#Sylvie Brett oneshot
specialagentsoftie · 2 years
Home for the New Year | s.b.
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Pairing: Sylvie Brett x Fem!Reader Requested: nopee jk yes kinda? Warnings: mentions death, previous bad relationship, angst Word count: 2.9k ish A/N: idk if anyone reads for Sylvie anymore but i had this written for ages (like... last new years) so might as well post it.
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The flood of emotions hit Sylvie like a truck the second she got back to the firehouse. Her tears were uncontrollable as they streamed down her cheeks. Running into the bathroom, she splashed cold water on her face to try and calm down.
She slumped back against the lockers in the changing room and let herself slide to the ground. The cold floor drove a chill up her spine. Her face was buried in her arms as the tragic events of the morning ran through her head.
The paramedic was in shock. The adrenaline was wearing off and what was left was only devastation. She knew she couldn’t save everyone, but she really thought she could save this one.
He was just 7 years old, a kid. He was somebody’s baby and they couldn’t help him.
The rest of the firehouse could tell how bad the shift was by the way the paramedics carried themselves out of their ambulance. There was an air of sadness around them, the kind of aura that could only mean a particularly devastating call.
Typically the she would have called you by now, but as much as she wanted to, she couldn’t.
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She had no right to come running into your arms whenever she was sad, or hurt, or scared because you and Sylvie had been broken up for a few weeks. It felt like years, but things were different these days and you weren’t hers, not anymore.
Your impending departure had meant for an inevitable end to your relationship, but you had to go.
You had to go for the career you spent a better half of your life pursuing. There wasn’t anyone else who could do what you did and Sylvie didn’t want you to choose her over your job because there wasn’t a choice to be made. You worked so hard for it.
The two of you talked about long distance because what you had with Sylvie shouldn’t have to end, not like this… but she’d gone through the time differences and the conficting schedules before and it was hard. It was harder than anything she’d ever done.
As much as you loved each other, Sylvie wasn’t sure she could survive another round of that, only for it to end exactly like it would if everything just stopped now. That’s what happened last time, so who’s to say history wouldn’t repeat itself?
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They called you at noon, after she'd been in the bathroom for half an hour already. Sev and Stella had both been giving you updates on how Sylvie was doing and you were more then grateful for it. Sylvie was the most resilient, capable person you knew, but you also knew her better than anyone.
You knew how she was when things got tough, not wanting to burden others with her problems. You also knew that she wasn’t going to tell you how much she was hurting, not after the breakup. Even so, she had friends and people who loved her at 51.
They were there for her when she needed it, but at her breaking point, what she needed was you.
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“Hey, sunshine. You ok? ”
Sylvie’s eyes widened at the sound of your voice, her head snapped up and there was a wild look on her face as she looked around the room for you.
Hearing you use her nickname hurt more than she thought it would, but when she saw you standing there, leaning against the doorframe... Your arms were crossed and your head tilted with concern, it was almost enough to make her forget you were even broken up.
“Shoot, Y/N.” Sylvie stammered, standing up quickly and rubbing the tears from her face. She didn’t want you to see her like this. "What are you doing here?"
She had to take a deep breath to steel herself from the effect you had on her. It didn’t work. It never worked. You always broke through her walls and defenses.
“Kelly called me. He was worried about you, Syl.”
“I— He shouldn’t have done that, I’m so sorry for making you come down here and fuss over me.” Sylvie clasps her hands together to stop their shaking and it doesn’t go unnoticed by you. "I know you’re busy, you can go back to work. I’m fine."
“Everything is fine,” she mumbles, and it was almost like she was trying to convince herself of that instead of you.
“Syl…” Your voice was quiet as you took a step towards the blonde. She looked so small against and it broke your heart.
The closer you got to Sylvie, the harder it became for her to maintain her brave face. She wanted so badly to just fall into your arms and cry for the next 10 minutes. She wanted you to hold her like you always did and everything would be ok.
She could hardly breathe when you stop right in front of her and time stood still.
"Breathe," you whispered as you took her hands, pulling them apart and squeezing them with your own. Sylvie took such a shaky breath that it might as well been a gasp for air.
“Sweetheart, why didn't you call me?”
“You know why. I wanted to, but—” You watched as Sylvie dropped her head and avoided your gaze, stray strands of blonde hair falling in front of her face. One of your hands leaves hers to tuck them back behind her ear.
“Look at me, Sylvie.” Your hand returns back to your ex-girlfriend’s hands and you give them gentle tug. "Look at me.”
She does reluctantly, and you can’t help but admire how gorgeous she looked. Her eyes were rimmed with red, brows furrowed, a frown on her face, and just as beautiful as she was the day you first met.
“You can always come to me, always. Even if we’re not together anymore, if you need me, I’m here. That’s never going to change, ok?"
“I can’t do this anymore… being without you,” Sylvie admitted, her lip quivering as she spoke. Her eyes were glassy and you could tell that she was mere seconds from falling apart.
“Oh sweetheart, it’s ok,” you coo as you pulled her into your arms, her face burrowing into your neck. You feel her shake her head against you and tears began to wet your shirt. Things didn’t feel ok.
“We’ll be ok.” You’re peppering kisses to the side of Sylvie’s head as you held her, gently running your fingers through her soft hair.
“You still want to be with me?” Her voice was quiet, and weak. You knew how tired she was.
Sure, she was physically tired, but the turbulent relationships of her past had taken so much of her. Sylvie was beginning to think that she wasn’t cut out for love… and then she met you.
You, who grounded her and made her feel steady. You, the only one she had ever been sure of, but she wasn’t so sure anymore. Maybe you didn’t love her like you used to.
The little voice in the back of her head was telling her that she couldn’t handle this kind of life, it was telling her that she was nothing without him — just like he’d said so many times before. It had been years since she left him and he couldn’t have been more wrong, but sometimes Sylvie fell into old habits. She was so strong, but everyone needs someone.
She usually had you to chase the intrusive thoughts away.
“Of course I do, sweetheart. Hey…” you murmured, lifting her chin so she’d look at you again. “I’m not him."
“I— I know, but… you don’t think I’m being crazy?” she stammered. “You don’t think I’m—"
“No, love. No, you’re not being crazy at all. I miss you too. I miss you so much that it hurts.”
“Really… I know long distance is hard— “
“Y/N…” Before she got another word out, your hands are cupping Sylvie’s face and pressing your lips to hers. You feel her tears on your cheeks as she moved impossibly closer to you.
“Hey...I love you so, so much. I really think we can do this,” you murmured as your forehead rested against hers. "We belong together." Sylvie nods ever so slightly, her eyes closed as she took deep breaths.
Before you broke apart to let the paramedic get back to work, you’re whispering in her hair. “I’m gonna come back to you. I promise.”
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You and Sylvie made long distance work for three months before the holidays rolled around. Despite the many weeks of missed calls and conflicting schedules, you always tried to make time for your girl.
The blonde kept up a cheerful facade during work, making sure her personal life wasn’t getting in the way, but her weary sighs at the end of every shift… They meant she was going home to an empty apartment. Again.
The worst of it was learning that you weren’t going to make it home for Christmas. That in itself was utterly devastating for Sylvie. The holidays were the one thing she was looking forward to because she thought it meant she could see you. She offered to come fly out, but you were going to be so busy that it would be a wasted trip.
The news that you weren’t going to make it for New Year’s either was… just great. How much more could she take?
It hurt when every suggestion she made to visit was shot down by you, and Sylvie was beginning to wonder if it was even worth it.
What if the stars didn't align? What if they were never going to?
Little did she know, it was all because you had spent the last two months figuring out a way to come back to her.
After many meetings, phone calls, pitches, and business dinners, you were coming home. Starting January 10th, you would be the new liaison officer for both your district and another — headquartered in Chicago.
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The plan was for Sylvie to spend Christmas and the New Year with her firehouse family this year. Typically, the two of you would cuddle up in front of the fireplace for a cozy night in, but you weren’t going to be able to make it back in time, no matter how hard you tried and you didn’t want your girlfriend to spend the day by herself.
That’s what you told her, at least.
All of 51 banded together to make this holiday season special at Molly's, but it was devastating for Sylvie that you weren’t going to be a part of it. It wouldn’t be the same. Nevertheless, she tried to enjoy the party as best she could. At least she was around people she loved and who loved her too.
They all did a wonderful job at keeping your secret and Sylvie was none the wiser. Everything was falling into place perfectly.
Although she was going to return home alone that night, it made her heart lighter knowing that in a few days, she’d be in your arms.
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At 11 pm on New Years Eve, after another party at Molly's, Sylvie unlocked her front door with a groan and stumbled inside. I am so exhausted, she thought to herself. Why the hell did I stay the entire time…
She almost didn’t see the object on her kitchen table that wasn’t there when she left for the bar a few hours earlier.
A chill shot through her spine as she walked closer to the table and she realized it was a package. A package from you.
Sylvie couldn’t stop her hands from trembling as she picked up the box, tearing up as she saw her name scribbled in the corner. The handwriting was yours, she’d recognize it anywhere.
Her heart pounded as she tore the delicate wrapping paper off of the package, the anticipation almost too much to bear.
Underneath was a box and a white business card resting on top of it, a golden ribbon tying everything together.
It took all of Sylvie’s control to undo the bow and hold the card steady enough to read the tiny text. There was your name, your district, and your position, but in the corner were two words that made her gasp out loud.
Chicago, Illinois
You were coming home.
A strangled sob escaped Sylvie’s lips as she let her head fall back to stare at the ceiling for a moment, taking everything in. This was all she wanted this year. She wanted you back, back where you belong.
There were tears pricking her eyes, but with a deep, shaky inhale, she pulled herself together enough to get through the rest of your gift.
The cream colored velvet box was all that was left. The gold lettering sparkled on the lid as Sylvie read what it said, running her fingers over the soft material.
Loving you is a wonderful way to spend a lifetime…
Her heart lurched at the words as she thought about you spending the holidays alone, in a new city. She missed you more than anything.
As Sylvie carefully removed the lid, her eyes widened upon seeing what was inside. It was a key. Her brow furrowed as the confusion set in — it couldn’t be a key to your apartment. You moved out of that apartment, she even helped you pack up your things.
“Wha—?” she whispered to herself, but a quiet voice from behind interrupted her thoughts.
“Move in with me.”
The world stood still. She knew that voice. The blonde gripped the box in her hand impossibly tight, worried she would drop everything in shock. She turned on her heels to see you standing at her doorway with a huge smile on your face. Not a moment later, she was running into your waiting arms.
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” Sylvie choked out as she pulled away to look at you again. She had to make sure you were real and she wasn’t dreaming. “I thought you said you couldn’t make it.”
“I had to surprise you, didn’t I?” You’re laughing as she squeezed you as hard as she could. Her jewelry was digging into your skin, but you didn’t care. “I missed you.”
“You’re here,” she mumbled, her voice muffled by your shirt.
"So? What do you say, Sylvie Brett? Will you move in with me?”
“I— Wait, where? What? You— “ Sylvie shook her head, trying to clear her jumbled thoughts. It brings a smile to your face and a chuckle falls from your lips. “You have a new place? Already? Since when?”
“Well… I was hoping it would be our new place. And as for when… it’s been a couple weeks in the making… 5 to be exact.”
“That was over a month ago, Y/N!” Sylvie gasped, not sure if she should be concerned or shocked as to why you didn’t tell her.
“I know, and I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you, but it had to be a surprise. Plus, it's really damn hard to get a house these days. Let’s just say I was very determined to get this place in particular.”
You pulled something out of your pocket and handed it to your girlfriend.
“Wait, what is this?”
Sylvie stared at the key in her hand and then at the photo you just gave her. It was the house.
You had bought the house that Sylvie had fallen in love with on the outskirts of Chicago. She knew she loved it the second she saw it on the way to work one day, many years ago. You never forgot.
It was the house she’d always dreamed of having — one that was close enough to her job, cozy, and with a huge yard for kids or dogs. The two of you would often take the long way just to admire it before work.
Just when Sylvie thought she couldn’t love you any more than she already did, you always seemed to make her fall even harder.
Her hands were trembling as the reality of your surprise settled in and her eyes shined as she looked back up at you.
She just couldn’t believe what was happening. She couldn’t believe you were home and she definitely couldn’t believe that you had this big surprise all planned out for weeks. It was just like you, though, to completely change her life like this, again.
“So I take it that’s a yes?”
“Yes! Oh my god, I— yes. Sorry, I’m babbling,” Sylvie blushed as she let out a teary laugh. “I just love you so damn much Y/N Y/L/N."
“I love you more,” you cheesed, knowing that your plan had worked perfectly.
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As the clock struck midnight, with Sylvie’s lips pressed against yours, everything was as it should be for the first time in months.
You told her you’d come back to her, and you did.
The rest of the night was one of the happiest you’d had in a very long time. You and Syl curled up together on the couch, catching up on your favorite shows and the episodes you’d missed while you were away.
“Hey… Y/N?”
“Yeah, babe?” you mused as your attention was pulled away from the TV.
”How did you break into my apartment?”
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Sylvie Brett Taglist
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cutielando · 1 year
Thanks a million♥️ So for the Brian ‘Otis’ Zvonecek requests I was thinking something along the lines of (reader aka y/n) is a new paramedic at firehouse 51 and everyone including Brian is shocked when she takes an immediate interest in him by flirting with him in front everyone… it’s not a perfect idea so pls feel free to adjust where you feel necessary, this is more of like a guideline than anything.
I was watching the episode where Terra Little joins 51 for a training shift and Otis is attracted to her but of course she chose Kelly Severide instead🥱 so I thought it would be a nice change if Otis is the guy she instantly gravitated towards because it’s very possible I mean he’s adorable common.
my masterlist
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Pairing: Brian "Otis" Zvonecek x Female!Reader
"And that would be everything" Sylvie said as she finished giving you a tour of the firehouse.
Joining the 51 had been nerve-wrecking for you ever since you found out your transfer had gone through, mainly because you knew how tight everyone was and you didn't want to intrude on anything.
"Thank you for showing me around. This is much nicer than the last firehouse I was at" you said, admiring the trucks and the ambulance, which was so much nicer than your previous ones.
"How was your last firehouse?" she inquired, not having received much information about you from Chief Boden.
"Typical boy house. I was the only female in the entire house, so you can imagine the atmosphere. The only one who wasn't bothered by my presence was my partner, but we were the same age, so that helped a little" you explained, continuing to walk around.
"I can promise you that it's going to be different here. Our guys are the best, you're going to fit right in with everyone" she smiled and wrapped an arm around your shoulder, steering you in the kitchen direction.
You didn't say anything as you slowly walked towards everyone, each of them minding their own business in the kitchen.
"Guys, this is Y/N. She's the new paramedic I was telling you about" Sylvie announced as you stopped in your tracks where everyone could see you.
"Hi" you said and waved shyly, not used to having so many intimidating pairs of eyes on you at the same time.
Each of them got up and introduced themselves one at a time, wishing you a warm welcome.
"I'm Brian, but everyone here calls me Otis. Welcome to 51, I hope you'll feel at home here" the most handsome man you'd ever seen said as he stood before you, hand outstretched.
You slowly brought your hand up and shook his, electricity quickly spreading through your body when your skin touched his. You inhaled a deep breath, Otis doing the same, which made you smile because it only meant that he felt the connection too.
"Y/N, nice to meet you. I'm positive I'll feel more than welcome here, especially with you around" the words stumbled out of your mouth before you could even think about stopping them.
You saw a slight blush coat Otis' cheeks as he looked around at his colleagues, all looking at the interaction between the two of you with much interest.
Otis cleared his throat and made you snap back to reality, suddenly becoming aware of everyone staring at the two of you and your hands still holding onto each other.
"Otis, why don't you finish the rest of the tour? Show her where we sleep when on shift and the lockers and showers and everything" Sylvie spoke up, sneakily winking at the flustered firefighter.
"Um, ye-yeah, sure. This way" Otis said and motioned for you to follow him.
You turned around briefly to look at Sylvie, who winked at you and smiled, making you smile back.
"She did this on purpose, didn't she?" you asked him, trailing after him down the corridor.
"Sylvie? Yeah, she likes to think she's Cupid and her main goal in life is setting people up every chance she gets. I'm sorry about this" he said, scratching the back of his neck.
"You don't have to be sorry, I'm not complaining one bit" you smiled at him, trying to show him that you were enjoying the situation to the fullest.
"Oh, great. That's, um, that's good" Otis said, cursing under his breath at how awkward he sounded.
"You haven't done this in a while, have you?" you questioned, trying to ease the tension.
"Is it that obvious?" he laughed, the rigidness in his shoulder slightly lessening.
"Maybe just a little" you laughed with him.
"I'm just not used to women showing interest in me first. It's always Casey or Severide or anybody else that gets the girls. It's never me" he explained, which made you feel a little sad for him.
Otis was nothing short of hot and extremely handsome, you couldn't understand why women wouldn't approach him.
"Well, if you're asking me, you're way hotter than everyone else in this firehouse" you leaned in and whispered in his ear before walking away.
You heard Otis inhale a deep breath behind you, making you smile.
You had a feeling you were going to enjoy life at 51.
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comments and re-blogs help us grow!
much appreciated!!
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squadmuse · 3 months
In love with this hairstyle ngl 🔥
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torreshalstead · 1 year
The Paramedic and the Bullet Magnet
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Summary - When Hailey was assigned to Ambulance 61 at Firehouse 51, she knew it would be much busier than her current house, but what she didn’t know is that she would meet a cute cop whose green eyes she wouldn’t be able to get out of her mind. And that their first meeting wouldn’t be their last.
Notes - I had so much fun creating this little world, (even if it did end up being the longest oneshot I’ve ever written!) I hope you enjoy it! AO3 Link ❤️
‘Wow, they weren’t kidding about this being a busy house,’ Hailey let out with a sigh as she dropped down onto the couch in the break room. She and Violet had just returned to 51 after constant back-to-back calls, it was past 4pm and they had rolled out this morning in the middle of breakfast. She was exhausted.
‘You grow to love it,’ Violet said with a wink as she threw herself down next to Hailey, ignoring Mouch’s mumbles that the two of them were talking over the television.
‘I can imagine, keeps you on your toes that’s for sure,’ Hailey said absent-mindedly. Today was her first shift at 51 having been called in to cover for the PIC, Sylvie Brett, who was taking an extended leave of furlough to implement her Paramedicine program in cities across neighbouring states. Violet was assuming the PIC role and Hailey was more than happy to work alongside her, she had heard excellent things about the young medic and was looking forward to jumping into a far busier house.
Her own house, 11, was in the far north of the city and handled signifcantly fewer calls. She liked it well enough but was excited to stretch her wings and her medical ability here. The whole house was incredibly welcoming that morning, she had previously met the Truck lieutenant, Stella Kidd, as her colleagues had dragged her to Molly’s one night stating it was the best firefighter bar in the city. Hailey hadn’t had the heart to tell them it was the only firefighter bar in the city. But still, in the brief interactions she had had with Kidd that night, she had been lovely.
51 was much more like the type of house she wanted to end up at, a house that felt like a family, calls that challenged her and gave her the opportunity to grow. She didn’t know how long she’d be detailed here but she was going to make the most of every shift.
Just as Hailey was starting to wonder what was for dinner, the bells rang again.
‘Ambulance 61, person down from unknown causes, 326 South Racine’.
‘No rest for the weary,’ Violet said with a grin as the pair jumped up. ‘Save us some dinner,’ she called over her shoulder as they headed towards the app floor.
Calls like this where she had no idea what to expect were Hailey’s favourite. It kept her on her toes, and she relished it. She was a quick thinker so enjoyed diving into the unknown.
She pulled the ambo up to the address that dispatch had provided them, the whole area was cordoned off with police tape, a number of police officers were scattered around.
‘Someone call for an ambo?’ Violet asked once they had jumped down from the cab, locating the nearest officer to provide them some information.
‘I think Intelligence did, over by that car,’ the officer said bluntly, gesturing blindly behind him.
‘How helpful,’ Violet said sassily. Hailey smirked, she knew that they were going to get on like a house on fire, no pun intended. They walked over to where the officer had pointed, a grey haired man who appeared to be in charge was barking orders at two younger uniformed officers.
‘Someone call for us?’ Hailey said with a smile.
‘There’s a victim inside that seems to have had a panic attack and one of mine got hit by a stray bullet but is conveniently refusing treatment. You have my full permission to shove him in the back of the ambo and cart him off to Med,’ the sergeant said gruffly, Hailey spotting his badge on his hip.
‘I’ll take the patient and you can deal with the stubborn cop?’ Violet said as she held the door open for Hailey.
‘Okay,’ she agreed, walking into the convenience store and spotting both of their targets at the back of the store.
The one she assumed was the stubborn officer was sitting on the floor next to a young boy, who couldn't be older than 15. The officer was muttering under his breath and seemed to be instructing him to breathe in time with him, the young boy's shaking hand was clutching his tightly.
As they approached they heard him say, ‘Trey, these are my paramedic friends, are you okay if they take a look at you? If you say no, they’ll stay right over there?’ The young boy, Trey, nodded slowly in response but didn’t lessen his hold on the officer who lifted his head and smiled at them, giving them the okay to proceed.
‘Hey Trey, my name is Violet, are you okay if I take over from my friend here?’ Violet said calmly, holding out her own hand. Trey looked up at the cop, the worry evident in his eyes but when he was met with a smile, he nodded slowly.
‘I’ll just be right over here buddy,’ the officer said as he passed over Trey’s hand to Violet and stood up. Hailey noticed him wince as he did so but the pain was only evident on his face for a microsecond before his calm demeanour took over again.
‘You’re not Sylvie,’ he said when he and Hailey had walked a couple of steps away towards the window to give the young boy space to breathe.
‘Top marks there, officer, I’m Hailey,’ Hailey said with a grin. ‘But your sergeant told us you got shot and were refusing medical attention, so you lose at least 5 marks for that.’
‘I’ve been shot before, it’s just bruised ribs. And by the way, it’s detective,’ he smirked with a small raise to his eyebrows.
‘Well then detective, that’s still not a doctor so if you let me take a look at you, I’ll make that call.’
‘I’m fine, I promise Hailey,’ he said and Hailey could tell he was sincere in his words so she quickly changed tact.
‘If that young boy had said he was fine and you could clearly see that he wasn’t, would you take no for an answer?’ she asked, raising her eyebrow. Now he was standing in the light, she could see he was about her age, maybe a year or two older, he was a head taller than her and there was something about the way his green eyes were looking at her was making her question everything. She shook herself back into the present, she was here to help him, not ogle at how attractive he was. But boy was he.
‘I guess not,’ he said slowly, a small smirk appearing on his face as he realised she had caught him out.
‘Okay, so then detective, will you please let me check you over?’ Hailey said with a smile.
‘I will. But only when Trey’s been checked over first,’ he said firmly. ‘And it’s Jay. I mean detective is fine too if you want to stay formal,’ his green eyes glistened as he spoke.
‘Jay,’ Hailey said, liking the way his name sounded on her tongue. ‘I think I can agree to that,’ glancing over her shoulder she noticed that Violet had the young boy on his feet and was walking towards the door, clearly she had managed to calm him down. ‘We can follow them out to the ambo.’
Hailey and Jay followed Violet and Trey out of the store and began their walk across to where they had parked their ambulance up.
‘I’ll just check in with the boss and I’ll be right with you,’ Jay said, starting to walk away in the opposite direction but with a look back at Hailey’s less than impressed expression, added, ‘You’ve got my word Hailey,’ he smiled softly and Hailey nodded in response.
‘Wow. Did you just get Jay Halstead to agree to actually get checked out?’ Violet asked incredulously. ‘You might be a miracle worker after all,’ she sniggered.
‘What? He normally a difficult patient?’ Hailey asked curiously as she opened the back doors to the ambulance.
‘Difficult is an understatement. We usually have to threaten to call his brother to even let us take a look,’ she chuckled.
‘His brother?’ Hailey couldn’t help but ask, this guy had spiked her curiosity.
‘He’s a doctor over at Med, Dr Halstead, we met him earlier when we took Mrs Sharpe in. The tall red haired one. They’ve got good genes in that family, I’ll tell you that,’ she smirked. ‘Okay Trey, we just want you to sit here for 10 minutes keeping your breathing under control but if you start to feel like your chest is tightening again, we’ve got oxygen on hand okay?’ She turned her attention back to their patient and was rewarded with a small nod.
Hailey looked back around, she could see Jay stood talking to the Sergeant from earlier, he was clearly favouring his left side, unless he always stood that way. She realised she was staring when she heard Violet give a little cough from behind her.
‘Just admiring those Halstead genes?’ She smirked.
‘Just making sure he hadn’t run off,’ Hailey countered quickly but could feel the blush start to creep up her cheeks.
‘He won’t, he’ll come and check on Trey. He’s that kind of cop,’ Violet said lightly and Hailey felt a warmth spread through her. The kind of cop that would calm a teenager down from a panic attack having just been shot himself and come and check up on him afterwards. And the kind that had beautiful green eyes…
‘How we doing?’ she heard his voice and jumped slightly at the interruption, she hadn’t realised he had made his way over here.
‘Okay,’ Trey answered quietly with a small smile. Jay pulled himself up into the ambulance and took a seat next to him. He started talking to him in a hushed voice, Hailey wasn’t trying to overhear but there was something about this guy that drew her in, an unconscious pull.
‘It’s okay to be scared when something like that happens. A panic attack does not mean you’re weak, okay? Lots of people get them.’
‘Not people like you,’ Trey muttered quietly, his head bowed down.
‘People like me,’ Jay nudged him gently with his shoulder. ‘I get them too. Before I became a police officer, I used to be in the army. And sometimes, even here in Chicago, it feels like I’m right back there and then I feel just like you did. Why do you think I knew what to do and say? Because sometimes my friends have to help me too. And it’s okay to ask for help. I promise,’ Jay finished with a smile. He lifted his head slightly and caught Hailey’s eye, she turned away quickly, embarrassed that she had been caught snooping. ‘But if you promise you’re okay, I can give you a lift back home once these nice paramedics have told me that I’m okay too.’
‘I’m okay,’ Trey answered with a small nod and a smile.
‘Alright then,’ Jay said, returning to his regular volume. ‘If you hop down and go speak to Violet and let Hailey here take a quick look at me, then we can get you home in a minute.’
Trey appeared to agree as he climbed down out of the ambulance and went to speak to Violet who had been lingering just a couple of feet from the back of the vehicle.
‘You were in the army?’ Hailey said after a moment's silence once the two of them had been left alone.
‘Rangers, two tours,’ Jay said. ‘Guess I shouldn’t talk about it in the back of your ambo if I don’t want you listening,’ he said with a grin.
‘Sorry, I didn’t mean to-’ Hailey started but Jay raised his hand.
‘I’m kidding Hailey, it’s no secret around here,’ Jay smiled. ‘You’re new to 61?’
‘Just filling in for Sylvie until she’s back, I was stationed up at 11 before here,’ Hailey said with a small smile, thankful that he didn’t seem too bothered about her eavesdropping. ‘You were really good with him by the way, don’t think I know any cops who could have calmed him down like that.’
‘Well now you know one,’ he said, flashing her a smile, those green eyes shining once again. ‘Now if I promise to sit still, will you give me the all clear so I can take the kid home?’
‘I can,’ Hailey smiled. ‘But if I see any sign of a broken rib, I’m sending you to Med for scans. Just lift up your shirt for me.’
‘Normally a lady would buy me a drink before she asks me to take my clothes off, but seeing as it’s you,’ he winked at her and Hailey giggled. Actually giggled, outloud, in front of people, in front of him. She was a full grown adult, why was she acting like a teenager with a crush. This was stupid.
Jay lifted up his shirt to reveal a bruise blossoming on his side, the vest had caught the bullet and it must have been fired from a far enough distance, it didn’t look broken.
‘Okay, so I don’t think it’s broken, just bruised but I can’t be sure without a scan,’ she said as Jay pulled his shirt back down. She forced herself to look at his face and ignore the mental picture of his toned stomach that she had just taken. ‘But I have it on good authority that your brother is a doctor so if you are in a lot of pain, please call him and he can give you a more accurate assessment.’
‘Will do,’ he said as he jumped up with a slight wince.
‘I saw that,’ she said with a light chuckle.
‘Don’t miss a beat do you Hailey,’ he smiled as he got down from the back. ‘I’ll see you around,’ he said as he walked towards Trey and Violet.
‘See you,’ Hailey said under her breath. Well Violet is going to give me hell for this later, she thought to herself as she packed away the back of the ambulance. And when Violet gave her a knowing glance later as they climbed back into the cab, she knew she had been right.
Violet had given her crap about it all the way back to the house, but luckily eased off once they pulled in. Getting ribbed by Violet for having a crush on the cute cop was one thing, but by the whole house on her first day, not ideal and luckily Violet seemed to understand that.
‘Hey Upton, you coming to Molly’s tomorrow after shift?’ Hermann asked loudly once they entered the break room. ‘I’ll give you 10% off,’ he added with a grin.
‘Yeah I think so,’ she said with a smile, walking over to dish up some dinner which luckily still sat on the counter.
‘Does that offer extend to the whole house?’ Cruz piped up from his seat at the dining table.
‘Is it your first day Cruz? I don’t think so,’ Hermann barked back quickly and the room descended into laughter.
‘A discount from Hermann is like gold dust,’ Violet murmured next to her. ‘Take full advantage.’
‘I intend to,’ Hailey responded. And she meant it, she liked this group. And the fact that they wanted to spend time with her after shift was an added bonus, the discount on drinks was not to be scoffed at either.
‘Halstead shows up at Molly’s too sometimes,’ Violet said under her breath as she sat down next to her with a smirk. Hailey blushed but luckily the discussion of Hermann only offering her money off was loudly distracting the rest of the room so no one else heard.
The remainder of their shift was relatively quiet which Hailey was thankful for. She wanted to be at a busy house, that she was certain of, but it was still a significant change from her previous posting and she felt like she’d been dropped in right at the deep end. It might take her a couple of shifts to get the hang of it, but she would. When Hailey Upton set her mind to something, there was nothing that was going to stand in her way.
Strolling into Molly’s that evening, Hailey immediately felt the welcoming feeling she had experienced when she walked into 51 the previous morning. People turned to say hello, those too far away smiled and waved and Hermann called her over to the bar.
‘What’s your poison then Upton?’
‘Just a beer is good, whatever you recommend,’ Hailey said with a smile.
‘You made it!’ Violet exclaimed, wrapping her arm around Hailey’s shoulders in a warm embrace.
‘Told you I would,’ she said, thanking Hermann for the beer that was placed in front of her.
‘Come on,’ Violet smiled and led her towards the table she had previously been sitting at, Ritter and Gallo welcoming her warmly as she took a seat. It was nice to feel like she was part of the team, even this early on.
The trio questioned her on everything and anything, from her childhood which Hailey glossed over, her time at 11, the worst calls she’d been on, the best calls she’d been on, what her favourite Chicago delicacy was. That these people wanted to actually get to know her, cared about what she had to say, tugged on her heart strings. It was a shame that Brett was going to return in a couple of months, she could see herself being really happy here.
As the evening wore on, Hailey found herself glancing at the door every time she heard it open. It wasn’t that she was expecting the green-eyed cop to walk through it, but she had hoped he might.
‘Maybe it’s a long case,’ Violet said to her quietly when the boys had gone to get the next round.
‘No, I was just-’ Hailey started but realised she had been caught out. ‘Yeah maybe,’ she said reluctantly, returning to pick at the label on her empty bottle.
‘Hey Violet.’ Hailey looked up to see who had spoken, not recognising the voice from any of her colleagues. It was Dr Halstead, the tall ginger haired doctor that she had met the previous day, and the brother of the man who was currently at the forefront of her mind as much as she tried to ignore it.
‘Hey Will, this is Hailey, not sure you had a chance to meet earlier. She’s my partner until Sylvie’s back,’ Violet introduced Hailey who held out her hand.
‘Ahh you must be the paramedic who actually persuaded my brother to get checked out then,’ Will said with a grin, shaking Hailey’s hand as he spoke.
‘Is he okay?’ Hailey asked, worry bubbling up in her stomach. She had only told Jay to seek out his brother if he was in pain.
‘Oh yeah, he’s fine. Still a stubborn arse but he’s fine. He brought a victim in this morning and asked me to take a look. But you were right, just bruised. Told him to rest up, he won’t but I told him anyway,’ Will chuckled.
‘Ah okay,’ Hailey said, trying to disguise the relief that she felt that he was alright.
‘But you must have had quite an effect, for him to actually get medical attention, I probably owe you a drink.’
‘Yes our Hailey made quite an impression,’ Violet said, sarcasm thick in her voice. She winced slightly when Hailey’s foot made contact with her shin.
‘Next one’s on me then Hailey,’ Will smiled and bid them both goodbye. Hailey turned to Violet with a half hearted scowl.
‘Thanks for that,’ she said with a pout.
‘Anytime, what are partner’s for,’ Violet said, nudging her with her elbow as Ritter and Gallo returned with their drinks.
When Hailey got up to go to the bathroom a little later in the night, Stella called her over to the bar.
‘Hey, Will said your next drink is on him, that right?’ She asked, raising an eyebrow. Hailey could tell she was digging so leant against the bar, her arms crossed on top of it.
‘What did Violet tell you?’ She asked, her pout disguising a smile.
‘Just that you and a certain detective had some sparks at a call earlier,’ Stella said, absentmindedly wiping the glass in her hand. ‘And now his brother is offering to buy you a drink, just trying to put two and two together,’ she grinned.
‘Well, to save you getting an answer other than 4,’ Hailey said and Stella laughed. ‘Yes, I met Jay on a call, persuaded him to go see his brother if he was still in pain later and his brother came to thank me.’
‘And that’s all?’ Stella said, a shit-eating grin painted on her face.
‘And I may or may not have thought Jay was cute and that is that,’ Hailey said firmly, ‘and now I need to pee.’
‘This conversation isn’t over Hailey!’ Stella called after her and Hailey grinned. She had never been the sort of girl to have many female friends, she didn’t really have a close circle of any friends if she was honest. But there had never been anyone to make fun of her if she had a crush, never tease her about her blushing. It was nice, nice to feel like one of the girls.
Jay hadn’t show up at Molly’s and Hailey would be lying if she said she wasn’t just a tad disappointed. She had had a lovely evening with her colleagues though, got to know them all and was beginning to feel comfortable as part of the team.
It was a week or so later when she next ran into Jay, luckily on this call he wasn’t one of their patients.
‘Look who it is,’ Violet had said with a grin when they pulled up and spotted Jay standing with some other officers who Hailey assumed were his colleagues. Before she had a chance to respond, Violet jumped out, leaving Hailey to grab the jump bag as she strolled towards the group.
‘Hey Hailey,’ Jay said as Hailey reached them. Her memory hadn’t failed her, his eyes were just as green and mesmerising as she had remembered.
‘Hey, you need us?’ Hailey asked but was surprised when Jay shook his head.
‘Not anymore, Ruze did his ankle in whilst running so we called you for that but he was moaning so much that Kevin shoved him in the car and took him to Med himself’, he chuckled, ‘not quite protocol but I won’t tell if you don’t,’ he winked and Hailey felt her knees go weak.
‘On your head,’ she said with a smirk, managing to focus herself. She was not going to giggle in front of him again, that moment had haunted her dreams on multiple nights. She was so embarrassed.
‘Oh I’ve been meaning to tell you, Trey’s doing really well,’ Jay said, his smile turning from a grin to a soft and warm smile. ‘He’s getting some counselling through his school and has been working on some coping techniques.’
‘That’s really good news, thanks for telling me,’ Hailey said sincerely. ‘How’s your side?’ She asked, ‘Will said you came in to see him?’
‘Talking about me with my brother now?’ His eyebrow raised as his eyes twinkled, ‘should I be worried, offended or flattered?’
‘I saw him at Molly’s,’ Hailey grinned, ‘he bought me a drink for keeping you in line.’ She was actually flirting with him in front of not only her colleague but his as well, in broad daylight in the middle of the street. But she couldn’t help it, and he clearly didn’t seem to mind.
‘I’ll go with offended,’ he smirked. ‘I was just taking the advice of a very wise paramedic.’
Hailey blushed slightly, ‘well I’m glad I made an impression.’
‘That you certainly did,’ he said, his voice dropping slightly which Hailey guessed was in an effort to conceal what he had just said from his teammates. Her cheeks reddened at his words, they could mean nothing but it certainly felt like they meant something.
Just as she was trying to think of an appropriate comeback, his radio buzzed into life.
‘5021 George, got your ears on?’
‘Sorry Hailey, duty calls, see you around?’ He said, his face apologetic as he spoke.
‘Of course, stay safe Jay,’ she said. Not sure what had made her say the second half of her comment, maybe she was remembering the feeling in her gut she had experienced for just a moment when she had spoken to Will. But he smiled warmly at her words before walking towards a large grey truck, answering his radio as he went.
‘We should probably get back to the house,’ Violet said, she had a knowing expression on her face and Hailey wondered just how much she had overheard as she nodded and walked back to the rig with her.
‘He’s single you know,’ Violet said once they had both closed the doors.
‘Jay. He’s single, so you should go for it,’ she grinned. ‘Why not?’
As she pulled away from the scene, Violet’s words replayed around her head. Why not? Maybe she had a point. Why not?
Those same words echoed around Hailey’s head for the next few days, if it was true and he was single, why didn’t she go for it? Maybe she would, she told herself, there was no reason not to. Well, unless she had misread the signals and he hadn’t really been flirting, maybe he was just like that, just chatty and friendly. Then she’d make a fool out of herself. And in the couple of weeks she had been stationed at 51, she had seen him twice on calls so it seemed unlikely that she would be able to avoid him if she did indeed make herself look like an idiot.
But there was the flip side of the coin, she might not make a fool out of herself at all, she could be reading all his signals correctly, and asking him out might be the best thing she had ever done.
Her mind flip flopped between the two options seemingly every hour, to the point that when they rolled up to another call a few days later and spotted him, she hadn’t decided what she was going to do.
‘Well look who it is,’ Violet smirked as she climbed out of the cab.
‘Hey guys,’ an officer who Hailey had been introduced to as Kim last time they were in Molly’s spoke to them first. ‘He’s over here,’ she said as they walked across and Hailey realised she was leading them towards where Jay was sitting on the curb. Hailey’s pulse quickened as she spotted how he was holding his arm, specks of blood littered his shirt.
‘What happened?’ She asked concerned as they walked towards him.
‘His arm got caught on a wire fence, we’ve told him he needs to go to Med as it probably needs stitches and to check his tetanus shot status,’ Kim said, she had clearly failed in persuading him judging by the tone of her voice.
‘And I told you, it just needs to be bandaged up and I’ll be fine,’ Jay said through slightly gritted teeth, clearly in more pain than he wanted the team to know.
‘Can we at least check you out?’ Hailey asked.
‘Seeing as you asked so nicely Hailey,’ he said with a smirk, ‘do I have to go sit in the ambo like an invalid?’
‘Yes, yes you do,’ she said and offered him her hand to help him up. He rolled his eyes but accepted it and helped her pull him to his feet. ‘I’m going to assume you can walk fine,’ her eyes twinkled as she looked up at him.
‘Pretty sure I can, lead the way,’ he smirked but followed her when she started walking.
‘Pain level on a scale of 1-10, without lying to me,’ she asked quietly as the pair approached 61.
‘4, I’m okay Hailey, I promise,’ he said sincerely. ‘Can you just bandage me up and send me on my way?’
‘And if you need stitches?’ She raised an eyebrow questioningly.
‘Then I will trust your medical opinion and go and annoy my brother.’
‘Very well then,’ she said, ‘let’s see the damage.’
Jay reluctantly let her examine his arm, the wound wasn’t particularly deep but it was still bleeding profusely. Lucky for Jay it wasn’t going to need any stitches.
‘It’s your lucky day, it’s not going to need any stitches but you might need to replace the bandage if it keeps bleeding like this, okay?’ She said busying herself with cleaning the gash and wrapping it up.
‘Okay,’ Jay said, ‘thank you,’ he added quietly, ‘hospitals are not my favourite place.’
‘I had gathered as much,’ Hailey said, handing him over a second set of gauze and tape. ‘If it bleeds through then replace it with this, get one of your team to do it, ask Will, do it yourself, just make sure you do. You don’t want to get an infection.’
‘Understood, medic,’ he smirked and got to his feet.
‘You patch him up Hailey?’ Violet said loudly as she rounded the back of the ambulance. ‘Alright then, they’ve got us responding with the rest of the house so we gotta go.’
‘Don’t let me hold you up then ladies,’ Jay said as he jumped down from the back. ‘See you around.’ The comment could easily have been directed at both of them but his eyes never left hers as he waited just a second longer than necessary before walking back towards his team.
‘You can fill me in on the way,’ Violet grinned as she closed the doors once Hailey had climbed down as well.
A few hours later once they had all returned to the house and devoured the Chicken Parm that Stella had made for dinner, Cruz stuck his head round the break room door.
‘Someone on the app floor for you Sylvie, it’s Halstead.’
Violet’s eyebrows disappeared into her hairline and Hailey knew that Stella’s grin would be from ear to ear even without needing to turn around to look. There were many reasons he could be at the house, maybe he needed help with the case, she thought as she walked out towards the app floor and found Jay in conversation with Kelly.
‘Hey Hailey,’ he said, a small blush appearing on his cheeks.
‘Everything okay?’ she asked, her eyes giving his body a once over to check for any immediate injuries. ‘Ahh,’ she said when she noticed that he was holding his hand over his arm in the exact location she had bandaged up earlier. ‘Come on,’ she nodded her head towards the ambulance.
‘It came off on another call and I thought you’d do a better job of putting it back on than me,’ he said as he took a seat on the bench next to her. ‘Hope you don’t mind.’
‘It’s my job Jay, of course I don’t mind,’ she said softly, gathering her supplies.
The pair sat in silence as Hailey recleaned the wound and applied another set of bandages. She wouldn’t describe the silence as awkward but it felt like something unspoken was hanging in the air.
Jay cleared his throat as she smoothed down the bandage and admired her handiwork, ‘there might have been an ulterior motive to me coming here,’ he said, his normal confidence and sass disappearing.
‘Oh,’ she responded, keeping her eyes on his arm although there was nothing further that needed to be done.
‘I wanted to know if I could take you out sometime?’
‘Yeah?’ She raised her eyes to meet his gaze, a small smile pulling on her lips.
‘Yeah,’ he breathed out.
‘I’d like that,’ she said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear.
‘Something we have in common then,’ he smirked, the sassiness had returned. ‘Tomorrow night, after your shift?’
‘Sounds good to me,’ she smiled.
‘Okay great,’ he slapped his thighs dramatically which made her chuckle. ‘I’ll try not to get injured between now and then.’
‘I’d really prefer it if you didn’t.’
‘You got your phone on you, I’ll give you my number and we can arrange a place to meet?’
Hailey nodded and handed over her phone, letting him put his number in and noticed how he texted himself so he had hers too.
‘I’ll text you later then,’ he said, handing the phone back.
‘I look forward to it,’ she was certain her grin was near to looking foolish but she couldn’t help it. ‘Stay safe.’
‘I will,’ he said as he climbed down from the back of the ambulance and held out his hand to help her too.
She smiled and accepted it. He gave it a gentle squeeze before letting go. ‘See you tomorrow,’ he added before turning around and exiting the firehouse.
‘Okay, we are definitely talking about that,’ Violet’s voice loudly came from the other side of the floor and Hailey chuckled as she shook her head jokingly. She didn’t mind really, and now at least she had a date with Jay to think about.
Jay had texted her asking if she was okay to meet at Cork and Kerry at 8 the following night. Hailey accepted eagerly, never having been to the bar in question but knowing that the company would make up for anything it lacked in comparison to her usual haunts.
When she arrived however she was pleasantly surprised, it was an upmarket bar that still had that cosy feel, she immediately knew this wouldn’t be her last time here. It was quieter than Molly’s but not so quiet that the atmosphere was non-existent. Jay was waiting at the bar when she approached, his smile widening as he spotted her. Hailey watched as his eyes roamed over her bare legs and took in her outfit before returning his eyes to her face. She was glad she had gone with her gut, this was clearly the occasion for her favourite navy blue dress.
‘Wow, Hailey, you look… wow,’ he spluttered, his emerald eyes as wide as saucers.
Hailey grinned, ‘I reckon it takes a lot to make you speechless so thank you. You don’t scrub up too well yourself when you’re not covered in blood.’ Jay chuckled.
‘I probably deserve that, I ordered you a whiskey sour, I had an inkling but if I’m wrong then I can drink yours and order you something else,’ he gestured to the glass on the bar.
‘Whiskey sour is perfect, do I want to know how you knew?’ She asked, taking the glass and a small sip, the whiskey hitting just the right place at the back of her throat.
‘Well, I imagine you also like a good glass of wine or a beer when you’re just hanging with your friends but are not so much a fan of the fruity drinks, you like to taste your liquor if you’re drinking it,’ he raised his eyebrow, questioning if his guess was correct.
‘Like to imagine a lot about me do you?’ Hailey said, smirking at him as she raised her glass and took another sip.
‘That’s another question entirely,’ he responded and Hailey felt the blush creep up her cheeks. This man could be a real charmer when he wanted to be. ‘Want to move to a table?’ he asked, noticing that she was still leaning against the bar.
‘Planning to be here a while?’ she said, her smile pulling tightly to reveal a dimple in one of her cheeks. Her flirting was a little rusty but with the nod Jay gave her as he stood up, it might be working she thought.
After they moved to one of the booths towards the back of the bar, the conversation flowed easily enough. She took the mickey out of his innate ability to clearly attract trouble wherever he went. He told her stories from when other paramedics had tried and failed to get him medical attention, including when Sylvie had threatened to sedate him. It was lighthearted and fun. That was until Jay asked her what made her want to be a paramedic.
It was always a question that made her stomach drop. People always expected an answer along the lines of wanting to help people, do some good. They didn’t actually want to know the real reason. But here, sat with Jay, he had asked the question sincerely, he really did want to know. But Hailey wasn’t sure she could tell him, not yet at least. When her gaze hadn’t lifted from where it was fixed on her almost empty glass, she felt Jay reach across, his palm warm against her forearm.
‘Hey, you don’t have to tell me, I can go back to telling you more embarrassing stories about me if you want,’ he smiled warmly as she looked up.
‘No, it’s not-’ she started but realised quickly, it was something else entirely. ‘I just don’t want your opinion of me to change when I tell you,’ she said slowly.
‘Hailey, you can trust me. Whatever you want to tell me, or don’t want to. My opinion of you isn’t going to change,’ he leant in closer as he spoke so she could see the lights reflected in his eyes.
‘I became a paramedic because of my dad,’ she spoke quietly, focusing on the point of contact he had kept on her arm. ‘Well because of the paramedic who patched me up because of him.’ She swallowed, it had been a long time since she had told this story but something in her wanted to share it with Jay. She wanted him to know her, all of her. And as much as she didn’t like to admit it, this was still a part of her. ‘He wasn’t a good man, he drank. A lot. And when he drank he got angry, got angry at my mom, at me and my brothers. He was angry at everybody and anything. It started that he would just yell, it was loud and scary but it was just noise. Then it got worse.’ She took another deep breath and felt Jay squeeze her arm just slightly so she took comfort in it and continued. ‘My brothers could fight back as they were bigger and older, and they tried to protect me from it. But they weren’t always there.’ She saw Jay’s features tighten. She was sure in his line of work he had probably encountered this story many times over in its many variations. ‘Well it got bad one night, the neighbours overheard, called the cops and the paramedics came too. There was this blonde paramedic who helped my mom and then helped me. I remember thinking she was like an angel,’ Hailey laughed lightly. ‘That she could just come in and help us, take some of the pain away.’
‘I don’t remember exactly what she said, or really what she did. But she made me feel safe. And to little Hailey, that meant everything. So I decided I wanted to be like her, to help take the pain away and make people feel safe.’ She sniffed, not realising how emotional telling the story again would make her. ‘So now I’m a paramedic, and anytime I help a little kid like me, I hope I make them feel just a fraction of the safety that I felt.’ She smiled softly. Jay’s eyes hadn’t left hers the whole time, and the one thing she hoped she wouldn’t see, pity, was nowhere to be seen. His eyes were full of warmth and pride and comfort, and if the table hadn’t been separating them right now, Hailey was sure she couldn’t have stopped herself from falling right into his arms.
‘Thank you for telling me,’ he said, pulling his hand back slightly from her arm, but before Hailey could miss the contact, he was lacing her fingers through his. ‘Well you made me feel safe,’ he smiled softly and Hailey chuckled wetly, a couple of stray tears had fallen down her cheeks, ‘so I have no doubt of the effect you’ve had on all your other patients.’
‘I haven’t told anyone that in a while,’ Hailey said softly, ‘but it felt good to say it outloud again.’
It was Jay’s turn to open up next, he told her all about signing up for the army straight out of high school, much to the anguish of his parents. He told her, although she imagined he skimmed over the most harrowing parts, about his time overseas, the friends he’d made and the one’s he lost. About his return to Chicago and how lost he had felt, how losing his mother had almost broken him. She had squeezed his hand a little tighter at this when she heard his voice break. Then how when he joined the force, he had felt like he had a purpose again, how he was becoming someone his mom would be proud of, even if his dad wasn’t.
‘I’m sure she’s very proud of you Jay,’ Hailey said in agreement and was rewarded with a tender smile in return.
‘I hope so. I think we both make her proud, Will and I. We haven’t always been the best brothers to each other, but we’re close now. And I wouldn’t be without him. Even if he does annoy me every year to get the flu shot,’ he chuckled. Hailey didn’t miss the small attempt to turn the conversation light hearted again but she didn’t mind. She could tell Jay was similar to her, keeping a lot of his secrets buried deep within and putting on a front to those he came into contact with. But they had both brought down those walls a little tonight, letting each other peer inside and neither had run for the hills.
‘It’s getting late,’ Hailey said, noticing the clock on the wall. ‘I’m going to have to head home, as much as I’d love to stay.’
‘That’s probably a good idea,’ Jay said smiling, standing up to help her put her coat on.
‘But I’ve had a lovely evening Jay, really,’ she said, looking up at him as he pulled her collar up to protect her from the Chicago wind outside. Maybe it was the whiskey in her system, maybe it was his eyes, but whatever it was, she went with it. She pushed herself up on her toes and kissed him. It was brief, just allowing herself a moment's contact before pulling away.
He stared down at her and for a moment she thought she’d made a mistake, misread every signal, the entire evening. But the moment only lasted for a second before his smile grew and his lips melded against hers again and she lost herself in him, forgetting they were standing in the middle of a public bar.
It was no surprise that when Hailey got to work the following shift, her mind still full of green eyes, soft lips and whiskey breath, she was pulled into Stella’s office by the lieutenant and her partner and made to give them a play by play of the entire evening.
She couldn’t help the grin that was plastered on her face or the blush evident on her cheeks as she regaled them with all of the events of the previous night. She left out the details that were still personal; her own childhood and Jay’s but talked around them so the pair still got an idea of what had occurred.
‘You kissed him? Yes Hails,’ Violet squealed, the nickname that she hadn’t heard in years falling easily from her partner’s lips. ‘Get it girl!’
‘Can’t always wait for a guy to make the first move,’ Stella agreed and Hailey chuckled.
‘That’s what I thought,’ she winked. It was so nice to have people to talk to like this, sure she had colleagues in her previous house but their conversational topics stayed mainly around the work. But Violet and Stella were becoming fast friends and Hailey couldn’t be more grateful.
She and Jay had exchanges a few texts that morning, nothing specific just hoping the other had slept well, wishing a good shift and as had become a custom, Hailey telling him to be safe. She meant it, of course, but it also felt like an in-joke between them, him being the accident prone cop and her the safe paramedic. She chuckled when she got the response back of just a winky face emoji.
After the initial gossip session, the rest of the shift was quiet, although no one would say as much for fear of angering the bell-gods. They ate dinner as a group, Kelly having grilled up some brisket which had melted in her mouth before Hailey had even closed her lips around the fork. It was a lovely evening and then the bells went off.
‘Ambulance 61 - Police Officer Down, Monroe and Ashland.’
Hailey and Violet jumped to their feet and Hailey thought she had left her stomach behind as she ran towards the ambo. There were hundreds, thousands of police officers in the city of Chicago, it didn’t mean it was him. Violet was silent on the journey to the call, Hailey was sure she could feel the nerves radiating off of her from the passenger seat.
‘I’m sure it’s not-’ she started as they pulled up but upon quickly recognising Jay’s sergeant and a couple of other members of the Intelligence team she stopped. ‘I’ll take the lead,’ she said, unnecessarily. She was the PIC, Hailey always looked to her for guidance on a call but she was thankful she had said so, if it truly was Jay that had been injured, she’s not sure how much help she was going to be. She could normally keep an incredibly cool head no matter what the scenario, but just being around Jay got her a little off kilter, the thought of him being hurt wasn’t something she wanted to think about. But now she was going to have to.
‘It’s Halstead,’ the gruff sergeant said as soon as they approached, ‘we think we’ve stopped the bleeding but he’s pale as hell.’ He quickly led them over to where Jay was laying, his teammate applying pressure to the wound on his side. Hailey felt the colour drain from her face.
She stood there, unmoving whilst Violet jumped into action, instructing Kevin to keep his hands firmly where they were, ignoring the grunts of pain that were coming from Jay at the pressure.
‘Hailey, Hailey!’ Violet all but had to yell to get her attention.
‘Yeah,’ she spluttered, ignoring the tears that were threatening to spill.
‘Keep him awake whilst I take a proper look. Distract him, this is going to hurt,’ Violet said before turning to the other members of intelligence and instructing them to bring the stretcher closer and get prepared to help them lift Jay onto it.
Hailey nodded quickly and crouched down near Jay’s head, taking his hand in hers, it was already several degrees colder than it had been when she had held it last.
‘Hey, Jay, stay with me,’ she said quietly, trying to keep him still with her other hand so Violet could inspect his injury. ‘Stay with me.’
Jay let out a hmm in response which Hailey took to mean that he was trying, he squeezed her hand tightly.
‘Violet’s just got to check it out so we know what to tell Med when we arrive, it might hurt a little but just keep squeezing my hand,’ she said, trying to keep her voice steady. He needed her to be calm right now, which was the exact opposite of what her heart rate was currently doing. It was taking everything she had not to turn into a crying mess at the state of the man currently lying on the ground.
Jay nodded and closed his eyes.
‘You can keep your eyes closed but don’t let go of my hand,’ Hailey murmured.
‘Never,’ he managed to whisper and Hailey saw an attempt at a small smile before it turned into a loud groan as Violet rolled him over slightly to see if the bullet had gone all the way through.
‘It’s a through and through,’ she said after confirming, ‘you’re lucky Jay, Will will be able to patch you up no problem’.
Jay gave her a feeble thumbs up and Hailey chuckled lightly, ‘he’s going to give me hell for this,’ he said through gritted teeth, quiet enough so only Hailey could hear him. She squeezed his hand again knowing that it was probably true, Will was used to his injury prone brother but Hailey was sure it didn’t stop him giving Jay a talking to each time.
A couple of Jay’s teammates helped Violet and Hailey load him onto the stretcher and they wheeled him towards the ambo.
‘I’ll drive if you want,’ Violet offered and Hailey smiled warmly, reaching out to touch her upper arm in a silent thank you.
The drive to Med was relatively quick but it felt like an eternity to Hailey. She kept pressure on Jay’s side the entire way, mumbled useless facts to him to keep him focused and kept her own focus fixed on his stats in case they fluctuated just a bit. The bleeding seemed to have slowed but he was still a dull shade of grey.
‘Hailey,’ Jay said as loudly as he could manage but it came out as a whisper, his voice still thick with pain, just as they pulled into the ambulance bay.
‘Hey hey, we can talk about it later,’ Hailey said, shaking her head. She wasn’t sure she was actually strong enough to have this conversation now. It was taking every ounce of strength she had to stay in Paramedic Hailey mode, Paramedic Hailey was focused. That’s who she had to be right now.
Jay had been taken into emergency surgery as soon as they had arrived, Violet had explained everything to Dr Marcel and repeated it all as a scared looking Will appeared and demanded to know where his brother was being taken. When he spotted Hailey, he calmed instantly, coming over to let her know Jay was in the best hands and he would be fine, he was a fighter. Hailey appreciated the sentiment but could see that Will’s calm demeanour didn’t quite reach his eyes. He promised to come and find them as soon as he had any news before he disappeared, Hailey suspected to stalk outside the operating theatre.
Violet had called the Chief to let him know what had happened whilst Hailey sat in the middle of the waiting room, oblivious to anything that was going on around her.
‘Boden can’t take us out of service as the city is short on ambo’s today, he did try, but we can stay here until we get another call,’ Violet said when she took a seat next to Hailey, giving her knee a comforting squeeze.
‘Thanks,’ Hailey managed to croak out, her throat scratchy and dry.
‘He’s strong, Hailey, he’ll be okay,’ Violet said. Hailey knew her partner was only trying to be comforting but they both knew how precarious a situation like this could be. Everything was still hanging in the balance.
Time seemed to both stand still and speed up all at once. Hailey watched but didn’t register the people coming in and out of the ED waiting room, she could feel Violet’s arm around her shoulder or her hand on her leg but never acknowledged its presence. She was experiencing everything and nothing concurrently, she was lost.
She had brought in plenty of patients into various emergency departments all over the city throughout her time as a paramedic. She had sat in waiting rooms waiting for news when one of her own team got caught in a blast or suffered smoke inhalation. She had even been in herself a time or two. And yet she had never felt like this. Usually as a paramedic she had some sense of control over a situation, understood the medical jargon that was batted around and had some grasp on the likely outcome. But this was different.
He was different.
They had only known each other a short while, had only met a couple of weeks ago, but the effect that Jay had had on her was undeniable. She could feel it within her, deep in her stomach, the fear that he might not make it off of the operating table. It was eating her up. She wanted to scream, shout, run, hide, crawl into a ball in the corner and not speak to anyone. But she couldn’t do that. So she sat, stationary, on a cold plastic chair in the middle of the waiting room, the weight of her partner's arm heavy across her shoulders, and waited.
And waited.
She wasn’t sure how long she sat there, letting the dull ache sit inside, the fear of the unknown.
It was Violet squeezing her shoulder gently that brought her attention towards the red haired doctor that was approaching them. She stood up so quickly her head spun, she was thankful for Violet’s grip on her arm at that moment, keeping her steady.
‘He’s okay,’ Will breathed out. All the tension in Hailey’s shoulders dissipated at his words. ‘He’ll have a nice scar and still be in pain when he wakes up, but he’ll be fine.’
If Will carried on talking, Hailey didn’t realise. Jay was okay. He was going to be fine. She didn’t realise how tightly she had been holding every muscle in her body until the relief flooded her system. It was like someone had cracked open up her chest, finally allowing her to breathe.
‘I think he’d like to see you when he wakes,’ Will said, his words barely registering. Violet nudged her gently and Hailey looked up at Will with confusion. ‘He’s still out of it, but you can wait with him, if you want.’
Hailey glanced quickly back at Violet, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. ‘You can go, I’ll call Chief and we can get a floater for the rest of the shift,’ Violet glanced at her watch, ‘we’ve only got a couple of hours left as it is.’ She smiled warmly and Hailey turned to Will and nodded.
‘Yes please,’ she said quietly, impressed that she could string two words together with the circus that was going on in her mind. He was going to be fine, she could go see him. She followed Will through the double doors.
But what if he didn’t want to see her, they weren’t anything to each other, not really.
One date, one kiss, the occasional flirt.
She didn’t realise she had come to a stand still until Will turned around.
‘Hailey, you okay?’ he asked, concerned.
‘What if he doesn’t want to see me?’ she whispered.
‘He will definitely want to see you,’ Will chuckled, ‘can’t usually get him to shut up about you if I’m honest.’
Hailey blushed but gave Will a small smile, following him as he resumed the path to Jay’s room.
The room was quiet when they entered, the beeping from the various screens being the only sound. He looked peaceful, Hailey thought as she walked closer to the bed where he lay, like he was asleep and there was nothing wrong. But the oxygen tube under his nose and the wires attached to his chest and arms proved to her that that wasn’t the case.
‘He should wake up soon,’ Will said softly from where he had remained in the doorway, ‘just press that button and one of the nurses will be in once he’s up.’
‘You’re not going to stay?’ Hailey asked, pulling her eyes away from Jay to look at his brother who just shook his head with a smile.
‘I don’t think I’m the one he wants to see when he wakes up. The nurses will page me, I’ll be up as soon as they do,’ he said and with that he turned and left, and Hailey was left alone with the sleeping Jay and the beeping machines.
For a moment she just stood there, unsure what to do, what her exact place was at this moment but decided to pull over the plastic chair from the corner and take a seat next to him, that way if something went wrong she would be close at hand. At least that’s what she told herself, but in reality, being this close allowed her to reach across and squeeze his hand lightly, and focus on the rising and falling of his chest. The constant rhythm giving her a small amount of peace.
Hailey could have been sitting there for minutes or hours, days or weeks, she lost all concept of time, just poured all her focus into watching his chest rise and fall with every breath. It was less laboured than it had been in the ambulance and she took comfort in that. She hadn’t thought about what she would say when he woke up and questioned why she was there, if he would want her to leave or be grateful that she had stayed. She just held his hand and concentrated on his breathing, it was all she could do.
A small groan pulled her focus and she glanced up to see Jay wincing in pain, his eyes suddenly open.
‘Hey hey, it’s alright,’ she said quickly, jumping to her feet and pressing the button like Will had instructed. ‘You’re at Med, you’ve had surgery,’ she said softly, running a hand through his hair in an attempt to comfort him.
‘I thought I was dreaming,’ Jay managed to say, his voice rough from where he had been intubated in surgery.
‘What?’ Hailey asked, wondering just how much pain meds were pumping through his system.
‘In the ambulance,’ he smiled weakly, ‘but it really was you.’
Hailey chuckled quietly and returned to her seat, gently sliding her hand back into his, smiling when he squeezed it.
‘Yes, it was me. You went and got yourself shot again so someone had to drag you to Med,’ she said with a smirk.
‘Yeah sorry about that,’ he said, ‘hazard of the job.’
‘And yet, you’re the only member of intelligence I’ve ever had dealings with,’ she smiled. The nurse came into the room and the pair fell silent, watching her as she checked the screens and made a couple of notes on her clipboard.
‘Your numbers are strong Mr Halstead, I’ve paged your brother and he’ll be up in a moment,’ she said, smiling at the pair of them.
‘Thank you,’ Jay said as she exited before adding, ‘Will is going to kill me for this.’
‘He was worried about you,’ Hailey said quietly, ‘I saw him when we brought you in. I’m sure he’ll just be glad that you’re okay.’
Jay hummed in response, ‘have you been here all this time?’ he asked curiously.
‘Will brought me up once you got out of surgery,’ she said, feeling the blush creep up her cheeks again.
‘Thank you,’ he smiled. ‘Nice to wake up to a pretty face.’
‘I told her you’d rather wake up to her than me,’ Will said loudly having just entered behind them, Hailey and Jay laughing at his words.
‘You were right about that,’ Jay said, tightening his grip on Hailey’s hand just slightly.
‘Nurse said your numbers are good,’ Will said, looking over at the screens himself. ‘But I would much prefer it if this was the last time I saw you in here like this.’ Hailey could hear the jovial tone to his voice but his eyes were full of sincerity and looking back at Jay she noticed he had a similar expression.
‘Didn’t mean to scare you bro,’ Jay said. ‘I’ll try and avoid the bullets next time’.
Hailey had to laugh, ‘I’m just going to ring Violet and let her know you’re okay, I’ll be right back,’ she squeezed his hand and headed for the door. Pausing just a couple of steps into the corridor, she pulled her phone out to find Violet’s contact details. As she did so, she heard Will’s voice carry to where she was standing.
‘You two make quite the pair,’ he said.
‘What do you mean?’ she heard Jay reply.
‘The paramedic and the bullet magnet, who would have thought,’ Will chuckled.
‘Romance movies have been based on a hell of a lot less,’ Jay said, and Hailey could imagine the smile on his face. It was the same smile that made his eyes glisten, the same one that had encroached on more than one recent dream of hers. It was the same smile that was making her fall for him.
‘That they have brother, that they have.’
Hailey smiled to herself as she walked down the corridor, a hell of a lot less she thought to herself.
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ao3feed-chicagofire · 2 years
They Seem Like Something Special, Really Don't They All?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/k7e20LA
by RobinsonsWereHere
Collection of Chicago Med oneshots for Whumptober 2022.
Day 11 & 12: 3x07, Over Troubled Water... gone bad.
9. the very noisy night/caught in a storm 11 & 12. self-done first aid/sloppy bandages/"what could go wrong?"/cave-in/makeshift splint
Words: 6729, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Chicago Med, Chicago Fire
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Ava Bekker, Connor Rhodes (Chicago Med), Cornelius Rhodes (Mentioned), Christopher Herrmann, Sylvie Brett
Relationships: Ava Bekker/Connor Rhodes, Connor rhodes & cornelius rhodes
Additional Tags: Whumptober 2022, Whump, Connor whump, Alternate Universe - Vampire, vampire lore, bear with me here this should be part of a larger fic, but instead its just jumping right in, Blood, Blood Drinking, Making Out, vampire foreplay, do i need to tag this for a biting kink??, these are the worst tags ever, Oneshot collection, Cigarettes, Cave-In, First Aid, Blood and Injury, Minor Character Death, Firefighters, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Medicinal Drug Use, Episode: s03e07 Over Troubled Water, Ava Whump
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/k7e20LA
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deanstead · 2 years
out of touch
Pairing: Matt Casey x Sylvie Brett
Requested: yes and yes, by anon
Summary: Matt gets worried when he can’t seem to get hold of Sylvie.
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Word Count: 974
Warnings: canon-typical injuries
A/N: Okay, so I had a bit of trouble with getting the words out for this one, so I don’t know how I feel about it but here it is I guess. I just wrote this today, so you know haha.
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Matt glanced at Sylvie’s last message to him from a few hours ago.
Out for a call, I’ll call you after.
He’d typed a usual reply but he hadn’t heard back from her. It wasn’t like Sylvie to be out of contact for so long, even when she was on shift. She’d always found time in between to send him a message to let him know that a call went well, as did he. It was a little thing they did now that they found themselves so far away from each other.
Now, Matt was starting to get worried, so he reached for his phone again and dialed his best friend’s number, but even Kelly’s phone rang and rang before the line cut out.
Matt was about to try someone else when Kelly’s name lit up across his screen again.
“Sev.” Matt answered the phone.
“Hey, Casey.”
“I haven’t heard from Sylvie in a few hours, I’m starting to get a little worried. Is everything okay?”
There was a short silence.
“I’m not being weirdly overprotective, alright? She usually doesn’t…” Matt started to defend himself to his best friend when Kelly interrupted him.
“Look, she didn’t want me to tell you in case you got worried but she’s in the hospital.”
Matt froze. “In the hospital like dropping off a patient in the hospital?” He asked, even though he knew the answer.
Kelly didn’t answer.
“What do you mean she’s in the hospital, I thought it was a routine call!” Matt’s stressed voice burst through.
Kelly told Matt as much as he knew - it had been a routine call, 61 had responded to a call by themselves but something had gone wrong and there’d been a collapse.
“She was in a collapse?” Matt shot to his feet.
“Casey, she’s okay. I got her out, alright? But they wanted to keep her in just to be safe, to make sure the concussion wasn’t too serious.” Kelly assured him, although even Kelly knew that it was easier said than done. He’d been in Matt’s shoes before. He still remembered the time he’d got the call that Stella was in the hospital after the car accident, and he’d practically flew to the hospital. At least, he’d been in Chicago, Med was just a drive away. Matt must feel ten times worse.
“Matt, Stella and I got her, alright? I’ll get her to call you.” Kelly assured, before they both hung up.
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Sylvie looked up when Kelly stepped in.
“You told him, didn’t you?” She asked, just a little reproachfully when she saw the look on Kelly’s face.
Kelly put his hands out. “Sorry. In my defense, he was already kind of freaking out.”
Sylvie narrowed her eyes at him but sighed. “I’ll call him. I didn’t want him to you know feel all…”
“Casey?” Kelly ventured as Sylvie paused. “It’s Casey.”
Sylvie glanced at Stella who threw a grin. “Exactly, like how Kelly will be Kelly.”
They exchanged a smile and Stella stood. “Call him, and we’ll swing by again later, alright?” She squeezed her best friend's hand.
Sylvie nodded. “Thanks, guys.”
Sylvie watched them walk out before she picked up her phone to call Matt.
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Sylvie hadn’t even realized when she’d nodded off to sleep but she was woken by a touch on the top of her head. Part of her wanted to keep her eyes closed because she was sure it was a dream. This was Matt’s touch, and it was most definitely a dream.
But reflexively, she opened her eyes, Matt’s face now swimming into view.
At first, Sylvie thought she was still in the process of waking up, until she realized…
The worried expression on his face quickly gave way to a smile.
“Sylvie.” Her name passed his lips in tandem with a sigh of relief.
“What are you… You’re…”
Matt just smiled, leaning forward to put his arms around her, his hand going protectively to the back of her head gently. “You okay?” Matt asked.
“I’m… Matt, why are you here? What about the boys? You…”
Matt smiled and turned, just as Griffin and Ben walked in. “It was their idea.”
“Hey Sylvie. Matt was going out of his mind, it was getting a little hard to watch.” Griffin greeted, as Ben just quietly put a basket down on her table, nodding with a smile.
Sylvie smiled, swiveling her head back towards Matt, who reached down for her hand.
“I told you I was fine. I called you to tell you it was a stupid concussion, at least after Severide outed me.” Sylvie said, making a face. “You didn’t have to fly all the way here. I'm only still in the hospital because Chief said I have to stay.”
Sylvie glanced at the clock. “It is literally the middle of the night, how did you even get in?”
Matt smiled and shrugged. “Pulled a favor. I did use to work in Chicago.”
A smile flit across Sylvie’s face and Griffin smiled, dragging his brother out of the room on the pretense of going to get food from the vending machine.
“I was worried.” Matt whispered.
Sylvie just quietly pulled Matt back down into a hug, closing her eyes against his chest. “Can I be a little happy that you guys flew here for a stupid concussion?”
Matt smiled, pressing a kiss to Sylvie’s temple. “You can be ‘a lot’ happy. We’re staying for a few days at least.”
Sylvie leaned backwards to look at Matt, who smiled. “The boys are on break, I pulled my emergency furlough. Their stuff’s already at Sev’s.”
Sylvie raised an eyebrow and Matt smiled. “They’re staying with Sev tonight. I’m going to be here.”
“It’s just a concussion.” Sylvie said, although she couldn’t have been smiling any wider.
Matt smiled back. “And?”
Sylvie shook her head and Matt just leaned forward to press his lips gently against hers.
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If you want to support me, buy me a coffee!
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Blame it on the Alcohol
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Pairing: Jay Halstead/Reader
Warnings: Alcohol, Vomiting
Words: ~1500
Description: Just shameless drunk flirting with the best-looking cop in Chicago.
“You’re drunk.”
“And you’re sexy.” You slur, swigging back the last of your vodka cranberry.
“Hey Herrmann, I’ll t-take anotha!” You slide your glass across the counter of the bar, relieved to see the firefighter catch it before smashing into a hundred pieces on the floor.
“Nope. No more. I’m officially cutting you off.” Jay grabs the crumpled $5 bill from your hand.
“Ey, that better be half my tip there!” Herrmann interrupts, slamming down a cup of water in front of you. “Drink that, kiddo.”
You pout your lip realizing that the two were in cahoots to restore your sobriety, but still took the cool glass to press against your parched lips.
“You’re such a party pooper.” You kick Jay playfully under the bar. “I was just celebrating my best friend’s birthday!”
You peer past Jay to look at Sylvie, your ambo partner, who was swallowing back another Jell-O shot given to her by Dawson.
“I don’t understand how someone that small can take so much alcohol.” Jay laughs, having turned around to see what you were so intrigued with.
Your eyes glare at Jay as he takes in Sylvie’s skimpy red dress. You quickly stop staring as he turns back around, his gaze glancing to the still-full cup of water beside you.
“Drink that. All of it.”
“You can’t tell me what to do.” You tease, pushing the glass further away.
“I mean it Y/N. Don’t really feel like taking care of the case of alcohol poisoning you’re about to get.”
“And what if I don’t? Are ya gonna arrest me?”
Jay smiles. “I just might.”
“Better whip out your handcuffs then.” You regret it the moment the words leave your mouth, your face burning hot in embarrassment.
You reach for your water, averting your eyes far from the detective, chugging down the drink. “I uh- I have to use the bathroom.”
Standing up from the stool a little too fast, your feet crossing awkwardly as you try to stand. You would have nosedived to the floor if it wasn’t for Jay’s strong arms and fast reflexes quickly shooting out of his seat to catch you.
“You good?” He asks.
Staring into his eyes causes a bubbling feeling to rise in your chest, that you first mistake as butterflies, but quickly realize is nausea working its way up your throat. Clasping your hand over your mouth you make a beeline to the bathroom, wriggling free from Jay’s protective hold on you. You dash past several concerned glances, ignoring your surroundings as you fall hard to your knees in front of the toilet, surely bruising them in the process.
What comes up from your stomach is a mixture of fruity cocktails and greasy food and you note that you’ll never again be eating a cheese blintz prepared by Brian Zvonecek’s baba again.
You hear the large wooden door to the bathroom open, expecting it to be Sylvie, or perhaps Gabby, but seeing Jay walk in caught you by surprise and you scramble to grab a piece of toilet paper to wipe any spew that may have landed on your chin, instead of the bowl.
“This is the woman’s room.” You really don’t want to be seen by anyone in your current state, especially not Detective Jay Halstead.
“It’s okay, I have a warrant.”
“Very funny.” You try to stand, but a wave of alcohol-induced dizziness takes over you.
“You okay?” Jay asks.
“Never better.” You reach up to flush away the toilet-full of skinny margaritas.
“Why did you let me drink so much?”
“Excuse me?” Jay cocks an eyebrow.
“You’re a cop. You should have made me stop after the third drink.”
Jay smirks, walking across the floor and gently grabbing your arm, helping you stand. You fall into him as the dizziness washes over you again, smiling as he hugs you closer. “I took your keys after the first drink.” He announces, pulling them from his pocket and dangling them in front of you. “Figured I’d let you have some fun.”
“You went into my purse? Getting a little comfortable there, aren’t you officer?”
“I’m off duty. Don’t want to have to write you up for drinking and driving.”
“You know I wouldn’t do that.”
“I know. Just being cautious. I think it’s time we get you home.”
You roll your eyes. “It’s only midnight! The party just started!”
“Don’t make me carry you out of here.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
Jay smiles as he puts both arms around your waist, ready to lift you over his shoulders. You panic as you feel the nausea floating around in your stomach at the sudden change of motion. “No! Jay don’t please! I will throw up on you.”
He lets go, keeping one hand on your shoulder, afraid of you falling over.
“I need to grab my coat. I have a long walk home.”
“Ha. Walking. Funny.” Jay states, grabbing his own set of keys. “I’m driving you.”
“You don’t need to-“
“It’s not a discussion.”
“I’ll take a cab!” You exclaim, though your brain reminds you of the last $80 in your bank account that you did not want to blow on a taxi.
“You have a free cab right here.” Jay says motioning to himself before waving goodnight to Sylvie and the many emergency responders jampacked into Molly’s. He guides you outside, carefully leading you down the steps making sure you don’t slip, smashing your head onto the icy concrete below.
After ensuring your seatbelt is secured, after you had struggled with it for several minutes, he takes his place in the driver’s seat, pulling out of the small lot.
“You were supposed to make a left there.” You point out, realizing Jay had driven the wrong direction towards your apartment.
“Uh, Nope.”
“I know I’m drunk, but I still know where I live.”
“Oh, we’re not going to your place.”
“You’re crashing at my house.”
“Don’t need you choking on your own vomit alone.”
“So nice of you to care, but I don’t really want to sleep on your tiny sofa. I can imagine the pain in my neck already…”
“Who said you have to sleep on the couch?”
“Well, considering you live in a 1-bedroom.”
“You can take my bed. As long as you don’t puke in it.”
You chuckle, butterflies rising in your stomach as you stare at your knight-in-shining-armor. “I don’t think I can guarantee that I won’t.”
“Well, I’m prepared to burn my sheets then.”
“If you weren’t driving, I’d punch you.”
“Assaulting an officer and public intoxication. Real nice, Y/N.”
“Ooooh better punish me then, tough guy.”
Jay’s face blushes as he grins at you, side-eyeing your nervous expression.
“I mean, I could spank you, but I think that would be considered police brutality.”
You choke on nothing but air, thinking you misheard the handsome red head.
“I beg your pardon?”
“So, are you only going to flirt with me when you’re drunk? Am I too ugly for you sober? Don’t think I didn’t hear that handcuff comment earlier.”
“I-“ You can barely speak, embarrassment flooding your thoughts from working correctly.
Jay chuckles. “I’ll stop teasing till you sleep it off.”
“I- Um. Thanks? How kind of you?”
You throw your head back against the seat and close your eyes, trying to block out the streetlights flickering past your eyes as you drive down the snowy Chicago streets.
“I’m going to have such a headache in the morning.”
“Good thing my brother’s a doctor. He can get you the strong stuff.”
“Sometimes I don’t know when you’re joking.”
You smile at Jay as he finally pulls up to his apartment. He goes to open the car door before you pull him towards you by his jacket, thrusting your lips against his own, perhaps a little too hard. He’s taken aback, but quickly grabs the back of your head, pulling you in closer. Several seconds pass before you pull away, unsure of what drove you to do that.
“I’m sorry.”
“Nah, don’t be.” Jay shakes his head, blushing. “I’ve been waiting for you to do that.”
Jay exits the car, rounding the vehicle and opening the door for you on your side. You stay seated for a moment as he looks at you questioningly. “C’mon Y/N, it’s freezing.”
“I just… I was thinking.”
“Huh? About what?”
“You don’t have to sleep on the couch tonight, either.”
“Oh?” Jay grabs your hand, pulling you out of the car and pulling you into his chest.
“What do you have a Queen? I think there’s plenty of room for two people.”
“King, actually.”
“Okay well, we are not making it 3.”
“We’ll leave that up for debate.” Jay winks, helping you inside to the warm building, still clutching you close against the winter air.
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severidescigar · 2 years
Quarantine Blues - Stellaride
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Fandom: One Chicago
Pairing: Kelly Severide & Stella Kidd
Note: The original plot was requested this is the slightly remastered version. (Repost)
As the number of confirmed COVID cases in Chicago were increasing by day, the mayor issued a citywide lockdown effect of immediately. First responders were still going to work, but once Sylvie cane down with flu like symptoms she decided to get tested just incase and to everyone’s surprise it came back positive for COVID, therefore everyone on the second shift at 51 was in mandatory quarantine for 2 weeks.
Four days in, Stella and Kelly were already bored beyond belief. For two people who were barely home most of the time and actually craved some lazy days, they quickly realized it was not as fun as they thought when they were forced upon them.
“I talked to Brett, her fever is going down and she said she’s finally able to eat properly.” Stella said as she cuddled next to Kelly on the couch. “That’s good…everyone else seems to be doing fine.” He informed her skipping restlessly through channels and letting out an irritated scoff as he couldn’t find anything watch worthy. All this down time was pretty hard on him as he found it unusual at this time of the day to just lay on the couch instead of working out or just being out and about.
“Easy tiger you still have at least one more week time to get annoyed.” Stella laughed at him as he got up and started to pace around. She was also getting bored but it was funny to watch Kelly getting all worked up, it was like watching a hyperenergetic 5 year old stuck into an apartment and not being allowed on the playground.
“We need to find something to do, or else we’ll lose our minds…Maybe we can go out for a run and nobody will know.” Kelly was an outdoor person, so he was pretty sure he has never spent this much time inside. “You know the whole point of being on lockdown is to stay inside…right?” Giving her a blank look, Kelly half joked "At this point I'm willing to go for a run in a mask and a full hazmat suit".
In the first four days in quarantine they managed to keep themselves busy enough not to get bored, but there was only so much they could do inside. Binge watched all seasons of Sons of Anarchy, reorganized every single closet or drawer in the apartment, attempted to work out, took naps throughout they day and randomly called each person from 51 just to find out everyone was equally as bored and out of ideas when it came to extracurricular activities.
“We should’ve quarantined at the cabin…at least there we could’ve gone hiking and fishing and not a single person would be in sight.” He continued and Stella watched him amused as an idea ran through her mind.
“Remember when you insisted on teaching me how to properly barbecue like a pro?” Kelly nodded waiting to see where she was going with this “what if we order some groceries and I teach you how to bake?” Giving Stella an unsure look at first he ultimately agreed as there was nothing else to do anyway, making her jump into his arms excitingly.
Later that day once the groceries arrived and everything was set, Stella pulled out of nowhere a baking apron for Kelly. “You have to be kidding me…how long have you been waiting to do this?” He laughed putting it on.
“Been waiting for the perfect moment for you to even take my idea into consideration.” Stella said and started explaining everything step by step. She couldn’t help but feel very entertained by how serious and concentrated Kelly was trying to mix all the ingredients together and him constantly asking whether he was doing it right. While their muffins were baking in the oven he kept checking on them but once it was time to decorate it was a whole another story.
“Stella, I’m kicking down doors and restoring boats for a living, I can’t do this!” Kelly was frustrated as his topping cream was everywhere but on the muffin. “You need to stop squeezing it out so hard!” She exclaimed as she took his hand into hers guiding him. “Let me show you…see it’s not that hard mister kicking down doors and restoring boats .”
“Admit it...you had way too much fun watching me struggle.” Kelly said as they were finally taking a bite out of their baked goods. “I mean let’s just say I’ve never seen you getting this worked up, even over a rescue before.” Stella said wrapping her arms around Kelly’s neck and he immediately picked her up placing her on a small portion of the counter that wasn’t covered in flour.
“At least we’ll be busy tomorrow cleaning up this mess.” Kelly said looking around their kitchen as Stella pulled him into a deep kiss.
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elenarodriiguez · 3 years
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day sixteen: “does that hurt?” | s.b.
summary: dealing with your girlfriend’s debilitating migraines certainly isn’t fun, but nowadays you’ve got it down to an art form.
pairing: sylvie brett x reader
cw: migraines, brief mention of nausea
word count: 685
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When you wake up to the sounds of the shower running and the other half of your bed cold to the touch, you know it’s going to be a rough day. Letting out a sleepy sigh, you roll out of bed and shuffle into your bathroom, the icy tiles under your feet reminding you of just how cold Chicago winters can be.
The sight you come across is a far too familiar one: Sylvie sprawled across the floor of your bathroom, clinging to the toilet bowl and resting her head on the cool toilet seat, the shower spray barely a trickle. With practiced ease you switch the shower off in the pitch black room, careful not to let any harsh light in as you move out of the doorway, and then crouch down beside your girlfriend.
As your fingertips brush against her warm forehead, pushing back some of the sweat slick hair clinging to it, she lets out a weak sounding whimper, trying to lean into it before aborting her mission midway through the movement. Once all of her hair is out of her face, you dart over to the sink and run a flannel under the cold tap, wanting to verbalise your apology when she groans in pain but knowing it would only make things worse for her.
You wring out the cloth and lift her head off of the seat just high enough to slide the cloth under her before making another cold compress and placing it on the back of her sweat drenched neck. Knowing that her nausea was all but over at this point, you head back to your room momentarily to set it up for her, leaving the door the slightest bit ajar so that she would be able to hear you moving about.
Pulling down the blackout blinds and turning off the fairy lights whose light you’d fallen asleep under, you make the room as dark as feasibly possible. Next, you sort out your bed, getting rid of all of the decorative cushions she loves to sleep with so that she can lie down flat on her back, and get rid of the copious amounts of blankets that you both snuggle under during the winter months. Finally you grab the sunglasses from her nightstand and the headphones from your own, placing them on your side of the bed before making your way back into the bathroom.
“Hey sweetheart,” you whisper as quietly as you can, “is it alright if I move you back to the bedroom now? It’ll be more comfortable than the floor.”
Rather than answer you verbally, Sylvie holds her thumb up high enough for you to see it, and you quickly get to work. Taking the flannels off of her neck and forehead, you brace yourself before picking her up in a bridal carry. Despite her lithe figure, she’s more muscular than she looks, but by now this is like second nature to you, and you manage to make it back to your bed without jolting her or causing any major injuries.
As soon as her back hits the soft mattress, she dares to open her eyes, flinching immediately and squeezing them shut again. You place the glasses on her face, carefully putting one of the flannels back on her forehead, before placing your headphones over her sensitive ears.
“Does that hurt?” You ask tentatively, a breath of relief falling from your lips when she gives you a thumbs down. “Good. I’m gonna go let Boden and Violet know you’re sick, okay? You just stay there and rest, I’ll come and check up on you later.”
She offers you a small but pained smile in response, and after grabbing your phone, laptop, and some clothes to change into, you close the bedroom door behind you, leaving her to rest, and hopefully sleep although you doubt it’ll happen. It hurts to see your girlfriend in pain, but these sorts of days were becoming fewer and further between. And until the day they finally stop, if they ever do, you’d be there to help her get through it.
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Babies and Blanket Forts
Summary: Who doesn’t love babies? AND blanket forts?
Brettonio (Antonio Dawson/Sylvie Brett), Diego Dawson, OCs
Antonio yawned widely as he gently flicked the springy cloud on the play table so it rattled and bounced on its plastic spring. Sure enough, small pudgy hands reached for it and began to tug, mesmerized by the sound. He held back another yawn and pushed himself up to a sitting position, because, obviously, laying down wasn’t helping.
He’d gotten home from work late the night before and everyone had been fast asleep . Thank God for Diego and their nanny. But just as he’d felt like he’d finally fallen asleep, he was waking to the sound of babbling over the baby monitor. He’d had a cup of coffee with breakfast, but the late nights and their long case were catching up to him.
“Daddy,” he took his attention away from where he had been absently watching Nicky play to look at his daughter, who had been quietly making jewelry with her Pop Beads.
“I made you a bracelet, Daddy,” she was holding out a colorful ring of beads to him.
“That’s beautiful, baby, thank you,” He held out his wrist for her to put it on him. She tried to tug it down his hand, but it was too small, “It’s a little small, baby girl.”
A frown of concentration colored the three year old’s face as she considered it.
“I’ll fix it,” she said as she pulled it back, and went back to her workstation - blanket - to add more beads. Antonio watched her for a bit, noticing she was sporting quite a few new accessories as well: earrings, and two necklaces.
After a few moments, she came back over with a larger bracelet. Again, he held out his arm for Mia, and this time, the bracelet slid easily onto his wrist. She smiled widely in triumph as Antonio held his newly decorated wrist up for them to admire, “It fits!”
“Yes it does. It fits perfectly, Mia, thank you,” he reached out and pulled her in for a kiss that made her giggle and squirm, “What else did you make?”
“I made earrings, and necklaces. I’m going to make one for mommy and Diego,” she said going back to the pile of beads to make more.
“They’ll love that, sweetie.”
Diego wandered in then, taking in the scene as he woke up fully.
“Morning, buddy,” Antonio said, stifling a laugh at his son’s blank expression. He probably hadn’t looked any better. “There’s breakfast in the kitchen.”
Diego nodded, and went to the kitchen, coming out a couple minutes later with a plate and a cup.
They spent a while watching tv, playing with Nicky and Mia, and catching up with Diego’s school life and activities until Antonio decided he actually had things to get done today. So, leaving the babies with his eldest son, he went off to freshen up for the day.
He set the newly washed laundry down on the chair as he tried to figure out what was happening. Diego was laying on the couch, tapping away on his phone, which was not unusual, but the state he was in was puzzling. A yellow and white rope - Mia’s toy rope - was wrapped around him a few times while Mia was off to the side watching him and stage whispering in Nicky’s ear. Nicky needed his nap.
“What happened to Diego, Mia?” Antonio asked walking into the living room to pick up his baby boy.
“He said he’s leaving, so I tied him up so he has to stay,” Mia explained.
“You tied him up?” Antonio looked over to Diego to elaborate.
“Evan and Cristian want to hang out later for lunch,” Diego said, putting his phone down on the couch, “is that okay?”
“Yeah, that’s fine. Do you need a ride?”
“No, thanks. Evan’s driving.”
“Be careful.”
Diego nodded and looked over to Mia, “Mia, I’m only going to be gone for a little bit. I promise, I’ll be back. Can you please untie me?”
Mia looked like she was coming around, so Antonio left, taking Nicky to be fed and put down for a nap.
Antonio came out of the kitchen from where he was getting started on lunch to take a peek at what Diego and Mia were up to this time since they had been suspiciously quiet for a while now.
Oh. It looked like they had found the bedsheets he hadn’t gotten around to folding yet and were now attempting to make a blanket fort in the living room. It was draped across the couch cushions and stretched across to Nicky’s play chair and baby gym.
Mia and Diego were inside - Diego’s legs were sticking out - and fixing the fort, the sheet moving around as they did so. Mia crawled out - butt first - and stood up to see her dad watching them.
“Dad we built a fort!” She cried excitedly.
“I can see that,” he laughed as she ran around to tighten the corners of the sheet, “very cool.”
“Hey dad, I’m gonna go get ready,” Diego said as he stood up from the floor.
“Yeah. Thank you for keeping her occupied. Mia, want to help me make lunch?”
Always a good way to get her attention. Sure enough, the mention of cooking had her eagerly running off to the kitchen.
“What do you want to watch, baby girl?”
It was around Mia’s quiet/nap time, but she wasn’t winding down just yet. She was quite the chatterbox so a movie was a good way to settle down.
“Sing? Again?” Antonio asked, feigning surprise. She had become obsessed with singing shows and movies recently, and ‘Sing’ was her favorite.
“You want to watch from inside your fort?”
The suggestion had Mia’s eyes going wide as even more excitement showed on her face, “Can we?”
“Of course. Come on.” He grabbed a spare blanket and laid it on the floor then threw the couch pillows inside. He grabbed the baby monitor and set up the movie then laid down next to Mia who was already laying comfortably on her stomach with her head closest to the opening facing the tv.
The movie started and they settled in with Mia singing along as it went.
She could hear music coming from the tv in the living room as she hung her jacket up and put her keys down.
Excited to see her family finally, she made her way to the living room, ready to greet everyone. As she walked into the room however, what she saw made her freeze in surprise.
The tv was playing ‘Sing’ like she had thought, but she didn’t see anyone right away. Putting her duffel down, she moved closer to get a better look at the blanket fort in the middle of her living room.
Crouching down she laughed quietly at the picture in front of her: Antonio’s legs were outside of the fort, and he was asleep with his head on a pillow and the baby monitor next to him. Meanwhile, Mia was sprawled out under the fort, fast asleep as well. She was laid out like a starfish, one leg even resting on top of her dad’s torso, foot basically in the air.
Sylvie pulled out her phone and snapped a few pictures, making sure to get the fort in it as well. She even sent one to Gabby right then so she wouldn’t forget.
Sighing as she put her phone down, she smiled softly ,and rearranged her daughter’s limbs to a less crazy state and brushed her hair back out of her face. Then, she crawled in and laid down at Antonio’s side causing him to stir.
“Hey,” he said, smiling at her sleepily as she kissed him on the cheek.
“Hello, sleepyhead.”
He wrapped an arm around her as she laid her head on his shoulder, “How was work?” he asked, rubbing her back.
“It was good,” she responded snuggling in closer to him.
He dropped a kiss to her head, “That’s good.”
“Go back to sleep,” Sylvie said, wrapping her arm around his middle.
She chuckled as he replied with just a hum, and closed her eyes, too.
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autumnshighlady · 2 years
Hey everyone! You can call me Amara, and this is my fic blog! I’ve been writing since I was 14 (am 22 now) but this is the first time I’ve ever posted anything! I mostly write oneshots, but may publish a few long fics here and there! I also love writing headcanons and drabbles. Primarily, my writing consists of character x reader, but I will very occasionally write character x character. I enjoy getting asks so come chat anytime! Please read the rules before requesting anything :)
Fandoms I’ll write for:
A Court of Thorns and Roses
Throne of Glass
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Tolkien Universe
Chicago Fire
Characters I mainly write for [I will write others, these are just the main ones]:
Nesta Archeron
Eris Vanserra
Lucien Vanserra
Feyre Archeron
Aelin Galathynius
Rowan Whitethorn
Manon Blackbeak
Dorian Havilliard
Loki Laufeyson
Bucky Barnes
Steve Rogers
Natasha Romanoff
Matt Murdock
Carol Danvers
Wanda Maximoff
Tony Stark
Chicago Fire
Stella Kidd
Kelly Severide
Characters I will NOT write for:
people like Amaranthe, Ianthe, Beron, etc.
Peter Parker
Sharon and Peggy Carter
Clint Barton
Chicago Fire:
Sylvie Brett
Matt Casey
I will write smut, but I will not write for the following: pregnancy tropes, CNC, breeding kink, depression/SH/ED/suicide, abuse/rape/torture
please do not ask me why I will not write certain characters, I have my reasons and would not like to start drama by stating those reasons
keep your requests within the fandoms listed
there are character’s I’m more likely to write than others, if you’re unsure just ask!
do not repost, translate, or reproduce anything without asking me first
if you’re under 18, please be aware I do write NSFW - I’d rather minors not be on my blog but obviously I have no way or knowing or controlling it
if you want to give feedback keep in mind I am fragile haha, just don’t be harsh about it please!
I will not write with anyone’s oc’s but my own, which will rarely happen as I mostly do x reader
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specialagentsoftie · 3 years
As Long as I Have You | s.b.
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*Gif doesn’t belong to me! Credits to the owner <3 Pairing: Sylvie Brett x Fem!Reader Requested: nopee Warnings: trapped in fire, angst, death (almost) Word count: 1.7k ish A/N: a whole mess this is, hopefully it makes more sense to you than it did to me while i was writing it 😬
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You're woken up by kisses on your face from your sweet girlfriend who got tired of watching you sleep.
She often got up earlier than you for her shifts and seeing you so peaceful was her favorite part of the day.
A string of incoherent sleepy talk falls from your lips as Sylvie told you she loved you and that she would see you after work.
It should have been a normal, ordinary day. Your girlfriend would go to the firehouse and you'd stay at her apartment, typing away at your computer doing your own work. It should have gone how it usually did, but it didn't.
You weren't even supposed to be at your apartment. The only reason you were was because Sylvie asked you to move in with her and you needed to grab some of your things.
Neither of you could have predicted that someone's reckless actions trying to rewire his own electrical system would almost cost you your life.
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Later that day, after a surprisingly quiet first half of shift, the firehouse speakers sounded the call and everyone was routed to an electrical fire at an apartment complex.
When Sylvie heard the familiar address that came over the speakers, her face pales and she stops in her tracks. An overwhelming feeling of dread rushes through her.
“Brett? Are you ok? What’s wrong?” Violet asked, worry painting her face. It wasn't often that she saw her partner that shaken up.
“That’s Y/N’s apartment…” Sylvie stammers, as a multitude of worst case scenarios ran through her head.
“Get in the rig, I’m driving”
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As ambo 61 pulled out of the firehouse, Sylvie grabbed her phone out of her jacket and clicked on your name. It was always the first on the list.
The phone rang for what seemed like ages, until a cough comes through the other side.
You couldn't say anything. The ceiling had come crashing down minutes earlier and you were trapped in your apartment. You weren't sure how long you'd been breathing in the smoke, but it stung.
"There's a fire, I can't get out." Your voice comes through muted as you held a cloth over your mouth. "I can't breathe."
The coughing attack that overtakes you was enough to send Sylvie into a panic. You must have been there for a long time already.
“Y/N, stay on the phone ok? Stay with me, we’re almost there.” Sylvie pleads to you, looking frantically out the windows of the ambulance.
She listens as your line goes quiet. The only thing she could hear was your labored breathing. As you took in more and more smoke, your vision started to go in patches. A sharp, searing pain tore through your chest and you were losing hope that they'd find you in time.
“Sylvie…” you choke out despite the burning you feel in your lungs and the tightness you feel when you breathe. “I love you…”
“No, don’t— don’t do that, Y/N." Sylvie’s voice cracks as tears fill her eyes. “You’re gonna be fine." She was trying to keep you calm but it was more like she was trying to convince herself of that because she didn’t know what she would do if she lost you.
She can hear your gasps for air and it killed her that the only thing she could do was stand there outside your burning apartment building and just hope that the firefighters got to you before it was too late.
“Syl… I’m sorry…” you whisper, the pain becoming too much to bear. You felt yourself drifting in and out of consciousness, the only thing bringing you back was the sound of Sylvie’s voice.
“No no no no, Y/N, you stay with me, you hear me? You’re not allowed to give up,” she sobbed. Violet puts a hand on her shoulder, keeping her from losing it all together.
“Listen to me, okay? You’re going to be fine… we’re gonna get married, and buy a nice house, and have a bunch of kids just like you wanted, so you stay strong until the firefighters get to you, ok? You are NOT allowed to leave me, not now, not ever.” Sylvie's tone was desperate and even the chief was getting emotional from hearing her words.
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Matt and his team were out first, everyone else in the building was evacuated before you were. Severide found you trapped in your upper level apartment, somewhat protected from the flames, but suffocating in smoke. He grabs the phone that was laying by your hand and yells into it that they got you.
Sylvie was a mess as she waited hopelessly for Severide to bring you out of there and even though they weren't together anymore, Matt couldn't help but want to comfort her.
He knew exactly how she was feeling because he'd been there before. Years ago, it was his fiancée that was stuck in the same position you were in right now, except Hallie didn't survive that fire. He knew how worried she was for you and hoped you didn't meet the same fate.
He took off his gear and made his way to Sylvie, putting his hands on her shoulders to steady her.
"Hey, Y/N's a fighter, she's going to be fine," he reassures her as he brushed her hair out of her face. "You have to be strong for her. She'll be ok."
Sylvie nods silently as she stares at the entrance to the burning apartment building, tears streaming down her face.
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As soon as she saw squad 3 carrying you out on a backboard, Sylvie tried to rush over to you but was stopped by Matt grabbing her arm and holding her back. She fought against him to no avail, trying to wrench herself out of his grasp but he was stronger than her.
Dropping her arm in defeat, she watched helplessly as Violet and the other EMTs worked on you.
A heartbreaking sob escapes her mouth when she hears them say you weren't breathing and had to be intubated. Her heart shatters when they have to start CPR on you and she feels her knees buckle beneath her, being held up only by Matt's strong arms.
This wasn't happening. This couldn't be happening.
Mere seconds seemed like an eternity as the love of your life watched them do compressions on your chest and tried to resuscitate you. As if she had tunnel vision, she didn't even notice the hustle and bustle of the rescue around her, all she could see was you.
"We got a pulse!" Sylvie hears Violet call to the others, and just like that, she felt like she could breathe again.
You were alive.
Only then did Matt break his grip on her, nudging her towards the ambulance you were being loaded into and telling her to go with you.
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When you wake up, the first thing you see as your eyes adjust to the bright lights of your hospital room is your girlfriend's blonde curls splayed over you. Her hand was holding yours tightly as she slept, as if you'd just disappear if she let you go.
With your free hand, you gently run through Sylvie's soft hair and she stirs. She's slow to wake, but she sits up quickly when she remembers where she was and the events of earlier that day.
"Y/N, you're awake," she breathes out, feeling a huge weight being lifted off her chest. Seeing you looking back at her as if nothing was wrong was overwhelming and Sylvie felt her eyes tearing up.
"Hi," you whispered hoarsely, bringing your hand up to stroke the face you adored more than anything.
"I thought I was going to lose you." Her voice was so quiet that you almost didn't hear her. Tears streak down her face as the emotional exhaustion takes over.
"Never. You're stuck with me forever." you murmured, but your words didn't seem to make Sylvie feel better. She needed to make sure that you were real and that you were ok.
You tug gently on her arm, encouraging her to stand, and you pull her towards you. Staring into her beautiful, sad blue eyes, you wrap a hand behind her neck and captured her lips with your own. You feel wetness on your face and you move to her cheeks, kissing away her tears.
When you break apart, your face cracks into a smile and for the first time that day, Sylvie's does as well.
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When the doctor comes to check on you, letting you know you were going to make a full recovery, Sylvie was right there, standing protectively next to you making sure there was no funny business going on. She didn't leave your side even when visiting hours were over.
She would have raised hell if they made her leave without you.
You motion for her to join you on the hospital bed and despite some protests about not wanting to hurt you, she couldn't say no to your puppy dog eyes.
Carefully, as to not yank out your nasal cannula or your IV, Sylvie climbs in next to you, wrapping her arm around your shoulders as you lean into her. You intertwine your hand with hers when you're both settled comfortably against the pillow.
You feel Sylvie's lips against your forehead and you look up at her, noticing the worry carved on her face. She could never hide anything from you.
"Syl, I'm fine. Don't worry."
"Collapsed lungs and smoke inhalation isn't fine, Y/N," she sighs in frustration and you rub her thigh soothingly in an attempt to comfort her.
"Baby, even if I wasn't, I have the best EMT in Chicago looking after me and I'm head over heels in love with her."
Immediately, you see the worry disappear from Sylvie's eyes and she was melting at your words.
"I love you so much," she whispers, resting her forehead against yours.
"I know you do," you murmured, a smile breaking on your face. "Apparently you love me enough to wanna marry me."
"I wasn't sure you heard that," Sylvie mumbles, her face flushing red. You giggle at the sight, falling impossibly harder for the girl.
"Uh huh. You said we were going to get married...and buy a nice house... and have a bunch of kids just like I wanted," you tease, planting kisses on her lips between words.
"Can I let you in on a little secret though?" you ask as you tucked a blonde curl behind your girlfriend's ear. Sylvie nodded silently, still a bit embarrassed about her confession, but she meant every word.
"I don't need anything, as long as I'm with you."
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Sylvie Brett Taglist
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fromasgardandback · 3 years
Stella Kidd, Gabby Dawson, Sylvie Brett x Reader
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masterlist | oneshots
a/n: mixed the timeline up, not consistent with the current
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Sisters. Sisters will be there for each other. Sisters will answer your call at four in the morning. Sisters will help you through a break-up. Sisters will spend the night, drinking margaritas, eating pizza, watching romantic-comedys and gossiping about what’s new in their life. Sisters will always be there. Thats why you are grateful and blessed to have Stella, Gabby, and Sylvie.
You practically slammed your body onto the bed in the bunker room, “I am in desperate need of a girls night. I don’t care when. Just some time soon.”
“You okay there, Y/L/N?” Stella sat down next to you.
“Yeah, just overwhelmed and stressed. Being the only girl on Squad is kind of daunting and you know I love Kelly, but sometimes, I feel like he’s harder on me because of my gender.” You sat up, “Not in a sexist way, but in a protective, “show them what you’re capable of” way. Which is really sweet and kind, but man is it kicking my ass.” 
She patted your thigh and smiles sympathetically. “He does care. And we do in fact need a girls night. Once Brett and Dawson get back from their call, we’ll talk the details.”
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Girls night was in full swing. As promised, there was pizza, the best in the city; margaritas and beer; romantic-comedy's and chocolate to throw at the television when a sappy and too happy scene comes on; and plenty of drama and gossip to dish about Firehouse 51. 
“Casey is driving me crazy. The other day, he told me that he needs to change his ‘diet’ which means I need to change the ‘dinner menu’. He printed out and handed the recipes to me.” Gabby sighed sipping her drink.
“Please tell me you shoved them up his ass?” You gaped. 
“I place the folder on a skillet and place it on his desk with a sticky note. ‘Have fun cooking’ with a smiley face.” You all laughed.
“Well, Kelly’s been amazing. He’s loving, and attentive, and he cares. I mean he actually cares. I know we had a rocky start in the beginning, but he’s changed and oh,” Stella put a hand over her heart, “the sex.” 
“Ew ew ew. Nope, that’s my boss. I love Stellaride, but I cannot hear the sex talk when I respond to his command every day. He’s gonna ask me to get Cruz’s Slamigan and all I’m gonna think is about you two doing it.” You cringed. 
“Alright, well then what’s your relationship gossip?” Sylvie nudged.
It took a minute for you to gather yourself in finally telling them, “Uhm,” You cleared your throat, “Peter broke up with me…”
Stella, Gabby, and Sylvie sat around you, hugging and holding your hands. 
Their comments of “Sweetie, I’m so sorry.” And, “I had no idea.” Followed by, “He doesn’t deserve you, Y/N.” It helped, but didn’t make it completely better. 
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You’re not going to lie. Peter breaking up with you did hurt. It was like your entire happiness, faith in love, and ability to let yourself break down the walls was for nothing. Those walls built back up higher. Your happiness got dimmed. Your faith in love lessened. Your ability to let others in decreased. But if you didn’t have your sisters, you wouldn’t be able to get through it. This time together, with your sisters, is exactly what you needed. Sisters, will always be there.
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fighterkimburgess · 2 years
For Fic Title: You and I are Forever
So this kind of fits an idea I had, but then I saw someone was writing something pretty similar (in like the scenario was different but the same things happened) so I decided to can it. But maybe I could develop it into a long oneshot?
It’s the day after the Stellaride wedding, and Sylvie gives Matt a ride to the airport. They’ve agreed that their relationship is on a break. If they each meet someone else it’s fine, but it’s not fair to either of them to be waiting and hurting and wanting when they can’t have what they want. Sylvie says goodbye and immediately gets the news about the cabin being attacked and heads that way.
Cut to four months later, her clothes aren’t fitting right, she’s miserable. Everyone thinks it’s cause of the breakup - Severide didn’t hesitate in telling everyone Casey’s “a fucking self sacrificing moron, no offence Brett” for ending things. She thinks it’s too much ice cream. It’s not. But whenever anyone talks about Matt around her (which isn’t too often) it’s all about how good he is with the boys and the stability he gives them, how it’s thanks to Matt they’re gonna be ok. She loves Ben and Griffin, she can’t tell Matt about this baby and take him away from them. And she won’t leave Chicago.
There’s suspicions the baby is Casey’s but Sylvie says it’s not, timing doesn’t match, whatever. Matt hears from Kelly that she’s pregnant from someone else and that’s the final nail in the coffin of him wanting to go back to Chicago. People are kind of surprised at her having a one night stand but when people are sad they do stuff. Sylvie has the baby who thankfully to her is her little clone, all their daughter has to remind her of Matt is his ears and nose.
Two years later Ben gets into Northwestern, and Sylvie runs into him and Matt on the street as she’s pushing Baby Brettsey (gimme some time, I’ll think of a name) in a stroller. Matt’s stunned at Sylvie being there, but Ben’s delighted to see Sylvie and promises he’ll come by 51 some time. It’s only when she’s leaving that Ben tells Matt it’s clear Sylvie still has a crush.
Matt gets suspicious but can’t say anything, and he’s moved back full time now that Ben’s back and Griffin plans to move when he finishes college. He gets out in the same house as Pelham and learns a bit about when Sylvie was pregnant and how she “gave birth early” but the baby was healthy and they were home in a day. And his suspicions grow. Until he confronts Sylvie and she admits yeah, she had his baby.
And then drama.
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sylvies-chen · 4 years
Brettsey please “so not to be rude or anything but i’ve been coming to this cemetery at this time on this day every week for fucking years and i’ve always been alone up until now seriously what the hell” au
Ok anon I REALLY have to apologize because this request has been sitting in my inbox for probably a month or two now but I didn’t get the inspo to finish this until last night. That being said, I got this into a short little oneshot so I hope you enjoy!!
Tags: alternate universe, grief, mourning, light emotional hurt/comfort, meet cute
Word count: 2922
183 days.
It’s been 183 days since Sylvie last visited Julie. 183 days thinking about how things should have been different. How Julie was supposed to survive, how her and Scott and Amelia were supposed to be a family. How Sylvie was supposed to reconnect with her, to finally know the woman who had given Sylvie her own life’s blood.
She was supposed to have more time.
Instead, Sylvie ends up feeling like more of a stranger to Julie than ever. The last time she visited was the funeral, and that hadn’t done much for her in terms of closure. If anything, it made her feel more out of place. Random strangers came up to her, asking how she knew Julie. Sylvie can still remember the confused looks on their face as she’d told them Julie was her birth mother who had given her up at sixteen years old, and the awkward condolences that came stuttering out of their mouths afterwards. She’d felt too guilty eventually, and left early. Who the hell was she anyway, to be tainting everyone’s view of her birth mother at her own funeral?
She hasn’t been to visit Julie’s grave ever since. All Sylvie had done was stay with parents for a few days to clear her head. A few days turned into a few weeks, and then a few months. Today marks month six of her stay there. Her parents had told her they’d be happy to have her. They hadn’t been receptive to the idea of Sylvie meeting Julie in the first place, so they were more than willing to help her through the loss. The only condition was that she had to go to therapy and work through her grief, which Sylvie happily agreed to. But last week, her therapist suggested she visit Julie’s grave to get ‘true closure’, whatever that means. It’s a strange idea to Sylvie but nothing else seems to be working. Her boss had assured her that Fowlerton was much too peaceful (the polite way of calling the town boring, and rightfully so) and it would do just fine without its favourite paramedic for a few days. So, reluctantly, she accepted.
That’s why Sylvie’s now halfway through an hour-long drive to Chicago, all the way back to the cemetery. She buys hydrangeas at a tiny flower shop she passes by when she first enters Chicago territory. They’re Julie’s favourite. They were Julie’s favourite
Her fingers anxiously tap at the wheel when she finally pulls into the cemetery. It’s a dreary Sunday, grey clouds hovering in the sky bringing the prominent threat of rain. The graveyard is empty when she gets there, from the looks of it, except for one single person. Out of the corner of her eye, she can see a man around her age sitting on a bench near a grave, his eyes observing her curiously from over his shoulder. He’s not someone she knows-- she doesn’t really know many people here in Chicago after all-- but she ignores his lingering eyes. Shades of grey stick out against the field of green and wilted flowers are scattered across other tombstones. It feels like a ghost town, for lack of a better term. It’s gloomy and it looks like no one’s visited this place in a while. Even for a cemetery, the sight is a depressing one.
Sylvie slams her car door shut and takes a deep breath. Relax, she thinks. Just a quick drop by to see her, place the flowers, and then leave. You can get through this.
She makes a beeline towards Julie’s grave, less than 100 feet away, and stops dead in her tracks when she gets there. Her feet feel heavy in her pink rain boots, sticking out like a sore thumb against her black coat as she observes the tombstone.
Julie Walters
Loving wife and daughter
1973 - 2019
Sylvie doesn’t know how to feel reading those words. A whole life, one she only scratched the surface of, reduced to a mere four words and eight numbers. It’s underwhelming, and she doesn’t know whether to feel relieved that Julie’s entire being wasn’t etched onto stone or insulted that they could summarize her in so few words.
Maybe it’s for the best. What else would they put on there anyway: that she was a flawed human who left behind a child who she wasn’t ready to have, only to die before she could see her second daughter years later when she was finally ready for one? When she was finally ready to reconcile with her first born? Yeah, it was definitely for the best.
She places the bouquet of hydrangeas on the wet grass next to the tombstone and stands back. Man, this is harder than she thought. The words are there, racing in her head, but they don’t come out. Every time she wants to say something, it gets caught in the back of her throat.
Sylvie’s trying to pick from a list of infinite questions and countless ways to begin when she feels a chill on the back of her neck. At that moment, a voice comes from behind her. “Hi, are y--”
“Ah!” Sylvie shrieks, the voice startling her. She nearly jumps out of her skin as she turns around in shock, only to see a guy standing in front of her. It’s the same guy, she realizes, that had been staring at her earlier. Now, up close, she guesses that he can’t be all that much older that she is. He has blonde hair that’s short at the back and longer at the front, his eyes a soft shade of blue-green. His jacket and boots are a little worn but other than that, he looks completely normal. Except for the fact that he’s the only other person in this whole cemetery, and he just came up to her from behind without making a sound.
“Sorry! Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” he assures her, his hands up in surrender.
“Oh, uh, it’s okay.” Sylvie lets out a big breath, shaking off the nerves from the jumpscare.
“Not to be rude or anything, but I just-- I’m usually the only one here,” he explains awkwardly.
“Are you a groundskeeper or something? I can leave if you guys need me to.”
“No no,” he laughs bashfully, scratching the back of his neck. “I work in construction, actually. But I’ve uh.. I’ve been coming here the same time, every Sunday for years now to visit my dad. Nobody’s ever here when I am, so I figured you must be new.”
“Oh. I’m so sorry for your loss,” she offers. So okay, he’s not such a creep after all. Actually, he’s kind of sweet. “He must have been a really great dad, for you to be visiting him every week after all these years.”
“He… had his moments,” the man explains delicately. “Honestly, he wasn’t the most affectionate guy. I guess I just don’t want to end up like him. Jaded and cruel.”
Sylvie nods understandingly, because she gets it. Her parents are loving and supportive, but she’s had some exes that have put her through the ringer. Her first real love, Harrison, had been manipulative and heartless. She’s always hoped that these awful guys wouldn’t change her for the worse either.
“Sorry, I don’t know why I’m saying all of this. I’ll get out of your hair,” he offers. “But uh, here. Take this.” The guy holds out a single rose, which Sylvie accepts.
Her eyebrows narrow in confusion at the gesture. “A rose?”
“Yeah, well, my dad has been getting a dozen roses a week from my family since I was 17, he won’t turn over in his grave if he gets 11 just this one time. I’m sure whoever you’re grieving could use it a lot more than he could.”
Sylvie’s confused expression softens into gratitude, a faint smile pulling at her lips. This guy, whoever he is, didn’t have to do this for her. It’s a sweet gesture. He really does seem nice. No catches, no mind games, just simple and kind. She hasn’t met a guy like that in a while, at least not one her age. “That’s actually really sweet, thank you.”
“Of course.”
“I’m Sylvie, by the way,” she introduces herself awkwardly. Everything about this situation is awkward, frankly. But she extends her free hand anyway. “Sylvie Brett.”
“Matt Casey. I wish it were under nicer circumstances, but it’s nice to meet you.” His smile is wide as he takes her hand and shakes it. It’s confusing, but it makes Sylvie smile all the same.
“You seem awfully cheerful for someone who’s in a graveyard,” she observes.
“Like I said: I’ve been doing this for a while. I’m sort of all talked out now,” Matt explains with a shrug.
“Right,” she nods. “I wish I could relate. Normally I’m the one who’s cheerful and talkative, but it’s hard with this sort of thing. Everything I want to say just doesn’t seem to come out. Sometimes, I think if I start talking…”
“You’ll never stop?” He guesses.
“Yeah.” How did he know?
“Well I can tell you from experience that you definitely do stop talking at one point. I got all talked out two years ago. I looked around one day and realized I was talking about types of screwdrivers to my dad’s grave with no one else around. Eventually, you’ll run out of topics like I did. And then new ones will come, and you’ll talk some more, and then you get quiet again and then you just… stop talking.”
“I hope so. I’m a big talker-- I mean seriously, I never shut up-- but I just… I don’t know where to start with this one,” she explains.
“If you don’t mind me asking, who are you visiting?”
“Julie Walters.” She points to the tombstone in front of them. “My birth mother.”
“Oh. I’m so sorry.”
Sylvie’s heard those six little words before. She had to stomach every single insincere, fake utterance of sympathy when she was at the funeral. But for some reason, the way Matt says it to her makes her think he really means it. She’s not used to people meaning it when they offer their condolences. It’s strange. Then again, this whole interaction is strange. “It’s okay,” she brushes it off.
“It’s not. At least, it doesn’t have to be,” he soothes. Something about his voice is so horrifyingly comforting. It’s calm and low, and it feels like warm tea and honey in her ears. It’s enough to make her want to burst into tears right then and there .
Sylvie takes a deep breath and then, before she can stop herself, breaks the silence to ramble. “I love my parents, you know? They raised me, they fed me, they’re responsible for the person I’ve become. But I’d always wondered where I came from, why my birth parents gave me up for adoption. And when Julie sought me out, I panicked at first. I wasn’t ready to give up that fantasy in my head of who she was, to have all my questions answered. But now I’m standing here, visiting her grave for the first time in the six months since her funeral by recommendation of my stupid grief counselor, and I… I just can’t stop thinking of all the questions I was too scared to ask. And man, it sucks.”
Matt stands there and nods understandingly, his gaze unwavering even as she turns her eyes towards Julie’s tombstone.
“I’m sorry,” she continues, wiping tears from her cheek. “We just met, and I’m rambling, and--”
“No no, it’s good for you,” he assures her. “ And I don’t mind it, I-- I like hearing you talk.”
“Oh.” Sylvie looks around, unsure of what to say. This Matt Casey guy, whoever he is, hasn’t run for the hills by now which is strange to say the least. But weirdly, it’s comforting.
“You’re right, you know,” he continues, switching the subject. “It sucks. Life… life sucks.”
“Yeah, it does,” she agrees, letting out a small laugh. This makes Matt laugh a little, which makes Sylvie laugh even more, until they’re both smiling and giggling in a cemetery like a bunch of blushing lunatics. It’s quite possibly the weirdest thing Sylvie’s ever experienced and yet somehow, it’s exactly what she needed. A bright light in the vast sea of darkness.
“You’re smiling again, that’s a good sign.”
“It is,” she agrees. “Am I crazy for that? I mean, I’m smiling and laughing in a graveyard with somebody I just met. Isn’t that weird?”
“A little,” he admits with a shy laugh. “But you’re not crazy. Sometimes people need a little bit of weirdness in their lives.”
“I guess stranger things have happened,” Sylvie shrugs playfully.
“Yeah.” He flashes her another smile before turning his attention towards Julie’s grave and facing it with her. Sylvie stares at the marked stone. She fondly remembers the few memories she had with Julie, and the countless ones they never got around to. It’s unfortunate, really, but it feels more manageable with someone there. Even if it’s someone she barely knows. Matt stands with her for a moment, the peace and quiet taking over. It’s nice. Sylvie’s never had silence be so comforting; it’s always made her anxious and uncomfortable up until now. Matt sure is a puzzling guy in that sense. She sneaks a peek at him through the corner of her eye, this guy who’s supporting her even though they just met. He’s lost someone too, he could be going back to his father’s tombstone. Instead, he’s staying there with her. Sylvie decides at that moment that Matt Casey is an unfailingly kind, weirdly solid guy. And, admittedly, a little attractive. Ok, a lot attractive.
“Hey, and don’t worry,” she adds after a few minutes of silence, “about being like your father. We aren’t our parents. And you seem… good. That’s all you can ask for I guess, is to be one of the good ones.”
“Thanks,” he nods, his eyes filled with a bit of confusion and a bit of something else Sylvie can’t quite place. Wonder, almost.
Sylvie turns back to Julie’s grave, tracing over the words with her eyes. Suddenly, it doesn’t feel so scary. Sylvie’s still sad, and wounds take time to scar over, but it doesn’t feel like she’s bleeding out anymore. She sighs, and she can sense the weight on her shoulders blowing away into the wind.
Unfortunately, when the sorrow blows away with the wind, it brings in the rain.
“Oh god,” Matt groans, wincing while looking up just on time to catch a raindrop in his eye. He squints and turns to Sylvie, who’s standing there laughing. “I didn’t see this in the weather forecast for today.”
“Me neither,” she giggles. “Today’s full of unexpected things, I guess.”
“It is.” He gives her a shy smile, nodding in agreement.
“Do you mind the rain?” She asks, looking up at the gloomy sky with a smile on her face.
“No,” he replies gently.
“Me neither.”
They stand there, hoods pulled away from their heads, letting the rain wash over them. There’s no shelter in sight anyway. They talk for a while about Chicago, about their lives, their friends, things that make them happy. But then they fall into a comfortable silence, smiling peacefully in the rain. Sylvie only moves a few times to brush raindrops off of the bouquet of flowers she’d placed at Julie’s grave. She looks at it, the name and the date etched in stone, and she doesn’t feel sick anymore. No questions unanswered, no bitterness. Her loss feels manageable.
She’s okay. More than okay.
“Hey, this might sound a little crazy, and I know we just met,” Matt starts after a while, “but would you want to… go get dinner or something?”
“What, like a date?” She snorts at her own joke, the idea being very nice in theory but impossible. It’s seriously impossible that this guy is actually asking her out, right?
“Er, yeah,” he nods. “Like a date.”
Oh. Okay, so he was asking her out. This is unfamiliar territory for Sylvie. She’s been asked out before, of course, by the small-town idiots in Fowlerton. But by an admittedly very good-looking stranger, under these circumstances no less? It’s a bit of a bizarre situation. That’s the crux of it, though. Matt Casey, whoever he is under all these sweet, charming layers, doesn’t feel like a stranger. Somehow, through one chance encounter, it feels like catching up with an old friend.
When she considers the facts, she’s had fun today. Every interaction they’ve had has come with such ease, and from a place of goodness and light. Yeah, maybe it’ll go absolutely nowhere. But one date in a public place won’t hurt her. She’s in Chicago for the rest of the weekend anyway. If anything, going out with someone like Matt Casey would do her a lot of good. And she hadn’t realized it until now but god, she really really wants to. So she does.
“I’d like that,” she finally replies while brushing rain off of her coat.
“Yeah?” He asks to make sure, his face lighting up with hope and slight excitement. Sylvie finds it adorable.
“Yeah,” she assures him.
He nods and grins excitedly as he leans in closer, and Sylvie feels the happiest she’s felt in a long time when he finally replies. “Me too.”
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inagetawaycarxo · 4 years
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Vampire AU
Vampire Hunter AU
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Weakness Turns On Lover AU
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Zombie Apocalypse AU
Taking The Kids Trick Or Treating
Fandoms I write for
Adam Cole
Aj Styles
Andrade Cien Almas
Buddy Murphy
Bobby Fish
Drew McIntyre
Elias Samson
Finn Balor
Kyle O’Reilly
Roderick Strong
Roman Reigns
Seth Rollins
The Miz
Jimmy Uso
Jey Uso
Triple H, 
Alexa Bliss
Becky Lynch
Billie Kay
Candice LeRae
Charlotte Flair
Dakota Kai
Mickie James
Peyton Royce
Sasha Banks
Stephanie McMahon
Tegan Nox
Zelina Vega
Kelly Severide
Matt Casey
Sylvie Brett
Gabby Dawson
 Will Halstead
Connor Rhodes
Ethan Choi
Jay Halstead
Antonio Dawson
Adam Ruzek
Greg Gerwitz
Kevin Atwater
Kim Burgess
Erin Lindsay
Hailey Upton
 Derek Morgan
Spencer Reid
Luke Alvez
Bruce Wayne
Diana Prince
Clark Kent
Lena Luthor
Kara Danvers
Lucifer Morningstar
Chloe Decker
Ella Lopez
Dan Espinoza
Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Bruce Banner
Sam Wilson
Carol Danvers
 Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
Jack Kline
 Derek Hale
Peter Hale
Scott McCall
Stiles Stilinski
Malia Tate
Jordan Parrish
Chris Argent
Isaac Lahey
Klaus Mikaelson
Elijah Mikaelson
 Kol Mikaelson
Rebekah Mikaelson
Hayley Marshall
Davina Claire
 Freya Mikaelson
Stefan Salvatore
Kai Parker
Damon Salvatore
 Katherine Pierce
Tyler Lockwood
Bonnie Bennet
Elena Gilbert
Caroline Forbes
Harry Styles
Jake Gyllenhaal
Jensen Ackles
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