muiitoloko · 3 months
Hey:) i don't know if your laptop is working again but i wanted to make a request if it's okay. Can your write something about Karl Hoffmeister please? He has so much work to do and looks for a nanny to look at his son because he is working so much. His wife left and so he needs someone. That's when y/n is coming, she's the perfekt nanny and Karl and y/n are falling in love or something? Its just an idea so i'm not mad if you don't do it :)) Thank you
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Title: The Nanny's Promise
Summary: Karl Hoffmeister, a weary industrialist, is struggling to find a suitable nanny for his young son, Otto, after his wife leaves them. Despite having little experience, a determined young woman named [Your Name] secures the position by promising to care for Otto with the same love and dedication she gave her siblings.
Pairing: Karl Hoffmeister × Fem! Reader
Warning: none.
Author's Notes: Hey there! 😊 Unfortunately, my beloved and dear friend, my laptop, is currently resting in peace 😅 But I'm still writing on my cell phone—it's a bit more complicated, but totally worth it! Your idea about Karl Hoffmeister and the perfect nanny sounds fantastic, and I'll definitely see what I can do with it! Thanks for the suggestion! 😊
Also read on Ao3
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Karl sighed as he sent in another possible nanny for his son, Otto. He had already gone through many interviews that day, wanting to ensure that his son would have the best possible care. The day had been long and disappointing; three interviews so far, and none of the candidates had impressed him. He told the next one to come in, not even looking up as he pointed for her to sit in front of him. He heard the candidate greet him softly as she took her seat.
Karl picked up her CV and began to read, noting with a frown that it was almost blank—no past experience, just basic education. She was young, which explained the lack of experience, but it did little to alleviate his concerns. He read her name out loud, “[Your Name],” and finally looked up. He paused, absorbing her simple yet striking beauty. She had the fresh, earnest look of a young working-class woman, her eyes bright with determination.
Karl mentally scolded himself. It did not matter if she was beautiful. What mattered was finding a competent nanny for his son, especially now that he was too busy with work and Charlotte had run away with her lover, leaving him and Otto behind.
"Miss [Your Last Name]," Karl began, his baritone voice steady, though a hint of weariness seeped through. "I see you have limited experience. Can you tell me why you think you are suited for this position despite that?"
You met his gaze, your own nerves evident but your resolve clear. "Mr. Hoffmeister, I understand that my CV does not reflect much in terms of professional experience. However, I have taken care of my younger siblings for many years. I have a natural inclination towards caregiving, and I am very quick to learn. I am hardworking and deeply committed to any task I take on."
Karl nodded slightly, noting the sincerity in your voice. "Taking care of siblings is quite different from being responsible for someone else's child. What makes you think you can handle the responsibilities of being a nanny for my son?"
You straightened in your chair, the intensity of your gaze reflecting your determination. "I believe that caregiving requires patience, empathy, and dedication, all qualities that I possess. I understand the importance of creating a safe and nurturing environment for a child. I may not have formal experience, but I am committed to learning and doing my best."
Karl considered your words, his eyes searching your face for any signs of insincerity. He found none. Instead, he saw a young woman who, despite her lack of experience, seemed genuinely eager to take on the challenge. He sighed inwardly. Otto needed someone reliable, and perhaps, someone with fresh enthusiasm could be beneficial.
"Very well," Karl said finally, his voice softening slightly. "Tell me, how would you handle a situation where Otto, who can be quite stubborn at times, refuses to follow instructions or throws a tantrum?"
You thought for a moment before replying. "I believe in a balanced approach. It is important to be firm but also to understand the child's perspective. If Otto were to throw a tantrum, I would remain calm and patient, trying to understand the root of his distress. I would use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior and set clear, consistent boundaries."
Karl nodded, appreciating your thoughtful response. He leaned back in his chair, his hooked nose casting a shadow over his face as he regarded you. "And what about his education? Otto is quite bright for his age. How would you contribute to his intellectual development?"
Your eyes lit up at the question. "I love reading and learning, and I believe in fostering a child's curiosity. I would engage Otto with educational games, storytelling, and interactive activities that stimulate his mind. I would also work closely with you to ensure that his learning aligns with your expectations and values."
Karl felt a glimmer of hope. Perhaps, despite the lack of experience, you might just be the right fit. He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the desk. "Miss [Your Last Name], I appreciate your candidness and enthusiasm. This position is crucial, and I need someone who can be both a caregiver and a positive influence in Otto's life. I am willing to give you a trial period. If you prove capable, the position will be yours permanently."
Your heart skipped a beat, relief and excitement flooding through you. "Thank you, Mr. Hoffmeister. I promise I will not disappoint you."
Karl gave a small, approving nod. "Very well. You may start tomorrow. Be here by eight in the morning. We will see how things go from there."
As you left the room, Karl allowed himself a small smile. Perhaps, amidst the disappointments of the day, he had finally found someone who could bring a bit of stability back into his and Otto's lives.
Over the course of the next two days, you settled into your new role, quickly winning over Otto with your kindness and patience. Karl watched from a distance, his initial skepticism slowly giving way to admiration. You handled Otto’s tantrums with a calm demeanor, diffusing his stubbornness with a combination of firmness and understanding. Your enthusiasm for learning and engaging Otto in educational activities impressed Karl, who found himself lingering longer in the evenings just to observe your interactions with his son.
Karl's workload remained heavy, but knowing Otto was in capable hands allowed him to focus more on his business. As days turned into weeks, and then months, the household began to settle into a new, comfortable rhythm. Karl began to notice the small things you did that went beyond your duties as a nanny: the way you instinctively tidied up around the house, the meals you prepared that Otto loved, and the genuine affection you showed his son.
One evening, after a particularly grueling day at work, Karl arrived home to find you and Otto in the garden. You were kneeling in the dirt, showing Otto how to plant flowers. Otto's face was alight with excitement, his laughter ringing through the air as he dug into the soil with his small hands.
Karl stood at the doorway, watching the scene unfold. You looked up and noticed him, giving him a warm smile. "Mr. Hoffmeister, you're home early," you said, standing up and brushing the dirt off your hands.
Karl nodded, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Yes, I managed to finish my meetings earlier than expected," he replied, his baritone voice carrying a hint of exhaustion. He walked over to join you and Otto, his eyes softening as he watched his son.
"Daddy, look!" Otto exclaimed, holding up a small plant proudly. "We're planting flowers!"
Karl crouched down beside Otto, ruffling his son's hair affectionately. "That's wonderful, Otto. You’re doing a great job."
You stood back, watching the interaction with a sense of quiet satisfaction. Seeing Karl with Otto always brought a smile to your face; it was clear how much he loved his son, despite the demands of his work.
As the months passed, you continued to integrate yourself into the household seamlessly. Karl found himself looking forward to your daily interactions, appreciating your presence more and more. You brought a warmth and stability that had been missing since Charlotte left, and he couldn’t help but be drawn to you.
One evening, as you were cleaning up after dinner, Karl approached you in the kitchen. "Miss [Your Last Name]," he began, his tone uncharacteristically hesitant. "I wanted to thank you for everything you've done for Otto and me. You've been an incredible help, and I don't know how we would have managed without you."
You turned to face him, your eyes meeting his with genuine warmth. "Thank you, Mr. Hoffmeister. It's been a pleasure taking care of Otto. He’s a wonderful boy."
Karl took a deep breath, his eyes searching yours. "You’ve done more than just take care of him. You've brought life back into this house. For that, I am truly grateful."
Your heart skipped a beat at the intensity in his gaze. "I’m happy to be here, Mr. Hoffmeister. I care about Otto, and I care about this family."
Karl felt a surge of emotion, his usual composure slipping for a moment. "Please, call me Karl," he said softly, his voice filled with a sincerity that took you by surprise.
You nodded, a small smile playing on your lips. "Alright, Karl."
From that evening on, the dynamic between you and Karl began to shift. There were more shared glances, more moments of unspoken understanding. Karl found himself lingering in the kitchen after Otto had gone to bed, simply enjoying your company. The conversations grew deeper, moving from discussions about Otto's day to more personal topics. He told you about his work, the pressures he faced as an industrialist, and even shared some memories of his own childhood.
You listened with rapt attention, offering your insights and encouragement. Your empathy and understanding made Karl feel heard and valued in a way he hadn’t experienced in a long time. He began to realize that his feelings for you were growing, his admiration slowly turning into something deeper.
One particularly cold evening, as a winter storm raged outside, the two of you found yourselves alone in the living room. The fire crackled in the fireplace, casting a warm glow over the room. Otto had gone to bed early, exhausted from a day of playing in the snow. You and Karl sat on the couch, sipping hot cocoa and talking quietly.
As you laughed at a story Karl shared about his early days in business, he looked at you, his heart swelling with affection. "You have a wonderful laugh," he said, his voice soft and sincere.
You blushed, looking down at your cocoa. "Thank you, Karl. You’re very kind."
He reached out, gently lifting your chin so you would meet his gaze. "No, it’s the truth. You've brought so much joy into our lives. I don’t know how to express how grateful I am."
You felt a rush of warmth at his words, your heart pounding in your chest. "I’m just doing what I can," you said softly. "Otto and you mean a lot to me."
Karl’s eyes held yours, a depth of emotion reflected in them. "And you mean a great deal to us," he whispered, his thumb brushing gently against your cheek.
The moment was charged with unspoken feelings, the slow burn of months of growing affection coming to a head. Karl leaned in slightly, his eyes flickering to your lips before meeting your gaze again. You held your breath, your heart racing with anticipation.
But then, he hesitated, pulling back slightly. "I don’t want to rush you," he said, his voice filled with genuine concern. "I want to make sure this is something you want as well."
You smiled, your hand reaching out to cover his. "Karl, I’ve felt the same way for a while now," you confessed, your voice trembling with emotion. "I care about you, deeply."
Relief and joy flooded Karl’s features as he closed the distance between you, capturing your lips in a tender, heartfelt kiss. The world outside seemed to disappear as you melted into each other, the warmth of the fire matching the warmth in your hearts.
From that night on, the bond between you and Karl only grew stronger. You continued to care for Otto, and now, you cared for each other as well. It was a slow burn, but one that had been worth every moment, bringing love and happiness back into a household that had once felt so empty.
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tay6119 · 4 years
The Lost City of Mizu
I’m watching live today guys!
Don’t mind me, just waiting for immortal Dream confirmation.
Also, of course George doesn’t wanna be apart of the first one with real lore smhh so predictable.
Let’s get into it shall we?
- “4 average fisherman” Dream I’m still sus of u, there’s no way ur not immortal 
- ofc as soon as karl undeafens quackity is speaking in autotune
-  oooo their skins (let’s acknowledge quackity kinning george with the goggles) (Maybe he’s gog descendant /j)
- wait karl is one of the fishermen.. so where’s Dre...
- I like how BBH is reading the book omg
- Ok so the plot is that like they don’t know if current smp is true or not cause they’re just stories passed down? And they gonna find proof? ok so Dre isn’t here yet IS HE THE PROOF
- Karl doesn’t know how coords work kuyjtre
- Ranboo’s first time operating a boat... he is a fisherman..
- Quackity does not know how to read
- so they don’t have new names which is interesting lore wise... I wonder if we’ll learn who they’re the descendants of tho or if it’s literally just themselves??
- Mention of the Disc Wars ooooo wait wtf smiley faces everywhere
- This one is more lore heavy but it is still as chaotic as ever haha love u Big Q
- Wait Karl = Isaac, BBH = Benjamin, Ranboo = Charles, Dream = Ranbob???????/???, Quackity = Cletus
- Quackity sniffing Dream
- Ok so the city was built pre-Ranbob
- Dream’s character is so very informative lmfaooo
- BLOOPERS: Slime opens the door lmfaooo
- Subway is canon
- KFC is canon
- Ranbob says George was the greatest king to have ever ruled inch resting (simp Dream leaking through)
- ERET KILLED GEORGE? The pictures of george all around the SMP were proof of people worshipping
-Dream is confirmed descendant of Ranboo oooo that’s so pog!! Memory boy >:)
- The room is SAPNAPS?? So this city was made while he’s still alive?? Oh no wait it’s dedicated to him
- Gog is rent free smhh so many pictures of George, oh? Quackity’s character obsessed over a pic of George??
- Cletus the Klepto
- “Cletus are u wearing thigh highs” BBH PLEASE
- Fundy room next ooooo
- *Quackity falls* “oo that would’ve been canon”
- “still unsure if fundy was a person or a pet” exrdcvgbhuk
- Quackity room key.. why am I nervous
- Dream is on the struggle bus trying to figure out where to go I-
- “Technoblade joined the game.”
- “BBH was known for the excessive amounts of porn on his hard drive” DREAM PLEASE
- “That looks like Pitbull” IN  REFERENCE TO NUMBER 1 FROM KND
- Ranboo’s wife owes him money “that’s why you sign a prenup pal”
- “I trust this man fully” RANBOO PLEASE
- Tubbo room is so cute omggg, bees and flowers IM SOFT a pic of l’manberg people ahhhhhh
- Tubbo most experienced leader and warrior B) TUBBO ATE BEES WHAT
- A PICTURE OF THE QUEEN IN TOMMY’S ROOM “that was his wife”
- “collector of plates damaged with a hole in the middle” yuyjthdrgy
- BBH and Karl patting themselves on the back lmaoo
- Calling it now, secret room is for Dream and/or dnf shrine (the latter is a joke.. unless?
- Cletus’ personal possessions consist of a picture of “pitbull” and George
- Wetube.com/CletusParkour
- Isaac x Benjamin??
- Ranbob’s idol was dream smh ofcccc
- C!KARL???????
- Karl loses memories when he time travels? :oo
- he just wants to prevent bad things :(((
THIS WAS REALLY COOLl, I like how most of the history of the SMP is kinda scuffed because it’s funny and is accurate to how we never truly know what happened ages in the past and we’re gonna get things wrong. Major props to you Karl!!
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thefanficmonster · 2 years
Hello darling! Have a great day! Could you please write some headcanons for Karl Heisenberg and his beloved who is seriously injured by one of his uncontrollable Soldats? Thank you so much!
Hi dear! Thank you so much for the request! Enjoy the headcanons! 💕
Pairing: Karl Heisenberg x Reader (Gender Neutral) [Resident Evil Village]
Warnings: SPOILERS for the game Resident Evil Village, Injury, Mentions of blood and aiding injury, Swearing, Crying
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Romance
- With a man as hardworking as Karl, it’s easy to start feeling lonely and bored considering the amount of time you spend together throughout the day
- To cure yourself from the boredom you’ve started finding entertainment in simple tasks like taking walks, reading, cooking
- And most recently: taking care of Karl’s already finished products
- There are plenty of Soldats that have long been done with production and have caught dust, some have rusted and others have started downright falling apart
- That’s why you’ve taken it upon yourself to take some time out of your day to clean a few of them up whenever you don’t have your hands full with something else
- Never had it gone wrong before
- This time, however, it did
- You didn’t know you were working on a malfunctioning Soldat, rogue one, if you will, so the last thing you expected was for it to attack you
- But when the cloth you were wiping it down with glided over the spot where its ‘eyes’ were supposed to be, it revved to life, scaring you half to death
- What scared you even worse was the moment you found yourself airborne before your back hit the wall opposite the dangerous machine that you only then realized had pushed you with enough force to cause the wall to crumble in a few spots, the crumbs of cement falling next to you as you fought to stay conscious
- Your vision was blurry but you still managed to make out the silver metal weapon on two mechanical legs making its way towards you, albeit slowly, but still menacingly
- Your body ached too badly for you to be able to get up or even move and all you could do was panic as you found yourself at the mercy of this soulless piece of machinery
- The last thing you saw was Karl rushing into the room to incapacitate the monster before everything faded to black
- When you came to, you found yourself in bed, staring up at the cracked ceiling, making a mental note to do something about those cobwebs covering it
- As you lifted your head the tiniest bit you noticed that Karl had crouched down by the side of the bed, looking at your hand with a certain tenderness in his eyes that made your heart melt as he sewed up a cut on the back of your wrist
- “Hey...” You mumbled, alerting him
- You put on a brave face despite the pain running down your spine but you knew there was no fooling this man when it came to your wellbeing or anything regarding you, for that matter
- “Hey, darling. Are you ok? Does it hurt too bad? Need me to grab you another painkiller.” You aren’t sure when you had taken the first painkiller/s but you can’t find it in you to ask that when he’s freaked out so badly
- You hurry to reassure him, “I’m alright, honey, I swear. It hurts a little, but this isn’t how I go. I promise you that.” You found it in yourself to chuckle, regretting it immediately when you felt the pain increase as your muscles contracted
- The displeasure was evident on your face for the shortest of moments but Karl, obviously, noticed it and hurried to adjust the pillows so you could be more comfortable while looking at him
- “Well, if it’s of any comfort, that piece of shit is now just a bunch of metal parts strewn about.” He replies, his hand gently cupping the side of your face, his thumb caressing your cheekbone, “But it wasn’t its fault. It was mine and for that I can’t imagine an adequate apology. I can’t express to you how sorry I am that I let that happen to you.”
- “Karl, please, don’t say that...“ You tried to counter his points but he just shook his head in response, looking down at the cut on your hand
- “No, Y/N, I’m the reason you got hurt. If I had paid more attention while constructing the fucker maybe...”
- “Maybe it wouldn’t have rushed out, but maybe it still would’ve. You couldn’t have known, dear. There’s no way either of us could have known so please, not even for a moment, blame this on yourself. Or else I’m gonna be veryyy mad at you and you don’t want that, do you?”
- Of course he doesn’t want that
- And of course he capitulates
- And he does so with a smile that makes almost all your pain go away
- “Of course not, darling.”
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amor-brooklynn · 2 years
𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚖𝚎... <𝟹 [|𝚔𝚊𝚛𝚕 𝚓𝚊𝚌𝚘𝚋𝚜|]
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summary: you came home crying after a stressful day at work. karl helps by trying to comfort you the best way he possibly could, and he cuddles you to sleep to end off the stressful day.
cw: profanity, mention of eating disorder, use of names (baby, love, sweetheart, etc...)
I know I said that this was gonna be delayed but it wasn't as long as I though it would be, lol.
karl jacobs x gn!reader fluff :)
1,299 words/6,882 characters.
it had been a long, stressful day at your office. your boss constantly being on your ass about how your contracts were late, how you can't do anything correctly, and how you couldn't even answer a phone every once in a while.
what he told you was in fact hurtful, you had already been doubting yourself for a while now. never feeling good enough. so it was no surprise that once you hopped in your car, planting yourself down on the cold leather seats, you had a breakdown. thankfully, your handsome brunette boyfriend was home to listen to your rant and cuddle you until you felt nothing but the warmth, the beat of his heart, and the love that you will endlessly receive.
after a couple minutes of feeling warm tears streak down your cheeks you finally inhaled sharply and gripped your wheel, shifting the gear into drive, and making your way home.
when you had walked through the door, you had seen karl in the midst of cooking dinner for the both of you tonight. you closed the door behind you with your foot, throwing your keys on the table that sat by the entrance, slipping your jacket off of your sore, tense shoulders and hanging it on the rack that was nailed to the wall.
he gave you a side-eye since he was in the middle of cutting vegetables. he quickly smiled when he saw you, but his expression switched instantly to concerned.
"hey baby-" he started off before he furrowed his eyebrows and carefully put the sharp knife down in the counter beside the cutting board he was using. "hey, what's wrong, love?" he lowered his voice and his voice was flooded with pure concern.
"I can't fucking take this anymore!" you sobbed, flopping on the soft couch and pulling your knees up to your chest. "I try so damn hard, and for what?! to get treated like a piece of shit, that's what! and I'm so tired of it!" you continued as your eyes overflowed with more tears.
"hey, hey... come here sweetheart." he whispered as he walked over to you and reached his arms out and gestured grabby-hands, an invitation for you to be consumed in his warm, loving embrace.
you gave him a light smile and propelled yourself up from the couch, sprinting over to him and hugging his tightly as puddles of tears started to drip onto his shoulder.
he shushed you softly and rubbed your back with his thumb as he started to pepper kisses every where on your face. you smiled at his actions and pushed closer to him, taking in the scent of his colone.
"you are doing so well, love. so well. and people just don't realize how good and hardworking of a person you are." he praised. you really took his words to heart, and it bloomed a warm feeling in your chest every time.
"thank you, babe. you're the best." you hummed into his shoulder.
he picked you up by your thighs with his strong arms and made eye contact with you before saying, "do you need me to fuck someone up, love?" he joked. you laughed at his comment and shook your head.
"no, but i could use some cuddles."
he grinned, and walked over to the couch and placed you down on it. "i'll finish dinner first, okay? then we can eat and watch a movie together."
your smile quickly faded away. "eat?- oh, um. i-i'm not hungry." you said as you twiddled your thumbs nervously.
"sweetheart. you haven't eaten all day."
your eyes widened. how did he know that you didnt take your breakfast or lunch with you? you could have sworn you put it in the trash. "what do you mean..?"
"i found the bags of food in the trash. love, you need to start eating something. you have to stay healthy." he worried so much for you that it hurt. you knew you should start eating, but you were so self-conscience about your looks.
"why haven't you been eating?"
you stayed silent, looking down at your feet absent-mindedly. "i just... i don't like the way i look. and it doesn't help when i get treated like shit all the time at work." you mumbled.
"please, baby. please. i need you to eat. you need yourself to eat. so please, just eat dinner tonight." he pleaded, and it was almost intoxicating. you sighed in defeat.
"babe, i'll just eat a cup of a macaroni." you argued followed by an audible huff.
"no, you need to eat a full meal. sweetheart, you don't know how important your well-being is." he leaned down and gripped your wrist. "look at you, you're so perfect. perfect body or not, you're always gonna be beautiful to me. your boss is some guy you barely even know. he knows nothing about you, so why care what he thinks if he's not gonna take the time to get to know the real you?"
you could feel your eyes start getting pierced with tears once more at his words. you nodded along with a smile.
you hesitated, but you knew karl was right. you needed to eat. or at least try to. "y-yea. that sOUnds nice." your voice cracked from your throat starting to close again from the tears.
he gave your wrist a squeeze and showed you a genuine, loving smile before walking his way to the kitchen again.
you reached across the glass coffee table in front of you to retrieve the remote to the TV. you turned on netflix and put on your favorite show, one in which karl seemed to enjoy too.
time went by fast, you thought when you realized karl was bringing you dinner. he handed the bowl of hot soup out to you and you reached your hand you to take it, pausing in the middle of it. you sighed and set the bowl in your hands as karl took a seat next to you.
you placed the metal spoon between your fingers and collected a portion of the soup in the slight crater of the spoon. as you lifted the spoon up to your mouth, you looked beside you, seeing that karl was watching you start to eat. you lowered your hand down again.
"why are you watching me, babe?" you giggled.
"I just want to make sure you actually eat it. and also because i want to know if you like it or not." he said and wrapped his right arm around your shoulder, setting the hot bowl in his lap.
you rolled your eyes but also smirked at him and continued to taste the soup. you closed your eyes and nodded, giving him a thumbs up as a good sign. "I like it."
"thank you." karl gave a sign of appreciation by giving you a light peck on your cheek.
when you had finished your soup, you both just set it down on the table in front of you, too comfortable and tired to take it to the sink right now.
"thank you for dinner, darling." you said and wrapped a fuzzy, grey blanket around the both of you.
"anything for my love."
you hummed in acknowledgement and rested your head on the crevice of his neck.
he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you closer to where your hips were touching, and he laid his head on yours, often placing kisses on your scalp.
"you need to quit your job if you're getting treated like that." he whispered and fixated on your beautiful eyes.
you snapped out of your daze on the show and turned to him with a barely audible giggle.
"yeah, i know." you yawned as you started to drift away in his loving cuddles.
Outer beauty turns the head, but inner beauty turns the heart. <3
thank you for taking your time in reading this. :)
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ladyideal · 4 years
The Faceless Shadow: I
Word Count: 2073
Warnings: spoilers of s1 finale, mention of rape, mention of murder, Billy Butcher, language, alcohol
Summary: Five years later, you enjoy life after years of hardwork bringing NYC under one rule.
A/n: yeah... let's just yeah.
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Five Years Later
You frowned at the prices of the last stack of newspaper in front of the glass window. Billy Butcher's face smirking up at you from the front cover aggravated you. Sure it'd been some time since the Mallory incident, but you'd lost men to Lamplighter when Frenchie left his post. Begrudgingly, you threw in the needed money and snatched the old, wrinkly paper out of its casing.
Using people was what he enjoyed doing, and what he would continue doing in his quest for vengeance. Losing an associate was pitiful, but to one of your made men? There wasn't going to be a second chance. Zero wasn't happy, and you certainly were ticked off at the past still. Tucking the newspaper clip into your jacket, you headed back to the club. 
Ten fronts. All ranging from clubs to restaurants. Mostly legitimate, in terms of paying taxes. New York City was divided into Staten Island, Queens, Manhattan, Bronx, and Brooklyn. Zero headed Queens, and your third took over Staten Island. Although your main headquarters was situated in Brooklyn, you enjoyed the sights and the skyscrapers of Manhattan.
Including Vought Tower.
Vought. The head of supes and all things capitalism. The main reason why you kept all business on the very down low, despite the very club that even some of The Seven visited regularly. Blackmail: A very old fashioned, but reliable form of silence. 
Rounding a few corners, you slowed to a halt in front of the vip line. The DJ was in by now, and the lines outside grew by the minute as the sun dipped below the horizon. Two bouncers in black stood outside, flanking both sides of the entrance and refusing bribes for those wanting to enter early. The Vortex was a popular club, and business was booming. Noticing you, the two bouncers stepped aside. And with a polite nod, you entered the club, much to the dismay and protests from behind.
Music pulsate as lights from the dance floor shined and glittered within the dark. The DJ was in, and every body cheered. Rounded tables littered around the edges with plenty of people of all ages, drinking, grinding on one another, and flirting with the multitude of waitresses and sex workers. Smoking was prohibited within, but all was allowed on the outdoor spaces filled with recliners, a pool, and a jacuzzi. 
Ignoring the cat calls thrown your way from those relaxing in the lounges, you headed deeper within the nightclub. Taking a few turns into a less populated section and nodding again at the bouncers standing guard at the bottom of the VIP stairs, you headed up. At the landing, all eyes nervously turned to you.
And rightly so. 
Most knew you were high up in the family. You've made it that way for a reason. The less people knew, the better. Very few people knew who you truly were. With a quick wave, a smile, and a polite hello, you ducked onto another flight of stairs towards your office. 
"Oi, dick face, what are you looking at them for?" Came from behind. Last you knew before you closed the door, was the sound of a brawl. Sighing, you plopped into your office chair and-
"Boss, I've got the year's expenses on your desk." Grace spoke from the speakerphone, effectively shattering your peace. 
"Thanks Grace," You mumbled, pushing the stack of documents to the side. All you wanted was to grab a drink, keep an eye on the offshore accounts, and call it a night. Definitely didn't want a headache with the financial advisor on how to keep your fronts legit. Taxes could go fuck themselves, if you had a say in it. "I'll take a look at them later. Just log it in for next year's tax season."
"Oh and one more thing."
"Yeah?" You reached down into your mini fridge for a beer.
"Well- it's." A nervous pause. "There's someone on the line asking for you." Another pause. 
"Who is it?" You asked, popping the cap off and leaning back into your chair.
There was a long pause of silence as you tumbled the name on your lips. It had been years since you last saw him, much less even contacted. Ever since the Mallory incident, you immediately cut ties with the former SAS Special Force. Two of your men were burned by Lamplighter, and you haven't quite forgiven him.
"No. Tell him I'm busy. I don't want to speak with him. He can go find help elsewhere."
"He insisted."
Unfurling the newspaper from within your jacket, you laid it out on your desk, frowning down at the same man that wanted to speak with you. The small picture of Butcher himself scowled up at you on the front page, making headlines for brutally murdering Vought's VP. You sighed.
"I'm sorry, I tried. But he's a-" A nervous chuckle. "He's a weasel."
You waved the apology away. "Put him through. We'll talk about this later."
An audible gulp. "He's on line 2 whenever you're ready."
Green light above Line 2 flashed steadily on your landline. Rather reluctantly, you leaned forward and plucked the landline phone up, already regretting giving Butcher your office number. Leaning back once more, you dimmed the lights down and closed your eyes. "We agreed to never contact again."
"Hello love." A familiar voice spoke loudly against the backdrop of New York traffic. 
"No. Whatever the hell you have planned, I don't want part of it. Things are finally looking up, and I'm not going to fuck up this chance. Vought's stocks are booming. I'm making money, don't have to worry constantly on anyone placing a hit on me. Zero is having the time of their life. I'm out of that mercenary life, found a different calling. "
An annoyed sigh. "How is Zero?"
"Married with their husband. Life is good," You shrugged. "If you've got nothing else to say, then I'm heading off to finish this fucking beer. Goodbye Butcher."
"Give me one fucking minute, love. I'll explain everything."
Got nothing to lose. "Forty five seconds and counting."
"Becca. I found Becca. Me wife has a son, Homelander's son. The cunt fucking raped my wife, fucking hid her away for so long. I was there. I saw her. Green lawn. White picket. I can find her with your help. You, mate, as a person of your skills." A pause. "Sitting behind a desk. Wasted."
"Look what Lamplighter did. Burned two of my men. Burned Mallory's grandchildren. Nothing to bring back home, not even their teeths," You hissed, slamming the beer onto the office table. Bubbles sloshed down the bottle, pooled, and dripped down onto the carpet. "It has always been about Becca with you. Becca this, Becca that. No, Butcher. Screwed up that one chance. I'm not doing it. You just don't care. You use your friends, then throw them to the side like fucking garbage when you're done."
"It'll be different this go. None of that "secrets and lies" bollocks. And that Mallory shit ain't gonna happen this time. I swear to God."
Drip. Drip.
You pinched the bridge of your nose, hating every syllable the man on the other line breathed out. With a shake of your head, you sighed, reigning in your anger and pulling out a cabinet for paper towels. "Alright, motherfucker. What did you do? The cameras at the club picked you up."
"We just dusted a supe." Butcher smugly spoke, confidence oozing through the line. 
That cheeky bastard. "How the fuck did you do it?"
"Well. Big lump of C-4, packed right up his fudger. Boom," He was excited. "Boom. Claret everywhere. Fucking diabolical."
"But…?" You cut into his amazement. 
"He coughed up a solid lead. Spilled the beans in a big way. Now, we play this right, we could shake up the whole hornets' nest, bring down Seven and Vought at the same time. Y/N, you are the only one I can trust."
You raised an eyebrow at the mention of your name, dance so delicately on his tongue. It was as if the man was putting you on a pedestal. "Names are powerful, Butcher. You know this. However, since when have you ever trusted anybody?"
There was a sly pause on the other end. 
Fights were less often nowadays. Since the fall of the fifth family of New York, there was no need for the heightened anxiety to be on the lookout. Nowadays with your tight grip, it was just petty gangsters that riddle the streets, pretending to be big and bad. Some killed, robbed, or graffitied, all in the name of trying to impress you. No action, no thrilling action that needed your every second of attention. 
And if you were going to be honest with yourself, you missed the action, the absolute adrenaline pumping thrill of physically working towards a common goal. There was a camaraderie in that sense, where no place else could ever replicate, but neck deep in shit.
"Oh, fuck me," You mumbled in defeat. 
Eats Everything: @asraime @aspiring-ginger @mournthewicked @bluesclues-1234 @ladylizzieofdarbyshire @groovyfluxie @keijibum @also-fangirlinsweden @mysoulshideaway @fandom-imagination-ss @your-sparklywinnercollection @yakuzussian-2nd @supergeekfangirl @mayday1284 @sayanythingcreations
Karl Urban: @fandomsfeelsandfamily @justa-traaash @yueci @writerdee1701 @hlabounty96 @lacychick
The Boys: @space-cowboy2227
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erascrhead · 4 years
I’m feeling soft and nostalgic so here’s bnha characters as sweet things people wrote in my senior yearbook
Midoriya: “I’ve always wondered how you manage to do all the things you do AND smile the whole way through.”
Bakugou: “You’ve been kicking ass and taking names since i first clopped eyes on you in 9th grade. If scholars could be warriors, you’d be a blend of Ghengis Khan, Peter Pan, and Thor and Socrates and (hopefully) Karl Marx. You’re my idol. So sad you’re leaving, but excited to see what you do now.”
Yaoyorozu: “You often feel like the unattainable ideal of human perfection, immensely hard-working, insanely talented, and infallible goodness and kindness, unrequited or not. The excitement you carry yourself with, your seriousness of purpose, your lofty goals that you make little pacts with yourself to accomplish, are all unique, defining characteristics that make you an a amazing colleague, mentor and friend. You will do great things - now it’s time to figure out what. Enchant on.”
Iida:“Your unceasing dedication to everything you do is amazing and inspiring.”
Todoroki: “You are one of the smartest and most talented people I know, yet I’ve never once heard you brag about anything. I actually don’t understand how it’s humanly possible to do all the things you do (and do them so well), but I know you will be super successful in college and everything you do.”
Uraraka: “Thank you for always being a stable presence in my life and for being a positive light in my academic life. You are one of the most hardworking and fabulously passionate people I know and you always inspire me to keep going. I cannot wait to visit you and see you thrive.”
Kirishima: “You are so funny and kind. Keep breaking barriers.”
Kaminari: “You’re incredibly smart, talented, and I appreciate that you laugh at all of my jokes. Best of luck (though I doubt you’ll need it.)”
Kouda: “Although we don’t talk much, I can tell you have one of the biggest hearts.”
Mina: “You have such a great sense of self and the world around you - I hope you always own that!"
Hagakure: “I haven’t had the pleasure of having many classes with you over the years, but when I have, your eagerness to learn has always had an infectious effect on me.”
Shinsou: “You work so hard and I live for your witty comments and relatable self-deprecating humor. I love you so much, keep in touch.”
Asui: “One day [6th grade teacher] sat us down outside, and it feels like we’ve been having the same running convo for years. You are a true fixture in my life and I can’t imagine what [school] would have been like without you.”
Present Mic: “I’m so very glad you’ve made our office a kind of second home this year - puzzles, but so much more - it’s allowed me to appreciate how amazing you are. I love listening to you.”
Aizawa: “You’re going to be something really great one day, and I know this because you already are. You’re basically a superhero.”
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fuckingthefictional · 4 years
All I want- (part one)
Michael Gray x reader
Written version of this gifset that I made, bonus points for anyone who can find the lyrics to a certain song that inspired this.
Next Chapter is found —> here
For @finallyforgotten who wanted more of this :)
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Henry used to be Y/N’s knight in shining armour. He was always there, he was perfect and filled her up with all the love that she could possibly want or need.
He used to tell Y/N that she was a star in his eyes, he’d hold the door open for her and hold her hand in the dark.
He was just always there.
And Y/N felt as if she was never alone. Until one day she was.
When Henry suddenly left, it caused a brewing storm to swirl inside of the pit of the young woman’s stomach.
But when Y/N brought it up with her mother, the only claim was that “men like Henry were perfect on paper, but they lie to the face.”
It frustrated her- did Henry think she was the kind of girl who needed to be saved. Is that why he took such interest in her? Because she was an easy target?
All of these questions just created more stress and sadness to strike Y/N’s body. She didn’t know who to trust or believe anymore.
It didn’t matter what she conjured up in her mind- All that stood was that Henry had left and with him he took Y/N’s heart.
But he’d left something with her, something that he didn’t know about. And that was his child- the same child that grew within Y/N.
“Ticket ma’am?”
Y/N looked up from her book to see a portly looking train conductor stood in front of her.
“Yes, sorry.” She reached down to her pocket and pulled out the slip of paper, handing it to the gentleman.
He inspected it for a moment, before puncturing a hole into the side, “Are you sure you’re meant to be taking a single to London miss?”
Y/N’s heart leapt up into her throat, “Yes, my mother purchased the ticket for me, I’m to meet my cousin at the station.” She rambled on.
The train conductor passed the slip of paper back, “if you say so.” He mumbled before walking away.
It was only half true, Y/N mused, she was meeting her cousin at the station and her mother did purchase the ticket for her. But she was going to London indefinitely, to have her baby out of the prying eyes of her neighbours.
As her father said before she left, ‘she and her cousin could be the family disgraces together’.
Y/N watched as the world went past, flashes of green melted into a drab mix of greys.
Her new life was moments away, as the train pulled into King’s cross station.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N heaved down her luggage (careful to avoid her stomach region) and began to disembark off the steam engine.
She scanned around frantically, praying that she hadn’t been stood up by her cousin.
Whipping around at the sound of her name, she came face to face with her older cousin.
James, wasn’t much older than she was. He was a few years older than she (but he took great pride in bragging about it and holding it over her head).
In fact it had been a good few years since Y/N had even seen James, as he was banned from the family when he was 17.
After he was caught in bed with another male- it meant nothing to Y/N then and nothing to her now.
He was happy, if he found love in the arms of a man then who was she to judge? - she was 17, pregnant and unmarried.
“James!” The pair embraced, swaying as the did so.
“Come on,” the man exclaimed, “we can talk more when we get home.” And with that he picked up the luggage and guided her through the station.
“So how come you’ve suddenly decided to come and live with me hmm?”
Y/N paused, debating on what to say but ultimately deciding that there was no point in hiding it at this point.
“I’m pregnant.” She spoke, “and father is ready to disown me so, they sent me to you.”
“Jesus Y/N/N you’re 17,” he rubbed his face with his hands, “You’re practically a child yourself.”
Y/N felt her body shake, “you know if I had a bobbin for every time someone has said that to me, I’d be a fucking millionaire,” she laughed without humour, “I’m going to be a mother james, and every single time someone says what you said, I become more determined to be a good mum.”
“Y/N sit down for a second and stop ranting.” James pointed opposite to the chair she’d previously been occupying, “What I was going to say was that you’re young, so you’re going to need all the support you can get. Which is why I’m going to be here for you every step of the way.”
Months later, Y/N was nearing the last month of her pregnancy.
It wasn’t an overreaction to say that she was big. She felt like a bloated whale.
But the young mother found herself getting support from both James and Ada.
God, Y/N was so thankful for Ada. She was the most genuine, caring and hardworking woman that Y/N had ever met.
They’d become great friends ever since they had first met.
The older woman was understanding, but not disconcerting. Loving, but not in a smothering sort of way. Supportive and just damn genuine.
Ada became like the older sister she never had growing up, and the latter was but all happy to take on that role.
She was the one that Y/N could confide in- even about Henry.
“What about the father?”
Y/N looked down, tears already pooling in her eyes, “He’s a boy from my past.” She sniffled,”We fell in love but it didn’t last.”
Ada looked sympathetic, “What happened?”
Y/N found herself shrugging, “It was just like- the second I figured it out he pushed me away,” she steadied her voice, “And I won’t fight for love if he won’t meet me half way- I won’t do it Ada. And I say that I’m through with him, but here I am talking and crying over him.”
Y/N looked at her friend who seemed to be waiting for her to carry on, “All I want it a good guy,” she stated, “Are my expectations far to high? Is there something wrong with me for wanting that?”
Ada just leant forwards, placing her hands on top of Y/N’s shaking ones, “Look- I’ve been through all of these questions. There’s nothing wrong with you okay- I mean look at you Y/N,” she pointed at the other girl’s body, “You’re trying your best at the end of the day, you’re not alone, you have me, Karl, James and Your own child and that is enough for me. You should be proud.”
It was through Ada that Y/N met Thomas Shelby for the first time- which at the time she hadn’t known but would become her future employer.
What was there to say about Thomas Shelby. He was intimidating, he demanded the power of the room. And his eyes- God his eyes. They were piercing blue and just made you cold by looking at them.
The first time Y/N had met the man, she swore she could feel her child squirm inside her, almost as if they were turning away in comfort.
But Ada soon set the record straight, reassuring her brother that Y/N was trusted by her and that the younger girl was a close friend.
The second time that Tommy and Y/N ran into each other was quite literally so. Y/N had been going out for walks (something recommended by her doctor), she was due any day at that point.
She’d been walking in her own little world, fantasising about what her child would look like. Whether they would have Henry’s unruly curls or her eyes.
And then she walked into a wall. A rather tall, slim wall. That spoke with a Brummie accent...and wore a pocket watch.
It was by then that Y/N had realised that it wasn’t actually a brick wall she’d stumbled into. But in fact Thomas Shelby.
Immediately you had stuttered an apology, explaining why you had been so out of it.
He took one look at you. A quick up and down. Before he spoke, “When’re you due?”
The answer caught Y/N completely off guard, she had been expecting a threat for scuffing up his shoes.
“Um, actually I’m due any day now.” She stammered, rubbing her belly lovingly. It was strange really- just how quick she’d grown to love the life inside of her.
The Brummie hummed in understanding, “I remember when Ada was that far along with Karl- a right bloody firecracker she was.”
Y/N smiled slightly, it sure sounded like Ada.
“Listen- Ada would ‘ave my bollocks on a silver platter if I didn’t walk you back to the ‘ouse,” Tommy licked his lips, “So.” He gestured to the arm he was holding out.
“Thank you Mr Shelby.” Y/N said, holding on his arm as they walked the last few streets.
“Tommy- call me Tommy.”
Matthew James Johnson was born kicking and screaming on the 14th of February at exactly 2 o’clock in the morning.
He weighed in at 6 pounds and 4 ounces and was everything Y/N could’ve ever imagined or hoped for.
As predicted Matthew held a head full of soft, blonde curls (just like his father) and his eyes were her own Y/E/C. He was just the perfect little mix of her and Henry.
And even though it broke her heart at first, she eventually began to see it as a blessing. Her baby was someone who she would love forever, who she would never let down.
A months later Y/N strolled into the apartment angrily. She was turned out of a job, yet again. It felt like it was becoming an impossible feat.
She was simply just unemployable, which angered her hugely.
Y/N was a mother for Christ’s sake, she had a baby who depended on her. How on earth was she supposed to do that for someone if she couldn’t even get a steady stream of income coming through the door.
Matthew was around 8 months old now, he was a troublemaker- but still managed to capture his mother’s heart at every glance. He made Y/N’s life worth it, he really did.
Slamming the large door behind her, she shrugged off her coat and hung it up on the coat rack. There was another that had been added to the normal pile.
Ada’s family must’ve been visiting again. She quietly crept through the hallway, attempting to stay out of the eyes of the Shelby family.
It would’ve worked mind you- if Matthew hadn’t spotted you through the crack in the doorway.
“Ma-ma-ma.” He babbled happily from the floor.
Y/N walked in almost guiltily, scooping up her baby boy from the carpet and planting a soft kiss on his rosy red cheeks.
Ada stopped mid conversation and looked up at Y/N hopefully, “So?”
“Turned away.” The young mother answered frustratedly, “It getting tiring now Ada, I-“
“Ada love, are you going to introduce me to your friend?” The voice came from a stern looking woman.
“Pol,” Ada turned the woman, “This is Y/N- James’ cousin and a close friend of mine.” She turned to the girl who was still holding the wriggling baby, “And this is Matthew, Y/N’s baby boy and my godson.”
Polly was stared intently at the boy in Y/N’s arms. The stare itself was calculating and judgemental but Y/N felt...oddly safe around the woman.
“He’s a beautiful boy,” She spoke softly, “reminds me of my Michael when he was this size.”
Y/N just smiled awkwardly, she had no clue who Michael was, she cleared her throat, asking timidly “Would you like to hold him?”
The older woman opened her arms for the child, and when Matthew was safe in them he gurgled happily.
The door creaked open again, this time Tommy walked through the frame.
The pair had actually become quite good friends of the past months. There was nothing romantic, or remotely sexual about their relationship. It was just a friendship.
Tommy was an the older brother, he kept and eye out and looked out for the girl and her son.
“Y/N.” He nodded to the girl, “When did you get in?”
“Just now,” she replied, “Job interview ran over.”
“And?” He prompted, hand digging in his blazer pocket for a cigarette.
“No smoking around the children Tommy- you know the rules,” Y/N reminded him, “And it didn’t go well- they turned me away.”
Tommy appeared to be deep in thought, “My fiancé is due to have a baby in May.” He paused again, “If you’d accept- I’d be happy to hire you as the baby’s nanny.”
“But Matthew-“
“Can stay with you while you work, it’s only a matter of balancing your family life and work life.”
“Has your fiancé agreed with this arrangement?” Y/N folded her arms.
“She will, she trusts me- and I trust you.” Tommy looked deeply at you, “So?”
“Okay.” The young woman looked at Ada, “I’ll do it.”
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yannfredericks · 5 years
g’day folks! It has just occurred to me that I never really spoke about the incredible yolly content I was blessed with in london this may and that is, quite frankly, a crime, so here we freaking GO
ok so I never fully explained my semi-relationship with sinead and jordan (who were playing yann and polly at the time) and I probably never will to both a) respect them and b) not embarrass myself by over exaggerating it but just know that I’ve spoken to them both several times, they’re lovely lovely people who were both fully aware of the yolly ship and just so hilarious about it all and such good sports and SPOILT THE FUCK OUT OF ME with content, so without further ado:
A List of Yolly Moments from May 2019
-yann and polly walk across stage as act 4 scene 14 begins and as they’re laughing together yann wraps his arm around her shoulder and tugs her into a hug as they walk (I very nearly screamed and unfortunately couldnt focus the rest of the show, a fact jordan and sinead found most amusing)
-spoke to sinead after the show and she said that jordan often did this sort of thing to mess with her???? hello??? where was I??? (exact words were “he’s always fannying around, sometimes he kisses me, etc...” EXCUSE ME HE WHAT????)
-jordan said he does it bc he “loves her” and was “sure they’ll be more yolly moments” to look forward to and BOY was he right
-bammy set out to murder me after that and I am forever grateful
-the night he knew I was in consisted of him wrapping an arm around her, standing by her, looking at her, talking to her ANY TIME HE WAS ON STAGE which, as an avid fan of both yolly and jordan and sinead, I can confirm was NOT NORMAL
-pretty sure in the EGM scene that sinead’s character got into an argument w someone and jordan wrapped his arm around her and started arguing too, part of me swears he called her his wife, either way it was incredibly amusing
-yann annoying the everloving fuck out of polly in the wand dance, teasing her and getting up in her space, playfully rubbing in that his spell worked before hers etc
-should mention that at one point karl wrapped his arm around polly (craig (who plays karl) ships karl and polly which is HILARIOUS to me) and she was so quick to shove him off...no such complaints when yann did it tho...I see you..
-so after wand dance polly always goes “oh poor little potter!” and craig goes “he’s so embarrassing” and that’s about it as everyone giggles and mocks albus but THIS TIME after those two comments, as they’re leaving the stage yann turned back and YELLED “POLLY!!!” and I DIED pretty sure my exact reaction was to squeak and hiss “FUCKING HELL” to my friend beside me, followed by “HES TRYING TO KILL ME” and I was not exaggerating in the slightest
-so anyway they’re in love we know this, I have never seen a boy more enraptured, no matter what they were doing on stage he was watching her
-so polly is exasperated with him in the funniest way that so clearly tells you that they’re best friends and yet she’s simultaneously hopelessly endeared and idk what to tell you if you don’t ship yolly bc it’s there!! it’s happening!
-I tweeted a bit about Yann’s handsy-ness and sinead openly stalks my acc on the odd occasion and tweeted jordan “don’t touch what you can’t afford x” which is SO HER POLLY I couldn’t believe it I love them
-the thing about jordan and sinead is that they’re best friends off stage and my god it shows in their onstage chemistry and I am so thrilled I got to see them
-continued to be husband and wife in the second EGM, incredible content and teamwork to push the staircases off stage, we stan a hardworking couple
-(unrelated but once when jordan was on as scorpius, during the godric’s hollow scene after the malfoy hug I saw sinead in the wings give him a little wave and I just-)
-at the end of this show they had their little walk and hug moment that filled my heart with love and I can’t thank them enough for going so above and beyond for me that day :’) and jordan agreed to pay for my funeral so high fives all round x
-this hug became a Thing for the last few shoes before cast change, and on the day itself I swear they just wrapped both their arms around eachother as they did the cross... :’( I’m emo and I miss them
-I will never be able to thank jordan and sinead enough for their kindness, their good sportsmanship about the whole thing, for playing along, for making me feel like a friend and for just embracing me as I am and, of course, for being the first to make yolly canon, truly the GOAT
-honourable mention goes to jordan the first time I met him for bringing up yolly and going “yesssss this is the ship!” he had my heart from the moment he was wheeled on stage and he’s had it every day since
-cast four brought us emma may and luke who are SUPERB and apparently decided to make yolly canon of their own accord, bc while I was still mourning my OG yolly legends for that first show I saw with them they ended the show crossing the stage with a HAND HOLD!!! A CANON HAND HOLD
-this was a lot to process and tbh I still cant believe that happens canonly every night
-they have such a fun relationship on stage, polly protects him as they walk past draco and they have a little gossip
-I’ve seen emma’s polly be incredibly excited when Yann’s spell works in the wand dance, I’ve also seen her throw a fit and ask why his worked and her’s didnt bc it’s “not fair” and I love both responses
-their characters also hold hands at the end of the pumpkin placing scene and they literally skip offstage holding hands?? pure
-polly is constantly trying to get yann’s attention during the DADA scene and it’s beautiful
-in many ways their yolly feels a lot younger than jordan and sineads and they seem to play a lot more games when it comes to their relationship, like real schoolgirl crushes on eachother
-I have a friend (@karl-jenkins) who described it as polly actively pursuing yann and yann playing hard to get until craig dies and they realise life is too short to not be together and that feels really fitting for them
-jordan and sinead were more two best friends who were as close as friends can be, knowing how to push each others buttons and tease eachother with all the true love and fondness bubbling just beneath the surface ready to spill and I am irrevocably in love with both of their versions
-stage door mentions of yolly include leah mentioning that she’d heard a lot about them recently and agreeing that polly doesnt NEED yann (bc shes a boss ass bitch on her own) but that they’d be a good couple so we stan her
-me telling ryan my yann’s backstory after he LIED to me about having one for him kssjsjs and jon overhearing and being more into it than any other person I’ve encountered 
-jon, out of absolutely nowhere, saying “tell me about your yann and polly fanfictions!!!” I mean...what?
-in summary, yolly is canon and the yolly shippers stay winning
-thank you for your time and please let me know if there’s any yolly moments that you have seen yourself!!!!
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lovingbjorn · 5 years
Ninety days. It is Bjorn's 90th day today and my body seem to have an internal alarm. Right after midnight, I started crying for no reason. I thought about Bjorn and checked the date. 90 days since I lost my son. A huge wave of grief just hit me. So today, I write to honor him by honoring those I am most grateful for.
Today I honor those who held my hand. Those who are not related to us by blood but have become family. And I honor those who gave me a reason to get up everyday and function. These people have stayed with me in my dark place and waited for me to come out and see the light again.
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So in no particular order here they are.
Doogie, my bestfriend in HS. The first to come for me. The one who saw me first after that miscarriage. And the first in a lot of things in my life. Thank you for the beautiful words, for the sage, for showing me how to honor my son, for loving me when I truly felt unworthy and unlovable. For holding me when I felt like I am breaking apart. I cry until now when I think about that moment you walked into the hospital room. I thought, it has started. People seeing me at my lowest, at my most broken, it has become real... losing Bjorn. That you were there to mourn with me. And I could not have survived it if it was anyone else. I am glad it was you who came to me first. I am happy it was you who showed up and shared that first few quiet moments after that loss. I wouldn't want it any other way.
Darlene and Kento. Both have worked for me since Arkitekto Kolab days and they have been my biggest supporters in EVERYTHING. They have seen me fail and get back up, lose both my parents, and now Bjorn too. Darlene cries whenever I cried and of all my work babies I think it is she who has cried with me the most. Kento, whom I have loved too as my own, spends most of his time comforting me and Darlene. A true gentleman and friend. They were one of the few who I thought to call first when I lost Bjorn. And I did. Thank you Dardar and Kento for everything you have done for me and more.
Monique took care of me when I was hurting, she would show up during the oddest hours just so she can sit with me. And she has been my comfort blanket through all of this. Crying too when I cry, happy when she sees me happy. This girl has a good heart and I would want to see her truly happy because she deserves it so much. Thank you for being with me and sitting with me in the hospital, visiting Bjorn, or just trying to stay alive. I am truly blessed to have you in my life, Niq.
Jam who is on top of my list is not in the photos (for some reason, I don't have a photo of her). She is a steady and true friend. She has her own struggles with friendships but she did not let that stop her from giving and being a true friend to me. Jam, you have no idea how lucky people are to have you. And I am blessed too because you chose to stick around in my life. You came back for me and picked me up when I couldn't. You sat with me and ate peanuts with me in the hospital because it was the only human thing I can think of doing at that time. Yet, no matter how painful it was to hear me talk or see me in my darkness, you sat right there and chose to be with me.
Myk, you moron, leaving me! What am I going to do without you? Well, for a year at least. I tried my best to hide from you after the miscarriage because I thought I have told you sad stories enough. But you came with your love anyway. Accepting all my decisions, processing with me (even if I felt I did not need it), and loving me all the same even if I was being stubborn. I love you, you know that right? I am glad I have you. Please come back soon because who else would rescue me if I get stuck somewhere?
Diane (and Aiys - who is not in the photos) - my favorite brats in the whole world! Our friendship does not need to always have presence. I honestly thought I have lost you guys, but you reached out and I felt so relieved. I have lost friends along with losing my parents and Bjorn. Maybe because I secluded myself so much, maybe because it felt like I can't love anymore, or maybe because I did not want to lose anyone anymore. But in true brat fashion, you guys just snapped yourselves back in and I am all the better for it. I love you guys, immensely.
This kid volunteered to be my son. Roj. And my coach said Roj is in Bjorn's name inverted. And the more I think about it, the more I am glad I found my son in him. Roj is not a replacement, although admittedly, it was easy to see him as so. A few weeks after the miscarriage he came to me and said: "Can you be my mommy?" And boy did I cry. I agreed, of course. Who wouldn't? You see, this boy came out as bisexual during our LEAP journey and I over the weeks I found him to be a true gentleman, a hardworking kid, and a really good friend to all. I felt honored he even asked me to be his mommy. Moreover, I thought, if Bjorn came to be, I would want him to grow up and be like this boy. Thank you Rorow for calling me your mom. I needed that, it did help me get up. I had someone who was counting on me to get up and make something of myself. But more than being a son, you have been a great addition to my family. I can't wait for King and your sisters to finally meet you.
Vince and AJ. The brother and the Kuya. Vince started my LEAP journey with me and I will forever be grateful because if I wasn't LEAPing, I would have done horrible things to myself during the miscarriage. He brought me to people who saw the best in me in my worst. AJ has been with me since day 1 of grieving, he saw how broken I was even before I did and volunteered to sit with me through it all. These 2 are my most constant cheerleaders. Always rooting for me no matter what. Thank you guys, I never had kuyas but you two have been more than that to me. You guys saved me from myself. For that, I am eternally grateful.
Lionheart, Kelly, Pau, Mommy J, Lawrence the fallout (haha), Buddy Beng, and of course, my Coach, whom I love very dearly. Where do I even start? Shale, you are one hell of a woman. I don't know how you carried all of us to the finish line but you did. I love you guys with all of my heart. Thank you for loving the good, the bad, and the ugly in me.
My other Undaunted constants: Rai, Tim, Jeca, Ken, and Mau. Solid support. Grabe. Ang iyak ko parang hindi na maubos-ubos. And here I am speaking tagalog because of you lot. How do I even begin to thank each one of you? We had our crazy nights, and on my loneliest, andyan pa rin kayo. Mau, of course, is in this list because he is awesome. I am here for you guys, no matter what. In the very short time we have known each other, we have been in our most vulnerable, so bawal na unfriend sa atin. We know our worst secrets already! Hahaha
SPAM. I will never forget how you all gathered to just sit and have a drink with me. You all shared painful memories of your past when I clammed up and refused to talk for fear of ugly-crying in front all of you. But you talked anyway. It took all of my strength not to cry that night. So much so that I just burst into tears the moment I got home. I have never truly told you guys personally how I appreciate every single one of you. And I promise to take care of this friendship. I love you guys immensely. Hard to believe, but I really do. What started out as professional connection has become a full-blown friendship that I cannot undo and I refuse to undo. You guys are all blessings to me. I would have stopped being an architect, it is easy to just give up, but you guys are such a great support group, I don't know what I would do without you lot. Thank you, SPAM. I will always always always be grateful for you guys.
Chess and Kevin. My dynamic duo. Thank you for visiting me at home and allowing me to pour my heart out. Shen and Audie were there two. My A+KO babies just barged right back into my life unannounced when I was going through the toughest time in my life. I thought I didn't need it, but I am thankful now that you did. It reminds me to keep on doing good no matter how much I get hurt. Good intentions always sparks another. And I am glad I sparked something in you guys. When I needed to be reminded, you guys came at the right time.
Buck (who isn't in the photo), thank you for allowing me to grieve and go on my own. I owe you a lot. You will always be a brother to me.
And the other people in my life I failed to mention or post photo of bec of the 10-photo limit: Ate Jaqi, Doj, Shailoe, Jimbo, Jorge, Steffi, Karen, John, Miljo, Aya, Sheila, DJ, Yssa, Arvin, Yen, Kooks, & the arki thesis kids Jaje, Joseph, Apollo, Karl, & Alexa. THANK YOU. The old constant friend, the unexpected friend, the coaches, the work kids, the extended work kids, the mentees, the young architect hopefuls who seem to put so much hope in me... You guys have given me little sparks of hope everyday, giving me purpose to get up, reminding me of my good, helping me accept my not-so-good, and believing that I can be bigger than myself.
Thank you for sharing my grief and my sorrow. I am rebuilding myself everyday, and doing that has been made a little bit easier because you all exist in my life.
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jane-mary · 7 years
4 and 55.:)
Thanks for asking x
4. What do you like best about daydreaming?
I daydream so much…
How oft my mind creates cute and domestic scenes with a family and love of my own, so reassures me that such a future may realise itself in time - and if alas it is not to be, the fact they existed once within me as stories brings comfort and a smile.
My daydreams also grant me an energy and an eloquence to speech that seldom leaves my lips. On past scenes from life I can reflect, and embellish with my true voice and rhythm. Applying empathy to past errors, I feel too sweetly settled and empowered.
In wondering, my imagination wanders far. In daydreams, I speak and create and explore without limit or anxiety.
55. What should someone watch/read/listen to in order to get to know you better?
The Moorland Cottage (1850), a novella by Elizabeth Gaskell, is my go to read for comfort and cleansing. O that I were as good as dear Maggie, the protagonist. Each time I read the story, I feel better, and resolve too to be and do better.  
Agnes Grey (1847), a novel by Anne Bronte. For two years I worked as a childcare apprentice in a nursery. Though times have changed, and my charges, unlike Agnes’ and Anne’s, were endearing, and caring for them was rewarding, yet how acutely Bronte’s work captures the limbo-like feel of one’s place - below one’s employer, without true authority, and yet expected to exercise an authority not granted; the least important yet the most hardworking.
The Peacemakers (2012), an album by Karl Jenkins. These cultural, peaceful pieces, and the peacemakers from all walks of life who inspired them, uplift and enlighten me; they make me want to be a better peaceable person, and remind me that there are good people in the world. x
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parisiennechic · 5 years
help me to help you ‘THE KWAAAAN’
Help ME to Help YOU, The KWAAAANNN
By Stevie Chantanu // Penny Lane The Diarist, 2019
Photo: Japanese Cat
   “As much as I love fashion, I know all the hardwork involves in it, I appreciate everything that makes me happy.” – Penny Lane The Diarist
  DELIBERATE-LY SHOPPING IN THE DARK: a-quid-for-a-pencil day
Zara has just gone on SALE for however much. Whatever much. It doesn’t matter. I had my eyes on some cropped tops, printed, as well as emerald green jade sweater.
 Tomorrow, will they still be here? I thought to myself. Scrambling on rolling racks, for sizes that were not even really mine. Would it get me through the evening soiree at the bungalow in Bali? All sorts of imagery came about to me in flashes of shapes and colours.
 ·       * *
  SAVA? Très Bien
The next day, and the day after that, my wish list carries on from one item to fifteen: ranging from dresses, white shirts (in all shapes and sizes), denim, head scarves, shoes, perfumes, and god knows what else.
I love love love LOVE all sorts of things that are well made to make me dazzles and smells like potpourri and ZARA is one amongst the myriad of others. It helps that it doesn’t cost a fortune for me to buy whatever I want, whenever I want.
 I missed out on the headscarf, didn’t I, Goldie? (Goldie: chuckles, puffing away, opening up his fan mails).
 FORECAST (FASHION PEOPLE ONLY): Would there be any other ZARA(s) in the future? Say, higher-end, luxury brands who are willing to work with ZARA to save ZARA’s good name? – younger, more exciting, and more affordable, especially for college students trying to make ends meet and graduating all at the same time feeding the birds and sparrows in the park.
 What do you make of that, mate? (Red Herring & Co.)
All I’m trying to say is that, it makes money, ‘The Kwan’, so it works. It’s called good business.
 * * *
It’s okay, I guess, whatever happens. Fashion is supposed to be exciting, and shopping should be luxurious. It should be a really happy joyful occasion for everyone.
The first ZARA I owned was a pink t-shirt with silk-screen on it. I love it. I wear it to just about anywhere; and it wasn’t anything too glamorous that people would look at me staring like I was the ‘IT’ girl.
 It was Brussels, Belgium, when I was around 17 years old.
 And then in the USA and Asia.
So, really, what’s other than ZARA?
It would be Topshop (Christopher Bailey’s) and Levi’s and at the moment, I’m rooting for Pull & Bear and Stradivarius, where I got my bandeau cropped top, polkadot linen pants, tanks, and long bohemian skirts.
 HAPPY HAPPY ZARA online day. Thank you for ZARA-online.
Special thanks to DVF, Bill Cunningham, and Karl Lagerfeld.
-The End-
 Love always,
Stevie & Goldie (my goldfish)
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mikemortgage · 6 years
Chanel: Iconic couturier Karl Lagerfeld dies in Paris
PARIS — Karl Lagerfeld, Chanel’s iconic couturier whose designs had an unprecedented impact on the entire fashion industry, died Tuesday in Paris, prompting an outpouring of love and admiration for the man in the trademark white ponytail, high starched collar and dark enigmatic glasses who dominated high fashion for the past 50 years.
Although he spent virtually his entire career at luxury labels catering to the very wealthy — including 20 years at Chloe — Lagerfeld’s designs quickly trickled down to low-end retailers, giving him global influence.
Such was the enigma surrounding the German-born designer that even his age was a point of mystery for decades, with reports he had two birth certificates, one dated 1933 and the other 1938.
In 2013, Lagerfeld told the French magazine “Paris Match” he was born in 1935, but in 2019 his assistant still didn’t know the truth — telling The Associated Press he liked “to scramble the tracks on his year of birth — that’s part of the character.”
Chanel confirmed that Lagerfeld, who had looked increasingly frail in recent seasons, died early Tuesday in Paris. Last month, he did not come out to take a bow at the house’s couture show in Paris — a rare absence that the company attributed to him being “tired.”
“An extraordinary creative individual, Lagerfeld reinvented the brand’s codes created by Gabrielle Chanel: the Chanel jacket and suit, the little black dress, the precious tweeds, the two-tone shoes, the quilted handbags, the pearls and costume jewelry,” Chanel said.
“Thanks to his creative genius, generosity and exceptional intuition, Karl Lagerfeld was ahead of his time, which widely contributed to the House of Chanel’s success throughout the world,” the brand’s CEO Alain Wertheimer said. “Today, not only have I lost a friend, but we have all lost an extraordinary creative mind to whom I gave carte blanche in the early 1980s to reinvent the brand.”
Chanel said Virginie Viard, his longtime head of studio, will create the house’s upcoming collections. Chanel did not say whether her appointment was permanent.
Lagerfeld was one of the most hardworking figures in the fashion world, holding down the top design jobs at LVMH-owned luxury label Fendi from 1977, and Paris’ family-owned power-house Chanel in 1983. He lost around 90 pounds in his late 60s to fit into the latest slimline fashions.
At Chanel, he served up youthful designs that were always of the moment and sent out almost infinite variations on the house’s classic skirt suit, ratcheting up the hemlines or smothering it in golden chains, stings of pearls or pricey accessories. They were always delivered with wit.
“Each season, they tell me (the Chanel designs) look younger. One day we’ll all turn up like babies,” he once told The Associated Press.
His outspoken and often stinging remarks on topics as diverse as French politics and celebrity waistlines won him the nickname “Kaiser Karl” in the fashion media. Among the most acid comments included calling former French President Francois Hollande an “imbecile” who would be “disastrous” for France in Marie-Claire, and telling The Sun British tabloid that he didn’t like the face of Pippa Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge’s sister.
“She should only show her back,” he advised.
Lagerfeld was also heavily criticized for sending out a negative message to women when he told France’s Metro newspaper that British singer Adele was “a little too fat.”
Despite this, he did have an under-reported soft side. He was known to be very kind to his staff at Chanel and was famous for giving journalists long interviews after each fashion show. He also shared his unmarried life in his Parisian mansion with a Siamese cat called Choupette.
“She is spoilt, much more than a child could be,” he told the AP in 2013, revealing that he took her to the vet nearly every 10 days.
Lagerfeld had little use for nostalgia and kept his gaze firmly on the future. Well into his 70s, he was quick to embrace new technology: He famously had a collection of hundreds of iPods.
A photographer who shot ad campaigns for Chanel and his own eponymous label, Lagerfeld also collected art books and had a massive library and a bookstore as well as his own publishing house. He was also an impressive linguist, switching between perfect French, English, Italian and his native German during interviews at fashion shows.
Although he spent much of his life in the public eye, Lagerfeld remained a largely elusive figure. Even as he courted the spotlight, he made an apparently deliberate effort to hide what was going on behind his trademark dark shades.
“I am like a caricature of myself, and I like that,” British Vogue quoted Lagerfeld as saying. “It is like a mask. And for me the Carnival of Venice lasts all year long.”
After cutting his teeth at Paris-based label Chloe, Lagerfeld consolidated his reputation in the 1980s when he revived the flagging fortunes of the storied Paris haute couture label Chanel. There, he helped launch the careers of supermodels including Claudia Schiffer, Ines de la Fressange and Stella Tennant.
In a move that helped make him a household name, Lagerfeld designed a capsule collection for Swedish fast-fashion company H&M in 2004 and released a CD of his favourite music shortly after.
A weight-loss book he published in 2005 — “The Karl Lagerfeld Diet” — consolidated his status as a pop culture icon. In the book, Lagerfeld said it was his desire to fit into the slim-cut suits by then-Dior Homme designer Hedi Slimane that had motivated his dramatic transformation.
The son of an industrialist who made a fortune in condensed milk and his violinist wife, Lagerfeld was born into an affluent family in Hamburg, Germany.
Lagerfeld had artistic ambitions early on. In interviews, he variously said he wanted to become a cartoonist, a portraitist, an illustrator or a musician.
“My mother tried to instruct me on the piano. One day, she slammed the piano cover closed on my fingers and said, ‘draw, it makes less noise,” he was quoted as saying in the book “The World According to Karl.”
At 14, Lagerfeld came to Paris with his parents and went to school in the City of Light. His fashion career got off to a precocious start when, in 1954, a coat he designed won a contest by the International Wool Secretariat. His rival, Yves Saint Laurent, won that year’s contest in the dress category.
Lagerfeld apprenticed at Balmain and in 1959 was hired at another Paris-based house, Patou, where he spent four years as artistic director. After a series of jobs with labels including Rome-based Fendi, Lagerfeld took over the reins at Chloe, known for its romantic Parisian style.
Lagerfeld also started his own label, Karl Lagerfeld, which though less commercially successful than his other ventures, was widely seen as a sort of sketchpad where the designer worked through his audacious ideas.
In 1982, he took over at over Chanel, which had been dormant since the death of its founder, Coco Chanel, more than a decade earlier.
“When I took on Chanel, it was a sleeping beauty — not even a beautiful one,” he said in the 2007 documentary “Lagerfeld Confidential.” “She snored.”
For his debut collection for the house, Lagerfeld injected a dose of raciness, sending out a translucent navy chiffon number that prompted scandalized headlines.
He never ceased to shake up the storied house, sending out a logo-emblazoned bikini so small the top looked like pasties on a string and another collection that dispensed entirely with bottoms, with the models wearing little jackets over opaque tights instead.
Lagerfeld was open about his homosexuality — he once said he announced it to his parents at 13 — but kept his private life under wraps. Following his widely known relationship with a French aristocrat who died of AIDS in 1989, Lagerfeld insisted he prized his solitude above all.
“I hate when people say I’m ‘solitaire’ (or solitary.) Yes, I’m solitaire in the sense of a stone from Cartier, a big solitaire,” Lagerfeld told The New York Times. “I have to be alone to do what I do. I like to be alone. I’m happy to be with people, but I’m sorry to say I like to be alone, because there’s so much to do, to read, to think.”
As much as he loved the spotlight, Lagerfeld was careful to obscure his real self.
“It’s not that I lie, it’s that I don’t owe the truth to anyone,” he told French Vogue in an interview.
Former AP fashion writer Jenny Barchfield provided biographical material for this story.
Thomas Adamson is at http://www.twitter.com/ThomasAdamsonAP
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kidsviral-blog · 6 years
Sarah Palin blasts ‘DC assclowns’ at ‘pathetic’ Correspondents’ Dinner
New Post has been published on https://kidsviral.info/sarah-palin-blasts-dc-assclowns-at-pathetic-correspondents-dinner/
Sarah Palin blasts ‘DC assclowns’ at ‘pathetic’ Correspondents’ Dinner
Boom! Best tweet ever? That tweet win was a follow-up to this one:
Yuk it up media and pols. While America is buried in taxes and a fight for our rights, the permanent political… fb.me/2k9uYFQ5j
— Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) April 28, 2013
Full tweet via her Facebook page:
Yuk it up media and pols. While America is buried in taxes and a fight for our rights, the permanent political class in DC dresses up and has a prom to make fun of themselves. No need for that, we get the real joke.
Double boom!
Ah, yes. The White House Correspondents’ Dinner, better known as “nerd prom.” While journos squeed, Sarah Palin called it like it is. As always, she is unafraid to call out the lapdog media.
Truth doesn’t suit: Haters gotta hate, natch.
So @sarahpalinusa is totes jelly she wasn’t at #WHCD: twitter.com/sarahpalinusa/…
— patrick oshaughnessy (@p_oshan) April 28, 2013
@sarahpalinusa YOU’RE working your ass off? That’s ironic. (I’ll pause so you can go look up the definition of the word “ironic.”) #WHCD
— NoFucksGivenSince88 (@The_Johnny) April 28, 2013
@sarahpalinusa Umm… In what way are YOU working your ass off?
— Rober† Scott (@iheartcarrie) April 28, 2013
@sarahpalinusa Have another reality TV show, dingbat
— Space Marine Ian (@iboudreau) April 28, 2013
@sarahpalinusa Didn’t this bitch quit her job?
— Mark Clark(@DubyaMDeez) April 28, 2013
.@sarahpalinusa Really?… Suggesting you are ‘working hard’ given your record as a quitter… sit the fuck down & stfu Ms sour grapes.
— Healthcare Activists (@singlepayer) April 28, 2013
Bitch where the fuck do you work? Get out your feelings. @sarahpalinusa
— Dizturb’d Wun (@dizturbdwun) April 28, 2013
.@sarahpalinusa sour grapes, you old cow.
— NoDeuces (@nodeuces) April 28, 2013
@sarahpalinusa girl, shut the fuck up. Shit!
— Stacey (@HBQIC) April 28, 2013
@dakgirl Yep, that sounds like sour grapes. I’m sure the “DCassclowns” remark will endear her to them.
— Cathy(@66Betty) April 28, 2013
Sigh. Unlike the current occupant of the White House, Sarah Palin does not rely on being “endearing” to the drooling press.
Those who don’t bow at the altar of Hollyweird and who don’t chase lapdog tails loved Sarah Palin’s remark. Call it like it is, baby!
lol #assclowns.@sarahpalinusa. read.bi/ZPDcmY
— Tabitha Hale (@TabithaHale) April 28, 2013
Sarah! you are amazing! Saying what we all want to @sarahpalinusa … LOVE you girl!
— Reid McLain (@colocelt) April 28, 2013
LOVE!!!! –> RT @sarahpalinusa twitter.com/sarahpalinusa/…
— GayPatriot (@GayPatriot) April 28, 2013
.@sarahpalinusa‘s latest tweet may be my favorite of the month.
— Jedediah Bila (@JedediahBila) April 28, 2013
Yep. It’s a good one! RT @jedediahbila: .@sarahpalinusa‘s latest tweet may be my favorite of the month.
— Rschrim (@Rschrim) April 28, 2013
New word of the day…..assclowns….thanks @sarahpalinusa !!!! #tcot #ProLife #teaparty
— Cheryl Laughlin (@OhastoGo) April 28, 2013
@sarahpalinusa That’s your best status update yet. Love it!
— Carol Greene (@Carol_Greene) April 28, 2013
@sarahpalinusa I’m in Love……
— Chuck H (@rustydog71) April 28, 2013
@sarahpalinusa I love you for always standing up to these #ASSCLOWNS in DCyou are what makes America great
— Phillip (@PhillipG76) April 28, 2013
Bravo @sarahpalinusa for ticking off the Obamadrones . Almost 2,000 retweets . The pathetic assclown libs are in meltdown mode. Love you.
— Michael (@CoolChange80) April 28, 2013
I. Love. Her. >>>>Palin Slams DC ‘Assclowns’ for Throwing ‘Pathetic’ ‘#nerdprom‘ shar.es/l0FIc
— Gabe Kin (@Gabe_Kin) April 28, 2013
@sarahpalinusa Love You Sarah! You fight for hardworking America! Thank you!
— Thuma Newslink™ (@ThumaNewslink) April 28, 2013
Best. Tweet. Ever. @sarahpalinusa
— votermom (D) (@votermom) April 28, 2013
@sarahpalinusa This is why I love you. Guts to tell the truth .
— TheAngelMoRomney (@AngelMoRomney) April 28, 2013
@sarahpalinusa Tell it, sister!
— Kensington (@NYKensington) April 28, 2013
Amen. Fight, and tweet, like a girl, baby!
Twitchy coverage of the White House Correspondents’ Dinner
Mama Grizzly boom: Sarah Palin slams MSNBC’s ‘you didn’t birth that’ spot with awesome photo
Can we take them hunting? Sarah Palin slams MSNBC: ‘If our kids belong to you, do yours belong to us?’
En Flipping Fuego! Sarah Palin blasts MSNBC’s ‘All your children belong to us’ spot; Calls out CNN’s ‘Crossfire’ hypocrisy
Marc Lamont Hill meets Sarah Palin at airport: ‘Wondered if I would’ve been that nice’
Sarah Palin: Americans ‘need to get outraged’ over green energy losers like Fisker
Pitiful: Sarah Palin continues to live rent-free in Tina Fey’s head; Politico swoons
Aww: Sarah Palin shares ‘Happy Birthday, Piper Indi Grace!’ photo album
Sarah Palin zings Karl Rove at CPAC; Karl Rove whine-attacks, ‘I’d serve out my term’ 
Awesome: Sarah Palin sips Big Gulp during CPAC speech; ‘Bloomberg’s not around’ [pics and video]
Read more: http://twitchy.com/2013/04/28/tweet-like-a-girl-sarah-palin-blasts-dc-assclowns-at-pathetic-correspondents-dinner/
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dalehauskins · 7 years
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At peace guitarist dartle Dale,very thankful to dear people Julie+Jamie & big Karl,and all the deep dungeon hardworking clever fun Ohioans at Earthquaker Devices for the brand new updated seasickness Sea Machine V3 phosphorescence sounding chorus pedal effect today. ____________________________________________ #sandiegomusicscene#earthquakerdevices#sessionguitarist#LosAngelesMusicians#LosAngelesGuitarist#studiomusiker#socalmusicians#LAallDay#kirlincable#sounddiego#studiolife#SBMusic#musiker#framuswarwickofficial#progressiverockcommunity#OCMusic#gitarrist#MalibuMusic#progrock#californiaholics#WestCoastRoots#Empresseffects#LosAngelesMusicScene#LAMusic#TopangaCanyon#Xoticeffects#southerncaliforniamusicscene#OrangeCountyMusicScene#LAallday#90290 (at Topanga, California)
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ebthblog · 7 years
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10 Interesting Facts About the Surrealist Art Movement
Surrealism is an artistic and intellectual movement from the early to mid-20th century that's characterized by irreverent, unusual, and dreamlike imagery. The "surreal" part of the movement's name is an apt description for the collected works of artists who dedicated their lives to living in opposition to accepted standards both in and out of the studio.
Join EBTH for a journey through some of the Surrealist Art Movement’s most fantastic facts to learn what else — beyond the otherworldly subject matter — sets it apart.
1. Surrealism Extended Beyond Visual Art
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When we think of surrealism now, we usually think of paintings featuring melting clocks and strange, spindly animals. But the movement actually began with poetry. In the mid-1920s, poet André Breton developed the surrealist movement as a means of overthrowing what he saw as oppressive societal standards. Breton did not mince words about his goals. He wanted to go "completely against the tide" as a "violent reaction" against what he saw as moral and intellectual bankruptcy in the world around him. This rebellious spirit is evident throughout Surrealist works in a variety of disciplines, including Breton's own poetry, which is often composed as a free-form cacophony of sounds, thoughts, and descriptions.
2.  Surrealism Was Inherently Political
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Some Surrealist artists were more overtly political than others. For example, Frida Kahlo's work was often explicitly political, even including images of Karl Marx. Marxism was in fact central to Breton's founding ideals of Surrealism. Though the movement is now known more for its aesthetic than its politics, Breton exercised a somewhat tyrannical amount of control over the political leanings of his group, even going so far as to formally excommunicate members who didn't fully get on board with his politics.
3. There's Philosophy Behind Seemingly Simple or Silly Surrealist Works
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Though it may appear otherwise at times, there's a deeper intellectual foundation to many Surrealist works than a mere attempt to be strange or emotionally disruptive. Surrealists like the Belgian painter René Magritte wanted to encourage their audiences to think more deeply about everyday items. Magritte's painting The Treachery of Images is a great example of this push to spur thought. The inscription on the painting, "ceci n'est pas une pipe," translates to "this is not a pipe." The only image on the canvas, though, is a detailed painting of a pipe. So what does it mean? There's a literal interpretation, but you can also fall down an intellectual rabbit hole if you think deeply about the question this simple painting poses.
4. Salvador Dali and Walt Disney Collaborated on an Animated Film
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Once upon a time, the world's most famous Surrealist got together with the world's foremost animation studio head to dream up an amazing animated project known as Destino. The film's production started back in the mid-1940s, but it was interrupted by the financial realities of life in wartime. Unfortunately, the end of World War II did not revive production on Destino, which was something of an art- and animation-world legend until it was finally revived in the early 21st century. Walt Disney Studios completed Destino in 2003, and though it's fewer than 10 minutes long, it's an amazing artifact from the original Surrealist era.
5. Salvador Dali Loved Cats
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With his quirky mustache and unmistakable artistic style, Salvador Dali is perhaps the most famous and recognizable artist to emerge from the Surrealist movement. Though he was a prolific, hardworking artist, he was also, by all accounts, quite an eccentric individual. He even had a pet ocelot named Babou with whom he traveled and was frequently photographed.
6. The Spice Girls’ Connection to Surrealism
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There are a few degrees of separation between the 1990s' favorite girl group and an artistic movement that predated the Spice Girls by several decades, but the connection is still a bit surprising. The Spice Girls were known in part for promoting a Spanish lollipop brand, Chupa Chups, which has distinctive packaging featuring a brightly colored logo in the shape of a flower. That logo was actually designed in the 1960s by none other than Salvador Dali.
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7. The Most Expensive Surrealist Painting Ever Sold Was an Abstract Work
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Though Dali is arguably the most famous surrealist, and his works the most widely recognizable, the Spanish painter Joan Miró holds the title for the most expensive Surrealist painting ever sold. Of course, in the world of art auctions, there's always room for a higher price tag, but as of now, Miró is at the top of the heap. Not all Surrealism is about trippy scenes and portraits — some of it is much more theoretical, as seen in Miró's work.
8. Political Unrest in Europe Helped Surrealism Spread Across the Atlantic
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Though Breton's group initially included artists from across Europe, the movement was centered in Paris. However, that international character worked against Surrealism in the run-up to World War II. In the 1930s, Surrealist artists such as Max Ernst were forced to flee France and come to the United States. Ernst managed to make his move thanks to the famed art patroness Peggy Guggenheim, whom he married shortly after his arrival in the States.
9. Surrealism Helped Birth Abstract Expressionism
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Ernst's arrival in New York, along with the relocation of several prominent European artists from other artistic movements, helped bring about the rise of Abstract Expressionism in the United States. Guggenheim herself was instrumental in the popularization of the movement and the success of some of its most prominent artists, including Jackson Pollock, whose completely non-figurative, non-objective works have a theoretical connection to the complete iconoclasm Breton and other Surrealists were after.
10. Surrealism Officially Ended in 1966, but Its Influence Lived On
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Because Surrealism was really André Breton's movement, the school of thought officially ended with his death in 1966. However, Surrealism is arguably one of the most influential artistic movements of the highly influential early 20th century. Everything from Abstract Expressionism to raunchy modern cartoons like Ren and Stimpy can count surrealism as a major influence. Breton may not have achieved the complete social upheaval he was after, but his movement certainly did break down barriers in the art world.
Now that you’ve dug deeper into the history of the Surrealist Art Movement, find some unique artwork of your own at EBTH. Our online art auctions let you easily bid on paintings, sculptures, and other artwork sourced from estate sales around the country, helping you curate a collection you love.
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