#Support Fellow Women
pantherxdrawz · 1 year
Back on the AA Textpost BS, but it’s TGAA this time
Yeah remember these posts? Here’s more but with TGAA characters this time
…Way too many of these include Herlock but hey Herlock is the living embodiment of dumb text posts so I can’t say much
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I’ve got a lot more of these posts saved so, maybe part two (part four if counting the og AA ones)
And if nobody recognizes the flag that’s overlayed on Herlock on the second to last one, it’s the double demi flag if you’re curious, it’s cause of my hcs
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allenwalkersworld · 1 month
I lowkey hope Amandla don’t post anything regarding the cancellation. Because seeing the difference in the comment section between her and Manny is staggering but not surprising. I want her to protect her peace and I know that if Amandla post the racists will come out in plagues and just infest her comment section. I want her to protect her peace. This is why I wish Disney and Lucasfilm protected her. But nah, they never do shit to protect their actors. If she does manage to post, please flood her IG with love and support.
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naomiknight-17 · 1 month
When I first said I didn't like a certain transmisogyny related set of acronyms because they felt exclusionary, I got a lot of negative feedback, and some people insisted that I was being transmisogynistic or even a threat to trans women, and that I need to listen to trans women.
And I thought, okay. People are being really harsh with me right now but maybe I do need to learn more about this.
So I started paying attention to what the trans women on my dash were saying. I read the 'discourse' posts. I followed a couple of blogs that use that language to see what they were all about
On one hand, I did learn a lot about transmisogyny and intersectionality, but on the other hand I saw that the folks using these acronyms do not speak for all trans women. I saw some trans women on my dash directly calling out that terminology for the same reasons I did.
I saw people using that terminology saying exclusionary and transphobic and intersexist things about other trans people and about intersex people.
So in the end, my opinion has not changed.
I am trying to listen to trans women, but they don't always all agree. And I think I agree with the ones who don't like that language
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sadpanda · 2 months
Suni Lee is from St. Paul?? I just know Bobby Nash doesn’t mess around about her!!
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cartoonscientist · 10 months
really surprised that so many ghosts of murdered first wives in horror fiction try to kill the new wife or drive her insane instead of being like “girl I need to tell you some shit about your man and then you need to help me kill him”
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ramblesbiab · 5 months
I have a proposal. I am given Infinite Money to purchase art of women kissing from artists on tumblr.com. Thoughts?
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theygender · 9 months
Does anyone have any good book recommendations that talk about transmisogyny in a way that would be entry level to like. A 50 year old cis lesbian
#especially ones that talk about the ways that our society primes even trans allies to view trans women in a negative light#my mom is trying but i think she could use some help understanding in a way that i dont think i could just talk her through#she seems to think my gf is more like standoffish than she actually is and she thinks my gf is being rude when shes emotional about smth#and im talking her through it from the perspective of like#'as a human being and as someone who is all too familiar with homophobia please understand what this is like from her perspective'#but i feel like. theres some unconscious transmisogyny going on here and i really wish my mom could understand that#but i dont think shes ever even heard of transmisogyny before. she has no context#i cant try and talk her through it from that perspective bc she would need a lot of background to understand what im saying#and i dont think trying to explain transmisogyny theory in the middle of an argument would be helpful#if i could recommend her a good book under the context that it would help her understand me and my gf as trans people#and if she read through it and took the time to understand it which i do believe she would#i feel like it might help her to kind of analyze if the thoughts shes having are influenced by transmisogyny and start unpacking that#and also importantly i feel like she could look at what my gf is going through not just from the human and lgbt perspective im asking her to#but also from her perspective As A Woman#bc i feel like theres a missing piece there right now. my mom supports us and respects my gfs gender#but i dont think shes looking at these situations in context As A Fellow Woman#idk#rambling
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not-poignant · 1 year
This is the anon the said 'safe'. Your tags hit me hard, since I'm actually starting a transition but am avoiding hrt. I've been getting pushback on it, and been told I'm not really trans without it. I know what I want to change to feel like myself. Also what I don't want to change. That's probably why 'safe' was my choice. It sucks when you think you should belong, but still feel like you aren't good enough. It helped to hear you have felt the same. I just want to give you a big virtual hug.
Ahhh I have a similar story, anon <333 I'm so sorry you went through it too.
Under a read more because it contains transphobia towards a nonbinary person from a binary trans person. My experiences are from a nonbinary lens, anon, so take the bits that are useful to you and ignore the rest, depending on where you sit on the trans spectrum <333
When I started realising I was transmasc (I'd known I was non-binary for a while) I remember that I talked to a trans man about it, he'd been going through the process for a couple of years at that point and we'd talked about that too at different points.
And I remember mentioning that I'd thought about hormones, but I was still on the fence because I'm nonbinary, not like 'binary trans' (i.e. I'm not going from point A to point B, where you move from AFAB to man or AMAB to woman), and I was talking about wanting they/them pronouns and maybe he/him pronouns at that point.
And he said: 'Oh cool, yeah, hopefully that helps until you decide for sure with testosterone and surgery.' I had this moment of like ??? and he was like 'when you realise and can be brave enough to commit to being a guy, I hope that goes really well for you.'
It was one of the most transphobic things I'd ever heard, not because it was said from a hateful place (it really wasn't, I'm still friends with this guy), but because it came from a friend, I was being very vulnerable during the conversation and it left me feeling like I didn't have a right to consider myself trans at all for about two years after that. It pushed me into this space where I'd been defined by a fellow trans person as a 'coward until I decided to be officially a man.' And then for two years I kept looking for that inside of myself, denying my non-binary-ness in favour of looking for a very clear and decisive 'I'm a man!' moment. It was a horrible period of time, gender-wise. Because being identified exclusively only as a man or a woman is dysphoric to me, so trying to do it to myself was like cutting at myself with an axe.
It's also very much like when gay and lesbian folk would say to me - back when I identified as bisexual - 'get back to me when you pick a side / become a real queer.' There's a real phobic bent among folks who are 'one or the other' (sighs) towards people who are in the liminal with this stuff and that's where they belong. And it hadn't occurred to me that I'd hear a version of that from a fellow trans person. You'd think I'd have learned, right?
He and I are still friends, but I stopped talking to him about all of my experiences as a trans and nonbinary person. It was clear to me, in that moment, he saw me as a much lesser version of an identity he'd embraced and was living. You know, how so many people think of nonbinary transmascs. (It's also frustrating, because trans men also don't need to have hormones or surgery to be trans men, and it makes me furious when people take this attitude with binary trans folk too, but I'm mostly focusing on my own experience here, of the myriad ways we encounter transphobia in the trans community).
I never heard anything quite like that again, but I've had one other trans guy be like 'when you're ready for testosterone, I'll support you' like he was waiting in the wings for me to 'fully make a decision to be 100% a man' which isn't a decision I can make, because I'm not 100% a man, lmao, I'm like 80% of one, and 20% something else, and 0% woman, lmao, which is why I call myself nonbinary transmasc.
I was lucky that through research and listening to voices in nonbinary transmasc spaces and more open-minded trans spaces that I realised that I'd encountered transphobia, and that this specific kind of transphobia is particularly common in the trans community, especially in cases where a trans man or woman has a period of being nonbinary as an experiment to see what transitioning feels like before they fully commit to the surgery and/or hormones and name etc. that they often wanted all along. So they often project this onto other people, because for them being nonbinary was a midway point, or the middle of an evolution. But being nonbinary isn't an experiment for most nonbinary people, it's literally our identity and it always will be. (And any binary trans person reading this, don't ever use this rhetoric with your nonbinary friends, or your fellow binary trans friends who have elected not to use hormones or surgery - it's transphobic.)
These days, I'm proudly trans and proudly part of the trans community, but I'm also aware that there are a lot of binary trans people who will treat me and other trans folk as 'other' because I haven't suffered through the same surgeries or adjustments that they have. That's...their transphobia, and it's not me expressing my identity wrongly, or being 'lesser', it's just straight up transphobia. It belongs to them, not to me. I don't believe we have a unique word for nonbinary transphobia, it all comes under the same umbrella, but that's definitely what it is.
When you start to feel like you don't belong, anon, remind yourself that this is internalised transphobia, not to punish yourself, but to remind yourself that it's not true. Those feelings belong to the people who gave them to you, but they're not innately or inherently true, they actually have nothing to do with how valid you are at every stage of your transition.
You're fully a trans man if you don't take hormones, and you're fully nonbinary if you do. Whatever you need (or don't need) to affirm or express your gender for you, is what you need, and that deserves to be respected and fully validated no matter what, at any time. Whether it's binding or not binding, hormones or not hormones, hormones and then 'not for the next few years' and then hormones again, surgery or not surgery, etc. Whether you're a trans man, woman, nonbinary, agender etc.
People have this idea of what it is to be a 'proper' trans, bi, gay, lesbian person (like the 'gold star lesbian' which is horrendously disgusting as a term and concept), but all you need - literally all you need - re: these things, is to just... know you're these things. That's it. That's how a gay person can know they're gay without having sex. That's how a bi person can know they're bi without sleeping with someone of the same sex. And it's how a trans person knows they're trans without looking perfectly androgynous or perfectly binary trans (depending on what they desire) on the outside. (Don't get me started on fatphobia in androgynous and nonbinary spaces, and the equation of true 'nonbinary androgyny' with thinness, because that's a whole other rant for another day, lol).
I'm sorry you've experienced that pressure to be 'more' of something from society / particular people. I can specifically relate on the hormones front because I actually went quite far into looking into taking T, to the point where my doctor was ready to sign off with an endocrinologist, before I realised that it wasn't the right decision for me. It might be one day, but right now I know I'm transmasc without it, and I'm concerned about some of the side effects with my neuroendocrine tumours. There are other ways I affirm my gender that work great for me. But I did have a moment of knowing that would impact how other people see me, and it's one thing when it comes from all the cis people, but it's another thing when it comes from the trans community as well. :( Thankfully most people are really validating now, use the right pronouns, and I just don't confide nonbinary vulnerabilities with folks who saw being nonbinary as a midpoint of their own evolution/journey, just to be safe, lmao.
Wishing you fortune and strength and much validation, anon <3 You are amazing as you are, whatever you decide to do or not do in the future. :) *hugs*
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spaciebabie · 9 months
nightmare chica x reader fanfic no mom I'm just googling something it's fine, nothing weird. Wait is this tumblr?
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roseamongroses · 1 year
atsv spoilers/
so what im hearing is that earth-42 rio is single?
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rosemaze-reveries · 9 months
btw !! i’d love to start taking idv requests again if anyone has any 🫣 feel free to send em in
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cryptidunknown · 2 years
living with bigoted parents who are actually decent parents is an Experience bc you’ll be thinking about how grateful you are for them and how much you love them and then they’ll spout the most hateful, horrible sentence you’ve ever heard come out of a person’s mouth and you’ll remember. ah yes. the Problems
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bredforloyalty · 2 years
there's a lecture at 9:30 that i'm interested in but i don't want to wake up at 8 😔😔😔
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iceyrukia · 1 month
I honesty don't think it matters much in current times that men have influence over the beauty industry when feminists will spew repetitive commentary about 'patriarchal beauty standards' like broken records yet will perpetrate and valorize the exact same beauty standards that they critique.
Overthrowing beauty standards and getting rid of them entirely IMO is the easiest thing to "overthrow" systematically because all it takes is simply not buying beauty products and not practicing in unnecessary beauty rituals, and POOF! it can all crumble but that's not what's happening. Instead you see the most self-aware choice feminists give lip-service in support of women who don't want to be forced to wear makeup or shave or feel insecure about their looks. It's all "all women are beautiful" and "no women should be bullied for having body hair or being GNC" and they might have good intentions but at the end of the day as long as beauty is social currency for women (femininity in all forms) then that becomes a baseline for ALL women and ALL women will naturally have the incentive to try to pursue whatever is the current beauty standard. And in return those women who opt out femininity are seen as 'lesser' women who get demoted and ignored by society, and so all women, both GNC and GC who get mistreated for being women no matter what, will be inclined to at least gain something (social currency) by being 'pretty' and try to capitalize on that if they are going to be mistreated anyways.
I think it's a common misconception around choice feminists (judging by the way they tackle beauty standards) that women's insecurity are a personal self-inflicted, self-esteem problem and not one where women subconsciously know they are missing out on something (social currency) is they don't participate in it. Choice feminism somehow strangely recognized that beauty standards as systematic issue but doesn't handle it a one, in fact they go the hyper-individualistic route where every women simply needs to "be confident" (where some women's confidence comes from getting plastic surgeries to be their ideal self :/ ), and everything is solved. They focus more on individual feelings and not with the fact that beauty is more an accomplishment and experience that women are supposed to valorize in order to be successful in life, as if it's something to put on a resume.
So, as long as women participate and "gain" something from being beautiful, even if they are victims themselves of beauty standards, words and support for gender non-conforming women fall flat. When women are not valued for existing in their natural form and there is always an "improved", altered version of a women that they can be according to society (that doesn't exist for men at all), it no longer becomes a simple debate about choices and how men control women's appearances or not but one of ALWAYS feeling like your natural self as a women isn't good enough and you have to keep up with women who "choose" to do so and "gain" the most from it. Men's opinions and actions become insignificant here.
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dgspeaks · 2 months
Empowering Voices: 2024 Sundance Women to Watch x Adobe Fellows Announced
In an exciting development for the film industry, the Sundance Institute has unveiled the eight talented women selected for the 2024 Sundance Women to Watch x Adobe Fellowship. This prestigious yearlong program is dedicated to nurturing and sustaining the creative practices of women filmmakers, with a strong focus on those from historically underrepresented communities. Launched in 2020, the…
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passerea · 7 months
not usually a Poster but this situation is making me lose my mind. the way that predstrogen has been treated by this site is disgraceful and should not be ignored by anyone who considers themselves a friend to trans women. i was online last night and saw her latest account get nuked and disappear from my following list 10 minutes after she posted about how frustrated and upset she is about how she has been treated. she has been harassed and stalked by rabid transmisogynists for months and the response from tumblr is crickets. many have said it but I'll say it again- "queerest place on the Internet" is a fucking joke.
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