most certainly should have.
because if there was one thing he despised, it was being the weaker person and having his most private thoughts and feelings exposed. but for the time being, all akutagawa could do was stare at you and stay put as you told him to.
the proximity between you and him was making his chest twinge in an oddly good way, just like the sensation of being patched up by your red psionics.
he took advantage of the opportunity to see you this close while you were focused on healing him. akutagawa's gaze was drawn to the way your brows were furrowed and your face contorted into such intense concentration that you were subconsciously biting your bottom lip.
damn. you were practically glowing and mesmerizing, especially with the light from your red psionics illuminating you.
akutagawa immediately shut his eyes. you weren't reading his thoughts right now, were you? because if you were, he wouldn't know what to do, especially now that he's seriously injured. this should not have happened to him, yet here he was, admiring you.
"are you okay? does it hurt?" you inquired, seeing as akutagawa had his eyes closed and his face slightly scrunched up.
as akutagawa opened his eyes, he did not see the witch that everyone was terrified of. instead, he saw you. akutagawa saw [surname] [name]; someone he didn't expect to be as gentle and kind given your ruthless, captivating yet manipulative allure as a mafioso and an executive's subordinate and protege.
"i'm.. just resting my eyes.." akutagawa replied quietly, his voice tame instead of harsh, "and it doesn't hurt. i can't even feel it.."
"i'll be done in a minute. i'll have you feeling better in no time, akutagawa," you said with a smile on your lips as you stared at him.
"tsk, you don't have to do that. i can get myself checked back at the headquarters later," akutagawa exclaimed, his gaze drawn away from you, "you should save your energy. i doubt that was the rest of the black order, [name]."
this time, your eyes widened in surprise.
akutagawa called you by your name, and it wasn't just any name. instead of calling you witch, he addressed you by your first name.
"oi, why are you looking at me like that?" akutagawa asked, almost scoffing, "you know, if you're tired, just stop. i can move now."
aside from that, he was suddenly incredibly time and surprisingly caring. did you just flip a switch on akutagawa, or did you hex him by accident with chaos magic? how strange.
"it's nothing... i was just trying to feel the other presences," you replied, blinking and returning your focus to his wounds.
"you better not be reading my damn mind again, you hear?" akutagawa clicked his tongue, clearly not believing your words, "or i'll cut you up myself using rashomon."
"you wouldn't do that," you countered immediately, your lips slowly curving into a smirk.
he asked, scoffing, "and how do you know that?"
"simply because i know you wouldn't," you replied, now fully-smirking as you finished healing him up, "but also because i can and will kill you just as you could kill me, ryunosuke."
akutagawa felt the twinge in his chest all over again with his heart skipping a beat.
you really were a bewitching being.
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[ author's notes ! ok so yeah i haven't written for akutagawa in a long while, so i really hope this was okay. tried sticking with his character and avoiding portraying him out of character while also making him admire and fall for reader, which i honestly found challenging but quite fun to write :) thank you so so much for requesting and enjoy reading <3]
[ p.s. ! in this writing, reader is a mafia subordinate under the care of chuuya. i figured it would only make sense because of their said abilities and how they both turn/glow red lolol ]
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yakool-foolio · 30 days
If the Professor's waxwork model has been returned, hopefully we'll be able to see what it looks like! If the model was always going to be returned even without the ransom, then what was the true purpose of it being stolen, I wonder? My best guess is that it served as a distraction... WAIT GAME THEORY: WAS ASMAN THE PROFESSOR? The killer could've used the model as a nonliving body double for Asman and nobody would be able to tell the difference if they couldn't find the model.
Well, he may be headless, but he's no horseman. Damn Enoch, the stress must've really gotten to ya for your hair to turn all white. SHOLMES FEED YOUR KID JEEZ LOUISE! A thick shard of glass, hm? Like it came from, I dunno, THE CRYSTAL TOWER? My theory very well may be correct, huzzah!
Hooooly shit that's a Hellhound if I've ever heard of one. Sounds incredibly brutal, me likey the grim implications (Blank Week enthusiasts where ya at?). 'The Great Departed Soul' has a double meaning; the 'resurrection' of both Kazuma and The Professor. OH so it was the stress, forgive me Enoch for my joke I was actually /srs.
Unfortunately my friend group had to stop early for tonight cause of technical difficulties, but we're gonna try to catch up to speed tomorrow night. As compensation, have some extra miscellaneous TGAA thoughts of mine (mostly music related cause I can't help myself).
So if Klint's spirit is The Reaper, then there could be some unchecked wrath not just directed at his killer, but perhaps defendants as a whole? Thinking with ghost logic here, ghosts tend to remain on the mortal plane whenever they have unfinished business, such as when their death is unjust and their killer is still walking around a free man. So if The Professor is indeed still alive, then that would be a good reason as to why Klint's spirit seems to follow his younger brother around. The motive Klint's spirit could have in causing the deaths of the defendants prosecuted by Barok might be due to unkempt rage of his own killer still being at large, unbeknownst to most of London. He's not taking any chances at letting other potential killers go free, so he effectively curses them with a curt death so they won't harm anyone else. Klint might also not know what his killer, The Professor, looked like, so he's basically doing the ghost equivalent of firing randomly into a crowd of suspicious-looking individuals. This is all just taking the idea of a ghost causing all these deaths literally so uhhh a thick layering of salt is needed to properly ingest this take. I apologize for your high blood pressure after this.
In my escapades of assigning lawyers n prosecutors Monster Hunter themes, I've made an exception and want to give Sholmes Ruby Basarios' theme. It one of the very few consistently happy-go-lucky sounding monster themes in the whole series, which fits him being the comedic relief while also having a few off-kilter bits much like Sholmes' actual theme to showcase his roundabout way of deducting. It also features some tap dancing-esque percussion, which I love associating with the dance of deduction.
I absolutely love how Adjudication (how the track's named on Spotify is what I go off of) sounds almost like a waltz. It really evokes the feeling of the dance of death--Danse Macabre--between the lawyer and the prosecutor. It's a delicate balance of life and death any way ya look at it. One misstep could lead to your dance partner cracking their head against the floor. And we don't want anyone else to end up with a serious case of amnesia here, right?
Whisper On The Breeze by TWRP is such an Asoryu song it makes me melt. The Great Departure is all the more bittersweet to me because of it. Like hoo man these lyrics:
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(To Whom It May Concern - @raymondshields)
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kemetic-dreams · 1 year
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Lucien Victor Alexis (1887-1981)
Not very much is known of Lucien Alexis’ early childhood in New Orleans, but what is known are the achievements he would make in later years to come. Born on July 8, 1887 to Louis Victor and Alice Saucier Alexis, he was educated in the local schools where he excelled academically. Alexis was determined to attend Harvard University. Not having the finances to do so, he began working in 1907(at the age of twenty) as a railway mail clerk, saving for the education he so desperately desired.
By the time he reached twenty-seven, he had set aside enough money for four years of college. He applied and was accepted at Harvard but was asked to attend (for one year) Phillips Exeter Academy in New Hampshire, a prestigious preparatory high school. While at Exeter, he lived in the home of Mr. H.F. Quimby and soon developed a keen interest in foreign languages and the sciences. By now he had only enough money for three years upon entering Harvard, so he managed by graduating “cum laude” a year early (1917). It was there, at Harvard, that he earned the nickname: “The Negro Einstein.”
That same year, Alexis entered Officers’ Training School in Des Moines, Iowa and was commissioned as a 1st lieutenant and assigned to the 367th Infantry on October 15, 1917. World War I was raging in Europe and Alexis sailed for service in France on June, 1918. Two months before departing, Alexis married Rita Holt in Gulfport, Mississippi and together they would have one son, Lucien Victor Alexis Jr.
Upon returning to New Orleans, Alexis took up the profession of teaching. He was assigned to McCarthy Elementary in 1921 and appointed Assistant Principal in 1923 at Willow Elementary. But his greatest reward came in 1926 when he became principal of McDonogh #35, the only public high school opened for the education of colored students in the city of New Orleans. For the next nearly 30 years, he would leave an indelible mark on this institution which is still being echoed by many of his formal students up to the present day.
“It was not unusual to spot our principal walking up and down the corridors of the Rampart Street School reading scientific works printed in German. Noted for his mastery of Latin, he often found time to instruct advanced classes in the subject.” (Class of 1936)
Other graduates affectionately tell stories of his successful administration but also his dreadful “army”. Being a former military man, Lucien was said to be strict but fair as well as famous for his method of disciplining students. Students who violated his dress or discipline code were forced to join Alexis’ “army” and ordered to march up and down the second floor of the school building.
Respect for Mr. Alexis soon extended beyond the school grounds and into the community. Since McDonogh #35 was located on South Rampart and Girod Streets, the students had to pass through a neighborhood of sleazy bars, houses of prostitution and various other vices. Often the girls were meddled by men on the way going and coming from school. Fortunately, once it was known that you were an “Alexis” girl, you were never meddled again. They respected Mr. Alexis and knew to show respect to his students.
The “Negro Einstein” did not give up his interest and love for science once he became principal. For five years he engaged in serious scientific study and soon published a 40 page brochure outlining his principles of a new theory which he termed his “ethonic” theory.
From 1929 to 1937, he published the following scientific articles: Fundamentals in Physics & in Chemistry, The Thermo-Electric Formula, The Riddle of the Magnetic Field, An Empirical Disclosure of the Fallacies of Relativity, A Counter-Deduction from Bent Alpha Tracks, Radiations-Their Loci of Travel and Their Loci of Origin, The Co-Origin of Gravity&Cosmic Rays, Simple Formulae for Measuring Atoms, Their Speed, and the Speed of Light.
Upon retirement, the brilliant educator and published author opened Straight Business School on North Claiborne near Esplanade Avenue and Mrs. Alexis basically ran it. Lucien Alexis also was president of the Supreme Industrial Life Insurance Company, founder and executive director of the School of Post-Modern Science in New Orleans, and a charter member of Sigma Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity.
Alexis also spent a great deal of time on his favorite hobbies at home. On the 25th Anniversary of his graduation from Harvard, he told the Harvard press of these hobbies:
“Don’t interfere with my physics and chemistry, which I have raised from the ignoble position of a hobby into the dignified status of a science. Don’t interfere with my Italian which I have picked up since leaving you fellows. Don’t interfere with my German, my French, or my Spanish which I have kept plugging at. These are my near hobbies. You may interfere with my gardening and my frequent efforts at directing operettas, especially the Gilbert and Sullivan ones, for there you are in the field of real hobbies of mine.”
Lucien Alexis passed away December 18, 1981. He is buried in the family’s tomb in St. Louis Cemetery No.3.
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silverbladexyz · 2 years
May I request headcanons of Yukito the “insanely smart and hot detective” with a fem s/o who is the “insanely really smart and divine old money heiress of her successful family”😩
My insanely smart and hot anon, why of course~ ;)
The image does not belong to me. It belongs to it's original owner.
TW: None.
Ayatsuji with a really smart fem!S/O who is a divine money heiress
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-Two words: power couple
-An intelligent and sassy detective with an equally as intelligent and wealthy partner? The vibes you two give off scream 'cool' and 'dangerous'; almost as if Fyodor and Dazai were in a relationship although this isn't about them
-Ayatsuji loves how smart you are. He thinks a lot of people in his life are slow and dumb, and it’s annoying how he has to keep explaining things to them. So having you as his partner is really refreshing for him because he finally has someone who can keep up with his speed of thinking
-He brings you out to a lot of his cases. Two minds are better than one, and especially when it’s two smart minds working on a case. You help to go through all of his deductions and the evidence and help find any mistakes that he may have made. Ayatsuji is quite thankful that you’re able to cover up his blind spots
-And since you two are around the same IQ level, expect Ayatsuji to hold a lot of conversations with you that normal people would’ve had a headache trying to keep up with. Whenever you two are in a deep and ‘intelligent’ conversation, it’s almost as if you’re talking in code with him. Ango has spent countless nights without sleep trying to figure out what you two meant
-Ayatsuji plays a lot of mind games with you for fun. You never back down, and sometimes you even beat him at his own game. Afterwards you two even play a few rounds of chess and cards with no signs of exhaustion; even chatting amicably as you were trying to checkmate his king
-Also since you’re rich, buy some expensive and fancy things for him! Not anything too big and extra, but he would probably prefer matching accessories because it’s a really cool reminder of the love you have for each other. One time you bought him a princess outfit when he asked you to wear a maid outfit that he bought #PrincessYukitoAyatsuji2023
-In the rare times when you two would not be playing mind games or solving cases, Ayatsuji would make dolls with you. He has a talent for stitching them, and you were obviously intrigued with his interest, so you asked him to teach you the skill. When you finished making your doll, Ayatsuji would prop it up with his other dolls in his basement and regularly clean it
-Expect times when Ayatsuji would teach you some new stuff, whether it be general knowledge or case etiquettes. He loves teaching you, and sometimes even teases you for not knowing it earlier. But you get back at him by teasing him about stuff that he doesn’t know about
-Basically you two are a powerful and intelligent couple that must not be messed with, or there’d be hell to pay
By the way I didn’t tag some people because I am not sure if they have read Gaiden yet, so please let me know if you have read Gaiden and/or Stormbringer so I know which posts to tag you on.
@pixyys @nekokinax @pianotross @xxelfmamaxx @yuugen-benni @yukitomybeloved @arisu-chan4646
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1mlostnow · 2 months
Im laughing so hard at some of these
“What was most obvious was his discomfort with eye contact, which he did not make at any point throughout the evaluation”
“While he believes he does not know how to engage in chit-chat and avoids eye contact, he has previously shown these skills…he appears to have very low self confidence”
“He has difficulty forming deep connections and only recently bonded with friends who also show some neurodivergent characteristics” <- that’s you guys btw
“He avoids making eye contact and has a history of doing “just enough to get by” academically, which may be a coping mechanism to avoid drawing attention to himself”
They said I have a relatively slow processing speed >:[
“He may also benefit from…mediation, yoga, and dancing” HELLO??
“He is not well coordinated and showed a decline in interest in athletics as he got older”
“He was more likely to be bossy with the familiar peers at daycare”
They called me a liberal in this thing 😭
“They have been working on not sharing certain thoughts in public situations due to the high level of emotionality that ensues” <- on the topic of politics
“He reported ‘I really screwed that up’ and shook his head during the Tower of London assessment”
“He had a somewhat restricted intonation pattern in his speech”
“He routinely offered information about his own thoughts and experiences, although he did not ask me about my thoughts and experiences despite my attempts”
“When he was requested to make up a story using random objects, he put together a commercial and utilized the items in a concrete manner to the extent that parts of it were poorly integrated”
There’s also this thing about using sentences like “this might be hard for you so come to me if you need help” or “okay so how do you plan to solve this problem” and there’s this thing at the end that’s something like “the intent is to use these so he starts instinctively remembering these skills” THEYRE TRAINING ME LIKE A DOG 😧
They keep talking about my “significantly low processing speed” SHUT UP !!! you said to do my best
These make me giggle but I feel like I was just the subject of a Sherlock Holmes level deduction 😨
Anyways I hope you find these funny because this feels like they just tore open my ribs and looked straight at my heart 😭
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y2klostandfound · 1 year
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How to win - Jet Set Radio Future on Game Players new magazine Vol.29 (Video game magazine)(Hong Kong)(06/03/2002)(Part 2)
Part 1
Formal meetings
After pressing the START button on the title screen, select NEW GAME to officially enter the game. The game starts with a simple training, mainly some basic movements, as long as you follow GUM's instructions, there should be no problem.After completing the basic course, you can find ROBOY, after talking to it, you can enter the GARAGE MENU, and the player can choose "PRACTICE", which can be practiced again, and in the future, some new techniques can also be learned in this function. Another player worth a try is, of course, the self-painting spray painting "GRAFFITI". When everything is completed, the player can proceed to the first location "Dogenzaka Hill".
Dogenzaka Hill
This is the first location in the whole game that the player needs to conquer, and the structure is very simple, basically there is only one main road. When the player enters, go down the diagonal road, on the way to the right side of the pedestrian, you will find the first GRAFFITI SOUL, so close, you should not let it go. Continue to slide down, turn left when you see the sign, you will go to the pedestrian street, jump on the fence in the center of the road, go down with the trend , you can get a certain amount of spray paint, and not far away, there will be the first large spray paint location, GRAFFITI POINT, However, everyone should pay attention, after arriving at the first GRAFFITI POINT, you cannot turn back and return to the pedestrian street. You must make a big bend and go around the location once before you can go back to that place. When the player completes all GRAFFITI POINTs, you can play as a new character.
Training before joining the member
You have to join to learn the skills
Jumping also has to learn…
"BEAT" will appear, and he will have a battle with the player, but before that he will challenge the player with actions. Every time he makes a series of moves, the player must remember it well, because the player will have to go back to the previous moves on his own. After the action duel, there is the victory of speed, but this link is very easy, as long as the player uses more GRIND actions, he can easily win. BEAT will join the team after the victory. In addition, before the speed comparison, the player should find that there will be GRAFFITI POINT on the ground after going up the stairs in the sewer. In fact, This is GRAFFITI STOP, the player only needs to spray the pattern on it to use it.
Three more times.
Gotta learn how to slide a fence.
Let's get some spray paint.
It's all here.
I found it, of course I want to spray paint it.
Then it's time to speed up.
Basic course completed
I'll look for it later.
It's free time.
This is the GARAGE MENU interface.
Ask the team members for information
Find the exit on the map
The first stop is Dogenzaka Hill
First listen to K's introduction to Dogenzaka Hill
Official game
see the first GRAFFITI SOUL
Of course I won't let it go
Fly away, it feels so good
Well, after recruiting the new team members, you have to deal with Rokkaku's minions, the Rokkaku police, with the goal of knocking down all the enemies, It seems tricky, but it's not difficult at all. Knock them to the ground first, then spray paint on them, and that's how they'll be eliminated. However, you must be fast enough when you run over them, because if the speed is not enough, you won't be able to knock down the enemy, but will be caught by them instead, and if you don’t get rid of them as soon as possible, the STAMINA GAUGE will continue to deduct. So this kind of combat also has a certain technique, although pay attention. the first is to determine the location of the enemy, the second is to collect a certain amount of spray paint as soon as possible, and the third is of course to keep the character at a certain speed and minimize the use of sudden stops and deceleration actions.
Don't speed up unnecessarily.
Don't miss this conversation.
first GRAFFITI POINT found
Continuous spraying
BEAT Appears
Of course I'm going to talk to you.
Come on! Do it with me.
break through the glass and emerge
Come again!
Let's catch up with him first.
This is…
It turned out to be GRAFFITI STOP
This is the GRAFFITI STOP interface.
Say BEAT to join
But first, come to the speed
Understand the route first
Ask About You …. Victory!
BEAT lost
Shibuya Terminal
After completing "Dogenzaka Hill", you can choose to go directly to the Shibuya Terminal or go back to GARAGE PARK first, If you choose to return to GARAGE PARK, you can organize your character and system, such as switching characters and learning new skills. After that, you can proceed to the Shibuya Terminal. Shibuya Terminal is much more complicated location than Dogenzaka Hill, with many driving routes, several sky bridges, some plataform that take a lot of effort to get to.
As soon as the player enters the Shibuya terminal, DJ PROFESSOR K tells the player that GG's rival organization "POISON JAM" is appearing in the city, POISON JAM is a group of avant-garde people, who always wear shark masks and have sharp claws on their hands, which makes them look fierce, but their gliding and spraying skills are not inferior to GG's, so GG has always regarded them as their old enemies. However, they are usually only active at night, but this time they appeared during the day, so there is obviously something strange, Seeing this, GG decided not to show weakness and cover their spray section.So all the GRAFFITI POINTs in this edition have POISON JAM logo, but even so, it takes a lot of effort to find them all. And many of the GRAFFITI SOUL in this edition are very secretive. So this version seems to take more time. Another point is very important, The vehicles in this version will crash into the player's character, and the STAMINA GAUGE will be deducted after the crash, so everyone must be careful.
As a result, he joined GG
Then the Rokkaku police arrived.
He just walked away ~~~
How many cars?
But there are very few people.
Go! Beat them all
It's a mess…
Not good, i was found
Fight back! ! don't go! !
Although there is STAMINA GAUGE, just one spray will kill you.
Tips for the next edition
After completing the main route, go back to Shibuya Terminal and look for Graffiti Soul.
Found it!
Got it!
Discover the mystery TAPE
Of course, I won't let it go.
After the player has completed all the Graffiti Points, POISON JAM will appear to challenge the player, this time there will be a speed test and only action duels, that is, he will do it once, and then the player will do it again. After winning, another new character will appear. His name is COMBO (コンボ), as always, if he wants to join GG, he must defeat him in action battle, but it seems that he intends to join, because his movements and routes are longer but also simple.
After COMBO joins the team, the Rokkaku police will dispatched again, and this time HASHED (HAYASHI)(ハヤシ) will officially appear. He is a character with a name, and of course, he is more powerful than ordinary Rokkaku police, and just because he has a gun, it's enough to worry the players. However, you don't have to worry too much because his vision is not very good, as long as you keep moving, you won't be easily shot. Although there are more enemies this time than last time, but with a little more patience, it is not difficult to solve the problem.(Continued in the next issue)
Shibuya Terminal
Going out!!
It even appeared during the day!
Arrival at Shibuya Terminal
Complete the GRAFFITI POINT first
This GRAFFITI POINT is also called "Ghost Mode"
Got it!
Got hit by a car! ! !
It's hard to see…
Another GRAFFITI SOUL to get.
Jumping on the platform of the building, there will be new discoveries
That's right….!
Getting Started!
A Mystery Attack…!
There's nothing around here that can attack.
Try more here
After completing all GRAFFITI POINT…
POISON JAM will challenge the players.
COMBO debuts! !
Accept the challenge or not?
Victory! !
POISON JAM retreats temporarily
COMBO joins!
there's another policeman
And there is HASHED(HAYASHI) (ハヤシ)
And there are a lot of police
It's a mess again.
Look! Really have a gun!
And the fence is still electrified, so you can't go near it.
Of course you will win in the end!
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stackthedeck · 5 months
THE TEACHER AU?!?! LMAO I'm a sucker for em but Ted falling first? Or is that just from his perspective?
okay so here's what i'm thinking for this au, there's probably never that oh i'm in love moment from either of their perspectives. there's an "oh i can trust this new guy" moment for ted but I want them to settle into their usually silly friendship
Mr. Carter and Mr. Kord are the teachers that go hard for spirit day, they are the accomplices to the senior prank, they are the teachers that volunteer to get pied in the face for fundraisers.
Mr. Kord is also the teacher that doesn't have late work deductions because it takes him ages to grade your stuff and hey he knows his students they're all also taking a million AP classes, the content is hard so he'll make the classroom producers easy.
Mr. Carter is that social studies teacher. We've all had that teacher at one point. They're usually a coach, super funny and joking around, doesn't do any intense projects, but you feel like you've learned something and actually look forward to being physically in class. You guys remember those teachers? Yeah that's Booster. He's probably reusing the slides from the last history teacher and he's just reading them off and doesn't really pause for questions (because his origin is the same he got suspended from college for a gambling scandal he doesn't know the content or the pedagogy) but he gives grace to all his students and grades easy. Is this a good way to teach? no, but he has high expectations for his students in other ways.
I think Booster and Ted have their like "oh god I'm in love with this idiot" moment when they're at school late grading papers and Ted is helping Booster because obviously this guy didn't pay attention during student teaching god who writes a lesson plan like this. And then as they're leaving, Ted just leans over and kisses him like it's the easiest thing in the world. they both go bright red, don't say a word and leave. and they don't talk about it the next day and both of them are in agony thinking oh god what does this mean. but they're just normal buddies during the day, but it keeps happening anytime they're alone, just a quick kiss that feels so natural and right followed by panic. until one of them finally says fuck it and kisses back. which really starts the drama of the story because oh god there's paperwork and procedures for this and only after Booster and Ted have gone on a proper date does Booster come clean about actually not being licensed to teach technically
also Rip Hunter is there as a unreasonably smart and unreasonably annoying foster kid. He really should be in the advanced classes to keep him busy, but he's a foster kid that's be bounced from school to school, his gpa is ass so he's stuck in Mr. Carter's awful history class and oh god that's so over simplified it's basically wrong mr carter turn off the power point let me explain please! Booster finds out that Rip is being moved to a different home again at the end of the semester along with his older "sister" (fellow foster kid he's sharing a home with) Rani who just wants to finish her senior year. Thus begins the poorly thought out speed run of getting certified to foster which might involve breaking more laws.
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thegnomelord · 1 year
I've got some questions about your cyberpunk reader sagau idea like—
What exactly does Reader's body mods allow? Like, how do they enhance the body? Why abilities do they grant to reader? What limitations are there and do they limit Reader's in ways an organic body wouldn't
Before and during the hunt for Reader, how do they maintain their artificial components? Do any of them break beyond repair forcing reader to leave them behind?
Also the Reader having body mods for conquest is a great explanation for why it takes so fucking long for them to bleed. They're too fucking invincible to bleed unless they get done in real hard.
What do people like Dainsleif or Dottore's think of reader and their body mods? I mean the body mods were compared to Khaenri'ah's machinery and Dottore is Dottore.
Is anyone against hunting down Reader? If so, for what reasons?
These are some good questions but I haven't thought all of them through, but so far:
1. When writing the first idea, I imagined the reader being a bit like militech version of Adam Smasher, with bits of my own V from cyberpunk 2077 mixed in i.e. 60-70% of the body being converted to metal with only the head and chest organ area mostly fleshy. So the reader would be durable AF, capable of shrugging off a couple of blows from the archons assuming they didn't use elemental powers, incredible strength and speed, increased jump height and other combat mods like mantis blades or rocket launchers.
2. As for limitations; cyberpsychosis would be the main problem because of just how many mods they have. From a more physical side — blending in is damn near impossible, and all that cyberware is heavy, so it's going to be a challenge not waking up half of teyvat when going for a walk and swimming would also be difficult/our of the question as you'd just sink to the bottom.
Also, the electro element would be quite dangerous, as any attack would act like an EMP blast which could short-circuit important life-preserving systems.
2.5. currently I'm also headcannoning that the combat cybermods require A Lot of energy, and if you don't have that, the body will forcefully shut down for like 72h to generate energy, regardless of where you are...
3. I haven't thought about mods breaking, but I think the reader might be able to MacGyver old Khaenri'ahn tech to replace broken/lost pieces, though it wouldn't be a perfect match — like wearing boots two sizes too small. Before the hunt the reader really wouldn't need to do that, as their tech is durable as all hell and would have only needed cleaning once in a while.
4. Dottore, as a scholar, would be incredibly intrigued. He didn't believe in the divine, though he acknowledged their existence, but the reader would be something else... Like the pinnacle of human evolution, the seamless blending of flesh and steel would entrance him past the point of obsession. He may have enough self-control not to try and disassemble the reader, but be prepared for days worth of ceaseless questions, and his experiments would only grow more gruesome and brutal if you do not put a stop to it.
As for Dainslief... He would be conflicted. The reader's body would remind him too much of the horrors Khaenri'ah and it's leader inflicted on others, and of the war machines still wreaking havoc across Teyvat. But the reader bearing similarities to said machines, which once protected his home, protected him, would also make him feel...comfort? Idk how to describe it, but it's like the feeling of knowing someone is looking out for you, even when you have lost everything.
5. As for who's against the hunt; Barbados comes to mind because he too is an impostor and would be a hypocrite if he felt otherwise, though he keeps such thoughts to himself.
Nahida because she is connected to Teyvat so deeply that it's feelings would mingle with her own, and she couldn't shake the wrongness she feels when near the Impostor.
Alhaitham too, but his is more logical deduction; why would a creator try to fit into the standards made by their creations? It's utterly foolish to base their belief off an imagined appearance when it is your actions they should see.
Also the harbingers and the Tsaritsa, but those I'd say are pretty obvious as they seek to destroy Celestia, and a betrayed creator seems like the perfect rallying call.
This was reallyong and it's all up for change if I actually end up writing this, but this is just by thoughts rn lol.
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