#TBD Swap AU
blue-rose-soul · 2 months
Have you heard of swap hazbin hotel? If you do, then here is an idea for an au of Devil's bastard. This is roleswap, the personality would stay the same or similar.
What if it was alastor that open the hotel. The hotel's design would resemble his and his mother's old home. He did it as an experiment or because he was bored, knowing that no one would support redemption, no one except Charlie. She fully support the hotel idea and Alastor is now along the ride. Then when Charlie's father came, Alastor may not do much antagonize because he was the one that started the hotel and he may need support, so unfortunately he may have to grit his teeth while Lucifer does his "hell greatest dad". Don't worry, he will hold a grudge. When the reveal of Alastor's father happen, Lucifer will feel like putting a foot in his mouth due to his comment on Alastor and during his song.
What would the relationship be between Alastor and the hotel residents when the reveal happen?
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Got a few asks about this, so I figured I'd combine 'em. I'll prolly won't address each and every point in these asks since I'm answering several at once.
Okay, so, to be honest, my opinion on roleswap AUs is kind of mixed. I think they can be a lot of fun, but I don't really like them when it's just swapping the character's aesthetics and narrative roles for no apparent reason. For a roleswap to be interesting to me, it has to highlight some underexplored aspect of a character, or some similarity between the swapped characters that isn't normally apparent. And I prefer there to be some in-universe reason why the roles are swapped, rather than it being just random.
One example I particularly like is a swap between Angel Dust and Vaggie, where Valentino was the one who came across Vaggie half-dead in the alley. In this universe where Angel Dust never signed a contract with Valentino but Vaggie did, Angel Dust stayed in his family's web of crime until he eventually joined the hotel. Even though each character ended up in one another's role, they still acted like themselves. Angel Dust was still Angel Dust, just with his mob connections more apparent and with the freedom to do things he couldn't while on Valentino's leash. And Vaggie was still very much the tough-as-nails former exorcist who, like the original Angel Dust, is the type to try to shoulder her burdens alone and reject outside help out of a sense of self-loathing.
I'm not as fond of most swaps between Charlie and Alastor because they usually end up feeling like wholly different characters to me. But in the comic I reblogged, what really sold it for me was Charlie's line about Alastor being an addict. I think it's fascinating if you view Alastor's need to kill as being similar to Husk's predisposition towards gambling, or Angel Dust's addiction to drugs and sex. For a character who routinely goes out of his way to be something Other Than Human, this is weirdly humanizing. Additionally, swapped Alastor's expression when Charlie calls him an addict suggests that she's right, and that the violent murderer we know in canon isn't entirely gone from this character. And if that's the case, then it's fair to assume the reverse is also true and the sweet, idealistic Charlie is somewhere under swapped Charlie's manic smile. This makes me want to follow their story, see what brought them to this point and where they'll go from here.
My biggest roadblock in setting up a swap AU of the Devil's Bastard AU - besides getting a bit frantic with sub-AUs already - is figuring out under what circumstances Alastor would open the Hazbin Hotel and Charlie would not. I would probably start with circumstances similar to the Raised Together AU, in which Lucifer found out about Nicaise getting pregnant with his son right away. But when Nicaise was murdered, instead of getting Alastor first, Lucifer went straight to Nicaise's killer to confront him. Unfortunately for the man's health, he was a drunkard and after what he did to Nicaise he heavily indulged. So when Lucifer appeared in front of him in all of his hellish, angelic glory, the man broke down in nearly incomprehensible babbling, and as he was begging for forgiveness for what he did to the woman and the boy, he inadvertently confessed to killing Alastor as well. All while Alastor was sleeping in the shed.
Lucifer slaughtered the man right then and there. What was left of his corpse didn't even look human by the time Lucifer was done with him. Then, heartbroken, Lucifer returned to Hell for good. In the aftermath he became even more fiercely protective of Charlie, not even letting her leave their family home without him or Lilith present. And this added yet more friction to his and Lilith's strained relationship. Sadly, Charlie's dreams hit their first major roadblock before she'd even gotten them off the ground.
But obviously Alastor wasn't dead. He didn't have an easy time of things after his kidnapper's death, since he wasn't able to weasel his way into that man's grace, but he was very much inspired by the event. He would still go on to become a serial killer, seeing it as the only way to fix what was wrong with the fucked up world he lived in. Plus, it was really really fun.
When he died and went on his Overlord murdering spree, he drew the attention of Lilith who immediately clocked there was something different about this sinner. Between what Lucifer had told her - at her discretion - about his child and human friend, the unnatural amount of power, and Alastor's name, she put two and two together almost instantly. She decides to keep a close eye on this particular sinner. With Lucifer more withdrawn than ever and keeping Charlie in isolation with him, it wasn't hard for her to keep his presence in Hell a secret. It was just a matter of figuring out what to do with this information.
Arrogant as he is, the day eventually comes when Alastor gets in over his head. Maybe he fared worse in the fight against Vox and Valentino than even they realized, maybe he got caught in the middle of an extermination. Whatever the case, Lilith swooped in and offered a deal; his life for his soul. And Alastor was in no position to say no.
With Alastor on her leash, Lilith decides on what to do with him. She's going to make her daughter's dream come true. Although Charlie hasn't been allowed to go out and interact with sinners regularly in decades, she still harbors hopes of saving them from exterminations. Something which Lilith is aligned in, though their methods are slightly different. And with her growing frustration towards Lucifer, wouldn't it be just beautiful if one of his very own detested sinners were to prove him wrong? Hence why she doesn't tell Lucifer that his son made his way to Hell after all. Of course, Alastor doesn't believe in redemption and wouldn't go along with this willingly, so Lilith gives him some motivation. If he can get one - just a single soul - into Heaven, she will return his soul to him. All he needs to do is prove it's possible.
As far as Alastor's concerned, she just gave him an impossible task as a means of taunting him. In his mind, she's basically told him, "You're mine forever." But, this is the only path available to him right now, so he sets to it.
The first Charlie ever learns of Alastor's existence is the broadcasts of his victims' screams. So she instantly recognizes the voice on the radio advertising a project aimed at doing no less than exactly what she's always dreamed of! Is it possible? Did one of the most bloodthirsty, ruthless, and dangerous Overlords decide to walk the path of redemption himself?
...Maybe. Charlie isn't naive enough not to suspect some ulterior motives from the Radio Demon. But she hopes. And it's that hope that fuels her to once again approach Lucifer and beg him to let her go out and help their people. Lucifer refuses to listen. He shuts her down, not willing to entertain the notion of a sinner fighting for redemption for even a moment. There's no point in having faith in them. Charlie leaves dejected.
Later that night, as she's once again rereading the story of how her parents met, the Radio Demon's voice rattling in her head, she decides she's had enough. Why did she ever bother with asking? Her parents are the original rebels! She grabs her cell phone, a few wads of cash, and - when they notice her leaving and don't try to stop her - Razzle and Dazzle, and disappears into the night.
Needless to say, Alastor is very, very confused when this mysterious Hellborn shows up on his doorstep, not wanting to seek redemption or protection from the exterminations, but declaring her intent to help. He's instantly suspicious, and it hits Charlie that Alastor won't believe any genuine offers of help. So she does the first thing she can think of; she acts shady. Her acting is a little awkward and stilted, but Alastor more readily believes that she's there to watch him make a fool of himself. Besides, as powerful as he is, the funding she offers will go a long way towards fixing up the facility. So the hotel gains a mysterious new facility manager with a hidden agenda in the form of the Princess of Hell. Not that she's telling anyone who she really is.
Eventually Charlie's sure that Lucifer will come looking for her, so she has to work fast to make this thing work before he figures out where she is.
She just doesn't know the clusterfuck that's awaiting her when that day finally comes.
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desultory-novice · 1 year
Marx Day!!
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Marx Day Marx Day Marx Day!!
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kaminarikokyu · 1 month
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heh nice
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sammywolfgirl · 1 year
Into the cront verse or something.
Plushy croissant belongs to @firaknight
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xfindingtrouble · 1 year
So!!! today i'm going to set up a queue for the next few days. I'm going on a trip with my grandma & uncle to my brother's graduation!!! it'll be 8-12 hours in the car depending on traffic ( which I'm excited about, sincerely ) & then we're planning on staying for a few days??? though we don't know when exactly we're coming home. it all depends on the dynamic between us & my former stepdad & how long we can play nice.
this means i'll be super busy & tumblr will be the lowest on my list of priorities. usually, i am pretty perpetually on my Chromebook or lurking but that's not going to be the case this week. i will try to log on at the end of the day/check in with my friends if i have the space/energy to do so. but again, it's not really gonna be my priority here!
when i get back i am going to be moving my peter par.ker muse from @boywebbed here, temporarily. I'll also be adding mark gray.son( invincible ) as a secondary muse which i am excited about as well! on the critical role front I'll be adding kima & jb as well! this blog will still be fantasy centric overall because that's what i prefer to write but that is not gonna stop me from doing what i want also.
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16hitthunder · 2 years
((Fuck it, thoughts on what it would be like if Claus and Lucas’ roles were swapped.
-Claus is half blind, he still tried to go after the drago, but was forced to retreat and go back home because he lost an eye. Lucas went missing after two weeks. Has an eyepatch that’s covered in sunflower designs.
-Flint searches in the Sunshine forest everyday. Claus begs for Flint to say home, or at least take him with him, but he never does. Claus is often alone in the house, with only Boney to keep him company. Claus eventually thinks that Flint no longer loves him.
-Unlike the mainverse, he is able to learn healing psi. He also still knows pk thunder
-Still grieving over Hinawa’s death, still very angry. Cries at Hinawa’s grave when no one is looking.
-Was once considered Tazmily’s ‘golden boy who could do no wrong’, is now considered a delinquent.
-Uses knives in battle instead of sticks.
-Has destroyed many happy boxes.
-Knows how to cook, and knows how to sew.
-Misses his little brother a lot, does not think that Lucas is dead and is more then certain that he’s out there somewhere.
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kaerinio · 4 months
. . . alright, i made updates to the main empyrean au on my carrd.
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scftsunshine · 1 year
@inspotlight liked for a starter!
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"good god, whatever the hell you're yammering on about is giving me a headache." riley snaps, going to rub at her temples. "can't you shut the fuck up for like five minutes?" she sends a glare the other's way. "i guarantee whatever it is is not that important."
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mcyt-aro-week · 8 months
Welcome to MCYT Aro Week!
What's that? MCYT Aro Week is a week to celebrate aromanticism in the Minecraft YouTube fandom! We noticed there wasn't a lot of hype for aro CCs, characters or headcanons, so we want to celebrate them! As with most appreciation weeks, you can create any kind of art (including writing, music, webweaves, playlists, anything really!) inspired by the prompts!
How will it work? The event will have two prompts per day, and participants can choose between them or combine them! During the week of the event, please tag our blog and use the #mcyt aro week tag on your post, and we'll reblog your creations! The event will run for a week, with different prompts assigned to each day, but if you need to post your creations late that's okay too! We'll reblog creations for the event for at least a week after the event ends, so that all late submissions still get to be featured!
Who's running it? This event is run by 4 mods:
Mod Rain (they/them) - @stardustanddaffodils
Mod Khads (she/he) - @ctommy-antigone, formerly @/clethos
Mod Pixie (she/they) - @severevoiddragon
Mod Vwoop (they/it/ey/vwoop) - @ranvwoop
Okay, when is it? 6th-12th October!
What are the prompts? Prompts TBD! Submit your ideas Here!
FAQ & Previous Events under the cut!
March 11 - March 17 2024
March 11: Unconventional relationships / Trope subversion
March 12: Loveless / AU
March 13: Solidarity / Hobbies
March 14: Aro joy / Adventure
March 15: Spectrum / Baking
March 16: Coming out / Found family
March 17: Aromantic (free day!!)
"Can I do headcanons?" Absolutely!
"What is aromanticism?" Aromantic means you do not feel romantic attraction to others, but it's a wide spectrum ranging from absolutely no attraction, to little, or anything in between!
"Can I do asexual instead?" We're prefer you not to. You're welcome to do aroace (aromantic asexual) characters, as this still includes aromantic, but we'd prefer not to swap to asexual, as they are two separate identities!
"How about NSFW stuff?" We'd prefer not, but since we can't stop you, we simply won't reblog any NSFW art!
Do I need to create for all the days? Nope! However much you want to or are able to participate is perfectly fine!
"What counts as aromantic?" However you want! Any portrayal is great!
More questions to come!
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loverseon · 6 months
SOUL SWAP .ᐟ masterlist coming soon ᯓ★
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pairing female reader x ???
genre royal au, fantasy, kinda mystery ish
synopsis you wake up in a bedroom thats not your own. curtains that arent your own, bed thats not your own. a life thats not your own. no one around you seems to take you very seriously when you try and explain that youre… not exactly who they think you are. but hey, who are you to complain when everywhere you look theres a handsome man who wants you?
word count tbd (around 30k+)
warnings angst, fluff, themes of death, suggestive (tbz being sexy what can i say) cursing, slow burn, gradual pairing reveal, will add more tags as we progress
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teaser one moodboard playlist
part i. the dream of the golden bedroom
part ii. the hero of the first water
part iii. the saviour of the fallen
part iv. the master of the wild
part v. the commander of the gods
part vi. the ceremony of the conqueror
part vii. the end of the beginning
part viii. epilogue: the princess of stars
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a/n shakes u by the shoulders ohhhh its happeninf its happeningg
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nyxronomicon · 4 months
🍉 sponsor a fic for gaza 🍉
hey y'all! I decided to offer some of my favorite WIPs up for sponsorship as part of the @ficsforgaza campaign.
🔞 these fics and my blog are all 18+ and include smut and dark themes. minors DNI 🔞
to sponsor a fic, you can make a donation to the vetted charity of your choice. then, send a screenshot to me (feel free to block out personal info! I just need the amount and the charity visible) and let me know which fic you'd like it to go towards!
you can either send these in an ask or dm my main blog @vampnyx (sorry I can't turn dms on here lol)
not sure where to donate? gaza funds picks a random vetted gofundme each time you click the page. prefer a charity? I've donated to Palestinian Children's Relief Fund
for every $1 donated, I will add 100 words to the sponsored fic. for donations $5 or more, I can incorporate a kink of your choice into the fic (see my list of preferred kinks on my pinned).
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salvation | suguru geto x f!reader (series masterlist)
Nearly a year and a half after your divorce, Suguru Geto still texts you. You stopped responding after he told you the ridiculous lie that he was a priest a year ago. When he sends a picture of himself in his priest robes, you feel a little guilty about ignoring him all this time. cw: dub-con (coersion), manipulation, others listed on the series masterlist. (sponsorship going towards the final two chapters of the series) words sponsored: 0/4000
thank you for the venom | toji fushiguro x f!reader
years of cheating and verbal abuse pushes you to murder your rich husband, satoru gojo. finishing a lovely dinner with him slumped over the table, you're surprised when toji shows up in your dining room to assassinate him, only to find him dead already. He offers to clean up your mess, but not for free. cw: reader kills her husband (poison), knife play (no cutting just a bit of danger), manhandling, toji physically restrains reader, other cw tbd words written: 1.1k of 2k-ish words sponsored: 1000/1000 🎉🎉
paperwork | enji todoroki x f!reader
you've been endeavor's secretary for years, and even though he's recently been named number one pro hero after all might's retirement, it seems his life is falling apart. though you've mutually pined for each other over the years, it never went anywhere. that is, until you accidentally mention that enji has always been your number one hero. cw: implied age difference, porn w plot, angst, power dynamic (enji's your boss lol), size (emphasis on him being large lol), other cw tbd words written: 1.5k of 2.5-3k words sponsored: 500/1500
blissful nightmare | death meme!Gallagher x f!reader
au based on the idea that gallagher transforms into the death meme werewolf-style. you talk your favorite bartender, gallagher, into taking you deeper into the dreamscape. the veil keeping gallagher in his human form becomes harder for him to control the deeper he goes, but his lust for you has him diving into that abyss after you. cw: monsterfucking, horror themes, rough sex, claws, heat cycle will be a revised and lengthened version of this words sponsored: 500/2000
fushiguro step.cest au | step.dad!toji / step.bro!megumi x f!reader
for this one I'm doing something a little different. here's the au so far: step.dad!toji | step.bro!megumi toji can't keep his hands off you (obviously) even in public. even in front of his son, though he tries to be discreet he's rarely successful. and of course, there are always consequences when you mess with megumi... cw: step.cest!!, megumi is ROUGH, cucking, maybe public/risky location, brat taming (from megumi), other cw tbd I'm allowing a vote per dollar spent on how many words I will use on each character's respective sex scenes, to a 2k total word max. If you'd like to sponsor this one, please let me know how you'd like to distribute your votes! words for megumi: 500 words for toji: 500 total words sponsored: 1000/2000
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I have many WIPs so it's likely as I finish these I may swap in others. if you've seen me talking about a WIP you may be interested in sponsoring, let me know! I'm happy to open up other WIPs in the interest of supporting Palestine!!
posts about this (not the completed fics) will be tagged #nyx writes for gaza
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desultory-novice · 10 months
Direct follow-up to [THIS]
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Skirby: "...Sounds kinda dangerous." Narx: "Fine, I'll go myself!" Skirby: "...!! Wait, don't go without me!"
Be curious, strand yourself on volcanic rock, become corrupted by a parasitic crown, lie to people, gain unlimited power, die, return from hell stronger, run a successful business, go home, apologize to your friends, build some games, go dimension hopping to build the universe's best theme park, learn some funny things about yourself along the way, bop in on the mirror version of your "friend" (tbd) and accidentally wreck him in an attempt to alleviate his guilt...
(Manager Magolor is well aware of Marx's secret tells, including the ones his Mirror self inherited. But Mirror Marx certainly wasn't ready for a Magolor who is more truthful to himself and others, knows to cherish his friends whenever he gets the chance, and understands that Marx does have a heart and whatever he says, if he directly "killed" a friend, it could have only been unplanned/an accident.)
I'll leave the question of whether Mirror Marx and Mirror Kirby succeeded in bringing Mirror Magolor back to life up to everyone's interpretations. That's all for this little AU for now!
(Speaking of, how many Marx and Magolor AUs do I even have now?! Gotta finish up the Perma-death Swap AU because that got Marxolor-tinged too at the end >///>)
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jtl-fics · 2 months
WIP Wednesday - 7/17/24
Hello All!!
It is once again WIP Wednesday!! Swapping in my other two longer term projects on offer this week with the usual fare.
Same rules as always! You can send in multiple asks for any of the options below and I'll write a snippet for that. Fluent Freshman has a limit and after we hit it I'll hold off on posting more until after the chapter is posted on Friday, if we go more than 10 then I'll just do Dealer's choice.
Fluent Freshman (FD) - Chapter 25 (0/5) & Chapter 26 (0/5)
Smalls AU
Foxhole Bake AU
Thanks as always for interest in my brain worms!!
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sammywolfgirl · 2 years
Whoops all pastries
See see the joke is they’re all technically the same person-
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cru5h-cascades · 10 days
Ight... who is this Clockwork lookin' bitch I just introduced to y'all?
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Time to talk about my second Emio AU, the Doll Woman AU, or at least the legend and the tragedy behind it. This AU is similar to @ruinationz's Reverse Club AU but the Tsuzuki siblings' fates are swapped (and a few other aspects of the story are too) so yeah would you look at that things are coming full circle lol.
The Legend
The Doll Woman appears before depressed boys on the streets all alone and she'll offer them a handmade ragdoll. If the boy takes it without questioning her, the Doll Woman will spare him. If not, she'll take out a pair of scissors, slit their mouth into a huge smile, strangle them with rope until they're dead, and place the ragdoll she tried to give him into his hands.
The tragedy of the Tsuzuki siblings in this AU goes as follows...
Instead of being abused by their father and being left behind by their mother, the siblings are neglected by their mother while their father went out for cigarettes and never came back (not actually but you get the idea). Being ignored and not taken care of by their mother brought the two siblings down big time, especially Minoru. To combat this, Emiko, who had some decent hand stitching skills, made some ragdolls for the two of them so they could play together and be happy. She even made two very special dolls for each other: miniature versions of each other. She gave the mini her to Minoru and kept the ragdoll of her brother so that way no matter what they'd be together in some way. The siblings were very close to each other... which made the discovery of Emiko's brother's hanging body with a slit mouth all the more saddening. The boy had tried to keep a positive attitude for his sister for the longest time but deep down he was coming undone. While his sister was asleep, Minoru took the ragdoll of his sister, put it in his pocket, Jeff the Killer-ed his face, got one of his father's old abandoned ties and hung himself from a tree somewhere in the village.
Seeing her uncaring mother at her brother's funeral filled Emiko with rage, so much so that afterwards Emiko lashed out at her mother and stabbed her to death with the very same scissors her brother used on himself. Soon enough, Emiko was sent to juvie, and during that time she grew some resentment towards her late brother. She just couldn't comprehend why he'd do such a thing and she was furious that he had just left her there with their mother who couldn't care less about her kids. The hatred towards her brother didn't affect her that much since deep down she still loved him, at least until a certain event that happened sometime after her release from juvie.
After being set free, Emiko became a seamstress and started hanging out with this one dude (name TBD). The two were pretty close, but Emiko never told him about her past until one night where she invited him to her house. After telling her guy friend about her childhood, her friend didn't have the best reaction, with him being disgusted by what she had done and wanting to leave shortly after she had told him what he just heard.
And then, Emiko overreacted.
"Oh, there you go again. Trying to leave me all alone again. YOU'RE THE WORST BROTHER IN THE WORLD!"
She then grabbed a nearby pair of scissors and lunged at her guy friend, slitting his mouth into a smile and choking him to death shortly afterwards. After realizing what she had done, Emiko became racked with guilt and slit her own mouth, stitching the ends of her mouth up with thick black tread afterwards. She then grabbed some of her sewing stuff, put the ragdoll of her brother into her pocket (she views that ragdoll as the perfect version of her brother that never left her and is always in a good mood), placed another ragdoll into her friend's hands, and set her own house to cover her tracks, running to a nearby forest to hide out. Once she found somewhere to stay, she decided to go to sad boys on the streets and offer them dolls. If they took the doll and didn't question it, she'd assume they didn't know about the things she has done as a child and leave them be. If they have a negative reaction however, Emiko will assume the boy is her brother and take him out the same way she did with her guy friend since she's still upset that her brother just left her like that all those years ago. Emiko uses the sack with button eyes to conceal her identity when she's goin' out killing boys but simply uses a face mask when out in public not killing.
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triscribe · 8 months
WIP Tag Game
Tagged by @crystalshard, which may prove to be a miscalculation, 'cause boy-howdy do I have a lot of works in progress...
Rules: In a new post, list the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
/cracks knuckles
Star Wars: -Fulcrum & Family, the new Tano & Twins re-write -Dreamwalkers Luke and Leia -History Reversed with sequel trilogy Ahsoka, Luke, Ezra and students dropped back in the Clone Wars -Birds Fly sequel Can We Start Over, Bly's pov -Something Big is Happening (Misc/Understudies crossover) -Clone Wars Cass (DC/Batman crossover)
Marvel -The Big One (5+1 Spidey saves Morgan, Pepper meets Doc Strange, Another Chance conclusion with Wanda) -Kids Club, post-Civil War kidnapping fixit -MCU Miles Morales, title tbd -Spider Assassins AU, multi-continuity-combination -X-Fire, Laura/Wolverine, Gabby/Honeybadger, and Rachel/Phoenix -Heroes of Tomorrow re-write with way more kids from different superhero groups/families
DC -Pantheon AU -the revised Alf-verse (22 Bat-grandkids and counting) -Rotten Luck re-vamp (Young Justice season one Team in the Justice League Unlimited universe) -Continuations: The Batman "seasons six and seven" if I ever get around to re-writing the early stuff (my very first fan fic ever, I've improved a lot since those high school days) -Teen Titans meet Robin's horde of younger siblings (original cartoon) -Battorian AU (Diana is human, Clark's a demigod, Bruce came from another planet) -Mandalorian/Star Wars AU (Mando Alfred adopts orphaned Bruce. This is the Way.)
HP -Pair of Potters sequel, year two for Heather, official year one for Harry, the beginning of a long headache for Dumbledore -Founder Foundlings, reincarnation fic -Cheers to the Wish, more Guardian Ghosts Lily and James -Philosopher's Mirror, canon-divergence of the unintended resurrection variety -the third effing chapter of Muggle is as Muggle Does -Thief!Harry AU, my all-out middle finger to the Author Who Shall Not Be Named
Transformers -Terratron AU (Bee meets Dragonfly, Elita makes Artemis, Bee and Fly stumble across Megatron and Rion, Prowl and Beats, Beats finds Jazz, accidental babysitter Serrate, Hornet and her big race, etc etc) -Hard Facts and Simple Truths, humanformers AU -TFAnimated swapped 'verse, with Elita Prime and her team of spacebridge technicians: Arcee, Ironhide, Wasp, and Jazz -G1 sparkling-Starlane AU -TFPrime crossover with Hot Wheels: Battle Force Five
Atla -follow-up to A Small Condition, aka the "Monk Gyatso goes into the iceberg with Aang and Zuko assumes *he* is the Avatar" AU -continuation of Ursa leaving royal life and stumbling across a dying dragon who entrusts her with a baby and two unhatched eggs -Avatar!Yue learns airbending from Aang's grandkids and that whole big mess of world-altering changes
My Hero Academia -Doubles AU (finishing Brand New Day and getting a move on with Double Take as a canon re-write with Pro Hero Shimura Tenko) -continuation for Great Beasts of the Mountain -third chapter of Instinct, my first A/B/O attempt -more next generation fluff, the Archive and Guardian saga
Misc -Sea Beast fic where Crow gets injured, suffers total amnesia, the doctor who patches him up sends for Jacob, and there's a very awkward dance between them and Maisie and Blue as the old man slowly gets his memories back -The Faceless Wolf, a mildly (make that incredibly) ambitious Game of Thrones canon-divergence attempt -Jamie Reagan and the Terrible Horrible No-Good Very Bad Day, a Blue Bloods whump idea I've had rattling around for a while -Milo and Claggor Survived AU from LoL Arcane -Grandboss Gibbs, a bittersweet NCIS fic that would, in my opinion, have been a better end to the series than trying to go on without the main character of the show -Storm Hawks past-and-present-collide idea with some previous generation OCs -Edge Chronicles TWIG GETS TO MEET HIS MOTHER DAGNABIT -may as well throw in what will be my second self-published book, Trials of Youth, because the current draft is definitely a work in progress
Aaand we'll call that good. Now to see if I get any nibbles...
(I know the game says tag a person for each WIP but I don't think I've got that many writing acquaintances on here, so instead I've got one person per fandom grouping)
@wafflesrisa @eirianerisdar @jinxquickfoot @theredscreech @resamille @tarisilmarwen @icarussmicarus @gallusrostromegalus
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