trans-beetleboy · 2 years
Hi again can I make a request of a macaque, wukong x male giant werewolf father reader
Like reader is a father to his baby girl that he loves but his ex girlfriend didn’t want her (bai eh) so she gave them to reader as reader found out that his ex girlfriend was cheating on him with his best friend as he then promised himself and his baby girl to be a better father for them as then month’s past as his daughter went missing as he found her scent but it changed as he then followed it as he then saw mk and his group plus macaque and wukong defeating lady bone demon as it was over they then heard a howl as they then saw a giant wolf running towards them as they started panicking and wukong and Macaque got in a Defensive position and as reader saw bai eh being held on as reader then growled at them as bai eh then recognized the wolf as reader she then ran towards reader as he then calmed down as reader then transformed into his normal form as he hugged her as he cried as he checked around her face to see if she had any scratches as he was done he then was about to attack them bai eh then told reader that they saved her as reader then calmed down as he then started thanking them as reader didn’t noticed macaque and wukong looking at him as they blushed at him as they noticed how many scars he had and how buff he was
Aldo you can change it if you want or put more in it i don’t mind I just want some kind of request like that
I'll be there to help
SWK, Macaque x Werewolf GN! reader!
WARNING: little bits of blood and violence, not a lot tho
sorry this is pretty long and i changed something's, I really didn't know were to go with this bit hopefully you still enjoy!^^
[reader does know Macaque and SWK for years, though they are not immortal they've just been around for a long time]
-you honestly didn't know what you were getting into, though the world felt heavy knowing something was wrong you couldn't place your mind on it. that was until you saw the roaring blue light within the outer distance of the city, a titian of a mech digging up threw the sand like some kind of lost city.
-it didn't take you long to realize this was the work of the lady bone demon, you tried your best to stay away from her territory, you weren't the strongest when on your own let alone you didn't want to become apart of what ever her little manipulated party was, sadly to say you've watch the city turn quite from the sideline of the forest, as did all the other creature's that lived within it.
-you sat and watch as the blue light devoured the golden sky, sending a uncomfortable cold shiver threw the air, the mech standing  to its full height that reached taller than the mountains. 
-ear's laying flat against your head with guilt, tail twitching with the reaction of wanting to do something. But what can you do? your only one creature against demon who has the structure of a god.
-your head turned back to the forest, ashamed of your lesser actions, the thought of hiding away within your fur coat forever sound like a guilty pleasure, until a bright golden flare caught the corner of your eye.
-looking back at the mech you see a familiar golden trial leaving off of speeding cloud, a dark purple flame not far from behind it, heading full speed into the territory of the lady bone demon. your ear's perked up at the sight of your monkey friend's.
-you don't know when you started moving, finding yourself sprinting towards them, off  and away from the forest, onto the closest roof, the hopeful intention you could help out in some way, but also the fear of them getting killed on sight, though they are immortal, it still terrifies you to see your friend's hurt, and the fact you have seen them close to death is something that still haunts the back of your mind, and the with the power the Lady bone demon has, you don't know what to expect.
-running, jumping from roof to roof to keep your field of vision on your friends, you see a cloud of dust that was rapidly coming the same way Sun Wu Kong and Macaque did, a primary colored truck taking head of the trail, which strangely had a cat tail behind it.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
-"Are you sure about this kid?!" Pigsy shouted at MK out of the window of sandy truck, very cautious and hesitant about his plan, already having a heart attack as MK stood on the hood of the vehicle worried that he as going to fly off.
-"Im sure! Macaque is already stalling Wu Kong, all i have to do is get to the top of LBD lair and take the staff! And Redson is already trying to help Mei take control of the Samadhi fire!" MK yelled back a Pigsy feeling determined to get his plan threw, his eye's focusing from the top of the mountain to Macaque and Monkey king, who was still holding up pretty well.
"Yeah but what if lady bone demon is waitin' for you? what if Macaque get's hurt?!" 
".....We don't think about that!" MK said giving Pigsy an awkward smile before giving his attention back to macaque. Pigsy on the other hand, resisting the strong urge to slam his head into the steering wheel, ran a hand down his face, before coming to a sudden stop, which sent MK flying of and landing face first into the sand, everyone else in the truck had their face smushed against the front window before falling on top of each other.
"PIGSY! what in the celestial world's was that for?!" Tang yelled, trying his best to get Sandy, who seemed to be passed out, off of him. 
"Pigsy?"Tang watched as Pigsy stepped out of the truck and stare at something from afar, seeming to be entranced by it
"What in the.." the Pig mumbled under his breath watching something big move its way here, fast.
MK recovering from his sudden fall, spits out a mouthful of sand before turning to Pigsy to say a strong word or two to him, but notices pigsys distraction, looking at were his friend was he can see something hurriedly makes its way to their location. worried it was something of LBD, MK blinked as his surroundings change to gold taking hold of his vision to see what was charging at them, he sees.... a wolf? a very big wolf. And it was getting close quickly.
"Uh- MK I think weneEDTOHEADINSIDERIGHTNOW-" Pigsy yelled, now being fully able to see the large canine coming their way, but MK didn't move, in fact he took a step forward a serious glint in his eye's watching the dog gain closer advantage, now only a few feet away from him, it's own trail of dust catching up with it and devouring MK as it seemed to collided with the young accessor, at least from Pigsy view.
"MK-" Pigsy yelled, Tang and Sandy now rushing out of the truck to see what was going on stopped right behind the pig, waiting to see what they fear the most.
as the dust parted way's the view of MK petting this wolf that was twice his size and baby talking him like it was the most precious creature in the world. Tang, Pigsy, and Sandy on the other hand gave him a blank look, hiding the fact that they thought he would be buried 6 feet under the sand by now. MK noticing the look, smiled and chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck.
"Hey guys, what the look for?"
Tang open his mouth to speak but a thunderous bang got their attention quick, looking up at the cold sky they saw a clash of purple and blue light that almost looked like blots of lightning. barely being able to see it, the group and new comer watched as Wu Kong knocked Macaque down into the earth, the light purple trial behind him making him look like a comet before a crater was formed as Macaque hit the ground, the earth beneath him forming like shattered glass as he got back up quickly sprung back in the direction of the monkey king.
the wolf's ear laid back on it's head as it let out a low sound, a snarl forming in the direction of the fight.
"It looks like your new friend isn't a fan of lady bone demon either, huh?" Sandy said softly, petting the wolf gently to calm it down, which seem to work a bit as its snarl disappeared but it's ears were still laid back, still on guard.
"Are we not going to ask why this thing is here?" pigsy said a bit annoyed that no one was questioning a bigger than average wolf was conveniently here, at the lady bone demon's lair.
Pigsy was ignored as MK shook the thoughts in his head away, a look of confidence was on his feature's as he looked once more to the LBD lair.
"I have to find a way to get up there!....Sandy throw me!" MK threw himself against his blue friend, fully expecting him to catch and throw him to victory, but he was instead met with a smack against solid concrete.
Tang and Pigsy shook their heads as Sandy rubbed the back of neck, looking everywhere but MK's now red face.
"uhm, im not sure if that'll work bud.." the blue giant let out gently, not wanting to hurt his friend any more than he just unintentionally did.
MK was about to protest until his new fluffy friend made it's way in front of him, it's eye's glowing as it stared into the boy in front of it, a shine in them almost like asking permission, and weirdly enough, MK understood it. The accessor nodded before the wolf in front of him laid it's head low as MK hopped on its back.
"OHMYGOSHYOURSOFLUFFY!!" MK yelled, face full of fur as he rubbed his cheek into the back of canine.
"Whoa wait kid, what do you think your doing, we literally just found this mutt, what if it takes you to the Lady bone demon?" the pig asked, stern hand's on his hips as he accuses the wolf of treacherous things. his demeanor changing into annoyed one as he watches Tang easily go up and hug the canine, in return the wolf licked his nose.
"I mean.... either way I was most likely going to run into her either way, sooooooo....."  Pigsy blank stare was enough to make sweat form on his brow.
"and plus it will be good to have someone else to help" MK said petting the side of the big wolf, seeing it swish its tail back and forth from the attention. Pigsy opens his mouth to say something, but just like Tang he was interrupted, but instead of being a potential threat, MK said goodbye lovingly to his friend's, holding tightly onto the wolf that took speed up to LBD's mountain.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Quite a few time's the poor wolf almost tumble down the mountain, the surface beneath it giving out almost every time it jumped to a clear platform, the young boy on its back wasn't much help either, only grabbing its fur tightly feeling any shift of weight.
at the moment the large canine  was working itself up on jumping onto the next platform, MK on the other hand, watched the fight between Macaque and Sun Wu Kong grow lesser, Macaque not looking the best made the young accessors brow's furrow together with worrisome fear.
that was until he felt the animal beneath him attempted jump onto the next platform. before it can even land full onto the ground, half of the ridge gave out making the unlucky wolf hold on by the weight of its frontal body, the boy on its back holding its fur for dear life, which in fact was very painful. 
The wolf tried to find a good leverage to put its lower paw onto so it can hoist itself up, but instead the wolfs paw's kept slipping from the dirt beneath it.
"HEY! pupper i know your trying your best, BUT PLEASE HURRY!!" MK cried out trying not to slip away from the hold he had on the wolf, even though he feels tremendously sorry for pulling its fur.
the wolf in it's own panic looked around before spotting Macaque, howling as instinct for help as it felt itself loosing its hold on the mountain. fortunately for Macaques keen hearing the vocals struck him right away. turning his attention away from Wu Kong  he looked at the direction of the mountain, seeing the two figures desperately trying to hold on, looking closer he can see....
the oversize canine couldn't hold on anymore,  the ground beneath it fully giving out, feeling gravity pull down on its legs, hearing the boy behind it cry out, the wolf turned over to shield him, waiting for the ground to break its skull, but it never came. instead they landed on something soft and almost transparent feeling, the sound of nothing but wind met its ear's.
looking up the wolf  and MK were met with Macaque facing away holding a smirk on his beaten features, glancing at the creature for a second before speaking.
"Y'know I wouldn't have expected you to come the fight." Macaque now facing towards the wolf the smile on his face a little bigger.
"It's always nice to see a familiar....friendly face." MK raised a confused brow on why Macaque was talking to this wolf in a strange way, but a sudden cackle thunder made the three jump before a strong force knocked them out of the air, sending them flying and roughly tumble onto the Lady bone demons mountain, conveniently next to MK's staff, but a bit hope was gone as the wolf got up the quickest, not to say unharmed, and saw Macaque laying on his side, almost in like a fetus position his breath was slow as the lost of his strength and his powers collided him all at once, his powers weak enough that his glamour was gone, his scar and six ear's showing, his fur blending with a few strand's of white.
MK was clenching his head, barely being able to see a drop of blood dribble down his face as he tried to stop the bleeding, doing his best to try to stand up and to grab the staff.
The wolf got up, feeling open wounds and cut's along its body, ignored the harsh feeling of pain and trudged its way towards Macaque, the sickly feeling of fear once again filled its chest as it nudge the monkeys shoulder, letting out a whine as all his responded was a sigh.
Looking over at MK, the boy was still clenching his head, but his own look of fear was carved on his face as he saw the sight of his friend unmoving. MKs eye's met the wolf's before looking past them, eye's now full of horror as his mentor made his way of his cloud and toward them.
"foolish boy, why do you still fight? there is no point into trying to change your fate, destiny has already made its decision." The wolf growled at the sight of the lady bone demon, lowering it's body close to the ground as formation to pounce, teeth bared and sharp a snarl that held warning.
the lady bone demon held no emotion looking at the wolf, not finding threat from it as it stood in front of MK and Macaque daring her to make a move, all she could do was laugh at the gesture.
"And you brought this little pup to protect you?" she laughed watching as the wolf helped MK up, resting it head under his shoulder as he weighed himself up to his feet, before catching himself with the staff losing his balance quickly.
The Lady bone demon took a step forward in attempt to grab the weak boy but suddenly flinched away as the wolf snapped it's jaw at her, making her widen in surprise of herself and the bravery of this mutt but quickly recomposed herself.
the sound of footsteps made the wolfs ear's perk up, gaining the attention of MK as they looked behind them. Sun Wu Kong, the Monkey king himself stepped towards them, his eye's drowned in ice blue, his face numb and blank, not even a poker face was granted on his features but some cuts and bruises were, looking like Macaque got him a few times.
the wolf did not growl, or snarl at Wu Kong, not even when it, itself stepped forward to protect Macaque and MK, knowing its friend will not hurt them, and MK must have had the same idea too, as he stared at his mentor, eyes wide but unreading, the wolf eye's slit, but not on guard. The monkey king stopped in his tracks, but the lady bone demon too focused on the hero let it got unnoticed.
"why do you fight MK? there is nothing you can do, nothing to fight for, destiny has already taken its path." her voice being so deceiving as she speaks so calmly.
MK looked away from his friend and into the eye's of the lady bone demon, shocking her a bit with his look of determination, behind him the wolf kept its eye's on Wu Kong, tilting it's head to the side, the slowly monkey following the motion, a golden spark in his eye's the longer he stared at the wolf.
"y'know-" MK hoisted himself up with the staff, feeling it being lodged well into the ground, keeping his balance, his new friend behind him tilting its head the other way, Sun Wu Kong following, a warm deep feeling in his chest.
"the courses of destiny have brought me friends closer, have made me stronger, MAYBE even a little bit more smarter." The boy glared at the demon above him, not a sign of fear was on him, his hand firmly around the staff as the lady bone demon looked at him with raised brows.
"Fate has brought the Monkey king to me! for me to control! what can a boy and his little pup do to best me? to best destiny?" the demons voiced raised, panic in the back of her throat as her eye's stuttered over MK looking for something, anything to find against him.
Behind MK the wolf watched as its friend took a step forward, eye's now glistening with gold as they locked on with the animal, taking another step, the sound of MK and view of this creature strangely set the feeling in his chest aflame.
"Yeah, well destiny can change! destiny led me to the staff while it was supposed to be hidden and sealed forever! destiny brought me Sun Wu Kong as my mentor! as a friend!" MK shouted feeling the wolf now at his side, head up as it looked up at the lady bone demon with the same courage he held on his face.
blue crack's aligning on the demons face as her brows furrow, a rage hidden behind her eye's as she stared deeply within the boy and animals heart, finding nothing but light.
"I know Wu Kong has done some bad things, but everyone does at some point! and in his own mind he was just trying to protect his friends-"
the wolf still faced forward, but it's ear flicked back, feeling the warmth of a presents behind it.
"And that is what im going to do! im going to take my staff and protect my friends! just like Sun Wu Kong!" MK said, no error of emotion on his face as he felt air gush by his features, another hand gripped the staff tightly a welcoming voice thoughtfully speaking next to the hero.
"Thanks for not giving up on me bud." The Monkey king said a proud smirk on his feature as the both gave all they got, pulling on the staff until the ice beneath it shattered, crystal bits flew threw the air, as the wolf stood in front of it's wounded friend, its body shielding it from the flying shards.
a unknown wave sending everyone and everything back with as much force as there possibly can be, the visions of the lady bone demon leaving everything she has touched, turning into nothing but puffs of air, even enough strength she was pushed out of the body she was withholding  as a small girl fell from the air, MK jumped up and grabbed her, wrapping himself around her to protect her, as the wolf grabbed the back of the ginger monkey and threw him next to Macaque, it's large body holding its ground as it covered the two wounded monkey beneath it. The monkey king looked up at the wolf, a familiar feeling it gave him, like the aura of a long time friend.
"ENOUGH! I am not one to rush destiny, but your foolish actions have leave me no choice." the demon yelled, her calm demeanor gone as she show her true self, the mountain starting to rumble, with the movement of her giant mech, a painful scream could be heard from afar making MK quickly stand up, putting the girl he was holding in a safe place.
the lady bone demon can only laugh, fulfilling her own prophecy but her own weakness distracting herself.
"psst-" Wu Kong whispered to MK, feeling the large wolf help him up for support. Mk met Wu Kongs eye's as he nodded towards the giant mech in the distance, grunting as he held the back of the wolf, his ribs feeling swollen, but felt soft as the wolf rubbed its head against his side, a quite way of saying its going to be alright.
"use the staff!" the monkey whispered, feeling the wolf fall away from his side, hearing a groan behind him he saw Macaque sitting up slowly, the wolf at his aid.
MK looked as well before nodding word's his mentor, watching as MK ran off towards the mech, where now the Lady bone demon rested.
[basically the ending of season 3 and now everyone is relaxing and enjoying some noodles, sorry im ending this so quick my brain is frying]
It was the end of the day, the sun was setting on the horizon as a golden tangerine spread across the city, the traces of lady bone demon gone as the group of hero's and mischiefs sat and watched it, finally being able to relax even though they were bruised and beaten up everyone was still able to smile and laugh.
MK sat closer to the edge of the ridge they were on, eating a bowl of noodles and thinking to himself petting his new furry friend as it laid next to him head up watching the sky before turning to the figure literally appearing next to them.
"hey kid, great job out there." Macaque smiled to the boy next to him, his powers must be getting stable as his glamour was back on, all beside the few thin white stripes on his tale.
Knocking himself out of his trance MK chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck a bit embarrassed and traumatized by the recent memories.
"It's nothing, tho thanks to this big guy i was able actually able to make it up to her lair, if it were for my plan I think I would have been splattered against the rock, now that I think about it...." he mumbled the last part, patting the side of the wolfs stomach as it turned to face Macaque, its eye's shined with gold with range of the sun.
Macaque smiled to himself looking at the over grown canine.
"Like I said before, its nice to see a familiar face, thank you  for your help, friend." the shadow demon bowed his head softly towards the wolf, as it returned the gesture, the moment ruined quickly as Wu Kong also appeared out of thin air, taking the bowl of noodles from MKs hand's, the boy tried to protest but was cut off by the monkey.
"Can i ask why you keep talking to this pup in such a mannerism way, or is it just the dramatic flare for your theater kid heart?" SWK said, giving Macaque a side smirk before slurping a mouth full of noodles, Macaque on the other hand glared as hard as he could at Wu Kong hoping somehow he can shrivel him like a wad of paper with his mind.
but a sudden poof of smoke next to them made MK and the monkey next to him jump, SWK trying to prevent himself from choking on the food in his mouth.
"Y'know im a little offended the great sage doesn't remember an old friend, has your ego finally caught up with you?" a soft voice spoke threw the clouds before they disappeared, a figure standing tall and broad smirking at the monkey next him.
SWK in return spat out his food as Macaque laughed at the sight if his friend and Wu Kong in pain, MK eyes sparkling staring up at your form practically bouncing up and down as he stood in front of you.
"YOUR A WEREWOLF?!?" Both MK and Wu Kong yelled, both in different emotions, you chuckled as MK vibrated in place upon seeing  your new form, the gingered monkey on the other hand just stared at you mouth agape, you, a long time friend, was werewolf, AND HE NEVER KNEW?? he looked over your form, noticing a few new scar's than he's never seen before and *Ahem* a bit of a stronger build as well.
"I was wondering when you would notice you great doofus," Macaque laughed in SWK  face before going up to you, resting his arm against your shoulder watching as you struggle to keep up  MKs million mile question's.
"Equal to moronic, more like-" the shadow demon tempting fate as you had to hold Wu Kong back from ripping Macaques six ear's off.
"Okay, okay calm down the lot of ya, why don't we catch up and you guy's tell me what in the celestial worlds was Lady bone demon doing here-"
☾ ₊˚ ₊ ✦ ˚✧ ゚.⋆ ⋆. ✧ ⋆. ★
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wizzard890 · 8 months
"why doesn't this thing in a movie/book/tv show happen exactly like it would in real life" is the most brain dead criticism the internet has to offer, and yet I see it EVERYWHERE.
18K notes · View notes
harrowedsoup · 4 months
I refuse to change my headcanon that most of the other people at Canaan House probably thought Gideon was Harrow’s pretty boy toy until she showed them she could actually fight because she acted exactly nothing like a real Cav in anyway. A teenage ruler shows up with a hot butch that clearly isn’t trained to be a ninth Cav or even a normal-ish one? Come on. They probably thought griddlehark were over compensating trying to hide by staying away from each other. 
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nkogneatho · 3 months
happy father's day to the most misunderstood father of all time. he wasn't the best father, neither tried to be one but damn all the people who mischaracterize him and his complicated narrative, turning a blind eye to the actual fatherly things he did to save his son
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lilpomelito · 7 months
it’s always hilarious to me how the show manages to portray steve as both the town’s cassanova and terminally bitchless. everybody wants him yet he still can’t find a girlfriend. my only conclusion to this is that while all the bittanys and jessicas in hawkins are fighting over who gets to ask steve out on valentines day he’s over there tragically sulking because he was destined to be the princess trapped in a high tower by a dragon saved by the knight in shining armor and is doomed to be trapped in the body of a hot twenty year old dude. to any outside observer it doesn’t make sense how he doesn’t choose any of the hot girls who are desperate for him to ask them out, but to those who know steve they know he’s just waiting for someone to romance him. and because of how young women work the fact that he’s still single and chronically unhappy just makes him even more desirable, because now not only is he hot and a nice guy he’s also pathetic and that is kryptonite to middle class women. robin keeps tearing her hair out watching how many hot women launch themselves at her wet cat bestie meanwhile steve is over there wondering if eddie likes guys and if pretending to enjoy metal music is worth the migraine just to be noticed by his crush, and the inevitable conclusion being that he’s going to die alone.
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you think dipper and mabel have experience deescalating fights because of their parents
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juliavargas2 · 9 months
Competing over the girl in the middle with their gorgeous tongues. Who’s going to win?
Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/JuliaVargas
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Julia-Vargas/e/B01N7YMT6S
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worstwolvie · 1 month
wade’s leg over logan’s shoulder. logan’s smile as wade’s blood drips on him. wade choking logan with the seatbelt. the taunting. both of them choosing to return to the car rather than take the fight out into the open. them beckoning each other closer. logan grabbing onto wade’s belt to pin him down. the taunting. both of them enjoying it beyond just hurting the other. the fight being more about release than anything else since they can’t actually put the other down. the literal seatbelt bondage. need i say more…
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pbnmj · 1 year
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i just KNOW they have beef (alt panel i scrapped under the cut)
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8K notes · View notes
In what world does liking gore not make you a proshipper. Its encouraging making something inherently awful into something FUN. Is slicing people open somehow less harmful than incest now?? What.
oh my god.
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bixels · 7 months
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They're the same character.
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ew-selfish-art · 1 year
DpxDc AU - If his parents are going to treat him like a punk, he might as well lean into it. 
Danny is getting seriously worn down by his parents constantly asking him to explain why he’s gone all the time and why his grades have slipped so far. I mean, sure, it took them months to notice, but now that they have, they’re alluding to the fact that he’s turned into some kind of punk and that he’s not taking life as seriously as he should be. This is what makes Danny kind of snap. 
He cuts his hair, gets Sam to pierce his ears in a few places (which sucked but was nice to catch up with her since Team Phantom didn’t get out much anymore), learns how to skateboard and gets Tuck to help him mask his identity on the internet as he begins online protesting the unethical treatment of ghosts. He makes picket signs that he leaves outside of Fentonworks and it takes days before his parents see them because they’re down in the lab. They go back up immediately after his parents take them down, and he begins tagging buildings with protest sayings and art all over amity park.
No matter how they ground him, the Drs Fenton are at a loss as to what to do to control Danny. Jazz says it’s not her place to interfere and is cheering her little brother on for being passionate about a new hobby. 
Danny’s honestly really vibing with the changes. He always understood why Sam wanted control over her own look, but he’s really leaning into the whole shebang. Ember and Johnny13 have never bonded over anything more than they have the punk transformation of their King. He’s really representing them fr fr- she taught him how to play the bass. 
With enough protests about the Anti-Ecto acts, the JL step in and begin their efforts to lobby change within the US government. Constantine is up to date on the new King being from Earth and thinks they might be able to weasel out a non-apocalyptic scenario if they reach out sooner than later. A letter gets sent through the infinite realms (No way in fuck was John going to try and summon a fucking King excuse you Bats)- Danny gets the letter and decides to let them sweat a bit, sending back his own letter that just says “K.” cause he’s learned that adults/authority figures all suck ass until proven otherwise. After a few days, a portal opens up in the middle of their meeting. 
Ghost King Phantom is rolling in on a skateboard, with the Ring of rage dangling from one of his ear piercings and ice crown floating above his head. He’s drinking an off brand smoothie, wearing a leather jacket that has medieval chainmail on it over his now distressed hazmat suit and his boots steel toed.
“...Sup. Y’all want to do something about this whole situation? I’m an all or nothing kind of guy.” Danny greets them. He means that he’s willing to be diligent in his efforts to disbar the Acts. It gets interpreted as him threatening to end the world, ofc, but that’s an issue he has to deal with later. 
“King Phantom we have been working daily to-” 
“Uh huh. Look, didn’t you guys have like a teenage group? I want to work with them, they’ll probably actually help me get shit done while you fuck around with paper work.” 
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cozylittleartblog · 6 days
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50+ deaths at 5 am got me yelling absolute nonsense to the bosses kicking my whole entire ass
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lazylittledragon · 26 days
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how is this girl just constantly covered in blood and also the ONLY ONE
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kozmicmizuu · 4 months
a silly lil thing i had in my brain…. more uzurengiyuu… and wives cause they’re pretty
in honors of the newest demon slayer ep frfr
shinobu, noticing giyuu’s wearing a ring: oh? what’s with the rings??
giyuu; i’m married
shinobu: what-
giyuu: i’m still processing it myself
shinobu: to who?? help me process this…
giyuu: tengen and rengoku
shinobu: WHAT
giyuu: rengoku proposed to me with a half eaten ringpop, tengen had an actual ring, and hina, suma and makio just grabbed me and told me im their husband now
shinobu: … oh my god
giyuu: my bloodline is now secure and i got myself some babes, life is good
shinobu: i can’t believe this
i’m so sane about them i promise,,, giyuu went from being lonely to having two husbands and three wives, he has that autistic rizz dont fuck with him
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sigh…. i love them all
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finchers-ipad · 7 months
save me fight club website
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