#TGW Part 1
personinthepalace · 7 months
Peacemaker Goes Wrong Show - Do Ya Wanna Taste It?
The Peacemaker opening credits dance but make it cornley :)
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jedi-enthusiast · 2 months
Ok, I just realized something kinda hilarious since I’m bouncing between writing TGW and writing my Fallout 4 fic ‘and still, we stand’
I love writing morally grey characters, but I absolutely refuse to write morally grey characters in Star Wars, because like-
Let’s use ASWS as an example:
Arryn- (MC) -has been through a lot of trauma, so she doesn’t trust people at all and- (because of the specific trauma she suffered) -her gut reaction to most situations is violent. She hurts people, she kills people, she lies, she cheats, she always expects the worst of people…all to protect herself from ever being hurt again.
Her emotions are completely understandable, given what she’s been through, but that doesn’t mean her reactions are right.
A big part of her character development is learning that she doesn’t have to follow the “hurt others before they hurt you" way of thinking and that, when they're given the chance, most people will choose to be good. Yeah there's still jackasses and cruel people out there, this is Fallout after all, but no one expects her to be particularly optimistic or even for her to change her way of thinking all that much.
What she learns is that she doesn't need to distance herself from the people she cares about to avoid pain, she can trust people and lean on them when she needs to, and that she doesn't always need to expect the worst from people---because, more often than not, they'll surprise her if they're given the chance.
By the end of the fic, I'll be honest, Arryn doesn't necessarily change all that much---she still doesn't trust easily, she's still pessimistic, she still has a lot of baggage and unhealthy coping mechanisms...but the point is that she's grown. She's trying to be better, whatever that would look like fore her.
I cannot do that with Star Wars.
Because with Star Wars so many people have this idea of- "oh, this morally grey/terrible person is correct because fuck emotional control and being a decent person" -for reasons I don't understand.
If I wrote a fic, like I wanted to, about a Sith who was being trained by Dooku---but who eventually flipped sides because she started to care about the clones and, through that, started to have her views called into question---and had the Jedi try to help her to which she, due to her trauma, lashed out at them...
...an unfortunate amount of people would say that she was in the right.
They would say that she shouldn't control her emotions, that her accusations against the Jedi and Republic are valid, that she did nothing wrong during the war and her apprenticeship with Dooku.
And, personally, I don't want to have to write a fic where I'll constantly be having to write a 4k meta in the author's note section about why she is in the wrong and it is bad that she's doing what she's doing.
Which fucking sucks because, personally, I think I could do a really fucking cool story with the whole- "Sith apprentice changing sides during the war and all the drama/emotions/etc. that comes with that" -and I think I could execute it better than a lot of the people actually making content for Star Wars.
(looking at you Felony and Headland)
But, due to the lack of media comprehension and the---frankly stupid as fuck---attempts of the anti-Jedi crowd to make the Jedi out to be the "bad guys" of Star Wars, I refuse to write the fic I want.
So yeah, there's my rant of the day.
Sorry if it didn't make sense.
It's 1 am.
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peachdues · 4 months
I AM ON MY KNEES AFTER READING PART 1 OF THE GREAT WAR!!!!! You’re just an incredible writer. I am hooked.
The renewed TGW interest prodded me to keep working on Part II bc I was STUCK — but I’m so glad I am!! I love these two idiots in love!!
Thank you so much for reading!!
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dianessunflower · 2 years
Art in The Good Fight and (The Good Wife) - Part 1
as promised, i am resharing some of my art threads from twitter over here. to recap, as a history major and art nerd, i have always loved looking at the art shown in the sets of period drama, but it was really striking to me how obviously intentional it was being used to assist in telling story in The Gilded Age (plus Impressionist lover Mrs Sylvia Chamberlain was just begging for it).
while part of it is about identifying the art because i do love an easter egg, the other part i find really interesting is thinking about how art reflects character and story. so, i started thinking more about art in The Good Fight/The Good Wife, and i started a twitter thread and it became a season long thing this year for the final season.
this post is part 1 of 2 about the art in The Good Fight/The Good Wife, and in particular, Diane Lockhart's impeccable art taste. so, without further ado...
this is my hands down fav, which is in Diane's Boseman/Reddick office in TGF, Girl with Peony by Andy 'Zig' Leipzig 🔥
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i adore the surrealism and guess what i found? sunflowers of course 🌻🌀🌻 this is Andy 'Zig' Leipzig's Have a Heart, 2014.
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in Diane's old apartment in TGW era, the engraving on the right is by Jean-Pierre Louis Laurent Houël, Vase cineraire et figures antiques (1782, Gennadius Library).
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the left looks like Bougainvillea, Parivolia, Italy by Isabelle De Borchgrave (watercolour).
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this is not Diane's, this is Sweeney's, but i have never been able to find this still life from TGW 419, which is a shame because it is GORGEOUS.
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in the McHart apartment post TGF s2, there's an engraving by French artist Jean Louis Prévost, Flowers & Fruit.
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behind Kurt and more clearly here is a French Watercolour Landscape (distributed by Soicher Marin gallery).
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there are also a few pieces in the bathroom, including some botanical prints visible only in the mirror. and this one above the fireplace, A Rainy Day, by an unknown American Continental School artist (20C, oil on canvas).
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i'll be back next week on Thursday (aka missing TGF more than usual hours) for the rest of my thread, which focused on the art in s6 and was possibly more intentional than the rest of The Good Universe put together.
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mischief cast in the hatchetfield series (version 2)
hello. in january, i did a series of "mischief members cast in starkid shows" posts, which i did for most of their shows. i did a casting of hatchetfield during this series, but i only based the castings on the guy who didn't like musicals and black friday, as at this point in time, it had been a while since i had watched nightmare time season 1, i hadn't yet watched nightmare time season 2, and nerdy prudes must die hadn't come out yet. but now that i've watched everything, i figured i should update my casting. quite a few of these roles have been switched around from how i originally had them, because of how additional roles changed my perspective.
some notes that i made in the original series but will reiterate now, plus an extra one:
vocals did not play a part in the castings because i didn't want to limit myself and also because i can't tell what vocal types people are. so this is purely based on acting abilities.
i only used cast members from filmed shows because they're who i'm familiar with. so basically tgws and mmni cast members only. (there is a single exception to this).
now the extra note. i have cast all of them as if they're taking over a starkid members parts (aka someone will be playing all of jon matteson's parts, etc). however, if two different starkid people play a character during different shows (most notably the recasting of r*bert m*nion's roles in nmt2) i have changed it so that only one mischief actor plays that part. for which actor i gave these doubled up roles to, i gave priority to the stage shows over nightmare time. a good example of this is the lords in black - i have counted their actors as the person who played them in npmd, no matter who played them in nmt. the only character that this is a little complicated for is peter spankoffski, as he's been played by three different people, but i've put him as joey's character over r*bert's, as he has a more prominent role in npmd than in tgwdlm. hopefully that makes sense!
also you can see my original casting here. just so you can see what's changed. i would recommend reading this one first because the ones i kept the same are mostly just "see previous explanation".
casting under the readmore!
paul matthews / wiggly / gary goldstein / paul 23 / roman murray / boy jerry / daniel / richie lipshitz: jonathan sayer
this was hard because i moved my first choice for this role to a different character, but i think jono could do it! dennis has the awkward vibes paul does, and i feel like from what we see of him in mmni, jono is unhinged enough to play every other character /lh. my personal favourite character for jono to play is richie though.
emma perkins / donna daggit / linda monroe / madame iris / emdroid / mary / courtney / ruth fleming / blinky: nancy zamit
listen. nancy as linda monroe could fix me. okay. i just think she'd smash any and all of these characters.
bill woodward / frank pricely / solomon lauter / jason jepson / pokey: harry kershaw
this one is the same as my old casting, so i won't spend much explanation on it, but it's perfect, okay?
charlotte sweetly / nora / deb / colonel schaffer / sherman young / jane perkins / pamela foster / sheila young / marco: charlie russell
this is also the same as before, but the addition of sheila is the one that solidified this for me. we know she can play sexy villains. we've seen it in mmni. the prime minister in star paws, madame castaway in a dice with death (i know she isn't the villain in that one but she's got the same vibe). this also goes for jane. charlie russell playing villains for the win.
ted spankoffski / dan reynolds / wilbur cross / cineplex teen / malone / ezekiel / thrash / peter spankoffski: dave hearn
although he wasn't who i landed on previously, i had already strongly considered him for this role, and i eventually decided that he did fit this role better after all. i mean, we love villain dave in this house, so wilbur and ezekiel are covered. i also think he has the range to play pete as well, as we've seen him play those awkward kind of characters in mmni. i think he's definitely right for the part.
professor hidgens / ethan green / tony green: joshua elliott
same as previous casting and not much to add.
mr davidson / sam sweetly / general macnamara / barry swift / chumby the ape-man / papa sniggle / andy kilgore / gabe / skud: henry lewis
okay hear me out on this one. the initial reason i considered him for this role is because mcnamara's voice in tgwdlm reminded me of his chesney hawkes voice in light over the rocks. then i thought about it some more and i feel like he could really rock all of these roles? idk i just think he could do it.
alice woodward / greenpeace girl / melissa / zoey chambers / stephanie lauter / webby: rhyanna alexander-davis
same as previous. i think the added characters are really great for her as well. like rhyanna as steph??? come onnnn.
tom houston / gerald monroe / bob metzger: chris leask
okay listen. chris leask has that rugged dad kind of vibe that tom has. i said what i said. it works sooo well. you cannot tell me you don't see where i'm coming from on this one.
becky barnes / sylvia / jenny / miss holloway / girl jeri / karen chasity / miss mullberry / stacy / nibbly: lauren shearing
this was perfect casting the first time and i stand by that!!!
lex foster / lucy stockworth / snigglette / willabella muckwab / hailey / grace chasity: ellie morris
i also stand by this one! i feel like once again, she isn't the obvious choice for any of these, but i think she has a range that i want to see explored.
hannah foster / tim houston: susan harrison
idk how to explain it i just think it's a role i'd love to see her in.
howard goodman / jonathan brisby / duke keane / zach chambers / lumber-axe / eddie chiplucky / mark chasity / officer bailey / kyle clauger / tinky: greg tannahill
once again another example of perfect casting the first time. i am a genius /j. the most notable addition to me is duke, and i think he absolutely has the heart to play him.
xander lee / bob morris / watcher world barker / river monroe / noah / charles: niall ransome
it still fits. not much to add tbh.
rose / sophia / detective shapiro / brenda: bryony corrigan
okay, of all of these the only one i struggle to imagine her as is rose, but even then i don't think that's beyond her capabilities? like idk i just could really see her as shapiro tbh.
ziggs / kale: scott hunter
i did say there was a single exception to the "only tgws or mmni rule"! because ofc i have to cast non-binary icon scott hunter as non-binary icon jae hughes.
max jägerman: henry shields
this role was super hard to cast. partially because will branner hasn't played any other characters yet so i haven't seen his range, and also because will brings such a specific energy to this character that i think is hard to replicate? he's an excellent addition to starkid. anyway i thought shields was probably the best bet for casting this role, purely because max reminds me very slightly of kyle from primary cape crusader. there's just a specific vibe and shields was the only one i felt could fit that.
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TGF Thoughts: 6x03-- The End of Football
This will probably be a short one. This isn’t a bad episode, but it’s a case heavy one, and, y’all, I have so much to say about episode four (which I’ve already seen*) that I just want to get through this one. 
*I have also now seen episode 5 oops
This episode’s title makes me happy. The Kings used to say that there was exactly one big thing CBS wouldn’t let them do on network*, and that was go after the NFL. This seems to no longer be an issue on Paramount+. 
* That they actually attempted to do; obvs they couldn’t have the characters swear, because hearing the word “fuck” is much more detrimental to society than gritty violence! 
I am not a big sports fan. Tbh, I held a grudge against football for a little while there because it was “that thing that meant TGW would start at 9:17 some weeks and 9:53 other weeks” when games ran over. That was so infuriating. While I’m walking down memory lane, here are the two worst things football ever did to me: (1) A game went into overtime the night that they killed off Will, meaning that the episode aired in Canada in its entirety before it started in the US. This meant that spoilers found their way to me, like, fifteen minutes before the episode aired. My fault for being on twitter, but I did not like that experience and I blame football. (2) There was one episode, I think it was the season six premiere, that was delayed nearly a full hour because a game went into DOUBLE OVERTIME over a touchdown that happened with literally one second left on the clock. That’s just cruel.  
So yeah football is bad and we should ban it because it used to get in the way of me personally enjoying my show when I wanted to. There are no other reasons it is bad. Just those. (I kid. I will likely “case stuff happens” nearly all of the football-related scene of this episode, but the traumatic brain injury stuff really is a big deal.)  
Carmen has moved into, but not furnished, her big new apartment. She’s watching a reality TV show that seems horribly delicious and working out when – you guessed it –  Charles Lester knocks on her door. This time, she’s got a gun. She puts it away when she recognizes Lester’s voice. She also notes that she didn’t buzz him in and he says the doorman let him up. It only took thirteen seasons, but I’m glad the writers have finally realized that doormen are a thing in fancy apartment buildings in big cities. It used to drive me crazy that people would just show up at Alicia’s door.  
I want to understand how Carmen’s compensation works. I assume that as a lawyer at what I believe is a prestigious firm, she’d be making enough to afford that apartment, but did she get a raise? Is her salary tied to the work she brings in, and if so, does that kick in immediately? Why is this a thing that I care about? I think it’s part of a broader question I have about Carmen’s status at the firm. To echo something @antiphon said about episode 2, does the rest of the firm know or care that Carmen’s bringing in these unsavory elements? Ri’Chard clearly does, but how does STRL feel? Liz? Diane? Why does everyone accept it like it’s a given that this firm would take on these clients? And how is Carmen allowed to operate so autonomously? Also, what is she getting out of being part of a firm if she’s a team of one and not using the firm’s resources (other than Jay, I guess)? I think this episode answers some of these questions, and Carmen was flat out asked why she stays at the firm last year, but I think the writers could’ve done a better job here. It feels like Carmen’s off on her own island and it doesn’t really make sense that this could, like, happen in the first place.  
Carmen is being summoned to something called a “Crypto-Prom” which sounds either like hell or the most amusing thing in the world.  
It’s a weird move to just bring someone a dress to wear, but I guess Charles Lester is a weird person.  
I would watch Carmen observe things for hours tbh.  
Carmen and Lester talk about Lester’s backstory; it’s mildly interesting. He flips the question around on Carmen and asks her why she’s doing this, because, quote (this is so ridiculous I need more than quotation marks to indicate these are his words), “Liz and Diane are lawyers. You’re the law.” WHAT? I mean, I get what he’s saying, but what a way of saying it.  
This scene is a little heavy-handed in its attempt to get us to understand that Lester is the future version of Carmen (in terms of career, at least).  
Ben-Baruch determined Carmen’s dress size, because he is “good at sizing up women.” BARF.  
The crypto prom is cut short by an undercover cop and Lester’s subsequent arrest for the murder of the CI embedded with Ben-Baruch last episode.  
Diane wakes up from her latest trip to a hallucination of a sexy shirtless man painting. Did you get that the drug makes her really horny? I think the writers are really being too subtle here. We need more elves with erections to make the point.  
Diane’s developing, or should I say DEEPENING, her obsession with flowers. The colors, apparently, “tickle her brain.”  
“I worry that I don’t see enough of the beauty of the world,” Diane says. Bettencourt asks why. Diane says it’s the “curse of the progressive” and I find this hilarious. I don’t doubt that she feels this way, but wow, is it a privileged thing to say. She’s cursed with not seeing the beauty of the world because sometimes in her cushy life filled with arts and luxury... she has to think about the suffering of others? I PITY HER.  
I get where she’s coming from, of course, it just sounds so PRIVILEGED. If she’d just said she doesn’t see enough of the beauty of the world, fine, but to call herself cursed? Okay, sure.  
“If one person is suffering, you can’t enjoy your life,” Diane says. Come on. I’m sure she loves to think of it that way, but, come on. If she really felt that, there are things she could be doing to help... like working on pro-bono cases...  
To continue making the point that Diane doesn’t see enough beauty, she begins to reference art. Compelling case, Diane, 10/10.  
Bettencourt, of course, knows the painting Diane’s referencing before she says its title. I appreciate (but maybe don’t need?) the visual of the painting. I appreciate it because I was going to look it up. 
Bettencourt tells Diane she is a “lifeguard” based on her analysis of the painting (she sees the suffering magnified while the painting shows it off in the corner with everyone ignoring it). Huh, that sounds familiar... 
Diane has her shoes off lollol  
I think the reason I like this high!Diane is that I feel like these scenes are actually just showing me who Diane is when she isn’t working. Like, sure, she’s high, but also this kiiiiiinda just feels like a less inhibited version of who I imagine Diane is in her free time.  
Diane worries she won’t be able to go to court after her treatment because she isn’t angry enough. “Maybe you’ll be better at your job if you’re not angry,” Bettencourt says, and that shakes Diane to the core.  
Bettencourt gives Diane homework, and she’s like OMG YAY HOMEWORK I LOVE HOMEWORK in a tone that sounds somewhat sarcastic but mostly serious. 
Diane saying, “I do. Guilty.” and raising her hand sheepishly when Bettencourt asks her if she knows what doomscrolling is is (1) adorable and (2) extremely cringe. I’m so here for it. 
Bettencourt tells her to stop doomscrolling for 72 hours, which is advice I could use, too. He says that it’s not just the treatment that can change her mood – it's also her behaviors.  
CASE STUFF HAPPENS!!! (sorry I'm very excited to get through this recap) 
Ok something I care about is happening now; this case is interesting in that Ri’Chard and Liz are working together. Liz acknowledges that Ri’Chard is good. He says arguing in court is his fourth favorite thing, after sex, food, and music. Literally why are you mentioning sex, dude?  
In her extremely gray and bleak office, Diane watches protests out the window. She gets a news alert about how the protests keep going on, then scrolls through a bunch of horrible news articles about guns, climate change, killer gators, skin cancer... there’s one that says “Texas politician sues own daughter over abortion” which is either a real thing or something that will be a real thing in the next year, and mandated school prayer. Then her phone chimes with a news alert about gun violence, a literal plague, “body odor definitive sign of rare genetic disease,” warehouse employees being overworked to death... she decides to unplug. So, on the one hand I really think there’s some truth to all of the “stop doomscrolling” stuff – I haven’t really checked Twitter today and I do feel better for it* -- but I also am not sure it works so well when there are actual protests outside of Diane’s (verrrrrry fake) window. So, Diane is just supposed to tune out the literal protests outside her office because it makes her feel the same way that... clickbaity headlines designed to encourage more engagement do? That’s a stretch. The problem with doomscrolling is that there is no point to it. Getting more enraged in an echo chamber and then spending more time on websites (and thus getting said websites more ad money) is a thing you can easily cut from your life. Paying attention to your surroundings is... not the same. I’m not sure what the point here is – that you can make yourself feel better personally but the world literally outside your window is going to be shit?  
*this is also, in large part, because when I use Twitter specifically, I feel like I have to see how every conversation or topic goes, even if I’d be perfectly fine never knowing about it. I get very obsessive about it and it turns into a huge time suck. 
Marissa, the newest member of her dad’s legal team, is looking obviously bored during a meeting. Diane grabs her and tells her to shut off access to the news, Twitter, and Facebook. Chumhum is ok though! Marissa wonders how Diane will keep track of the protests without any of this, to which I have two responses. (1) Diane could simply LOOK OUT THE WINDOW WHY IS NO ONE ACKNOWLEDGING HOW WEIRD IT IS THEY ARE ALL STILL IN THE OFFICE and (2) What’s there to keep track of with the protests, anyway? No one seems to know what they are about, so what information is there, other than their physical location? And if it’s just their physical location, please refer to (1).  
Also... preventing yourself from doomscrolling and cutting yourself off from the news are different things. There is a medium between obsessively refreshing Twitter and living under a rock. 
Wait guys I have to tell you this story about my mom because Diane just said something that sounds like the serenity prayer. So my mom and I were going through an old box of stuff and we found a necklace with the serenity prayer on it, and I was like, “uhhh why do we have this?” (you all don’t know my mom but believe me, this is not something it would be like her to own). I’m fully expecting her to say a friend gave it to her or it was sent in the mail by some charity, but NO. NO. She tells me, “Oh, I think I got it for you at Goodwill or something when you were really into Desperate Housewives and Bree was going to AA meetings.”  
I was twelve when that plot aired. So my mom bought me a serenity prayer necklace as a reference to a TV show plot about alcoholism... when I was TWELVE. This story says so much about my relationship to television.  
Carmen tries to convince Lester to find new representation. She’s Baruch’s lawyer, so she can’t be Lester’s. I know how this plot ends, and it surprises me that Lester can’t see it five miles away.  
I feel like we have seen a lot of these cases where the financier of the case has interests that are at odds with the person who’s actually in court.  
Case stuff happens. 
Carmen wakes up on the floor (??) to find her gun box empty. Ben-Baruch has broken in to threaten her! A lot of drama happens but basically he is scary and requires her to make Lester the fall guy by giving him shitty representation. 
Credits at the 17:20 mark! I’m sad there isn’t any sort of cute warning message over the skip button like there is for Evil.  
Thanks to Diane Lockhart’s patronage, flower stands are THRIVING despite the protests.  
After buying as many flowers as she can possibly carry, Diane boards the work elevator with Carmen (have these two interacted before? I genuinely don’t remember.). She offers Carmen flowers, and Carmen declines but asks if she came from a funeral.  
Diane says she didn’t, but she wants to make the downstairs cheerier. Remember in TGW when the floral budget was one of the first things to go? In a plot about the 2008 recession? Man this show has history.  
Okay, Diane, stop showing off how much more knowledgeable you are than everyone! You’re making me feel inferior! (I have seen, and very much liked (though I remember some parts being hella weird and the central theme being very heavy-handed), Metropolis. And it is not that deep of a cut. But it’s not enough for Diane to have art and literature?! She knows her film too?!)  
Carmen’s opposition in court is her former teacher. He seems like an asshole. He tries to throw her off by acting like she wasn’t memorable in class and it’s surprising she’d do well.  
Carmen returns some flowers to Diane and says her meeting is too serious for flowers; Diane offers to help. Carmen declines.  
Carmen must have a great memory because she’s able to quote this guy’s lectures. She could also be bullshitting (at least in terms of her certainty about when he said things).  
Diane’s office is still gray but now it also has flowers. I love having the flowers in every shot.  
Without doomscrolling to keep her busy, Diane realizes that she is... not doing work.  
She goes out into the open seating area and comes across a pack of associates discussing the news – women are being outlawed in Texas (one of those absurd headlines that you’re meant to, I think, take as a dark joke? Because even in this day and age that would be quite alarming?). Diane wants to know what’s happening! 
The associates all play along with Marissa and refuse to tell Diane, a partner, the news. I did not realize they all had that kind of relationship with her! Marissa, watching this, smiles to herself and tries to leave the room.  
Doesn’t Diane need to know SOME news to do her job?  
Marissa refuses to turn social media and news back on.  
There’s footage of Lester leaving the crime scene; he insists it’s a fake. 
Oooh a little moment continuing the tension between Carmen and Marissa when Marissa drops a vase of flowers off on Jay’s desk and Carmen tenses up.    
Carmen wants to know if the video is fake but doesn’t know if she’ll do anything with it... since she suspects Ben-Baruch faked it. Jay seems worried for Carmen. 
I guess people can get used to anything but it’s very alarming how little anyone seems to care about these protests.  
I don’t know why I love the detail of Liz having an Apple Watch, but I do.  
Marissa dumps a bag of toys on Diane’s desk to distract her. It’s pretty funny (though not as funny as when Kalinda read Diane Vampire Diaries fanfiction). Wild to do to a partner, but we all know Marissa has no boundaries.  
Diane decides to pour drinks for herself and Carmen since she’s picked up on Carmen’s stress. Look at Diane actually being a mentor!  
Carmen says she’s waiting for Liz; Diane notes that Liz probably isn’t coming back to the office this late and asks what she needs. Carmen gives Diane a thinly veiled summary of her predicament. Diane asks for more information, listening attentively, then says “With more drinking comes more clarity.”  
Carmen’s equally stressed the next day in court. Diane surprises her by showing up as co-counsel, which... like, actually, this is new ground for Diane? And probably an appropriate, good use of her time, given the profile of the clients and her status? (This is, of course, setting aside that I don’t think anyone at Reddick & Associates actually would want Ben-Baruch as a client in the first place.)  
Diane says she’ll do her best and Carmen can do her worst. Feels like a doomed plan, but, okay! 
Case stuff happens. 
Case stuff happens for the other case. 
Case stuff happens for Diane and Carmen’s case again. It’s done pretty well but I don’t have much to say about it.  
Ben-Baruch is pretty scary. 
I love that Lester says that Bishop “accepted Jesus after he left prison” and that’s why he’s not active anymore. Nice little wink at Evil, where Mike Colter plays a priest, right there. 
Football case stuff happens. 
Turns out the guy financing Liz and Ri’Chard’s case doesn’t want the same thing as the actual client. (This feels familiar.) 
Rivi shows up to get Carmen out of this mess. Ben-Baruch wants Carmen killed (or at least roughed up tbh I am not really paying attention to this right now and don’t want to rewind 10 seconds) and Rivi is like, I am more important than you and I want Carmen to be okay! Clever—also, scary. Rivi might be slower to turn on someone but Rivi absolutely WOULD turn on Carmen if needed. So this is... just getting Carmen in deeper.  
Diane is at Bettencourt’s office when a window explodes and the episode ends. Sorry, this is way less dramatic when you know how it ends. (I will say I was mildly worried they’d wind up kissing.) 
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septembersghost · 2 years
I have a theory that hoax is 'the great war's in present tense. That's when they took the break. In hoax she blames him(But what you did was just as dark) while in TGW she admits he wasn't guilty.There are a lot of parallels between both songs. Also taylor revealed she wrote 'hoax' and 'the1' back to back at last. I think they were on a break during that time. A lyric in the 1 is "And it's another day waking up alone" which would make sense if they were on a break. I think during that time she wondered a what if with an ex but realised she doesn't want anyone else (don't want another shade of blue but you). [I don't think hoax is about BM it's way too joe coded].
i don't know if they ever took a real "break" or if it was just a difficult/uncertain time because they hit some issues that needed to be worked through, which is normal (and as she's admitted, she felt triggered and retreated into her own head and space, even though he hadn't done anything and was still reaching out, ie: good faith treaties), and i feel like it happened before 2020 (before lover, even), but i do think that parts of hoax are closely connected to the great war and hits different (and possibly afterglow...fighting with a true love is boxing with no gloves/my knuckles were bruised like violets...). you know the hero died, so what's the movie for/this is why you shouldn't kill off the main guy. (but i saw someone earlier suggest "the hero" in hoax is taylor herself and that's in regards to bmr, so it's hard to say!) "my only one" and some of the other lyrics are very joe-coded (like you mentioned, "don't want no other shade of blue but you," since she consistently links him to blue), but i do think it's about a mixture of many different things - losing her masters, being hurt and betrayed by others and projecting that, her own struggles with depression (stood on the cliffside screaming give me a reason/pulled my car off the road to the lookout/pushed from the precipice, climbed right back up the cliff), whatever happened in the great war, and i also feel like she had one significant and particularly terrible or scary moment (my sleepless night). there's also a fear about falling in love so completely that recurs in a few ways, but usually gets resolved (you know you won, so what's the point of keeping score?/no more keeping score, now i just keep you warm). the lakes following hoax has always felt very meaningful to me too - hoax is the freezing, the lakes is the rose. the 1 could definitely be something that was in her mind as she was figuring things out and looking at what she truly wanted, what ifs and sleeplessness is a theme scattered across all of her albums! but i believe her explanation about hoax coming from multiple places:
"I think I said, “What if not all of these feelings are about the same person? What if I’m writing about several different, very fractured situations? Like one is about love, and one is about a business thing that really hurt, and one is about a sort of relationship that I considered family, but that really hurt.” […] I definitely had the moment of doubt. I had the moment of like, “I don’t usually do this, I usually know exactly what I’m writing about,” and I was really happy when [Aaron] kind of pushed me forward, like, “Nope, do the thing that makes you uncomfortable.”
and aaron said: “This is a big departure. I think she said to me, “Don’t try to give it any other space other than what feels natural to you.” If you leave me in a room with a piano, I might play something like this. I take a lot of comfort in this. I think I imagined her playing this and singing it. After writing all these songs, this one felt the most emotional and, in a way, the rawest. It is one of my favorites. There’s sadness, but it’s a kind of hopeful sadness. It’s a recognition that you take on the burden of your partners, your loved ones, and their ups and downs. That’s both “peace” and “hoax” to me. That’s part of how I feel about those songs because I think that’s life. There’s a reality, the gravity or an understanding of the human condition.”
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maiuowrites · 4 years
Training Gone Wrong
     How long has it been, he thought… How long since he and Sans came here? Since he escaped that hell hole that he knew would have been both their graves? Where was it? How long was he aimlessly walking for? It began to blur the more Papyrus tried to think…
...Stars, it was getting difficult for him to remember anything... 
“Papy!” Came Sans voice, jolting Papyrus out of his thoughts. 
“oh... heya, bro.” Papyrus replied, rubbing his younger brothers skull with a relaxed smile. “shit, don’ scare me, thought ya were’a Mugga, heh… come ta steal m’Soul n’ all m’bones!”  
Sans only huffed, batting his brothers hand away as he put his hands on his hips. “Quit being weird, Pap! It’s training day! You promised to take Al and I out to Waterfall! What’s taking so long!?” 
Geez, his bossy little brother… How did he get like that?
“was waitin’ on yer slow butt. did’ja two eat?” Papyrus stretched, his joints letting out quiet hisses as he yawned. 
“We’ve been waiting on YOU to eat!” Sans retorted with a huff. “Did YOU?”
Papyrus folded his arms behind his head, lounging on the sofa as he closed his sockets, smirk still on his face. 
“Liar!” Alphy’s came out of nowhere, slamming a plate of leftovers on his chest. “You have to eat, Papy! Or else you won’t be able to teach us… We want to know all we can before Dad gets back!” 
Papyrus left out an ‘Oof’, only to glance at the plate wearily… His appetite had driven down to the ground recently, he couldn’t even stand to smell the stuff. But looking at his siblings faces, Sans huffing and irritable expression mixed with Alphy’s worried yet stern glare, he sighed before sitting up. 
“...allright, allright… i’ll eat on th’way there, how’s tha’ sound ta ya both?” He said tiredly with a snrk, watching them both quickly bolt to grab their training gears.
“About time! Let’s go, let’s go!!” Sans practically yelled.
“Dang it, Sans! Stop! We gotta wait for Pap!” Alphy said, bolting out and holding Sans back by his clothing and weapon, creating a bickering between the two.
Sans excitement never ceased to amaze Papyrus… 
Getting up, he had spots dotting his view, but chose to quickly force a bite down of the food. Though the magic seemed to fizzle normally, he almost couldn’t handle the sensation that streamed down his bones. Hiding a gag with a cough, he went and put his shoes on quick enough, simply slipping the things on and grabbing his sweatshirt. 
He had placed the plate down, but took a napkin and wrapped the rest of the food up in his palm, putting it in his pocket for later. “Sans, Al, y’guys get’cha selves Seasalt Tea b’fer headin’ out?” 
“Eeeeew! NO! I hate that shit!” Sans growled, finally able to get Alphy off his shoulders. 
“It is not that bad, Sans.” Alphy deadpanned. “...i mean… It’s gross, but-”
“I know, i know…” Papyrus shook his head in amusement. “bu’ y’know why we need it. get yer boney butt back in thare n’ get ya n’ yer sis a couple o’bottles. er else… i’ll jus’ tell Mr. Li ya’d rather get’cha self killed early n’ not learn how ta heal yerself. he’d go on n’ on on’a rant ‘bout tha’, y’know...” 
Sans sockets went wide before he puffed his cheeks out angrily, only to quickly run back into the house as Papyrus took one last bite of what he could handle before wiping his phalanges on his pants. He stood by the door, waiting for the kids to come barreling back out as they always did, and locked the door behind them. 
Pocketing the keys, they all were off to Waterfall. 
“Why do we gotta walk, Pap? Can’t we port, like you normally do?” Alphy said, looking back.
“ya kids have so much energy… plus, consider it part o’yer trainin’. wha’ does yer Dad say all th’time, Al?” Papyrus said easily, hiding his shaking hands in his pockets.
“Can’t rely on you guys for everythiiiiiiing.” Al groaned, slumping before turning around and walking backwards. “But who else has that power?! It’s so cool, Papy!” 
“I bet i have it!” Sans said almost too proudly. “I bet I have more powers than Pap!”
“Ew, the only power you’ll have is chomping someone in half, Sans! What with them massive chompers!” Alphy teased, stretching her gums to show her own before laughing as he scowled at her.
“shhh, keep yer voices down, ya dorks.” Papyrus warned with a smile. “we’re gettin’ outta th’safe zone… r’memba, quiet is key, so watch each otha’s backs like we taught ya.” 
“Right!” They both said in unison.
Damn, it’s going to be a long walk…
     When they finally got to the Safe-zone of Waterfall, Papyrus had to sit on the ground to catch his senses. Even now, his mind was hazing a bit, but… He simply took out the remaining food and began to try and shove some of it down since his siblings pointed it out. Papyrus blamed he didn’t want people seeing him eat, because that would make him an ‘Easy Target.’
He saw the doubt in their eyes, seeing how he’s done it plenty of times before… But he reminded them that they were also with Lizando and he isn’t as young as he used to be. With that excuse, they dropped it… 
As they warmed up how Lizando showed them, Papyrus tried to eat all he could of the food, even if he was getting close to vomiting it all back up. Chasing the thought of that away, he watched them both with a certain emotion swelling in his chest of seeing his baby siblings being so old now… 
...Either with Pride or he was really close to vomiting now was hard to figure out…
Pocketing the empty napkin, he swallowed the final pieces and washed it with a swig of Seasalt tea, his bones tense as the magic coursed through him. Damn, he doesn’t understand what’s been going on recently, knowing what he’s been eating should be a lot better than what he used to get…
Ugh, he’d really have to find fresher ingredients next time, blaming it on spoiled magic.
After watching the two a bit more, making sure he could see correctly, Papyrus got up and walked over to start their training. 
“allright.” He said, accidentally startling Alphy as she left out a squeak. “...rule numba one, Al?” Chuckling with a brow raised, she slowly turned to face him.
“...Uhm… Always be ready for an attack?...” She murmured.
“yeah, n’ don’ squeak like’a chewtoy. ya want all th’dogs o’Snowdin comin’ afta ya?” 
“good, strike next time, allright? cause who knows, it might not be me.” Papyrus said, patting her head. 
“But… I don’t wanna hurt-” “How are you going to know it’s him exactly next time someone is standing behind you?” Sans deadpanned. “Best to strike than someone backstabbing you, Al!”
“S-shut up! What if it’s someone scared then, huh?!” Alphy retorted. “What if it’s an innocent!?”
Sans took his wooden stick and took a strike at her. “Innocent my ass, if they pop up behind you; it’s only to kill! Until we get a hold of our abilities, these lousy things are only good for one thing! What does Li say!?” 
“Gah-! Sans, quit it!” Alphy took to fighting back against Sans, their sticks clashing at every blow. 
“What does he say?!” Sans growled more, getting harsher with his swinging and able to hit Alphys on her knee.
“Ouch! You-!!” Alphy boiled with rage, going after Sans. “Dad says to always anticipate the worst!” 
Papyrus stood, watching the two chase each other a bit more… Before he finally told them to come back. He chuckled as he saw Sans now had a few markings on his bone cheeks from the slaps of Alphy’s weapon, while her arms and knees held welts from Sans. 
“allright... so, were gunna practice magic t’day.” Papyrus said, watching the excitement bubble in their eyes. “bu’, we’re startin’ slow. y’guys know how ta form pellets from last trainin’… do a couple.”
The two formed their own pellet bullets, though he noticed Alphy’s had a bit of difficulty forming hers. 
“r’lax, think ‘bout a small ray’o’light, n’... thare ya guys go. good.” Papyrus praised, nodding as they both now fully formed two each. “now, y’guys recall how ta make ‘em hurt?”
“Of course!” Sans said, his sharp smile wide. “You have to feel Angry!” 
“No, you have to feel threatened!” Alphy corrected.  
Before either of them could argue, Papyrus coughed into his hand. “y’guys are on th’right track… bu’, wha’s th’ strongest emotion tha’ can cause’a Monsta damage?” 
“...Uhm… Disgust?” Alphy tilted her head. 
“No, idiot! Hatred!” Sans rolled his eyelights.
Papyrus snrked. “right, hatred. bu’ Al, disgust is one o’hatreds many different forms. howeva, ya can even be filled wit’ hate n’ it still won’ cause any effect… why is tha’?”
“Oh! Because one needs the intent to harm!” Alphy’s eyes went wide, Sans pouted at not being able to answer first. 
“correct. ya gotta both hate n’ wanna harm someone in orda ta do damage… bu’ tha’s fer’a stronger effect. so long as ya guys have jus’ th’intent ta harm, any negative emotion b’hind it will be’a boost.” 
Papyrus took a moment to look around before landing his sights on a couple of red echo flowers. With a grin, it would be the perfect target for the two since they’re fully made of negativity, the words alone would get a small monster absolutely furious. 
“see th’Echos ova thare?” Papyrus pointed to the small bundle of red that was by a tree. “get closer n’ shoot at ‘em. think o’th most disgustin’ thing ya can, or somethin’ ya hate th’most, n’ try ta rip th’Echo’s flower petals wit’ th’intent ta harm it.” 
The two looked over and began to get closer, only to halt at the same time. Apparently the two looked at one another with challenging smiles, perhaps whispering bets that they picked up the habit of doing, to probably see who gets the other's treats for the next week. 
Papyrus watched as Alphy’s went first, her first pellet coming and just grazing a petal that earned her a few curse words from the Flower itself. 
“s’allright, Al. use them words ta fuel yer intent.” Papyrus encouraged. 
Alphy nodded, taking her other pellet, carefully aiming… And getting the Echo smack dab in the middle, completely shutting it up. 
“I DID IT!” She screeched in glee, jumping. 
“Show off! Move over!” Sans scowled at her, quick to take her spot and aim for another flower… Before something else caught his eye. 
Before Papyrus could tell what, Sans went and shot his pellet out over the bundle of red Echo’s, only for a sudden deep, guttural growl to come out that shocked all three of them. 
“Sans, th’hell did’ja aim for!?” Papyrus quickly got to the two, grabbing them by the back of their shirts and keeping them close, getting ready to take a quick port. 
“I-... I-I thought it was a hive!” Sans stuttered, trying to get his balance as Alphy clung to Papyrus’ pant leg.
“even if it was, ya fuckin’ aim wha’ i tell ya ta aim at! undastand?!” Papyrus began to drag them both back as his sockets grew, seeing what Sans aimed to start moving.
A low growl was coming from the large forming Creature, the welt from the child in clear view until Papyrus realized what it was… 
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silverinia · 3 years
fav Diane and Kurt scene?
I'm not gonna lie anon, for reasons I can't explain I'm completely incapable of naming just one, even though I actually have a definite favourite. I just felt so bad not listing a couple of other scenes that I love, so I made it a list. You probably won't believe me when I say this but I really tried to narrow this down to a top 5 but I kind of didn't feel like sleeping last night and well... This is not what you asks for anymore but I sort of figured that this is still my blog and so I can do whatever I want with it. And last night I apparently felt like ranking twenty McHart scenes. Anyway... enjoy this.
(Disclaimer no. 1: There are so many more great ones that I would've liked to name, but this post is going to fuck up everyone's timeline as it is, so let's save the idea of me rating every single McHart scene for a point in time where we actually have access to all McHart scenes that will ever exist and then I'll just destroy tumblr and we'll all live miserably ever after)
(Disclaimer no. 2: Also please keep in mind that I finished this list at 7 in the morning, I haven't slept in 24 hours, so it probably won't even make sense to me as soon as I've gotten some sleep)
(Disclaimer no. 3: Apparently tumblr only allows me to put up to ten images in one post (which is rude af in my humble opinion), so I'm going to have to post this gradually in reblogs. I hope it won't end up being too chaotic)
(Disclaimer no. 4: The vast majority of the following gifs wasn't made by me. I'm not claiming that they're mine and if anyone would like me to credit them or take their work off this post, feel free to dm me any time!)
20. The One Inspired by Roy Cohn (3x02 TGF)
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The one where Diane comes home after work and Kurt has knotted ribbons around their beer bottles because he's just straight up a lovesick idiot.
This scene, you guys... it's the gift that keeps on giving because I will never stop mocking Kurt for his inability to tie a simple bow. It gave us domestic McHart. It gave us a great kiss. It gave us "Hans and Franz, your safari buddies" and "baby zebra bbq", two of the best things Diane Lockhart has ever said on both shows. It made "Mrs McVeigh" canon. It just deserved a spot on this list.
19. Silver Bullet (2x15 TGW)
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The one where Kurt really wants to go on vacay with the idiotic overworked love of his life and tries to talk her into it by agreeing to make it a marriage proposal, because he probably thought, "Huh. Might as well tie the knot [you know, because he's physically capable of that] while we're at it 🤷🏻‍♀️", aka the one where McHart completely owns the idiots in love trope.
This is not going to surprise a single person out there who's part of the fandom because I've been going on and on and on about McHart and Costa Rica for years now, and I won't let anyone hear the end of it. Never. Never ever. You're welcome, world.
Anyway, iconic scene. Deserved a spot.
18. The Wheels Of Justice (4x19 TGW)
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The one where Diane short-circuits Kurt's brain by merely walking into the same room he's in.
Also the one where Kurt bursts out laughing at the idea of working on the Colin Sweeney case because it's just so ridiculous: him, the "I don't take on guilty peoples' cases because I have moral standards" guy working on a Colin Sweeney case, a man who's killed approximately 78352 of his wives. Ridiculous... Laughable... Exactly up until Diane bats her eyelashes at him and smiles very sweetly and asks him, "Just do it for me?" while tilting her head aside and yeah, the next scene he's in he's working on the case.
Also the one where the joke's on Kurt.
Underrated scene. Deserved at least three-hundred emmys in the category of "entertaining idiots who deserve an emmy or three-hundred". Didn't get the emmys but did get a spot on this list. And I'd say that's close enough.
17. Day 492 (2x13 TGF)
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The one where Kurt said "Go to hell" to a couple of FBI agents and Diane reacts by fucking him while said FBI agents can hear them through the bugs they put in their house.
I honestly don't know where to begin with this scene, I actually tend to completely block it out of my mind because I always feel like it's something we collectively hallucinated as a fandom. But I'm glad I remembered it in time before I finished this list because it's just a god tier scene and the kiss is absolutely perfect and the way he blushes is adorable and the way she smiles at him melts my heart and I'm rambling now but you get it. You get it.
16. Previously On... (5x01 TGF)
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The one where Kurt pulls Diane aside from a room full of people to privately tell her that RBG has died because he doesn't want her to find out in an environment where she feels like she has to keep herself together when she really can't and he tells her in a way that almost makes me tear up right now as I'm trying to describe it and he just really wants to be there for her in a moment where he knows she needs him to ground her, as he always does, and Diane, thinking this still has anything to do with politics for him, argues that he doesn't have to pick up those pieces because he doesn't share her beliefs, and Kurt tells her that he can still feel bad for her because this is about them, about his love for his wife who he knew was going to be crushed by this and he genuinely just wants to be there for her because he cares, and she says that she doesn't deserve him and she calls him "babe" in a way I never expected this stupid word to be able to break my fucking heart, and they hug and it's honestly my no. 1 favourite McHart hug so far and now that I'm writing this, I'm realising that this scene deserved to be so much higher on this list but I literally don't have the energy to change it again, so you'll just have to act like this is actually in the top five, along with the other five because numbers don't actually make a lot of sense anyway.
What a scene. I need a glass of water.
15. The One About The End Of The World (3x10 TGF)
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The one where we probably got the peak of domestic McHart and Diane's hair is messy and they're both wearing pyjamas and Diane says she loves Kurt and she also says "British, blah blah blah" which is just hilarious, and they're on the couch and they're just so married that I almost cannot believe it but I won't doubt it for a second because it's not like my body could possibly function if it wasn't true.
I just love this episode. I have my fair share of complaints about season 3, but this episode? I loved it so much. It's one of my all time favourites. And I make silly little noises whenever I watch this scene. Absolutely deserved a spot.
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For my fic Will’s Son
Oof the formatting is weird. I’m so bad at tumblr posts
1. What inspired you to write the fic this way?
I read a story about Kurt getting Diane pregnant and it was set during one of the earlier seasons of TGW. I loved it and it was cute but because Diane was an older mom she struggled a lot. I wanted Diane to have a baby but I wanted to keep the McHart love story we all love so much. So I decided to have Will be the dad and honestly as crazy as it seems it’s hilarious to think of Diane and Will raising a baby together. Which is why I did flashbacks to get a glimpse of them during the pregnancy and with a little one. It gives me time to think of the next chapter while keeping it cute if I’m writing an angsty or more romantic present time chapter. Also I just love doing flashbacks in stories.
2. What scene did you first put down?
The first chapter lmao. I just went for it because I didn’t know what I wanted to do but I wanted to establish Will and Alicia’s relationship first. I also wanted to establish that Will’s kid was Diane’s.
3. What’s your favorite line of narration?
Literally all of chapter 17.
Jk jk
Okay so when I wrote this line I just had to take a moment to exclaim to myself how fucking good I am. I had to look up a picture of Julianna Margulies’ eyes and I just went for it. The line is “Her features remained soft except those honey colored eyes whose specks of green reflected concern.” Bitch I’m so fucking good at imagery. That whole chapter was my favorite for narration. My other fave from that chapter is “It was like she lost her mind for a moment....Will really derailed her train of thought. Not even derailed, he crashed that shit.” That’s my fave paragraph because when I was writing the chapter I had a great flow and then it was like I lost my mind because I couldn’t think so Alicia had to lose her mind too. These characters are often feeling what I am too. It’s how I write good shit.
4. What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
Okay again, I’m gonna hype myself up. Guys I’m a funny person okay? I’m always trying to make people laugh in my writing and in real life. It’s hard to say. There’s also a chapter I haven’t posted yet that’s got a funny line in it. But I’ll give you my favorite line that isn’t funny.
“You wanna talk, baby? Let’s talk. I’ll listen.” That’s the most Will Gardner line I’ve ever written and it reminds me of the elevator scene when he asks if he’s being too hard on her. It’s flirty, fun, and very sexy. This chapter is PG and it’s still kind of sexy the way Will talks to her. It’s also from that chapter I love so much.
5. What part was the hardest to write?
Anything involving Alicia. Just.. fuck. If you’ve ever tried to write Alicia Florrick it’s hard as hell. She a complex character with a complex mind and she figures things out before I do. It’s like come on lady slow down just a little.. It’s like I know her future but I don’t know how she got there. Which is wild because with Diane and Kurt I just write whatever the fuck I want and they just follow along. Oh and Will! Will depends on Alicia’s story! She’s not even the main character and I struggle so hard with writing her. So just Alicia is the hardest part to write. I love the challenge but damn...
6. What makes this fic special or different from your other fics?
It’s not gay.
I’m pansexual. I like to read and write both lgbt things and straight things but I tend to write more for lesbian couples. My longest stories before this one were about Tanya and Rosie from Mamma Mia. Which is wild because it made me realize how different Tanya is from Diane Lockhart and as much as I want to compare them and write them the same I can’t. I can expand more on that but I won’t right now. The other thing that makes it different is the fact that I don’t rely on smut to fill in chapters or even fuel the next plot line. That could’ve been a Tanya thing but I don’t know. Smut doesn’t fit into this story with the way these characters are written. It’s also different because I’m not pushing myself to get to 2k words in every chapter. I take my time and when a chapter is ready it’s ready even if it’s only 300 words. It just has more flow and its not as immature as my Mamma Mia stuff. I literally cringe at that stuff now. My writing has grown a lot since then and it’s only been a few months.
7. Where did the title come from?
Nowhere. I think I need to change it so I can get more readers interested. I just wanted to post it because I was excited and had written three chapters before I decided to share it. So I just put the first thing that came to mind. I suck at chapters most of the time. I tend to save each chapter under a specific topic or a phrase or even a song that inspired it. I hate the title so much which is why I’ve started titling each chapter.
8. Did any real people or events inspire any part of this?
Heck yeah, baby. I pull inspiration from everything but the thing that’s most specific is my own life and friendships. Will and Diane’s relationship is taken from mine with my best friend. We’re platonic soulmates. In chapters 20+ you’ll see how this ties in but for now I’ll tell you this; I was a little in love with this person and they loved me too and we fell hard but we couldn’t be together and we shouldn’t have been because the moment we shared (like Will and Diane’s one night stand) was just a moment and though it felt like it was perfect and like we were in love we aren’t meant to be together and even if we are I’m sure the universe will find a way. But we’re best friends. They’re a little younger than I am and they’re totally Will and I’m Diane and the similarities are crazy.
9. Were there any alternate versions for this fic?
No. However, I’m thinking there needs to be so I can put Will and Diane together for once.
10. Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
Will/Diane: it was funny and wild and I love doing obscure stories.
Will/Alicia: it’s my fix it fic. They make me so emo and I just want them to be happy.
Kurt/Diane: because I wanted people to read it. Kidding lol. Because I love McHart so much and I enjoy writing them.
11. What do you like best about this fic?
How different it is. It’s just as fun as it is romantic and I’m so used to doing one or the other. I also love the response I’m getting to it. I didn’t expect it to be so well liked. I love writing babies and I love writing cute/funny lines. I also love romance. I love that I can reread it and laugh like I didn’t write it.
12. What do you like least about this fic?
It’s moving so slowly. I already know how I want it to end but getting there is taking entirely too long. It could be because half of it is flashbacks but guys I’m struggling. I’ve already written the first chapter of the sequel. I’m not even done yet.
13: What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
I don’t listen to anything while writing because I need to focus. The music I was listening too around the time I started writing was 90s R&B and Bruno Mars. I needed the raw emotion to fuel the feelings the couples had for each other. The soft, sexy, bass is exactly how Will and Alicia see each other. It’s how I would want to write their smut if I decided to write some for them. I would write it like a Boyz II Men song. Oh and for Kurt and Diane it’s literally just Mamma Mia songs and Motown. Angel Eyes kills me and it’s just so beautiful. Their love is beautiful and soft and angelic. They’re also classic like Motown and not always perfect but the feeling is there vague as it maybe. Definitely check out 90s hits like Boyz II Men, Toni Braxton, Whitney Houston. Do it. Also Motown cause Queen Baranski loves it.
14. Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from this fic?
Love is hard and Alicia deserved better. Also, love can come at any time in your life. That’s why I kept the classic Kurt and Diane love story. I made Willicia too easy so McHart is that much harder.
15. What did you learn from writing this fic?
I learned about babies’ growth and development. I knew a lot already because I’ve taken child care courses but I needed a refresher. I learned about cowboys and their lingo. I learned that readers like cute stuff and they don’t mind weird ideas. I learned that throwing in Mamma Mia references is always cool. And I learned that I don’t need to add smut to keep it interesting.
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personinthepalace · 2 years
LUSTY BREAD - Critical Role x The Goes Wrong Show
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leonfrancisblog · 4 years
Conveyor System Market Global Trends, Growth, Opportunities, Market Size Forecast to 2028|Major Competitors WESTFALIA TECHNOLOGIES INC., Schaefer Systems International Inc., Emerson Electric Co., Dematic, Continental AG, Bastian Solutions Inc., Somi Conveyor Beltings Ltd.
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Conveyor System Market Global Trends, Growth, Opportunities, Market Size Forecast to 2028|Major Competitors WESTFALIA TECHNOLOGIES INC., Schaefer Systems International Inc., Emerson Electric Co., Dematic, Continental AG, Bastian Solutions Inc., Somi Conveyor Beltings Ltd.
Conveyor system market competitive landscape provides details by competitor. Details included are company overview, company financials, revenue generated, market potential, investment in research and development, new market initiatives, regional presence, company strengths and weaknesses, product launch, product width and breadth, application dominance. The above data points provided are only related to the companies’ focus related to conveyor system market. This conveyor system market report provides details of new recent developments, trade regulations, import export analysis, production analysis, value chain optimization, market share, impact of domestic and localized market players, analyses opportunities in terms of emerging revenue pockets, changes in market regulations, strategic market growth analysis, market size, category market growths, application niches and dominance, product approvals, product launches, geographic expansions, technological innovations in the market. To gain more info on conveyor system market contact Data Bridge Market Research for an Analyst Brief, our team will help you take an informed market decision to achieve market growth.
Growing vehicle production to increase the demand for conveyor systems is a crucial factor accelerating the market growth, also growing mining activities around the globe, increasing passenger handling capacities of airports & freight, rising ecommerce trend to fuel the demand for conveyor systems in the industry, rising demand for processed food to boost the demand for food & beverage conveyor systems and rising awareness about personal wellness to increase demand for conveyor systems in the industry are the major factors among others boosting the conveyor system market. Moreover, rising advanced technologies in conveyor system, growing digitization in material handling industry, rising advanced conveyor systems like boom conveyor and heat/fire resistant conveyor and rising manufacturing industry in developing countries will further create new opportunities for conveyor system market in the forecast period mentioned above. However, increasing initial investments, rising concerns over environmental impact of mining activities and rising usage of automated guided vehicles & robotics are the major factors among others restraining the market growth, while rising requirement of skilled workforce for repair and maintenance, rising reducing chances of contamination in food items and rising ensuring safety and reducing accidents will further challenge the conveyor system market in the forecast period mentioned above.
Global Conveyor System Market, By Industry (Warehouse & Distribution, Food & Beverage, Automotive, Electronics, Mining, Airport), Type (Belt, Roller, Overhead, Floor, Pallet, Crescent, Cable, Bucket), Country (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America, Germany, Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2028. Conveyor system market will reach at an estimated value of USD 10.86 billion and grow at a CAGR of 4.20% in the forecast period of 2021 to 2028. Rising demand for handling larger volumes of goods and improving productivity is an essential factor driving the conveyor system market. Conveyor system is a type of automated machine handling operation that involves transportation of equipment, materials, product from one position to another. They are majorly utilized in transferring and transportation of heavy-weighted items, as they can perform this task with ease and high effectiveness. It is also used in production lines, as well as in sorting procedures in a number of warehouses, manufacturing facilities and factories.
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Conveyor System Market Scope Country Level Analysis:
Conveyor system market is analyzed and market size, volume information is provided by country, industry and type as referenced above.
The country section of the conveyor system market report also provides individual market impacting factors and changes in regulation in the market domestically that impacts the current and future trends of the market. Data points like down-stream and upstream value chain analysis, technical trends and porter's five forces analysis, case studies are some of the pointers used to forecast the market scenario for individual countries. Also, the presence and availability of global brands and their challenges faced due to large or scarce competition from local and domestic brands, impact of domestic tariffs and trade routes are considered while providing forecast analysis of the country data.
The countries covered in the conveyor system market report are U.S., Canada and Mexico in North America, Brazil, Argentina and Rest of South America as part of South America, Germany, Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe in Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia-Pacific (APAC) in the Asia-Pacific (APAC), Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa (MEA) as a part of Middle East and Africa (MEA).Asia-Pacific dominates the conveyor system market due to growing mining activities around the globe, increasing passenger handling capacities of airports & freight, rising ecommerce trend to fuel the demand for conveyor systems in the industry. North America is the second largest region in terms of growth in conveyor system market due to rising demand for processed food to boost the demand for food & beverage conveyor systems and rising awareness about personal wellness to increase demand for conveyor systems in the industry in this region.
 Conveyor System Market Scope and Market Size:
Conveyor system market is segmented on the basis of industry and type. The growth among segments helps you analyze niche pockets of growth and strategies to approach the market and determine your core application areas and the difference in your target markets. On the basis of industry, conveyor system market is segmented into warehouse & distribution, food & beverage, automotive, electronics, mining, and airport. Food & beverage has been further segmented into meat and poultry & dairy among others. The conveyor system market is also segmented on the basis of type into belt, roller, overhead, floor, pallet, crescent, cable and bucket.
The major players covered in conveyor system market report are WESTFALIA TECHNOLOGIES INC., Schaefer Systems International Inc., Emerson Electric Co., Dematic, Continental AG, Bastian Solutions Inc., Somi Conveyor Beltings Ltd., TGW Logistics Group, Fives, Siemens, Honeywell Intelligrated, Vanderlande Industries B.V., Invata Intralogisitcs, Taikisha Ltd., Daifuku Co. Ltd., Swisslog Holding Ltd., Conveyor Systems Ltd, PHOENIX CBS GmbH and Khare Agromech Industries Pvt.Ltd. among other domestic and global players. Market share data is available for global, North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific (APAC), Middle East and Africa (MEA) and South America separately. DBMR analysts understand competitive strengths and provide competitive analysis for each competitor separately.
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peachdues · 5 months
“y’all reread my brainrot?” are you serious i’ve reread tgw 11 times atp (yes i actually counted) every time you tease the next part i have to reread or at least skim through it bc i need more 😌 not to mention your other works too. though i am not the biggest sanemi fan i always look forward to your next work of him- all your works actually but i really love how you portray his character
e-ELEVEN?? Like 1-10 plus one????
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I don’t even know what to say rn 😭😭😭 I’m so touched, thank you so much!!
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technogeekstmr · 4 years
Office Furniture Market Report - Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2020 - 2027
Global Office Furniture Market – Introduction
Office furniture provides comfort and convenience during working hours and are used in commercial and industrial sectors as a part of a company’s work environment.
Global Office Furniture Market – Competition Landscape
Steelcase Inc.
Steelcase Inc. was founded in 1912 and is headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan, U.S. As of 2018, the company has around 120,000 employees with 800 dealers across the globe. Steelcase Inc. operates in the market with different brand names including Steelcase Health, Steelcase, Turnstone, Steelcase Education Designtex, Coalesse, AMQ, PolyVision, Orangebox, and Smith System. Raw materials used by Steelcase Inc. include laminate, melamine, wood, leather, metal, steel, plastic, and fabric. The product segment of this company includes seating, desk & chair, storage, technology, and others. Under the office chair segment, the company sells SILQ, Steelcase Series 1, West Elm Work Sterling Chair, Cobi, Gesture, Leap, and other products.
Incorporated in 1945, OKAMURA CORPORATION is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. The company operates its business at the global level with 11 sales units. It also signed partnerships with different companies to increase sales. Some of the alliances are König + Neurath AG Furniture Systems, Pro-Cord s.p.a., Wiesner-Hager Möbel GmbH, DORMA Huppe Raumtrennsysteme GmbH + Co. KG, and TGW SYSTEMS INC. Some of the company’s popular office furniture under the seating segment are task chair, multi-purpose and conference chair, lounge chairs, and stools.
Major companies operating in the global office furniture market are Steelcase Inc., OKAMURA CORPORATION, Haworth Inc., Knoll, Inc., BERCO DESIGNS, HNI Corporation, KOKUYO Co., Ltd., Herman Miller, Inc., Kimball International, and Meridian Office Group.
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Global Office Furniture Market – Driver
Growing Investment in Office interior Products to Increase Employee Efficiency
Key corporate houses and enterprises are investing huge amounts in interiors and furnishing their office spaces to provide a productive and comfortable work environment to their employees. Many office furniture manufacturers and designers offer chairs with better comfort to minimize stress. Furthermore, increasing penetration of smart furniture is also boosting market growth. For instance, advanced office desks are available in the market with installed sensors, where the employee can manually measure their preference with respect to their comfort level. These sensor attached chairs also guide the employee about the right posture during work hours. Growing adoption of convenient and comfortable office furniture is expected to further drive the market growth.
Global Office Furniture Market – Segmentation
The global office furniture market can be segmented on the basis of:
Distribution Channel
Global Office Furniture Market, by Material
In terms of material, the global office furniture market can be divided into:
Looking for Regional Analysis or Competitive Landscape in Office Furniture Market, ask for a customized report
Global Office Furniture Market, by Product
In terms of product, the global office furniture market can be divided into:
Modular Furniture
Desks & Tables
Global Office Furniture Market, by Distribution Channel
Based on distribution channel, the global office furniture market can be segmented into:
The report on the global office furniture market is a compilation of first-hand information, qualitative and quantitative assessment by market analysts, and inputs from market experts and market participants across the value chain. The report provides in-depth analysis of parent market trends, macroeconomic indicators, and governing factors, along with market attractiveness of each segment. The report also maps the qualitative impact of various factors on segments of the office furniture market across regions.
Regional analysis of the global office furniture market includes:
North America
Asia Pacific
Middle East & Africa
South America
The study is a source of reliable data on:
Market segments and sub-segments
Market trends and dynamics
Supply and demand
Market size
Current trends/opportunities/challenges
Competitive landscape
Technological breakthroughs
Value chain and stakeholder analysis
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Aight: Questions about "the way back home" that aren't too spoiler-seeky, because you asked for questions and the fic is incredible.
1) How did you write something that's already so good??? We are,,, 2 chapters in?? And it is incredible??? Are you a god?????
2) How did you get the idea for the fic? It's a really interesting concept, and I'm kinda curious
3) So, Chris just randomly wished for a thing and it came true?? Is this a thing that could happen to anyone and any wish? What superpower is granting random wishes anyway? I assume we'll find out more later in the fic and this may be bordering on spoilers, so no worries if you can't answer :)
4) How often do (did?) the Cornley Crew show up on each other's doorsteps, and who's the most common to end up on a doorstep/who's doorstep do people most often end up on? It's such a cute image and I need more info lol
5) You are awesome. It's not a question, but whatever.
Hope these questions are okay, kinda hard to come up with questions this early on I guess, there's so much we don't know and so many things I want to ask but can't because spoilers!!!!!
Anyway, have a great day!!
1) how did you discover my secret god identity /j but seriously you‘re too kind <3
2) hmm well i believe i was watching ppgw and i started thinking about what would have happened if it went right, which was the start of the idea seed. then i applied it to tptgw accgw and tgws. i can’t remember where the actual universe traveling part came from, but soon enough it developed in my mind.
3) yeah so we’ll find out later in the story that there’s a bunch of different factors that resulted in chris being able to do it, but yeah theoretically other people could do it as well.
4) all the time, i am so sure of this. they just turn up at each other’s place whenever they feel like it. i’d say they’d most commonly go to annie’s place, just because
5) awww shucks
thank you so much for the questions!
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hello -- I wanted to thank you for your brilliant metas, I wanted to read something of sonia saraiya's red team/blue team episode analysis calibre and it's so wonderful to have found this tumblr archive. Love it when someone loves a show for the same reasons I do (the pleasure in TGW for me has always foremost been seeing well-drawn characters interact with each other in ways that are pleasurably predictable/unpredictable). I'm rewatching s4 for the 4th time now and I was wondering about (1/2)
your take on the kiss. Josh Charles' acting choices in that moment suggest (apart from lust/heat) someone who has understood, oh shit, Alicia is *hurt*. Maybe she *is* the injured party here. It feels like the kiss is part comfort, or the only comfort Will knows how to offer Alicia. Alicia is blazingly wronged here and so magnified, which makes me think of Will in the 5x10 fantasy sequence saying "I don't like it when you're weak" (is he saying the truth? or does he have a soft spot for her weakness? I also imagine Peter, per your excellent observation of his feudal psyche, would love to help Alicia in a truly weak moment; I don't know if he'd be so all right with this blazing spitting martyr version). Anyway, do you have any thoughts on Will's motivations for kissing Alicia in that moment?
Hi hi hi and thank you for the excuse to put back on my TGW-meta-writing-hat – it's been a while and writing about TGF just isn’t the same. It’s been a while since I’ve rewatched season four, but I’ve seen RTBT a ton of times and just watched the key scenes again, so I’m ready to go!  
So, the first thing I need to say about the RTBT kiss scene is that... I don’t exactly think it’s the best example of character-driven writing on TGW. It feels very TV to me, and also like it has to happen when it happens to motivate the return of the love triangle and drive the central conflict of the rest of season four. I’ll try to set that aside, because as annoyingly cliché as I find the scene... it’s also a good scene.  
Second, I have a vague and possibly incorrect recollection of the writers saying that Will and Alicia had a ~passion~ that never faded and the line between a passionate emotion like anger and a passionate emotion like wanting to kiss someone is a thin one. So there’s passion in the moment and it suddenly transforms into a different type of passion. Meh. I’m not satisfied with that; it’s not specific enough for me. Also, it feels a liiiiittle questionable and Kalinda/Nick-esque (oh wow I had not thought about that in a while), but since I might be misremembering it, I’m just gonna let it slide instead of arguing against something it’s very possible no one actually said! 
Here's an idea I'm toying with: Will is furious because he knows Alicia’s right and he’s wrong – and he’s pissed that she thinks he’s the enemy when he’s not the one who decided to take away her partnership. He likes to think of himself as Alicia’s protector, the one who hired her when she was poison (I know that line’s from later on, but I think it’s safe to assume it was on his mind long before Hitting the Fan!). It upsets him to see that she’s angry and raw; it gets under his skin that she thinks HE – the one that fought for her! -- is the appropriate target for her frustration.  
But he knows that he and his partners did something that would piss off anyone – he says this himself in an earlier scene. He loses sight of that when Alicia acts out in mock court. She makes a snappy comment about not getting partnership, and his first thought is to clarify that he, personally, didn’t have anything to do with it? Who cares! Alicia doesn’t know the specifics, but she knows (actually said out loud, like, two scenes prior!) that Will and Diane aren’t totally free, either. That’s objectively the wrong thing, as a managing partner at a company that just fucked over an employee, to say.  
He continues to see the tension as an interpersonal conflict between himself and Alicia up until the moment just before the kiss. He seems to think that Alicia should’ve brought her concerns to him and trusted that he’d help her out. She didn't – and he feels a little betrayed. So he goes to confront her, feeling confident and justified in his anger, and then she calls him out. She looks passionate and she’s making no attempts to conceal her emotions. It startles him. He sees her weakness, he sees her pain, and he recognizes the truth of what she’s saying. She IS the injured party. She is obviously the injured party. Maybe she’s acting out in borderline (?) unprofessional ways, but she’s ABSOLUTELY the injured party. He looks at her for a few seconds, and then can’t resist reaching out to comfort her with a kiss. After all, he cares about her, he needs her to know that he's not the bad guy, and he hates seeing her this way.  
That brings me to the whole “I don’t like it when you’re weak” thing, a line I have always struggled with. I’ve probably interpreted it, like, fifty different ways over the years, and I’ve read countless great takes on the line before. I think it’s a fantastic line... but I also don’t really know what it means. Where my head’s at now: Will doesn’t like it when Alicia’s weak because of what it brings out in himself. On the most basic level, he hates seeing her be weak because he doesn’t like watching someone he loves suffer. He can’t stand to see her diminished and arguing against herself (like the job interview in 5x14) and he can’t stand to see her victimized by a company that bears his name (in the RTBT scene). He doesn’t like it when she’s weak, so he does whatever he can to give her comfort and strength. But that doesn’t really explain the tone he uses when he says the line in The Decision Tree. He's not saying that he can’t stand to see her suffer; he’s admonishing her for showing weakness!  
But what if, taking into account the context of The Decision Tree and Will’s feelings of betrayal, that line is Will re-contextualizing all of his earlier interactions with Alicia and realizing that there’s a pattern? Alicia shows weakness, he swoops in to save the day, he suffers for it. In this new view, Alicia uses her weakness to her advantage; she acts weak to manipulate men (yeah, this would be a super misogynistic view for Will to have, but a looooot of his thinking in The Decision Tree is misogynistic, too). Will, instead of blaming himself for being unable to keep himself from comforting Alicia in her moments of weakness, blames Alicia for showing weakness.  
To bring this ramble all back to RTBT, I think he wants to comfort her and acknowledge her pain. At this point in the story, I don’t think Will is thinking about his own behavior or patterns: he seems Alicia’s pain, he hates it, he reacts. He doesn’t want her to feel pained and he certainly doesn’t want her to see him as the one inflicting it, so he tries to offer her comfort in the form of a kiss. And in doing so, he makes things worse for everyone. 
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