fa-cat · 11 months
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・1990年頃、『週刊文春』の記者・木俣正剛(後の編集長)にジャニー喜多川からの性被害を告発。 テープを何本も録るほどのインタビューだったが、当時は時代背景もあり、記事化には至らなかった。 (一部記事中で、イニシャル「T」(高橋洋一)がNHK前で割腹自殺したと書かれているが、これは木俣による認識違いであり、高橋は自殺騒動は起こしたものの、死んではいない)
・高橋はNHKのテレビドラマ『京、ふたり』(1990年10月1日 - 1991年3月30日、連続テレビ小説)の音楽を担当した際、NHKの「贈収賄問題」を知る。 当時のNHK会長・島圭次、および数名の理事などが、自由民主党支配下の一大派閥「経世会」との間に贈収賄罪があること、そして、島会長が1991年4月の「逓信委員会 (後の総務委員会)」で虚偽の答弁をすることを、NHKのロス支局に立ち寄った際に前もって知った高橋は、以後二度とNHKと仕事が出来なくなることを承知の上で、同年3月15日18時頃、渋谷区のNHK放送センター西口玄関内に報道陣を集めて、切腹の様なパフォーマンスを用いて内部告発を行った。 しかし、場所がNHKの私有地だったため、民間放送局のカメラはなかなか入れず、実際にはTBSのスタッフがアマチュア用のビデオカメラで撮影したものだけに留まった。 そして経世会などからの圧力もあり、高橋は事実関係を伝えきれぬ内に代々木警察署に身柄を拘束された。 翌日、一部の新聞紙(日本経済新聞、中日新聞)、ワイドショーでも本件が取り上げられたが、騒動の詳細については報道管制が敷かれ、「フォーリーブスのバックバンドの元メンバーが突然謎の切腹騒ぎ!」などと、まるで高橋が精神異常者かのように報道されてしまった。 そしてNHK側も、「音楽家だから疲労のためにノイローゼにでもなったのでしょう」と広報発表したため、まるで高橋が奇行を犯した罪人であるかのように仕立て上げられてしまった。
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yichenglai1 · 2 years
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#T.G.I.F. #9degreescelsius #feellike7degreesCelsius #chill #攝氏9度C #體感7度c #週五早安 (在 Da-an District, Taipei) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmfNRZ-BRlc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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arakawalily · 2 years
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赤と金の組み合わせが、譚シェフのリクエストでした❗️虎ノ門ヒルズの香港焼味酒家さんのショップカードをデザインさせていただきました❗️お店に置いてありますから、是非、行ってみてくださいね❣️ トップシェフ譚彦彬氏とコラボ企画第二段❗️名物の焼味を描かせていただきました❣️焼味全て最高峰です❗️ 譚シェフと最後の打ち合わせでガチョウの頭の形だけ、もっととんがりリーにしてくださいと、ペンを取られ、手描きで修正いただきましたことが、物凄く心に残りました❗️何度か、譚シェフとお食事をご一緒しながらデザインや焼き物のお話しができましたのは、私のデザイナー人生の宝物となりました。赤坂離宮さんのお料理はいつも感動があります❗️ 天国で、まだまだたくさんの人々に感動のお料理を作っていらっしゃるでしょう❗️ 譚シェフのお料理には、全てオリジナルの旨味❗️があるんですよね❗️中華料理の最高峰🥠譚シェフが作り上げた味は、フォーエバーです❣ 譚 彦彬シェフ🧑‍🍳フォーエバー❗️ 広東料理なんですが、ジャンルにとらわれないあらゆる美味しい世界中の料理を食べ歩き、研究したオリジナル料理『譚彦彬の味』には感動があります❗️ そして虎ノ門横丁の香港焼味酒家 赤坂璃宮 さんは、焼き物専門店だけあって、最高に美味しい中華の焼き物が気軽に楽しめます。焼き物の腕前が日本一として知られる職人さんである梁さんと赤坂離宮の譚彦彬さんが立ち上げたお店で、焼き物の専門店です❗️ 焼物(シウメイ)は、豚や鳩、アヒルなどの旨みを引き出した広東料理の名品。赤坂璃宮さんの理念が伝わる味や雰囲気はそのままに、香港の味わいをカジュアルに楽しむことができますよ❗️ 本日は、まずは、名人が焼くシウメイ『焼味』の、特製窯焼きチャーシュー、広東式ローストダック、、豚トロ焼きの4種盛りと、腸詰、鶏肉と腸詰の蒸物をいただきました❣️カリカリ、その蜜の味とジューシーな旨みとムチっとした噛み応えは格別、しびれますよ、旨すぎます~❣️ 最近は、料理人人生60年、広東料理の第一人者譚シェフの広東料理の真髄を伝える1冊が出版されました❗️“赤坂璃宮 譚 彦彬自伝 「勉強がイヤならコックしかない」と言われた少年が料理の世界に飛び込み、時代の波に乗り銀座の真ん中でオーナーシェフとなるまで。譚 彦彬の生き方”に伝える自伝です❗️ 譚彦彬シェフの味❗️フォーエバー❗️最高の風味絶佳❗️ #香港焼味酒家 #赤坂璃宮#香港焼味酒家赤坂離宮#譚彰彦 #荒川リリー#tシャツコーデ #オリジナルtシャツ #焼味#虎ノ門ヒルズ#赤坂グルメ#譚シェフ#シウメイ#広東料理 #キャラクターデザイン #チーズ天使#譚彦彬氏#ショップカード#キャラクターデザイン#チーズ天使#虎ノ門グルメ (香港焼味酒家 赤坂璃宮) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClpQlsly_3H/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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monogusadictionary · 7 months
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daruma1004 · 4 months
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ウェブサイトの一種で日記形式のもの。英単語でも”blog”がありますが、もともとは”Web”と記録を意味する”log”が合わさった言葉である”web log”の略です。
英語で「遠隔操作」を意味する”remote control”から略されたものです。TVなどに向かってリモコンから赤外線をデジタル信号で送ることでチャンネルや音量などを操作することができます。
海外では「柔らかいクリーム?」となり伝わらない和製英語です。英語では” soft serve icecream”であり、ソフトクリームサーバーの製造などを行っている日世の創業者・田中穰治が日本でソフトクリームを広めるのにわかりやすくするために省略したとされています。
英語で”ball-point pen”と言い、これを略した言葉です。ボールという単語が使われている理由は、ボールペンの構造上、先端に小さな回転玉(ボール)があるためです。
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yoga-onion · 2 days
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[Image above: D. T. Suzuki (11 November 1870 - 12 July 1966) was a Japanese Buddhist scholar and doctor of literature. ]
A message from 23 nights temple Q&A: Part 2 [Part 1]
Next question was, want to know more about Tendai Buddhism and how to do face-to-face learning outside of Japan:
More than 1,400 years after its introduction, Buddhism in Japan was born from the founders of sects in Japanese history and culture. Today, about 13 major sects exist, including the Tendai sect. Of these, three are Zen sects: the Soto, Rinzai and Obaku.
Among them the most representative are, Saicho, founder of the Tendai sect, whose head temple is Enryaku-ji on Mt. Hiei; Kukai, founder of the Shingon sect, who brought esoteric Buddhism to Japan, whose head temple is Kongobu-ji on Mt. Koya; and Dogen, author of the Shobogenzo, a philosophy book said to be a manual for Zen meditation practice and originator of mindfulness. Founder of the Soto sect, whose main temple is Eiheiji Temple.
Buddhism means 'Buddha's teachings'. In the beginning, everything was transmitted orally and it was only after Buddha's death that documents and scriptures were created. All of the Buddhist scriptures that remain today were described by the memory of Buddha's disciples. In the meantime, it underwent various transformations through the views of translators and other factors, and representative gurus from different countries established and divided into sects. The Tendai sect is one of these sects, founded by Master Saicho. Incidentally, my trusted teacher is a Zen monk of the Soto sect, and he says that one should not be confined to a sect. It is because Dogen, the founder of the Soto sect, taught that the Buddha's teaching is one and that we should not be obsessed with sects.
Those wishing to study face-to-face or Buddhist thought outside Japan should visit your local Buddhist temple or Zen centre. You can easily find one by hitting the usual keywords. However, not all are good teachers. It is recommended to search patiently for a teacher or centre that suits you. For international learners, books by Japanese Buddhist scholar D.T. Suzuki are relatively accessible. He wrote on Zen in English and introduced Japanese Zen culture to the rest of the world. He was also a prolific translator of Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese and Sanskrit literature.
In fact, the teachings of Zen that we are learning are not like there is a holy scripture that says this is the absolute truth, nor is there a founder who says that this is the absolute truth.
And it is best not to decide on a teacher based on sect or culture, but to knock on the door of a person you can identify with. More importantly, he or she may not only be in the temple.
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二十三夜堂からのメッセージ Q&A: その2 [その1]
伝来から1400年余りの年月を経て、日本の歴史文化のなかで、宗派の開祖たちから生まれたのが「日本の仏教」。 現在、大きな宗派として存在しているのは、天台宗を含め約13宗派。その中で禅宗は、曹洞宗、臨済宗と黄檗宗の3宗。
中でも代表的なのは、天台宗の開祖の最澄、総本山は比叡山延暦寺、日本に密教をもたらした、真言宗の開祖の空海、総本山は高野山金剛峯寺、そして、坐禅修行のマニュアルとも言われている哲学書「正法眼蔵 (しょうぼうげんぞう)」の著者でマインドフルネスの元祖、曹洞宗の開祖の道元、大本山は永平寺など、が挙げられる。
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luxgraphics · 1 year
Gyaru Slang! :D
so i have had this in my notes for forever. and i wanted to share it [most of this info came from OLD blogger websites and a couple of gyaru [[she is not anymore apparently]] youtubers!] i just found the slang interesting, so i researched it a long while ago! anyways enjoy!
“Wanna hear about my new boom?”
Usually meaning current obsession or interest. Or something they spent a lot of money on!
“I forgot to show my latest Co*de!!!”
Usually talking about a latest outfit or favorite one!
Gyaru Coordinate/Coord
“Hi hi Gyaru Coordinates!”
Usually meaning anyone else who is reading/is a gal!
Gyaru Circle/ Gal-circle/Gal-Cir/GalUnit/Gyaru-sa/Gyarusa
“Come to the next Gal-Cir!”
A gathering of gyaru/gyaruo people!Usually out doing karaoke, shopping, purikura (and general photo taking) and going for food.
“I tried to text her but she KS’ed me!!!!!!!!”
Usually a response when someone ignores you, usually on LINE.
”YABABABABA(OMGGGG) That’s amazing!!!!!!”
Usually said when you feel a lot of emotion! So it can be used when excited or annoyed!
Yaguru or yagurareru
“やばばばばばば!山田とデートの途中で彼氏にヤグっちゃった! ” [may not be correctly translated so i am sorry!]
English: Omgomgomgomg! When I was in the middle of a date with Yamada, my boyfriend caught me cheating!
Usually used as a phrase to explain one being caught cheating! Usually used when speaking japanese and not english.
“AGEPOYO!!! I’m so excited right now!!!”
A phrase that basically is the Gyaru version of “YOLO”!
“Lets go Kara-Mara!”
Meaning Karaoke Marathon!
Uber Irry
“I am Uber Irry!!!!”
Meaning Super Irritated
Uber Pissed
“I am Uber Pissed!!!!!”
Meaning super angry
“He’s so GL!!!”
’Good looking’ abbreviation
Sleep Crazy
”I sleep crazy!”
Basically means they sleep like crazy, like slept well!
“I am going for a nighter!”
Basically an ‘all nighter’ meaning stayin up all night
“You’re self-cent!!!!!”
Basically means “Self-centered”
Majorly Cue
“That’s majorly cueee!!!!!”
Basically meaning “majorly cute” or “extremely cute”
“Quit T-ing us!”
Short for “tailing” like followin someone
“I want some Hawajew…”
Meaning ‘Hawaiian Jewelry”
Crushed On
“She’s crushed on Nanami…”
To get a crush on someone
“Dont get carried!”
Basically means ‘dont get carried away.’
Mad Angry
“Mad Angry!!!!”
Meaning extremely angry!
that is all the ones i had in my notes!!! maybe someone might find some of this slang interesting like i did. i find fashion and subcultures to be really fun to research and gather info on! i have whole giant notes of just that.
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myscrap · 1 year
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日下氏(ゆっきー)さんはTwitterを使っています: 「おひるね https://t.co/SK3P83Oq8u」 / X
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leomacgivena · 2 months
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memoiroiro · 10 months
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Xユーザーの日下氏(ゆっきー)さん: 「極寒の地でバカンス https://t.co/zMWKKY5nfu」 / X
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ai-02 · 1 year
実家に4日間帰ってた 帰ってきたら植物たちがぐったりしてた(T . T) 実家でばくばく食べてた間 植物たちは腹ペコ状態だった、、ごめん。。
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monogusadictionary · 3 months
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odaclan · 4 months
The Conquest of Iga, as recorded in Seishū Gunki
同年の冬、伊賀住人福地某が信長の味方になり伊賀追討の兵を要請した。故に信長は信雄に伊賀を与え、各家臣に諸方から攻め込ませた。伊勢、名張口は北畠中将信雄である。同じく馬野口は滝川左近将監一益である。長野口は長野上野介信包である。鹿伏兎口は神戸三七信孝である。甲賀山の口は多羅尾久右衛門尉が先陣を受けた。下口は蒲生忠三郎氏郷である。大和笠置口は筒井順慶である。 伊賀の侍は防ぐ場所を失い其々城にこもった。信雄は丸山城を落とした。一益は富益城を落とし、富益氏は討ち死にして滅亡した。また、具野尾城は落ちず、信孝は柘植城を攻め落とした。氏郷は土山城を攻め数刻鉄砲合戦があった。伊賀は大軍を受けてかなわず有るものは討たれ、あるものは降伏しみな信雄の支配下に入った。故に信雄は丸山城を瀧川三郎兵衛尉に与え、柘植城を池尻平左衛門尉に与えた。また、仁木友梅(前守護・義視)を取り立て平楽寺城に入れた。
In the winter of the same year (1581), a certain Iga resident called Fukuchi became Nobunaga's ally, and requested for an army to launch a punitive expedition against Iga. Nobunaga granted Iga to Nobukatsu, and sent vassals to invade from all directions. From Ise, Nabari entrance, was the troops led by Lieutenant General Kitabatake Nobukatsu. At the same time, from Umano entrance, was the troops under Takigawa Sakon no Shōgen Kazumasu. From Nagano entrance, came Nagano Kōzuke no Suke Nobukane (Oda Nobukane). From the Kabuto entrance, Kanbe Sanshichi Nobutaka. The army coming from the entrance of Kōkayama was led by Lieutenant Tarao Kyūemon, while from the exit came Gamō Chūzaburō Ujisato. From the Yamato Kasagi entrance came the troops under Tsutsui Junkei. The samurai of Iga lost their defences, and holed themselves in their respective castles. Nobukatsu felled Maruyama Castle. Kazumasu felled Tomimasu Castle, and the entire Tomimasu clan were destroyed and killed. Gunō Castle did not fall, but Nobutaka attacked and conquered Tsuge Castle. Ujisato attaked Tsuchiyama Castle, and a gunfight lasted for a few hours there. Iga was no match for such a massive force, and some were defeated, while others surrendered themselves under Nobukatsu. After which, Nobukatsu granted Maruyama Castle to Lieutenant Takigawa Saburōbē and Tsuge Castle to Lieutenant Ikejiri Heizaemon. Also, he brought back Nikki Yūbai (the former shugo Nikki Yoshimi) and installed him in Heirakuji Castle.
(Seishū Gunki vol. 8)
In light of the recently released Assassin's Creed trailer, this really needed to be said:
Nobunaga does not invade Iga because he hated "ninjas"/shinobi. Nobunaga never participated in the Iga invasion and never directly led it.
Both are erroneous narratives that are constantly propagated both by Japanese and non-Japanese media, and this is just frustrating at this point. Some newer takes tried to "clean it up" by saying that Nobunaga invaded Iga as part of his nationwide conquest. That's a somewhat less wrong take on it, but if you put Nobunaga in direct command of the army, then it's still incorrect.
Both times the Oda forces attacked Iga, it was under the command of Nobunaga's son, Nobukatsu. After this final conquest, where Iga was thoroughly defeated in 1581, Nobunaga only came later to inspect the region. Everything had already been cleaned up, and the Shinchōkōki even recorded that there were lavish accommodations prepared for Nobunaga to stay in for the occasion.
Now going back to the narrative.
Seishū Gunki is somewhat less reliable than Shinchōkōki in various areas, but it's still a valuable material regardless. The are differences between this account and Shinchōkōki, though. For example, here Nobutaka was also listed as a participant. In the Shinchōkōki, Nobutaka was not listed as an officer that took part in the charge.
Another difference is that while Shinchōkōki corroborated Fukuchi surrendering himself to Nobunaga, it also mentioned that he was actually from Tsuge. Meaning that there was no need to attack and conquer Tsuge. Shinchōkōki also said that one of the Oda vassals went to Tsuge to protect it, and his name was listed as "Fuwa". In the above gunki narrative, this was the castle/region that Nobutaka attacked. It's likely that this part is in error in the gunki, and Nobutaka was not actually present here.
That aside, there has been various theories about why Nobukatsu attacked Iga, and there's an odd story of an Iga resident(s) who requested that the Oda invade his own homeland that was not explained in prior articles that I've seen. This request from the Iga folk themselves was what encouraged Nobunaga to grant permission for an official invasion of Iga, something that highly disapproved of 2 years prior.
This full text in the gunki provides an insight for the possible reason: It's possibly to restore the rightful shugo of Iga to power.
In the last part of the above text, a man named "Nikki Yoshimi" was referenced. The Nikki family was originally the official shugo (governors) of Iga. In a previous chapter of the gunki, it was mentioned that at some point they lost power, and the so-called council leadership of Iga became established.
If you've read the various floating narratives about how Iga is an "independent" society that is free from samurai rulership, this is how that supposedly came to be. The Nikki family were still there. They just got overrun by the people. If the above text is to be believed, the people who rebelled weren't peasants either. They were still considered of "samurai" class (they even own castles), just that they're perhaps of lower status (some texts would call them jizamurai).
If this narrative is actually accurate, then perhaps the men who came to the Oda for help were associates of the Nikki family. What they wanted was perhaps to the get rid of the "insurgents" who had rebelled and snatched power from the "rightful rulers".
So much for the mysticism of the secret "ninja" village and all, huh? It's just more of the typical power struggle between clans that are constantly happening in this time.
Incidentally, this situation is not entirely unique to Iga. A similar situation had occurred in Kaga almost a century prior, where the Ikkō from the Honganji affiliated temples there overthrew the shugo and ruled the land for a very very long time. Like in Iga, the shugo family were actually still there. They just effectively no longer had any power. The Ikkō rule remained until the Oda forces came and got rid of them as well.
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yoga-onion · 2 years
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Legends and myths about trees
A-bombed trees - Trees that survived the atomic bombing
Some 77 years after the atomic bombing, surviving A-bombed trees are still cherished as natural monuments in various parts of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan.
The number and variety of these are multiple, a few of which are highlighted below.
Among the surviving trees, there is a weeping willow that was the closest to the hypocentre to be exposed to the bombing. This tree, located 370 metres from the hypocentre along the Honkawa River west of the youth centre, had its trunk broken by the bombing, but has since sprouted and grown from the roots. The T-shaped Aioi Bridge, visible from here, was used as a bombing target because of its unique shape.
At the ruins of Hiroshima Castle Ninomaru, there is a eucalyptus tree that was exposed to the bomb 740 metres from the hypocentre. The tree was also the subject of Keiji Nakazawa's manga 'Under the Eucalyptus Tree'. Keiji Nakazawa ( b. 14 March 1939 - d. 19 December 2012), cartoonist and author, whose best-known work ‘Barefoot Gen’ is a manga based on Nakazawa's own experiences as a Hiroshima survivor. Subsequent typhoons caused the trunk to break off in the middle, but it has sprouted again and continues to grow.
A large camphor tree stands firmly at the entrance to the grounds of Sanno Shrine in Nagasaki. With its lush foliage and strong trunk, it is a large tree that is still full of vigour and vitality.
The giant camphor tree was temporarily on the verge of death when an atomic bomb exploded over Nagasaki City, cracking its trunk and blowing away its branches and leaves, which were then burnt by heat rays. Miraculously, however, the tree sprouted new shoots and gradually regained its vigour, encouraging A-bomb survivors who were on their way to recovery from the burnt ruins. Even today, the tree is designated as a natural monument, is cherished and loved, and encourages many people.
'No more killing!' Let 2023 be a year of peace.
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広島城二の丸跡には、爆心地から740mで被爆したユーカリがある。この木は、中沢啓治さんの漫画「ユーカリの木の下で」の題材にもなった。中沢啓治 ( 1939年3月14日生まれ - 2012年12月19日没) は、漫画家、作家、代表作「はだしのゲン」は、広島の被爆者である中沢氏の実体験を基にした漫画。この木はその後も台風により、幹の途中で折れてしまったが、再び芽を吹き成長を続けている。
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kennak · 4 months
ストックホルムの北端にある工場で、極秘の印刷機が1枚あたり数千ユーロ相当のシートを吐き出していた。 それぞれに 108 個の小型 太陽電池 に至るまで、日常のガジェットに間もなく導入され が含まれており、キーボードからヘッドフォン 、テクノロジーとの関わり方を根本的に変えることになるでしょう。 それらの創造者によれば、それらは私たちに光との関係を再考させることさえあるとのことです。 スウェーデンが太陽革命の舞台となる可能性は低いように思えるかもしれないが、エクセガーの共同創設者であるジョバンニ・フィリ氏が太陽電池の唯一の電力源として太陽以外に目を向けた理由の1つは、冬の間は光が不足していたことだった。 彼の会社の画期的な技術は、直射日光からろうそくの明かりまで、事実上あらゆる光源から電力を収集できます。 月の光からもチャージを生成できますが、十分に使えるようになるまでには時間がかかります。 「ほぼ真っ暗な海の底の藻類のように、私たちは非常に少ない光子を効率的に利用することができます」とフィリ氏は インデペンデント紙 に語った。 彼が着ている T シャツは、彼の会社のテクノロジーが「世界を変える」ものであり、世界的なエネルギー需要と地球上の最大の環境課題のいくつかに同時に対処できるものであると説明しています。
「世界を変える」太陽電池は電池の死を意味する可能性がある | 独立者
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