#Ik their ship is nonexistent but it’s there for one
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daughterofthequeen · 1 year ago
Things Aren’t Always What They Seem and Sometimes They Are
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Pairing: Anakin Skywalker x padawan!reader
Summary: You’re Anakin’s padawan and after your master has a close call you develop nightmares of his death. Every time you close your eyes you see it, so you decided staying awake is the best way to keep your mind at ease and keep your master safe.
Warnings: Angst, fluff, platonic relationship, crying, nightmares, reader uses she/her pronouns, small mention of blood, reader has at least shoulder length hair, description of throwing up, description of death, light description of head being cut off, detailing insomnia, I made my own cw battle, I think that’s it let me know if I missed anything
A/N: I just needed this. Either Anakin can be used, but both Anakin’s are the same to me. Also readers nickname is stub btw due to her stubborn nature(gimme Ik). In this storyline Ahsoka is Kenobi’s padawan, but Anakin still uses Snips for Ahsoka since they’re still always around each other due to Ahsoka being readers best friend and Kenobi also always being around. This is also longer than I planned, sorry.
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No, no, no, no, NO!
This is not happening. This is not happening! It’s impossible, he’s survived far worse than this, right? A building exploding with him still inside it was a piece of cake when it came to my master. So why isn’t he answering his comm, and why can’t I feel him?! His force signature is gone!
He’s dead.
That’s why I can’t feel him. Everything around me was basically nonexistent to me, all I could focus on was the rubble in front of me that had my master trapped. He couldn’t be dead, he just couldn’t be, and I refuse to believe that he is. I wanted to go search for him, to help get him out of there because he needs me, but I couldn’t move and all I could hear was my heart beating loudly in my ears. Until a louder noise snapped me out of it.
“COMMANDER!!!” Rex yelled as he grasped me by my shoulders and was roughly shaking me, which snapped me out of my shock. “Commander the tank lifters are here to remove the debris.”
“Hurry, Rex.” After Rex leaves to go give the orders I turn back to the rubble as I tried to dig deeper into the force to try and sense my master’s force signature. I came up empty handed until I felt a pull towards the other side of the destroyed building. I followed it until I heard a voice. Dooku. I know that slimy voice from anywhere. I hurriedly hid behind a large rock, that I could tell used to be a wall, as I listened to Dooku’s conversation.
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“And you’ve found nothing?” Dooku voiced to a battle droid.
“Nothing. We’ve looked everywhere.”
“Hmm” Dooku wasn’t so sure, Skywalker wasn’t easily terminated, how ironic it would be for him to be taken out by a simple explosion. He closed his eyes to focus on any life signature, but the only ones he found were weak and they were all similar in some way, confirming they were just feeble clones. And he was about to call this a success until he felt a stronger force signature, and it wasn’t under the rubble, definitely a Jedi. Dooku opened his eyes and looked to his right, looking straight at the stone you were hiding behind, but before he could act his holoprojector went off. “Yes master?”
“Return to your castle, I have more important matters for you to tend to.” A blue tented hooded figure spoke.“Now.” The hooded figure quickly added sensing the hesitation his apprentice gave off.
“Yes, master.” The holoprojector cut off and Dooku called for all the battle droids to fall back, and they left taking their victory. And their victory? The termination of Anakin Skywalker.
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I quickly ducked behind the destroyed wall before Dooku could see me, even though I was certain he could feel me. But to my luck he was called away, I waited for the last separatist ship to fly away and that’s when I left my hiding spot. I started looking around the same area Dooku was to try to find any sign of my master, but there was none. A sickly feeling washed over me, I was close to letting the breakfast I had this morning back up, but was able to keep it down. Though I couldn’t stop my eyes from welling up with tears.
“Master?” I whispered fearfully, my voice not able to speak any louder without cracking.
“Master.” I said a little louder, as the tears started rolling over at this point.
“MASTER! WHERE ARE YOU??!!!” I finally screamed, the tears are now unstoppable and so were the sobs. The cries broke free. I was sobbing uncontrollably, and soon found that my legs were not able to hold my weight anymore as I dropped to my knees. The pain from the rubble that was made up of stone and metal went unnoticed. Bracing my hands against the ground to keep myself up and grounded as much as I could. I started pleading to the force to give Anakin a few more strings of luck, so he could make it out of this alive. So caught up in my own pain, I didn’t even hear the stones moving to my far left, let alone the foot steps.
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After Anakin no longer felt Dooku’s presence and when he was sure he wasn’t coming back he used the force to move the destroyed stones that were surrounding him and some of his troops away from them. And they started climbing their way out from the rubble. After he made it out and helped some of his men out as well he looked around making sure there was no danger as he was catching his breath. When he looked to his right, he spotted his padawan. His padawan who‘s supposed to be on the other side of the explosion sight. What is she doing here?! Dooku and his droids could’ve seen her and he wouldn’t of been able to get out from under the rubble in time. It’s like she does the complete opposite of what he says, to stress him out on purpose. He sighed and started his walk over to his padawan, and when he did he seen and heard the predicament she was in. She was crying? Why is she crying? He wondered if she was injured. She was clutching her hands to her chest, which made him worry even more. He hurried to her side, and as he dropped down next to her, he grasped her shoulders, turning her towards him to look her over.
“What is it? Where are you hurt?” Anakin’s heart was racing at this point as he panicked. All he knew is he needed to help her, but his padawan on the other hand had a different reaction upon seeing him. Regardless of his efforts to get her up she wasn’t moving, and she heard nothing he was saying. All she could do was stare. Her master was alive? How? His force signature was gone and that only means one thing. Death. So how was it her master was kneeling in front of her trying to make sure she was okay? For the second time that day she had to be shook harshly to snap her out of her shock. But it still did no good to help her understand what was going on.
“(Y/n)! What’s wrong?” Silence.
“(Y/n), talk to me!”
“Master?” Was all that she could whisper out.
“Where are you hurt? I can’t help if you don’t tell me.
“You’re alive.”
“Wha-? Yeah? Why wouldn’t I be?”
“The building- I mean you were still inside. Your signature was gone.” Having to explain what she thought happened only brought the tears back, unable to stomach the loss of her master, someone who’s like a father to her, and the closest she would get to having one. The thought of losing him was unbearable, and not to mention against the Jedi code. Attachment was forbidden, and she knew her attachment to Anakin was way more than it should be. She threw herself into him, much to Anakin’s shock. Her face buried in his neck, with her arms wrapped around it as well, as she let the rest of her tears out.
Anakin’s heart broke at the sound of her sobs, they sounded so broken. The original plan was to plant the bombs and get out of there which you were able to do successfully and get to the extraction point unscathed, but the separatists knew about their plan and next thing he knew hundreds of battle droids blocked them in. He was able to keep the ceiling from crushing him and his men around him, and was able to cloak his signature from Dooku. And that meant from everyone else as well, so he could see how that might have scared you. Wrapping his arms around his padawan, he made sure to keep a firm comforting grip, letting her know that he was here and not going anywhere. She cried harder at his promise, she could feel it, he was telling the truth.
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𝟺 𝙼𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑𝚜 𝙻𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚛:
It’s been 4 months since the incident, 4 months since I believed my master was dead, 4 months since I’ve had a good nights rest. Ever since the Battle of Aravion I haven’t been able to sleep. Every time I close my eyes my darkest fears come to life. So I do my best to stay awake as long as I can. Some would say that’s unhealthy or dangerous with me fighting in a war and all, but I’m doing fine . . . .mostly.
“Hellooo, Coruscant to Stubs.” I hear my master say as he comes into my line of sight, snapping his fingers in front of my face which I turns snaps me out of my daydream. “You with me?”
“Sorry, Master. What were you saying?” Shaking my head to clear and focus my thoughts.
“I said if you don’t focus you’re going to get stunned, and I’m sure you don’t want that to happen, right?”
“No, master. I’m sorry, master.”
“Sorry?” Anakin mumbled to himself, you never say sorry to anyone even when you are, unless it’s in front of the council or something, you show your apologies more so with actions, not words. And there’s usually a snappy comeback by now. What’s going on with you?
“It’s fine, what’s on your mind?”
“Nothing.” I’ve might’ve said that a little too quickly. Oops.
“Stub, I know you. What’s wrong?” Anakin knows how to get me to crack. It’s just something about his soft voice that makes me feel like he could fix whatever’s going on with me. No matter how big or small. But not this time, my problems will go away on their own. I just hadn’t got the incident through my system is all. After all, part of becoming a Jedi is being able to let go of your personal feelings, and that’s not something that you can’t rely on people for, it’s a matter of you.
“There’s nothing wrong, I was just wondering when our next mission would be. We never stay here at the temple for very long. I guess I’m just a little anxious.”
“Yeah, I was like that too at the beginning of the war, but I just learned to relax whenever I’m given a peaceful moment. It keeps your head clear and it helps keep you balance.”
“I will try.” I took a deep breath as I turned away from my master and walked back to the where the 501 boys were waiting. I got into my starting position, lighting my lightsabers. I had to focus, that was the only way to get Anakin to believe me, so I had to last my usual time or he would know something was definitely up. I gave Rex a nod, letting him know that I was ready. He gave the signal, and for the next three minutes it was going well. Until I was hit in the back, then everything went dark.
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I groan as I sit myself up. I must’ve been stunned about 5 or 6 times, my body isn’t usually this stiff after waking up due to growing a tolerance. But wait a minute. Stun shots don’t sound like explosions. I quickly stood up to scan my surroundings only to see I was in the middle of a battle field. I must’ve been hit with a blaster shot, but I didn’t feel any pain besides the stiffness. How did we get onto a battle field, we were just in a training room a few minutes ago.
I turned towards the front and could see nothing but fog. I lit my saber and started deflecting the blast that were coming my way. Maybe they couldn’t wait on me to wake up. What was the mission again? Wait. My master would never leave me behind, regardless of the mission, unless it was safer somehow. So where is he? I looked around again and heard a groan this time. I turned to my right to see a trooper. I quickly ran to help in any way I could.
“Trooper! Are you ok?!”
“I’m fine as I can be commander.” He groans.
“What battle is this? What was the mission?”
He coughs harshly. So harsh blood comes up. “The plan was to blow the factory. Groan. I suspect the others have made it there already.” He cuts himself off due to coughing more.
“Help will be here soon trooper stay awake.” I tried comforting him as I squeezed his hand. Trying to keep my emotions at bay.
“They knew we were coming. Gasp. We didn’t stand a chance. But you insisted we go on with the plan. General Skywalker agreed, trusting your judgment. Gasp. Half of us were wiped out. You walked us to our death.” All of a sudden the comms in his helmet we’re getting louder. I heard the screams of the troopers in pain. The yells of orders being thrown out by Rex. The explosion that seemed closer than it should’ve been in the comm, like it was right next to that poor trooper that was unlucky enough to get hit. I back down towards the trooper I was comforting only to see he was deadly still. And I knew he was. His eyes were staring straight up towards the sky. Like he embraced the call of death on his life. I heard the sobs and even looked around to see where they were coming from, but they were coming from me. I did this, all this was my fault. This was my mission, the troops were following my orders, I lead them to their deaths knowing it was a trap to begin with. I hurriedly stood up and started running forward. I moves as fast as I could until I could see the building and could hear the explosions more clear. I ran until I got to the front of the lines using my saber to block incoming blasts, and thankfully as always Rex was there.
“Commander, you’re alright!”
“Yes. Where’s General Skywalker?!” I had to yell for him to be able to hear me over the sounds of battle.
“He went to set the bombs, he should be back by now.”
“I’ll go help!” But I was stopped, a hand gripping my arm.
“The bombs are about to detonate any second!”
“Anakin is still in there!”
“I’m sorry sir, but I can’t let you go in!” After that statement the building collapsed in a fiery blaze. We were far enough away to feel nothing but the strong wind the explosion put off.
“Rex, hurry and get the tank lifters here. I’m going to find Anakin.” And I took off regardless of Rex’s yells. I made it to the blast sight, but upon arrival Dooku and his mindless droids were there. I hid behind a large rock when I was struck with a hard case of deja vu. This has happened before, maybe the first time was just a vision. The force letting me know everything was going to be ok. I peaked around the corner seeing Dooku talking through a holoprojector to a cloaked figure. After their conversation ended, Dooku ordered all the droids to load up and evacuate. After he left I ran to where I was last time waiting for my master to unmask his signature. When he did I hurried to that area and helped with moving the debris that was around them. After getting him and the troops out safely I walked to my master to check and see if he was ok.
“Master, how are you feeling?” I was a lot calmer then last time, a little too calm. But he’s fine maybe for once things will actually go our way.
“I feel fine, but where were you stubs. We could’ve used your help.” He was out of breath, but still managed to be sarcastic. He was fine. I let out a light laugh.
“Come on master, let’s get you back to the transports so we can get you checked for any brain damage. Well, more than usual.” I smirk and turned to walk off, but felt he wasn’t following, so I turned only to see him standing really stiff.
“Master, what’s wrong?” I was so close to him. My hands were on his shoulders just in case he might fall. Suddenly, a red light pierced through my masters chest and would’ve passed through the top of my head if I hadn’t of moved just in time. Only to realize it wasn’t just a light, it was a lightsaber!
As my master dropped to the ground Dooku was standing right there over him. The color of his lightsaber reflecting on his wrinkled face. I paid him no attention though, I ran to my master hoping by some miracle he was still breathing. I lifted him up and moved myself behind him, so he could lean on me, hoping it would give him some kind of comfort. But maybe it was just to comfort myself.
“Master! Master, get up! Get up!” I was trying to pull him up, help him stand, so we could get out of here, but the only response my master gave was falling to the side, hitting the ground. “No! Master, get up. No, no, no, no. Let’s go. Please, let’s go.” Rows of heavy tears rolled down my closed eyes as I was sitting on my knees praying that this wouldn’t be true. I grabbed my masters ungloved hand, still warm though it has only been a couple minutes since it happened. It felt like hours. Dooku didn’t even have the courage to give my master a fighting chance. What coward stabs someone in the back, and calls it a honorable victory. Falling forward, I hugged my masters dead body as I sobbed so loud the stars could hear me across galaxies. My voice coming out in squeaks as I try to tell him how sorry I am, how sorry I was of failing him, how I didn’t see Dooku coming, hoping he would believe me, or at least hear me in the afterlife.
“Feeble child.” Hearing his voice only made me angry. I gripped my sabers and ignited them, quickly turning around striking Dooku down where he stood. And of course he was able to keep himself up, all he did was drop to his knees. But what I planned next no one could walk away from. I slowly stood, and walked towards him tauntingly, I wanted him to know what was coming. Before he could even attempt at grabbing his saber, I made sure to cut through his useless hands. I then lifted my sabers, crossing them at his neck as I looked him in the eyes, pulling my sabers apart. The body dropped and I watched as the severed ball rolled in the opposite direction. I looked down and seen a red lightsaber, but it wasn’t Dooku’s. I looked over to my other saber seeing that they were identical. The red I was seeing was coming from my lightsabers, but I couldn’t find it in myself to care. And unbeknownst to me, my eyes reflected the damage I’ve done as well. A piercing yellow with red rimings, the eyes of a sith.
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I gasped as I quickly sat up, looking around. I was able to slow my heart enough and calm my raging brain to notice I was in my room. How’d I get here? Was everything that just happened a dream? There’s was only one way to find out, find Anakin. Fearfully, I got up and walked out of my room, cautiously but quickly searching for my master, too riled and unfocused to use the force. I walked straight across the hallway to his quarters and knocked. It went unanswered, taking it upon myself to open the door, only to find he wasn’t there. Everything left untouched his messy bed from yesterday still in the same state it was, saying he’ll fix it later. I took off to the training room, still nothing. Then to the cafeteria. Nothing. At this point I was starting to worry. I didn’t want the grand masters to see me like this knowing they would sense my fear and unease, but this was Anakin, I’ll risk it. I went to the council room, also empty. This sickly feeling washed over me, and I ran to the closest bathroom. Passing Obi-Wan and Anakin padawan in the process.
“I thought you said she was resting?” Obi-Wan crossed his arms at his former padawan’s ability to keep up with his own padawan.
“She was. Why is she up this late?” He mumbled, his confused frown deepening as well. Even if she was up, why was she running through the halls? Either her and Ahsoka were sneaking around in the pantries again or something was wrong. Without so much as a warning to Obi-Wan, Anakin took off to follow his padawan. He caught up to her only to see her burst into the women’s restroom.
“She had to use the bathroom.” Obi-Wan stated the obvious.
“Why not just use the one in her room? I think somethings wrong master. She’s been acting strange lately.”
“Anakin, your padawan is your responsibility. You should know why she’s been acting differently.” He scolds.
“I know that, Master. But-”
“But what?”
“She usually comes to me when she’s ready, so I don’t push it.”
“Anything could be going on with her Anakin, whether she wants to or not it’s your job to find out what’s causing her trouble.”
“That’ll just push her further away. I know Stubs, if I push to hard it’ll just delay the progress of her telling me. I know because I’m the same way.”
“You’ve never been that way with me.”
“That’s because I knew you years before I even became your padawan. Stubs and I are only a year in.”
“And you both are already so much alike that you would think the two of you share the same brain.” Anakin rolled his eyes at his masters comment and walked up to the women’s bathroom door, but when he did he could sense waves of fear going through you. He almost walked into the room, turning towards Obi-Wan seeing if he would stop him. It’s not like anyone else was in there, they only felt her.
“I’ll keep watch to make sure nobody else goes in. Go.” Anakin nods, closing his eyes as he walked into the bathroom just in case you were actually using it.
“Stub?” He calls out softly, his voice echoing throughout the walls. His only reply though was the sound of soft gagging. “Stubs?!” He called again this time his eyes are open as he ran and found the stall you were in. It wasn’t even locked. He found you on your knees, head above the toilet dry heaving into it, while also trying to catch your breath. He went to get some paper towels from the dispenser, wet them, then came back to keep your hair out of your face. Once he was sure you were done, he knelt down in front of you and turned you towards him, brushing your hair behind your ears to keep it out the way and started cleaning your face. He was worried, yes, but he knew you didn’t needed him playing 20 questions right now.
“Can you stand?” He spoked as softly as he could.
The whole time you didn’t know who was helping you, you barely noticed someone was there helping you at all. But when your eyes focused as you looked up, a small gasp came from you.
“Master.” A sense of deja vu washed over him.
“Are you able to get up?” He started to panic because tears started rolling over your cheeks. He was about to ask what was wrong but your body slamming into his stopped him, again. Confused? Way more than he was before. Worried? Even more so. Anakin maneuvered you so he was able to pick you up, and carry you out of the bathroom, simultaneously throwing away the paper towels. The door opened and he came face to face with Obi-Wan. Who only gave him a ‘take my advice’ kind of look. Receiving a tired sigh from Anakin.
“I know. I’ll see you tomorrow Master. Good night.” To which Kenobi responded back with a good night of his own.
He made his way back to your room as he constantly looked down at you to check and make sure you were ok. Your eyes were barley open, you looked exhausted, as your head laid in his chest. You should be, he wondered how long it was going to take you to break after not sleeping for months. He was hoping his heartbeat would’ve put you to sleep by now. He knew you thought you were keeping it a well kept secret. That’s the whole reason you both haven’t been on a mission yet, he asked the council to give the both of you a few days off, refusing to let you put yourself in anymore unnecessary danger. He was surprised the council agreed, chalking it up to Obi-Wan putting in a word for him. He could’ve just banned you from coming on missions until you told him what was wrong, but that would’ve just made you retreat and hide your restlessness better. This was the best choice. Making it to your room, the door slid open, and he gently laid you down on your bed. He was about to let you rest and get to the bottom of this in the morning, but your hand quickly grabbed his, keeping him from leaving.
“Don’t go.” You whimpered, breaking his heart of what felt like the thousandth time that night. He complied and released a heavy sigh.
“You have to tell me what’s going on with you Stubs. I’ve given you enough time to figure this all out and tell me what’s going on, but this has gone to far.” He kept his voice low to let her know he wasn’t upset with her just worried. You sat up regardless of him trying to lay you back down but true to your nickname, you’re just stubborn. He stayed where he was kneeling in front of you, letting you have the height of the conversation, physically and metaphorically.
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I couldn’t look him in the eye knowing that I would start crying again.
“I just had a bad dream, that’s all.” Trying to play it off as nothing.
“Yeah. One among the many for the past few months, right?” That caused me to lift my head involuntarily. How did he know?
“Look Stubs, I understand what it’s like to have constant nightmares, ok? I just don’t understand why you won’t tell me about them.” He chuckled, an unamused one with a confused frown on his face.
Looking back down towards my bare feet, trying to keep the tears at bay. But failing at that too, a breathless sob breaks out.
“I just- I just don’t understand why they keep coming back! I mean I’m starting to think-” I cut myself off not wanting to speak into existence. Instead, I shoved my face into my hands. I’m not sure I can keep going with these nightmares, they keep getting worse.
“You’re starting to the think they’re visions.” To which I nodded to. “Are they the same dream or is it a different one every time?”
“It’s a different one ever time, but they always have the same outcome. You said you’ve had nightmares before. How did you stop them?
“Tell you what, if I tell you about my dreams, will you feel comfortable enough to tell me about yours?” Anakin didn’t like sharing his past with anybody, but for the sake of getting his padawan to trust him completely, he would do anything. You gave him a nod, to which he nodded back.
“It wasn’t that long ago actually. It was around the very beginning of the clone wars. They were about my mother.”
“And how she died. I didn’t understand it at the time, but they weren’t nightmares. They were visions.”
“I’m sorry, master.”
“I’m not telling you this so you could feel sorry for me. I told you so you would understand when things like this happen you should talk about it to someone not hold it in, because one day you might be able to save a life.”
“But if it is a vision. . .I fail.”
“Not all visions are set in stone. And they can be almost impossible to understand by yourself.” As he explains he reaches out to gently grab her hands giving them a gentle squeeze.
“They’re about you.” Going back to looking down at my feet.
“What about me?”
“You die. And I’m always to slow to save you.” Looking up to see his expression, he doesn’t look scared if anything he looks amused. “Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask confused.
“Is it ok if I see it?”
“How can you do that?”
“Easy. Hold still.” After he says that his hands move to the side of my head, our eyes closed , and our foreheads laying on one another’s as he searches for the memories. When he finds them they suck him in deep, so deep he has to take a deep breath to keep himself grounded. Your fear, your pain, your anger. But right before he pulled away, he was able to see where they all started. Guilt flooded through him. He didn’t realize how much he scared you. He pulled away and moved to sit next to you on the bed. He paused for a moment trying to figure out the best way to reassure you.
“Listen, Stubs. I’m not going anywhere. And I’m sorry I frightened you. Why didn’t you come to me?”
“I was afraid. Everything I was feeling, everything I am feeling is forbidden for a Jedi to feel. And I didn’t want you to look at me any different.” I replied, looking the opposite way shamefully.
“Stub. I am the last person to judge you. I have your back, just like I’m sure you have mine. Whatever I can do to help you, I will do. But I can promise you, I’m not going anywhere. And you don’t have to be scared of that happening anytime soon, or at all for that matter. Understand?”
“Yes, master.” Not giving him time to reply. I threw myself into his side, wrapping my arms tightly around him. He returned the gesture, pulling me into him even more.
“Bed time.” He pulled away, lightly pushing me to lay down, and pulled the blanket over me.
“Master? When’s our next mission?”
“We don’t have any, and we won’t until you’re well rested.”
“Oh yeah, you don’t know. We won’t be completing any assignments for a while. I requested to take some time off, due to my padawan deciding it’s ok to go into battles with little to no sleep.” He smirked knowingly.
“You knew.”
“Of course I did. Now get some sleep, please.” He replied as he turned to leave.
“Thank you.”
His playful smirked turned into a soft smile. “Good night, Stubs.”
“Good night, master.” I responded as I laid down already half asleep, ready to catch up on all the months that were missed.
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A/N: The longest fic I’ve completed, but it had to be done🫡. Proofread, just let me know if I missed an error, I hope you guys enjooyyy.
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laylawatermelon · 11 months ago
70.6 - 7.07 Speculation/ Buddie Meta
I am a writer y'know hehe
So, Buddie is happening.
Now let me explain.
Bi buck always existed, but the problem is that most of his consistent emotional relationship one could argue realistically romantically has been with a man he's known for years.
But has always been bi yes, but he's also been in love with his best friend for a really long time.
Friends to lovers where Y'all at? I see y'all madney truthers
Anyways I understand but what has kind of been bothering me is the fact that Buddie the ship has been abandoned/negated as not an important past of the puzzle for bi buck realization despite the fact that Eddie is physically present throughout his entire relationship/storyline.
I could argue that because they're mirrors to each other (corny soulmate type shit is perfect for network tv) this is the best way to ease people into it.
Buck and Eddie are the two beloved firefighters (and respective sex symbols). They have an appeal for the straight audience for that reason.
Lou already spoiled it but he's only here for a while.
There's been almost blatant explanations and dialogue that leads to the fact that this relationship is going to directly lead into buddie one way or another.
Tommy has from the beginning suspected that Buck (I'm calling him Evan in my head in regards to him and it's so weird 😖) and Eddie have an unusual relationship or that Buck is in love with Eddie at least.
(MY attention? is the biggest example.)
My prediction is that their mirrors of each other, the parallels, and red flags pop up too often now.
I know they're still writing the show and are likely watching audience engagement and ao3 (I'm watching you Tim ik you're here I'm new but ik you got shooters out here) for where to go with the story.
In Eddie's (frankly oddly portrayed) plotline is related to his Catholic guilt and his nonexistent relationship with Marisol (no last name?). As the episode maybe suggests they don't know their partners well enough.
Shame to Eddie because it's been months in universe like come on man. In Buck's it's literally been a few weeks, and most of the time Tommy spent with Eddie and not with him.
I like them as a couple and find them affordable. I can't quite bring myself to ship them or be as enthusiastic as others and that's okay.
I still admire the relationship they have and won't bash others for enjoying it.
Hell they still have Taylor and Buck enjoyers and maybe even Abby (i assume I haven't met any honestly).
The reason why I'm a bit confused on why Buddie isn't being all that embraced as a vital part of the storyline is because in a way it is.
I think it spurred the writers on to lean into it heavily due to the actors chemistry and portrayal of the relationship.
Now I'm not saying he wouldn't be bi regardless, because he's always been written that way.
His interactions with worm guy, a gay married couple, Carlos (who I've been waiting to say this but I can't hold myself any longer is Latino, shorter than him, brown eyes, dark hair - Eddie lite/he had a bit of a type aka cute guys.)
I clocked him flirting with him with his cute fact spilling as a way of affection because I do it to to people I love. (🤗i love my ADHD rep!) When he saw him look at the girl he became more platonic in his interactions. Then there was Eddie.
And Eddie honestly is the biggest part of the puzzle.
Yes he likes Tommy, and I don't deny he likes strong confident (suspiciously Eddie shaped 😂) guys.
He has always been attracted to strong personalities regardless of gender.
I do think he did pursue him and I think because Tommy is gay he recognized the flirting Buck does with both men and women as that, flirting.
Eddie doesn't count cause he has a whole can of worms he gotta figure out himself.
If Buck had consistent scenes with an out queer man on the show he'd have been at least clocked. (Eddie was kind of in the way with Josh and the Dispatch crew/his gaydar pinged a lil around him)
I've been saying that now that he's canonically bisexual and it's a known fact, you can't deny he's quite literally been flirting with his best friend the entire show (as a coparent??? Idk man they both said they skip steps/impatient 🤷🏾‍♀️).
When new fans watch it it's obvious, when older fans recall it it's either enlightening or redefining that relationship regardless.
The red flags that are coming up is Eddie's statement of moving too fast and Buck literally moving to fast with his second date (i assume idk how in world time works it's a tv show 🤷🏾‍♀️) being his sister's wedding.
Realistically I know you only invite people to events like that if you're fully committed to each other for a long term thing.
I'm not saying that he's on his wheel but in a way I'm tilting my head at some similarities of Tommy and his past relationships and Buck's tendencies.
Buck will be Buck.
Tommy knows him as Evan, and calls him such.
Which didn't get me wrong cute or whatever but rubs me there wrong away, because we know he prefers Buck as it's his chosen name for a reason. It's defined him and been contextualized and even accepted by his parents.
I believe in calling people the name they choose to be called and I just don't like when that's ignored.
It also doesn't help that he continues to call him that in an episode called You don't know me (you can Even tie it in to Marisol No last name) that deals with identities and lack of knowledge.
Buck has spent most of his remaining twenties with that identity and has defended it so the casualness of him calling him that unnerves me.
It's meant to close the distance and be portrayed as romantic but it can also be interpreted as him seeing Evan, not Buck when with him.
But I did see a post that changed my perspective on calling a name with love instead can recontextualize the meaning of it and I found that sweet and fitting. In that case I can swing either way about it.
If it does make him more accepting of that side of his identity that's great that he's beginning to heal from a path when his name/personhood was used as a weapon or item.
But, I also still feel a bit iffy that it's not interchangeably used with Buck because his family and everyone he knows calls him that. Even his previous romantic partners did and I didn't mind him being called it but I would like it if both names would be used as that is the new part of him where Evan exists as well.
Also narratively they spent too much time on defining his name and what it means to him and everyone around him to not show the importance of his identity being acknowledged in a new unfamiliar relationship.
(whew i think I'm just mad at the writers or this may just be on purpose who knows 🤷🏾‍♀️)
I'm getting to the meta I promise I'm just finally processing what's been plaguing me about this relationship and i gotta let the monster out
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That would also explain why he doesn't know the ADHD rants that Buck blabs on about.
But then again the episode is called you don't know me and they weren't even friends he just jumped into a relationship.
(ps you can just start dating someone and learn as you go I'm just saying 🤷🏾‍♀️)
The biggest problem with their relationship is that he's in love with his best friend.
He literally only began to open up and flirt when he realized that he wasn't a romantic threat to his family.
(Which trifling Buck! Your man can't get wined and dined?? He deserves love too!/j)
He literally relaxed/his shoulders open up when Tommy assures him that his son still loves and idolizes him and that Eddie still likes him and he's irreplaceable in his life.
After that's secured he begins to make his move and become more flirtatious (cough sexually open cough) to this confident man in his kitchen in the dim lights and glowy atmosphere.
Damn I'd kiss him too 🤷🏾‍♀️ (if I was a guy ofc)
I also didn't like the parallels of Buck being left (which has happened with his female love interests) and then Buck still having to reach out.
I don't think Tommy is bad for Buck, but I'm still not convinced that he's 100% good. But then again he's been here literally a two episodes and barely any screentime.
And the one he does makes it seem like he's interested but not too invested.
(which makes sense and I will elaborate a bit later in the meta speculation)
The Tommy that everyone is talking about exists solely in fan spaces and head canon and that's why I think I can't get into it. The facts of him are plain in the show but in the fan spaces he has a different image.
Which valid, once again he's almost a blank sheet of what we wish a Buck gets and deserves in a love interest but that's what he is as of now. A blank-ish sheet. Kind of like a projection sheet for movies.
Tommy seems like a caring partner and sure of himself. He's shown himself to be funny, considerate, and as unhinged as the rest of the 118 (ah the fruity fire badasses).
Also i wanna point your Buck likes em a lil older sometimes haha
But back on topic, I can see Tommy being like Natalia (which makes sense as that storyline could've been used) In the fact that he sees that the space in his life is occupied and respectfully backs out.
My meta for 7.06 is this.
Tommy helps out somehow. Buck is ecstatic rightfully so.
They kiss dance and are cute.
The family is very welcoming, the 118 is still loving, but then he sees something that affirms his suspicions.
It's a normal scene for us.
Either Buck is taking care of Chris and then talks to Eddie.
He sees the look in Buck's eyes and the fondness there. He looks at Eddie and sees the same on his face.
He notices how they work together and laugh, them at the family and life he's built all around him, and decides he can't be apart of this. There's no space for him.
It feels too real too fast and he'll only end to heartbroken because he's just interested, not invested yet.
So he gracefully bows out and let's him know that he has enough love in his life if he'd just look for it.
(i also found out he used the word interested in the cafe scene where i recognized it as the ana date. Also Buck was wearing a white patterned shirt and i had a heart attack because it wasn't great the last time he wore it 😬)
Then it leads into ghost of a second chance.
(now imma say this i will be posting more specs about the these episodes I'm just on my buddie storyline juice rn)
This is now Buck trying to salvage/figure out what went wrong and maybe try to contact him again.
In the case of Marisol it's safe to assume they break up, the reason why isn't clear.
It could be related to his sisters disapproval of their relationship (as they're supposed to be coming out did the show forget??) or apprehension towards her as they've been raised/watched him grow up.
They know what makes him happy.
For ghost a second chance I didn't have much buddie assumptions but I'm pretty sure that one is more in relation to other members of the cast most likely and maybe Buck trying to salvage his relationship.
7.08-10 isn't complete so who knows🤷🏾‍♀️ how they must switch it up for more drama?
But I will say, we gotta dive into the Eddie of it all.
Y'all thought I forgot about him?
The bi Buck storyline isn't complete without Eddie either romantically or platonically.
In real life their queer storylines were always interchangeable and they're both feeling out the GA and fans reaction.
Buddie not going canon doesn't make sense because realistically it's one of the biggest ships and the most talked about things for the online fans.
It's a good reason many fans started (me included🙋🏾‍♀️) and stay (if the beautiful found family didn't hit it for them).
The way that they were both discussed and Ryan is fine with Buddie still kind of matches his character honestly. Demi Eddie is a head canon and honestly Eddie would only be comfortable with dating a man at this stage of his life if it's someone he loves already aka Buck.
There could be other reasons but as a Buddie warrior truther (as they named it which is still so insane) as his old interviews alluded to the fact that he loves Buck so much he can't really see himself with another guy he just met like that.
He also maybe wanted a easier storyline as he had always been a bit of a heavy character.
For women it's easier as he's raised to do it and it's "natural" or right for him to do so.
His parents said it, the church says it, God says it so it must be right.
He loves commitment, has said he's a nester and constantly yearns for a family unit.
The only family unit he knows of it feels is acceptable due to his upbringing is man, woman, child.
Not that he's homophobic cause duh, HenRen is literally there, but his standards and pressure doesn't even let him fathom it for himself.
It's also likely if the demi part is true, he's highly unlikely to be like Buck and view others sexually and even realize he's able to have a family/relationship with a man.
I suspect no Buddie this season. I actually hope and pray for it.
Because from both a business and story point it's best to keep the will-they won't-they into season 8 to keep viewers engaged/tuning in and not to rush the story and get some really good emotional moments.
I won't lie I miss the angst we got in the other seasons and as a result the show's identity with Eddie has faltered a bit.
I didn't love episode 5 but I didn't hate it. I still enjoy the show and if they feel a bit unusual it's okay.
There were still some great moments in it.
Eddie's character is now happy but as a result he's also somewhat unfamiliar (that speaks to the whump heavy storylines he has) as he seems less mature. You can argue now that he has a stable support system he's able to let loose because he knows his needs will be covered.
That's also a great point and easy way of showing his development.
His Catholic guilt now that it's been introduced will have to be deconstructed as he will have to redefine his life, what he's looking for/allow himself to be and dare to dream of a life not given to him by someone else or pressure.
This season he's only just started to accept things that make him feel good (which for now is Marisol) and be open and honest about it.
I can argue it is a great sign of improvement of his character.
A bit ooc portrayal yes, but the message of looking deeper still applies.
This can apply to Buddie probably leading through the next half of season 7 by being ramped up and then going full speed ahead season 8.
At the time though since they're still writing they may take a hard right turn and keep it platonic (😭).
But what would be inevitable is Eddie's coming out/self discovery arc that isn't tied to the church or sense of duty.
Which yay! More self discovery I love the message of finding yourself lasts throughout your life and due to life's unexpected events you can change to be a better version of yourself all the time.
We got bi buck (which evidently was influenced by Eddie in some way) now let's free Eddie to even if they didn't do it for Buddie (once again😭😭😭).
Now that I've got it mostly off my chest I'm definitely gonna do an analysis of the parallels and the way it's played pt.2 (and more as seasons passed cause Ryan and Oliver 😘 muah 10/10 no notes).
Okay bye.
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ecogirl2759 · 1 year ago
I reblogged this post earlier, and I wanted to elaborate on my stance since I messed up my reblog and my message didn't show up :(
LONG ramble about Taka and Ishida under the cut :)
(Spoilers and death and all that good stuff, as well as a couple screen caps)
Heads up:
Just real quick, I'm gonna make a couple points based on this snapshot from an old interview. Here's the source. (I will translate some parts of this below, too.)
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For starters, I don't think Taka was ever meant to survive.
I really think he should have, but I don't believe he was ever going to. Hot take, ik lol
As basically everyone knows by now, Taka was meant to kill himself in Distrust. That ended up being changed since the whole suicide plot would've been revealed too early for people's liking, so that point was given to Sakura. So even before the game was refined and shipped, Taka was going to die. (Edit: OKAY this info is actually false. Leaving it in so that people can read what I had originally said, but this part is NOTTTT ACCURATEEEEE okay thanks)
Taka's FTEs also stopped when he changed into Ishida, and while Ishida had one unused FTE, it was only one. I doubt there was ever much planned for Taka past Chapter 4 (maximum), so they decided to just kill him in Chapter 3.
Kodaka did speak a little bit about what he had wanted Taka's death to feel like, so I think that's pretty solid evidence that he was always going to die.
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Kodaka: You could say that. However, even in a sad situation, I didn't want to make it [his death] cruel/brutal, so when it comes to it, it was on purpose.]
Ishida was also not a very well-received character lol.
Apparently, when the game first came out, Ishida was one of the least liked characters in the whole game. The staff also didn't care for him much, so they probably wanted to get rid of him as soon as possible.
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Komatsuzaki: I felt like the characters were weaker when combined (laughter).] [Kodaka: That [Ishida's FTE] was also scrapped, and almost all of his appearances were lost. For that reason, Ishimaru himself was very popular although Ishida wasn't popular in the slightest. It's unfortunate... (laughter).]
The wordage here makes me think that there were originally going to be more chances for Ishida to appear, but that was thrown out in the earliest stages of planning. [ボツ roughly means "rejection (of a manuscript, etc.)]
Kodaka DID want to dive deeper into Ishida's character, though! He said so here:
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Kodaka: I wanted to dig a little deeper regarding Ishimaru and Oowada's union, "Ishida," though...]
However, not even the interviewers really cared for Ishida lol.
Also, just to bring it up, here's where the claim for Taka's nonexistent backstory comes from, as far as I can tell:
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Kodaka: I thought about depicting that [his experience in junior high] a little more in his Free Activity part, but that was becoming too dark/gloomy, so it was retired.]
So it's not that he had one that was scrapped after he died. He never had one to begin with.
The staff do agree that he was rushed, though. Kodaka admitted that he probably rushed his death a little at the end, but he was trying to achieve a certain feel with it.
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[ROUGH TRANSLATION:] [Sugawara: Ishimaru's facial expressions were fairly abundant, but I felt like his time to die seemed too quick to carry out.] [Kodaka: Be that as it may, I feel I was too quick regarding Ishimaru. But, I really wanted the event when Ishimaru died to be like Robert Rodriguez's "Desperado".]
Now, I haven't seen Desperado, so I have no idea what this reference means lol. If anyone has seen it, lmk! (Defo going on my Must Watch list hehe)
Taka was likely always meant to die, but his character was incredibly rushed and shallow that he ended up dying without much to his backstory or personality.
It's really unfortunate, though. I've always felt like Fuyuhiko was kinda like what could have been for Taka, even on my first playthrough of the second game. Taka's character did and still does have SO much potential, including the fact that his percent chance of surviving his death is MUCH higher than any other character that has died thus far.
If there's ever a new Dangan installment, I want a Taka cameo where he didn't actually die because the freezer room basically acted as a life support system for him and slowed his circulation of blood, letting his head injury heal just enough to escape Hope's Peak some time after all the survivors are already out but before anyone comes back, but because he has severe untreated head trauma he's kinda crazy.
Sorry for the ramble hehe
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3416 · 3 years ago
my two cents about buddie going canon:
i feel like with buddie, if everything else about their relationship remained the same as it is in canon, but one of them was a woman, there would be next to zero doubt that it was heading to a canonical romantic relationship. i think that’s the difference here…like, we’re not delusional, there’s so much there that hints to a buddie endgame. am i as 100% certain as some other buddie truthers?, no, but i wouldn’t say there’s been 0 indication of it on the show
my thoughts got a little too long, so this is going under a cut KLFJDKL, my bad. read or maybe don't 😭 bc obv, i disagree.
i mostly disagree but respectfully, i promise. the thing is... i think you need to be able to look at the context of the show and what it's trying to achieve rather than zero in on these individual dynamics that you personally want to read as or would enjoy as romantic. if we're gonna talk about something going canon, i mean. i know we get caught up in that romantic/shipping part in fandom bc it's the most fun, but it's not realistic to think the ppl running the show are approaching it that way at all. 911 is a procedural. it's not like groundbreaking tv in any real sense beyond the fact that it's putting diverse casts in front of wide audiences, and when it's trying to be "groundbreaking", it comes right out of the gate advertising it that way... like subtlety is NOT what network tv is known for, and i feel like every single theory i see about this long slowburn for buck and eddie hinges on a quality that just doesn't exist in this specific mediumfjdsk. like everyone wants to talk about how groundbreaking it would be to have some repression arc come to fruition and these two shown-to-be straight characters so far falling for each other, and that would absolutely be a treat,,, if network tv had ever been known for pulling stuff like that. 911 truly already covered the basis of a "coming out later in life" storyline with michael, so i have nO clue what makes someone think they'd take the risk of doing it again.
ik that actress that plays carla got some backlash for what she said about buddie (ider exactly the words, ik some of them were ignorant ((but also i laughed)) abt the alphabet ppl or whatjlkfdjsk im yelling), but realistically, when she talked about how buck or eddie wouldn't be canon bc they're the heartthrobs, she's not exactly incorrect that that's the way hollywood works. should it? not necessarily, but it does, lol, idk why bother trying to deny that. buck and eddie are both the two young macho straight guys to project onto in this show... the ones women thirst after also, and that's currency in tv, whether or not it's good moral practice or the right thing or whatever we can argue. i honestly think people are just giving 911 too much credit when they think this is happening or even a possibility. the show (and lone star and any other network tv show pumped out at this pace, it's not a drag lol) lacks so much nuance in other stories... they mostly just tell things in broad strokes to appeal to wide audiences... so why would they be able to handle this well? what about its formula makes fans think it's gonna defy those conventions of tv? i just don't get the faith, especially when everyone is railing on the show and writing 24/7 the second things don't go their way for 5 minutes. that's why i've said before.. on the very (very very very very, honestly nonexistent in my own brain but ill let myself imagine) slim chance they ever did become canon, it'd 100% be the pressure of fans. which again.. i don't think there's THAT much sway or power there compared to general audiences n ratings, it's just the most visible/loudest through the direct connections w social media these days lol... and historically fans have won that battle about "queerbaiting" ships like 0 times. though i also 100% disagree with the idea that should buddie never go canon it's queerbait but i digress.
of course you can take lines between buck and eddie and make them SOUND romantic if that's what you want to choose to see (honestly i could probably do it for any crack pairing in the show too, in some form or another), but the staging of the scenes themselves and the direction/acting of the actors has legitimately never landed that way or been overtly romantic (in the way that network tv often is) imo, and i don't think it's supposed to be. i don't think the show is trying to plant any seeds, i don't think there is some long con here. this show exists episode to episode, season to season. it's always about expanding threads they left open in the past, rarely about some long arc planned from the beginning. i think the over-analyzing nature of online fans (affectionate bc me too, just not abt this) and honestly this hyperfixated-on-queer-content corner of the internet is the reason buddie even exists as a thing. i wish i was around for its conception just to see the creators/actors initial reactions to it bc i bet they were SURPRISED that that's smth people would latch onto or even think about. i know i was when i finally learned what it was (and i literjlkdjsklfjlk look for gay people everywhere in media, don't let me be misunderstood) and i know if i went and asked 95% of the ppl watching this show what they thought of it, i'd be planting the idea in their mind for the very first time, lol. it's just... not apparent, and frankly, that's reason enough for me to believe it'll never happen.
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bella-donna418 · 4 years ago
Filipino AU HC
A/N: Fun fact: I’m a Filipino yayy :DDD
So I decided to this headcanon with let’s say, “my” (it depends if you ship them too OwO) ships wearing my country’s national outfit/costume which is a “Filipiniana and Barong Tagalog”  😂😂😂
This is actually what I think they'd react/do when trying them out.
Also pics came from google. (I might get sued LMFAOO—)
Also this is couples sooo wearing something quite modernized versions—
These are also customized ones and the boys are simply wearing black pants 😂😂😂
So Hanji, someone who loves exploring things, decided it's nice to try something out and explore culture.
While trying it out, Mikasa was feeling weird and felt like she's carrying something at her bottom part 😂😂😂
Eren would be like, "Are you alright?" or like, "Can you even walk with that?"
Mikasa replies with a nod of reassurance.
Her hair is also like decorated with pearl pins (also something we do in Philippines while wearing the Filipiniana OwO)
Eren was just staring at her (especially that her cleavage is showing-) as he put his hair in his iconic manbun (y e s-) and puts the barong on.
So Mikasa got the hang of it and tried walking
She was so slow—probably because it was her first time and the dress was so huge and she was also wearing heels trying not to trip 😂😂😂
Eren was trying not to laugh at her but she looked so funny trying to walk—
He fails and he ends up laughing so hard Mikasa just straight up glared at him making him stop.
So Eren walked towards her and due to the dress being like big, he had to kinda adjust the dress' folds so he can get nearer to her and get her hand so they could walk together.
While walking to their meeting place, Eren was stealing glances at Mikasa's "thing" (this dude is h0rny and thirsty™)
Mikasa then noticed and raised a brow at him—Eren looking at her and smiling sheepishly (got caught redhanded)
She smirks and tightens her grip on his arm making Eren curse softly because of how strong her grip was and it's definitely painful.
"You can stare at it all you want later." She whispered to him grinning—Eren shrugging it off.
Outfit pics:
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Another fine couple— (who am I kidding they are all fine—)
Annie is wearing the dress and OH MY FUCKING GOD.
Her hair is down and she has pearl pins at the left side of her hair (like those korean ways of putting hairpins—)
She's just staring at Armin who seems to be quite focused in fixing himself.
Armin then looked at Annie and he was just in awe.
She looked at him—kinda forgetting her uncomfortable situation at the moment.
He walked towards her to give her a hand since she does look like she's carrying the bottom half of her body due to the size of her dress (same experiences with Mikasa 😂😂😂)
Armin was smiling at her while Annie is just blushing madly (let us insert her simping and screaming internally)
"Uncomfortable?" He asked—Annie shaking her head no (even if she is)
He laughed lightly and Annie's grip tightened a bit—Armin definitely knowing she is uncomfortable.
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Ok so far... when I try to think of them—my stupid nonexistent ass (yes I'm assless like Eren 😂😂😂) would be like, "first thought, height—"
Pieck prefers dresses that won't reach the floor (because they're hard to drag around)
Jean is quite confused why Hange would decided to make them wear this (Jean I'm offended— jkjk 😂😂😂) for some kind of dinner party she put up.
He'd keep questioning why she decided this was some kind of idea—Pieck always answering them.
Pieck would have her hair down (they're quite wavy) and she'd wear a simple pearl headband (but she so pretty 🥺👉👈)
Luckily, Jean won't have to find himself having to adjust her dress to make room for him to be near (oof for Eren and Armin 😂😂😂)
But their height differences makes Pieck look like she's clinging to a tree when walking 😂😂😂
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NicoSasha (Yes, I also ship these two)
The usual Sasha, eating beforehand
Her hair would be in her usual ponytail and she's wearing a pearl hair tie
Both of them are just enjoying themselves with this, Niccolo also taking some (Sasha shares her food with him sometimes)
They also did not mind at all
Like Jean, he doesn't have to find himself adjusting dresses to make room for him to be near
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Ah yes, Hange being the mastermind of this—
Talking about it, Levi was really against this idea—but knowing Hange, he just 'tched' at it since even if he told her not to, she'd still do it
Hange's definitely enjoying it since she kept humming melodic tunes
He wasn't even sure where her idea of wearing "these" came from
Hange's hair was also put up in a simple cinammon bun secured with pearl pins
Levi did find her beautiful in it but he still won't buy it since SHE was the one who thought all of this
And yes, her dress is short (you know already, I said it twice—)
When she'd look at him, a grin forms on her face and was like, "You look great in it!" Levi rolling his eyes and the iconic "tch"
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Ok ik I kept mentioning pearl clips, headbands, etc.
It's because pearls are the common stuff here and we'd wear them on special occasions that requires us to wear the national costume/outfit (yes in school we used to do that)
Also didn’t know how long this was in my drafts and editing it until now 😂😂😂
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed!
(Remind me to stop making HCs cuz they're literally failing lol)
(Maka-recognize kung kanino yung 4 na yan may sampung piso 😂😂😂)
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Between the 4 games you said you played in your bio, which one is your favorite?
I have a killer headache rn and my brain's not working and literally my first thought was well I haven't played sports in years now what the fuck are they talking about I'm so sorry my brain is being stupid
How can I choose! They're all so good in their own way! Even though I only started playing dating sims during these three months of lockdown I played a lot, most of them only lasted a couple of days and these four are the ones I got attached to
I played loved island (specifically season 2) first! And like I still adore how much the relationship with the other characters and the storyline change depending on if you make your MC be an ass or not? Like the other characters go through character development based on your choices? that's amazing! Also after playing the game I had to put down my phone and walk away because Bobby did some lasting damage and now my practically nonexistent irl standards are greatly raised
Obey me was the second game I got attached to (after playing other otome games) and I downloaded it expecting to delete it after a few days, like I did the others, and didn't even bother reading the description. This was also the first game I got where they used they/them pronouns and I just??????? It made me so fucking happy? I've been unsure of my gender & pronouns for more than an year now (& I still am tbh!) but this silly little dating sim using they/they pronouns felt so good? It was an unexpected surprise and I adored it! I also like that none of the brothers are instantly smitten with MC, and it takes 19 lessons to get even one main storyline kiss, I like that they focus on the found family aspect and I adore how the chats sound like real people texting?
I'd been avoiding downloading the arcana for about a year now and I regret it so much! The graphics! The CGs! The soundtrack! The characters! The storyline! Julian Devorak! All so good! I'm so in love I can't even express it!? I got so engrossed in the story I finished Julian's whole route in a couple of days! I literally could not put my phone down I needed to know what happened next!
I downloaded fictif cause it was from Nyx Hydra too and I'm only really attached to Last Legacy (probably cause it gives me The Arcana vibes) and though it's only got a little updated I absolutely adore it? It's MC is probably the most enjoyable/relatable because they're a snarky little shit? And with the other three games even if it took some time to figure out a fav I did and I stuck with them till the very end but I can't do that with Last Legacy? All the LIs are so goddamned stupid and I love them all? I actually poly ship all the LIs and MC cause I can't bring myself to pick one (Sage probably holds the slightest bit of my favour over the others tho simply because he can purr)
Ik you only asked a simple question and I ended up ranting I'm so sorry but yeah I guess I can't pick...
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novissa · 5 years ago
ik i'm sounding like a broken record at this point and am just recycling words but i have SO many feelings on the matter so let's talk about danissa again. okay so first off, they're practically nonexistent when compared to the het couples also on the float (i use het lightly though bc nova and adrian are both bi but i digress). like nodrian gets a kiss and tuckva got the smoke heart but danissa? wasn't it just like them holding hands or something? anyway it's easy to write them off as just 1/?
being friends. so them being there almost feels like it was just for brownie points and it was a very half-assed attempt at representation. it would've been so so s o easy to simply write a sentence saying danna/narcissa kissed the other on the cheek or something of the like and it would've been a lot better. i also wish that mm had done more to make it apparent that danna is queer, like say mentioning a past girlfriend or crush she had on a girl. something that would've only taken a single 2/?
sentence but made a huge difference representation wise. if mm wanted her and narcissa to be together so bad she could've tried a little harder to at least make it more explicitly canon that they were together or at the very least danna and/or narcissa being queer (you KNOW oscar would constantly tease danna about her crush on nova/any other girl if he knew) 3/3
YEAH!!! and i know i’ve talked about this a lot but the parade thing is so annoying because it’s almost... idk just so OBVIOUS that danissa is the only one without an obviously romantic thing. it almost seems like... purposefully targeted like that if that makes sense?? and i really don’t think that’s what mm intended AT ALL but it really feels that way. and she said that she tried so hard to make it work but... did she? really?? she probably wanted to save the kiss at the parade for nodrian bc it would have been boring to have three kisses but it would have been so easy to have maggie say that they had been dating for a couple months or that they were grossly in love or that she suspected there was something more than friendship between them. and like you said it would have been so easy to have a single sentence mentioning a past girlfriend or something with danna. and also the fact that the girl she ships with danna is narcissa feels a bit weird? like, character-wise, narcissa is a fascinating character and i really wish we got to see more of her, but we didn’t. and her and danna absolutely are a great concept, but it feels weird and out of the blue for me based on what we actually saw in canon. nobell would have made a lot more sense but i digress. but i guess i would rather have her stick to background representation than try main representation and completely handle it wrong (like sjm). she could have done what claire legrand did with furyborn and just mentioned things passingly (though in the second furyborn book there was actually more concrete rep). also talking about instant karma? prudence’s brother should have just been gay. easy rep that is still a major part. and the fact that she said she was still figuring out which characters in instant karma would be queer is also kind of :/ like i’m glad she’s taking that into account but it’s still kind of annoying that she just... is like let’s just bake a tiny bit of queerness into these minor characters after they already exist. and i’m not hating on marissa here, and i’m not saying that’s absolutely what she’s doing but... representation shouldn’t be a second thought.
— send me unpopular opinions / hot takes!
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alienbrainwave · 6 years ago
Let's just save the time and say please answer all of it
LMAO thanks leena 
⛵️ - Fave pirate ship? (like boat ship)
UHM. red force? thousand sunny? going merry? 🔫 - Fave canon arc?
WATER 7 omfg this arc was. too good. too emotionally powerful. 
🚽 - Least favorite canon arc?
eh tied between skypiea and thriller bark. i think both are like? ok? but my gripe with skypiea is that there are like. no lasting consequences. like it ends and its like “yay we defeated god and everyone is okay!”. and thriller bark.... i loved brook’s introduction aswell as kumas more... official introduction.... but the storyline of that arc was so exhausting and i couldnt wait for it to be over tbh
💩 - Least favorite character? (in general)
This is too hard. Blackbeard? I fucking hate that guy. 🙅 - Least favorite Straw Hat?
omfg... tough i love them all. but probably sanji. i really hate how hes so badass and then relies on the pervert trope so much. brook is sort of similar but he overall feels more of a comic relief character whereas sanji is like. supposed to be serious half the time. idk. i love everyone though. 
😀 - Most favorite Straw Hat?
ah shit. i really do love them all. Its tied between. Luffy and Zoro. Because zoro was originally my Favorite Character and is now my third favorite.... but luffy speaks to me a lot. Like his whole.... die hard friendship thing. that means a lot to me. 
😍 - OTP?
💀 - NOTP?
ANY ASL SHIP THEYRE BROTHERS DO NOT SHIP THEM EVEN IF THEY ARENT RELATED THEY VIEW EACHOTHER AS BROTHERS!!!!! also law and cora or law and doffy or cora and doffy.... all awful and i implore the fandom to STOP. lunami , sanami, zosan, marco and ace whatever the ship name is for that, and im not a huge fan of shanks and makino 
☠ - Fave pirate symbol?
oof its like. between spade pirates, red hair pirates, heart pirates
🏰 - Fave marine?
it used to be smoker.... and hes still up on the list... but its definitely admiral kizaru now. 
❌ - Least fave marine?
hm. i havent actually gotten to akainu but? maybe him? spandam? lucci? 
👾 - Fave villain?
kizaru or katakuri probably 
😭 - Saddest scene?
uhm. excuse me. how can i choose. all of one piece is sad. mb aces death but i havent gotten to it yet so😆 - Funniest scene?
fucking. brooks introduction. like all throughout him being introduced. 
or after luffy KOs the celestial dragon and luffy kid and law are like. acting like. competitive children? hilarious. 
😜 - Funniest character?
this is tough. but i have to say i laughed so much because of duval consistently 😳 - Any crushes?
yeah ofc are you kidding me? ace, law, zoro, shanks, robin, franky, rayleigh theres just so many omg 
👌 - Fave character design?
HM idk if i can choose. kizaru? katakuri? ace? its hard bc i have bias on liking these characters already 
🃏 - Who has the Best Hat? (the true question)
uhm luffy obviously
🆚 - Sub or dub?
☯️ - Anime or manga?
anime but only because when i first started watching one piece it was like. out of boredom and i wasnt expecting to get invested. so i was like. eh ill just watch it to waste time. then i kept watching it and got into it so i just continued watching it! My current plan is to rewatch the anime up to where the dub is with ned then once we do that im going to read the manga
⏰ - How long have you been into One Piece?
only little over a year! im pretty sure i got into one piece april 2018? 
🍏 - Would you eat a Devil Fruit if you had the chance to?
uhm of fucking course i would!!! 
🐼 - Fave side character?
HATCHAN I WOULD DIE FOR HIM I LOVE HIM SO MUCH HES THE BEST (i mean im not counting law or ace as side characters since they overall have a lot of impact in the story.)
☔️ - Scene that made you cry the most? (not necessarily the saddest scene)
oh fuck uhm. water 7′s entirety i was crying so much. uhhh i just finished sabaody before hancocks intro so like. THAT scene in sabaody i was like “ aw this is sad” and then i was sobbing so hard my body was like. literally wracked with the sobs. i still cry everytime i hear binks brew/sake tho. so maybe that part? listen i cry a lot in general and one piece is sad very often so i cry A LOT 
🌧 - Saddest backstory?
robin???? franky???? 
😎 - Funniest joke?
zoros fucking nonexistent sense of direction really gets me every time
😱 - Most attractive character? 
Zoro for sure 
😐 - Most annoying character?
FOXY god i fuckinnnng hate him 
😕 - Scariest character?
conceptually, visually? scratchmen apoo. im not afraid of him but everything about him is completely unsettling to me. Maybe eneru/enel aswell? he spooked me a little until i was lamenting to someone about how op he is and they were like “luffys going to win because hes rubber.” and i was like. fuck. oh. ok. yeah. makes sense. kizaru is not like? scary? but he definitely is so powerful that it feels helpless against him which is a scary feeling.
👍 - Most powerful Devil Fruit power?
thats hard because even ones that seem lame are used well and become super strong? maybe pika pika no mi
🗣 - Got any theories for how it’s all gonna end?
no theories but i hope luffy becomes the pirate king
🙏 - Favorite episode?
uhmmm.. well my favorite  filler episode is zoros fucking.. babysitting adventures. so good. i dont know if i could pick a favorite canon episode
😏 - Favorite scene?
luffy punching the celestial dragon !!!
🙌 - Are you up to date?
lmao not at all. i stopped right before luffy and hancock meet so i could rewatch the series with ned. i do have a sort of understanding of whats happening atm. i try not to get spoiled but i have the very barebones 
❓ - What unanswered questions do you have related to One Piece?
im mostly just like. curious about the characters we know but dont know their bounties? like if i recall correctly we dont know like rayleighs bounty? do we know shanks? or gold rogers? stuff like that. 
▶️ - Fave opening?
share the world or we are!
🔙 Least fave opening?
hmmm maybe bon voyage?
🎆 - Something you can’t wait for??!!
i cant wait to get to wano!!!! it looks so good!!!!
🔝 - “One Piece is better than ”
one piece is better than kpop
🔪 - A character who fills you with frustration?
bon clay or buggy 
💓 - Which character do you relate to the most?
hm. water 7 robin? idk theyre all relatable for different reasons its hard to say whos the most relatable for me
™️ - How has One Piece changed you?
ehhh i dont know if its changed me as a person as much as its given me something to hold onto
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3416 · 3 years ago
skskskksks the asks u get are so funny. anyways i just wanted to put my two cents in which is that i get the vibes that alex and tk had a very….interesting…..and different relationship than the type tk and carlos have/had. like for some reason i have a feeling that alex and tk had a very unstable on and off thing that lasted for a long time and were on completely different pages at the end of the day. i just find it so interesting that tk thought they were in a place where they were ready to get married and alex was like “actually babe i’m in love with my yoga instructor! and ik you’re struggling with your sobriety but i don’t really care! bye!” like ?????? 😭😭😭 the fact alex cheated, dumped him, and still to this day doesn’t care enough to check up on him or call him is very….telling of the relationship they had. anyways i also think tk has a huuuge heart and loves things and people so completely and fully which is probably what kept him with alex for so long but i do think carlos is 100% a healthier and superior relationship in his life. not to gush (but let me gush) about carlos but he’s literally such a sweetheart and the absolute love of my life (and tk’s too LMAOOO) like i get people thinking carlos was a rebound at the start but carlos was immediately into him and trying to date him but was also able to respect the fact that tk wasn’t ready and there hasn’t been a moment where he wasn’t supportive of tk or his sobriety or literally any issue going on in his life. it is literally so funny seeing people think that carlos isn’t a significant relationship in his life while tk was out here saying he was “dying to meet his parents” and moving in with him 💀💀 like if people don’t ship tarlos, they can just say that but the whole “carlos is a rebound and alex is his soulmate and the love of his life” narrative is absolutely ridiculous i’m sorry
i will admit i haven't actually seen much legitimate discourse about this topic– i just got that ask earlier today LKJFSDKL. feel like i'm commenting on a nonexistent take here, but i blocked a handful of people who talked shit when i first got into lone star and it's kept me away from the truly inane stuff, i think, so... maybe that's going on... lmk.
i totally agree with you. i don't want to waste time in the show itself on alex, but i would LOVE to know what the writer's envisioned their relationship to be pre-pilot. it would really tell us a lot more about tk. tk seems very attached, and owen seems to see right through it, and i think it's very indicative of the type of person tk is to just... not give up on something despite the disinterest. maybe he was just mentally in a bad spot for parts of that relationship and needed to believe it was something special, but the fact that he (with all his baggage related to his parents and their marriage even pre-proposal himself) was willing to put himself out there and get married,,,,,,,,, i mean yeah. i have a hard time believing there wasn't some history to that relationship even if it wasn't stable the whole time. on the other hand, i also thought about the fact that maybe tk gets very attached very fast to people? and maybe it was a shorter relationship? and he kind of tries to unlearn that with carlos, which is part of why it freaks him out so bad to jump right in if he knows that's his usual problem.
there are so many possibilities here tbh. and i'm sure carlos himself has a history we can theorize to death about too if we wanted, but i do think their relationship is really a healthy one and i like seeing how it's playing out. even with this breakup, they have a potential to expand on insecurities or communication issues and make it better iif the writers are smart. they went through a lot together last season, so my brain tried to supply them with happiness, but it's not shocking to see the reality now? i think it's fine to not care about tarlos but like... to try to deny that they aren't endgame for each other in the show (loves of each others lives, yes, hello talk to tim) or invent reasons why they just don't work...... l o l. have fun with the delusion?
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