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garudabluffs · 1 year ago
Susan Rice on national security risk posed by Trump’s debts
Mar 21, 2024 #SusanRice #DonaldTrump #nationalsecurity MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell speaks to Susan Rice, former National Security Advisor under President Obama, about how Donald Trump potentially using foreign money to pay the $464 million would leave the disgraced former president compromised.
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Black History Fact: Robert C. Weaver was the first black man to serve on a president's cabinet in 1966. Under Obama, Eric Holder became the first black attorney general, and Susan Rice became one of the youngest as well as the first black female ambassador to the United Nations. #365DaysOfBlackHistory #BlackHistoryFacts #RobertWeaver #SusanRice #EricHolder #BlackCabinetMember #BlackAttorneyGeneral #BlackFemaleAmbassador #ShowThyselfApproved #KnowledgeIsPower #EachOneTeachOne #BLM (at Rise Up Financial Freedom Solutions LLC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRUEW2lhoZ6/?utm_medium=tumblr
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backroombuzz · 6 years ago
Americas Long National Nightmare Maybe Over, But For Obama And The Democrats It's Just Begun
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While the Democrats and their fake news cohorts attempt to save face by spinning the recently released Mueller report.
They seem ignorant of the political hammer that's about to strike down upon them.
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siennastewart2020 · 4 years ago
President-elect Joe Biden is considering selecting veteran diplomat Antony Blinken as the US Secretary of State this week, as the president-elect forges ahead with assembling his cabinet week even though Donald Trump still refuses to concede
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gsosa4realty · 4 years ago
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#susanrice #endorsements #joebiden #kamalaharris #votingmatters #vote #BidenHarris2020 #BidenHarris #defendyourdemocracy #resist We need you #PA #FL #TX #AZ #MI #OH #letsgetit #letswin ⚡️🙅🏾‍♂️🚀 https://www.instagram.com/p/CHG9r5zDFZS/?igshid=1g673j8wkpy9u
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newslink7com · 5 years ago
Former national security adviser Susan Rice on Joe Biden's shortlist for vice president Read More
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trendsnewsusa · 5 years ago
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Susan Rice defends her qualifications ... - Stay Updated - Follow Us .
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furiousnewstrends · 5 years ago
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Susan Rice slams Trump over Russian ... - Stay Updated - Follow Us .
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tyrras · 5 years ago
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Ty flips off Dump every day for 4 years. #resist #maga #reopenamerica #liberateamerica #presidentplump #boycottfedex #mika #kellyanneconway #michigan #votebymail🇺🇸 #girthermovement #plaquenil #zinc #morbidlyobese #susanrice #obama #trumpismorbidlyobese #obamawasbetterateverything #costco #freecountry #covid_19 #hydroxychloroquine #extendthelockdown #americafirst #wearamask #qanon #wwg1wga #trumpdepression COVIDIOT #wednesdaywisdom #somanyreasons https://www.instagram.com/p/CAbhTOIgC0w/?igshid=lie9tde4tq9j
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magamilfs · 5 years ago
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Yep. @realdonaldtrump called it right as always. They got caught! #obamagate #donaldtrump #deepstate #maga #makeamericagreatagain #susanrice https://www.instagram.com/p/CAbFV0ug3hJ/?igshid=1bbqqnkftsrdq
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backroombuzz · 6 years ago
69 Percent Of Americans Want The DOJ To Investigate Obama For Spying
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During Wednesday's Democrat Senate inquisition of U.S. Attorney General William Barr, many of the delusional Democrat Senators cried AG Barr should resign because "The American People Demand It"
If the Democrats truly want to give what the American people desire then this is very bad news for Barack Obama, the Deep State, and their corrupt cohorts in the fake news mainstream media, and of course, Democrats in general.   READ MORE 
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motivationalquoteoftheday · 5 years ago
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Motivational Quote of the day for Sunday, March 29, 2020
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speakroc · 5 years ago
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#motivate #inspire #minister 🔴 Jesus wasn’t all about free fish and bread. On occasions, He would tell you about yourself. 🔴 You have to be aware of those that speak/do evil and then play victim for their good. 🔴 Let’s not lose the narrative….a #BlackMan was insulted to the grave along with his surviving wife and children. There has been no public apology given by the network or the “journalist”. 🔴 It is time out to stop playing with the heart strings of black people. The same way the media & celebrities can call out wrong in the public that have supported them; the violators of #KobeBryants memory can apologize. • #CBS #OprahWinfrey, #GayleKing & #SusanRice #SnoopDogg • #realityspeaker #TruthTeller #SPEAKROC (at Planet Roc) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8gYc9LJtmQ/?igshid=nvytjpmgkm9c
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cdupreemurray · 5 years ago
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#susanrice https://www.instagram.com/p/B8XNwQSHYTK/?igshid=17h13f1x36q89
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davidarthurpersley · 5 years ago
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Well I normally would not chime in on Media BS like this but what caught my attention was when Susan Rice makes her interjection on this issue now trending on Twitter. What in the world is a freakin US Ambassador giving her two cents in on an issue that never should be an issue if Gayle King would have more consideration & compassion for Kobe’s grieving Family. Furthermore, a US Ambassador making “Threats” of her own! Is this what US Ambassadors do now? Seriously, and doesn’t the Media have any dignity left? Or are “Ratings” more important at “Any Cost”. Gayle King, God forgive me, but you were so insensitive & lack any human compassion to address an issue that isn’t even “News” anymore. And Yashar, man, I know you’re just standing by a fellow Journalist, but come on man, have some freakin’ compassion yourself man. I agree “Threats” should never be made for any reason, but no “Threats” would never have been made over this issue, if Gayle King, as a human being, would have put her Journalist cap aside and conducted herself with more compassion & dignity. It’s all about “Cause & Effect”. Perhaps it’s the Journalist who should think less about “Ratings” and more about “Human Compassion”; but that’s not ever going to happen sadly enough. This is why I don’t what mainstream Media New Shows. Peace. DA 🙏🕊😇❤️🇺🇸🌎🌈#american #journalism #kobe #snoopdogg #gayleking #susanrice #compassion #over #ratings #nyc #la #washingtondc #sf #nashville #lv #atlanta #chicago #indianapolis #fortwayne #london #paris #berlin #frankfurt #milan #rome #toyko #world https://www.instagram.com/p/B8Uon_7hwNQ/?igshid=1ucpghib8mrh3
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sinequanonlioness · 5 years ago
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#TheHealingPowerofSmudging by #RodikaTchi is another title I picked up to perform an energetic cleaning of my apartment. #RachelAmasVeganEats by #RachelAma has tons of yummy recipes and I recommend her IG; it’s funny, full of energy and infused with her love of music and video of her preparing meals. Check it out. #ToughLove by #SusanRice came to my attention via #PodSavetheWorld and is funny, poignant and frightening as to the future. #bibliophile #lifetimelearner #nerdsrule #howcountrygirlsgetdown #blerdlove #nowreading #bookstagram (at Newark, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6PDau-lIdH/?igshid=18lu4iu4i4b50
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