#faeful hearts au
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flusteredfools · 2 months ago
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I've always adored seeing the little ask games or having characters respond to questions and such so I figured having these four DCA AU's meet up for a social gathering could be fun.
So if you would like to send in any asks/questions for any of the characters, please feel free to do so and I/they will answer! (I also have a few from rl friends as back up that I plan on using too.)
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Y/Ns (Reader Insert) have gathered for tea and cookies, and are finding out they have more in common with each other than just their names; all loving beings outside their own species.
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While the Sun and Moons were too rowdy for the small tea talk after have introduced themselves and moved to the fountain to continue chatting about their partners; currently listening to the Fae talk about their wedding.
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The Eclipses felt that it was too crowded near the fountain and have gathered in the garden's gazebo off to the side of tea tables.
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ravenwriter16 · 11 days ago
Creative Minds Think Alike
Ep. 1 -- Ep. 2 -- Ep. 3 -- Ep. 4 -- Ep. 5 -- Ep. 6 -- Ep. 7 -- Ep. 8 (Here!)
Featuring the Amazing: @flusteredfools / @bearitt-creations
Reminder! If the Content Creator doesn't approve of how I represented them or their AUs/OCs then I edit my work or DELETE it.
It is not my intention to mock or belittle anyone's work. This series is supposed to showcase amazing creators. Also there might be some spelling errors, but ignore those!
As always, please go check out the creator's work! And there might be some spelling errors ENJOY!
3k+ word count.
“Careful! I know!” The smaller harpy glares up at her older sister, blue eyes filled with annoyance. “Get off my wings, sis.”
Raven sighs and runs a hand through her hair, “I’m sorry Jewel. I just want to help—,”
“You already did!” Red hair swishes as Jewl snaps her head back down the garden path. “You got me a job at the Aviary, so let me do the job!”
“But you’re still new to the castle!” Raven’s wings puff up, “What if you get lost?!”
“I’m a kid in a place FULL of daycare attendants.” Jewel deadpans, “I think I’ll be fine…”
“…do you have the letters?”
Jewel pats her messenger bag, “Yep.”
“The packages?”
“Adress book?”
“Ahuh.” Jewel pulls out the small leatherback item.
“You know where to go today—,”
“YES!” Jewel tosses her hands up in the air. Her outburst startles others also walking in the garden. Some fae DCA variants creating a small cloud of pixie dust (or the equivalent of it anyway) in surprise. Raven and Jewel give them sheepish smile and wave before turning back to their conversation.
“Don’t you have paperwork? Go do that instead of bothering me.”
Raven rubs the back of her neck, “I do…but I also have an appointment with a Creator—,”
“And it just so happened to be the same one I’m going to see? Yeah right.” Jewel scoffs. She rolls her eyes, “Just admit it, you don’t think I can do this on my own—,”
“No!” Raven jumps in front of her little sister, grabbing her shoulders. “I would never think that! I…I just don’t want you to get hurt…The Trolls—,”
“Mr. Aviary Director Eclipse told me that the Defenders have been the strongest they’ve ever been!” Jewel sets her hands on her hips.
Raven smiles at the how grown up she looks. Her Aviary Delivery uniform was a tad dirty and had some tears, but looked well loved. The bandana around her neck was cleaner then the rest of her attire. The same bandana Raven gave her before going to the Academy.
Jewel pushes her older sister’s hands off her shoulders, “I’ll be fine.” She steps around Raven, “This will be a piece of cake! I’ll deliver the packages to one…”
Raven raises a brow when Jewel’s voice starts to trail off. Her little sister opens her little address book. She flies through the pages, her eyes scanning each one until they lighten when she finds a certain name. “Bearitt!”
Raven furrows her brow, “Did you do you research on Bearitt and her AUs?”
Jewel shrugs, closing her book with a snap, “You told me about her. Don’t see why I needed to read her file.”
“Jewel.” Raven pinches the bride of her nose, “Did you read her file or not?”
“I glanced at it, why?”
Raven’s wings shoot out, “Why didn’t you read it?!”
“Because it was so long!” Jewel reaches a small fence gate and opens it. Her steps light as she walks down the stone path as she walks down the stone path, heading to the log cabin at the end.
It was old, something built long ago. Yet there were some modern touches scattered here and there. Some of the windows had stain-glass panes of stars and flowers. The porch had some plants along the railing. Hanging from the porch were some windchimes, glass, wood, and metal made. There were even some handwoven dreamcatchers here and there. A swing bench rests near the door, having pillows with unique embroidery.
In front of the door was a floral doormat, that had the word, ‘Welcome’ spelled out of vines. It was all very homey, but that was just the outside. Raven knew how crazy and magical these Creators can get on their worlds. Jewel, however, was still new to this…
Jewel knocks on the door once before her sister grabs her hand and pulls it away. “Careful!”
“It’s a door.” Jewel rolls her eyes.
“A special door.” Raven points out. “You need a special code.”
“Like…the Hufflepuff dorm—,”
“Don’t talk about the HP Castle to me…I’m still having meetings with the Archivist there regarding “Crossover” forms and—,”
“Blah blah blah.” Jewel groans, her smaller wings twitching. “How do I get in?”
Raven sighs, “Let me do this.”
She knocks in a certain rhythm. A rhythm she and her sister were VERY familiar with.
“The daycare theme!” Jewel’s eyes sparkled, her mind distracted by the peppy tune, “Awesome~.”
“Focus, hummingbird.” Raven teases.
“Feathered kill joy.” Jewel shoots back wile sticking out her tongue out.
“Oh real mature—,”
Both harpies scream as the doormat vanishes from underneath their feet. They drop down a long tunnel, illuminated by a glowing gems and moss. They land on a wet and slick mass and get a split second of rest before heading down a fast river-like slide.
Jewel’s screaming turns to delightful squealing. She even tossed her hands up in the air and spreads out her wings as she zooms down the slide. Her bag flies back and Raven almost misses it, but succeeds in snatching it’s strap.
Luckily no letters or packages fell out.
“Jewel!” Raven’s eyes widen when she spots a fork in the slide up ahead.
“Wha—,” Jewel’s voice gets cut off as she goes down the right side.
Thinking fast, Raven tosses the letter bag down the right side before zooming down the left. Hopefully everything will be alright. Raven just needs to find the Creator.
She needs to find Bearitt.
Jewel sighs and wings out one of her longer feathers in her left wing, watching the water fall to the floor. “Welp…that was interesting!”
She picks up her bag and looks around the new area, “Sis?...Raven?...HELLO~?”
She pouts when there is no answer. “Okay Jewel. You got this. Raven will find you. All you have to do is—THERE’S A LAKE?!”
There was, indeed, a lake. With waterfalls to boot. Jewel pulls on her hair, “How is there a lake down here?!”
She starts pacing, “C-calm down. You got this! Just…Just stay put.” Her wings start rapidly flapping, lifting her off a feet from the ground. “Next time I have to read the files…and should never tell Raven about this—,”
“You talk very fast.”
“That’s just how I talk.” Jewel pouts, “Not my fault no one can listen that quickly—wait…” she holds up her hands and hovers in place, “Who just talked…”
“I did!”
She turns her head to find a yellow, orange, and white crest poking out of the water. Along with two golden eyes.
She yelps and her wings stop in surprise, dropping her to the ground a tad roughly. The fishy being chuckles, “You are very jumpy, little starfish.”
The downy feathers on her wings puff up and she rushes to the lake side shore. “You look familiar!”
“Do I?” The being tilts their head.
“Yeah.” She copies their movement, “you kind of look like one of my favorite Legend of Zelda species…But I don’t think there is any Zelda stuff around. You see, I’m kind of new here and I’m still getting used to all the people, heh.”
“Yep!” She sits down on the sand cross-legged. “My older sister is Raven, the Archivist of the Castle! She got me an internship at the Aviary and I’ve been working delivering letters and packages…This place is my first actual ‘Big Delivery’……Huh I still can’t figure out where I’ve seen you before!”
The being chuckles, “Do you take swim lessons here?”
“You can take swim lessons here?” Jewel tilts her head.
“Of course! I teach some of those lessons.” A tail fin appears directly behind the being’s head. “One of the best instructors here.”
“Really? How many lessons have you taught?”
“Too many to count.” The being’s tail fin starts to wag.
She laughs and holds out her hand, “I’m Jewel! What’s your name?”
A large, webbed hand engulfs her own and she strains her neck as she tilts it back to keep eye contact with the strange being while they climb out of the water. Her eyes winder and her jaw drops in awe. Her wings start flapping again and she flies up to his head level.
“Y-You’re a-a-a-a—,” She starts buzzing with excitement, “ZORA?!”
“She’ll be back soon, please don’t worry to much.” Artisan Y/n reassures while pulling out a tray of freshly made cookies out of the oven. Filling the room with a delicious and sweet aroma.
Raven continues to pace along the width of the counter top, “I’m not worrying! Who’s worrying?! Heh not me!”
From the dining table, human size fae Moon looks over the edge of his book. His red eyes holding a skeptical glint to them, “Sure… and Sun doesn’t get jealous—,”
“I don’t get jealous!” Sun, also in human size fae form, brings in a basket full of various produce. His clothing slightly covered in dirt and grass stains.
Moon rolls his eyes and looks back down at his book, “Then you are as deluded as the harpy—,”
“Hey!” Both Raven and Sun puff out their cheeks at Moon, who in turn just laughs in response.
“Simmer down, you three.” Y/n rolls their eyes and smiles. “Cookies anyone?”
Sun runs over, shoving his basket into Raven’s arms. “Sweets from my sweetie? Absolutely!”
Moon chuckles as Sun practically drapes himself over Y/n to grab a sugary treat. His eyes dart back to Raven as she walks over and sets the basket down on the table. She sits down across from him, eyes darting from her hands to the clock.
He rolls his eyes and marks his place in his book before closing it, “Relax, birdie.”
“You lose your spitfire of a sister and see how well you hold up.” Raven shoots back before her eyes widen and she shakes her head and holds it in her hands, “I’m sorry Moon. I didn’t—,”
“It’s alright.” His eyes dart to Y/n and Sun. “I know what it’s like to be protective over someone.”
Moon snatches an apple from the basket. “Know this though, this place is the perfect place for a little one to get lost in. Nothing will try to hurt her, or eat her or—,”
“What about Afton—,”
“He’s still in his cage.” Moon assures, taking a bite our of the red-skinned fruit.
Raven nods her head and lets out a long breath or air. Her wings droop on yeh floor and her shoulders drop. She jumps in her seat when Sun grabs her shoulder with one hand and offers a cookie in the other.
“It’ll be alright friend!” Sun offers her a smile, giving her some pets before taking a seat himself.
A knock at the door has Y/n wiping her hands clean with a towel and heading out of the kitchen. They greet the new arrival and practically sprint back into the kitchen, beaming at Raven.
“She’s here!”
Jewel giggles from her perch. Looking around the cavern with sparkling eyes. “This is so cool!”
“Starlight, although I am happy that you are having fun, can’t you just fly—,”
“Shh, Mr. Moon. I am currently watching over my mermaid subjects.” She spreads her arms out, gesturing to the blue wet mass surrounding them both on all sides.
The darker of the two Zora raises a brow while his mate, Sun, tries to stifle his laughter. Moon rolls his red eyes, “What subjects?”
Jewel points to a few floating leaves and some fish swimming by, “Those subjects. Duh~.”
“Oh yes, of course~.” Moon grumbles yet smiles still.
Sun laughs and walks over, plucking Jewel off Moon’s shoulders. “You are such a cute little bundle of joy starfish!” Sun nuzzles his crest against her cheek, “you should have dropped by earlier, we could have added you to a swim class!”
Jewel lights up, her wings puffing up. “Really?!”
“Really!” Sun spins her around, creating small waves in the water. His smile widening at her giggles.
“Moon?! Sun?! Are you in here?!”
Jewel turns her head and watches as a somewhat short woman (Around Jewel’s own height really) with brown, wavey hair and cloudy grayish-blue eyes behind green eyeglasses. She even had a lot of freckles just like her!
She had on a black choker with a cute bear pendant in the middle of her neck. Her soft green striped sweater hung off one shoulder, revealing the strap to her denim overalls. The pant legs had some images of sun and moons. Her hands were covered by the over-sized sleeves, but as she walked and swung her arms, one could make out a leather bracelets on her wrists.
Her smile warm as she gazes at Sun and Moon. “Found a new friend?”
Sun nods and Moon steps forward, “How are you darling~.”
“JEWEL!” A blur of feathers whizzes by and tackles Sun into the water. Jewel sputters and pushes at Raven’s face as her older sibling scoops her out of the yellow Zora’s arms.
Sun sits up and shakes his head, “That was…unexpected.”
“Sorry, Sunny.” Bearitt gives him an apologetic smile, “She’s been a bit stressed about losing—,”
“My baby sister!”
“I love you my cute widdle baby sis—,”
Moon crosses his arms, “Are you sure they’re sisters?”
Bearitt laughs and shrugs. “Thanks for looking after Jewel.”
Raven looks up at them both finally, “She didn’t cause you any trouble, did she?”
“I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING!!” Jewel starts gnawing on a few of Raven’s wings, “LET ME GO!”
Sun snickers before shaking his head, “She was an absolute angel!”
“All she did was use me as a bird post.” Moon shrugs, “Nothing I haven’t done before.”
Raven looked like she wanted to ask more about that but stops when Jewel plucks one of her downy feathers, “OW!!”
Jewel pulls back and spits the feather out of her mouth, “Put me down…or there will be bloodshed.”
“Okay okay, sheesh…” Raven rolls her eyes and lifts her hands up from under Jewel. Making the poor harpy fall into the water once more.
Jewel breaches the surface and glares at her sister, “I hate you.”
“You love me~.” Raven croons before heading back to shore, “Come on, there is someone I want you to meet.”
“Yeah sure…I’ll go meet someone while soaking wet. What a FANTASTIC idea…” Jewel grumbles while swimming to shore after her.
Sun covers his mouth as he laughs, “She’s even moodier then Ecli—,”
Raven and Bearitt blink and Jewel is out of the water and whizzing past them. Moon falls into the water laughing at the sight while Sun holds his gut and doubles over.
Raven raises a brow, turning her head in the direction they were looking before freezing and blushing in embarrassment. Bearitt tilts her head also turning her head. But what she saw made her smile.
There was Zora Eclipse with Jewel clinging to his upper body while her wings flap happily.  Eclipse points to the small harpy, “Did someone lose this small child?”
“I am so sorry!” Raven rushes over, Bearitt, Sun, and Moon following behind her.
Jewel starts chirping, “Pretty fish~!”
“Jewel! Get off him!” Raven reaches out to pull her off.
The hummingbird harpy hisses and scrambles up and over Eclipse’s shoulders, hiding behind his back. Raven growls in annoyance and meets Eclipse’s gaze. “I’m so sorry. Is she hurting you?”
“I can barely feel her.” He assures with a shake of his head. “If anything, it kind of tickles.”
Bearitt chuckles, “Soooo, I take it that this was what you were warning me about?”
“Yeah…” Raven sighs and drags a hand down her face, “She really really loves Zora…It’s her favorite species.”
“Clearly.” Moon snickers.
Eclipse’s tail fin starts to lazily wag, “While I am flattered, the Fitness Plex will be opening in a few moments and I can’t exactly work with this little one hanging on for dear life.”
Raven narrows her eyes at her sister while Jewel follows the movement of the frilly tail fin with wide and sparkling eyes. Her wings puffing up as she lets out more chirps.
“Let the man go!”
Bearitt pats Raven’s back, “Here, let me try.”
The room fills with a heavy scent of baked goods and a comforting warmth fills both harpies. Raven tilts her head, surprised at how mute the power of the Aura was. Last time she saw Bearitt use her power, a Fraud had stolen some art that was going to be delivered to the gallery.
They had wanted to pass it off as their own work, but made the mistake of stealing the package while Bearitt was the one delivering it. The baked goods scent had turned heavy, almost to a suffocating degree and that soft warmth had evolved into a blistering heat. The Fraud could barely make two steps before he dropped to the floor, his body in shock from the flood of stimulants attacking him all at once.
It was that day that Raven knew NEVER to cross the seemingly harmless Creator.
Now Raven was also had developed sort of an immunity to Auras, so it didn’t affect her too much…Jewel on the other hand. Her body started to relax against her will and her eyes begin to flutter close. Raven is quick to move behind Eclipse and catch her sister before her grip slips fully and she falls.
Eclipse steps away once Jewel is off him and leans down to get a better look at the young harpy. “She is tiny.”
Bearitt chuckles and lifts her Aura, “No, you my dear are just too big.”
“And who’s fault is that?” Sun interjects with a smug smirk on his lips.
Raven points back to where she and Bearitt had entered from, “Can we go find a place to put her down? She’s heavy then I last remember.”
“Oh yes! Just follow me, I know the perfect place!”
Raven leans against the rail of the staircase, straining her ears for any sounds that might come from the upstairs guest room. Her sister had conked out hard and Raven couldn’t wake her up so they just set her down on a bed and were waiting for her to wake up naturally.
Moon was sitting on the couch, snuggled up close to Artisan Y/n and having an arm around their shoulder. He tilts his head, “Soo…That is the mentee who will be under our dear creator’s wing?”
“Sadly.” Raven deadpans.
“I think it’ll be fun!” Bearitt smiles and grabs one of the freshly made, flower-themed, sugar cookies. “And she already likes working with the Zora boys, so that’s a plus.”
Raven groans and drags a hand down her face, “If she just read the file—,”
“You said that she’s a new Informant? Has she had any training?” Bearitt waves the Archivist over.
Raven nods and heads towards the free seat. “She has…All she needs is to get some hands-on experiences. Hopefully, with you being an Informant AND a Records Keeper, it might help her focus.”
“…Does she know how to swim?” Bearitt asks with a small smirk.
Raven shakes her head and looks to the side in second-hand embarrassment. “No…But I’m sure Zora Sun and Moon would LOVE to take her under their fins. Heh, now all I can picture is her being a little motor boat with those wings of her’s.” She rubs the back of her neck while chuckling, wings shaking in amusement.
Bearitt smiles, “That would—,”
Raven jumps to her feet the same time Moon does.
“Wait! Wait!” Sun’s voice comes form the upstairs room, “I can explain—,”
“FISH BOOOYYY!!” Raven relaxes as her sister comes barreling down the steps and falls on the floor. She shoots up and looks around until her eyes land on Moon. She points at him and glares, “YOU!”
“Me?” Moon blinks and takes a step back. “What about me—,”
She charges and climb up his front, standing on his chest and holding his shirt’s collar in a comedic way. Her little wings flapping as she narrows her gaze and starts shaking him, “WHY AREN’T YOU A FISH?!”
“JEWEL!” Raven tears Jewel off of Moon and holds her off the ground, “This is a DIFFERENT Moon.”
Jewel blinks and takes another long look at Moon. He returns her stare, red eyes having an amused glint. Her feathers puff up and her face turns red. She pouts and glares at her sister, “couldn’t you have told me that earlier…”
Beairtt laughs and walks over, waving ‘hello’ at the smaller harpy, “Hello.”
Jewel chirps in confusion.
Raven sighs and sets her down, setting a hand down on her shoulder while gesturing to the Creator with her other, “This is Bearitt, the person you will be training under for the time being.”
Jewel blinks and looks up at Raven with wide eyes, “Really?”
“Yes.” Bearitt answers, gaining the hummingbird’s harpy attention, “You’ll even be staying over some nights and working with my friends here. Mostly with my Fae boys.” She gestures to Moon, “You already meet Moon. And the person upstairs was Sun—,”
“Fae Sun?”
“That’s the one.” The creator crosses her arms, “They help me with my deliveries and help guard my vault.”
“…even the fish boys?”
Bearitt laughs, “Yes, even the Zora boys.”
Jewel salutes her, “Reporting for duty! I shall try my best!”
“You didn’t even hear about the baked goods yet.” Raven teases with a playful roll of her eyes.
“Wait really?!” Jewel starts buzzing with excitement and hovers off the floor.
Y/n nods and waves, “I bake a lot and we always have a ton of leftovers. So if you would like some—,”
Jewel tackles Bearitt in a huge hug, “I LOVE THIS PLACE!!”
Everyone laughs and settles into the warm atmosphere. Sun coming down and joining his loves on the couch. Raven takes a seat on the floor, wings folded neatly behind her. While Bearitt sat with Jewel hugging her tightly as she rambles on and on about how she’ll do her best to help her new mentor.
Raven smiles at the sight, knowing that her sister was going to be in good hands…and maybe she could convince her to sneak some cookies into her office.
Thank you all for reading! I hope you all enjoyed! Again, please go check out Bearitt's works! Her art and stories are incredible! Have a wonderful rest of your timezone!
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flusteredfools · 6 months ago
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Stayed up to color them and now my wrist hurts and I'm tired, but hey they're done! Line arts if you want to color yourself
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flusteredfools · 6 months ago
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Fae Sun and Moon Plushie Sketches from FaeFul Hearts Chapters 23-25 I also plan on doodlin the Enchanted Pendant and the ending of chapter 25; but playing LoZ: Echos of Wisdom really makes me wanna draw chibis XD it also really makes me wanna draw my Fazrule AU in the game style as well
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flusteredfools · 2 months ago
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small wip since I dont know if I'll get the clean sketches for any asks done today as I need to swap to a paid comm but didn't want to not share anything; so rough sketch it is
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flusteredfools · 8 months ago
Whats the fairy boy favorite treats individually that the artisan makes?
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tends to favor treats that are sweet and savory, the top two being Blueberry pancakes (topped with syrup, butter and honey) and Blueberry Muffins (also topped with butter and honey); the stickier and messier the better as he loves to teasingly lick up any messes.
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tends to prefer treats that are sweet and tart, with Strawberry cheesecake and Strawberry Lemon Bread his favorites. He loves to eat the bread straight out of the oven while it's still hot paired with ice cold lemonade.
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But the two's most favorite treat (if you don't count their Artisan's kisses) and the one Artisan Y/N makes the most for them is their Gingersnaps. It's the treat that they first ever offered to them as well as the one they first had when they reunited, so it holds a very special place in their heart.
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flusteredfools · 2 months ago
I bet a cuddle pile with everyone would be simply divine
I agree! It would be so wonderful, probably heavenly.
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The only bad thing would be trying to decide where to snuggle in... I wouldn't know who I'd want to cuddle close to the most! Make sure to take off your shoes and anything sharp or rough before joining the pile! (also pretend I drew in a bunch of pillows and blankets... I might have gotten a lil lazy towards the end)
Lots of snippets under the cut!
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Humans, Fae, Zora or Animatronics? Top, bottom, left or right? So many choices...
Though it may be hard to steal the lil Fae's from Artisan Sun..
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flusteredfools · 9 months ago
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sketchy Fae boys that I drew in attempt to cheer myself up
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flusteredfools · 1 year ago
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Thank you so so much for any and all kudos, likes, hearts, reblogs and comments on my work!
I've been surviving off your guy's comments, kudos/likes for a while now and so this lil idea popped into my head and I had to draw it. Lil Fae Sprite Sun collecting up all the kudos, tumblr likes and heart emojis. Lil Fae Sprite Moon writing down the comments left behind in one of my small doodle books so I can look back at them while I write or draw and feel loved.
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flusteredfools · 4 months ago
Could we get a peek at y/ns wedding dress & the boys outfits?
You certainly can! I tried to keep it vague in the fic so anyone could imagine whatever style or clothing they'd like but this is what I imagined them all wearing!
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Sorry that I got lazy towards the end and didn't color or add textures/patterns to the boy's outfits. (could treat this as a coloring page Lol and color whatever them whatever you'd like XD)
Both boys would wear their Fae hair ornaments and pendants.
Moon helped pull Sun's wild waves into a low ponytail and did his best to comb down the shorter waves near the top to try to make it look more formal.
Sun would be in lighter shades of browns and greys with the darkest piece of his clothing being maroon for his dress jacket.
Moon would be in navy and blacks, looking a bit more gothic than his husband and bride.
Clover's (Y/N) dress is more simple, though it has floral lace and a loft of soft sheer fabric. It would be a very light cream almost white with soft green and white accents. The bouquet would feature flowers from Sun's garden, mostly sunflowers and roses.
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Close ups under the cut!
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flusteredfools · 2 months ago
I'm surprised the Zora & the fie didn't raid the snacks form the table. Both loving their respected y/ns cooking so much
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It's certainly something I was worried my husbands would do... So I made sure they ate their fill before we left. They still ate half the provided cookies though, using the excuse of checking them for poison before they'd let me try any. Thankfully the other Artisans were fast enough to fill some plates for their little Fae. Even though Eclipse said he didn't want any, I still snuck him a few of the jam filled ones; he really loves them.
My Mates aren't a big fan of sweets, so it worked out okay! They did however eat more than their fair share of the small sandwiches. It was adorable to see how small they were in their hands! I might have to add it to my recipes to tease them later on. I don't think the Royal Highness realized how much Fae or Zora's would want to eat... Maybe a potluck would be better in the future.
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flusteredfools · 5 months ago
Chapter 27: And Ends with ‘Happily Ever After’
After sending the message out you decided to be a bit selfish and muted your phone, so the rest of your evening wouldn’t be interrupted; wanting to still dedicate your full attention to your partners, your fiancés. The word makes you giggle as the three of you snuggle close in the mess of blankets and pillows under the Autumn starry sky. You’ve discovered the two have been researching human marriage practices while they were planning their surprise for you. Sun rambles about all the possible things you three can do for a wedding, ceremony and honeymoon, in the Human or Fae Realm. 
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I never thought I'd be able to write a fic with 166,347 words but here it is... Happy one year Faeful Hearts! Sun and Moon were supposed to help more with the sign, but they got distracted.
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flusteredfools · 6 months ago
Chapter 25: And What Am I to You?
You’re breathing harder than the simple run back into the workshop would have created on its own; your heart pounding wildly in your chest doesn’t help you find relief once you collapse onto the workshop floor. The aching in your head has only increased as your eyes pool with tears that start to flow down your cheeks. You had been longing for them, missing them, worrying for them and feeling so guilty over how your heart would flutter over the flirty and teasing moments spent with your new guests, and yet, it was all a lie. Hurt and betrayal swells up inside you, forcing more tears to spill as you gasp for air. Your loves had broken their promise to you; this was an important secret and they said they wouldn’t keep any from you anymore. Your cries turn to sobs as you wrap yourself up into a ball, digging your nails into your arms. Is it not a real promise to Fae if they never say the actual word? Was it just something they said to appease you? A trick to earn your favor? Does it really matter now, it’s been broken either way. If they lied once, what stops them from doing so again? And again?
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flusteredfools · 7 months ago
Chapter 23: Back from the Dead
You wake up feeling like you haven’t properly slept in months. Your head feels full of cotton and sludge while your body feels like you’ve been pushing its limits working overtime for weeks. Your mind is  trying to swim through the mental fog to find a reason you’d be feeling this way as you groan and flex your muscles; attempting to stretch them out. Did the electric motor on your bike give out on your way back home from the shelter? You don’t remember it doing so but the more you try to remember getting home the fuzzier things seem to get.
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flusteredfools · 5 months ago
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*both just stares*
Looks like you've knocked upon the Faeful Hearts Realm door!
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(Cute ❤ I wonder if they're as soft as they look.) "Meat? Oh dear, I'm afraid we only have Sweets." "Don't worry Mousey, give me a few minutes and I'll be right back with their treat."
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flusteredfools · 7 months ago
Umm could we possibly see what sun looks like with his hair up like in chp24?
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You sure can! Though it's a bit of a messy sketch; basically just a braided bun but his is more like a beehive because of its length XD Just a casual braid wrapped around itself a bunch then tucked back in at the base of his neck to be tied in place with the ribbon. There are a ton more fancy braided buns out there but they require more pins and elastics usually.
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