alola03 · 3 months
Fave character poll!
I was tagged by @driftveilcity! Thank you for tagging me! Feel free to tag me in more stuff! I love getting tagged :D
Okay so I have to post 5 characters and whoever gets tagged has to do the same! I'll tag @m0stlygh0st, @lachonk, @ggreeeenheart, @mi-spark and @hoshimagico! (No pressure tho guys!) And everyone else who wants to do it!
I'll also tag @dressycobra7 even tho you prob won't know too many of my picks lol (feel free to make your own poll! I'd love to see!)
It was so hard to come up with a 5th character >_< I wanted to diversify the list so it wasn't just pokemon but it was so hard! If you vote in the poll please tell me who you voted for :D! I'd love to know!
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house-on-sand · 1 month
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running, heart thudding. exertion? or fear? "i might lose control! i might hurt you!" the emerson system is a hollow shell. no help there. no sense remains. "DON'T COME NEAR ME!" no rules apply. there are no rules for this. "no one can come near me! ever again!"
— featuring kit connor as damage.
(google templates & insp by @cal-kestis)
(secondary insp by @roseapothecary)
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In tur net
Iiiiiiiiiiiiin teeeeeeeer neeet
#internet#google data centers have their own copies of publicly available electronic information sources#google indexes all the data it has so it can provide search results#a duplicate copy#in each of the Google data centers#and that's just one search engine#what exactly are you scanning (if anything) before you decide to invade our species' home planet again#what are you using for your military intelligence#you're just one time of many#sona versus baku in the film star trek insurrection#you can join the queue to bafti otherwise because ignoring all this proves you're really deliberate time traveling criminals#square military rank insignia militaries#davis california and william windsor and william atreides and shran bew william of andor and terra#nazi attacks are happening on the planet Earth all the time#gomez y merovingian et romanov y sobieski y atreides y terra y andor y shran y bew y william y selena y anastasia square military rank unit#celebrities#artists on tumblr#beauty#star wars#taylor swift#star wars: rogue one#square military rank insignia militaries showing up to finish or repeat the davis mind control rape for their own good to rescue them#rape for own good to rescue all that come here - even though they never left#you truly are following your raping women in arenas while they're strapped to a giant X masters#i already said it#square military rank insignia militaries are free to bafti if they come here#now i know my fully codeds#domo arrigato roboto san#close#audible words - that took forever - heard at night while apparently asleep - Bradley Carl Geiger - 8774 Williamson - Sacramento California
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nyctoheart · 1 year
I'm torn with khux/khdr/kh3's developments with Ventus and Vanitas because part of me always loved that they are 2 halves of the same coin, and how connected they were. But I also think the idea of Ventus and Vanitas being ancient beings of light or darkness is also sooo coooool
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legofemme · 3 months
I generally think dark road sucks ass and is pointless and ruins xehanorts character but i actually really really like what it does for eraqus. Because it explains So Much about why hes Like That. He didnt have any drive to become a keyblade master, only did so because its expected of him because brain is his grandfather. Hes entitled and an asshole because hes essentially a keyblade nepo baby. He only ever actually cares about being a master after everyone around him fucking dies and he becomes obsessed with driving out any and all darkness because of what happened with baldr, and also what happened with baldr explains why hes so quick to try and just. Kill ventus. Like it makes eraqus a genuinely interesting character past being a keyblade master. I just wish dark road gave that sort of depth to the other characters :|
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verathena14 · 2 years
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it them... babbies...
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husband-steve-cortez · 10 months
Despite being a renegade "ends justify the means" type of soldier, I think Ashley has to have her black and white feelings towards Cerberus as a sort of, she has to have lines even she won't cross. She has to have something to point at and go, at least I'm not that.
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auriidae · 2 years
guess who just got spoiled for the last episode of tma murder killing death maiming explosions death forever + ever + ever + ever
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robingivesmemagic · 5 months
lmao just realized both jason and terra in my au have a little "cutting their hair short after Going Through It" moment. they would be besties if the plot will ever allow it i think
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howlingday · 2 months
Terra: I'm so glad you agreed to this date, Jaune~.
Jaune: This isn't a date, Terra. We're just having dinner together.
Terra: Y'know, when I said I wanted some meat tonight, I wasn't expecting this~.
Jaune: (Picks up burger) Yeah, well, the only place open right now is Burger Queen.
Terra: (Sucks fingers, Moans) This was so good, Jaune! You're the best little brother I could ever ask for~!
Jaune: Again, I'm your brother-in-law.
Terra: I dunno. Your dad did get around a lot when he was younger, right? And we do kinda have similar eyes-
Terra: Ugh! Fine!
Jaune: You should stop trying. Literally NOTHING is going to make me hook up with my sister's wife.
Jaune: (Scroll buzzes, Reads)
NEW MISSION! Mission Title: Sister-Leveling - My Sister-in-Law Can't Be This Cute~! Mission Objective: Slay them cheeks like you're a god damn huntsman!
Jaune: NO! I REFUSE!
This mission CANNOT be refused.
Terra: Who are you talking to?
Terra: Yes, Daddy~!
Failure to complete this mission will result in your IMMEDIATE DEATH.
Jaune: ...
Jaune: (Sighs) Terra, where's the hard liquor?
Terra: In the freezer. Why?
Jaune: The HARD liquor, Terra.
Terra: In the basement, inside the locker.
Jaune: Okay, then. (Stands up, Walks downstairs)
Terra: ...Jaune?
Jaune: (Comes back up, Downs entire bottle) Hah... Okay...Nobody hears about this.
Terra: No one will hear except the neighbors!
Jaune: ...God, I hope Saph doesn't find out.
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eyenaku · 1 year
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Handbuilt earthenware, sprayed with terra sigilata and saggar fired with various minerals, chemicals, paints, foods, black glaze, and glass beads. Touch-ups/accents added post-fire with alcohol inks.
This mask is a part of a (loosely connected) mask series, all hand-built and fired using a range of different temperatures and techniques.
Yes this mask is very DCA inspired, though the sketch it's based off of isn't meant to be an AU or anything, believe it or not.
This mask was from my first saggar firing! I kind of went ham decorating the saggar as well which is below.
The colours weren't as intense as I wanted fresh out of the kiln, so I went over the whole thing with some alcohol inks I mixed up. Overall I love the result! I also hadn't used terra sig before this, so I applied it after bisque (you aren't supposed to, according to my professor), but it still worked out!!
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the mask pre-bisque next to the sketch it's based off of!! As you can see it was it's own concept. also my saggars pre-fire! they're pretty :3
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the mask with all the stuff on it before it went in for the saggar firing! the chart shows what went on it where.
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the mask straight out of the kiln! as you can see it wasn't that vibrant.
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maria-from-ga · 1 year
I can't believe Teen Titans is officially 20 years old today. My favorite animated show and one of the best imo. It got me through a lot of shit & means the world to me
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Starfire- the Heart
My favorite character on Teen Titans, and still my favorite hero.
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A joyful person who loved the world around despite its cruelty. An immigrant who loved her culture yet always struggled w/ her sense of place and being an outsider like me. Her journey becoming more sure of herself & her place & an advocate for other outsiders like Red Star is beautiful one.
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Cyborg- The Lynchpin
A extroverted, disabled black hero who had a deep internal struggle to accept that his disability doesn't contradict, but strengthens his humanity
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His main arc on what it means to be a 'man' - that he doesn’t have to prove anything to anyone but instead be sure of himself. As a black hero, his defiance being rewarded, not shamed, resulting in victory in the end is still one of my favorites TT03 arcs
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Raven- The Inspiration
When I was younger, I was embarrassed to admit how much I was like Raven bc I hated feeling like a closed-off outcast.
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But now understanding Raven as a closed-off person who hid her emotions in spite of how she cared (which was the most out of anyone) to protect everyone. Who constantly fought for good despite being deemed a curse bc she hoped for better- Raven is an inspiration
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Her journey to accept her emotions & forge her own destiny and not give into despair is one of the best arcs in all animation
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Beast Boy, the Wild Card
To be honest, I despise his immaturity when I was younger.
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Now I know he was just a kid trying to be happy despite his hardships (like terrible parentals & Terra).
His season of growing up, learning to let go, and building a team of underrated/inexperienced heroes like himself to defeat Brotherhood of Evil against all odds when all hope was lost was peak
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Robin- the Leader
Finally, the Boy Wonder, what else is there to say?
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A character so flawed, struggling w/ anger, darkness, and obsessiveness, but will go to war for his friends, & sacrifice all for those he loved.
Learning to let people in and that he can be more than hero. Best Robin adaptation we have seen.
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Not just the core 5, but the entire Titans family was amazing. Characters who left an impact despite limited screentime. Más y Menos, Thunder and Lightning, Titans East, Speedy, Hotspot, Kole, and too many to name. With the best Bumblebee we have ever had in any media.
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Thank you so much to Glen Murakami, David Slack, Amy Wolfram, Sam Register, Derrick Wyatt (RIP), Scott Menville, Hynden Walch, Khary Payton, Tara Strong, Greg Cipes, and so many countless others in the cast & crew for giving this to me and so many others.
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Forever grateful for the Titans' stories & memories & for Robin, Cyborg, Starfire, Raven, and Beast Boy
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ross-hollander · 8 days
Hangar feng shui...
...is believed in almost universally. The intersection of soldiers and technology experts breeds a deep atmosphere of superstition. Any luck that can be accrued by hook or crook must be, to offset the unlimited ways that things can go wrong. For instance:
Fire runs on the sun's path, lightning runs on the magnetic poles. On Terra, for instance, that is respectively east-west and north-south. You want neither of these energies trapped in the hangar, so it's best to have either no doors that face either direction- so the hangar has to sit at an angle -or to have two doors facing each other to ensure passage through.
Good-condition 'mechs serve as talismans of abundance or prosperity. You want them in the maintenance niches closest the door. On the other hand, the scrap bin or write-off pile is a fortune sink, and should therefore be neutralized by placing it off-center, preferably in a corner.
Metallic energy strengthens 'mechs and eases the whole of the repair process. Wood saps metal, though, so avoid any wood in the hangar: chairs, crates, anything. The most keen adherents will avoid using paper (it is, after all, an incarnation of wood) in favor of digital tablets for note-taking.
Power tools should be stored disassembled, at risk of losing their will from being ready for use but not at work. They are to be, so to speak, put off-duty when their service for the day is done, and then put back together for use the next.
From the main door, if you're starting with an empty hangar, 'mechs should fill in spots starting from the left side, and only then taking niches on the right. (You solidify the usually weak side first, before you start putting any into port on the right, to achieve a balanced state.)
Fire stations (the emergency hubs with respirators, oxy tanks, hoses and extinguishers) should be spaced along the length of the hangar, right down the center. Vitally, they should be equidistant between the maintenance niches on each side. Fire, after all, is weakening to metal, and since the stations are designed to defeat fire, leaving one 'mech further than another would result in a lopsided defense.
A 'mech must never be bordered on both sides by ones of equal energy, either stellar or nebular. Thus, for instance, a brawler can be bordered on one side by a skirmisher, but should have an ambusher or juggernaut on the other. Failure to regulate this will result in obstructed energy flow, and consequently stubborn or malfuctional 'mechs.
When traversing the hangar, never move straight across from one niche to another, or your path may form an energy barrier. What you want to do is move in a diagonal, like starting from the corner of one slot that's closer to the door, and then ending at the corner of the one across from it that is farther away.
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saddock-haddock · 4 months
Humans are a plague which breeds and pollutes.
That's what your taught on homeworld. No mercy is to be given to sapiens of Terra Firma. The only good human is a dead one. Again and again this message is told, again and again through it, actions that safeguard the homeworld are enacted. Ships bearing their red cross are destroyed. Commerce ships are commandeered and any resistance quelled through total annihilation. The is little to no martial discipline amoungst these apes. On several occasion what appeared to be medical equipment to treat mammals has been brandished at me and my fellows. But they were no match for our arsnel. We took over their base on Xero Gamma, dispatching their mechanical transporters and burning their rooting vegetation. Our campaign to keep our systems clean of their pollution was a success.
On one occasion however a pod escaped and engage hyperdrive before photon torpodoes could neutralise it. A fleeing enemy will likely note the advesary it faces outclasses it, and as such is unlikely to return. A much needed lesson to stop the outbreak and keep our system safe.
There was no activity to be found in our system for a whole lightyear. We brought our successful findings to the higher order, who warned against pursuit of the polluters. We thought nothing of it.
We were wrong.
Homeworld sits next to the Starheart of a twenty planetary orbit, the beaken of our supremacy in our system.
We did not know war had come till eighteen, nineteen and twenty went quiet. The first combat humans I encountered were in sector seven of planet sixteen. These are not the same creatures as before. They are violence incarnate. They use mechanical and chemical weaponry, whilst woefully inefficient compared to our plasma rifles, the results haunt me to this hour. Metal projectiles do no simply fire superheated plasma through a target, they shatter and SHRED THE TARGET, ripping apart the inside before exit. One weilded a sharp pole, my etynomicon informs me this called a... Bastard Sword. It cut down 15 of our finest before succumning to phaser fire. This technique of...[searching for term] blade work is rare amoung the sapiens. However I have recieved reports of one human reworking our technology to create a plasma blade. My stoneheart trembles from the footage salvaged by inteligence. Audio files synced to visual indicate a blaring of war sounds...[loading] death metal. A type of... music from this particular sapien. Their strength rivals our Kullo, and their fellow sapiens cheer at their presence on the battlefield. Intelligence states that to their fellow sapiens, this individual is know as... [loading term] Hellwalker.
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