#Sunny can speak in emojis
manorpunk · 1 year
haha what if I gave all the major characters unique typographic quirks wouldn’t that be- *homestuck police pull up outside my door*
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eddiernunson · 1 year
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Really Drives Me Mad | Bfs Dad!Eddie Munson x Reader | 18+
Master List | Next Part
My best friend tells me that he's a keeper
I really like Dylan a lot But Dylan's dad He really drives me mad With his faded tats Sings in a cover band Yeah he's super hot with his ripped dad bod Oh my, oh my god I like Dylan a lot But oh god I love Dylan's dad
I know y'all weren't expecting this... Well neither was I. It like invaded my mind and begged me to write it. (this is the dirtiest thing ive ever written.)
Word Count: 7.5k
Summary: You've been dating Dylan Munson for a little bit, and it's going well, or at least you feel like it is. Despite everything right with Dylan you can't help but feel uneasy...then you meet Eddie Munson, his dad... and find yourself wet at the sight of him. (reader is in her 20s, Eddie probably in his 40s or so)
Warnings: masturbation (both), voyeurism (both), lot of perv!Eddie, reader ends up cheating, just some dirty stuff. MINORS DNI.
As you sit cross legged on your best friend’s garage couch mindlessly watching some Netflix while she took another hit, your phone dings, a text message you’ve been waiting on.
“Ooh, speak of the devil.” She teases you, putting the bong aside to peek at what Dylan texted you. You roll your eyes at her, answering him to pick you up in the morning. “What did he say?”
Her eyebrows were wagging over-exaggeratingly, and you narrow your eyes. “Just asked when I wanted to get picked up for our trip to the beach tomorrow.”
“Are you excited?” She asks, her voice suggestive and you can hear more excitement in her voice alone than you felt about the trip.
“Yes.” You lie to her, because if you told the truth, you knew you’d hear about it.
Dylan was a good guy. You met him through a singles mixer you went to for shits and giggles and ended up meeting him. He had no business being there, his league was not the type of girl to go to a Fajita style mixer even for laughs. He was so overwhelmingly better looking than every other guy in that mixer that scooping him up before anyone dug their claws in was the logical thing to do.
It wasn’t that you didn’t find him hot.
Dylan ended up being almost everything you said you were looking for. Stable. Ready for commitment. Willing to go the extra mile.
He was stable in every way it takes most men into their 30s to figure out.
You knew he was a rare find as someone dating in your 20s. Yet, there was just something missing.
It wasn’t anything you could describe, and each time you had expressed the feeling people seem to dismiss it, claiming it stemmed from every failed relationship you’ve had. Logically, you should be head over heels over this man who is so sweet and willing to do the most.
But the feeling just nagged at your skull.
For the sake of not feeling guilty and seeing that same bug-eyed expression on your best friend you lie. It felt weird to have to lie to her just to seem grateful for what life has provided to you on a silver platter. So, until an actual reason for this hesitancy presents itself, the dates and the heavy make out sessions and whatnot will continue.
The ego boost he provides when he sends you drooling emojis when you send a bikini selfie for what you’re wearing the next day certainly doesn’t help your case.
“I’m so glad you found him, he’s so sweet.” She mentions off-hand.
You nod, gritting your teeth.
Dylan is on time, as always, prompt and proper to pick you up from your apartment. He texts to let you know he was outside, and you grab your beach bag of snacks and your towel and do a final assessment in the mirror.
Cute pink bikini that hung by a string sitting high on your hips, barely hidden by the long cut out dress you wore. Your bag matched the bikini, and you wore some tiny sunnies to put the whole look together. If you’re gonna date someone as good looking might as well look the part.
As you approached his chevy truck he was animatedly bug eyed while looking at you, his brown eyes popping out of their socket while he drummed his steering wheel. His zest and energy for life was always so contagious. You smiled at him, your cheeks burning as you climbed into the passenger seat.
“Hi baby.” He greets you, kissing you softly. You find yourself grinning into it.
He pulls out onto the main road for the forty-five-minute trip to the lake most people go for a weekend getaway. About five minutes down the road, Dylan pats his cargo shorts down real quick and grunts in disappointment.
“Forgot the parking pass for the beach lot. I literally got that for fifteen dollars so I wouldn’t have to pay twenty at the till.” He explains, making a sudden left turn.
You’ve been to his house before, and he usually takes you there when his dad is either at work or just not home. You weren’t sure why, his dad seemed like a decent dude.
(From what you’ve heard anyway)
Maybe, like you, he wasn’t ready for meeting the parents yet.
“Oh, I think my dad will be home around now. Hope that’s okay.” He says, as if you had just spoken aloud. “I think it was time for you to meet him, anyways.”
Shit. Nope. He was ready. You were no where ready for him to meet your mom, who already loved him just from your best friend’s descriptions.
“Oh. Sure.” You glance down to your outfit, something worn not knowing you were about to meet parents. “Are you sure I’m dressed for that though?”
“My dad has met girlfriends in worse positions.” Dylan laughs. “Trust me. This is a better meeting.”
This helps you very little.
Five minutes down the road he pulls into the starter home he and his dad have been living in his whole life, a sweet little bungalow with three rooms and two bathrooms. It was by no means anything to cough at, certainly impressive for a mechanic, but Dylan seemed to behave incredibly sheepishly every time.
Dylan pulls in, and your heart races as you see his dad’s truck in the driveway. As Dylan gets out to open your door, he can feel your nervousness. “Can I just stay here?” You ask him, unsure why he needed you to go in for a pass in the first place.
“Oh I promise he doesn’t bite.” He jokes.
You give him a weak smile, holding his hand as you walked to the front door. The door doesn’t need a key, swinging open and the bright sunlight giving you both a shadow against the hardwood flooring. Dylan walks in, calling for his dad’s name. You squeeze his hand tighter out of nervousness. Eventually the sounds of his creaky steps are heard from the kitchen where Dylan is scanning for his pass, signalling his father coming down the steps.
You were facing towards the stove across the island counter, watching Dylan go through the drawers for it.
“Woah, thought you’d be halfway to the beach by now, you were so damn excited.” You hear his dad’s voice, and there’s something about it, his tone leaning towards a tease that enticed you to turn your head towards him.
Your jaw dropped. Or it didn’t. Certainly felt like a moment for your mouth to open in amazement. In a split second you knew where Dylan got his good looks, and it was only a fraction of how mouth watering his dad was.
He wonders in with sweatpants low on his hips wearing a band t-shirt and his long curly hair was wet from a shower. As he shuffled by to the fridge, the scent of aftershave invaded your nose and somehow it just went straight to your core. He was certainly fit even for a dad, slight dad bod but nothing to poke at, you could tell he worked with his hands.
“Forgot my pass.” He mutters, looking through another drawer.
“I saw it this morning, so I put it in your bag as you were heading out.” His dad mentions off hand, getting the ingredients for a bowl of cereal out. As he lifted his hands over his head revealing a tattoo on his tummy and the treasure trail saliva entered your mouth like water bursting through a man-made dam.
“Seriously?” Dylan dead pans. He turns to you, and you switch your glance to seem innocent like you haven’t been eye-fucking his dad. “I’m gonna go double check it’s in there. Just stay here be right back.” He kisses you on the forehead and leaves without giving you a chance to protest.
“Nice, to meet you, by the way.” He says in a gruff voice as he pours the sugary cereal into the bowl.
“Nice to meet you, too, Mr. Munson.” Your voice sounded strained; you were hoping you were just imagining it.
He lets out a noise in disgust, his face scrunching up comically. “Oh god. Don’t call me that. Call me Eddie. Never Mr. Munson. Gross.”
You smile closed mouthed at his genuine disgust for it, and Eddie presents a smile as if your laughter was the long-term goal. “Nice to meet you, Eddie.”
“Much better.” He praises you, and it might be the closest thing you’ll ever get to the kind of praise you wanted from him, the kind where you find yourself on your knees in the kitchen, but you happily accepted it. Any crumbs you would happily take.
He could spit on you, and you would thank him.
Oh. That’s…new.
That wasn’t something you felt with Dylan at all. If Dylan had decided to spit on your face during sex, you would call the police. It would turn you off so fast you would kick him off you.
“Going to Lake Maureen?” He asks you, supposedly making small talk.
“Nope.” You tell him. “Museum.”
Eddie tilted his head, and from his shoulder’s shaking and the slow smile you could tell he was laughing.
“Yes.” You affirm.
“Where did you meet again?” Eddie asks as he puts away the milk, his voice seeming to extend from a thought he doesn’t share.
“Oh, a mixer.”
“Not the church mixer.” Eddie tilts his head, seeming genuinely fearful it was the truth.
You confirm that yes, it was the church mixer.
Eddie grabs a mug to pour the coffee you hadn’t noticed had he put on. As his hands cup a graphic mug you couldn’t see the comic for, you see the silver rings on his fingers and if your core wasn’t heated up before, it certainly was now.  He leans forward, taking a sip of straight black coffee for a minute. “Sweetheart. You’re far too pretty to be going to a goddamn mixer. No wonder he was so fucking enthralled when he got home that day.”
You feel your face heat up at the nickname followed by him calling you pretty. Your thighs squeeze together as you attempt to force your heart back into your chest where it belonged. Somehow your extremities were freezing, and all the heat was centered in your pussy, just soaked from his presence alone.
He could tell you weren’t taking the compliment seriously. “Seriously. If he fucks it up and you end up single again no more fucking mixers for you.”
“Not like I had any more choices.” You defend yourself, not knowing why his insistence turned you on so much.
Eddie rolls his eyes as if he didn’t believe you. His mouth opens to tell you something, and the sound of Dylan bursting through the front door seems to cut him off. “Oh, you should’ve told me, we could’ve been almost there by now. Come on, baby! See you dad!”
The door slams, and you guessed you were supposed to follow him. “Um, you were gonna say something?” and the mystery is just too much for you.
“Oh. Was I? Totally forgot.” Eddie shrugs, putting his coffee mug down, having chugged that entire cup within the conversation. “Have fun.”
He scoops another spoonful of sugary cereal in his mouth, the dimples on his face prominent but the smile devious.
That smile would haunt you for the next twelve hours.
The trip with Dylan was alright, he swore up and down it was the best trip and it just brought you both closer as a couple. You probably would’ve agreed. A trip to the beach with Dylan Munson sounded enticing and sexy and adventurous for the most part until you met his dad.
Now thoughts of his flexed forearms has he gripped the counter while talking to you, wet hair smelling beautifully of the musk shampoo he used invaded your mind. Dylan fingering you on the beach under your skirt was yes, smoking hot, but as you imagined a certain someone else doing the same it brought you to your orgasm much quicker and much harder. Dylan figured he must be doing something right.
Guilt evaded you as you knew what the hell you were doing was wrong. You now had an excuse to get rid of him, you were far more into his dad than you ever were into him, and it should’ve been a sign.
But if you broke up with him now, you wouldn’t be able to see his dad. Yet as you took a walk down the shoreline into a cave and your eyes close picturing certain ringed fingers gripping your hips as Dylan did it made the sneaking off and the public sex that much hotter.
Seems you were sluttier than your initial sex life led you to believe. Turns out, you just haven’t met a man you wanted to be slutty for. Public sex seemed fun in theory, always so nerve wrecking in practice.
Public sex with Eddie felt like you wanted to get caught with him, fully enjoying his cock and letting people see. Voyeurism mixed with public embarrassment was suddenly hot and you got so into it that Dylan expressed how excited he was to fuck you on the next hike you took together, something he has expressed much interest in, but you denied bashfully every time.  
Because with Dylan sex wasn’t all encaptivating. Sure he could make you cum, but you were never ready to rip off his clothes in a heartbeat. The moment you saw Eddie your fingers started to itch for that damn low sitting sweatpants for them to droop just a little…bit…more.
Dylan drops you off with a romantic wet kiss, and you walk into the door of your apartment in a daze. Before you can even think about it, you find yourself on your bed, your skirt around your ankles and two of your fingers down your bikini bottoms.
You start to take them off but there’s a voice you picture saying, “No, no. Keep them on like the whore you are.” It was not Dylan’s.
You listened to it, pretending to rub your clit in front of him watching. You could see a wild eye on his face, picturing him not being able to touch you driving him mad. The heat that expands into your pussy from that thought alone drives your hips for more friction. “Oh so fucking needy, yeah?” You imagine him saying to you, and fuck, you couldn’t not think of him being good at dirty talk. “Need this cock, don’t ya?”
The image of him slowly working the elastic waist-band of his sweatpants made you moan aloud, needily grinding on your own fingers.
“Too damn bad. You’re just gonna have to make yourself cum, like the slut you are.”
The slight foreplay you were accidentally given all day through your own imagination mixed with how fucking wet you were brought you to a quick orgasm, fluttering in your extremities as you continued imagining the wild eyes on Eddie’s face or the firm voice as he didn’t give you a choice on your dating pool.
This was the first truly earth-shattering orgasm you’ve ever felt in your life. One that you truly had to recover from…and it was from just picturing this man.
Something in you wanted the real thing, and you were terrified of how willing you were to go through with it, and equally as terrified of going through life wondering what it could’ve been like
If sex with Eddie Munson was as good as the orgasm you gave yourself, you might have to be Dylan’s stepmom, because you just found what was missing.
“Hey baby.” Dylan says, welcoming you as he opens the door.
You hold your pillow and a duffle bag sits on your shoulder for a sleepover, and the shorter shorts with a tank top you wear signalling you were ready for a night in. As you pass by him, Dylan gives out a low whistle to how well your ass is shown off in the pair of shorts you wore. They were so well fitting he could see you were either wearing a thong or nothing, but you could tell it turned him on. While this gave you a confidence boost, he wasn’t the target audience.
When you requested the sleepover Dylan warned you his dad would be there. Good. You assured him that would be fine. That was the goal.
“Hi, sweetheart!” Eddie calls down to you, and the smile invades your face before you could stop it.
“Hi, Mr. Munson!” You call out, and the sound of gagging is heard. “I meant Eddie!”
“Oh, I forgot he gets everyone to call him by his first name, like a lame youth pastor.” Dylan rolls his eyes, tugging on your hand to bring you to the couch in the living room. “Movie?”
You nod jerkily. Dylan works around you, getting a blanket, popcorn, and the movie all set up. He turns down the lights, winking at you suggestively as he does so.
Less than five minutes into the movie, the beginning credits still lingering on to the actors he leans in with an open mouth, his hand making its way to your hip. With the smell of him still fresh, being able to smell him on the couch you were on, it was easy to get eagerly into the kissing. This encouraged Dylan, of course confusing your eagerness for him. He reaches down, placing two of his fingers over your clothed pussy.
You moan lightly, and he shushes you softly. Mentally you roll your eyes, because he was telling you to be quiet because his dad was home.
You were hooking up with him on his couch because his dad was home. You listen to him anyway, and he starts to rub in small circles, you moan even higher, imagining he could hear you and getting off to it. “Shh, baby.” Dylan whispers. “Oh, you’re wet. Fuck.”
He slips his hands into your shorts, leaning you down to rub your pussy and attack your neck at the same time. “Pussy feels…mazing.” Dylan mutters between the slobbery neck kisses he gives you. It was enough for you to picture him, but suddenly Eddie coming downstairs right now without knowing what you were doing got you off even more.
“Eat me out?” You ask him, and ever the gentleman he smiles devilishly at you as he crawls down. He goes to place the blanket over his head, and you stop him. “Wanna see your face.”
Okay, you wanted to see Eddie see your pussy as his son went down on you, but it made Dylan eager enough to dig in in a way you haven’t seen from him yet.
You whine from the hot pleasure it gave you, you grind on his face, the heat focused on your pussy in a way that has never happened before. The idea of Eddie accidentally walking in on you but watching instead of saying anything gets you off so easily Dylan is feeling your juices wet his chin and your ass like it never has before.
“Greedy baby.” He mumbles, placing two fingers into you and giving kisses to your thighs as he pumps them.
“Gonna cum soon, Dyl.” You warn him.
Luckily, Dylan knows it means to keep doing what he’s doing. You were close, but the sound of footsteps upstairs followed by a door closing pushed you over the edge, knowing he could very well be going to his room from elsewhere, but hoping he was at the top of the stairs.
Just the possibility of him being at the top pushed you over. “Holy shit.” Dylan mutters, crawling up to you. “Must’ve been riled up, huh.”
“Yeah.” You tell him, suddenly feeling Dylan’s boner poking the inside of your knee. “Mere, I wanna help you.”
“No, I wanna fuck you, let’s go to my room.”
His room…down the hall…where there’s a better chance he could hear you. “Sure!”
Eddie Munson was sure there was something out to get him. The moment your pretty fucking face greeted him in his kitchen when he wondered down fresh from a shower he was sure there was something laughing at this pure misery.
The smile on your face, the smell of your sweet perfume, the way your skirt hugged your hips all melted him into one pot. When you told him you met Dylan at a fucking mixer, he wanted to shoot the person who made you feel like you were worthy of being ogled at by a bunch of singles at an awkward church mixer.
A church mixer.
He hated that Dylan liked them, always said only weirdos go there and was sure Dylan as exaggerating when he expressed how gorgeous and out of his league you were.
His heart freezing at the sight of you sit perched on one of his stools, shyly watching your boyfriend, even only from the back made him wonder if angels were real. Fuck, he didn’t ask for any proof of your beauty when offered to show your Instagram, but he wouldn’t have believed it.
He spent that entire first conversation doing everything he could to be a fucking father figure and remind himself you were dating his son. He was not hitting on you at a bar, he was your boyfriend’s dad.
Somehow that just made the forbidden part about it that much hotter.
He felt like a pervert as the scent of your shampoo jumped out at him when he passed by you for the milk, and he had wanted to stop in place and take a big inhale. Felt like an even bigger pervert as he saw the string of your bikini bottom sitting high on your hip peaking out of your skirt and he just wanted to get a shot of that underskirt.
Every thought he had about you as your wit came through the conversation, he wondered what the hell you were doing with Dylan. He loved his kid, but you deserved better than what he knew his kid would provide.
He knew about Dylan that he’d be a great husband one day. Someone reliable and trustworthy enough to build a life with.
He didn’t want that for you. He wanted you to have something mind-blowing and earth shattering, something intoxicating. Something that made you feel the way he felt just by smelling your goddamn shampoo. Your teeny tiny bikini with your hair up in a messy bun with cute little sunglasses all somehow went to his cock, and he was glad you were called over before he said something even more stupid.
Eddie rolled his eyes at your claim there wasn’t a bigger dating pool, opening his mouth to retort--“Oh, you should’ve told me, we could’ve been almost there by now. Come on, baby! See you dad!”
The door slams, and that concluded the end of that conversation. “Um, you were gonna say something?” you ask him, and he wondered if the intrigue on your face was something he just imagined.
“Oh. Was I? Totally forgot.” Eddie lies. I was gonna say I am proof there is a bigger dating pool than you would believe, sweetheart… but he knew it would’ve said something he couldn’t unsay.
Dylan told him you were coming over for a sleepover, and he and Dylan’s room were only separated by the bathroom. Eddie might use the basement for the night because he didn’t trust his perverted mind not to seek you out and look at what little pjs you have chosen to wear. He gave you space out of respect when you arrived, wondering if it was flirting when you called him Mr. Munson.
Suddenly a noise that Eddie could only describe as the doorbell to heaven (or hell with what his mind was thinking) reached the door he had kept open for this very reason.
He kept his tv playing and sneaked off to the top of the stairs, hoping to catch his kid getting you off while you moaned under the covers. The treat he was given was far better, the hand over your tight ass shorts feeling you up as you leaned back and whined all high pitched. Eddie’s cock was so hard at the moment not touching it would be like self-neglect.
He backed up against the wall by the stairs, listening to your moans as he got you off, desperately wishing it was his fingers in your wet heat. He imagined your scrunched up face as you made those stunning noises, starting to stroke himself. A pause occurs, your blissed out voice asking him to eat you out. He bites back a moan at wanting to taste you, wanting to get all up in those juices and to show him how much you turned him on. He leans over the wall into the stair entry, expecting the blanket to be covering you but instead being met with your pussy on full display.
A low guttural moan escapes his throat, fucking into his fist and pretending it was you bent over for him instead, whining the same exact way. He knew you would have a pretty pussy, but this was just un-fucking fair.
You warn Dylan you were about to cum, and that pushes him over his own edge, and he suddenly has a mess he needs to clean up all over his fist. God he wanted you to clean it, to suck it all up. He was making himself hard again and he had to flee to his fucking bedroom to wash up.
Suddenly the creak of the stairs erupts as he is cleaning himself up, and Dylan’s door closes. Oh. They’re…continuing.
Your moans are suddenly loud, and Eddie finds himself hard again as he realizes he’s hearing you being fucked. Oh, he knew you were a fucking dirty slut.
Just fucking knew it. Something that hasn’t happened since he was in his 20s, but he’s ready to jerk himself off within minutes of just cumming. “Yeah, my whore being fucked open, letting everyone hear how good she feels, oh shit.” Eddie mutters to himself, right next to his door.
He ends up finishing at the same time you did, which didn’t take either one of you very long.
The next morning you wake next to Dylan sleeping with a big smile on his face. To him, that was the best sex you’ve ever had together. Mixed with your adventure at the beach last week, you guys were doing better than ever.
 To you, it was only amazing because you kept thinking of Eddie fucking you and it did everything for your core. You get up in the tiny pair of pajamas you had packed, something that barely covered your ass and headed downstairs for some breakfast.
As you were leant down to assess the cereals, you heard the stride of someone come in behind you.
Eddie walks in behind you, holding back a swear as he sees your pussy peaking out of your pajama bottoms. A gentleman, and not knowing you fully reciprocated every horny thought, he ignores it and hopes you sit up.
You don’t, leaning even more forward and making a show of wondering what to eat. Eddie inhales, allowing himself to watch you. You turn around to him jerking his head away, and you felt some pride in getting his attention. “Morning.” You greet him, offering a bowl for him.
He rejects it. “Not hungry.”
“Oh.” You pour cereal, and Eddie focuses on not staring at your beaded nipples peaking through the tiny silk top you wore.
“Fuck.” He whispered, the boner growing.
“Something wrong?” You ask him innocently, and knowing this was working to your benefit made you nervous but eager.
“Lots to do today.” Like jerk off another three times.
“Like what?” You asked, taking a spoonful of cereal even though you had no appetite from the butterflies in your stomach.
“Oh not much.” Eddie wonders to you, and by reaching over you to grab the cereal he wonder if he could sneak a smell from your shampoo.
You sit up as he leans away, and you are so close you can see just how gorgeous he is. God, those brown eyes. “Do you have any…one to do?” You ask, glancing back and forth between his pretty lips and his even prettier eyes. You didn’t even know which ones to focus on.
Eddie leans in a bit to you, just ghosting over your lips. “Are you sure…that you want this?”
You nod, your eyes glazing over in want as the arousal in your gut suddenly exploded into a need.
“Cause…cause if we do this there is no going back. If your pussy…” he inhales sharply, taking a breath of your hair. “is as good as I imagine, there’s no way I’m giving you back.”
This sentence turns you into gelatin, and you lean forward to finally kiss him, his lips rough as he seemingly forgets how to act for a moment.
His brain finally catches up and he grabs onto you, inhaling and messy kisses, and grabby hands all at once as he tries to do everything he’s wanted to. Your hands make their way into his hair, and it was as soft as you pictured it. His lips messily kiss down your jaw onto your neck and you let out a whine. He smiles widely at that. “Good. One I made. Needed that.”
“You heard me…yesterday?” You asked, wetter from the idea of it.
“Heard you? Fucking came to it.” He swears, as he continues an assault on your neck. You moan in response, your hips involuntarily grinding up. “Come on, upstairs.”
You almost wanted to get caught by Dylan, but to keep it going longer you follow Eddie giddily upstairs as he trips over himself and you felt like a goddamn teenager. You follow him into his room, and the curtains were blackout curtains, the lights turned off giving the illusion of everything being dark. “Can we turn on the lights?” You ask, delicately. “I wanna see you.”
Eddie turns on his dimmer switch light so it was low, and the look in his eye as he approaches you sat on his bed had a level of lust in them that drove you wild. He leans in to give you a kiss after sitting right by you, and it wasn’t enough touching for you. You crawl forward as you eagerly kissed him back, straddling his lap. “Fuck, sweetheart, you are fucking gorgeous.” He mutters, the silk pajamas you wore bunching up in his hands as he grabbed at it. “The little strap that peaked out of your skirt tied together was just tempting me to unwrap you like a present.” He huffs, still kissing your neck. You find yourself impatient, wanting his lips back on yours.
“Fuck, been thinkin’ about you on my cock ever…” he inhales your perfume with a deep grunting sigh of content. “ever since.”
You mewl to his confessions, and he’s a much better talker than you could’ve imagined. Your hips start to grind on their own accord and with the little fabric they have between your silk shorts and his thin pajama pants you felt his hard cock fairly easily. You let out a high moan of contentment, and Eddie watches as you grind on his cock and get yourself off so easily. “Oh shit, she’s a dirty slut, hey.” Eddie comments leaning back and watching you grind yourself. “Doesn’t even need a cock inside her, will just take anything I give her with a smile on her face.”
“I would—” you gasp, the material scratching your clit in the best way, “I would take any crumbs, fuck.”
You start to moan higher and grind faster, and Eddie wanted to make you cum by his hands or his mouth the first time but you making yourself cum against his pants meant he was now using this as a fucking cum rag to smell you when you weren’t near. “Take off those shorts, doll. Wanna see your pussy.”
“Ok.” They are yanked off without a second thought.
“Oh, good listener. What a good girl.” He comments petting your hair gently as you continued to grind again with your heat now directly against his pj pants, he could feel it against his cock. “Oh, fuck, you are soaked. My fucking horny slut.”
“Horny for you.” You whimper the edge just right there.
“Whoring herself out for the Munsons.” He comments, sort of bitter he had to hear you fuck his son before he could claim you.
“Pictured it was you.” You admit, your voice in a whisper as you confessed but the high you wanted almost there.
“Fuck, did you?” He asks, the idea you only enjoying it so much because you pictured him.
“Mmhmm. Pictured you watching me, too.”
“Fucking little voyeur.” He whispers, and you nodded. He rewarded you by grabbing your hips and rutting against you and hitting your clit even harder and your orgasm snuck up on you, and the extra attention Eddie pays you as he watches it wash through you only helps the high take longer to recover from.
“Oh my god.” You whisper, a last of the intense orgasm still running through you.
“Not done.” Eddie whispers, a big smirk on his face. He lightly pushes you down and grabs your legs and puts them over his shoulder. You watch him carefully, his face looking at your pussy at a way that would usually resolve in embarrassment. Instead, it only turned you on more because it meant he wanted you just as much.
He dives into your pussy with a level of expertise that only came from years of pleasuring women. You don’t know why but you knew he got off to pleasuring others from the moment you saw him and every moan you let out he absorbed it, getting better and better as your verbal ques direct him. The heat in your pussy intensifies as he continues, fucking two of his fingers into you.
You place your hands in his hair, grinding up when the feeling of wanting to be fucked takes over you. “No, patience baby. I need to see what you look like when you squirt.”
“I-I can’t—”
“Every woman can, sweetheart. Just means you’ve had no one show you yet. Feel that?” He asks you, the heat in your pussy expanding as he continued to attack your clit and finger fuck you.
You nod, the feeling in your gut like a tidal wave of pleasure.
“Focus on it.” You do, and as you do you look up at his eyes, already staring into yours as he assesses your reactions. The heat intensifies by a thousand, and the feeling of wanting to…pee…takes over.
“Fuck—” you start to protest.
“Let it happen. Let go. It’ll feel so fucking good…baby let go. Gonna feel so fucking good.” You trust him so you let go and a gush invades your ear as a red-hot pleasure makes home in your pussy. “One more?” Eddie asks you, his thumb now messaging your clit.
You twitch under him, your bud being so sensitive. “Oh fuck, Ed. Too much.”
“No, I think you can cum again. Wanna see that beautiful face all scrunched up. Wanna take a photo.” He holds out his phone casually, and your face heats up. “Not feeling all the sudden shy, are ya? You whored your little pussy for me how is this different?”
“Its…” you manage out, already close again. “Its hot.”
“She gonna cum again, all over my fingers?”
“All over your fingers.”
“You gonna lick em clean?”
“Can we share?”
Eddie groans audibly, titling his head back. “Of course, doll. Of fucking course, now cum all over them, please.”
The third orgasm takes over your body, and it’s so goddamn good you stop responding for a minute which causes Eddie to panic. “Oh shit, you okay?”
Giggles burst out of you, the kind of post orgasm giggles you’ve only read about in spicy novels. You thought they were fake. “Can I suck you off now?”
Eddie’s eyes bulge, and he realizes his hand is still on your pussy. He taps it lightly, causing you to whine. He lifts the finger first, inserting it into your mouth. “Suck this first.” You wrap your tongue around it, keeping eye contact as you taste yourself, and this is the only time it’s ever been truly hot to be able to taste yourself. Other times it was just perplexing.
Eddie takes the other finger when you let go and starts sucking on it, he closes his eye, enjoying the taste of your pussy on his tongue. Eddie crawls onto his bed and you basically pounce him, yanking his pj pants down as fast as they go, wanting to see his cock. His eyes watch you, blown and enwrapped in lust as he watches your eagerness.
As his cock pops out of his pants, an involuntary smile spreads across your face. The head to his cock was so pink, he must’ve been horny. “Oh, pretty cock.” You mutter, and he wasn’t even sure if you were saying to him or just saying it out loud. “Oh my god, look how pink your head is. Mmm..sure seem like you need some attention.”
You take the head of his cock into your mouth, sucking on it alone but getting used to his girth. Holy he was gonna hurt even with how wet you were. You start sucking on it, taking bit by bit more into your mouth each time, eagerly making sloppy spit sounds as you did so. It wasn’t hard to generate the spit you needed, the sight of his dick made your mouth water.
Your head bobbed up and down on it, illicit sounds being drawn out of him, only encouraging you more as the feeling of his rings harsh against your scalp making you wet. You pop off him, spit connected from your mouth to his dick. You lean forward to his treasure trail, licking the hair and biting at it, something you’ve wanted to do since you saw him. You find your way back down and passed his cock and he’s about to ask when take one of his balls into your mouth, sucking loudly.
“Oh fuck, do you know how to use that pretty little mouth. Holy shit.” You roam over it with your tongue, sucking it in and out repeatedly. Then you move on to the next one, giving it its own show as well. Your mouth moves back to suck on his cock but he tugs on your hair to bring him up to you.
“Want you to face fuck me.” You say to him, still not done sucking on his cock.
“Nother time. Lemme fuck you.” He mutters, tugging on the shirt you still wore. You crawl back up to straddle him, nothing between his cock and your pussy now, but he places his cock on it so the shaft slides in-between your folds, teasing you, and causing you to whine. “Oh shit.” He works on the buttons holding your silky pink shirt, the skilled hands working fast through each one. As each one reveals another inch of skin, he feels more intoxicated by you, especially how you’re begging him to put his cock in. Your tits fall out of the shirt, and he rips the back off you, and you let it fall to the floor. You grab onto his band shirt, attempting to move it off him. You barely do it, the feeling of his cock so close inside you causing your focus to fall apart in seconds. He laughs, nearly cruel, yanking the shirt off, revealing more tattoos you’ve never seen. Your hands flutter to his chest, moving to each tattoo and touching every inch you can.
Your mission to focus and analyze each tattoo is interrupted by him maneuvering you onto your back. You lay there, open and ready for him. “Holy shit, fucking smoking hot.” He mutters, like he couldn’t believe you were here with him.
It was you who was the lucky one, he was crazy.
“You’re hotter.” You mutter, as he starts to align his cock with your entrance. “Thought of you last night, made myself cum so hard.”
“Oh fuck. What was I doing?” He asks, still teasing you with it.
“Just watching me finger myself. Talking me through it. Calling me a whore.” He groans, tapping his cock on it. “Please, Ed need your cock.”
“Beg for it, you fucking slut.” He whispers, something taking over him.
“Please, daddy. Want your cock. Want you to fuck me like a ragdoll. Please, pretty please fuck me until I’m a puddle. I just want your cock in me, so fucking bad.”
“Gonna be a good slut for me?”
“Yes..I will I promise.”
He chuckles darkly and finally…finally moves into you. Your eyes cross and a moan so erotic leaves your body and you had barely a single ounce of control over that left your mouth at that point.
Eddie puts his head into your neck, feeling your head tighten around him in pleasure as you got used to his girth and length.
“Thought you were gonna take the crumbs I gave you, slut.” He mutters.
“Fuck. Sorry.”
He smiles and your fingers fidgeting at your sides were a dead giveaway you were just needy for him to move. It made him feel fucking powerful just his cock could make you feel like this. He starts rocking, slowly and you whine from this resolve alone. “Oh what a fucking whore, just needed a good fucking.” He mutters into your ear, his hand finding its way to your neck. “Putting her pussy on display for me, showing she just needed someone to know how to fuck her.”
You say nothing in response, and his hips are starting to rock against yours harder. Your eyes reach the back of your head as you lose air, but you revel in the feeling of nearly passing out as he takes his hand off. “Holy shit, you really are just a whore.”
You nod, eyes half lidded as you looked up at his pussy drunk eyes. “Little…cockdrunk…slut…” he inhales sharply and a wad of spit hits your face and you find yourself opening your mouth for more. “Fuck—” his hips stutter at the sight of your smile when his saliva hits your mouth. He spits right into it as you open for more and you act like it’s the best thing you’ve ever tasted, cause it was.
Your tongue pokes out, gasping in more need. His hips are against yours so harshly you would’ve been afraid of bruising if it didn’t fucking turn you on so bad.
“Fucking slut, you want me to cum in you? Wanna be filled with my fucking cum?” You nod, too cocked out to speak, you’ve never felt this good from penetration alone before. “Cum with me, doll.” He mutters using his two fingers against your clit as he leans in to kiss you. Within moments you flutter around him, moaning into his mouth and he lets go of your kiss, stuttering his hips and letting out a loud moan as you feel him fill you up.
His body weight collapses ontop of you, and his hands are suddenly gentle as they sweep at your bangs sticking to your sweaty forehead. “Fuck.” He mutters, giving you a dazed-out look of pure adoration. “That was much better than anything I came up with.”
You nod in agreement, words still not coming to your mouth.
“You were such a good girl, yeah?” You smile, a heat coming up to your cheeks. “You listened to me so well. C’mere.” He wraps your lips in a kiss, his cock still in you, still hard and keeping all his cum in you.
“C-can we stay like this?” You ask timidly, not wanting his cock to leave yet.
“Ooh, baby wants to cock-warm? Sure. Wanna turn on a movie until 9, when Dylan usually wakes?” Eddie asks, already leaning towards the channel changer on his beside table.
Having to tell Dylan it was pretty much over the moment Eddie kissed you hadn’t even crossed your mind, and it would eventually twenty minutes into the movie when you got back to earth. Eddie knew the realization would kick in eventually so he let you watch a movie of your choice, sitting up on his bed with you straddled on his lap after a bit of maneuvering so you could both see the movie on his screen adjacent to his bed.
Eventually, Dylan was gonna wake.
Eventually, a storm would hit.
But for now, Eddie stayed inside you to pretend like it wasn’t over yet.
As always i Love reading comments, replies, reblogs <3 remember reblogging is the best way to support on Tumblr
Taglist: @pinkcowracing @yourthebrokengirl @skrzydlak @thirddeadlysin @sammararaven @bebe07011 @prettylovley @josephquinncore @forget-you-morelike-fuck-you
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spaceman-earthgirl · 1 year
This made me laugh and I decided to make it supercorp.
Lena knocks, but doesn’t bother waiting for a response before she lets herself into Sam’s apartment. She makes a beeline straight for the couch, drops backwards onto it with an exasperated huff.
“Hello to you too,” Sam calls from somewhere Lena can’t see her. She appears at the end of the couch a moment later, a bottle of wine and two glasses in hand. “What happened?”
Lena sighs as she sits up, there are currently too many emotions running through her, she definitely needs a drink.
“Did the gym this evening not go well?” Sam prompts, concern furrowing her brow.
Lena takes a big sip from the glass Sam passes her before she speaks. “I had a plan, I was going to finally figure out her name,” Lena starts.
Six months. Six months Lena has been working out with the same girl at the gym and she still doesn’t know her name. At the beginning it hadn’t mattered, she hadn’t even realised she didn’t know her name until Sam had asked her and Lena had realised she didn’t know. She’d just been calling her ‘gym girl’, a name that’s stuck around for months as her efforts to figure out the girl’s name have failed.
It started with asking for her number so they could plan their workouts, but the girl had added her name as “Gym Buddy” to her phone, a little emoji of an arm flexing its bicep beside it.
Her next attempt was to ask for her Instagram, which worked, in a sense. She found the girl’s Instagram account, and she may have spent way too long scrolling through it because her gym buddy is hot. Like insanely hot. Like she gets distracted when working out sometimes because the girl really is the most beautiful person she’s ever seen. But that’s not the point right now, the point is that the girl’s name all over her social media is ‘Supergirl’ and that really doesn’t help her issue.
Lena had even managed to get her email address, and still, it gave away no clues.
And now it’s been six months and she just wants to know her name, wants to know the name of the person she has the world’s biggest crush on.
They text all the time, talk on the phone even more than she does with Sam, she sees her most days of the week at the gym and still, no name. At this point, it’s just getting ridiculous that she doesn’t know, and she’s definitely way too far in it now to ask, especially after what happened earlier.
“You know you could just ask her, right?” Sam says.
It’s a common suggestion from Sam, one she’s never going to take. She’s in too deep now, it’s been too long, she doesn’t want her friend to find out she doesn’t even know her name.
She’d thought about asking someone else, the girl is well known around the gym, her sister the owner, but she didn’t want it getting back to her that she didn’t know her name. Everyone just calls her “Sunny D”. Lena’s not even sure if that’s a reference to her first or last name. It’s definitely a reference to the girl’s personality, she lights up any room she’s in.
But that’s where today’s issue comes in. “I did, sort of.”
Sam sits up straighter, suddenly looking more interested in the conversation. “Wait, what? Did you figure out her name?”
“No,” Lena groans.
“Then I’m confused.”
Lena’s hands reach up to cover her face, so her next words are muffled. “I asked someone else to talk to her, and it did not go as planned.”
“I could’ve told you that wouldn’t work.” Lena can hear that Sam is trying not to laugh, and she drops her hands to glare at her best friend. “Okay, sorry. Tell me what happened.”
“There was a girl at the gym,” Lena says, starting from the beginning. “Someone I didn’t recognise.” She spends a lot of her free time at the gym now, she recognises all the regulars. “So, I started talking to her, her name is Nia, she was really sweet. Anyway, gym girl was across the room and I asked Nia if she could do me a favour and go and ask what her name is.”
“That doesn’t sound as easy as just asking gym girl yourself but I’m assuming she didn’t do it. What, was Nia interested in you, or something?“ Sam’s eyes widen. “Oh no, don’t tell me you inadvertently set the two of them up?”
“No.” God, she hadn’t even thought of that happening. The outcome she got was much more embarrassing, even if it went far differently, and entirely better than she thought it would. “Nia thought I was interested in gym girl, and that’s how she phrased it when asking for her name.”
Sam’s trying not to laugh again. “Oh no.”
“Oh yes.”
Her cheeks burn now, just as they did at the time. She can still see clearly in her mind, the way Nia had smiled and pointed in her direction. She couldn’t hear what they said but she saw the confusion on gym girl’s face morph into a brilliant smile before she made her way across the gym to Lena.
“I heard you think I’m cute.”
Lena definitely hadn’t said that to Nia, and she’d been about to try and smooth over whatever damage Nia had done, before gym girl’s next words had nearly made her fall over with the surprise of it.
“Have dinner with me tomorrow night?”
Sam sobers. “Are you okay? I know how much you like her.”
Lena swallows, her frown breaking into a smile for the first time since she arrived. “I’m kind of great, actually?”
Sam frowns, clearly trying to puzzle together the sudden shift in Lena’s mood. “What?”
“I…” Lena can’t stop smiling now, it still hasn’t quite sunk in. “After talking to Nia, gym girl asked me out.”
Sam bursts out laughing. “Oh my God, that’s great! Not where I expected this story to go but good for you.”
Lena laughs too, except she still has one problem. “I have a date with gym girl tomorrow night, but I still don’t know her fucking name.”
(She figures out Kara’s name on their first date, completely by chance because Kara booked the table reservation under her name.
It’s definitely more than just a crush because after Kara walks her home, right when she’s pretty sure Kara is about to kiss her goodnight, Lena admits the truth, admits why Nia spoke to her, admits that she’s spent months trying to figure out her name and only just discovered it tonight.
Kara thinks it’s incredibly funny and can’t believe Lena didn’t just ask her herself. But they both agree that it worked out well since it got them a date.
And then Kara does kiss her, and Lena forgets her own name).
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jgracie · 5 months
frank zhang 🪼
send me a character + an emoji for a surprise! on the radio . . . brazil (declan mckenna)
you let out a content sigh as you soaked in the blazing sun above you, a tall glass of ice cold water sitting prettily on the little table next to your deckchair. you truly couldn’t be happier
after spending three weeks searching for his father’s sunglasses, mars had decided to generously gift you and frank a week long vacation in whatever country you wanted. he was surprisingly adamant on this and got pretty mad once you mentioned visas and 'all that mortal nonsense' as he put it
in the end, the two of you settled on brazil. you were getting quite sick of the cold january weather, so somewhere in the southern hemisphere was perfect. as you leaned over to take a sip of your water, you waved at frank, who was having the time of his life in the ocean
cupping his hands around his mouth (do yk what i mean here), frank yelled, “come swim with me!” at his request, you smiled and shook your head. it’s not like you didn’t know how to swim, it just wasn’t really your thing
however, frank wasn’t going to take no for an answer, “c’mon, it’ll be fun! i promise, if you don’t like it you can go back to sitting on that chair of yours!” you giggled at the sass laced in his voice - never did you think shy, polite frank zhang would be sassy, but you were proud of him for growing into himself
putting your glass back down, you placed your bag on the chair to mark it as your territory before heading over to the ocean
it went well at first. you were tightly clutching frank the entire time, anxiously biting your lip as you looked around, but after some reassurance (and a few kisses) from your lovely boyfriend, you loosened up a little and let go, allowing for the two of you to do things like have swimming races which you stopped after frank cheated by turning into a fish
“ow!” you said, the paranoia hitting you all over again as you waded your way towards frank. the boy thought you were joking at first, but quickly got serious once he noticed the tears that sprung your eyes. turning onto a dolphin, he put you on his back and swam all the way to shore and back to the comfort of your precious chair
the injury (if you could call it that) was on your leg: a jellyfish sting, which was nothing huge since you had emergency ambrosia in your bag. hastily, he gave you a cube and wrapped your leg (can you tell i’ve never been in this situation before), then headed back to the water
“where’re you going?” you asked, confused. the jellyfish had dampened your mood and you wanted nothing more than to just have frank near you
“i’m going to go speak with that jellyfish,” at the serious look on his face, hands clenched into fists, you couldn’t help but laugh
“you don’t speak jellyfish, frankie!” you said, beaming. it was silly of him, he knew, but it was all worth it when he saw your sunny smile come back
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redhood414 · 5 months
Okay so I know that I already asked it I’m going to ask if maybe we can turn this into a possible part 2 or something? maybe like a one shot or something where Damian and yn are trying to introduce their pets to each like Titus and yns pet meeting for the first time since their relationship is becoming more serious but the thing is yns dog is like my pet poodle, dottie, that is more calm, quiet, sweet, and gives everyone a warm and welcoming energy when meeting her, and thinks Titus is scary but then Titus does something sweet like giving yns dog a bone, a Ty of his he likes, or even saving them surprising Damian from the sweet gesture since Titus isn’t usually friendly to other dogs and yn loves Titus even more now and it ends with both dogs becoming friends and yn and Damian more in love then ever
A/n:Loved that idea! This is so cute. Sorry this is short, it's rushed but I had motivation and wanted to write this out😌✨
Meeting the pets. (P.2)
After you got to meet the pets of Damian, which were lovely and you adored all of them. Damian loved you even more seeing the interaction between the animals and you, not to speak of the way they immediately took a liking to you. All of them.
Later on the week you suggested that Ace should meet your little poodle, Olive. Damian replied that he didn't think it was a good idea, after all Ace was a guard dog and a big one too. After some pleading and saying it'll be good for Ace to meet another kind of dog Damian agreed. You know he can't say no to you, especially when you put those emojis where he compares them with your puppy eyes when you want something. It's a small victory for you.
The week passes quick and the day comes to meet up with each other. Luckily on the day itself it was sunny. Even thought the weather often was really bad, today fate was on your luck side. Though, it was very windy. Your lover said to meet up at the public park. Big enough for the dogs to play with each other. Eventually it was 10 and exactly, like he always was, just like his father, was he there stipt. You were a few minutes later, 3, or something. On the first dates of your relationship he always complained about it. Now he'd gotten used to it and didn't say anything about it. He wore a black coat and neat shoes. A dark blue scarf around his neck. Like it was for a fancy dinner. He always wanted to show his importance, now it's just to show off to you, knowing you found him incredibly handsome, even his scars. You always adored them. Ever. Single. One. It's now a daily thing to remind him his beauty, inside and out.
He smiled as he saw you, Ace, sitting next to him on the leash. Your poodle wagged its tail excitedly and went closer to Ace, Ace sniffed Olive, curious and a bit hesitant but soon Olive made sign to play. You undid the collar and smiled, seeing Olive giving Ace a small lick on his nose. Ace sneezed and you heard a chuckle beside you, Damian seemed amused and happy. He glanced at you, smiling and pressing a kiss to your forehead as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder while watching the dogs play and whispering. "Everyday is another day where I fall even harder for you, my beloved."
༶•┈┈⛧┈♛ ♛┈⛧┈┈•༶
Let's all agreed Damian in a black coat and all fancy dressed....🌚
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imagine-silk · 8 months
Could you do Yandere Wanda Maximoff with a Darling that is just a normal Civilian?
》I started writing and then there was a blackout so it wiped the stuff it had so that's cool ( ɵ̥̥ ˑ̫ ɵ̥̥)
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It was love at first sight. Picture it; a giant plant monster has you in it's grasp, something cuts you loose and a red cloud catches you mid-air and you lock eyes with her. Just a regular meet-cute. She took you to safety and held you for a moment, a very shaky moment.
She finds you the next day just going about your normal life. It's honestly adorable how she comes up to you all nervous and not knowing how to act nonchalant. You ask her if you can buy her a coffee or something because she literally saved your life, it's the least you can do. Coffee turns into walking around becomes dinner then exchanging numbers.
When she sends the first text in her room she lays on her stomach staring at the phone waiting with bated breath. Immediate euphoria spreads everywhere when you text back and she kicks up her feet. The conversation isn't profound to you but it is to her.
If you're a student she finds out what times your classes are and if you allow her she'll visit the campus. If you work she'll try to buy whatever it is. Tickets to shows or food, whatever you do she'll find a way to go. If you're a construction worker or garbage man she'll ask if she can bring you lunch. She asks Tony to teach her how to cook and he directs her to his chef.
Speaking of Tony, he looks into you briefly. But seeing that you're a normal person he quickly loses interest. You're safe for her and that's all he needs to know.
Now here's where things get dramatic. She finds any excuse to leave the house. Any excuse. Sunny day? You have a day off? You see her daily and it's a bit much. When you tell her that she gets really sad. Does that mean she stops seeing you? Don't make me laugh. She just doesn't show you she's there. Texting doesn't take much effort so you keep that up.
The day you don't talk to her she cries her heart out into a pillow and consequently destroys everything around her. Tony freaks out, so does Steve, the one who actually lives with her. You are now on their radars. Vision has known about you from the start so this is not surprising but he's also not qualified to guide her feelings. You text back the next day saying you were busy and apologize with a cute crying emoji and she's right as rain.
She gathers all the courage in the world to ask you out and all the glass around the cafe breaks when you say yes. She doesn't even notice. Everything happens pretty slow but the second it does there's no turning back. Holding hands is a must. One kiss per date turns to two turns to a hundred. Always blushing and if you tease her she blushes harder. Teasing her makes her nervous but good nervous. It shows her you're paying attention intently.
Let's say someone is not too happy about her liking you, like a friend or someone on the street. They suddenly don't exist. Straight up. If it's brought to your attention you think you knew someone like that but for the life of you you can't seem to remember. Your family loves her but... when did you take her to see your family?
When another disaster happens she finds you immediately if your in the area and takes a moment to show off a little bit. The others find it annoying but they tolerate it. Having a superhero girlfriend is both cool and terrifying because it's basically having a guard in a war-zone.
Being a regular civilian makes it so you aren't up to date on everything she does so the immense power and destruction she has isn't something you know so you don't treat her like she's dangerous. That's also why you don't run or she her warping reality around you. You live in New York marvel style, weird shit happens all the time. And everything seems fine. Everything is fine, right?
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lingy910y · 28 days
Weekly Tag Wednesday
tagged by @energievie & @deedala
name: ling
zodiac sign: virgo (that post says my updated sign is leo but shh we don't speak of it)
how many trips have you made around the sun? 13 days before i'm 18. i'm having an early birthday party with my family tho bc it's hard to get my mom's and my schedule lined up
what time is it where you are right now? 2:44 pm
what is the candy you wish you were eating right now? none of them
would you rather swim in a swimming pool or a natural body of water? pool ig bc i cannot swim
what's the last thing you ate? croissant, a cup of low fat vanilla yogurt, 5 orange slices, and 1 grape (i brought 3 but ngl i don't think grapes taste good anymore </3) an actual healthy breakfast for a college student wow
find the closest book, what's the last two words on the last page of the last chapter? "short poems" for my journal in creative writing class. we were supposed to write abt our experiences and expectations and i felt comfortable enough to say i write fics online and made friends from it (yet another person will know my dark secret 😔💔) funny enough i accidentally wrote on the last page but then copied it on the first page (honestly i still don't know which is the front or back) so technically you can read the same words but erased on the last page
what's the last scene of shameless that you've watched? youtube says it's the "'cause you're my husband" scene. idk if i even watched it in full but i've spent too long going through my watch history so i'm gonna go with it
what's the next song you're going to listen to? probably cleopatra from aristos: the musical, i'm so obsessed that i put it in my instagram notes
what scent is your body soap? i think it's triple oat?
what does your pillowcase look like? pink with palm trees and the words "sheng yu qin shi" on top and white on the bottom
when's the last time you did laundry? today bc i got my period 😬 i just finished folding the clothes and putting the fitted sheet on the mattress which i need endless amounts of praise on btw cause my muscles were working overtime
what does the sky look like where you are now? i can't rly see outside my window but sunny and blue
go drink some water and put any emoji here to denote completion of this task: 😁
was the name of the earliest childhood teacher that you can remember? mr. wilson my 3rd grade math teacher
tagging @michellemisfit, @mybrainismelted, @reganmian, @jademickian, @blue-disco-lights
@burninface, @iansw0rld, @sgtmickeyslaughter, @mmmichyyy, @gallapiech
& @heymrspatel
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multifandom-girlie · 1 year
𝙷𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚛𝚢 𝙴𝚢𝚎𝚜
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Summary | Your doing an Instagram Live when Sebastian begins to blast music in the other room, disrupting your live. You check it out and you dance together on your live.
Pairings | Sebastian Stan x Reader
Warnings | a whole loada of fluffiness :)
Word | 1043
A/N | Hello beautiful people! I’m backkkkk ;) 🩷
On a sunny afternoon, I found myself at home with my boyfriend, Sebastian. We decided to embark on an exciting Instagram Live session, eager to share a special moment with our adoring fans.
“Hey Guys. We wanted to create an instagram live today as we had some free time on our hands and we wanted to do this as a way of apologising for not being active recently.”
“Yeah absolutely! Like Y/N said we are truly apologetic for not being very active with you guys. We have both have had a very chaotic and work involved couple of months but we wanted to come on here for a little whilst we were in the calm before the storm, so to speak.” Sebastian laughed as he finished his comment at the end, it seemed as though he was talking about something bad was about to happen but in reality we have really adoring and supportive fans who completely understand our workload can be overwhelming and other times it can be little to none.
“Also before anyone takes that last thing Seb said as a bad thing, nothing bad is happening we hope.” we laughed ceremoniously and i continued on to explain to our viewers. “He just meant the calm before the storm of work begins again, so just wanted to clear that up before hand.”
During the Instagram Live session, the comment section flooded with an outpouring of positive and adoring messages. Hearts, emojis, and words of love filled the screen, painting a vibrant tapestry of support and admiration.
Setting up the camera and adjusting the lighting, we couldn't contain our anticipation. A familiar tune, "Hungry Eyes" by Eric Carmen, began to play softly in the background. The song held a special place in our hearts, and a mischievous spark passed between us, knowing the joy that lay ahead.
Sebastian, dressed in a stylish yet comfortable ensemble, stood tall before me. Radiant in a flowing summer dress, I felt a surge of excitement. The room around us was bathed in a golden glow, creating an intimate atmosphere for what was about to unfold.
With a playful smirk, Sebastian took my hand, leading me to the center of the room. As the music enveloped us, we moved in perfect sync, our bodies swaying to the rhythm. Each step, each turn, became a testament to our deep connection.
His arms wrapped securely around my waist, pulling me closer. Our eyes locked, and in that gaze, I felt an overwhelming sense of love and hidden desire. Together, we moved with grace and ease, as if our souls had known this dance for eternity.
Viewers expressed their awe at the dance, gushing about the chemistry and connection between me and Sebastian. "You two are simply mesmerizing!" "This is pure magic!" "The love and passion you share is inspiring!" The uplifting comments served as a reminder of the profound impact our dance had on those watching, reaffirming the beauty of shared moments and the power of love.
Sebastian's whispered words of affection danced in my ear, accompanied by our shared laughter. The music intertwined with our joy, creating an enchanting symphony that echoed through the room. In that moment, it felt as if time stood still, as if we were the only two people in existence.
Our bodies melded together, moving fluidly across the floor, weightless and free. With each sway of our hips, each dip and spin, our love manifested through the language of dance. It was a delicate balance of tenderness and passion, a testament to the depth of our connection.
As we continued our mesmerizing performance, the comments flooded the Instagram Live stream with messages of admiration and adoration. Our fans were captivated, drawn into the magic that unfolded before their eyes. But in that moment, it was just Sebastian and me, lost in our own world of love and desire.
As the final notes of the song played, we embraced passionately, our bodies pressed together in an electric union. Our eyes spoke volumes, an unspoken promise of a love that would endure beyond this dance. We took a quick look at the comments before we started to starting saying bye to our adoring family of fans.
DreamCatcher87: “Thank you for sharing this beautiful moment with us!"
"Oh, thank you all for being here! We're so grateful for your love and support."
WanderlustJourney: "You two are absolute goals!"
“You're too kind! We're just incredibly lucky to have found each other."
BlissfulSerenity: “Your dance was breathtaking!"
"Thank you! It means the world to hear that. We poured our hearts into it."
StarryEyes23: “Please do more Instagram Lives like this!"
"We'll definitely consider it! It's been such a joy connecting with all of you."
MysticSoul17: “You two are an inspiration!"
"We're truly humbled. Love and passion can move mountains, and we hope to inspire others with our journey."
EnchantedWhisper: “Wishing you both all the happiness in the world!"
"Thank you so much! Your well wishes warm our hearts. Sending you all love and positivity too."
AdventureSeekerX: “Can't wait for the next dance!"
"We can't wait to share more special moments with you all. Until then, take care and stay wonderful!”
"You guys are the epitome of love!"
"That's incredibly sweet of you to say. We strive to keep our love strong and cherish every moment together."
As the comments continued pouring in, the girlfriend and Sebastian exchanged glances, their hearts filled with gratitude. They waved goodbye, signing off the Instagram Live with a final message of love and appreciation, knowing that their shared dance had touched the hearts of their viewers in ways they couldn't have imagined.
We bid farewell to our virtual audience with gentle smiles, leaving them with a mix of joy and longing.
Closing the Instagram Live session, Sebastian and I found solace in each other's arms, relishing in the euphoria of the moment. The memory of our dance would forever be etched in my heart, a testament to the power of our love and the beauty of a shared passion. And as we melted into each other's embrace, I couldn't help but imagine the possibility of dancing to "Hungry Eyes" once again, recreating that enchanting scene for ourselves and the world to witness.
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kiiyunz · 10 months
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⠀⠀  (  5:55 Ꮺ  )  ⠀KIHYUN lives his life on a fast track,  spreading his infectious laughter and constant high-energy wherever he goes.  he’s always on the lookout for the new trends to follow,  the new music to listen to,  the new restaurants to try out.  smooth and malleable,  he’s able to rearrange himself with ease to fit right into whatever everyone else is going with at the time.  being the life of the party and standing in the spotlight is a luxury he usually enjoys whenever he’s given the chance to,  and bringing joy to the faces of those he loves makes him happier than anything.  he exists purely in the moment and lives off of the feeling of excitement coursing through his veins—despite that not always being a good thing.
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  ⠀(  版 001  ᜊ  FILE  )
STAGE NAME⠀KIHYUN    ( 기현 ) BIRTH NAME⠀IM KIHYUN    ( 임기현 ) ENGLISH NAME⠀KADEN IM NICKNAMES⠀KEY,  KYUN(NIE)  (all)⠀╱⠀KD  (mark, chenle)⠀╱⠀KIKI  (hendery, johnny)
HEIGHT⠀178 CM    ( 5’10” ) WEIGHT⠀58 KG    ( 128 LBS ) BLOOD TYPE⠀A PIERCINGS⠀LOBE,  SNUG,  HELIX  (left)⠀╱⠀DOUBLE LOBE,  AURICLE  (right) TATTOOS⠀SPIDER  (hip bone, right)⠀╱⠀FIGURE 8  (inner wrist, left)
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  ⠀(  版 002  ᜊ  PERSONALITY  )
with a keen eye for detail,  a good eye for both what the people want and whatever problems his friends may be facing,  kihyun can be considered a generally good person to be around.  he’s everywhere and nowhere all at the same time,  an ebbing and flowing tide that can go from livening up a dampened mood with ever-enthusiastic and always-sunny disposition to sitting quietly and doing his best to provide whatever advice a struggling member of his may be needing when they confide in him about the things that’re on their mind.  he lives for the adrenaline of idol life,  the instant rush of endorphins that he gets from the performances,  the practice sessions,  the photoshoots,  the concerts—so much so that sometimes he gets swept up in it all,  loses focus and stumbles;  starts to skip out on responsibilities,  sneak off and make excuses all while searching for the next dopamine hit.  his friends have usually been there to keep him in check,  but it’s still something he needs to work on.
when kihyun feels,  it’s almost as if he feels all too much at once.  everything is at an extreme,  turned up to the max.  when he was younger he used to flare up at anything,  temper rising and falling erratically,  but now that he’s grown his temper is almost completely in check,  and his anger is a very rare thing to bare witness or be victim to.  he tries to be empathetic with all of his friends,  doing his best to support them when they’re going through a rough patch or having a fight of their own with another member,  but as soon as a problem  (however minor)  is brought up against him he switches off,  uninterested and unwilling to talk it out properly.  he’ll be flighty and avoidant,  deciding to simply push through the uneasy feelings in the pit of his stomach or attempt to escape it altogether by removing himself from the space of the person who has grievances with him whenever he’s able to—no matter how big or small the issue is—rather than sitting down and talking through it to resolve the rift.  this habit of his has never gone as far enough to permanently fracture his relationships with any of the other members,  but in the past it’s come close..
in the moments where kihyun himself isn’t feeling the best,  he’s not the most eager to let anybody know.  similar to his approach to conflict,  he prefers to breeze over any lingering feelings of inferiority or insecurity and pretend they’re not there—either hoping they fade away with time or coping with them in ways that most wouldn’t consider the healthiest.  bottling everything up  (although it may seem like an odd thing for a ‘hyper-sensitive’ pisces to do)  is by far one of his worst habits,  but as he grows more he’s making more and more of an effort to work on it—that effort of course being assisted by his closest friends,  the members themselves.  where he would usually pick more detrimental things to help him cope with whatever he was feeling inside,  kihyun now tries to pour it all into a creative outlet—namely music,  or dance.  he’s come far from when he was thirteen and desperately looking for reasons not to drop out of the company altogether,  and in the future he hopes to go even further.
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  ⠀(  版 003  ᜊ  BACKGROUND  )
born on a cold morning on the fourth of march two thousand and one  ( 04 / 03 / 2001 ),  kihyun was the first child of a young mother struggling to make ends meet  (and who would later be labelled a ‘prostitute’ in rumours spread in early twenty eighteen,  seeing as their small flat was nestled right outside the infamous ‘capital alley,’ a known red light district—rumours that would never be addressed by sm and left to be speculated about)  and an unknown father,  who kihyun never heard of again except in spiteful passing remarks made by his grandmother,  who lived with them in their two-bedroomed apartment.  despite their living situation,  kihyun was mostly a happy child at home,  always appreciating the love he was given,  the roof over his head,  and the food on his plate that he rarely had to go without.  problems only really started to arise when he started at school.
school and kihyun did not get along in the slightest.  making friends wasn’t the problem—he was a social butterfly if you’d ever seen one,  drawing people in like magnets with a smile and a joke whispered behind his hand that had a way of making people feel as if they were special,  as if all of his attention was focused on them—it was the education itself.  the lessons were too hard;  words swimming off of the pages,  numbers twisting themselves up into unintelligible shapes and floating off into the air around him,  and none if it seemed to stick.  kihyun loathed it from the start,  and it only seemed to get worse as the years went on.  on the fifteenth of september two thousand and nine  ( 15 / 09 / 2009 )  his younger half-brother seonmin was born—to a father that,  although wasn’t his own,  he was able to get to know;  but a man his mother still wouldn’t commit to,  still wouldn’t marry,  someone who he only got to see from time to time,  and suddenly there was one less person to talk to about the words that made his head ache and the numbers that made his eyes water.  he became a lot closer to his grandmother in the years following,  moving from his mother’s bedroom to hers and cuddling close to her in the evenings when she let him stay up far later than he was usually allowed with a wink and a finger to her lips as she switched the tv channel to the music shows.
from the very first night he saw the idol groups,  the men and women dancing in all their perfectly synchronised glory,  hair perfectly styled and no blemishes to be found,  kihyun was hooked.  he had found his dream.  one that,  from the looks of it,  had far less of all the numbers and letters he hated so much.  his mother  (and baby brother,  even if he couldn’t understand a word)  had burst into laughter when he told them of his newfound goal,  but kihyun was adamant,  and his grandmother had faith in him too.  he started to learn all the words,  memorise all the steps,  until every day after school he was dancing around the apartment belting out SHINee and f(x) songs until his throat was hoarse. he knew what he wanted to do,  and where he wanted to go.  sm entertainment was the company that housed most of his favourites,  some of what people called the ‘greats’ in the industry at the time,  and so that was where he set his sights.  he was going to get in,  and  (hopefully)  get famous.
a late afternoon in april twenty thirteen  ( 10 / 04 / 2013 )  was when he did it.  he got a leg-up from one of his friends out of the school gates and ran all of the way to the train station,  paying for a train ticket with the pocket money he’d been saving up for months.  he asked around for directions until he finally found the place the audition was being held,  did all of the things the vaguely frightening people dressed in their business casual asked him to do,  tried not to feel too much like a circus clown while he was performing,  and then held his breath when it was over.  and by some miracle conjured up by the stars above,  kihyun managed to make it through.  he tried not to cheer aloud out of fear the option would be taken back when the company told him he could drop out of school to fully focus on training if he so wished,  neglected to tell his mother he’d been accepted for a little while in fear she wouldn’t approve  (and was pleasantly surprised when she only told him that she’d better be seeing him on tv in a few years time),  high-fived his grandmother with a wide grin on his face,  and packed up the little things he had to make the official move to seoul.  there he trained for three years,  until he was finally told that  (along with seven others,  seven fast friends he was glad to have made)  he was set to debut.  nct dream,  their subunit was going to be called,  and the rest was history.
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  ⠀(  版 004  ᜊ  PERSONAL&  )
MBTI  ⠀ESTP-T  ( TURBULENT ENTERTAINER ) POSITIVE TRAITS  ⠀bold,  original,  practical,  observant,  excellent people skills. NEGATIVE TRAITS  ⠀sensitive,  conflict-averse,  poor long-term planner,  unfocused.
LIKES  ⠀his fellow members,  travelling to new places,  dancing,  singing,  fashion,  shopping,  accessories,  music,  street food & street art,  manga,  bungeoppang,  cherry pepsi max,  blueberries,  goldfish,  lego,  songwriting. DISLIKES  ⠀bugs,  cooking,  green tea,  reading,  puzzles & brain teasers,  waking up early,  sci-fi movies,  crime shows,  maths. HOBBIES  ⠀playing football,  playing pool,  collecting albums & vinyls,  collecting photocards (particularly of his members),  (trying to) learn new languages,  music production,  playing the drums. PHOBIAS  ⠀atychiphobia (fear of failure),  astraphobia (fear of thunder & lightning).
HABITS  ⠀constantly repeating new words or phrases he’s recently learned (usually in a foreign language),  doing tutting combos with his hands,  snorting while laughing,  cracking his knuckles,  sneaking up to his fellow members in an attempt to scare them,  rubbing at his eyes,  clicking his tongue,  playing his music too loud,  idly tying his drawstrings into knots he can’t get undone. KNOWN FOR  ⠀his tendency to break away and wander off from the rest of the group to go and explore on his own (even while filming),  him holding up the others while he poses for fansites (particularly at the airport),  his constant featuring of the dreamies & other members on his instagram,  his spontaneous fit checks,  his music recommendations (his lives are more of a radio hour than anything),  his love for pda & need to cling onto whoever he’s closest to,  his tendency to try and answer a question in a few short words but end up going on a tangent.
FAMILY  ⠀mother  (  임요미  born 23 / 10 / 1981  alive  )⠀╱⠀grandmother  (  임중안  born 01 / 07 / 1958  alive  )⠀╱⠀half brother  (  임선민  born 15 / 09 / 2009  alive  ).
ᶻ  his favourite music genres are dance,  rap,  and pop.  his favourite artists are azealia banks,  michael jackson,  exo,  f(x),  and gsoul. ᶻ  kihyun is a known lyricist,  and has contributed with lyrics on multiple albums  (both within nct and,  on occasion,  for other groups also).  he currently has twenty seven  ( 27 )  writing credits under his name. ᶻ  in the future he hopes to contribute more with production & composition.  currently he does it mostly for fun,  as he’s still learning.
ᶻ  inside the group,  kihyun considers himself closest to chenle,  mark,  johnny,  hendery,  jeno,  and niko. ᶻ  outside the group his friends include cléo of stray kids,  giselle of aespa,  matthew and hanbin of zerobaseone,  and marzi and sohee of riize. ᶻ  he currently shares an apartment with jisung,  having recently moved out of the dorm together. ᶻ  a member he wants to get closer to in the future is yangyang  (and if he could switch units,  he’d choose wayv). ᶻ  his role models include key of SHINee,  and d.o. of exo.
ᶻ  fashion is a subject he’s been interested in for a while,  and he’s coined the nickname ‘assistant fashion evaluator’—johnny accepted him as his ‘apprentice’ with pride. ᶻ  his interest in italian stemmed from his mother’s love of both the country and the culture,  and he grew up watching old italian films alongside her even if he could never understand a word. ᶻ  his favourite movies are the bling ring,  time to hunt,  and the con artists. ᶻ  kihyun has slated his ideal type as “someone who shares my sense of humour and can sometimes buy me nice things.”
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callsign-rogueone · 2 months
Question for you since I’ve been thinking about this and you were the first person I thought I’d ask.
Have we ever seen any of the Tyrrish kids actually speak their language?
I don’t think so cause I feel like it would probably be Xaden to Violet (maybe whispering sweet nothings to her?) and I would have definitely remembered that.
And…..now I really want to see our fourth wing rebellion boys talking in Tyrrish. (Especially to their girlfriends)
Okay last question/theory that’s pretty unlikely
Can Brennan speak Tyrrish?
I mean maybe the rebellion kids spoke it in Aretia?
and he picked up on it cause he was away for six years?
I don’t think so but…..maybe?
I do have one more thing to say (last one I promise….for now)
I read the new aaric and sunny part!
I really loved the fact that you depicted her as someone who came from nothing vs cam being born in the lap of luxury, that’s going to be interesting.
we also got another perspective on the riders’ quadrant
As in it’s a way for sunny to make her life better and she sees it as that versus like say violet, who just saw it as a death sentence.
That made more sense in my head…..
those are my very long thoughts…heh
Sending love (for some reason my heart emoji isn’t working so just imagine a heart here),
A (yes I’m the same one from yesterday)
hi lovie!! welcome back!
it’s confirmed that Xaden (177) and Brennan (345) speak it! so by extension I’m sure Bodhi does too, and most likely Garrick and Liam, etc etc.
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I think they might not specify when they’re speaking in Tyrrish because it’s Violet’s thoughts / pov so she understands it and writes it all down in the same language (I believe that we’re basically reading her diary. when they go out into the woods with infantry and a scribe, she talks about the scribe notes being accurate down to exact quotes and conversations, and Vi has scribe training.)
I also can’t find it but I swear there’s a line somewhere that’s like “the assembly resume arguing in Tyrrish”. but that may have been from a fic I read/wrote. I tend to mix them up sometimes since it’s been ~6mo since I read both books.
as soon as I found out Bren speaks it, I was like… I’m giving you a Tyrrish wife that you’re going to rizz up by speaking to in a “dead language” (see “allies”). so a lot of his dialogue with Duchess is italicized, implying it’s in Tyrrish. you’ll get some “Tyrrish” words here and there as Dain picks some up for Love (👀) but I’ll translate those in the conversation, bc I’m not gonna make y’all copy-paste things into Google lol
and thank you!! I wanted to make Sunny his complete opposite in some way. I’m from a lower-income community in the states and a lot of kids here join the military to get out and start a stable life, so I took inspiration from that. I considered it myself, but I didn’t meet their health requirements. I’ve been falling apart at the seams for a while now. that’s one of the reasons I like Vi so much, because I relate to her being breakable 😅
love ya!! 💖
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timothylawrence · 10 months
haiiii tagged by the lovely @cetra to do an OC + Random Associations game ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚!!! I'll be making this about Rana :)!
tagging: @babeoffrontiers @opossum-on-the-spectrum @aliensmoothie @droodle-bug and @bootheminiaturegiantspacehamster !
and anyone else who wants to do this!!!
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Animal: foxes!!
Colors: red, pale pink, black, emerald and brown
Month: Waning August....
Songs: Anchor by Novo Amor, Falling Water by Maggie Rogers, Triple Dog Dare by Lucy Dacus, Dog Days are Over by Florence + the Machine, Trouble by Cage The Elephant
Number: 13
Plants: Jasmine Flowers, Basil, Prickly Pear Cactus, Magnolias
Smells: Leather, Campfires, Mint.
Gemstone: Ruby
Time of day: Dusk
Season: High heat of Summer
Places: Nowhere has ever felt like home, but she loves the seaside.
Food: Anything fufilling but as she grows more comfortable, she loves pistachio-flavored sweets. She loves honey too.
Drinks: Wine, bitter coffee.
Element: Fire
Seasonings: Seven spice
Sky: When the sun is setting and the sky is bright red with clouds of gold...
Weather: Sunny and warm.
Magical power: she has no magic elements to her, but she can speak with the dead.
Weapons: double daggers and a crossbow.
Candy: Honey by the spoonful... but also fudge.
Method of long distance travel: hitchhiking on the back of unsuspecting caravans, boat rides.
Artstyle: scribbles at the edge of important notes, a journal filled with pencil drawings of plant life.
Fear: Terrified of heights and getting to know people... </3
Mythological creature: jackrabbit
Piece of stationary: a worn journal
Three Emojis: ☀️🗡️🌅
Celestial body: The Sun !
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random-autie-fangirl · 2 months
 👽 A weird quirk of Frisk's
Another one done. Centuries later. @idrawgaystffs
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/random-autie-fangirl/751070033808064512/proudfreakmetarusonniku-metaruus-headcanon-ask
So Frisk doesn't really speak...
This is quite normal, both in general and for the common perception of Frisk (they tend not to use official sign language because I doubt that the monsters can understand it, instead they use their own made up gestures that are generally more obvious, the Narrator's ability to understand Frisk is based entirely on how much they want to listen. it's not exactly that they're a quiet or shy person, they talk quite a bit, only with their hands and not their mouth). Of course, when the narrator is telling them to be quiet, over and over, Frisk will answer that they are being quiet and just keep talking. Same with “silence in class”, Frisk is still free to keep yapping away because they were already silent actually. Chara very much disagrees with that last one. (Though Frisk is very annoyed that they try to do the "shut up" "make me" thing with Flowey only for him to hold their hands completely still with vines and he's right...that did make Frisk shut up but that wasn't really what they meant, lol)
 But it's more that I think their "not using words" thing also extends to any diaries or letters that Frisk "writes" basically being strings of convoluted doodles or them carrying entire text conversations through emojis rather than typing anything out, maybe it's initially because they're not that good at... writing and reading (they haven't really gone to school that much, so no chance to really learn). But they still prefer to talk that way years later, because it's fun, mostly. But also faster and easier.
Oh, and the reason why their eyes are always shut on the sprite...is, to me, because they just like hanging out with their eyes closed sometimes? And can do so easily? (Because they've done it enough times that it causes trouble to them getting around) It's not that they can't see but sometimes the world's just too bright. Too sunny, florescent lights, things are flashing…, just close your eyes and walk around like that, simple. Funny that someone so sensitive to light might dress like a walking rainbow but maybe that's why they aren't bothered by their bright neon clothes, since they can basically turn off their sight whenever they want. (I suppose it's in the same way that a noise sensitive person might wear headphones in public but still listen to loud or heavy music in their own time)
(I think this might lead to some jokes later down the line, with Chara stating constantly that Frisk's bad taste in clothes and decoration and crushes (Frisk's most prominent crush is a murderous living flower which did become "a botanically and anatomically challenged beast"/ref at one point so maybe that's fair...)
Has the narrator tried to push Frisk's eyes back open because they've grown annoyed with this...? sure, but that's one of the things Frisk is willing to kick up a fuss over, so the narrator learns not do it or they'll have an 11 year old dramatically falling to the ground, kicking and screaming and clutching their eyes, making every single monster in the vicinity wonder what the hell is going on. The Narrator: "You are making a scene!" No, narry, you're making a scene. And then they stop doing it, sometimes Frisk making it clear that there's an invisible ghost bothering them works not because the monsters will believe them but because Chara is deathly afraid that they will. Their paranoia can sometimes cancel out or take precedence over their vitriol towards Frisk, thankfully. Chara certainly can't control Frisk’s body up on the surface anymore, at least not when Flowey is around because it's something he tends to get pretty angry and protective over, makes sense that Chara controlling people’s bodies might be a sore spot for him, huh?
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antiendovents · 1 month
*buries face in pillow and screams* ok I'm sorry for that message lol evalynn took control and I'm still making sure she didn't fuck up anything on my computer but lol yeah. don't worry I'm not mad at her just kinda embarrassed. I love her but she is a headache sometimes (affectionately). she also gets attached to people very quickly sorry lol (evalynn if you read this i love you its ok I'm not mad just um remember to wait five minutes before you make a decision to see if it still sounds like a good idea but I promise its fine)
anyway um yeah. Eva wants to change her name to sunny, short for sunflower. shell probably go by both (Eva and sunny) depending on the mood.
I'm doing well! I took my brother and his friend to the museum. it was nice. I like my brother very much, he's a pretty good human. hbu?
we (system 'we' now, not brother 'we') talked to another alter we don't talk to often. shes pretty uhhh stressy depressy. evalynn doesn't like her very much because she reminds evalynn of her (evalynn's) worse moments. Eva prefers to stay away, but shes politely pleasant to her. Saturn gets her best I think. she (stressy depressy alter) has done a lot for me cus she basically keeps a lot of our sadness and trauma and she helped us a lot when we were having a depressive episode last year cuz that's basically her default mode, but we all are trying very hard to make sure she stays pretty quiet because we don't want to feel like that. I feel kinda bad for making her keep all of this, but I cant help without getting hurt too. yeah. she goes by Dark (may change her name later, she doesn't wanna reveal her real name), btw. rn shes using she/her, but sometimes its he/him or they/them.
sooo yeah. that's us. Eva is feeling lovely rn. I'm just chilling. saturn is lying facedown on the floor listening to music. (saturn is overstimulated and tired). evalynn is building a dollhouse from blocks she painted pink.
update: Saturn is no longer listening to music. Saturn is imagining music. dad stole our spotify. (-Eva/sunny)
we think were gonna make another blog for a headmate named רונה. (if you google translate this name pls don't share it this is my irl name and its very personal to me but this alter doesn't like going by anything but that name). she speaks only Hebrew, and some very bad English, so that's gonna be fun. I suppose she could speak English cuz we share the same brain and all but it makes her feel like throwing up so she doesn't. anyway. she wants to say hi.
שלום!!!!! השם שלי רונה!!!!! רוצים ליהיות חברות??? להיתרות!!!!! י
so yeah that was her. btw what she said was "hello!!!!! my name is רונה!!!!! wanna be friends??? See you later/bye!!!!" that last part deosnt translate too well to english but yeah. anyway. ttyl! byeeeeeee!!! <333
-🌌🌠 system (cuz r still doesn't have an emoji code lol) (oh hey Saturn. feeling better?) (hey. yeah, thx.) (awesome. <333) (<3)
its fine! We found the message quite sweet! And we get it, some of us get attached easily too! I hope she didn't mess anything up on the computer, that wouldn't be great!
Also sunflower / sunny is a great name !! :D we have an alter named sunny, kind of. He only lets his best friend call him it though-
We're glad you're doing well and that sounds pretty fun! We're personally okay, trying desperately to salvage our sleep schedule lol
Also that is interesting, I'm glad Dark managed to help you guys get through that and I understand why you'd feel bad but I want you to know it's not your fault. Alters have roles and even if it's unfavorable someone has to do it. Just make sure she knows y'all are grateful (that's the only advice I can give as an alter with a similar kind of job lol). Don't try help her if it hurts, wait until you're in a safe environment and able to do to so (preferably wait until you have a therapist, if you don't have one already (if you do wait until you can manage a session about it, this kind of stuff is best done with a professional, though if y'all do try healing by yourselves we won't judge either))
It's good that Eva is feeling good, hah I said good twice lol. I hope Saturn is doing okay and that Evalynn is having fun!
Also that's fair enough. We have some alters that are uncomfortable with the English language too, though we don't know any other language (not fluently anyways) so they usually just end up not speaking at all or making animal sounds-
And hi! We'd love to be friends and bye! :3
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kazuaru · 10 months
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Thanks to @rollingsim for tagging me again so i can do nathan 💘!!!
ANIMAL: Siberian Cat (Kitten)
COLORS: Baby Blue (duh!)
SONGS: Gfriend - Sweety
PLANTS: Hydrangea
SMELLS: Energy Drinks
GEMSTONE: Angelite
TIME OF DAY: 9:00 Pm
SEASON: Spring
PLACES: California
FOOD: Candy (
DRINKS: Chocolate Milk
SKY: Clear & Sunny
WEATHER: After a Rainstorm With a Rainbow in the Sky
MAGICAL POWER: Speak with Animals
WEAPONS: "Garrote Wire"
SOCIAL MEDIA: Online (247)
CANDY: Tootsie Roll Pop (Cherry)
FEAR: Small Critters (bugs, spiders, etc)
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heiayen · 2 years
luck in disguise - bennett&reader (platonic)
tags: platonic, headcanons, it's more on the comedic side!! you and bennett can't catch a break but... you at least discovered something cool?
summary: ah, a funny trip to liyue with bennett, surely nothing can go wrong! right? (spoiler, it did.)
a/n: iM SO RUSTY crying emoji anyways hello!! @my-white-canvas i got you for the white day event and here's my gift for you~ i followed the prompt you gave cuz it was pretty cute and funny?? and i wish i could write more and better but 😭😭 either way i hope youll like it, have a nice day and take care muah
It started with a nice, sunny day when you and Bennett had no tasks to take care of and could go for an enjoyable trip to Liyue! Just a short trip, to visit some pretty places, eat some good food, get chased by hilichurls, fall into a waterfall…? Oh, dear. Let's go back to the beginning, shall we?
It all started when you decided to go on a trip. A longer walk with your friend was always a good thing, so you asked Bennett if he wanted to go with you. Even despite his bad luck, he was a great companion to have around! So when he agreed, you packed some food and other things you might need, and you two went off on the adventure.
It was… going, somehow. At first, it was pretty okay! You two could talk about random things, enjoying the view of Liyue… until a hilichurl attacked you. And then another one, followed by a mitachurl! Luckily, you managed to somehow defeat them without bigger problems and without losing too much stuff… Well, good for you two!
After that, you decided to set your trip goal on Qingce village. It was a relatively close place, and very pretty too, so why not? You decided to take the longer path, avoiding Wuwang Hill. Look, it's an… interesting place, to say the least, but you two had enough monsters and not-monsters to deal with, alright? Let's go, then!
The walk to the village was actually calmer than you expected, which was weird. Something had to happen soon, and Bennett tripping over air twice in the past five minutes was not it. And, well, just as you thought about it, you heard some crackles of electricity around. You looked around to see a bunch of electro cicins near you. Just how did they appear here, and from where?
It was risky to fight with them around water, especially if your companion was a very unlucky pyro vision wielder, so you decided to simply run away. Or, at least that was your plan because suddenly, you heard a yell coming from the said companion. You looked around to see what was going on, and…
Wait, where's Bennett?!
You heard water splash and a yell, but could find no Bennett around! And you still had electro cicins trying to electrocute you! Was Bennett somewhere underwater? Well, he probably was, so you had to jump in and help him! Well, maybe it was a bit dumb thing to do, but it was all panic speaking… and so you jumped. And to your surprise, you ended… in an underwater cave?
Wow. And Bennett was there, too! Sitting in the water, seemingly unharmed, just with wet clothes and his backpack. Really, this was luck in disguise that he was alright. You looked around at the cave. The cave was… surprisingly beautiful. Full of crystal ores, even some grass and flowers, the water seemed to shine, as if this cave was something more. It was as if Bennett's luck for once didn't bring only bad things! Well, your clothes are wet, and so is your stuff, but! It certainly can't get any worse.
You two decide to stay for some time in the cave, to rest and then find a way to somehow get out of it. The resting time was spent talking with Bennett, trying to save any of your stuff (you failed to do so), and sharing this one apple that somehow survived the great waterfall fall. It was nice, really nice… until you two heard some wet noises, and suddenly got attacked by a bunch of hydro slimes!
Oh dear. You can't catch a break for too long, can't you? At least Bennett had his pyro vision, so the fight wasn't too long or troublesome, and actually a good laugh when you two were safe. Really, just what else will this trip bring to you? But well, to know the answer to this question, you first need to somehow get out of this cave…
Ah, good luck with that!
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sb-is-a-thing · 6 months
ALSO YOU CAN ASK THEM THINGS ( I mention this several times )
Basically, It’s during and after the good ending. When the Omori fight happens, both Sunny and Omori die ( Near the end of Final Duet, Omori uses his limited energy to get a final hit in. ). Since nobody else is going to deal with the body, Stranger steps up and somehow takes control of Sunny’s body. He wakes up but never says the truth. He interacts with Sunny’s friends and they all think he’s acting and speaking differently from minor head trauma or blood loss ( Everyone is fucking stupid, Stranger literally says “I am not who you believe I am”. ) so they all shrug it off except Basil, who later learns what happened and agrees to help Stranger. Kel gets a suspicion about “Sunny” not being Sunny. Also, the move never happens due to the injury and the buyers of the house never actually paying up. Stranger also gets to choose a prosthetic a while later ( He goes with white ). Also one random day, the body gets weird black markings with no actual plot relevance ( Maybe. ). Anyway, Stranger just tries to fit in and manage while he learns about reality. That’s it.
All those fuckers can be asked now and I’m going to do what I do what that one Emori blog did and have specific colored text and emojis for them if they get asks.
Stranger - 👁️‍🗨️: Sample text ( I’m too lazy to make anything happen )
Basil - 🌿: Sample text
Kel - 🏀: Got ketchup mixed with lettuce che
Aubrey - 🎀: Sample text
Hero - ✨: Sample text
From beyond the grave:
Sunny - 🔪: Sample text
Omori - 💡: Sample text
Mari - 🍌: Eternal banana.
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