#Surprise everyone the robots are kissing oh my god
trimermaid · 4 months
we got evil robot yaouri before gta 6 😭
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hal-9000 design (on the left) belongs to my friend @dangerdaysautism :3
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mochie85 · 7 months
A Reunion
One Shots Masterlist | Complete Masterlist
Summary: A chance meeting with someone from your past makes you relive the worst moments of high school. Luckily, your best friend, Bucky is there to help you forget. Pairing: James "Bucky" Barnes x Female reader. Word Count: Over 4k Warnings: Fluff. Flirtatious Bucky. Use of Y/N (only once) Taglist: Join here Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
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“Oh god! No, no, no.” You exclaimed as quietly as you could. You turned around and hid behind your hand, covering your face. Bucky was confused- chuckling as he watched you try to make yourself smaller, unnoticeable. As if that were ever possible, he thought.
“What’s wrong? Wh-why are you hiding?” He asked as he tried to follow your gaze.
“STOP IT! SHH!” You tried to shush him. Trying to make him stop jerking his head around and calling attention to your table.
“Why are you HIDING?!” he yelled louder to annoy you. Your eyes grew big with anger, and you kicked him under the table. He laughed and pretended to be hurt as he rubbed his poor shin.
“Ok. Don’t look now, but the woman to your seven was someone I knew in high school.” You whispered to him. Bucky turned his head to see the lady in question. “I SAID DON’T LOOK!” you whisper-yelled as you kicked him once again.                     
“Doll, if you keep that up, I might need a metal leg to match my arm.” He said rubbing where you kicked him.
“Sorry. I’m sorry. It’s just…she brings out the worst in me. Whatever I got, she got, but better. Always better,” you said with a sneer. “When I got tickets to go see my favorite band, she got premiere passes.” Bucky smiled and shrugged. “She hated The Gorillaz! Said she never got the whole cartoon thing.” His demeanor gave you the impression he didn’t think it was that bad.
“I worked for two years to buy myself a used car. What did she get? A brand-new Lexus with daddy’s credit card. The same weekend I bought my car! She didn’t even know how to drive! Her older brother dropped her off at school every morning. Everyone had a crush on him. They all wanted to be her friend because of Bryce. And she knew it.”
“Everyone…had a crush on him?” Bucky raised his eyebrows at you. You simply narrowed your eyes back at him.
“Not the point, Barnes. When I applied to CalTech for college, she said she wasn’t interested in West Coast schools. A few months later, she showed me an acceptance letter from them! I didn’t even know she had the grades or the extracurriculars to pull it off. Turns out, there was a sizeable donation to the school’s robotics program made so generously from her family.”
“Sounds like she just really wanted to be you,” Bucky said smirking.
“Ya. So much so, that she stole my boyfriend senior year!” you spat out.
“Ouch,” Bucky hissed. “Ok, ya. That one’s a low blow.” He turned his head inconspicuously again to get a better look at your so-called friend. She was beautiful; in the sense that everything was well-manicured and put together. Not a hair out of place. She had an aura of money- evident by the sparkle of her well-placed jewelry.
Bucky turned back to you. You had a more natural beauty. You didn’t try too hard, it just shone out. He’s seen you undercover before in one of the missions where you had to be dolled up. God help him, you knocked everyone out. Even Loki took a break from his brooding to look at you. Bucky has never been the same since.
“Look. It was a long time ago. I tried to go my separate way after high school. I honestly don’t even know if she attended CalTech or not. But what I do know is that I don’t want to see her.”
“Y/N is that you?!” you heard a shrill voice come closer.
You put on your show smile. The smile you reserve for undercover missions. “Rachel! What a lovely surprise.” She went up to you along the iron fence of the café’s patio and tried to hug you.
She kissed you on both sides of your cheek as she said, “I didn’t know you were back in New York. I thought you would’ve stayed in California.” You didn’t miss the way her eyes scanned you up and down, homing in on things to probably critique you with.
Her eyes also kept drifting back between you and Bucky. “Wait, I’ve seen you before.” She said pointing to him. “Aren’t you an Avenger?” she squealed.
“Yes ma’am,” Bucky answered, saluting casually with a smile.
“Rachel, this is James Barnes, the Winter Soldier. Bucky, this is a friend of mine from high school, Rachel,” you introduced.
“Wow,” Rachel said, shaking hands with Bucky. “Bucky, is it?”
“James. Bucky is for close friends only,” he said with a practiced smile.
“I’ve never met a superhero before,” she charmed.
“Of course, you have. Dollface over here.” Bucky said pointing to you. Your smile faltered slightly at having the attention thrown back your way.
“Oh my gosh, that’s right! I’ve seen some of your heroics on TV! Amazing work.” Rachel said to you.
“Thank you.” You said surprised. Maybe this happenstance might not be so bad after all. Maybe she has changed.
“All that training and the time outdoors have done wonders for your body and your complexion. You look so much healthier now!”
Nope! She’s still horrible!
“She’s always been lovely,” Bucky interjected, giving you a half smile.
“Oh. My. Gosh. That’s so cute!” she said in a mock baby voice.  “How romantic. How long have you two been together?” Rachel asked, prying and pointing in between the both of you.
“Oh, we’re just friends.” You were quick to throw in. You didn’t want Bucky to feel uncomfortable around you and have to explain anything he didn’t need to.
Rachel just looked between you and Bucky. Her eyes delaying in his direction. “Well, now that I know you’re in town, you must come to the charity event my dad is hosting next week. I know for a fact that your boss is going to be there!”
“My boss? Fury?”
“Fury, who? Is that what he’s calling himself nowadays? Yes. He and his wife Pepper have already RSVP’d.”
“Oh, you mean Tony?” you asked.
“He’s not our boss,” Bucky corrected with slight irritation.
“Oh, well, sure. Ok, I can send him the invite and let him know to forward it to you,” she smiled sweetly at you. “And maybe a plus one…” she said, her eyes darting to Bucky quickly.
“We might be busy. You know…saving the world and all,” you quickly declined. The last thing you needed was to be stuck in an event with her and some of her uptight friends.
“Already sent!” she said ignoring you and tapping on her phone. “I hope to see you both there!” She smiled at you and gave Bucky a wink. “We’ll be friends in no time, Bucky!” she said to him as a promise. Not if I have anything to do with it, you thought.
“Ugh. If she thinks that Tony can tell us what to do and go to this party, then she’s just as self-absorbed as she was in high school. You can’t just tell people what to do because you have money!”
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“You have to go!” Tony ordered.
“No!” you answered back.
“Pepper and I can’t make it. Morgan’s got a play and Peter is competing at a science fair. You guys are the only other ones invited. You have to go.”
“What do you mean, have to? I don’t have to do anything! Especially go to an event where I won’t know anybody except for my mortal enemy!” you argued.
“Mortal enemy?! Aren’t you being a tad overdramatic now? Besides, you go to my parties all the time. I don’t see you ever complaining about going.”
“That’s because I like the people I’m with and you have an open bar for all the Avengers!”
“Not to Asgardians!”
“Only because they can outdrink everyone IN THE STATE!”
“I DON’T KNOW!” You and Tony squared off, looking at each other with your arms crossed.
“Look, her family are big investors in Adamantium. Her mother is in a council to help get in favor with the Wakandans to get Vibranium…” Tony tried to reason.
“Do you even need Vibranium? I’m pretty sure Steve could just call King T’Challa right now.”
“Not the point…” Tony tried again.
“Heck, Bucky over there probably has Shuri’s number!” you quarreled back, pointing to Bucky lounging on the sofa.
“The princess? No. But I do have Okoye’s. She checks in on me from time to time,” Bucky admitted, knocking on his metal arm.
“You’ve been awfully quiet this whole time, Barnes. Don’t you have anything to say about it? Don’t you want to go? You’re invited too.” Tony addressed him.
“I’ll go if dollface over here goes. And only then.” He stretched out and placed his arms behind his head, pulling his baseball cap over his eyes, signaling the end of his input into the subject.
“I’m not going, Tony. You can’t make me!” you yelled petulantly.
“Consider this an undercover mission. Okay?” Tony placated. “Go. Mingle. Charm everyone in the room. Gather some intel on your mortal enemy. Wine and dine them, then come home.” You squinted your eyes at him.
“Do it for Morgan. She would be so upset if mummy and daddy weren’t there to see her debut as apple tree #2…or was it #3? And Peter! He worked for months on his science project! Think of the sad teary eyes he would have when he sees we’re not there to support him. You don’t want Spider-Man to have sad, teary eyes, would you?!”
“Ugh, it’s not fair you’re using the munchkins as your excuse!”
“I don’t play fair. Especially when it comes to the kids, I would do anything to make the munchkins happy. You know this. Even putting you in the hands of your mortal enemy! Mwuahaha” Tony wrung his hands like a classic villain bent on world domination.
“For Morgan!” you pointed to his chest. “And Peter! Not for you. Not for all the Adamantium in the world. Understand?!”
“And you’re paying for my dress!”
“Ugh, fine,” Tony said with a sigh.
“And shoes!”
“What happened to the last pair of Louboutins I got you?!”
“I had to be resourceful,” you said lifting your chin. “I used it to stab a HYDRA agent in the neck,” you smugly admitted. Tony and Bucky winced.
“Fine. Shoes too,” Tony conceded. “And you, Manchurian Candidate? Need anything?” he turned to Bucky.
“Ya. My gun is jamming even after I’ve already cleaned it. Do you think you can get me a different type of lube?” Bucky asked with a straight face. You, on the other hand, couldn’t help but suppress your laughter from behind your hand.
 “I’m dealing with children,” Tony mumbled under his breath as he started to leave.
“Buck!” you chuckled.
“What?! It’s for the gun! I swear!” he shrugged, proudly smiling that he made you laugh.
You sat next to him on the couch. Your whole body turned towards him as he rested his hand on your knee. “Are you really gonna go with me?” you asked timidly.
“Honestly, I thought you’d never listen to Tony and just flat-out refuse. I was counting on it.” You gasped looking him dead in the eye. “I thought you’d put up more of a fight!” he laughed as you grabbed a throw pillow and repeatedly hit him in the chest. “Ow! Dollface. Stop it!” he chuckled. “Jesus, you’re violent.”
“I could’ve used your help! If you didn’t want to go, you should’ve said something! He couldn’t make both of us go! Big help you were!” you huffed as you settled on the sofa.
“I’m sorry,” he said still chuckling. He pulled you in closer to him as you cradled his body towards yours. It was effortless. He wrapped his left arm over your shoulders and you lost count of all the times he would hold you like this, in the safety of his arms. It never made you feel cold or shiver. It made you feel safe. Protected. Like you could take on the world (and your mortal enemy) as long as he was with you. “It can’t be that bad, can it? You, me, all dressed up with a night on the town. All on Tony’s dime,” he answered looking into your eyes.
Whenever you caught his eyes, you always got lost in them. Blue- like a sunny sky on a cloudless beach. So, when Bucky painted this wonderful fantasy, you could vividly picture it. Little flutters in your stomach sprung forth at the thought of Bucky all dressed up. Looking as menacing as ever. “I hate that you’re being dragged into this. I’m sorry, Buck.”
“Why are you sorry? I’d never leave a man down. Especially you.” You suddenly felt the weight of his body pressed next to you.
“Ok. I guess I feel better about going.”
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“Geez, she’s gonna kill me!” Bucky cried as he punched another agent in the face.
“Come now, soldier. What could she genuinely do?” Loki asked, trying to make Bucky feel better.
“You don’t know how resourceful she could be. What she could do with a pair of pointy heels!” Bucky answered.
“Oh, I know. I was there on that mission,” Loki chuckled. “You’re not that late. Besides…” he trailed off as he sunk his dagger into the oncoming HYDRA agent. “This was an emergency: life and death and all that. I’m sure she’ll understand,” Loki said dismissively.
“I don’t even have a suit! I forgot to get one! Oh, man! I can’t show up looking like this! I’m gonna embarrass her in front of her friends!” Bucky spread his arms out, looking down at his leather uniform splattered with ash and blood. His bright metal hand, flexing, as he brought his arm around again to deliver a final blow to the last agent standing.
Loki huffed, cleaving his dagger off some unsuspecting enemy. “Fear not, my friend, for we are finished with our chores, and I think it’s time for Cinderella to go to the ball, yes?”
“What are you saying?”
“I’ll be your proverbial godmother,” Loki spread his arms with a wide grin.
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I’m gonna kill him! NO! First, I’m gonna take his metal arm and bash him over the head with it. THEN, I’m gonna kill him!
Bucky had stood you up. You spent the better part of the afternoon getting dressed and working your hair and make-up to go to this party that you didn’t even want to go to. Only to have Bucky be a no-show.
You thought back to what could’ve gone wrong. Did he forget? Was it your fault? You spent so much time dreading this party that you forgot to set any details with him. You didn’t want to think about it or give it any power over you. So, discussing the particulars with him might’ve slipped from your mind.
When you went to his room to leave together, he wasn’t there. FRIDAY said he had already left. So, you assumed that he took a separate ride to the party. Slightly crestfallen, you had Happy drop you off at the main entrance to the museum where the party was being held. Hoping you would catch him on the way in. But he wasn’t here either.
Now here you were, three canapés down with a flute of tepid Riesling, pretending to look at the portraits and paintings rather than engage with anyone else in conversation. You were seething. Your anger must’ve been evident because people avoided you all night. One look at you and they quickly turned as if you were the plague incarnate. Just like high school all over again.
“Y/N is that you?!” Rachel’s shrill voice echoed in the vast room. You closed your eyes, stilling your already fraying nerves. You turned to face her and were met, not only by her but by a crowd of people following her as well. “I hardly recognized you! You clean up so well.”
“Thank you, Rachel,” you said with sarcasm dripping out from every syllable.
“You remember my brother, Bryce,” she said gesturing to the guy standing next to her. Bryce looked handsome and dashing in his tailored black tuxedo. And he knew it too! He had the air of someone who was used to getting whatever and whomever he wanted. Evident by the not-so-subtle way he looked you up and down and leered.
“Of course. Bryce how are you?” you asked, offering your hand for a shake.
“On-shan-tay,” he said with a haughty fake accent. He took your offered hand and kissed the back of it, feeling the sticky Chapstick from his lips. God, at least you hope it was Chapstick. The whole act made you cringe. It wasn’t as smooth or as charming as Loki would’ve done it. It definitely wasn’t the comforting hug and kiss Bucky would’ve left on your cheek. He would’ve squeezed you tight till you went limp in his arms.
Thinking about Bucky made you miss him. You only hope he had a good reason as to why he stood you up tonight. You tried to hide the snide in your lips as you pried your hand back from Bryce. You wiped it behind you, surreptitiously stepping to the side, giving more space in between you.
“Are you here by yourself? I thought you would’ve brought your handsome friend with you.” Rachel said loudly enough for her crowd to hear. “Oh Y/N, you always were the lone wolf. Never one to have any serious relationships. Even in high school,” she chuckled lightly, prompting her friend group to smile and jeer behind her.
“Yes. It was difficult. Especially when someone stole my boyfriend senior year,” you criticized.
Rachel chuckled with a tight look on her face, “I can’t believe you still remember that?! That was so long ago. We were children! And besides, I did you a favor. He would’ve broken your heart anyway. Like he did mine. All he talked about was school and getting into college. He never had time for me. Ugh, men! You can’t live with them, you can’t live without them,” she laughed, signaling her flunkies behind her to follow suit.
You balled the napkin you had in your hand and clutched it tightly. If your hands are busy, they can’t punch anyone in the face, right?
“There you are! Sorry, I’m late, dollface. I got held up at work.” Bucky’s voice cut through the nightmarish gaggle of taunts and laughs. They parted to let him through and stared as he passed every one of them, leaving them to gawk in wonder.
Including you! You were right. Bucky did clean up really well. His usual disheveled hair was styled. His black tux had satin lapels that shone under the museum spotlights. But what pulled it off even more, and what made him look so dangerously tempting, was the slight cut in his lower lip. Coupled with the faint sheen of his exposed metal hand, made him look menacing and downright sinful.
When he reached you, he pulled you into a tight hug, burying his face in your neck. He kissed your cheek as he inhaled your perfume.
“Bucky, what happened? You’re hurt!” you exclaimed wiping his lower lip with your thumb. He winced slightly when you touched his gash, holding your hand to his cheek.
“I’m sorry I was late, but there was an urgent mission I had to take care of. I would’ve gotten word to you sooner, but it was all very hush-hush. You know how these things are,” he apologized, taking the palm of your hand and kissing it.  
You looked him over after hearing the news, making sure he wasn’t injured. He should be at home resting. Not here, pretending to have a good time so you could save face for a bunch of nobodies from high school.
“Don’t fuss over me, sweetheart. I’m fine, really!” he insisted.
“Don’t worry about me…let me look at you!” he said nudging you gently from his embrace. He twirled you around making you smile at his playfulness. “Wow! Gorgeous, dollface! You look good!” his smirk ignited something inside you. A momentary predacious look from his eyes had you feeling shy and flustered. “You look real good!” he said subconsciously licking his lips.
“One question though,” Bucky said, interrupting your sinful thoughts about what he could do with that tongue. “Whose this guy?!” he asked, pointing his thumb to Bryce. Bucky’s tone was serious and possessive. He hadn’t even looked at anyone else since you locked eyes with him. And frankly, you had forgotten anyone else was in the room.
You looked over to Rachel and Bryce, along with her adoring minions, who were now curious as they watched you and Bucky have your own intimate reunion.
“Bucky! You remember my classmate Rachel from the cafe,” you said pointing in her direction. “This is her brother, Bryce.”
“Bucky! It’s so nice to see you again!” Rachel sweetly spoke as she touched his shoulder and let her fingers trail down his arm. Bucky stopped her hand and shook it in greeting.
“It’s James,” he corrected. “Mr. Barnes, if you’re dollface over here,” he winked at you. “Nice to meet you Bryan, but if you will excuse us, I need to make up for my absence by giving this beautiful woman here all my attention.”
“It’s Bryce!” he shouted back, but by then Bucky had gotten you halfway across the floor as you looked back and gave both Rachel and Bryce an exaggerated apology. Bucky twirled you once again and held you close to his chest. Leaving you giggling as you wrapped both your arms around his neck.
“You made it!” you breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that familiar safety and security of being in his arms. “I thought you- never mind. I guess it doesn’t matter now that you’re here.” You looked down straightening his bow tie and fixing his lapels. Embarrassed about what you were about to confess.
“You thought I’d forgotten about you? You of all people?” He hooked your chin as he led your eyes to look at him. “Never!”  The promise in his voice never wavered. And the teasing in his eyes made you lose your inhibitions.
“Thank you, Mr. Barnes,” you whispered as you leaned in and kissed his soft lips. He stood there frozen, wide-eyed, and watching, as you kissed him for the very first time.  
This kiss would change everything between you. He knew that, but did you? He’s imagined kissing you like this for so long. To finally make you his. But he never acted on it, afraid that you would reject his advances. He froze, wondering what this could mean for your relationship. You felt him stiffen. He stood still, letting you kiss him and not reciprocate any affection back.
OMG, I made a huge mistake. “I’m sorry, Buck. I didn’t-” You pulled away as tears welled at the bottom of your eyes. You had taken a chance and it didn’t pay off. He didn’t feel the same way. You were blindsided by his whole entrance. His whole presence, that you mistook it for interest.  The memories of high school came full circle with the feelings of rejection that sprung forth, heating your body in embarrassment.   
He pulled you back into his embrace. He wrapped his arms around you tighter, held you just a bit closer, and kissed you back with the hunger and ferocity you had only fantasized about late at night.
He opened his mouth to moan out your name and you didn’t care who was watching at this point. You were finally kissing Bucky, and just like everything else about him, it was better than you had ever imagined.
He winced slightly at the tug of your mouth, and you quickly stopped to see if he was ok- remembering his cut lip.
“No, do it again. I liked it,” he blushed.
“Well, well, well. I learn something new about you every day, Mr. Barnes.”
“Keep calling me ‘Mr. Barnes’ and you’ll learn a whole new side of me,” he teased.
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A/N: Inspired by a chance meeting I had with my mortal enemy. This has been sitting on my editing notes for FOREVER. And if I don't publish it now, I fear that I will just keep adding onto the story.
All Works Taglist🏷️ @emarich7 @michelleleewise @coldnique @psychospore @lokisgoodgirl @silverfire475 @fictive-sl0th @springdandelixn @wheredafandomat @goldencherriess @peaches1958 @salempoe @thomase1 @kkdvkyya @a-witch-with-words @mischief2sarawr @sarawr-reads @vbecker10 @peachymallow @irishhappiness @cakesandtom @simplyholl @here4thefanfics @tallseaweed @holdmytesseract @immersed-in-mischief @joyful-enchantress @lokisninerealms @kikster606 @glitterylokislut @loz-3 @slytherclaw1227 @chantsdemarins @the-lady-amphitrite @eleniblue @km-ffluv @lokidokieokie @loopsisloops @n3rdybirdee @melsunshine @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokischambermaid @cjand10 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @chrisevansmaindish
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reallyromealone · 2 years
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Exhibitionism x vouyerism
Day 24
Warning:train fucking, male reader, top reader, cross dressing, talk if suicide
Dazai x male reader
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When dazai wanted to "try something new" in their bedroom activities he wasn't expecting this at all.
The two stood in a crowded train together, dazai pressed up against (name)s chest and dressed in women's clothing, skirt and all.
He knew Dazai was a pretty man but god he looked so pretty in women's clothing.
His skirt was ridden up to show lacy panties with a hole in the ass as dazai moved his hand behind him to unzip (name)s zipper, pleased when he felt his hard cock "you listened to me... Good" the lack of boxers made things easier.
"Put a condom on baby, but be discreet about it~" dazai instructed quietly and held onto the support poll as (name) quietly put a condom on his cock and rubbed a pack of lube on it '"I'm already prepped... Prepped before we left" Dazai said with his fake sweet smile "Osamu, please stop saying shit like this..." (Name) whined as he made sure no one was watching and thankfully everyone was doing their own thing, the train packed and loud as hell.
(Name) gripped Dazais hip, other hand resting on his waist and feeling the defined muscles hidden under his clothes as he slowly pushed into Dazais ass and sighed at how tight he felt, the former Mafioso pushing back till his ass was pressed against the others pelvic bone and hips, feeling nice and full "we're gonna move in the rythym of the train, less suspicious" Dazais voice was low and deep as (name) nodded softly before the slowly rocking his hips to the rythym of the train as dazai held onto the pole for dear life, face a pretty pink as his brown hair framed his face oh so nicely.
(Name) looked down to see his cock get swallowed into Dazais perfect ass and god he wished he wasn't wearing a condom because at every shake of the train dazai clenched up deliciously around him and let out soft leterous moans.
"Hey (name)~" dazai cooed as the other thrusted in at the rock of the train, poor (name) just holding onto dazai for dear life as the brunet rutted back into him "what..?" (Name) rasped out only to let out a soft groan when dazai tightened up with a shit eating grin, all to happy to have (name) metaphorically on his knees for dazai.
"Fuck... You little minx" (name) hissed out as he thrusted back up into Dazais, hitting his prostate and watching dazai let out the prettiest and sluttiest moan, trying to keep quiet "shit...." Dazai mumbled, feeling something wet in his front only to realize he came "already? We aren't even close to our stop baby" (name) said grabbing one of Dazais bandaged hands and kissing it and the Brunet glared "were getting to (xyz) station soon, bet I can make you cum before then" dazai challenged and (name) nodded, accepting the challenge.
They were surprised no one cought them, probably because they were off in the corner thankfully.
Dazai fucked himself into the others cock without further push, (name)s eyes closing as he felt the other fuck his cock like it was his life mission.
Dazais plush pantied covered ass kept smacking into his pelvic bone and smearing lube ont he front, thankfully the fabric and the loud clatter of the train silenced it as Dazai pushed it in as far as it could go, pressing deliciously against the brunets prostate.
"Your cock never fucking stops being so fucking good...shit so fucking good!" Dazai babbled as he felt his legs shake, thankfully (name) had a tight grip as he pushed in to cum into his condom right as the robot lady notified them that they were arriving at the station "shit, no bad baby..."
"I'm a man of my word" dazai said pulling the others flaccid cock from his gaping ass, fixing his clothing and watched (name) take off the condom and tuck himself back in "next time maybe we can jump off the---"
"Babe I'm not killing myself I swear to god"
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ali-3-nslee-89 · 12 days
Bishop x reader
- I'm js doin this for my entertainment, and I'm tired, so if there's any grammar mistakes, I'm sorry🙏
WARNINGS⚠️ : there's a bit of suggestive stuff at the near end but nothing like ACTUAL smut if yk what I mean. Kinda js a romance thing I guess 🤷‍♀️ (also the gender of the reader isn't really specified so have fun vro)
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You sit on a table not too far from the other marines, your eyes drifting elsewhere as you subconsciously munch on the cornbread you collected onto your mental plate before.
As your eyes wonder, you catch a glimpse of Bishop, the artificial human that was aboard the ship.
You always had an odd feeling in your stomach when you talked to him or if you even looked at him. The others would notice that fact and tease you for it. Bishop would always tilt his head in confusion like a lost puppy when they would bring up his name, but you would always be out of sight in a flash before he could muster a word out to you.
After your little flashback ended, you looked towards the table Hudson sat on and immediately rolled your eyes as he pulled out his knife and handed it to Bishop, the same robot you stupidly fell for. I mean, who wouldn't? Those forearms are quite the sight.
"Oh God..."
Bishop mutters with a small roll of his eyes and takes the knife, skillfully flipping it, (like in the movie) before placing one of his hands on the table, ready to do his little famous act everyone would cheer for, until...
Your eyes widen as one of Hudson's friends wraps his arms around him and places his own hand where Bishops previously layed. You even let out a gasp as Bishop went threw with it, surprised by how easily he let it slide.
After a few irritating minutes of Hudson screaming and panicking for his fingers, Bishop finishes his little trick and hands Hudson back his knife.
You look on in amazement, very impressed by Bishops calmness and perfect accuracy.
After a few hours passed. You lay flat on your back, dreamily staring up at your ceiling whilst thoughts and images of Bishop popped up in your head. If you didn't see him or talked to him right this second, you felt as if you would die. So, without a second thought, you went off to find the mysterious robot.
You make your way to the MedBay/Lab and cautiously step in before noticing Bishop at his regular desk, looking into a microscope.
You slowly step closer to him and gently tap his shoulder.
"...Bishop...? I... I wanted to talk to you about... something important."
You lowly manage to squeak out, wrapping your fingers together in a nervous manner before stepping back form him, giving him room to look at you.
"Yes, (y/n)?"
The gentleness in his voice never failed to make you fall head over heels all over again.
You swallow your worries and take a deep breath, quietly composing yourself for what he'll say or do.
"I have something I wanted to say as well."
You stop and look up at him with an even more flustered look. Perhaps he feels the same? No... that's not possible... he's a robot for Christ's sake... yet... something deep inside you tells you otherwise.
"You... you do??"
He nods and gives a gentle and... shy(?) smile.
"You make me happy. Yet... you always run away. Is it me that you're afraid of? Or are you shy? Whatever it is... I am sorry."
Your eyes gleam with guilt and happiness. Guilty for making him feel that way and happy that he feels somewhat the same.
"So... you... love me?"
"Yes. Love. I love you."
The happiness is uncontrollable, and your heart swells with the realisation of what he just said. You take slow and calculated steps towards him and finally lunge into his arms, pressing your lips against his with hunger and desire.
Your arms loop around his neck effortlessly, and his rough yet familiar hands land on your hips, gently caressing your curves as he leans into you.
The two of you continue the deep and passionate kiss for what seems like hours but is in reality only a couple of seconds. You pull back and examine his blissful expression, like he's trying to figure something out.
His adorable eyes shine bright as they stay connected to your supple lips. You let out a giggle and pull him towards his desk chair, sitting him down before straddling his lap.
"You have no idea how much I've wanted this, Bishop..."
You seductively whisper into his ear, replaying the events for today's morning. Just watching him weild Hudsons knife like that and his little, "Trust me," already had you at his mercy.
You season his neck with kisses, and his little whimpers and groans gave you some confirmation that you were doing at least something right for him.
"Bishop... do you have a..-"
"Penis? Yes, I do. The Wey-Land company advised that I should have one if someone from the crew had any primal desires."
He hurriedly answered, finishing your sentence for you with a matter of fact tone. Your eyebrows raised at his quick and... desperate tone?
You shook your head and ran your fingertips down his heaving chest, making your way down to his belt. Your hands quickly get to work with unbuckling his belt before a cough makes both of your heads turn.
Hicks stands at the door with a smug smirk, his feet over top of each other as he leans against the doorframe. His expression looks as of he's trying hard not to laugh.
"Maybe close the damn door next time, you rabbits"
He says with a chuckle before disappearing off in the distance, leaving you and Bishop alone in your own silence before you decide to sheepishly speak up.
"Do you wanna continue this in my room or-"
"Your room."
That's the end. I hope you enjoyed it. (If anyone is actually seeing this, thanks for reading vro💯👅)
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imsparky2002 · 1 year
Lil’ Heroes - First Day
As expected, there was a commotion as the new students at Francois Daycare toddled into the room. There were children of all kinds. The Fairy Squad were whizzing around, Sabrinnochio was allowing Miremba to use her as a scratching post. Sleeping Nath and MarcElsa were finger painting and scribbling together. Snow Mylene had noticed QuasiIvan and Julebeast chatting, and deciding to become friends with them. Ivan was surprised that a pretty girl like her wanted to be with him, but he liked it. Maxiro was showing off his modified toy robot to Kimules, who immediately decided he loved hanging out with the other kid. Reshmabela had created a rose for Roselle. Marilan and Meridagami had decided to be “rivals”, which they thought meant, “friends but we play toy swords a lot”. AdriPunzel was using his hair as a skipping rope for Demolition Denise. CinderZoe was talking to TiAlya about how she loved to clean her room, and Alya mentioned how she loved making snacks for her family. Due to the curse on their family, Julebeast and Maestro Luka had turned into their beast and toy piano forms. Thankfully, no one seemed that bothered by it, with a lot of the kids finding Julebeast to be adorable (she kinda wished she was a lil scary). Juleka then started playing on Luka. Alix had nabbed some candy and toys from previous students in the confiscated, and was tossing them out for others to play with. Reshma had used her magic to create flowers for the teachers and other kids. AriOndine was having a blast, giggling with delight as she toddled around on her new legs, happy to have friends on land. Her favorite new friend, Kim, had given her a ride on his horsie, Xuppu. Jeanzco and Robette were putting on a show for all of their new friends to enjoy. Sure it was chaotic, but the fairy teachers, Miss Bustier and Miss Mendeliev, were just happy to see everyone getting along.
That is... until Chloestazia showed up. She was Zoe’s half-sister and was bratty to both her and the rest of her classmates. Most of the nicer students just ignored her, deciding that maybe she’d be nicer after a while. Some of the more feisty students messed with her, before being told to stop by Zoe and the more worried kids. Overall, Chloe tried to get everyone to do what she wanted, but would realize soon enough that it didn’t work like that. After snack time, Miss Bustier decided that everyone should have a full introduction to the rest of the class, with questions saved for after everyone was done.
Miss Bustier: Ok, everyone. It’s sharing time! We’re gonna go around the room and share what makes us special!
Kids: Yaayy!
Miss Mendeliev: And no interrupting ok? We don’t wanna have any timeouts on the first day. If you have a comment, raise your hand.
Aladdix: *Whispering to IsmaGenie* I no scared a timeouts.
IsmaGenie: *Whispering back* I wike yoo.
Miss Bustier: Alright, we’re gonna go in the order you’re sitting in the circle. Marinette, you’re up first.
Marinette: Uh, my name’s Mawinette and I’m fwom Chi.. China. Mama’s a wawwior and I wanna be just wike her! *Shows her toy sword*
Adripunzel: Hewwo! I’m Adwien. Imma pwince fwom Cowona, and I have two mommies. I got da magick haiw. It gwows and when I sing, it gets wid of booboos! *His hair glows in that moment.*
TiAlya: I wove cooking and gumbo. One day, Imma have a westawant and you can aww come! Oh, when I give fwogs a kiss they become hoomans.
Fairy GodBro: I a new faiwy god.. somethin. I hewp kids who awe in twouble.
Maxiro: I wike to make wobots and tech wike my mommy and daddy. Mawkov’s my buddy.
Aladdix: I wove takin stuff fwom adults! But I usawwy give it back.
Kimules: My weal mommy and daddy are gods, but this meanie took me fwom em and made me a demi... demi..
Miss Mendeliev: Demigod?
Kimules: Yeah! Dat! I weawwy stwong, though. Imma hero!
*AriOndine giggles*
AriOndine: I a mewmaid! I got fishy wegs and swim awound! I got a whoolle wotta sistews, and I da youngest.
MarcElsa: I pwince fwom Awendelle. I use da magick to make ice come outta my hands. I wove makin snowmen and wawm hugs. I weaww wike to wite stuff.
Sleeping Nath: I a pwince too, I wove to dwaw and paint. A witch cuwsed me and now I get sweepy awot. *He give an adorable yawn and rubs his eyes.*
Sabrinnochio: I wazza puppet befowe my daddy wished fow a weal giwl. Auwowe made me weal. Tank yoo, Auwowe!
Snow Mylene: I a pwincess and I wove animaws. I wanna save the enviwoment.
QuasiIvan: I gotta ouchie back, and God is my papa. I wove gawgoywes and bells.
JuleBeast: *Having turned back into human form* Mommy and Daddy got a cuwse and now me ‘n Wuka sometimes tuwn into beast and piano. Tank yoo fow not bein scawed of us. *Ignoring Chloe*
Maestro Luka: Yeah, we weawwy wike that. Anyone wanna pway on me when I piano?
Roselle: Ooh! I wove to wead! I wove that I get to see woyals! Just wike a faiwy tale!
Chloestasia: I bettew than aw you wosers. My mama’s wich. Zoe’s gotta cwean aw my toys. *Sticks her tongue out.*
Kagamerida: I a pwincess anda wawwior. I wove swowds and my awwow. I don’t wike beaws, cause they bwinded my mama.
CinderZoe: I wike cweaning, except for when I gotta do it fow Chwoe. I got miceys as my fwiends.
Jeanzco: I’m da empewor! I wove pwaytime and putting on shows. I hate wwamas!
Demolition Denise: I fwom a vidya game! My mommy’s one of the staws, and I’m gonna be just wike hew when I gwow up. I wove wecking stuff, but then I fixes it.
Simon Pan: I go to Nevewand and now I can fwy! Jingew's a faiwy and we best fwiends! We fiwght piwates and mewmaids. *Looks at AriOndine* I don mind mewmaids, I wike you! The Nevewand mewmaids awe meanies, but Atwantis ones awe nice!
Robette: I wove singin and makin music! One day, I wanna be in a band and make evwyone happy!
Reshmabela: I gotta gift and I can make fwowews! I da oldest sibwing and me an my famwiy hewp out India!
IsmaGenie: I onwy a infant genie, but I stiww powewfuw! Awix fweed me so I no gotta stay in wamp! Yoo nevew had fwiend wike me!
BluRore: I a faiwy awso! I wike bein a mommy to othew kids, so I hope dat ok. I aciddentawy made Sabwina into a weaw wooden giwl, but now I gotta a fwiend!
Miremba: I a hooman-wion hybwid and a pwincess. One day, Imma be da queen a da savannah!
Lacey Bell: I not name Jingews, I Wacey! Im a faiwy too, and I wove tinkewing wif tings.
Now that everyone knew each other, it'd start a wonderful friendship that would last for generations. After story time, everyone's parents or caretakers came to pick them up. They couldn't wait to come back tomorrow.
That was the first day! Thank you so much to @msweebyness for helping out with the concept. As always, make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask to share your thoughts. @artzychic27 @msweebyness 
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lordarsonizzzzt · 2 years
Some people are a little surprised when the two of them get together— not because they’re queer, but because it’s Gears and Iceberg. Literally nobody expected it, but now that they’ve grown and changed? They fit perfectly together and it’s fucking adorable. Julian is a very private man, but he can’t stop himself from bragging about how handsome and funny and wonderful his partner is. Also YESSS Julian says “hey this is my ex date-guy Charles” only for Charles to be like “I’m your spouse?”
Oh my god what if they eloped and nobody but them knew they were married? Only for Charles to get hurt during a breach and Julian demand to see him— the other doctors say “only direct family and spouses are allowed in, sorry” only for Julian to exclaim that he is Charles’ husband and he wants to see his fucking spouse right now! And lo and behold, the two of them actually are married, they just didn’t say anything about it.
We brainrotting tonight bro
-Brainworms anon
Clef finds out this two got married and he's on his way to make the weirdest fucking wedding ceremony, and he has Draven (who actually has good intentions) and Bright (who's looking to get wasted and end up in a strangers house) to help.
They actually make the cafeteria a whole different place, there are fairy lights, ice decoration (Clef's idea), robot themed food (Bright's idea) and some actual nice decoration with some hidden inside jokes, like birds themed table centers (On one mission, Julian was attacked by several birds), shots that were painfully strong with nothing to make them cold, and some prop bottles (The ones they use in movies that are easy to break and shit) to have a lil bottle battle.
The MTFs *force* tell Julian to dress fancy, Kondraki just texted Gears and told him 'wear something formal, like, idk whatever you fucking want that screams i have money and you dont, or not, i dont care'.
And when they are walked to the cafeteria by some agents, Gears is pretty surprised while Julian is laughing his ass off
Clef would be the one to 'marry them' and when he says 'Should anyone here present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace' Gerald was going to do some funny shit, like saying he was the lover of Iceberg but the moment he got up, he fell and got burned by some candles that no one knew existed, and Glass has to excuse them both, everyone laughs bc its Gerald of course he is going to fuck up.
When Clef says 'You may kiss the Gears' and they, well, kiss, everyone just stands up and is cheering and that shit turns into a wild ass teenager party, now it is an unspoken rule that no one can speak about that night to somebody that wasn't there.
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shadowrmidnight · 10 months
Alleyway Kiss- Yovia
Yona wakes up coughing on the side of the riverbank, her cloths drenched in polluted water from where she'd just been. Once she'd gained a hold of herself, she scanned the area in which she was in. Demora sat next to her, stuff still just as any trauma toy would to avoid detection. But what were they doing here? The last thing she remembers was-! Oh Shit!
Throwing herself to her feet as her memories caught up to her, Yona's heart filled with worry. Kainlya! Kiro! Vivia! Anri! Everyone! They were all on the sub when it exploded. No need to ponder on who was behind it, but that's not what's important right now. Everyone was separated from her. Kainlya might just run into Yomi on her own! And Kiro has PTSD from seeing his parents die before him! If neither she nor Kainlya are there to help, oh God.
"Calm down master", the calming voice of Demora snapped the red head out of her panic. "Kiro has Shinigami and Kainlya has Kafkia, they'll be fine on their own. Besides, you can't go around calling Kiro by his real name. He's Yuma right now.”
Of course, the wise words of trauma would calm her down. "Thank you Demora, now let's go find them!" She then looked down at her soaking wet figure, "and the first stop is the hotel", and ran off too Kamasaki District.
Entering the golden establishment, she did get quite a few stares from the staff from how wet she was. Even in a city of never-ending rain, getting completely drenched is rather uncommon. Having a quick shower and shoving her uniform down the washing shoot, she grabbed a quick change of clothes from her closet.
She put on a blue butterfly shaped crop tube top, a pair of black shorts, a pair of black boots with butterfly wings, a pair of butterfly fingerless gloves, a butterfly chocker, and a cloak shaped like butterfly wings. Was she showing off all her scars? Yes. Did she care? Nope, not after everyone found out. And she did wear revealing clothing at times anyway. Though seeing them again may cause Anri to drop kick Yomi him into the polluted water while sipping some coffee.
Grabbing Demora and shoving her into her bag before leaving, though she did grab a cup of hot coco to drink on the go. The time she spent in her room allowing her time to calm down. I'll just walk around and ask if anyone's seen my friends.
"Excuse me miss, have you seen a short boy with a cloak that looks like he's about to punt someone?"
"Did you see a furry man walking around?"
"Sir, have you seen a fragile girl with a red braid?"
"Have you seen a girlboss fashionista around here?"
"Do you know where I could find a ditzy airheaded girl around here?"
"Miss, have you seen a bagman wannabe gangster?"
"Has a person who thinks they're all it but have an obvious weakness towards cats been here?"
"Have you seen an old man who looks like metal gear?"
"Did you see a man who looks high all the time?"
"Has a robotic girl with headphones walked by?"
"Have you seen a pervert walking around with a giant backpack?"
"Do you know where I can find a shirtless emo who looks like their knocking on deaths door?"
"Have you been staring at me?" A voice caused her to turn around to see just who she'd described.
"Vivia!" She ran up to hug him, causing a smile to play of Vivia's lips as he hugged her back, not caring for his abnormal heartrate.
Letting go of the tall man, Yona looks up at him with innocent eyes. "How did you find me?" But I think I already know how.
"I used my forte to find you from above", knew it. Kiro had already informed her and Kainlya of everyone’s forte, so it was no surprise to her.
"What about Kainlya and Yuma?"
"Everyone else in the NDA is looking for them, apparently Yakou never told your group about the emergency meeting point. The old agency building."
Are you fucking with me right now? A tick mark would have made its way on the redhead at the idiocy of the fuzzy chief. Though I guess Desuhiko is feeling the same way. She thought, taking a step back to calm herself. A move that gave Vivia a full view of her current attire.
Sure, he'd seen her in that, rather revealing, nightwear but that was also the first time he'd seen her scars and easily able to leave. Now? Oh God I'm done for! The crop top especially wasn't covering Yona up as she thought, as a bit of cleavage made itself known. Oh boy was that hard to advert his eyes from it. He didn't need a mirror to know he probably looked like a tomato. This is what I get for asking Desuhiko for dating advice. Ho did he even get Kainlya to be his girlfriend anyway?
Looking back at Yona, who was now calm, he saw a panicked expression take over her. Following her gaze, he the one and only shitbag, Yomi fuckface, with his back in their direction. Without thinking, Vivia grabbed Yona and the two hid in the corner of the L turn in the alleyway. After all, the only way out had a tomato head near it.
"He's right there!", a barely audible whisper came from the trembling girl hugging herself. She always got this way whenever Yomi was nearby, despite her personal reason for being here is to take him down.
A pull on her arm brings her into the embrace of the gothic detective. She was now caged between his chest and arms, a gentle hand caressing her hair. "Don't worry. he didn't see you and neither is he here. You have nothing to worry about", The calm voice of the porcelain skin detective assured her.
Before she knew it, her tense muscles started to relax. Vivia really had some sort of magical hold over her. "Yona, make sure your boyfriend eats", Anri's teasing rang clear in her head. Maybe I really do like him. She wondered as pink dusted her cheeks as she looked up at the amethyst eyes of her saviour. And was just her, or were they getting closer?
And indeed, they were. Vivia cupping Yona's cheek, and Yona placing her hands on Vivia's chest. Their eyes slowly closed, and their lips met. And oh God a kiss it was. It was both of their first kiss and yet they were somehow so good. Gaining some confidence, Vivia pressed the small girl against the wall, licking Yona's lips. This elicited a little moan from her and lead to a mischievous smirk onto Vivia, playfully nibling on Yona's bottom lip.
Eventually, they parted, panting for air with red cheeks. Yona placing a finger on her lips as Vivia covered his mouth with the back of his hand and looked back at the street. Thankfully, the giant ass forehead man was gone. A tug on his sleeve made him to face he was just pinning to the wall a second ago.
"Vivia, I... I-", a finger stopped her from going any further.
"I already know, and you don't have to say it now", he moved his fingers to intertwine with her's. "Now let's go". And they both left the alleyway.
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bensolosbluesaber · 2 years
Secret Identities - Part 2 (Marc Spector, Steven Grant, and Jake Lockley x reader)
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Summary: The Avengers, your team of superheroes, has been called in to handle an invasion in New York, and you’re bringing your superhero boyfriend, Moon Knight, with you.
Part 2 to Secret Identities.
Action/adventure, Cameo-fest
Pairings: Marc Spector x reader, Steven Grant x reader, Jake Lockley x reader
Warnings and A/N: I did my best to accurately represent DID, I put very little effort into creating a plot and a lot of effort into writing dialogue
It was only you, Marc, and the agent - whose name you had never learned and didn’t care to learn - on the quinjet. You held Marc’s hand the entire time. There was no denying the anxious fluttering in your stomach as your two lives continued converging. Each second brought Marc closer to the Avengers, and you’d be lying if you said that didn’t scare the shit out of you.
You read through the briefing notes, getting occasional comments from the agent now piloting the quinjet. Rogue artificial intelligence, not Ultron level, but dangerous nonetheless. SWORD suspected some alien involvement, but that wasn’t the concern right now. The immediate issue was an army of robots hidden underground waiting to be activated.
At some point you started to fall asleep against Marc’s shoulder. He gingerly shifted you into a laying position resting your head on his thigh in a familiar comfortable position. His hand settles in your hair and strokes the curves of your face, soothing you into sleep. You hardly sleep for an hour before Marc shakes you awake.
“Something’s happening.”
“We need to drop you in,” the agent called back. “The activation happened earlier than our intelligence suggested. Most of the team is already on the ground. Everyone else is on their way. Don’t forget your comm links.”
You sit up and rifle through your bag, pulling out a familiar costume and stripping off your clothes. Marc blinks at you a few times like he’s surprised at your lack of modesty. He knows you well enough that he really shouldn’t be.
“We can’t all summon our suits,” you tease and toss him an ear piece, even as his eyes begin to glow with white moonlight.
“Tell her she looks amazing!” Steven gushes.
“Keep it in your pants,” Jake snaps back.
You reach for a parachute, but Marc’s white gloved hand stops you.
“I can fly you in,” he offers through the mask. 
“You told me no flying last month!” You protest.
“I didn’t know you were an Avenger last month.”
“Bad call, mate.”
“Oh, so you thought I was fragile before?” You tease, not really mad at the man.
His mask peels away so he can tilt his head and shoot you an amused glare.
“You’re in range!” The agent calls back.
You turn and plant a kiss on Marc’s lips, then punch a button. The door opens slowly with a cold rush of air. You wrap your arms around his strong body, take a deep breath, and together you jump from the plane into free fall. His cape catches like a parachute part way down, guiding you through the clouds lower and lower until the skyline is in view.
Smoke rises from burning buildings, the wreckage of a city that has again become a battle ground.
“Shit,” Marc whispers. “We’re gonna have to stop having technology free dates.”
“Yeah,” you reply, only half paying attention, too busy scanning the ground for your fellow Avengers. It’s pure chaos on the ground, a complete and utter disaster, but then, through the smoke… “There!”
You point Marc in the direction of a bright flash of blue and white, and he angles you toward the ground. The comm link in your ear begins to crackle and finally beeps a connection. You were right.
“-end up here? We’re supposed to be on vacation!” The voice of Bucky Barnes fills your ear at the same moment the bright red, white, and blue wings of Sam Wilson reappear. “Sam, what the fuck is in the sky?”
That would be Marc.
“Good morning, Captain America,” you smile down at the small figures of your friends on the ground.
“Oh thank god,” Sam replies. “Buck and I are a-” he grunts, “A bit outnumbered. We have to hold this street, or it will interfere with the wizards’ spell.”
You’re streaking toward the fight below, finally able to see the action for real. They are more than a bit outnumbered, the two men surrounded by humanoid robots armed to the teeth with every bit of weapons technology available. You drop to the ground at Bucky’s side, Marc landing next to you.
“You’re late,” Bucky calls. “Who’s the mummy?”
Marc shoots him a glare.
“Marc, don’t glare at Bucky Barnes! That’s-”
“I know who Bucky Barnes is Steven,” he answers silently.
Yeah, he knew Bucky Barnes. Well, Steven knew. At some point in their childhood, Steven realized he shared part of a name with Steven Grant Rogers and harbored a small fascination with the former Captain America ever since.
“That’s Moon Knight!” Sam’s wing decapitates a robot as he turns to look Marc up and down. “Read your briefing packets, Buck.”
Bucky rolls his eyes and returns to the fight. You draw two long knives, gifts from King T’Challa, and make short work of any robot that approaches. Marc hurls crescent darts, each finding their target. But he doesn’t let Steven front. Not yet at least.
Occasionally, he glances back at you, checking to make sure you’re alright. You are doing the same to him. You have never fought at his side before, but already you know that you would do it again and again.
“The sorcerers - not wizards, Sam - are working some spell in that building,” Bucky gestures vaguely behind him. “They can shut the whole AI down, but we have to keep these things out.”
“Androids!” Sam shouts as he jumps over one and buries his shield in it’s neck. “Androids controlled by aliens who can be stopped by wizards. The big three!”
“The big three?” Marc turns to Captain America.
“Don’t ask!” You and Bucky shout at the same time.
The four of you stand no chance of holding this street. Of course this couldn’t be a time-efficient spell, and the robots just keep coming, an endless supply of mindless soldiers puppeteered by some unknown force. A piece of shrapnel slashes your face, distracting you from the fight for a split second. It’s enough for a blow to land at your midsection, knocking the breath from you.
You pull the gun from your waist, SWORD issue with some advanced technology you don’t care to understand, and shoot. It’s not your preferred weapon, but it is necessary. Marc is by your side in an instant. He grabs you around the waist and wraps you in the white fabric of his cape. 
It’s just the two of you in this little cocoon. The rest of the world is forgotten as his mask falls away for a moment. The expression on his face is pure horror, lips pressed in a tight line, eyes murderous. His gaze is focused on the blood dripping down your cheek.
“I’m fine,” you insist and run your fingers across his nose and brow that is furrowed deeply, trying to soothe away those worry lines.
“I need Jake,” he breathes, a confession he rarely makes. “We need Jake.”
Jake will do anything to protect Marc and Steven and anything to protect you. It’s probably why you had never actually seen Jake suited up for a fight. He is the ‘whatever it takes’ part of the system, and all three of them are still afraid to show you that side.
“Okay,” you grip his upper arms. “It’s okay.”
His eyes flicker for a second, then his suit shifts, darkens to a midnight black that is more like tactical armor than Marc’s mummy wrappings. A bright white crescent moon shines on his chest; it matches the bright white of his cape. He tilts his head with a little smirk, and just like that Jake Lockley has joined the fray.
“Cap? Cap?” Someone is shouting through coms. “We’re coming to you. Do you copy?”
The voice is crackly, so you can’t make out exactly who it is.
You turn back to the fight, watching with bit of admiration and a lot of attraction as Jake expertly dispatches android after android.
“Did he change outfits mid fight?” Bucky punches a robot beside you.
“Sort of.”
You kick a robot across the head, stabbing one of your vibranium knives into it’s chest and immediately lashing out toward another. You glance up, and the world seems to slow around you. The battle is forgotten as you can only stare at Jake. He is fighting desperately, holding his own except...
Except behind him. A metallic arm is raising a heavy blade for a killing blow, metal arching toward his neck. You’re trying to scream his name. You are screaming his name, but it’s too late. You stab the android in front of you, but you will never make it. Jake’s suit will protect him from a lot, heal just about anything, but not decapitation.
Red flashes across your view, a bright flash hurtling through the air. A stick strikes the robot through the forehead, and the metal being collapses in a dead heap. Jake whips his head around as he realizes what almost happened. A figure in dark red drops from a nearby fire escape, grabs the stick from the robots sparking brain, and nods to you. He jumps into the fight at Jake’s side, the two men working together with an impressive synchrony for two strangers.
“How did you see that?” Jake shouts.
“I heard it,” Matt Murdock replies as he dispatches another android.
A few more minutes and the fighting finally stops. Another wave of robots is undoubtedly assembling nearby, but for now the team has a moment to breathe.
Jake’s mask falls away as he studies Daredevil. His eyes linger on the upper half of Matt’s face, noticing how his eyes are completely obscured by the dark red of his mask. You sprint to Jake’s side, wanting to reach for his hand, hold him, kiss him, feel that he is alive, but you restrain yourself. Your relationship is a secret, and for now you want to keep it that way.
“So this is the boyfriend?” Matt asks.
Your relationship is not a secret.
“How-” you start to question how Matt could possibly know that you had a boyfriend, let alone that this was him.
“You started smelling different a few months ago,” he explains. “It’s him. His scent is all over you.”
“Is there a better way to say that then ‘his scent is all over you’? Tone down the creepy… vibes? Vibes? Is that the word?” 
“Give up on the modern slang, Buck,” Sam makes a face and pats his partners’ shoulder mockingly.
You plant a kiss to Jake’s cheek, and he brushes his hand across your fingers to tell you that he is okay. You watch him and Daredevil with interest, hoping Jake might find a friend in the hero who protected his city with the same ferocity and passion as Jake protected Steven, Marc, and you.
“What’s up with the little horns, el diablo?” Jake asks. “What are you the hero of? Hell?”
“Hell’s Kitchen, and it’s Daredevil actually.”
Jake shoots you a glance then shifts his gaze back to Matt. A smile fills his features, a genuine one, and a second later the same expression appears on Matt’s face. You let out a heavy sigh of relief as they slip into easy conversation and you turn back to Sam and Bucky.
“You and Moon Knight, huh?” Sam frowns. “Guess Spidey was right.”
As if summoned by his name, the mysterious masked hero drops from the sky.
“Hey you guys! There’s another group heading our way.”
He starts to turn to Cap, notices Jake and does a double take to stare at the white costumed man, everyone else forgotten. Jake looks at him completely unimpressed.
“Oh my god, you’re Moon Knight!” Spider-Man’s voice has a youthfulness that always surprises you. “I love you! I wanted a cape because of you, but I gave up the idea pretty quick. I mean not in New York right? Handsy people. It would never have lasted. Wow! Mr. Knight, you are so cool.”
“Mr. Knight,” Steven tries out the name “I like that.”
“I hate it,” Marc replies.
“Well that seems like your problem don’t it? I’m keeping it. You can be Moon Knight. I’ll be Mr. Knight.”
“Marc, right?” Spidey asks, and you can practically see the mischief forming in the boys’ mind at his well-meaning mistake.
“I’m Jake.”
“Sorry! Jake-”
Jake’s expression changes, the suit shifting with him.
“Oops, Steven now,” Steven grins.
“O-Okay, Steven,” Spider-Man tries to keep up.
The suit changes as Marc fronts.
“Marc again,” he teases, messing with the young hero.
“Oh,” that catches Spidey off guard. “Nice to meet you, Marc.”
“Actually, Jake now.”
“Leave him alone, you three,” you glower at Jake but have to fight back a laugh.
You thanked any god you could think of that Spider-Man had been there with his goofy remarks and joking attitude to make it easier for Marc, Steven, and Jake to show off this particular skill set.
“Sorry, love.”
That’s Steven.
He adjusts his white suit jacket and grins at Spider-Man, ““You know, the cape is actually really overrated, kid.”
“I’m Spider-Man,” he lowers his voice and puts extra emphasis on the ‘man.’
“More like Spider-Kid,” Jake mutters.
Steven ignores his alter and nods conspiratorially to Spider-Man. He gives him a thumbs up like they just shared a secret.
“Figure out how to really punch criminals yet?” Daredevil snarks, tossing an arm across Spider-Man’s shoulders affectionately.
“I’m not beating the shit out of people,” he protests.
“It’s more efficient.”
“Whatever you say ‘really good lawyer.’”
You observe their interaction with some interest. Had Matt defended whoever was in the Spider-Man suit? No time for that now though, you realize as a mechanical whirring fills the air. You take a defensive stance at Steven’s side, Bucky to your right. Cap and Spidey leap into the air. Matt stands beside Steven.
Sam looks down at his makeshift team then out at the approaching mechanical army. They’re not much, but they’ll do.
A/N: I left this open for a part 3. Not sure if I’ll write it, but I do think a 3rd part to wrap it all up and let the system meet some other Avengers would be fun! Let me know if you want added to my general Moon Knight tag list!
Tag List: @love-on-the-murder-scene @bookfrog242 @irethepotato @graciexmarvel @simonsbluee @nagemasstuff @whovian378 @cringingmemeries @eerievixen @velyssaraptor
Other Tags: @bored-as-hell-666​ @teenageranchpsychicwagon @yanelimerida @winterwitch107 @tachibubu @eiressmurdock087 @natalieisfreeziing @thehuntresswolf @isnt-itstrange​ @dearlawdimasimp​ @multi-fandoms-of-madness
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looonnamoon · 3 years
Mmperson asked me to do smth smth
Hey there!! Can you pls write a story Bakugou x reader where he is a pro hero and reader is a teacher in a high school. They are married ofc 😛 Basically no one in her class know that she is married and they are you know trying to find out who she is and when they do they are in utter shock
Yes I will do this bc this is too cute for me to pass up lol
Also I’m so sorry that this took so long, I’ve been trying to get some motivation to write again and also ideas lmao but I hope you enjoy this!
[Tis going to be a lot shorter than a story, more of an drabble but I hope you like it!!]
WARNING: use of fem! Pronouns, VERY ooc Bakugou, VERY soft bakugou
Hope you enjoy sweets!
[For context, Bakugous marriage, more specifically his wife has been a mystery for a long time, nobody really knew who his wife was and it's been a topic of controversy for a few months now :3]
♡ it had become routine at this point after the effect of the pandemic; get up, load up the computer, and teach a class of black screens. It was dreadful, but it didn't make you love your job any less. Especially when those black screens are quite the talkative bunch. Your students, thankfully, were very conversational and always responded to your comments and questions, which made this much more easier to handle than you thought.
You turned on your computer and got into zoom, fixing up everything and preparing the lesson you were going to present today.
Everything became robotic as you see the small screens pop up in the main room, recognizing familiar names and greeting all of them. You then got to work, teaching the class the lesson in full, still in your robotic state of mind.
What you didn't expect was that your comfortable but somewhat bland routine was going to be interrupted; while you were speaking to the class about a specific topic.
Bakugou had a day off today, so he was in the living room, relaxing on the couch and switching through channels while listening to your heavenly voice teach the next generation with grace.
He was bored to be frank, and turned off the TV, having a somewhat bad idea in his mind.
Was he going to interupt the class just to snuggle and kiss you for a bit? Yes.
Was he going to surprise these kids and eventually everyone else of his marriage with you? Yes.
But did he care? No, because right now, he's going to kiss the love of his life, the apple of his eye, the final peice to his puzzle, you get the point.
And so, he crawled into your office, creaking the door open ever so slowly to minimize the sound of him coming in and with his ultra ninja skillz
"Mmmkissing you." And that he did, leaning towards you and giving you a fat kiss on your lips, ignoring the gasps and screams of the children on your screen and your now beet red face.
You were Katsuki Bakugou's, a.k.a. #3 pro hero Dynamights wife?
And so, he left just as quietly as he came, giving a small smile and a wave to both you and the kids, leaving you, still shocked, red faced, and now mind blank as you try to now deal with this little shitstorm he made with your class.
But, after regaining your thoughts, you sunk into your chair, smiling softly to yourself
I should've expected this. It's Bakugou-dont-give-a-fuck-Katsuki, alright.
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hpalways · 3 years
The Signature || Zhongli
Yandere! Zhongli x Reader
Please make sure not romanticize toxic relationships. I do not condone this behavior whatsoever. 
AMBER eyes were stuck on you, never once leaving your form. They belonged to the Geo Archon, Zhongli, the attractive man you befriended not too long ago. His long ebony hair had left its hair tie, drooping loosely over his shoulder like a soft waterfall as he rested his hands on the surface of the desk -- the desk in which you were forced to sit at. 
In front was a long piece of parchment, handwritten by the male delicately. On it stated:
An agreement that [Y/N] will stay by Zhongli’s side forever. The signer will not speak, look, or stand near anyone other than Zhongli. The signer will be cherished, so they will also have to cherish the other party. They will enjoy their lives to the fullest, as long as they do not step out of line and make sure to follow the rules laid out to them. 
[Y/N] will never stop loving Zhongli. They will speak of topics in interest to both parties. They will drink tea and spend mora for the two of them. They will unconditionally love Zhongli. They will love Zhongli. Zhongli will love them. For an infinite amount of time. Forever and always. Always. 
They will never die. They can not die. 
Punishment will come if they dare break the contract. The signer knows what this means. 
Signed: _____________
The hand on the pen was gripped so hard, your knuckles had turned white and it shook. Your breath was shallow; A headache began to pound. His eyes would never leave. You were his priority now. Every action was a ticking bomb -- anything could set him off easily. 
You didn’t want to fucking sign it. You knew it was a death trap, but did you have a choice? Not really. 
Zhongli noticed your torn expression, so he tilted his head with a quiet hum. “Is it that hard to sign something?” he stated coolly, his gloved hand brushing over yours. The leathered feeling sent shivers down your spine, and it took everything not to cringe away. 
“I was just… thinking,” you murmured. He raised his brows slightly, quickly interested by your words. Maybe you could buy some time and figure a plan out to leave this room unscath. Luckily enough, the God of Geo was a man who often went on tangents. “I was thinking about the first day we met. You made me pay for your tea at the teahouse.”
He nodded eagerly, stroking the bottom of his chin in thought. “Why, yes. I can remember that day as clear as the skies of Liyue. The tea made for me was quite striking. Made of violetgrass and it tasted delightfully smooth too. Then you came in and made it taste even better. You were all dirtied from battle, seeking for a nice drink to be refreshed on. It caught my attention immediately, but when you offered to pay for me, I knew you were the one.”
He described the meeting in a dreamlike tone, oblivious to the jarring reality that sank its teeth on everyone like a poisonous snake. You shouldn’t have paid for him that day; you shouldn’t have even made eye contact and spoken to him. This was the consequences to your failure of judgment. You could only now sow what you reap. 
He swerved around the desk, growing ever closer to you until he was right next to you. His warm breath hit the side of your face, the smell of soft mint wafting up your senses. “Now… let’s not get off track here. Sign this, my love. I promise you it’s not that hard.”
Dammit. He was too focused on the contract that you barely had the time to brainstorm. Nothing was coming to mind. 
Footsteps echoed throughout the office of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor. You turned around in desperation, hoping it was someone who could save you from such a situation. There, stood a merchant, his hand holding advertisements to his stalls.
“Hello, I’ve come to--”
When his eyes landed on you, the figure beside you had made his move. Zhongli grabbed his polearm and with a clean swipe, beheaded the speaking man. The body-less head made a perfect, slow arc in the air before dropping to the ground with a sickening crunch. You let out a gasp, panting raspily in shock, stomach twisting within itself in nausea at the sight. What… just happened? That man just died. Oh god. Oh fucking goodness. You suddenly realized something. Help wasn’t ever going to come. No one could best Zhongli. He was a god! 
“Why did you… do that?” you choked out, gulping down the huge lump in your throat. As a pyro vision user, you had your fair share of witnessing deaths. But this was wrong. Someone innocent died for coming into this room. On account of you. He died because of you. 
“On the contract it’s stated that you cannot look at someone. Besides, he interrupted our moment.”
“I haven’t even signed the contract yet!” you cried out in hysteria. This was a nightmare. An absolute nightmare. 
“Oh,” he said, blinking in surprise. “That’s right. You haven’t. Well, this serves as a warning.”
You could never leave him. Trapped in a glass box within all corners, you were to be suffocated by his presence forever. There didn’t need to be a contract; you were already in one. He would kill your loved ones if you didn’t -- he knew of the weakness humans had, for he lived long enough to observe. He had guilt tripped, blamed you for it all, and knew that you would indeed succumb. The deaths were caused by your actions, painting you in red of a blood bath. 
The pen made its move. Ink bled into the paper, marking it as a tattoo. Indeed. This was permanent. It would continue to haunt you for the rest of your life. The writing was barely legible, pressed down so hard it became jagged like shards. 
[Y/N] [L/N] was finally written on the goddamn page. 
Gods were so selfish. They truly didn’t like to share-- whether that’d be war, the world, or the love of their life. If only you had known beforehand. 
“This is marvelous,” he exclaimed, his expression brightening up. He looked so joyous at the signature, lapping it up like a starved dog. His reaction was so unnerving, especially since the dead body was still in the room, rotting away like the corpse it was. Disgusting. Your hands and his were bloodied and he had no shame. “[Y/N]...” He raised your limp hand and kissed the back of it. “I love you. We shall be bound by this contract. Know that I will protect you, no matter the cost.”
You stayed silent. He was trying to make it romantic, but this entire thing was surreal to you. Either he was ignoring your lack of response on purpose or he did not notice. Tucking the contract away into the pockets of his brown, gorgeous coat, he eyed his hair. 
“Tie my hair, my dear. I’ve always wanted to feel your warm hands on me.”
You nodded robotically in response, getting up from your seat to reach the towering male. His cheeks flustered when your fingers weaved into his soft strands. But it was cold. They felt like weaving spider webs, ready to entrap a poor bug victim into its complex trap. That was what you were. Every second spent was eating you away, until you were nothing but dust.
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nb-peace · 2 years
And Now My Pointless Thoughts I During Thor: Love and Thunder.
Spoilers. Duh. 
 Has Christian Bale always had that mole near his eye?
Did they just flip that shot of him because now the moles on the other side 
Huh I could of brought mum with me Korg just explained everything you need to know 
What do I know that blue guy from? Checks IMDB. STEPHEN CURRY!!
I love when random Aussies show up in this shit.
I missed Jane in Ragnarok. I’ve shipped them form the start.
Hey did Darcey ever bring up what happened in Westview?  
Darryl!! hey you know he Produces Bluey! 
Well the Gradians went here that long were they. They had to come to Australia for that 
Did Jeff Goldblum have to come to Australia just to be cut?
Hey Sif got her Comic book Costume. 
So why did Thor have to change in to the blue and gold outfit.
How come we have never heard of Heimdall’s son before?
I like Jane and Val are friends. We Don’t have enough female friends ships in the MCU. 
 This place looks cool and I cant wait for New Rockstars to tell me who everyone is.
Were do I know the blond next to Zeus from. Checks IMDB. BELLA FOR H20 JUST ADD WATTER!!
I don't know what Russell Crow is doing here but I'm for it.
That's Australia's ass.
I like how may cuts to the Maori goddess there was I see what you did there Taika.
Yay they kissed. But sad because she's sick.
Well the shadow realm looks sick. But is it as sick as Yu-Gi-Oh ‘s shadow realm?
Where did tent come from? they were just out side now there in a tent?
Fuck  Christian Bale is killing this shit. 
So now the axe stops acting like a bitch. 
Don't do ultimatums that doesn't end well.
I am all for the kid fighting these cunts. Especially the girl with the bunny and the one dressed as a fairy.
This place looks the opposite of the place you go when you get the soul stone.
Fuck Then for killing Jane but wouldn't be surprised if Natalie didn't want to come back for another movie. 
So Val still didn't get a girlfriend.
Gee Taika must love a good pun whit the Dwayne the Rock in this and the German Shepperd's joke in Jojo Rabbit.
 So Sif cant get a robot arm Like Bucky?
And are we going to find out where she was during Ragnarok?
It is very cute that Chris's daughter is playing Love.
And she still has her Aussie accent.
Thor you were just holding the box you count get Pancakes right?
Well the name is very literal isn't it.
Hey its the guy from Ted Lasso.
 Okay this might be a long shot but. Isn't it in Norse Mythology that they don't believe Valhalla is forever? Don't they believe Ragnarok will come and they will be reincarnated? and hasn't that happened in the comic books?
So is there a possibility that Jane and Heimdall and the other gods could be back?
Also if they have to die in battle to get to Valhalla dose that mean Odins not there? 
Now to get to fanficton to get back on my Jane and Thor shit.
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jungshookz · 4 years
EEEK cee imagine grumpy!yn and jimin where jimin falls asleep on the floor in their lil hangout spot bc he stayed up the night before and yn jus secretly admiring jimin’s adorable sleeping face while caressing his hair THEN jimin wakes up when yn leaned in for a kiss on his forehead :3:3:3
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➺ pairing; sunshiney!jimin x grumpy!y/n
➺ genre; of course this is fluff!!! fluffier than the clouds that jimin makes y/n look at and tell him what animal she thinks it looks closest to :D (he thinks it looks like a bunny and she thinks it looks like a.,,. idk man that’s literally just a lump) 
➺ wordcount; 1.3k 
➺ p.s. you’ll be able to find this in the teeny tidbits masterlist later on :’) 
(unfortunately i wasn’t able to track down the original maker of this gif but this is where i sourced it from! all credits go to the original creator of course :-))
                                     »»————- ☁️ ————-««
“oh my god, do you hear that?” yoongi gasps, placing a hand on your shoulder before holding a finger up in the air, “that’s incredible.”
“what are you talking about?” you frown, looking around as well before shrugging his hand off your shoulder, “i don’t hear anything.”
you and namjoon exchange confused glances and he offers you his own shrug before looking over at yoongi for further explanation
“exactly. it’s nothing. it’s… silence.” yoongi whispers, “i haven’t heard it in so long because jimin’s always destroying it with his motormouth-”
now you see what he’s going on about
“hey, cut it out-” you roll your eyes before shifting your shoulder slightly so that jimin’s head isn’t at a weird angle and that he won’t wake up with a weird kink in his neck, “he was up all night working on a paper and he’s tired.” you murmur, reaching over and pulling your cardigan up so that it covers his chest a little more
“you know, you were way more fun before you started dating jimin.” yoongi scoffs, pursing his lips in disappointment as he leans back against his palms, “when two people are making fun of someone, it’s all fun and games, but when it’s just me doing it alone, i look like an asshole-”
“oh, cry me a river.”
“see?? why can’t you be like that when you’re talking about jimin?? i miss the old y/n.” 
you move to shove yoongi down to the ground but you stop yourself when you realize that you could accidentally wake jimin up prematurely 
poor jimin was up until six this morning working on a dumb twenty-page report for one of his courses - he read his schedule wrong and it turns out that the report was due this tuesday and not next tuesday, and to be honest, he’s really not sure how he even made that mix-up in the first place because he’s usually always on top of things (you were on top of him when he was typing all of this into his phone so that might’ve had something to do with it)
and he normally gets up around seven-ish on a regular basis which means he literally only got an hour of sleep before he had to get up and get ready for the day
you already knew that he had pulled an all-nighter (you even offered to stay up with him and make him coffee if he needed it but you ended up falling asleep around twenty minutes after you’d made your bold offer) so you weren’t too surprised when you looked over halfway through lunch to see that he’d fallen asleep leaning back against the tree with his mouth wide open
yoongi nearly persuaded you into dropping a chunk of dirt into his open mouth but luckily you decided against doing that
and it didn’t look like he was very comfortable which was why you scooted yourself closer to him and gently pushed his head down so that he could rest on your shoulder
but that was an hour and a bit ago and jimin’s still fast asleep
and you’re pretty sure there’s dried drool on your arm but that’s okay
“-you know, it’s like i don’t even know who you are anymore.” yoongi tuts, shaking his head at you, “one minute, you’re happy to roll your eyes and insult jimin to his face, and the next, you’re cozying up to him like his girlfriend and straight-up fawning over him-”
“i- i am his girlfriend, you dolt-”
“i know, but like- well, you know what i mean.” yoongi flicks his wrist to dismiss you before turning his nose up towards the sky, “you get it.”
“i can honestly say i truly don’t, yoongi.”
yes, it’s fairly evident to see that you’ve changed quite a bit since getting together with jimin, but you like to think that you changed for the better!
you don’t wake up with a scowl on your face every morning which is definitely a good sign, right?
and now instead of staying silent during lunch and looking like you want nothing more than to watch the world burn, you actually contribute to conversations with everyone else and genuinely enjoy talking to them as long as jimin’s right there next to you 
of course, you have to admit that you still have a slight issue with PDA (which is why you’ve been moving your shoulder and trying to get jimin to wake up without making it seem like you’re purposely trying to wake him up) but that’s a conversation for another time
the point is, things are good with jimin
things are really, really good with jimin.  
you crane your neck to look back down at your boyfriend again, reaching over to brush some of his hair away from his eyes
his nose twitches slightly and he mutters something under his breath before turning his body towards you and snuggling into your warmth, wrapping his arms around your elbow and squishing his cheek against your shoulder
“cute.” you hum, reminding yourself to suppress your grin of delight so that no one teases you about how squealy you’re being right now 
you find yourself leaning down a little so you can give jimin a kiss on the forehead, your lips lingering against his warm forehead for a second before you pull away and look back to make sure that no one just saw you do that (god forbid anyone see you show even an inkling of affection for your boyfriend!) 
luckily it seems like the late afternoon sun beaming down on you guys is making everyone feel a little lethargic so no one was paying attention to y-
“did you just kiss my forehead?”
you freeze immediately when you hear jimin suddenly speak up and you clear your throat obnoxiously before raising your shoulder so that he gets his head off of it, “what? no. i think you were probably dreaming or something because forehead kissing is-” you chuckle lightly, pulling your legs up slightly and dusting some dirt off your calves, “it’s not something that i… i don’t do things like that, so- no. no, i didn’t kiss any foreheads.”
your eyes widen in surprise when jimin suddenly lies down and flops his head down on your lap, grinning up at you with twinkling eyes as he reaches up to poke the tip of your nose, “you soOoooOo have a crush on me.”
side note: it’s truly baffling to you that jimin never wakes up groggy
he’s always ready to go as soon as his eyes open and it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever
it’s almost like he has an on and an off switch somewhere and if that’s the case you would very much like to find his off switch so you can shut him up before someone else decides to chime in to the conversation 
“we’re- we’re dating, jimin-” you scowl, flicking his hand away from your face before clearing your throat again, “...obviously i have a friggin’ crush on you if we’re in a goddamn relationship-”
“what are you grumbling about over there now, y/n?” namjoon interrupts you from across the circle, glancing up at you and jimin for a split second from behind his screen, “i’m trying to get some work done and i can’t focus with all the secret muttering-”
“y/n has a crush on me.” jimin teases, crossing his arms over his chest before closing his eyes again, “a super FAT crush on me.”
he cracks an eye open just to see your reaction and he’s pleasantly surprised to see that your entire face is basically beet-red from this fun little game he’s playing
what do you have to be so embarrassed about??
you already said yourself that the two of you are dating so it’s an obvious fact that you have feelings for him
he just likes to remind everyone that you, a typically emotionless, cold-hearted robot, have feelings for him!
“oh, we know!” namjoon plays along with a grin, loving that you look like you want nothing more than to curl into a ball and just scream, “you think we didn’t see that forehead kiss?”
“park jimin, you sick... twisted man.” yoongi purses his lips as he shakes his head slowly, “look what you’ve done to her! you’ve ruined her!!” 
🎙️help me help you make your wishes come true (send me a request!)
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druigswhores · 4 years
you’re alive in my head
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summary: in which natasha no longer had to live in a world without you, there you were in her arms once again. but why can’t she remember your life before westview?
content warning: natasha romanoff x fem!reader, set after endgame, angst, mentions of death, trauma, their relationship ending on a bad note, trust issues & previous steve x nat, there is some hints to homophobia in this chapter :/ (WANDAVISION SPOILERS!)
note: sorry this chapter was late!! it’s 3.3k words and i got my friend to spell check and edit it, ty ashy ily <33
REQUESTS ARE OPEN! (lmk if you want anymore content like this!)
‘моя любовь’ = ‘my love’ in russian <3
‘принцесса’ = ‘princess’ (i used google translate so idk how accurate it is
It's a complicated thing; A theory.
Nobody knows what happens to you after you die. Nobody knows what happens to your soul after you die. We make things up to make ourselves feel better, and convince ourselves that our deceased loved ones are watching over us, all the while convincing others that our loved ones are in a better place now.
But in reality, those are just dreams dying to be true.
Natasha didn't know if you were dead or alive. She just knew your body turned into particles of dust, your soul disappeared along with the rest of you. She didn't want to believe that you were truly gone, so she spoke to you.
She spoke to you, thinking you were listening to her; believing you were listening to her and that you were still around.
It was almost as if she was speaking to your ghost, the mere presence of you that remained with her, the piece of you that was a part of her. It felt wrong being in the compound without you, she felt as though she was trapped; trapped with the many reminders of how she failed you. The walls were suffocating her. Every time she thought about what had happened it felt as though the rooms were becoming smaller. The large 'A' plastered around the compound taunting her, reminding her of what they lost. Of what she lost.
So she had to get away.
Natasha found herself taking trips to the beach, the one the two of you adored oh so much. She'd walk along the sand, the harsh wind blowing against her face. The air smelled of salt, and she'd take a deep breath in with a smile. She'd reminisce all the times the two of you managed to get away from the compound, how effortlessly gorgeous you'd look with the breeze blowing through your hair, your laughter sounding like a melody that Natasha now longed to hear once more.
If she stood really still, she could, once more, feel the warmth of your fingers dragging against her skin, gently tracing shapes onto her body. Her heart would ache whenever she'd turn to the side, finding that nobody was beside her.
She had to get used to living in a world without you.
"моя любовь..." She sighed, fumbling with a stone she'd picked up, before swinging her arm and throwing it into the rippling water. The temperature was dropping. Christmas coming closer and closer every day. Natasha wrapped her coat tighter around her body, staring at the waves in front of her, observing the way they'd hit the shore before pulling back into the ocean. In the distance, she could see boats, and although they were far away, she noticed how the water carried them; the movement of the ocean pushing the boat into the direction of the wind. "No sailors.." Natasha realized, her eyes following a lifeguard boat making its way to the empty boats, likely checking for any survivors.
Yet another reminder of how the Avengers had failed.
It's only been a couple of months since the battle yet the traces of you continued to fade away. The sweater that was once yours now clung to Natasha's body as she made her way back home.
She'd do anything to bring you back. She'd do anything to have you in her arms again, complaining about something you'd undoubtedly forget hours later. She missed the way you'd never share your snacks with anyone but her. The feeling of warmth that would blossom inside her when your eyes met in a crowded room. All the times when your knee would brush against hers during a meeting. She missed the way it felt to lay next to you. She missed forgetting the world with you.
God, she missed you so much.
But there she was. In the same room as you, years later, preparing breakfast. Her hair was coiled and pinned up, keeping it in place. Her dress fit her perfectly, the skirt swaying with her movements as she elegantly makes her way across the kitchen floor. Her every movement seemed like a performance; like she was the performer and you were the audience, watching her in awe. She was captivating in every possible way, her enchanting voice pulling you in like a siren.
"Good morning, honey! I've been up all morning making us a delightful breakfast." Natasha greeted you with a kiss on the cheek, her performance almost seeming comical. "Nat... it's just peanut butter and jelly sandwiches." You pointed out, glancing over your shared kitchen, seeing the mess that was made. Somehow milk spilled all over the counters, dripping onto the ground, you immediately recognized the smell of burnt toast that hung in the air as you continued looking around.
"Peanut butter and jelly is your favourite, remember?" Natasha reminded you. Your eyes widened at the realization, thanking her. You helped her bring the food to the table, making a note to yourself to tidy up the kitchen before the dinner at Wanda and Vision's that the two of you were invited for.
But you couldn't recall Wanda telling you about the dinner?
"Are you okay, моя любовь?" She placed her hand above yours on the counter. The two of you sat in front of each other, your half-eaten breakfast resting between the two of you. "Of course, why wouldn't I be? I'm with my best girl." You smiled softly at her, and though your words said one thing, Natasha could easily recognise the distant look on your face as you stared off into space, lost in your own thoughts. "What's going on in that pretty little head of yours принцесса?" She teased, squeezing your hand gently.
"What time are we supposed to be at Wanda's?" You asked her, snapping yourself out of the trance you were in. Natasha hesitated, eyebrows furrowed as she watched your every move. Something was bothering you. "We're going to Wanda's in the evening моя любовь, she asked us a while back if we could help out before the others arrived, remember?" Natasha stated as the two of you brought your plates to the sink, beginning to tidy up.
"I'm not sure how much help you'll be sweetheart." You teased, pointing at the mess that was created due to Natasha making breakfast. She feigned hurt in response, "Oh принцесса, you're breaking my heart!" She made her way around you, passing you the cutlery as you rinsed the plates. You chuckled softly at her playful behaviour. "I think we should stick with me making us breakfast so our kitchen doesn't end up getting flooded, wouldn't you agree?" You chuckled, as you made your way around the kitchen, the two of you tidying up the mess Natasha had created.
"If only we were a robot," Natasha sighed, wrapping her arms around you from behind. You leaned back into her, embracing the warmth which radiated from her body, "or had powers." This was a position you were so very used to. "If only," she responded playfully. You turn your head back at the grinning redhead, as she leaned in for a kiss, her eyes fluttering shut as she felt your lips meet.
"You know," Natasha started, "we do have some time to spare-" you then cut her off.
"I like the way you think, sweetheart," You smiled softly, turning in her arms before making your way to your shared bedroom. Natasha followed closely behind.
The two of you were dolled up, looking your best.
Your dress ended just below your knees, the skirt extenuating your hips; it swayed with every movement you made. The short sleeves of the dress looked as though they were about to fall off your shoulders. Natasha's dress, however, was much more slim fitting and hugged her hips perfectly before flowing down, much like a waterfall, making it harder to look at anything else but her.
"Do you think Wanda will get mad at us for arriving a bit later than expected?" You asked nervously, fumbling with your fingers as the two of you made your way down the path that led to Wanda and Vision's home. Natasha shuffled around balancing the tray of pastries you'd prepared in one hand while using her free hand to rub your back gently, comforting you, "I'm sure she won't mind, моя любовь," she reassured you. As you near the house you could hear mumbling from the inside; you heard three or more different voices.
"Is that- is Vision singing?" You asked worriedly, glancing at Natasha who was mirroring your reaction. She knocked on the door, and the singing inside had abruptly stopped. "Oh, that must be our other guests," You heard Vision exclaim, "perfect timing!" You could hear his footsteps gradually get closer. The door swung open and Vision gave a nervous smile, glancing down at the tray of food Natasha was holding before letting out a sigh of relief. He hugged the both of you before welcoming you into his home. He introduced you to Mr. Hart, Visions boss, and Mrs. Hart, his wife.
"Oh hello," Mrs. Hart greeted, "no need to be so formal tonight honey." she smiled at you, pushing away the hand you had extended for her to shake. Instead, she pulled you into a tight hug which quite honestly surprised you. You awkwardly pat the older yet noteably shorter woman on the back before pulling away to quickly greet her husband. He glanced at you and Natasha in confusion, opening his mouth to say something before getting interrupted. "Oh here, let me take that, Natasha. You stay here and I'll go get a plate to put these on." You glanced at everyone in the room, offering them a smile before making your way to the kitchen, Vision stopped you before you got to the door, extending his arm out.
"Thank you," he leaned down to whisper to you. You squeezed his arm in response. You weren't used to seeing Vision in this form. He looked human. You rushed into the kitchen, startling Wanda, "I've figured you needed help." You smiled sheepishly at her, placing the tray down onto the counter, taking in all the chaos that was going on in the kitchen. It reminded you of this morning.
"Well, this isn't the first chaotic kitchen I've walked into today," you teased, reaching out for a plate before neatly plating the pastries onto it. Wanda laughed nervously in response, as she flicked through the recipe cards, searching for the right one. You walked back into the living room, placing the plate onto the coffee table prompting Vision to jump up out of his seat and offer Mr. and Mrs. Hart an appetizer. Looking to Natasha, you gave her a wink before swiftly turning around, your dress swaying with your movements as you made your way back into the kitchen, missing the frown forming on Mr. Hart's face.
"Oh, what was I supposed to do next?" Wanda began rambling, "what was the main course again?"
Making your way to the recipe cards floating in the air you attempted to help her find the card with the right recipe, steak. You could hear Vision playing a song on the ukulele while Natasha unwillingly sang alongside him.
"That's not it" You sighed, sifting through the cards, "is this one steak?"
"Steak," Wanda started, "Diane!" she accidentally yells. Her eyes widened as she realized what she'd done. She looks to you with a frown. You just barely heard Vision respond with a, "yes dear?"
"This is going terribly," Wanda frowned, leaning her head upon your shoulder. You chuckled, rubbing her back gently before pulling her away, forcing her to look at you, "Hey, you can do this, okay? You're not alone," you reassured her, attempting to raise her spirits. She sighed in relief, repeating to herself ", "I can do this, I can do this, I can do this..."
Vision barged into the kitchen unexpectedly, his nerves radiating through room. Wanda panics, accidentally using her powers to throw the lobsters out of the window.
"How can I be of assistance." Vision asks, mirroring Wanda's expression.
"Well," Wanda started, "the chicken is no longer a chicken and the lobsters just flew the coop, so the steak is the last man standing," she explains, making her way around the kitchen. You held the recipe card in your hand, skimming the instructions, "it says here you could cut down the prep time with a meat tenderiser." You recited, looking at the couple once more. "Excellent plan! Where's the tenderiser?" Vision questions, ready to help in the kitchen.
"I'm looking at him," Wanda began, holding her hand out to pass the tenderiser to Vision. You pull her hand back before Vision reaches out for it. "No. What you need to do, Vision, is go entertain your guests. Have faith in your wife and I, okay?" You pushed him out of the kitchen, before turning around and clapping your hands.
"So, where were we?" You asked, hopefully.
After a stressful couple of minutes, a brief visit from a woman with a pineapple, and Natasha almost spilling water on her dress; dinner was served.
Well technically, breakfast was served.
The six of you sat around the dining table, nervously looking around. Mr. and Mrs. Hart looked at the food in confusion, staring at the cooked bacon and eggs paired with the red wine and chocolate covered strawberries.
"Breakfast for dinner?" Mr, Hart began, with obvious judgement written all over his face. "How very-" "European." Mrs. Hart cut him off, smiling reassuringly at the two of you.
"European?" You muttered, glancing at Wanda in confusion, who then motioned her hand in a 'I'll tell you later' sort of way. "Oh, let's have a toast!" Vision began, raising his glass up. All of you followed suite as Vision continued.
"To my lovely and talented wife," he gloated, unable to take his eyes off her.
"And to our esteemed guests," Wanda added. You didn't miss the wink she threw at you and Natasha, causing the two of you to stifle your laughs. Everyone clinked their glasses together and dug into their food. It wasn't long after when the questioning began.
"So, where did you move from?" Mrs. Hart began, "what brought you here? How long have you been married? And why don't you have children yet?" She interrogated Wanda and Vision, and you glanced over at Natasha, hesitantly, who shrugged in response before continuing to eat her food. Her eyes then met Mr. Hart's, who's eyebrows were furrowed at the interaction, waiting for his wife to finish speaking so he could say something. You didn't notice Wanda struggling to answer the questions being thrown, while Vision looked at Wanda desperately waiting for an answer. It was almost as if the two of them didn't know themselves.
You also failed to notice Wanda zoning out of the conversation, staring off into the distance as Mrs. Hart continued pestering her for answers. "And what about the two of you, huh? You two roommates?" Mr. Hart questioned, noticing how closely seated you were next to Natasha.
"Something like that," Natasha responded, biting back the smirk that was fighting it's way onto her lips.
"Two lovely women such as yourselves shouldn't struggle to find a man. Why don't the two of you have husbands yet?" Mr. Hart asked, leaning forward. You felt the hair in your arms rise as you realised where the conversation was leading. Glancing at Natasha nervously, you noticed how her fingers were clenched around her cutlery.
"We just prefer each other's company," you stated simply, shoving a forkful of eggs into your mouth to distract yourself.
"What do you mean? Are you- that's unnatural!" He ranted. You ignored him, noticing that Wanda was still trying to answer questions about her and Visions marriage.
"Yes, yes, we were married in," Wanda paused, getting lost in her thoughts. Mr. Hart continued his rant to you and Natasha as You, Vision and Natasha glanced at Wanda nervously.
"You're both women! That's wrong!" Mr Hart argues.
"Well, what's your story?" Mrs. Hart questions Wanda.
Mr. Hart began shouting, slamming his fist onto the table as Mrs. Hart continued to grill Wanda for answers. Wanda snaps back into reality due to a sudden, unexpected noise. She turned to face Mr. Hart who began to choking. You stared at Natasha, frightened and unsure as of what to do in this situation.
"Oh, Arthur, stop it!" Mrs. Hart laughed. She repeated the words 'stop it' over and over again, her tone gradually becoming more panicked as her husband continued to choke. His hand rested on his throat. Vision stared at Mr. Hart in an unsure manner, his hands resting against the table almost as if the were pinned against it. You only just noticed how Mrs. Hart turned to Wanda as she continued repeating those same words.
"Stop it," she pleaded, her voice shaking as she looked at Wanda, who was staring at Mr. Hart in shock. Mr. Hart fell off his chair and onto the ground as he continued to choke. You wanted to rush over and help him but it felt as though your hands were bound to the table and you couldn't move your legs. You were only able to watch as the man continued to choke while his wife chuckled.
"Stop it."
"Stop it."
"Stop it."
"Vision, help him," Wanda demanded. Vision rushed out of his seat and next to Mr. Hart, phasing his hand through his throat and removing a whole chocolate covered strawberry.
When did Mr. Hart pick up the strawberry? You thought to yourself.
"Let me help you up," Vision offers, helping Mr. Hart back to his feet. The atmosphere in the room had immediately changed, going back to exactly how it was before. It was almost as if a switch had been flipped and everyone forgot what was happening.
"Would you look at the time!" Mr. Hart exclaimed making his way to the door as his wife followed behind him.
"Well," Wanda started, "are you both alright?" she questioned nervously, as she stood up. "Yes, we better be going. We had such a lovely time!" Mrs. Hart reassured. The couple left the house very abruptly, mentioning something about a promotion before exiting the front door.
"Oh, we must be going as well!" Natasha exclaims, pushing herself up out of her seat before saying goodbye to the two. She hugged them both before making her way out of the door. You hugged Vision and thanked him for having you over before making your way to Wanda.
"Tonight was wonderful, Wanda," you reassured, pulling her into a hug. You felt her shoulders slacken in your arms, sighing softly as she returned your embrace before pulling away from you, her arms resting on your shoulders.
"Thank you, thank you for everything."
As the two of you made your way home, you couldn't help but let Mr. Hart's words play on repeat in your mind. You could tell Natasha knew what was bugging you as she squeezed your hand gently. The two of you continued to hold hands as you made your way home.
"I know we can't get married," you started, as you stood in your living room, staring at the woman who made you feel most at home. She nodded, waiting for you to continue as she rested her hand against your cheek, allowing her thumb to gently stroke your face.
"But I just want you to know that I'm here for you. For better or for worse. I never want to be apart from you," you chuckled softly, staring at her in awe, allowing your eyes to glance at her lips before you looked back into her eyes.
"I know, моя любовь. And I'd do anything for you," Natasha began.
"Even die for you."
natasha romanoff taglist: @blackxwidowsxwife @severepeanutartisanhands @madamevirgo @starsvck @umsolikeblog @baddecisions-png @yourmcu
all works: @teenwonder @amourtentiaa @husherstan @peggycarter-steverogers
323 notes · View notes
My shy little boy.
summary: y/n's son is too shy to play with other kids at anne's house.
word count: 2.3k
a/n: we all love some dad!harry. I might use this story again for some more blurbs in the future, if you wanna suggest anything i’d be happy to do it! might write something about the first time artemis met anne and gemma...
you can find more of my shy little boy here
Y/N wasn't entirely sure about this.
At first, she was excited Harry invited her and her son to his mum's birthday, but then he mentioned all his family would be there and she grew nervous.
One thing was Anne and Gemma, two people Y/N and her son had previously met and loved. Artemis was a very shy boy, and it took him a little bit to bond with Harry's mum and sister, but at the end he did. I mean, how could he not? Anne was completely in awe at him, and treated him like a proper grandchild and Gemma often had lunch with Y/N and Artemis in London and bought him ice cream, it was only fair the little boy warmed up to them.
Now in the other hand, she has never met Harry's extended family before. And while she was not ashamed of being a mother whatsoever, she still wanted the approval of his family, and she didn't know what they would think of Harry dating someone with a child.
The party was holding place in Anne's home, which meant they had to make the three hours ride to Harry's hometown in order to get there. Y/N didn't mind at all, and neither did Artemis.
For being a five year old, he was very calm. Y/N blamed it on his shy personality, and although she loved her shy boy, she couldn't help but worry about him being so reserved.
Harry arrived early at Y/N’s home. She was still running around getting both hers and Artemis’ overnight bags, they planned on staying the weekend with Anne as they haven’t seen her in quite some time. Harry stayed with Artemis, who was coloring a book in the living room.
“That’s quite an impressive robot, mate” he said, sitting down on the floor beside the five year old.
“Thank you, Harry” Always so polite, he was.
“Did your mum told you where we’re going?”
“Yes, we’re going to your mum’s house” Artemis finished the robot he was coloring, putting down the crayon. “I bought her a gift!” he said, standing on his feet to be in Harry’s eye level.
“Did ya?” Harry raised his eyebrows. “What did you bought her?”
“It’s a surprise, for her birthday” he said, blushing. Artemis took one step closer to Harry and wrapped his little arms around his neck. “Sorry I took so long to hug you, I was finishing my robot!”
Harry felt how his heart melted for the little boy in front of him. He hugged him back, wrapping his tattooed arms carefully around him. “It’s okay, buddy”
Before either of them could say anything else, Y/N came into the living room carrying a duffel bag with what Harry supposed was their clothes and toiletries. She also had a ‘my neighbor totoro’ backpack that belonged to Artemis. “I think we’re good to go”
“I’ll put this in the car, love” Harry grabbed the bags she was carrying and made his way out of the house.
They walked out of the house and Artemis waited patiently for Y/N to lock the front door then walked towards the backseat of Harry’s SUV so she could put her son in his car seat.
Ever since Harry and Y/N started dating and he became a permanent thing in the little boy’s life, a car seat on his own car was a must for Harry. He had bought it six months into the relationship, claiming it was tiring to carry the car seat from one car to another every time they wanted to go out, when in reality it was his way to tell Y/N he wasn’t planning on going anywhere and he wanted to be as committed to Artemis as he was with her.
“We’ve got a long trip ahead, mate. Are you ready?” Harry asked once they were all in the car.
“Yes. When we arrive, can I please give Anne her gift?” Artemis asked looking at Y/N.
“Of course, you’ll be the one to deliver the present. You picked it and wrapped it for Anne after all, didn’t you?”
The boy nodded excitingly from the backseat, kicking his little legs back and forth. Harry smiled as he looked at Artemis from the rear-view mirror, loving how much effort he put into choosing a gift for his own mum. He found himself wishing he would call Anne ‘nan’, but he understood they haven’t quite gotten there yet.
As he pulled from the drive way he remembered when he first introduced Artemis to Anne and Gemma, the little boy would call the first Mrs. Twist and the second Miss. He thought it was the cutest thing in the world, and Artemis continued to do it a couple more times before Anne convinced him it was okay to call her by her name.
He couldn’t help but smile at the memory, it felt like a lifetime ago when in reality it has only been a year and a half since he started dating Y/N.
“What are you smiling about?” she said, a smile on her own starting to form in her face.
“Do you remember what little monkey here used to call mum?” his accent grew ticker, making Y/N go heart eyes with the way her son’s personal nickname from him rolled out of his tongue.
“Mhm, Mrs. Twist” she giggled, looking back at Artemis who was now watching a movie on Y/N phone. He was wearing some wireless headphones on his head, preventing him from listening to the couple’s conversation. “Took him a while to make him call her Anne”
“Mum’s really excited to see you two” Harry said. “So is Gemma and everyone else”
“The rest of your family knows we’re dating?”
“Well, they have internet, my love” he chuckled. “Also, mum doesn’t stop talking about the lovely lady i’m with”
“You’re right, I am lovely” she smiled innocently at him. Harry rolled his eyes playfully before grabbing one of her hand to place a kiss on her knuckles.
The rest of the ride went smoothly. They only had to make a quick stop because Artemis needed to go to the bathroom, but they still made it to Holmes Chapel in time. As soon as Harry parked the car, he went out of it and went to get Artemis.
“We’re here, monkey” He said, getting him out of the car seat and scooping him in his arms. “I’ll come get the bags later, love” he said to Y/N, who was getting Artemis’ backpack out of the car along with her own purse and Anne’s gift.
“They’ll be some more people aside from Anne and Gemma, baby. Remember that we need to be polite” Y/N said as they walked towards Anne’s doorway.
“Yes, mummy” The five year old nodded, pushing his little glasses up his nose. Harry squeezed him to his chest, knowing the confidence he now had with just being with her mum and him was going to pretty much disappear when they crossed the door and people who he didn’t know were going to look at him.
“And who do we have here?” Gemma opened the door, offering them a big smile. “I’m so glad you made it, guys”
As they stepped in the house, Gemma embraced the two adults quickly before taking the little boy from Harry’s arms and into hers. “I missed you loads, Artemis”
“I missed you too, Gemma. I bought a gift for your mum” he said, giving her a toothy smile.
“She’s gonna love it” she turned to Y/N and Harry. “Everyone’s outside, mum’s at-”
“The birthday girl!” Harry exclaimed as his mum exited the kitchen. He took her in his arms, hugging her tightly before placing a kiss on her head. “Happy birthday, mum”
“Oh, thank you so much, my dear” Anne kissed his cheek.
“Anne!” Artemis asked Gemma to put him down then ran towards the older woman. “Happy birthday!” he said, hugging her legs.
“Goodness, every time I see you, you only get bigger and bigger” she gasped.
“I bought you a gift!” He said, the same sentence he’s been telling over and over again. You see, he was really excited for it. “Mummy, can I give Anne her gift?”
“There you go, baby” Y/N handed him the carefully wrapped gift, stepping closer to where they were standing to greet Anne as well.
“It’s so good to see you, dear” Anne said.
Artemis handed Anne her gift, placing his hands behind his back once she took it, a sign he was nervous. Anne sensed how badly he wanted her to open the box, so she did so. It was a beautiful bracelet with four charms on it.
“It has four cats because you have four cats” he explained shyly.
“Oh my god, I love it so much!” she said, bending down to his level to give him another hug. “Thank you so much”
Their little bubble was broken when one of Harry’s relatives entered the house, calling for Anne. They decided to step out of the house and into the backyard where everyone else was having fun.
There were a couple of kids running around, and Artemis held onto Y/N’s hand as they walked. Harry introduced them to a couple of his cousins and aunts, and Y/N tried to hold the conversation while the little boy was hiding behind her legs.
“He’s a little shy” she would say, caressing his soft hair with one hand.
Someone called Harry and asked him to help grilling lunch, and that’s how Y/N ended sitting beside Gemma in a table with a couple of more people and Artemis on her lap.
“You don’t wanna go play with the kids, kiddo?” Gemma asked him after a while. Artemis looked over the other kids and noticed they were older than him.
“No, thank you. I wanna stay with mummy”
One woman was asking Y/N how Harry and she met and how long they’ve been together, and that’s how she found herself in a conversation with the elder women in the table, occasionally looking at Harry from the corner of her eye. He looked so cute over there; he had rolled up the sleeves of her button-up shirt and was laughing at something one of the other men had said.
“Mummy, can I go with Harry?” Artemis whispered at his mother after some other time.
“Yeah, want me to go too?” he shook his head, jumping off of her lap. Y/N observed him walk towards Harry.
He tugged his slacks, getting his attention. “Hello there, monkey. Got bored?”
Artemis shook his head again. “Wanted to see what you’re doing” Harry took him in his arms again, holding him with one arm and continue cooking the food with the other.
“I’m cooking the sausages and the beef so everybody can eat. Are you hungry? Do you want to eat?”
“A little and yes, please”
“Mm’kay… what do you want? A hotdog? A burger?”
“Can I have just the sausage?” Harry raised an eyebrow at him.
“Just that?” He received a nod from the boy in his arms. “I’ll give you two, if you’re still hungry you can always come back to me, alright?”
Putting Artemis back on the floor, he plated two sausages for him then added some mustard on the side, knowing he does not like ketchup.
“Aiden, can you take over for me? My kid’s hungry” he didn’t notice as those words rolled out of his tongue, too busy walking back to the table Y/N was.
“You’re back” she said, watching how Harry took a seat next to her and placed Artemis on his lap.
“Lad was hungry” he said, giving her a quick peck on the lips. “Are you? I can make us some food”
“I’m good right now, thank you baby” Harry handed her the plate so she could cut Artemis’ food, blowing at it a little so it would cool off faster.
Y/N placed her head on Harry’s shoulder as they watched him eat. After he finished, Harry thought he would hop off his lap and go run around with the rest, but he stayed right there.
It was pointless to ask him to go on his own to play with kids he didn’t know, but Harry did not want him to stay sit all afternoon. “Hey, wanna play with me?”
Artemis nodded shyly and off they went. They started playing tag in alone, Harry purposefully running slower so Artemis could catch him every time. They were having fun, the two of them were giggling and running around. Ten minutes later, two girls approached them and asked them if they could play too.
“He’s so good with him” one of Harry’s aunt said to Y/N.
“He’s the best”
Harry put a hand on Artemis’ shoulder, introducing him to his two young cousins and explaining he was a little shy but would love to play with them. And that’s how Harry ended chasing around the entire group of kids for a solid hour. Artemis seemed more relaxed and even started talking with the first two girls who joined them.
Harry was happy he was able to help overcome his shyness, even if it was just a little bit.
At the end of the day Artemis was tired and wanted to sleep, but Y/N couldn’t be happier he had fun and played with other kids. As they were walking upstairs with the sleeping boy in Y/N’s arms, she looked at Harry and smiled at him.
“Thank you for today”
“For what?”
“For helping him make friends”
He shook his head. “No need. I know he’s social, he just needs a little push” he shrugged. They changed and went to bed, Artemis squeezed between them.
“Called him my kid, today” he said, almost afraid. He was laying on his side, facing Y/N. “Wish he was mine, Y/N” he confessed, voice barely above a whisper.
She smiled at him lovingly, extending one of her arms so she could touch his cheek. Harry leaned into his touch, moving his face to kiss her palm. She felt like she would cry of happiness right there.
“Baby, he’s already yours”
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thebigoblin · 3 years
Sterek Fic Recs Part 3
[You can find the first two lists here: Fluffy Sterek Recs & Sterek Fic Recs. Also here's a special fic, check it out]
First off, thank you all for a 100 followers!! As of September 7, 2021 you've made me feel really, really good about my obsession with two oblivious idiots (with sprinkles of the hale pack and other fandoms), and this is my way of thanking you ♥️
If you're on PC, you can see that there is a page dedicated solely to fic recs, which caters to other ships & fandoms too. So don't feel left out if you're looking for something other than Sterek!
Without further ado, let's get to it then!
an awful curse
Isaac is asleep in a chair. The angle of his neck makes Derek wince in sympathy.
"Isaac," Derek says.
Isaac snaps awake immediately.
"Where's Stiles?"
"Stiles?" Isaac asks.
Jesus. It's not like they know more than one.
AU - Canon Divergence | 6.3k | By blinkiesays
Throw Away The Key
Stiles knew it was stupid to go to the hunters’ headquarters all by himself, so when he finds himself caught, he can really only blame himself.
It shouldn't surprise Stiles when the situation quickly goes from bad to worse as the hunters throw him to a feral werewolf waiting to tear him apart.
Sucks that it's Derek, though.
AU - Canon Divergence | 5.9k | By mommymuffin
Whatever Happened Last Night, Why Did Glitter Have to Be Involved?
Derek rolled out of bed in search of his phone - quickly finding it in the pair of jeans that had evidently been tossed aside haphazardly on the way to the bed. Seeing the pants sparked flashes of memories - wolfsbane-laced alcohol, loud music, multicolored lights.
Peter’s new supernatural-friendly club - the pack had gone to the opening night party.
He unlocked his phone and opened the pack group chat, which Erica had affectionately named ‘Moon Sluts’.
>>Derek: What the fuck happened last night
[or: Derek wakes up with three things on his mind: he feels like he was punched by a troll, his mate is missing, and there's glitter covering his bed. Oh, and the pack group chat is mildly helpful]
Prompt #159 - “Also, my bed has glitter in it for reasons I do not recall.”
Crack Vibes | 1.2k | By ash_mcj
Good to Eat
So if Stiles married Derek Hale, he could become Jewish too? Perfect. It was settled. Stiles gleefully shoveled a forkful of cheesy shells into his mouth.
"Uh oh. I know that look.” Claudia shook her head.
"Don’t worry, Mom, ” Stiles said, reaching for his plastic Batman cup.
"I’ve got a plan.”
"Good luck, Derek Hale,” his mother muttered.
AU - Childhood Friends | 1.7k | By Jmeelee
Murder Brows and Avoidance Tactics
Derek gets the wrong end of the stick.
Written for prompt: "You're jealous, aren't you?"
AU - Everybody Lives | 2k | By Dragonink13
Double Vision (only registered users can read this one)
"So what caused my hearing and sense of smell to dull?"
Deaton's brow furrowed, all amusement vanishing from his face. "What do you mean?"
Derek snapped, letting loose all of his anger and fear at the man before him. "I mean I can't hear your heartbeat or the cars down below or the birds in the attic! I can't smell the flowers in Mrs. Everett's apartment, I can't smell the rotting burger in the fridge that Isaac left in there a month ago, I can't smell or hear anything like I normally can!" Deaton mouth was pressed into a thin line. "Can you explain that?!"
 Tumblr Prompt: Derek jealous of himself.
AU - Everyone Lives | 6.1k | By Novkat21
Derek likes kissing Stiles, honestly he does. Until he doesn't.
Fluff | 3.6k | By clotpolesonly
Oblivious Misadventures, and Other Such Tales
Going to college was exciting and new, a chance for new friends and a fresh start, and the best part was, there was a supernatural fraternity on campus, meaning Scott finally had the freedom to be himself.
Then he met the resident human who came with a stalker alpha. What was the point of a supernatural fraternity if he still had to pretend to be human. And seriously, did Stiles ever fall asleep somewhere normal?
(aka - Five TImes Scott Found Derek and Stiles Sleeping, and the One Time He Didn't)
AU, Supernatural is real but not known by everyone, Alive Hale Family | 11.2k | By Little Spoon
Call Me (Cliché)
When the sheriff's sister ends up in a wheelchair for the duration of summer, Stiles' dreams of three months full of pack bonding, late-night video games and bro-time with Scott come crashing down. He's temporarily relocated to Redford, a three hour drive away, and he can already tell he won't be getting many visitors.
Sure the pack will forget about him while he's gone, Stiles is determined to make the most of his summer of isolation, training his body and mind - and his magic - so he can come back with a bang, and maybe catch a certain Sourwolf's eye.
Then Derek shows up at his window one night with a flimsy excuse about needing research done. Suddenly, his summer away is looking a whole lot more interesting.
AU - Canon Divergence | 84.6k | By Orphan_Account aka the author has dissociated themselves from the fic
Stiles has really, really cold hands. Luckily, Derek knows just what to do about that.
Established Relationship | 1.7k | By canistakahari
Derek Hale's Possible Heart
An anon sent me a sterek prompt for Laura teasing Derek and Stiles joining in, then somehow sharing their feelings for each other in the mess of things.
AU - Canon Divergence | 4.3k | By loserchildhotpants
What's a Secret Identity?
Stiles sipped at a mug of coffee, absently watching the news play in the break room. Because of course a news station couldn't play anything other than its own content, even in the one part of the office that was supposed to be a safe space from work. His interview with Superman was making a rerun and Stiles glanced at Derek before commenting absently, “I’d totally let Superman fuck me.”
Derek, who had been in the middle of a swig of coffee, choked violently, “That’s not something I needed to know at nine in the morning, Stiles.”
Stiles raised an eyebrow. “What time would you prefer I tell you about all of the things I would let Superman do to my body?”
AU, Derek is Superman | 7k | By Chrystie, imabignerd and kate882
i see that you've come so far [just like them old stars]
But her big brother’s unwillingness to touch anyone, like he thinks he doesn’t deserve it isn’t the only thing she notices. She also notices how Stiles doesn’t touch him.
Everyone reaches for Derek in some form or another, but Stiles- Stiles is something different altogether because he reaches for Derek but he never makes contact.
He’ll be trying to shimmy past Derek and instead of putting a hand on his arm like most of them do, he’ll reach out with a hand and stop it scant centimeters away from Derek’s skin.
Or they’ll be walking alongside each other and Stiles will hover a hand on Derek’s lower back.
It’s both fascinating and tragic to watch, like NASA lost control of one of their robots and instead of it landing on the moon it’s fated to gravitate around it.
AU - Canon Divergence | 2.3k | By crossroadswrite
Déjà Vu
There’s a shop in Beacon Hills that no one knows anything about except that the mysterious proprietor, a witch in whispered circles, knows what you need before you do and that the things given are always just what you need.
Derek, lost after a breakup, heads into the shop to see if he can find something to help him forget his ex. The witch gives him a potion to drink, and when Derek wakes up, he finds he’s sixteen again and there’s a new student at his school, Stiles Stilinski.
Everything is familiar and yet not, and Derek finds he’s strangely drawn to Stiles in a way that is entirely supernatural.
AU, Supernatural is Real | 8.8k | By gremlins-came-and-got-me and StaciNadia
Start Small, Like Oak Trees
The months following Allison's death have passed Stiles by in a haze of monotony. He sleepwalks through days that seem to lose their color, an unwilling passenger in a body he no longer trusts. Eventually, he thinks, he'll just fade away. He isn't sure anyone would notice. Then, during a spur of the moment grocery run, he stumbles upon Derek Hale attempting to console a lost child, and for the first time in recent memory the world doesn't seem so awful.
He's not sure what he'd been expecting when he eventually convinces Derek to move into the Stilinski's spare bedroom, but a newfound passion for weeding and topsoil certainly isn't it.
AU - Canon Divergence | 24.2k | By SmallBirds
Undercover K9
As it usually goes, Derek acts before he thinks. This time he has a good reason, though-it's all Stiles' fault. Mostly.
Or, that time when Derek volunteered to spend all his spare time as a wolf with the Beacon Hills Sheriff's Office K9 Unit, just to protect Stiles' dumb ass.
Future Fic | 17.9k | By Cobrilee
Rose Colored Glasses
“Obviou—um, what? Derek?” Stiles managed. “What? You’re not colorblind. You’re colorblind?”
“Yes.” Derek said gruffly. “And?”
“And? What do you mean and? You can’t see colors?” Stiles demanded, thrown. “Does it—what kind is it? Red-green? Blue-yellow? Why doesn’t—oh my god, is this why your entire freaking wardrobe was completely black until like two years ago? Oh my god!”
“There’s nothing wrong with having a favorite color, Stiles.”
Established Relationship | 2.2k | By SassyStarboard
1,460 Days (gotta clean my slate)
Two years after Scott becomes Alpha and Derek gives it up for Cora, Stiles gets hurt during a fight and ends up in a coma for two weeks. According to the nurse, a guy has been visiting him every day and, as much as he wishes it were Derek, it sounds a lot like Scott. Except he and Scott aren't even friends anymore.
AU - Canon Divergence | 10k | By army_of_angels
This is it for now. Happy reading y'all! ♥️
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jobean12-blog · 4 years
Truth or Dare
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word Count: 1,169
Summary: A friendly game of truth or dare leads you to uncovering the real truth about Bucky and how big he really is...
Author’s Note: This is for the HBC’s @the-ss-horniest-book-club​ drunk drabble clean up and the super fun prompt below from @buckys-henley​ I got this amazing ask about the team playing truth or dare and things getting fun so I thought it worked well with the prompt! Hope you guys like this and it makes you laugh! Thank you all so much for reading! Much love always! ❤❤❤
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Warnings: lots of teasing and banter, friendly fun, cursing, the guys being ridiculous, fluffy fun, flirting, light smut at the end (18+ only please)
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“Oh, come on Tony, quit picking dare, we all know you’ll do just about anything!” Steve yells this across the room and Tony’s eyebrows shoot up, “so you better give me something good then. Up your game Rogers!” Everyone oooooh’s and aaaaah’s, now waiting for Steve to give him a good dare.
Sam leans close to whisper in Steve’s ear and his eyes go wide, his face scrunching up in disgust. “I don’t wanna see that Wilson! No way!” Sam just shakes his head and waves him off, sitting back on the couch and grabbing a drink. “Steve, do it!” you shout, smiling wide when he just stares at you. Bucky nudges you with his elbow, “you may be sorry you said that doll face.”
When you turn toward Bucky you know your face must already be pink from his sweet endearment because he kisses your cheek, smiling softly before looking back to Steve. “Alright Tony. I dare you to whip your dick out right now.” Tony doesn’t even flinch as he takes a chug of his drink and stands, unzipping his pants and letting them drop to the floor.
You, Nat and Wanda all screech and hide while Pepper’s face remains unamused and not at all surprised. “OH MY GOD Buck. Tell me when it’s over.” You’ve buried your face in his chest, his arm now snaked around your waist and holding you close. “I promise I will.” You stay hidden, giggling when you hear everyone’s groans and laughter.
“It’s safe now doll.” You peek an eye out and see that Tony is looking smug and buttoning his pants. “Impressive, right?” Everyone starts laughing again and Steve blurts out, “not bad, but I mean, you haven’t seen a super serum dick yet.” Bucky smacks his knee, cackling, “yet? What the hell Steve, no one asked to see yours!” You can feel your face heating at the thought of how big Bucky might be and you quickly grab your drink, downing half in one gulp. “Hey, slow down baby girl, you don’t wanna miss any of this fun.” You wipe your mouth and nod, trying to keep your eyes from wandering between his legs.
You can tell the group is getting rowdier as people down more drinks, the conversation raunchier and the friendly insults flying. “MY TURN!” Tony announces, rubbing his goatee. “This is a double truth or dare. And I don’t want to hear it, my house, my rules.” A collective groan resonates through the room, but no one fights him on it, knowing there’s no use.
“Alright you two, truth or dare.” Bucky locks eyes with Steve and it’s as if they are of one mind when they simultaneously say, “dare.” Tony fist pumps and taps his watch, the hologram of a ruler lighting up in front of his face. “You shouldn’t have opened your mouth Rogers. Let’s see ‘em boys and we can determine whose is bigger.” You audibly swallow, licking your lips and waiting to see what Bucky will do.
They both stand and walk to the center of the room, shrugging and undoing their jeans. “Are we comparing to each other or do you just wanna prove my point Tony?” Tony eyes roll so hard they almost get lost in the back of his head. “You already saw my dick so.” Steve smirks, “so we know you’re out of the contest already.”
Pepper nearly spits out her drink, Tony glancing down and giving her a look, “whatever Rogers, I got nothing to prove.” Bucky’s eyes shift to yours for a brief moment while he pulls down his jeans, your gaze traveling up his thick legs and landing on his perfect ass. He winks when he sees you staring and you quickly dip your head, searching for a new place to hide.
You want to look, so badly, but you’re afraid you’ll make it so obvious you want him. When you look at Nat you giggle as Clint covers her eyes, everyone else waiting with bated breath. “Ok, here,” Tony says handing Steve his watch, “you can measure yourselves because I’m not getting that close.” Steve pulls his boxers down first and you shield your eyes, separating your fingers just enough to see a blur but nothing else.
Steve shouts out a number that nearly makes you faint, and you can’t stop yourself from joining in on the hoots and hollers. He hands the watch to Bucky and you pull your bottom lip between your teeth, spreading your fingers farther apart to get a better look. At the last second you close them, grinding your jaw while you wait. You can hear him chuckle before he yells out a number only slightly larger than Steve’s. A few colorful curses leave Steve’s lips, and everyone erupts into laughter, Tony’s the loudest.
Now you really feel dizzy, your mind racing with the all the ways he could use all those inches. The couch dips and a cool hand pulls at your wrist, revealing your very red and heated face. “You ok there baby doll?” At first you don’t say anything and just stare at him while the noises around you fade away, “no way Buck. It’s so big.”
The words are out before you realize what you’ve said and Bucky’s lips brush the shell of your ear, “oh yes way,” he teases, his eyes darkening when he hears your gasp. “Is that a dare baby?” You manage a playful smirk, “and what if it is?”  He takes your hand and stands, walking slowly out of the room toward his bedroom. You hold tight to it, afraid if you let go, you’ll melt to a puddle on the floor.
In the next second, you’re in his room, your back to the door and his lips barely brushing yours. He closes the gap, and you moan into his mouth, trying to work open his jeans. You get them undone and reach down to rub your hand over his boxers. “Fuck,” you rasp out, feeling the wetness collect between your thighs. “Oh my god, Bucky.”
You feel him smile against your lips, his cock already hard beneath your hand, “I was telling the truth.” Letting his jeans hit the floor you kneel and slowly peel off his boxers, unable to control your lewd moan when his cock springs free. You reach out and pump your hand over his substantial length, squeezing your thighs together in eagerness.
Bucky’s fingers slip under your chin and he lifts you back up, kissing you soundly before taking you in his arms and wrapping your legs around his waist. Carrying you to the bed he lays you down and pulls off his shirt, discarding it on the floor. His body covers yours and when you feel his cock press along your inner thigh you hum in satisfaction, letting your legs fall open. He trails warm kisses down your neck, nipping your earlobe before he whispers, “ladies first,” and slips his metal hand under your leggings.  
@addikted-2-dopamine​ @bugsbucky​ @book-dragon-13​ @bisousbucky​ @breezy1415​ @buckstaybucky​ @buckys-henley​ @chuuulip​ @eurynome827​ @hiddles-rose​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @hawksmagnolia​ @harrysthiccthighss​ @ikaris-whore​ @jhangelface0523​ @jewels2876​ @loricameback​ @littledarlinhavefaithinme​ @littleredstarfish​ @lookiamtrying​ @lokilvrr​ @lorilane33​ @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123​ @marvelandotherfandomimagines​ @marvelgirl7​ @nano--raptor​ @pinkdiamond1016​ @randomfandompenguin​ @sallycanwait68​ @tuiccim​ @the-wayward-robot​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​ @yansi1923​
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