#Sybil Valentine
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vulcajes · 18 days ago
The Marauders & Co's love languages ✨️
James — gift giving
Peter — acts of service
Sirius — quality time
Remus — words of affirmation
Lily — quality time
Mary — physical touch
Marlene — acts of servive
Emmeline — gift giving
Alice — quality time
Frank — words of affirmation
Dorcas — words of affirmation
Pandora — quality time
Evan — physical touch
Barty — acts of service
Bellatrix — physical touch (violent)
Andromeda — physical touch
Narcissa — gift giving
Xenophilius — words of affirmation
Sybill — acts of service
Regulus — has never known love
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mintdragonnerd · 17 days ago
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juicesnatcher · 17 days ago
Happy Day everyone
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dimity-lawn · 1 year ago
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derelictheretic · 9 months ago
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To The End of The Universe and Into The Next Dearheart
Take pity on the lovers with their home left as nothing but ash; memories left wasted and their child hidden in roots. Their final hours were sung by razor teeth and their bodies bruised, bloody were beat. Take pity on the fool who dared cross their path, for though their souls were ripped away they vowed to come back.
Got the chance to commission the insanely talented @ramsei501st for matching pieces of my OC's Sybil and Eliad!! They did such an amazing job I am blown away with how he captured them in this scene it is everything I imagined and so so much more 😭💜💜💜 It makes me emotional seeing my OC's brought to life like this and they look so freaking good!! I cannot get over the lighting and their faces aaaa They may be getting their asses handed to them but they haven't lost a fight in their long lifetimes, they consider this a draw :) Consider commissioning Ramsei because you will not be disappointed!!!
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marauders-sapphics · 1 year ago
Fest claims! Get your fest claims here! 
Today’s the day—welcome to the Marauders Sapphic Spring Fling Fest! We're so excited to see what y'all come up with ♡ Read below the image for more information ↓
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Here's the 411:  
Submissions open Feb 14 (today) and close on April 17! 
Use #MaraudersSapphicSpringFlingFest in your posts! (add spaces on Tumblr) 
The main ship must be sapphic / the fic must be focused on one of the female characters. 
All types of media are allowed (e.g. writing, art, videos, etc.) 
Multiple people can claim the same prompt, though we encourage you to look at unclaimed ones! 
Head over to our AO3 collection for the prompts and full list of rules!
If you’re interested in chatting with other folks participating, join our 18+ server :) Mods: @multiimoments @siriusly-sapphic @emjayeingray @cauldroncakesandwine
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derelicthereticsartdump · 9 months ago
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slapped two messy ref's of Sybil and Eliad together! hot bisexual power couple my beloveds <3
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colorstatu · 1 year ago
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Happy Valentine's Day, I hope you like this cute drawing I made to celebrate the day.
Love and friendship is something very valuable, take great care of that person who makes you happy
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mamawasatesttube · 2 years ago
A timkon transistor au.... Your brain is so big for that one. I say this as someone who's also had transistor brainrot for several years, lmao. Would that mean ttk's gonna be kon's base ability? who will they run into as they go? Is tim a singer in this one???
OH GOD. we're gonna make me replay transistor (again) any day now at this rate
so there's a few ways we could take this. the camerata targeted people who were influential, and red happened to be the one target where the attempt got botched. so tim doesn't HAVE to be a singer; he could've been an investigative reporter, a beloved photographer, etc. he just needed to be someone that people listened to. of course, it's arguable that he'd lose smth other than his voice if he's smth other than a singer, but... i am very partial to the parallel of red losing her voice and the boxer being nothing but his voice. so. there's that.
tbh i hadn't thought so much about the base abilities and how kon might translate into functions. ttk is probably a good candidate for that. but mostly what's laying me out flat is the general idea of kon pretty much dying for tim and then begging him to get out and go somewhere safe, and tim pulling the sword from his dead body, wrapping himself in kon's jacket, and going no, either i find a way to fix this, or i'm at least taking as many of these motherfuckers to hell with me as i can.
that and. the. the last. part. you know. that final image right before the credits start to play. after he's been begging her not to do it and. she. you know. that. (wails weeps cries)
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dreamboundedstar · 1 year ago
Shadows of the Old World Main Party, but in Fancy Clothes:
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This is an au idea I wanted to do for the team. Everything is the same, except a specific spoiler event never happened and they all got to wear fancy clothes/accessories for a formal event. The idea first came about when I decided I really wanted the series to have a ball episode at least once, mostly for shipping reasons but still XD. I'm still very much an Olwint shipper over Oldrian, but I needed to know my audience and cater to the more popular ship. It's still my au though, so I can still say Flint gets the last dance with Olwen, so to speak, in the end. lol I'm so glad to finally have closure on this idea. Hope you all enjoy what I made.
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housedyke · 2 years ago
I'm glad we have a local pride but it does kinda suck that the kids get a "youth mixer" and adults have no equivalent events explicitly for meeting people
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valentinebyrne · 9 months ago
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She/Her | ??? yrs old | 5' 6"
SPECIES: Elder Vampire
— Heightened senses and abilities.
— Can see in the dark.
— Is well versed in magic and spell casting.
— Can transform into certain animal forms and a anthromorphic bat form.
— Is sensitive the direct sunlight.
— Spell casting takes up a lot of her energy and can make her weak or ill.
— She needs to drink blood or she'll go into a frenzy or die.
UNIVERSE: Originates from Incaelum, currently resides on bubble dimension.
— Thought Eliad was a cocky prick when they first met but was happy to be proven wrong.
— Enoys reading and gardening.
— Loves nighttime picnics and strolls.
— She's an orphan who does very well filling her parents shoes.
— Prefers social events over diplomatic or political events.
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m0thisonfire · 1 year ago
Happy Valentine's Day, love!
Tell us, what is it like for Sybil and Devanii on Valentine's Day? Do they even celebrate it?
For Sybil and Devanii, for a long while they wouldn't know it exists.. earth holiday and all that with them being born and raised on Nirn or Esperia-
But eventually when Devanii travels to earth and watches the holiday come about, for a very, very long time he is going to wish he could show Sybil...
Every year he would make something for him while they're apart, and when he eventually finds a reliable way from and to earth, he's going to drag Sybil back for Valentine's day, and every holiday if I'm being honest, like, "Check this out." And it's a small dragon horde of Valentine's stuff.
Sybil would be promtly overwhelmed by all the jewlery and cards and hand made items the dragon had been stockpiling for him for a thousand earth years, torn between scolding Devanii for hoarding so many valuables and melting into a flustered puddle for how much he cared about him.
Modern day, Sybil travels to earth to visit Devanii on Valentine's day to take him out and treat him to a nice dinner in a human lounge. A walk through the park with coffee, heading back to Devanii's penthouse for a movie, cuddles, and idle chatter is how they spend their Valentine's... and sometimes, Sybil goes above and beyond bringing old magic trinkets for Devanii to keep and taking him back to their homeworlds to celebrate Valentine's there!
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wisteria-lodge · 7 months ago
JK Rowling & the Color Pink
So I'm working on a thing about queer coding in the Harry Potter books... and first I needed to do a sidebar on how the color pink is used. I’ve made a list of every time a character either wears pink, or is heavily associated with a pink object. We actually get some pretty clear categories that are unintentionally very revealing, and say a lot about how JKR sees "girly" femininity.
Let’s start off with the obvious: 
Petunia Dursley: “salmon-pink cocktail dress," "neat salmon-colored coat." Also paints her walls "a sickly peach color."
Gilderoy Lockhart: “lurid pink robes to match the decorations” 
Pansy Parkinson: “very frilly robes of pale pink” 
Rita Skeeter: “long nails were painted shocking pink” 
Aunt Muriel: “feathery pink hat gave her the look of a bad-tempered flamingo.” 
(Aunt Muriel only shows up briefly at Bill and Fleur’s wedding, but then proceeds to insult pretty much every other character, and give Harry an existential crisis by spilling the tea on Dumbledore)
Dolores Umbridge: “a horrible pink Alice band that matched the fluffy pink cardigan.” 
(Also: has pink stationary, and her pamphlet MUDBLOODS and the Dangers They Pose to a Peaceful Pure-Blood Society has a pink cover) 
Cho Chang
(Okay. Not a villain per se, BUT. Cho is the reason the mole gets into the DA in the books (and just is the mole in the films.) And given that she is a sort of Umbridge-aligned sub villain in book 5, at least structurally... it IS interesting that the place she brings Harry for a date has this very pink, Umbridge-coded description. 
It was a cramped, steamy little place where everything seemed to have been decorated with frills or bows. Harry was reminded unpleasantly of Umbridge’s office. “Cute, isn’t it?” said Cho happily. “Er . . . yeah,” said Harry untruthfully. “Look, she’s decorated it for Valentine’s Day!” said Cho, indicating a number of golden cherubs that were hovering over each of the small, circular tables, occasionally throwing pink confetti over the occupants.
Fleur Delacour: “[her wand] emitted a number of pink and gold sparks.” 
(Also not quite a villain, and I adore Fleur BUT… she’s written hyper-femme in an intimidating, borderline threatening way. She’s very opinionated, bordering on rude. She’s “full of herself” as Ginny puts it. And when she gets engaged to Bill and becomes an unambiguously good guy, she has this interesting moment of ~Pink Rejection~)
“. . . Bill and I ’ave almost decided on only two bridesmaids, Ginny and Gabrielle will look very sweet togezzer. I am theenking of dressing zem in pale gold — pink would of course be ’orrible with Ginny’s ’air —”
Hermione Granger: “Wearing a pink bathrobe and a frown”
(Hermione wears pink exactly one time, and it is at her most villainous… during Book 1, when she tries to stop Harry and Ron leaving in the middle of the night to go duel Malfoy.)
A voice spoke from the chair nearest them, “I can’t believe you’re going to do this, Harry.” A lamp flickered on. It was Hermione Granger, wearing a pink bathrobe and a frown. “You!” said Ron furiously. “Go back to bed!” “I almost told your brother,” Hermione snapped, “Percy — he’s a prefect, he’d put a stop to this.” Harry couldn’t believe anyone could be so interfering.
(She literally does the sitting-in-the-dark, villain-lamp thing. Also, in case you were wondering, yes Hermione DOES get a moment of ~Pink Rejection~)
Near the window was an array of violently pink products around which a cluster of excited girls was giggling enthusiastically. Hermione and Ginny both hung back, looking wary.
Which brings us too: 
Sybill Trelawney: “after you’ve broken your first cup, would you be so kind as to select one of the blue-patterned ones? I’m rather attached to the pink.”
(She’s a fraud. Also hides empty bottles of sherry in the room of requirement. (I’m going to have to be uncharitable in this section, so am sorry.) 
Parvati Patil: “robes of shocking pink"
(Often described as “giggling,” thinks Professor Trelawney is amazing, the real deal.)
The Fat Lady: “a very fat woman in a pink silk dress.” 
(Often described as giggling. Drinks too much during the holidays. JRK is unfortunately well known for being fatphobic. Also the Fat Lady has a friend named Violet, and Parvati has a friend named Lavender. Not really going anywhere with that, just funny that they’re both shades of purple.)
Hepzibah Smith: “an immensely fat old lady wearing an elaborate ginger wig and a brilliant pink set of robes.” 
(So… almost identical description to the Fat Lady. And I think we should maybe talk about her more, maybe? Because the way she’s framed… I think she might be Tom Riddle’s sugar mamma?)
“I brought you flowers,” he said quietly, producing a bunch of roses from nowhere. “You naughty boy, you shouldn’t have!” squealed old Hepzibah, though Harry noticed that she had an empty vase standing ready on the nearest little table. “You do spoil this old lady, Tom. . . .” 
(Or maybe we… shouldn’t talk about that. Either way, Tom Riddle does kill her, steal her stuff, and frame her house elf so thats… not great.)
“Everyone take a pair of earmuffs,” said Professor Sprout. There was a scramble as everyone tried to seize a pair that wasn’t pink and fluffy.
(Pink fluffy earmuffs are adorable.)
“Wash out your mouth,” said James coldly. “Scourgify!” Pink soap bubbles streamed from Snape’s mouth at once; the froth was covering his lips, making him gag.
(The next two example are 'pranks' as well, I think the pink-colored soap is there to add a kind of insult to injury.)
Shocking-pink Catherine wheels five feet in diameter were whizzing lethally through the air like so many flying saucers. 
(This is a bit from Fred and George’s farewell firework show, it's funny that they’re specifically pink fireworks that Umbridge can’t get rid of.)
“Headless Hats!” shouted George, as Fred waved a pointed hat decorated with a fluffy pink feather at the watching students. “Two Galleons each — watch Fred, now!” Fred swept the hat onto his head, beaming. For a second he merely looked rather stupid, then both hat and head vanished.
(also just, pumping up an embarrassing moment)
Hagrid’s flowered pink umbrella, which contains his broken wand, is brought up a lot. In this case I think we’re meant to see it as a joke. Hagrid’s so big, and so masc, but the pink umbrella makes him non-threatening. However… the pink umbrella, it’s not a totally positive thing, is it? It doesn’t match, it isn’t *him.* Hagrid wouldn't have chosen to carry this around, totally on his own, if he'd had any other choice. It sets him apart, both visually and socially (because it's a constant reminder that he doesn't have a wand.)
Dobby, once he is freed, gets pink-and-orange striped socks, and they’re meant to communicate that he’s… kind of a lot. “Yeh get weirdos in every breed,” as Hagrid puts it. JKR has a very strange, honestly antagonistic relationship with Dobby. He’s the victim of book 2, but structurally kind of the villain? He describes the house-elves situation as “enslavement,” but Hermione’s treated as overdramatic for calling house-elves slaves two books later. And then everything is ret-conned and Dobby is… just kind of weird for liking freedom (and socks) as much as he does.
Book!Tonks defaults to “bubblegum-pink” hair. Her hair is described as pink a lot. (Movie!Tonks defaults to purple hair, because they were worried that pink would visually align her with Umbridge.) And this is the oddest one on the list to me, because Tonks is such a universally beloved, fan favorite character. But I really do think that *as written*... we’re supposed to put her in a category with Dobby. The two of them leave (unintentional) destruction in their wake. They’re loud, they’re a lot, they take up too much space. Harry thinks they’re both kind of annoying. (and yeah, Harry 100% thinks  Tonks is “a little annoying at times.”)
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Good evening students of Hogwarts! I hope you all are having an amazing week or if not I hope this information makes your week even better! 
Ahem as been sent to me by Lia, the activities for the week of February 14th (Valentine's for you suckers) has been officially decided upon. 
The activities of choice shall be:
A kissing booth: Everyone step right up to kiss a stranger for funsies I guess? We do need volunteers for this!
A jail booth: Write down names and lock them up together. You already know this is my favorite! The chaos that will commence will be *chefs kiss*. Submit the names you'd like to see locked up to @lialovergirl.
Cupid Telegrams: Hire a Cupid to perform a small song, relay a message to your beloved, recite poetry, or dance an embarrassing dance in front of everyone just for her or him! 
Band performance: Hire an og Hogwarts band to follow your crush or significant other around for the hour or the whole day (depending on how much you pay), just to show you wuvvvv them so much. The serenading will never stop. 
A stand that sells flowers, heart balloons, cards and chocolates will be set up outside the great hall. So purchase them and send them to your lovers if you wish.
Mary is also selling baked goodies this week! Go send my favorite baker some love (and some galleons) and give your lovers the best gift, Mary's cookies! 
And last but certainly not least: 
The ball will commence on Saturday, February 14th at eight o’clock. Please arrive on time because the doors shut at eight thirty and there will be no sneaking in (looking at you first years). 
Please dress up in your best gowns and don't forget the fun part is hiding your identity ;).
If you'd like to purchase any of these things, please message Lia or even me to get these activities set in motion!
Ps. Weekly gossip will start again on Monday and boyyy has it been a juicy week.
Tah Tah 💋
@james-the-amazing-potter @starlight-starbright-thatsme @looneymoonyy @wormy-loves-ch33se @mystical-magical-me @king-ofthe-crop @xeno-graphical @rodolphus-le-strange @averykissableguy @fire-allayer @poison-penmanship @lifeofthe-barty @whokilledevanrosier @pandoras-nox @little-king-official @cas-not-the-band @marls-mckinn0n @hjonesworld @mary-mcdeal @emmelineandhervans @sybill-patricia-trelawney @lilytheginger @alicethekindone @andromedashoax @the-queen-bellatrix @severusprince-snape @fabian-with-an-f @mollberryshortcake @fawningamos @k1ndest-keeper @aelius-with-a-quill @annajohn-silvae @adam-lukas-morningstar @imogenmorningstar @oxxen--free @camille-laurier @luciagraham @your-favourite-callie @addison-caddel @daughter-of-spring @magandang-kaluluwa @flyasaphoenix @tjsinclairofficial @secretlifeof-asher @toby-newtman-tics @bones-and-edgar @ted-the-teddy-tonks @scattered-across-thesky @alectocrow @lucius-malfoy-back
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derelictheretic · 23 days ago
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Danny & Damien are slow burn to the point where even after the main storyline is finished & they get Damien's parents (Sybil & Eliad my beloveds) back they aren't dating. Sybil & Eliad had been stuck in their old bubble dimension & kind of frozen in time in a way so of course they see how close Danny and Damien are and just assume they're 'courting' already and wondering when they're taking the next step.
Danny is just standing there caught off guard like "???? whu?? we aren't??? did he say something??? what did he say???? does he like me??? i like him but I mean, is that okay do u think, should I ask him out whu—"
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