#Swimming Pool Chemicals
lizseyi · 13 days
Is There Such Thing As Too Much Chlorine In A Swimming Pool – Pool Warehouse Uk
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It is difficult to discuss swimming pool chemicals for very long, without venturing onto the topic of pool chlorine. You might already know that chlorine plays a fundamental role in making sure any given pool water is pleasant and safe to swim in. 
However, do you know what constitutes an appropriate level of chlorine in a pool, or the indicators that the chlorine in your pool water is at a dangerous level? 
If you have any doubts about these matters, below, we will set out the key aspects to know. 
Firstly – yes, there is definitely such a thing as ‘too much chlorine’  
You should always maintain the chlorine concentration level in your swimming pool at 1 to 3 parts per million (ppm). When this level begins to exceed 5 ppm, discomfort and dangers to human health can arise, encompassing such potential effects as skin dryness, eye irritation, and/or respiratory problems. 
Of course, it is important to emphasise that a too-low concentration of chlorine in your pool water is hardly desirable, either. 
If your pool chlorine does slip below the aforementioned optimal level, there could be a higher risk of bacteria and algae growing. This, in turn, could leave you with green and murky pool water, and those who swim in it could suffer from skin infections. 
So, how can you tell whether there’s too much chlorine in your pool water? 
As this particular blog post is focused on the topic of excessive chlorine in swimming pools, we’ll put to one side the subject of pools not having enough of it. 
You’ll want a more “scientific” and reliable means of telling whether your pool has too much chlorine in it, than waiting for the aforementioned health issues to happen. And no, contrary to widespread belief, a strong chlorine smell doesn’t necessarily indicate pool water has an overconcentration of chlorine. 
To properly understand the subject of chlorine levels in a swimming pool, you’ll need to familiarise yourself with the distinctions between two types of chlorine compounds: 
Free chlorine, sometimes referred to as the “good” type of chlorine. This is the active form of chlorine that sanitises your pool water. 
Combined chlorine, sometimes referred to as “chloramines”. This is a byproduct of chlorine reacting with such contaminants as sweat, sunscreen, and urine. 
If the levels of combined chlorine in a pool get too high, irritation and unpleasant odours can occur. It is combined chlorine that produces the distinctive smell most of us tend to associate with chlorine. However, as we referenced above, you can’t use the smell or its intensity as a gauge of whether your pool chlorine levels are too high. 
There are proven products for detecting and tackling overly high pool chlorine levels 
Thankfully, there are convenient and safe ways to determine whether the chlorine levels in a pool have become too high. These include using the DPD/PH test kits and test strips that we have on offer in our own online store. 
The regular use of such products to test your pool water will enable you to take informed remedial action, whenever needed, to bring the chlorine concentration back to a healthy and safe level. 
Methods for reducing the chlorine concentration in pools include simply ceasing to add more chlorine for a little while – possibly as long as a few days – if the chlorine level is only slightly elevated, or using chlorine reducer if the chlorine level is excessively high. That is, of course, another product you can find in Pool Warehouse’s online shop. 
Are you on the lookout for these or any other swimming pool chemicals that will assist you in getting the most out of your pool ownership experience? If so, you will be pleased to know that we really do stock all the essentials and so much more, often at heavily discounted prices. 
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aquasplash · 19 days
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compassmepool · 1 year
Best Swimming Pool Chemicals Supplier in Dubai- Compass
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Compass is the leading supplier of top-quality swimming pool chemicals in Dubai. Trust us for all your pool chemical needs.
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mishitekchemicals1 · 2 years
An Industrial Waste water Treatment System: How to work?
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Prior to release into the environment or reuse, industrial waste water treatment refers to the systems and procedures utilised to clean up waters that have been harmed in some way by anthropogenic industrial or commercial processes. Some sort of waste water treatment system is typically required for industrial businesses that produce wastewater as part of their process to ensure safety precautions and discharge restrictions are satisfied. The best industrial wastewater treatment system will assist the facility in preventing damage to the environment, human health, its processes, or its output. Additionally, it will assist the facility to prevent costly fines and potential legal action if wastewater is unlawfully discharged into the environment . While there are many other types of treatment methods, a typical wastewater treatment facility procedure will typically involve the following steps:
To remove the bulk suspended solids and other impurities, several chemicals are applied to a reaction tank during the coagulation process. This procedure begins with a variety of mixing reactors, usually one or two reactors that add particular chemicals to remove all of the smaller water particles by combining them into larger particles that settle out. Aluminum-based coagulates like poly-aluminum chloride and alum are the most frequently utilized coagulants.
Sometimes coagulating the particles will also benefit from a modest pH change.
When coagulation is finished, the water is poured into a flocculation chamber where the coagulated particles are slowly stirred together with long-chain polymers (charged molecules that grab all the colloidal and coagulated particles and pull them together), creating observable, settleable particles that resemble snowflakes.
Flocculated particles and water enter the chamber of the gravity settler (or sedimentation stage of the wastewater treatment process) and circulate outward from the center. The sediments slowly settle to the bottom of the clarifier and form a sludge blanket as a result of the water rising to the top and overflowing at the clarifier’s edge. The sludge is then pushed out of the bottom of the clarifier into a sludge-handling or dewatering operation after the solids are slowly mixed in the center of the clarifier in a cylindrical tube.
With the use of filter or belt presses, the dewatering procedure removes all the water from the sludge, producing a solid cake. The sludge is placed in a large hopper that either travels to a landfill or a facility that reuses the sludge after the sludge water is placed onto the press and flows between two belts that squeeze the water out. Usually, the water from this procedure is recycled and added to the clarifier’s front end.
The water overflow is often routed through gravity sand filters as the next step. These filters are large spaces where two to four feet of coarsely crushed silica sand with jagged edges is placed. Usually, the sand is inserted in the filter between two and four feet deep, where it packs tightly. The particles are then captured by the feed water as it passes through.
Instead of using gravity sand filtering for smaller industrial systems, you might choose a packed-bed pressure multimedia filter. However, for the most part, the polishing phase for conventional wastewater treatment is sand filtering. In some cases, depending on the water supply and whether or not it has a lot of iron, you can also use a green sand filter instead of the sand filter.
 Alternatively to using a gravity sand filter after the clarifiers, ultrafiltration (UF) can alternatively be utilized as a replacement for the complete clarification process. Membranes are the newest treatment method, bypassing the complete clarifier/filtration train and pumping water directly from the wastewater source though the UF (post-chlorination).
The following stage is often disinfection or chlorination to kill the microorganisms in the water after it has passed through the gravity sand filter.
This procedure is occasionally carried out upstream, prior to filtration, to keep the filters clean and free of pathogens. You will need to use additional disinfectant if your system uses this step before filtering so that the filters are cleaned and kept germ-free (as well as the filtered water). By adding chlorine at the beginning, you eliminate microorganisms and reduce fouling. Bacteria in the bed may cause you to develop slime and need to backwash the filters more frequently. Therefore, it all relies on how your system works, such as if it is configured to chlorinate upstream.
The wastewater is often put into a holding tank where it can be used as needed by the facility if it is being reused in an industrial operation. If the treated water is intended for municipal use, it is typically pumped into a network of water towers and other collection and distribution equipment that forms a loop across the city.
Additional steps in the wastewater treatment process include: 
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Lime softening
A lime and/or lime soda method is utilized in waters with significant levels of hardness, sulfates, or other elements that need to precipitate or be removed. By increasing pH, it causes metals and hardness in the water to precipitate out. It is possible to utilize cold, warm, or hot lime procedures, and each will provide a different efficiency. More hardness is often removed by hotter water.
Ion exchange softening
If there is a high level of hardness, there may be post treatment to get rid of the hardness in various industrial and municipal uses. Instead of lime, a softening resin that is charged with a sodium ion can be employed; when the water becomes harder, the resin will bind to calcium, magnesium, and iron molecules because of their higher affinity, allowing the sodium molecule to escape into the water. A strong acid cation exchange is the term used to describe this phenomenon.
Special processes
The laws governing wastewater and effluent vary depending on where you are, as we said before. Some of the most typical procedures in a wastewater treatment facility have been covered. Usually, special process stages are used to address a particular problem, such as the removal of specific metals or organics, the reduction of TDS for recycling, etc. The best course of action for treating these diverse issues unique to your circumstances must be carefully thought out.
Mishitek Chemicals has over 30 years combined experience custom-designing and manufacturing wastewater treatment systems, so please feel free to reach out to us with your questions. For more information or to get in touch, contact us here.
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The Chris and water theming is still making itself known.
It’s making me wonder if that pool is gonna get built and Chris is gonna get into danger in it because Helena isn’t paying attention etc!
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fflewddur-feanorion · 2 months
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real and wonderful events from yesterday!
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Personally I would swim in the forbidden pool water
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For context this is supposed to be clear and the whole area arround it smelt of chlorine.
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oobxlr8r · 3 months
Week 26
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Week 26
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wackylittlegal · 1 year
when i was little, movies, tv shows, & my chemical romance’s music video for “I’m Not Okay (I promise)” had me convinced that i would be encountering a pool in my high school and that was terrifying to me
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edgeofmyniall · 2 years
I’m still thinking of pool boy!niall and what he would do to me rip
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nanobubblepool · 3 days
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Dive into the clarity of an oxygenated pool system; enjoy a pure, revitalizing swim without the harsh effects of chlorine. For more information, go to our official website.
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lizseyi · 1 month
What Happens If You Fail To Maintain Swimming Pool Water Balance - Pool Warehouse - UK.COM
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It might seem obvious enough that if you have a swimming pool at home, you will want it to be comfortable, safe, and healthy for every member of your household to swim in. However, in order to achieve this, you will need to take every necessary step to ensure optimal water balance in your pool. 
What do we mean by ‘water balance’ in swimming pools? 
When sources such as our own online store for swimming pool chemicals refer to “water balance”, they are referring to the practice of keeping the pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, and total dissolved solids in the water at the proper levels. 
Your pool’s pH level falling too low or too high could have serious consequences 
The most critically important element of swimming pool water chemistry is pH, given the profound impact it has on every other chemical balance in the water. The 14-point pH scale – from zero for strong acid, right through to 14 for strong alkaline – allows for easy understanding of this aspect of pool chemistry. 
Although it might seem logical to aim for a pH neutral level – in other words, 7 on the aforementioned scale – when you are trying to optimise your pool water balance, it is actually a slightly alkaline level, of 7.2 to 7.6, that is ideal. 
Major risks can arise when pH is either too high or too low: 
A pH level of below seven indicates especially acidic water. It is a level at which the eyes and skin become irritated, and the heater element and other metal fittings on the pool may corrode. Stains may be left on the walls due to dissolved metals, and the liner is likely to become wrinkled. 
A pH level of more than eight indicates water with particularly high alkalinity. This pH level, too, can irritate the skin and eyes, and you will likely notice such visual signs as cloudy pool water and the walls becoming discoloured. Chlorine activity also won’t be as fast and efficient as it would be at a more balanced level, and the filter may become overworked – perhaps even choked. 
But the pH level itself isn’t the only factor you need to be concerned with 
Such is the complexity of the task of maintaining good overall water balance in your pool, there are other aspects that you will need to be well-informed about. 
One such aspect is total alkalinity (TA), which effectively measures the resistance of water to change in pH. The level of TA that pool owners should be aiming at is between 80 and 140 parts per million (ppm). 
An overly low TA level will mean that pool pH is unstable and difficult to maintain, being prone to change rapidly when chemicals or impurities are introduced to the water. If, on the other hand, the TA is too high, it will be difficult to adjust the pH level in the pool. 
Then, there is the matter of water hardness, which relates to the amount of dissolved calcium in the pool water. Overly high water hardness levels will lead to scale formation, whereas if they are too low, the pool surfaces and equipment will inevitably corrode. 
A proactive and diligent approach to swimming pool water chemistry is crucial 
To return to the question we posed at the top of the article, then, if you fail to maintain swimming pool water balance, various adverse effects will typically occur. These will bring serious consequences for not only the condition and longevity of your pool, but also how healthy and safe it is to actually enter the water. 
These risks underscore why, here at Pool Warehouse, we are dedicated to stocking a complete selection of swimming pool chemicals to help ensure your pool’s water balance remains “just right”. Why not browse our online store today to discover our excellent prices on pool chlorine, algaecides, stain removers, alkalinity increaser, and so many other essential chemicals? 
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aquasplash · 19 days
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swimmingpoolpumpsuk · 11 days
Dolphin Bio Pool Cleaner DSBIO
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Dolphin Bio Suction is the first and only automated solution for maintaining both Bio and Natural pools. It combines the best of proven Dolphin technologies and is designed with additional features that address the special challenges of Bio and Natural pools. Unique Triple-active brush action using two Bio Brushes and an additional double-speed brush efficiently scrubs dirt algae and bacteria even from extremely slippery and uneven pool floors and walls. https://swimmingpoolpumpsuk.co.uk/
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epoolsupply-blog · 22 days
A&A Style 2 (Gamma Series G2)
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astralux1 · 25 days
The Ultimate Guide to Finding the Best Swimming Pool Products Supplier in Dubai
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When it comes to maintaining and enhancing your swimming pool, choosing the right swimming pool products supplier is crucial. Whether you own a residential pool or manage a commercial facility, the quality of the products you use can significantly impact the longevity, safety, and enjoyment of your pool. In this guide, we’ll explore the key factors to consider when selecting a swimming pool products supplier and highlight some of the top products you should look for.
Why Choosing the Right Swimming Pool Products Supplier Matters
The swimming pool industry is vast, with numerous suppliers offering a wide range of products. However, not all suppliers are created equal. The right supplier can provide high-quality products that enhance your pool experience, ensure safety, and save you money in the long run. On the other hand, a poor-quality supplier can lead to subpar products that require frequent replacement or cause damage to your pool.
Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Swimming Pool Products Supplier
1. Product Quality
The quality of the products is the most important factor to consider. High-quality products are durable, safe, and efficient. When evaluating a supplier, ask about the materials used in their products and whether they adhere to industry standards. It’s also a good idea to read reviews and testimonials from other customers to gauge their experiences with the supplier’s products.
2. Range of Products
A good supplier should offer a wide range of swimming pool products, including chemicals, equipment, accessories, and maintenance tools. This allows you to find everything you need in one place, saving you time and simplifying the purchasing process. Look for suppliers that offer products from reputable brands known for their quality and reliability.
3. Customer Service
Excellent customer service is a hallmark of a reliable swimming pool products supplier. The supplier should be responsive, knowledgeable, and willing to help you find the right products for your needs. They should also offer support after the purchase, such as helping you with installation or answering any questions you may have about the products.
4. Pricing and Value
While price should not be the only factor you consider, it’s still an important one. Compare prices among different suppliers to ensure you’re getting a fair deal. However, be wary of suppliers offering prices that seem too good to be true, as this may indicate lower-quality products. Look for suppliers that offer good value, meaning their products are priced fairly for the quality they provide.
5. Reputation and Experience
A supplier with a strong reputation and years of experience in the industry is more likely to provide reliable products and services. Look for suppliers that have been in business for several years and have a track record of satisfied customers. You can also ask for recommendations from other pool owners or professionals in the industry.
6. Availability and Delivery
Ensure that the supplier you choose has the products you need in stock and can deliver them to you promptly. Delays in receiving products can disrupt your pool maintenance schedule and cause inconvenience. Some suppliers also offer same-day or next-day delivery, which can be a significant advantage if you need products quickly.
Top Products to Look for From a Swimming Pool Products Supplier
1. Pool Chemicals
Chemicals are essential for maintaining the cleanliness and safety of your swimming pool. Look for suppliers that offer a comprehensive range of pool chemicals, including chlorine, pH balancers, algaecides, and shock treatments. These products should be of high quality to ensure effective pool maintenance and the safety of swimmers.
2. Pool Equipment
Pool equipment such as pumps, filters, heaters, and automatic cleaners are crucial for the efficient operation of your pool. Choose a supplier that offers durable and energy-efficient equipment from reputable brands. High-quality equipment can help you save on energy costs and reduce the need for frequent repairs or replacements.
3. Pool Accessories
Accessories like pool covers, ladders, lighting, and safety equipment can enhance the functionality and appearance of your pool. A good supplier should offer a variety of accessories to meet different needs and preferences. Look for accessories that are easy to install and made from durable materials to withstand the elements.
4. Maintenance Tools
Keeping your pool clean and well-maintained requires the right tools. Your supplier should offer a range of maintenance tools such as skimmers, brushes, vacuums, and testing kits. High-quality tools can make pool maintenance easier and more efficient, helping you keep your pool in top condition year-round.
5. Pool Liners and Covers
Pool liners and covers are essential for protecting your pool and extending its lifespan. A good supplier should offer a variety of liners and covers in different sizes, materials, and styles. Look for products that are easy to install and provide excellent protection against UV rays, debris, and harsh weather conditions.
6. Replacement Parts
Even with the best products, parts will eventually wear out and need replacement. Choose a supplier that offers a wide range of replacement parts for your pool equipment and accessories. This ensures that you can easily find the parts you need to keep your pool running smoothly without having to replace the entire product.
How to Evaluate a Swimming Pool Products Supplier
When evaluating potential suppliers, consider the following steps:
1. Research Online
Start by researching suppliers online. Look for reviews, ratings, and testimonials from other customers. Check if the supplier has a professional website that provides detailed information about their products and services. You can also visit online forums and social media groups dedicated to pool maintenance to get recommendations from other pool owners.
2. Visit the Supplier
If possible, visit the supplier’s physical store to see their products in person. This allows you to assess the quality of the products and ask any questions you may have. A visit to the store also gives you the opportunity to evaluate the supplier’s customer service and get a sense of their professionalism.
3. Ask for References
A reputable supplier should be willing to provide references from previous customers. Contact these references to ask about their experiences with the supplier and whether they would recommend them. This can give you valuable insights into the supplier’s reliability and the quality of their products.
4. Check Certifications and Affiliations
Look for suppliers that are certified by industry organizations or affiliated with reputable brands. This indicates that the supplier adheres to industry standards and is committed to providing high-quality products. Certifications and affiliations can also give you confidence in the supplier’s expertise and knowledge.
Choosing the right swimming pool products supplier is essential for maintaining a safe, clean, and enjoyable pool. By considering factors such as product quality, range of products, customer service, pricing, and reputation, you can find a supplier that meets your needs and provides the best value for your money. Remember to look for suppliers that offer high-quality chemicals, equipment, accessories, and maintenance tools to keep your pool in top condition.
Whether you’re a new pool owner or a seasoned professional, taking the time to choose the right supplier can make all the difference in your pool maintenance experience. With the right products and support, you can enjoy a beautiful, well-maintained pool for years to come.
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