ma-radfemsanonymous · 5 years
My attraction to men repulses me so much. I wish I could like somone else, but while that fear isn't there with a woman, I just don't feel any attraction. Not ever.
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ma-radfemsanonymous · 5 years
What kind of boys do you like
i don’t actually like boys i’m just attracted to them
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ma-radfemsanonymous · 5 years
Hey! I'm a straight woman with radfem ideologies. I struggle because I often crave being in a relationship with a man, and yet I feel I can't trust any men when it comes down to it. I know that there's plenty of amazing guys out there in the world and I don't think men are inherently evil or anything like that. But every time I make an attempt to get closer to a guy, I end up regretting it. How can I meet men without feeling like I'm putting myself in danger 24/7?
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ma-radfemsanonymous · 5 years
I still date men. I feel bad because of all the stories I've heard about unhappy women in relationships and women basically being single mothers because their husbands are so useless. I know this is likely how I'll end up or I just end up single, but I love my boyfriend and he's genuinely amazing. I want to be with him.
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ma-radfemsanonymous · 5 years
is this blog still active?
Yes. However, this blog runs 100% on ask submissions, so if none are received, there’s nothing to post, lol.
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ma-radfemsanonymous · 6 years
I'm like those other bi women who have a great het partner but would rather spend their life with a woman. It's terrifying bc you have an opportunity for a lifetime with someone you love (which most of us dream of), but you know this relationship is somewhat incomplete because of what you can only share with women. But you don't want to loose your relationship, especially since you can never know if you'd actually find a girlfriend. I don't know what to do...
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ma-radfemsanonymous · 6 years
are there any other straight radfems out there who are choosing to give up romantic relationships? What do you guys think about hook ups without long-term commitment, is that any better? Or is it worse? I can't decide.
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ma-radfemsanonymous · 6 years
Hello! I’m a bi woman and I’m confused. Why do some of us not want to be attracted to men? There are really great guys out there! Legit curious, not trying to be a jerk
Mod here— did you see the "radfems" part of this URL? I feel like that could explain some things for you, lol. I'm not going to type out a lecture since that's not what this blog is for, but as a quick rundown:
radfems recognize how heterosexual relationships frequently uphold the patriarchy in one way or another, and so some choose not to pursue relationships with men due to this. For this viewpoint to make sense to you, you'd likely need to do some research into radical feminist theory on your own.
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ma-radfemsanonymous · 6 years
I wish I wasn't attracted to men. I wish every day that I was asexual or a lesbian. It feels wrong to wish that but I still do. I just despise having to beat back my attraction to men at every turn and face a life of celibacy.
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ma-radfemsanonymous · 6 years
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ma-radfemsanonymous · 6 years
I’m a bi radfem engaged to a man. I love my partner so much—he is truly a great person and the best male feminist ally I know, and I’m so excited to marry him! But the thing is, I started dating him before I accepted my bisexuality. I’ve known I’m attracted to women since middle school, but due to comphet/a religious upbringing I denied it for a decade. I feel like I’m missing an important part of my life by not being able to date women now that I’m comfortable with my sexuality.
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ma-radfemsanonymous · 6 years
I didnt realize that anon is automatically turned off for new blogs. Anonymous asks are now enabled! Sorry about that guys!
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ma-radfemsanonymous · 6 years
I consider myself technically bisexual, my attraction is primarily towards women though. I’m currently in a relationship with a man I love but I miss and crave female romantic companionship. It’s breaking my heart because I am both delighted and horrified by the thought of sharing a life with him. There are so many things that he can’t relate to that I can share and communicate with a female partner with literally just a look.
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ma-radfemsanonymous · 6 years
just a lesbian radfem who wants to support my bi and het rad sisters. I wish you all nothing but safety and self love 💜💜💜💜
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ma-radfemsanonymous · 6 years
Are you a radfem grappling with an attraction to men? There must be lots of us out there. As a radfem, it can be difficult to know how to deal with being attracted to men, and this subject is rarely talked about. But I think we (straight & bisexual radfems) need to have a place to vent and discuss our troubles, feelings, and struggles.
That is why this blog was created. If you fit the description, please feel free to submit asks. They will be posted without comment, unless the sender explicitly requests otherwise. This is to be a judgement-free zone.
Thanks to @bi-women-confess for the inspiration. This blog will follow a similar format.
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