#Support demand tripled
1cafezinho · 5 months
Hello everyone,
Brazil is underwater, and we come here asking you for your help.
As some of you may know, the state of Rio Grande do Sul (RS) has been getting torrential rains since last Monday (29/04/24).
In four days, it has rained 436,2 millimeters (17,2 inches), which’s triple the normal amount in a month, which is 140 millimeters (5,5 inches) 
More than two great rivers in our region had their volume duplicated, or sometimes, triplicated in size.
This means all the cities that are close to these rivers ended up completely underwater
There were more than 110 towns flooded and the estimate is that more than half a million people have been affected by this climate disaster. There are also thousands of people who are arriving in my city (the state capital, Porto Alegre) as climate refugees, coming from communities displaced by the floods.
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Through this unprecedented tragedy we have been really happy to see entire communities mobilizing to help others. Still, there are people who have lost everything, especially those in marginalized communities living in precarious, unsafe and unsanitary housing.
That’s where you come in. We need money. Money to buy food, clothes, medicine, basic hygiene products, mattresses so that refugees have a place to sleep, basically everything.
Right now, the biggest demand is drinkable water: my city is almost completely out of water, because the water treatment stations have been flooded. 
We understand that you may be able to give very little, but also what is little to you means A Lot more to us. Just a dollar is enough to buy 5 liters of fresh water. 
Here are the links for international donations: 
(these donations are managed by people I know and trust. if you can, donate to them and not the government, but I’ll include that below as well. we don't trust the government to do anything right now, basically) 
This is another option:
Government donations:
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And here is some international news coverage of what’s happening:
PLEASE share and donate anything you can. Everything is greatly appreciated. 
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saydams · 2 months
"Governor Maura Healey today signed into law the most ambitious legislation in Massachusetts history to tackle the state’s greatest challenge – housing costs. The Affordable Homes Act and related initiatives will support the production, preservation and rehabilitation of more than 65,000 homes statewide over the next five years. It is the largest housing bond bill ever filed in Massachusetts, at more than triple the spending authorizations of the last housing bill passed in 2018. 
The historic legislation authorizes $5.16 billion in spending over the next five years along with 49 policy initiatives to counter rising housing costs caused by high demand and limited supply. Key spending authorizations and policy changes include allowing accessory dwelling units, an unprecedented investment in modernizing the state’s public housing system, boosts to programs that support first-time homebuyers and homeownership, incentives to build more housing for low to moderate-income residents, support for the conversion of vacant commercial space to housing and support for sustainable and green housing initiatives." /end excerpt
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hirocimacruiser · 2 months
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Tommykaira M20B Tuned GC8 Impreza WRX
Challenge to the highest peak! Tommykaira's confidence for running seekers
The M20b, a complete machine with overwhelming "hyperdimensional" running, is now even more powerful.
The highest potential hidden in the boxer sound goes beyond the output and torque numbers and is active in a wide power field, and its response supports the drivability unique to Tommykaira tune.
The 4WD and well-developed tuned suspension provide excellent cornering characteristics with high stability and controllability.
At all times of acceleration, the sense of speed that responds sharply to the accelerator is unique to Tommy Kaira's tuning spirit.
The M20b is an unbeatable machine that combines sports car pedigree with a WRC champion.
Intense acceleration G that transcends dimensions realizes the ultimate in driving.
A driving cockpit that invites the driver of the M20b into the world of WRC. A 36.5cm diameter genuine leather-wrapped steering wheel provides the smooth steering work required by works drivers. The top of the stress-free, short-stroke shift boot features a machined aluminum shift knob. An original console box made of carbon three-dimensional molding with a triple gauge meter that meets the demands of hard driving. The center panel features a 260 km/h speedometer that stands out in Tommy Kaira red, as well as original Tommy Kaira meters. The cockpit, made of silver and carbon, is a functionally beautiful space dedicated to driving.
An uncompromising accumulation of theory and prototypes. Tommykaira's confidence. Maximum output 297ps. Maximum torque 34.3kgm. A power unit that stands at the very top. Tommykaira's tradition and track record speak for itself, with characteristics and excellent response across the entire range that go beyond the potential expressed in numbers. It produces drivability with plenty of power befitting a pure sports car, and acceleration G that transports you to a different dimension.
●Front bumper spoiler
Tommy Kaira's original design spoiler has large openings above and below the bumper line for the air intake to maximize the cooling effect. Together with a pair of fog lamps, it creates an aggressive front view and brings out the M20b's presence.
●Rear wing
The rear wing, which gives an impression of a strong rear form, is made of glass fiber with a two-stage bridge. The high rectification effect in the high speed range is reflected in the improvement of stability through downforce at high speeds.
●Side decal
The flowing Tommykaira is the confidence and pride of a tuned car.
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empiredesimparte · 4 months
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Live broadcast of ‘Le Sacre de Napoléon V’ on the national channel Francesim 2, hosted by Stéphane Bernard
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(Stéphane Bernard) The Emperor will become a quasi-sacred figure through the anointing: it is a sort of transfiguration. The imperial canopy conceals this profoundly sacred moment because the rite must remain a mystery to the common mortals. We are witnessing a revival of the triple blessing from the Reims ceremonial of the kings of Francesim. Their Majesties, kneeling before the altar, receive the triple anointing from the Pope: one on the forehead, the others on both hands. First the Emperor, then the Empress.
In his prayer, the Pope asks God to bestow the treasures and graces of His blessings upon the Emperor. He prays that the Emperor will govern with strength, justice, loyalty, foresight, courage, and perseverance. The Emperor must combat Evil and defend the holy Christian Church. The Empress, for her part, receives God's support, and that of Christ, to preserve the Empire and the French people for eternity.
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(Stéphane Bernard) Such a ceremonial highlights the spiritual and mystical dimension of the imperial monarchy. It is a moment steeped in tradition, where every gesture, every word, carries deep symbolism, reminding us of the sacred bonds that unite the sovereign to his people and to God. (Mgr. Morlot) Almighty and eternal God, who have decreed that, following the example of David, Solomon, and Joash, the foreheads of Kings and Emperors should be adorned with a diadem, so that, through the brilliance of their gemstones and the splendor of their ornaments, they might serve as a vivid and striking image of the majesty that surrounds you to the peoples while they reign on earth…
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(Mgr. Morlot) … Pour out, we beseech you, your blessing upon these crowns, so that your servant Napoleon and his spouse, who will wear them on earth, may shine with the radiance of all virtues.
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(Pope) May God encircle your brow with the crown of glory and justice...
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(Pope) ... May He arm you with strength and courage so that, blessed by Heaven through our hands, filled with faith and good works, you may reach the crown of the eternal kingdom…
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(Pope) ... By the grace of Him whose reign and empire extend throughout all ages and ages. Amen.
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(Napoléon V) Amen.
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⚜ Le Sacre de Napoléon V | N°11 | Francesim, Paris, 28 Thermidor An 230
While the bells ring out and the cannons roar, the Emperor and Empress of Francesim are crowned at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris. It was broadcast live on television by Stéphane Bernard, the famous journalist for the crowned heads in Francesim.
Beginning ▬ Previous ▬ Next
⚜ Traduction française
(Stéphane Bernard) L'Empereur va devenir un personnage quasi-sacré grâce à l'onction : c'est une sorte de transfiguration. Le dais impérial cache ce moment tout à fait sacré car le rite doit rester un mystère pour le commun des mortels. Nous assistons à une reprise de la triple bénédiction du cérémonial de Reims des rois de Francesim. Leurs Majestés, agenouillées devant l'autel, reçoivent du Pape la triple onction : une sur le front, les autres sur les deux mains. D'abord l'Empereur, puis l'Impératrice.
Dans son oraison, le Pape demande à Dieu de répandre les trésors et les grâces de Ses bénédictions sur l'Empereur. Il prie pour qu'il gouverne avec force, justice, fidélité, prévoyance, courage et persévérance. L'Empereur doit combattre le Mal et défendre la sainte Église chrétienne. L'Impératrice, quant à elle, reçoit le soutien de Dieu et du Christ, afin de conserver l'Empire et le peuple français dans l'éternité.
Un tel cérémonial met en lumière la dimension spirituelle et mystique de la monarchie impériale. C'est un moment empreint de tradition, où chaque geste, chaque parole, porte un symbolisme profond, rappelant les liens sacrés qui unissent le souverain à son peuple, et à Dieu.
(Monseigneur Morlot) Dieu tout-puissant et éternel, qui avez voulu qu'à l'exemple de David, de Salomon et de Joas, le front des Rois et des Empereurs fût ceint du diadème, afin que, par l'éclat des pierreries et la splendeur de leurs ornements, ils fussent aux des peuples, pendant qu'ils règnent sur la terre, la vive et frappante image de la majesté qui vous environnement...
(Monseigneur Morlot) ... Répandez, nous vous en conjurons, votre bénédiction sur ces couronnes, afin que votre serviteur Napoléon et son épouse, qui les porteront sur la terre brillent de l'éclat de toutes les vertus.
(Pape) Que Dieu ceigne votre front de la couronne de la gloire et de justice ; qu'il vous arme de force et de courage, afin que, bénis du Ciel par nos mains, pleins de foi et de bonnes oeuvres, vous arriviez à la couronne du règne éternel...
(Pape) Par la grâce de celui dont le règne et l'empire s'étendent dans tous les siècles et les siècles. Amen. (Napoléon V) Amen.
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cowpokeomens · 1 year
helloooo ~
could you please do a casual outing date with noah sebastian? anything from a simple lunch to some shopping just super fluffy and cute thank uuuu
Ask and ye shall receive! This is loosely based off of an experience I had a few weeks ago (The entranced window-gazing, not the almost-sugar daddy part, RIP me ig) Enjoy!
You had a long week. It seemed like your higher-ups gotten more demanding with each passing day. As if going to a shitty job wasn’t hard enough on its own, Noah was home from tour, too. You could drag yourself to work with the promise of a venti triple shot drink from Starbucks most days, but with his sleeping form next you in bed- warm, tattooed skin on display- the feat of getting up became nearly impossible. When the weekend finally rolled around, you embraced it with open arms, sleeping in until 11AM on Saturday. 
You awoke to the smell of coffee, stretching your arms and padding your way into the kitchen. You found Noah there, sweatpants slung low on his hips, swiping on his phone while music played softly from the TV in the living room. He glanced up upon your arrival. 
“Well good morning, gorgeous. I was starting to wonder where I was going to hide your body.” He flashed you a lopsided grin.
You returned the smile, going over to where the coffee pot was still set to warm. “You couldn’t get rid of me that easily, Sebastian. I’d haunt your ass.”
“Oh no! I hope the scary, sexy ghost doesn’t watch me in the shower!” Noah mock-cried, waving his hands in the air for effect. You giggled at his antics, adding creamer to your coffee as he wrapped his arms around your waist from behind, placing a kiss on your shoulder. “What’re we doing today, buttercup?”
You thought about it for a moment. “Well, I need a new pair of shoes for work, supportive sole type shit-”
“Nope.” You were cut off by the man behind you. “No boring work shit today. We’re having fun.” 
“Fun?” You echoed, turning just enough to waggle your eyebrows at him. 
He rolled his eyes, snorting at you. “Not that kind of fun, you freak. Good, wholesome, Christian fun.”
“Ooh, are we gonna make out on the bus on the way to church camp?” You mocked him.
“I cannot stand you. Have I said that before? Because I can’t.” His actions betrayed his words as he leaned in to kiss you on the cheek, then the top of your head, then your shoulder again. 
“Then what is your definition of ‘good, wholesome, Christian fun,’ Sebastian?” You turned to face him fully, sipping from your mug. 
“I was thinking retail therapy. We could go to that shopping center you like so much, with the paper store that has all the tape and stuff.” He puffed his chest proudly for remembering it.
“The stationary store.” You pondered aloud. “I could get stickers.”
He nodded eagerly. “I’ll buy you so many fucking stickers, baby.”
You grinned up at him. “I’m sold. Let me brush my teeth and find udnerwear-”
“-Hey, no pressure from me-”
It was your turn to roll your eyes at him. “-And then we can head out.”
A few hours later you found yourself in a shopping center somewhere in the northern section of your city. It was more of an outdoor mall, but you really only preferred a small corner of the sprawl. 
Noah walked beside you cheerfully, hand tightly clasped in yours. His other hand held a cute, pastel blue bag from the stationary store, where you had racked up quite the tab. Before you could get your card out, though, Noah was tapping his own against the machine. 
“You didn’t have to do that, babe.” You pouted, feeling guilty. 
He shrugged. “I’ve got that ‘Rockstar Boyfriend’ money now, baby, I can buy you stickers.”
You snorted at him. “Glad to hear that Jolly has been filing you guys’ taxes correctly.”
“Hey, I help, too.” He protested. 
“Mhm, no one can work the espresso machine for him quite like you, dear.” You mollified him. 
“I can’t believe I’m being treated this way, I have an ‘Alternative Press’ cover, y’know-”
He got quiet when he noticed you had stopped walking. He glanced at you, concerned, then followed your line of sight. 
You were gazing, open-mouthed, into the window of a purse store. You didn’t actually know anything about luxury brands- much less designer handbags- but you could recognize art when you saw it. 
It was black, probably genuine leather. A cross-body bag, pleasantly spacious without being large. Its silver rivets glinted at you in the midday sun, enticing you with their gleam. A thick, silver chain decorated the top, contrasting sharply with the clean cut of the long black handle. 
“What?” He asked at last. 
“Sorry.” You responded absently, still not looking away. 
He huffed a laugh. “Do you want to go inside?” 
“No.” Came your immediate response. 
“Babe, I know that look. That’s how you looked at me the first day I got back from tour. Now, I’m not so insecure as a man to let a purse threaten me, but if you start talking dirty to it-”
“Shut up, Noah.” You finally broke your stare to turn to him, giggling. “It’s just pretty is all.”
“‘Pretty?’” He repeated.
You nodded earnestly, already beginning to walk away. 
“Well hey, if it’s so ‘pretty,’ let’s go inside and get a closer look.” He tugged on your joined hands.
You grimaced, lowering your voice. “Baby, it’s probably like, a gajillion dollars-”
“Oh, I hope so. I just so happen to have a ‘Gajillion’ Monopoly dollar in my pocket. C’mon.” He tugged you once more, finally convincing you to follow.
The inside of the store was freakishly white. White walls, white display podiums, white chairs. Who the fuck comes in here to sit? You wondered to yourself. There, in the field of white, was your black sheep in all its glory. Noah released your hand as you glided over to it, sighing dreamily. You didn’t see anything saying you had to keep your hands to yourself, and you couldn’t resist the urge to touch it. A hand came up to run a single finger along the rivets, bumping up and down at their protrusion. You gripped the side experimentally, loving the squish of the leather. You had never been a bag person; You used the same backpack for the entirety of college, purchased for $20 at Walmart. You had other bags, mostly to carry things from point A to point B, but this was different. This was- what did the fashion bloggers call their clothes? A piece. This was a piece, not just a purse. 
You were shaken out of your reverie by Noah walking over to you, peering at the bag curiously. “You ready?”
You let out a deep breath. It was absolutely a gajillion dollars, and you could not justify the expense. You turned to Noah, about to say an affirmative, when a new, large shopping bag caught your eye. 
You recognized the brand emblazoned across the bag as the same one from the window. Your eyes widened to the size of saucers. “Noah, what did you do?”
His grin was devilish. “Relax. It was actually only half a gajillion dollars, quite the steal if you ask me.”
You could feel yourself panicking. “What? No! Go give it back!” Your whisper was frantic. 
He was outwardly laughing at you now. “No.”
Your eyes widened further, incredulity coloring your tone. “No?”
He shook his head, leaning in close to you. “Nope.” Then, taking your hand in his, he happily walked back outside, ignoring the saleswoman’s call of “Come back again soon!”
You barely kept up with his long legs. “Noah, I do not need a gajillion dollar-”
“Half a gajillion, babe. Half.”
You huffed. “Whatever. I don’t need an expensive purse, it’s not fair for you to be spending that kind of money on me when I can’t repay it-”
“I can think of a few ways you could repay me.” He cut you off again with a wink. 
“Noah.” You stopped walking. He could hear the change in your tone, stopping to turn to look at you. “I can’t- baby I really appreciate it but I can’t-”
“Hey.” He said softly, coming up to look into your eyes deeply. “Hey. This isn’t about owing me or anything. There’s no need for that between us.” You nodded, the movement small. “I see you busting your ass. I see you working hard. I can see that you’ve had a shitty couple of weeks. So if I have to go back and buy you all the gajillion dollar purses in that store, I will do it. If it will make you happy, I will personally see to it that you get every gajillion dollar purse manufactured on this continent.”
You couldn’t fight off the smile at his words, so sincere and sweet. He kissed your forehead for good measure, offering his hand out to you. 
“If it makes you feel better, you can buy lunch. The lady in the store talked me into getting the matching quarter-gajillion dollar wallet, too.”
Your jaw dropped. “Noah Sebastian-”
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thehusbandoden · 9 months
Midoriya Izuku x OFA Related Reader Headcannons
A/n: here's the request. For some reason my account is acting weird with requests and I don't wanna risk losing them so I'm doing it differently.
I'm so sorry it took so long! I wanted to write a fic but it wasn't working lol.😅
If you want something changed/want to request something else, please please contact me!
General info:
Genre: fluff + sllight angst \\ wc: 902 \\ posted: 01/01/2024 \\ requested
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Your parents died when you were about six. They were bystanders of a villain attack, and All Might unfortunately didn't get there in time. All Might felt incredibly guilty, even though he knew that he did his best.
His guilt tripled when he found out that the couple had a daughter. He was very invested in your future, and immediately offered to adopt you when he found out you didn't have anyone to take you in.
After a while of debating and arguing, the government finally allowed All Might to adopt you. He took a few months off of work to bond with you and get to know you. He hired a full-time nanny to help take care of you while he was at work.
As you grew, he secretly hoped you would be able and willing to take on his quirk and be the next successor.
A few years pass by, and you haven't developed your quirk. All Might had taken you to your doctor multiple times, but he didn't see anything wrong. You were just a late bloomer.
All Might continued to smile, comforting you whenever you felt like a failure.
At your request, and probably a little bit of All Might's own desires, he started training you a week after your tenth birthday. You were amazing, and All Might was sure you would become the next successor.
Until your quirk came.
On your fourteenth birthday, you received your quirk. It was amazing and powerful, yes, but there was one problem...
It was completely incompatible with OFA.
The news devastated you and put you in a pit of depression for a few weeks.
All Might tried his best to reassure you, but you were too caught up in your own self-pity.
Five weeks later, you finally accepted it. You allowed and appreciated the comfort All Might gave you and started to rethink your life's plan.
After a few more weeks of recovery, you asked All Might to help you train your quirk.
It was tough, and almost overwhelming at times, but with All Might's support and the many professionals he hired with similar quirks, you prevailed.
You were behind your fellow classmates by several years, but made up for it by the relentless hours you trained with several pros.
By the time Middle school was ending, you were equal if not far surpass your classmates. You made it into UA by recommendation.
During the months before UA, All Might introduced you to Midoriya Izuku... his new successor.
They were both nervous about your reaction, but pleasantly surprised when you took the news well.
You and Izuku ended up getting along quite well. You quickly became friends, and you helped him with both preparing for and controlling his new power. 
You became very close, becoming inseparable from each other.  
Izuku slowly began to master his new power with your help, filling you with pride.  
Helping him achieve his dream helped you to feel better about your failure.  
Both of you developed feelings for one another but didn’t admit it- even to yourselves.  
You always denied accusations of your crush thrown at you by the majority of Class 1-A.  
It got so bad that Bakugo screamed at you across the hallway, demanding that you and “stupid Deku” stop being wimps and actually confess to one another.  
Izuku was in hearing range, and you almost died from embarrassment.  
Luckily, no one mentioned it.  
It wasn’t until you worriedly entered the hospital, walking down the hall as your eyes flickered from room to room, anxiously looking for his number.  
Your eyes met with the room number, and your heart thundered against your chest as you hurried inside, tears forming at the corners of your eyes as your eyes laid on the broken body of Izuku.
He got so worried when he saw your tears, trying to sit up to comfort you.  
At the sight of him hurting himself, you grew angry.  
Your lips contorting into a snarl, you gently push him back into bed, glaring at him.  
“We’ll talk about this... foolish behavior later.” You growl, your e/c orbs boring into his emerald ones.  
After he healed the two of you shyly confessed. He took you on a date, and you became official three days later.  
You spent even more time together, sitting closer, and staring more openly.  
Neither of you denied your feelings anymore- even though you didn’t tell anyone.  
Almost everyone knew but you didn’t really care.  
You were able to help him whenever he struggled to control or understand OFA, and you were the first one to recognize what was happening and to jump into help.  
You ended up engaged three months after you graduated from UA and married seven months after that. Izuku heavily relied on your knowledge, asking you for help or for advice.  
You both became well-known heroes, and you both went back and forth from number one and number two.  
Bakugo surpassed you once- for two months.  
Izuku was secretly fuming, fighting harder for his position.  
He had a smug smirk on his lips as you regained your ranking, wrapping an arm around your waist as he pressed a kiss to your cheek, not caring about the cameras.  
The affectionate act was all over the news the next day.  
He fainted when he saw the pictures and the clip the next morning, profusely apologizing when he woke up.  
Izuku's masterlist | Masterlist | Navigation | You can tip me here <3
Reblogs and feedback are greatly appreciated <33
Do not copy, repost, nor plagiarize my work. Ask before you translate or use my work in any way -minus reblogging.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 2 months
They’re practically triple-dog-daring fate to give them an international security incident.
What do you think would happen if there was an incident? Would that change anything or just add something for them to complain about. They seem to want something to happen to them and all I say to that is be careful what you wish for.
They want the Diana-level fallout: headlines for days, A-List celebrities releasing statements supporting them and condemning the paparazzi, the global public condemning the BRF, a worldwide reckoning of tabloid media, a heartfelt public address by the monarch to the world apologizing for how they've been treated, a public groveling by their enemy, and enough global public outrage that Charles (and William) has no choice but to give the Sussexes 24/7 security, a royal residence, public duties, and military honors that they've been demanding for the last 4 years.
It's what they wanted from the NYC car chase pap stunt.
(Meghan got a scaled down version of this from the Toronto break-in, via Harry's love shield, which forced the BRF - or at least William - to acknowledge Meghan's existence.)
Or, barring that, they want the global sympathy and outrage that came after Kate announced she was being treated for preventative chemotherapy following 3 weeks of the world speculating on her marriage and picking on her over a bad photo.
I don't think they want something truly terrifying or horrific to happen to them. I think they just want the appearance, or the optics, of something happening to them to scare Charles and William into giving them what they want since their claims "what happened to my mum could happen to me or my wife or my kids" are falling on deaf ears.
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djljpanda · 8 months
Hey, can I have some kouign amann cookie x female reader hcs?
Kouign Amann Cookie X Fem Reader
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Kouign Amann cookie has many other cookies after her but her heart was set on you
When she realized she liked you she had flowers and a confession letter ready
This crème knight chased you down as she announced her feelings for you
You were surprised as you weren’t sure that the beautiful cookie in front of you will ever like you but that didn’t matter now as now you were her girlfriend
You two would go on nice calm dates in flower gardens
If you want you two can spar but don’t expect her to go easy on you
Would love if you gift her flowers and she will always repay your kindness with gifts or kisses
She loves cuddling with you
Was happy to see you cheering for her at the triple cone cup
No matter if she won or lost you were there hugging her and telling her how proud you are while her cheeks turned pink
Definitely having spa self care dates
You are her little nurse so if she ever hurts herself you demand to take care of her cause you love her so much
Is one of the most loyal girlfriends ever
Never forgets a date or anniversary
You love making her blush
She loves when you give her princess treatment
Dose dress up together and you can’t tell you have matching outfits or set of outfits to match
Will do each others makeup together
Will support your dreams as you do hers
Overall great girlfriend and she said “I’m luck to have you”
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bonefall · 10 months
post/734733274896809984/do-you-ever-worry-your-own-writing-might-come-off that makes sense. i was asking because i'm afraid of accidentally writing misogyny myself and i kind of admire what you do
Hmm... I wish I had better advice to give you on this front, but honestly, the only thing I can tell you is to consider the perspective of your female characters.
Women are people. They have thoughts and feelings of their own, so like... just let them have their own arcs. A lot of the worst misogyny in WC comes from the way that the writers just don't care about their girls (or, in the case of tall shadow, actually get undermined and forced to rewrite entire chapters), so they're not curious about their lives, or WHY they feel the way they do or what they want, or any direction for their character arcs.
Turtle Tail as an example. She'll often just end up feeling whatever Gray Wing's plot demands. She's gotta leave when Storm dumps him to make him feel lonely. She shows up again to love him in the next book. Lets her best friend Bumble get dragged back to Tom the Wifebeater, but is sad enough about her death to be "unreasonably angry" with Clear Sky, and then calms down and accept Gray Wing is right all along.
And then she dies, so he can have his very own fridge wife.
In this way, Turtle Tail's just being used to tell Gray Wing's story. They're not interested in why she would turn on Bumble, or god forbid any lingering negative feelings for how she didn't help her, or even resentment towards Clear Sky for killing her or Gray Wing for jumping to his defense. She isn't really going through her own character arc.
She does have personality traits of her own, don't misunderstand my criticism, but as a character she revolves around Gray Wing.
So, zoom out every now and then, and just ask yourself; "Whose story is being told by what I wrote? Do my female characters have goals, wants, and agency, or are they just supporting men? How do their choices impact the narrative?"
But that's already kinda assuming that you already have characters like Turtle Tail who DO have personalities and potential of their own. Here's some super simple and practical advice that helped me;
Tally the genders in your cast. How many are boys, how many are girls, how many are others?
And take stock of how many of those characters are just in the supporting cast, and compare that to the amount you have in the main cast.
If you have a significant imbalance, ESPECIALLY in the main cast, fire the Woman Beam.
It's a really simple trick to just write a male character, and then change its gender while keeping it the same. I promise women are really not fundamentally different from men lmao. You can consider how your in-universe gender roles affect them later, if you'd like, but when you're just starting to wean yourself off a "boy bias" this trick works like a charm.
Also you're not allowed to change the body type of any girl you Woman Beam because I said so. PLEASE allow your girls to have muscles, or be fat, or be old, or have lots of scars. Do NOT do what a cowardly Triple A studio does, where the women all have the same cute or sexy face and curvy body while they're standing next to dwarves, robots, and a gorilla.
Or this shit,
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If you do this I will GET you. If you're ever possessed by the dark urge, you will see my face appear in the clouds like Mufasa himself to guide you away from the path of evil.
Anyway, you get better at just making characters girls to begin with as time goes on and you practice it. It's really not as big of a deal as your brain might think it is.
Take a legitimate interest in female characters and try not to disproportionately hit them with parental/romance plots as opposed to the male cast, and you'll be fine. Don't think of them as "SPECIAL WOMEN CHARACTERS" just make a character and then let her be a girl, occasionally checking your tally and doing some critical thinking about their use in the story.
(Also remember I'm not a professional or anything, I'm just trying to give advice)
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foolishlovers · 8 months
It's Tuesday, it's Tuesday and it's Tuesday again in this fifth chapter of Tales of Turning Pages.
“You’re so comfy.” Aziraphale chuckled, planting a tender kiss on his forehead. “You make for a good blanket.” “What, me? All bony and-“ “Perfect,” he shushed him, arms wrapping around his arguably quite angular shoulders. He’d never want to change anything about him. “You really think so?” “I do,” Aziraphale said, mapping intricate patterns on Crowley’s chest. “Nnngh. ’S good, too.”
This week's triple Tuesday tales include our favourite librarian (Aziraphale) and aspiring novelist (Crowley) being cute in the gardens, coping with their demanding schedules and opening up about some secrets. read it here:
any form of support is so appreciated 💜
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11queensupreme11 · 8 months
Another bit from Sally=Loki that might have to get the chop but I thought was too funny to not delete. Can you guess who Percy had just met? (It's Apollo, also to answer your earlier question Percy sounds more educated because 1) Loki is very educated and children learn to speak by mimicing parents so compared to Sally who is a high school dropout, nothing wrong with that, just Loki just has a broader vocabulary 2) Loki would accept nothing less then a fantastic education for his child so Percy does go to a good school and has Loki being very supportive at home, 3) Loki has a lot of run ins with the authorities and taught Percy specific phrases. After all mortal doctors could notice something was up with her if they looked so Percy was trained to deny care, if you asked her about some other topic she would not sound that good)
“Why have you returned?” Poseidon demanded “And where is your minder?”
Percy shrugged and replied, “Ares was trying to show me some statues and murals when a strange naked man appeared and started touching Ares all over the place and tried to chase me.”
Her uncle Zeus made a strange noise like a squeaky toy, he should probably see a doctor about that she thought. “Mom and my teachers and the school resource officers all said if I see a person not wearing all their clothes or exposing their privates I’m supposed to run away and find a trusted adult. Ares didn’t seem super available, and you were closest, and it is your day, but I guess I can go back to my grandpa’s house if you’re busy.”
For a moment everything was silent and then Uncle Hades suddenly lunged forward tackling her father who had started to rise back into his seat. “Oh my, that must have been very scary for you” replied her Uncle Hades voice rough and teeth gritted with exertion. Vaguely she could hear her father start to say something only to be quickly cut off by a hissed “Language!” from said Uncle.
Uncle Zeus laughed like someone who knew they were about to fail to negotiate their way out of being kneecapped by the mob and blabbered out, “You didn’t interrupt anything important, no siree, we were just finishing up, now if you will excuse me I just remembered I haven’t seen my children in an bit and must check in on them” all while he fled the room, carefully keeping the table between him and her father. Percy wondered why all the adults on this side of the family constantly acted like they were raised by baboons. With a sigh she turned back to her remaining “adults” and said “Public indecency is illegal, as is exposing yourself to a minor. I believe this is where you are supposed to call the authorities.”
Percy was very proud of herself for remembering all of that from the stranger danger talk at school (mom would have probably castrated the man rather than call the cops but as Percy had recently learned mom also had a history with the law here so she probably had to rely on her own conflict resolution skills… which would explain a lot actually. As the old man who ran the bodega had said, a criminal who calls the cops is a dead criminal). Admittedly she did not ever expect to need to need it as any adult who worked with children with any frequency at all seemed aware of this particular procedure, however she supposed she could give daddy a pass since he was one, very new to this and two, she was starting to doubt he or his siblings had been raised by sentient life at all. So, some ignorance was probably unavoidable on his part, she just hoped the rapid reddening of his face was not due to anger directed at her over being told what to do. Maybe he was embarrassed that he didn’t know already? Mom always said there was nothing embarrassing about learning. However, last time she corrected a boy in her class he cried, she hoped this was not another Joey Klingler situation because she really didn’t think she would be able to get daddy to stop yelling by distracting him by triple-dog-daring him to eat a fistful of sand.
i love how no matter the universe, percy's first interaction with ror!apollo always has to do with him being naked 💀
BUT I LOVE THIS!!! I hope you don't end up deleting it cuz it is a funny scene but if you do... i will treasure this post forever 😔😔😔
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hastalavistabyebye · 4 months
Fox was hunched down on his desk, looking at the datapad in his hand. He had stopped reading a long time ago without noticing. There was too much noise in his head. 
He had to complete too much datawork. Make security plans for five different senators’ departures, for the same day. Give a final look at the patrol rotations for the next tenday. Sign the supplies demands he had received a few days ago, from both the 4th and 7th Sky armies, in addition to the Guard ones. Write the reports the Chancellor had asked him. How many already ? Six, two for the prison, one regarding the changes in the Rotunda’s security protocol, three for the missions achieved by Stone’s squad, the ARFs descent in the lower levels and the hunt he was charged to take care of, a few rotations ago. 
He should check on his troops,down in the medbay. And make sure B Squad had checked in like they were supposed to. He didn't want them to go in comms blackout like the last time. How was he supposed to have their back if he didn't know what happened and where they had to hide ? Tell Bral -or whoever they had chosen to replace them at the front desk- to look out for the next patrol coming back at HQ. Things were getting heated with the Pykes and Black Sun lately. The next few rotations were going to be hard, with three battalions coming back at Triple Zero at the same time. 
He should eat something. And make himself a new cup of caff. He really should go down in medical. He’d also have to prepare himself for his next shift in the Senate. Had he updated the Lists yesterday as he was supposed to ? Yes, Thire had given him a few names to write in the No Shiny list, and delivered him some sweets he had steal in one of those big bowls the Senators loved to put in their waiting rooms. Then had told him the last gossip and some blackmail to put in his files. He should check on his Shinies. Some had come from other battalions, he had to make sure they were not taking things too brutally. And assure they had a good support system. 
Haran, he hoped B Squad’s mission would be successful. Getting that intel on this karking slave ring would make a priceless difference. He'll have to talk to Mick about training a new trooper. They couldn't stay three during field missions, they needed someone else. And he might be at the head of the squad, but he could barely leave the planet anymore. Kriff, that was going to be hard. Thunder’s loss was still heavy on them all. 
The patrol shift was going to happen in ten minutes. Was there a vote today ? Yes, but a small one. He’d go to the kennels at the end of the day, see how the new litter was doing so far. But first he should do that datawork. And go refill his mug. He really hoped the Chancellor wouldn't call him tomorrow. He was supposed to lead an exploration mission in the lower lower levels, the day after that. How long has it been since he saw his batchers ? Any of them ? Well, not counting Thorn and Stone. He should ask one of the two to cut his hair soon. They were getting annoying. And most likely looked like a messy, terrible nest made by a drunk aiwa. He should shave too. And move a bit, Nightmare told him to move regularly, stretch, walk a few steps, when he was doing datawork. 
But he had so many forms to fill. And he’ll have to move soon anyway to go check his men. He hoped no one had been trapped by angry civilians again. He thought that attacking troopers  for being there, when they had no real other choices at that, was a waste of civil rights. If he had rights Fox would just take his troops for some vacations. The beach was a natborn classic, right ? If he couldn't leave Coruscant still, he would take them for some hunt and explore in the lowest levels, though. It’d give for amazing parkour routes too.
He was so tired. Everything felt muchy and like a Kamino storm. The one where the rain slapped you until your skin felt raw and the wind was so strong it could just take you with it, but more often preferred to kick you down and pinned you under the rain. Where the thunder was so loud you could feel it in your teeth. 
Was the last patrol back yet ? Fox sometimes loathed his siblings for being able to choose their own paint colors. But then he just loathed himself for it. He should really check on Bal and make sure they were safely back home. And make sure B Squad did check-in with Ghost. He'll do that once he had signed those requisition forms. What time was it ?
Fox was hunched down on his desk, chin in one hand, datapad in the other. He was looking at the screen but had stopped reading a long time ago. 
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epiclamer · 2 years
Epic...The time has come:
I demand
and I demand it
(or, like, whenever, you know - don't rush, take you time, drink some water, get railed by your wife. Love ya bestie, see you in jail <3)
Unkindest regards,
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Triple Checking
Hero understood the idea of lust. They understood being lusted over by hungry fans and paparazzi. What they didn’t understand was how out of everyone they had ever met, why Villain was the only one to ever have love in their eyes.
It was discernible at this point. Hero saw lust in people’s eyes almost everyday, but when they stared into Villains?
They were glossy with love. Not lust.
And on this night, Hero craved nothing more.
Their knuckles didn’t even have to hit the wooden door a second time. Villain opened by the first rap, almost as if they had been waiting for them.
“Hero? How did you—”
The one in question didn’t stall for another second, pushing their way into Villains small civilian apartment. It was used often as a stakeout point or a hiding spot when their lair was raided.
Information Hero hadn’t yet shared with their agency for some reason…
They slammed the door shut with their foot as they grabbed the villain by their collar. Hoisting them up before they hit their back against the wall opposite from the door.
Panic rushed through the villain’s system. How had Hero found their home? Why were they here this late? Where was the rest of their team? Why weren’t they in their suit?
Questions flooded the villain’s brain as they grasped for any type of answer. Both of them panting as they tried to catch their breaths.
“I want you to love me.”
Villain blinked; this wasn’t a dream. The words they had been waiting for Hero to say for months had finally been said and hearing them was music to their ears.
First though, they had to make sure they heard the other right. They were, naturally, an embarrassing fool but they refused to be an embarrassed fool for their crush and only nemesis.
“Y-You want me to l-love you??”
The hero looked them dead in the eye, squeezing their shirt just a bit tighter in their grip. “Yes.”
Once more couldn't hurt right? Third time’s a charm?
“Me. Loving. You??”
Hero let out an exasperated sigh, releasing the villain from their grasp just to push them against the wall once more. “Yes you idiot. I want you to love me.”
Villain breathed in once, trying to cool the redness climbing up their neck. Suddenly more at ease with their situation as the hero left an inch of space between them.
“Hero, no offence, but love isn’t something you can just force—”
It was a cocky and ignorant to their own feelings, but Hero caught it before they could continue any longer.
“Would you shut up about that?” Hero eyed their pinned villain. “I know you, Villain. I see the look in your eyes when we fight and I know that you pull your punches. You may be a fool to recognize love, but I am not.”
The villain knew love, they had felt something beating in their cold heart ever since they had met the hero. Unfortunately, they knew all too well what Hero implied in their last sentence.
No one had ever loved them before and they had been with them nonetheless.
Self-sabotage at its finest.
Now, Hero was tired of it. They wanted to be loved. And they wanted Villain to do it.
The hero raised a brow, somewhat unconvinced that Villain was willing to do this for them.
“Y-You won’t like, turn me in or anything if I say no right?”
Hero was so taken aback they almost burst out laughing. “What?? Of course not. It’s your choice in the end and if you decide not to, then I understand.” Their giggle from the beginning of their sentence died off into a more serious tone as they reached the end.
Villains eyes went wide, grasping with sticky fingers at the hero in front of them.
“Then I want this. I want you, Hero. I want to love you. I want to make you feel good. About yourself and in bed. I want to be there for you. I want to support you. I want to hold you. I want—”
The crime-stopper pulled the criminal close while they rambled, now both pairs of hands were touching. Touching places they shouldn’t have been, doing things that would be considered unholy. A boundary their two career paths should never be crossing.
And without any remorse, Hero’s lips slammed against Villains. A rushed and heavy kiss, both of them out of practice as they sloppily collided, teeth grazing one another’s and tongues ill coordinated. But it didn’t matter. That was the best part.
They let themselves explore the other’s body freely with their hands, clothes slowly falling to the floor as they whispered sweet, loving encouragements among themselves.
The night was already halfway done, but their story was just beginning.
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drtanner · 3 months
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[...] It found data centers will account for 8 percent of total electricity use in the United States by 2030, a near tripling of their share today. New solar and wind energy will meet about 40 percent of that new power demand from data centers, the forecast said, while the rest will come from a vast expansion in the burning of natural gas. The new emissions created would be comparable to that of putting 15.7 million additional gas-powered cars on the road.
We're in the middle of a climate crisis and tech corps are tearing down forests to build swathes of new data centres for generative AI that nobody wants, and it's sucking up so much energy that power grids are struggling to keep up with the demand. I don't care how much of the power it takes to produce AI slop comes from renewable sources; every drop of energy demanded by these data centres would be much better used literally anywhere else, and that's to say nothing about the obscene volumes of water it's using up, too.
The longstanding capitalist concept of "supply and demand" is a fucking lie, if it ever held a shred of truth in the first place. What gets sold to you has fuck all to do with what you need or want, and this is the best proof you're ever like to get. You exist to cough up the cash for whatever a billionaire wants to sell you, to grind away at your shitty little job in order to funnel more and more money to them. You are never going to exist as a human being with free will before the end of capitalism. You will buy the smart TV with AI in it, because there are no new TVs available for you to buy without it. You don't get a choice. Your purpose is to give the corporation back the money they poured into this AI shit so they don't have to take a loss on it.
Get involved in your local communities, do what you can to help people who aren't like you. If you're asking how you're supposed to help dismantle capitalism, that's where you start, by caring for people who aren't like you and doing your part to support others so that they can support you in turn. Kindness, acceptance and community with strangers is revolutionary; be tolerant of everything except intolerance, and as long as someone isn't actively trying to do you harm, welcome them in. A singular hero is not going to arise to lead everyone to the promised land and save the world. You cannot afford to sit and wait to be rescued. It has to be you and your comrades, and it has to be all of you.
If this AI shit hasn't shown you exactly how this world works and you aren't simultaneously enraged and terrified by it, I don't know what else is going to do it for you. Godspeed.
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misschinablue · 4 months
welcome to the UK, where world leading healthcare is free at the point of use! hopefully you don't need it though. underfunding and shitty management of the public health sector by non clinicians mean you could wait up to six months for an urgent referral. hope all your organs are in good working order because you could die waiting if they're not :) and god forbid you should need to see a GP or a practice nurse for something more minor - the demand highly outweighs the supply and you'll be engaging in the hunger games to maybe get a 10 minute telephone appointment in September 2026 :) mental health suffering? well you are shit out of luck my friend - again, demand far outweighs supply - everything has been cut down to less than the absolute bare minimum - and the criteria for services is sky high now. make a cup of tea and take the crisis line number. you'll be fine right?
welcome to the UK, one of the richest economies in the world! how is it then that living standards are as low as they were in the 1970s, what with the old cossie lives and wages that were already laughably meagre now completely out of sync with how fucking expensive everything is?? i know you worked hard to get your education and onto your graduate scheme and did everything society asked of you to make it in life, but things are different now so here's your mouldy room in a shared house where the rent is a million pounds a month and lol what disposable income aren't you just happy to have a roof of your head?? stop going to Costa every morning for your soy triple shot vanilla latte you entitled little shit! it's not like we've had 14 years of complete mismanagement of the economy or anything! ps. aren't you so tired of hearing that it's all your fault?
welcome to the UK, where we have a welfare system designed to help people.in need, I.e. those out of work and those too sick to work! but good luck accessing that too. and if you want to try - LMFAO! oh honey no one LIKES working. but all this pretending to be too unwell to work ain't fooling anyone! come on mate drop that defeatist attitude and get on indeed.com. none of your conditions are even real. stop using your multiple sclerosis/depression/long covid/terminal cancer as an excuse. fucking sickness culture in this country. the high rates of mental illness especially have no obvious cause at all do they?
welcome to the UK, a tiny country that prides itself on tolerance and has historically seen great benefits to the economy and culturally from immigration! but god forbid we make this an easy place to live for trans people! this Woke has gone too far! and oh my GOD aren't all these refugees SO annoying?! they clearly just want to come here for the free healthcare (you know that non existent thing) and to get welfare benefits (you know asylum seekers aren't entitled to benefits apart from a pittance allowance from the home office right?) and they're absolutely not braving a life threatening journey to escape horrific conditions and persecution in their own country. but whatever. not our problem. off to Rwanda with you. human rights are stupid lmao. empathy? compassion? never heard of her.
welcome to the UK, where we support genocide and saying certain things in opposition of it is actually fucking illegal. i wish i was kidding.
welcome to the UK, where nothing works and everyone is sad.
welcome to the UK. god i fucking hate it here.
british tumblr - even if you don't think it will make a difference, even if you recognise there is just a lesser of two evils here, even if you don't trust any of them, even if you're fucked off and burnt out, i am BEGGING you to vote to get these absolute cretins out of power. we cannot have another five years under tory rule. there will be nothing left.
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It's been mentioned in passing that humans and gallifreyans can procreate together. Depending on who the carrying parent is, what would that pregnancy look like, in terms of gestation length, physical symptoms, etc?
What would a Human/Gallifreyan pregnancy look like?
🧬Triple Helix DNA
Successful human-Gallifreyan reproduction hinges crucially on one thing: the offspring inheriting Gallifreyan triple helix DNA. This genetic structure is vital not just for the viability of the offspring but also for the inheritance of distinct Gallifreyan traits such as regeneration. Without the triple helix in full working order, the offspring may face severe health complications, sterility, or a complete/partial absence of typical Gallifreyan abilities.
👶Human vs Gallifreyan Carriers
1. Human-Carrying Parent
Given the complexity of Gallifreyan DNA, a human pregnant with a Gallifreyan hybrid could respond to the pregnancy in very unpredictable ways.
Gestation Period: Due to the human body's influence and biological clock, the gestation period may align more closely with human norms, typically around nine months.
Physical Symptoms: Due to the alien DNA, the human body may exhibit unusual symptoms, such as heightened sensitivity to temporal fluctuations or yo-yo telepathic abilities. There might also be unexpected bouts of healing, linked to artron or lindos energy surges. Increased appetite would also come into play, with some very weird cravings that reflect the baby's high nutrient demands.
Gestation Complications: There's an inherent increased risk of complications during pregnancy due to potential incompatibility issues between human and Gallifreyan biological systems. For one, the human immune system might react unpredictably to the foreign DNA.
2. Gallifreyan-Carrying Parent
A Gallifreyan carrying a hybrid child might face a different set of challenges, owing to the intricate developmental needs of the hybrid DNA.
Gestation Period: The gestation period could extend beyond the standard nine months, potentially up to a year, due to the need to fully integrate human DNA into the Gallifreyan biological framework.
Physical Symptoms: Gallifreyan parents might experience less physical strain due to their superior biological resilience. However, the presence of human DNA could introduce anomalies, such as disruptions in their ability to regulate body temperature or metabolic rate as they normally could.
Telepathic Bond: There may be a developing telepathic link between the carrier and the child, providing early emotional and cognitive connections, and possibly allowing the parent to manage gestational discomfort through direct mental intervention.
🏥Medical Implications
Advanced Gallifreyan technology would likely need to be used to monitor and support the pregnancy, ensuring the stable development of both human and Gallifreyan genetic traits.
Check-Ups: Baby check-ups would need to be very regular and very comprehensive.
Daily Monitoring: General monitoring of the mother's physical and mental health daily.
Gallifreyan Interventions: It's likely some Gallifreyan medical interventions might be required, and these would have to be adjusted particularly for the human.
🏫 So...
Little baby Gallihumans (Humifreyans? I should make a poll) are certainly possible and create a bridge between two hugely different cultures and biological heritages, but it's certainly not going to be straightforward. These are all of course some theories, and theoretically, anything can happen that I've not mentioned.
What would a Human/Gallifreyan child be like?: Developmental expectations of a hybrid.
Factoid: Can Gallifreyans have interspecies children?
How long would it take for a Gallifreyan-Human hybrid child to realise they're not human?: All the little clues a new hybrid might pick up on as they grow.
Hope that helped! 😃
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