#Sunday Snippets
swtorpadawan · 6 months
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"I am going to strangle Theron Shan with my bare hands." Lana declared. "He had one job. One thing I asked of him. ONE. I told him I would take care of everything else. I would oversee all the other arrangements. All he had to do was make sure that the bravest, most insufferably stoic man in the galaxy was ready. And what does he do? He karks it up! I have eighteen other things I'm supposed to be handling right now, and now this nightmare."
(Definitely NOT my next WIP. This one is not ready, and neither is Corellan!)
Tagging! @sapphic-sith @a-master-procrastinator @raven-of-domain-kwaad @grandninjamasterren @anchanted-one
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silurisanguine · 8 months
Sunday Snippet
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thanks to @therealgchu for the tag. im tagging the Coemancer Crew as usual, plus ANYONE else who'd like to share what they are working on. This is from the upcoming chapter to Chasing Your Star Until I Reach Home.
Seren opened her eyes to the familiar sight of her own body being cradled by Vlad as always. ”Barely stepped on the journeyman’s road with us. Cant see another soul off to the void so soon….” She didn’t even speak, just turned sadly, even though she knew what she was seeing wasn’t real. That that wasn’t Vlad and it wasn’t the Eye she stood on. Instead she walked towards the anomaly, leaving the vision of grief behind her. She came out to find both Ren and Sam gripping the rails of the lift in silence and waited till the lift came to a halt at the bottom. Sam turned and looked at Ren who had tears falling down her eyes and closed the gap, pulling her into a tight hug. He let go after a moment, holding Ren at her shoulders for a moment before she nodded to him and he turned to Seren, tears visible in his own eyes. ”I saw myself, lying there dead as you said I would, Barrett holding my body and Ren crying at my side…Cora was cryin too but she was yelling at Ren…saying awful things… Seren's breath came out in a shudder as the memory of her past came crashing back to her, the sound echoing through her helmet into the opening of the cavern. ”That’s what actually happened in yours isn’t it? I’m so sorry” He moved forward when she nodded, pulling Seren into an embrace and for a moment she froze, not wanting to feel that familiar warmth she couldn’t keep. But instinctively her arms came up to hold his oh so familiar body, her helmeted head sagging against his shoulder, losing herself for a brief moment in a comforting feeling. After what seemed like ages, he pulled back, mirroring the same as he did with Ren, holding Seren by her shoulders. She looked up, her visor opaque again and she saw the pain in Sam’s eyes that he couldn’t see her face, but she couldn’t let him see the anguish in her eyes, not with the fight they had to deal with next.
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theresthesnitch · 2 years
Snippet Sunday
Thanks for the tag @heartofspells! Here's a little bit from the next chapter of Lonely (but not alone).
"Goodnight, kiddo." Sirius kissed Harry on the forehead. "Think you'll be alright tonight?"
"Yeah." Harry yawned so wide that Sirius wondered at the size of his mouth. "Padfoot, are you going to marry Remus?" 
Sirius choked on the question. "No. Not yet, anyway.” Sirius considered him carefully. “Would that be okay if I did?” 
“Yeah. You should ask him.” Harry rubbed his eyes, then rolled into the pillow. “Then Teddy and I could be brothers.” 
“I suppose you would.” Sirius kissed him on the head. “Good night, Bambi.” 
Harry huffed out a sleepy breath, and Sirius waited for a moment by the bed before he left the room.
Let's taaaaaag @aqua-myosotis @mollymarymarie @impishtubist @krethes @quietlemonhush @second-sister @msalexwp @r33sespieces
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shadoedseptmbr · 1 year
sunday snippet
On the SR1, Liara had admired the young face under the scars- entirely appealing and tantalizingly familiar in a way she’d never quite grasped. Shepard had almost always been scowling as she chewed through the problems of Saren, the geth, the protheans. Whatever else the galaxy had chosen to throw at her each morning. 
But in this moment, her helmet off and all of them freed from the wind buffeted decking of the Shadow Broker’s ship she finally understood the familiarity.
There’s just a faint hint of amusement, a lifted edge to her lips, a rise to her brows. Like the universe is turning and she knows why and she knows you don’t and never will. Like she’s got the edge of adventure, at her fingertips.
Benezia wore the mirror of that expression, throughout Liara’s childhood.
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Sunday Snippet
Because I'm trying to force myself to write the next chapter of In the Air.
What wasn’t required was the skin tight muggle exercise gear she had been favouring of late, or the new, oversized team jersey with Tonks emblazoned on her back. It was purely coincidental that she had picked that one from the merchandise stand after forgetting to pack a shirt in her workout bag. She absolutely hadn’t specifically waited for the day she knew they had arrived to decide to join the team for their morning workout or purposefully missed the old Tornados training shirt in the bottom of her bag. That wouldn’t be very sensible of her. It would be even less sensible for her to arrive just late enough to know that the entire team would already be there.  And it would be downright foolish to take any pleasure at all in Kemp’s low whistle, or her comment of “Looking good, Black,” which Andromeda responded to with a saucy wink. She definitely didn’t take pleasure in the tightening of Ted’s jaw when she did so. But as far as she was concerned, any displeasure he felt at this turn of events was entirely of his own making. She had tried to speak to him since that night, to clear the air and explain, once again, exactly why she was unable to take things any further with him. But at all attempts he had avoided her, claiming previous engagements on his time or just flat out ignoring her summons. Andromeda wasn’t looking too deeply into why that attracted her to him more. Some things were best left alone. So now she was going to make sure he couldn't ignore her.
Tagging: @starlingflight @artemisia-black @lanaturnergetup @charmsandtealeaves
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bacchicly · 1 year
Sunday sleepy snippets
I finished the scene I was working on! Look at this perfect sleepy shiny thing! I'll edit it but I am still very happy with where it is at!
Both are socked with exhaustion - their lathered bodies ache to collapse to the floor. Luke is the first to give in.
Why is he so so tired?
Why doesn't matter. Only is.
Luke lowers himself to the ground curling into himself. He just needs to rest…for a…moment.. then they can laugh…take this gear off…relive the scene together moment by moment. He'll take care of Pen…but now…he just needs…to…lie here…rest…just for a…moment….
Penelope is not quite as drained - but still so so tired…
She maneuvers to him - she will hold him - be his big spoon - but first…
It is the first word spoken since the game began. Her voice is creaky and raw…her hand on his bare shoulder… words are almost too much but she pushes herself to finish the thought…
"Luke? Love? Let me help you take things off - move to the bed? Before we sleep?"
"No. Not…yet…let..m'rest…f'just'minute… …hold…me? Then I wl'help you..hold…me… j'staminute… promise…"
Who could say no to that? So Penelope let's herself lie down. Curls her body around his. Tangles their legs. Lets his masked head fit under the chin of hers…cradled on the pillow of her arm. She wraps the other arm around his chest…holding him like he asked…knowing they will maybe be stiff and regret giving into this…but not able to make herself care…
The next words are barely a whisper…a whicker….
"Love you."
"Love you too."
…and then both surrender to sleep.
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
(in honor of the superbowl, his a snippet of tight ends and wide receivers. unedited, straight from the google doc to here. enjoy and go Chiefs!)
Remus yawned for the millionth time that morning, holding his cup of coffee close to his body as he sat on the metal bench on the sidelines, watching the team spread out across the field. It should've been a dream come true. A fleet of men, bending over in tight clothing, some already shirtless despite the temperature outside and the crisp morning air, and performing a variety of exercises that flexed their muscles and gave Remus a supreme view of every…mountain and valley of their bodies. It should’ve been erotic, had Remus not been so fucking exhausted, having rolled out of bed not more than thirty minutes ago to make it to the field on time. He had been late once, and Coach Hooch had closed the practice giving Remus a firm warning that if he really wanted to shadow the team that he had better be on time. 
There were no excuses for being late.
And Remus had been five minutes early that morning, watching as one of the players--Prewett? Peters?-- rushed through the gate at exactly 5 o’clock and still received a warning from Hooch. James and Sirius though were wide awake, the two of them being told to stop chatting and get busy by the offensive coordinator, carefree and laughing as Remus struggled to stay awake and take notes. The coffee wasn’t strong enough, and the sun coming up wouldn’t have been bright enough. 
Remus yawned again, not even bothering to cover his mouth now, and adjusted the glasses on his face as Coach McGonagall blew the whistle, signaling some sort of break. The plays dispersed from the field rushing to go to their water bottles or else talk with the on-site Physical Therapist, Ms. Pomphrey to get looked over. Sirius and James hadn’t done either though, and Remus was temporarily mesmerized by the way the two of them transformed into children. James grabbed a football from the edge of the field at a run, Sirius following the motion and taking off towards the other end as James threw the ball. An effortless handoff miles away, two identical playful smiles, two sets of legs running at the same pace.
“Aren’t you…supposed to be on a break?” Remus asked cautiously, voice breaking in the middle of his sentence from lack of use, looking at one of the other players nearby. Big, broad. Something Dear. 
“We are,” he shrugged.
Remus inclined his head towards the field, “Are….they not allowed to take them?”
“Nah, that is their break until McGonagall tells them to knock it off, anyway,” he said, and Remus had to fight down another yawn, and the other boy laughed., “Not a morning person?”
“You’ll get used to it.”
“I’m not sure that’s true but thank you for the vote of confidence,” Remus said, looking back to the field. This time Sirius had thrown the ball, James following his pace to catch it on the other end, his fingertips barely skimming the bottom and bringing it into his chest.
“Both of you, ball down!” McGonagall said, and James reluctantly tossed the ball back onto the field, Sirius catching up with him. “Take a break! You’re down to 10 minutes! And I mean a full break, SITTING DOWN, DRINKING WATER, VERBAL CONFIRMATION BOYS!” she shouted down the field to James and Sirius’s backs as they made their way toward the sidelines. 
“Yes, Coach!” they responded in unison, with identical cheeky smiles, until grey eyes found Remus sitting there, hunched with his stupid thermos, and the smile faded. 
An eye roll almost immediately. But James gave a friendly wave.
“You made it!” James greeted, “Morning!”
“It…certainly is,” Remus said. “Making it took a concerted amount of effort.”
“Glad you’re here. You should come join us, get a good run in, or a walk, whichever, wakes you up.”
“I’ll pass, I think, thanks.” Remus said awkwardly, the idea of doing any sort of physical activity other than the mandated walking to class, giving him post-traumatic flashbacks from high school gym class before he realized he could claim disability and get it waived. One time playing dodge ball and Remus was pulling out the ADA and fighting with his mother.. James waved it off, but Remus noticed Sirius roll his eyes again around his water bottle. Dark hair was pulled back again, away from his face, not a single curl to be found, and Remus found his mind drifting to just a few days ago when he had seen Sirius around campus. T-shirt and long hair spilling over his shoulders as he talked with James, sunglasses over his eyes. Remus had only been shadowing the team for two weeks, but Number 12 was quickly becoming his favorite--to watch anyway. To daydream about. Speaking to was a different story.
“Maybe next time, you’ll be here enough,” James said, grabbing his own water bottle from underneath where Remus was sitting, “A quick sprint will wake you right up! That’s what I always say. Are you learning anything?”
“Calisthenics,” Remus said dryly, “What were you and Sirius doing?”
“Oh, just tossing the ball around,” James responded easily, pulling the hem of his shirt up to wipe his face before taking a drink of water. “Sirius doesn’t get to throw much, but he could easily be a Fullback if he wanted to be, actually has some skil--”
“Bullshit, some skill,” Sirius retorted, and James reached an arm out, taking a few steps to pull Sirius to where they were talking.
“It’s not often I get to throw the ball to him. Actually, McGonagall doesn’t like it when I do that, even though it--”
“It works every single time…” Sirius said.
“Sorry uhm, Fullback?” Remus asked, “Who’s that?” What is that? 
Sirius’s grin faded again, “If you’re going to sit here and stare at us, the least you could do is learn about the sport, Landon.” 
“Sounds the same to me,” Sirius responded quickly and pointedly and Remus felt his face flush. Black, one, Lupin zero.
James snorted and nudged Sirius with his shoulder, “Be nice, he’s learning, he’s new. Talk to Coach Hooch, she can give you a rundown of all the positions, but Fullbacks get more ball time--” Remus couldn’t help but snort, “What?”
“...You didn’t…hear it?”
“Hear what?”
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goldeneyedgirl · 1 year
sunday monday snippet
A new thing I'm trying to keep up with fic writing! A paragraph every weekend of what I'm working on <3
The look of absolute heartbreaking fear on her face at Emmett, Emmett who pinned her beautifully at Bella’s feet, made him freeze for a moment. Mary-Alice, who had been so very blank and calm. Mary-Alice who has said nothing about where she’s been, how she was alive… why Maria would even try to say she was dead.
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alwaysxlarrie · 2 years
a nsfw snippet on this fine sunday:’)
henlo friends i am here to bring u the nsfw snippet i promised from the chapter of my cinderella au that i’m posting this week !! hope u enjoy !!
disclaimer: although this is pretty tame in the grand scheme of things, i think this scene is the filthiest thing i have ever written to date, so pls be nice lmao i am fragile but finally coming out of my shell woooo. anyway, it still needs to be edited a bit more n stuff but here she is
“Louis’ hand moves from his waist and travels down Harry’s stomach to the elastic waistband of his boxers so, so, so slowly it’s agonizing. Louis is clearly the actual devil with the way he scrapes his fingernails against Harry’s oversensitive skin along the way, seemingly intent on leaving claiming red marks. The thought of the marks even simply just existing gets Harry panting and pushing himself back even harder against Louis. He somehow times it so well that he pushes his ass back at the same time that Louis thrusts forward, producing a smack that's loud and stark compared to how quiet they’ve been. The provocative noise and heady feeling clearly makes something inside of Louis snap because his hand immediately darts past the last of the space between Harry's stomach and his boxers and finally, finally covers his dick in a possessive hold. 
Harry has never allowed himself to even think about what Louis’ hand might feel like on him, but the relief and wantonness that it brings are on a level that he’s never been to before. The fact that just feeling Louis’ hand on him through a layer of clothing is so titillatingly good has Harry’s mouth watering at how euphoric it would feel with no clothing between them at all. Between Louis panting hotly against his skin, hand still firmly holding Harry’s throat, hips now grinding deliciously against him, and Louis’ other hand rubbing along the rock hard outline of his aching dick, Harry thinks he might be going insane with pleasure. He can’t stop shuddering from electric sparks flying all over his body straight to his gut from the pain-pleasure of it all. Louis’ pained groan vibrates against Harry’s sweat-slick, soft skin and Harry whimpers in response, hoping Louis will hear his whimper for the plea that it is and finally do something."
would love to hear a snippet from these people (+ anyone who wants to share!!) if you have anything to share
@thebreadvansstuff @restless-rebels @twopoppies @daggerandrose @greenblueish @lunarheslwt @enchantedlandcoffee @hellolovers13 @jaerie @zanniscaramouche @kingsofeverything @allwaswell16 @loveislarryislove @ireallysawanangel @indiaalphawhiskey @larryatendoftheday
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kay-elle-cee · 2 years
Time to bring back Sunday Snippets!
I've had A WEEK, friends. Trying to find some time to write and decompress and felt like sharing a fun little exchange from one of my WIPs:
The evening after the spring Hogsmeade trip, Severus grabs her arm and drags her into an abandoned classroom before lighting into her. The amount of emotion he’s displaying is something she’s never witnessed in seven years of friendship and she tries to keep the alarm on her face from showing, however uneasy she feels. “I saw you today, you know. All cuddled up next to Potter in The Three Broomsticks.” He spits the words out as if they’re poison. “Are you mad, Lily?” She feels her cool exterior settle into place, a sour taste in her mouth. “Not the last time I checked, no.”
Tagging @alittlebitofeverything23, @isahorcrux, @possessingtheproperspirit, @nought-shall-go-ill, and @oneofthesirens to post a little snippet of something if you want!
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aster1sque · 1 year
Sunday snippet
This is from my WIP Hide Your Fears that i havent long started so won’t be posted for awhile but i wanted to share a bit cause i’m excited.
p.s little hint, this is not about Sirius leaving Grimmauld Place (technically)
Regulus knew sickness. He knew the thunder drums of a brain splitting, the churning that tied organs into knots and the taste of acid on his tongue. He knew the feeling of desperately wanting to be cleansed of the disease within his centre, to feel his own blood running foreign in his veins. The temptation to rummage through the infirmary cupboards and swallow every pill until he was fixed. Until he was better. Until he was no longer rotten and wrong. He knew that it began with a birth that shouldn't have happened and that the only medicine he’d truly had was in the form of a bond only brothers had. He knew that Sirius was his only remedy, his only form of soothing that could cool the burn and settle the pain.So when he went disappeared, when the barricade that blocked the germs was removed, Regulus became infested.
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silurisanguine · 7 months
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Sunday Snippet Thanks for the tags @eridanidreams. I tag anyone who hasnt been tagged, but tonight here is something from a future chapter of Deus Ex: Ludus Anglicorum
”More of the title than an occupation, but yes. My mission here is to prevent the current leader of the Illuminati from, well, staying alive any longer. After what you did in London, my group realised you could be someone we could work with to achieve that goal, as frankly, we need all the help we can get on this one.” Adam slowly lowered his pistol, though every fibre of his being both organic and polymer was ready to move in an instant should the need arise. But if what she was saying was true, then he could get another name to put behind the leaders of that organisation. He had Page, Manderley, Everett, thought none of them were in charge. There was always someone else involved in the emails he’d intercepted. Going by the initial D. But who the hell was this group Zofie belonged to and why had he never heard about this. He called Alex, subvocalising to remain silent. ”Alex, be honest with me. Do you know someone called Zofie Orel?” The line was silent again for a moment, until Adam heard a soft chuckle the other end. ”Ah so she’s introduced herself then. I wondered if she would. She’s as dangerous as you are Adam, but on our side. She’s part of an ancient order whose goals ally with ours. If you know her real name, it means she gave it to you. She’s an Assassin with a capital A, but don’t let that put you off, she’s one of the good guys.” ”That matches what she just told me.” ”She's with you? Shit Jensen, that’s a big deal. If she’s got intel that could help us I suggest you listen. Let me see what we have on her and i'll send it to you.” ”Thanks” Adam kept his eyes on Zofie as she sipped at the whisky in her hand, watching him with a sly smile on her face. ”Our mutual allies confirm my ID Jensen?”
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theresthesnitch · 2 years
Snippet Saturday
(or sunday. Wherever you are)
I'm bored so I'm starting a tag game. Give me a snippet from your WIP! Tag.... however many people you want. Let me see your snippets!
Sirius grabbed a Pink Floyd album. He spun it between his fingers before placing it on the player. As Wish You Were Here came through the speaker, Sirius grabbed Remus’s hand and pulled him close. 
With a hand on his waist, Remus leaned in close to Sirius as rotated them in small circles on the faded carpet in the middle of the back aisle of the record store. Sirius dipped his head close to Remus’s ear, and began to sing quietly. 
How I wish, how I wish you were here
We’re just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl
Year after year
Running over the same old ground
What have we found?
The same old fears
Wish you were here.
Remus looked Sirius in the eyes as he sang the final words of the song, thinking about the way they hit far too close to home. As he leaned in to kiss Sirius softly, he already knew that he would be coming back to buy the album so he could listen to it during the months that Sirius was away. 
Tagging: @impishtubist @second-sister @quietlemonhush @krethes @fuckboyregulus @elder-millennial-trash @carlav-blogs @siriuslythatbitch @neondomino @mkaugust @aqua-myosotis @polyjuicedpadfoot and anyone else who wants to play!
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burningaurora · 1 year
Snippet Sunday + Last Line Tag (Apparently Wednesday)
@mostlyoptimisticdinosaur it's been a week so apparently we're making this a snippet Wednesday post (I have no clever name that rhymes or is euphonious). I shockingly don't have much in my "done" queue right now because I'm working on a 600K series; the only other fic I have queued up is top secret 👀
I present to you Rora (@aqua-myosotis I adore this nickname) has decided to focuson TTS so Harry Potter and the Dog and the Wolf will be switched over to TTS (and actually completed).
Why I'm focusing on Text-to-Speech (TTS)
I did enjoy voice recording greatly when I first started this process. It was such a fun experience and I learned a LOT about the audio recording and editing which I was able to transfer into my new TTS life. With TTS I get to combine my real life job as a programmer (which I love) with my personal life passion of Wolfstar Fanfiction. The entire process started out as a way for me to have content to listen to for my 6 hours in the car a week, but in the end it has become a passion for making fanfiction more accessible
I doubt anyone was wondering why I've pretty much switched over but I have overshared again :)
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remolupini · 2 years
Sunday Snippet
I was tagged by @propheciesanddreams as usual. I'm tagging whoever wants to do it, also as usual.
From Dearest Moon:
Remus had never feared that the loneliness he had felt during the summer would continue when he would never be allowed to be alone. Sometimes even his imagination couldn't see how low real life actually was.
Regulus and Evan were too wrapped up in their own family world, following Narcissa and Lucius whenever and wherever possible.
Barty, who was the closest thing to a best friend Remus had, was always busy doing stuff, more as a test of his own free will than a reflection of his wants. Going after him got tiring fast, and anyways, he was in detention most days than not.
Severus had extended him friendship out their shared blood status, but it was quite obvious he regretted it terribly. He believed Remus quite daft, always having to ask for the meaning of words he didn't know. He'd mocked his handwriting more than once, when they were studying in the library to accomodate Lily.
Lily was, and this was the kindest Remus could describe her, Severus's dog. She was witty and smart, but only as far as she could be for Severus to like her. She never thought a thought of her own, but was quick to add insight to anything Severus would think. If she disagreed with any of it, she just pursed her lips and looked down. She had never mocked Remus' intelligence, but had never defended him either.
Maybe she would have been lovely far from Severus, but Remus had no idea, given that whenever she was with her Gryffindor friends, she would ignore him, like she was trying to divide the two houses further.
Remus had had dozens of what he could only call siblings for years, and now he felt so utterly alone. Friends, he mused, were another thing Other Remus had and This Remus could only write of.
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wikiangela · 6 months
several sentence sunday
tagged by @hippolotamus
sooo bucktommy won me over, i couldn't resist anymore 🙈 so here's a bit of them after their date lol (also, I didn't get the Tommy hype before but after seeing him everywhere for two days... I get it now 🥵)
"(...) We should do this again.” Tommy says, turning fully towards Buck, and Buck’s eyes immediately find his lips. He can’t wait to kiss him again, and this would be the time, at the end of the date, wouldn’t it?
“We should.” Buck nods, licks his lips, eyes darting up to Tommy’s eyes. He’s smiling softly, just looking at Buck. “I-” he starts, and then thinks, fuck it, and this time he makes a move, as he leans across the console to grab Tommy’s chin, like he did Buck’s in his kitchen, and bring him in for a kiss. Tommy immediately reciprocates, and Buck melts against him, and then when Tommy’s calloused hand covers his cheek, it just feels so- so different, in the best way possible. This kiss lasts longer than the first one, each of them constantly coming back for more, but it’s as gentle and tender as that one. Buck loves it, and can’t help smiling into it. He wants more. “Hey.” Buck says, finally pulling away, licks his spit-covered lips nervously. “Do you- do you maybe wanna come in for a beer?” he asks shyly, and at Tommy’s surprised expression and raised eyebrow he realizes it might sound like he’s inviting him for more than a beer, and he panics again. “I- I- I mean, just a beer. And maybe- maybe more of this.” he pecks Tommy’s lips again, not able to resist a smile. “But just a beer. I don’t think I’m- But who knows, maybe-” he stumbles over his words, because the truth is, he wants Tommy, he wants… he wants so much, he wants to experience so much for the first time – it’s just that he’s not sure if it’s not too quick for this relationship, and for him.
“Evan.” Tommy interrupts, bringing his other hand up, now cradling Buck’s face in both, thumbs moving soothingly along Buck’s cheeks. “Your pace, remember? No pressure, no rush.”
“You’re really cool, you know that?” Buck whispers.
“So I keep hearing.” Tommy chuckles, and it’s adorable. He kisses Buck again, and the butterflies in Buck’s stomach go crazy. Fuck, he doesn't remember the last time he felt this giddy and excited and just light. “I’d love to come in for a beer.”
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @thebravebitch @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck @eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life @diazpatcher @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @neverevan @weewootruck @loveyouanyway @spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg @rogerzsteven @giddyupbuck @sunshinediaz @honestlydarkprincess @underwater-ninja-13 @exhuastedpigeon @911-on-abc @jesuisici33 @steadfastsaturnsrings @theotherbuckley @buddieswhvre @dangerpronebuddie @diazsdimples @daffi-990 @bidisasterbuckdiaz @fortheloveofbuddie @hoodie-buck @tizniz @your-catfish-friend
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