isatwothree · 4 months
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there were angels dining at the ritz
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heohl-art · 4 months
so proud I could screaming😭🩷✨
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• Together in the South Downs • [finished]
I'm like... absolutely tickety-boo!🥹
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noirsloth · 7 months
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The South Downs cottage . . . . .
Thank you everyone for supporting my art 💙
I also have Instagram and Tiktok if you want to see all chaotic stages of creating my art. 
I’m grateful for any support throughout my journey as an inspiring artist 💛
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mickeym4ndy · 1 month
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katistrophe · 3 months
Just heard about the claim that Hans Christian Andersen used to have a note reading „I’m not dead“ or such attached to his nightshirt whenever he went to bed in a weird history podcast and had to pause to give a good long GODDAMMIT PTERRY.
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p4nishers · 7 days
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i haven't seen ANYONE talk about this scene yet its genuinely so fucking important to the vetvimes agenda you dont get it every time i read it my eye starts twitching like what do u MEAN vimes smiled. what do u mean he never simply SMILES its always he smirked he grimaced he smiled bitterly he smiled meanly etc etc whatever but here he just SMILES at WILLIAM who he doesn't even fucking LIKE but they're talking about VETINARI who supposedly KILLED SOMEONE and vimes fucking smiles at a mention of one of vetinari's little habits which vimes usually likes to pretend he a) doesn't notice anything about vetinari ever and b) what he might inadvertently notice he never likes. but HERE he's smiling and he's very very much implying he knows vetinari far better than fucking anyone like is it just me or does this sound like him talking fondly about a romantic partner am i crazy im not crazy hes crazy for this
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0m3n-0f-d3ath · 1 month
Terry and Korvo
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quekerahkerah · 1 month
Reading 'Making Money' at the moment and I love how in this one Adora Belle is so CLEARLY the A-plot character. She's off commanding armies of golems and uncovering secrets from lost civilizations and marches back to town like "Hey Moist, come help me find a wizard to translate this ancient scroll" and he's just standing there giving Spencer from iCarly like "Ummmmm. Does it have to be like, right now...? Only, you see, my dog's just been made chairman of the bank—"
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solradguy · 8 months
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''There sits Sigurd stained with blood; Fafnir's heart he roasts in the fire. I would call the prince wise and prudent if he himself ate that gleaming heart."
-Poems of the Elder Edda - tl: Patricia Ann Terry
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macksartblock · 3 months
Got anymore dndads / homestuck? 👀
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I do and I feel absolutely annoying about it
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pratchettquotes · 3 months
"I told you, I never made the world," said Om. "Why should I make the world? It was here already. And if I did make a world, I wouldn't make it a ball. People'd fall off. All the sea'd run off the bottom."
"Not if you told it to stay on."
"Hah! Will you hark at the man!"
"Besides, the sphere is a perfect shape," said Brutha. "Because in the Book of--"
"Nothing amazing about a sphere," said the tortoise. "Come to that, a turtle is a perfect shape."
"A perfect shape for what?"
"Well, the perfect shape for a turtle, to start with," said Om. "If it was shaped like a ball, it'd be bobbing to the surface the whole time."
"But it's a heresy to say the world is flat," said Brutha.
"Maybe, but it's true."
Terry Pratchett, Small Gods
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Hey now! I’m your step-dad! Please dont be sad! Be! Brave!
Hey now! You’re a strong girl! Fight the whole world! Go! Slay!
You’re enough as you are. I’ll be watching you from the stars.
(Btw! Scary design HEAVILY inspired by this animatic by @topicaltropic that I’ve been watching on loop for like 2 days its soooooo good go check it out!)
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mickeym4ndy · 18 days
3x06 breaks my heart for a million obvious reasons but I think one of the many reasons it hurts that isn’t talked about that much is how innocent the whole thing starts out.
So much of their lives forced them to grow up way before they should’ve. Ian was being groomed by predatory men since he was 14 and Mickey was abused his whole life. That and a million other things forced them into adulthood so much quicker than they deserved.
But then they get this night.
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Then they’re together and even amongst the chaos and the awful shit in their lives, they get this little glimpse of a normal teenage relationship. Everything about it sounds so typical. Mickey’s parents are away for the night so he asks the guy he’s seeing over. Ian is so excited because he gets to sneak out of the house to actually spend the night with his maybe boyfriend that can be so distant and hard to read but has now actually invited him over to spend the night (and kissed him!!)- that has to mean something right?
They stick on a movie and sit together on the couch sneaking glances at each other wondering when the other is going to make a move. They’re both so nervous but so excited but trying to play it cool to the other. They laugh and joke together and spend time together before they have sex in an actual bed for the first time and actually spend a whole night together. Mickey made Ian food and they got to wake up together and eat breakfast together.
Up until a point, the entire situation is just so typical. They got to be normal teenagers on the cusp of their first real relationship for one night.
Then the next morning all of it was taken away and their entire lives changed forever.
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very-normal-abt-this · 8 months
So I just learned that Terry wanted "Every Day" by Buddy Holly to be the theme song* of the 1991 Good Omens potential TV show. And, because of that, Neil originally wanted it to be the 2019 Good Omens theme song.
Of course I had to look up the full lyrics to the song. And now I'm heart broken all over again. Look at the chorus:
Every day seems a little longer
Every way, Love's a little stronger
Come what may
Do you ever long for true love from me?
Love like yours will surely come my way....
(All along, they knew they wrote the most touching love story ever imagined, half heartedly disguised as a fantasy adventure)
*article with info here:
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HELLO *waves frantically* HI MAGGOTS good omens mascot here and it is day four of the grieving process over season 2, so naturally now is the time to read the good omens book and cry even more over the antichrist and how crowley is an optimist I make such great decisions can I get a wahoo? Have some updates:
Okay when I entered this fandom I remember everyone yelling about how Neil will not pay for your therapy. But consider this: what if therapy will not help because your therapist is a die-hard Neil Gaiman fan.
Yeah so I went to therapy today and after detailing the good omens saga, my therapist was pretty much ready to pass out and cry. Because they've been a fan of Neil's for years and though they haven't seen the show, apparently they have an entire collection of all his books, and have annotated the Sandman comics with diary entries.
They joined tumblr because Neil is on tumblr and didn't follow Neil because they felt unworthy to follow him.
So you know. Just. Just give up, maggots, and let's wait for S3. Even the therapists are crying over Neil and his genius. @neil-gaiman you are not only in our falafel, but in our hospitals.
Also the brainrot is worsening. I see Crowley everywhere. The most random songs from Swift's 1989 album remind me of him and Aziraphale. Every time dancing or cars or polaroids are mentioned I think of them. Also today I happened to wear fitted black trousers and my black boots to go to the said therapist, and all I could bloody think about was Crowley.
Here have the book (EEEEEEEEEEEEE) as well as the trouser-boots thing. I'm doomed I mostly wear only black clothes outdoors I'll be reminded of Crowley throughout the day every day.
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p4nishers · 9 months
Odd thing, ain't it...you meet people one at a time, they seem decent, they got brains that work, and then they get together and you hear the voice of people. and it snarls.
jingo, terry pratchett
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