ttte-in-the-sky-au · 12 days
How many people want to kick Mallard’s butt? 👀😂
Short answer: yes.
Long answer: Great Northern, Merry Hampton, Pretty Polly, Gordon, Scott, Blink Bonny, Henry, Spencer, Ryan (if he wasn't a scaredy cat /aff), Windsor Lad (verbally lol, he's a pacifist), probably Green Arrow when he was still alive (read Go Out There And Change The World for context) and that's just the family xddddd
Oh also my babygirl Ella <3333
Why? The discord crowd knows and I shall write about it whenever the Vibes are right. For now, all you need to know is that Mallard is a bitch.
Thanks for the ask, Loraine!!
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lil-lemon-snails · 4 months
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sleep-nurse · 5 months
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Heres yer scug :3 i did a with and without shading an stuff :D i ended up accidentally adding more to the character i hope yer ok with that!!!!!!!!!
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cyberwhumper · 6 months
How big can a biopet get?
The current tallest line of biopets released clocks in at about 6'0 / 180 ish cm. We await eagerly the release of Kalavinka's XL line, speculated to be in the 6'5 / 195 cm and up range!
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maelstrom007 · 4 months
I want to hear about Mal
Y’all I’m so normal about Mal you wouldn’t believe
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For those who don’t know, Mal is my oc from @ghouljams Fae!cod au. They’re a changeling, and the only consistent identifying feature is that they always have bright red hair regardless of their physical appearance. They run a studio and specialize in crafting magical items for the local Fae.
🐷: What is your oc’s favorite animal?
Spiders! Spiders are so crafty and are such beautiful artists and in Mal’s opinion are misunderstood. While I haven’t written about it yet, Mal definitely has some spider characteristics themselves. Mal and the local spiders have an agreement that as long as they don’t make the shop look decrepit and abandoned or leave spider webs in the paths of customers (…at least not too many) then they can hang out and make themselves at home.
💯: Share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
So even though Mal is a changeling, in my mind there is a sort of baseline form that one could consider their ‘true form’ and which takes no effort or magic to sustain. Every other form they take requires some amount of magic and concentration to maintain, meaning that if they get exceedingly distracted or drained they may briefly revert back to that true form. (What that true form looks like is for y’all to wonder and for me to write about)
There are two ways I like to think about Mal’s magic. For their appearance, I imagine a sort of kaleidoscope that ‘fractures’ their body into a million pieces of light before their snap back into focus in a new way. For everything else, I imagine them plucking at imaginary threads that make up the known world and tugging on them, tying knots, untying knots, etc to work their magic.
Mal didn’t really grow up around other Fae, so their understanding of magic and Fae customs are very much self taught up until recent years. I like to think of it as someone who immigrated to another country as a child, grew up, and then returned as an adult. In theory they know about the culture and social norms, but haven’t ever experienced it first hand and stick out like a sore thumb.
🎮: What are three of your oc’s favorite hobbies?
Weaving is definitely at the top of their list, with gossiping coming in at a close second. Finally, Mal is definitely a gym rat 😂. Catch them spending all their free time lifting weights and casually saving gym bro’s when they fail a rep. Always giving encouragement though!!
🤍: What are three of your oc’s neutral/questionable traits?
I think that Mal’s biggest questionable trait is that they are ride or die to the extreme. Like, it takes a lot to make Mal truly consider you a friend, and once you’re there it’s over man. Like for instance, Witch has wormed her way into Mal’s affections, and now in Mal’s mind she can do no wrong. Witch could stroll up one day and say that she wants to destroy the world and set it ablaze and Mal would come out with gasoline like sure boo whatever you say everyone had it coming anyway. Do they like the world? Sure. But someone they think highly of and care for wants to see it gone, who are they to question that?
Because Mal didn’t grow up around Fae, they got burned a lot when they were younger, accidentally agreeing to unfair contracts or other such because they weren’t familiar with all the nitty gritty rules and technicalities the Fae are prone to use. This means that they threw up walls really quickly, and they themselves became a stickler for technicalities and precise language in order to protect themselves. This means that while Mal can be nice and personable, they’re more often than not operating under the assumption that they are going to be taken advantage of in some way and will preemptively try to protect themselves. Lots of mixed signals coming from them.
Finally…Mal likes neither cold nor hot drinks. Let me explain. If Mal is having a soda and it’s been in the fridge, they will leave the can on the counter for several minutes to let the temperature come up, then pour it in a glass to disperse the cold even more. Truly Mal’s favorite drink is a chai, where the chai mix is at room temperature and the milk was in the fridge, so that when they are mixed together it creates a perfect Neutral Temperature™️.
Bonus picrews:
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soccerpunching · 1 year
You hc Aki as trans, right? Could I ask for your thoughts on that? (Also take ur time<3)
I'm so happy to finally be able to talk about transgirl aki bcs i've been procrastinating on this! Oh but before that, I'll give a bit of lore about... Lore (me)!!!
You see in college I joined a lot of queer communities and joined/helped out in events so I've met a lot of queer people close to my age group and those so much older!! Long story short of that, I'm familiar with a lot of the queer issues in the country esp the ones older queers experience and this line that Aki said here:
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was actually a common transwoman experience from the older generation! (I'm sure it's also an experience elsewhere in the world and on other age groups but I can only talk abt the circle that I know.)
After the social transition, while they feel absolutely better, most transfemmes I've talked to have their own versions of "oh i wish i was a boy again / boys have so much priviledge / there are only things that boys could do." Which is of course something something double standards if you look into it but it doesn't erase the fact that it was a belief that was forced into them growing up that needed a lot of unlearning to be rid of! And I cannot fault them for thinking this!
And Aki has been saying things like that all throughout the series! Of course, that could maybe mean that she's just following into the outdated sexist belief but in my delusions-- yeah she's totally transgender! And she misses that priviledge!
Another thing!!
I've read that she used to play in official matches in the ina11 game when she was younger and she was in Ichinose, Domon, and Nishigaki's team??? But for some reason they made it so in the anime that she was never in any official team and they just played together unofficially. I thought back then, "haha she's no longer in the team bcs she transitioned and sports society is a bigoted place" which to me (and me only) makes a lot of sense!!
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i genuinely thought she was wearing a trans flag wristband for a long time when she was younger but I actually remembered it wrong asdasdasda. Even so, I continued believing that she was made to be trans the whole time bcs the world is happier in my little head!!
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stormyoceans · 2 months
1. Do you think tae and ba-mhee will break up, or will they overcome the trainee crisis and get back tgt?
2. Are you going to watch 10 liners series?
3. Have you watched Inside Out 2?
hello, anon!!!! 💜
OH these are such interesting and fun questions, let me get through them properly one by one!!!!
1. Do you think tae and ba-mhee will break up, or will they overcome the trainee crisis and get back tgt?
im not sure how they’re going to deal with the taebahmeejudy subplot tbh like i know how i personally wish they would go about it, but it’s kinda hard to predict what they’re actually going to do. i think the storyline has a lot of potential and that they could explore a lot of meaningful topics through it, such as compulsive heterosexuality, what society expects from women and the role that it pushes on them vs what women may want and wish for instead if they were allowed to go through different experiences and explore themselves freely, platonic love between men and women, etc. now, do i trust GMMTV to deliver this? [larry_david_not_sure.gif] im honestly more confident about GMMTV liking its branded BL pairs unless one of the actors is playing in an established straight show (see ploy’s yearbook), so i don’t think taebahmee is gonna be endgame. im not too sure about judybahmee either to tell the truth, but as of now i do believe tae and bahmee are gonna break up and remain really good friends
2. Are you going to watch 10 liners series?
I MEAN. i think so, yeah. like im not gonna lie im not particularly looking forward to it, mostly because it’s yet another school BL and if i have to be completely honest i don’t..really care about any of the main pairings outside of forcebook ;;;;;;; i mean i don’t mind junior and mark, i think they did a great job as jinta and min in cherry magic and i loved their small star crossed lovers subplot in midnight museum, i just can’t quite get into them as a pairing for some reason, and while im kinda curious about perth and santa now that the cast change has been announced i was kinda hoping to get aouboom as mains, so ;;;;;;;;;; im also not too sure about the 10 episodes per couple format, im afraid it's gonna feel very disjointed, HOWEVER. if going insane about phumpeem and most likely coming out of 2024 with we are as one of my favorite shows of the year taught me anything, it's that even the most unexpected things can pleasantly surprise you and prove you wrong (and bludgeon you over the head with feelings), so sure, i will give perfect10 liners a chance, why not!!!! (can they please give emi's character a girlfriend tho)
3. Have you watched Inside Out 2?
i haven’t had the chance to go see it yet unfortunately and i have no idea when will i be able to, which kinda makes me a bit sad not gonna lie ;;;;;;;; i love animation and as someone who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks i have the feeling this movie could be very healing for me, not to mention i’ve heard only good things about it, so yeah. hopefully i'll be able to watch it soon!!!!!!!
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actuallyitsstar · 6 months
jake “hangman” seresin + 12, 21, 22?
✨ send me a number and a character! ✨
omg nonnie hello !!! <3<3 i so so love my boy jake tysm for the ask !!! <3 TW for mentions of child abuse so pls skip if ur not down for that! also this might get long im so sorry 😭 i just have a lot of Thoughts ok 😭
12. what's a headcanon you have for this character?
i know this is like, decently universal, but there are different versions of it, so i would like to spit out my version with the precursor that i have read a lot of versions of jake's shitty childhood and they are ALL valid and i love them all in their own way so i don't mean this to sound like im tryinna say my headcanon is the only correct way or anything lol.
i do in fact think jake had a really shitty childhood (no surprises im sure). i think for me, it falls somewhere in the realm of overly-critical, under-affectionate, duty-based, act-perfect-for-the-public sort of behavior. the kind of parents who married and had kids out of obligation, bc Thats Just What You Do, but didn't really WANT kids, per se. i think jake has older sisters, and he is absolutely the youngest. he has youngest child syndrome So Bad. he was surprisingly straight-laced, and serious, because he had to be. it's what dear old mom and dad expected. straight As, no fucking around. better not get in trouble, and pay for it if you do.
i think the household might have been just a little bit ~physically abusive~. jake probably got the brunt of it- i think that seresin sr. probably grew bolder with time, and had more frustrations and expectations to push onto a son than onto his daughters. jake would've stood up, too, and lept in front of anything for his sisters, regardless of their age difference or the fact that they probably tried to do the same for him. it was CERTAINLY verbally abusive. nothing's ever good enough, why do you say things like that? don't speak to your father that way. i don't know what you want *me* to do about, if you treated your father with respect he would do the same for you. i think jake's mother sided with her husband often, which is complex, because seresin sr. is an emotionally abusive, uptight asshole, and she's under his thumb too, but she was probably complicit in plenty of it. it's easy to learn to perpetuate something you've known for most of your adult life. she probably married young, and she doesn't know relationships to look any different. it doesn't excuse her behavior, but it does explain.
he learned to do a lot for himself, to be competent in areas that children his age usually aren't. to cook for himself (and his sisters) because no one else was going to do it, some nights, and he was sick of living off of cereal. his sisters teach him how to cover a bruise with makeup one fateful night-before-picture-day, and they regret it later when it becomes an excuse, and jake is able to step in front of them despite their begging him not to, because it's ok, i can fix it before school (so not what they meant jake but ok).
jake probably knew javy in high school, and javy managed to pry jake out of his hardass asshole exterior, just a little. jake is an asshole, because he's learned it's the only way to get attention from his parents (and so what if it's negative attention? he doesn't know the difference). javy is the first person to give jake positive attention and jake doesn't know what to do with it or how to accept it. sometimes when the fighting is very bad at home, jake runs to javy's for a while, but he always goes back home to take his punishment sooner than javy or javy's parents would like, because he is afraid of leaving his sisters alone at home for too long with his parents.
eventually, tho, they are old enough to escape, and that means that jake is right on their heels. they check in as often as they can and things are the worst they've ever been for the years between his next oldest sister's departure and the day he turns 18. but when he does, he and javy enlist together. jake tells his parents, against his wishes. somehow it is another thing for his father to be angry about. his mother cries and cries, as if she's ever cared for his well-being before. for the first time, jake hits his father back. all the way to annapolis, he sports a black eye covered by makeup, and prays to the God of the church he was forced to attend in a suit acting presentable each sunday but does not believe in, that seresin sr. is not somewhere in texas right now talking to the police, ruining jake's chance at true freedom before it's even begun.
he must not be, because nothing ever comes of it. jake does not speak to his parents again.
if like all of this ends up in a fic in like idk 6 months or something. dont @ me. akdhfdjfghfjf it probably will even tho i have a wip list a mile long help aaaaaa
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
i have only (publicly) written for jake once, in the first half of chapter twenty-one of time takes no prisoners (you'll see), so that is my ticket to answering this lol. just know that i plan to write plenty for jake in the future, i am just swamped with mav dad and brad brad wips atm lol
i think my favorite thing about writing for jake is walking that exact line between being an absolute asshole and being a normal person, and the way that jake is somehow both entirely self aware of it, and entirely oblivious to it at the same time. the contrast between the things he thinks in his pov, and the things he says aloud, are also everything. his pov is one of my favorites in this fandom (tho ofc i have loved every pov i have written so far !!!) bc he's just so.... him. so much sharp and so much snark but so much heart too, if you can get to it. so much unresolved and unacknowledged childhood trauma manifesting all over the place. rip to jake but it's everything for me as the author lol.
one thing that sucks about this as the author tho is needing to BE these things on some level to write them. like im supposed to be witty and charming in this google doc rn ??????? say sike 😭 i spend a lot of time staring at an empty page when i get to jake's dialogue bc i can internal monologue all day long but when he has to be witty out loud its OVER for me lol
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
I GUESS THIS SHOULD COME AS NO SURPRISE. but i love the mav-accidentally-adopting-jake-kind-of trope. it is like. my FAVORITE genre of jake fic. its so multi layered too, because mav has had this fractured relationship with bradley for so long and is still struggling to fix it with him, and now here's jake, and why is jake gravitating to mav so much???? mav just does whatever comes natural in the moment, and i think it's like. kind of part of it, in a way. not a big one, but i think mav gets to interact in this way with jake and gets to A. remember how to do it, and B. remind himself that he is capable. and C. i think jake reminds mav of himself at that age and he has some inherent instinct trying to stop the crash that he sees coming. the idea of jake never having been shown like, just regular kindness or understanding from a parental-coded individual and respecting mav a lot in his career, and then after the mission its awkward bc its like oh shit. this is roosters dad basically???? thats fucking weird. and the next thing you know you are hanging out with roosters dad on the weekends when rooster is deployed and you are not ?????? what is going ON. WHY does he speak nicely to me. why does he praise certain things that i do. why does he listen attentively to things that i say. why does he keep trying to hug me when i am leaving. what is this strange interaction.
that being said, i think we all agree jake has some kind of unresolved childhood trauma, and i LOVE to see him have to face it, but sometimes it can just... go too far. i think something i don't like seeing happen to jake in fic is if he kind of.... gets his sharp edges rounded down??? or like, his claws filed away??? jake is a fully grown adult man, who HAS parents out there somewhere in some worlds, or HAD them in others, and he is bold and brash and sharp and quick-tongued. it's easy to reduce him to kind of an extreme position emotionally, and don't get me wrong. i love to put my blorbos in extreme emotional situations. but idk. i think with jake especially its hard to imagine him in a soft situation, and we have a tenancy to warp his character, or make him too teary, too honest, too direct, too sad. for me i feel like the sweet spot is right in the middle, trying to make sure he stays a little depressed and a little angry with himself all the time and a lot disillusioned, while still staying flippant and charming and evasive. it's easy to bend the character to fit the situation instead of the situation to fit the character, but it's important, i feel, to try and do the latter and not the former, with any character, but especially jake, in this fandom.
THANK U SO MUCH FOR GIVING ME A CHANCE TO RAMBLE NONNIE......i hope u enjoyed and i didnt bore u too much akdhdjdhfjf. i love jake and i love u. that is all. 💕
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glitchyko · 4 months
Everytime I see your art I get a dopamine rush
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I woke up and saw this
Oh my god????????????? This made me so happy to see
I can’t even right now I’m getting actually really happy and touched reading this???????
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shewhoeatssand · 1 year
A kaneki headcanon for you that I am metaphorically pushing under your door
Kaneki was a literary purist when he was younger, he’d refuse to buy any translated version of a book he wants to read and instead struggled his way through with a combination of the internet and a dictionary.
This was made even worse during his American lit phase because of how much cultural context is needed to understand the masterpieces. The only one he really connected with was The Grapes of Wrath, because of his upbringing and losing his mom because she was working to feed him.
Kaneki read American Psycho late into highschool and it brought down his Gpa by a decent amount. He had multiple notebooks just keeping track of everything going on in an attempt to understand what was going on. He’d spend nights up late theorizing about the book and was planning to submit his analysis on it for his PhD before he got ghouled.
Shironeki definitely speaks much better English and upon rereading it, he fell in love with fear and loathing in last Vegas, connecting it to his experiences in the ghoul world.
American psycho also was one of the things that connected Kaneki and Hide as they drifted apart as they got older, hide being a big fan of the movie saved their friendship.
OH GOD I’M SORRY FOR LEAVING THIS TO ROT FOR SO LONG, I just loved this one so much I didn’t know how to respond ❤️❤️❤️ I’m reading Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas RIGHT NOW ACTUALLY because of this ask!!!!!!!!! This whole thing is so accurate I don’t know what to add, I love it so much, I remember listening to American Psycho in the car while I was moving house and it turned my whole world upside down. And this ask also made me realise how much Kaneki would have liked this book too!!!! Aaaaaah I’d kill to have gotten to see his PhD analysis on it :((( too bad he was ghoulified. Thank you so much for this it is literally the basis for all my thoughts on Kaneki speaking/reading English or other languages
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ihateclaws · 2 years
Fanfic Asks:
I really liked how you played with the morality on 'Think Bigger'. You push a bit into sympathizing. Push a bit again. And then there's the reminder of exactly who we're dealing with. It's a nice ebb and flow with how the reader should perceive them.
Aiidjfifjgjfhksjgjf THANKS????!!!!!???!!!
I was a bit nervous when I first come up with my Bradley H, my lone wanderer oc, because of his morality. He certainly is a bad guy, but not because he is insane (he probably is but that’s beside the point) or that he holds a wrong belief like some villains in fallout series, but because he simply doesn’t care. He has a very self-centred view of the world where he deems anything useless if he can’t see benefits directly related to him. However, if it comes to his friends, he then cares. A lot. That’s why I wanted to portray him from an outside view but also being inside of his little circle, and from someone who has been lack of affection, BH would be a very contradicting figure and will get them more confused.
I wanted to show that BH’s actions highly depend on whether he cares or not, therefore sometimes he seems like just a guy from someone who’s close to him, or a really sweet guy, even; but he isn’t, and overall we shouldn’t really sympathise with him. I also wanted to show he’s very charismatic and he knows, which would naturally get Butch’s head all confused.
It was really interesting trying to write this from Butch DeLoria’s POV in itself. He’s a 19 years old boy who was a bully probably because he wasn’t really loved by his own mother and doesn’t know who his father is. He has this illusion of what a tough guy looks like, but inside creepy places he still randomly asks you to not leave him there. My most belovedest cringefail boy <333
Sorry for the ramble and thanks again!!!!!!!
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sexynetra · 1 year
omg, this chapter was a rollercoaster of emotions! I loved it so much, even though it was angsty, but you write everything so meticulously i get transported into the scene and feel every shade of emotions. Congrats to you for writing this masterpiece and kudos to your beta for helping you achieve perfection, i cant wait for more :D
Oh my goodness thank you 🥺 it was such a labor of love I’m so glad you enjoyed it (even with all the sad bits)
Also that is like the biggest compliment ever that my writing is successfully transporting you there omg I’m gonna be riding that high all day thank you 💕
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meownotgood · 2 years
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you're having fun eating your donuts with Aki and spending time with him ❤️ Aki will definitely spend time with you and celebrate, even though... You know...
I honestly don't know what got into me when I wrote the fic below but yes it's for you, I hope you like it!
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"Happy birthday, my darling. Did you sleep well?" you feel the mattress sink a little as Aki climbs back into bed with you, snaking his arms around your waist and pulling you close to him.
"You wanna get up now? I'll make you breakfast while you get ready, alright?" he continues, pressing his lips against your forehead, then your cheek, and finally your lips.
"Wait but don't you have to... You know? Visit your family's grave today? It's no matter if you have to go back to Hokkaido today you know, I'm fine. You're already spending the morning with me-" you mumble, your voice still laced with sleepiness. Aki looks at you adoringly, before shaking his head and smiling.
"Yeah... But I can always go another day. Today is the one day I have to stay with you. I'm not letting you spend your birthday alone as long as I'm with you, alright?"
You smile back at him, cupping his cheek and placing a gentle and soft kiss on it. He takes your hand in his and holds it right above his heart, letting you feel his heartbeat.
The two of you cuddle and laze in bed for a while more before you get up. After a nice breakfast with your boyfriend, he shows you a beautifully and intricately decorated cake, with the words: "Happy Birthday My Love" on it.
"Thank you so much my precious... Wait you made it yourself?!"
"It's a small matter, darling. And you've been saying that you wanted to try more of my food right? I don't bake often, so I thought this was a perfect opportunity."
You take the cake from Aki's hands, place it on the table, and then press him against the floor while you kiss him. His soft whispers of "I love you so much" and "Are you enjoying yourself?" in between kisses made you flustered, but at the same time struck something in you that made you want to keep going.
After a long and passionate make out session, Aki places you on his lap and pulls you close to his chest. You can sense that something's on his mind, but you knew that he would let it out, so you wait patiently.
"You know, before I met you, I would normally just shut myself away on this day and cry in my room. It hurt a lot, honestly, remembering that I lost them. That I would never see them again. But then you came into my life, gave me hope and so many reasons to be happy. I don't mind spending today differently, in fact I'm glad. I'm glad that I have happy memories to replace the bad ones now. I'm happy that I have you next to me. I love you so much and you're the most precious thing to me, ever," he confesses.
You pull Aki closer to you, stroking his back gently as you mutter, "I love you too. And I'm happy that I'm the one who can help you feel better despite everything you've been through. You're the most precious person to me too, and I just wanna make you happy when you're with me."
Aki rests his head on your shoulder, breathing in your scent. The very scent that comforts him, that makes him feel like he's home. And he knows that if he has you, he'll be fine. He won't have to remember this day as one full of sadness anymore, and he won't have to cry alone by himself because you would always be with him when he does. He's thankful, really, for having you by his side.
"Alright, that's enough with the emotional conversation. What do you wanna do today? It's your birthday, let's do something special."
"I wanna spend time with my handsome boyfriend!"
"Other than that?"
"Get donuts! Oh are you... Awww Aki you're blushing. You like it when I call you handsome? You know you're really pretty too, baby."
"Don't... Don't say such things without- Ah nevermind. I'll let you do whatever you want, since it's your birthday," Aki sighs in fake defeat, eliciting a giggle from you. He looks at you, eyes shining with affection and love, just for you. Pressing his forehead against yours, he gently moves his hand to stroke your cheek, before placing a soft kiss on your lips once more.
"Oh and darling? Happy birthday once again. May all your wishes come true. Know that I'll always be right here with you, and that I'll love you forever and ever."
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I seriously think that this relation in date means that you two were meant to be. It being your birthday would probably help distract Aki quite a bit and it'll help him make good memories instead of dwelling on what happened.
Once again, happy birthday! May all your wishes come true! ❤️
OMG AAAAAHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! you didn't have to write something for me aaaah but I really appreciate it, it makes me so happy!!!!!!!!! I will put my thoughts about what you wrote in the tags since the post is already quite long 🫡
do you think so?! that makes me feel good T_T I want to make new happy memories with aki on my birthday..... eeeeeee
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folkorae · 7 months
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@wyrdhearth : “may I kiss you?” from delia vane, ALSO a botanist who has helped investigate cults........ to miss saffron everleigh (which btw i did read her first book and i love her &lt;;3)
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She almost made the mistake of dropping her pen ; making the utensil fall on the floor accidentally would have been a very embarrassing reaction to such a request. One that took Saffron by surprise ( and which the botanist quickly found out she wouldn’t mind accepting it ). She tucked a small strand of hair behind her ear. Hair was tied up in a hastily made bun due to waking up a little late and arriving almost late to the university campus. Saffron knew her face was red — why would someone like Delia Vane want to kiss her ? Saffron found herself once again thinking that she wouldn't mind, she wanted to say yes. “ Here ? And now ? ” Was all she could say with a shy tone.
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policyoftruth · 1 year
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ase-trollplays · 1 year
My favorite is Takimi,,<3
A wonderful choice. Who wouldn't love a militant religious clown lady who loves music and antiquing?
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