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plusultraetc · 3 days ago
Gimmie some of that Psych(ic) au 🙏💜
to recap: Hizashi is a fake psychic, Several Other Characters are real psychics, and Shouta is Entirely Unconvinced by both. this au is genuinely one of my favorites--I use it as an excuse to rewatch Psych AND I get to do a somewhat silly amount of worldbuilding for the secret psychic society and the mechanics of ghouls/spirits/demons etc. what's not to love.
here's a snippet from the wip soup!!
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tatiejosie · 22 days ago
ask and ye shall receive
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Donald will force the self-care upon you. Into the slime bath you go
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never beating the service dog allegations
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shitolodise · 1 month ago
The way you draw medic is so yummy!!! >:]
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thank youuu sir anon
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aychama · 10 months ago
Your post about King Heket reminds me of a song called "Daisy 2.0" by Ashnikko and it has a line about not being a princess but a King, bow down and kiss my ring or something like that. I see it fitting Heket really well!
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I see it fitting as well!
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gomzdrawfr · 4 months ago
Fish talk.
Price likes rainbow trout that he cooked himself in garlic and butter in a ration tin over an open fire. Nothin better than trout you caught, gutted and cooked yourself on the river bank. Bonus points for a bottle of something cold and hoppy to go along with it while he eats it on the river bank, still wearing his wellies and waders.
For Nik, it's calamari and grilled sea bass with a glass of white wine, maybe a sauvignon blanc from France, in some swanky hotel on the Adriatic coast. Just sitting there in beige chinos, an open shirt and bare feet, skin still warm from where he was basking in the sun all day, not even checking the bill before he pays for it.
Fish recipes by the one and only, now visualised (somewhat) hehe
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bonus of my reaction:
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ceratedfish24 · 4 months ago
I'm really not a ship person (nothing against shipping its just not for me usually) but something about Scott rarepairs really intrigue me
Scott rarepairs are so awesome. That’s a man who cares so deeply about those he loves and never expects to be loved back with the same caliber.
The people who he’s commonly paired with are the same people he hangs out with a lot, so they’re more inclined to be aggressive with him when not allied with him. That’s their friend! Of course they’re gonna mess with him.
The people in Scott rarepairs usually don’t talk with Scott as often, but they know his kind of humor because most of them hang out with Cleo and Gem a lot. They also tend to know from the life series that Scott is not a force to be reckoned with. That means that they have a lot of respect for Scott AND a lot of affection for people like Scott.
Something that helps is that Scott is one of the friendliest people in that social circle. I believe that myself, but I say it aloud because so many other people in that social circle have stated such, which is absolutely a testament to how pleasant Scott is to people. People are SO quick to get comfortable around Scott. Tango, Etho, Grian, Bdubs, and Skizz don’t get to talk to Scott very often, and yet they’ve all had on camera moments where they expressed how cool or sweet they find Scott to be.
“Scott’s awesome. Scott’s awesome.” - Tango during his 2nd MCC, which was at Twitchcon, when Scott found him to check on him and encourage him.
“We all need to have people we can trust no matter what’s going on. Bdubs… Scott…” - Etho during Secret Life to Cleo
“Scott is the only person on this server who I trust right now.” - Grian during Third Life
“A birthday party? That sounds- that sounds like Scott or Jimmy- no that’s Scott. Scott’s a very empathetic person.” - Bdubs answering a trivia question this past episode of the Life Series
“Smajor was this other… guy on the life series, and, every time I passed him, he’s kinda nice, and then we talked more and he’s really nice, and now I admire him, and now I like him, and now I- I really like this guy!” - Skizz on the Imp & Skizz podcast describing how he didn’t want to make connections with people for their clout when he joined Third Life, but he couldn’t help but be drawn to Scott. This is also, coincidentally, how crushes tend to develop, Skizzleman.
Scott is a very earnest and caring person, even in the life series, a death game, where that’s not particularly rewarded 100% of the time. Everybody has so much respect for Scott, both because they know that he’s a lot like Cleo and Gem and they have a lot of love and respect for Cleo and Gem and because their personal experiences with Scott have made it clear how sweet and competent he is.
I love Smajor rarepairs, because I’m not into relationships where one person is pulling all of the weight. A lot of mainstream Smajor ships reduce Scott to his relationship and let the other person have their own things going on. There tends to be a lot of focus on the other person, like they’re Scott’s whole world. Rarepairs tend to have Scott’s partner(s) treat him with reverence, which forces Scott to confront his insecurities, how he feels like he needs to earn other people’s affection.
Tango is immune to flirting, but he’s very responsive to Scott’s teasing and eager to banter with him. He doesn’t talk to Scott a lot, but he clearly really likes Scott and how earnest Scott is.
Etho absolutely thinks that Scott is incredible. You can see it in literally every single interaction they have. Etho and Scott probably talk the least out of everyone I mentioned, but I think Etho pays the most attention to Scott and has simply become endeared to him because he sees so much of Cleo and Gem in Scott.
Grian ALWAYS has a compliment for Scott. When he first met Scott, he didn’t trust Scott because “no one’s that happy”. When he learned that Scott’s just like that? Instantly loved Scott. How could you reject someone who’s clearly so happy just to spend time with you? He loves to tease Scott. I think he sees Scott as someone he can properly match wits with, what with how they both love to make short little games and are usually chaotic until they’re the least chaotic in a group and immediately become the responsible one.
Bdubs is terrified of Scott. There’s no other way to put it. Bdubs is more afraid of Scott than he is of Cleo and Gem. He commented during the fourth episode of Wild Life on how Scott is a really hard target. There was fear in his voice. He later tried to convince Tango not to go after him. He really didn’t want to upset Scott. He’s so traumatized after that game of tag. HOWEVER. Bdubs knows that Scott is a man of reason. Bdubs isn’t usually worried about attacking groups that his group is on neutral grounds with, because he knows that they’ll eventually attack him first if he doesn’t beat them to the punch. That’s how this game works. Scott doesn’t do that, and Bdubs has taken note of that and trusts that. Bdubs trusts Scott not to attack him without a reason.
Skizz? I could go on for HOURS about Skizz. Skizz has literally admitted to subconsciously treating Scott like he’s Impulse, who Skizz loves to death, who Skizz trusts when he can’t call anyone else, who Skizz kisses on the temple when they haven’t seen each other for a while. Skizz is a very kind person, but, in game, he’s not the most levelheaded person. Scott is both kind AND levelheaded, which Skizz has a lot of respect for. Scott doesn’t even have a temper to lose when it comes to verbal conversation. Hurt him or his friends and he’ll make you wish you hadn’t, sure, but words will never hurt him. I think Skizz honestly sees a lot of Impulse in Scott, whereas most people see Cleo. People compare Cleo to Scott, because they’re both petty and witty. Skizz compares Impulse to Scott because they’re both petty and survivalists. Skizz has commented many a time on how Scott is so much better than Skizz at PVP and how impressed he is that Scott can evade the entire server when they’re hunting him. Apparently, Skizz (and Impulse) thinks that Scott gives the BEST hugs. Apparently, Scott is the only person whose hugs make Skizz feel like he could fall asleep right then and there.
Another thing I’ve noticed about my favorite Smajor rarepairs is that they all love to make Scott laugh. When Tango teases Scott, it’s never about anything serious. It’s always to make Scott giggle. When he’s around Scott, Etho LOVES to do and say things that would make Cleo or Gem laugh, and they work on Scott too. It’s the “wet cat” behavior he emphasizes when he’s with Cleo and Gem, because he knows that it makes them laugh. Scott has never poked fun at Etho for being “washed up” or “a wet cat”, but he does laugh when Etho emphasizes the “lost puppy” behavior. Outside of the life series, Grian isn’t particularly interested in making Scott laugh, but he does like to impress Scott. When Grian knows Scott’s watching, he really challenges himself. I think it’s because he, himself, is very impressed with Scott. Bdubs absolutely loves to make Scott laugh. You can see it in Scott’s escape room videos. He says so many silly things just to get a reaction out of Scott. You CANNOT tell me that “Bdubs, there’s something in this room that will allow you to swim up lava” “the bed” “no, think something you can drink” “the lava” was genuine. I’m completely sure that Bdubs knew Scott meant that there was a hidden fire res potion but just wanted to be silly. Skizz LOVES Scott’s laugh. He’s said it before. Skizz loves to make Scott laugh so much. He loves hearing Scott’s laugh. It’s so giddy and full and joyous.
Maybe I’m projecting a little bit. As a lesbian, you can’t believe how grateful I am that the only traits my mother has ever asked me to find in a partner is 1) someone you can trust and 2) someone who makes you laugh. She doesn’t ask for my partner to be rich or cisgender or a man or conventionally attractive or of a certain race or religion. That’s kind of what makes me love Smajor rarepairs so much. They respect and trust Scott, and they love to make him laugh.
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semperama · 8 months ago
for the kissing meme: buck/eddie, 24.
-as a reward
Buck makes it all the way back to his loft before he breaks and texts Eddie.
Don’t do it, man, he says. Don’t let them get to you.
Sure, Eddie’s been getting nothing but shit from the entire 118 since he came back from Texas sporting a mustache. And sure, Buck has joined in on the teasing—he had to, even if he felt like he needed to have his fingers crossed behind his back the entire time. But after Eddie laughed off today’s latest round of 70s porn star jokes and promised he’d come in for his next shift clean-shaven, Buck felt—something a lot like panic. Churning stomach, shaking hands. When Eddie said goodbye in the locker room, thumping Buck on the shoulder, Buck almost reached out to stop him, reached to run his thumb across his upper lip, because—no. No.
I knew you didn’t hate it, Eddie texts back a couple minutes later. And Buck groans, even though he’s not shocked something gave him away—the flush in his cheeks or the way he laughed a little too loud at everyone else’s Freddie Mercury jokes or the way he couldn’t stop looking.
Come on. You know we all have to get on your case. But you should keep it.
The time has come, Buck. You’ll live.
And sure, Buck gets it. It was a—a crisis mustache, or whatever. A temporary change, and now that Christopher’s back and everyone’s together and everything is good, why does he still need it? But Buck just—he can’t explain it, can’t examine it, but it feels like he’ll be losing something if Eddie loses the facial hair. It feels like someone scooping up the last bite of a dessert he never got to try, or learning he missed the window on a museum exhibit he really wanted to see.
Please? Buck types it out and sends it before he can think too hard about it. Please. For me?
Eddie doesn’t respond to that. Ten minutes go by, then twenty. He probably got in the shower, probably is shaving it off right now, all that dark hair swirling down the drain. Tomorrow Buck will go over for dinner and video games with Chris, and Eddie will look…normal. Everything will be back to normal. Why does that feel like something Buck can’t handle, doesn’t want?
He’s halfway through prepping dinner, forcing himself to go through the motions so he’ll stop feeling shaky and fragile inside, when someone knocks at his door. He wipes his hands off, frowning, and goes to the door, and—it’s Eddie.
It’s Eddie, with a mustache.
“’For me?’” Eddie says.
Buck should feel ashamed, hearing his frankly unhinged message parroted back to him, but he’s too busy sighing with relief and—reaching, reaching out like he wanted to before, his palm cradling Eddie’s jaw and his thumb swiping across the hair at the corner of Eddie’s mouth. It’s better than he thought it would be, a little spiky at the ends but…soft too. Soft enough he wants to rub his lips against it.
So he does.
“Buck,” Eddie says, amused, his lips brushing Buck’s, the mustache tickling his skin. It’s not quite a kiss, not yet, but—it could be. It will be, soon.
“Shut up,” Buck says, heat flooding his face. Then, “Thank you.” And then he tips his head down a little and presses his mouth to Eddie’s in earnest, tonguing his top lip and groaning at the prickle, the newness, just what he wanted, what he asked for.
Eddie wraps an arm around his waist, iron band of muscle, and walks him backward into the loft, lets the door fall shut. “For you,” he murmurs against Buck’s mouth.
Buck moves his head left to right, lets the hair rasp across his cheek, his mouth, his chin. He licks again, kisses again, wants to burrow in and stay. “Thank you,” he says again. It’s silly. Stupid. But Eddie did this for him, and now Buck wants to give him everything, anything.
“Buck,” Eddie says, all fondness and gravel. “Just kiss me.”
He doesn’t need to be asked twice.
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pokeberry5 · 1 year ago
for doodle requests, if you're feeling up to it, Tim holding a cat? <3
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A floofy cat!!
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katsdynam1ght · 9 days ago
Do u think Dabi, Shigaraki and Hawks struggle with their (in some cases "dead") given names?
Tomura Shigaraki doesn't uses Tenko shimura no more.
Dabi doesn't goes by Touya until the end
Hawks was practically outed, kicked outta the comfort secrecy of and yet no one calls him Keigo
Do you think they look when someone calls out their past names?
hi hi friend! love this ask. thank you for sending it. and if you ask me (which you are)…
in short? yes. and no. and sometimes.
“tenko shimura” is a broken, lost, lonely little boy. he’s a child thrown to the wolves, torn apart, and swallowed. tomura shigaraki barely remembers who that little boy is. it isn’t his fault—he was manipulated, he was abused. he had his childhood taken from him, his future written in blood, and really, i don’t believe he had much say at all in any of it. but i don’t think tomura shigaraki would go back. i don’t think he can. if he tried, then that would mean placing all of the things he’s done—all his murders, all his agony, all his guilt—on the head of a child. a small, frightened child. that would be the cruelest act of all.
if someone called him tenko, i don’t think he’d really protest—but i don’t think he’d know how to respond, either. that life is so far away. even if he is to be redeemed somehow, he can never be who he was before. it isn’t him. he doesn’t want it to be. what’s done is done, and what’s dead is dead. let it rest. leave him be. (if he could go back, he would. he can’t. it’s better to leave.)
“touya todoroki” is the only reality that ever has been. sure—he died. he came back. he put his body to rest and crowned himself cremation. but “dabi” is just an alias—it isn’t like the others, who have whole new identities associated with their names. his new name wasn’t given to him; his old name wasn’t stolen. the agency to choose was his, and that’s an important distinction. for him, touya is as much a villain as dabi, because they are one and the same. it’s not a split personality—it’s just him all the way down. he owns that, owns himself. there’s nothing to miss or struggle with.
“keigo takami” is an interesting case. i’m working on a fic about this topic, in a way, so maybe someday you’ll see more of my thoughts in fiction form. for now, let me attempt to be concise. the name keigo takami was stolen from him, much the same as tenko shimura. (ask me later about their parallels, will you? if dabi and hawks are foils, then shigaraki and hawks are parallels.) i do believe there’s an amount of shame associated with the takami name, but i don’t think he avoids it like the plague as some people seem to believe.
see, to me, i think (out of necessity) hawks has become someone entirely different. he isn’t keigo. keigo isn’t him. they are, of course, the same man—but i think there’s a certain separation between the two personas. by choice, mostly. but also by habit. by design. it’s a complicated answer, as i said, because i don’t think hawks really remembers keigo until dabi says his name. you know? then it comes crashing back. being sold, stripped of his identity, shipped off to the public eye. as hawks, he feels inhuman, but human is all keigo can be. i do think he misses it. i think he wants it back.
(this, in my opinion, is the biggest catalyst of dabihawks on keigo’s side. how can he refuse touya when touya is the only one who really knows him? the only one who bothers to discover who keigo takami actually is?)
but the thing is—if dabi hadn’t done that, hadn’t called him by his name, then no. i don’t think hawks would long for it at all. if you ask me, hawks despises keigo. keigo is unsure of hawks. it complicates things when he’s forced to accept that both are the same person. (he doesn’t like himself.)
to answer your final question—“do you think they look when someone calls out their past names?”
i have to say again: it’s complicated. it depends. who’s calling? for what? and when?
generally, no—shigaraki doesn’t accept that name anymore. touya is that name, but he wouldn’t look out of spite. (if someone called him dabi, though, he would.) and hawks/keigo… it all just depends. maybe. maybe not.
you want to know the one that i feel most strongly about, though? a bonus for you, if you will:
all might.
toshinori yagi.
only a few people call him that, you know. i don’t think he prefers it. so much of his life has been spent in service of this dream, of being this symbol. without that, what is he? @revilloutionaire made a post about it a bit ago, but all might was quite literally suicidal for a time after losing his quirk. his identity is tied to his life as a hero. being toshinori is fine when it’s gran torino or nana—but it isn’t fine when it’s anybody else. he still needs to be all might. he still wants to be. if he can’t have his quirk, if he can’t be the hero he used to, then at least he can be another version of it. he can still wear that name and that honor. and he has to.
whenever i write all might in fics, even from his own perspective, i don’t call him toshinori. he’s all might. he thinks of himself as all might. toshinori is just a man—weak, frail, full of flaws—but all might is a hero. and he always will be. he’ll make sure of it.
he has to.
thank you again, my friend, for sending me this ask! names and identities are something i think about a lot in the mha universe, so it was really fun to spend some time rambling about it on here. if you want more elaboration on any of these or if you have other questions, feel free to send more asks!
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hazard-c-horror · 3 months ago
what does Modrolith and hazard think about the entire celestial family and tsams characters in general? ( I want to find out what they feel about the creator too. )
I haven’t thought of it yet, so thanks for making me do this
Hazard — (this will mainly also be my own thoughts bc it is my sona) Hazard cares little for the family, they simply just watch form the background. Not really wanting to get involved in the drama. But does have small biases and opinions
Moon - they’re uncomfortable with his personality and sarcasm at times. And confused at his way of thinking. But he’s interesting to watch and fun to see scared,
Sun - admires his will to stay kinda, despite how much has happened.
Earth - she fine, they don’t really have any major opinions on her, but she good in their book
Lunar - his behavior kinda puts them off, but they also understand that he’s been though stuff, but wishes he doesn’t accuse and so quickly (so luckily for his arc right now)
Solar - he means well. And that’s nice in their opinion. He’s fine. Likes his sarcasm and humor
Jack & Dazzle & molten- they think the children are adorable, and very fun to watch. Though pities that their stuck in such drama
Creator - indifferent, though he’s amusingly dumb at times
Monty - they’re uncomfortable with Monty’s personality, but tries not care too much. He’s fun to scare and mess with however
Modrolith — he’s very annoyed by how the family acts and dysfunctional it is at times. He wishes some members were more open and understanding of one another. But knows deep down that not every family is perfect. Like his own
Moon - on the teetering edge of being hated in Mo’s eyes. Sure he means well, but if doesn’t feel like it sometimes and that just annoys him to the core
Sun - he finds Sun very admirable, pleased by how carding Sun is to the children and his desire to protect them. He’d give Sun his blessing of more power to protect the children
Earth - a good women is a terrific queen in his book! Hard working and trying her best to help the family. Deeply wondering if he and her could have a spay day of sorts
Lunar - pities the life Lunar’s been though. But also hates how the family didn’t bother to completely address Lunar’s before
Solar - also admires how he also try’s for Jack. And pities that he had to live with a horrible brother before.
Jack & dazzle & molten- protect at all cost, they are the world. If one being hits hands on then he will personally torture them for eternity.
Creator - kill on site. The man creature does not deserve any title of parent. If he was able, the creator would be buried six feet under of molten lava
Monty - his feelings are surprisingly mixed. He doesn’t trust Monty. But Mo also see that he and Monty have a similar problem with their anger and emotions. And trying to make up for past horrible actions
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1-marigold-1 · 10 months ago
:000 hybrid swap!!
voidwalker Joel or elderitch mumbo maybe? :DD
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no clue Joel, no clu-
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nuclearbattery · 4 months ago
can you draw shadow the hedgehog? i think sonic characters look adorable in your style
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thank you! i've drawn shadow a couple times he's one of my favourites!
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thefabledpheasant · 1 year ago
okay!!!! you can revive one singular deleted scene from merlin, JUST ONE! which one is it
Ooooooooo good one, good one!
So, I think most people would be inclined to say the scene where Arthur gives Merlin his mother’s sigil and that is VERY tempting.
However, there’s a scene that’s stuck out to me ever since I saw it. In 04x07, when Gaius has been kidnapped after Aggravaine has made it look like he ran and betrayed Arthur, there’s a deleted scene of Arthur searching frantically for Merlin. The placement of this scene comes after Merlin and Arthur had some verbal sparring because Merlin was incredibly hurt that Arthur didn’t believe Gaius. Merlin leaves to go find Gaius.
And in this scene you have Arthur fucking panicking. Like, full-blown panicking. He’s screaming Merlin’s name. He’s trying to play it off to others as anger that he simply can’t find his servant, but it’s extremely evident that he’s terrified Merlin has left him because of what happened. It’s the kind of shit I read in fics.
I EAT IT UP. Frankly, I needed more of the show showing Arthur going crazy with worry and desperation over not being able to find Merlin. It feeds my soul.
Ask game
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ghostymarni · 2 months ago
Hello there I was wondering if I could get some Jesse in his blacks
But if you already drew him just tell me where to find it
hi vod! This was actually perfect for me to re-attempt jesse <3
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flusteredfools · 8 months ago
Whats the fairy boy favorite treats individually that the artisan makes?
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tends to favor treats that are sweet and savory, the top two being Blueberry pancakes (topped with syrup, butter and honey) and Blueberry Muffins (also topped with butter and honey); the stickier and messier the better as he loves to teasingly lick up any messes.
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tends to prefer treats that are sweet and tart, with Strawberry cheesecake and Strawberry Lemon Bread his favorites. He loves to eat the bread straight out of the oven while it's still hot paired with ice cold lemonade.
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But the two's most favorite treat (if you don't count their Artisan's kisses) and the one Artisan Y/N makes the most for them is their Gingersnaps. It's the treat that they first ever offered to them as well as the one they first had when they reunited, so it holds a very special place in their heart.
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typingwithmyhandstied · 21 days ago
YOU SHOULD DEFINITELY READ CARMILLA!! i don't know if you like audiobooks but right now @re-dracula is releasing episodes of their re: carmilla audio drama weekly and they're on spotify (or i think anywhere else you can listen to podcasts) and it is so so good the sound design and voice acting is incredible but it's still a word-for-word audiobook version of the book !
Omg I hadn't heard about that. I'll have to check it out!!!!
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