mhyinart · 1 year
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Leonardo pulled Casey into his lap and let him cry, one big arm wrapping around him tightly and squeezing him. Casey let the days of numbness fall away and let himself fall apart again, clutching the gift to his chest and curling into the one other person who could make him feel safe right now. Leonardo sighed wetly and squeezed him even closer. “I know, kid… I know. But they loved you so much, and they will always be with you. They are always with us.” Casey felt Leonardo’s forehead press into his hair. “You are not alone.”
- The Aftermath by @starrcrossrose
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sarcastic-clapping · 2 years
already seeing people who clearly don’t understand that a lot of us who are upset about what happened to marwa in this episode aren’t upset about the characters’ in-universe morality but the real life misogyny and racism in the way that this plot was handled lol
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kissnpunch · 7 months
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q!tubbo is a good parallel of q!roier being a father.
for q!tubbo is the first time being a father, he’s understanding why everybody feels deeply hurt when something happen to the eggs and the feeling of loving someone so much. he was a lonely boy stuck with his machines and making his own name on the island, then, q!phill introduce him to chay and tallu, sharing that company and sweetness before they were gone, q!tubbo started to make more deep relationships with people, the most important one being fred before disappearing.
now, q!roier was like that at the beginning, young, silly and mostly lonely after being betrayed, for that bobby was a light in his dark perception, in the other hand he connected with the eggs like q!tubbo with their grandsons but with leo, tilín, juana and q!cellbit is the perfect example of making deep relationship come true for him.
but he has more time on that territory than q!tubbo, two sons and lost them, alone again after his husband disappeared, is like they share same points of their story but in different sequence.
following their pov is so heart wrenching because i see on q!tubbo what q!roier used to be with bobby, sunny is what q!tubbo need it like bobby for q!roier, sadly, our spiderboy doesn’t want to be like that anymore knowing the reality of being a father for such a fragile creatures.
q!tubbo is the happy part of being father and taking care of the eggs, q!roier is the sad and bad part of that.
that’s why seeing their treat on the new eggs reveals a lot of their own thoughts and feelings after what happen in purgatory and general, for me, sunny and pepito are a comparison of how bad is being a father again and if, at the end, is worthy trying with them.
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abbalwt · 4 months
these 19 seconds live in my head rent free
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nuppu-nuppu · 1 year
Ignore if you don’t want to read about me being stupid once again
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crybaby-bkg · 2 months
I started crocheting my first blanket today and my hand hurts so unbelievably bad and I’m not even a quarter done with it 🫡🫡
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saltpepperbeard · 6 months
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chewbaccawithouthan · 2 months
Me, now that the Clones have finished their story arcs completely:
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charcubed · 1 month
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and what if I told you that even here Art’s repressed bisexuality is blatantly haunting/informing the narrative and everything that’s happening throughout (which of course also means that the absence of Patrick is also haunting the both of them).
how the moment where he decides to tell Tashi that he wants to retire is shown with a slow pan down his body with the open closet in frame, and then focus on his wedding ring…. then Tashi looks large in frame while he looks very small… and there’s a closeup when he says “I’m tired,” and then right after that there’s this specific shot of him framed as being in the closet as he starts saying, “I don’t want to be one of those guys who doesn’t know when to walk away, okay, it’s embarrassing to still be doing this shit when you’re 40.”
which is a conversation that happens a few hours after…
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“Well, I don’t miss playing with you, man. I’m too old for it.”
(“We’re not talking about tennis.”
“What the fuck else do i have to talk to you about?”)
((“Tell me it doesn’t matter if I win tomorrow.”))
(((“I don’t matter?”
“Not even to the most obsessive tennis fan in the world.”)))
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 5 months
me: sits down to write feeling full of inspiration
chronic pain: no 🙃
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un-pearable · 1 year
krypton is a gaping hole in kal-el.
clark kent is, according to his driver’s license and his about me blurb that prints increasingly smaller on his corner of the new dailyplanet.com, a classic sweetheart from western kansas with a bachelors in journalism and a one bedroom half bath three streets and a bus ride away from the daily planet in the heart of downtown metropolis. clark kent is celebrating his recent win - getting the printer to work without the hinge suffering a sheer fracture - with an extra sugar packet in his second cup of joe for the day and humoring his next desk neighbor’s heckling over it.
kal-el — superman — is the man receiving the mayor’s accolades with the world and the laser focused glare of the police chief weighing on his shoulders. according to, kal-el is,
clark kent is the well-meaning dork who never quite grew into his size and was bullied in high school, when asked he recounts being too sickly to join the football team and too unpopular to get over it. clark kent arrives early and works late to work off his four and a half years of student loan debt. clark kent has childhood friends, and an ex-girlfriend, and a budding romance with the abrasive, dyslexic, isn’t-she-just-lovely lois lane at the desk next to him who’s recently recruited him as her partner-in-foiling-crime.
superman — kal-el — has a baby blanket wrapped around his shoulders, a hunk of metal in a barn a couple thousand miles away, and a name with syllables even his mother can’t pronounce. a logo on his chest that he does not know and a dedication to love and truth and saving that is deeply, entirely human.
krypton is an aching absence in kal-el. krypton is the word he carries in his mind for when he fumbles his keys and almost breaks the doorknob, for when he hunches and smears his glasses. krypton is the lack of an explanation. krypton is, simply put, not. krypton is to kal-el not what kansas is to clark kent. kansas excuses the overfriendliness and the impromptu vacation days “to care for his ailing mother” and the handiness with a tractor. krypton is the torch they carry alongside their pitchforks when the bludgeoning begins. krypton is the response when the tragedy is unpreventable, when the wariness pitches into fear.
krypton is the world he holds in his heart when he can’t help but wonder. krypton is the sword his enemies hold over his head — a condemnation, a promise, a hope — and lord over him. the world is trapped in memories not his own, preserved in the perverted motives of those who would trade lives for tradition.
krypton is, later, eventually, a bridge. kal-el, an ambassador from a culture he’s borrowed to the one he was fated. clark kent, a haven. krypton is a girl in a spaceship of her own, fleeing from a krypton that was.
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quokkabite · 1 month
pov: us
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reminder that u are doing the best u can at the moment and that's okay!! i love u and i hope ur day got better 🫂💙
i love u sooo much 🫶🏼
second of all, that’s so us x9 🫂🫂🫂
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 4 months
I’m sorry it’s been a minute since I posted a ST fic guys… just with the way the fandom has been I truly haven’t felt inspired to write for Eddie or Steve lately. It actually makes me very sad, but I think I just need a little break from writing about them… It’s not forever and I’m definitely still going to post ST stuff, and reblog fics. But I understand if you unfollow me because you don’t wanna see stuff for other fandoms, that’s totally fair.
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ssruis · 24 days
Losing the idgaf war over here but re: “tsukasa needs to be saved from wxs/rui actually wants to hurt him”
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Read it’s on! Wonder halloween
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Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
Rui: ascending to the stage from the seats won’t have enough of an impact. He needs to make a powerful impression as a knight…
Rui: Oh, I’ve got it! That will definitely be better! But I’ll have to assess it’s practicality and safety first.
Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
Rui: anyways, the stage is sorted and we’re ready to hold our show. I’ll start planning the next one in the meantime.
Rui: hmm… maybe I can make it easier for tsukasa by reusing some of the gimmicks that worked with him last time.
Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
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Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
Tsukasa: ah, it’s wire-flying time!
Rui: he somersaults in the air and flies past his pursuers…
Emu: that’s going to look INCREDIBLE ♪
Tsukasa: this is just the kind of daring performance I was born for! What comes after that, Rui?
Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
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Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
Rui: but you have me mistaken, Tsukasa… I… I’m making changes to improve the show…
Tsukasa: and I’m telling you to quit lying like that!
Tsukasa: I told you that I’m going to make the most of the role you’ve given me. I’ll pull off whatever you throw at me, no matter how tricky it might be!
Tsukasa: we have the potential to put on a jaw-dropping show, but you’re holding back!
Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
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Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
(Asked if he was mad at himself for getting hurt) Tsukasa: Of course! I still am too! I killed the director’s confidence, didn’t I? I’m not a star, I’m a disgrace!
Tsukasa: a real star inspires their director to entrust them with any role! To unleash their imagination and try new ideas!
Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
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Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
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Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
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Read it’s on! Wonder halloween!
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
I love mythology so much and it’s taking everything in me to not write a full fledge fic about a Cupid and Psyche au omfg
justttttt Cupid Bakugou who is just so, so fucking beautiful. he’s always been recorded by other mortals for being akin to sunlight himself—all golden hues and sharp angles and high cheekbones and massive wings. wings that span as wide as an entire village, that sparkle when the light hits them, loud when they beat to send him soaring into the skies above. but his mouth? his attitude?
everyone always wonders why he was never the god of war, instead. but he’s damn good at his job, with his arrows propped up on his back, swift with discharging them into another stupid mortal who’s fallen for the local towns idiot. but hey, they’re in love, and it’s his job to enforce that love go over well.
and then he sees you—the most beautiful mortal, that you’re even compared to the gods, to his mother. he wants you so bad, if not to treasure and keep you against his side as he travels over the oceans cold waters, than to keep you safe from the vile men who want you as their partner and the disgusting women who envy you for having it all.
omg and the part where he takes you to stay in his palace and asks you not to ever look at his face???? it’s killing him, to wear that mask to your nightly dinners, to be able to look at the soft curve of your mouth when you frown and ask him to reveal himself. to be able to look at how you stare back at him, eyes pretty and furious, frustrated and mad, wanting to go back on the conditions you agreed upon because having to sit across from him without seeing him is absolute torture. I am. vibrating.
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lvrhughes · 1 year
I feel like one of the only people on this app not in a gc🧍‍♀️
am I missing something here? must I be older for this shit?? should I care this much?? (probably not)
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