#T: Hisoka
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arsenic-catnep · 1 year ago
Hisoka raping reader for hours and then making her lay on him and tell him how good it felt but she doesn’t wanna get punished so she just does it
Yesss and he's tracing his nails over her back and when she starts stuttering or says something he doesn't like he digs his nails into her skin
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mxddyhero · 2 years ago
A3! characters as LUSH products, because I think about this a lot, actually. Winter edition:
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spring | summer | autumn
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widevibratobitch · 1 year ago
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how on earth am i even friends with you two will puzzle me the rest of my days
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rootsparks-blog · 1 year ago
What do you think of Hisoka and Killua shirt from the anime Hunter x Hunter? If you like it, Don't miss the opportunity to buy it now
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godza · 1 year ago
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lovelyyandereaddictionpoint · 4 months ago
That One Friend…
Twisted Wonderland: Trey Clover, Azul Ashengrotto, Jade Leech, Kalim Al Asim, Vil Schoenheit, Rook Hunt, Idia Shroud, Lilia Vanrouge, 
JJK: Suguru Geto, Megumi Fushigiro, Mei Mei
Demon Slayer: Douma, Shinobu Kocho, Giyuu Tomioka, Tanjiro Kamado
Obey Me: Satan, Asmodeus, Simeon, Solomon, Barbatos
Hunter X Hunter: Hisoka Morrow, Chrollo Lucilfer, Shalnark, Shaiapouf, 
OCs: Rhiana(Witch), Wille (Elite Serial Killer), Fantasy Villain
There’s always That One Friend who you pass by in the market across the street or at the cafe you frequent before work. This one friend is always sweet–a kind soul you can trust for some intelligent conversation or to sit in silence with. 
Whether you’re married with kids or dating your long-term partner something in you tends to wander. Your mind drifts to That One Friend who you know would have picked up on your silence. They would have reached over the table to hold your hand as they demanded you tell them what was wrong–letting their worried eyes never leave yours as they searched the troubled depths of your own. 
There’s just something about That One Friend who has you daydreaming about what it’d be like to be with them instead. A dark sliver of you that entertains the idea of straying from where you're trapped but you’ll shoot that down…eventually. While you’re certain you love That One Friend you do love your significant other even if they stopped saying ‘I love you.’ It would be wrong to betray them for That One Friend—who can verbally assure you that they care. Who makes an effort to tell you how much they care about you daily. Besides it’d be wrong to base a betrayal on only a side of That One Friend. 
For all you know, they could be just being a good friend–showing a side of themself that you need. Besides they have their business or another partner or their long distance relationship so even if you were brave enough to confess your little crush to that dear One Friend it would never work out. 
So when it’s finally decided that you’ll shut down these invasive feelings put more time in improving your current relationship. You’ll limit yourself from That One Friend if only to get it into your brain that they’re just not an option. Diving into work, trying with your partner, spending more time with your kids, or just visiting a different place for lunch. You’ll make an excuse when That One Friend starts catching on and hope that they don’t take offense. Finding a steady routine that no longer relies on That One Friend. 
But that all goes to shambles when something terrible happens to your significant other. A car crash, leaking gas pipe, or a mysterious drive-by shooting—they’re gone. Your world–as dysfunctional as it already was—comes crashing down. Since you can’t fall because of your kids or because you worry you’ll never begin to bring yourself up again you have no choice but to rely on That One Friend. 
That One Friend who is at your apartment the second they’ve learned what’s happened. That One Friend who comes along with you to the police station when you promise that there’s foul play. That One Friend who cooks and cleans when you just don’t feel like moving. That One Friend who will even invite you, your kids, or your pets into their home so they can look after you because they are just so worried.
That One Friend who licks their lips as they watch you curl into their bed wearing the hoodie they let you borrow. That One Friend who invites your kids to call them something closer than their first name. That One Friend who reminds you to eat while you obsess over your significant other’s case. That One Friend who encourages you to cuddle with them since you’ve been having so much trouble sleeping. 
That One Friend who has been waiting for the perfect opportunity to get them back on your market. That One Friend who is like a predator lying in wait as it becomes years before you start wanting to date again. That One Friend who will make sure they’re narrowly injured on a train accident so that their emergency contact–you comes running and kisses their forehead because you were so scared. That One Friend who knows it’ll be a matter of time before you accept or propose yourself. 
That One Friend who can’t help but relish in the way you’re attention and love belong to them. 
And That One Friend will do anything to make that happen.
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helplesslypurple77 · 5 months ago
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Day 7-Aphrodisiac-Chrollo/Reader
notes: Chrollo is hard to write. Sry if this is ooc lol
title is from 'Stop' by Sam Brown
You're in the middle of curling your hair, when your phone rings. You curse, dropping the strand of hair you were preparing to curl, carefully placing the curling iron on the stone beneath your feet, and grab your phone. 
“Hisoka, where the actual fuck are you? We’ve gotta go soon!” You say angrily, your voice echoing against the stone of the stupid church the troupe had decided to hide out in. You're wearing pajama pants and a large oversized t-shirt, bending awkwardly in front of a small mirror you have propped up against the wall, frantically pinning your hair into rollers. You and Hisoka are supposed to leave for the mission in about ten minutes, and the damn clown is nowhere to be seen. Most of the other people have left for their missions already, leaving just you, Chrollo, and Machi in the large caverness room. 
Hisoka chuckles. “I'm sorry dear, but I'm afraid I'll have to leave you on your own!” He says. You almost dropped your phone.
“You’ve got to be joking,” You say, deadpan in your delivery. Maybe this is one of his stupid jokes. You tilt your phone, propping it up against your ear and picking up your curling iron again. Might as well finish setting your hair while Hisoka goes on.
“I'm not,” Hisoka says, sounding much too pleased for your liking. “As much as I would love to accompany you, I got caught up in something.”
A beat of silence fills the speakers, as you absorb what he had just told you. Then, the anger starts the flow. 
“You got caught up in something?” You hiss, annoyance clear in your voice. Machi looks up from her own mission preparations. Of course she got the easy one, while you were stuck at a stuffy high class event, with Hisoka to entertain. You pin your roller into place, moving onto the next strand of hair, yelling as you go.
You hear Chrollo shut his book with a snap. 
“You can't just, like, abandon me!” You yell into the speaker. “I literally can't do this mission by myself, you know that!”
“I'm afraid it's out of my hands,” Hisoka says. You can hear his smile through the phone, and you almost pop a blood vessel. “I wish you luck!”
“Hey, you can't just—” Hisoka disconnects with a beep. You stair at your phone in shock for a moment, and then raise your arm to chuck it across the room in frustration.
“Fucking damnit!” You shriek, then hiss as you burn your finger on your curler. Machi chuckles in sympathy.
“Hisoka?” She asks, shooting a wry smile in your direction. You nod.
“The fucker says he cant come,” You groan, pinning your last hot curl into a roller, away from your tender neck and put away your curling iron. “He says he's caught up in something or whatever.”
Machi stiffles a giggle, and you shoot her a look of betrayal. 
“Maaaachi,” You whine, sinking against the rock floor with a groan, your hair still in rollers. No sense to take them out, after it took you so long. “What am I supposed to do?”
“You could go by yourself,” She says.
“I caaaant, I'm a noncombatant,” You whine, “And besides their expecting husband and wife, they'd totally suspect me if I showed up alone.”
“You could say your ‘husband’ flaked on you.” Machi says, “it isn't technically a lie.”
“If Hisoka was my husband I just might throw myself off a cliff,” You groan, rolling over onto your stomach, careful not to jog your rollers. 
“He's hot though,” Machi says, gathering up her things.
“True,” You say, “that's literally the only thing he has going for him.”
Machi hums contentedly, as you stew in annoyance on the cold ground, rolling carefully back and forth, keeping your neck at an awkward angle so you don't jog the rollers in your hair. 
“So what's the plan, Boss?” Machi asks, packing her supplies in her go back. You frown, and then swiftly remember that Chrollo is here as well. You tend to forget, he doesn't talk that much. 
Chrollo gently sets the book he was reading next to him, stacking it neatly on top of the other books that sit beside him. 
“I guess it can't be helped,” He says, standing up from his position on the big boss rock, and jumping down to the ground floor where the mortals sit. “I'll take his place.”
You stare at him in surprise.
“Really?” You ask, genuinely a bit confused. You didn't really know Chrollo all that well, even though he was technically your boss. He didn't really interact with you much, and he never went on missions. 
“Yes, if I must.” Chrollo says, standing a few feet away from you as you start mindlessly on your makeup. 
“Oh,” You say, a bit thrown off and confused. Machi chuckles
“You sound so surprised and confused,” She says, hoisting her bag over her shoulder and shooting you a small smile. “Chrollo does do missions occasionally.”
“Not with me,” You mutter, then cover it up with a nervous giggle. “I mean I'm just not used to doing missions with anyone but you, Machi. And Hisoka.”
“My condolences,” Machi grins, slipping her sandals onto her feet. “You work so hard for us, Name.”
“I know,” You whine, carefully contouring your nose. Chrollo coughs, and you jostle in surprise. 
“Oh! I forgot you were still here.” You laugh, whipping away the excess contour you had accidentally smudged, and shooting a smile over your shoulder. Chrollo makes an odd face, tilting his head slightly.
“You forgot I was here?” He asks, sounding a bit offended. You shrug.
“You don't really talk that much,” You chuckle, highlighting your nose. “Do you have a suite?”
“I can find one,” he says, still standing a bit back from you. You try not to be too conscious of his eyes on you as you finish your makeup, spraying it generously with setting spray. This shit better not budge all night, or you're officially losing it.
Machi giggles, tossing you a wink as she heads towards the door. “Good luck, name.” She says, and you wave in her direction as she steps out of the shelter and into the rain. Thunder booms and lightning cuts through the sky, and when it recedes you can't make out her figure anymore. You sigh. Tonight is going to be awkward. 
The taxi ride is dead silent. You sit in the back, Chrollo sitting a foot away, a book sitting open on his crossed legs. You stare out the window, hair pillowing softly over your shoulders, dress pooling over your crossed legs. The Taxi driver is unbothered, airpods sitting firm in his ears as he drives on, not a care in the world that the people he's driving are sitting in awkward silence in the back of his car. You heave a deep sigh, and catch yourself wishing Hisoka were here instead. At least he never shut up. 
Hurriedly, you kick yourself, and try to make conversation.
“What are you reading?” You ask, desperately trying to fill the awkward silence. Chrollo looks up, closing his book with a snap.
“Simply cataloging my abilities,” he says, slipping the book into his pocket. You resist the urge to roll your eyes. “Nothing interesting,”
“I thought you read actual books,” You say, one of your heels scraping your ankle as you cross your legs. “Is that all you read?”
Chrolllo coughs, muffling what you think might be a laugh. 
“No, my dear.” He says, turning to look at you fully. “Are you feeling prepared for the mission?”
“I guess,” You sigh, restlessly uncrossing your legs again. “We practiced and stuff, but…”
“You practiced?” Chrollo asks curiously, and you turn to face him fully. He has his hair down for once, and a piece of fabric covering his forehead marking. You catch yourself thinking he looks handsome. He should wear his hair down more often.
“Yeah, Hisoka and I,” You say, “We mostly just memorized our characters' names and stuff like that.”
Chrollo nods. 
“I see,” He says, reaching into his coat jacket for the wedding invitation. “You didn't practice being newlyweds?”
You laugh, tilting your head back and pulling your freshly curled hair over your shoulders so it doesn't get smushed. 
“We didn't really need to,” You say, watching the driver's screen through the plastic window separating the driver from the back seats. His map says you’ll arrive at your destination in fifteen minutes. “We’ve done a lot of missions together, and besides, Hisoka can be pretty charming when he wants to be.”
“Ah, I see.” Chrollo says, flipping the invitation open and reading it carefully. “So we are Mr and Ms Benton, then?”
You nod, recalling the information along with him in your mind.
“We’ve been married for two weeks, and we're so in love everyone is annoyed and disgusted with us.” You say, watching the blue dot that symbolizes the car your riding in move closer and closer to your destination. 
“Right, and our mission?”
“Get in, steal the necklace and get out without causing a fuss.” You reply, sighing. “It's this a lot of hassle for one necklace?”
Chrollo chuckles, slipping the invitation back into his suit jacket with a small smile.
“Maybe,” He says, “But we all have our part to play.”
The part is a boring one. You nod, smiling through your teeth as this man talks on and on, throwing in the occasional ‘Uh Huh’ to be safe. Chrollo, hand wrapped around your waist, smiles widely, his eyes glazed over. 
You shift closer to him, leaning over to whisper through your teeth.
“Can we go now?” You ask, ignoring the butterflies that flutter in your stomach as he squeezes your waist comfortingly. 
“We haven't done what we’ve come here for yet,” He whispers back quietly, barely moving his lips. 
You roll your eyes, and tune back into the conversation. One man has cornered the two of you in the corner and is talking at you about his money and how many cars he has and how his last wife was a model and blah blah blah. You aren't paying attention at all. 
“And i have just added a new Bugatti to my collection,” The man says, pausing like you should clap or something.
“Oh cool,” You say, deadpan. The man chuckles, seeming to not at all get the sarcasm in your tone. 
“If you want to see them, pretty lady, you can come over to my place after—”
“You have some impressive cars,” Chrollo says, squeezing your waist twice. The signal. You take a swig of your champain, then set it gently on the table beside you. You want to come back to that. 
“Oh hubby, I think I'm feeling a bit faint!” You whine dramatically, bring a hand up to your forehead, closing your eyes and tilting your head dramatically. Chrollo gasps, abruptly sweeping you off your feet and into his arms.
“If you’ll excuse us, I'll be taking my wife to lie down for a bit,” Chrollo says to the man in front of you guys. Your eyes still closed, you peek out of the corner of one eye to find the man eyeing you with disappointment. Quickly, you close your eyes again.
“Hurry Baby,” You whimper dramatically. “I feel faint!”
Chrollo's hands tighten against your body and you feel his chest vibrate against your side. He must be laughing. But he speeds away at your instruction, moving towards the powder room, which just happens to be in a long hallway off the main room the party was situated in. the perfect place for the two of you to disappear to for about two minutes. Just enough time to get your hands on the necklace. 
“How did it go?” Chrollo asks as you return to his guard position, situated a few feet away from the door of the women's bathroom. You grin, flashing him a thumbs up.
“A brief scrap with a security guard, but i hide in a closet,” You say, taking off your plastic gloves and dumping them into your small clutch purse. It was almost laughably how easy stealing the necklace had been. After Chrollo had let you down from his arms all you did was walk the ten feet to the storage room and hide from the lone security guard in the nearby closet. Then you just swiped the necklace and placed it in the plastic bag you had prepared, and dropped it out the window. Now all that was left was to go around the house and retrieve it. 
“Now we just need to get out of here,” You say, wiping the sweat off your hands and onto your dress. “You think we can escape without car guy yelling at us again?”
Chrollo chuckles. “Not likely, I'm afraid.” He says, grabbing your waist as the two of you walk back towards the brightly lit entrance room. 
“Oh well,” You sigh, “I wanted to finish my champain anyway.”
Sure enough, it takes you all of five minutes for the car guy to find the two of you again, walking with you as you beeline for your champain. You're going to need all of it to survive even five minutes of this guy talking.
“...and just yesterday, I added to my new Rolex collection…”
“Oh really.” You say, downing your champain. It tastes a little weird. Maybe it's gone a little flat in the short amount of time you were gone. You place the empty cup down on the table beside with a clank. The man looks at it, his brown eyes sliding to you in a way that makes your skin crawl, and you shiver. Chrollo squeezes your waist gently, hand sending butterflies frolicking around your stomach. 
A beat of silence passes. Then the man speaks.
“Do you feel alright, miss?”
You raise and eyebrow, tilting your head to the side. 
“I'm fine?” you question, and then after a beat an escape plan starts to form. “You know what, I'm tired. Can we go home now baby?”
Chrollo springs into action, gripping your waist and spinning you towards the exit with a grin. 
“Of course dear, whatever you want.” He says, voice fakely sweet as the two of you march towards the exit at a brisk pace. You wind through the small circles of people, about seven to five people in each round, talking of this and that. They spare the two of you a passing glance before returning to their conversations. You catch snippets of them as you wind by, nothing of any interest or note. You feel a bit hot, longing for the cold air of the night. You can't wait to go home and take a shower. 
Finally, the two of you escape into the night, the cold air enveloping you. You still feel a bit hot. Chrollo leans in, whispering in your air as the two of you stop a few feet away from the front doors of the manor. 
“I'll get the necklace.” he whispers, pulling away from you with a brief kiss to your forehead. Then louder he continues, “Stay right here baby, I'll be right back.”
You nod, hand tracing the spot he had kissed as you watch him disappear into the night. Your skin tingles where his lips had touched it, and your heart pounds a bit fast in your chest. You still feel hot, even though you’ve escaped into the cold air. You sit down on a small bench, feeling a bit out of breath, and stair at the manor you had just exited. It's really a lovely building, the gothic architecture hiding in the shadows of the night. Light pours out from most of the windows of the multi story building, casting panes of yellow light onto the cobblestone driveway. The manor is on the main road, but set back to give the illusion of exclusivity. You yawn, sinking back against the small bench.
“There you are, pretty lady.”
You jump, opening your eyes abruptly. The car guy from earlier is standing over you, his legs only a few inches from your crossed legs. You glare up at him, much too tired to deal with his nonsense. 
“Can I help you?” You ask, your annoyance leaking out in your tone. Where the hell is Chrollo?
The man scoffs. 
“Why so rude, girly,” He simpers, “you should be loosening up to me soon.”
“You're bothering me,” You mutter, rolling your eyes. You feel a bit weak for some reason, muscles refusing to cooperate as you force yourself to stand. You totter a bit and the man catches you. His hands feel unpleasant, and you recoil quickly. 
The man considers, tilting his head to the side in confusion. 
“It should be kicking in about now,” He mutters to himself, hand on his chin as he eyes you up and down. His eyes feel slimy, goosebumps run against your skin as he grips your biceps, holding your arms against your side. “No matter, I'll just have to start early.”
He licks his lips, and your skin runs cold as what he intends to do to you becomes clear. You struggle, but feel strangely sluggish. Your body feels like jelly, hot and cold at the same time, and your limbs feel weak. The man laughs unpleasantly, grinning down at you, his eyes focused on your boobs.
“Not so tough now, aren't you?” He simpers. 
You try to struggle, trying desperately to pull your arms from his grip, to twist away, to escape. But you can't. You should be able to, this man is not more physically fit than you, but for some reason your body feels so weak. You bite back a whimper of fear, desperate not to show any emotion. It's been a while since you were afraid. 
“Your husband left you all alone, did he? Don't worry, i'll take good care of yo—”
He stills, his body going straight and tight. And then his eyes roll back and you watch him topple sideways, his hands leaving your arms as he crumples to the ground. You bite back a sob of relief as Chrollo grins at you, patting his hands of any free dust. 
“I've got the necklace, so let's head out.” He says, and then as he takes you in, trembling slightly like a leaf in the wind he continues, “are you alright?”
You shake yourself, forcing a grin as you fight through the liquid in your brain and the jelly in your limbs. You shoot him a smile.
“Just lovely!” you say, trying to convince yourself as you force your legs to move, propelling yourself towards the gate. “Let's head home.”
You assume Chrollo is following you, but you can't be sure. You can barely focus on anything, only propelling your legs forward, and ignoring the searing heat that is boiling in your blood, under your skin, in your gut. You feel like you're going to dissolve, melt into a puddle onto the ground. You can smell Chrollo behind you, a mix of citrus cologne and sweat, and a heavy musk that you can't place. You bite back a whimper, suppressing the urge to move closer to that scent, to curl into his body. You stumble a bit, quickly regaining your balance as you move out of the gate and back onto the street. Chrollo catches up, shooting you glances as he walks beside you.
“You sure you're alright, name?” he asks. The streets are empty at this time of night, but light streams down around you, from windows overhead to the pools of light below the street lamps. You no longer have any trouble walking, strowing confidently across the pavement, your hips swaying. You feel hungry.
“Oh, I'm doing just fine~” You sing-song, feeling a bit giddy with happiness. A singular man walks by and you have the sudden urge to chase after him, and make him kiss you. It's gone as soon as it has come, but it makes you snap out of your fearver, coming to a sudden stop on the concrete. 
“Ok wait, maybe something is wrong,” You say, bringing a hand up to your forehead. You feel no fever, but your hand shakes as you bring it away. Your body is still pulsing with heat, thrumming from your toes to the tips of your fingers and back down. And then the pain strikes. Blinding white pain running in tandem with the pleasure, mixing into a terrible cocktail of agony. You suppress a whimper, as your knees buckle, sending you tumbling towards the hard concrete.
Chrollo catches you before you can fall, reaching out to grip your waist, catching you a few feet from the ground. You bit back another whimper, this one threatening to rise from your throat as you feel his warm hand around your waist. You feel like crying.
“Name?” Chrollo says, gently bring his hand up to your chin and turn your face to look at him. “Can you tell me what's going on?
You whimper, unconsciously nuzzling into his hand as the burning pain recedes a bit to the edges of your body, and your consciousness returns slightly.
“I don't know,” You whimper, fully relaxing against him. He's the only thing between you and the cold hard concrete. “Why are you asking me like it's my fault?”
“Ok,” Chrollo says, grabbing your waist tightly and pulling the both of you to your feet. “Let's get you inside.”
“Mhm,” You murmur, nuzzling into his shoulder and breathing in his lovely scent. “Whatever you say.”
The receptionist of the hotel sends him a scornful look as he walks up to the front desk, helping you walk.
It's a rather gaudy hotel, clearly a love hotel but it was the first one Chrollo spotted so it would have to do. It was better to get you into a hotel as soon as possible, you're clearly on some type of drugs.
The receptionist seems to agree, with the way she glares tiredly at him. 
“I switch jobs and it's always the same, huh.” She mutters, hitting the keys loudly. “Name, sir?”
“Benton,” Chrollo says, sliding the fake identification card across the counter. “This is my wife, Name Benton.”
“Uh huh,” The receptionist, Fumiko, sighs deeply through her teeth. “What kind of room do you want?” 
“Ah, I'll take the cheapest option please.” Chrollo says.
Fumiko raises an eyebrow, pinning him to the spot with her stare and letting silence fill the mostly empty lobby. Slowly, she slides her eyes to you, clearly drugged on his shoulder, and back to him. Chrollo feels more ashamed than he's ever felt before. 
“Cheapass,” Fumiko whispers, returning to the keyboard loudly. “Id?”
“Oh it–”
“Yeah,” Fumiko says, swiping it from the countertop. She looks at it for too long, holding it up to the light. Chrollo fears for a moment that she'll kick them out. He really doesn't want to find another love hotel, and you're getting more and more limp by the moment. Thankfully, she just sighs, going back to the computer with a sigh.
“Why do I even bother?” She mutters to herself, sliding the id back across the counter at him. “It's always worse, every time I ask. From barely legal to barely conscious…”
She continues muttering to herself, tapping away at the keys of the computer as Chrollo stands there, your body draped ungracefully against his side, breath coming in uneven little bursts. There's definitely something wrong with you.
“Cash or card?” Fumiko says. Chrollo slides the money over the counter. For some reason, he feels like this was the wrong move as Fumiko regards him with more suspicion as she hands over the room key.
“Enjoy your stay,” She bites out. 
“Thank you.” Chrollo says, moving towards the elevator of the pink and red lobby. He feels her hard stare on his back until the elevator doors close behind them. He hoists you up, cradling you in his arms for the second time tonight as your head lolls back, faint little pants exiting your mouth. Your eyes are hazy, your pretty curled hair tangling with his arms, hanging towards the ground in a waterfall of color. You look very pretty, but then again you always do.
It's a bit of a struggle to get you into the room, but he manages it, juggling you and the door as it shuts behind him with a solid heavy thud. He places you gently on the bed, sighing in relief and turning away to shed his own coat. When he turns around, you blink slowly at him. 
“Ah, you're awake?” he says, unbuttoning the top few buttons of his shirt. “How are you feeling?”
You dont reply, blinking slowly at him, eyes hazy. Chrollo feels a bit more worried. You're not really conscious, you’ve barely spoken full sentences since that man put his dirty hands all over your arms. He had assumed your lack of fighting had been to avoid a scene, but maybe it was something else. 
“Name, I need you to tell me what's wrong.” Chrollo begs you, more worry than strictly necessary leaking into his voice. Finally, your pink lips part.
“Hot,” You mutter, jumping to your fighting with the top of your dress. “Help me out of this.”
Chrollo obeys, turning you around and undoing the zipper of your black dress with a sigh. He ignores the swaths of skin on display from him, pointing his eyes strictly over your shoulder. You sigh, slipping out of your dress. Chrollo watches it pool below you on the floor, black slinky material sitting in a pile. You smile up at him for a moment, a twinkle of innocence in your hazy eyes, your hair sitting messily upon your shoulders, the straps of your bra tempting his eyes to look a little further. 
“Are you feeling better?” He asks instead, keeping his eyes strictly above your collarbones. You do have nice collarbones. He'd like to kiss them, if you would let him. You don't seem to like him much. Chrollo acknowledges that you must consider him boring, compared to the louder and more eccentric mission partner you were assigned. But he could be interesting. If you’d let him.  
“Mm,” You humm, turning away to crawl onto the bed. Chrollo's eyes take in your body as you crawl back, your ass on display for him to view. You're wearing matching black underwear. Heat runs through his body, and Chrollo feels his dick jump against his thigh. It's probably been too long. 
You’ve propped yourself up on your knees, your face pressed against the white bedsheets, your ass still high in the air, presented like a present. Chrollo is beginning to understand what exactly that man had slipped you. It must have been an Aphrodisiac of some sort. It's clear as you wind your hand down, and Chrollo watches you stroke your pussy through your panties. He clears his throat.
“What are you doing, Name?” He asks, undoing another button on his shirt. It's too hot here. 
“I feel so hot,” You whimper, and Chrollo watches as you push your panties aside, slipping a finger into yourself with a squelch. Chrollo bites his lip, hard. 
“Do you need my help?” He asks. You need to say yes. What will he do if you don't. He might lose his mind.
“Yeah,” You whimper, the white sheets stark against your pink lips. “Hurry.”
Chrollo moves embarrassingly fast, tossing his belt and shoes onto the floor with his jacket, and thrusting himself inside of you.
Your back arches, your toes curling in the white fabric as you clench deliciously around him. Chrollo bites back a groan, embarrassed of his eager behavior. He would have linked to work you up normally, maybe eat your pretty pussy. But that would have to wait for another day. And it seems you don't mind as you buck against him, urging him to move. 
“Ugh, you're big.” You whimper, hands knotting prettily in the white sheets. You look so pretty like this, turned on your back and grinning hazily up at him. He wonders how long this will last. He wonders if when you awaken tomorrow, you’ll regard him with the same cautious contempt you always do. 
Chrollo grips your waist with his hands, thrusting himself deep inside your clenching walls, setting a slow deep pace. You move with each thrust, pretty pink mouth letting out breathy pants and groans. If he's lucky, a pant of his name. The world around you is hazy, the gap of window shown by the curtains is fogged up, condensation and sweat muddling the world beyond. Your back arches, your body trembling as you grow closer to your orgasms.
“I'm close,” You whimper, muffled against the sheets. Chrollo presses his body against yours, pressing the two of you deep into the bed. You're laying flat now, your but reaching up to meet his short, deep thrusts. Your walls are clenching around him, driving him giddy.
Chrollo doesn't know how to feel. And so he focuses all of his energy on pleasing you. On watching the shudders and shivers of your shoulders, the clenching of your fingers, the gasping breaths spilling from your pink lips. He presses little kisses to your neck, leaving a pretty scatters of hickeys across your shoulders. The red spots make him swell with pride as you clench around him. 
“I'm cumming.” You groan, body tensing and walls suctioning him deep inside you. Chrollo obeys your body's command, thrusting himself deep inside of you one more time and letting himself go. Your moans are pretty as you come, and Chrollo muffles his own sounds in your shoulders, as stars the color of your eyes spill across his eyelids. 
He doesn't know what's going to happen after this. But at least for now, as he pulls himself out of you and curls up beside you, the world is content.
Endnotes: sry this ones kinda short i had a lot going on today lol
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hopesangelsprite · 8 months ago
Dial Drunk
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Pairing: drunk!Illumi x reader
Summary: Illumi has way too much to drink and turns into a subby baby bottom boy- /hj
Warnings: language, mvrd3r threats ofc, mentions of alcohol consumption
It wasn't normal to get calls from Illumi around this time of night. From your nightstand, your alarm clock alerted you that it was getting close to 3 am and the constant ringing from your phone was a proud indicator that something was wrong. As you rolled over to see your lover's name in bright white letters, you wondered what the actual fuck was going on.
"You've got 3 seconds to explain why you're calling me in the middle of the night and not on your side of our bed.", you grumbled out groggily earning an unfamiliar chuckle. You frowned and sat up straight as someone who was definitely not your fiance spoke. "Apologies, bunny!~ I'd no idea a sweet thing like you would be waiting on me.", came a smooth drawling voice that made your skin prickle.
You glared into the dark before replying, "Who the hell are you and where's my husband?". The man on the other side of line huffed dejectedly before there was rustling in the background. "Who's this.. oh it's (Y/N)!! Hello, loveee open the door, would ya?", came the familiar sound of your fiancé's voice. Still, there was something very wrong. He never called you that nickname when other people where around. "Illumi, where are you? Are you okay?", you questioned while pulling yourself from the warmth of your sheets.
As you pulled on a pair of shorts, Illumi started to answer but was cut off by annoyed sigh. More rustling filled the speakers and there was a knocking sound over the phone and outside your door. "This is becoming more annoying than amusing. Come and get your boytoy so I can get back to partying!", drawled the other voice from earlier. You rolled your eyes before making your way toward the door. You contemplated not opening it out of suspicion, but the sound of struggling quickly made your mind for you.
You swung the door open only to come face to face with your lover trying, and failing, to strangle a tall, pink-haired guy who seemed completely unfazed with the situation. The aforementioned male locked eyes with you and his expression shifted into one of mischief. "Well, hello there! You must be the Misses...", he trailed off to look you over with a smirk, "No wonder he likes to keep you to himself.". Before you could give the brightly dressed idiot in front of you a piece of your mind, Illumi hissed at him like a feral cat and attempted to gouge his eyes out.
He would've succeeded had you not chosen to intervene. You called out to the darker haired male causing him to turn and face you. Every bit of anger and malice he'd just been using to try and kill his friend left him as he took in your smaller frame. Within seconds you were swept up into his arms and bombarded with a barrage of kisses across the expanse of your face.
A yelp escaped you as Illumi tossed you into the air the way you would a child and hugged you tightly. "Missedyousomuchnevergonnaletyououtofmysighteveragain..", he spoke into your chest breathlessly. You pulled his face from between your boobs and looked him over. His usually pale skin was flushed a light shade of pink, and you could practically smell the alcohol poisoning on his breath. You looked back to the pink-haired guy in time to see him snap a picture of you both with a snicker. "What the hell did you do to him???", you inquired to which he shrugged with a wide, wicked grin. "We made a bet, he lost, we got fucked up, and now I'm going to get even more fucked up.", he answered before bowing extravagantly and beginning to shut your door.
Just as you were about to call out and ask for a better explanation, you were engulfed in a wave of bloodlust. Illumi turned his head to glare in the direction of the door, his hair standing on end and waving in a non-existent wind. "Hisoka... if you ever speak to my wife so casually again, I'll split you from your testes to your tonsils while you watch. Now, leave.", he spoke in an eerily calm tone. Hisoka, the guy you assumed was standing at your door, paled considerably before slamming the door shut and swiftly making an exit.
As soon as he was gone, the bloodlust that had been suffocating you evaporated into the air as if it had never existed. You inhaled deeply, coughing in the process and catching Illumi's attention. He too gasped at your breathless state and sat on the couch with you still in his arms. "I'm sorry!", he pouted with watering eyes, "Didn't mean to hurt you, sweet girl.". You stared at him with wide, deeply unsettled eyes as he held your face in his large hands ever so lovingly. "Illu, how much have you had to drink??", you asked to which he shrugged.
"Three or four...", he started, and you prematurely sighed in relief, "rooms. Yeah, four storage rooms worth!". He beamed at you with pride, and you wonder how the fuck he wasn't dead yet. "Honey... maybe you should lay down for the night, yeah?", you suggested to which he nodded and stood from the couch with you on his hip. You held on for dear life as he stumbled toward your shared room with you in tow and threw himself onto your bed.
You attempted to roll off of him, but he was quick to pull you back into his chest and squeeze. "Who said you could leave yet?", he purred with a sneaky giggle before rolling on top of you. You watched both curious and amused as his eyes clouded with lust and his hair pooled around you on either side. Slowly, Illumi leaned in to place a kiss in on your lips, completely missing them and latching onto your cheek instead. Hysterical giggles fluttered from your throat as Illumi sat up and pouted down at you like an annoyed child.
"I'm seducing you and you think it's funny?! I'll show you funny, girly!", he sneered playfully before attacking you with tickles. You screeched and thrashed around to his amusement, tears of laughter falling from your eyes as you begged for mercy. "What's that?? I'm sorry I can't tell what you're saying with you talking like that?~", Illumi teased as you wheezed underneath him.
"Let me go, please!", you giggled while wiggling around to free one of your arms. Illumi, being so focused on torturing you, didn't noticed you were freed until your hand met his side and began tickling him back. A wild yelp escaped him as he all but flew off you. "No.", he pouted with crossed arms. You cackled at the sight of your usually intimidating husband glowering at you like an angry toddler. "Can't handle a dose of your own medicine, pretty boy?", you teased to which he stuck out his tongue with indignation.
You smiled and adjusted your posture before opening your arms expectantly. Illumi had turned his head, set on ignoring you, but glanced at you from the corner of his eye at the gesture.
"Come on, you big baby!", you called while leaning against the headboard. He eyed you a while longer before huffing and crawling back to you. Unceremoniously, he dumped all of his weight on you with an audible 'oof'. Carefully, you ran your hands through his hair, taking the time to marvel at its darkness. You placed a kiss on his forehead as he buried his head further into your chest. It wasn't long before he began to doze off into your arms.
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arsenic-catnep · 1 year ago
Phantom troupe (w hisoka if thats ok) with a hostage who is obliviously sexy?
Like when she got taken she was already wearing a pretty short dress that reached the top of her thighs and her top is a deep v cut.
The littlest movement can result in her exposing her panties and/or her lacey white bra. She's completely unaware of the troupe's gaze on her. Until some take matters into their own hands *wink wink*
Let's be real, Shalnark and Phinks are pouncing first
Then when they're done with her, Hisoka gets her within his claws. Illumi joins too
Uvo and Nobu go next to destroy her even further.
Then the girls clean her up and fuck her brains out again.
Finally Chrollo gets her alone, and invites Fei to teach him how to make a woman feel good
That poor hostage is going to be bruised, scratched up and pumped full of so much cum all within a few hours
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hisokakissmeplz · 10 months ago
Can I please request a hisoka hc where they are having an argument and he's being petty. Smut and lime after please .
bet make up sex (this has been in my drafts far too long)
"What the fuck Hisoka?"
He doesn't even look up at you. Hisoka instead continues building his card house on the coffee table.
"why throw your clothes on the floor when the hampers right there?"
He does this all the time, dumb things just to piss you off. Like throw his laundry next to the hamper instead of in it.
"you're being dramatic."
God he knew how to push your buttons.
"no I'm not, it's not that hard to just put them in the basket instead of making me pick them up off the floor."
He rolled his eyes as he put the top two cards on his card house and ignored you.
You were tired of it.
You walked over to him, on the opposite side of the coffee table. With the slight nudge of your leg against the coffee table, his card house tumbled in front of him.
He leaned back on the couch, looking up at you annoyed. God he was so handsome, you couldn't let that distract you.
"We're being petty now?"
His eyes flickering up to yours from under long eyelashes.
"we already were."
You retorted fast, not moving from your spot as you glared down at him.
He stood up, his eyes now flickering down to remain eye contact. Crossing his arms, he sighed.
"Why put my clothes away when I have you?"
That pissed you off even more.
"I'm not your maid."
"Your words, not mine."
He walked out of the room and into the kitchen, leaning on the counter. He watched as you followed him in there.
"I'm tired of this, why do you always pick fights with me?"
He smirked at you, his golden eyes still glued to you.
"it tickles me."
He never took anything seriously, always trying to play the high card. He always had to be on top, always the better one.
"Shut up." You scoffed. "You asked a question." He retorts.
"It was rehtorical." You sighed, resting your hands on your hips. "I'm serious, why are you even with me if all you wanna do is fight?"
Something changed in his face at that, quickly recovering though.
"that's not all we do."
You look at him, waiting for him to make his argument.
"we fuck too."
That was it. You stormed out of the kitchen and into the bedroom, slamming the door and locking it.
You sat on the bed, feeling the anger boil up in you and trying to calm yourself down when you heard his footsteps through the hallway.
"Don't 'baby' me."
You hated how your voice sounded, you could hear how upset you were, your voice almost cracking.
"just open the door."
You almost did, deciding against so you could be alone.
"Baby, open the door." You didn't answer. "I'm serious, open the door."
His voice has soften the longer you were silent. You stood up, stretching your legs and taking a deep breath.
"baby let me in, please." You could hear him sigh against the door, you almost rolled your eyes until you hear him whisper. "I'm sorry."
It wasn't definite and you weren't sure he had actually said it. You decided anyways to unlock the door.
He opens it fast and grabs onto you, pulling you by the hips against him.
You keep your arms crossed, scoffing at his action.
He smirks again, leaning down to kiss you. You turn your head as his lips meet your cheek instead.
He frowns, his face scrunching a little as he looks down at you.
You pull away from him and head into the bathroom, wiping your cheek as you walk.
That pisses him off and you know it.
He follows you in there, wrapping his arms around you again from behind. He rest his chin on your shoulder looking at you in the mirror.
The silence is killing you.
"you can't just hug up on me and think everything is fine."
"let me make it up to you then"
You scoff at his implication.
"and not be able to sit down tomorrow, why bother."
He sighs against your shoulder, pressing kisses back up to your neck.
"Why are you being so difficult?" He purrs in that deep husky voice that makes your knees weak. "Let me apologize my way, hm?"
His hands come up to your chest, he's being gentle though. You can feel his dick already straining against his pants as it presses against your back.
You sigh, he had a way with you, the arousal begining to pool at you core. His hands working deftly to pull you out of your top.
"Let me show you why I'm with you, why you keep coming back to me."
Hisoka spins you around, lowering his head to presses kisses to your chest as he hands undo your bra. Without hesitation he takes your nipple into his mouth, one hand tracing around to pinch and squeeze the other.
You try to muffle the moan you feel but it's useless when sucks extra hard on the nipple to force it out of you.
He picks you up, taking you out of the bathroom and laying you on the bed.
He pulls down your pants, his lips peppering kisses all up your thighs.
"Still mad?" He asks, his tone lustful and raspy.
You nod, annoyed with his attitude but not wanting to stop the inevitable. His hands pull your hips over the edge of the bed, his warm breath hitting your core through your now soaked panties.
"She doesn't look very mad, bunny."
He's teasing you, testing your patience because he knows you won't stop him, not when his mouth is so dangerously close to your sopping pussy.
He licks a long stripe over the wet fabric.
"Come on now, don't be so quiet."
He slides his finger over your clit, rubbing slow circles through your panties.
You bite your lip, trying to hold back any sounds but he's just too good, a soft broken whine leaving your lips, encouraging him to speed up his ministrations.
He stops, standing up over you as his hands pull off your panties, probably pocketing them for later.
He leans up to kiss you, his mouth wet from your cunt, but before he can press into you you stop him with a hand on his chest.
"I don't think you deserve it."
You say with newfound strength and confidence.
"there she is, missed my mean girl."
He smirks but the serious look in your eye stops him.
"what, you want me to beg?"
He purrs into your ear, and as tempting as the offer sounds you decline.
"just the tip, that's all you get."
"aw, don't be so unfair, I promise I'll be good."
"just the tip, or nothing."
He huffs, but relents. Slowly, he slides just his pretty pink tip into you.
He groans into your shoulder, wanting desperately to take you fully.
He smirks up at you, and as you look up at him puzzled, you feel the aura tighten around your wrist and pull your hands up to the head board.
"yes?" He purrs innocently as he slides the rest of his dick into you, kissing your cervix. You can't help the moan that leaves your mouth, glaring at him.
"don't be like that, let me take care of you bunny."
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blueberrymocha · 19 days ago
misc hc ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。˚
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ׂ╰┈➤ fluff
➣ characters: gon, killua, kurapika, leorio, hisoka, illumi, chrollo
➣ a/n: slightly different post 🧐 might make a part 2
• he’d get a dog after coming back to whale island. probably an outdoor one that he’d show around the island—keeping him occupied for days.
• in fact, i think he’d always wanted one but because he was waiting most of his childhood to become a hunter/find ging, he didn’t want to raise a pet just to immediately leave for years while he searched.
• you know when you’re mad at someone, so you don’t talk for days? he’s the kind of person who would practically force you to interact with him unintentionally.
• like he’d wake you up for breakfast or call you when he heads to the market to ask what you want—forgetting you’re supposed to be fighting.
• he had restricted media access growing up, so now he loves binge watching shows and movies.
• of course, everything is better for him when you’re around, so he’d force you to watch them with him. the perfect afternoon for him is gathering some snacks and watching whatever for hours, and he might even let you be cuddly.
• he has a lot of twisted ideas about what love looks like. there would be moments where he feels like you don’t love him because you’re not as overbearing and controlling as kikyo/illumi.
• finds the sound of breathing very soothing, especially his s/o’s—sometimes while you sleep he’ll just lie beside you, watching your chest rise and fall and listening to your breaths.
• he’s pretty tenderheaded, so if you ever try to brush his hair or run your fingers through it while it’s tangled, he’d ask you to stop.
• adding onto that; i feel like you’d have to be very, very close for him to eventually allow it. the action would just remind him too much of being a child and having his hair taken care of by his mother.
• loves jazz and oldies music + occasionally will sing or hum along (he’d do the thing where he sings one part and then points to you to finish the lyric) (please match his energy).
• he becomes very chill at night compared to his usual intensive personality. what that looks like is him speaking often but in a softer, ramble-type voice. he’d narrate his actions, occasionally talking to you as he basks in the quiet atmosphere.
• as for his actions, he’d do nightly chores around the house regardless of your insistence he doesn’t need to. he hates the prospect of being useless—something he feels often with his friends. so around you, he just really wants to help.
• he has harmful and harmless magic tricks. he loves to show both off.
• none would be harmful to you, but you’d have to establish early on that you’re not okay with him pulling things like the flower petal trick in front of you (unless you are 🧐).
• if he had a pet, it’d be a bunny. and on that subject, he completely disapproves of animals in magic shows (thinks they’re cheap tricks).
• this man cannot cook to save his life. and can you blame him? if i had servants on servants, i wouldn’t pick up a spatula either.
• still, he hates not being able to do things, so he often finds himself asking you to teach him. with cooking, not everyone is made for it.. he is a perfect example. no matter how many lessons, how great the advice or recipe is; it won’t turn out if he’s in the kitchen.
• his behavior towards killua would be entirely different from how he treats you. he views you as his equal, not a puppet, and it’s not his job to change/mold you. so generally, he’s nowhere near as controlling or manipulative (though because it’s his nature, i wouldn’t rule it out).
• the gentleman act he puts on for people like neon is probably how he’d act around his s/o a lot of the time. not to manipulate you, but just because he’s not used to showing his natural self around non-spiders, so he puts on a facade he knows you’d like.
• the longer you spend around him, the more you’d begin to notice his real personality creeping through. it’d start with small remarks and comments that he doesn’t tell others, almost like he’s on a reality tv show and you’re the audience. eventually, he’d become more comfortable with you seeing him while he’s emotional.
• he’d read all the books you read so you could have conversations on them. even leaving sticky notes at certain parts so he remembers to tell you about his initial reaction.
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spiritualseer · 7 months ago
Anime characters that I would use to represent each Zodiac sign
I’m a chronic nerd and watch a lot anime- so here’s some characters that I think embody each zodiac- some actually are those signs but some are not, so I added them to other signs because I know better than the author😃☝️
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Eren Yeger- Attack on Titan
Yor Briar- Spy x Family
Ryomen Sukuna- Jujutsu Kaisen
Katsuki Bakugo- My Hero Academia
Haruka Sakura- Wind Breaker
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Momose Narumi - Wotakoi: love is hard for otaku
Gon Freecs- Hunter x Hunter
Monkey D. Luffy - One Piece
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Hisoka Morrow- Hunter x Hunter
Claude Faustus- Black Butler
Osamu Dazai- Bungo Stray Dogs
Ainosuke Shindo/Adam- Sk8 the Infinity
Sanji Vinsmoke- One Piece
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Nanami Kento- Jujutsu Kaisen
Nami- One Piece
Kojiro Nanjo/Joe- Sk8 the Infinity
Tanjiro Kamado- Demon Slayer
Izuku Midoriya/Deku- My Hero Academia
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Nobara Kugisaki- Jujutsu Kaisen
Teruhashi Kokomi- Saiki K
Reki Kyan- Sk8 the Infinity
Grell Sutcliff- Black Butler
Endeavor/Enji Todoroki- My Hero Academia (undeveloped Leo men representation lol)
Korra- The Legend of Korra
Taiga Kagami- Kuroko's Basket
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Doppo Kunikida- Bungo Stray Dogs
Aren Kuboyasu- Saiki K
Tobio Kageyama- Haikyuu
Tenya Iida- My Hero Academia
Kaoru Sakurayashiki/Cherry- Sk8 the Infinity
William T Spears- Black Butler
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Ranpo Edogawa- Bungo Stray Dogs
Miya Atsumu- Haikyuu
Yu Nishinoya- Hakyuu
Ronald Knox- Black Butler
Hayato Suo- Wind Breaker
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Shouta Aizawa- My Hero Academia
Shoko Ieiri- Jujutsu Kaisen
Kyuoka Izumi- Bungo Stray Doga
Taro Sakamoto- Sakamoto Days (I know the anime isn't out yet but this is developed and committed Scorpio men rep.)
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Gojo Satoru- Jujutsu Kaisen (almost offensively Sagittarius like LOOK AT HIM),
Akiko Yosano- Bungo Stray Dogs
Tengen Uzui- Demon Slayer
Shinazugawa Sanemi- Demon Slayer
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Yukichi Fukuzawa- Bungo Stray Dogs
Megumi Fushiguro- Jujutsu Kaisen
Maki Zenin- Jujutsu Kaisen
Levi Ackerman- Attack on Titan
Asahi Azumane- Haikyuu
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Geto Suguru- Jujutsu Kaisen
Mikasa Ackerman- Attack on Titan
Langa Hasegawa- Sk8 the Infinity
Sebestian Michaelis- Black Butler
Tetsuya Kuroko- Kuroko's Basket
Hajime Umemiya- Wind breaker (a developed Aquarius man lol)
Loid Forger- Spy x Family
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Yuji Itadori- Jujutsu Kaisen
Shinobu Kochou- Demon Slayer
Snake- Black Butler
Nifuji Hirotaka- Wotakoi: love is hard for otaku
Copyright Disclaimer ©️ All works are owned by me and I do not allow reposting or translations- only reblogging
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tht0nesimp · 1 year ago
thinking about different hxh YANDERES who come across their darling while they are moving, It probably reinforces a lot of their ideas that darling is weak…so I wrote about it
tw: Infantilization, Self indulgent, not edited, mentions of kidnapping
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It’s also a bit of a ego boost
He sees you struggle to carry a 150 pound bed frame down the stairs and it nearly melts his heart that someone so weak managed to last longer than 10 years on this planet
He will, of course, like any good husband would, start making a training plan for when he takes you in
He would never offer to help, but he may stick a needle in your neighbor, He couldn’t bare to see you struggle so hard or possibly even get hurt
He knows your weak, but don’t worry, He’ll mold you into a much stronger person! Even if he has to break you first…
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He frowns a bit, this was overly pathetic
It doesn’t bore him to see you so sore and struggling normally…But this was just sad
Why didn’t you just hire a moving company? Why must you make yourself suffer so much?
He won’t offer help, but energy drinks might appear randomly in your fridge for a bit Maybe with his own special ingredient
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Hm, this was an opportunity
He doesn’t necessarily consider his darling weak before this, atleast not by normal standards, but he figures your actually below average
He overestimates how easy this is for a normal person by quite a bit and is not self aware about that fact for once
When he inevitably brings you home, He will more than likely be a bit more gentle and probably won’t let you do a lot more than he might have without seeing that
Congrats! You’ve dug yourself an even deeper hole, full of child safety locks and baby proofing…
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He giggles
Its not like he’s a sadist or anything! or so he says But it’s just a little funny to see…
He will offer to help and because he doesn’t look all strong with his T-shirt and shorts on..He’s a bit surprising, to say the least
Not only does he lift like a champ, he has no problem maneuvering through doorways or disassembling things
He gets what would have been 3 hours of work from you, into 30 minutes of him softly humming as he carries furniture easily weighing 100+ pounds down the stairs like it’s nothing
He might bring it up jokingly when you’ve settled in after he takes you, but he probably won’t hold it against you
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Gon is by far the most understanding!
He offers to help, You may be a bit surprised but Gon still isn’t Superman
He might struggle a tiny bit if math is involved in disassembling things but he works quick and well
The look of appreciation on your face makes it all worth it
There remains hope you’ll keep the same affection for him after he takes you away from your life…
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yandere-daydreams · 3 months ago
i cannot thank you enough for the illumi content you put out here for us, truly feeding the starved and needed
we illumi fans have it so hard T-T i feel like the general consensus currently is that only chrollo, illumi, and hisoka are the only really fuckable men in hxh, and of that, hisoka too much of a freak to really get into and chrollo isn't enough of a freak to cater to my hyper-specific tastes. illumi is my platonic ideal,,, my middle-ground perfection,,, i may not write for him very often, but i promise i'm good for one annual fic just so you all remember exactly what kind of freak he is and how much that means to me.
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illubean · 9 months ago
HXH Masterlist (Phantom Troupe)
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apparently i can only put so many links on one post sooo
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Chrollo Lucilfer
Painting Their Nails Chrollo with Tall!Outgoing!Smart!Reader Sitting On Their Lap Chrollo with Short!Reader Chrollo and Kurapika with Artist!Reader Chrollo with S/o who walks around in underwear and his t-shirt Kissing Them Under The Mistletoe With MakeupArtist!reader Illumi and Chrollo with Latina/Mexican!Reader With an S/o Who Smokes/Vapes With a Stoner!S/o With a S/o Who Changes Styles With an S/o Who's Afraid of Needles/Piercings With a Crush on Zoldyck!reader With an EasilyFrightened!Reader With Blind!S/o With a Drifter!S/o With a Morbid!S/o What Would Make Them Kill/Divorce You With an Unaligned!OP!Reader With a Lazy!Reader Remembrance With a S/o W/ Sharp Teeth/Claws With Kenny!Reader With an Unaligned!OP!Reader 2 With a Yapper!S/o Hold It While You Pee With Katara!Reader Drabble #1 Gentle Praise (NSFW) With a ShizuoHewajima!S/o With a Banshee!Reader With an Angelic!S/o With a Pianist!Reader Grocery Shopping With a Contortionist!Reader
Feitan Portor
With an S/o Who Smokes/Vapes With a Stoner!S/o With a Taller!S/o With an S/o Who's Afraid of Needles/Piercings With an EasilyFrightened!Reader With Blind!S/o With Short!S/o With a Morbid!S/o With an Unaligned!OP!Reader With a Lazy!Reader With a S/o W/ Sharp Teeth/Claws What If We Kissed...? With Kenny!Reader With an Unaligned!OP!Reader 2 With a Yapper!S/o With Katara!Reader With a ShizuoHewajima!S/o With a FamousCook!Reader With a Banshee!Reader With an Angelic!S/o With a Pianist!Reader
Phinks Magkub
With a Lazy!Reader Celebrating Your Birthday With Kenny!Reader With Katara!Reader
Machi Komacine
What Would Make Them Kill/Divorce You With Kenny!Reader With Katara!Reader
Shizuku Murasaki
Celebrating Your Birthday With Kenny!Reader With Katara!Reader With an Angelic!S/o
Celebrating Your Birthday With Kenny!Reader With Katara!Reader
With Kenny!Reader With Katara!Reader With an Angelic!S/o
With Kenny!Reader With Katara!Reader
Celebrating Your Birthday With Kenny!Reader With Katara!Reader
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please feel free to request for any of these characters or characters unlisted, but keep in mind I will not write for Hisoka ^__^
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helloiamadrawer · 5 months ago
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ᵂʰᵉⁿ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᶠᵃᵛᵒʳᶦᵗᵉ'ˢ ᵛᵒᶦᶜᵉ ᵗᵘʳⁿˢ ʸᵒᵘ ᵒⁿ....
You can barely keep still, tripping upon your own sentences and stuttering like you just lost your own sense of speech. And it only gets worse from there when they find out, the teasing becoming more intentional, voice messages from out of the blue, more longer and more...explicit. Their voice telling you how much they are gonna ravish you when they come back from work and you're already wet and begging for friction so badly, fantasizing what they're going to whisper or moan into your ears while they fuck you senseless not to mention mindless as well, praising you until you reach your breaking point. Your hand drifts down to your pants until a hand stops your further movements and there they are, their eyes dark and filled to the brim with lust.
"Ah-ah-ah, don't touch yourself until I tell you to, my loyal slut. I know you're good at following directions, especially when it's my directions~"
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JAX, Caine, DABI, Aizawa, Overhaul, Pro Hero!Monoma Neito, Pro Hero!Bakugo Katsuki, HISOKA, Shalnark, U-2626, U-2048, U-2001, Killer T, VOX, Valentino, Alastor, Gamma 1, Gohan, Vegeta, Sukuna, Gojo
Dividers by @adornedwithlight and @cafekitsune
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