#Super sentai oc
mosquitoking · 7 months
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Power Rangers / Super Sentai OC based on classic horror movie monsters
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nicolecalendar · 7 days
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I started watching Donbrothers and it's altering my brain chemistry, so here's a silly self insert concept thing
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peonypaint · 1 year
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finally finished my designs for my toku suit ocs (: theyre siblings! I dont have much character info on them beyond that, but I really had fun designing these suits
full id under the cut!
[ ID: three digital drawings of original kamen rider and super sentai suit designs. the suits are themed based off of an american kestrel and an io moth.
the first drawing is a character sheet, which shows a front facing view of the suits mask and a side view of the mask near the top of the drawing and a full body front view of the suit and a partial body view of the back of the suit underneath. on the left of the drawing is a color pallette for reference. the suits mask is designed to look like the head of a kestrel, with its colors ranging from light browns to blue and golden. around the suits collar is a blue scarf, and its shoulderpads are stylized to look like brown wings. the breast plate is marked to look like the chest of a kestrel, and around the suits waist is a cape that splits into three parts meant to look like a kestrels tail feathers. both the suits boots and gloves are golden. on the top of the drawing there is text that reads "kamen rider kestrel" in all caps with a small drawing of a feather next to it. next to the full body drawings are text that read "front" and "back" corresponding with each front and back view.
the second drawing is a character sheet which shows two side by side versions of a front facing view of the io moth suit, and then two versions of the back view of the suit. the first front facing view of the suit does not have a cape, while the second does, and the first version of the back facing view has a cape while the second doesnt. the suit is colored in mainly warm hues, ranging from goldens to reds and browns. the suits helmet has large red eyes resembling a bugs and has two fluffy golden antennae. the top of the helmet and around the suits neck are both also covered in golden brown fluff. around the waist of the suit is a short golden cape, with markings similar to an io moths wings. the suits arm braces and boots are both golden. the suits cape is also stylized to look like an io moths wing with two brown circles near the top of the cape. the back of the cape has two layers with circle markings on the bottom layer and curved edges. without the cape the front and back of the chest plate have semi circle patterns near the top and bottom of the armor. there is a color pallette for reference on the bottom of the drawing, and the different full body and partial body poses are labeled with text that reads "front" and "back".
the third drawing shows a closeup of the io ranger suit helmet from the front and the side view. the side view shows that the helmet has similar markings as the suits capes, resembling an io moths wings with a circle and semi circles around it. below the drawings of the helmet is text that reads "moth sentai io ranger" in all caps. there is a small drawing of a moth done in white next to the text. /END ID]
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jacqueline314 · 29 days
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goldenzx · 10 months
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Specialized Super Spectacular Squadron Spider-Man / SSSS Spider-Man
Decided to make a group of Sentai Spidersona Goofballs, It was pretty hard to adapt the eyes into a visor design. Also was pretty hard to find out who would make up the team and what colors they would be (So many of Spidey's villains wear green, probably because of contrasting colors schemes?). As for why I decided to genderbend Rhino?.... dunno, really just seemed natural at the time.
Here's a bit of backstory and characters, but I don't have alot. I'd appreciate suggestions from people more familiar with Spider-man.
Spider Protector V and Spi-D Machines - 5 alien warriors from Planet Spider use the sentient transformation devices called the "Spider Protector V" to tranform into the Spectacular Squadron "Spider-Man". Fighting evil using their special combat suits and weaponize giant vehicles called the "Spi-D Machines".
But while patrolling a far away Solar System in-search of the dangerous Iron Cross Army, they are ambushed and ended up landing near a prestigious stem school called "Osborn High". With four of the warriors out of commission with both their Spider Protectors and Spi-D Machines heavily damaged, And their leaders losing faith in his skills, they decide to accept help from the shady headmaster and billionaire, Norman Osborn.
The four machines and changers are repaired, and all five suits and machines are given a few Osborn™ improvements, and the Spider Protector V are sent out to find a new group of heroes to fight the Iron Cross Army and their leader, the evil Doctor Monster. Although while Osborn seems be helping them to prevent the Iron Cross Army from conquering the earth, he seems to be plotting something behind the scenes.
The Hero's backstory (This is what I've thought of for now);
Peter Parker - Chosen to be the "Spectacular Red/The Spectacular Spider" or simply Spider-Man. A promising young lad who got accepted into Osborn High after disabling a sabotaged machine that was being shown off by scouts. He lives with his Aunt May and Uncle Ben.  He's always been a huge nerd, but started going to the gym when he entered his first highschool in hopes of deterring bullies, although that hasn't seemed to be working thus far. (and because of encouragement by Uncle Ben). Surprisingly snarky and more confident than the average dweeb.
Otto Octavius - One of Parker's classmates and first friend in this new school. A genius inventor Peter met at Osborn High, they both get their suits on the same day, he transforms into "Spectacular Green/The Spectacular Ock" or just Doc Ock. Quite intelligent, But often victim to his own hubris.
Herman Schultz - Becomes "Spectacular Yellow/The Spectacular Shocker" or Shocker. A self-taught engineer, after having to drop out of his first high school because of his parents' financial situation, he tried using engineering and inventing prowess to rob crack safes. While in Juvie he was chosen by the Spider Bracelet, and because of this and Osborn being impressed by his inventing talents, he is out of Juvie in exchange for attending Osborn High (And fighting Dr Monster). Although he can be quite greedy, he's actually quite a kind and caring and pretty peppy dude. Just don't ask him to borrow a couple bucks.
Alex Sytsevich - She's "Spectacular Grey/The Spectacular Rhino" or Rhino, and Peter's second friend at Osborn High. A Russian American from a poor. She can seem dimwitted at practically everything else. Short-sighted and easily deceived, combined with her near inhuman stature and strength caused her to fall into the wrong crowd. She is enrolled into Osborn High after being chosen by the Spider Bracelet, where she learns she's surprisingly great at physics. Wants to make an honest living for her and her parents, but is afraid the crime life may be all she's truly good at. Appreciates Peter Parker's friendship and honesty, and has a slight crush on him.
Max Dillon - He's the final member, "Spectacular Blue/The Spectacular Electro". He's solely motivated by money, studied hard to make money, entered Osborn high to get a better job to make money, and when he gained his suit he used it as leverage to be paid when he fights against the Iron Cross Army. Some may think it's because he wants a good life for his sister, and maybe that's partially true, but spend any amount of time with him, and you'll find that he's generally just a money-hungry guy. He is easy to anger and pretty rude. It's unknown why the Spider Protector V chose him.  Although he gets the job done well, probably the best fighter among them and the most adept at using his suits abilities, always getting vexed at when his teammates play around during battles. He wishes him and Schultz hero names weren't so similar and has been asking Herman to rename himself "Shockwaver" or something.
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tokimeki167 · 5 months
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My lil angel, Azrexxll (Pronoun: Azreal)
Name: Azrexxll Winged Guardian(Azreall)
Nickname: Azzy, 20th son of Artcutrous, Floomf Ball.
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Ages: Same as Prince Olympius
Species: Angel Warrior
Eyes Colour: Shocking Pink (FF11C7)
In his young form, featherling, he was acting like most babies except more happy. It wasn't until he was growing into the mature state after the LightSpeed Ranger destroyed the Demonic Edger, the star power was absorbed by Azrexxll, just like Impus before evolving into his mature form.
Unlike Prince Olympius, Azreall is a very cocky and enthusiastic angel warrior. He stands around with an air of confidence, believing himself to be a charming angel. His self-accrued demeanor often causes others in the wrong ways. His energetic behavior is always on the way, he can be found zapping and moving throughout the skies with a childish laugh and chaos. He has childish curiosity and always finds immense fun while learning about the world he lives in, and causes harmless mischief. While his childish behavior does cause trouble, he possesses a genuine heart and is determined to help others especially the rangers. He has feelings for Prince Olympius, he always daydreams about him and Olympius getting together.
Adopted Family
-Ryan Mitchell (Adoptive Younger brother)
-Captain Mitchell (Adoptive Father)
-Dana Mitchell (Adoptive younger sister)
Real Family
- King Artcutrous SolarBlaze (Father)
- Queen Cassiopeia "Cassi" Star Night(Mother)
- Light King Gabrielius Feathered King (older brother)
-Princess Cassiella Light Maiden (Older sister)
- Prince Solvala Solar Knight (younger brother)
- 22 older and younger siblings
Relationship with Olympius
He has a Huge crush on Olympius after his first meeting with him. He often went to talk to him but had no luck at first. Whenever the Rangers are out, he often daydreams about Olympius and the dating between him and Olympius. Azrexll determine to get notice of his love for Olympius but get fails due to his cocky nature. But Olympius has feelings for Azrexxl when Azrexxl is helping injured Olympius. He and Olympius secretly date in the other realm to keep their relationship hidden from each other since Azrexxll is an angel warrior while Olympius is a dragon/demon warrior.
Fun facts about this silly and cocky Angel Warrior, Azrexxll.
- He is adopted by Captain Mitchell before Dana and Ryan are born, making him an older brother to them.
- He is orange cat-coded.
- Sometimes he hangs out with rangers.
- Unlike his older real siblings, he is very cocky, playful, whimsical, and mostly a crackhead.
- He can go berserk if you are stupid enough to hurt his loved ones, ESPECIALLY Prince Olympius.
- He is a winter lover.
- He can soar faster than the fastest jet.
- He has a sweet tooth and often enjoys dessert more than other food.
- Despite his cheery and energetic behavior, he has anxiety panic, and impaired social relationships, this is because he was being called 'Disappointment' by his real father due to his cocky nature before being adopted by Captain Mitchell. This causes Azrexxll to have struggles when trusting strangers.
- He has bright pink blood
- He has three trusting angel warriors, Twins Knights Asgore and Hoshi, and Celestine Warrior.
- Like Prince Olympius, he has three forms, his normal form, his Heavenly Guard form, and his Light Dragon form.
- Azrexxll likes to call Prince Olympius, Princes.
- His sentai name is Heaven Warrior King Minakanushi.
- Despite his friendly behavior, you better not hurt Prince Olympius, physically and mentally, bc if anyone dares make Serious Prince Olympius sob/hurt, Prince Azrexxll will go into berserk mode, you have 10 seconds before you meet your brutal demise. In his berserk, the ranger must knock him off by using something that does not destroy him.
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zac-salazar-01 · 3 months
I finally have an idea for my Sentai (Obakeranger) changer
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Yo-mamori Changer
This changer is used by the top 5 Obakerranger
It is a type of Yoyo mixed with a scanner and is used to transform and perform Yojutsu spells.
It comes attached to a bracelet
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Oni Henshin Bracephone SmartInro
A Smartphone with a design similar to an Inro that is used by OniSlayer (sixth ranger)
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It comes with a bracelet so you can use the "Onitouken" (Fighting Oni Fist) martial arts techniques.
Illustrative image coming from the Chinese toku Armor Hero XT
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The collectibles are Yo-Fudas/Ki-fudas
Cards inspired by ofuda talismans
They are very similar to Blade's Rouze Cards and Ryuki's Advent Cards.
Each ranger has their own deck of cards related to their element.
Each type of spell is based on a different Yokai.
These spells are varied (transformation spell, attack, barrier, summon, final attack, etc.)
I hope y'all liked it
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zetsub0n0n4nsensu · 7 months
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Strong like diamonds and sharp as a sword, Z Rider Usagi is here to save the day ! ◇
(Don't be surprised if she changes her mind and leaves though. She's not a big fan of explosions.)
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morninkim · 1 year
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anyway. King-Ohger OC to get her out of my head and into the world
Haiki Bombus is a mechanic from N’Kosopa who initially introduces herself to the King-Ohgers as Kaguragi’s lost daughter.
Later on, Rita uncovers that her real father is just some deadbeat loser from Toufu and that Haiki knew that the whole time and was lying to them and herself so she wouldn’t have to face her reality. Telling herself and others that her father is Toufu’s King rather than just some guy made her like she was more important than just another punk. Kaguragi accepts her anyway, taking her on as a ward.
She transforms with a reverse engineered Ohger Calibur she built from observing the others’ swords and her personal mech, God Bumble, was built in a similar way (except this time from observing their personal Shugods of the Kings from afar and then up-close) and can stand in as either the right or left leg of King-Ohger, depending on the situation, otherwise she can also be wielded as a spear.
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ssremitm · 4 months
Hands you another artstyle swap post
For this drawing I decided to draw in @lumothespadesman ‘s art style and I drew my super sentai oc (who I have yet to name) anyway expect another post like this so maybe :p
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th3rdeye-artistry · 1 year
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Character Design + Standard Illustration, April 2023 / May 2023
Ohsama Sentai KingOhger OC + Revamped Emblem
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mosquitoking · 6 months
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Power Rangers Terror Force
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nicolecalendar · 5 days
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More of Usagi Sister
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enteringdullsville · 11 months
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A quick little sketch of a concept Super Sentai, led by Hanran Yellow. Their theme is rebellion, hence the skull motifs, hoodies, and shades.
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goldenzx · 5 months
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Bakuage Fighter Boon Fire!
Boonboomger Rival concept
Using the experimental BoonBoom Charger, trusted International Space Agency employee "Enji Mafura" transforms into Boon Fire!
His transformation device was created by the ISA using battle data from the Boonboomgers and parts of destroyed Nejiretters and Kurumaju.
A man of few words, he's stoic and reserved and 1000% serious. Battling separately from the Boonboomgers and choosing to observe his teammates instead of spending time with them. Extremely skilled in sharpshooting and hand-to-hand combat. He values efficiency and seeks to finish battles as soon as possible, often having a one-track mind in completing tasks.
Likes: Completing missions Black Coffee Extraterrestrials Educational documentaries Studying how people interact from a distance
Dislikes: So-called "distractions" like small talk and fun Touchy-feely people Being stared at
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choco-bloop · 1 year
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I remember seeing on twitter someone saying that a female sixth for KingOhger would be cool. So I sketched an idea since black widow yk? (I know its more tarantula but black widow sounds cooler)
honestly have no idea what her story would be but a rogue/assassin like is what I'm leaning to rn
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