gorgin-gals-muses · 2 months
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"Ah, vat a nice tummy." Marzy says as she contorts herself through the side-window and into this bedroom, her chest giving her a little trouble.
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"H-Oh?!" Fubuki turned to look towards the bedroom window. The gigantically fat, mostly-naked woman was trying to wedge a large pair of panties—probably as big across as an large-sized shirt—up the length of her underbelly. Marzy was definitely right; it really was a nice tummy. Fubuki couldn't help but blush at the intruder.
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"Well, I am flattered, but... how did you get up here so high? This floor is pretty high off the ground, after all..." She wondered aloud watching Marzy squeeze her way in; the only thing behind the idol vampire was a sheer 80-foot drop onto the city streets below.
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Claire but the new food waste disposer she ordered but when she orders it it turns put it's a cute android maid!?
"Master?" She looks up from the box, her head surrounded by packing peanuts.
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"Not exactly what I expected... But... I can work with this... Yes, I suppose in a way I am your master. Claire Kincaid."
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mikanlardyclinic · 7 months
Junko's cafeteria and grill. Nothing like seeing people despair about how they're loosing their ideal bodies, and then coming back fo fifths.
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She wasn't inmune to the effects herself but still worked as the cashier just to get a first hand view of all of them~,
sonia forcing herself to eat so much and with manners unbecoming of a princess but still waddling back to order more of these foreign delicacies...
Aoi coming for more deep fried jelly filled donuts after declaring she was gonna go on a diet and exercise.. Oh seeing them give up so easy and those eyes filled with despair and resignation~
oh its delicious~ but she loved one client more than the other suffering lardasses.. The poor detective that tried shutting her down... That tried proving junjo was fattening up the student body and putting their life at risk.. She waddled to the fashionista and looked at her with hate....
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"ahh.... J..jusht.. Bwouuroph.... G..gimmeh.."
she was so close to stopping her.. And here she was supporting the thing she tried to destroy.. She just put the money on the counter as a tray was given to her.. The greasiest most disgusting slop she has ever seen.. And her favourite meal..
Kirigiri took a bite.. Moaning as her hunger was being sated.. She took the tray and sat on the massive reinforced chair, her table was covered in other trays of similar meals.. Her chest felt tight she was pale and out of breath.. But she kept coming.. Worst of all she was mocked by the health rating being a 10/10..
As more and more students piled up on the pounds the more humiliating it was for kyoko.. Junko staring at her with a big smile as chiaki is being hit with a defribilator.. Her lardy heart barely hanging on.. She wanted nothing more but to wipe that grin off her face but.. She just sunk back into her meal.. Her eyes filled with that feeling junko loved oh so much~
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justsescape · 5 days
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"Haumph..." Maya eating a burger so she can pin Just between her chest and belch in his face.
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[you're going to put me in a SERIOUS weight gain mood again if this keeps up]
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gainprincess · 2 months
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I walk, and the clap of my fat fucking assmeat makes the world wobble.
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substantial-gains · 2 months
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"Ooohhhh, looks like the gloomy goth attention hog is finally ready to realize the fruits of my amazingly sexy genius! If you say 'Pwetty pwease?~' like a good girl this time I might actually consider letting a two-bit simpleton like you take this fuckin' bad baby for a spin, Ms. Second Place~"
Looks like the sensors finally picked up the "Ultimate Child Caregiver" creeping into Miu's workplace.
It's been weeks since the currently sweaty and covered in oil Ultimate Inventor has been out of her lab, and anyone who did check in on her could only report on her always talking about taking her inventions to the "next level of comfort", whatever that means. Right now, she's just laying back on a roller creeper, cranking away with a wrench under what seems to look like a cushioned steal chair without any legs.
And by second place, Miu is of course referencing to the fact that her own tits are the bigger of the pair, as usual...
...It's not too late to kick her in the stomach and leave the room Maki, we all know she can be a little much-
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azuredlyample · 1 month
Doggy girl bimbo Azure.
Who's a good girl~
Fshshsh... I a-am...~
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pudgy-planets · 21 days
Absolutely enormous growly boy guts.
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wildcardthree · 7 months
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"The nghh... scale bugged out last time I stepped on it." The gamer replied to Hajimes question of when she last weighed herself. She also dragged a bag of chips up onto her flabby thighs and began to slowly increase the amount of fat on her body.
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" Don't eat MORE!! We need to, like... get you on a diet, and find clothes that fit, and take away all this junk food and..! "
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" ...Have you at least been taking care of your hygiene, Chiaki? "
He looked like his chest was about to burst from panic... which, no surprise. Even though near everyone in Jabbawock had begun fattening up, Chiaki fattening up was especially worrying. Due to her sedentary lifestyle, it probably just wouldn't STOP...
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corpulentcarbs · 8 months
Don’t know if I can make them interesting and eye catching as many others.
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bountifulbulk · 3 months
How big is this Satsuki's Ryuko?
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“Believe it or not, she’s actually gotten a lot bigger than I am. She’s certainly achieved a remarkable size in a short amount of time.”
Despite the fact that she’s the one who drove her sister to such limits in the first place.
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“You really don’t need to go around… and tell everyone that you know…”
Her own hands sinking into her excess flan, has she really put on that much ever since she’s been influenced by Satsuki’s habits.
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“Why should I not? You should be proud of your accomplishments, as I am with mine.”
Even if this accomplishment dwells deep within the category of feedism between the pair despite how different their dynamic might seem.
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"Naoto~ Hope I didn't wake you~. I have another dozen home-baked and extra frosted doughnuts here for the birthday girl~." He brough out a tray of the freshly dried doughnuts, with a new mug of "Cream with some coffee in it, with healthy amount of sugar" for the bluenette.
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"Mm, n-no, I was already awake, I simply hadn't risen from bed yet. I was flipping through some case files I was sent via email on my phone, but took a short break to rest my eyes once more before breakfast. I hope not too terribly much sugar. You know I enjoy the bitter and acidic hints in my coffee to pair better with my doughnuts."
She knows that he was adding loads of extras to her coffee for her waistline.
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mikanlardyclinic · 8 months
It might just be the progile pic for her. But I imagine Ochaco is constantly tired.
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"wheeeze... Hnnghn g..gimmeh...."
Massive bags under her eyes.. Reaching out for her lunch the only thing toga let's her eat, sweets.. And sweetened lard.. She believes she can still be a heroine thanks to her quirk... So toga has her push it to the limit.. No cpap machine makes it really hard to sleep whenever she falls asleep her quirk deactivates and all her weight crushing her body wakes her up.. Shoving a fistful of sweetened lard down her throat staining her chins and face..
"i..I'll wheeezeee l..loshe... Thish... Huff... W..waight.. Ahh.. T..tumourow.. Scarf! Slouurp! Jusht need.. Resht.."
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Thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump thump!!!!
Her heart racing.. Moving and using her quirk is so taxing... The idea of exercising scares her.. Which doesn't help the rapid beatings of her lard coated her heart..
"jusht.. Need.. Muhre.. E..energy... S...sweet... Lard.. Sh.shou.. Goud.."
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justsescape · 2 months
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"Yes sir, I know I am. Um, buOOORP... uh, excuse me... so can I take your order?"
Chiho's gut escaped the hem of her ill-fitting uniform and perched itself upon the counter. Breasts -- well beyond the size of basketballs -- bulged over a collar that could do little to argue. Her bust remained astonishingly buoyant in spite of her weight gain; in fact, they nearly cupped her multiple chins within her cleavage.
Peering around Chiho was to look into a wasteland. A kitchen, ransacked; utensils and plasticware, scattered as if by a tornado. The only thing that was not littering the floor was food.
Her stomach percolated quietly. It was obvious where it had all gone.
Chiho noticed where your eyes were drifting.
"Oh, I see..." She licked the last of the grease from her fingertips. "Don't forget that we have a secret menu...~"
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gainprincess · 10 days
How fat is Valrina then?
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900 pounds, of course! Anything less is a disgrace to the name and the title! Though, with a lover and a lust for weight, I'll surely grow far, FAR beyond such a weight soon!~
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substantial-gains · 3 months
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"Mmph~ I'm glad, it's all my fault. I never thought you of all people would let themselves be reduced to a NEET, let alone by me specifically. You were supposed to be more responsible than that. We could blame my insistence on fast food dates for this..."
A thick slab of Maki's meaty belly was being grasped and caressed by the detective's gloved fingers to emphasize her point...
"Though in the end, you were all too willing to be my glorified food disposal unit. That means justice is on my side...~~"
Kyoko locked her lips with the Maki Roll for a quick second as they embraced. But, anymore of this standing up would tire her poor piggy out, so a quick smack to the ass let the ravenette know she was allowed to sit back down~
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