wutheringheightsfilm · 2 months
oh I have some! do you have all the titles planned out and are they really all named after poems? was it a total of 24 or 36 chapters? what povs can we expect? and sorry you're not feeling well :(
1. yes!!! and no hehe. all the titles are planned out, and they're from a combination of poetry and prose!!! if anyone wants to see some of my faves and where they're from i'd be glad to show you :)
2. so far its a total of 36 chapters... but we shall see. i'm thinking later on i might be able to consolidate some chapters together but currently its 36!
3. povs to expect... well of course wei wuxian the love of my life ... we also see jiang yanli (🤩), jiang cheng, and wen qing! in the future... we will get a lan wangji pov! that's going to be it though, for fear it gets a little too crowded!
and thank you... my period is taking me out rn rip 😭
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sebsxphia · 2 years
thots on dilf!rick flag being super possessive about u from the daggar squad bc he sees how they all look at u w hunger in their eyes?
- 🍮
oh oh OH
lets go!!!!!!!!!!!!
after the squad went rouge from waller and the events at corto maltease (and for all intensive purposes, rick never died), you and rick got married, had two kids and moved to california, specifically, fightertown.
rick wanted to work for the government again, but this time legitimately and not under the radar doing dirty work. you enrolled to be an instructor for top gun and train the new recruits and eventually the dagger squad.
you knew of the hard deck and it being a frequent place for the pilots to visit after hours. you arranged to meet rick there one evening after work with the kids being looked after. it was a rare evening you both had off and rick wanted to spend every second of it with you by his side.
rick entered the hard deck and zoned in on you, his gorgeous wife. he had a protective nature anyway after what he’s been through, wanting to protect the ones he loves, but it sky rocketed around you and when he saw the dagger squad looking your way with a hunger in their eyes.
the dagger squad were making conversation with you after the day of training and rick strides over like he owns the place. in some respects he does, being the only colonel there. he slinks his large hands around your waist and turns you to face him, pressing a searing kiss to your lips and reaching one of his hands to cup your face.
“missed you, darlin’.”
“rick!” you flush at his display of affection right next to your students. he doesn’t twitch or even flinch at the eyes bouncing out of the dagger squad’s skulls.
“lieutenants.” he nods towards them with a sharpness in his tone that makes everyone, jake in particular, swallow thickly and edge a couple of inches away from you. “colonel flag.”
with his status confirmed, he reaches his hand down to take a squeeze at your ass and guide you to the bar. “let me spoil my angel wife tonight. you’re all mine, after all.”
hehe thank you so, so much for this insane thought my beloved anon!!! 💌🫶🏼💖
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recurring-polynya · 3 years
So I've had a thought and I need to know your thoughts on it. Do you think now that Rukia is all big, bad captain that Renji is still gonna be the one that leaps in front to take an attack for her? Because there's something about that that I fucking love and I need to know if it's just me.
You mean this?
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This is what you love?
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Because me, too, Anon. It pains me in my feminist heart, but I can’t get enough of this shit.
Unsurprisingly, I have spent a lot of time trying to justify my love for this, and I think it contains the answer to your question as well. 
The only Bleach ancillary book I own is Color Bleach, which contains those hexagonal battle data charts for all of the captains circa the Soul Society Arc. I have looked for similar charts for lieutenants or updates, but I couldn’t find any, so I made my own. These are what I imagine for Rukia and Renji around the time of the No Breaths from Hell arc. I’ve included a reproduction of Byakuya’s for comparison (again, this is Soul Society Arc Byakuya), but I tried to use all the other captains as benchmark points. Keep in mind that some of this contains my own headcanons, for example, I feel in my heart that Rukia should be very fast, even though I have no canon support for thus. For the record, Rukia’s numbers came out very similar to Hitsugaya’s, which I think is about right. Anyway, here we go:
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Some footnotes:
I love that Rukia and Byakuya’s came out basically mirrored, where Byakuya is higher on defense and lower on stamina, but otherwise, they have a very similar, well-rounded skill set. This feels correct to me.
I am sure some people would rate Rukia higher on intellect and Renji lower. I really struggled with this one, esp in regards to the way other captains are rated. In the end, I gave them both an 80 because Hitsugaya and Komamura got 80s and that felt correct to me. Furthermore, I think that Renji knows a lot more about tactics and swordplay and Rukia knows more about history and lore and kidou, and so if you put them on a team, they might have an equivalent intellect of 90 or 100 because their areas of expertise are complementary. (In theory. In actuality, they turn into idiots whenever they are together, science cannot explain why this happens)
I don’t know why this charts list “kidou/spiritual pressure” and then only seem to rate on kidou (Zaraki got a dead zero, even though he has one of the highest spiritual pressures of any captain)
All three of them are fairly well rounded, you’ll notice, but where they differ is key. Renji’s greatest strengths, in my opinion, are his defense and stamina. I have posited before that Renji can take a tremendous amount of damage and I don’t think he’s even anatomically capable of bleeding out-- his big meaty heart is somehow capable of producing more blood faster than it can fall out of his body. I honestly really debated on giving him an Attack score of 90-- it felt too high to me. However, in the grand scheme of captains, I didn’t feel justified in putting it lower. After thinking about it for a long time, I decided that the issue is that Zabimaru is basically an area effect zanpakutou. I think that in a one-on-one fight, he doesn’t have as much sheer attack power as someone like Komamura (who has a 100 attack). On the other hand, there’s an episode where he mows down about 8 Menos who are conveniently standing in a line, and to be honest, that’s useful! In theory, Senbonzakura can do this too, but I think Byakuya has spent a lot of time learning to concentrate it, which makes him better at duels than Renji. Personally, I count Rukia’s sword attacks under “Attack” (rather than kidou) and her bankai, in particular, has off-the-charts destructive power. Byakuya and Rukia are also both extremely skilled and effective kidou users. 
I saw Rukia described as a glass cannon once, and I think this is very apt. Captain Rukia is tremendous offensively, but she just doesn’t have very many hit points, plus she needs cover for the time she’s transitioning in and out of bankai or setting off her attacks (I can never tell if her long-set ups are supposed to be happening in real time, or if it’s just, like, for effect. It always feels like her opponents are standing around, waiting for her to finish her little dance routine, which is very funny to me). In other words, it is perfectly rational for Renji to take hits for her, in fact, it’s good strategy. Sorry for the American football metaphor, but he’s basically like an offensive lineman, creating time and space for his quarterback (either Rukia or Byakuya) to get off a snap without getting sacked.
Also, it is well-documented that Renji somehow gets hotter the more beat up he gets, and Rukia is really good at making distraught faces when Renji takes a bullet for her. 
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fullmetalscullyy · 3 years
and A lay B down to nurse their wounds......? 😫🥺🥰
eri my beloved tysm for the request and sending a prompt 🥺💖 ilysm and hope u enjoy some Soft royai!!!
this kind of ended up being a blend of two prompts? this one and feeling cared for one from that prompt list asdffds i hope that's ok but also it's what riza deserves <3
send me a prompt
rated: t | words: 3054 | tags: hurt/comfort, soft royai, tending to wounds, fluff
read on ao3
They are silent once the safehouse is deemed secure. The quiet is deafening as it shrouds them both. It’s almost oppressive as they take stock of what they’d just escaped from and process the fact they’d been in a shootout about an hour ago. The lack of sound is jarring, it’s such a contrast, but there is a comfort in it as well, because they’re okay. They’re safe and they’re together. Now, where there is no one shooting at them, no one chasing them, they can both finally rest and let their guard down. The adrenaline is abating, leaving muscles quivering and allowing breaths to leave their lungs much easier.
The Colonel sits heavily on the couch behind them, letting the cushions catch all of his weight as a long sigh of relief passes over his lips. He lets out a quiet hiss as he hits a sore spot, either on his legs or up his back, but apart from that he’s silent.
Riza feels the tension fizzle out of her shoulders, dragging them both downward slowly, peeling away from her ears, as she finally starts to let herself relax.
They’ve both had a rough few hours, but they made it out. There’s a few bruises and lacerations covering their skin; Riza has one on her left forearm and one on the left of her abdomen, and the Colonel has a small one on his cheek. His lip is burst as well, the result of an unsuspecting punch to the face. She’s sure he sustained more as they fought their way out to safety, but she can’t be sure. There’s no blood pooling on his clothes or saturating any of the fabric of his uniform, so that’s something. That was enough while they fought their way out.
“Lieutenant?” His call for her attention is soft so not to startle her and it’s full of concern.
She turns, wondering what he needs, to see his questioning stare as he watches her still standing in place with her hands clenched by her sides. Her fingers relax automatically, letting go of the tension, but she cannot help the wince as the muscles of her forearm contract, aggravating her injury there.
“Are you all right?”
“Of course, sir.”
He scrutinises her for a moment longer than usual. His eyes narrow slightly as he does so, indicating he doesn’t quite believe her, but she is. He lets it go with a simple nod.
“Sit,” he urges, gesturing to the cushions next to him on the couch. “Please.” He beckons her gently with a tired smile.
The Colonel’s expression mirrors her own, Riza is sure. Exhaustion has settled deep within her bones, and she knows she should stop, that she should sit down and tend to her wounds. With the adrenaline gone her side is throbbing, and both injuries need cleaned and covered as soon as possible. There’s a sharp pain in her oblique muscle as she thinks about her worst one, which makes her twitch and grimace.
“Lieutenant.” He almost breathes her rank. It catches her attention and she’s momentarily taken aback by the look on his face. It’s filled with understanding, and his concern is back. One eyebrow lifts in an enquiry, calling back to his earlier question regarding her wellbeing.
“Honestly, I’m all right,” she assures him. “It’s only a few bumps and bruises.”
The Colonel nods. “Okay. Shall we see to that wound on your side?”
Riza watches as he swallows after speaking. It wasn’t his fault or hers, it was the fault of the man who’d been wielding a knife, but as her commanding officer she knows the Colonel will hoard the responsibility for everything that happened today.
“What about the one on your cheek?” Her counter makes him smile knowingly.
“Mine feels like it’s nothing compared to that,” he replies, nodding towards her torso. His smile dies on his lips as they both look at the patch of blood seeping through her military jacket. Real worry replaces his concern and Riza nods, giving in.
“Come here,” he coaxes, speaking ever so gently.
The mood feels like it has shifted slightly but Riza dismisses it. She’s too tired and sore and will still need to see to his wounds once she’s been taken care of. There are more important things to focus on.
“Sir, I can see to it myself. I don’t mind.” Riza appreciates his offer more than he could know, but she still has to say it. She doesn’t want him to feel obligated to do so.
Realising his gentle command is going ignored, the Colonel stands to join her and slowly reaches out to catch her fingers within his own. He curls them around her digits, but his touch is light. Unrestricting, but tender. His touch is calming and welcome.
“Lieutenant.” His tone is firm, but he’s not ordering her to do anything. It’s placating and an offer. “Let’s clean up that wound. I don’t want you twisting and turning any more than is necessary, given its location, but only if you’re comfortable with that. It’s completely up to you.”
She stares at him, noting the undercurrent of worry but also taking in the care she sees in his eyes. He wants to help her. He wants to look after her, to make sure she’s patched up and all right.
The Colonel does not tug her towards him. He simply holds her hand, his own arm outstretched and waiting, giving her the freedom to pull away if she so wishes. It’s her choice; go to him and accept whatever he is willing to offer or take a step back and away. The Colonel won’t mind if she picks the latter, Riza doesn’t think. He will be mildly disappointed. He’ll probably pout at her childishly, but it will not become an issue between them… The thought of his reaction almost makes her smile fondly. The corners of her lips twitch.
She steps forwards and his smile grows wider as he smoothly guides her towards him by the hand. Before their bodies can collide, he sidesteps and lowers her hand to their sides before turning and taking a cautious step down the hall behind him, waiting for her to follow him.
Even into hell.
Of course, she follows him.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“How does that feel?”
“Good.” The bandage around her torso is secure and places enough pressure on her wound. The safehouse is well stocked with plenty of first aid supplies so there’s more than enough for them both.
Riza straightens in her chair at the table in the safehouse’s kitchen. She’d leant forward onto her elbows, being mindful of her injured arm, as the Colonel cleaned up her side. As he did so, she saw to her forearm, both working in tandem to patch her up. It was an arduous affair, but a necessary one. With every wince and flinch she felt him hesitate behind her. Riza could almost feel the sorrow pouring off him, but there was nothing else to be done. He knows that, but it still doesn’t mean that he likes being the cause of it for her.
She shivers as cool air washes over her exposed skin and her side twinges with pain. Reflexively a hand rises to cover the aching area.
“Still sore?”
She nods, and the Colonel sighs quietly. She knows what he’s thinking. He wants to take her pain away.
“It will be okay, sir,” she placates.
He huffs and mumbles to himself, not satisfied, which causes Riza to roll her eyes fondly at his antics.
Before she can move any further, something is draped over her shoulders. She had to remove her shirt for the Colonel to work on her properly, so she’d been left in just her sports bra, but looking down she sees the Colonel’s black overcoat covering her. She knows it’s his because she’s suddenly shrouded in the smell of him.
It makes her smile. Riza leans back in her chair and tugs the article of clothing tighter around her body, relishing in the warmth it provides and the comfort it brings, alongside the thoughtfulness of his gesture. She shoots him a grateful smile, but he doesn’t notice. He’s too focussed cleaning up after his work. Riza watches him, taking in the look of concentration on his handsome features as he carefully collects the soiled bandages and wipes. When he senses eyes on him, the Colonel glances up and looks at her so expectantly – it’s almost innocent – before his expression changes and turns perplexed.
It reminds her of the boy she grew up with. Before war and guilt and unspeakable atrocities.
“What is it?” There’s a smile tugging at his lips, and she discovers its contagious.
“Nothing,” she replies, schooling her expression and readjusting his coat.
“Is anything wrong?”
“No,” she replies. “There’s nothing wrong at all. Thank you for your coat.”
His smile is bright and pleased. “Of course, Lieutenant. You’re welcome.”
After the waste is disposed of the Colonel wipes carefully at his cheek and lip. The alcohol smarts and he hisses in pain and flinches away from it, but still powers on through. It’s a quick job, only taking about five minutes, and once he’s done, he rummages around inside the first aid kit once more.
“I could have helped you with that,” Riza offers. As she sits up in her chair she flinches as the movement jostles her side.
“And that’s precisely why I did it myself,” he chuckles quietly, eyeing her above the mirror he had propped up on the table between them. It had been fascinating to watch him work. “Here.” A small white bottle is offered to her. Painkillers. “These will help with your pain, apparently.”
“Thank you. Is there any ice for your bruises?”
The Colonel nods and collects it from the freezer. It’s pressed to his cheek, and he grumbles about the cold.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
While the safehouse is well equipped and the perfect spot for them, they are both presented with a small issue when night falls.
Both stare at the single bed in the bedroom.
The Colonel scratches the back of his neck and fidgets on the spot, shifting his weight from one foot to the other once, then twice. Riza exhales slowly and quietly, resigning herself to their sleeping arrangements. She grips his coat tighter, so it doesn’t fall off her shoulders.
Riza could have changed into a t-shirt but she can’t quite let go of his coat just yet. The Colonel doesn’t comment on it either. He doesn’t question her choice and seems more than happy to allow her to keep it for the time being.
“I…” The Colonel clears his throat quietly. “I can take the couch.”
As he turns away Riza’s hand reaches out. She grips onto his shirt, halting him. He looks down at her hand, before his eyes jerk back up to meet hers. He knows what she’s asking of him already, but he still hesitates. He still waits for her to voice it aloud.
Like the courtesy he’d offered her earlier, he can move away if he wishes to. Her grip isn’t tight or restrictive, yet he doesn’t pull away. She doesn’t expect him to stay with her but…
She wants him to.
“What do you need, Lieutenant?” His prompt comes after they’ve been standing in silence for a beat longer than he expected.
She looks up at him, gripping onto his coat.
The bed is a tight squeeze, but they manage. The military wouldn’t splash out for a large double bed for their officers. In all honesty, Riza is surprised there’s even a proper bed, and not just a cot. But she supposes it would have kept up appearances when they moved equipment into the neighbourhood.
Riza is pressed with her back to the wall while the Colonel faces her –
It feels wrong to refer to him as such in their current position. The mission is over. They’re laying low and off duty while the heat clears from them both after their escape. They’re not Lieutenant and Colonel right now…
She snakes her injured arm underneath his, reaching across his torso, and spreads her fingers across his lower back. Their bodies are pressed even closer together – she can feel the heat radiating off of him (which makes her smile to herself) – but he’s secure. She wants to ensure he won’t fall backwards off the bed in sleep.
“Are you comfortable?” His breath washes over Riza and her eyes flutter closed at the pleasant feeling. His voice is so low that it causes her to relax instantly. It’s such a pleasing sound as she lies there, pressed up against him.
She hums her approval. Riza tips her head forwards, causing it to brush against his chin and throat as she burrows even deeper into the warmth between them. The painkillers are kicking in and making her drowsy.
Her sleepy grin is hidden when she feels lips on the top of her head, but she makes a soft, pleased sound as he kisses her. When his hand runs through her short hair she’s almost lost to sleep completely.
“As much as it pains me to see you with those injuries, it has worked out quite well for us.” He laughs, but there’s a nervous edge to it.
A frown tugs at her brow as confusion becomes prominent. “What do you mean?”
“It makes us the perfect fit,” he murmurs after a brief pause.
He’s right. Lying on his uninjured side leaves him in the perfect position to lie facing her, and Riza lying on hers leaves her able to curl into him.
“So, getting punched in the face was your plan all along? So you could cuddle me in bed at night?”
His laughter is full of joy at her joke. “Anything for you, Lieutenant,” he winks, “you know that.” His arm wraps around her shoulders and back, pulling her tighter against him.
“How’s your cheek,” she mumbles tiredly. She can no longer bring herself to keep her eyes open. She blames the comfort and care he always brings her so effortlessly.
“It’s fine. Don’t worry, Lieutenant.”
There’s a beat of silence.
“Riza,” she breathes.
She cannot remember who crossed the line first tonight – perhaps they both did, but it is completely muddled within her memory. She doesn’t want it there between them. Not now, when she’s so comfortable and feels so cared for. Not when Roy’s fingers are combing through her hair, and she can hear his heartbeat close to her ear and feel his pulse thrum underneath her touch.
“Of course, Riza.” He grants her request so easily and quietly as he presses another kiss to the top of her head. Riza can practically hear the pleased smile that she knows must be on his face. Roy joins her on the other side of the line willingly and without hesitation. He only wanted to make sure he heard her correctly.
“I’ll always worry about you,” she adds. She curls closer into his chest and holds onto his lower back even tighter. Her fingertips increase their pressure there.
“I’m okay,” he soothes, his voice a hum underneath her ear. “You fared far worse than me.”
Riza tips her head back, exiting the cocoon of warmth they’d made between them. Blearily, she blinks up at him and notices the strained look on his face. The arm holding onto his back moves slowly and she brings it up to cup his cheek. Her thumb caresses his cheekbone, close to underneath his eye, and Roy’s eyelids flutter closed, seemingly of their own accord. That makes her smile and leaves Riza feeling pleased with herself. She can do that to him, offer that feeling to him, like he does to her.
Roy’s head turns and she grants him the space to move. With it, he presses a kiss against her palm.
“I’ll always worry about you too,” Roy admits. His fingers ghost over the bandage on her arm. Even though his touch is barely there it still tickles her skin, lifts the hairs on her arms, and makes the base of her neck tingle.
She shivers.
Roy lowers his hand to the space between them. The muscles of her stomach become painfully aware of his hand’s proximity and start to tingle. It becomes too much and Riza has to move forward, closer to him and his hand, to rid herself of the pleasant, but overwhelming feeling. The back of his hand is now pressed against the bare flesh of her abdomen.
“We have to lay low tomorrow as well.”
Riza nods in agreement. That was their orders, after all.
“We have to rest,” he stresses, and she catches onto his meaning, “to let ourselves heal.”
She smirks up at him, knowing exactly what it is he’s proposing. He was always a crafty one.
Not moving far from this bed and nursing their wounds together sounded like a wonderful plan to Riza.
Roy runs a hand up her arm to her shoulder, the backs of his fingers trailing along her skin and igniting a trail of fire beneath them, then back down again. “If the military had provided us with the appropriate facilities, like, say, a bed each, we would be able to do it apart and by ourselves. But,” he sighs heavily, exaggerating the sound, “since the military didn’t, we must make do with what we have.”
“What a shame,” Riza smiles tiredly.
“You’re stuck with me, Riza,” he chuckles. “Sorry.”
“Blame the military.”
“Don’t worry, I will. They’ll receive a stern letter about the lack of facilities provided inside their safehouses from me tomorrow.” Riza yawns loudly towards the end of her sentence but Roy is already laughing. “Or maybe it will get lost in the post.” She’s pretty sure her speech is incoherent at that point. Roy’s affection has almost lulled her completely to sleep.
“Sleep well, my Queen.” He presses his lips to her forehead. “Let me know if you need any more painkillers.”
“I will,” she mumbles tiredly. “Sleep well, Roy. Thank you,” she breathes happily.
Wrapped up in his arms, clinging onto Roy tightly, Riza falls asleep feeling completely safe and cared for, and at peace.
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twopoppies · 3 years
Hi Gina I’m looking for 2 fics and i hope u can help me find them
So the first is a fic based off the proposal movie the one with Ryan Reynolds and Sandra bulluck (I don’t know how to spell her last name sorry ) and it’s where Harry lies to their boss that he and Louis are engaged but that’s all I can remember I had it saved but can’t find it anywhere
And the next is a piolt au it’s something about the royal air force pilot or something all j can remember or the summary is that Harry Louis and Niall are mentioned in it about joining ghe raf sorry I know this is a really bad summer I just can’t remember what was in it hope u can help if this makes any sence
Thanks Gina lots of love and love the knew art btw it’s wiked
Hi honey. I don’t think I know the first one, but hopefully someone else will chime in on it.
I believe the pilot fic is this one:
Take My Breath Away by @realitybetterthanfiction (E, 154K)
There is a prestigious school in the British Royal Navy classified as Premier Delta - or as it is known by its flyers, 1D. These select pilots are an elite set of Naval lieutenants who are trained in the skill of aggressive aerial combat. They are instruments of war, trained in times of peace. They are dogfighters, relentless and fearless in their mission to protect their beloved country. From their lofty vantage, they are always watching, waiting, and ready to lay it all on the line.
Lt. Harry Styles, call sign Sparrow, is a prodigy when it comes to flying. The owner of an unrivaled Naval pedigree, being a pilot was always written in the stars for Harry. With his trusty RIO, Lt. Niall Horan, Harry has made an unprecedented ascension in the ranks of the Naval aerial combat elite, and has been recruited to the esteemed Premier Delta flight school, carrying on his family’s legacy. What he finds there are unexpected friendships, perilous challenges, and something beyond what he ever thought possible. Because as his father had always told him, before the great Captain Styles went tragically missing in combat, you don’t fall in love with the sky, you fall in love with what keeps you on the ground.
Does anyone know the other one?
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wordstro · 3 years
i was curious, do you have any works in progress you're particularly excited about ? ((:
omg i'm going to be real honest with u bestie bc i saw this a while back and didn't know what to say but also really appreciated how sweet it was to receive this - depression and capitalism (being too busy and mentally exhausted from working to want to partake in any hobbies that require my brain) has made it super hard to be excited abt writing :(((( but i spent a long time thinking abt how to answer and have come up with a list of a few things that are sitting in my drafts half finished that i either would like to put out at one point or don't know how to continue/lost inspiration for but hope to want to write again some day (also my drafts are full lol):
you learn your new roommate is involved in something extremely dangerous and the line between roommates/acquaintances and something else is quickly blurred. wooyoung is very good at pretending like he doesn't bleed out on the couch every week. you google medical practices during your lunch break even though you haven't taken a STEM class in ages. mafia au, wooyoung.
aptly called "i don't suffer from i-can-fix-him-disease because i like my men evil" in which you and yunho are a notorious crime duo. yunho does the organ harvesting. you do the stealing. sometimes you rob banks for fun.
your hometown sits at the edge of a peculiar forest and, since you can remember, you've been warned to never venture into the forest alone. one night, you get lost walking back from a party in the woods (turns out one year away at college turned you and your peers brave enough to host parties in the peculiar forest, despite all the warnings) only to meet a pretty boy with a mischievous smile and a twinkle in his eye. "would you like to dance?" faerie au, yeosang.
on your twenty-first birthday, the palace is invaded and you learn your father did not have the situation with rebellious usurpers as in control as he insisted all this time. you'd been sheltered from the true horrors of it until that very moment, until the enemy invaded your home, pressed a sword to your father's neck, and demanded that your father submit. your father does submit, but that does not save him. you are the last remaining member of the royal family, kept as a figurehead, beloved by the people of your nation, meant to one day marry the enemy's son, seonghwa, and give your nation over to him.
you're a general and yunho is your lieutenant.
part 2 of pirate king hongjoong!
thank you for asking though!!
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soft-quirrel · 4 years
The king beetle on the coconut estate animation plan
Thank u to @lostchildlonnie for showing me the song with the explicit purpose of an animatic being made up in our heads-
As the moon rose and the hour grew late: brumm with his accordion The day-help on the coconut estate: zoomed out of the troupe tents but brumm is also there Raked up the dried leaves that fell dead from the trees: a flame in the gardens Which they burned in a pile by the lake: a flame by the blue lake The beetle king summoned his men: Grimm rises with flourish From the top of the rhododendron stem: behind him is the nightmare heart  "Calling all volunteers who can carry it back here: he waves over at some grimmkins The Great Mystery has been lit once again": and then a frame of the lantern
(theres a bunch of humming here in which grimm gets the lantern ready, and ghost walks in) One beetle emerged from the crowd: Soul master’s image rises up in flame In a fashionable abdomen shroud: Close ups from what he actually looked like (not made of the lantern fire) Said, "I'm a professor, you see, that's no mystery to me: he bows I'll be back soon, successful and proud": he turns and his form disappears  But when the beetle professor returned: now he’s made of smoke rather than fire He crawled on all six, as his wings had been burned: same frame as before And described to the finest detail all he'd learned: he is smiling as he relays his findings (not smoke, more like a memory) There was neither a light, nor a heat, in his words: pk looks concerned, and a flicker of an infected Soul master appears The deeply dissatisfied king: idk smth smth pk i dont have an idea for this Climbed the same stem to announce the same thing But in his second appeal sought to sweeten the deal With a silver padparadscha ring The lieutenant stepped out from the line: xero stepping out from a line of knights  As he lassoed his thorax with twine: he suits up with his sheath Thinking, "I'm stronger and braver and I'll earn the king's favor: he readies a sword, and brushes a hand against a photo we can’t see One day all he has will be mine": he walks away from the camera, toward the palace But for all the lieutenant's conceit: xero falls to his knees He too returned singed and admitting defeat: he is in front of his own grave "I had no choice, please believe, but retreat: he presses a hand against the stone of the grave It was bright as the sun, but with ten times the heat: the radiance shows herself, shining as the background of the frame And it cracked like the thunder and bloodshot my eyes: no ideas for this Though smothered with sticks, it advanced undeterred Carelessly cast an ash cloud to the sky, my lord Like a flock of dark vanishing birds" The beetle king slammed down his fist: pk slams his hand down on his desk "Your flowery description's no better than his!: He’s crying, holding his head in his hands We sent for the great light and you bring us this?: he waves his hand at Pure vessel, radiance behind them We didn't ask what it seems like, we asked what it is!": he snatches up a vial, infection sloshing inside His Majesty's hour at last is drawn nigh: wl stands at the doorway of where he’s crying The elegant Queen took her leave from his side: she turns away Without understanding, but without asking why: against a black background, their silhouettes are white. wl faces away from pk Gathered their kids to come bid their goodbyes: The frame zooms out, showing a line where the background becomes white, shades clawing at the line  And the father explained, "You've been somewhat deceived: pk is talking to the shades We've all called me your dad, but your true Dad's not me: his hands are pressed against his chest, and he’s completely surrounded by shades I lay next to your mom and your forms were conceived: wl and pk are holding hands, an egg between them Your Father's the light within all that you see: the camera zooms into the egg, which is turning black, void tendrils latching onto it He fills up the ponds as He empties the clouds: The hot springs and the statues Holds without hands and He speaks without sounds: small closeups of the shadelord He provides us with the cow's waste and coconuts to eat: idk Giving one that nice salt taste, and the other a sweet: Salt is ghost on the edge, and the sweet is hollow looking back, then walking away Sends the black carriage the day death shows its face: the abyys Thinning our numbers with kindness and grace: the dream realm And just as a flower and its fragrance are one: a fragile flower So must each of you and your Father become: the pale king facing away from the camera Now distribute my scepter, my crown, and my throne: pk, walking along, looking tired but determined And all we've known as wealth to the poor and alone": he glances at the fountain that takes your money, then continues on Without further hesitation, without looking back home: he continues, and stops in front of the palace The king flew headlong into the blazing unknown: his wings snap open and the entire place goes up in white light And as the smoke king curled higher and higher: the fire flickers and smoke curls up to the ceiling The troops flying loops around the telephone wires: a smoke figure of each of the dreamers  They said, "Our beloved's not dead,: zooms in on the lurien figure, overlayed with a proper drawing of him but His Highness instead: zooms in on the monomon figure, overlayed with a proper drawing of her Has been utterly changed into fire": zooms in on the herrah figure, overlayed with a proper drawing of her before all three fade away Why not be utterly changed into fire? Why not be utterly changed into fire? Why not be utterly changed into fire? Why not be utterly changed into fire?: the grimmkins chanting Why not be utterly changed into fire? Why not be utterly changed into fire? Why not be utterly changed into fire? Why not be utterly changed into fire?: grimm leans down to talk to ghost, holding a flame out. Ghost inspects it, then grimm clenches his fist and everything fades to black with the disappearance of the light
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witchscarlet · 3 years
tagged by @stressedinadress thank u beloved <3
Why did you choose your url?
i love scarlet witch, my names scarlet, im a witch 🤷🏻‍♀️
Any side blogs?
oh baby, i only have two listed because my others are generally inactive but
@hocksdeader - my horror sb and my fav one tbh
@rustybayonet - my HBOWar sb and my youngest sb
@jamie-hayter - my wrestling sb
@official-poko - my OWL sb
How long have you been on tumblr?
2013 i think
Do you have a queue tag?
no i cant be bothered
Why did you start your blog?
i was in middle school and getting into fandom for the first time, all my friends told me i just HAD to get one and ive literally outlasted them all not a single one of them still use tumblr lmaooo
Why did you choose your pfp?
i wanted something unique, like you see it and go 'oh thats scarlet' so i figured why not my face lol
Why did you choose your header?
i just wanted something simple and unobtrusive
What’s your post with the most notes?
oh my count glockula one by far, the only ones that come close have only like 30k notes
How many mutuals do you have?
who knows but i love yall
How many followers do you have?
after almost a decade i still only have like 1300
How many people do you follow?
Have you ever made a shit post?
all my posts are shit posts
How often do you use tumblr each day?
too often , but its my only social media
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
if you followed me in like 2015 you'd know about this but nothing that was ever two sided
How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
i specifically do not read them
Do you like tag games?
i do i just never do them cuz i never wanna bother ppl by tagging them
Do you like ask games?
yeah theyre cute !
Which of your mutuals do you think are tumblr famous?
we're on tumblr none of us are famous but i am blessed to have some mutuals who r quite well known in their individual communities and i love them sm
tagging with no pressure: @second--lieutenant @doomsflowermoon @benedlundsupremacy @stxrryc0rpse @apairofwingsforme @serasvictoria obvs anyone who wants to do this
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novemberhush · 5 years
A, V, J, U, Z
Drop five letters of the alphabet in my ask box, and I’ll give my favourite characters whose name start with those letters.
A - Anne Elliot from ‘Persuasion’. Well, it seemed only fair to include her when I’d put her beloved, Captain Frederick Wentworth, on my previous list! I do love her in own right, though. I seem to favour the ‘quieter’ Austen heroines over ones like Elizabeth Bennet and Emma Woodhouse, for some reason. (Truth be told, I’m not very fond of Emma at all. I think it’s all that interfering in other people’s lives, no matter how well-intentioned.)
V - Lady Violet Crawley from ‘Downton Abbey’. Although I may be being swayed by the performance of the incomparable Dame Maggie Smith in the role. (My inner child is screaming at me for not putting Velma Dinkley from ‘Scooby-Doo’!)
J - Captain James T. Kirk from ‘Star Trek’. Kirk’s my boy!
U - Lieutenant Uhura from ‘Star Trek’. Possibly cheating a little by using her surname, but it’s what she best known by.
Z - Zoë Washburne from ‘Firefly’
Thanks for your ask, @under-the-silk-tree !😊😘
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didanawisgi · 7 years
By Michael Snyder
Once upon a time, it was popular to say that the U.S. government only had enough wheat stored up to provide everyone in America with half a loaf of bread. But that is not true anymore. Recently, I discovered that the U.S. does not have any strategic grain reserves left at all. Zero. Nada. Zilch. As you will see below, the USDA liquidated the remaining reserves back in 2008. So if a major food crisis hit this country, our government would have nothing to give us. Of course the federal government could always go out and try to buy or seize food to feed the population during a major emergency, but that wouldn’t actually increase the total amount of food that was available. Instead, it would just give the government more power over who gets it.
The U.S. strategic grain reserve was initially created during the days of the Great Depression. Back then, the wisdom of storing up food for hard times was self-evident. Unfortunately, over time interest in this program faded, and at this point there is no strategic grain reserve in the United States at all. The following comes from the Los Angeles Times…
The modern concept of a strategic grain reserve was first proposed in the 1930s by Wall Street legend Benjamin Graham. Graham’s idea hinged on the clever management of buffer stocks of grain to tame our daily bread’s tendencies toward boom and bust. When grain prices rose above a threshold, supplies could be increased by bringing reserves to the market — which, in turn, would dampen prices. And when the price of grain went into free-fall and farmers edged toward bankruptcy, the need to fill the depleted reserve would increase the demand for corn and wheat, which would prop up the price of grain.
Following Graham’s theory, President Franklin D. Roosevelt created a grain reserve that helped rally the price of wheat and saved American farms during the Depression. In the inflationary 1970s, the USDA revamped FDR’s program into the Farmer-Owned Grain Reserve, which encouraged farmers to store grain in government facilities by offering low-cost and even no-interest loans and reimbursement to cover the storage costs. But over the next quarter of a century the dogma of deregulated global markets came to dominate American politics, and the 1996 Freedom to Farm Act abolished our national system of holding grain in reserve.
As for all that wheat held in storage, it became part of the Bill Emerson Humanitarian Trust, a food bank and global charity under the authority of the secretary of Agriculture. The stores were gradually depleted until 2008, when the USDA decided to convert all of what was left into its dollar equivalent. And so the grain that once stabilized prices for farmers, bakers and American consumers ended up as a number on a spreadsheet in the Department of Agriculture.
Of course if there are no major national emergencies of any kind and life just continues on normally for decades to come, this will not be an issue.
But what if something does happen?
Right now, we are already witnessing all sorts of “mini food cataclysms”. For instance, bees just continue to die in unprecedented numbers all over the globe. During the most recent year, U.S. beekeepers lost approximately 40 percent of their colonies…
Widespread deaths among bees, known as Colony Collapse Disorder, were first reported about a decade ago, but the problem has not diminished and may have been especially bad recently.
Beekeepers across the United States lost roughly 40 percent of their colonies from April 2014 to April 2015, according to an annual survey conducted by the Bee Informed Partnership and Apiary Inspectors of America, with funding from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
Another cataclysm is happening with bananas. In fact, it is being reported that the specific type of banana that we eat right now is in danger of being wiped off the face of the globe…
Bananas are in big trouble. While the beloved fruit remains as popular as ever, its crops across the world have been hit with an infectious fungus and the damage is irreparable.
The Cavendish species of banana, which was introduced in 1965, is currently the primary banana export in the world. And it’s being completely ruined by Tropical Race 4, a fungal disease that began in Malaysia in 1990 and has since spread to Southeast Asia, Australia, and finally Africa in 2013.
Believe it or not, this is not the first time a fungus has wiped out an entire species of the bright yellow fruit. By 1965, the Gros Michel species of banana—which lasted longer, were more resilient, and didn’t require artificial ripening—was eradicated after what was called the Panama disease, a different strain of a similar fungal disease wiped out the world’s commercial banana plantations.
In addition, the recent bird flu epidemic was responsible for the deaths of 48 million turkeys and chickens. This has driven egg prices through the roof…
U.S. egg prices continued their upward climb following the most devastating outbreak of bird flu in decades, according to a U.S. Department of Agriculture report this week.
Prices of large Grade A eggs delivered to store doors in the Midwest Regional area hit a range of $2.73 to $2.81 per dozen, the report showed.
Indianapolis Business Journal notes this is the most expensive eggs have been, according to data that stretches back to 2000.
More than 48 million birds have been affected since avian flu first was spotted in the U.S. in December.
And of course there are many, many more examples of significant problems that are hitting our food supply. The following short list comes from one of my previous articles…
More than 40 percent of our fresh produce comes from the state of California, but thanks to the worst multi-year drought in the history of the state much of the region is turning back into a desert.
Also due to the persistent drought, the size of the U.S. cattle herd is now as small as it was during the 1950s, and the price of beef has doubled since the last recession.
Over the past few years, something called “porcine epidemic diarrhea” has wiped out approximately 10 percent of the entire pig population in the United States.
Just off the west coast of the United States, a wide variety of sea creatures are dying in unprecedented numbers. For example, the sardine population along the west coast has dropped by a staggering 91 percent just since 2007.
Down in Florida, citrus greening disease is absolutely crushing the citrus industry. Crops just keep on getting smaller year after year.
Are you starting to see what I am talking about?
In many years, the world already eats more food than it produces. We don’t have much room for error, and there are some countries that are already experiencing a full-blown food crisis. The nation of Guatemala is one of them…
Nearly one million people in Guatemala are struggling to feed themselves as poor rainfall has led to drought and shrunken harvests, worsening hunger among the poor, the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said.
Linked to the El Nino weather phenomenon, this year’s drought has hit subsistence farmers living in Central America’s “dry corridor” that runs through parts of Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, hard.
“In Guatemala, 170,000 families, approximately 900,000 people, have no food reserves left. This is the third consecutive year they have been hit by drought,” Diego Recalde, head of FAO in Guatemala, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
In recent articles, I have also mentioned the growing food crisis in Venezuela. Things have gotten so bad that soldiers dressed in riot gear are now policing supermarkets…
Soldiers with riot shields, tear gas canisters, and rifles patrol lines in Maracaibo, a major city in the northwest.
Scarcity is particularly acute here because smugglers — taking advantage of the leftist government’s policy of fixing prices on some goods — buy products to sell for profit in nearby Colombia.
“We have to maintain control otherwise there would be chaos,” said Lieutenant Carlos Barrera, 21, pushing back crowds at one supermarket.
As you read this, intense food shortages are also affecting Syria, the Soloman Islands, Yemen, Zimbabwe, and several nations in southern Africa.
Just because you may live in a “wealthy western nation” does not mean that this will not impact you someday as well.
In fact, a major study was just released that came to the conclusion that global “food shocks” are going to become much more common in the years ahead. The following comes from the Guardian…
The likelihood of such a shock, where production of the world’s four major commodity crops – maize, soybean, wheat and rice – falls by 5-7%, is currently once-in-a-century. But such an event will occur every 30 years or more by 2040, according to the study by the UK-US Taskforce on Extreme Weather and Global Food System Resilience.
Such a shortfall in production could leave people in developing countries in “an almost untenable position”, with the US and the UK “very much exposed” to the resulting instability and conflict, said co-author Rob Bailey, research director for energy, environment and resources at Chatham House.
Sadly, I believe that things are going to turn out to be far worse than even that report is projecting.
I am convinced that we are moving into a time when increasing volcanic activity, shifting weather patterns, geopolitical instability and severe economic problems are going to create critical shortages of food all over the planet.
So what will you and your family do when those times arrive? Please feel free to add to the discussion by posting a comment below…
Image Credit
Michael Snyder is a writer, speaker and activist who writes and edits his own blogs The American Dreamand Economic Collapse Blog. Follow him on Twitter here.
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persimmin · 6 years
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Day 6 (noon): Lab Rat
Nancy spent the rest of her day warming up to Lieutenant Mills, a friendly face who owed the District Attorney a favour after he helped mend an undercover military case that had gone off of the rails a few years back. That very DA had been none other than Carson Drew, Nancy’s beloved father. How convenient. Mills may have temporarily forgotten this dept but Nancy always said that a favor owed was an opportunity gained. With some finessing, empty promises of staying out of trouble, and a quick call to her father regarding the case, Nancy had somehow managed to get the Lieutenant to slip her a keycard to the lab’s lower levels. However it seems like a certain conspiracy driven townie had spotted the exchange with a sly side glance. Hopefully he’d keep the knowledge of this little trade to himself...
“You swear this is only for a school report on laboratory procedure and architecture, Ms. Drew?” Mills questioned, pressing the keycard to Nancy’s palm.
“Cross my heart, hope to die.” Nancy answered playfully with a wink before turning on her heels and racing back to her set of vintage wheels. She’d been schmoozing this woman for what seemed like hours with one goal in mind, get into that armed passage!
Roanoke Lab looked different in the daylight, though equally as daunting. As Nancy made her way down into the crater for the second time that day, she was particularly thankful she had taken rock climbing as an extracurricular. Entering through the same side door and slinking through shadows and around walls, Nancy navigated back to the entrance of the laboratory’s basement. Finally, she thought to herself as she impatiently scanned the recently procured keycard and heard the satisfying hiss of hydraulic pressure opening the large metal doors.
Legions of the same curious spores as those she had seen the days previously came floating out in waves. Nancy hoped dearly she hadn’t just sealed Strangerville’s fate in doing so... or her own. As she decended the stairs she began to feel light headed and hazy. These undoubtedly infectious spores had begun to swarm her and she realized, too late, the consequence.
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Back to share some thots about dom Jake sharing u with Coyote. Ur spread out on the bed for him n he's already fucked u so good u know u will be sore tomorrow. U think he'll untie u now, but he opens the door n Coyote walks in w/ a wicked smile. Ur looking at him wondering what's going on n he's just smirking at u. "U thought I was rough, sugar? I was goin easy on that sweet little pussy." You gulp as Coyote positions himself over u on the bed. "Be good for the nice lieutenant," Jake coos in ur ear. Coyote takes u hard n fast as Jake watches from the corner telling you, "My wingman's gonna give you a nice little limp, baby doll." ~🍬 anon
you would’ve agreed with hangman that you wanted to have another person, but he never told you when or where it was going to be.
but i just know. know and feel this in my BONES and hangman and coyote have this unspoken agreement with each other to always fuck their s/o till they’re a babbling mess.
thank you so so so much for this incredible thot as always my beloved anon!! mwah!! 💌💖🫶🏼
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globlenet-blog · 8 years
Arnold Palmer: the peoples champion with an unmistakable aura of greatness
Arnold Palmer: the peoples champion with an unmistakable aura of greatness
Arnold Palmer, who died on Sunday at age 87, almost single-handedly hauled golf in to the mainstream. Tributes have put set for The King but mainly the content is of thanks
Eighteen several weeks ago within the clubhouse away Hill, venue for that Arnold Palmer Invitational and also the adopted winter home of the golfing icon, Rory McIlroy was contacted. Rory, if you want anything now, you simply tell me.
McIlroys reply was as quick because it was pertinent. Mr Palmer, I’ll never want for anything more in existence. Thats all due to you.
While sadness, deep sadness, understandably encircled the confirmation that Palmer died on Sunday afternoon at the age of 87, there is something poetic about McIlroys comment. On Sunday the Northern Irishman had just completed media responsibilities due to claiming $11.5m around the borders of Atlanta as he was apprised of Palmers dying. McIlroy, like average folks, understood it was coming but was still being deeply moved. A sporting pioneer is no more.
Every player at the very top degree of golf recognises Palmers role within their riches. Almost single-handedly, Palmer hauled golf into fresh commercial territory both using the late 1950s recognition of the items television meant along with a swashbuckling, risk-taking style which attracted everyone. So, too, did a minimal-key background far taken off the snotty-nosed entitlement that has so undermined golf. Palmer, The King, was the peoples champion. He transcended golf, just like he did generations.
Palmer was the very first player to earn $1m through on-course pursuits. By 2008, he commanded $30m via off-course projects. Palmer were built with a drink named after him, an unmistakable emblem and it was golfs maiden brand a brandname which didn’t just survive decades and playing retirement, it really increased. Just for fun, the seven-occasions major champion would be a pilot. His last flight is at 2011, aged 81, from California to Orlando.
Within this, a Ryder Cup week, it’s worth reflecting upon the emotion and inspiration which encircled the ecu team this year following a dying of Seve Ballesteros. That were four several weeks before matters got arrived at Medinah, that provides some perspective in regards to what will resonate within the minds and hearts from the U . s . States players from Friday.
Arnold leaves an effect around the game as well as on sports in the usa that’s unmatched, stated Davis Love III, the U . s . States captain. Approaching the Ryder Cup now, we could keep Mr Palmers family within our hopes and can tap into his strength and determination to inspire us.
Palmer performed six Ryder Cups, all marked by victory, and captained his nation to comfortable glory in 1975. It was just reflective of person brilliance. Palmers professional wins totalled 95. Between 1958 and 1964, 25 major starts saw 16 top fives, five runners-up places and individuals seven triumphs.
You inspired millions, you altered the sport, stated Jordan Spieth. Tiger Forest offered similar sentiment. Thanks Arnold for the friendship, counsel and lots of laughs, stated the 14-occasions major champion. Your philanthropy and humbleness are members of your legend.
Everybody involved with golf, from spectator to top-level artist, has their very own Palmer story. My very own involves sitting inside his cluttered office away Hill last March, performing a job interview because the legends beloved labrador, Mulligan, lay inside my ft. Palmers health was clearly failing but his handshake continued to be firm.
More notable was that unmistakable aura of greatness, the type not common even among standard sporting royalty. One poorly-delivered question and that i understood Palmer would destroy me in the way golfers had once been familiar with. Palmers reliable, lifetime lieutenant Doc Giffin presided over our every word.
Palmer bemoaned the over-tuition of golfers of this era (his father have been his only coach), bristled slightly at major-winning comparisons because he couldn’t compete in america PGA Championship when he switched professional and shook his mind when assessing what lengths today’s technology enables the ball to visit. He spoke enthusiastically in regards to a course project within the Highlands of Scotland, that will continue apace, therefore illustrating Palmers business savvy even in a point where, independently, he probably understood the chances against seeing it through.
This season at Augusta National, in realisation of failing health, onlookers realized these were saying farewell to Palmer as he posed on the 1st tee alongside Jack Nicklaus and Gary Player around the opening day’s the Masters. However the truth, the admission of this, was understandably too painful for anyone to state openly. Palmer donned the Eco-friendly Jacket four occasions between 1957 and 1964 he finished no less than ninth in the initial of the season.
The ultimate words here should fit in with Nicklaus, who might be golfs most decorated major champion but was without anything even approaching the commercial savvy which set Palmer apart. He was one of my favorite buddies, nearest buddies, and that he was for any lengthy, lengthy time. I’ll miss him greatly, Nicklaus stated. He was greater than a golfer or perhaps great golfer. He was a symbol. He would be a legend. He required the sport in one level to some greater level, virtually by themself.
Tributes put in on Sunday evening but, mainly, the content was of thanks. That’s the true Arnold Palmer legacy.
Find out more: https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2016/sep/26/arnold-palmer-dies-87-peoples-champion-the-king
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