#THAT HOLE?? DEFeated!!!'
shotmrmiller · 29 days
who would last the longest in a romantic cuddle before going for a cheeky grope
kyle cuz however long it takes for you to want more than a cuddle he'll triple that in the bedroom
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berryblu-arts · 6 months
hehe, messed up and over the top harumi design <3
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edit: shoutout to this post for the idea!
and this video for the motivation!! <- amazing ninjago edit!!! go watch itt!!!
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askblueandviolet · 4 months
Mayor always looks so dashing in his suit, but I was wondering what his favorite type of lounge wear/comfy clothes are. Also, his thought on Crocs shoes.
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zatyrlucy · 8 days
Yesterday I saw Beetlejuice 2, and it was very meh, especially the ending. I have not been in a movie theater in ages, and I come back to this?? *sigh*
But I guess I should be thankful it could have been worse. I wouldn't mind watching a Beetlejuice 3 tho, or a TV show. There were so many new characters there could be plot for another 2 movies I swear. Spoilers in the tags.
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delightfulcrasher · 2 years
An idea I like thinking about is because the guest is the only human in the castle (minus the servents) their the only one able to produce their own body heat.
That’s a very cool idea! It does make sense logically, since all of Miranda’s creations are made of mould instead of ooey gooey guts like us humans. Although the Dimitrescu brothers don’t need temperature to survive (Unless it’s freezing) it’s fun to think what would happen if the guest was the only one to produce their own heat. 
I don’t think it would ever get too cold in the castle, the walls are too thick and a fire is always lit to resemble a homely comfort. Sometimes the servants have to bundle up for warmth, but that’s mostly because of their lacklustre living quarters. 
The Dimitrescu family can feel heat, sure, but they don’t produce it. When body temperature isn’t one of the vital things keeping you alive, sometimes you forget it’s a necessity. For the first few times they placed a hand on the guest they were gently reminded of that fact.
I feel like the reader would become a personal heated blanket for the brothers. They enjoy having something they can smuggle up with that won’t turn tail and run at the best opportunity. I feel like they would enjoy resting against their chest listening to the thumping beat of their heart. They find comfort in the rhymical sound, and excitement when the pace quickens. 
The Lord feels the same. It is not often he thinks back to before all of this, but there are some human qualities that are sorely missed. The warmth of another is one of those lost comforts. Maybe he gives them a few more fleeting touches, lingering holds, and more excuses to be close to them. 
It’s cute, it’s warm, and just so Human.
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kitsquared · 1 year
I think it's really funny but also a show of how naive and careless dazai was at 15 and 16 cuz he would make these dramatic confrontations to both Rimbaud and Verlaine and expect them to give up or stop them only for both to demonstrate the scale of their ability that leaves him speechless after
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Who do I need to call to get this to stop? CROCTOBER?!
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ranger-crisis · 8 months
Act 3 has got too many things going on for most of them to just be the game throwing it into your face and saying “go get it.”
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heljay · 9 months
I'm putting this here because it'd go unseen on my main
People really think Monty murked Bonnie when Monty has a three-time losing streak against small human children, I don't think he'd win a one-on-one with a fellow animatronic
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kachawo · 1 year
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Oh dear,
"--I just really want to say that without you and your department, our company would have ended years ago! So let me give you this one fun thing!"
Wei Ying stumbled on a stack of papers on the isle, silently cursing his inability to perceive his surroundings and make a phone call at the same time.
"Sir Hamilton sir! I appreciate the offer-- we all appreciate the thought but uh-" he paused for a breath, pressing the mute button in time to chide Susan's uncleanliness.
"You see, our head assistant Song Lan just announced he and his husband adopted a baby! And they badly want all of us to come. It's tonight. Right now. We're out right now."
He hopes it wasn't too harsh and out in the open, I mean-- this is the chairman for god's sake! (He doesn't believe in that) And he'll rather stake out a graveyard for two weeks straight looking for some poor but computer-genius sod to recruit into his gaggle of working zombies (literally) than go out in the streets, jobless, again, with two dozen working zombies!
Look. He may have been the greatest necromancer and dark-arts practitioner, but that was a good thousand years ago! Sure, he liked prancing around, pranking people scaring them for shits and giggles, but was because back then you could literally just claim a mountain as your home and pick up money from graveyards!
The modern-day society is hell! Worse than hell! He has to pay taxes! He has rent! Healthcare is shit and it practically drains your health out of you!
He shouldn't even need it!!!
"What? Oh but that's unfortunate! Not the baby though- congrats on the couple! Anyway- so if not tonight what about Sunday ah? A great day to--"
"Oh so sorry sir! We all have the plague by Sunday, you'll have to excuse me Dexter just got hit by a car and you're breaking up- have a nice time with the barbeque! Don't catch the Bone's Curse bye!"
He hung up the phone and dropped it like hot potato. Wei Ying groaned loudly as he feels a headache form at the base of his skull.
"So much for keeping a job." He says groaning again.
A louder groan competes with his next to the cubicle he stops by.
"Oh shut up Susan, you should be glad I pay you at all!"
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mycenaae · 2 months
he wants you in pieces for the privilege of putting you back together as he sees fit. every time armand shittalks daniel he is projecting sooooooo fucking hard!!!!!!!!!
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psychedelic-ink · 10 months
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louderfade · 10 months
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from Is deep brain stimulation a treatment option for anorexia nervosa?
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eyes1nthewoods · 8 months
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why are all the free dragon egg dice bag crochet patterns impossible to understand
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creaturefeaster · 1 year
wire bringing back the old woohoo!! will jake ever return to canon... i miss him <\3
if he returned hed be a minor villain because i want him to be kicked and for him to eat dirt
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I will say, there is one major way that I seem to differ from other plural people: Names.
Like, I absolutely understand WHY people develop names for their alters, and we definitely have ways that we refer to ourselves internally... but EXTERNALLY? Sorry, we are all Ceetee. Every single one of us fought hard to establish that identity. We aren't going to squabble over which of us is the "Real" one that gets to KEEP that name.
Plus, I DONT EVEN WANT OTHERS TO KNOW. Like, it is so much easier to just Pretend To Be Ceetee, even for the alters that aren't trans, than try to let people KNOW every single time a different alter starts fronting. Who the hell do you think you are to feel privileged to that info? What are you, a cop? I don't even let my fucking PSYCH know which of us is attending the appointments.
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