solkraka · 7 months
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Georges Bataille, Erotism: Death & Sensuality
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solkraka · 9 months
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"I wonder if the snow loves the trees and fields, that it kisses them so gently? And then it covers them up snug, you know, with a white quilt; and perhaps it says "Go to sleep, darlings, till the summer comes again.""
- Lewis Carroll; Through the Looking-glass
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solkraka · 2 years
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solkraka · 2 years
Crying for a Vision
by Jim Janda
To cry for a vision is a sacred task
after hearing a holyman after taking a sweat bath with sage and sweet grass
one must climb a mountain alone—
here a song may be heard here a vision may be given here a dance may be learned—
one must then leave the mountain
to sing the song to live the vision to begin the dance
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solkraka · 2 years
“The rose-light / and heavy face of sweetness”
— Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, from Marine Rose; “Winter Poetry”
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solkraka · 2 years
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Apollo 16 ultraviolet photo of Earth taken from the surface of the Moon [1026x1024]
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solkraka · 2 years
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under my post of “the patience of ordinary things” by pat schneider i’m cryinggggg
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solkraka · 2 years
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Angela Davis & Ursula K Le Guin, visionary women for a hopeful future
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solkraka · 2 years
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Phillip Marsden, The Summer Isles, on the inherent magic of the land as text.
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solkraka · 3 years
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I was compelled to write a poem for the first time today cause it was on my heart.
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solkraka · 3 years
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“Letters from Medea”- Salma Deera
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solkraka · 3 years
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Sujata Bhatt, from “Parvati”, Collected Poems
[Text ID: “If this myth is alive for me then why isn’t it for you? How does a myth stay alive? How many people does one need in order to keep a myth alive?”]
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solkraka · 3 years
“–I want to draw the earth. –Draw it, my darling. –I have. –And who is this? –She is my friend. –And where is the earth? –In her handbag.”
— Dunya Mikhail, from ‘The Artist Child’, The War Works Hard (trans. Elizabeth Winslow)
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solkraka · 3 years
“To kiss a forehead is to erase worry”
by Marina Tsvetaeva
To kiss a forehead is to erase worry. I kiss your forehead. To kiss the eyes is to lift sleeplessness. I kiss your eyes. To kiss the lips is to drink water. I kiss your lips. To kiss a forehead is to erase memory. I kiss your forehead.
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solkraka · 3 years
by Bashō
a riverside cottage raking up tea leaves after a storm
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solkraka · 3 years
today I saw a woman so beautiful that I only dared to look at her once.
I looked at her once and then was too afraid to look the second time, and so I just tried to keep my heart still in my chest and quietly sneaked out, not looking at her again.
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solkraka · 3 years
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I. "I Still Don't Know Your Name" by Maria Eugenia Bravo, (August, 1991) translated by Dinah Livingstone | II. The Perks of Being a Wallflower (2012) dir. Stephen Chbosky | III. "Goodbye" by Bob Hicok | IV. La Femme Rousse (2015) by Julie Pieffer | V. "Thank You When I'm an Axe" from Bute: Poems by Emily Skaja | VI. Dare Alla Luce by Amy Friend | VI. "Anthem" from The Future (1992) by Leonard Cohen | VIII. Carol (2015) dir. Todd Haynes | IX. "Daguerreotype in Old Age" (1976) by Margaret Atwood | X. Egon Schiele | XI. Paris 9:21 pm (2015) by Leonardo Pucci | XII. Fruit of Life by Megan Reiker | XIII. Vincent Van Gogh
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