#TFS!the King of Wrath
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reponute · 10 months ago
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radioconstructed · 7 months ago
[ "No, but I'm manifesting it." (She really wishes she was Jared, 19, sometimes.)
"Fair enough! So it goes, being a public figure -- and I can think of few people who've had more 'fan fiction' written about them than you have! But that's stupid of them! They'll get down here eventually, no need to rush!" ]
"Really? Well, that sucks..."
"Anyway, I'm just hoping her fic doesn't give people the idea that these things are true about me. We're already seeing a population spike because enough people know what happened to her and they want their own demon bf/gf."
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sulumuns-dootah · 4 months ago
Can I request a headcanon of whb king (plus any other characters you want) reacting to gn mc avoiding them for as long as she can because mc got dared to by some random demon
WHB kings' reaction to MC avoiding them because of a dare
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⟡ Masterlist ⟡
A/N: Hi! This was so fun to write since each king had a completelly different reaction ^^ Sorry for the long wait though t-t
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
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Oh, Satan doesn't like this at all
The moment he notices your suspiciously long absence, he's on the prowl
Where are you and why tf are you avoiding him?
He'll even send out Amy and his group to look for you and bring you to him
Hopefully he'll during his search find out about the dare
At least hopefully for you
Poor demon who dared you will find himself homeless after Satan in his demon form destroys his place
Once that's dealt with, the next time you go outisde, you come face to face with Satan, leaning back against his bike
"Talked to that mf. The dare's called off :)"
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Mammon notices that you haven't been around him much, but he just chalks it up to you being busy
He's okay with it, knowing that eventually you'll come back to him anyway
Besides, if you needed something, you'd surely call him
After finding out that it's a dare, he's also curious how long you'll be able to keep away from him
If he ever gets worried about you, he'll just send one of his nobles to check up on you
Once you're back to him, he's taking you out for a dinner to congratulate you on how long you lasted
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Leviathan knew from the beginning thanks to Foras
You don't even get to leave the Hades castle so it's easier for you to avoid him when you get a message from the devil who dared you that the dare is off
It doesn't take a genius to realise that the poor demon had been visited by His Majesty himself and forced to end your dare early
Most likely, if you video-called with him, he'll be gasping for air, hung by a noose
The next time you see Leviathan, he acts like nothing happened, but you can feel his piercing stare when you're not looking at him
He's most likely not sure how to punish you yet...
But once he does...
Oh boy, now comes the moment to avoid him for the sole sake of your survival
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Funny :)
You think you can avoid Beel? :)
I mean, technically you could do that by hanging around in the Abyssos castle, but even then you can't exactly avoid Beel
If Beel wants to see you, he'll come and see you
Doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing
Even if it means that he'll have to sneak through his own castle to escape Bael's wrath
And even more so, if he finds out about the dare...
Oops, he just reminded he meant to take you to this place and booked it in advance and can't cancel it
Sorry, guess you'll have to spend the whole month with him :)
I guess the rule with Beel is that the more you want him, the less he'll be around
(True story with my pulls for his cards tbh T-T)
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Belphie would probably realise that it's been a while since you were there when he woke up, but eh...
Maybe you're just busy doing your work
No sweat
That is until Beleth accidentally slips up about the dare
Now that is something different
Prepare to start dreaming about him every night
That'll eventually make you come back...
And if not, don't worry...
Belphie's ability can bring you back anytime, so enjoy your time away from him before he decides this little game is over
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Keeping away from Asmo is honestly your day-to-day task, so I don't think there's much difference
That is until you realize that it's time for another annual king meeting
The real challenge becomes coming up with a good reason to excuse yourself from it
And all the nobles are helping you at this point
Sure, you could just not go, but Asmo might then leave the meeting to come and see you since he was so excited to meet you after so long
In the end Leviathan coems to save the day and hides you inside his coffin for as long as the need be
You're safe for another year
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To Lucifer, not seeing you for a long time is a good thing
It just means you're healthy and safe
But he does eventually start to miss you
And then Gamigin talks a bit too much and mentions that you've been avoiding Paradise Lost because of a dare
So whenever you need medical assistance one of the nobles has to do a house call
A house call?
That sounds unsanitary
Who even knows what germs and bacteria you might catch
Lucifer better make his way over to you for a surprise visit to make sure you're doing well
And no apples can save you from this doctor
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tinykittendelusion · 8 months ago
Seventeen as Book Boyfriends
a/n : this is very popular on Instagram thought I'll give it a try
triggers: none
Scoups - Dante Russo ( King of Wrath)
Okay hear me out . Dante is extremely Scoups coded.Especially with how protective he's over Vivian also I love how he begs for her to forgive plus how he stands up to her dad just very Dante.
Jeonghan - Josh Chen ( Twisted Hate)
Please Jeonghan and Josh are one person fight me. The whole banter and how cocky Josh is very jeonghan coded plus i just wanna see jeonghan in scrubs. Also I see jeonghan with someone who matches his freak like Jules matches Josh's.
Joshua- Percy Jackson ( Percy Jackson and the Olympians)
Joshua is the og beach boyfriend. Also I love the idea of Joshua just being this himbo for his loml. He's absolutely soft for them just like Percy is soft for annabeth. Also I feel he has Percy's sass. Also Percy's mortal weakness is his loyalty and i feel that's very Joshua of him .
(a/n: Idk if Percy is technically a bookstagram qualified book boyfriend but I see him as one)
Jun- Aaron Blackford ( The Spanish Love Deception)
Yk how much Aaron yearns for Catalina ? yeah that's Jun. He is too shy to confess so he just pretends to hate you. Also I just feel he's such a softie over all just like Aaron.
Hoshi- Levi Stewart ( Fangirl)
Yes JUST YES. Levi was such a sweetheart and I feel he's so hoshi coded he spoils and Pampers you but he does that with everyone but then he finds out you write fanfiction (bonus points if it's about him) and he makes you read it to him. Just an overall softie who adores you. Also obsessed with animals (cough cough tigers).
Wonwoo- Christian Harper (Twisted Lies)
I'm just swooning imagining him calling you Butterfly. Also that island scene?!?? I'm yelling also he would be the perfect guy to be your boyfriend on social media. Also he loves holding your thigh.
Woozi - Dominic Davenport (King of Greed)
Dominic and Alexandra were so cute. I just wish Dominic groveled more but ik woozi would is a workaholic who is in love with two things his wife and his work. Plus i just think he tends to lose himself in his work while his spouse is an outside person.
Dokyeom - Wez Bennett (Better than the movies )
Mingyu - Kai Young(King of Pride)
Yes. Both of them are very sunshine coded cuties. Also I just love how roundabout they would be when they like someone. That's it sunshine coded babies.
Minghao - Charlie Lestra (Book Lovers)
Have you seen mingyu in glasses? Then you must understand where I'm coming from. He's tall smart understanding and hot a whole package also that scene in the hidden library with mingyu? SIGN ME TF UP.
So yk how Charlie is this practical but kind person? Yes very Minghao coded. He's down bad for you but would not reveal it cause it's always easier to pretend to hate you only when you start falling for a small town guy he realises what he is missing out on. Also they both are extremely practical but do everything for the people they love types.
Seungkwan Xavier Castillo (King of Sloth)
At first this was not the option for seungkwan but I feel I see so much of sassy boo that we forget boo is also a people's person he can charm the shit out of everyone and everything just like the male lead he's annoying sassy and a charmer.
Dino - Rhys Larsen (Twisted Games)
Vernon - Aaron Warner(Shatter me Series)
Blonde vernon for the win. They both have the idk wtf you doing vibes also would be totally obsessed with you. Also they both have such poker faces? I'm in love.
We live in Buff Dino world ofc Rhys and Dino are one person the whole princess nickname? The crawl to me? the pathetic in love vibe? Yes to all of those.
a/n: no proofreading done i just hope it doesn't flop :(
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wheregoodthingsthrive · 10 months ago
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The headshots obviously aren’t done but I gotta get the Broly brainrot out somehow, even if it’s premature in production. So expect finished ones soon.
A side tangent☝🏼🤓
I love DBS Broly. Designs go hard and are sleek, animation is sick, soundtrack leaves no crumbs, fight choreography is fun. But man the original DBZ movie just has a vibe that cannot be achieved again by DBS and while I do think that’s majorly to do with Toriyama not writing the OG movie, I also just think it’s due to the course DB has taken overall.
I’m glad Toriyama got the chance to write Broly more according to his liking in DBS Broly 2018 but man…the vibe of this film is immaculate. It’s surprising grungy and desolate by DB standards.
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The usage of color, imagery, dramatically opposed shots (composition, heights, directions, etc.), and music really make for a good (despite its problems) film that feels thematically, tonally, and weightily different. While you know Goku and Gang are going to make it out alive and all the Roshi/Oolong shenanigans are going on, there is still tension and weight. Broly’s “how much do you love your son” line haunts me in my bored-mid-lecture-thoughts.
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As much as I do love Broly in DBS being kinda a tortured sweetheart with a sweet tooth for violence, I find DBZ Broly to be much more compelling. The vibe I got was very much “uncontrollable, wrathful god trapped in a sensitive, underdeveloped emotionally body.” And I feel this is conveyed well in the screentime devoted to the disturbing but valuable time spent between Paragus and Broly whilst in exile from a destroyed Vegetasei. Additionally, having a backstory marred by more corruption than just “well King Vegeta said so” and having on screen attempted infanticide is So. Much. More. Vile.
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Broly’s characterization as a deity wolf in Saiyan sheep’s clothing (a fault that is not his) is dangerously appealing. I hate that TFS won out and dominates fandom perception of Broly’s trigger regarding Goku— it makes the whole point of crying being the backdrop to Broly’s early suffering moot for humors sake. 0/10. But if you push past that bs, Broly is SO FASCINATING.
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I think another fascinating element of the Legendary Super Saiyan that got lost a little in DBS is Broly’s consciousness. While him going basically non verbal Oozaru mode is still captivating, I think a Broly that jeers, snaps, comments, and berates his opponents creates a more interesting fighting dichotomy. Screaming gets boring after a lil while.
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Anyways I just wanted to praise DBZ Broly and gush about some of its facets on a surface level. Maybe I’ll go deeper one day. Oh well. Enjoy the art. Another opinion in the tags below💚🫡
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kadytimberfox · 4 months ago
okay first of all I think that was one of the best fucking cutscenes I've ever seen in destiny. this is easily the best that the post-TFS Episodes cutscene style has ever looked to me -- the sort of stone statuesque Fikrul raising the Echo like a war banner on the prow of his ketch is just...seared into my brain now, I can't get it out.
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I had a suspicion but I'm absolutely certain now that the Echo is searching specifically for the Kell of Kells. that's fairly surface-level textual at this point. the prophecy has been brought up far too many times now for it to not mean anything. "it seeks an old strength. strength to guide the scattered through a time of doubt and wrath." I mean come on!! it CAN'T be anything else!!
I love that the Echo has become this Excalibur-like narrative macguffin for the Eliksni, that this thing is going to choose their future leader just by virtue of the sheer power it bestows.
and the twist -- that it's decided that Fikrul, its first stab at crowning King Arthur, was a mistake, that it's rejected him and is seeking someone more worthy -- I mean that's just good writing.
Also the fact that Fikrul singlehandedly threw the entire Vanguard, House Light, and House Salvation into a crisis and THEN the Echo decided "nah, this guy ain't shit, I'm over him, let's try someone else"? like if you get this into the hands of someone actually capable of wielding it, that person is going to be REALLY scary! it's Raising The Narrative Stakes 101 in a way that's made the story instantly more engaging.
at this point I can't see this episode wrapping up any other way than the Echo chooses Mithrax, who is completely corrupted by the combination of the Echo and Nezarec, Eido and Eramis have to work together to save him, Eramis earns enough goodwill that she's allowed to go free, Mithrax becomes a good benevolent Kell of Kells, everyone is happy, the end.
which would be a pretty good way for this to go honestly! I'd be satisfied with that story.
my last little bit here, just for fun, is What Is The Name Of This Echo? if Maya's was the Echo of Command, my personal submission is the Echo of Memory, just because it seems really hell-bent on the whole Eliksni Messiah "Reaching Across Ten Thousand Stars With Ten Thousand Arms" thing.
also it sang an old song and brought up bad memories for basically everyone who encountered it. Crow remembering Uldren, Variks remembering the Reef Wars and the person he used to be as the Warden of the Prison of Elders (literally arguing with his past self!! apologizing to the Guardian for how sadistic and self-centered the Warden AI is!!).
so many fun little narrative crumbs for me to pick over in this act!! I'm very excited to see more.
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year ago
Macaque in the "Century Stone Egg au";
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Basically XD
LBD accidentally gets the whiff of Sun Wukong being back + "having a future heir", and gives this information to the imprisioned Macaque to enrage him into working for her.
The second Macaque is revived, he still yeets the Skeleton Key far away as in canon, and books it towards FFM to see Wukong.
He doesn't even know *why* he's so insistent on seeing Wukong right now. His mind is running on fumes atm. Who is the heir? Why was Wukong apparently "gone" for so long? Hey, who are these people hanging around the island?
Macaque likely skulks around the island at first for a few days to scope out the situation. What monkey could measure up to his former mate to be an heir? Macaque makes a loud gulp as the figure of his King (somehow more beautiful than he remembered) turns to see him.
Wukong: *confused "hm?"* Macaque: *still a mess from his revival. Eyes fixated on both Wukong and... Wukong's swollen stomach* Wukong: *too shocked too speak. Eye start watering with a mix of joy and fear* Macaque: "Is... how?" Wukong, voice croaking with emotion: "After I lost you, it seemed like the right idea." Macaque: "Was it with someone or-" *eyes widen* "You made a Stone Egg didn't you?" Wukong: *nods with a mix of smug pride* Macaque, lets out a relieved gasp: "Peaches if I wasn't so mad at being killed right now, I'd grab you and hold you and kiss you." Wukong, laughing with tears: "Don't worry. Your jiějie will do it in my stead." Macaque: "Huh? what do you mean-" PIF, slams in to Mac at mach speed: "LIU'ER MIHOU! WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" *hugs him in chokehold* "I've been alone for almost 500 years making sure no one bothered Wukong or my future niece!" Wukong: "Tieshan, I told you, there's no way to know for certain what they'll identity as." *turns to Mac* "Sorry Plums. She insisted I get an ultrasound to check on the baby. I have photos if you want to see them?" Macaque: *can't breath cus tightness of PIF's hold/has no idea what an ultrasound is, but tail thumps with delight* The rest of the gang: *mouths agape in shock* Σ(゚口゚;)//
Macaque openly cries when he sees/understands the ultrasound photos. (Sound that allows you to hear the shape/condition of the baby? Super cool!) He's sobbing at how beautiful his mate is, and how perfect *their* cub is already!! It's hard to remind Mac that Wukong is technically the Egg's only parent, but the gang let him have this fatherly pride. He's a little peeved that Wukong went through with the Stone Egg process despite the warnings from Gibbon and Baboon, but upon learning "Thats what the immortalities were for", he starts crying/realising so much all at once.
The subjects of the island all have a massive party to welcome Macaque back, something the Warrior honestly didn't expect. He didn't know that even for what he'd done, their people still missed their Kings' mate. And now he's back!!
In the Century Egg au, Macaque likely isn't carrying the Eclipse twins... or they're underdeveloped to the point that Mac is stuck incubating them for about a few years (like 10+) more until they're ready to pop out. He'd only find out about them out of his own curiousity at the ultrasound tech - Sandy has to catch Mac mid-faint at the news.
With his mate (tenative but healing relationship) by his side Wukong finally births his egg. Newborn "Xiaotian" has double the amount of parents (much more the amount of family) Wukong had originally planned for!
Macaque isn't jealous of the baby. Far from it. This is the infant his mate wanted so badly to have, that he risked the wraths of Heaven and Diyu to create and be there for. Xiaotian is Mac and Wukong's joy personified. Macaque's stone monkey instincts kick in and he's running around like super-dad; tending to the baby and/or Wukong whenever the King needs.
Macaque is also secretly really touched that Wukong kept loyal to him even centuries after his death. Still wonders why tf he died tho (S5 related probably).
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dystopicjumpsuit · 1 year ago
Double, Double Boil and Trouble - Part 3
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A/N: This is part 3 my fic for the @rare-clone-fic-exchange, which I wrote for @goblininawig. Part 4 coming soon! The story takes place in a shared continuity with Stars Beyond Number, Martyrs and Kings, and “Do It Again,” but it stands alone and can be read independently of those fics.
Pairing: Clone Trooper Boil x Reader (GN; reader practices tasseomancy/reads tea leaves) 
Rating: T, but minors DNI
Wordcount: 2.5K
Warnings and tags: fluff; banter; DJ spent way too much time on a visual gag; angst
Summary: You and Boil test the limits of the GAR comms filter.
Suggested Listening:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4 | Masterlist | Sign up for my tag list
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gars-best-stache: You up? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Are you seriously booty calling me at four in the afternoon? gars-best-stache: It’s not a booty call. I’m halfway across the galaxy. Just thought your species might be nocturnal. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: I’m human, you stale baguette. gars-best-stache: You sure about that? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: [MESSAGE REDACTED BY GAR OBSCENITY FILTER] languishing-in-obscuri-tea: WTK, they censor your messages? gars-best-stache: Everything gets scanned when we’re deployed. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: [MESSAGE REDACTED BY GAR OBSCENITY FILTER] languishing-in-obscuri-tea: That’s a *heck* of a way to live. Happy now, censors? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: HA! It worked! gars-best-stache: You’ll have to tell me what you were trying to say next time I’m on Trip Zip. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: TF is Trip Zip? gars-best-stache: Coruscant languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Do I want to ask for an explanation, or is it something boring? gars-best-stache: It’s boring. Let’s talk about something much more interesting: me. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: [MESSAGE REDACTED BY GAR OBSCENITY FILTER]
That was how it started. Simple, mundane messages about your day: he’d complain about his bunkmates’ snoring; you’d describe the most bizarre patrons you saw wandering into the bar next to your shop. He’d send you holos of his favorite gunship nose art; you’d send him silly things you found on the holonet. 
languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Where you at? gars-best-stache: Headed to Kiros. GAR rations are disgusting. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Sucks to be you. I’m eating crumblebuns and spiced tea right now. gars-best-stache: Maker, why would you tell me that? Are you trying to torture me? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Mmmmm, crumblebuns… gars-best-stache: I hate you. gars-best-stache: …  gars-best-stache: Can you send me a holo?
Galactic time zones being what they were, Boil’s messages were sporadic and unpredictable. More than once, you lay awake all night, exchanging messages for hours, never talking about anything serious, but strangely reluctant to stop. 
gars-best-stache: Saw this bird while I was on patrol, reminded me of you.
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languishing-in-obscuri-tea: First of all, that bird is glorious, and I’ll take the comparison as a compliment. Secondly, [REDACT] you. gars-best-stache: … did you just redact your own message? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: I wanted to be sure you got it. Where you at? gars-best-stache: [MESSAGE REDACTED BY GAR SECURITY FILTER] gars-best-stache: Oops, guess it’s classified.
By unspoken agreement, you both kept things light. Boil had a hard enough time opening up in person; there was simply no way he would be willing to show the vulnerability you’d glimpsed in a holomessage that was subject to GAR scans. 
gars-best-stache: How are things in the con-artist industry? Taken any unsuspecting tourists for all they’re worth lately? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Careful. I might hex your pillow so it’s never cool again. gars-best-stache: That the best you can do? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Not even close. I could curse one of your boots so it always squeaks, or make it so your caf is always either too hot or lukewarm. gars-best-stache: Oooh, I’m so scared. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Tremble before my wrath.
Some days, he’d send dozens of messages; others, only one or two. Sometimes a week would pass with no word from him, and you knew he must be in active combat. The churn of anxiety in your gut would worsen with each rotation until, at last, your datapad would chime and send you scrambling to check your messages. Not that you told him this, of course. You’d send some flippant comment and go back to your usual lighthearted exchanges.
languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Where you at? gars-best-stache: Hyperspace. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Am I allowed to know where you’re going? gars-best-stache: Nope. What did you do today? Aside from luring innocent victims to financial ruin, I mean. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Went to the charity shop. gars-best-stache: Get anything good? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: I found the perfect gift for you. gars-best-stache: Aww, you bought me a present? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: 
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gars-best-stache: [MESSAGE REDACTED BY GAR OBSCENITY FILTER] gars-best-stache: My stache is amazing! How dare you. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: That’s certainly one word for it. I’m amazed every time I see it. gars-best-stache: As you should be. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Amazed that none of your brothers have held you down and forcibly shaved it off. That thing is a crime against sentients. gars-best-stache: Didn’t realize it was a crime to look this good. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: I’m calling the Corries. gars-best-stache: They’ll never take me alive!
One of the things that surprised you was just how kriffing boring GAR life was when the troopers weren’t risking their lives in active combat. The tedium and monotony of long hyperspace jumps with nothing to do and nothing to look at except the endless gray of durasteel walls—your soul shriveled at the very idea of such a drab existence. 
Of course, for Boil and the other clones, the alternative was the deadly chaos of the battlefield. It was no wonder the troopers were so ready to hit the entertainment district and blow off steam during their shore leaves. Thus, you took it upon yourself to entertain him.
languishing-in-obscuri-tea: I look hot as K today.  gars-best-stache: Holos or it didn’t happen. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: What’s the GAR policy on spicy holos? gars-best-stache: Wait, what? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: [IMAGE REDACTED BY GAR INDECENCY FILTER] languishing-in-obscuri-tea: I guess that answers that question. gars-best-stache: WHAT WAS IT?? languishing-in-obscuri-tea: 😏 gars-best-stache: You’re killing me. languishing-in-obscuri-tea: Where you at? gars-best-stache: Headed to Sarrish. Might get messy.
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“Hellooooo,” Tas called, waving her hand in front of your face. “Anyone home?”
You glanced up from your datapad, blinking as your brain struggled to switch  gears. You stashed your datapad and gave the Dathomirian an irate glare that she definitely hadn’t earned.
“Don’t you have some runes to cast?” you asked.
“Nope, but one of your regulars is here,” she replied.
You peeked out into the reception room and spotted a clone trooper. He was wearing civilian clothes, but he wasn’t hard to identify. As he turned his head, you spotted the distinctive scar on his jaw—courtesy of a lightsaber, he’d once told you—and your mouth went dry as your heart began to pound.
“I think he has a crush on you,” Tas teased.
“He definitely doesn’t,” you muttered.
You quickly straightened your clothing and glanced in the mirror to make sure you didn’t have anything in your teeth. Straightening your shoulders, you plastered on your patented brilliant smile and walked out to greet him.
Not all armor is made of plastoid, you thought grimly.
He glanced up as you entered, his eyes as cold as ever. The broken nose was new, though. No doubt it had been well-earned. You were briefly envious of whatever lucky individual had broken it.
“Hello, Hart,” you said. “Welcome back.”
He nodded, and his eyes flicked past you to Tas. His jaw tensed, and you intervened quickly before he could say something awful to her. She might have been a Nightsister, but she was the softest marshmallow imaginable, and you’d be contractually obligated to murder Hart if he hurt her feelings. Not that you had any particular objection to the idea, but bloodstains were so hard to get out of the carpet. Best to avoid them if possible.
“Right this way,” you gestured toward your reading room.
“I know,” he growled.
You ushered him into the room and closed the door. “Is there any particular advice or guidance you need today?”
Like maybe a complete personality transplant?
“Cut the kark,” he said. “You know why I’m here.”
You felt your teeth clench, and you suspected that your signature smile might have briefly morphed into a snarl before you recovered.
“Indeed, I do, Captain,” you said in a voice so artificially sweet you could practically feel the cavities forming. “But my readings take at least fifteen minutes, so you might as well get comfortable if you don’t want anyone to suspect why you’re really here. Would you care for tea?”
Suppressing the urge to roll your eyes, you rummaged through your tea cabinet until you found the tiny latch you were searching for. You flicked it open, and the back of the cabinet slid down to reveal a hidden compartment. You withdrew a small case and handed it to Hart without a word.
He opened it and glanced through the contents.
“It’s all there,” you said.
He grunted, then glanced impatiently at his chrono. “Kriffin’ hell, how has it only been three minutes?”
You shrugged and began to brew a pot of tea. “Might as well make the best of it.”
He grumbled, then reluctantly asked, “Do you have any of those chocolate biscuits from last time?”
“Those are only for people I like,” you replied. “You can have the boring ones.”
He narrowed his eyes at you, but still ate the plain biscuits you gave him. You assumed that Hart’s sweet tooth was even bigger than most of the troopers’ to offset his general sourness.
“Milk? Sugar? Lemon?” you offered more out of habit than hospitality.
“You have milk?” he asked.
You pulled the bottle out of your mini-conservator and passed it to him.
“I’m taking this,” he said, then he grabbed the packet of biscuits. “And these.”
He stood and strode toward the door.
“It’s only been ten minutes,” you pointed out as you followed him.
“Longest of my life,” he snapped.
You didn’t bother to suppress your eye roll this time. He threw open the door to your reading room and headed for the exit, pushing past Tas wordlessly. She watched him with an expression of astonishment, and when the door slammed behind him, she turned to you.
“Was that bantha milk?” she asked, baffled.
“Yeah,” you replied. “What a kriffin’ weirdo.”
“Hmm,” she said contemplatively. “Kind of hot, though.”
You snorted. “Maybe if you have a thing for sociopaths.”
“He can’t be that bad,” she laughed.
“He’s worse. Want a cup of tea? I’d just finished making a pot when he decided he didn’t require my services today.”
She gasped in faux outrage. “The nerve! You’re right; sociopath isn’t a strong enough word. Clearly, he’s a monster.”
“Exactly,” you replied. “Now come help me drink this tea and tell me what horrors your nightmare of a flatmate has committed recently. Is he still doing that thing with his feet?”
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You didn’t hear from Boil for several days. You had more or less expected this, but still, his silence made you restless. It wasn’t so bad at first. The shop was busier than usual because the palm reader had traveled to his home planet of Aldhani for Mak-ani bray Dhani, leaving you and the rest of your fellow mediums to pick up his customers. Every night after the shop closed, you dragged yourself to your flat and collapsed straight into bed, endlessly thankful that the Eye of Aldhani only happened once every three years.
Of course, once you were in bed, your mind would begin to race, wondering where Boil was, whether he was safe, when—or if—you would see him again. Inevitably, you would get up after a few hours and settle onto your sofa with a cup of tea while you practiced the mind-calming techniques your grandmother had taught you so long ago.
One such night, as you sipped your tea and levitated a sugar spoon in tiny circles in front of your face, a thunderous crash sounded outside, rattling your windows and instantly obliterating your concentration. The spoon clattered to the floor as you rushed outside to investigate. 
On the walkway in front of your shop, beings of every imaginable species stumbled out of the various bars, clubs, and shops. Speculation ran rampant: was it another Separatist attack? Another Zillo beast incident? Sirens began to blare in the distance, but no further disturbance occurred, and eventually the walkways began to clear out as people either drifted home or returned to their revelry.
The next morning, you awoke in a bed drenched with sweat. Your apartment was stifling. Groggily, you stumbled to the window to slide it open, but it was even hotter outside.
“What the kriff?” you mumbled, grinding your palm against your face to clear your bleary eyes.
Your datapad flashed with a notification indicator, and you snatched it up, hoping to see a message from Boil at last, but instead, you had a missed comm from Tas. You called her back immediately.
“Tas, what’s going on?” you rasped, your voice hoarse from sleep. “Why is it so hot?”
“Did you hear that big boom last night?” she asked.
“It was the district relay substation for the planetary weather control system,” she said. “Coruscant WeatherNet said it could be days before it’s repaired.”
“What?” you asked, aghast. “What about air filtration?”
“They’re trying to compensate with other relay stations to keep it livable.”
“Do you think we should close the shop until it’s repaired?” 
“I doubt we’ll have many customers,” she said. “I’m more worried about you, though. The rest of us don’t live in the district, so we’re all safe. Do you have somewhere you can go if it gets bad?”
You swallowed, suddenly feeling very alone and vulnerable in a way that you hadn’t felt in years. “Not really.”
“Then you can come stay with me,” she said firmly. 
“What about your horrid flatmate?” you objected. “Won’t he object to me crashing on your couch?”
“Who cares?” she asked. “We’ll outnumber him.”
Reluctant to cause even more tension between Tas and her flatmate, you waffled. “Maybe I’ll stick it out for now. If it gets bad, then I’ll come stay with you.”
“Are you sure you want to wait that long?”
You shrugged, forcing an optimistic tone. “Maybe it’ll be fixed soon.”
“Maybe…” she said doubtfully.
“Look at it this way. The Entertainment District is a huge credit-cow for Coruscant. They won’t let it go on too long and risk losing all that tourist revenue.”
“Good point,” she replied. “Well, if you change your mind, my couch is super comfy, and you already have my door keycode.”
“Thanks, Tas,” you replied gratefully. “You’re the best.”
You ended the call and prepared for a few very uncomfortable days. It wasn’t ideal, but you managed. The air quality never did get as bad as you expected, but the temperature grew steadily warmer. Against all odds, you managed to buy a small climate control unit—the last one in the store, and you nearly had to fight an Ishi Tib for it, but you set it up in your studio and ran it round the chronometer to keep the flat livable. For the first time, you were grateful for how tiny your studio was; if it had been any bigger, there was no way the little unit would have been able to cool the space.
As Tas predicted, no customers came to the shop, so at least you didn’t have to worry about closing up. It was a strange sight: the Entertainment District, silent and completely deserted. Empty walkways; empty nightclubs, bathed in the neon signs advertising closed businesses to an audience of nobody. It was kriffing eerie, was what it was.
If you’d thought it was hard to sleep before, you were nearly frantic now. The silence was overwhelming, accustomed as you were to the endless roar of traffic and thumping of dance music. Eventually, you found an ambient noise station on the holonet and let it play nonstop.
And just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse, they did.
Five days after the relay station failed, you turned on Republic HoloNet News to see a headline that knocked the air from your lungs: “Overwhelming Republic Casualties at Sarrish; GAR in Full Retreat.”
A/N: the mug says, "Galaxy's okayest mustache." Both pictures by me 🧡
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year ago
lmao Vesper 😭😭😭
Ok wait for me I have new genius idea for crackass scapegoat!AU
Reader is the poor employee with a curse of being a magnet for Icons. They're trying their best, applying for the jobs in the most "human" spaces – but it's useless to try, it's only matter of time when they're meeting face to face with something very huge and demonic. They're not even trying, really. They're not even at some high position. They're just too unlucky to being the one who listens to all complaints and death threats... yet still very lucky to somehow remain alive after that.
After being kicked out from the theatre, their first honest job, they're totally broke. Underground casino? Yeah, yeah, shady. Sign them up!
Work is actually not so bad until some strange green giant scolds the shit out of them for "playing cheap" and almost brings them to that hot shithole– good thing he got distracted and the only thing poor employee lost are all their money and a job.
Damn, here we go again- Nothing could be wrong with working in a popular restaurant, yeah? Everyone gone through it-
Oh, how lucky they're to stay alive after that day when enormous snake woman decided to visit their modest establishment of a workplace. Their coworker, fellow waiter, is not so lucky tho. Poor Kenny.
With a generous amount of trauma, our scapegoat is escaping to something- something completely different, you know? They got a jackpot! Luck is TOTALLY on their side after all this suffering, how else you can explain that they got a job in that prestigious boutique?
... Well, let's say, they haven't break in tears only because of their lack of dignity at this point. That guy was marvelous, but he almost crashed them into the pulp with all his requirements- they're not even a designer, really....
Okay, maybe, they need to take a rest. Big rest. Take their stress out somewhere. Ikea, furniture store, bed section. Peace and love.
How it's even possible to be fired from a chill place like this? Oh, that's easy. Some buff dude built like a mountain just sorta appeared and fell asleep at the one of the biggest beds- and for some reason they fell asleep on their workplace while it happened. When they woke up tho, here was no one but a broken bed and complain in the customer's book.
That's it. That's a last nerve they had. They're escaping to the amusement park, to be the clown they are and being paid for it, as they deserve.
Only to be mocked by a guy with a fucking macaroni limbs. No, here was other people too, but he brought the greatest display of mockery and dishonour ever possible. Even their destroyed dignity somehow reanimated just to get beat down again.
Kalymir has zero idea why he woke up with a strong desire to go on the fucking "DOTA tournament" and tf it even means, but he already hyped up and ready to crush in-
After having to gamble at the same table as the Lord of Greed and nearly losing ownership of your soul.
After working at a restaurant good enough that the Queen of Gluttony unintentionally erotically fellated your entire body and made you feel like a twinkie.
After getting your department in IKEA utterly destroyed by the King of Sloth's insistence that he nap specifically in your section.
After having the King of Pride rip into you so viciously that you only wished you had been swallowed.
After having the King of Envy out-clown you.
And now, seeing what you can only guess is the King of Wrath well on his way to likely turn you into a stain on the wall...
You think of what could have been. Before this chain of horrid luck took over your life. In that one first job where you had to confront Vesper about his tendency for "group affections"-
Maybe you really should have just taken the deal and sucked him off.
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amphiptere-art · 1 year ago
List of characters/worlds.
OC world
The locked door
Shadow wars
The brother
The sister
The light dragon king
The light dragon Prince
The hybrid
The hybrids partner
dreamers musings
I will dig out that folder later.
Moss and car-car
Moss (spinosaurus)
Car-car (baby carcharodontosaurus)
Territory seeking sub adult carcharodontosaurus
Glam Bonnie
Glam foxy
Glam Freddy
Music Man
Owner YN
Adopted by
Bloody lambs, blood moon
Adopted characters
Warehouse daycare
Frank the cat
Owner YN
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Mechanical medic
Ralph the repair dragon
Other animatronics in the Plex
Adopted by
Lord's brother, infero
Adopted characters
Perrfect thief
Cat King YN
Detective Sun
Police officer Moon
Gang leader Eclipse
Underground informant leader DJ
Underground informer ballerina
Underground informer mangle
Underground informer Bonnie
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Rusted wheels
Rabbit raiders
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Cryptid eater
Hunter/Cryptid YN
Hunter Sun
Hunter Moon
Hunter eclipse
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Saving Waves
Darkened Dawn (eclipse)
Silver reflection (Luna)
Red Wave (Blood Moon)
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Stop you silly siren
Captain Eclipse
First mate Sun
Navigator/siren moon
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Arcade project
Arcade alt Fae
Blood Moon
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Red blue and black
Blue Moon (lunar/blood moon)
Black Star (eclipse)
Frankie the cat
Sundown dance the dinosaur
Horn the Dragon
Adopted by
Remorseful Lord Eclipse, Chaos
Lord's brother, infero
Kid eclipse, Moom
Adopted characters
TF traveler, refracted glow
TF trapped, crushed glow
TF servant sun, dying fire
TF Void, No light
TF ghosty, wisp
Recovering blood moon
CtOS solar
AE solar !attempted!
Old Tsams
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Shattered Blue Moon (storyline end)
Strained Black Star (storyline end)
Cruel copy
Butler (eclipse)
Werewolf (Blood Moon)
Gladiator (Sun)
Pastel (Moon)
Witch (Earth)
Wizard (lunar)
Hunter (Monty)
Adopted by
Adopted characters
TF Void, virulent
Beast maker
Blood Moon
Adopted by
Lord's brother, infero
Adopted characters
Empty cup
Honey (Lord lunar)
Cider (Eclipse)
Apple (wither storm)
Adopted by
Lord's brother, infero
Adopted characters
Chapter -SSC
Story written in ash
Chapter (eclipse)
Adopted by
Lord's brother, infero
Remorseful Lord Eclipse, gluttony?
Empty cup, Honey -SSC
Kid eclipse, teen solar flare
Adopted characters
Separated blood moon -LB
It's tough to be a god
Huitzilin (Hum) (Sun)
Zipacna (Zip) (Monty)
Xolotl (Xolo) (Eclipse like child)
Axo's Daddy
Adopted by
Adopted characters
TF traveler
Desolate hunger
Ravenous (lunar/blood moon)
Fork face
Adopted by
Lord's brother, infero
Kid eclipse, Moom
Remorseful Lord Eclipse, chaos
Adopted characters
Lost Lord
Blood Moon
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Hostage Solar, little fox
Under the stage
Blood Moon
Adopted by
Remorseful Lord Eclipse, wrath and sloth.
Adopted characters
Eclipse Brothers
Blood Moon
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Sulky star cluster
Cygnus (eclipse)
Antares (eclipse)
Rigel (eclipse)
Algol (eclipse)
Star holder Glam Freddy
Adopted by
Autumbra au, kill code
Adopted characters
TF Traveler -Orion's belt
Autumbra Eclipse *friend*
Toy swap
Crimple (DCA swap)
Glam toy Freddy (Glam Freddy swap)
Glam toy Chica (Roxy swap)
Glam toy Bonnie (Glam Chica swap)
Glam toy mangle (foxy swap)
Puppet (Monty swap)
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Alternate solar
Blood Moon
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Autumbra *friend*
Runaway eclipse
Incomplete lunar
Adopted by
Lord's brother ?in works?
Remorseful Lord Eclipse ?In works?
Adopted characters
Code Moon (blood moon)
Black bear
Alcoholic human friend
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Chased Eclipse -SSC
Actual dad eclipse
Dad code
Blood Moon
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Chased eclipse
Hati (moon)
Sköll (Sun)
leiðr (eclipse)
bana (kill code)
Adopted by
Kid eclipse, Moom
Sundown Eclipse -SSC
Adopted characters
Orion's belt
Betelgeuse, basil (Lord Lunar)
Rigel (Eclipse)
Saiph (Good wither storm)
Bellatrix, Bella (Blood Moon)
Mintata, Mika (cyborg lindworm)
Alnilam, Alnim (Sun)
Alnitak, Alnik (Moon)
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Tf Traveler
Supernova AU
Nova (lunar/eclipse)
Blood Moon
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Arcane AU
Arcane (lunar/Blood Moon)
... Everyone else dead
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Demon alts
Blue Moon
Black Star
RBB Earth
Adopted by
Lord's brother, Vim
Adopted characters
Tf void demon, demon wisp
Mer alts
Blue Moon
Black Star
Red Moon
False star
Adopted by
Adopted characters
Fey alts
Blue Moon
Researcher Blackstar
Hunter Earth
Adopted by
Remorseful Lord Eclipse, chaos
Lord's brother, puppy
Adopted characters
Tf Traveler fey *friend*
Warrior cats alts (mostly created by @artoutoftheblue)
Blue Moon
Black Frost
Lion light
Rain cloud
Berry heart
Many others
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someprettyname · 10 months ago
HELP I DIDN'T RECOGNIZE YOU WITH THE CHIGIRI PFP!!!😭😭😭😭 (You divorced the emperor and now now with the prince good choice 😼)
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You know those wrathful breakups which are so bad that the description of it even scares the friends of both the parties? Yeah. That's the kinda breakup we both just had. And until and unless he has enough balls in him to change himself for better, I ain't looking his way.
Chigiri my boy 🥹 he's wayyyyy better. Like even in canon he has one of the healthiest life approach outside football. He is strong minded. Willing to change. And incredibly capable skill wise. Besides, he has AN OLDER SISTER. So he must know how to be a good guy. 😤
I had a tough time choosing between him, Bachira and Noa (father figure needed to help me through this mess of a breakup and whatever tf is going on) but decided to give our king a chance 💆🏻‍♀️
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justmenoworries · 11 months ago
Lore Olympus Episode 276 Spoilers
Hera telling Kronos she doesn't give a shit after he starts with his Tragic Backstory™ again was amazing.
I've just told you the only good moment this entire episode had.
Persie finally goes back to the mortal realm to fix her fuck-up. Cool. Should've done that from the start instead of hiding behind Hades in your Underworld mansion while thousands of nymphs, satyrs and humans slowly and agonizingly froze to death. But then RS wouldn't have been able to stretch this season out like she did. I'm just glad it's over.
Except it's not cause oh yeah, Apollo and Ouranos are still a thing. And if your first thought was "But wait, I thought Apollo was getting the shit kicked out of him by Hermes and Ares?" congrats, you have a better memory than the literal fucking author of this trainwreck.
Ah yes, Persephone, feared Dread Queen of the Underworld whose wrath has been hyped up ever since season 1 - gets easily jumped and tied to a pole by Apollo.
Oh yeah, there was a deadline, wasn't there?
I mean, Apollo shouldn't have any kind of authority to enforce deadlines to begin with, he's not even king yet but who tf cares we need one last dramatic cliffhanger lest the audience finally bolt.
Aaand, Persie stabbed Apollo with the Arrow of Love he was gonna use on her.
This helps how???
Why would you want this dickweed to be even more obsessed with you???
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oh-shtars · 1 year ago
Hey Saph! @wings-of-sapphire/ @signed-sapphire
Stupid tumblr tends to glitch and not let me edit my drafts for some damn reason so sorry for the inconvenience and that it took so long. I have to screenshot your ask and my response down. 😭😭😭
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- Interestingly enough, Mag’s main motive is not really to gain more power. (It’s still one of the benefits though, so sure. He’ll take power. Yayyy.) But most of the evil actions he does is out of vengeance. Losing his village took its toll on him. The universe turned its back on him so he feels like he’s justified to take something back for himself.
So now, he finds pleasure in putting others under distress in the same way he used to be.
- So as I said in my previous point, Magnifico loves toying/playing with his victims. Giving them that fake sense of hope and security just to see their look when they realise they’ve been fooled. (But this hypocrite hates being the laughing end of that stick lmaooo)
- He can be superficially charming and manipulative to get what he wants. But it is relatively easy to break down his facade compared to Amaya because of his anger issues.
- He would project his own insecurities/issues towards other people to lower their own self-esteem. An “I’m down, so other people are coming down with me” mentality.
- Just like Star, and being a parallel of Star, Magnifico assumes that people only really like him for what he could offer them. So he could be already suspicious and assuming the worst whenever you ask him for a favour. It’s a contradicting feeling. One, he loves the attention. But on the other hand, he’s so pissy on how ungrateful people are and always expect something from him no matter how much he tries.
(Especially with his belief that his father only valued him as a potential heir and never really saw him as a son. This isn’t true. Oliver is just horrible at communication)
- I imagine Magnifico’s relationship with King Oliver is similar to Shen and his parents from KFP2. How both believed their parents “hated them” for never reaching what was expected of them.
- Magnifico is highly likely to underestimate things and can be impulsive. Amaya usually helps with giving him some second-thoughts and opinions before he could go and do something stupid.
- Mag smiles at the smallest compliments and gets a tiny bashful at certain flirts.
- Magnifico does get symptoms of PTSD from time to time. He can be set off just with the look of uncontrolled fire and he overthinks and gets stressed when things are beyond his control in the kingdom.
(I am just now remembering Aled’s drawing of the Starboys burning the kitchen down. Hmmmmm……)
And tbh, that’s really all I could think of right now. Idk, he makes more sense in my head and I think it will click when I actually start to get into writing his scenes. I’ve made him quite complex that even I couldn’t put it into proper words. 😅
But if you really want to get to know his vibe, I think these songs might help give you an idea. The first one is like, my go-to song when I think of RFTS!Mag’s character though:
Also, @signed-sapphire, I read through your TFS!Au and if I understood it correctly, our Magnifico’s are basically:
“I’ve suffered through so much, so I’ll do anything I could to keep our people safe and not let it happen again.”
“I’ve suffered through so much, so the ungrateful btches of this kingdom will feel my wrath because I say so-“
Look me in the eyes. Are you sure our AUs aren’t made to be this hilarious Swap!version of the other or something? This is getting freaky-
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sulumuns-dootah · 10 months ago
I asked my best friend to name them & guess their kink: The Kings
I love seeing this kind of posts in other fandoms and tried my take on this. Hope you guys like it and will be interested in seeing my friends mind melt as the kinks get worse^^
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Her guess: Asmodeus
"He doesn't look like the demon of wrath. He's giving lust more than anything."
Her guess of kink: The gym
"Eeeeh... Dunno, gym? I've lost all confidence when he wasn't Asmodeus."
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Her guess: Mammon
Her guess of kink: Money
"I don't really get kinks, so other than that I guess... Pouring metals on your crotch?"
"How tf am I supposed to get Pygophilia from this photo?!"
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Her guess: Beelzebub
Her guess of kink: Biting and pineapple on pizza
'He's into B.O.'
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Her guess: Lucifer
"How is this guy envious?"
'He...is envious of his past self when he's reading his diary...?'
Her guess of kink: Loves watching himself in the mirror while doing it?
'Well no... But one of my faves kinda has that..'
"Oh god :D"
'Anyways, Levi's into choking :)'
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Her guess: Lucifer
Her guess of kink: Cutting? Stabbing? Scratching?
'Close. Crying :D'
"Eh? o.O"
'Oh and btw this guy has 30cm cobra :3'
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bitchkay · 10 months ago
Can i get soft Addis Ira hcs?
[Ask received Aug 26th 2023]
Ouu soft Addis is definitely a thought
Let's see
In an AU where Addis isn't y'know... that😳 and where hes actually a dad and a non corrupt king
That's actually kinda wholesome hold on--
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Soft! Addis Ira Hcs☆
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In a world where Addis dosen't blatantly call Lance a terrible son(while also actively being a a terrible father) hes... well a completely different person
Lance's daddy issues started as young as the womb cus why I find out Lance's mom was actually married to Addis- WHY TF WERE THEY LIVING IN THE DESERT?????????????????????
Unlike the other kings that are just like "oh I'm trying to protect them" "oh I'm trying to prepare them for dadadada" "oh this that and the third" bro is blatantly abusive💀💀 I'm pretty sure he knows he's shitty, he doesn't give a fuck
So an AU where... that's not the case is literally just flipping the switch, take everything bad and get rid of it🥰🥰
In an AU where Addis isn't an asshole Lance's mom would def still be alive that's for sure
Yall they can be a family yall🥰💖
Lance deserves that much
Lance deserves to have a proper family
Lance growing up not only with a dad in the home but yk actually having a home to live in--
That could've saved bro so much trauma
Addis is getting the Toji treatment yall I'm sorry💀 call this the cod equivalent of dad toji with baby megumi au💀💀
Can yall imagine Addis doting on his wife💞
Lance's mom died of a curable illness so in a AU where Addis dosen't indirectly kill her I can imagine him sitting at her bed side while shes sick, holding her hand, a little Lance on the other side sleeping next to her
Yall that's so cute
Lance is a mama boy, don't matter how good of a dad Addis can be little Lance will stick to his mama's side
Even go as far as push his dad away to have her all to himself
"She my wife." "But she's my mommy😠"
Addis and Lance are constantly fighting over his moms attention
Its actually really cute how little Lance get so possessive over his mom
*Addis giving his wife a kiss on the cheek* Lance: Daddy what are you doing!?🤬🤬 *pulls them apart* Mommy can I have a kiss too😇😇
Don't get me wrong the little guy loves both his parents but that's his mommy!!
Don't get it twisted tho, the boys out number her so where ever mischief ensues you know the Ira men have been😼
Yall do you think if they were in love they would have more kids😭💞💞
Lance would be an amazing big brother
Nah like imagine Lance's parents going up to him like hey bud you're gonna have a little brother or sister I'D CRY SO HARD😭😭
Imagine Lance w/ a little sister
I mean sure not EVERYTHING is Addis' fault but we were truely robbed, like imagine if Addis was soft and sweet and nice and Lance had a normal (as normal as a prince can get) childhood
We really could've had at least a non hostile father-son relationship and didn't it's not fair😭
Omg imagine Addis as a girl dad😭
Like that's his princess
And w/ Lance as a big brother too like THAT LITTLE GIRL WOULD BE SPOILED ASF
And shes apart of the Ira clan too, yall forgot Ira represents wrath, that girl would be tough as nails, nobody can tell her shit
She beats the shit outta some fool being disrespectful and Addis and Lance look so proud.
I guess if Addis is good the country wouldn't be in shambles--
Well the country isn't in shambles perse
But if Addis isn't actively contributing to everything bad assuming Ira has been the way it is for a long time, I'd think there's at least a foundation there for Lance to take over as king to even more steps reform the country cus that's not an easy feat and can take probably decades maybe more to achieve
Please god makes the wealth gap not so violent--
Anyway guys they're a family imagine Addis taking a young lance outside to play
Playing out in the garden, hide and seek with papa
Let's get the old man involved imagine Zeneau is with Lance right, giving him his little princely etiquette lesson and stuff and then Addis comes to grab Lance for dinner and and Lance is like DADDY and runs up to him
I'm unwell guys
We were robbed
More than that bitch slaughtered this will never happen
Yall imagine if Addis was nice
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wackymaci · 1 year ago
Maci Wiki Snips - the entire backstory - part two!
(Part one here!) [part two!] (part three here!)
bc who tf knows if I’ll ever really finish wiki and, well, this is all written!
Pre-canon events & backstories: This section contains information about Maci from before the canon Elysium’verse began - events that have taken place essentially “offscreen,” but are still canonical, and even crucial, to Maci’s history. Presented as a short biography… into narrative story.
copypasted again! still very long and still an entire STORY, of course picking up in the very next section following the previous post.
CW: Thanatos. THIS IS TRULY AN EXCRUCIATING READ (it was also an excruciating write) - physical-emotional-sexual abuse, violence, etc etc etc - PLEASE PROCEED WITH CAUTION.
we (all of you allowed on this blog) basically already know the whole gist of Maci and Thanatos’ past (although I know there is one Specific Detail in this that I have NOT shared before that is going to make you all Gasp) - but since this is a very detailed summary of their full entire story it is of course horrific. s. sorry in advance. WELL.
So without further ado and wincing through reading this the entire way -
Ages 17 to 20... Thanatos.
Maci was now 17, and was being eaten alive by gnawing desperation, but she’d circled back to reminding herself that at least she was pretty. This was something she felt she could cash in on while she waited for Thanatos to realize she was available.
Without telling anyone what she was planning, that winter Maci gathered an insane sort of press conference in the Underworld and announced to the crowd that she was willing and ready to have sex with anyone who would have her. The audience of Chthonic entities did not actually seem to mind the thought of taking the virginity of a teenager clearly in the midst of a manic breakdown, but Maci's announcement was at first met with silence and hesitation, for if this was some sort of trap laid by the royal family, surely anyone who touched her would be subject to the wrath of the King and Queen. While they were slowly realizing that Maci was in fact completely serious - though again, clearly, in the middle of some sort of episode - Maci's flirty speech was interrupted by Thanatos.
Thanatos was always discreetly monitoring Maci for his own ulterior motives and he had been in the crowd that had formed. He was alarmed – not over Maci’s visibly waning mental health in this moment, but merely at the thought of “the ultimate prize” he had spent so much time carefully shaping and grooming giving herself away to anyone who wasn’t him. On the spot, Thanatos decided that he couldn’t risk anything or anyone getting in the way of everything he'd planned for years and seized the opportunity.
Thanatos appeared next to Maci and made a show of concerned outrage, beginning a hushed argument between them in front of the grumbling crowd until Thanatos told her that he’d keep her safe by sleeping with her himself. Finally stunned into acquiescence, Maci allowed him to teleport her with him back to the palace. Once they were alone, she lashed out at Thanatos for making fun of her, but Thanatos (who knew exactly how to talk to her and what she wanted to hear), assured her that he wasn’t joking. He told her that sure, doing all of this was… unhinged, but who was he to stop her from doing whatever she wanted to do? She was the Princess, after all. And if she was dead-set on sleeping with random people – sure, why not, but also… why not let that first random person be someone she knew and trusted, instead? Tearfully, Maci confessed that she could not possibly allow him to have sex with her out of pity, for she was in love with him, and always had been. And Thanatos, playing her like a fiddle, replied that he’d always loved her too - that was all it took.
Maci and Thanatos began to date, and Thanatos insisted they continue as an open relationship to allow Maci to meet her goal of sleeping with as many people as possible. The sex addiction that would follow Maci for the rest of her eternal life well into the present day (and never resolved) began here, as she was instantly intoxicated by the rush of endorphins and easy attention that came with. Meanwhile, Hypnos acted weirder than he ever had now that Maci and Thanatos were together, perhaps, in Maci's opinion, on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She chalked it up to jealousy (at Thanatos’ expert assessment) and paid him no mind.
Thanatos hit her for the first time about a month and a half in.
When it happened Maci burst into flames and threw him out; he didn't argue and retreated to his home in Tartarus. Days later, when she could no longer stand being alone, and felt that the string of anonymous sex she was having was no longer a sufficient band-aid, Maci sought him back out and demanded answers. Thanatos was all syrup sweet apologies, promising it would never happen again and swearing he had no idea what had come over him. Desperate to bury this and move on, refusing to acknowledge the glowing red flags and with no one else to turn to, Maci had Thanatos swear an unbreakable Stygian oath that he would never hit her again. He did swear this on Styx as asked. This was in fact the only time he would ever hit her through the rest of their relationship.
A few days later, Maci was with Thanatos when out of nowhere his mood turned suddenly cruel, and he began to neg her with sharp barbs and personal insults. Maci was successfully triggered into anger, her emotion-fueled powers setting ablaze again. But this time Thanatos was ready, armed with a theory he had been working his way up to testing: immortal deities did not need oxygen to function – but fire did. He strangled her until the fire went out, and Maci found herself choking literally beneath him, in a state of shock as Thanatos assumed the upper hand. As he finally dropped all his pretenses, Maci at last met the real Thanatos.
Over the next few days, weeks, months, Thanatos carefully outlined their new dynamic. He explained he was in love with her; he’d always been in love with the blind adoration and worship she held for him, though now he loved the look of fear in her eyes much more. Maci tried to break up with him – he refused. That wasn’t up to her. When Maci sought out Hypnos, he followed her to him with his scythe, and revealed, as Hypnos sobbed and bled, that Hypnos also didn’t make decisions of his own.
Maci couldn’t process the cruelty that was being inflicted upon her by her best friend, the love of her life, the only fucking person who had ever seemed to care about her. In fact, Thanatos seemed to enjoy reminding her that there was no one else beyond him. It was springtime by now, and Hades was not about to notice that anything was amiss in Maci's personal life. It was the time of year that Hades hardly noticed she even existed. When Thanatos began to wield his scythe against her too, Hades did not spare a second glance at the gory slashes Maci barely hid, proving Thanatos smugly right.
But though she was horrified to admit it, during these early months Maci was still in love with Thanatos, and she also couldn't stomach the thought of solitude. She was crippled by a fear of abandonment that had festered and grown by this time in her life. Thanatos plied her with niceties and the attention she craved, taking pleasure in the way he could easily dictate the rise and fall of Maci’s hopes, and she remained wrapped miserably around his fingers even when his faux kindness turned viciously cruel. She told herself over and over that at least he was better than no one. He also wasn't keeping her prisoner in the formal sense, and the terms of their open relationship still stood. Publicly, Thanatos still acted as the Underworld's darling, and they both knew no one would believe her if she tried to tell anyone what was happening. In her spare time, Maci numbly took solace in endless random sexual escapades, grasping after any fleeting moments of pleasure and affection that she could manifest.
This all went on, though by the next year, Maci age 18, her adoration for Thanatos had at least finally faded. Maci was far from the docile plaything that he was trying to force her into being, and she found the indignant energy to snap back; verbally, physically. Thanatos could overpower her every time, and everything was worse when he was angry, but she felt that it was worth something to piss him off, at least. The gravity of the nightmare she was living in began to sink in whenever Maci was alone with her thoughts, so she did everything she could to avoid ever being alone. When she was not with him, she distracted herself by seducing anyone across the Underworld, building a new reputation for herself that she felt vaguely proud of. She spent all her time in random beds or with Thanatos and was rarely at her home palace - and whether or not her parents noticed that she was a touch more withdrawn, a touch angrier, a touch cagier; whether they had heard the rumors about her activities; Maci never knew, as neither of them ever addressed her about it.
She also spent more time with Hypnos. He had always been a part of Maci’s life as her second best friend, but it was only now with the first spot open that Maci really started to pay legitimate attention to him. Eventually at Maci’s insistence, Hypnos admitted to her the scale of which Thanatos had been terrorizing him for their entire lives. He also confessed that he’d suspected Thanatos’ plans for her and regretted that he hadn’t tried harder to get her (or anyone prior) away from him before it was too late. Maci was stricken with the realization that Hypnos had been truly at her side while she had taken him for granted. Bonding through their mutual abuse, they began to lean on each other more and more when Thanatos was not looming over their heads. Eventually, Maci pushed their deeply trauma-bonded friendship into something more, and Maci and Hypnos began to date, secretly, behind Thanatos' back.
He found out, of course. It was at least a year later (Maci now 19 years old) that he finally acted in response, though Maci suspected he’d known for much longer before. Thanatos was always annoyed each time he caught the two of them together innocuously, but the level of anger he reached when revealing he knew their relationship was more than platonic was beyond anything he’d ever shown. Unfortunately, it was not difficult for Thanatos to twist this new dynamic back under his control. As an act of humiliating punishment, he forced Maci and Hypnos together; each terrified that the other would be hurt, they had become each other's biggest weaknesses. On this night, Thanatos used his scythe to slit Maci’s throat, nearly decapitating her.
Gods cannot die, and even what would normally be considered a grievous injury could eventually knit back together over time. In unimaginable pain, barely even able to speak, Maci was now left as prisoner tossed within Thanatos’ Tartarus cave, though he did not come or go and had whisked Hypnos away with him. Maci’s worst fear was to be alone, after all, and this was a punishment. The wound Thanatos had slashed into her healed tortuously slowly - when it was eventually “healed” enough for Maci to collect herself and leave, she disguised the horrific injury with a scrap of black fabric torn from her own chiton, tied around her throat like a choker. This black choker accessory would become part of her signature look forever through the modern day - though today that scar is only noticeable under close scrutiny, faded from time.
Not knowing where else to go, she looked for Thanatos, hoping at least Hypnos would be with him, and Thanatos promptly collected her back under his wing. During this second wave of their “relationship,” the occasional manipulative kindnesses he had sometimes tossed to her were no more. Thanatos was now bitter and cruel to Maci all the time. The resistance Maci had spit back upon him during those early years was also fizzled away - Maci quietly disassociated through each day. Thanatos' levels of physical violence escalated to include the occasional breaking of bones in addition to his ever-present scythe, and he now forced Maci and Hypnos together often. They still secretly clung to each other whenever they could, but both had numbly accepted that there would be no reprieve from this and Thanatos' constant surveillance. The passage of time was a blur. In public, Thanatos was somehow still all smooth charm, and though he was always flanked by a trembling Hypnos and an uncharacteristically docile version of Maci, no one ever guessed the truth.
The scope of Thanatos’ abuse came to a final crescendo sometime after Maci was 20 years old (maybe even beyond that, as she had reached two decades and stopped counting her immortal years). Unbeknownst to Maci, Thanatos had secretly procured a poison that he believed could strip a deity of their immortality - this had always been a long-time dream of his. Though Hypnos had grown up listening to Thanatos talk about this impossible goal, he was floored when Thanatos bragged to him exactly how his relationship with Maci would soon come to an end.
Hypnos had never stood up to Thanatos before, but he knew that he could not let this happen. As Thanatos cornered Maci alone to insist that she drink the glass he’d prepared for her, both Maci and Thanatos were equally shocked when Hypnos burst between them and shattered the poison in the nick of time. While Thanatos was frozen in disbelief, Hypnos breathlessly explained what had almost just happened to her... and Maci's state of disassociation flickered. No deity had ever died before. The sheer, insane, terrifying gravity of the Fate that she had missed by mere seconds crashed upon her as a weight heavy enough to launch her back into her senses. Then Thanatos snapped back into his senses, too.
He descended into an unhinged frenzy of rage and obscenity and lunged to hack violently at Hypnos, who was instantly overtaken. The scene unfolded before her in what felt like slow motion. Staring frozen in shock, it was here that it dawned on Maci what was happening and had happened; what Thanatos was doing to Hypnos and had done; what Thanatos had just tried to do to her; everything that Thanatos HAD done to her. Again she was snapped back to sudden reality. Maci, shoving down the fear that had consumed her for the past few years, forced herself between the twins and exploded.
Though Thanatos was in an uncharacteristic state of wild madness, redirecting his scythe wildly as Hypnos stumbled out of reach, Maci was now fueled by almost four years of her own stifled fury and she fended him off as a blazing inferno. Successfully forcing Thanatos back, Maci urged Hypnos to flee to the palace and bring back help. He returned with Persephone, who only understood what Hypnos had been trying to frantically explain in the throne room once she saw the scene of violence still unfolding. Infuriated, she peeled Thanatos off her daughter with an endless cascade of vines summoned from the underearth. The veneer of normalcy Thanatos always put on in front of everyone was shattered, completely gone even in front of the Queen herself, and he howled and fought as he was restrained. Restraining Hypnos too for good measure, Seph rushed to Maci, who now extinguished and collapsed.
And then it was over.
The immediate aftermath of Thanatos
Thanatos and Hypnos both were collected to the palace as prisoners (despite Maci’s insistence that Hypnos had nothing to do with this – they were known for being inseparable, and Seph wanted to be safe rather than sorry at this point. Hypnos did not argue), and before a court made up of the King, Queen, and the Primordial Titan-goddess Nyx, summoned as Thanatos and Hypnos’ mother, Maci finally revealed the truth, leaving no details out.
The list of shocking accusations would have seemed almost impossible to believe if Seph herself had not witnessed Thanatos at his worst. In fact Thanatos, even while held now within the constraints of thorning vines, was no longer bothering to hide his chilling demeanor. As the three elder divinities listened to Maci explain the sequence of events with Hypnos timidly chiming in when prompted, their reactions varied. Nyx seemed… appropriately horrified, but strangely did not protest the descriptions of Thanatos’ behaviors. Seph was visibly furious and heartbroken, devastated that Maci had gone through this, especially without anyone realizing. As for Hades – at first, he managed to be skeptical, but the evidence of Thanatos’ crimes in Maci and Hypnos' clear injuries could not be denied, as well as Seph vouching for what she had personally seen. Staring next into Thanatos’ unrepentant icy glare, Hades too settled into anger that such a betrayal of the royal family had occurred.
Maci had chafed at the fact that her word alone was not enough for her father to unconditionally support her, but by the end of this conference, it was still clear that something needed to be done, and all eyes turned to Lord Hades to announce the punishment that Thanatos should face. But Hades suddenly seemed troubled in a different way, and after a period of terse silence, he unexpectedly requested to speak to Maci alone. He sent everyone out of the throne room and Maci, with some anxiety, faced her father one on one.
Hades was quiet for a long time. He solemnly began to explain to her that since Thanatos was a Death God, one of only two in eternity’s existence, he did not think there was anything he could comfortably do to punish him, lest he risk the collapse of the functioning of the Underworld. Then, as Maci listened in dull horror, unable to believe what she was hearing, Hades turned on her, exasperation and frustration in his voice. He demanded to know how could she choose to get involved with this situation, knowing Thanatos was essentially untouchable? What exactly did she expect him to do to fix this now? Hades turned vicious, falling back into their pattern of relationship after all this time - had she done this on purpose to make a scene and be the center of attention again, wasn’t that just oh so typical of her? And for that matter how dare she prostitute herself across the Underworld, making a fool out of the King? He spat that he had always assumed she could take care of herself, but now it was clear that she was not capable of it, and again, what did she possibly expect him to do now that she had ruined her own life, and allowed Thanatos to take advantage of her stupidity?
Though Hades' words were callous, it almost seemed as though he had not yet fully made up his mind on what to do, or not do. For once, Maci did not respond to Hades’ provocation with matching vitriol. Instead, with another piece of her shattering inside, Maci tried to plead to Hades' sensibilities as her father and not just the King, begging him not to do this to her. But the longer Hades went on without responding, the more Maci's temper began to boil, rising in sheer desperation even while tears welled in her eyes. Finally she snapped at him that it was some move to send everyone away first, lest Persephone find out what a heartless fucking monster he was - the second the words were out of her mouth, Hades' gaze turned ice cold, and Maci knew she had sealed her own fate.
He reconvened their conference. Before Hades could issue his final decision, Nyx had the quick audacity to address them and plead for mercy for her son (just the one, ignoring the other who had suffered at his hand). Maci never knew whether Hades’ decision was drawn from this final request from the influential Nyx, or from her own last conversation with him; either way to the shock of everyone gathered including Thanatos himself, Hades formally announced that Thanatos would be free to go.
Ignoring Maci sobbing next to him, Hades issued a proclamation to serve as a restraining order, barring Thanatos from interacting with her ever again. This would serve as Thanatos’ singular punishment. Then, ignoring the furious disbelief of Persephone on his other side, Hades went on to issue a further proclamation – citing Maci’s clear inability to responsibly handle herself, effective immediately until further notice the Underworld’s population as a whole would be ordered to embargo her, and in fact anyone caught interacting with her would be personally imprisoned. As Maci wailed and screamed and pleaded to deaf ears; as Seph sat disgusted and outraged at her husband but unwilling to override him; as Thanatos bowed to the King, recollecting himself at once into his simpering, smirking demeanor; as a horrified Hypnos was ushered away by him and Nyx, still tethered to his brother with no end in sight; Hades offered no apologies, and he exited without looking back.
And with that, the saga of Maci and Thanatos' initial "pre-canon" history, and generally the overall sequence of events that inform the crucial components of Maci's character, is considered to officially end here. Thanatos would actively re-enter Maci's life after about two millennia had passed, now within the narrative of the Elysium'verse's canon storylines.
Maci would remain in Hades' forced isolation for the next eight years before circumstances (also pre-canon, briefly discussed in the following section) finally allowed her embargo to lift. She would then carry on into the rest of her life as the person this history had formed her into, the version of Maci who exists currently - all of it neatly compartmentalized inside of her, but quietly fueling absolutely everything about her personality, behaviors, and decisions.
✧*̥˚Maci literally would not begin to deal with any of the emotional or mental effects of her childhood and adolescence until about 2,000 years later, throughout the canon Elysium'verse.✧*̥˚
one more part left to finish this pre-canon up, the brief events immediately following that include Melinoe! (Part three is here now!!)
IF you made it to the end of this post- holding you I’m so soRRY.,,, but let’s all cradle Maci together because :(((((((((( AAUUUGHHHHHHHH— ahem once again questions and comments are appreciated AAHHH—
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