#TG:re chapter 111
tg-files · 7 years
Even the Pen | That | Set P
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Chapter Meta
Urie’s Character and His Destruction | @linkspooky
Urie’s Situation and How It Will Impact His Character | @bloodycarnations
Scarecrow | @inthesweetmadness
More On Scarecrow | @littlemissymonster
Maybe Scarecrow Isn’t Hide | @hidewari, @kisathemistress
Saiko’s and Urie’s Mindset | @echo-from-the-void
Emphasize of Urie’s mouth | @sol-atre, @kingkishou
How Did Uta Know About Juuzou? | @tinyghoulproblem
Amon: Tarot Card 8, Strength | @littlemissymonster
RC Suppressants and PTSD Reactions | @kanekikenunot
Urie and Kaneki Parallels | @kingkishou
Scarecrow: His Name and Mythological Role | @kingkishou
Donato’s timeline and the Leadership of the Clowns | @midnight-in-town, @hysyartmaskstudio
Miscellaneous Meta
Saiko Will Join Kaneki’s Side | @kanekikenunot
Seidou’s Pain Endurance at the Stomach Area | @echo-from-the-void
Similarities Between Juuzou and Arima | @echo-from-the-void
The Thing About the King | @hysyartmaskstudio
Tooru Investigating His Own Crimes | @echo-from-the-void
Can Ghouls Be Hurt by Glass? | @echo-from-the-void, @kingkishou
Amon: One Eyed King of Clowns | @linkspooky
Tatara and Houji Sidelined | @joystar, @silverbulletsama
Touka’s Role in the Current Arc | @midnight-in-town
Furuta’s Character Compared to a Mary Sue | @yomo-fucker
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quinchilla · 7 years
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¯\_(ツ)_/¯ yeah so i have no idea how this RC stuff works…?
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xnteiku · 7 years
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sentenshou · 7 years
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moonykat · 7 years
Yes Saiko my girl you go save Urie ;_;
Amon my son why
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lunaamatista · 7 years
Akira’s inconsistent words
After seeing comments of chapter 121 across several platforms, there is one I came across several times regarding her talk with Kaneki: Akira is a hypocrite, cold, etc. 
While they can be quite puzzling, I think they can be explained without contradictions, through both context and character traits. 
Edit to say something worth noting: this is exclusively about the scene with Kaneki, and not what comes right after, which is a whole other can of worms of inconsistency with her (but as always, has to do with her inability to figure out her own feelings). 
First of all, the scenes in question: 
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(TG:re chapter 45)
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(TG:re chapter 121) 
Interestingly though, the words themselves don’t contradict each other: “You are yourself... names... // are just symbols for others” 
Now let’s quickly take a look at another panel right before:
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And then, yet another, from an earlier chapter:
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(TG:re chapter 119) 
Although this is the first time she’s saying it out loud, it is not the first time she’s done it:
• In TG chapter 110, she states that after her mother’s death, she focused on growing up to help her father. 
• In TG chapter 111, Amon talks about how “she fights without retreating a single step as an investigator” for the sake of her father. It takes her to be drunk to even let Amon know as much. In chapter 121 of TG:re, she’s the one saying it. 
• And then we have TG:re chapter 119, in which she admits the same after Amon’s (and likely Takizawa’s) assumed death. 
• From the time she wakes up in chapter 117 to chapter 120, she was also closed off emotionally, and even in chapter 121, she still doesn’t understand her own feelings. 
• There’s also this: 
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She’s been so used to shutting out her emotions, she doesn’t know how to express them even when she wants to. 
Which leads me to the following: Akira’s words are rarely to be taken at face value. 
hysyartmaskstudio once called her “a queen of cognitive dissonance” and that’s about the truest evaluation of her character there is. 
bloodycarnations talked about some of it here, but at the moment of her talk with Kaneki, she was not being truthful. In chapter 120 of TG:re, Touka tells her she’s been stuck in the past. Akira understands that she’s been spinning in circles for a long time, and the only solution she can find at that moment is to completely get rid of that past. Her words express the resolution she’s arrived to, yet her actions don’t:
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Whether you like it or dislike it, the Mado punch, just like Touka’s own punch, is a sign of familiarity between them. It means that despite her words, she still sees someone she trusts in him; then, she also goes and tells him there’s a part of his own past that he should cling to (if you go back to the first time we saw the Mado punch, the equivalent panel says “That kindness will be the end of you”). What MS translated as “I’m so lonely” // “Me too” could have two other translations: a literal one, “I’ll be lonely” (”without you” implied), and a liberal one that conveys just about the same, “I’ll miss you”. With all of the above, plus then replying with “Me too”, she’s giving Kaneki enough hints to let him know what she’s doing. 
Back in chapter 45 of TG:re, her words and the hug were what she thought he needed: something to hang on to. And she might have thought so because she needed it herself. 
Remember how in chapter 119 of TG:re, Kaneki said he’d be afraid to have people he’s lost back for fear of losing them, and that’s meant to be an explanation of what Akira is feeling? 
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(TG:re chapter 9)
Much earlier, Akira had expressed her own fear of loss at all. In chapter 45 of TG:re, she’s still unwilling to let go in any way, and perhaps her own projection is making her unable to see what would really be best not only for her, but for Kaneki. She still doesn’t want to change, nor does she see a need to. 
There’s another interesting part in that chapter to bring up now: 
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While not nearly as severe, she just woke up after a month. The last things she might remember are about Takizawa and Amon, but she doesn’t know where one is and she doesn’t know how the other got there. 
Her talk with Touka in chapter 120 of TG:re has also made her realize that she had made her own reason for living, and her own drive for it, what her father had given to her: to avenge her mother (and eventually himself) through her hatred of ghouls. 
And then, it that same conversation, she also realizes Kureo’s own pain kept him from being the father he could have been to her, and shatters the image she had of him. Kasuka, too, would have likely been able to live a life with her had it not been for her being a ghoul investigator as well. 
And now, following Touka’s advice, she feels as though she has to let go of her past. 
Since the last thing she had been clinging to was Kaneki (let’s forget about Amon in this part, as she was about to leave without him), she feels she has to let go of him. And because he now understands him somewhat better, her harsh words are her way of telling him, in a roundabout manner, that it has to be that way, not only for her, but for him. What follows, from the punch to her last words to him, are her way of telling him that everything is still fine between them, but that for now, they need to let go each other to become independent.
Whether it is the right solution or not, or whether she can and will go through with it, is yet to be known, but that is her resolution at the moment.
But like mostly everything she says or does, it is not to be taken at face value, given the one who has the hardest time understanding her emotions is herself.
Scans from all of TG to TG:re 35 are by Twisted Hel Scans; from 36 to 52 by Imperial Scans; from 53 to current by MangaStream. 
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TG:re Chapter 111 thoughts
Ok, we actually get to see Amon being in Kanou's care and we get to see Seidou once again but, he already has white hair. He also said the one line that really struck me..."I don't want to eat it anymore." Also, he said to give "it" back. What is this "it" he is referring to? However, he reminded me of one thing or person,Kaneki. You see, I believe that Kaneki, in the Kanou Lab arc, says the first line after Amon beats him(not really a fight, I say but, more like a physical/emotional arguement) where his kagune or kakuja is retracting back into him and,if I remember correctly, he is also cryimg amd is having his whole upper body on the ground. The second line? Well, it's one of the lines that Haise says during the time he went mad but, it's not the Serpent breakdown. I think it's when he says "Kill Arima." or something like that and that "it" is something specific; his body. He says something like "Give my body back." and that is what (I think) Seidou is meaning to say or if you want the more disturbing and slightly depressing story more...His family. He wants his family back and his life. Remember when Seidou might have implied that he ate his family in the Auction arc? I think that's what Kanou did. Being the sadistic sociopath of a doctor that he is, he would do it just to make Seidou the next Kaneki. Because he wanted Seidou to be the next Kaneki Ken. IF what I am saying is true then, this is how much Kanou became obsessed with Kaneki and that he would do anything to make anyone him. Of course, I don't think that Kanou would know that Kaneki had no parents...I hope. Anyways, moving on to how Amon was saved, Scarecrow saved him. He also says his first words that we, as the readers, can make out as(kinda) and it is Amon or more like "Aghhmonn" but, I find one thing weird with how he was saved. There is a theory that Scarecrow is in Aogiri and if he is, why did he save Amon? I think there's a little thing wrong in this memory unless Eto wanted him all for herself. She saw how Kanou treats Seidou and then she saves Amon and doesn't torture him but, only if he helps her with certain tasks. I think this is a very unlikely thing however for two reasons. One) Eto might have been interested in Amon but, she doesn't care about him and/or Two) She just wants him to break his morals. So, logically, if he were to eat human meat and he is a ghoul, then he is breaking his morals. He's no longer the good morally superior human, now, he's one of Them. One of those disgusting criminals who deserves to die? Because after all, that's his morality. That is what and how he considers all ghouls...in the beginning of TG. Kaneki changed Amon fpr the better because he showed how there could actually be good ghouls. How all ghouls aren't monsters but, some of them are. Also, don't forget that Amon himself predicted how he would be a OEG due to his lines of "If a ghoul's organ is put in a person, what would happen to them?" (something like that anyways) and how he is going to be Centipede this time around and Kaneki is going to be Amon this time. A role reversal, if you will. Now, on Framed Out state....Urie is in it and it seems to be that all of a Quinx's quinque steel frames break which due to all of the Rc Cells being suddenly flowing from the Kakuhou making connections all over, causes the Quinx to be insane and ,the most important thing in this state, causes the Quinx to become a full ghoul. I don't have anymore to say about this but, Saiko. Saiko is so heartbroken in this chapter because she sees Urie, her friend and leader, in the state that I just say or FO state. She remembers that if anyone goes into FO state then, they will automatically get killed. They are considered S rate Ghouls. But, this is where Urie fails to see anything right. He never considered himself. However, Saiko is going to save him. She doesn't condemn him. She doesn't say "He's a Ghoul. Kill him." Quite the contrary, she says to save him and she uses his Investigator Rank and NOT the Ghoul rank. She also says one of the most famous lines that Both said(as of this chapter), "Saiko doesn't want anyone to die anymore." However, Saiko doesn't say it to be selfish. Unlike Urie who has a good reason as well (So, not being selfish), She says it because she is being generous and truthful. I do think she is willing to sacrifice for family but, that is for another day. Now, thank you very much for reading this. It means so much to me when you read this. However, I am still a baby at writing meta so, feel free to add and even discuss about how I could be wrong because this is a theory and theories can and often are proven wrong. Also, one more thing, Urie looked like the Yoshimura clan's kakuja mask forming( Owl like in looks) or more like...Arata. Have a good day!
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