#THANK YOU btw I hope you’re doing well too♥️♥️♥️
harunade · 1 year
ITS ME 💪 ANON, i rarely see this about zb1 but phone sex with hao or hanbin? it’s hilarious cus i think hao would be the one to initiate while hanbin is lowkey strict about things like this.
also just wanted to say i love all your works so far, hope you’re having a good day or night!
hmmm… thinking thoughts,, hao would be one to initiate while with hanbin it would be the other way around
Zhang Hao, who was away for his concert, would be needing you badly. His cock would be hard but he needed to hear you, so he called you. “Hi, baby! I saw the pics from your concert today, and you looked so goo-“ you stopped when you heard a whimper from the other side. “A-Are you okay, Hao..?” you asked worriedly. When you turned the volume higher, you heard whimpers but also rubbing sounds. “Need you so bad… have your panties wrapped around my cock right now..” Hao broke out in a moan. “Oh baby.. you’re so needy.. Do you miss me?” he was so subby that night you wish you could’ve had him under you. :(( “miss you a bunch” you couldn’t just let him like that, but since you couldn’t be there with him the least you could do was guide him. “keep stroking your dick, hao, pretend it’s me” this whole phone call made you extremely wet, as you were desperate for him as well. you then started fingering yourself, and as Zhang Hao heard you moan, he came. “came all over my tummy, do you feel good?” he laughed and brought his attention back to you, who was now whimpering and moaning his name. You managed to get off by yourself as it wasn’t the first time you had been left alone. “just a few more days, princess”
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y/n♥️: need you so bad it hurts :(
bin ^_^: are you okay baby???
y/n♥️: *pic* woulda been better if you helped me out
bin ^_^: fuck Y/n..
y/n♥️: call me?
“hi” hanbin said as soon as you picked up. “hey” you answered. “i miss you.. so much” your fingers wandered down between your legs as you heard his sweet voice. “i know baby, i don’t like it when i leave you alone” he could hear the soft thrusting of your fingers as well as your heavy breathing. “y/nie~ you’re lucky the members are out, slut” you smiled at his words. he knows you loved it when he talked you down, and he was definitely doing it to help you. “do you miss me too?” by the sound of him unzipping his pants and whimpering, you assumed he did. “need you on my dick right now, pretty girl” the thrill of possibly being caught just pushed him over the edge more. “got off twice today and my pussy still begs for you cock, bin” hanbin felt guilty about leaving you all alone, but it’s not like you could’ve come with him. “is it better that you’re talking to me right now?” he knew the answer. “definitely, i’m so close, fuck-“ you moaned and he assumed you came. “hanbin” you called out. “yes, baby?” he was stroking his dick to the thought of you humping your fingers thinking it’s him. “ i squirted” that was the only thing he needed to hear before he shot his load all over his screen.
y/n♥️: love u & miss u :(( thank you for tonight heheh
bin ^_^: love you more prettiest :) (i came on my screen btw)
y/n♥️: ur gross
bin ^_^: blocked bye
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 8 months
Hi, I hope you’re okay.
I’m a little nervous to ask this. I have a question and I just needed some advice really and I didn’t know who too talk to. I know your account’s 18+ and I’m slightly under that, (I’ll be 17 in a month) but I’ve seen how kind and honest you are on your page.
I wanted ask about taking contraception to help ease and later stop periods, not for any sexual reasons at all just purely period based. If this isn’t something you feel comfortable answering then you don’t have to, I promise I’m not asking this to be a creep or anything.
I get heavy periods and bad cramps when I’m on, the cramps vary but when I get them they’re really unpleasant and painkillers don’t do much to help. I’ve been thinking about get something like an IUD to help as a more semi-permanent solution now that I’m getting older but I don’t really know.
If feel like I’m being stupid and dramatic for even considering it and all I can think is “am I doing this for the sake of doing it.” I just need some advice without feeling like I’m going to be judged for it.
Am I possibly considering making a massive mistake and just being stupid? Perhaps I am just being overdramatic and should just suck it up, I don’t know.
I’d love your thoughts if you’re comfortable giving them.
(Btw, I’m from the UK)
{Let’s Talk Hormones and Contraceptives!}
Hey Sweetness…!! I really appreciate you reaching out like this! I am very proud of you for being so vulnerable and sharing. You are so brave. I hope you are doing well! ♥️♥️ I don’t think your ask is weird or creepy at all. I applaud you for asking!
First things first, yes I advise my blog as 18+. This is because I often write smut and harder core fanfiction, as well as I talk about sex and harder topics. If you aren’t 18, *sigh* I usually advise caution. However, while I do have a AMAB men dni, I do not have a minors dni. This is because there are some 17 year olds that are mature enough to handle my content. But in general, and as a rule of thumb, it’s 18+ with a kind of approach at your own caution rule.
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I am very sorry to hear about the pain you undergo during your period… And I’m sorry to hear that painkillers do not work. The unfortunate reality is that painkillers often don’t work to ease those pains, they do for some, but not for others. And if they don’t work for you, that’s okay; if they work for you, that’s okay.
So, to your question— What are my thoughts on using contraceptive methods to ease periods and hormones in vulva owners?
Before I give you my two cents, I want to preface by saying that everyone is different and what does and doesn’t work for me or you might be different for others. And that’s okay. ♥️
If you deal with harsh periods, excessive bleeding, hormonal headache, migraine, and more pain from your hormones as a vulva owner, I would absolutely recommend looking into and researching all your options. If an IUD or birth control pills are helpful, good, use that. Don’t be afraid to try it out. As long as you are being safe, don’t hold back.
Personally, I have migraine, and my neurologist recommended I get a hormonal IUD to try and balance my hormones better. Since getting my IUD, I don’t bleed, I don’t cramp, and my migraine episodes have gone down. It has worked wonders for me, and I am extremely grateful that I took the leap and did it.
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Don’t feel stupid, sweetheart. This is all extremely valid. I have questioned all of this in my life as well. You are valid. Your feelings are valid. Your experiences are valid. You aren’t being dramatic. Advocate for yourself, speak up!
I am touched that you reached out to me about this, sweet thing… 🥰 Thank you, truly. I wasn’t uncomfortable at all, and I loved answering and giving my thoughts. I hope to hear from you again soon! Have a lovely day/night!! 💞💞💞
Talk with Me ❤️‍🔥
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helloalycia · 10 months
hi! just wanted to pop in quickly to tell you that i've finally gotten around to reading both of your alicia clark books! i remember starting the first one a long time ago but never managing to finish it - i reckon it's because i've never actually watched fear the walking dead because, well, i ✨fear✨ the walking dead (sorry for the pun lol but no seriously, i'm too scared to watch such shows, even though alycia's in it 😭) but i always manage to come back to ur account and ur fics (i basically grew up with them) and i'd seen that you'd posted new content about alicia clark, so i just had to give your books another try and i absolutely loved it. i loved alicia & kamille, i loved mía and al and oliver and so many other characters and it really broke my heart when joanie and madison and adam died.
kamille is an amazing character; she is patient and calculated, fearless but also scared. she is hope and warmth and the future alicia always deserved.
i'm not religious by any means, but you still managed to make me understand and respect the hope people gain from having faith in something/someone but also the boundaries and doubts that come along with it (even though you didn't mean for it to take over the story). believing in something also often comes with rules, so it was very interesting for me to read about kamille's inner conflict about breaking them: did they really matter in a world where law and order was gone and safety and trust was always only temporary? and even if the world didn't turn to shit, kamille is a muslim lesbian and a woman of color - as i've said, i'm not religious, but i'm also a queer woman of color and i did grow up in a househould with certain beliefs, so if you don't mind and feel comfortable sharing it, i'd love to hear more about your opinion/thoughts on this matter. only if that's okay with you though, you can skip this part, if you don't want to answer that question of course! i don't wanna pressure you into anything!
but yeah, i really did love kamille (even though she was so fucking stupid and oblivious sometimes 😭). and as i've already said: i've never watched ftwd before but kamille and alicia just somehow made sense to me. i haven't felt this single in a loong time hahahaha 🥲
i believe the ftwd fandom is not very huge and i know that some of your other fics for other fandoms might get more attention, but i really do appreciate it every single time u post a fic about alicia (i mean i appreciate every fic you post but i'm kinda loving alicia clark very much right now).
just wanted to let you know that bc she seems to be one of your favorite characters and you must like writing fics about her. so yeah, if you ever feel like those fics are not being recognized properly; i recognize them. and i very much appreciate them. 🫶🏻
sorry this message is wayyy longer than i intended it to be haha
firstly can i just say there’s so much to unpack with this but first and foremost, this brought tears to my eyes because it’s such a genuinely sweet and thoughtful message, and it means a lot when someone really delves into what i’ve written and appreciates it as more than fanfiction, so thank you 😭
okay so i love your fear the walking dead pun, really made me laugh 😂 i really appreciate you giving my fics another go as well, especially as someone who doesn’t usually go for scary stuff like that – it means a lot! ♥️
you’re right about the ftwd fandom being tiny haha, it’s a struggle writing stuff when not many engage with it, but thank you so much for letting me know you enjoy my stuff! i think i’ve been writing a lot for Alicia lately because i genuinely just miss her character and there’s a lot to work with in that universe and with her, plus i’m still having withdrawal from the kamille x alicia fic as it was so fun to write and i miss them 😂 you’re right btw - kamille was a dumbass haha but her and alicia felt so real to me and i genuinely forget she’s not in the actual show 😂
again, very grateful you recognise that though – it’s always so touching to know there’s someone out there delving into what i’ve written! as you said about the subtle commentary within the fic about religion and beliefs combatting a world where it isn’t ’needed’ anymore, that was something that i’m glad you picked up on! i feel like i try to include subtleties in my writing on similar more serious themes, rather than just a fic or imagine, so it means a lot someone noticed them :)
in terms of my opinion on the whole queer women of colour and belief system, i’m happy to share! honestly writing the kamille x alicia fics were a little outlet for me as i’m in a similar boat, a pakistani lesbian, and i genuinely face this issue every day, so obviously i can only share my opinion.
as a person of colour yourself, you must understand how it is being viewed in the lgbtq+ community as someone who isn’t white, but i feel like it’s even harder when you’re a follower of a religion, so in my case Islam. But i won’t go into how it is being viewed like this externally because you can see that anywhere. For me, it’s the internal conflict.
i think knowing that i like women and can never feel otherwise makes it hard because it’s always a decision between do i force myself to think and feel differently because of my family? or do i lead my life how i want to? but then that in itself is hard because even though i’ve told myself i’m a lesbian and accepted that, have i really? i don’t share it to anyone other than my friend and sisters. I don’t know how to. And then my religion and beliefs come into play - i genuinely believe God/Allah wouldn’t frown on me for feeling this way because He created me, but other Muslims would see it as a sin and me straying away from religion. But is it really straying if it’s not my choice? Surely my beliefs should be between me and God, not everyone else?
No matter what, believing in something bigger than me and the fundamentals of my religion make me feel calm and centred. I don’t care how many times people say being gay and Muslim is wrong, because it’s not to me. I can be both. And it doesn’t change any of what i believe. Saying that though, my parents put religion first even though they’re not very religious. Family is second to them whereas it’s first for me. Their beliefs shape them and i can’t exist within that if it doesn’t follow their ideals.
It genuinely comes down to perspective, and as much as i tell myself i don’t care what others think, i do. Mostly my parents. If they knew, they’d despise me. And it’s that thought of do i lie forever to keep them in my life? or live my truth? the answer is, i don’t know. My biggest fear is being alone, funnily enough like Kamille, so i don’t know if i’d rather live an unhappy life surrounded by people or a happy life alone.
But yeah - that’s just the base points of my thoughts on the topic, as well as my experience. If you have any more questions or want me to clarify anything, do let me know! the truth is, most of the stuff Kamille fears or worries is a mirror of my life lol. Only difference is, her circumstances don’t make her choose because it’s not a choice, it just is.
Hope that helps and once again, thank you for your kind words! 🥰♥️
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psychelis-new · 2 years
Hi! I’d love to join your short readings but if you don’t have the energy to or have enough asks already you don’t have to answer this, I’d understand c: My guess is you’re an INTJ. If you’ve read about MBTI functions, I’d pin you as Ni dominant (INTJ/INFJ) and I’d go with INTJ but whatever works! I’d love to hear about what you think of your type if you feel like answering as well!
My questions are: Was I wrong? How do I heal? I’d rather hear about healing if you want to answer only one qn. The emojis I choose are 🐉💃🏻 and here is a picture I took on my birthday! :D
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Thank you so much for your energy and time, I’ve been loving your work dearly and I just want you to know you’re an amazing tarot reader and writer ♥️♥️♥️
Hello! Finally here to answer you too! Lovely pic, really relaxing. Hope you had a lovely day, fellow aquarius! And my MBTI is INFJ. You guessed it but went for the other :) Idk, I have been trying to know more about MBTIs but still I think they cannot be simplified as they depend on the person (plus, there are also enneagram which I bet take it all to a different level -and I dunno how mine happens to be what it is -1w2). Generally, I think INFJ fits me: I am an introvert, I tend to follow my guts and understand the world around through them too but very often I let emotions take over (despite I still see myself as a pretty logical person). I rarely do something for me (but I am starting to these days), I try to be as supportive and appreciative of others as I can and I tend to be as balanced/right as possible but also very understanding. I think I mostly a mess LOL Thanks for the compliments btw, Idk how much I deserve them these days but I am gonna take them in anyway, cause bad days happen to everyone and compliments remind us that those are just bad days (and that they also do not depend on us alone). Thank you a lot!
Anyway, your reading. As asked, I will focus on healing: Your healing may be related to delicacy. Seeing and taking things with more grace. I am seeing someone caressing flowers and you know how flowers may lose petals if you touch them even a little too harshly... so yeah, be gentle. And I think with yourself in particular. Also smell flowers -or take time to appreciate yourself, if we want to keep the metaphor. Go at your own pace. I suddenly heard "bend" so maybe you're being too strict on something. It's okay to let go a little. Just again take your time cause it ofc gonna be uncomfortable and again be gentle with yourself, be appreciative. Send comfort to yourself by positive and encouraging self talk. You're trying, it's fine. Find your way to happiness, your own way. Take charge of your mind and emotions. It's gonna take a while but it'll feel better. Again, do not rush things... take your time. Healing sometimes may take a lot, but it's okay. Do not compare to others, do not try to rush it. It's a lot to tak most of the times, so it needs time, gentleness and patience.
(As for if you where wrong, I heard NO, but I haven't analyzed it cause it wouldn't be fair to others. I just heard that so take it as resonates.)
Take care and all the best!
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velidewrites · 2 years
Hey! I just remembered you said something about the shadow and bone acotar au and idk if you're doing it now or not but I think it's a very interesting idea (sab is one of my favorite books too)
I love your blog btw! It's what is keeping me in the fandom tbh your edits and incorrect quotes just everything is ♥️
Hi Anon! Hope you’re doing well 💕
I am doing a Shadow and Bone AU! I’ve got the fic outlined and I’m planning to start posting it around mid February - it’s quite a big project (a multi POV with a few subplots) so I want to give myself enough time. I’m really excited for it, and it makes me so happy to hear that you are as well!
And thank you so, so much for your kind words. The fact that you enjoy my blog and the things I post honestly means everything to me. Sending you lots of love!! 💕
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margaetyrell · 2 years
hi Sarah! swiftie santa here! I'm sorry to hear about your holiday and i hope you have a good time regardless! and yes I'm having a great time with my family (we also had a secret santa and it was really fun) and I'm eating a looot lol
sorry for takimg so long to show up- i actually haven't been online so much
I know you said this year is going to be different but do you have any traditions or favorite holiday food?
merry christmas ♥️
omg this has been in my inbox for days... i’m so sorry dear, i was saving it for later and then i completely forgot about it!!!! but that’s sooo sweet and i truly appreciate it, thank you sm 🥺💜💜 luckily it was just a scare, we’re kinda used to it bc my brother has been sick since last year (i don’t really wanna talk about it, it involves the c-word) although there’re better days and reeeally worse days, so you never know for sure. but he’s currently stable! so i hope we have a good start of the year at least. owww but i’m so happy for you and that you’re enjoying them in good company and lots of food, which i agree it’s def the best part lmao so don’t worry at all!!!
well not much actually, i celebrate them with my parents and my brother bc the rest of family lives far away and my partner is also away, so we have the typical feast with music and decorations. same for new years. and about the food… my mother makes several types of fish and a babka cake that is typical of poland for xmas and sometimes choinki, which are like xmas tree shaped cookies!! basically sweets is what i enjoy the most bc my mum is really good a bakery sksksks so that and vine, ofc. but what about you??? merry belated xmas btw and a really happy new year too!!!! 💜🥰🎄🎄
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honorarysimp · 18 days
Ghoooosttt!! You've noticed me? And you give me a tag, god, you know how to make someone feel special 🥺🥺🥺 especially cause I'm kinda really shy to send asks, this means a lot! 😄
It took me a while to reply cause goddamn, I read it thrice by now. I was expecting the flashback (interesting chapter title btw, learnt something new) but the Lorraine Rooks convo had me melting 😭
Finally, the name drop. Its surprising I didn't search what Rooks meant, but this was fun to read and theorize! Like, I have so many questions. Is Rooks' dad kinda a reason for the visions cause he's really ominous?? I think he may have something to do with those symbols up there and with what Maxine said (even with how religious he is? Idk this maybe crazy speculations) Then, does Lorraine and others know about it, or is it just a nickname..? Lorraine would be kind but the others..nope. The album part was amazing.
And OH MY GOD the tension. The proximity, their understanding oh god they're goals. Like SLOWBURN ALL THE WAY cause we get such good healthy dynamics and the tension * chefs kiss * I really loved it when Rooks didn't shut down after she denied and really understood her (they're made for each other ISTG) and Lorraine when Rooks said they aren't leaving (my poor baby 🥺 someone's doing right by her for the first time) this was the healthiest slowburn convo scene I've read I WAS LITERALLY INTERNALLY SCREAMING THE WHOLE TIME😭
Okay I may be easy but yes, I'm convinced, Lorraine is a sweet angel baby indeed. It's just that she is so genuine with Rooks and i didn't miss that 'haven she longed for' in the prev update (which was Lorraine's POV for a sec if I'm right) ...I really hope she tells Rooks the whole witch lore we're looking forward to 🤞🤞
One thing tho, really admire the way you write situations. They're so realistic and I can't believe we got to read this in such a short time 🥺♥️ Hope you're doing alright, Ghost xx
So many thoughts, you’re so sweet first of all. I pay attention to everyone, you have no idea how I will Sherlock Holmes my notifications to try and figure out who is sending in anon asks (I’ll never tell, but I see you and love you all🫶).
It’s an absolute treasure hearing you say this because at times I worry I’m dragging things out too much or being too subtle (overthinker). I’m all about details, little breadcrumbs that circle back and make sense later. Scratches an itch.
I promise I’ll repay the tension, you will be fed properly. But I’ll be honest, chapter six is half way done and it’s NUTS. it’s writing itself, I take no responsibility.
I’m doing well thank you for asking, hope you’re doing well yourself!
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prttyvirgo · 1 year
hi baby, it’s me 🤭
I hope you’re doing okay and I hope nothing major is going on in your life :( you deserve peace, love and happiness. I’m here if you need to ramble, oh how i miss those days when i used to finish work with a thousand messages from you just rambling and moaning about your students ♥️ happy times
thinking about you sweet girl, you’re the cutest person I’ve ever met in my life. Your heart is so kind and deserves so much peace, i ask for nothing but the best for you. You deserve it ♥️ you’re doing good and making me proud all the time. I’m sure everything is going to be fine!!!
ps.: wish I could know how your day was 🫶🏼
hey, handsome 🤍🥺
everything is absolutely fine, just started my nee semester and work's going well too, thank you for asking 🥺 i hope you know the part with the peace and happiness goes for you too and i wish you nothing but the best
honestly i was always so worried about spamming you about my random days and thoughts but i'm glad you enjoyed it 🥺 makes me really happy to know that you might have even looked forward to that (btw my students are still annoying and loud if not even worse so that's the exact same)
and kissing your forehead as i type this because you really are the sweetest. it makes me happy to know that you see me that way and i hope yk that to me your heart is just as kind and soft, a little broken, yet so full of warmth and kindness, i hope you never lose that part of yourself 🤍
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takenbypeter · 2 years
Rodrick x y/n, whenever y/n is over Rodrick is somehow nicer to Greg. Greg ends up walking into a band rehearsal and Rodrick tries to keep his nice act up in front of y/n (they’re part of the band)♥️ btw thank you for doing all of my requests, I really love how you write them and your saving my life rn Blc my bf was about to break up with me and these imagines keep me going 🤍
All An Act
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Rodrick x reader
Words: 842
Hey hey! Eep I'm so glad you're enjoying my little drabbles for you, thank you for requesting them 💕💖💕 I hope everything's okay with you and whatever situation you're going through, you get through it. REMEMBER YOU ARE STRONG! Anyways lets get into the story 😉
Greg didn’t get it at first. One minute Rodrick was being his usual mean self and the next he was acting nice, like suspiciously nice. He thought Rodrick was having those puberty mood swings that he’s heard about in health class, but then he finally figured it out. The key was you. 
It was pretty easy to solve, I mean Rodrick would be acting malicious and then the second you stepped foot into the room, it was like a complete one eighty flip. Of course after figuring this out, Greg just had to use it to his advantage and any time you were over he’d find a way to somehow squeeze himself into the room. 
Rodrick wasn’t dumb he knew that Greg was doing this but what could he do, he liked having you around and you seemed to like having Greg around. 
Once you all were hanging out in the living room when Greg brought up how Rodrick never lets him sit in during band practice, when all he’s ever wanted to do was watch, is at least what he said while batting big sad eyes at you. That’s when you turned to Rodrick and asked if it was okay for Greg to watch just one rehearsal. Although clearly against the idea, Rodrick grit his teeth and just smiled. 
So now, Greg was sitting on the little beanbag chair while the band practiced. When you came to a stop you turned to Greg asking what he thought. He said it was great, except for one thing. The band cautiously eyed Greg, not taking well to criticism, especially from a kid.
Then he said it, “the only thing that would actually make it better was if Rodrick could actually find the beat.”
The room went silent and your jaw dropped at Greg’s words before turning back to Rodrick. His eyes were wide and his nose flared angrily. It was not a good sight. Even Greg seemed slightly nervous that he'd pushed the limit before Rodrick put on a clench-toothed grin, “I’m gonna get a drink.” Silently the band watched as he stomped upstairs, slamming the door behind him. 
Head deep in the cold fridge, his hands searched for the first bottled drink he could find. He heard the downstairs door open and shut and without checking who it was, he says, “you’re just lucky, we’re not alone because once we are, I’m going to make your life a living hell.” He shut the fridge and jumped slightly at the sight of you. You stood there and offered him a smile while he bit back his words that were clearly saved for Greg. 
“What are you doing up here?” He asked with more confusion in his voice than attitude. 
“Just thought I’d join you for a drink.” 
He opened the fridge, “just water please,” you said and he threw you a bottle. After you gulped some of the liquid down he spoke up. 
“Earlier that wasn’t—I mean we don’t,” he motioned his hands between him and downstairs, “I wouldn’t ever talk to him like that.“
“Oh right,” you give a nod not believing him, “you would never do that.”
“Me?” He put a hand to his chest really emphasizing the word. “No, never.”
You roll your eyes wondering why he even kept denying it at this point. “Rodrick, drop the act. I know how siblings work, I’m not an idiot.”
He leaned forward, eyes widening, “I never said you—“
“Shut up, Rodrick,” you said, interrupting him from digging himself into a hole, “no one’s that nice, it’s actually sort of creepy. Amusing to watch but too good to be true.” He lets out a sigh of relief not having to put on this act anymore. 
“Thank God I don’t ever have to suck up to that twerp ever again,” he says, hand gripping his bottle. 
“You know he’s just trying to get under your skin though.”
He slurped down his own drink, letting your words go in one ear and out the other. 
“Hey! Don’t ignore me,” you say and he sips his drink again, this time hiding his grin behind the bottle. Setting your own bottle down against the counter behind you, you take a few steps closer to him, “It wouldn’t kill you to actually be a little bit nicer to him every once in a while.”
He let out a sigh and rolled his eyes, “yes it would.” Now it was your turn to roll your eyes, “no it won’t.” 
“Yes it will.”
Leaning even closer you rest your hands on the countertop behind him, trapping him between your arms. 
With a slick smile and innocent eyes you said, “please just try it.”
Rodrick’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he visibly gulped. Stuck with nowhere to go he lets out a small sigh, “fine.”
“Good,” you grinned, grabbing his drink from out of his hand and taking a sip. “Now we have a band rehearsal to get back to.”
“But if he says one more word about my drumming he’s out.”
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nanamisflowerfield · 3 years
Hello!! May I request hcs on the whole twst cast or school— if it makes it easy for you to write— having a harley quinn!mc, I hope you stay safe and healthy! <3 (btw the reader is g/n is everyone feels included :D)
Mh... Usually I write for like 3-6 characters for a request (depends if it‘s a headcanon or scenario), but if every twst character gets one to two sentences, I might write it and it won‘t be long! So, yeah, I hope that you like it!!❤️ stay safe and healthy too, dear anon!!❤️
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🌹🦁🐙🐍⚡️ This guys will totally be annoyed by you.
You are loud and making too many problems. Just a chaotic person in a twisted dark world full of magic. What could get wrong? Too much! They always have to either fix your problems, while you hang around with your friends or are annoyed by you and try to avoid you. Not like Idia would, but just like… Walk away, whenever they smell trouble.
Riddle would get angry, Leona will hunt you down like a hungry lion, Azul would try to hex the door so you can’t walk into the Monstro Lounge, Sebek will hate you for you spending your time with the young master and Jamil will be annoyed to have another Kalim 2.0 in the school.
♥️♠️🦈🎉🏹🤺 🐾 Your friends and the only ones who would hang around with you.
You will have a lot of fun with them. Ace, Floyd and Grim will play pranks with you, while they will drag Deuce and Yuuken into it. Kalim is an energetic goodball, just like you and want to party around with you, which will be pretty funny for you two. And clownfish (Floyd’s nickname for you) and Rook will stalk Savanaclaw students and even make your own traps.
♦️🍩👑🗡️ They will tolerate you. Talk to you, but you guys just don't have so much in common, which is why they won't interact with you a lot.
Silver is too busy with sleeping around and if you would wake him up, he will just sleep somewhere else. Ruggie is too busy with his work, while Cater will be often on his phone or make some photos of you and him and post them with many hashstags like #chaos, #playingprankonriddle, #riddleisgettingmad, #wearerunningawayfromriddle, #adeuceintrouble, #(y/n)andcay-kun. Vil on the other hand will tolerate you as long as our baby potato is alright and not in any harm.
☘️🐬 They know how to handle you.
Because of his twin, Jade knows how to handle you. You aren’t as problematic as people say. You are just, well… You! Always making problems for others and have a lot of fun, which is why Jade knows how to fix any problem, helping Azul out while he stresses around. Trey has to do so many things and whenever you are there, doing who knows what with your friends, Trey will sigh but help you nonetheless. He tries to calm your energetic self down with some pastries, which is why he bakes more than usual!
🐺🍎💪🏼 Thanks to your agility and all, you are they perfect training partner.
Ashton would probably loves to run and train with you, but will ignore you whenever you talked about somebody else and not about him. Epel wants to get manlier and when he saw you and Jack train together, he tries to learn a lot from you, which results in him being involved in your shenanigans. 🎮🤖 They will avoid you, at least Idia is.
When the Shroud siblings heard of you, Ortho wanted to meet you, so you could be his big brother’s friend, but Idia is too shy. The introvert just doesn’t want to meet one of the biggest extroverts of the school. So, if you really want to meet Idia, you have to bomb his door down and drag him out of the dark room, or else, you will never meet the sweet shy boy. 🐉 🦇 This two will watch you, because you are so different than all the other humans in the school. So chaotic, optimistic, funny. Just… different. 🖤 🐕 🐈 They don’t like it if you’re around a few students, because it gets too chaotic and loud during the lessons and just in general. You can often see them rub their forehead or sigh, whenever you and your friends did something bad… “(Y/N), please, sit down and stop throwing Grim around like a ball.” – “HENCHMAN! LET ME DOWN OR ELSE I WILL BURN YOU!” 🔮 Sam will smile and tries to joke around with you. He will be super happy when you buy some of his mysterious wares and will try to persuade you more and more.
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sharkbait77 · 3 years
All’s Fair In Love and Lipstick War (Frankie Morales x f!Reader)
Rating: M
Warnings: Language, alcohol, food, quick mention of Aunt Flow, Frankie being a sweet menace, fluffff
W/C: 5.3k
A/N: Yet another Frankie fic that manifested from a dream I had a while ago 😅 This one is especially dedicated to my baby girl @pascalpanic I love you sweetheart! I hope this was what you were looking for/what you needed ♥️ To all my other lovely readers, I hope you enjoy!
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What a shitty fucking day.
Apparently, taking the initiative to pile some more work onto yourself instead of your coworker only messed up the entire system and everything they already had organized to their standards now needed to be sorted through again.
Everyone looked at you like it was all your fault. Which, it technically was. Weeks of work that was already done had, by your hand, been wrecked and everyone had to start from scratch. You didn’t know; all you saw was your favorite coworker struggling and decided to step in.
Thankfully, your boss let you off easy. Just a slap on the wrist and a verbal warning to always make sure of what you’re doing before you just step in like that. Once you left his office, though, you could feel everyone’s glare on you as you walked back to your desk.
What a shitty fucking day.
For the rest of the day, you kept your head low to your desk, burying yourself in work that you didn’t have the mindset to focus on. You stared at the watch on your wrist, the ticking letting you know that it was definitely working and that time was passing, but it certainly didn’t feel like it.
Once it’s time to clock out, you linger at your desk until the rest of your coworkers leave, not wanting to get caught in their path just for them to stare you down some more with a sarcastic ‘thank you’ and ‘good job’ like they had been since the ‘incident’.
It’ll blow over eventually, but of course for now it’s just going to be so fucking awkward going to work, especially when you aren’t even allowed to help fix what you had messed up. You check your phone and cringe at the messages lit up on the screen from the guys.
Pope: Hey shitheads I got the beer
Benny: Not that Tecate shit I hope
Pope: Fuck you
Pope: Ur welcome btw
Will: I’ll pick up Coronas
Pope: Wow ok
Frankie: I got steaks and soda
Benny: Where tf is Chuckles
You groan; while your mind was busy filled with anxiety over your work situation, you had completely forgotten about tonight with the guys. It would be the first time in a while that all of your schedules lined up just right and you missed those fuckers. Frankie especially.
Your heart pounds thinking of seeing him again. The two of you had gotten much closer over the months, hanging out together just for any excuse to get out even if the others weren’t available, which only garnered a huge crush on your end. You were too chicken to make a move on him, but he never seemed to have the desire to ask you out either. So, you quit nursing your crush, hoping the flame would eventually die on its own. It still hasn’t.
You: I’m here. Stuck at work. And don’t call me Chuckles
You quickly type, glancing around the office to be on the lookout for anyone else that still might be there. You pick up your purse and jacket and rush over to the time punch, ignoring the vibrating in your hand until you make it to the safety of your car.
Once you’re behind the wheel and locked inside, paranoia playing with your mind and telling you that everyone is just waiting until you’re alone to beat the shit out of you – which, of course, doesn’t happen – you check your phone again.
Frankie: You still coming?
Had it been any of the other guys asking, you very well may have said no. That you weren’t feeling up for it. You were sick, on your period, whatever the excuse just to get them off your back. But it wasn’t. It was Frankie. And you quickly find your heart taking over your mind as your thumbs fly across the screen.
You: Yeah I’ll be there
You: Gotta go home and change and grab some chips first. See you soon
You sigh deeply and throw your head back against the headrest. You really didn’t feel like hanging out. That bottle of wine in your fridge and pint of ice cream in your freezer is just calling your name, tempting you to curl up on the couch with a blanket and watch Titanic and cry over your failures. You feel the sting of tears in your eyes already, but your phone chiming pulls you out of your pity party.
Benny: Not cool ranch Doritos I hope
Frankie: So fucking picky
You: Stfu 1 punch ko
Pope: You get those chips Chuckles, they’re ur favorite
Benny: It was not a 1 punch ko!!
You: Stop calling me Chuckles!
Will: All of you shut up
~ ~ ~
You make a quick stop at your apartment to change out of your work attire and into something more comfortable, still debating on whether or not you should cancel. After a few more texts from the guys telling you to hurry up, you decide to just suck it up and you leave your apartment, heading to the gas station closest to Pope’s house.
You stop to buy a couple bags of chips and park across the street from the house and your heart does a pitter patter when you see Frankie’s truck parked in the driveway. The excitement to see him builds and bubbles in your chest, almost making you forget about the shitty work day. Almost.
“Hey! Fuckin’ finally!” Benny yells as soon as you walk through the sliding door to the backyard.
You flip him off and he runs up to you, throwing his arm around your neck in a gentle headlock, laughing as he rustles your hair. As annoyed as you try to be, you couldn’t help but laugh along until he releases you, snatching the plastic bag from your hand to dig into the chips you brought.
“Hey guys,” you greet the others as you straighten yourself out, smoothing your hair back down after Benny’s attack.
They all turn and say hello from their seats at the round table and Frankie directs a bright smile at you, the corners of his eyes crinkling and you duck your head, trying to hide the giddy look on your face. They’re in the middle of a poker game, so you turn into the kitchen and grab a beer, popping the top off with Pope’s magnetic bottle opener and you head back outside.
You plop down on the patio loveseat, sipping – more like chugging – your beer as you attempt to let the stress of the day wash away from you. You watch the guys play their round, placing the empty beer bottle on the ground next to you as you listen to Benny get into a heated argument over the way the cards played out.
“How the fuck would I cheat Benny?” Pope barks as he laughs. Frankie and Will lean back into their seats, covering their faces in their hands as they hide their laughter.
“You rigged it somehow, Pope! What, you mark the cards or something?” Benny furrows his brows as he looks through the deck of cards, examining their backs for any markings to tip anyone else off.
“You’re just a sore fuckin’ loser man,” Will tells his little brother. “Always have been.”
“Okay, seriously, my own brother?” Benny shakes his head with a laugh. You audibly snort, your lip raw from how badly you had been chewing it to prevent the sound from escaping.
“And just what the fuck is so funny over there, Chuckles?” Benny asks and you glare at him.
“Stop calling me Chuckles. It makes me feel like a fucking clown.”
“Well, if the clown shoe fits,” Benny mutters, trying – but not trying – to hide his comment behind his beer bottle.
“Oh! You better watch yourself Benjamin,” you warn, a slight smirk on your face. “How’s about I take you to that ring and show you who’s the real champ here? Fuckin’ ‘one punch KO’,” you tease, muttering the last sentence.
The guys laugh and snort at Benny’s expense and he puts his hands up in temporary defeat. You giggle and shake your head, looking off to the side. It’s all in good fun, of course. The guys took you in as one of their own, as part of the clan after defending you from a jerk off trying to flirt with you one night at the bar you all frequent. They were like big brothers to you, grizzlies who would do anything to defend their cub.
You smile as you glance over at them again, Benny finally accepting that he was just dealt a shitty hand, but demanding that Will deal the cards this time instead of Pope.
“You want in Chuckles?” Pope asks while Will shuffles. You shake your head. That nickname just won’t go away.
“No, not this time. Maybe next round.”
Frankie slightly frowns in your direction. He can tell something’s off today; besides the comeback you delivered to Benny, you’ve been unusually quiet. He watches you as you lower your head again, playing with a loose string from your ripped jeans.
Clearly, something has you preoccupied and he hates to see you look so down. He revels in the days your smile always shines, especially when it’s directed towards him, caused by some lame joke he shared.
“I’m out, too,” Frankie tells Will, who just nods.
“You guys suck, this is the worst game night yet,” Benny complains jokingly.
“Oh yeah? Not the time you drank way too much tequila and demanded that we play Vicente Fernández, even though you had no idea what he was singing about? Then you cried until you puked your guts out all into my pool?” Pope teases.
“Hey, I don’t remember that so it doesn’t count,” Benny mumbles.
You laugh again, shaking your head at the memory. Benny was red faced and crying just like a newborn baby. You quickly think of bringing it up as another playful jab to him, but the events of your work day still hang over your head like a raincloud and it prevents you from joining in on the fun.
Frankie stands from his seat, grabbing his empty soda bottle and walking over to you. You catch him moving out of your peripheral and turn your head to meet his gaze. He dons his usual ballcap, a blue t-shirt underneath a much loved grey flannel, open and flapping as he walks.
“Hey you,” you smile up at him.
“Hey,” he grins back, the smile lines in his cheeks becoming more prominent. Your heart flutters; how is he so fucking cute? It really isn’t fair. “Want another beer?”
You grin and nod, and he smirks at you before bending over to grab your beer bottle off the ground and walking through the sliding door. You wait for a moment, laughing as you glance over at Benny’s terrible poker face. That’s probably why he loses all the time.
You stand as well and walk into the house, the AC cooling your face and arms from the Floridian heat. You walk into the kitchen to see Frankie’s ass peeking out from behind the fridge door. You take this moment to check him out, his worn jeans loose around his bottom, but still a nice ass to look at any day. He moves to close the door and you focus your eyes back up to where his head would be.
“Oh shit!” He jumps, one bottle in each hand but clutched to his chest as if to calm his racing heart. “I didn’t hear you,” he laughs.
“Sorry,” you giggle as you walk around the island to meet him.
He opens the beer and hands it to you before turning to open his soda. He holds it out to you in a ‘cheers’ gesture and you clink the neck of yours against his before bringing it to your mouth to take a sip.
“So,” he starts after he’s swallowed. “You gonna tell me what’s wrong?”
“What do you mean?” You ask and he gives you a knowing look. “I’m fine; nothing’s wrong.”
“C’mon, don’t play that. I know you,” he says. Your heart leaps into your throat at his words. I know you. “If you don’t wanna talk about it, that’s fine, but I know something’s wrong and I hate to see you down.”
You flash a gentle smile at him. You know you can’t hide anything from Frankie, not that you would ever want to, but it feels like a warm hug when he tells you he knows when something’s wrong, when he gives you that understanding smile and those soft eyes.
“I fucked up at work,” you sigh. “Like… Big time. Usually I can shake things off, but… I dunno, this time was different.”
“Did you get fired?” He asks and takes another drink, concern riddled in his voice and on his face. He knows how much your job means to you and he would hate for you to lose it based on, what he already knows was, a simple mistake.
“No, no,” you shake your head. “My coworkers hate me now, but I didn’t get in trouble. Just told to stay where I belong, pretty much.”
“Knowing you, you were only doing what you thought was right,” Frankie adds, not exactly knowing what words of comfort to offer you since he doesn’t know the whole situation, but he doesn’t want to ask and cause you any more stress.
“Yeah, that’s just my luck though, isn’t it? I try to help and then I end up the bad guy,” you scoff, taking another sip of your beer.
“Well, your heart was in the right place. If they can’t see that, then fuck ‘em,” he says and you only shrug in response. He knows it’ll still eat at you until the day it just...doesn’t. He sighs as he watches you pick at the label on your beer bottle and quickly thinks up ways to cheer you up.
“Hey,” he calls softly. You look up at him with a soft smile. “Wanna get out of here?”
“And go where, Frankie?”
“Let’s go to the mall,” he smiles and you snort. “What?” He chuckles.
“You hate the mall,” you shake your head.
“Yeah, but you don’t. So let’s go,” he smiles.
You look up at him in disbelief, wondering why he would put himself through what he has previously described as ‘literal hell’ just to cheer you up. You let your mind wander briefly; could he feel the same for you as you do for him? You want to hope so, but at the same time, you know it’s just Frankie being Frankie. He sees his friend down in the dumps and he wants to help.
“I’m only saying yes because I don’t know when this opportunity will come up again,” you giggle. “I’m gonna go give my beer to Benny.”
Frankie nods at you, finishing the last of his soda as he watches you walk outside and to the table. He’s happy you said yes. Hell, he’s happy any time you agree to hang out with him alone. He cherishes those moments with you, getting to know a side of you that the others don’t. It makes his heart pound in his throat, but he’s not sure exactly how you feel about him.
He’s seen the way you glance at him more than once, noticed how your hand lingers on his arm for just a few seconds longer than you would if you were ‘just friends’. If he just wasn’t so afraid you would say no, he would have asked you out already. Would you say no?
He sees you hand your beer off to Benny and he looks up at you with a confused expression as you explain that you and Frankie are leaving. Will and Pope look through the window to Frankie with a knowing smirk on their faces and Benny yells out ‘Boo!’, muffled through the closed door. You pat Benny on the back and head back inside the house to meet Frankie again.
“Ready?” He asks and you nod.
Frankie lets you lead the way out of the house and to his truck, walking you to the passenger side so he can open the door for you and make sure you’re settled inside before heading to his side and doing the same. Once you’re on the road, he turns up the radio and “Living on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi picks up over the speaker.
“Hey! Your favorite,” Frankie grins in your direction as he turns the volume up higher.
You look over at him and giggle at his enthusiasm, his large, goofy smile infectious and you can’t fight the matching smile growing on your face. He sings the ending of the first chorus, briefly glancing over at you with an expectant expression, like he’s waiting for you to join in.
“C’mon, sing with me!” He pleads as he continues singing the second verse.
You snort and shake your head as he uses his forearm to shove your shoulder playfully over and over again until you're rocking side to side, your other arm crashing into the car door. You know he’s being extra silly to get you to laugh, but you don’t have the heart to tell him to stop. His energy is contagious and your conscience tells you to get over your funk, at least for now.
You give in and start singing along loudly and, admittedly, shrilly and it shocks Frankie at first as he looks over at you with wide eyes, but ends up laughing and singing along again with you. Once the song is over, you’re all smiles and giggles, covering your face that you just let him hear you sing like that.
“That was, uh… Very enthusiastic,” Frankie laughs.
“Hey, you asked for it,” you say, smiling widely.
He just chuckles and fully focuses his attention on the road as he enters the freeway. The rest of the car ride is in relative silence, either you or Frankie quietly singing along to the radio or you asking questions about Daniela, who is staying with her mom this weekend. He fawns over Daniela, smiling proudly as he explains her achievements in preschool and you feel your heart skip a beat at how he talks about his daughter so lovingly.
Not too long after, you arrive at the mall and Frankie parks in the structure attached to the building and both of you exit the truck, walking side by side to the entrance. The cool AC blows in your face and it sends a shiver down your spine as your heated body adjusts to the temperature.
You walk through the clothing section, the men’s side first and Frankie walks with his hands in his pockets, very clearly out of his element here, but he chuckles as you start handing him any and every flannel that you see.
“You need a new collection,” you joke and he looks at the price tags.
“Not for thirty dollars,” he gapes, setting the hangers on the rack again.
You continue walking through, periodically stopping to look at different shirts and pants until you make it to the women’s section. You begin walking through mindlessly, the events from work still nagging in the back of your mind and you cross your arms over your stomach as you think back on everything. Frankie notices your changed demeanor and uses his elbow to nudge your arm.
“Hey, none of that. I brought you here for… What do they call it? Retail therapy?” You chuckle and shake your head.
“I’m sorry, I’ll try not to think about it,” you smile weakly and head off to the dress section.
Frankie spots the young girls area and heads over to grab some new clothes for Daniela while you take a look at a possible new sundress for the summer. The wire hangers squeak against the metal bar they’re hanging from as you push one dress after the other aside until you finally give up, nothing really catching your eye.
You move on to the fancier dresses, meant only for dates at the snobbiest restaurants, but one stands out to you: a champagne colored, spaghetti strapped dress, about knee length. As you get closer, you realize it’s a shimmery material and you search for your size, grabbing it from the rack.
Spotting one of the tall mirrors placed on the columns around the building, you walk over to it and hold the dress up to your body to examine how it would look. It excites you; you’ve never worn a dress like this before, but something about it tells you if you were to wear it, you would feel extremely confident.
“It’s nice,” Frankie says next to you. You jump slightly, his voice catching you off guard, but you smile his way before looking at the dress again.
“Yeah,” you smile before setting the hanger back on the rack. “But it’s out of my budget.”
“I’ll buy it for you,” Frankie takes a step and reaches for the dress.
“What? No,” you stop him. “Where would I even wear it?” Frankie looks at you for a moment and exhales a deep breath before smiling.
“I’ll take you out.”
Your mouth gapes open slightly, heart beating loudly in your ears. What did he just say? Did he mean it? Your mind reels, trying to grasp at words – literally any words to say. He smiles wider at you, seemingly amused by your reaction.
“You don’t mean that,” you say quietly, smiling in disbelief and anxious about his reply, but you realize he’s probably just joking around. Right?
“I’m serious,” he chuckles, grabbing the dress and draping it over his arm, along with the clothes he picked out for Daniela. You decide if it was a joke, or even just a friendly gesture, it would be better to play it safe and joke with him as well.
“Well, if you’re gonna take me out while I’m wearing that dress, then you need to wear something just as fancy. No flannel or hat,” you wave a finger at his head.
“Deal,” he smiles, showing off his dimples and your heart thuds even louder. He’s not backing down.
“Okay then,” you smile back. You wanted to say ‘It’s a date’, but you didn’t want to freak him out. Maybe he’s just being a good buddy. “Well, I’m gonna need some new makeup to go with that dress.”
“Uh,” he looks at the clothes in his arm, probably calculating if it was in his budget to buy the makeup you want and you put your hand on his arm softly.
“Don’t worry, I can buy my makeup,” you laugh.
After purchasing the clothes at the register with you continuously thanking Frankie for buying the dress for you, you head over to your favorite makeup counter and begin browsing the different lipsticks, starting with the nude and red shades. You lift and uncover each one to examine the shade and, for the ones that catch your eye, you paint a small stripe across your inner arm.
“What the heck are you doing?” Frankie asks, confusion – that only a man like Frankie would feel over the action – written all over his cute face.
“I’m swatching,” you reply plainly with a grin, moving on to the next lipstick to do the same.
“I don’t – I don’t get it, are you painting a house?” He jokes.
“You’re such a guy,” you giggle. “You swatch the colors on your skin to see what the shade looks like and to see if it matches your tone.”
“Huh,” he replies, setting the shopping bag down in between you two and turning to the display of lipsticks lined up.
You stand side by side looking at the different shades and you glance at him out of the corner of your eye. He’s picking up all of the bold shades – the neon pinks and blues. You chuckle as he examines them with a furrowed brow, undoubtedly wondering who would be brave enough to wear the shades in public.
“You know, I’m pretty sure it’s your fault the guys call me ‘Chuckles’,” you say.
“Why do you say that?”
“Because you always make me laugh,” you smile and he looks over at you, grinning as well. “Why don’t you call me that?” You ask curiously.
“You don’t like it, so I wouldn’t want to call you something when it bothers you,” he states simply. He turns his attention back to the lipsticks and you bite your lip to hide your smile.
“Try this one,” he says as he holds out a periwinkle shade.
You look at the lipstick, then to him before chuckling and holding out your arm for him to paint the shade next to the other colors you swatched. You focus your attention back to find the shade you’re really looking for, not noticing that Frankie is much closer than he was before.
Suddenly, you feel a swipe across your cheek, the sensation of cream against your skin a tell-tale sign of what Frankie just did. You gasp loudly, turning your head slowly to face him and he has the largest grin on his face, holding back his laughter at the long stripe of periwinkle painted along your cheekbone.
“Francisco Morales,” you growl, a smile on your face despite your best efforts. “You did not just do that!” At your reaction, Frankie finally breaks down and laughs with his whole being.
“I think it’s your shade,” he says between his chuckles, shutting his eyes as he tries to control them and bending over slightly to hold his ribs.
You laugh out of shock and quickly uncap the shade in your hand, reaching up to swipe the maroon color across his forehead, just above his eyebrows. His eyes pop open and now he’s gaping at you. You look at each other for a brief moment before the two of you, at the same time, raise your hands to each other’s faces, trying to get lipstick all over the other.
He manages to grab your wrist before your lipstick can reach his face, and you reach to grab his wrist as well, but you miscalculate and grasp onto his forearm instead. You push back with all your might, but it isn’t enough and he’s able to swipe your face a few more times with the lipstick.
“No fair, you’re stronger than me!” You yell out, not quite as dramatic so security doesn’t get called on you two and you turn your face to the side in an attempt to deflect him.
Frankie’s laugh rumbles in your ear and it brings you back to your center once you realize that, during your lipstick war, your bodies got much closer together. He halts his advances, pulling the lipstick away from your face and his hand around your wrist loosens.
You look up at him, the smell of his minty gum and woodsy cologne taking over your senses and spinning the world around you. When you don’t pull your hand away from his grasp, you feel his thumb brushing the inside of your palm softly and it makes your whole arm tingle.
He’s so close. His face is so close to yours and you’re drawn in, magnetized to him and you don’t realize until it’s too late that you’ve pressed your lips to his in a chaste kiss. He stays still, as if you’ve shocked him and you immediately come to your senses. You just fucking kissed Frankie. You release his arm and he releases yours while you go stumbling backwards, nearly knocking over the display behind you.
“Oh god, Frankie, I-I’m so fucking sorry, I… I don’t know why I did that,” you stutter and cover your face in shame.
“You don’t?” Frankie asks.
You remove your hands from your face to look at him, but startle to see him close to you again. You look up at him and he smirks at you, his eyes watching the way your mouth slightly opens as you try to breathe in.
“Don’t be sorry,” he whispers as he leans down slightly.
He doesn’t meet you the rest of the way, letting you decide whether or not you want to take that step with him. For you, though, it’s the easiest decision you could ever make. You lean up and meet his lips again, sighing into him as he reaches to hold the sides of your face gently in his warm hands, your hands holding onto his forearms.
Your pulse races; you just can’t believe you’re kissing Frankie, that he’s kissing you, that he even wanted to kiss you in the first place. His lips feel so soft, perfectly shaped against yours and you hesitantly open your mouth, allowing him to jut out his tongue to dance with yours.
Before you get any further, though, somebody next to you clears their throat to announce their presence. You and Frankie separate, looking over at the other shopper who is just smiling apologetically for interrupting you and Frankie.
“Excuse me,” they say.
Both you and Frankie take a step backwards, parting like the Red Sea while the shopper quickly looks through the shades, clearly knowing which one they were looking for and grabbing it, issuing another ‘Excuse me’, and walking away.
You and Frankie laugh together for a moment and you giggle at the stripe of red across his face, remembering that you were also marked up with lipstick.
“We should probably clean this up,” you say and walk over to the counter that holds free makeup wipes for the shoppers that need to wipe off their swatches. You grab a few, walking over to Frankie and handing him a couple for him to wipe his face.
“Do ya mind?” He asks, shoving his cap up further to let you see the makeup.
There are several mirrors around, he knows that, but he leans down, wanting you to wipe it off as an excuse for you to be close to him. You comply, giggling as you reach up to gently wipe the red off his skin. He can’t believe that happened; you kissed him. Something he has only dreamed of since he knew he wanted to ask you out.
He reaches the wipe to your face, rubbing it softly across your cheeks and nose and chin, wiping up the trails he managed to mark on you. You smile, satisfied that the majority of the red is gone from his forehead, though he would probably have to wash his face when he gets back home.
“So…” he starts quietly and you look into his eyes. “Are you still having a bad day?”
“No,” you shake your head and he can see in your eyes that you mean it, the same gleam in them that is always present that he never wants to see fade again. “Not at all.”
“Good. I’m glad,” he says and leans forward to give you another quick kiss, balling up the wipes from both of your hands and throwing them in a nearby bin.
“Now that I think about it, I have the perfect lipstick to go with that dress at home. Maybe you can take me home and I’ll try them on for you and you can tell me what you think,” you say, heart leaping in your throat at your own forwardness, but the smirk that grows on Frankie’s face lets you know he’s not opposed to the idea.
“What the hell are we waiting for?” He grabs the bag from the floor and takes your hand, both of you chuckling as he drags you through the mall and back out to the parking structure.
Tags: @the-ginger-hedge-witch @asta-lily @honeymandos @pascalpanic @aliwritesfic @mandocrasis @hnt-escape @winter-fox-queen @barbossa2319 @sarahjkl82-blog @day-off-inkyoto @pedrocentric @astoryisaloveaffair @ezrasbirdie @danniburgh @foli-vora @lucrezia-thoughts @djarinsbeskar @chasingdreamer @quica-quica-quica @meesterblack @amandalovess @hunterofartem1s @pedro4ever @mishasminion360 @wardenparker @librariantothejedi @fan-of-encouragement @javierpinme @writeforfandoms @ew-erin @you-got-me-starry-eyed @quietpainter @beskarboobs @andiesturgss @maryfanson @princessxkenobi @castleamc @magpie-to-the-morning
Frankie Morales Tags: @dobbyjen @rebel-fanfare
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peaceisadirtyword · 3 years
Merry Christmas!🎄🦌
Hello!♥️ A bit late, I know! But I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas! I hope you’re having a great time with your loved ones or alone! I know the situation in many places is not very good but I hope you’re all safe and well, as well as your loved ones🥰 And in case you don’t celebrate Christmas for any reason, I hope you’re having a good time too anyway♥️
And if you’re not having a good time, because you’re dealing with something, missing something or someone or just not having good days lately, I’m truly sorry, I hope things get much better soon😘 Remember you’re not alone. 
Btw! Just posted another Christmas Request, I still have another one left I will post tomorrow, but remember I will leave the requests open until January so if you want to send one, please do! Thank you!♥️
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my favorite boys also wish you a Happy Yule  🥰
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helloalycia · 1 year
Hey, it's stitches, lol! Hope your weeks going well, and don't worry about the late reply. I totally get being busy. Life can be crazy lol.
I'm good! I was able to get the stitches out, and the gash is pretty well healed now. Deeper than I realized, tho. I'm probably always gonna have this big ass scar on my face, lol. Think I'm coming to terms with that, but I'm doing better than I was. My brothers have started out right teasing me now, which I think is helping normalize it, too. (They're still annoying, tho 😅)
BTW, I read your new Alicia fic! Super cute! Hope you're having a good day/night! And thanks for being interested in how I'm doing. It's nice to know people, even ones I don't actually know, care. 🤟🤟
aw i’m glad! that’s what brothers do tbh lol but if it helps to normalise it then that’s great! i am glad you’re feeling a lot better about it though ♥️
and thank you! i’m glad you’re enjoying it - just posted part 2 now! also no worries, it’s always nice to check in haha. Enjoy your day/night also! 🥰
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Letter 24: ♦️ All that Glitters ♦️
A series of text messages littered with emojis appears on your phone. They’re all pretty cute and peppy, in like with what the sender is like in real life—until you get towards the end of the chain of texts.
You’re about to ask if everything is alright, but you quickly get another message that alleviates your worries. It’s fine. He’s fine.
... Right?
***Spoilers for chapter 1, 2, and 5!***
> hihi, prefect-chan~
> how’s it going? ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ just checking up on my cute cute underclassmen just like any good senpai would~
> oh and btw your vdc performance was super ✨ cool ✨! i can totally see why vil-kun had you manage the team. haha, even little the ♥️ adeuce ♠️ combi worked well in the group. cay-kun’s so proud of you guys! i only wish i could’ve joined you on stage, then we would have shone even brighter~
> it seems like juuust yesterday when i met you, ace-chan, deuce-chan, and grim-chan in the 🌹 garden. i was so excited to have such adorable and eager underclassmen looking up to me, you know? tho u guys did also cause a ruckus... messing up painting the roses, bringing a tart that broke the rules, fighting the dorm leader!
> oh and even after that you got into some hot water with savanaclaw too right? u were going around and trying to solve a whodunnit to poor trey-kun and the others. ur rlly making some kinda vigilante group or smth xDDD hope u didn’t forget that i helped u out back then~ how about it, how about it? isn’t cay-kun’s info on nrc and its students so useful? helped u pinpoint the culprit real fast didn’t i? my um’s useful too, right~ it helped save everyone in the stadium.
> mouuuu, prefect-chan! u should be thankful to your kind senpai, u know? it was so much trouble.
> haha ❤️ jkjk no worries~ it was a lot of trouble, but also a lot of fun 🎵
> you guys have grown up so much since then. ahahah... cay-kun almost feels left behind in your dust. before u know it, u’ll all be glittering like diamonds on your own. u won’t need this diamond anymore to light your way. im rlly happy for you!! 🥳
> to celebrate your big coming of age, lemme take you to this trendy new cafe that’s opening in town. they specialize in these cupcakes that come in a jar. super 🖼 aesthetic 🌅! i think u’d like it a lot ❤️ oh and let’s invite grim-chan and adeuce too! my treat.
> I’m not okay
> aaaaaaaa sorry prefect-chan!!! last mssg sent way too early, meant to say “im not okay on this date and this time etcetcetc”
> pls forgive cay-kun’s screw up kk thnx ;3c oh yea and lemme know when u and the others are free to hit up that cafe, i rlly need ppl to clean up my 🍰 after i snap all the pics i need for magicam
> will send u pic of my schedule l8ter, confirm when u can
> the dorm leader is calling for me bc it’s time to feed the hedgehogs, so cay-kun’s off to do his chores 😘 ttyl~
♦️ Cay-kun ♦️
(Cater Diamond)
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any college aus? btw love looove your blog I even have your notifications on 🥰
thank you so much, anon! that’s wonderful to hear, it means a lot to us♥️✨
we’ve asked out members to drop their favourite college aus, and here’s what we found!
♦ Modus Broperandi by strawberrymilano (28k)
Shane’s never had a bro bone in his body. Except, lately… Lately, whenever he sees a bro, he falls into natural bro behavior.
It’s an out-of-body experience.
Ghost!Ryan AU.
♦ On you I have been sold by sunlight_sonata (2k)
Based on this tweet: "I adore my coffee guy, I always get a large coffee and at first he'd be like 'large coffee, right?' but now he just does finger guns at me and goes 'LARGE!!!' and if be lying if I said that wasn't the best part of my day."
Or, that Shyan barista AU that no one asked for
♦  show me what i’m looking for by bodhirookes (53k) → author has a few others besides this one, check ‘em out!
When Shane strides out from the history shelves, he turns towards the back table and hopes to see the usual piles of books and forgotten pages.
What he gets instead is all those books and notes and some guy picking carefully through that fucking Sasquatch book and scribbling something down on one of the sheets Shane has probably put away and—
Shane momentarily loses his mind. Instead of taking the common sense route and hauling ass back to the help desk to get Sara or to hide, his stupid, long legs walk him up to the table and his stupid, smart aleck mouth makes him blurt out into the otherwise quiet library:
“If you think that the ghost of Richard Ramirez haunts the Cecil Hotel, you’re out of your goddamn mind.”
Or, Shane works at his university's library and, through a series of unfortunate events, meets Ryan Bergara, who believes in ghosts, not using a productive organization system for his notes, and that Amelia Earhart was abducted by aliens. Maybe most unfortunately, all of these things make Shane fall for him faster than Ryan can say: "The Whaley House is haunted."
♦ Love, It Stings and then It Laughs by ViceCaptain (17k)
Ryan smiles sheepishly and even if it’s a little, shy, thing it is painfully beautiful. He seems about to leave but stops again “Listen, uh.” He looks away, a soft blush spreading on his cheeks and neither of them can blame any of that on alcohol “Are you free on Valentine’s Day?”
♦ One Of These Days (Gonna Show Him I Care) by matterbaby (WIP, 12k)
He was halfway out the door when his professor called out lazily, “Mr. Bergara, a word?”
Ryan slowly backed up, keeping his gaze on the floor as all the other students walked out. Professor Madej had on clear framed glasses, in typical teacher fashion, and didn’t even look up from his papers until the door slammed. When it did, he took them off, leaned back, and looked up at Ryan. “I’m guessing that from you blushing every five seconds and avoiding eye contact that you recognize me.”
Or; in which Ryan makes out with a guy in a bar, only to realize the next day that the man is his professor for two of his classes.
♦ A Horror of Constraint by RedLlamas (WIP, 1k)
Ryan thinks, "oh I'll jack off during class, it'll be a fun challenge, what could possibly go wrong?" Well, Mr. Madej has eyes, that's what could possibly go wrong.
Want You In My Court by ourladyofresurrection (51k)
Ryan looked at his hands, tapping out a nonsensical beat on the dashboard. God, even that was hot too. His face was impossibly smug, favouring him with a lopsided grin that had something hot and needy clench deep in Ryan’s gut.
How do you gracefully say: ‘Hey, I know we’re in a group project now, but I think I came to the sound of your voice the other night and I can’t stop thinking about it and frankly, it’s driving me a little crazy‘
Hint: you don’t.
When I Kissed The Teacher by hufflepuffdaddy (5k)
One of these days Gonna tell him I dream of him every night One of these days Gonna show him I care, gonna teach him a lesson alright
Ryan has the hots for his professor. Shane has the hots for his student.
Want You In My Room by beethechange (13k)
As they watch, Tall Guy takes his beanie off, revealing a mess of thick, shiny brown hair. He runs his hand through it to shake out the hat hair and Ryan feels like he’s stuck in an Herbal Essences commercial, except he’s the one making inappropriate lustful noises.
Ryan adjusts his snapback, determined. He is, after all, wearing his very finest basketball shorts, without even a single hole at the hem, and the knowledge puts an extra spring in his step.
“I’m gonna climb that dude like a tree,” he tells Curly.
You’re Just What I Needed by doctorkaitlyn (10k for this fic, 31k for series)
In which Ryan and Shane first meet (and make out) at a party on the final day of the semester, officially fall for each other over the course of a summer spent two thousand miles apart, and then make out some more, all while having spirited debates about ghosts, cryptids, and whether or not Medieval Times is awesome.
(Spoiler alert: they agree to disagree on all of the above.)
she’ll have you falling harder by growlery (519 words)
Shane’s dorm room is not haunted, but the girl from the ghost-hunting service her roommate calls is cute. 
i’d promise you anything for another shot at life by jacksmannequin (5k)
Ryan used to think his soulmate was dead, or younger than 19. That theory proved itself to be wrong when he started noticing sometimes his hands got smudged with red ink even when he hadn’t touched a pen the whole day. Sporadically a shopping list would appear on his arm. He woke up with a flower in blue marker on his cheek once, and that was a bitch to get rid of.
That was roughly when he realized his soulmate was very much alive and well, had a tendency to write formulas between their fingers at 4 in the morning, and was blatantly ignoring him.
Films and Flannels by samjoinedthereconcorps (32k)
Shane and Ryan are working on a film project for class. While doing some research for their project, Ryan stumbles upon a few suspicious disappearances, and for some reason he can't let them go. Shane, ever the skeptic, tags along for the ride - what could go wrong?
And lots of feelings ensue.
play me like a love song by sky_somedays (9k)
 Wikipedia articles aren’t valid research sources. -s Sent from my iPhone
“When he torpedoes you on Rate My Professor you’re gonna deserve it,” TJ informs him.
Or: Shane is Ryan's beleaguered history TA. Ryan won't stop suggesting insane theories.
winter things by uneventfulhouses (8k)
 “Know what we should do, though?” Ryan says.
 When Shane looks up at Ryan, Ryan’s eyes are alight, sparkling with something Shane can’t quite put a finger on. Shane doesn’t think he’s seen it before—he knows a lot of Ryan’s faces, a lot of the different kinds of eye sparkles in Ryan’s brown, brown eyes, framed by all those long, long lashes, casting shadows where that pink blush used to be, but this one is just—it catches him again, and Shane just—well, he doesn’t like the way it makes his stomach flip, somersaulting into his throat before settling. Shane clears his throat, like that’ll help.
or; ryan convinces shane to go christmas tree shopping.
you make me (para)psycho by doradita (5k)
Shane goes to the Parapsychological Club meetings for the surprisingly nice people there and Steven's cookies and definitely not because it's intoxicating to argue with his enemy, Ryan Bergara. 
who am i to ask for more? by thephanlock (15k)
He’s alone in these feelings, he knows deep down in his gut that he is, and he hates himself for even considering otherwise.
But the way Shane looks at him, soft around the edges, the alcohol making his expression as readable as an open book for the first time. The way he laughs at every one of Ryan’s little observations, even when they’re not funny. The way he holds Ryan close, like he can’t quite bear to let him out of reach for more than a second.
It’s enough to have him fooled.
Damn, a lot of talent in that list! It should keep you occupied for at least a while, anon - I know what I’ll spend my night doing :) Thanks again for your support ♥
(be sure to let the author know your thoughts!)
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Can I have v3 boys x fem reader who’s a non-native speaker and has trouble with some words. e.g: a pot lid it’s hard and other things like that. BTW I love your writing♥️♥️♥️
Hey anon! Of course you can. I’m glad you like my writing! ^^ Thanks for sending the ask in, and I hope you enjoy it!
-Mod Kirumi
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V3 boys with a non-native S/o!
Shuichi Saihara
•Shuichi doesn’t mind that you have trouble speaking or remembering certain words!
•He tends to stutter and stumble over his words, so he kind of knows where you’re coming from!
•If you ever had any difficulty saying a word, he would be glad to help you out and tell you what it is!
•He’d never make fun of you— he doesn’t exactly know what it’s like, but he can imagine how annoying it’d be to forget some words
•He’d also consider himself pretty patient! So, he’d wait for you to think of a word you were trying to use if you needed him to
•He admires you for even attempting to learn a second language, honestly!
•He’d be happy to learn words or phrases in your language, too!
•If it could make you feel loved or happy, he would definitely do it
•Besides... If it meant anything coming from him— he thinks you’re pretty talented!
•You’re trying your best, and that’s what matters!
•He’ll love you no matter what
Kokichi Ouma
•Honestly? He made fun of you
•It was all light-hearted, and he meant no harm by it, but if you asked him to stop because it genuinely bothered you, he’d certainly tone it down
•But, other than that, he’s going to tease you
•He’ll purposefully learn bigger, more advanced vocabulary words just to confuse you
•But all of that aside— he understands bow frustrating he can get, so he won’t do that all the time
•If you needed help remembering a word, he’d turn it into a game
•He’d try to give you context, and hints, as well as enough time to think
•And, sometimes, it works in helping you remember it!
•If it doesn’t, he’d tell you, and start using the word more often in an attempt to help you remember it
•But, however, if anyone else ever teased you or got impatient at you, he wouldn’t allow it
•He’s the only person allowed to tease you!
•“Hey, leave my S/o alone!” He would huff, crossing his arms, “English isn’t the only language in the world. How about you learn theirs?”
•He wouldn’t tolerate anyone talking mean about you!
•So, really, despite the fact that he teases you about it, and makes it difficult for you when you’re unsure of a word, he still loves you
•He doesn’t tell you this often, but he really is proud of you
•You’re really smart, and he’s happy to be dating you!
Rantaro Amami
•Rantaro’s pretty patient, so he doesn’t mind that you have trouble with some words
•He’d be happy to help you remember some if you had any difficulty, or help you study if you wanted to improve
•He fully accepts you for who you are, and where you are, yet he’s also so excited to see you grow and get better!
•If you’re making an accomplishment, he wants to be there with you.
•Rantaro would listen to music with you, in both his language and yours, hoping that it could maybe be fun, and a learning experience for both of you guys!
•It doesn’t burden him, really— he’s proud that you’re still trying to learn and understand a language so foreign from your own
•If you ever needed to ask him what a word meant, he’d be happy to tell you, and even look it up for you in your own language
•So, truly— he’s not bothered!! He’s happy to help, and he’s always going to be extremely proud of you no matter what
•He hopes you know that, if anything
•Kiibo was fine with the fact that you had difficulty pronouncing or remembering some words— it happened to everyone!
•He could easily scan over a translator and tell you what a certain word meant if you had any trouble
•And— besides, he finds it admirable that you’re even attempting to learn a second language!
•Honestly, Miu probably installed a function into him to be able to speak and properly comprehend your language with research and tools from the internet—
•You appreciate the gesture, you certainly do!!
•Kiibo’s practically your translator, honestly
•But it doesn’t bother him! And if you ever needed help studying or learning more, he’d be happy to help!
•Because he loves you, and he wants you to succeed
•He would definitely tell someone off if they maliciously teased you or lost their patience with you
•You’re his S/o— he’d dislike it if someone made you upset
•So— really, it doesn’t bother him!
•And, besides, he’s pretty happy to help when he can
•He loves you, and wants you to do good
Korekiyo Shinguji
•Korekiyo would certainly be fascinated with your native language, and do extensive research into it and the culture
•He may even ask you to speak it for him, or possibly teach him a little
•He’d be happy to learn it
•It’s no bother that you have slip ups with words— it happens to everyone, even native speakers!
•So don’t worry— he’d never admit it, but sometimes, he does find it a little bit adorable
•He’d be glad to help you with a word if you didn’t know it, and write it down for you with the correct pronounciation
•It’s nice to see you succeed, and if he can help you do that in any way, he would be more than pleased to do so for you
•So— It’s no bother to him, really
•He finds you interesting, and quite talented, if he does say so himself
•You’re doing great, and he’s rather proud of you
Ryoma Hoshi
•Ryoma would be patient with you if you ever were unable to remember a certain word or phrase, or if you didn’t pronounce something right
•You took on the challenge of learning a language foreign to your own, and he really respects you for that
•If you were ever unsure about what a word meant, or the pronounciation, he would tell you, pointing to the object or word to be positive it was what you needed help with
•He’s just glad he’s able to communicate with someone as kind, and perfect as you
•If you ever needed help studying, he’d be more than happy to help you out with that
•Whether that be listening to English music on a calm, rainy day, or going through flashcards with you outside with the sun shining down on you two, he’d be alright with either
•You’ve done so much for him— in more ways than he can count
•If he can help you learn a language you want to learn, he can do that, no problem
•He’s pretty proud of you and all that you have accomplished, and it’s no bother if you make any mistakes on words or don’t know what they are called
•Everyone makes mistakes sometimes
•You just have to be willing to learn from them
Gonta Gokuhara
•Gonta’s speech patterns are unusual, so he gets where you’re coming from!
•But, as an Entomologist, he does happen to know more advanced vocabulary, especially when it comes to bugs
•Sometimes he just likes to teach you the names of bugs, slowly pronouncing them and letting you look at the bug
•It’s pretty sweet, when you think about it!!
•It doesn’t matter to him when you make a couple mistakes in your speaking, or if you forget a word, because that just means you’re learning!
•If you make a mistake, you can learn from it
•He’s glad that you’re even trying to learn another language, that’s admirable in itself
•He would kindly remind you what a certain word meant if you needed him to
•He would happily help you in any way that he could!
•So, it’s fine with him, truly
•He’s happy to be able to experience it with you along the way— even if he isn’t the one learning a new language himself
•It’s fun to see you improve along the way, and he’ll always be glad to see you make accomplishments!
•He’s here to celebrate the wins with you, no matter how big or small
Kaito Momota
•Kaito respects you due to the fact you’re even trying to learn another language!
•That’s really admirable, and an interesting process, really
•He’s patient and kind towards you, telling you the name of something if you didn’t know it or forgot it
•He even leaves little sticky notes on mirrors!!
•Like, “I love you! Have a good day =D” or “You got this! Reach for the stars!”
•It’s really adorable, yet he only says he does it to help you improve your English
•But he does hope it lights up your day— even if just a little
•He’d ramble about space for a while, and to be honest, it certainly has helped you pick up new vocabulary!
•So— Kaito is probably the most encouraging person you’re ever gonna get! He’s very excited to see you improve, and he’s always happy to help when he can!
•If anything, he’s never going to let you give up
•You’ve got this— You always have!
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