#TA problems
spaciebabie · 10 months
"but spacie, i have no followers why should i reblog things" let me answer this question using myself, a person who has been using tumblr for almost a decade now, as an example. pre 2022 the most followers i ever had was like 125. most of them were dead blogs. killed in the porn ban or just people who had left for whatever reason. out of the people left who were still active, i had like 3 people at the most interact with my blog on a monthly basis. for years b4 this, i had ZERO FOLLOWERS but upon making my blog i saw all the other ppl who had been using this website longer than me talking abt how important it was ta reblog shit, and throughout all these years on tumblr, even when i had no followers i reblogged things. b/c i understood that it was integral ta the way this site functions.
now mind you, just b/c i had no followers didn't mean ppl wouldn't stop by and reblog things from my blog. every couple months id have a new person find me and reblog something. maybe they'd reblog a lot of stuff! the point is that id go months without any interaction at times and i STILL reblogged things because i knew people could find me and see something they liked on here. eventually people who frequently checked my blog ta see what i would reblog followed me!! im sure there’s ppl who dont follow me that ta this day who still reblog the stuff on here!! the point is that it genuinely doesnt matter how many followers you have. sure, it certainly helps, but ppl can still find and interact with the things on your blog without you having thousands or even hundreds of followers. so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE reblog things.
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trekkie-polls · 2 months
For fun, here are examples photos! Except transporter psychosis because they never actually show it. It’s just like in-world urban legend.
1. Transporter doubling - technically the same but one ineffably evil (shown: LD, kayshon, his eyes open)
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2. Transporter doubling - one evil one good (shown: TOS, the enemy within)
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3. Transporter splicing (shown: voy, Tuvix)
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4. Stuck phasing (shown: LD, "Much Ado About Boimler")
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5. Reverse aging (shown: tng, rascals)
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6. Pattern lost (shown: first star trek movie)
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7. Time travel (shown: ds9, past tense part 2)
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8. Mirror universe (shown: tos, mirror mirror)
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9. Incorrect coordinates (shown: tas, bem)
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10. Bodies sent to holodeck, brains sent to station computer (shown: ds9, our man bashir)
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sesamenom · 3 months
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Ar-Pharazon from the Reverse Gondolin AU and as Witch-King of Numenor - thanks to @who-needs-words for helping develop this idea!
#silm#silmarillion#second age#ar pharazon#reverse gondolin au#(well more like the aftermath of gondolin reversal)#this au has consumed my life#on the plus side inspiration for feanor is finally reemerging from under the metaphorical couch so i might get something finwion-y done soo#aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so much to draw so little time#seriously though golden nazgul is such a cool idea#whatever the mordor equivalent for the angband trio is (sauron pharazon and shelob maybe?) is going to look so cool in black and gold#black/gold black hole shelob!!#and prince elrond is super finwiony looking#also he has his wings & glowiness out a lot more so that'll be fun#but yeah basically in the au Prince Elrond realized via foresight what was happening/going to happen in numenor#so he went there and disowned ar pharazon (by extension removing him from the throne) and crowned tar miriel rightful Ruling Queen#then later when sauron showed up he came back kicked sauron out and outlawed the death cult#but between that time sauron secretly recruited ar pharazon by promising him kingship in exchange for his support#and anyways ar pharazon survived all the way to the TA as the Witch King#(mr. angmar here gets to be second in command of the nazgul sorry)#-imagine this guy showing up to be all 'bagginssss' though#the witch king of numenor is somehow even more dramatic#also the whole 'no living man can kill me' is. a bit different coming from a guy who has many enemies in the form of#a) his cousin the Ruling Queen of Numenor#b) his uncle the choice-of-elves-peredhel#c) a bunch of Faithful in the Halls#the dead guys aren't too much of a problem#but i wonder if he heard that prophecy and worried a whole lot more about the Ruling Queens#or Prince Elrond who in the au has very definitely embraced his maia-ness#and then imagine his surprise hearing 'but no living man am i' and it coming from. a random human lady.
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nerdby · 10 months
I really don't get sometimes how fans of the Joker miss the fact that whether they like it or not Harley Quinn saved his ass. Cause there's a chance DC would have had to shelve the Joker as a villain in order to avoid alienating their queer and leftist readers if she hadn't been created to distract from the fact that he was a very obviously queer-coded villain with absolutely NO redeeming features in what was not only the AIDS pandemic but also the worst decades for queer hate crimes since the Holocaust. Like he was a rapist (The Killing Joke) who killed children (A Death In The Family) for fuck's sake. And meanwhile Captain America was off saving his best bud's boyfriend👌🏻
And if you have an issue with the Joker being bisexual because of Harley's introduction to the Batfam -- guess what, peeps? He already was established as being bisexual in the 1988 graphic novel Batman: The Killing Joke where it was revealed that before becoming the Joker he had been married to a woman and he then proceeded to rape Barbara Gordon.
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oplishin · 26 days
got a picketing sign and an instruction to go to class and sit there quietly and make people uncomfortable! 🫡
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last exam of my undergrad career is shaping up to be long & annoying contour integral hell times
(granted the entire course has been long and annoying integral hell, so... I suppose that's fitting for the final? still doesn't make me want to do it any more)
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
Based off that one scene in eclipse lake I've decided that willow's favourite human music would be the world's worst fucking ear-bleeding hyper pop.
Hunter sits down to listen to it with her and has to rip the headphones off 4 seconds in because he thinks he's gonna throw up and willows like "omg are you okay?? I'm sorry we can stop listening to it if you need to :((" all concerned and hunter's like "no no it's fine! I just...don't know why you listen to this. Or how" and willows like "it makes my brain itchy :)" and hunter says "THAT'S A GOOD THING??"
#ramblings of a lunatic#the owl house#willow park#hunter toh#hunter noceda#feel free to tag as ship. I'm not bc i want hyper pop willow to reach the widest possible audience#in all fairness i think most of the kids would have pretty eclectic music tastes across the board???#luz likes songs from anime and k-pop i feel but she also likes the merengue and latin pop music her mom loves and classic rock from her dad#probably also enjoys showtunes? at least the ones that are popular in her demographic (re: teens)#then i think in like. s3 specifically she'd be enjoying a lot of mountain goats and julieta venegas and mm@ta??#plus lucy dacus i feel#willow also likes lucy dacus (i already made a whole comic abt her liking breakup songs lol)#(LISTEN i just think that when she was little she lacked the vocabulary to express her feelings on the Amity situation-#-and the closest thing she had was angsty breakup songs. hunter shares this problem aftet belos ''dies'' and she gives him her playlist)#she likes mxmtoon and boy genius and some other artists she likes k-pop but overall her fav is wretched hyper-pop#(also i wish i could specify which k-pop groups luz and willow (and gus and Amity btw) would like BUT. I've only listened to blackpink)#(so feel free to weigh in on that)#i think zeno once said that hunter would like slipknot and other metal and metal-adjacent music??? feels right#but i also know he'd enjoy cavetown. yes yes it's basic but it's so him. it's a common hc for a reason#(FUN FACT AVI ROQUE RAINES VA SAID THEY'D LIKE IT TOO. CUTE AS SHIT)#he also likes manny's old rock CDs and even though he doesn't get the lyrics he likes camillas music too#he'd like a lot of orchestral arrangements too and acoustic pieces i think. movie scores and folk songs#gus likes everything i cannot stress this enough. if it is music gus is in love with it. even the weird shit. actually ESPECIALLY that#again. points at the scene from eclipse lake#but also his frame of reference for what's weird is skewed??? mongolian throat singing is more normal to him than Shawn Mendes#he likes carly rae japsen i stand by that from the comic#oh i also forgot to mention this in his section but huntet enjoys phoebe bridgers and the front bottoms#amity likes mitski and phoebe bridgers. she likes kate bush but also like late 90s/early 00s rnb???#she likes pop punk specifically paramore#i have more thoughts but I'm out of tags lol
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Opinion on the idea of role-swap AU where everyone only swaps one random trait per pair? (like say, Audrey is the one who stayed in Paris while Andre dipped but its still very much regular Audrey. Or Shoto going to Aldera instead of Katsuki)
Honestly we have plenty of AU ideas that stem from 'character A does something different/Character A and B swap roles'.
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kaiserin-erzsebet · 3 months
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spaciebabie · 1 year
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Ok ok
I was saying the worst head empty moment I've had*
*That I can remember
Was this one time during an exam when I wrote my dad's name on my exam because I forgot mine. I didn't even realize, I was like hmmmm name. What names do I know? Automatically wrote my dad's name.
So a couple weeks go by and I still didn't realize that was a mess up because I was just going over the answers in my head like yeah I got that one. Got that one. Ooooof I only did that one partially correct. So if the professor gives half credit for half correct work and then a baseline 5% for an attempt --
All that good stuff right
Exams get graded and I get a 0. I was like WHAT? NO!! I can argue my points back right now! Tf they think I did? Cheat? I can resolve the the paper right now! I'm gonna fight!
And the professor goes "oh is this yours?" That's when I noticed that wasn't even my name and I was like "oh yeah thats mine that's my dad's name"
And this guy goes. This guy deadass asks me "how do I know your dad didn't take your exam"
And I was ready for some knowledge test or retaking the test or getting grilled or whatever. This mf who is the professor who was there!!! He asked me HOW DOES HE KNOW MY DAD DIDNT TAKE THE EXAM????
Its so over. So I was like, bro I can call my dad right now. And also my dad doesn't even know my field of study. But whatever I'll call him. And so I called my dad on video call and the professor goes "yeah I don't recall seeing him there but he could've been sitting in the back" IS THIS GUY FR? bro is CRAZY!!
so I was like damn this guy is a brick. OK then, what if I brought back eye witnesses? People who were sitting next to me? And do you know what he said to that
He said I could've bribed other students to pretend I was there.
And I was like ooooooh shit this guy is an absolute brick and if he's not convinced, he's gonna report me for academic dishonesty.
No ok. See. For some reason at this point, both me and the professor forgot that he had 6 TAs there acting as proctors for all sections of the rook. I didn't notice them so I forgot they existed.
I deadass have no idea why the professor didn't know this. Maybe he was testing me? But bruh! I was taking the test! Why should I notice anything?
So I'm in my TA section and I'm like brooooo the professor is gonna beat my ass I'm gonna fail and then die. And the TA was like if it's academic dishonesty just confess. And I was like noooooo the professor doesn't even believe I was there. I couldn't say the full reason because I think it's hard to believe that a person can be this
Head full of bubbles
And she was like oh is that it? I saw you.
And then I'm sure I said something stupid in response to learning this and then they started checking student IDs for future exams and everything got resolved.
And I started writing my name as the last thing on my exams so I can use my entire brainpower to remember.
The end
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Hazel godly parent swap idea!!!
So, instead of Pluto, it's Trivia.(Hecate) But not just any child of Trivia, one of those murdered by the gods at the Battle of Manhattan. (Cough cough the massacre of Titan army demigods who cough) So she still comes back from the dead, she is just not from decades ago.
This creates problems for her as 1) Trivia is a virgin goddess, 2) if the Romans find out she is ex-Ta she is dead, 3) if the gods find out she is alive she is dead, 4) she knows who Percy Jackson is but can't tell anything without giving herself away.
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tonhalszendvics · 6 months
I follow some ppl who went nuts for She Who Became the Sun, and since it's the best kind of advertisement for me, I obviously read it, and was baffled. So good. Can recommend.
I tend to read actual published books mostly in my native language since, y'know, I'm pretty sure the translator speaks the og language better than me. Turns out this book is a duology and everyone and their mother already read book 2 and I'm here with book 1, which was released in 2023.
However. Someone thought that they should just use the Hungarian transcript for the names, which is kinda okay for me, since I don't speak Chinese at all and had to beg for a pronunciation chart for MDZS (but in my mind I still said those names as they were written. Let's not talk about it.) My Chinese speaking friend almost cried blood when she saw the names.
Long story short, it took me a while to decipher that people are talking about those books in detail, bc Ouyang is the only one who I was able to recognise from those posts. Esen? Who's that? Oh, you mean Jeszün, aaaaa
Here I am, avoiding spoilers like bullets in the Matrix with the power of language barrier
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shutup-andletme-go · 2 days
heyyyy hues who has a new naaameeeee
call me cherry (as WELL as reese but for now preferably cherry)
AH OMG THATS SO PRETTY!!! cherry suits you so perfectly!!
How's your day been cherry!?
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thresholdbb · 6 months
My P+ subscription just renewed, which means I have been on this Star Trek high for exactly a year now
#I really said 2023 is gonna be ALL ABOUT STAR TREK and it was!!#the Trek obsession went dormant then came back with a vengeance like November of last year#I went through an intense tng phase in grad school#looking back on the year I wouldn’t have it any other way#I got p+ and proceeded to speed run tng and ds9#I savored voyager and when it was over we started our Sisyphean delta quadrant journey#somewhere in my mixed up brain I KNEW voyager would be a problem and I avoided it#I have been ruined for other media#LISTEN Picard isn’t the best show but it was precisely why I wanted to catch up#still have yet to finish tos tas ent and dis for shame#also it was half price last year I cry for my continually dwindling bank account#I am actually very grateful because I was lonelier and more miserable before I started engaging in fandom now I am slightly less so#plus going to stlv and making/doing cosplay for the first time a whole experience!#if we’ve interacted this year (and you read my tags) hi I love you#if we haven’t hi I am intense but love talking to equally obsessed mutuals#also lol at meeting the actors Garrett wang taking a picture of me and Picardo being like uhhh ok when I talked to him#jin maley and Michelle Hurd are absolutely lovely#terry ferrell was very very sweet and I shared an elevator (and hand injury story) with Casey Biggs#and I bumped into Rom his-real-last-name-is-hard-to-spell#and marina sirtis called me love I cry#hilarious but also so cringe what is my life#also thanks to Star Trek for the paradigm shifting very likely autism suspicion that I’m gonna seriously pursue in 2024#ok I love you bye#melts into oblivion
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alolanrain · 1 year
Ta!au at the start: Ash becomes a Teacher Assistant to kukui 
Ta!au now: Ash is forced to become a mentor of some sort to a lot of kids and he both loathes it and likes it at the same time 
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