#Ténèbre brothers
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theshadowmenlounge · 2 months ago
I've now rewatched the 6 episodes on Disc one and first of all noticed the name Camorra was already used in episodes 1 and 3. I also learned that in the LNs there is a recurring gag of the Camorra members getting annoyed at being mistaken for Mafia.
I also noticed another Shadowmen connection, but it's a bit of a Spoiler.
Spoiler Alert!
In episode 2 one of the character telling the tale of the Rail Tracer turns out later to be the Rail Tracer. That made me think of The Ténèbre brothers from Paul Feval's Knightshade.
Baccano! has Camorra
Well I finally watched Baccano! and in episode 5 they just used the word Camorra, and that fascinates me.
The Camorra was historically a Neapolitan in origin gang of Brigands. But in 19th and early 20th Century fiction references to Italian Organized Crime were usually to them not the Mafia or Silly. That includes Paul Feval's Bell Demonio and it's sequel The Campions of Silence which were in turn tied into the lore of The Blackcoats (Les Habits Noirs), then at least one Sherlock Holmes story and an arch nemesis of A.J Raffles.
There's also Alchemy in it. And characters with French Names.
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dragonbird505 · 6 months ago
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For more details on Mily’s elements, check out the link below:
I couldn’t resist to do a post about Orion’s little sister this time (I’ll do more of him later I promise 😂). You’ve probably seen it before since Mily is more often in her human form but it’s easy to tell she’s the stark opposite of her brother: small, chubby and a bit more muscly than him with very lousy clothes giving her more stomboyish look (like Akane from Ranma 1/2). Before, Mily used to be skinnier but I wanted her to have a softer figure to match her personality and abilities (so I decided that when she started beign more comfortable in her skin, she gained a little bit more weight, showing that she was happier and well loved): she’s very calm, introverted and clumsy but has a loud voice and she can be reckless. She also loves nature (animals especially) and literature (mostly novels/light novels, mangas and comic books) and to sing as well as combat of course. Like her brother she has her elements (fire, water, air and darkness), she can communicate with animals and has a high pain tolerance and is quite tanky in battle (she often uses this ability to protect the ones she loves, at the cost of her own well-beign) , which again fits her combat style (she fights more like an animal with fangs, claws, horns… and often mixes different species’ defense mechanisms to fight) and contrasts with her physical appearance.
Hope you guys enjoyed this little insight into Mily’s design 😊.
Note : Mily is my character.
Pour plus de détails sur les éléments de Mily, cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous :
Je n’ai pu résister à l’envie de publier la petite sœur d’Orion (on verra plus de lui plus tard c’est promis 😂). Vous l’avez sûrement vu auparavant vu que Mily est plus souvent sous forme humaine mais on comprend facilement qu’elle est l’opposé complet de son frère: petite, rondouillarde et un peu plus musclée que lui avec des vêtements très larges lui donnant une petite allure de garçon manqué (comme Akane/Adeline dans Ranma 1/2). Avant , Mily était plus fine mais j’ai voulu lui donner une silhouette plus douce/câline reflétant sa personnalité et ses capacités (j’ai alors décidé que quand elle commençait à être bien dans sa peau, elle a gagné un peu de poids, montrant le fait qu’elle était plus heureuse et aimée): elle est très calme, introvertie et maladroite mais a une forte voix et est un peu trop téméraire. Elle adore aussi la nature (les animaux surtout) et la littérature (en particulier les romans/light novels, les mangas et les bandes dessinées), chanter et bien sûr les combats. Comme son frère elle a ses éléments (eau, feu, air et ténèbres), elle peu communiquer avec les animaux et à une forte tolérance à la douleur et est très résistante en combat (elle exploite souvent cette capacité pour protéger ses proches, au prix de son bien-être), ce qui encore une fois reflète son style de combat (elle se bat comme un animal avec les crocs, les griffes, les cornes… et mélange souvent les mécanismes de défense de différentes espèces pour se battre) et s’oppose à son apparence.
En espérant que vous avez aimé ce petit aperçu du design de Mily 😊.
Note : Mily est mon personnage.
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fragranceonthefeuille · 3 months ago
Le Flacon by Charles Baudelaire
The Perfume Flask
All matter becomes porous to certain scents; they pass Through everything; it seems they even go through glass. When opening some old trunk brought home from the far east, That scolds, feeling the key turned and the lid released —
Some wardrobe, in a house long uninhabited, Full of the powdery odors of moments that are dead — At times, distinct as ever, an old flask will emit Its perfume; and a soul comes back to live in it.
Dormant as chrysalides, a thousand thoughts that lie In the thick shadows, pulsing imperceptibly, Now stir, now struggle forth; now their cramped wings unfold, Tinted with azure, lustred with rose, sheeted with gold!
Oh, memories, how you rise and soar, and hover there! The eyes close; dizziness, in the moth-darkened air, Seizes the drunken soul, and thrusts it toward the verge — Where mistily all human miasmas float and merge —
Of a primeval gulf; and drops it to the ground, There, where, like Lazarus rising, his grave-clothes half unwound, And odorous, a cadaver from its sleep has stirred: An old and rancid love, charming and long-interred.
Thus, when I shall be lost from sight, thus when all men Forget me, in the dark and dusty corner then Of that most sinister cupboard where the living pile The dead — when, an old flask, cracked, sticky, abject, vile,
I lie at length — still, still, sweet pestilence of my heart, As to what power thou hast, how virulent thou art, I shall bear witness; safe shall thy dear poison be! Thou vitriol of the gods! thou death and life of me!
— Edna St. Vincent Millay, Flowers of Evil (NY: Harper and Brothers, 1936)
Le Flacon
II est de forts parfums pour qui toute matière Est poreuse. On dirait qu'ils pénètrent le verre. En ouvrant un coffret venu de l'Orient Dont la serrure grince et rechigne en criant,
Ou dans une maison déserte quelque armoire Pleine de l'âcre odeur des temps, poudreuse et noire, Parfois on trouve un vieux flacon qui se souvient, D'où jaillit toute vive une âme qui revient.
Mille pensers dormaient, chrysalides funèbres, Frémissant doucement dans les lourdes ténèbres, Qui dégagent leur aile et prennent leur essor, Teintés d'azur, glacés de rose, lamés d'or.
Voilà le souvenir enivrant qui voltige Dans l'air troublé; les yeux se ferment; le Vertige Saisit l'âme vaincue et la pousse à deux mains Vers un gouffre obscurci de miasmes humains;
II la terrasse au bord d'un gouffre séculaire, Où, Lazare odorant déchirant son suaire, Se meut dans son réveil le cadavre spectral D'un vieil amour ranci, charmant et sépulcral.
Ainsi, quand je serai perdu dans la mémoire Des hommes, dans le coin d'une sinistre armoire Quand on m'aura jeté, vieux flacon désolé, Décrépit, poudreux, sale, abject, visqueux, fêlé,
Je serai ton cercueil, aimable pestilence! Le témoin de ta force et de ta virulence, Cher poison préparé par les anges! liqueur Qui me ronge, ô la vie et la mort de mon coeur!
— Charles Baudelaire
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yes-bernie-stuff · 6 months ago
Mon petit espion de poche
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Mon petit espion de poche 16/08/2024
Ô Dieu ! Regarde si je suis sur une mauvaise voie, et conduis-moi sur la voie de l’éternité ! Psaume 139.24
Niché dans mon smartphone, cet espion a transmis à Google le détail de mes déplacements du mois dernier. Il a recensé 14 magasins, 5 lieux de concerts, 2 médiathèques dans deux pays, 1 piscine… Il sait tout de mes allées et venues, car j’ai accepté d’être localisé.
Je suis donc espionné de plein gré. Une carte matérialise mon itinéraire en zigzag. Ah, ce cher petit « grand frère »… toléré un peu à contrecœur !
Dans la Bible (voir la lecture proposée), il est dit que Dieu sait tout sur moi. Le psalmiste David le constate : « Tu sais quand je m’assieds, quand je me lève, quand je me couche… Tu discernes de loin ma pensée… » Mais il n’est pas un détecteur de mouvements. Rien à voir avec un Big Brother. J’ai un Père aimant qui me localise exactement. Dieu sait où j’en suis dans mon itinéraire personnel. Il veille sur ma voie.
Je vous invite à lire ce psaume 139. Et à permettre de bon cœur à Dieu de diriger vos pas. Vous aussi, faites vôtre cette prière du début de ce feuillet.
Francis Schneider
__________________ Lecture proposée : Psaume 139.
Science infinie de Dieu
1 Au chef des chantres. De David. Psaume. Eternel ! tu me sondes et tu me connais, 2 Tu sais quand je m’assieds et quand je me lève, Tu pénètres de loin ma pensée ; 3 Tu sais quand je marche et quand je me couche, Et tu pénètres toutes mes voies. 4 Car la parole n’est pas sur ma langue, Que déjà, ô Éternel ! tu la connais entièrement. 5 Tu m’entoures par derrière et par devant, Et tu mets ta main sur moi. 6 Une science aussi merveilleuse est au-dessus de ma portée, Elle est trop élevée pour que je puisse la saisir. 7 Où irais-je loin de ton Esprit, Et où fuirais-je loin de ta face ? 8 Si je monte aux cieux, tu es là ; Si je me couche au séjour des morts, te voilà. 9 Si je prends les ailes de l’aurore, Et que j’aille habiter à l’extrémité de la mer, 10 Là aussi ta main me conduira, Et ta droite me saisira. 11 Si je dis : Au moins les ténèbres me couvriront, La nuit devient lumière autour de moi ; 12 Même les ténèbres ne sont pas obscures pour toi, La nuit brille comme le jour, Et les ténèbres comme la lumière. 13 C’est toi qui as formé mes reins, Qui m’as tissé dans le sein de ma mère. 14 Je te loue de ce que je suis une créature si merveilleuse. Tes œuvres sont admirables, Et mon âme le reconnaît bien. 15 Mon corps n’était point caché devant toi, Lorsque j’ai été fait dans un lieu secret, Tissé dans les profondeurs de la terre. 16 Quand je n’étais qu’une masse informe, tes yeux me voyaient ; Et sur ton livre étaient tous inscrits Les jours qui m’étaient destinés, Avant qu’aucun d’eux existe. 17 Que tes pensées, ô Dieu, me semblent impénétrables ! Que le nombre en est grand ! 18 Si je les compte, elles sont plus nombreuses que les grains de sable. Je m’éveille, et je suis encore avec toi. 19 Ô Dieu, puisses-tu faire mourir le méchant ! Hommes de sang, éloignez-vous de moi ! 20 Ils parlent de toi d’une manière criminelle, Ils prennent ton nom pour mentir, eux, tes ennemis ! 21 Éternel, n’aurais-je pas de la haine pour ceux qui te haïssent, Du dégoût pour ceux qui s’élèvent contre toi ? 22 Je les hais d’une parfaite haine ; Ils sont pour moi des ennemis. 23 Sonde-moi, ô Dieu, et connais mon cœur ! Eprouve-moi, et connais mes pensées ! 24 Regarde si je suis sur une mauvaise voie, Et conduis-moi sur la voie de l’éternité !
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christophe76460 · 2 years ago
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Dear Brothers and Sisters,
You don’t have to help God out (Part 1)
We are all waiting for something but remember the Bible assures us that there is a specific time for everything. In Ecclesiastes it states, « To everything there is a season, A time for every purpose under heaven:» ‭‭(Ecclesiastes‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬ ‭NKJV‬‬) and in Isaiah « I am the LORD; at the right moment, I will hurry it along.» (Isaiah‬ ‭60‬:‭22‬ ‭CEB‬‬) These verses remind us that God has appointed a perfect time for every event in our lives. God is the one who determine the right time to bring it to pass. Everything is scheduled. There are right time moments in your future where things will fall into place.
Do not leave worried or frustrated the creator of the universe has organized it all. Stay in peace knowing that the right time is coming. All the forces of darkness cannot stop what God has planned.
Please bear with me that if there is a right time that means any other time is the wrong time. It take faith and patience to see the promises. Unfortunately we leave in a microwave society where most of the people, including Christians, like everything fast… over the past few years of my life I’ve learned to trust God’s timing. It is essential to remember that God's timing may not align with our own. In Isaiah, the Lord declares, «For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.» ‭‭(Isaiah‬ ‭55‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭NKJV‬‬) God's timing is perfect and beyond our comprehension.
Brothers and Sisters, it's important to remember that God sees the bigger picture. Even when it feels like our dreams and desires are taking longer to manifest, we can find comfort in knowing that God is working behind the scenes.
Let us pray: « Lord, I come before you today, seeking your guidance and strength. I acknowledge that your right time is coming, and I trust in your perfect timing for every aspect of my life. Help me to patiently wait for your plans to unfold, knowing that you have a purpose and a plan for me. Help me to rest in your love and to find joy in the journey, even as I wait for your promises to be fulfilled. In Jesus' almighty name I pray, Amen and Amen. »
Be blessed and remember you are chosen!!! “You did not choose Me, but I chose you” (John 15:16, NKJV)
God bless you! May the grace of God accompany you today! I wish you a wonderful day and may God protect you and bless you.
Chers Frères et Sœurs,
Tu n’as pas à aider Dieu ‭‭(Part 1)
Nous attendons tous quelque chose, mais souvenez-vous que la Bible nous assure qu’il y a un temps spécifique pour tout. Dans l’Ecclésiaste, il est dit : « Il y a un temps pour tout, un temps pour toute chose sous les cieux:» ‭‭(Ecclésiaste‬ ‭3‬:‭1‬ ‭LSG‬‬) et dans Esaïe « C’est moi, moi l’Eternel, qui hâterai en leur temps, ces événements.» ‭‭(Esaïe‬ ‭60‬:‭22‬ ‭BDS‬‬) Ces versets nous rappellent que Dieu a fixé un temps parfait pour chaque événement de notre vie. Dieu est celui qui détermine le bon moment pour le faire arriver. Tout est prévu. Il y a de bons moments dans votre futur où les choses se mettront en place.
Ne soyez pas inquiet ou frustré le créateur de l’univers a tout organisé. Restez en paix en sachant que le bon moment arrive. Toutes les forces des ténèbres ne peuvent arrêter ce que Dieu a prévu.
S’il y a un bon moment cela veut dire que tous les autres moments ne sont pas les bons. Il faut avoir la foi et de la patience pour voir les promesses. Malheureusement, nous vivons dans une société de micro-ondes où la plupart des gens, y compris les chrétiens, brûlent que tout soit rapide… au cours des dernières années de ma vie, j’ai appris à faire confiance au timing de Dieu. Il est essentiel de se rappeler que le timing de Dieu peut ne pas s’aligner avec le nôtre. Dans Esaïe, le Seigneur déclare : «Car mes pensées ne sont pas vos pensées, Et vos voies ne sont pas mes voies, Dit l’Éternel. Autant les cieux sont élevés au-dessus de la terre, Autant mes voies sont élevées au-dessus de vos voies, Et mes pensées au-dessus de vos pensées.» ‭‭(Ésaïe‬ ‭55‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭LSG‬‬) Le timing de Dieu est parfait et au-delà de notre compréhension.
Frères et sœurs, il est important de se rappeler que Dieu voit le tableau d’ensemble. Même lorsque nos rêves et nos désirs prennent plus de temps à se manifester, nous pouvons trouver du réconfort en sachant que Dieu travaille dans les coulisses.
Prions : « Seigneur, je viens devant toi aujourd’hui, cherchant ta direction et ta force. Je reconnais que ton bon moment arrive, et j’ai confiance en ton timing parfait pour chaque aspect de ma vie. Aide-moi à attendre patiemment que tes plans se déroulent, sachant que tu as un but et un plan pour moi. Aide-moi à me reposer dans ton amour et à trouver de la joie dans le chemin, même si j’attends que tes promesses soient accomplies. Au nom de Jésus, je prie, Amen et Amen. »
Soit béni et rappelle toi que Tu es choisi !!! «Ce n’est pas vous qui m’avez choisi; mais moi, je vous ai choisis» (Jean 15 :16, LSG)
Que Dieu vous bénisse ! Que la grâce de Dieu vous accompagne aujourd’hui ! Je vous souhaite une belle journée et que Dieu vous protège et vous bénisse.
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kilfeur · 2 years ago
Le conflit entre les frères dieux, Salem et Ozma (The conflict between the brother gods, Salem and Ozma)
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Dans le volume 4, Qrow a raconté l'histoire des deux dieux frères, le dieu de la lumière trouvant son plaisir en créant la vie tandis que le dieu des ténèbres créa des forces de destruction. Ils avaient des idées opposés sur comment les choses devaient se dérouler. Le dieu des ténèbres créa la sécheresse, la famine, les incendies pour se débarrasser de la vie de Remnant. C'est alors que le cadet créa les grimms, innés de son désir destruction. L'aîné a eu assez sachant que leur querelle ne pouvait pas durer éternellement. Ils créent quatre artefacts, celui de la connaissance, création, destruction et choix. C'est pourquoi les académies de chasseurs ont été crées pour protéger ces artefacts. Ainsi que former les chasseurs pour protéger l'humanité contre Salem et ses sbires. Mais dans le volume 6, le conte oublié, on apprend que Salem était prisonnière de son château à cause de son père, elle ne désirait qu'une chose : la liberté !
Ozma était venu ici non pas pour le coeur de la jeune femme. Mais il voulait se battre pour ce qui est juste ainsi que par son âme courageuse et son coeur pur. Ils se sont échappés ensemble de ce château, les deux sont tombés amoureux l'un de l'autre voyageant à travers le monde. Ils auraient pu avoir leur fin heureuse. Et je suis un peu curieuse des leurs voyages, qu'est ce qu'ils ont vu ? Quelles genres de personnes ont-ils rencontrés pendant leurs voyages ? J'avoue que j'aimerai bien avoir un spin off à ce sujet.
Malheureusement Ozma a succombé à la maladie laissant Salem en larmes. Elle se rend à l'autel du dieu de la lumière suppliant de le ramener mais il refusa car la vie et la mort est un équilibre fragile. Salem trouve ceci injuste alors qu'il lui dit de le laisser se reposer mais elle refuse. Dans un sens, le dieu de la lumière a raison, l'un des thèmes principaux de RWBY est d'aller de l'avant et accepter le deuil. Ozma était tout pour elle, elle voyait sa liberté à travers les yeux d'Ozma. Mais Salem a refusé d'aller de l'avant et de faire son deuil.
Donc elle se rend dans l'autel du dieu des ténèbres priant de ramener son bien aimé en omettant le fait qu'elle est allée voir son aîné. Et il le ramène mais le dieu de la lumière arrive et ne l'entend pas de cette oreille. Le cadet a une certaine rancoeur sur leurs règles car ses règles semblent plus le favoriser que lui. Mais l'aîné révèle que Salem est venu le voir à ce sujet donc le cadet rectifie son erreur en tuant Ozma encore. Ces dieux ont ramené Ozma à la vie et l'ont tué comme si c'était un jouet montrant que c'était une bataille d'ego et qu'ils se fichaient un peu de l'état dans lequel cette dernière se retrouve. Les deux dieux rendent Salem immortel comme punition de son arrogance et de son égoïsme. Elle pourra reposer en paix, une fois qu'elle a apprit l'importance de la vie et de la mort. Elle a essayé de se suicider en vain c'est alors que Salem décida d'allier l'humanité contre les dieux en les manipulant et en leur mentant qu'elle a volé l'immortalité à ces dieux. Tout ça pour les faire souffrir et se débarrasser de sa malédiction. Mais cette confrontation est de courte durée quand le cadet fait disparaître l'humanité tout entière, c'est alors que l'aîné dit quelque chose d'intéressant, il dit que cette planète était une belle expérience et qu'ils apprendront de cette erreur. Est ce que ça va dire qu'il y a d'autres planètes habitables que le monde de Remnant ? J'ai besoin de réponses ! Salem a maudit tout le monde à part elle même, elle est persuadée d'être celle qui avait raison, refusant de comprendre son erreur. Bon après l'immortalité est une punition assez extrême quand même
Le dieu de la lumière parle à Ozma lui expliquant la tragédie qui est arrivé dans ce monde, causé par son cadet. Ajoutant que l'humanité est revenue peupler ce monde. Laissant les quatre artefacts derrière lui si ils sont réunis ensemble, ça les ramènera et jugera l'humanité. Si l'humanité a apprit à vivre ensemble tout en laissant leur différence de côté alors ils reviendront vivre parmi eux. Dans le cas contraire, ils détruiront le monde de toute existence. Vous l'avez déjà fait une fois et ils le referont une deuxième fois si ça leur plaît pas, on dirait Thanatos ! Mais pour ramener Ozma, il va lui donner une réincarnation pour qu'il ne soit jamais seul. Ozma refuse au début car il ne veut pas vivre dans ce monde sans Salem mais le dieu de la lumière lui dit qu'elle est toujours vivante mais qu'elle n'est plus celle qu'il connaissait avant. Quand ces deux là se retrouvent, Salem le convaincs de devenir des dieux modelant ce monde à leurs images. Crée un paradis que les dieux n'ont pas fait. Il est troublé mais il accepte sa proposition laissant la phrase de Jinn "Les coeurs des hommes peuvent facilement influencés". Ils deviennent des dieux créant un royaume prospère mais Ozma commence à questionner sur ce qu'ils font. Il révèle alors la vérité de son retour mais pour Salem tout ça n'a pas d'importance, pourquoi racheter les humains quand ils peuvent les remplacer. Pour Ozma c'était le signe de s'enfuir en emmenant ses filles avec lui. Mais Salem le découvre le prenant comme une trahison se battant l'un contre l'autre. Et lors de cette bataille, leurs enfants ont perdu la vie. Furieuse contre lui, Salem lui dit qu'ils avaient enfin leur liberté, elle le laisse même pas répliquer qu'elle le brûle.
Dans le volume 8, Oscar se fait kidnapper par The Hound, Salem l'accueille et voit que ce n'est pas Ozpin qui lui parle mais Oscar. Elle lui pose des questions sur la relique mais Oscar ne le sait pas. Elle demande Oscar le mot de passe de la lampe, il lui répond que Jinn ne peut plus répondre aux questions. A ce moment là, Salem le torture voyant les mensonges de ce dernier et regardant Hazel s'en prendre à lui. Tout dans ces interactions sont creepy, Salem parle d'Ozma comme si il lui appartenait et qu'ils étaient amants elle pose sa main sur la joue d'Oscar comme "un geste affectueux." Vu à quel point Salem est horrible envers eux, pourquoi Ozpin retournerait auprès d'elle ? Lors du sauvetage d'Oscar, Salem ne comprend pas pourquoi il prendrait la défense de ses enfants pour ce monde ruiné. Lui demandant pourquoi il revient c'est alors que Yang lui retourne la question, toutes ces morts parce quelque chose de mauvais lui est arrivé. Personne n'a une fin heureuse, toutes les personnes que Yang a perdu, Salem lui a prit sa mère, Summer Rose. J'étais tombée sur certains qui reprochaient cette scène mais même si Raven est sa mère biologique, elle n'était pas là pour elle. C'était Summer qui a élevé Yang comme si elle était sa propre fille. Donc c'est pas étonnant que Yang lui parle d'elle. Surtout que vu le destin de The Hound, Ruby et Yang se doutent de comment leur mère est morte.
Les dieux sont hypocrites et des connards mais perso je les trouve intéressant avec la tragédie d'Ozma et Salem et tout ce qui s'est passé. Ils sont assez complexe quand on se penche suffisamment sur eux. De ce que j'ai entendu dire le crwby s'est inspirée des dieux Grecs pour crée les deux frères Dieux et ouais vu la mythologie grecque, je peux comprendre l'inspiration. Ce que j'aime c'est comment leur relation est montré malgré le peu d'infos qu'on avait avant le volume 9. Je veux dire ok c'était des connards mais le dieu de la lumière n'avait pas tort pour sur une chose au sujet de la vie et de la mort. L'un des thèmes de RWBY est d'aller de l'avant malgré les épreuves qu'on peut traverser et que même si le monde peut être sombre, l'espoir subsiste encore. Donc rendre les habitants de Remnant immortels ou bien se réincarner iraient à l'encontre de ces thèmes. Bien que ça n'empêche pas les deux dieux d'être hypocrite en punissant de manière excessive Salem et en faisant réincarner Ozma pour qu'il s'occupe de Salem. Les deux dieux n'ont jamais pu s'entendre car ils sont incapable d'accepter leurs propres erreurs et du coup incapable d'aller de l'avant, ce qui donne un côté presque humain les concernant, ce qui est ironique vu que ce sont des dieux.
In Volume 4, Qrow told the story of the two brother gods, the god of light finding pleasure in creating life while the god of darkness created forces of destruction. They had opposing ideas of how things should be. The dark god created drought, famine and fire to get rid of Remnant's life. Then the younger created grimms, innate to his desire for destruction. The elder had enough, knowing their feud couldn't last forever. They created four artifacts: knowledge, creation, destruction and choice. That's why hunter academies were created to protect these artifacts. And to train hunters to protect humanity from Salem and his henchmen. But in volume 6, The Forgotten Tale, we learn that Salem was imprisoned in her castle because of her father, and wanted only one thing: freedom!
Ozma had come here not for the young woman's heart. But he wanted to fight for what was right and for her courageous soul and pure heart. They escaped this castle together, both falling in love with each other traveling the world. They could have had their happy ending. And I'm a bit curious about their travels, what did they see? What kind of people did they meet on their travels? I admit I'd love to have a spin-off on this.
Sadly, Ozma has succumbed to illness, leaving Salem in tears. She goes to the altar of the god of light begging him to bring her back, but he refuses because life and death are a delicate balance. Salem finds this unjust, so he tells her to let him rest, but she refuses. In a way, the god of light is right; one of the main themes of RWBY is moving on and accepting grief. Ozma was everything to her, she saw her freedom through Ozma's eyes. But Salem refused to move on and grieve.
So she goes to the altar of the dark god, praying to bring back her beloved, forgetting the fact that she's gone to see her eldest son. And he does bring him back, but the god of light arrives and doesn't see it that way. The youngest is somewhat resentful of their rules, as her rules seem to favor him more than they do him. But the elder reveals that Salem came to see him about it so the younger rectifies his mistake by killing Ozma again. These gods brought Ozma back to life and killed him as if he were a toy, showing that this was a battle of egos and that they couldn't care less about the state she finds herself in. The two gods make Salem immortal as punishment for her arrogance and selfishness. She'll be able to rest in peace, once she's learned the importance of life and death. She tried in vain to commit suicide, but then Salem decided to ally humanity against the gods, manipulating them and lying to them that she had stolen immortality from them. All this to make them suffer and get rid of her curse. But this confrontation is short-lived when the youngest makes the whole of humanity disappear, at which point the eldest says something interesting: he says that this planet was a beautiful experiment and that they will learn from this mistake. Does this mean there are habitable planets other than Remnant? I need answers! Salem has cursed everyone but herself, convinced she's the one who was right, refusing to understand her mistake. Well, immortality is a pretty extreme punishment after all!
The god of light speaks to Ozma, explaining the tragedy that has befallen this world, caused by his youngest son. Adding that humanity has returned to populate this world. Leaving the four artifacts behind, if they are reunited, it will bring them back and judge mankind. If mankind has learned to live together, leaving aside their differences, then they will return to live among them. If not, they'll destroy the world out of existence. You've already done it once and they'll do it a second time if they don't like it, it's like Thanatos! But to bring Ozma back, he'll give him a reincarnation so he'll never be alone. Ozma refuses at first, because he doesn't want to live in this world without Salem, but the god of light tells him that she's still alive, but she's not the same person he knew before. When the two meet again, Salem convinces him to become gods, shaping the world in their own image. Create a paradise the gods didn't make. He's troubled, but accepts her proposal, leaving Jinn's phrase "The hearts of men can easily be swayed". They become gods, creating a prosperous kingdom, but Ozma begins to question what they are doing. He then reveals the truth of his return, but for Salem it doesn't matter, why redeem humans when they can replace them. For Ozma, it was a sign to run away, taking his daughters with him. But Salem finds out, taking it as a betrayal and fighting each other. And in that battle, their children lost their lives. Furious with him, Salem tells him they finally have their freedom, and she doesn't even let him retort before burning him.
In volume 8, Oscar is kidnapped by The Hound, Salem takes him in and sees that it's not Ozpin talking to him but Oscar. She asks him about the relic, but Oscar doesn't know. She asks Oscar for the password to the lamp, and he tells her that Jinn can no longer answer questions. At this point, Salem tortures him, seeing his lies and watching Hazel take it out on him. Everything about these interactions is creepy, Salem talking about Ozma as if he belonged to her and they were lovers she puts her hand on Oscar's cheek as "an affectionate gesture." Given how horrible Salem is to them, why would Ozpin go back to her? When Oscar is rescued, Salem doesn't understand why he would stand up for his children in this ruined world. Asking him why he's coming back, Yang returns the question, all these deaths because something bad happened to him. Nobody has a happy ending, all the people Yang lost, Salem took his mother, Summer Rose. I'd come across some people criticizing this scene, but even if Raven is her biological mother, she wasn't there for her. It was Summer who raised Yang as if she were her own daughter. So it's no wonder Yang talks about her. Especially given the fate of The Hound, Ruby and Yang suspect how their mother died.
The gods are hypocrites and assholes but personally I find them interesting with the tragedy of Ozma and Salem and all that happened. They're pretty complex when you get down to it. From what I've heard, crwby drew inspiration from the Greek gods to create the two god brothers, and yeah, given Greek mythology, I can understand the inspiration. What I like is how their relationship is shown despite the little info we had before volume 9. I mean, sure, they were assholes, but the god of light had a point about life and death. One of the themes of RWBY is about moving forward despite the hardships you may go through and that even though the world can be dark, there's still hope. So making Remnant's inhabitants immortal or reincarnating would run counter to these themes. Although that doesn't stop both gods from being hypocritical by over-punishing Salem and having Ozma reincarnated to look after Salem. The two gods have never been able to get along because they are unable to accept their own mistakes and therefore unable to move forward, which gives them an almost human side, which is ironic given that they are gods.
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twstarchives · 3 years ago
Hi! I was wondering if you can make a list of what the characters got each other for each other's birthdays! They usually mention during those events what someone got them and I find it pretty fascinating XD
Sure!! Last updated on Oct 22, 2021.
Riddle ★ Trey & Cater — 3 types of tarts ★ Jade — a tea blend that was “based on” Riddle ★ Kalim — threw a feast in his honor
Ace ★ Riddle — a study-aid book ★ Deuce — any pastry he wanted from Mr. S’s Shop ★ Vil — designer brand sunglasses + taught him ways to coordinate his outfits ★ Ortho — helped him search online to find the sneakers he’d been wanting ★ His basketball club seniors — a ton of sports drinks ★ His dad — new magic props ★ His brother — a designer wristwatch box, without the watch (later filled it with candy)
Deuce ★ Ace — a jack-in-the-box, placed next to his pillow ★ Trey — an egg tart + taught him his special “jiggly pudding” recipe ★ Rook — new sneakers (bc his old sneakers were worn-down) ★ His mom — a photo of omurice (she always made this for his bday at home)
Cater ★ Trey — a toothbrush ★ Kalim — a skateboard ★ Idia — Magicam stamps from an anime he doesn’t know ★ His dormmates  — a bright red, diamond-shaped, habanero quiche ★ His sisters — (in the past) stuffed animals, dolls, perfumes, soaps
Trey ★ Riddle, Cater, and Heartslabyul dormmates — homemade cookies ★ Kalim — a ton of dried fruits ★ Vil — vanilla-scented aromatic candle ★ Rook — a grandiose feather hat ★ Epel & Deuce — a black cap with patches and embroidery, including a bright red apple ★ His club members — a science magazine
Leona ★ Jack — an extra-large piece of meat ★ Rook — a portrait of Leona ★ Lilia — some kind of “food” that was as hard as a rock ★ Vargas — joined shoulders and sang him happy birthday ★ Cheka — a stuffed animal last year, and a picture book the year before that
Jack ★ Ace — notepad that looks like a wad of bills ★ Deuce — a towel ★ Trey — cheese soufflé ★ Ruggie — food delivery (hamburger + pear compote) ★ Floyd — pink shoelaces ★ Jade — unknown, but it had no smell at all ★ Epel — apple pie ★ Leona — roast beef ★ His siblings — a birthday card (back home they used to make him pear compote)
Ruggie ★ Jade — high-quality towel ★ Silver — premium pudding ★ Lucius — showed him a spot with lots of dandelions
Azul ★ Jade & Floyd — traditionally pull a birthday prank on him ★ Idia — a board game he’d had his eyes on lately ★ Ristorante staff — a group photo + unspecific gifts
Jade ★ Ruggie — 2 wild plant recipes ★ Azul — a large aquarium for his terrariums ★ Vil — special tea leaves blended by Vil himself
Floyd ★ Riddle — a shoehorn carved with an F ★ Ace & Jamil — threw a pie in his face ★ Azul — shoe polish ★ Kalim — a percussion instrument from the Scalding Sands
Kalim ★ Cater & Lilia — a video of them dancing to the birthday song ★ Ruggie — a paper craft of the Sorcerer of the Sands’ cobra form ★ Ortho — used his cleaner attachment to clean his magic carpet ★ Malleus — a black headband ★ His siblings — lots of letters
Jamil ★ Ace & Floyd — threw a pie in his face ★ Trey — helped him with the washing ★ Leona — kept Kalim preoccupied so Jamil could have time to himself ★ Kalim — (last year) a surprise party ★ Sebek — a traveler’s essay collection ★ His basketball teammates — a towel and wristband ★ Najma — a card with a photo of curry attached; (in the past) homemade cookies
Vil ★ Leona — a dried-up pen ★ Jack — (in the past) showed him the best place to watch the auroras ★ Rook — 100 poems praising his beauty ★ Lilia — shoelaces ★ His dad — a birthday card & lipstick as red as Ténèbres’ newest heels
Epel ★ Deuce — a cap with cool patches on it ★ Jack — a cactus ★ His family — a letter & lots of apples
Rook ★ Trey — a tart
Idia ★ Azul — a fancy restaurant-worthy cup ★ Sam — threw in extra dagashi when he stopped by the shop ★ Muscle Crimson — a rare weapon in their game ★ His parents — (in the past) a game console
Ortho ★ Floyd — limited edition sneakers ★ Vil — painted his face with actual makeup brushes ★ Idia — a pocket-sized air duster ★ His dormmates — built him a new spare battery
Malleus ★ Rook — clothes ★ Ortho — shaved ice maker ★ Silver & Sebek — (unintentionally) got him the same stone statue ★ His grandmother — birthday card + rose seeds
Silver ★ Riddle — horse grooming gloves ★ Kalim — tea leaves for fighting off drowsiness ★ Little birds and squirrels — a wreath made of flowers and twigs ★ He also mentioned people often gift him bedding because they assume his sleepiness is due to lack of sleep
Sebek ★ Riddle — a private horse riding lesson ★ Azul — a rare magic analysis book ★ Epel — a fruit carving of Malleus ★ Silver — dumbbells
Lilia ★ Trey — dessert recipe book ★ Epel — a tiger-embroidered jacket ★ Kalim — a guitar prop for smashing during performances ★ Silver — 5 cardboard boxes of ingredients for his birthday meal ★ Sebek — hand-squeezed tomato juice ★ Gloomy Samurai — a heartfelt birthday message
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mysteryshoptls · 3 years ago
SSR Jade Leech Dorm Uniform Personal Story: Part 2
"Please place your foot here."
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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[Pomefiore Dorm – Lounge]
Vil: Finally, we've made it back to the dormitory.
Jade: We've returned.
Rook: Welcome home, Vil! The moment you stepped food in this dorm, it feels as though the sparkle in the air increased.
Rook: Welcome back to you as well, Jade-kun. I'm sure you were able to understand just how wonderful a model Vil is just by accompanying him for a day.
Jade: Indeed. He attends training in the morning, writes articles during his breaks, models for photoshoots after classes…
Jade: And in addition to all of that, he balances the duties of a Dorm Leader. I am thoroughly impressed.
Vil: When it comes from someone like you who was able to perfectly handle their duties from their very first day here, those words sound rather sarcastic.
Vil: He was able to quickly familiarize himself with even the most difficult industry personalities, and his support during the photoshoot was perfect. He works much better than I was expecting.
Rook: It must have been more than satisfactory for Vil to say as much. Well done, Jade-kun!
[knock, knock]
Azul: Good evening. Is Vil-san presen… Oh, if it isn't Jade.
Jade: Azul…
Vil: What business does the Octavinelle Dorm Leader have with Pomefiore? Curious as to how your former Vice Dorm Leader is faring?
Azul: Not at all, I have only come to provide you with the documents for the Dorm Leader's meeting the day after tomorrow. It was a request from the Headmaster, whom I had only bumped into by chance.
Azul: …However, I am quite relieved to see that Jade is doing well.
Azul: I could hear your lively voices through the door.
Azul: Both Floyd and I were worried for you, you know? We were hoping that you were getting along with another dormitory.
Jade: There was no need for your concern. My time here in Pomefiore has been quite fulfilling.
Rook: This is… an amazing duel. My excitement is rising!
Vil: …
Azul: That is good to hear. We have been doing just fine without you, so do not fret for our sake either.
Jade: I had no such concern.
Azul: Is that right?
Azul: …I suppose I cannot stay very long. Since I've handed over the documents, I will excuse myself.
Jade: …Goodness. He finally left.
Vil: I'm sure the two of you have much to talk about, it would have been no trouble were you to use our lounge to talk as long and as loudly as you wished.
Jade: Rather, he and I seem to have an undesirable relation that I cannot sever… There is nothing for us to talk about.
Rook: Weren't you and your brother Floyd-kun childhood friends with Azul?
Jade: I suppose. There are not as many merfolk as there are humans, after all.
Jade: It just so happened that we were classmates ever since elementary school.
Jade: …Well, when I was younger, I can't say I was aware of Azul's presence, so I do not really remember anything.
Vil: And yet somehow the three of you are now inseparable. Something must have brought you all together.
Jade: I wonder what it could be, I've completely forgotten.
Vil: I see. You've completely forgotten such an important thing, is it?
Vil: …Well, no matter. It does not change the fact that you are very useful to me.
Vil: I'll expect the same tomorrow.
Jade: Speaking of tomorrow, you seem to have been booked for a party for a jewelry brand after school, what shall we do for your attire…?
Vil: I have already decided which suit I will wear. …I haven't made a decision on my shoes yet, however.
Rook: How peculiar. It isn't like you to leave your shoes for last.
Rook: Would I be accurate to assume that there was a particular one you wished to procure but was unsuccessful…?
Vil: As always, you seem to have a keen eye when it comes to me and my thoughts...
Vil: The mirror heels made by the shoe company Ténèbres… An illusive pair of shoes that is said to reflect the beauty of those who wear it!
Vil: I wanted to wear these mirror heels to the party tomorrow, however… Unfortunately, I was unable to get my hands on them.
Rook: I'm sure you such a well-known model such as yourself would have had many possible contacts to go through.
Vil: The Ténèbres designer will only sell their shoes to those who they deem "worthy" of their brand.
Vil: Furthermore, the designer almost rarely appears in public, to the point where their whole existence is akin to a myth. There aren't many opportunities to make contact with them.
Vil: It is never on the market, which is why it is known as the illusive shoes.
Vil: This time around, I was too late to snag them, but next time…
Jade: I was able to procure the mirror heels that you desired.
Vil: …What did you just say?
Jade: These are the shoes, yes?
Vil: This elegant form, that branding on the insole, and these heels that shine as if made of mirrors…
Vil: I cannot believe this… This is really the mirror heels.
Rook: Très bien! What a beautifully crimson pair of shoes.
Vil: When did you… No, rather, how did you know that I had wanted these shoes?
Jade: You had placed a note on an article in a fashion magazine published by that designer.
Jade: It was rather unusual for you to do so, therefore it stuck with me.
Vil: Even so, I'm amazed you got your hands on a pair.
Jade: I have a few contacts of my own …Fufufu. At any rate, please try them on.
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Jade: Pardon me. Please place your foot here.
Vil: …It fits perfectly.
Jade: How wonderfully it suits you.
Rook: Splendid! Not only does it complement Vil's slender legs…
Rook: The exquisite height of the heels accentuates his calf line!
Rook: How wonderfully splendid! You are beautiful, Vil!!
Vil: Well done, Jade.
Jade: I am honored that you are pleased.
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Vil: …This only makes me wish to test further just how well you can meet all my expectations.
Vil: I'd like an appointment for a calf massage in preparation for tomorrow's photoshoot.
Jade: Of course. I've booked a reservation for today at the spa you frequent.
Vil: I'll need to memorize the names of all those who will attend the party. It would not do to be rude to anyone, don't you think?
Jade: I am putting together a list of names. I will also memorize their names, so you may call for me anytime. I will discreetly remind you.
Vil: I want to change my makeup to match my shoes. I believe the new lipstick from Felicity Cosmetics will do nicely.
Jade: Of course, I had thought you'd say as much, so I've ordered it. It should arrive soon.
Vil: …I am thirsty!
Jade: I've chilled a drink for you.
Jade: It is a beauty health drink that is flavorful and is rich with collagen that has become quite popular on campus.
Vil: I need to take…
Jade: Shall I take a photo? It is almost time to update your Magicam account.
Jade: "Taking a break with #MyFavoriteBeautyHealthDrink"… Is how I will frame the post. Please, leave it to me.
Vil: There is no stopping you, almost to the point of annoyance… You really are an enigma.
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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twsted-princess · 3 years ago
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"You....are of....the living...."
(picrew linked here)
Name: Suzue Furukawa
Nicknames: Suzy, (Annie and Cater) Ghost-girl (Samuel), Miss Suzu (Terrovania mob characters), Anko/Anglerfish (Floyd), Dame des Ténèbres (Rook)
Voice Actor: Aoi Koga
Race: Yūrei (Ghost)
Age: Appears to be 17 (has lived for about 50 years)
Height: 5′4
Homeland: The Island of Onigashima
Birthday: Can't remember exact date but around summertime
Starsign: Cancer or Leo
Gender: Demi-Female (She/They)
Sexuality: Demi
Family: Mothers, Baby brother
Occupation: Student,
Based off: Mononoke
Professional Status
Dorm: Terrovania (@terrovaniadorm)
School Year: Third
Class: 3-D
Best Subject: Magic Analysis
Club: Gargoyle Appreciation
Dominant Hand: Right
Favorite Food: Chirashizushi, Kinpira Gobo
Hated Food: Hamburgers
Likes: Flower arranging, Cloudless nights, Nature, People watching, Playing music, Festivals
Dislikes: Being caught on camera, Cater, Packed crowds, Technology People running away from her simply because she's a ghost
Hobbies: Folding origami paper, Working on intricate robot figurines
Talents: Able to phase through walls/any surface
Unique Magic: Parade of A Thousand Curses
A curse that, once uttered will last with the afflicted for the rest of their life. Any offspring they have will then carry the curse for eternity. This can be anything from extreme bad luck to a disease that stays forever. Only she can remove it.
Suzue is yet another ghost inhabiting Terrovania though she's a little different. Her speech is archaic, her movement posed yet unaware of how those see her. She goes through walls and acts as if it's normal. However she carries herself with grace, an air of old world charm. To those she considers a friend she is caring and loyal, she will never abandon them in times of need. But do her foes, their souls will be haunted until the end of time itself. As for herself she was raised on an island off the coast of the Isle of Lamentation. Onigashima, home to spirits, monsters, and ghosts. It's said that it is the gateway to the afterlife, when a monk traveled to the tiny rock to begin his last days. It's far away from modern life though its inhabitants are happy with the lives they have. Being in NRC is a brand new experience for the ghost girl.
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chaos-caffeinated · 4 years ago
Emotions can help you remember Part 3 (Sebastian Michaelis x reader)
 Okay this is it, those words say everything you need to know, enjoy!
update: Oct/06/2020: To compensate for the part, I completed the story. 
Like I said -did I even say it?- I am an overachiever...and a sucker for plot
Not requested (Tagging @naniky​)
NSFW/T - 18+
Smut, lemon
One more thing: Do not forget I am not the only author, my brother and I share this blog for the sole reason of creating content together as well as maintaining an easy access to our stories. Just look under #caffeine for more stories from him, the media he does, previous works, requests/commissions/, and what he is willing to write and not write. 
Okay, NOW onto the story: Enjoy!
I wrote this part incredibly long that I just had to make another part, which will be uploaded in the next hour (October 31, 1pm). If you would like to be reminded, just click on the button on the top right corner (if mobile) and select “get notified”.
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“Though it’s good, it’s not fluent enough. Again.” Sebastian ordered, his facial expression was laced with the strictness of his voice. His eyebrows were knitted behind his delicate oval glasses that were chained for easy access. He held a short whip that caught your attention each time he smack it onto his hand, sometimes wondering to ask him if it hurt to whip himself. 
Flinching from the sound, you involuntarily let out a whimper before gazing at the text before you, “Ce soir, je serai donné à l’obscurité, je n’ai que moi-même au prince des ténèbres. Oh Crow permettent à mon corps d’aider dans votre plaisir que votre vie s’est propagée avec la douleur que l’humanité comme elle l’a-a...a...^1” You felt burned out, your voice no longer being able to read off the text that Sebastian had you reading, emphasizing the importance of pronunciations. 
Sebastian, on the other hand, was enjoying the moment you were casting yourself off to him, simply smiling behind his façade of strict teacher. Once you finished your speech you would his for the night, but he flinched when you stuttered towards the end, his attention towards you made him realized you looked tired, “Sebastian...I’m sorry, but I...I am so tired...French is not my strength, I am so sorry.” You gazed downwards, too ashamed to even look at him in the eye. You felt the constraining corset shift underneath as you crossed your arms, disappointed at yourself.
Before he could sigh subtly, his brain had racked up the idea to try something. He smirked widely, his eyes glinting the mischief with the intertwined lust. 
“It is unfortunate, Miss. (L/N), but you have four days before the ball, and I’m sure you want Miss. Hopkins to be delighted upon your return without a language barrier, right?...”
“...Y-yes.” You confirmed, saddening at the fact that you may potentially be upsetting her. 
“Well then, I hope you realize I have a couple tricks under my sleeve, however, some may deem it as unorthodox because of its-” he used the thin stick in his hand to whip the desk, his free hand placed on the mahogany desk leaning over slightly, hovering over your body. Your head whipped upwards where you immediately came face to face with the handsome butler/tutor, to which your cheeks were tinted with a slight pink hue from the closeness between you. 
“Physicality.” He finished with a smirk, “Of course I need your permission, but time waits for no one my lady.” He adds as he rose the tip of baton from in-between your collarbones up to your chin with a light tap. You subconsciously tipped your head back lightly in response to the baton to which he responded with a subtle smirk. When you heard his sultry voice, you almost swore to hearing a purr at the end. 
Entranced by his proximity, you gulped subtly and let out your respond:
“Then we shall start immediately.” And he closed in by pressing his lips against your lips, one second secure and passion, the next dominant and rough. You let out a soft meek as you were trying to push against him, but he was strong. You sensed he wanted more, hence why he was rough enough to lean you back. 
He removed himself, smirking and revealing the fang as he lick his lips lightly, “I hope you are ready, Miss. (L/N), for I am not lenient.” And he stood up, “Stand.” He commanded, raising the baton to visually represent his command as you obeyed. 
You watched as he made his way behind the desk, but you looked ahead as you were afraid of anything sudden.
He made his way to where you sat and the chair scraped along the floor. 
“Sit.” He ordered, and you sat down to an unfamiliar seat when you realized the firmness and slight shift underneath. You blushed as you realized you sat on his lap.
You trembled softly as you felt as he placed his hands on your hips as he adjusted both of you, “You will read and translate the words I point, if you fail, I will punish you accordingly. Ready?”
You nodded, “Yes, S-Sebastian.”
With a smug look, he pointed at a word of ease to get you comfortable. This went on for a couple dozens of words before he began to challenge you: adding feathery touches to your back, causing you to flinch. 
“And this one?...” He leant by your ear, his voice having a slight rasp as he ushered.
While his gloved finger lightly traced your back, your body shivering from the touch, your voice faltered from it, “Uhm...eh...p-plaisir^2...”
“A stutter, Miss. (L/N)? When the ball is in session, I’m sure you’ll have someone like this as well. You can’t be distracted with this simple touch.” He took his forefinger and traced down your spine, making your cheeks blush again from the vulnerability. 
“...S-so what’s my punishment, then?...” 
“You want to be punished? Hm~...I’ll speak two paragraphs in French and you’ll translate them.”
Groaning as you had trouble listening and understanding, you took a deep breath and sighed, “Fine...”
“Good. Now...Dès que je t’ai posé les yeux, j’ai étré enchanté par ta beauté. J’avais espéré que vous travaillions pour Mlle Hopkins, et vous avez fait votre preuves devant elle ainsi que le jeune maître; talentueux et belle, je te voulais. Je vous ai dans mes mains, votre cœur bat vite, votre corps est à la chasse d’eau- Je sais que vous me voulez tout aussi bien, et à tout moment vous vacillez dans vos leçons Français, je vais m’assurer que vous souvenez de mes mains, mon corps, ma voix. Vous ne m’oublierez jamais aussi bien que la belle langue de Français.^3“
You couldn’t concentrate while he was caressing your back. Images flashed in your mind and you were shy to even have them possessed into your brain. You were fantasizing about being fondled, his hands caressing in other places, to have your own hands running through his raven locks. You wanted it all. However, when he spoke you understood some wording, his distinct pronunciation brought the sense of familiarity which gave you the confidence to translate his message, making you blush in the process as you processed the message. 
The more you spoke, the more Sebastian grew with anticipation. As you finished, he had held your hip, without moving his digits and whispered into his ears, “Good, now for a reward. (Y/N). Tell me, are you in any way against of my teachings?”
“...N-no...” you shyly confessed, “Please...keep it going...I do believe it’s helping me.”
His smirk widen, enough to reveal the fangs, “Good.” He whispered, “Then from now on...nous parlons dans Français ^4.”
(From this point on, it will all be english, I promise. I just thought this was fun)
You let out a gasp when he rose his hands, groping your breasts as his lips grazed on the back of your shoulders; he let out whispers you were able to catch, only to respond with the same whispered voice. Each word he spoke out you would be given a kiss from his soft, yet rough lips onto your warm flesh. His hands lingered over your breasts, his fingers rubbing your clothed-areolas triggering them to harden. 
“Tell me how are you feeling, (Y/N). Describe it.” He pulled back his hands as he teasingly, irritatingly, slowly removed your dress to expose your soft skin to his greedy mouth and hands. He removed his gloves to expose his black nails and the Faustian contract that linked his current master and him as property as he was currently ready to devour a mortal body in front of him, “Tell me, (Y/N)...what do you want me to do to you?”
“I...I feel like...my skin is on fire, like I want more just to get rid of it, but...but I like it...I like the feeling of your hands on me...I never want it to stop... I know I want more, I want to feel you everywhere...” You let out shaky breaths as you tried to muffled your moans in, your chest heaving as you gazed down to see his right hand placed on your abdomen area and you gently grabbed it, leading it back to your breast. His touch alone was driving you wild, craving for more as you tried so hard to hold back; believing that you were strong only to fall back.  
Sebastian hummed in response, "Then so be it." Where his hands were located, he easily held you down while bucking his hips, earning a few mewls from you, and your head lulling back as your chest arched forward. You hated how your body betrayed your logical side, falling into the temptation that you thought you had handled, but it was only destroyed from his presence, from his words, from his eyes. 
He bunched up the skirt so your clothed womanhood would be pressed against his clothed bulge, your moaning raised slightly to place your hands on the top of the desk, immediately interrupting the craze. You were panting, you were blushing, you were craving for more of his hot touches that got your body to get tingles, “...It is overwhelming...how is it that your so good to get me so desperate like this?...You are like the devil everyone warns to stay away from...” You attempted to take control of your body again, but you felt something pressed against you as you not only felt a hand on your hip, but another placed in front by your hand. 
Sebastian was even more entranced, while you felt he was responsible for your craze, he blamed you for his craze towards you. Other people would feel guilt while in the bliss of pleasure, others feel a sense of betrayal for their partners, others feel used when the Head Butler of Phantomhive seemed to be intriguing enough to have his attention, but when there isn’t a direct order from Ciel to gather information, to get them to cooperate, he feels a sense of ferality since his interest is purely internal. His plans were to make you his; you can be feisty, you can be yourself, he was most amazed that a simple being such as yourself can manage to stir a demon with their core motivations. He just wanted you, but there were instances where he believed he was doing this because he was to be yours, and that did not sit well with him, which is why he would do everything to get you to submit to him first.
When Sebastian stood up, the chair sliding back, he pressed against you, "Are you scared of me?" He whispered into your ear, "Because I can assure you that even the devil can open your eyes to reality...” He taunts as he raised his hand to caress your exposed arm with his fingertips then grazing them with his black nails before placing on top of yours, interlacing with your fingers.
You whined desperately, turning your head slightly to glance at Sebastian who was smirking. Once again your flesh burned with passion as you feel him start discard your undergarments, the idea that you two were getting closer and closer to bond was filling you up with anticipation, with more shivers down your back. What surprised you was to see each piece of your dress in front of you as he asked you what they were called: he wanted you to continue to learn despite the situation you two were in.  
"What is this?" He asks as he takes off each material. You grunted as he was testing your French by having you name every single material. Each time he removed something he would ask you and it was getting annoying. It was torture, hell, trying so hard not rip anything apart to get closer to become one.
After what felt like an eternity of hell of torture, you were naked in front of him. You realized how vulnerable you were in the position, offering yourself to the Head Butler of the Phantomhives and that made you cower slightly. Trembling, you tried to close up when you felt two soft hands placed on your back.
"Such a magnificent body you have, it's no wonder why everybody else wants you. Beauty like this deserves to be shown off...,but at this moment, and moments like these...you are mine alone." He whispered to you only, his ushered tone had a growl towards the end, like a predator growling in victory towards its prey. His fingers trailed up your back to the nape of your neck and held it in place as the other groped your breast.
You wondered when he had the opportunity to unbuckle his pants, but you shivered once you felt the head of his cock rubbing against your clit, a wanton moan releasing as your body pressed against him almost out of instinct.
"Mmm, desperate for more?~" Sebastian teased as he smirked devilishly, holding you in place as he rejected to further your pleasure.
"Please....please, Sebastian." You begged, tearing up, "Please..." you panted as you swayed your hips in an attempt to tempt him further.
Sebastian smirked and remained like that only to hear and see you move less and less. You tried waiting patiently, tried, but you simply closed your eyes and imagined the scenarios that made you blush. As you imagine him, your thoughts were quickly interrupted as he guided you to bend over the desk as he held your hips, "Distracted yet again, Miss. (L/N), my my. You are one persistent student, aren't you?" He snapped his hips towards, his cock rubbing against your entrance which startled you, "Patience 'will get you anywhere and everywhere', my dear." He reminds you before he proceeded to enter.
As you stiffened from the pressure of his member stretching you, you let out a strained moan as your hands gripped the edge of the table. Even Sebastian groaned subtly as you tightened around him and he calmly rubbed your back in a soft manner, "...W-was...Was this your first time?" He caught his breath as he eased the thrusting by removing himself until the hilt.
You involuntarily let out a breathy moan as he returned, thrusting in a steady pace. Each thrust felt more good and pleasurable than the last before you your hips pressed back against him. You even arched your back as you press back to feel his hips slap against you. The pace was increasing ever slightly, his breaths were audible as he let out breathy moans with your vocal ones. He had an immense grip on your hips that bruises were going to appear, but you didn’t mind. You would have to deal with that in the near future, at the moment you getting taken care of very good by the butler. 
Sebastian let out a soft chuckle as he removed himself and proceeded to sit on the chair. You gasped and whined from frustration when you looked over your shoulder to see him sitting, his erection was resting against abdomen; the image alone was an unholy sight, for he had achieved his core motivation. 
The way his hand rolled over to curl his finger into a “come hither” motion made you and your body responded by flowing with his hand. You turned around and watched as he accommodated his sitting position for you to sit on him once again. Facing forward, you rested your knees beside his thighs and remained uplifted as you stared into his enchanting crimson red eyes. His smirk widen -his bloody smirk- as he leaned forward to nip at your flesh. His arms entangled you in an embrace, but he held you down; he had successfully trapped you fully, he had you, not the other way around he thought you intended. 
You took a deep breath as you felt him once more, but this time it felt different. The way he held you, the way he gazed into your eyes as your back arched and your head leaned back, mindlessly staring at the ceiling. He leaned forward once again only to lick at your mounds and made suckling motions over  your harden nipples. His right arm wrapped around your waist and held you down as he thrusted into you unexpectedly with a steady speed. 
Moaning and instinctively placing your hands through his raven locks, you tilted your head down only to look straight into his devilish eyes. He pulled away from your nipples as you tugged at his locks; his eyebrows twitched subtly as they furrowed slightly; lips were agape as he panted softly. There were sweat beads decorating his pale face as he let out soft moans, your blush darkening from the mysterious man himself, 
“Are you e-enjoying the view, Miss. (L/N)?” He asked in his best attempt of a flustered tone, “You’ve gone back to your head once again, and just how would you feel good if trapped in there?” He bucked his hips which made you buck your hips in response. He pulled your body at an angle which trigger a hyper vocal activity, even your hand left his hair to cover your own mouth, closing your eyes to sense him intensely than before.  There was an intense tingling sensation as your body took over control to reach their goal too. 
As the speed and pressure built up, you had the courage to not only sit back up, but wrap your arms around his neck, curving forward so your mouth latched onto his neck, biting into it as he stiffened from the sudden move. 
You had reached a point that you desperately wanted to increase the speed from how close you were, grinding against him; knowing him already, you were the one that had to obtain it instead of asking. 
Sebastian was completely thrown off guard from the bite, his nails puncturing your skin as he stood up with you in his arms and laid you on the top of the desk, his hands gripping on your thighs, bruises would be appearing in a while, but he didn’t care as he aid in your goal, “A naughty girl indeed..” He panted, his eyes darkening, “Marking me in such a way is unforgivable...now I have no choice to reciprocate your feelings-”
Before you can even comprehend his intentions, you felt a sharp pain on your shoulders, your back arched forward as you cried out in pain, “S-sebastia-”
A hand covered your mouth, your voice muffled as he moaned as well into your shoulder. 
As you came onto his girth member, he remained still as he tried to hold off, even his body shivered from the denial- the torture he put himself into when he purposely holds himself from pouring his pleasure into you. As your body shivered and bucked into the pleasure, you simply held onto him as you rode out your orgasm, the sensation of the building pressure continue to overwhelm, the feeling of pushing him off whilst holding him close was a dilemma. 
As your eyes closed, you can feel him shift, you hear the rustling of clothes in a quick, yet slow manner. Instead of the clothes, you focused on yourself: your legs slightly shaking, your chest heaving as you breathed heavily, your cheeks burning, your body freezing from the sweat that had gone out to refresh you from the hot man in front of you. 
Slowly, you opened your eyes to see him dressed up already. His deep red eyes maintained fixed on you as he fixed his tie, his smirk plastered on his facial features, “Miss. (L/N), I do believe the lesson over for now, I think it’s best for you to rest.” He offered his hand towards you while you just had come down from the high. You felt queasy, but it wasn’t it. No, you felt lighter, you felt fresh for some reason. Could the taboo act made you much bolder, could it have made you more experienced?
“...My dress.” You managed to croak out in English, your voice sounded hoarse and you blushed from embarrassment as your hand hovered over your mouth.
“Oh my...I think overstepped my boundaries a bit, my apologies my lady, I will prepare some tea to soothe your voice...We don’t want our lesson to go to waste.” He spoke in a matter-of-fact. You blushed as you averted your eyes from his as you nodded, “Y-yes...”
“Yes?” Sebastian’s eyebrow quirked slightly which you quickly corrected, “I mean, ‘Oui, monsieur’.” 
When you saw him smile in a satisfied manner, you nearly sighed in relief, but you were now flustered and quiet from the ‘lesson’ that he performed to help you learn French. Without a doubt it left an impression you, an act of intimacy and vulnerabilities in a lovemaking surely stirred things up to help you remember words -events- more effectively. 
While you were thinking, Sebastian helped you back in your dress, “I have to say, I didn’t know of such a strong bite from you, my lady. It was certainly an eye-opener.” He explained as he helped with a few items. When he got to the corset, he lifted you onto your  feet and turned you around, “Hopefully you don’t forget about our time like...this” he whispered as he guided his hands across your abdomen which you instinctively let out a breathy moan, “Y-yes...I’m sure I’ll never forget about the event...” you stabled yourself as he pulled on the corset only to make you gasp from how tight he was pulling. 
After a couple minutes, you both cleaned up the area and headed to your room to rest. Your voice felt raspy, nearly gone. When a surprise visit from Ciel caught your attention to ask about your lessons, Sebastian intervened for you, “I apologize young master, but realizing that Miss. (L/N) is tight on schedule for the ball, I had a trick under my sleeve to ensure she would capture the lesson, but...I believe I was too harsh on her.” He smirked lightly which you forced yourself to nod.
“...L-lost my voice a bit...” you confirmed, “But it’s not like a cup of tea won’t help.”
Ciel nodded slightly, glaring at Sebastian, “I’m sorry as well, I know Sebastian can be too rash with his studies, but if he does it again you can tell me. I’ll be in my office if needed- Sebastian, I want cake when you’re finished.” and he proceeded to walk to his study room. 
“Yes, my lord.” Sebastian responded before guiding you to his bedroom.
“Couldn’t have been more obvious?”, You bit as you rested your hand on your neck.
Sebastian chuckled behind his fist as he arrived to the room, opening the door for you, “If you wanted me to, I could have.”
“You really have no shame, Mr. Michaelis, but please...I ask that you keep this our secret...I don’t want you to get in trouble as well as I...” You asked of him as you entered the room to sit on the bed. 
Sebastian placed a hand over his chest as he leaned forward wit his eyes closed, “As you wish, I will keep it between us.” He stood up once again with his eyes open halfway. 
You smiled small as you leaned against your hands behind you, “You’re so...intriguing Sebastian. One moment you are a shadow, the next...uhm, you are almost a beast, and right after that you are....back to a shadow- how?...” You sat up, “I’m...beyond tired- very tired- and you are still up and going to complete your duties.”
Unnecessary to withhold his smirk, his half-lid eyes glanced on your way, “Your observational skills never cease to overwhelm me, Miss. (L/N), however..” his voice got more stern as he got closer, “ I have mentioned before that if you look into someone, you might regret it later, so I advise you my lady to keep at bay..”
The closer he got, the more you look up to stare into his eyes, challenging him, “Temptation rises when provoked, so I suggest you stop provoking me, Mr. Michaelis. Because we...intertwined in a forbidden act, you opened the doors to temptation, my... I even have to take care of myself in order to walk through those doors again...”
The corners of his lips curved slightly, Sebastian took your statement into consideration, but as entertained as he was to continue this conversation, his duties in the manor made him realize he had to cut it short, “I do have a few ways to cure that, my lady.” he suggested, his tone completely changed from the previous ominous tone to the mischievous one he possessed earlier. 
“Keep your tricks in your sleeve, please. I’m already exhausted from...your lesson there.” You huffed with a flustered face as you avoided eye contact once again. However, you failed to realize just how close he gotten. He reached out to your chin and pulled you close to him, “My lady, I have many tricks under my sleeve that I am not afraid to show you...four days is all I need.” He smirked darkly as he pulled away with a cheerful smile as he closed his eyes for the moment one again, “I will be right back with the tea as promised. In the meantime, please do relax and rest your voice...madam.” he added and proceeded to close the door behind him.
He left you speechless, knowing full well that his tricks were just promises ready to occur.
When Sebastian reached to the kitchen, he couldn’t help but rest against the door for a moment. After taking a deep breath, he chuckled darkly as he placed a hand over his face, “Sweet, sweet (Y/N), you drive me into a deep craze.” The hand hovered the side of the neck you bit him at. He was serious when he said you had a strong bite, and it wasn’t just that of muffling your moans. He strolled over to the counter and took out a knife to use as a mirror. He lowered his collar and managed to see a bruised bite-mark on his neck. His smirk widen and he clicked his tongue as he placed down the knife, “You’re a feisty one; I admire that.” He smiled darkly as he removed his coat to prepare the young lord his dessert. 
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 Days later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 
The music was soft and inviting, a subtle siren in your head to set the atmosphere of the ball. It was a slow drag from the violins which gave you strength to take a deep breath and walk forward to the crowd whom were laughing. 
Ciel was conversing with a man -the truth being the other way around-, commenting and opinionating of events that bore the young master to a tremendous level, but he remained to act as if he was in interest to the best of his ability to focus on capturing a special guest. When the nobleman excused himself after recognizing an acquaintance, Ciel called forward Sebastian who stood behind him, “Sebastian, keep an eye on Miss. (L/N) and anyone she is speaking with, there may be a chance that she’s talking with him at this moment-” as he gave him his order, Ciel spotted you with someone casually talking in French. He stood there slightly impressed at your proficiency and commented instead, “Miss. (L/N) has a lot of confidence with her French, she even looks different from before.” 
Sebastian smiled with his eyes closed as he respond, “Thank you my lord, it took a little more effort due to the time restraint, but additional teachings were added to ensure proficiency.”
Ciel eyed him for a moment, “Additional teachings? It didn’t involve something like close proximity did it?” He asked with a near disgust that his demon butler would go that far, but not surprised if he revealed the information. 
Placing a finger over his lips, Sebastian responded, “Miss. (L/N) has asked me not to disclose any information regarding our situation young lord, but that should already tell you.”
Ciel’s eyebrow twitched before releasing a sigh, “...Unfortunately, it did.” 
When he turned back to look at you, he audibly gasped when he didn’t see you there anymore, “Sebastian, track her.” He ordered  with a slight urgency in his voice, 
Bowing his head, Sebastian replied, “yes, my lord.” and he walked from his master to find you.
While the dynamic duo were talking, you were having a conversation with someone that was visiting a friend. It became so casual and so friendly that the two of you had walked over to the table to take a few pieces of snacks. 
His name was Jacque Arias, born into a family that dealt with the fabric industry in South France, you thought having a good friendship with him would help Miss. Hopkins with future business after you explained to him that you worked as a tailor for her. 
As you took a drink from your glass, he spoke: “I am so relieved to finally have something to go to, if I had to stay in the office one more night I would have gone insane.”
“So you like parties to distract yourself from work?”
He nods, “Yes, and to meet lovely ladies that could potentially be my future wife, like yourself.” He smiled small with a slight tilt of his head.
You blushed from hearing this, stiffening slightly, “Searching for a wife? Me? Surely you gist, sir. I am merely just a tailor intern.” You explain to him, ‘At least for the time being, I like having those small arguments with Sebastian,’ you admitted in thought. 
He reached forward to your hand only to caress, "A beautiful intern no less-...it maybe my imagination, but perhaps the party has tire me out. Shall we go somewhere more...silent? Somewhere we can be more intimate?"
You were ready to say no, already losing the interest of a business partner potential. If he wanted to marry you, for some reason you felt it was your choice to choose, and you wanted to choose someone that perhaps wasn't necessarily available to be taken, and you responded, "I don't want to offend you, but-"
He took your hand in his and lightly started guiding you out, "Then let's enjoy nature together." He suggested, "I...I don't-" You glanced around to see the mysterious man himself offering glasses to the guests, but he also glanced at your way. You noticed the faint smirk before he tilted his head forward, 'Go.' You felt him say before he went back to attend with the rest of the guests.
Almost feeling your body going light, you then followed the man ahead of you with a light smile.
It was chilly, your skin shivered to make some warmth, "Are you cold? I'll call up my carriage." He offered as he took off her coat, "In the meantime, here." He placed the coat over your shoulders, "I'll be right back." And he walked with a rushed speed.
You were surprised to see his nice side as he was going to get the carriage. You were suddenly curious about taking his offer, but you wanted to reject by the interaction at the table. Giving him the second chance to see him truly, you decided to wait outside than inside where it was warm.
Waiting patiently for a couple minutes, you felt your body shiver once again, but you subconsciously glanced around. You felt like someone was staring at you- stalking you. It felt uneasy for you, your hands tightening the coat around your body while you made your way back to the manor so you would at least be with someone before you spotted someone in pitch black. You almost called out his name until your eyes widen at the revelation.
While the ball was still in place and everyone was blissful at the moment, with the earl holding in his disinterest in people and balls overall, Sebastian kept a close connection with you. He immediately recognized the man you were with and knowing how humans seemed to be believe they were mated with one intense session, he just had to play the role of the silent lover, granting the permission for you to be with the next chaperone, 
The atmosphere was filled with a wave of chattering, the laughter whether genuine or filled with arrogance, Sebastian could listen to all with depth. He listened to the piece played by the string quartet and multi-task with his butler duties. Suddenly, he heard a change in the quartet, a new piece was to be played and he listened.
The violins and violoncello were stroked rapidly in the next piece that it threw people off guard. They were not expected such an allegro tempo from the players: notes raised, dropped, the moments of silence, the notes raising a subtle anxiety from the audience even Sebastian felt it. He felt the anxiety, he felt -for a moment- his heart beating faster and faster and he turned to glance at the young master only for him to just watch the quartet as well. In that instant, he heard your panting with his demonic ears, it was the only thing that stand out from the silent crowd and the musicians ahead of him. 
He strolled to the head of the family and bent over at his height only to whisper by his ear to prohibit eavesdropping. While Ciel watched ahead, his full attention was for the demon. 
“Sebastian, I order you to find him and bring both of them back here after the ball.” He ordered with the ushered tone as the butler replied: “Yes, my lord.” before smirking at the slight liberation in his current state.   
Previous Part/ Final Part 
1: Tonight I will be given to the darkness, I have but myself to the prince of darkness. Oh Crow allow my body to help in your pleasure as your life has been done with the pain that humanity as it (cut out: brought/ apporté.)
3: “Good Now...”The moment I laid my eyes on you, I was enchanted by your beauty. I had hoped you worked for Miss. Hopkins, and you proved yourself in front of her as well as the young master; talented and beautiful, I wanted you.
I have you in my hands, your heart is beating fast, your body is flushing- I know you want me just as well, and at any moment you falter in your French lessons, I will make sure  you remember my hands, my body, my voice. You will never forget me as well as the beautiful language of French is in your possession.”
4. we will speak in French
A/N: Tell me why I spent over 45 minutes searching the music sheet for the Diabolic Waltz and Danse Macabre (Can you blame me? It’s amazing work.) only to confirm or learn from parts where in the music because I am an overachiever and I go all out when I attempt to describe the music without being “the music played louder” come on, I didn’t spend two years in the marching band and be discriminated for being a woman and a semester in Music Appreciation in college for NOTHING- TEMPO, FORTE (Brother save me, this is my call for you to save me, this has gone way too far even for my own sake).
P.S. I am saying it again: Do not forget about my brother, Caffeine, he makes exclusive and waaaaay better stories than I. Just look under #caffeine for more of his content as well as a list of the media he covers for any requests/commissions.
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gwenndael · 4 years ago
Ô toison, moutonnant jusque sur l'encolure ! Ô boucles ! Ô parfum chargé de nonchaloir ! Extase ! Pour peupler ce soir l'alcôve obscure Des souvenirs dormant dans cette chevelure, Je la veux agiter dans l'air comme un mouchoir ! La langoureuse Asie et la brûlante Afrique, Tout un monde lointain, absent, presque défunt, Vit dans tes profondeurs, forêt aromatique ! Comme d'autres esprits voguent sur la musique, Le mien, ô mon amour ! nage sur ton parfum. J'irai là-bas où l'arbre et l'homme, pleins de sève, Se pâment longuement sous l'ardeur des climats ; Fortes tresses, soyez la houle qui m'enlève ! Tu contiens, mer d'ébène, un éblouissant rêve De voiles, de rameurs, de flammes et de mâts : Un port retentissant où mon âme peut boire A grands flots le parfum, le son et la couleur ; Où les vaisseaux, glissant dans l'or et dans la moire, Ouvrent leurs vastes bras pour embrasser la gloire D'un ciel pur où frémit l'éternelle chaleur. Je plongerai ma tête amoureuse d'ivresse Dans ce noir océan où l'autre est enfermé ; Et mon esprit subtil que le roulis caresse Saura vous retrouver, ô féconde paresse, Infinis bercements du loisir embaumé ! Cheveux bleus, pavillon de ténèbres tendues, Vous me rendez l'azur du ciel immense et rond ; Sur les bords duvetés de vos mèches tordues Je m'enivre ardemment des senteurs confondues De l'huile de coco, du musc et du goudron. Longtemps ! toujours ! ma main dans ta crinière lourde Sèmera le rubis, la perle et le saphir, Afin qu'à mon désir tu ne sois jamais sourde ! N'es-tu pas l'oasis où je rêve, et la gourde Où je hume à longs traits le vin du souvenir ? 
(charles Baudelaire, La chevelure)
Tumblr media
The Fleece
O shadowy fleece that falls and curls upon those bare Lithe shoulders! O rich perfume of forgetfulness! O ecstasy! To loose upon the midnight air The memories asleep in this tumultuous hair, I long to rake it in my fingers, tress by tress!
Asia the languorous, the burning solitude Of Africa — a whole world, distant, all but dead — Survives in thy profundities, O odorous wood! My soul, as other souls put forth on the deep flood Of music, sails away upon thy scent instead.
There where the sap of life mounts hot in man and tree, And lush desire untamed swoons in the torrid zone, Undulant tresses, wild strong waves, oh, carry me! Dream, like a dazzling sun, from out this ebony sea Rises; and sails and banks of rowers propel me on.
All the confusion, all the mingled colors, cries, Smells of a busy port, upon my senses beat; Where smoothly on the golden streakèd ripples flies The barque, its arms outspread to gather in the skies, Against whose glory trembles the unabating heat.
In this black ocean where the primal ocean roars, Drunken, in love with drunkenness, I plunge and drown; Over my dubious spirit the rolling tide outpours Its peace — oh, fruitful indolence, upon thy shores, Cradled in languor, let me drift and lay me down!
Blue hair, darkness made palpable, like the big tent Of desert sky all glittering with many a star Thou coverest me — oh, I am drugged as with the blent Effluvia of a sleeping caravan, the scent Of coco oil impregnated with musk and tar.
Fear not! Upon this savage mane for ever thy lord Will sow pearls, sapphires, rubies, every stone that gleams, To keep thee faithful! Art not thou the sycamored Oasis whither my thoughts journey, and the dark gourd Whereof I drink in long slow draughts the wine of dreams?
— George Dillon & Edna St. Vincent Millay, Flowers of Evil (NY: Harper and Brothers, 1936)
(translation source : https://fleursdumal.org/poem/203)
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leafenclaw · 4 years ago
So uh, I have a lot of WIPs
Tagged by @raeofalbion, thank you! ^^
The rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Followers can send an ask with the title that most intrigues or interests them in exchange for a snippet or info about it. 
Tagging: I have no idea who did or didn’t do it, so I sort of want to just... let you do it if you feel like it? But also I’m pretty sure @theteadetective hasn’t done it so there. XD
Divided by fandom, then by progress made on each story. WIPs = Excerpt available (older ones are only available in French) Notes = I can give detailed explanations but no actual writing has been done on this project
Harry Potter
Welcome to Hogwarts
Papillon [French]
30 jours pour un ouvrage de compagnon [French]
Eleven Months
Ce n’était qu’un jeu [French]
Cycle des Ténèbres [French]
Impact [French]
Le chant de l’Augurey [French]
Phénix [French]
The Paintings Room [French]
Ω [French]
Going the Muggle Way
I Am Snake
The Chessmaster
Magic isn’t real
Memories (that haven’t happened yet)
New Body
Secret Keeper
The Mentalist
Eighteen Hours
RJ goes after Lisbon
The Road
Fearful Symmetry
Amour Courtois
Castles in the AIR
The Lives Not Lived
Little Lady
Damned if We Don’t
Tag Project
Born into magic
Con after 4x10
Cyberpunk AU
Post-BB Island
Jane is Red John
Jane missed the plane
Pilot AU
Magic AU
Carmen & the BA
Haunted Necklace
Jane drops RJ
Sheriff of Napa
Killer (Kill Her)
Empty Glamour
No Bursting Bubble
No Deed
Post-Fugue Pregnancy
It’s over (is it over?)
Red Moon AU
RJ is Wainwright
Rover Death
Rover Sharing
Rush to Lisbon
Tiger cubs at the zoo
Vegas AU
Witch Revenge
Working with Haffner
Wrong RJ (ties in with Fearful Symmetry)
Ring, no ring
Undercover Pretend Relationship
Winter Coffee
Office Gossip
In the Woods
The Job Conundrum
Youtube Sensation (ties in with Eighteen Hours)
You know you want to (click)
Definition of Happiness
This side of the road
Flogan Thing
Fate, Uncertainty, Free Will
Garcyna Shared Past
Solarpunk (Fanboy Wyatt)
Garcy Inter-worlds
Negative Outcome Universe
TM Crossover (Beach edition)
Emma raises Lucy’s brother
Internet Cryptid
How to make things worse
One Trip
Trapped in the past
Wyatt AFAB
A reason for turtlenecks
Rarefied Heights
Letters across worlds
creatures!Holmes & Moriarty
A Game With Proper Stakes
Brownstone Shenanigans
Graveyard Conversation
Death Day
Sabbat - E Version
M&M - Switch/canon compliant/AU
Matching Stims
Coffee Shop Not-Quite-AU
Restaurant VS Coffee Shop
Already knew
Ginger Candy
Powers (reality)
Amnesia (Unknown)
Jamie has 7 cats
Immortals (keeping score)
Mermaid AU
Shared Fingerprints
Werewolf AU
HP AU (+potato verse)
Labyrinth AU
Timeless AU
Bell the Marshall
Cell Sharing
Elevator Hit
GD over Morland
Head of the Organisation
Irene wasn’t there
J works with J
Media Room (keeping up the act)
Moran killed
ONS before 2011
Search History Dating Website
Snowed In
WF’s fanfic (RPF consequences)
Everyone’s Videos
Vikner’s TA
Pins Everywhere
Criminal Trio
Stepping Up (Not Always A Great Idea)
Reset (3 versions)
BBC Sherlock
Crossover Thing
Fae human & Changeling
AJI College
On Needs and Needing You
No Trauma (right)
Snowed In
Soulmates (Meet Before Time)
Bodyswap (different from canon)
Judy wins
Wrong clues
Missing Piece
no touching
Feel free to ask about any of these, but please add the fandom with the title so I can find which story we’re talking about more easily XD
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dragonbird505 · 2 years ago
EN/AN : Read the description below to understand the drawing’s theme.
FR/FR : Lisez la description pour comprendre le thème du dessin.
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All living things have two faces : one bathing in light and one drowning in darkness.
We often see one of their faces, learn to see both and you’ll know how to understand and trust others.
We often see one of our faces, learn to acknowledge both and you’ll know how to accept and trust yourself.
Just a little thing I thought writing after making this to remember that things aren’t what they seem until you’ll learn to see the good and bad in them, which also fit Mily’s character as she embodies destruction leading to rebirth embodied by her brother Orion.
Hope you enjoy 😊.
Note : Mily and the quote belongs to me. Nimona (which inspired Mily’s form and the theme) belongs to ND Stevenson.
Toutes choses vivantes ont deux faces : l’une baignant dans la lumière et l’autre coulant dans les ténèbres.
Nous ne voyons souvent qu’une seule de leurs faces, apprends à voir les deux et tu sauras comprendre les autres et leur faire confiance.
Nous ne montrons souvent qu’une seule de nos faces, apprends à reconnaître leur existence et tu te feras confiance en acceptant qui tu es.
Juste une petite chose que j’ai pensée à écrire après avoir finis ce dessin pour se souvenir que les choses ne sont pas se qu’elles semblent être jusqu’à ce qu’on a apprenne à voir le bon et le mauvais qui résident en elles. Ceci correspondait également au personnage de Mily qui incarne la destruction menant à la renaissance incarnée par son frère Orion.
En espérant que ça vous plaise 😊.
Note : Mily est mon personnage, et je suis la créatrice du texte. Nimona (qui m’a inspiré pour la forme de Mily et le thème) appartient à ND Stevenson.
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astxlphe-fics · 4 years ago
let me live (let me die)
In which Noé wanders off and meets someone new. Meanwhile, Astolfo faces Jean Ténèbre
Chapter 4/?
< Chapter 3 || Chapter 5 >
Content warning : mentioned character death, violence
Of course, Noé wanders off — he wouldn’t be Noé Archiviste if he doesn't wander off. He’s curious and restless, and no matter how long he tries, he just can’t stand there and wait.
So, when he’s kicked out of the room, Noé starts wandering off.
This Antonio doesn’t seem willing to just give out the information they need, so maybe Noé can find it himself. In the past few years, he learned that sometimes, the best way to get information is to avoid asking, but sneak around and find out by yourself.
Better apologize later than ask for permission and being told “no”.
Murr in tow, he goes to explore.
He, somehow, manages to find the archives they passed a few minutes earlier. It’s quiet, and he takes the opportunity to look quickly through the shelves, hoping to find something on the vampire they are looking for.
There are records about him, but nothing recent enough. All he finds are reports upon reports, spanning decades , of a former Chevalier gone rogue with his brother, a thief and conman with a taste for blood, human and vampire alike, who was last seen 6 months ago near the coast, though the operation targeting him failed due to “outside intervention”.
“This is what Antonio referred to earlier, right?” he asks Murr, who sends him flat look, and Noé's eyebrows knit themselves together in worry. The file with the details is missing, along with several others, leaving several empty spots on the shelf, so he can’t be sure, but this is definitely something Astolfo would do.
“Anyone here?” someone calls out from deeper into the archives. Noé winces. He didn’t think anyone would be here, but now that someone is calling out to him, he realizes that archives should have an archivist.
He puts the files back where they belong and, accidentally knocking a chair down on the way, sneaks out of the room, turns at the nearest corner and finds himself into another.
This one seems to be the guardroom. It’s empty and, not for the first time, he wonders where all the chasseurs have gone. They are, though, several pieces of spare equipment in the closet, some which are small enough to fit in his pockets. He takes several, just in case.
He breathes in deeply. Everything is okay, he hasn’t been—
A yelp catches him by surprise.
— caught.
He turns on his heels, hands raised. “Wait, I—”
Another order given in Italian, which he is sure means “ don’t move”, or at least something along those lines.
He stares at the young woman in front of him, her skin a warm brown and dark hair shaved short, a file tucked under her elbow. She stares back at him, black eyes narrowed, then she swiftly slips something out of the sleeve of her white coat and points it at him, still speaking to him in Italian.
Something about not moving, again.
“I’m not an intruder— I mean, yes I am, but I came with Astolfo and I— uh — got lost?”
She narrows her eyes at him suspiciously, lowering the blade — a scalpel, Noé notices. “Astolfo? Astolfo Granatum?” When he nods, she lowers her makeshift weapon. She raises her free hand to about ear level, and changes language to French. “Are you sure?”
Is he sure he is with Astolfo? What kind of question is that? “He’s about this tall,” he says, hand raising up just a little under his shoulder. “With pink hair?”
“God, I can’t believe Astolfo is back.” She nods, tense, and her weapon disappears back in her sleeve. Then, she shakes her head from side to side. “Although I’m terribly sorry for the rudeness, if I had known...” She shakes her head again, pinching her lips. “In my defense, I’ve never seen you here before, and who would except him to bring a friend —”
“We’re not,” Noé corrects and when she glances at him with a raised eyebrow, he explains: “We’re not friends, I don’t even like him, we are simply travelling together for a while. He’s meeting with someone called Antonio.” He smiles at her, reassuring. “So, don’t worry about the rudeness, mademoiselle. I wasn’t very polite myself, intruding into your headquarters with no warning. I’m sorry.”
“He’s meeting with Antonio?” she repeats, all offense forgotten, her lips pulling down into a concerned frown. “This can’t go well. They haven’t been getting along, lately.”
“It wasn’t going well when I was kicked out.” Noé sighs. “He told me they were friends, but it doesn’t look like it.”
“They used to be close, but not anymore, not since—” She grimaces, and her shoulders slump. “Astolfo has changed a lot since he went to Paris, in good and bad, and when he came back a few months ago—” She trails off, and goes quiet.
“What happened when he came back?” Noé asks. The woman doesn’t seem willing to elaborate, and she looks at him again with renewed suspicions.
“Why do you want to know?”
“We’re working together.” It doesn’t sound like enough of an explanation. “He’s looking for the Chevalier Ténèbre, and I want to help.”
Hearing those words, she makes a face. “Oh no. I—” She grabs the files she keeps under her elbow. “Since they’ll be moving out against him soon, I’ve been studying those to prepare for the next round of injuries. I’m Isabella, by the way, I’m the doctor here.” She draws out her hand, and Noé shakes it, hesitant. As if she senses his unease, she goes on: “Don’t worry, I'm a regular doctor, I don't do experiments.” Her eyes take on a determined gleam. “I think you will understand better if I show you.”
Taking the file as she hands it out to him, he flips it open. It’s a report, stamped with a bright red “archives copy”, and the medical report attached has Astolfo’s name on it – a word is scratched out with black marker where his first name should be, an “Astolfo” written by hand in a big, looping handwriting just above it. It’s probably the files missing from the archives’ shelves, and Noé can’t believe his luck.
It’s curiosity that pushes him to look through it. Another page confirms his suspicions with heavy injuries and near death and descriptions of bloody wounds and torn flesh and an infection.
“That idiot ,” he mutters, the worry quickly shifting to frustration, and Isabella hums in agreement.
“He really is. It didn’t look pretty. I’m— I’m the one who took care of him, it took days before he was well enough to get out of bed and he left before I discharged him.” She glares hard at the words printed on the papers. “I hadn’t seen him in at least six years. Can you imagine? Your friend leaves for over six years, doesn’t even send a letter, and then – when they brought him in, I thought he was dead ." Her voice breaks slightly on the last word. "I had never seen Antonio look so scared, either.”
Of course, Astolfo didn’t tell him. He has no obligation to do so, Noé knows, but he can’t help but feel the slightest resentment and frustration at the memories of Astolfo’s claims of being able to handle himself when there is definite proof that he can’t .
But no, he’s Astolfo Granatum and doesn’t need anyone for anything. He is just going to keep walking straight to his death until he actually dies.
“Antonio?” he asks. “I didn’t think he would be so worried for Astolfo.”
“Are you kidding me?” She snorts. “Don’t let his attitude make you think Antonio doesn’t care; he seems to believe that the harsher he is, the further away from here and the Chevalier Astolfo will stay. It doesn't work, obviously." No, it doesn't look like it does, it just seems to make Astolfo more persistent. "Additionally, he has just been so angry since Marco died.” She pauses, looking at him quizzically. “Have you heard about Marco?”
“I’ve met him a few times.” He didn’t know him well, but he seemed kind, at least kind enough to somewhat temperate the explosive Astolfo.
She frowns. “Wait, how long have you known Astolfo?” Her question about Marco, Noé figures, lets her appraise how close he is to Astolfo, but his answer isn't what she expected, so she must have assumed they met in the past six months. Noé admitting to knowing Marco though, gives her a different time scale and more questions about their potential relationship.
“Three years.” When her eyebrows raise in disbelief, he elaborates, running a hand through his hair and smiling sheepishly. “We hated each other at first. We still don’t get along, but I think we’re past the attempted murders and limb cutting phase.” He wiggles the fingers of his left hand, and the joints click and clack with the movement.
“The what now?” she groans. “I know I shouldn’t be surprised, but it’s always strange to hear about what he got up to in France.”
A door slams shut in the distance, cutting him off before he can answer, and he skims through the rest of the file, trying to find anything useful on the Chevalier before he regroups with Astolfo.
“You said they were going to move out again soon?” he asks, trying to get them back on track.
Isabella nods. “Uhm — yes— it’s supposed to be tonight. In a few hours. Hopefully, Antonio will get Astolfo out of the city before it starts.” She looks up to Noé with severe eyes. “You two need to leave.”
She’s the second person who isn’t so happy to see Astolfo back, but it’s the gravity of her tone that makes it click. “He is in Florence, isn’t he?”
The Chevalier Ténèbre has last been seen in this very city. In Florence. All the chasseurs on duty are patrolling the area before he makes more victims here, which explains the headquarters’ persistent silence.
He is way closer than they thought.
Noé needs to find Astolfo, and fast.
He grabs both of Isabella’s hands in his own. “I’m very sorry, but I need to go now. Thank you so much for your help!”
“You’re going to help him, right?” He nods, so she continues: “He won’t listen to us, but maybe you will: I know he says he’ll be okay, but he can’t fight the Chevalier on his own.” She looks straight at him with gravity. “He will die.”
“He won’t. Not on my watch. I promise!”
And she bites her lower lips, unsure. “I hope you’re right. Do you need help finding your way back to Antonio’s office?”
Noé stops right at the door, hesitant, and Isabella laughs. “Come on, I’ll guide you.”
“Thank you!” He turns to Murr. “Let’s go.”
The cat looks up at him in exasperation.
“Sorry,” Noé tells him with an apologetic smile, though he can feel the worry building up inside him. “But we need to find Astolfo, before he runs into the Chevalier Ténèbre on his own.”
Knowing Astolfo, he could very well stumble upon him by accident.
“It won’t go well if he faces him alone.”
This seems to decide Murr, who sniffs disdainfully and starts walking.
Without Louisette, or more generally speaking, a spear, and the enhancement drug the chasseurs usually have, Astolfo can’t fight as well as he used too. He’s always been smaller than the average boy, both in terms of height and weight. He made up of for it, back then, by choosing a long-range weapon and relying on speed, dexterity and high mobility. With it, he could make his size an advantage, even though it also allowed his enemies to throw him around with more ease if they grabbed him.
The spear allowed him to hit his target while staying away. Now, all he has is his own natural speed and a short weapon which requires him to get in his enemy’s arm reach.
The dagger rips through the Chevalier’s clothes and nicks at his skin, but the vampire grabs him by the collar, pulling him off his feet, and throws him away. His back hits a wall with a thud and, as he falls, he sees stars, the pain spreading through his body in short waves.
He pushes himself back on his feet and picks his weapon. He grins, the rush of the fight coming back to him, warming him up. His focus is solely on Jean Ténèbre, and the humans running away, the chasseurs he is sure are on their way, Noé Archiviste’s departure — all of this is nothing but background noise. None of it matters .
Jean Ténèbre here stands in front of him and this time, nothing will stop Astolfo from taking his life.
Adjusting his grip on his weapon, he lunges, intentionally leaving his side open. The Chevalier takes the bait and Astolfo dodges, slipping under his arm and aiming his ribs. The vampire stumbles when Astolfo’s blade lodges itself right between two of them and he swings his arm, elbow hitting the side of his head.
Astolfo manages to roll away, once again out of range. He breathes hard already, but he can’t stop smiling, face flushed, his weapon bloodied.
“I failed to end you once,” he tells him, laughter bubbling at the back of his throat. “I will not fail again tonight.”
He remembers that night very clearly — every detail of it etched in his mind forever. The night this vampire and his companions slaughtered his family and laughed.
Just as Astolfo prepares to attack again, something catches on his leg, making him tumble down on his knee. He pulls, hard, but his foot is rooted on ground, something dark swirling around his ankle. He tries to pull it off, but it’s immaterial.
“You don’t learn, do you?” The Chevalier’s eyes seem to glower in the darkness, pupils shifting to strange, eerie spirals.
He cannot touch it and no matter how much he tries; it paralyses his ankle. He stands again, trying to force his leg to move, to wrench it off the ground, but it only spreads, keeping him from bending his knee until he’s immobilized all the way up his waist.
Around the Chevalier, shadows twirl and swell, growing more solid, more textured under his power.
All vampires have the ability to alter the very nature of this world, the formula. Some of them learn how to control this power, and some of them specialize. The Chevalier Ténèbre, staying true to his name, decided on darkness .
It wraps around him, taking a hold of his arm, squeezing his wrist until it cuts the skin and makes him drop his weapon. The dagger clatters uselessly on the ground.
“You come to me, in the middle of the night, when I am at my strongest, and you can barely put up a decent fight.” He sighs, sounding disappointed, standing just in front of him. He pats his cheek with a barely there smile that Astolfo wants to rip off his face with his bare hands. “To think my beloved brother lost to that. ”
The touch would make Astolfo shiver if he could move at all and he grits his teeth. He hasn’t changed at all. He is still, without the chasseurs, a weak and helpless child.
Once again, he realizes, Antonio was right. He keeps overestimating himself, trying to make himself believe that he’s still strong enough to take the Chevalier like he took his brother years ago.
Move , he tells himself as the Chevalier’s shadow creep up. Move , as he tries to push it aside. If he doesn't, Astolfo will be hacked to pieces by disgustingly solid shadows, and he can’t even move . Like six months ago, and like when he was eleven and pinned down by those same shadows as fangs dug into his skin.
The thought is what finally kicks him into action.
Astolfo snaps his head, catching, between his teeth, the fragile skin between the Chevalier’s thumb and index finger, and bites down. His teeth sink in. Blood pours out, staining his lips and chin.
The Chevalier yelps, his focus shifts, and his control snaps. Astolfo pushes him back, throwing his balance off. He dives to the ground to grab his weapon and drives it down into the vampire’s foot, before putting distance between them.
His chest rises and falls with his heartbeat, fast and uneven, and he wipes his face with his sleeve, spitting out the blood on the ground.
Then, snarling, the Chevalier comes for him again, faster, and Astolfo won’t have time to move out of the way — but before anything can happen something grabs him around the waist, pulling him off his feet and out of the way.
“Are you alright?”
And he finds himself carried like a sack of potatoes over Noé Archiviste’s shoulder as he turns several street corners, until they lose sight of the Chevalier.
“I learned the Chevalier Ténèbre was here so I came looking for you. But you found him without my help, it seems.”
“I—” Astolfo lets out a strangled sound of surprise, before he truly realizes what position he is in and kicks his feet in the air. “Let me down!”
“Oh, right.” He puts him back on his feet. “There.”
Now back on the ground, Astolfo regains his bearings and huffs. “What took you so long?” he demands as if he hasn’t been scared out of his mind, in a difficult position just a minute ago. “Did you wander off again?”
“What do you mean, again ?” the Archiviste protests. “I even brought something that could be useful.”
He rummages through his pockets and takes out several pouches, which Astolfo easily recognizes. “Are those chasseurs belt pouches?”
“I found them in the guardroom in the headquarters. I figured you could find some use for it, since you don’t have access to those anymore.” He looks back over his shoulder, making sure the Chevalier Ténèbre isn’t catching up yet. “You can’t fight him on your own, Astolfo. At least not without some extra weapons.”
The "you’re a regular human now" hangs between them, unsaid.
“Mademoiselle Isabella showed me what he did to you last time.”
There is something in his tone and in his eyes looking too much like a mixture of fear and worry that make Astolfo want to give up arguing.
It's not like he’s up for an argument anyway. He’s tired, from the last year’s search, from his previous encounters with the Chevalier, from the argument with Antonio, and from the fight, so he just takes the pouches without a word. He doesn’t ask how he even knows Isa, and opens them. They all contain Aegis flash grenades, brand new and polished, warm under his fingers.
All in all, they have four of those.
“This is what you disappeared for?”
“Well, it wasn’t what I was looking for but—” He rubs the back of his head. “Sometimes you take what you have on hands.” He points at the cat still sitting across his shoulders. “Murr helped too.”
“I—” he gulps. “I was under the impression you—”
I thought you left for good .
“You thought what?” the vampire asks, confused.
“Nothing.” He looks away, face pink in embarrassment, recalling his rather childish outburst.
“Are you sure?”
He nods, and focuses back on the equipment Noé brought back. He picks one of the grenades, weighting it in his palm. “This will be useful. The Chevalier Ténèbre can control shadows,” he explains.
“We will be able to counter it with those, then.”
Astolfo blinks, taken aback. He always imagined himself facing the Chevalier alone, fighting alone until who or whatever is in front of him kills him. “We?”
"Yes, we." Noé takes off his coat and hat, which he neatly places on a windowsill, before he sets Murr next to them. His sharp fangs glint in the moonlight as he grins, flexing his fingers, and Astolfo is suddenly reminded that, under his sweet exterior, the vampire is as much as a fighter as any chasseur. “I’m your shield now. You can count on me.”
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yes-bernie-stuff · 2 years ago
ARTICLES PAR THÈME Grand Frère Ou Bon Père ?
Seigneur, tu regardes jusqu’au fond de mon cœur et tu me connais. Psaume 139.1
Chaque mois, le petit espion de poche Google niché dans mon iPhone me détaille tous mes déplacements, photos et carte à l’appui ! Il a recensé des magasins, des lieux de culture, la piscine, l’église, etc. Ah, ce « cher » grand frère qui me localise et me suit comme une ombre !
Dieu, lui aussi, sait tout sur moi. Le roi David dit dans un de ses chants : Tu sais quand je m’assieds, quand je me lève et me couche. Tu sais mes pensées, avant même que je les exprime.
Mais plus qu’un « Big Brother », j’ai en lui un Père aimant. Il sait exactement où j’en suis dans mon itinéraire personnel. Il veille sur moi et sur ma voie !
Je vous invite à lire – ou à relire – ce Psaume 139 bien connu. Et à vous confier en Dieu. Faites vôtre cette prière : Sonde-moi, ô Dieu, et connais mon cœur, éprouve-moi et connais mes pensées. Regarde si je suis sur une mauvaise voie et conduis-moi sur la voie de l’éternité.
Francis Schneider
__________________ Lecture proposée :
Psaumes 139
1 Au chef des chantres. De David. Psaume. Éternel! tu me sondes et tu me connais,
2 Tu sais quand je m'assieds et quand je me lève, Tu pénètres de loin ma pensée;
3 Tu sais quand je marche et quand je me couche, Et tu pénètres toutes mes voies.
4 Car la parole n'est pas sur ma langue, Que déjà, ô Éternel! tu la connais entièrement.
5 Tu m'entoures par derrière et par devant, Et tu mets ta main sur moi.
6 Une science aussi merveilleuse est au-dessus de ma portée, Elle est trop élevée pour que je puisse la saisir.
7 Où irais-je loin de ton esprit, Et où fuirais-je loin de ta face?
8 Si je monte aux cieux, tu y es; Si je me couche au séjour des morts, t'y voilà.
9 Si je prends les ailes de l'aurore, Et que j'aille habiter à l'extrémité de la mer,
10 Là aussi ta main me conduira, Et ta droite me saisira.
11 Si je dis: Au moins les ténèbres me couvriront, La nuit devient lumière autour de moi;
12 Même les ténèbres ne sont pas obscures pour toi, La nuit brille comme le jour, Et les ténèbres comme la lumière.
13 C'est toi qui as formé mes reins, Qui m'as tissé dans le sein de ma mère.
14 Je te loue de ce que je suis une créature si merveilleuse. Tes oeuvres sont admirables, Et mon âme le reconnaît bien.
15 Mon corps n'était point caché devant toi, Lorsque j'ai été fait dans un lieu secret, Tissé dans les profondeurs de la terre.
16 Quand je n'étais qu'une masse informe, tes yeux me voyaient; Et sur ton livre étaient tous inscrits Les jours qui m'étaient destinés, Avant qu'aucun d'eux existât.
17 Que tes pensées, ô Dieu, me semblent impénétrables! Que le nombre en est grand!
18 Si je les compte, elles sont plus nombreuses que les grains de sable. Je m'éveille, et je suis encore avec toi.
19 O Dieu, puisses-tu faire mourir le méchant! Hommes de sang, éloignez-vous de moi!
20 Ils parlent de toi d'une manière criminelle, Ils prennent ton nom pour mentir, eux, tes ennemis!
21 Éternel, n'aurais-je pas de la haine pour ceux qui te haïssent, Du dégoût pour ceux qui s'élèvent contre toi?
22 Je les hais d'une parfaite haine; Ils sont pour moi des ennemis.
23 Sonde-moi, ô Dieu, et connais mon coeur! Éprouve-moi, et connais mes pensées!
24 Regarde si je suis sur une mauvaise voie, Et conduis-moi sur la voie de l'éternité!
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christian-dubuis-santini · 4 years ago
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Quelques points de repère afin de se pouvoir situer dans la lutte contre l’enfumage idéologique de ce début de vingt-et-unième siècle
De quoi cette foutaise d’invention journalistique appelée "islamo-gauchisme" est-elle le nom, si ce n’est du véritable fascisme qui se présente sous le masque de l’antifascisme, tel que l’avait annoncé Pasolini dans ses lettres luthériennes en 1976?
Après cinquante années d’idéologie libérale-libertaire, la courtoisie discrète qui savait détourner le regard pour respecter les goûts d’autrui a laissé place à la tolérance obligatoire envers le mauvais goût. La terreur rose a remplacé le matérialisme dialectique par l'endoctrinement au Bien, et en substituant à la lutte des classes la dictature de l'égalitarisme et de la tolérance forcenée, la "société du spectacle" s’est vouée à la promotion d’une censure préventivement imposée.
N’apparaît-il pas dès lors instructif de se pencher d’un peu plus près sur ce "fachogauchisme" que l’idéologie libérale-libertaire (qui sous-tend le Discouts Capitaliste) a installé "progressivement", à partir de la position des "anti-" caractéristique des automatismes signifiants de l’empire du Bien: Racisme, Climatisme, Terrorisme, Sexisme?
— Pourquoi à la télé nous vend-on si souvent du "racisme", du "sexisme", du "terrorisme", du "climatisme" (ou encore "écologisme"...)? Qu’en penses-tu?
— Pour comprendre il s’agit de pouvoir se situer sur un plan dialectique, c’est à dire être capable d’opérer un renversement. À qui penses-tu que le discours dominant s’adresse en premier lieu?
— Ben, à moi, le fameux "mâle blanc de cinquante ans" qui est honni, présenté comme la cause de tous nos malheurs collectifs...
— C’est là que tu te trompes, et c’est là qu’il te faut opérer un renversement, si tu penses que ce message s’adresse à toi, c’est à tes frais que tu t’en seras fait l’adresse, car le message s’adresse en tout premier lieu à tous ceux en souffrance d’identité "collective" afin qu’ils puissent se "conforter" dans une position de victime, dûment estampillée, qu’ils croient qu’il y a un grand Autre qui non seulement existe, mais encore est tout-puissant: ce n’est plus "Big Brother is watching you", c’est Big Mother is taking care of you ...mais à la condition que vous brandissiez votre carte de victime!
Dans nos sociétés, peu importe que les gens croient à quelque chose, ils sont même encouragés à toutes sortes de croyances, jusqu’aux plus stupides (le port de la muselière pour "freiner la propagation du virus" est un magnifique exemple...) du moment qu'ils ne manifestent pas publiquement leur incroyance dans les systèmes de représentation et les institutions en place, auquel cas ils sont considérés comme asociaux, marginaux, voire terroristes.
Si l'on peut parler de conspiration (ou de complot), c'est seulement dans la mesure où la plupart des sujets du discours dominant sur-réagissent aux mots comme si c’était des choses, comme s’ils étaient victimes de forces irrationnelles absurdes, dans un monde devenu fou, dépourvu de sens et dangereux...
Tous victimes! voilà le jeu et l’enjeu du discours dominant.
«Car pour nous la lutte n’est pas contre le sang et la chair mais contre les principautés, contre les pouvoirs, contre les cosmocrates - Kosmokratoras - de ce monde de ténèbres et contre les esprits mauvais qui sont dans les cieux.» (Paul de Tarse)
Si nous traduisons en langage lacanien les "principautés", les "pouvoirs", les "cosmocrates", les "esprits mauvais qu’il y a dans les cieux", ne sont rien d’autre que le discours qui subjugue le sujet et l’assujettit sans qu’il ne veuille rien en savoir, les métastases du discours dominant, le discours des dominants et des médias en tant qu’il est impossible d’y échapper...
L’action dès lors ne consiste pas à prendre les armes et à descendre dans la rue, c'est trop tôt ou trop tard.
Car toute activité s'inscrit à l'intérieur d'un horizon de signification qui seul la rend possible.
L’efficace de la lutte de nos jours, c’est d'abord refuser la langue du spectacle, ce qui réclame au préalable de reconnaître que le diktat de l’opinion, le psittacisme qu’il induit, les énoncés médiatiques, le laxisme lexical, les approximations syntaxiques... sont les ennemis de l’esprit critique, ils contaminent les actions en surdéterminant l'horizon de leur sens.Il s’agit donc de ne pas renoncer à vouloir nommer la complexité, renouer avec la dialectique que le spectacle voudrait éclipser.
C'est seulement en cherchant le mot juste par rapport à sa propre position d'énonciation, en prononçant "la parole vraie", que le sujet introduit une rupture dans la chaîne signifiante où s'inscrivent ses actions, il ne peut donc plus dès lors continuer à agir de la même façon car il ne peut plus dès lors "penser" (être pensé) de la même façon.
Le véritable combat politique aujourd’hui c'est de faire passer des textes de main en main, pour raviver le style, affûter le goût, développer la sensibilité, affiner le jugement, (se) donner les moyens de nommer avec précision les assauts, les contournements, les frappes, les retraites, les conquêtes, les victoires, les défaites...
Nous ne savons plus parler, nos lèvres sont sèches et les mots sont déjà morts avant de passer la barrière de nos dents.
Apprendre à parler c'est apprendre à lire, apprendre à écrire, à dessiner, composer comme on aiguise une lame, comme on répète des enchaînements pieds-poings, apprendre à parler c'est apprendre à se battre.
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