I Used to Have Dreams. Now I Have Cats.
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aronlewes · 2 months ago
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It's been quite awhile since I've mentioned the "casts" of my books. I released the first book in the Monster Tamer Sisters duology the other day ( and to be honest, I only really had actors in mind for the two male leads in the series. Kelcian was a young Killian Scott, and Denny was Nicholas Denton, who I discovered in Dangerous Liaisons. (Starz did that show so dirty!)
My friend @pineconeenchanting kindly drew Kelcian and Aggy from the first book, and I wanted to share her art too.
This series is a little bit steampunk, a lot fantasy, and a considerable dose of (wholesome) romance as well. It has cute monsters in it, and it's only 99 cents for a limited time.
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aronlewes · 5 months ago
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I just wanted to quickly mention the newest book I've released, The Ghost and Miss Hodge. It's one of Caylen McQueen's (my pen name's) books, but I thought it was worth mentioning here, because it has a STRONG connection to School for Spirits.
I thought I'd share the AI covers I made, which I thought were cool... although they were giving more "cozy mystery" than "paranormal/ghost/steampunk romance."
If anyone out there is looking to contact Caylen, my new email address is [email protected]. Twitter/X insisted on deleting my Caylen McQueen account, but I do have a wordpress blog, which I'd love for you to follow.
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aronlewes · 7 months ago
Who's up for some epic banking? J has the inside scoop on our latest release, Called to Account.
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aronlewes · 8 months ago
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aronlewes · 9 months ago
I'm incomprehensibly happy to see the damn security checkpoint is winning!
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aronlewes · 9 months ago
Being a girl is watching every movie/show that your latest fixation is in.
Even if they only have a small part.
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aronlewes · 9 months ago
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This is just a quick post to announce the release of Odyssey of Dragons: and to give a shout out to the actors who inspired it.
Kylander was another character inspired by Killian Scott (although I'll accept the guy on the book cover too). Killian Scott REALLY stuck as my muse, so there will be a lot more of him to come.
In my mind, the centaur Kane was inspired by Charles Babalola, who was my favorite character in "The Outlaws," by far (and I'm watching Season 3 right now, conveniently) Every now and again, I'll happen upon an actor who possesses some kind of undefinable raw charisma spark. Charles Babalola has the thing.
As for the ladies in the book... the less I say about them, the better.
I was thinking about making a Twitch channel, youtube videos, or even TikToks... but my plans have been indefinitely delayed by a terrible flu. I sound hoarse and look awful! If I do make a channel somewhere, I will mention it here.
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aronlewes · 9 months ago
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aronlewes · 9 months ago
I'm the only one... who gives a shit
I was trying to edit a book just now, but I'm distracted. Something is pushing me to make this post. New month, new me, new brutal honesty.
I bought an Aaron Lewis t-shirt the other day:
This is like an inside joke with myself because I get this dude's fan mail sometimes. I have nothing against Aaron Lewis. I just want to make that clear. Also, my name isn't Aron Lewes, it's just a pen name that sounds vaguely similar to my actual name.
My eldest sister is much older than me. She is old enough to be my mom, actually. There's always been some distance between us due to the age gap. She told me once she doesn't like to read, so she wouldn't be reading my books. That's fine. I can accept that. I don't expect anyone to read my shit and it's totally ok if she doesn't.
But there was a time not so long ago, when we were at a restaurant, and I started to open up to her about my books, about my pen name. She searched for my pen name and landed on Aaron Lewis instead, then proceeded to gush about him and Staind the whole time while we were eating. I was reticent as I listened to her gush. Such was my way.
But now? Fuck that. And fuck you, D. It would be a miracle if you see this anyway because you give so few fucks about me.
But I wish you well as well... .because such IS my way.
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aronlewes · 9 months ago
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aronlewes · 9 months ago
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aronlewes · 9 months ago
The cat in the room knows the secret ;)
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aronlewes · 9 months ago
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Ladies, we need to have a chat...about the absence of WHIMSY in current romance novels.
Think about the stories that got us hooked on romance when we were kids. It wasn't "Fifty Shades of Grey," not even close, not by a long shot. It was The Little Mermaid, Beauty & the Beast, The Princess Bride, etc.
I get so discouraged when I go to ANY romance category on Amazon, and I see mostly 6-pack abs on book covers. ... REALLY? Is that what we REALLY want in a man? Just abs. Just billionaires? A true divine husband is so much more than that.
I've captured "whimsy" in quite a few books. School for Spirits, to begin with. Ugly Monster Matchmaker is THE ONE. Also, Aurora Abroad, The Wishing Princess, Wizard of the 80's...
We all need to pull back from "man chest" and have a collective think about what connects us to this genre. Is it the man chest, or is it that undeniable, undefinable, perfect kind of man?
Here are four covers. Which one would you read?
For me, it's 100% Anubis & Annie... and I haven't even written this book yet!
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aronlewes · 10 months ago
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This'll just be a quick post to mention that I've released a book under my Caylen McQueen pen name. If you want to read more about the book itself, check out the blog over on wordpress:
I wanted to share some artwork by my friend @pineconeenchanting. This is Katalin and Kingston from The Taming of Miss Shrewsbury!
Like many books to come, Kingston was inspired by Killian Scott, one of my favorite actors. Stewart LeBeau was Booboo Stewart, who's also been my muse before. I specifically chose a pic where he has a mustache because it becomes a joke in the book. ;)
You can find my oh-so-shrewish steampunk heroine here:
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aronlewes · 11 months ago
Reflecting on my favorites
Now that I've semi-retired from writing (for now, anyway), I thought I'd compile a list of my favorite books & characters I've written. Why? I don't know. to inspire myself? To cheer myself up? Whatever the case, I felt compelled.
The Darker Ages - Just a damn good time to write, and meaningful too. I'm not sure this will ever be dethroned. I peaked too soon.
School for Spirits - I love all the books in this series, almost equally. I love writing in this universe and would be sad to see it end.
Palace of Maids aka Cowboys & Elves - I stubbornly love this one, despite its mixed reception. It's so vulgar and violent -- I think that's why it wasn't so digestible to people. But I love it anyway.
The Ugly Monster Matchmaker Company - the only Caylen McQueen (my other pen name) book on my list. It's just so wholesome, with such a likeable cast. I adore Becky and Groop.
The Wishing Princess - Again, I just really like this cast... especially mad mode Prince Fared and the shady romantic, King Nils. And the concept is unique, I think.
Favorite Characters:
Alfred du Bois. I made trailer for Darker Ages and almost cried when I "saw" Alfred. (he is based on Alfred Enoch, btw, and his AI trailer self resembles him so much). I love quippy characters, and I love anti-heroes. Alfred's my favorite of them all.
Carol from Belles & Bullets. Again, this is the only Caylen entry on the list. Alas, she doesn't even appear until Sky Pirate, book 3. I just love her for being completely wacky & hilarious.
Crow from A Farm Boy in Oz. I felt randomly compelled to reread some of her lines the other day. She's still TOO hilarious to me. I'm not even that funny in real life, so I don't know where these humorous ladies come from. Reading her lines, I almost felt inspired to write again. Almost.
Vineet from School for Spirits: Pretty Dead Girl. He's my definition of the adorable nerd. I love him so much.
Daniul, the persnickety asexual OCD mage from The Black Knight Chronicles series. I think he probably has Asperger's or something. (I think I probably do too)
I'm almost embarrassed by the number of books I wrote between 2016-2023. I was so desperate to accomplish my dream, to no avail. I'm not famous, or even that successful. I'm living proof that manifestation doesn't always work. Just sayin'. 😅
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aronlewes · 1 year ago
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In December of last year, I lost my life... to Baldur's Gate 3. I couldn't stop playing it. I'm still playing it now.
At the same time, I was also editing Heroes & Halflings, a series I wrote 2 years ago.
I was surprised by the similarities between BG3 and H&H. There were half-orcs. There were halflings (although, mine were different). Tieflings are basically demonicas. I wasn't familiar with DnD, but I'm obviously on its wavelength.
Anyway, I tried to make Orca in-game, and it's wild that I could even do that, since she's a half-orc with vitiligo. I was going to have her romance Gale (since he's most like her love interest from the book) but it was too weird, and I quit that playthrough.
Anyway, if you want to read my series that's very BG3 but NOT inspired by BG3, check it out (first book is free):
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aronlewes · 1 year ago
What happens when burnout never ends?
I've all but officially decided I am 100% done with writing. I've been feeling this way for months, and can no longer deny that deep in the marrow of my bones, I've given up. 12 years is far too long to keep going with little to show for it.
I have a few more books to release in 2024, including a final School for Spirits book, but after that I am well and truly done.
It's been a good ride, but it was past time to admit I don't have the energy and will to stay in the game.
Fare thee well, world. I hope someone out there can appreciate what I put out. (It was quite a lot)
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