#TD Cody (Mentioned)
notdailynoco · 1 year
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day 22: look what i found under the table in school
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goldfishontheceiling · 9 months
shitposting Total Drama headcanons because I forgot I had tumblr
sierra has an esty shop where she sells kandi bracelets and stuff she crocheted
harold is a mathlete
alejandro hates emojis (idk this just seems in character for some reason??)
harold can (and will) use ANY excuse to infodump and it drives leshawna INSANE /aff
speaking of leshawna his contact on her phone is "lovable stringbean"
cody wears crocs because he's silly like that
justin doesn't like oranges (this hc just.. exsists?? idk why its there but it just.. is??)
genderfluid harold REAL
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perpetualexistence · 7 months
Because the Alenoaheather Fake Dating AU never truly leaves my brain, I've got a small addition.
After Alejandro and Sierra have done their puppet therapy bonding session, Alejandro has to throw away the remains of the Cody puppet that he used to show Sierra how toxic her relationship with him is.
He's at the trash can. The puppet has served its purpose. It's time to put the pathetic, miserable thing in the trash. Really, it's a mercy.
...He fakes throwing the Cody puppet away. In secret, he fixes the puppet and hides it away somewhere Sierra hopefully won't find it.
He knows he can't really hide it from the cameras. So in the confessional he just says that he would hate to throw away his hard work, even if it was important for the lesson.
(Just have a short ramble about writing under the read more if you're interested)
[On a meta/writing standpoint, I just really like Alejandro using puppets as a way of processing his emotions. It allows him the safety to explore the more vulnerable parts of himself while still maintaining a distance by pretending it's just the puppet/for the performance.
Mind you, I love puppets being used as symbolic of Alejandro's manipulative tendencies. It's tried and true for a reason. I just think it'd be neat to use puppets/dolls as a positive mechanism of change for once.]
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totaltdfan · 5 days
random things I did in school instead of actually paying attention
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Bonus Jo drawing because I haven’t seen a single fanart where she is the main focus. (Under cut)
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wazzuppy · 2 years
he is THE scrunkly
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egtotaldramatakes · 1 month
Cody is an alien and he is kinda spacey
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ask-trent-td · 2 months
what do you think about the other drama brothers???
also whats up with the entire squash trent thing
Ok here it comes my most honest opinion
Justin: He doesn't know how to play any instrument but he does help us with all those things of skincare and he has a nice voice but he forgets the lyrics so we give him just simple things to sign and the choreographies and he's surprisingly smart (rarely)
Harold: He usually helps with the romantic songs and with the rhymes, plus knows how to play the keyboard and knows a lot of words so he also helps a lot with the lyrics. He can say some really interesting things if you're in the mood to listen!
Cody: He knows how to play piano and the organ, plus he helps me with writting the lyrics and fixing almost anything with all of his geeky things, I don't really have much else to say about him, he's (kinda) cool!
And about the whole squash thing, I'm still waiting for an answer too
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emmettkellyboomer · 2 years
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weirdowithaquill · 3 months
Do you have any headcanons for Duncan and Cody?
Thank you for asking, I do! (And to clarify, I'm going to guess this is a Duncody (Coduncan?) ask, though they will get separate headcanons too.)
Headcanon 1: Duncan doesn't get with either Gwen or Courtney post-canon. If we ignore Season 5 (more on All Stars later), then we end with him sort of with Gwen - only, I can't see that lasting. It's a rebound for both of them, and worse yet: Gwen regretted it. She regretted it during Season 3, and had they not been on a reality show, she'd have probably either cut and dumped, or tried to fix things with Courtney. Post-canon, both girls cut things off with Duncan for good over one thing or another.
Headcanon 2: Cody is a major flirt in Season 1 to cover his social anxiety. This is a teen who lives with family who are definitely well-off and also very neglectful. He is literally playing a part that he's seen on TV before, and trying his best to fit in. And had he not been mauled by a bear; he'd probably have done rather well! I mean, he had stopped pestering Gwen and promised to put in a good word for her!
But seriously dude, you were so out of your depth.
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Headcanon 3: Duncan's parole officer is the person who Duncan first told about his sexuality. Chris claims that the parole officer is his best friend after the doctor challenge in Season 2, and that tells me that these two have a close friendship. Furthermore, Duncan actually seems excited. So these two are friends - which may be because said parole officer is the only person Duncan can actually talk to. His parents don't like his delinquency (his father specifically), so there is probably tension there, making the parole officer someone to talk to; someone for Duncan to share his secrets with.
Headcanon 4: Cody is a Total Drama equivalent of Tim Drake, minus the whole Batfam thing (and the stalking). We know that his parents are extremely neglectful - I mean, they forget their own son's birthday! - which sounds familiar. Secondly, both characters have wealthy parents who go on long trips without them. Both have trouble with socialising normally when first interacting with people outside their families (flirting uncontrollably and being the world's biggest awkward muffin and saying "hello, I know you're a superhero and I saw your parents die. Can you control your other parent who has gone off the rails after your adopted brother died"). That is not normal!
Oh, and both are bi icons.
Headcanon 5: Cody knew Trent and Courtney pre-Season 1. All three are noted as being on the wealthier end of the spectrum, and considering how his parents treat Cody, it's likely he shares the unfortunate fortune of also being wheeled out at every social event for networking purposes. He knows the two of them, but he knows Trent better. Trent is far more chill than Courtney, and was closer. It's why Cody is in a position where Gwen respects that he will 'put in a good word' with Trent.
Headcanon 6: Duncan and Cody like each other as friends in the early seasons. Remember, Duncan was ruthless back then, especially to those he saw as weak or nerdy (Noah, Harold) but he leaves Cody alone. Chalk that to being on different teams or whatever, but Duncan also (in one version) wins Season 2, and I'd put good money on Cody voting for him. And this goes without mentioning the fact that he is very perturbed by Sierra in Season 3. Which leads me to...
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Headcanon 7: Sierra is the reason behind Cody swearing off women, as well as Duncan getting closer to Cody. This woman literally drugged Cody, not to mention kidnapped him, stalked him, violated him multiple times, and generally disturbed him. She also fueled Duncan, Courtney and Gwen's drama with glee - which is great for reality TV, sure - but it's also pretty shitty to wade into that explicitly to cause more issues. By the end of the series (in spite of Cody's punch), Duncan is on Team Cody. Whether or not it's cause he likes Cody or hates Heather and Alejandro is debatable, but he's still there.
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Headcanon 8: Cody did legit punch Duncan (though he claimed he took a dive), but not cause he liked Gwen. Ever been so annoyed at how stupid someone is that you hit them? Yeah, it's that.
Headcanon 9: Duncan accepted this. Eventually. It took him getting booted and seeing just how stupid he was to realise, but he did. Yeah, Cody did have to do some groveling and apologising, but they managed to figure themselves out. And it was actually that punch that earnt Cody Duncan's respect!
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Headcanon 10: without Season 5, they two get together a few years down the track, staying friends after TDWT, catching up and discovering they aren't too far from one another. Cody is there for when Duncan and Gwen break up, and helps them stay amicable. He's just there in general, and they just... fall in love. By this point, Gwen is friendly enough with the pair to give Duncan the shovel talk for Cody and all is happy!
But Season 5... Well, it gives us something interesting to work with, because it fully ends the Duncan drama, and isolates him from the others before dropping him in jail. But it does more than that: it puts Cody firmly back in Duncan's mind... again, thanks to Sierra. That woman is still coo coo for cocopuffs over Cody, and its shoved in his face constantly. It pushes Duncan to reach out to Cody afterwards, to check on him. And then... well, that's a thought for another day!
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ask-the-td-cast · 3 months
Noah, what do you think of the NoCo ship
the what?- wait I don’t want to know, and god forbid Sierra forces me to read the fanfiction because “I need the information” (Sierra: Now that me and Cody aren’t like that anymore, I’m the world’s biggest noco shipper! Noah: And that’s my cue to leave.) - Noah
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misiahasahardname · 1 year
my little polyship has invaded my brain... and YES it's gotten bigger
here's a basic little thing of relationships within the people involved (originally meant for my partner but i felt like sharing it)
beware of the slightly long post! (oOOoooOoOOo)
relationships in the super bi polycule:
gwen - dating trent, geoff and lindsay. in a qpr with leshawna and bridgette. close friends with cody
trent - dating gwen and cody. best friends with harold
cody - dating trent and harold. close friends with tyler and gwen, is chill with geoff, and best friends with beth. (not in the original message i copied this from but in a qpr with heather)
harold - dating cody and leshawna. best friends with trent and tyler. at odds with courtney, decently close with lindsay.
leshawna - dating harold and lindsay. in a qpr with gwen. best friends with trent, beth and tyler. at odds with courtney. close friends with bridgette.
lindsay - dating leshawna, gwen, tyler and beth. best friends with everyone, though unsure about courtney.
beth - dating lindsay. best friends with leshawna and cody. close friends with harold and tyler. despises courtney.
tyler - dating lindsay. best friends with geoff and leshawna. close friends with beth and harold.
bridgette - dating geoff and courtney. in a qpr with gwen. close friends with leshawna and brody.
geoff - dating gwen, bridgette and brody. best friends with everyone :D
courtney - dating bridgette and scott. she's alright with gwen. despises beth. she's not so well liked here, lmao
scott - dating courtney. she's the only person he really knows
brody - dating geoff. best friends with bridgette. close friends with everyone else
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sigmxnd · 23 days
🧸💝🫂 with Zeke for the headcanon thing!!!!
(also 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ for Cody)
🧸: aside from my au (even if this also applies there) my only hc is that i like to think zeke has his own horse. he's had it since he was a kid and he loves that fucking horse with everything he has. he has a favorite every animal on his farm but like. his horse is his, full stop. i forgot its name but it did have one
💝: his language is pretty much all of them, but he favors physical affection and gift giving
🫂: him and mike are the qpr ever. bestest friends in the world. canon says they didn't meet before zeke went feral, i say fuck canon i do what i want
🏳️‍🌈: bi with male lean :3
🏳️‍⚧️: transmasc cody real
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(mild warning for angst I guess)
it was the tail end of an episode of PI but like different because there were legacy characters there like in AS. anyway, the four there assisting in the challenge were Trent, Cody, Noah, and Harold(he was barely in it tho). it was sort of like a combo of the diving challenge from the Jamaca episode of WT and the finale of Disventure Camp season 1 with the scuba diving and searching for something underwater.
so the challenge had wrapped up by the time the dream started. Noah and Trent were on a boat with Harold driving. Noah asks Trent where Cody is after realizing he wasn't talking like he usually was. Trent says he doesn't know, but he looks guilty about something. Noah gives him a look and demands to know where Cody is. Trent gives in and tells Noah about how, while the two of them were swimming back to the boat, Cody(who already wasn't a strong swimmer) had gotten swept underwater by the current(they had special diving masks that pulled o2 from surrounding water but they ran on batteries(idk dream logic), so Cody wasn't in immediate danger but he was on a timer.) Noah, rightfully concerned, runs past Trent and up to Harold, bringing him in on the situation. Noah directs Harold to bring the boat closer to a spot of bubbles on the surface of the lake. Once they get there, Noah puts his mask back on and prepares to dive. Trent objects, worried that he'll be swept up too and he'll have to rescue both of them(again, its a dream so ooc.) Noah responds with nothing but a glare as he dives into the lake. after a second of searching he sees Cody at the bottom of the deep water. he's held against a rock and babbling incoherent nonsense. Noah swims down to Cody, fighting the current. once closer he can see that Cody is running out of oxygen. he grabs Cody by the shoulder and shakes him back to semi-conscience. Cody has a big smile on his face when he sees Noah. Noah wraps his arms around Cody and pushes off the lake floor, swimming towards the surface with Cody clinging to him. back on the boat, Trent is pacing and biting his fingers by the edge, watching air bubbles rise with anxiety. he feels bad for forgetting about Cody, and even worse that Noah seemed even more upset than he was. Noah uses the last burst of adrenaline-fueled energy to break the surface of the water, taking a moment to breath before handing the almost unconscious Cody off to Trent while he climbs back onto the boat. Trent lays Cody down on and Noah rushes to him, shoving Trent to the side.
Noah cups Cody's cold wet face in his even colder wetter hands, brushing a strand of hair away from his closed eyes. Noah, now showing clear anxiety in his face, calls out for Cody, urging him to wake up. Noah does a check of his body, scanning his torso and legs for signs of damage. he presses two fingers to his neck, breathing a small sigh of relief when he can feel a faint pulse. the relief doesn't last long as Noah realizes that he can't feel Cody breathing. he sets Cody down and starts chest compression, small tears started to well in his eyes. after a moment that felt like forever, Cody jerks back to consciousness with a gasp and deep breaths. a smile of pure joy and relief spreads across Noah's face and he pulls Cody into a hug, rubbing and patting his back to promote air flow. Cody, with the little strength he has, hugs back. In the background Trent and Harold were watching and they let out their held breath. both are shocked as Cody kisses Noah, and especially shocked that Noah reciprocates. the two don't seem to notice or care, as they break the kiss, Noah saying something about Cody needing to breath and he'll get plenty of kisses later.
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totally-not-my-drama · 9 months
Ever after high AU info dump
Well with 39,1% the Ever after high au won the poll. It shouldn't surprise me as much as it did honestly.
While it's already a bit further than it's last concept it's not even close to being done, mainly due to me concentrating on other AUs. But to fill enough space and give you alot knowledge I give you an entire run down of what me and my friend, @ccaramel-candy have so far! I'm not exactly good with explaining what I want to say/ what ideas I have but I try my best.
Warning stuff:
One thing I want to get out of the bat is that the fairytales changed to make it more comfortable and less confusing. And so that everyone gets it and I don't get any complains: This is purely a Noco story. If you don't like the ship pls carry on!
Now with that out of the way let's get started:
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This Au plays like ever after high in a school for fairy tale children. But instead of following Snow whites daughter, we follow this Aus Sleeping beauty's child Noelle (Noah in this AU is Trans ftm and is refereed at the beginning as Noelle (She/ her) and later into the Story as Noah (He/ Him). Just so you don't get confused) and how she handles school in general. Sounds easy but it isn't when everytime someone annoys you with something, be it your potential future prince charming, your roommate who has yet another problem or the school erupts into chaos because someone is making a problem. And all Noelle wants is being left alone to read. And the school year has just started!!!
General Info:
-The main character here is Noah and Cody as sleeping beauty and their prince charming (So it's a Noco focused story)
-Pretty much everyone is from Total drama or has a connection to Total drama (like OCs) Tho there are still some thoughts and planning to be made
-While everyone has their own rooms and roommates in their dorms the rules that are binded to it are a bit.... well they aren't clear to anyone in school.
-the school has somewhat a mind of it's own. It's not clear however if someone used magic on it or if it was always "alive".
-while the conflict between royals and rebels was clearer in the original ever after high, it only starts to get a real story point later on in this AU. But the conflict does start at the beginning already but more of a sub plot!
-Fairytales are definetly rewritten from their original source material for various reasons, but there are also changes due to other characters actions!
Character Roles:
There aren't many yet which might be because I don't think of this AU as much as I should to give everyone a proper fairytale role but this is who I have so far:
Sleeping Beauty = Noelle/Noah
Prince charming = Cody
Belle = Edith (<- my OC)
Beast = Ezekiel
Cinderella = Mimi (<- @ccaramel-candy OC)
Red Riding Hood = Mike + his System
Evil Queen = Heather
Mad Hatter = Izzy
Littl Mermaid = Birdgette
Big bad wolf = Scott
The relationships with each other hopefully will be a big plotpoint how I intend to have it. This could also be confusing in some areas which either cause lack of context/ not much context or because I try to over explain this but I try my best!
While Noelle is the main protagonist, there aren't currently many relationships other than a few people. Not because I have no idea but because she wants to be left alone and read her books. However there are definetly 2 main people that are consistent:
-Cody the more overconfident prince charming, already setting his eyes on noelle as his destiny. He tries to get her to know her more so that later on their destiny doesn't come off as weird when cody has to kiss her awake.
-and Edith who is her current roommate, who brings a few problems pests pets to the table. Not exactly a thing allowed in school or the dorms but Noelle keeps quiet for her mainly cause it doesn't concern her (and a few petting sessions from time to time are actually nice).
Then there are also some minor ones, like Izzy who just wants her to join the crazy tea party's. Mike or rather specific Svetlana who drops by every 2 weeks to ask for a lipgloss both her and Edith share (Noelle is still confused why). Mimi also hangsout sometimes but more when Edith is with her. Then there is Owen. Defiantly somewhat friends but interact more in cooking class than exactly outside.
(I don't want to make this post all too long so I keep the relationship mainly to Noelle for now! I might make a seperate post for the rest I have)
Well that is all I have so far for this AU. I might plan a few things now that it is on my mind again but I hope you liked my ramble. See ya!
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heysatanitsyourgirl · 2 years
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Chapter three of ‘For the Hollywood Dream’ is up !!
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as if trent and cody weren’t already the most traumatised drama brothers. they just HAD to give them the most stalkery fan girls
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