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hotwife-heat · 1 month ago
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sluggoonthestreet · 4 months ago
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Sadie goes out the day after Halloween to help people who bought too much candy.
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filmgifs · 1 year ago
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Jane Fonda as Alex Sternbergen in THE MORNING AFTER (1986) dir. Sidney Lumet
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pwhale6 · 6 months ago
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i've been sleeping so long in a twenty year dark night and now i see daylight
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ask-elliot-doorman-fam · 20 days ago
Spectre opens her eyelights, feeling fuzzy, and almost disconnected in a way.
She slowly tries to get up, and groans when her body isn't as responsive as usual. Then she feels the texture of soft leather on her chassis.
Oh yeah, I'm a drone right now. Right, that just happened.
Her memories start unblurring as she looks down to see a wing lazily covering her like a blanket. Spectre turns her head to the side and looks at the wing's owner, Tera, limp on the bed beside her. She doesn't worry for once, seeing the overload message on the drone's visor, and instead smiling.
"You better wake up soon, pup. I've gotta thank you properly."
It takes a moment or two before her visor lights up again, the JCJenson and then the Solver branding whizzing past before they were replaced by purple eyelights.
"Mmmnnn...." Comes crackly out of her mouth, eyelights slowly opening, her body felt sluggish and heavy. "Sh.. huh...?"
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t-folklore13 · 4 months ago
No Control - Eddie Munson
18+ only minors do not interact
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After a night of being with you eddie just cannot get enough, even after the night you had he still needs more
When I wake I feel the need to stretch but I feel two things my girl curled up on my chest and the ache between my thighs, as I shift she clings harder to me and a small sigh escapes her
I can still smell her lingering perfume and the taste of her is still fresh on my tongue reminding me of our long night before, the ache between my legs is getting harder to avoid and I buck my hips for some sort of friction peppering kisses along her hairline trailing to her neck
She starts to wake up and she grips my arm grinding on my leg “good morning to you too baby” I smile against her neck and get a hold of her hips “it is a good morning huh sweetheart”
Her perfume is so strong I can’t get enough I flip us over and kiss down her still naked body I feel her hands rake though my hair she knows how that drives me crazy I groan and finally get between her thighs kissing softly
My impatient girl starts to buck against my face I lick a long stripe along her slit and slide two fingers into her slick lips the pretty noises she’s making only makes me dig my face deeper into her and I can feel her tighten around me “Eds please need coc th- you oh my ”
“You don’t even have my cock yet baby and I’ve fucked you dumb huh not even making sense” I feel her clench around my fingers and her back starts to arch I suck hard on her clit and press my other hand on her lower stomach
Her hand tug my hair and I feel her go slack against the bed, breathing heavily I crawl up to her and grab her jaw “There’s my pretty girl” she pulls me in and smiles “how are you so amazing at making me cum”
“I can do it again” she looks at me, kissing hard “please” I grab one of her legs separating her thighs placing my hips between them “please what baby? tell me what you want” she whines and give my hair a hard tug “your cock”
Pulling her hips closer I start to slide my cock up and down her pussy, tapping the head on her clit “stop teasing and fuck me”
“No sweetheart I am going to take my time with you, I’m gonna start nice and slow till your begging for more then I’m gonna make love to you and when you finally earn it I’m gonna fuck you” I feel her breathing hitch as I put a piece of hair behind her ear
I start a slow trail of kisses by her ear and up her jawline the sunlight hits her softly and I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so beautiful “I love you” she smiles and kisses me “I love you too”
I slowly thrust my hips into her and her eyes fly shut, mouth hanging open “are you okay sweetheart, can I move now” she nods quickly and kisses my shoulder “please” I pull out slowly and thrust in slightly faster doing this over and over again “harder baby” I keep my pace and laugh “no sweetheart your gonna take me how I want you” I pick up my pace and she smiles
“Eds” I slow down again and she grabs my face “love you” I smile and start thrusting harder “love you too” she feels so good around me warm and tight, I can’t control myself anymore and buck my hips into her faster, she moans loud and digs her nails into my back
I twist my hips slightly hitting that spot I know so well, she drags her nails down whimpering and crossing her legs behind me “harder” I oblige and start pounding her pretty little cunt how she wants
She pulls me down to her face and kisses me it’s messy but I love it I feel her back arch and her cunt clamps down on my cock “Eddie I love you” shes as close as I am and I somehow pick up my pace “oh sweetheart” I feel teeth digging into my neck and her body starting to tense up even more “do it baby cum for me”
She lets out a scream like moan and my hips still burying my cum deep inside her cunt, we stay for this for what feels like hours and catch our breaths till I realize “I love you”
She starts playing with my hair and hums “I know” I dig my face into her chest and sigh “I didn’t say it back I’m sorry” she puts her hand under my chin and makes me look at her “but I know you do” I smile and kiss her softly pulling out from her wincing when I’m fully out and grabbing a random shirt next to me going between her thighs and cleaning her up
I slowly slide back into her just so we can be as close as possible while I hold her “I still love saying it though” I smile and she digs her face into my neck “I know”
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bl-bam-beyond · 1 month ago
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Episode 10
The Morning After
Teerak (KONGPOB JIROJMONTRI aka KONG) awakens after his beautiful sensual first time with his gorgeous man Muenfah (TEETUT CHUNGMANIRAT aka THOMAS) with Fah gaze on him. (I truly believe Fah didn't sleep, but instead watched Rak all night long)
Fah's like expected wanted to check in on Rak and how he was doing taking a monumental step of losing his virginity. Rak (all smiles) assures Fah he's totally all right with what transpired last night.
Fah's bliss is evident. His feelings for Teerak grows exponentially every single minute.
My heart breaks about next week's preview. We all know Rak's issue was a dream about meeting Fah's super supportive parents. But Rak's worry about his parents reaction was correct. Will his father's reaction end the beautiful love Fah has found with Rak?
@pose4photoml @just-another-boyslove-blog @wanderlust-in-my-soul
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mamamangaka · 11 months ago
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the “Charlie let them sleep off the hangover before you grill Angel for the juicy tea” challenge
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waitmyturtles · 1 year ago
Well. Big deep breaths. I spent a lot of time on a show that had been marketed as not-a-BL, that ended as a BL. As a mom with not that much time to spend on watching and writing on dramas that were marketed incorrectly, I am feeling some kinda way (fucking pissed off).
So many people had amazing takes yesterday, on both sides of the aisle, regarding how the show ended (pro-ending here, anti-ending here, here, here, here, here, and here, and my dear friends @neuroticbookworm and @lurkingshan did heavy lifting on reblogs yesterday, so stroll on over to their blogs for more).
I want to set up a constellation of points to touch upon before I get into the meat of this post.
1) I referred quite a bit to my review of Theory of Love throughout my watch of Only Friends. In that review, I meditate on how the majority of the general global public judges sex, and casual sex, and people who have sex and/or casual sex. Generally speaking -- even in countries that makes as progressive art on sex and sexuality as Thailand and the United States -- that's a rule of thumb that I can rely on. Sex is judged by the majority of the global public.
2) I hate to say it. I cannot believe this happened. But I was right about monogamy being an ultimate theme in Only Friends. Not just a theme, fam. A theme by which people judged others for having open, casual, and consensual sex. Queer sex. Queer sex that is so very often had outside of the constraints of a monogamous relationship.
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There was a reason why that holiday party was populated by couples, except for Boston, and Boston had to grovel to them in apology for their friendship. In Only Friends: monogamy wins, and casual queer sex loses.
3) Unfortunately, in part though an analysis of Cheum inside of last week that I accidentally started (ha), I see that points 1 and 2 come together to have created a fabric and framework of judgement that Only Friends ended on.
The last paragraph in this excellent post by @benkaaoi notes that the assumption by a large portion of the OF fandom that the creative choices that were made to end this series were designed to save the sanctity -- economic and otherwise -- of the shipped pairs of ForceBook and FirstKhao. This rings true to me.
Most of the BL shows that I've watched this year are older shows, through my Old GMMTV Challenge, in which I've been studying the changes over time that GMMTV and other Thai networks, have made towards their editorial choices, attitudes, and risks in producing BLs. I included Only Friends on this syllabus to note the show's impact as a kind of zeitgeist measure of how much heat and literary controversy GMMTV could take in airing increasingly progressive queer media -- even though Only Friends wasn't originally intended to be a BL.
To the theory that Only Friends needed to save the ships... and to another theory that the ships needed to be saved in the most moralistically judgmental way that I could have ever imagined (I was actually blown away by how heavy-handed this messaging was) -- I look to the ending of 2gether.
The majority general reaction to the ending of 2gether from within the existing BL fandom in 2020, was one of guffawed incredulousness. BrightWin/SarawatTine did not kiss in the first season of 2gether. It took Aof Noppharnach to come in to make Still 2gether to indicate that these two young men may have been at least vaguely sexual with each other throughout the course of their fictional relationship.
Yet, 2gether was a massive success. Many theorize it was because 2gether was the first big BL to air during the start of the COVID pandemic, and new BL fans had time to be at home and watch shows. But I posit in my 2gether/Still 2gether review that 2gether was also successful PRECISELY BECAUSE IT LACKED SEX (and by sex here, I mean plain old kissin').
As I stated earlier: sex is judged by the majority of the global public. With BrightWin NOT kissing, new fans who may have been implicitly and/or explicitly turned off by physical depictions of queer love could glom comfortably onto 2gether, and watch a BL without the "threat" of physical depictions of two men expressing their love to each other.
Subsequently, BrightWin gained massive social media followings, 2gether made GMMTV buckets of money, and GMMTV went -- well, hot diggity.
Many of us had impressions of Only Friends as...something else than it ended up being. Early on, Jojo Tichakorn, for instance, cited an early non-GMMTV, non-BL show, Gay OK Bangkok, that he and Aof Noppharnach worked on in 2016 and 2017, as being referential to Only Friends. Gay OK Bangkok centered on a group of queer friends, mostly cisgender men with Jennie Panhan in the mix, as they lived their lives and dated away in Bangkok.
I'll tell ya, GOKB didn't end the way Only Friends did, and I'll get into that more in a bit. I believe @benkaaoi, @lurkingshan, and others are absolutely right that the ultimate moralization on casual sex that this show depicted -- and how Only Friends punished Boston for his casual sex -- was an economic decision designed to reflect on the sanctity of monogamy that shipped couples like ForceBook and FirstKhao can sell back to their fans, fans that may have actually flocked to GMMTV shows from 2gether, and that demand a fantasy of devoted monogamy from both fictional characters and professional actors who are actually only just doing fan service to earn their livings. GMMTV has known for a long time how to make money, and money the network doth has made from Only Friends, and from shipping their ships around the world to service the growing fandom.
Casual sex in fiction, casual sex that breaks up the ships.... fucks that economic shit all up.
GMMTV has taught us our lesson, a lesson that we had already learned from the no-kissing rule of 2gether. Loose lips shall not sink ships at this network. And I think we lost a chance for a big and progressively artistic zeitgeist that GMMTV could have taken risks on, if it had the courage to risk depicting something truly novel.
I want to note quickly another framework that I dug into while I was watching this show. I sent a flare to @lurkingshan before I started watching the episode that I was going to, in part, watch this last episode from my personal Asian lens. I wanted to ask myself, as I was watching this disaster -- is there anything happening here that strikes my heart with fear and doom as an Asian?
Indeed, yes. I didn't expect it, but there was a dialogue on individualism vs. collectivism.
Boston. My dear, sweet Boston. Boston, named after a city so very distant from Bangkok.
Boston was punished by his group of friends because he didn't adhere to the rules of the group. His individualistic actions and preferences -- his preferences to "roll alone," as Nick stated, would not work in the frameworks of either monogamy with Nick and/or the group dynamics of the hostel crew.
The link I linked above is an amazing answer to an inquiry I posed to dear @absolutebl last year about how Asian social collectivist paradigms are depicted in BLs. In that question-and-answer dialogue, I asked ABL Sensei about the motif of queer revelations in BLs, and how seemingly straight characters respond in kind to being approached with a proposition to a queer dalliance and/or relationship. Generally speaking, the Asian collectivist mindset is to at least attempt to respond in kind to those kinds of propositions, as one's behavioral habits are designed to be responsive to others instinctually, as opposed to only servicing oneself. To only service oneself is not only seen as selfish, but also as disturbing to the general flow of public existence among one's societies. To respond in kind means that you will not cause potentially disturbing angst to another individual or group. (Collectivism explains why Asian countries performed much better with mask mandates during the pandemic than we in the States did.)
So -- Boston filming Ray, Boston sleeping with Top, created waves in the friend group. He was so severely punished for it.
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And the show iterates, and repeats, Nick's preference that Boston move forward alone in Boston's life, because of Boston's tendencies to make decisions that suit himself. As an Asian-American, I mutter to myself: god forbid.
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Nick will not commit to Boston -- and yet, will also condemn Boston for making his own decisions outside of the specter of a monogamy that does not exist between Nick and Boston, and that Boston will still get judged for, as referenced in the Sand/Nick conversation depicted above.
In other words: if Boston makes a decision for himself? That's punishable. Because it might hurt someone else's feelings -- a someone else that actually hasn't committed to Boston, and/or allowed Boston to commit himself to.
This group caught Boston in a moralistic and collectivist catch-22, the likes of which I just would have never expected from Jojo and team, even if the creative team faced the economic pressures of the GMMTV bigwigs. I'm sorry to state that I am beyond disappointed in this condemnation of individualism, sending Boston alone, judged, and friendless, off to New York City to live in, what, the immoral boundaries of Chelsea? Homey, get a fucking SWEET-ASS PAD, and FUCK THESE LOSERS, leave 'em BEHIND in your cloud of airplane gas emissions. See you at the La Quinta rooftop bar on 32nd Street, friendo.
Only Friends could have ended so much better. And I understand that in the Only Friends novel, published AFTER the script was finished, that it did end somewhat better for Boston (cc @jinitak, reporting from Thailand, thank you for this heads-up about the novel!).
So. Any-fucking-way. Do y'all know how Gay OK Bangkok ended?
Of many lovely endings for the various GOKB characters, an older main character, Aof, was dating a much younger character, Big. (CC to @neuroticbookworm for our quick convo on this last night.)
Aof was sex-averse. Big wanted lots of sex. Big slept with a lot of people. He loved Aof. Aof couldn't handle Big having sex with other people, and they broke up. It was a lovingly handled break-up, written just gorgeously by Aof Noppharnach.
After their break-up, I thought Big would disappear from the show. Instead. Instead! Nong Big, the little brother to the core group of queer friends that centered GOKB, was welcomed back with open arms. Arm, Pom, Sathang (played by an effervescent Jennie Panhan), and others toasted to Big, telling him he would always be family, no matter if him and his ex, Aof, had broken up. In the queer circles of friends that I'm a part of, exes are not as commonly excommunicated as they are in straight circles.
Only Friends could have been this. Something, a little something, like this.
Instead, Only Friends punished a friend for acting outside of the rules of their group.
Boston was punished because.... because Only Friends had to end up being a BL. For the sake of the moolah, for the sake of collectivism, for the sake of the shippers who'll buy tickets around the world to see ForceBook and FirstKhao perform fan service on stage.
I just didn't think that the show would be so brutal, on so many levels, in the end, to people who want to have casual sex. I don't think any of us expected this. But, it's over, it's done, and the piece has been said -- GMMTV said, no casual sex today, and here's how we actually feel about it.
I'll see you over on Gagaoolala for Playboyy. Deuces, OF.
(It was an absolute pleasure writing meta with the Ephemerality Squad -- onto the next one! @lurkingshan @neuroticbookworm @ranchthoughts @twig-tea @slayerkitty @thatgirl4815 @distant-screaming @clara-maybe-ontheroad)
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blacknarcissus · 6 months ago
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Romeo & Juliet (1968)
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akulaakura · 5 months ago
Various doodles
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purplewilmon · 2 years ago
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Waking up together in golden light
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amagnificentobsession · 9 months ago
Good Morning my Lovlies,
Today is definitely one of those “morning afters”.
Not only has Metatrogers @the-metatron imbibed every drink given to him, we have no idea where he is at the moment. My advice is to keep your eyes and ears open, since we have no idea what may have happened to him, how he’s going to be, nor what kind of inter dimensional shenanigans he may be up to.
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On a much sadder note, @docdust has been called to @trans-darbie and @furfurs-fotos. The possibility of an accidental Furfurby drain plugging, and possible subsequent passing is under investigation. I don’t have anymore information than that, and I won’t be taking any questions at this time. Please keep them and especially my beloved @dream-of-pain in your thoughts. I know Doc will keep us updated.
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Also, if you happen to see a cute pup wandering around its @angelo-rib-shack . He’s well behaved, but he may snatch food if left unattended.
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I’ve prepared food and drink for anyone who wants to come and wait for word of Furfurby or Metatron. I hope this turns into a celebration and not a wake, for either of them.
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@neo-of-sporin @gandalf-big-oos @avis-morningstar @violet-yimlat @thedemon-crowley @youroneandonlysnakelady @kleenexwoman @pissylittlebirdboy @angel-and-the-serpent @god-wednesday @e-w-w-morningstar @loretta-dont-you-oppress-me @muriel-not-the-dim-one @i-dream-of-sheeny @lucifer-and-the-guys @duchess-shax @sliceocheese @angelo-chuck-wagon @angelo-rib-shack @thatflatfrog @one-coming-is-enough @god-in-the-basement @curlish @andagon @ellietheduck
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bear-bear-bear-bear-bear · 1 year ago
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I would still be there with you now, if the sun hadn’t intruded on us, and the city hadn’t stirred for the day…
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muttonchopsalley · 2 months ago
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Happy New Year, everyone!
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