#Sua vs. Ivan..
nottoonedin · 3 months
Thinking about hypothetical Alien Stage rounds...
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crustyfloor · 4 months
Mizi loves her friends, her family, so much. so I wonder how she will feel and what she'll do if and when she finds out Ivan, one of her second closest childhood friends is dead now and Till, the last of her childhood friends is still alive, but so...so different from the last time she saw him. How will she cope with the fact that she lost another one of her family members again? and all this happening after she lost and is still grieving Sua? (I am going to self-annihilate!!)
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19011301180905 · 6 months
congrats to the alien stage team, they were able to tap into the yaoi tragedy market, i'm gonna cry over them for four hundred years
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liquidstar · 2 years
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who's ready for a repeat of the heartbreak of round 1?
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atrophiedemotion · 2 months
all of this extra ivan content... i love it don't get me wrong but yES i get it he's dead they're really hammering that nail in
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dapperrokyuu · 1 year
Luka, shooting mental eye beams at Sua, pre-Round 1: There can only be one Capricorn.
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popflythesky · 7 months
alien stage but its a simp tournament
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timmie-p · 6 months
april fools post translation 👍 * indicates i have notes on the translation if you want to read below
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Hyun Woo —> He stopped acting in his childhood but is currently working on ALNST as a lighting crew member. Worries about his dull, slow sister
Hyuna —> The last and youngest of the ALNST cast to debut! Her real personality is gentle and innocent
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Mizi —> Fan favourite among the actors. Shy personality and very nervous about her first leading role
Sua —> The feisty actress is popular among her co-stars, thanks to her nonchalant friendliness
Sua: Great job on the shoot today. I’m sure Director Kim was only speaking so harshly because he was worried about your safety, so don’t take it personally.
Mizi: Yeah.. ((It’s sunbae!!! What should I do! What should I do!!))
Sfx: Thump thump thump [heartbeat sound]
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Ivan and Luka are actors from a different agency. They’re also in an idol group together (for the record, Luka hates it)
Ivan —> Ivan loves kids and voluntarily takes care of them
Luka —> Luka is Ivan’s best friend, so he’s forced to babysit with him
Baby Till —> Baby Till for flashback scenes
Baby Mizi —> Baby Mizi for flashback scenes when the kids are older
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Till —> Till, the youngest in the series, is actually the oldest in the cast and debuted with CF before he could even speak in a diaper commercial. Till has a strong “my pace”* persona. He just wants to quickly wrap up the shoot and go home. His dark circles are from overwork, not make-up.
Others —> Three people who want to approach their mysterious** senior but can’t
Ivan: ((Lamenting over delays..?))
Mizi: Want me to talk to him?
Luka: Yeah
Till: ((I want to go home))
Sfx: Spacing out~
*according to namu wiki, either someone who’s strongly independent and doesn’t care what others think or someone who’s always chill
**according to namu wiki, the adjective translates to a famous person who deliberately keeps their private life secret. i just went with mysterious bc it directly translates to “mystic”
i didn’t choose to translate sunbae in Mizi’s thoughts because it sounds weird and most of you probably know what it means anyway
lol it looks like everyone’s personalities were flipped. does that mean ivan actually hates kids? and till as the cool mysterious senior everyone is scared to talk to vs hyuna as no thoughts head empty is kinda funny. i have a feeling ivan and luka are shipped together a lot by fans in this au.. the woes of being besties. also mizisua is always canon 🙏 theyre so yuri
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muchanmocha · 19 days
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According to the information released about the segyein, Guardian Shine respects Mizi's choice in whether or not she wants to participate in Alien Stage. Looking at this tidbit again, new questions popped up for me. More specifically — one question.
Why didn't Sua convince Mizi not to participate?
Alright let's back up a bit.
What do we know about Alien Stage and its relationship with the Anakt Garden kids?
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From the magazine interview and old stream commentary, we know they've been brainwashed from childhood to believe participation in Alien Stage is an honor. They're fully aware that losing means death, but that itself is taught to be yet another privilege.
Mizi vs Sua, Ivan, and Till
It's generally accepted that among our cast, Mizi is the most sheltered one — the one shielded the most from the horrific side of the post-alien apocalypse world, whereas due to the abuse from their respective guardians, Sua, Ivan, and Till do not have such a rosy outlook.
Sua and Ivan in particular appear to be jaded and much more in tune with their place in this system. So if they didn't buy into the propaganda, if they were fully aware of the implications of death and the worthlessness of receiving such an "honor" on stage, why didn't they convince Mizi to step out of it?
Ivan's reason is easy — simply, why would he?
But Sua? Why... wouldn't she? Surely she would want Mizi to avoid Alien Stage at all costs, when she is not as naive as to believe they'd be able to tie all the way to the finals?
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Let's take another look at Sua's interview responses.
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Sua and Mizi both share a dream, and in a world as small and enclosed as theirs, that dream is enough to be their everything.
Mizi may have had a chance to opt out of AS, but Sua doesn't. Her guardian, Nigeh, has always intended for her to participate, going as far as to build up her fanbase before Season 50 even started to tip the odds in favor of her victory. Sua has been prepared her whole life for Alien Stage, whether it ends in her victory, or her death.
She goes in knowing her life will likely end there.
Perhaps it was to indulge in the one selfishness of her short life — in the dream she and Mizi cherished above all.
Perhaps it was because she has absolute, unshakable confidence in Mizi taking the throne of Season 50 for herself.
Perhaps it was because a small part of her believed in Mizi's optimism — that they really can make it to the top together.
I think all of these possibilities are valid interpretations of what may have gone on inside Sua.
But here's a thought —
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Sua, like Mizi, was unfamiliar with the true nature of death.
Sua's loss was Mizi's first, intimate encounter with death. Death was supposed to be a glorious thing, a blessed thing on Alien Stage.
It is not.
It's gruesome, and ugly, and she can still feel the hot blood splatter on her.
Anakt Garden is toted as a kindergarten that can provide your pet-humans with the perfect environment to thrive, looking after your pet-human's health not only physically, but psychologically!
Sua, like Mizi, has been raised in such a curated environment. Even under Nigeh's care, she was simply one of many dolled up pet-humans. Whether she was taking lessons in Anakt Garden, or left to sit in the corner in her ill-fitting doll outfit, we have not seen any opportunities for Sua to come in contact with "death." (Ivan, on the other hand, came from the slums. He may be the only one of the four who was intimately acquainted with death.)
Hence, I propose — Mizi was not the only one who went in without actually grasping the concept. Perhaps Sua too, while having an inkling of what's to come, did not truly understand what death entails either.
(But yeah possibility number 1263 why Sua didn't tell Mizi not to do the murder survival show)
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shakingparadigm · 2 months
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sua in an interview with mizi VS sua in an interview with ivan
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okkos-ferrum · 8 months
some alien stage design parallels
I am always captivated by alien stage's designs so here's me likely over thinking small design details between character parallels
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Sua vs. Luka
These two are directly paralleled due to both their similar personalities (on the surface level) but opposing relationships with mizi. sua is mizi's universe, but luka manipulates mizi by imitiating a confession by sua during round 5
anyway here are some fun details in their official artwork designs
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Both have white their dominant color, with black as a compliment, compared to ivan's all black, hyuna's various colors, ivan's grey and red, and mizi's multi-color hair. however while white/light colors are predominantly in luka's top half, masking the black underneath, sua's black hair frames her face at the top, while she is dressed in all white underneath
Sua's bow is at the front of her chest, meanwhile Luka has a ribbon tied to his back. They aren't the same thing, so it might be a stretch, but to me shows sua's more honest intentions with her affection to mizi, while luka is more duplicitous in his "kindness" to mizi
though contradictory but maybe a connection, sua has her hands gloved, meanwhile luka does not cover his hands at all.
Sua's sleeves are puffed out -- im no fashion person so idk if there is a name to them -- making her top heavy design-wise, while luka's sleeves have the extra frill for a more bottom heavy design.
speaking of which, the one-sided trail follows luka around, giving asymmetry to his design. It's pointed and dynamic, giving a sense of instability, and in luka's case, distrust. It's like a snake in how it follows him around. meanhwile, sua has perfect symmetry to her design, displaying how she was a relaible support for mizi.
Sua & Mizi
Obviously these two are built as strong contrasts. but while the subtler differences between sua and luka's similar designs are to depict their clear distinctions, mizi and sua's strong contrast is to instead show how they perfectly fit together ahhh i love them sm
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from the get go, there are numerous differences, both to establish the contrast in their personality. Similar to luka, there is asymmetry in mizi's design through the gloves as well as the multi-color hair, while sua has a sharp bob and symmetrical clothing to show how sua is the calm to mizi's excitement
There's the obvious black to sua's pure white, another show of mizi's spirited nature in comparison. mizi's puffed skirt is a contrast to sua's puffed sleeves, sua's boots contrast to mizi's thigh highs, and mizi has a covered shoulder while sua's dress is an off shoulder dress. Hell, even their eye colors are complimentary colors on the color wheel (just realized luka also has yellow eyes haha). in every respect, these two characters share zero similar features which can tie them together. But it instead shows how they compliment each other as polar opposites!
in terms of the only connection i can pull, the gem mizi often is featured with is shown here at the center of her chest, the exact placement to sua's both. perhaps representing their love for each other being their centers???
Till vs. Ivan
The other major relationship ... the more tumultuous of the two -- also have the heavy contrast to link them together. but both share an intrstic desire of wishing to be with another they can never have, so there is a strong parallel there. in a lot of ways, it is similar to how contrast is played up between mizi and sua, with one being the refined, calmer one while the other is far more hot-headed
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To get over the obvious, ivan's fitted trenchcoat is in all black while till is seen with a oversized white t-shirt. till's rebelliousness is seen through his lack of shoes or sleeves, showing both how open he is regarding his emotions as well as his lack of care for himself. meanwhile, ivan is knee high boots and gloves over his long sleeved coat, representing his closed off intentions/desires
ivan's collar (seen also in the flashbacks when they were kids) is symmetrical and close to his neck while till is always choosing an off shoulder look, the real collar (not a shirt collar, like ivan's) always a seperate piece on his neck. again, showing ivan's supposed submission to the system while till is blatant in his hositility against alien stage, only controlled through force.
however, while it can be pointed out till is primarily in white, he isn't and thats what is the contrast between the two. while ivan wears only one color, showing his undying devotion to till (whether that may be love or trying to let him go when going into round 6), till has his red underneath, which shows his split in motives.
till similarly wants to escape from alien stage, seen through round 3's flashback in him accepting ivan's escape. but due to it meaning leaving mizi, till has to reject ivan to return to the system he hates so much, all for mizi. from basic color psychology, red is the color of passion and temper, which is clear in how till makes decisions. he makes his hatred for alien stage known, but he is fueled by his desire for mizi to keep him from leaving.
Hyuna vs. Luka
last one just cuz these two now have a confirmation over what their relationship was (my guess: hyuna showed a very isolated luka some affection, luka grew obsessive and plotted to kill hyuna's brother to have her attention on him) with luka being alien stage's biggest success and complacent with the system, hyuna stands on the opposing side by taking hold of her own freedom, even if that comes at the cost of her safety
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(side tangent: i really dont like hyuna's design here. like its the color placement between the top and bottom and the weird gradient of blue to muddy green to cool yellow. dont even get me started on those shoes ... hell she doesnt even her outspoken nature. ear them in her own music video. but im including it just since its official artwork and hypothetically what she preformed with)
honestly hyuna sticks out so much more compared to everyone just due to the abundance of colors in her design. She only has some black, but there are various hues used throughout her design. Just about all the official art work for the other character depicts them in outfits with some black or white, with luka the most apparent by the balance of both colors.
luka looks almost artficial in how he wears only whites and blacks. its only furthered by his blonde lashes -- the only character with such a trait -- and especially the blues at his fingertips. hyuna in contrast is the only brunette of the series, and colors like brown are often associated with more earthly tones, making her seem more human than luka.
hyuna, like till, has no sleeves, showing some part of her outspoken nature. but to me, what hyuna and luka both share is their strong asymmetry. Hyuna through her sleeveless (???) tank top and luka aforementioned trail thing. they are at such polar opposite ends taht it could almost fall into instability
anyway off to manifest round 6 ending with hyuna and mizi rescuing till and ivan and then luka randomly exploding on the spot :3 (its probably gonna kill off till or ivan)
apologies for any bad grammer im too lazy to revise this
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wodimewoahtime · 5 months
okay so, i saw a ivan dog vs cat poll and i thought about it way too hard
Ivan is a doggy who was forced to develop catlike behaviours to cope in canon (also cause he mirrors till when he loses everything else about him)
in his natural habitat (no trauma/actor au) ivan is a dog
but in alnst, ivan is a dogcat (dog who thinks they're a cat)
also the ivan sua conflict stems from ivan being a dog who's trying to be a cat (reflecting till) while suas a cat who's trying to be a dog (reflecting mizi)
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alien-til-i-stage · 4 months
While rewatching All-In and paying attention to the lyrics, these lines struck out to me.
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“Who will remain standing at the end of it all?”
While this line could be Hyuna talking specifically about the aliens vs the rebellion, it’s particularly curious on why it says this while showing a picture of the three of them.
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We see this continue on with these lines too. “Don’t you wanna know?” and while the line is said, it flashes to a close up of all three of their faces, one by one.
I believe this was on purpose, that it’s implying that out of the three of them, only one could be “left standing”.
We know that out of these three, Hyunwoo has already died. One of them is already down and now there is only Hyuna and Luka. The line above “Who will remain standing” implies that only one of those two are going to be left. This might ne foreshadowing a fight or battle between Luka and Hyuna, where one of them dies as a result.
Personally, my own theory is that it would be Luka who dies. We know about his heart condition, which already lowers his lifespan because of how fragile he is, and we see a common theme of characters being saved. We see them being saved by those who love them most, such as Sua dying for Mizi and Ivan for Till. If this theme for to continue, it would strongly suggest Hyuna’s survival, with her having an entire rebellion and friends who care for her, but Luka is alone, all he has is his love for Hyuna.
Anyways thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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faustfaust9 · 5 months
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reposting a thread here from twt on my interpretation of ivan and love because why not
ivan so beautiful when you consider his love a proof of self. wym his love for till can be seen as an attempt to abstract value from suffering. wym he calls it shallow in the sense that ivan views it as inherently selfish
ivan being pragmatic by nature and achieving through observation and replication as he cannot naturally "feel" his way through interpersonal relationships and express a true "self". he holds many things in concept "do you like anybody" "i wouldn't know what closeness entails"
i wouldn't say that ivan dislikes sua, only the concept of her. because if someone of the same exact disposition, the same exact variables, manages an irreproducible love then the fault lies in the self: it is an admittance of being fundamentally broken and "different"
that is why he finds superiority over sua when he finds out of her plans of sacrifice: her love is just as selfish as his. it's ok if they're BOTH freaks it's just not ok to be the ONLY freak. i do not think it's an envy of mizi's reciprocation note how he comments on her eyes
and how they had a light that disturbed him. she already found simple joy from the broken environment they were both brought forth from. "I should've been nicer" is just ivan realizing how selfish it is trivialize other people for experiencing and finding joy easier than him
because the difficulty in his happiness vs others does not makes his any more valuable or "genuine". he can view his approach superior and calculated, jaded towards the rest, but at the end of the day he was the sole person who didn't find his peace
NOT entirely true he did find it go go ivan smile smile. but yeah i do not think being raised in a human farm for the giggles of bougie aliens + severe depression helped his case. look at how moe actor au is. so much more lively and expressive, no longer victim of circumstance
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"ivan when the sloppy beast symbolizes his love 🤯🤯 it's monstrous and unsightly yet he cannot maintain his curiosity since its first discovery. at the end of it all he lays peacefully in its maw of the all-loving, he has accepted the lovelessness of it all"
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bringing this up again because YES he is sleeping peacefully in a monstrosity of a love he has come to accept. YES this art is actually an expression of self love
at the end of the day he does love till just not in the conventional way he has sought in concept
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liquidstar · 6 months
isaac and dewey are basically background characters, so i cant tell exactly what their dynamic is- are they bros or are they fucking? or maybe those are two inseparable realities (this is a vivinos production after all). if thats the case i think its hilarious to contrast them with ivan and till who arent normal. theyre just some guys
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crustyfloor · 3 months
Ivan vs Sua's responses in the interview are so blatantly obvious they both don't care but Ivan gives the best responses possible to look his best in front of the aliens while Sua just straight up doesn't care.
Her brain has never been trained to manipulate the aliens and use every opportunity to boost her image in the way Ivan's has hmm. Unsha spends a lot of time in that, while Sua's owner mostly doesn't pay attention to her, and lets other aspects like looks and appeal do the work.
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