#⠀૮ ᴖﻌᴖა⠀DRIVE  ME  CRAZY  ✱⠀⠀——⠀⠀profile.
kiiyunz · 10 months
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⠀⠀  (  5:55 Ꮺ  )  ⠀KIHYUN lives his life on a fast track,  spreading his infectious laughter and constant high-energy wherever he goes.  he’s always on the lookout for the new trends to follow,  the new music to listen to,  the new restaurants to try out.  smooth and malleable,  he’s able to rearrange himself with ease to fit right into whatever everyone else is going with at the time.  being the life of the party and standing in the spotlight is a luxury he usually enjoys whenever he’s given the chance to,  and bringing joy to the faces of those he loves makes him happier than anything.  he exists purely in the moment and lives off of the feeling of excitement coursing through his veins—despite that not always being a good thing.
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  ⠀(  版 001  ᜊ  FILE  )
STAGE NAME⠀KIHYUN    ( 기현 ) BIRTH NAME⠀IM KIHYUN    ( 임기현 ) ENGLISH NAME⠀KADEN IM NICKNAMES⠀KEY,  KYUN(NIE)  (all)⠀╱⠀KD  (mark, chenle)⠀╱⠀KIKI  (hendery, johnny)
HEIGHT⠀178 CM    ( 5’10” ) WEIGHT⠀58 KG    ( 128 LBS ) BLOOD TYPE⠀A PIERCINGS⠀LOBE,  SNUG,  HELIX  (left)⠀╱⠀DOUBLE LOBE,  AURICLE  (right) TATTOOS⠀SPIDER  (hip bone, right)⠀╱⠀FIGURE 8  (inner wrist, left)
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  ⠀(  版 002  ᜊ  PERSONALITY  )
with a keen eye for detail,  a good eye for both what the people want and whatever problems his friends may be facing,  kihyun can be considered a generally good person to be around.  he’s everywhere and nowhere all at the same time,  an ebbing and flowing tide that can go from livening up a dampened mood with ever-enthusiastic and always-sunny disposition to sitting quietly and doing his best to provide whatever advice a struggling member of his may be needing when they confide in him about the things that’re on their mind.  he lives for the adrenaline of idol life,  the instant rush of endorphins that he gets from the performances,  the practice sessions,  the photoshoots,  the concerts—so much so that sometimes he gets swept up in it all,  loses focus and stumbles;  starts to skip out on responsibilities,  sneak off and make excuses all while searching for the next dopamine hit.  his friends have usually been there to keep him in check,  but it’s still something he needs to work on.
when kihyun feels,  it’s almost as if he feels all too much at once.  everything is at an extreme,  turned up to the max.  when he was younger he used to flare up at anything,  temper rising and falling erratically,  but now that he’s grown his temper is almost completely in check,  and his anger is a very rare thing to bare witness or be victim to.  he tries to be empathetic with all of his friends,  doing his best to support them when they’re going through a rough patch or having a fight of their own with another member,  but as soon as a problem  (however minor)  is brought up against him he switches off,  uninterested and unwilling to talk it out properly.  he’ll be flighty and avoidant,  deciding to simply push through the uneasy feelings in the pit of his stomach or attempt to escape it altogether by removing himself from the space of the person who has grievances with him whenever he’s able to—no matter how big or small the issue is—rather than sitting down and talking through it to resolve the rift.  this habit of his has never gone as far enough to permanently fracture his relationships with any of the other members,  but in the past it’s come close..
in the moments where kihyun himself isn’t feeling the best,  he’s not the most eager to let anybody know.  similar to his approach to conflict,  he prefers to breeze over any lingering feelings of inferiority or insecurity and pretend they’re not there—either hoping they fade away with time or coping with them in ways that most wouldn’t consider the healthiest.  bottling everything up  (although it may seem like an odd thing for a ‘hyper-sensitive’ pisces to do)  is by far one of his worst habits,  but as he grows more he’s making more and more of an effort to work on it—that effort of course being assisted by his closest friends,  the members themselves.  where he would usually pick more detrimental things to help him cope with whatever he was feeling inside,  kihyun now tries to pour it all into a creative outlet—namely music,  or dance.  he’s come far from when he was thirteen and desperately looking for reasons not to drop out of the company altogether,  and in the future he hopes to go even further.
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  ⠀(  版 003  ᜊ  BACKGROUND  )
born on a cold morning on the fourth of march two thousand and one  ( 04 / 03 / 2001 ),  kihyun was the first child of a young mother struggling to make ends meet  (and who would later be labelled a ‘prostitute’ in rumours spread in early twenty eighteen,  seeing as their small flat was nestled right outside the infamous ‘capital alley,’ a known red light district—rumours that would never be addressed by sm and left to be speculated about)  and an unknown father,  who kihyun never heard of again except in spiteful passing remarks made by his grandmother,  who lived with them in their two-bedroomed apartment.  despite their living situation,  kihyun was mostly a happy child at home,  always appreciating the love he was given,  the roof over his head,  and the food on his plate that he rarely had to go without.  problems only really started to arise when he started at school.
school and kihyun did not get along in the slightest.  making friends wasn’t the problem—he was a social butterfly if you’d ever seen one,  drawing people in like magnets with a smile and a joke whispered behind his hand that had a way of making people feel as if they were special,  as if all of his attention was focused on them—it was the education itself.  the lessons were too hard;  words swimming off of the pages,  numbers twisting themselves up into unintelligible shapes and floating off into the air around him,  and none if it seemed to stick.  kihyun loathed it from the start,  and it only seemed to get worse as the years went on.  on the fifteenth of september two thousand and nine  ( 15 / 09 / 2009 )  his younger half-brother seonmin was born—to a father that,  although wasn’t his own,  he was able to get to know;  but a man his mother still wouldn’t commit to,  still wouldn’t marry,  someone who he only got to see from time to time,  and suddenly there was one less person to talk to about the words that made his head ache and the numbers that made his eyes water.  he became a lot closer to his grandmother in the years following,  moving from his mother’s bedroom to hers and cuddling close to her in the evenings when she let him stay up far later than he was usually allowed with a wink and a finger to her lips as she switched the tv channel to the music shows.
from the very first night he saw the idol groups,  the men and women dancing in all their perfectly synchronised glory,  hair perfectly styled and no blemishes to be found,  kihyun was hooked.  he had found his dream.  one that,  from the looks of it,  had far less of all the numbers and letters he hated so much.  his mother  (and baby brother,  even if he couldn’t understand a word)  had burst into laughter when he told them of his newfound goal,  but kihyun was adamant,  and his grandmother had faith in him too.  he started to learn all the words,  memorise all the steps,  until every day after school he was dancing around the apartment belting out SHINee and f(x) songs until his throat was hoarse. he knew what he wanted to do,  and where he wanted to go.  sm entertainment was the company that housed most of his favourites,  some of what people called the ‘greats’ in the industry at the time,  and so that was where he set his sights.  he was going to get in,  and  (hopefully)  get famous.
a late afternoon in april twenty thirteen  ( 10 / 04 / 2013 )  was when he did it.  he got a leg-up from one of his friends out of the school gates and ran all of the way to the train station,  paying for a train ticket with the pocket money he’d been saving up for months.  he asked around for directions until he finally found the place the audition was being held,  did all of the things the vaguely frightening people dressed in their business casual asked him to do,  tried not to feel too much like a circus clown while he was performing,  and then held his breath when it was over.  and by some miracle conjured up by the stars above,  kihyun managed to make it through.  he tried not to cheer aloud out of fear the option would be taken back when the company told him he could drop out of school to fully focus on training if he so wished,  neglected to tell his mother he’d been accepted for a little while in fear she wouldn’t approve  (and was pleasantly surprised when she only told him that she’d better be seeing him on tv in a few years time),  high-fived his grandmother with a wide grin on his face,  and packed up the little things he had to make the official move to seoul.  there he trained for three years,  until he was finally told that  (along with seven others,  seven fast friends he was glad to have made)  he was set to debut.  nct dream,  their subunit was going to be called,  and the rest was history.
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  ⠀(  版 004  ᜊ  PERSONAL&  )
MBTI  ⠀ESTP-T  ( TURBULENT ENTERTAINER ) POSITIVE TRAITS  ⠀bold,  original,  practical,  observant,  excellent people skills. NEGATIVE TRAITS  ⠀sensitive,  conflict-averse,  poor long-term planner,  unfocused.
LIKES  ⠀his fellow members,  travelling to new places,  dancing,  singing,  fashion,  shopping,  accessories,  music,  street food & street art,  manga,  bungeoppang,  cherry pepsi max,  blueberries,  goldfish,  lego,  songwriting. DISLIKES  ⠀bugs,  cooking,  green tea,  reading,  puzzles & brain teasers,  waking up early,  sci-fi movies,  crime shows,  maths. HOBBIES  ⠀playing football,  playing pool,  collecting albums & vinyls,  collecting photocards (particularly of his members),  (trying to) learn new languages,  music production,  playing the drums. PHOBIAS  ⠀atychiphobia (fear of failure),  astraphobia (fear of thunder & lightning).
HABITS  ⠀constantly repeating new words or phrases he’s recently learned (usually in a foreign language),  doing tutting combos with his hands,  snorting while laughing,  cracking his knuckles,  sneaking up to his fellow members in an attempt to scare them,  rubbing at his eyes,  clicking his tongue,  playing his music too loud,  idly tying his drawstrings into knots he can’t get undone. KNOWN FOR  ⠀his tendency to break away and wander off from the rest of the group to go and explore on his own (even while filming),  him holding up the others while he poses for fansites (particularly at the airport),  his constant featuring of the dreamies & other members on his instagram,  his spontaneous fit checks,  his music recommendations (his lives are more of a radio hour than anything),  his love for pda & need to cling onto whoever he’s closest to,  his tendency to try and answer a question in a few short words but end up going on a tangent.
FAMILY  ⠀mother  (  임요미  born 23 / 10 / 1981  alive  )⠀╱⠀grandmother  (  임중안  born 01 / 07 / 1958  alive  )⠀╱⠀half brother  (  임선민  born 15 / 09 / 2009  alive  ).
ᶻ  his favourite music genres are dance,  rap,  and pop.  his favourite artists are azealia banks,  michael jackson,  exo,  f(x),  and gsoul. ᶻ  kihyun is a known lyricist,  and has contributed with lyrics on multiple albums  (both within nct and,  on occasion,  for other groups also).  he currently has twenty seven  ( 27 )  writing credits under his name. ᶻ  in the future he hopes to contribute more with production & composition.  currently he does it mostly for fun,  as he’s still learning.
ᶻ  inside the group,  kihyun considers himself closest to chenle,  mark,  johnny,  hendery,  jeno,  and niko. ᶻ  outside the group his friends include cléo of stray kids,  giselle of aespa,  matthew and hanbin of zerobaseone,  and marzi and sohee of riize. ᶻ  he currently shares an apartment with jisung,  having recently moved out of the dorm together. ᶻ  a member he wants to get closer to in the future is yangyang  (and if he could switch units,  he’d choose wayv). ᶻ  his role models include key of SHINee,  and d.o. of exo.
ᶻ  fashion is a subject he’s been interested in for a while,  and he’s coined the nickname ‘assistant fashion evaluator’—johnny accepted him as his ‘apprentice’ with pride. ᶻ  his interest in italian stemmed from his mother’s love of both the country and the culture,  and he grew up watching old italian films alongside her even if he could never understand a word. ᶻ  his favourite movies are the bling ring,  time to hunt,  and the con artists. ᶻ  kihyun has slated his ideal type as “someone who shares my sense of humour and can sometimes buy me nice things.”
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kiiyunz · 10 months
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