#Stupid comic idea worse execution
howlingaround · 1 year
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He almost won the very big stick
Pretty sure the 3 faction paradox fans already are able to guess, but just in case heres what my scribbles try to depict in the third panel, left to right, top to bottom:
Sphinx from Dead Romance
Infinite Monkey Theorem
Random Dalek (shouty)
Kroton (not the Cyberman)
Dr Who (Peter Cushing)
Klein Bottle full of ancestor cells or something
Mammoth (Wooly)
Whale King (not amused)
In the original sketch i had a paper sign with "Reserved for Palladin Horde" but i lost the sketch and redid it
And giant invisible spiders, of course
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Addendum for my SpiderCat stuff In Lieu of Recent Events
I'm still a SpiderCat Shipper, still glad they're canon for now. Not at all happy in the slightest about what is apparently going to happen in the near future in the main Spidey Book. Really, actually, kinda horribly angry. For a number of reasons, not just the obvious ones. I'm just... really enraged. Really fucking angry right now that Marvel is pulling this shit and that Zeb Wells is responsible for this. I'm never buying a book in this run so long as he's on Spider-Man. I don't care how steamy the SpiderCat stuff gets... this is appalling. Absolutely fucking disgusting that they can do this so casually for such absolutely fucking awful reasons. I am absolutely fucking incensed by this, I really fucking am.
This changes nothing about my overall opinions, I already said I felt Wells wasn't doing a good job executing SpiderCat as canon because it was at MJ's expense. But now... fucking now he's done worse than write badly, he's written abysmally. He's locked onto the worst of tropes on several fucking bullshit signals and it's not even entirely his idea because this reeks of fucking corporate mandate! I am absolutely fucking enraged at that simple reality!
If you don't know what's going on, just take a look around here or the web at large concerning leaks and spoilers for the upcoming "The Amazing Spider-Man #26", this is going to go down as the worst Spider-Man issue in fucking years. I do not even think that the book will recover from this. And I suspect, Zeb Wells will not be at any conventions for the remainder of his tenure on the book. Possibly even beyond that. And it isn't even all his fault, but he's played a role and he's as guilty as Marvel is in pulling this crap for the frankly worst of bullshit corporate reasons utilizing the worst of fucking tropes to basically RUIN a character entirely just to match stupid shit in an upcoming movie that no one there agrees with either. No one wants that in the comics, we were angry about the possibility of that happening! And you're making it happen for the dumbest of fucking reasons!
So yeah, still love SpiderCat, still like that they're together... I now hate this run like everyone else does. So... don't ask me about it, it's the last thing I need right now. I'm just going to write a bunch of fanfiction right now... because I really, REALLY am disappointed with Marvel on a whole other level for their lack of fucking care.
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doublel27 · 2 years
As someone who grew up on telenovelas, I can think of sooo many more stressful scenarios 😂 but I’m here for the ride and your positivity is so refreshing! You made many great points about Carlos that now have me curious to how this will all play out
Thank you! My positivity is fully couched in the fact that I still hate it. I’m calling this storyline Deux Ex Iris. It’s very clear to me that this is Tim Minear’s personal headcanon that got cut from season one in the writers room and he wants it so he stuck it in now. It’s bad writing for personal reasons. And anyone who hates it enough to leave fandom, that’s fully within their rights. Everyone gets to feel about this one how they feel. It’s stupid.
But, my positivity comes from my fandom history!
I grew up on soap operas and General Hospital was my first entry into fandom. The choices that were made for characters as the show runners and head writers changed and the way they’d “go back and film things” and be like “surprise, this was happening all along” or “look, secret murdere” there are worse things. And
My second real fandom was HP and in the period of time between Book 4-Book 7. What this lead to was elaborate headcanons and theories of the next book from the fandom based on scant character development that were often torpedoed when a new book came out (and we had years to craft them too). It taught me that no matter what headcanon you as a fan have, no matter how much evidence you have in the text to prove your point, it’s bunk because you’re not the one writing canon. Also, the creators aren’t thinking about the characters the way you’re thinking about the
My third fandom was Marvel Comics by way of X-Men Evolution. And many have gotten pissed at me for saying it, but super hero comic books are just soap operas with powers. Again, as the writing team changes, the characters change. As personal ideas of the creators trump actual page canon, things are shoehorned in. Is it occasionally ridiculously stupid? Uh, yeah. Go check out comic tumblrs and the rants go on for days.
So, what this left me with is Carlos as a character has been fairly well developed for a procedural with eleven principal cast members. That doesn’t mean he’s been particularly well developed (or that any of them have). In fact, the fact that Carlos needs better character development is pretty well known fandom wide. Most of our understanding of Carlos is based on conjecture and fan theory.
We know he’s prone to keeping secrets and being evasive about things that bother him. We know he’s often not willing to talk about shit until he’s cornered. That’s not out of character.
We as a collective have discussed how painful and awful his coming out was that it lead him to hide for years. Marrying his best friend for his father’s approval? I could see it. We’ve talked extensively about his need for his parents approval and not to let them down.
There are parts of this that would be better if it had been seeded at ANY part in the story.
And I also hated the idea of half the stuff last season and it was executed really well. So…🤷🏼‍♀️ I’m willing to wait it out.
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duhragonball · 2 years
Dragon Ball GT 31
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✨GT Stands for Galactic Tanuki✨
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✨Is this episode worse than “The Roaming Lake”?✨
We’re still in Suguroku Space, so yes.  Yes, this episode is worse.
✨Positivity Page✨
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But at least we manage to get out of Suguroku Space.  Goku rolls the die for his next turn, but he accidentally tosses it into molten lava, which is there for some reason.  That’s when the die cries out and Goku discovers that it’s alive.
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As it turns out, the die and Suguro are a pair of “space tanuki” (no, really!) who got stranded in this dimension a long time ago.  The disembodied voices who seem to run this place forced Suguro to play this game, and if he won 540,000 times, they would let him go.  But Suguro and his son are shape-shifters, so they used their powers to cheat, with the son disguising himself as one of the dice. 
The thing is, in the last episode, Suguro boasted that he had won nearly 33 million times, and he’s still stuck here, so I doubt the voices were ever going to live up to their word. Anyway, once the cheating is exposed, the entire dimension begins to collapse, which would be bad, except it lifts the restriction that prevented Goku from using his powers during the game.  So Goku tells the tanuki to hold on while he blasts open a path to another dimension with a Kamehameha blast.  Why would a ki blast allow them to escape this dimension?  Who cares, as long as they get out of this stupid place?
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The only catch is that Goku has no idea where they’ll end up, but he figures anywhere is better than here, and he’s absolutely right.  They wind up in some other dimension full of meteors, but that doesn’t sound like a big deal if Goku can blow them up.  It doesn’t matter, because now that Goku has left Suguroku Space, the Supreme Kai can intervene, and teleport him to the World of the Kais, which he was trying to do when this mess first started. 
But why did the Kais want to bring Goku here in the first place?  Well, the Baby crisis has gotten out of hand, and Goku is no match for Baby, so the Elder Kai wants Goku to train here before he goes back to take another crack at Baby.  And what sort of training does the old Kai have in mind?  Is he going to make Goku sit still while he dances around him for five hours, then read comics in front of him for another twenty hours? 
Hell no.  No, this is Dragon Ball GT.  Abandon all hope, ye who enter here, and say hello to the
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☕☕☕C̶̢̀͑̊ O̵̟̓ F̵̞͔̒̓ F̷͖̀ E̶̳̞̼̊ E̸̬̲̎ ̴̣͎̭́̏G̸̨̠̦͐͝ R̴̯̯͓͛́ Į̴̬̙̅͠ N̸͙̼̂̄ D̸͉̲̄̓̈ E̴͍̞͌͜ R̶͎̼̦͆☕☕☕
Say, what’s happening with Pan?  Why it’s another example of....
✨ “Good” “Ideas”, Poorly Executed✨
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So Pan is the deuteragonist of this series, and with Goku out of action, it naturally falls to her to take charge and hold the line until he returns.  It’s just like what Tien and Piccolo and Vegeta and Gohan used to do in the old days, except Pan is a bratty nine-year-old with no experience in these matters.
But we’ve seen her come up with a few good ideas before, right?  No?  We didn’t?  Well, let’s give her a chance.  Here’s her plan to foil Baby’s scheme.
STEP ONE: Have Majin Buu disguise himself as Superstar Barry Karn.  This way, he can sneak aboard the spaceship taking Tuffleized Earthlings to Planet Tuffle. Pan and Mister Satan can ride along inside Buu’s body, as you do.
This immediately falls apart when Buu cuts in line and meets Krillin, one of the few people on Earth who would recognize him in spite of his altered face.  But Krillin never picks up on it.  I don’t know if the Tuffle eggs chewed up his brain or he just honestly doesn’t remember what Buu looks like after all these years.
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Oh, and here’s Marron and 18.  Thanks for coming out today, ladies. They miss their flight because only so many people can get on board, and Buu had the last spot in line.  So, despite everything, Step one actually worked.  Okay.
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  Once they’ve arrived on the Tuffle Planet, Pan reveals her strategy to throw laxatives into the mouths of all of the Tuffleized Earthlings.  This will cause them to forcibly eject the Tuffle eggs in their stomachs, and they’ll be free.
Okay, first, the eggs are in their brains, not their stomachs, although Pan wasn’t around when Baby explained that part, so I can’t really blame her for not knowing that.  Second, I like that she just assumes everyone is going to stand around and hold their mouths open while she tosses pills at them.  Third, why would Baby just stand around and watch her do this?
I get that this is supposed to be a stupid plan, and it’s being played for laughs, but this is a little too stupid for the situation.   Baby has infested the entire human race with alien parisites.  He’s controlling Pan’s parents right now.   This is all kind of dark, actually, at least when compared to the goofy shit we saw in the early episodes of GT.  Pan’s laxitive attack might have been appropriate for the tone set on Imecka, but it really doesn’t work here.  This is like when Oolong suggested they flee the Earth in a spaceship before the Cell Games.  Or when Yajirobe blew off the Saiyan invasion and tricked the media into buying him free food.  Except those were gag characters doing dumb shit on the side.  Pan is literally one of the stars of this show.  It’s Goku, then Pan.  She should be at least as capable as Gohan was when he was her age. 
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We’ve reached a point in GT where even the characters are complaining about how stupid the ideas are in this show.  Goku hated Suguroku Space more than I do, and he’s not too thrilled about grinding coffee for the Kais while his adopted planet turns into a Tuffle army.  And Mr. Satan knows Operation Ex-Lax is a stupid plan, but he can’t bear to say it because it’s literally the only thing keeping his granddaughter going right now.  Satan’s plan was to hide inside Buu and wait two months for Goku and Pan to come back, and look how well that turned out.
Even Baby is stymied by Pan’s attack.  She literally just jumps out in front of everyone and starts throwing pills, and Baby is like “What the fuck?”  Then he quickly shuts her down by sending Videl and Gohan to murder her.  
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But then someone shows up to rescue her, and it’s...
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Uub!  We haven’t seen him since Episode 1, when he officially became the Earth’s protector.  I can’t say he’s been doing a great job of it so far, but at least he’s on the case. 
✨The Blade Braxton Memorial Haiku*✨
Run while you can, Uub!
Coffee and laxitives are
Our only hope now!
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marisramblings · 2 years
Media Criticism and the Validity of Bad Opinions (9/22)
I think I’m experiencing personal growth when it comes to criticism of media and storytelling. People become so attached to media, and I do too don’t get me wrong, but it’s to the point that any opinion that isn’t a glowing review is met with disdain and ridicule. Some of this is just the internet being the internet, but it’s uncomfortable seeing people be brought out to the metaphorical stocks to be mocked and jeered at. Things like tv shows and books are designed to be interpreted. Everyone will come away with a differing opinion and view. People aren’t going to like the same things you like, some will even dislike what you like.
I have argued and debated with people on stuff like this, but these actions now feel stale and annoying. I’m not saying we can’t disagree with a “bad” take or write thousand word responses, but we could probably do so without being pretentious. Seeing someone make a whole comic making fun of someone for “misinterpreting” Mob Psycho 100 made me annoyed. Imagine being so mad about a random person having a negative opinion that you sketch and ink a comic. Thousands of people were making fun of this person because “clearly they don’t understand the show” and liked One Punch Man more. Why does it matter?
I just saw ORV twitter shit on some tiktokkers because they perceive Dokja to be less invested in Lee Gilyoung and that he was pushed aside in favor of Shin Yoosung. Left their usernames and everything. “They must be webtoon readers”, “did they even read the novel?”, etc. I read all 551 chapters of that novel. It is not some perfect story free from critique. There are issues I had with it. Shockingly, there will be people who interpret things differently than you or me.There are people who read every chapter more than once and still dislike ORV. That is their right.
I understand the urge to go to bat for the stories and characters you love. Objectivity is something I try to avoid with fiction. It’s not a science, there is no certain method that must be achieved to understand. There are general storytelling ideas like consistency, but even that can be thrown out depending on what a creator is trying to achieve.
Every show, book, movie, etc can and should be critiqued. The stories I love the most and think are perfect can be critiqued. Having a critical eye is necessary to enjoy fiction. There are some great discussions to be had with people who disagree with you on how to perceive a character’s actions. Yes, there are bad takes. Takes that completely ignore the story or criticize one character’s actions but laud a different one for the same or worse. There’s a whole separate issue with creator intent, execution, and reader interpretation. You can intend to show that abuse is bad, execute it poorly, and your audience comes away thinking Fifty Shades of Gray is a how-to guide on safe, kinky sex. (I’m not saying that was E.L. James’ intent). If a lot of people have the same interpretation well…it’s complex. Ricky and Morty and Bojack Horseman fans will understand. The writers have to outright state that you shouldn’t idealize the characters, and people still want to be like Rick Sanchez.
Bad takes are allowed to exist. People are allowed to misuse terminology and kill your brain cells. It’s fucking frustrating, but at some point you’re just bugging people for having an opinion. I still do this, but I try to just vent about takes I’ve seen instead of starting arguments under a post. If you’re first reaction to seeing a negative opinion is to insult someone or question their intelligence, you’re an asshole. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been called stupid, patronized, or cursed out because I disliked an aspect of something. It’s one of my first posts. Even when I find a take to be complete trash, I try not to insult their intelligence. It’s mean. Sometimes, you got to just say the mean things in your head.
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thedemisapphic · 1 year
Master Post
Hi! Welcome! This is where you can find all of my work and things related to it. There will be links to fanfics, Spotify playlists inspired by some of my fanfics, and some art I made to compliment my fanfics. No comics or anything, I usually go for more artsy stuff than telling a story via art. That’s what Google docs is for!!! Anyway on with the list.
Redbubble ⬇️ 🛒
Healing Promises - Completed
Healing Promises is the first fanfic I ever made, so it’s not the BEST quality. I’ve gotten better. The POV moves around a lot and I shoves a bunch of different tropes in here. I tried to make it funny, i don’t think it worked. You can see a summary of it in the link, it’s finished. When I first started writing it, I got inspired by an animatic. So I expanded on that idea, not really expecting it to be a big thing yet. Had no plot planned, it just kinda. Formed. It was SUPPOSED to be a fanfic where Leo faces struggles, confronts some problems, and finally starts the path to healing. But I don’t think I did it right .-. I’m not kidding when I say I WISH I could rewrite this better because it turned into such an interesting plot but I just executed it poorly compared to what I now know I can do. But a lot of people seem to like it so. It exists.
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A photo I made for Healing Promises. No I do not care about it enough to add a watermark lol it’s a stupid drawing but I think it’s funny.
The Silly Room - Completed
This story is about Raph’s trauma with the Krang. Specifically the aftermath. He may have gotten rid of the Krang gunk that physically consumed him, but it’s only a matter of time before Krang One works his way back into Raph’s head via the Krang hive mind he’s still attached to and tries to take control a second time. Donnie is working to find a way to stop this,researching what’s going on in the first place, and faces his own fair share of struggles as he watches his brother get worse and worse. As things progress, the use of trigger warnings will become more regular. Mainly descriptions of violence and medical emergencies.
This story has a more cemented POV. Mainly Raph, but I rely on Donnie’s POV for a decent chunk of the story for a bit. It’s more than twice as long as Healing Promises is, and has a better plot and pacing if I do say so myself. I REALLY wanted heavy Raph angst and so I made it and I love it.
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This is the cover for The Silly Room. You can find other art for this fanfic under the tag “The Silly Room”.
Here’s a playlist I made based on The Silly Room! Think of it like a trailer of sorts. This is the kind of vibes this story gives off. Fair warning, I was going for creepy manipulative possessive vibes. So if you don’t like that then this playlist isn’t for you. But I love it. Every song has some sort of meaning and was put there purposefully. Some have more meaning than others but they all definitely do. Yes, even the tinker bell song. Not every meaning comes at face value.
This Is Why You Never Go To New Jersey - Completed
This is a Halloween fic I made for this year, it’s just 5 chapters but if you like spooky haunted churches and angst, then you’ll like this.
A playlist for it if you want it :)
What If It Was Raph? - Chapters 8/?
The title pretty much explains what this is about
Turtle Tot Fanfic - yet to be properly named or written
This is basically is Raph, Donnie, and Leo were turned into tots! Like that deleted episode we didn’t get :( except… I make it last through basically all of season 2. I make my own changes, so not EVERYTHING that happened in season two happens here, but I try to stick as close to the important canon as I can. I think I want to start it somewhere between the episode Air Turtle and The Hidden City Job. Not sure where exactly, but something like that.
I actually am looking for someone to help me develop ideas further and fill in blanks for this! Each chapter is going to act as an episode, and the show had more than one person working on things and pitching ideas. So I see no reason why I can’t do the same thing :D! If you’re interested, here’s a link detailing things a bit more. It’s very important that my boundaries are respected if you agree to help me.
When I have content for this fanfic, you’ll find it here!
That’s all for now! I have an Instagram that let’s you know when chapters come out for any ongoing fics I’m working on, right now it’s every Saturday at noon. QR code to that Instagram below because I can’t figure out the link👇
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Weekly comics reviews?
Nightwing #98 - I guess the marriage isn't happening after all? Otherwise this was Tom Taylor, the terminally online Twitter user who writes for the shared on social media cropped images crowd, fully indulging himself.
World's Finest #9 - Thought David would be responsible for his world blowing up. What he did would definitely leave you with hardcore survivor's guilt, but given all of his outbursts of rage, I had imagined something much worse. Despite Waid being seen as the Silver Age fanboy, he writes Joker in the same post-Moore mold as everyone else.
Stargirl: The Lost Children #1 - Never read a Stargirl book before, still haven't read Johns first JSA run, but I enjoyed this. None of the Hypertime bullshit or Johns trying to assert his will over the rest of the DCU, just a simple and straightforward character-first book. Hope that stays the case for the rest of the issues.
Batman: One Bad Day: Mr. Freeze #1 - Second one of these I've enjoyed. Probably the best execution of walking the line between keeping as much of the sympathetic Heart of Ice characterization as possible, while still showing that Freeze is enough of a bastard to justify him being an ongoing villain.
Immortal X-Men #8 - Four Sinisters all exploring different solutions to how to beat A.I. Diamond Sinister as the one we know and hate who is focused on mutants, Club Sinister (Dr. Stasis) who is focused on humanity, Spade Sinister (Orbis Stellaris?) who is focused on aliens, and Heart Sinister (Mother Righteous?) who is focused on magic. Guessing Sins of Sinister is going to be about the four of them fighting, with the other three catching wind of our Sinister's Moira clones and robbing him of that power in the end.
And since that's all for this week I'll throw in some from last week too:
Dark Crisis #6 - Total disappointment on the whole this may be, but Williamson writes a kickass Jon and that scene with Jon and Clark was dope. I wish he was writing Jon's solo instead of Taylor. Unfortunately everything else sucks, Jace shows up and deus ex machina's Pariah away, Yara barely contributed aside from a brief moment with Pariah, and the Titans have been absolutely useless this entire event.
I Am Batman #15 - Best of the issue of the series this far, weird how it's an event tie-in.
Superman: Son of Kal-El #17 - Almost done. I guess the scene where Jon came out to Clark was sweet, but all I can think about is the one where he and Clark discuss what they accomplished while Clark was gone. This whole goddamn series was kicked off with Jon asking Clark why Clark didn't do more, and resolving that he was going to step up and be the Man of Today. Here we are almost a year later and Clark liberated an entire planet while Jon did a single city. Christ, how do you not see Jon as a failure and slactivist in that light? His old man has accomplished more than he has!
The New Golden Age #1 - Am I supposed to hate the Time Masters? Because I do, they're both stupid and incompetent. I kind of love that everyone is screaming at Johns to stop touching Watchmen and The Killing Joke, to quit rifling through Moore's trash, and he just keeps doubling down on it! More everyone begs him to quit the more determined he is to shove his ideas in everyone's faces. Least Helena Wayne entering the picture is cool, I liked her portion of the book.
WildC.A.T.S #1 - Standard Rosenberg book, I found it enjoyable but it clearly is relying on you coming to these characters with some degree of familiarity which I don't have. I know who Grifter is at least because I reread the Urban Legends setup issues, but everyone else I don't have a clue about.
A.X.E. Judgement Day Omega - Best Marvel event since Hickman, but I am sad the hipster Machine is only pretending to be bad. Irrational it may be, but my dislike for it's "le quirky" dialogue is all too genuine. Guess this is it for the Eternals huh? Marvel and Gillen were really relying on the movie being a hit to let him have a long run, and since it flopped their push is over. Too bad because Gillen really made me like them.
Fantastic Four #1 - This was good! Man is it nice to have a readable FF book again, even if I am irritated that it's doing the dumb "mystery box" cliffhanger that ASM is doing.
Sabretooth & the Exiles #1 - Sooooo good! Up there with X-Men Red and Immortal X-Men for best book in the lineup, they need to give LaValle more Marvel books ASAP, this guy clearly is going to be a star one day.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
10 Anti LO Asks
1. so wait ... demeter could have been a QUEEN (thus allowing persephone to have near equal rank to hades so there isn't a huge power imbalance), but HADES stole that chance from her??? hades is a confirmed misogynist. i hate him lmao. does rachel think that makes him look good? persephone look at what he took from your mother and yourself???
2. it's comical how badly rachel is writing this. persephone has negative agency now because she's just that scared of letting persephone ever have a single Bad™️ action, but in the process all it shows us that Persephone is not a character, she's a puppet being tugged along, quite literally now, by rachel and the other characters. at this point we're going to find out [redacted] is also behind minthe's demise, apollo's actions, even hades' infertility, because that's how bad this is written.
3. So are we gonna just gloss over how RS plagiarized Sleeping Beauty or…?
4. women should be allowed to be emotional or cry, but idk there's something about rachel thinking "empowering" an actual goddess involves making her a weepy mess who needs hera and hades to "fix" everything for her while she really does nothing just seems wrong? especially when her "strong" moments are just of some vague "feeling" taking over her so she's not actually in control. rachel is basically just neutering a literal godess of agency and power/intimidation and thinking that's better?
5. its not even the fact LO is Problematic™️ it's the fact LO just isn't very good?? Like if it was written well and had consistently good art we know it once was capable of then that'd be one thing, but the writing has gotten worse esp when RS puts everything in a moralistic lens so HxP always looks Good™️ (+retconning everything to make it UnProblematic™️) & it's badly drawn?? It's a good idea on paper but RS just doesn't have to writing skill to execute it decently and too lazy to fix the art.
6. To me I think issues like the height difference and age gap aren't inherently bad in LO, it's only in combination with P's characterization that it becomes an issue. If they were closer in age (say P being 200 or smth) and she was more confident/intelligent it would be a non-issue, but making her so childish and helpless (+even in universe the age/maturity gap is seen as creepy) is where the height/age gap becomes far bigger issues that RS self-imposed on herself. IDK what she expected?
7. it's ridiculous there's so many webtoons (including popular romance ones) that have all started AND ended before LO is even half way done, if even that. you guys cant tell me rachel planned anything out ahead of time and isn't putting in filler/dragging it all out when so much less has happened LO while other comics have well done and wrapped up stories in less time. Yeah her next work will not be as successful as LO, but you'd rather have a short, good story versus a dragged out, bad one.
-----FP Spoilers/Mention-----
8. Fast past mention of the mid season finale:
I don't say this with any malice but literally what the heck is that punishment??? It's not even that bad why did P&H react so dramatically. They're immortal, so they can't see each other for a few years, big whoop. Like is that really the best RS could come up with? like talk about anticlimactic and underwhelming. 
9. FP Talk: This is basically Persephone getting a smack on the wrist and being let go easily. Just like every yt person in court to their crimes. I’m sick and tired of it as a POC. Another women getting blamed for what is PERSEPHONES FAULT???! Nah. Nah. Dos not pass the code check. 
10. FP// So if Eris is behind the AOW, why hype Persephone up as the feared Dread Queen? Persephone now has so little power Eris can just control her like a doll, so couldn't some other deity or even Eris herself just overtake Persephone's body and run rampant in the Underworld and use her Fertility powers for their own wants? Because that's what RS has set up here with this stupid reasoning. How can she dare claim this is a story about giving Persephone agency when she's now entirely devoid of it?
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smokeybrandreviews · 2 years
Die Another Day
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I don’t like Respawn. I think the newest Wilson sibling is f*cking ridiculous as a concept and poorly executed as a character. I liked the idea of, say, a Slade clone, and there was potential for that in the first arc of the current Robin book, but then it’s revealed that kid is the long lost half-brother to Damian through his mother? What? Why? Like, Ra’s made Respawn by combining Talia’s egg with Slade's sperm. That ties Damian to Deathstroke tighter than anything Dick ever had with The Terminator but why, though? I like Ravager. She’s dope. Ma has earned her place in the pantheon of DC heroes and villains. Respawn has not. He’s a try-hard edgelord with misdirected anger toward Damian for reasons that are not clear. That’s dumb. Sure, the torture is a thing but that was Ra’s not Damian. This is the same sh*t with Broly and Goku. Interestingly enough, i don’t like Z Broly either, for a lot of the same reasons i don’t like Respawn. Beyond that, why does he look IDENTICAL to the Wayne heir? Damian looks like his dad. That’s canon. Bruce is not Respawn’s father, Slade Wilson is. Shouldn’t this nothing of a character look like Deathstroke or, at the very least, Jericho? This the sh*t that frustrates the f*ck out of me about the modern US comic industry.
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The Respawn problem isn’t an isolated event. In the past few years, i had to deal with The Batman Who Laughs, all of those stupid Dark Night events, and f*cking Punchline. Holy sh*t, i forgot about Punchline! She was Respawn before Respawn. Imagine a fifteen year old’s wet dream given life and you have Punchline.I’ve written at length about how cheap the busty Asian goth chick is and don’t want to rehash that entire essay but, suffice it to say, Punchline is trash. DC has a very rough go of it as of late but it’s not like Marvel is free from this bullsh*t. They killed Hickman’s X-Men run and that sh*t was actually decent. It was positioned to be a new status quo, for a time anyway, and i was looking forward to the future of that brand. The X-Men haven’t been interesting in a decade and Hickman made them relevant again... Until Marvel f*cked that up and they didn’t stop there. Spencer came through, fixed the damage Queseda and OMD did to Spider-Man, only for for Zeb Wells to f*ck it up in one issue. And don’t get me started on whatever the f*ck they’re doing to Ben Reilly now. Chasm? Really? Like, being Pete Parker, and his clones, is torment. That Parker Luck is mad strong but Chasm? I’m not a fan of Ben, not even way back in the Nineties during this dude’s prime, but come on? The Beyond arc was mediocre at best and absolutely unnecessary, especially as an origin story for whatever the next depressing ass phase is in the Punished Ben’s life. Spider-Man doesn’t need another edgelord clone. Kaine is a thing already.
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It’s nuts to me that comics are so pedestrian nowadays considering how much creative potential lies on the page. Like, not all of these things suck ass, you know? I really enjoyed The Wicked + The Divine. Most of the White Knight stuff is really good. I mentioned Spencer’s run on Spider-Man and Hickman’s initial start on X-Men already. Something is Killing the Children continues to keep me enthralled. The IDW Transformer stuff is actually excellent and so is The Last Ronin. There is a lot of good out there to be had but the market is absolutely saturated by straight trash, man. For every IDW Sonic comic, there’s fifty or so Jon Kent Superman variants and i hate it. The US comic industry is f*cking dying and I don't think it's coming back. Everything is so f*cking bad nowadays. No one knows what the f*ck to do with Tim Draker. Respawn is a bad character. Chasm is even worse. US comics are full of mediocre characters and even worse writing. Like, have you actually read Crossed? Or The Boys? Occasionally, I'm surprised by something but that is getting more and more rare as time goes on. Thank god for manga, man. At least those things are still allowed to be as unique and creative as they want. I do like Flatline, though. She’s adorable!
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Master Fu: Master of Failure (200 Follower Special)
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Mentors are some of the most important characters in all of pop culture, as they help the protagonist advance in his journey while helping them improve in skill and personal growth. Because of their vital role, mentors tend to be among some of the most memorable characters in their respective franchises.
Mentors can be a variety of people, from wise sages, to former soldiers, to just regular people with a strong moral compass. What matters is the impact they have on the hero, and the role they play in the story.
Master Fu does a poor job at accomplishing both of those qualifications.
Like, well, basically every bad thing in Miraculous Ladybug, the ideas behind Master Fu were interesting in concept. The problem was the execution, or rather, what little we got with Master Fu. Yet he still manages to be memorable (no pun intended) for all the wrong ways. But before we get into Master Fu, let's get into a problem with Miraculous Ladybug in general that plagues several characters and plotlines.
Order of the... What Exactly?
Despite being “the last known member of the Order of the Guardians”, Master Fu hasn't really explained much about the Order he's from. All we really know is that he was trained to guard the Miraculous and distribute them to worthy people. And the Order does this... why exactly?
This is a huge problem with Miraculous Ladybug, the underdeveloped lore behind a major part of the story. Despite being connected to the Miraculous, you know, the magical artifacts the show is named after, we still don't really know much about why they were formed in the first place, and what their connection to the Miraculous is.
Oh wait, the origin of the Miraculous actually is explained... in an issue of the tie-in comic.
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Someone seriously thought it was a good idea to explain that Kwamis are connected to abstract concepts like creation and destruction, and how the Miraculous were created, both very important things to learn, AND THEY DID IT IN A GODDAMN TIE-IN COMIC THAT ONLY LASTED THREE ISSUES! 
I shouldn't be expected to read supplementary material to understand the backstory of a show. You don't need to watch Star Wars: The Clone Wars to understand the tragedy of Order 66, so why would you expect your audience to read a comic book to understand the origin of the magical objects that give your main characters superpowers?
Even the explanation we got isn't that detailed. Okay, fine some guy created the Miraculous to give the Kwamis tangibility (which actually explains how they can phase through solid objects), but... how and why? How was this sage able to see Tikki, how was he able to create the Miraculous, and why did he do it?
This extends to the Order of the Guardians as well. How and why were they formed? What exactly do they even do besides guard Miraculous? Why do they even guard the Miraculous in the first place? We even learn more about their methods, and trust me, I'll get to that later.
In Xiaolin Showdown, the pilot episode of all things explains why Shen Gong Wu are so important, and why the Xiaolin Dragons dedicate their lives to protecting them, because they maintain the balance between good and evil, and if they fall into the hands of evil, the world could fall into 10,000 years of darkness. Yeah, the first episode actually does a good job at explaining the backstory of the show, who would have thought? And it's from a show that has a better representation of Chinese culture when this is what the main character looks like.
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Overall, the Order of the Guardians is an underdeveloped concept that does very little to help out Master Fu as a character. If the backstory of a character is so vague, how can we even understand the character's motivations in the first place? And by God, are Master Fu's motivations confusing.
Master of Not Doing Anything
Before I started working on this, I saw a video review of Miraculous Ladybug by someone who had never seen the show before, and only did so because one of his friends said they would start watching One Punch Man if he did. Even though he only mentioned Master Fu a few times, he described him as “a dude with a jewelry box full of superhero bling”, and felt like that was all those unfamiliar with the show needed to know. As someone who is familiar with the show? Yeah, that's basically all Master Fu is.
Despite being classified as a mentor, Master Fu doesn't really do a lot of mentoring. Sure, he occasionally talks to Marinette, but whenever things get rough, all he really does is hand out a Miraculous for Marinette to give to someone else temporarily.
And I've said it multiple times, but the Rent-A-Miraculous system is a horrible idea. Not only does it require Ladybug to basically leave Cat Noir to fend for himself while she rushes over to Master Fu, she has to think of an ideal candidate for the Miraculous she takes, find said candidate, rush back to where the Akuma is, hope Cat Noir wasn't incapacitated by the Akuma, and then haul ass to Master Fu's place to return the Miraculous as soon as the fight's over.
The idea of introducing new heroes is interesting, but because we see them so rarely, they don't really feel that important. I get that the title is “Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir”, but I just wish the show would do more with the temporary heroes, like see how it affects their lives. Unfortunately, I can't, thanks to “Miracle Queen”, as usual. I'll get to that episode again later on.
Even when Master Fu takes out the Miraculous, he doesn't really help Marinette think of which one to choose. He just says something like “Take a Miraculous, but be sure to return it to me when you're done.” It doesn't matter, because Marinette apparently knows how all fifteen Miraculous in the box work. Hey, wouldn't it have been nice to see Master Fu actually teach Marinette how every Miraculous works? Maybe have him suggest which Miraculous to take based on the Akuma's powers? I'm just saying, maybe you can take time away from Ladybug and Cat Noir fighting a giant baby to actually give more focus on other characters.
Before that, he was just planning to do nothing and hope Ladybug and Cat Noir could reclaim Hawkmoth's Miraculous for him. According to Tikki in “The Collector”, Marinette isn't even supposed to see the Guardian, and only met Master Fu because she found the Grimoire. So despite being “Guardians of the Miraculous”, he doesn't even help out the random people he decided to give Miraculous to? It's a miracle Ladybug and Cat Noir survived an entire season without any real guidance from Master Fu.
The third season tries to do something by having Master Fu train Marinette to become a guardian, but all of the training is entirely offscreen, and by “Feast”, he just says that her training is complete, and then makes her a guardian against her will in “Miracle Queen”.
Then there are moments unrelated to the Miraculous where he fails to actually be a mentor. Everyone knows about how stupid it was that the writers wanted the audience to sympathize with Adrien for threatening to quit being Cat Noir while Paris is flooded, but this also could have been a moment where Master Fu helped him talk about his feelings, or maybe dispense some wisdom about how hard it is to understand if someone actually trusts him or not. You know, act as a mentor to Adrien?
But instead, they brush over this potentially interesting character moment, because that would actually imply that Adrien has flaws. Because we all know Astruc loves to show the audience that Adrien Agreste is basically the second coming of Jesus Christ, right? And even though the episode making a big deal about Adrien not knowing Master Fu, they really don't have any meaningful conversations outside of that episode, except maybe “Party Crasher”. Though the episode does have Master Fu taking action when Ladybug is incapacitated by the Akuma by giving a Miraculous... to someone he barely knows swimming in Adrien's bathtub. Even he regrets his choice a few minutes later.
And then there's the fact that despite it being his job to guard the Miraculous, he does literally nothing to figure out where the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous are. Sure, he briefly talked with Marinette about Gabriel possibly being Hawkmoth in “The Collector”, but she did most of the investigating in that episode.
Hell, “Sandboy” establishes there's a way to contact Nooroo, the Kwami of the Butterfly Miraculous, on his birthday, but Master Fu turned it down, so they did it behind his back! For the love of God, this is a chance to figure out who Hawkmoth is and bring the conflict with him to an end, and you're passing it up?! In “Heart Hunter”, Master Fu says that Hawkmoth “talks a lot, but hasn't achieved much so far”, but you could easily apply that to Master Fu himself.
Outside of giving Miraculous to Marinette to borrow, what has Master Fu actually accomplished in the story? Maybe his backstory will shed more light on him as a character, and won't just make him look even worse.
The Bungled Backstory
One of the most frustrating things about Master Fu's backstory is that it actually has some pretty good buildup.
In “The Collector” we learn that Master Fu made a mistake that led to the destruction of the temple the Guardians operated out of, and the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculous were lost in the process. This does a good job at setting up the mystery of what Master Fu did to destroy the temple in the first place. It continues in “Sandboy”, where Master Fu's worst nightmare is him heing haunted by the ghosts of the guardians he accidentally killed, and then we see in “Backwarder” that Master Fu had confidants to help him keep the Miraculous safe from what are assumed to be the Nazis. Because I guess guardians get to share their secrets, but not Ladybug and Cat Noir?
And then we learned the full backstory in “Feast”. Much like how “Oblivio” and “Cat Blanc” killed any chances of me ever showing any sympathy to Alya and Gabriel respectively, I lost all respect for Master Fu after watching this episode.
We learn that Fu was chosen to be a guardian at a very young age, and had no other choice but to start his training. One day, he was assigned to watch over A Miracle Box as a test for twenty-four hours without any food, water, or sleep. He decided to use the Peacock Miraculous to create a Sentimonster to get him some food, but his anger corrupted the Sentimonster that made it go on a rampage to eat the Miraculous in the temple... and somehow set the temple on fire judging from this shot.
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In my main blog, I had originally made a post calling out Master Fu for what he did, but since then, I've mostly softened up. This is just a fan theory you are free do disagree with, but I like to think that Fu was supposed to use a Miraculous during the test. Maybe he was supposed to use the Mouse Miraculous to get some food while one of the clones sat and watched the box, or use the Horse Miraculous to sneak to the kitchen.
My problem comes from how his backstory affects his actions, and makes him look like a complete hypocrite.
Even though he hated the fact that he was basically drafted to become a guardian when he was only a child, he saw no problem handing out Miraculous to children who weren't that much older than he was when he burned down the temple. I don't even think he should even qualify as a master. His title shouldn't be “Master Fu”, but something more along the lines of “Acting Master Fu” on account of the other guardians burning to death.
Say what you will about Zordon for recruiting teenagers with attitude to become the Power Rangers, but what makes him more likable than Master Fu was that he actually cared about them. He routinely gave them advice, never really lost his patience with them, and understood they had lives outside of their jobs as Rangers. Hell, he was even willing to let them retire to peruse major opportunities in their lives, like Jason, Zack, Trini, and Kimberly, because he knows what it's like to be trapped in a situation that prevents him from living a normal life.
In fact, if Fu really hated being forced to become a guardian, why did he have no problem doing the same thing to Marinette? If anything, Fu should hate the Order of the Guardians, but it's never really explained what really motivated him to continue their practices.
Usually, a backstory related to a supporting character is meant to be followed up by the main characters doing something so history doesn't repeat itself. Anakin Skywalker was driven to the Dark Side because he was afraid of losing someone close to him, with the Jedi Order giving him no support due to their rules against personal attachments. This ideology is subverted in the original trilogy when it's Luke Skywalker's compassion for his father that motivated Anakin to rebel against the Emperor and fulfill his destiny as the chosen one.
But instead of learning from past events, or maybe realizing the Order of the Guardians was never as noble as we were led to assume it was, Master Fu just upholds their tradition of enlisting child soldiers to protect these world-ending artifacts while barely doing anything to help them out. And nobody ever acknowledges there might be anything wrong with the Order.
The Cowardly (and Hypocritical) Turtle
Despite being established to be 186 years old (which still hasn't been explained), and the destruction of the temple happening when he was a child, Master Fu hasn't really done anything with his position.
Despite having all the time in the world, as well as a Miraculous that lets him teleport anywhere, he still hasn't found the missing two Miraculous that Gabriel managed to find at least 129 years after he lost them, give or take.
There's also the fact that, at least, according to the flashback in “Backwarder”, Master Fu may or may not have chosen to sit down and let several historical atrocities and conflicts happen because he didn't want to risk losing the Miraculous. You know, minor things like the Taiping Rebellion, the Crimean War, World War I and II, the Rape of Nanking, the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Tienanmen Square Massacre and God knows what else. What did Master Fu even do while he ran around the world to keep the Miraculous safe anyway?
These both factor into the biggest problem with Master Fu as a character: He's a coward.
Whenever he's confronted with a tough situation, Master Fu's first instinct is to run away and hide. As soon as the Sentimonster that destroyed the temple returns, he takes back Marinette and Adrien's Miraculous and runs away. As soon as Hawkmoth finds out about his existence, he packs up his stuff and runs away. When he's captured by Hawkmoth and Mayura, he gives up his position as Guardian and forces Marinette to take on the role, so he can run away safely.
And once again, despite hating the Order for forcing him to train to become a Guardian, Master Fu has no problem with forcing Marinette, someone who was only a few years older than he was when he was drafted, to become the next Guardian of the Miraculous, all while conveniently losing his memory in the process, which implies that Marinette will lose her memory when she retires as Guardian. I once made a submission to Terrible Miraculous Ladybug AU's joking that he only made up the whole amnesia thing just to dump the responsibility of being Guardian on Marinette, but with his appearance in the Season 4 teaser, I'm genuinely worried that may be true.
And yet, despite every incompetent thing he's done, the show keeps trying to portray Master Fu as this wise old soul, because like with so many characters, the writers think if they keep saying things that aren't true, the audience will just give up and accept these ideas as fact. “Master Fu is a wise mentor”. “Alya is a good journalist”. “Ladybug and Cat Noir are equal”. “Chloe is irredeemable”. “Gabriel is a sympathetic villain”. “Lila is a good liar”. “Thomas Astruc responds to criticism like an adult”.
And I'm not against the idea of a flawed mentor either. I already talked about how complex Dr. K is as a character, and how her connection to Venjix makes her an interesting mentor. What I want is for the narrative to acknowledge that Master Fu is way out of his league. I want someone, anyone, to actually call him out for how poorly he's handled things. I don't want to be told he's a great mentor when the evidence clearly shows otherwise.
But it seems like we may never get that in the show, even though it looks like he's going to return in Season 4.
Let's just hope Master Su-Han is a better mentor, and actually appears in more than a single episode before being escorted off so Marinette can't have any confidants as Guardian. Who am I kidding? That's basically what's going to happen.
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with-love-anu · 4 years
Badass women of Hogwarts
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Summary: You always leave Fred confused, being a pureblood and slytherin he never quite expects you to be so kind
Warnings: swearing, mentions of injuries and passing out
Word Count: 2,909 
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Fred rolled his eyes as the pink, monster of a woman as she took them to her office yet again. George was right behind him, sighing quietly. They couldn’t. Not when that first year had done nothing wrong. They had to take the blame.
“Ahhhh Miss (Y/n), doing good I hope?” she said, smiling wickedly at the student in front. (Y/n) bit her tongue, trying not to say anything that would get her into any more trouble. Her hand was already red and swollen.
Fred’s gaze shifted to you, writing over the small round table. He furrowed his eyebrows. Didn’t Umbridge support all Slytherins?
“Mr. Weasley!” came the teacher’s shrill voice and Fred looked at the toad again.
“If you two could please take the quills here?” she said mockingly as they both picked it up, sitting behind a small table together.
“What do we have to write?” they asked taking out a sheet.
“Write, ‘we must not destroy school property.’” She said, laughing. If there could be a worse sound in the world.
Fred started writing as he felt the familiar prick in his hands. Hundreds of needles, stabbing his arm as he tried not to hiss. He heard a small gasp beside as he turned to look at you. Your one arm was plump and you were writing from the other one. Did the witch made you write from both of them?
“Now Mr. Weasley, it would be nice to concentrate on your own punishment and let it sink in. Miss (Y/l/n), I hope you are getting the message?” she asked sipping her tea. Fred wondered if it was polyjuice hiding something far terrible from them, but then again, she was already horrendous.
“Yes, professor.” You said with such contempt, that George looked up exchanging a glance with him. The teacher however didn’t notice.
Fred kept sneaking glances at you throughout the next few hours. You were bit your lip as if trying not to say something. He never quite noticed you if he was honest. You were always with your close friends from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. You were a quiet person seemingly blending with the crowds. He always took it to be pride over your blood status, not wanting to mingle with the so called, ‘dirty bloods’. Now as he saw you, he wondered if he was wrong. He wanted to know what brought you here. He looked down at his own parchment thinking what had gotten into him.
He scribbled furiously, wanting to get this over with. George raised an eyebrow at him, but he just shrugged. He saw you stand up, showing Umbridge your arms, getting a tut for approval. He rushed through the next few lines, filling up the page as he felt tears prick his eyes.
He stood up as you left the room, rushing to the witch. He showed his arms to her and the page. Umbridge raised her eyebrows at him. Fred bit the inside of his cheek to keep himself from saying something.
“You may leave Mr. Weasley. Remember not to repeat it again.” She said as Fred tried to nod. Fred rushed out of the room, turning towards the corridor leading to the dungeons. He turned and finally saw you walking slowly towards your dorm.
“Heyyy! (Y/n)!!! Wait!” he called out as you turned to see the notorious boy with apprehension.
“What did you get detention for?” Fred asked out of breath as you let out a laugh little at his state and a little remembering the best moment of your life.
“I called her a stupid ignorant bitch who needs to re-attend all her classes at how not to be an idiot.”
“You, WHAT?” Fred said barking out laughing. “You didn’t”
“Well don’t tell me; I have a hard time believing it too!” you said laughing nervously. There weren’t many things that riled you up. But that woman was a monster, she infuriated you and the burst of anger was the result.
“Well, don’t you support blood purity and stuff?” Fred said looking at you. You frowned, deflating immediately.
“Did I say that?” you asked.
“Then why did you think that?” you said sighing, shaking your head. You turned and walked back to your dorm, not wanting to continue the conversation. Gryffindors were mighty judgmental even though they upheld honor and bravery. Fred jogged to catch up with you.
“I didn’t want to offend you.” He said as you reached the Slytherin common room.
“Well, too late for that Weasley” you shrugged, moving inside leaving the red-head more intrigued than ever.
You tried to shake away budding thoughts as you lay in bed that night. You were done with people assuming that you upheld totally disgusting views on blood purity just because you were a pureblood and a Slytherin. Just because you were quiet didn’t mean you agreed with every single one around you. So why did his thoughts still plague you? Maybe it was because of the way he asked, his face as it lit up when you told him what you did. Whatever it was, you were sure that the next day would come soon and he would forget this conversation happened all together. Maybe you would too.
You took out yet another book, placed haphazardly on the shelf. You sighed seeing it wasn’t even in the right section of the hall. You took up to helping Madam Pince with the library long ago. You got to spend more time here than anyone, plus you had free access to the restricted section. There was a tap on your shoulder as you turned to see Fred. You raised your eyebrows at him.
“Need some help?” Fred asked.
“No, it’s all good.”
“Listen, I’m sorry for yesterday. I totally didn’t mean to offend you. I'm sorry for being judgemental.”
“It’s okay.”
“Let me help you,” he said taking the book from your hands, and going to keep it in the right section. You found yourself smiling at his retreating figure.
You weren’t gonna lie, with his help, everything finished a lot faster and easily and you were thankful. Keeping the away the last stash of books you sighed. Fred grinned beside you. The two of you went to a secluded table at the back, hidden from Madam Pince. Unless, you shout at the top of your lungs, you could pretty much keep talking here.
“Thank you for helping me today.”
“It is always my pleasure to help the badass women of Hogwarts.” He said dramatically as you laughed.
“Believe me, I don’t know what took over me. Maybe it was her just drilling everyone, I was done.”
“It was still badass.” He said with sparkling eyes and you smiled widely.
“What about you?”
“Why were you being punished?”
Fred told you the reason as you felt the familiar knots tie up your stomach. She was horrid. You wondered why she was given the job of a teacher in the first place. Fred sensed your expression and changed the topic. You both laughed and talked and for the very first time, you felt at ease. The twins were like that, weren’t they? Making everyone comfortable? Your eyes widened at the time. The two of you had been talking for hours! Fred followed your gaze to the huge clock and grinned.
“I must say (Y/n), for a quiet student, you sure do talk much” he said smirking down at you. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Do I hear complains?” you asked, raising an eyebrow and Fred laughed.
“Not at all, miss!” he said, bowing down as you giggled a little.
Fred started seeing you almost everyday. It was always nice to talk to him, to be near him in general. You would laugh, have fun and just forget about everything, if only for a little while. George joined you two sometimes and the three of you would goof around. You felt light for the first time after years. Come to think of it, you didn’t remember a time when your close friends talked about anything other than Umbridge and NEWTs. It was a great change.
Fred never not called you ‘Miss’ or ‘Madam’ having his little smirk on as you tried hard not to blush. Something had changed a while ago as you saw Fred helping a terrified first year Slytherin. Your heart had started to flutter whenever he was around. You had started to melt at his compliments. You knew where this was going and didn’t like it. At all. Didn’t stop your heart from doing it anyway. There were so many reasons against you for falling for the notorious red-head. You didn’t want to destroy the new found friendship. Then why did you keep finding yourself staring at the freckles which covered his cheek, his sparkling eyes which were sharper and darker than his twin’s? His smile that warmed your heart?
The three of you were coming back from the library as George and Fred told you yet another story of the burrow. As you turned the corner, you saw Umbridge holding a child’s arm as he cried, leading him to her office. The grip was tight and sure to leave bruises, even you could see that, standing feet apart. You scowled trying to breathe. Fred and George looked at each other.
“Are you thinking what I am?”
“We have an important prank on our hands?”
“Yes, we do.”
“I’ll join you.” You blurted, looking at them both.
“I’ll join you. I want in.” you said as they grinned at you.
“You’re most welcome, Madam!” Fred said winking at you as you felt your heart do flips. You tried hard not to blush.
You started pranking the pink disaster along with the twins and you weren’t sad about it. Even for a moment. You had fun seeing steam rise out of Umbridge’s ears, her face contort in the most hilarious of ways. She looked comical. One time turned into two and then three and you never quite stopped. You always did it when she was overlooking a punishment, so as to help the students. And it was never not funny. You did get caught at times, but you faced all the punishments bravely. There was a satisfaction in it, getting punished when you knew it was you who did something deliberately for it. And the twins made it easier too. It was like you weren’t alone. All in this together.
Fred loved this side of you. The side that was wild and untamed. You would come up with the most crazy of ideas and were amazing at executing them too. Your eyes sparkled and there was a passion in them that he loved. Nothing seemed to deter you, not the punishments, not the scoldings, not the friends who held you back. Fred had overheard them telling you to take care of yourself as you’d just laughed and said, ‘It’s time I took care of others.’ Fred’s heart had strangely warmed on hearing it. He didn’t know what it was, whether it was pride or something else.
It was yet another detention. Umbridge had made you go on for hours. You had taken blame for it all. Fred paced the corridor outside the office. He was worried. It had been four hours already. Not to say that you hadn’t healed properly from the last punishment, now this? His heart beat faster with each passing second. Why the hell would you do it? They were in this together. Why did you have to save both their asses?
“Fred, sit down.” George commented. He sat on the low stone wall and had seen Fred become more and more anxious for you.
“I can’t. I can’t. I need to see her. What is that witch doing to her? We need to get her out George. She-“ Fred huffed as George shook his head. He was so oblivious to his own feelings.
“Do you like her Fred?” he asked softly as Fred stopped to look at him, frowning.
“Of course I like her, she’s my fri-“
“Don’t be dumb, Fred. Do you like like her?” he asked as Fred’s eyes widened. It was as if on queue that he heard the office door opening and closing. You came out, wiping your face with your sleeve. They both jogged towards you. You smiled at them forcefully.
“Heyyy…” you said, your voice raspy. Fred’s heart beat faster on seeing you. You had rolled your sleeves down so they couldn’t see the wound.
“Could I see you two tomorrow? I’m very tired.” You managed to get out. You knew Fred would flip on seeing deep cuts on your arm. He would do something reckless and get in trouble. You didn’t want that.
George nodded, Fred didn’t. His eyes were pleading as he looked at you. You couldn't take it. You knew that if you looked at him a second longer, you would break.
You turned, walking back to your dorm, trying not to let the tears fall. It hurt, it hurt so much. You felt your head zoom suddenly and you plopped down in a corner trying to take in deep, deep breaths. You whimpered, slowly rolling up your sleeves to see the damage. You slowly pulled away the cloths you’d wrapped your arms under, hissing at the sensation. It was still bleeding. Profusely.
“(Y/n)!!!” Fred’s voice came as you tried to wipe away your tears, but weren’t fast enough. Fred’s heart dropped on seeing you. You were crouched in a corner, holding your bloodied arms. He gasped as he slowly walked over to you, sitting down on the floor beside you slowly. He didn't utter a word. Maybe the silence would fill in everything he wanted to say. He was scared he would hurt you. You looked at him, your eyes red, as he took your hands in his. He rummaged through his bag taking out a gillywater vial.
“Fred, that’s the last batch. I ca-“ you started as he shushed you. He transformed the vial into a large bowl, increasing the potion as much as possible. He let your hand sink in them as you hissed making his heart contract. He looked at you seeing how hard you tried not to cry. Tears pricked his eyes. As he saw your wounds slowly healing, he took the bloodied cloths, cleaning them. He dipped it in a paste Hermione gave him, which helped to calm the skin down. He wrapped them both on your hands, as you took them out of gillywater. You kept looking at him as he worked, his hands so tender and careful, you’d think they were flowers.
He looked at you as he was done. He wiped away the tears you didn’t know had fallen. He kissed your forehead and heard you sniff. Wrapping his hands around you, he pulled you closer. He didn’t know who needed the contact more, him or you. You broke down. He felt you shake as you cried into his chest. Fred felt as if someone squeezed his lungs as he let his own tears fall. No. Not you. He didn’t want you to suffer. You didn’t deserve this. He blamed himself for not coming forward as George had held him back. You were always strong and seeing you break like this, it triggered something in him. he wanted to keep you like this. If it was what it took to keep you safe. He realized something. He realized just how much he had come to love you, to cherish you and seeing you hurt, even if it was a little, killed him. He had to tell you.
He didn't know how long he held you. He picked you up when you calmed down and led you to your dorm, putting you to bed. He whispered sweet dream wishes into your ear and you sighed. He got out of the Slytherin house dorms and started planning.
You woke up to a shuffling in your bed. Your eyes widened as you saw someone shifting. You were about to scream as a hand stopped you and you met with familiar brown eyes. He took his hands away smiling at you softly. You squinted at him. Was he blushing?
“I’m sorry I woke you up, but this couldn’t wait. And it’s almost afternoon anyway.” He said nervously as you looked at the time. 12pm. He wasn’t wrong. You let out a laugh. Maybe you were pretty exhausted since yesterday.
“Ummm, these are for you.” He said, giving you your favourite flowers. You were confused but smiled widely nonetheless.
"Thank you, are-" you started but Fred shushed you.
"(Y/n), I realised just how much I love you yesterday. Seeing you hurt, it broke me." He said cupping your face. Your heart flipped. "I am in love you. And I hate myself for taking it so long to realise. It's okay if you don't like me back. But I really needed to tell you. I-"
You pressed your lips against his. He gasped but pulled you closer, kissing you like he was dying to. Maybe he was. He pulled away breathless.
"Wait, I wanted to ask you out on a date!" He said as you laughed.
"We can go on as many dates as you want. But first let me kiss you properly" you said pulling him down to kiss again.
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A/N: This is written for Clarrisa's ( @approved-by-dentists ) 400 writing challenge. This is also, based on the ship request, I did for @futurewriter2000 which can be found here.
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zmediaoutlet · 3 years
Why do you dislike that scene of Sam and Dean hunting those soldiers? Because you believe they wouldn't be able to take specially trained army soldiers or? I'm sure we're supposed to think that they hunt monsters every day of their lives, humans are easy compare to.
oh, fam. what a hornet’s nest to walk into.
So, first: First Blood & Lotus are complete failures of episodes. In writing, execution, believability, filmic decisions. Truly shocking that they got off the storyboard without someone fully laughing out loud and going “great joke!” and then, I don’t know, putting the draft ideas into the urinal in the office bathroom and letting everyone have a go at dissolving them into an ammoniac puddle.
But then they decided to do them. So, unlucky us. So, Lotus is just... risible. Whatever. I don’t have the energy or willpower to think about it. First Blood is so much worse. Aside from how completely fucking stupid the beginning is -- really, this boring-ass montage of who-cares is supposed to be this much of a mental strain to two guys who were in literal hell? -- ugh, I can’t even work up the energy to get as mad at it as it deserves. Blah. So -- stupid, stupid, unbearably stupid premise. Then they escape. Okay, fine. The Billie plot is-- again, unbearably stupid. But then they get out into the woods.
There’s a moment, a bare moment, where it’s the Sam and Dean I recognize. Standing out by that van, being competent in a way that feels grounded. Calling Cas, looking at a map, working together and triangulating their position and figuring stuff out. Grounded. That’s the key word. Sam and Dean were always, always, competent and together and I believed that they could be people because they made decisions and choices that pretty much made sense.
And then.
It’s hard even to put into words what’s so awful, so risible, so deeply embarrassing about the whole... Rambo sequence. First flaw is that they conceived of a Rambo sequence and entirely forgot what the actual movie First Blood is about. It’s not cool. It’s horrible. It’s brutal. Rambo’s hurt and freaked and this isn’t okay, not remotely, not at all. A First Blood reboot done by someone who kind of heard of it once on 4chan and thought “lol that sounds awesome” and never thought about it for more than the time it took me to type this sentence.
Then there’s the awful, awful, awful speech, which was the point of the gifset. Apparently lots of fans thought it was cool. I don’t know what show those fans have been watching. Dean’s liable to drop fake-cool sounding quotes and, you know, it’s not like it was wholly out of character. As my bud is keen to remind me, the double-reference of Cool Hand Luke and Rorschach is very dumb, and it is! It really is! But even the literal writing of it isn’t the main thing that’s wrong with it, even if the speech itself over the stupid walkie-talkie is cringe-worthy bad.
It’s the vibe. That’s what it comes down to. The vibe. An indefinable thing that nevertheless can be VERY wrong when it’s wrong. It was an accumulation of wrong notes, as we marched along through s12, going from okay to bad to what the fuck is going on. The British Men of Letters started neat but became overpowered comic book villains. The Asa Fox funeral where there’s a quirky little universe of hunters, like this is X-Men or something. Lucifer hopping into the President, when a writer with taste would understand that that’s a bridge too far for stakes, and pushes the story into a stupid corner where you have to pretend consequences don’t exist to move past it. And then, and then, and then, you get your two heroes, and you give one of them a gimmicky comic book speech that sounds like he rehearsed it to sound cool in the bathroom for weeks beforehand, and you set them on a fucking cat-and-mouse hunt with the Secret Service, and... what the fuck, was Dabb stoned? Was he eating cheetos off a puddle he’d left between his moobs and playing Spiderman on PS4 and went ‘lol this would sound cool, let’s do that?’  Honestly, I hope so. A thoughtless stupid little digression because ‘hur hur cool’ is better than him actually thinking this through and going, yes, that’s the place I want this story to go. That’s art.
Miserable. And, again, not OOC, not exactly. But there are things you can choose for your characters that feel thoughtful, difficult, adult, and remain in character. Then you can choose things for your characters that feel... like a child’s idea of what maturity is like. A coward’s idea of a brave man. A quivering nerd’s idea of a strong man. The Dean that I see in that scene is just... not the Dean I want, at all. It smacks of the thing that tanked the whole Dabb era. Doing something because for a second it looked kind of cool, until you thought about it at all. Doing something because it was a neat soundbite. Taste out the window; we’re gonna get Dean saying the lamest, most overused, most internet-nerd fake-cool line: you’re trapped out here with us, and I guess because Sam racks his gun and looks faux-grim in the background we’re supposed to take it seriously. I just wanted to turn off the TV.
And then he just kept doing that for three more years. Thank god he didn’t get to ruin the finale, too.
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shini--chan · 4 years
Yandere England HCs
I remember somewhere around here in my inbox somebody requested yandere England hcs. If I recall correctly, there handle was @hehehhewaitwhat  Sadly, the ask has vanished from the box, but I still recall receiving it! So here you go:  
Yandere England
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Arthur would be one of the yanderes that would play it cool at first. No cool isn’t the right word – it is cold. He would believe in keeping a tight control on his emotions, least they take over him and he is no longer his own master. All in all, a very good idea, it is just the matter of execution that matters – Arthur would be doing this in a very unhealthy way. He’d bottle up his feeling on a large part, refusing to analysis them and locate the source, not to mention expressing his emotions in healthy ways. And here would be where the yandere tendencies start to blossom.
It would result in all his ignored and unacknowledged feelings for you start to seep through in the most eery ways, ways that would be borderline toxic. What could have potentially been love would become twisted and wrapped, some of Arthur’s other issues just amplifying this. In the end, he wouldn’t be able to prevent himself from either manipulating you into his web, or outright kidnapping you.
The insistent burning in his veins never ceased, rather it grew even worse when you weren’t close to him. It was magma rolling in his veins, eradicating even more of his rational thoughts the longer he attempted to ignore it.
In an attempt to remedy it, Arthur turned the water in the shower to ice-cold. A mistake on his part. It had gave a sharp contrast and thus made the concoction of emotions stand out all the sharper. It made him wonder if the only cure would be to give into them and let nature take its course.
Yet that was something he couldn’t allow. Emotions were the leftovers of a primordial past – notions that didn’t follow any logic or decency. If they weren’t controlled, then they would control.
He turned his face up to the stream of water, as if it could wash away all the sinful thoughts about you that had begun to haunt him. That was a tragedy on its own – he never could be rid of you. You would come to haunt his dreams uninvited, invade his thoughts unwelcomed. He remembered when his interest in you had just been a mere sapling. Now it was a field of weeds, a contagion that was completely out of his control and still demanded his attention.
He shouldn’t have ignored his love when it had started to sprout, for now it had turned into obsession.
Of course, he’ll try the former way first before anything else – he would know that you wouldn’t really appreciate it if he abducted you. England would turn the charm on and boy, can he be charming when he wants to be. It wouldn’t be in grand, over the top gestures – that is for amateurs. It would come in small, effective gestures that would become bigger over time – freshly picked flowers from his garden, biscuits he made himself and then he would go over to bigger presents like a dinner in a fancy restaurant. His aim would be to have you completely smittened before he would start to cut you off from the rest of the world and to mould you into what constitutes for a perfect person.
It was a fine day; the sun painting the sky in a kaleidoscope of warm colours and caused the green of the hills to become so saturated. Or maybe it was because you were in love that the world was all the more vivid, that the air smelled sweeter and the arm that was curled around your waist felt so right.
Arthur was being charming, a good-natured smile making his sharp features softer. He had taken you out to dinner tonight, a brief affair at a rustic inn out in a no-name little village. Yet the simple meal had been the best you had had in a long time.
So, with a full stomach in satisfaction in your heart, Arthur was accompanying you back home on this summer’s evening.
“My dear, that was a very wonderful day with you”, he remarked warmly, echoing your thoughts.
“Yes, it was. You couldn’t have picked a better place to go out. I would like to do such a thing again.”
He chuckled lowly at your affirmation. “Oh, love. I wouldn’t mind doing that every day with you for the rest of our lives.”
Under other circumstances, if you weren’t so smittened with him, you would realise that what he had said couldn’t be right. Good days can’t be copy-pasted on the future forever, happiness can’t be played constantly on repeat. It has to be experienced, the cause ever varied and reinvented so that it doesn’t become dull.
Yet you weren’t not in love with him. You were neither alarmed by the clinginess the statement implied or by how sappy it was. And that was exactly what Arthur wanted.
To be clear, he wouldn’t want a weak, stupid lover. There would be nothing more off-putting to him than a whiny, spineless idiot who can’t do anything on their own. In that way, you could say he’d have high standards. He’d want somebody who is a challenge, you’d be tactful in their conduct and somebody who’d have wit to match his. Arthur has a sharp tongue and even with you he wouldn’t shy away from dispensing chidings and sharp remarks. He’d also demand you have a spine of steel, that you wouldn’t simply cave in the face of danger. If you wouldn’t have these qualities, then you’d have to adopt them, and he would be never uncompromising about that.
Ironically, while he would manipulate you into having these qualities, he wouldn’t tolerate you having them to the extent would make your relationship impossible. He wouldn’t want to be taken care of in the terms of you being the breadwinner, doing business and all that. He would want to fulfil that roles for you, whether you’re a woman or a man. It would be a chronic need to provide for you, to be the dominate one in the relationship.
You sighed for the untempt time this afternoon. No matter how much you read the page of the book, the meaning of the passages eluded you. At this point, you only had a gist of what was going on and it frustrated you to no end.
Carefully, you placed a bookmark on the page that you had been busy with and closed the hard-cover novel quietly. You knew all to well that one of the easiest ways to get Arthur in a hissy fit was to maltreat one of his books. He claimed that books had to be treated with respect, because somebody had once put a lot of effort and time into writing it. A disrespect to the book was therefore an indirect disrespect to the author.
You leaned back in your chair and stared up at the decorations of the room. Arthur of course had to live in a mansion that seemingly was a time capsule for the age of Empire. Talk about being attracted to the glorious old days.
Carding your fingers through your hair, you cursed yourself. When did you get the brilliant idea to study the classics? Oh yes, it was when Arthur mentioned the benefits of higher literature while the two you had been cleaning. He had claimed that the complex characters made the reader better at socializing, at understanding that even the most despicable characters had softer sides. That it made a person for eloquent and at understanding the nuances of reality.
And of course, since you were constantly seeking to improve yourself, you had asked him if you could peruse his library. Arthur had whole-heartedly encouraged you and you knew that he would be extremely disappointed if you abandoned this chance to grow.
So, you opened the book again and reassumed the torture.
The need for dominance would be a manifestation for Arthur’s addiction to be in control. He is sort of the opinion that power is best left in his hands, and that nobody except him can properly wield it. And if he’d have the feeling that his control over would be slipping, then he would lash out. The most physical he’d get with his punishments would be caning. All in all, punishments would always be along the lines of what detention looked like in the old public schools during the Empire.
He would also have a certain image of what intelligent would look like. That would mean restrictions in your activities: no comics, no cartoons, no fizzy drinks, god have mercy on you is you have an addiction because he would have none, he says which parties you’re allowed to go to (that would be more in the beginning of the relationship), no sleeping in, no being lazy. And if you wouldn’t conform, then he’d manipulate you into doing so.
Arthur is a man who would quickly become jealous. He’d be scared if you’d be plotting to leave him, or worse, rope other’s in into helping you plunge a knife in his back. So, he would be quick to convincing you to cut of contact with people that he wouldn’t like. This would be a win-win situation for him because the less social contact you’d have beside him, the deeper your bond with him would become. Further on in your relationship, he’d convince you to rely solely on him and that other people wouldn’t be trustworthy. That he’d be the only person that would ever truly understand you, that would have your best interests at heart, that would help you grow into the best person you could be. That the world is a shit place and that you should be grateful that he is there to shield you from it. In order to encourage that last one, he would allow you to watch the news, extensively.
If wooing you into being with him wouldn’t work, then he would coerce you into a relationship. However, he wouldn’t do anything drastic such as threatening your loved ones, rather the threats would be hidden, or he would present himself as the best option of getting you out a ditch (such as financial issues). He’d try his best to construct the situation so that you would be inclined to trick yourself into thinking you wanted it. Kidnapping would be a last resort for him.
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whetstonefires · 4 years
☕️ + Joker triumvirate 😘
dlkjask;l i can’t really do an educated opinion on how this concept is being handled because i have been IGNORING IT IN HOPES IT WOULD GO AWAY, i genuinely had my fingers crossed there actually being three Jokers was a fake-out and the titular Three Jokers were really gonna be like, that single issue where the Joker had a combat trio of himself, Punchline, and Dick Grayson on the field.
but NO. i have to look at an actual comic panel and see batman and jason todd explaining to barbara gordon (tell me how THAT part makes sense she’s supposed to be the data specialist ugh) that the Joker has been three people fooling everyone into thinking there’s just one this whole fucking time
because that makes a lot of sense and doesn’t make Batman look like the most pointless joke since wow i got nothing, fill in pointless joke here.
like i was snippy about the Court of Owls getting dropped in there, not as a semi-moribund rich people cult that met up in masks to be ominous at one another twice a month for a thrill that was now coming back to life and getting dangerous, but as an active power exerting control over Gotham all these years that Batman COMPLETELY FAILED TO FUCKING NOTICE
like guys you can’t keep doing this what is the point of him anymore you’ve taken everything else away at least let him retain some competence
because a character-concept like ‘clown too off-the-wall evil to stop’ works better when it’s built around the idea of that clown being an exception, something that slips through the ruleset
so creating an entire fucking magic system for how this status is contagious and yet still not justifying it mechanically in any way really fucks the suspension of disbelief that allows the character to be any fun
and also overhyping the Joker and multiplying the Joker are the same mistake and trying to do it AGAIN this soon is absurd
BUT at least the fucking BDSM CLOWN BATMAN is a multiverse phenomenon
a poorly conceived and worse-executed one but like
at least that’s just a matter of Out There There Is A Different Thing And Then It Came Here
it is, in its way, self-contained.
however this JOKER TRIUMVIRATE fuckery is
they are asking us to accept that for a very long time
potentially Batman’s entire career
all that exceptional wild universe-shredding madness
all that personally obsessed nemesis drama
all the outrageously overblown JOKER EVERYTHING
has been fucking coordinated among three people
i’m not sure which part offends me more, the idea that we’re supposed to believe the Joker is so ~~~*crazy unpredictable*~~~ it gives him superpowers but also he’s been a group project
or the idea that in all this time Fucking Batman, the World’s Greatest Detective, has suspected nothing.
the batman fail is annoying as fuck okay but i guess it sort of just reinforces the stupidity of the first element by making it necessary that they’ve been perfect, so that’s the worst one. they are asking me to believe that there are three people with peak joker energy and ALL OF THEM resisted for MULTIPLE YEARS playing any of the tricks you can manage by being in two places at the same time? any time one of them was in arkham the other two HID THEMSELVES PERFECTLY?
1) how are these three guys supposed to be the Joker and yet have that kind of self-control and spirit of cooperation, how dare they expect me to believe in this and still accept that the Joker has reality-warping chaos levels and that’s just how it is?
2) if they were actually pulling this off for years without Batman suspecting anything why the FUCK would they still give a shit about him?
that’s so pathetic, folks. that’s disqualifying for nemesis status. what force could possibly compel these clowns to keep that joke running all this time when batman was failing that hard? get your punchline and go lads he’s not worth it
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Humans are space Orcs, “Interrogation.”
Wrote this after my first day of work, so forgive me if there are any issues. 
Admiral Vir sighed and tilted his head back to stare up at the ceiling overhead. “You can make me wait here all day, it isn’t going to change my story.” He leaned back further in his chair to the point where he balanced on two legs, “You want to know why?” He turned his head towards the mirror across the room, which he was in no small doubt, was a one way mirror. He allowed the chair legs to drop and slam against the floor, “BECAUSE I AM TELLING THE TRUTH.” 
He sighed and slammed his head against the table with a sigh. The energy cuffs on his wrists hummed, buzzing slightly against his skin when he moved.
He groaned, “I’ve told you countless times. I am-being-framed.” With every word, he accentuated his statement by slamming his forehead against the metal of the desk. Not hard enough to hurt, but he was just so bored that maybe pain would be better than just sitting here.
He sighed when no one came and looked around at the small room, the single table, the one way mirror and the two metal chairs, his hands chained to the desk in front of him.
He groaned and slumped down in his chair. Folding his arms before him, he rested his head against his arms taking a deep breath and sighed. Well maybe he might fit in a nap while they were working, at least that wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of knowing he wasn’t enjoying this.
He was asleep within seven minutes.
“Krill STOP!”
His ranting was cut off as Sunny clamped a hand over his mouth and dragged him away from the front steps of the Tesraki prescient, “What are you doing! This isn’t going to help Adam. If anything that is going to make it so much worse.’
Krill turned his head to look up at her, eyes narrowed, “Who are you and what did you do with Sunny.”
She frowned, “what do you mean.”
“Are you kidding me Sunny! Your battle partner is in there, and who knows what could happen to him . Who knows what is happening to him as we wpeek Whoever framed him had a lot of ower and that means they have the power to murder him on the inside.”
Sunny snarled, “Don’t you think I know that Krill! I can’t believe I am saying this, least of all to you, but we have to be rational! Charging in there weapons blazing is only going to get us hurt, thrown in jail or killed, and neither of those would be useful to Adam right now. We have to prove that he is innocent!”
“What more proof can we get that they won’t just reject out of hand. It doesnt matter that he was traveling with the two of us, or that his ship is full of aliens, or that he is the head of a drev clan. Something bigger is going on here Sunny, we have to do something even BIGGER to fight this.”
She frowned tapping her fingers lightly against the bottom of her chin.
Great drops or rain began to fall from the sky plunking down on the pavement with subtle thudding noises.
“We have to find irrefutable proof, something they cant argue with even if they tried.”
“Where do we start.”
“That list Adam gave us should be a good start.”
Krill sighed, “Fine, but there isn’t time to be nice about this. We can’t rely on the authorities. We have to do this our way.”
Adam jerked awake, his head ringing as he sat up in his chair staring around the room and groggily trying to find the source of the noise. It didn’t take long before he found what he was looking for. The Detective stood over him, his jacket hanging lank and long draped around his shoulders and towards the floor.
On the table before him, there sat a large cream file, which had likely been the source of the noise.
Adam frowned and sat back in his seat.
“Really, a file. Is that supposed to intimidate me or something?”
The Detective sat across from him, “Do you need us to get you anything Admiral.”
“How about the key out of here.”
The man frowned, “So you fancy yourself a comedian.”
“No, I fancy myself a free man.” he would have crossed his arms if the cuffs didn’t get in the way.
“Are you always this resistive to authority.”
Adam snorted, “I’m in the fucking army asshat of course I’m not. I am resistive to assholes who falsely accuse me of something I didn’t do and then ignore my friends when they try to stick up for me.”
“The Drev and the Vrul?”
“We are looking into them as we speak. We are sure to find their link to your plot soon.”
Adam sputtered, “Plot, what plot you daft dimwit.” he wrigged his fingers comically, “My dastardly plot to give hugs to all the aliens in the universe, or how about my evil scheme to steal cake from the shared company fridge. Oh what a fucking moster I am.”
“Where did you put the body parts?”
He stopped in his tracks, “What the hell are you talking about?”
“The body parts of the first Tesraki, where did you put them.”
Adam shook his head in disbelief, “Look Detective dumbass, I didn’t put the Tesraki’s body parts anywhere… do you want to know why?”
The detective raised an eyebrow and leaned in a bit as Adam motioned him closer. 
The man nearly lept out of his skin with the strength of Adam’s voice. Adam sat back in his seat, “Just look at my ship’s log. I was busy working in the Perseus spiral of the Milky way before I was called in here. There was no way I could have been involved.”
“I know, we have a ship log that  says you were there.”
He frowned, “Than why try to get me to admit to something I didn’t do.”
The man shook his head, “I didn’t say you didn’t do it, I just said that your ship’s logs seem to state that you were off world during that time.”
Adam huffed in anger and indignation, “Are you suggesting that I doctored my own ship reports?”
“You are the admiral, you do have executive control over things like that.”
Adam sighed in frustration, “I can’t even believe you right now. Changing a SINGLE long would prove nothing. I would have to change hours and hours mabe even days of data. Looking on the ship, you will find collected specimens and photos and videos taken during the time of the killing.” He rattled his hands against the chains, “You are a pretty ass detective if this is the best you can do.”
The man frowned, clearly not very impressed.
“Did you ever stop to think about why you are even here? I CALLED YOU IN. Why the ever loving hell would I do that if i thought there was even a chance that you could come in and catch me. It’s stupid, and it doesn’t add up.”
“You aren’t doing anything to make yourself look better Admiral.”
“Because I shouldn’t have to!”
“I beg to differ.”
A bright light flicked on in the darkness.
The human cringed back against it his feet scraping on the floor along with the metal of the chair, which he was tied to.
“Krill I-”
“Shh Sunny,”
The human squinted past the light in confusion and concern as two shadows coalesced before him and his eyes grew used to the glare. He shifted back in his seat, eyes wide as the two aliens stared back at him, one of those big shiny Drev and those weird spider things he forgot the name of.
The little creature paced back and forth in front of him, ‘You will find it interesting to know how easy it was to find you. After we found your three thug friends on the list, surprise surprise, guess how delighted we were to learn you were all staying in the same room together…. And one of you was missing.”
The an hook his head staring at the scuttling legs of the little bug creature as he crawled past, “I have no idea what you are talking about.”
“Don’t play dumb with me.” The bug turned to look at him, and he was suddenly very disconcerted by the angry glower that covered the creature’s face, It was too human of an expression to belong on an alien.
“Wha, wh… I have no idea what you are talking about, I swear.”
The little bug leaned forward, as something shiny appeared in his hand, ‘Oh I think you do.”
“Is that a scalpel.” He squeaked out 
“Yes, why yes it is. I am a surgeon by the way.” He glowered at the human, “And I know over 100 ways to.” His voice grew quiet, “disembowel yo, while keeping you alive.”
The man’s eyes widened in panic.
“Krill!” THe Drev hissed.
“Shut up, Sunny.” The Little bug crawled forward, until he was right up in the human’s face. Did you know when I was in medical school, I learned how to completely dissect the nervous system of a krevling. My record…. Ten minutes and twenty three seconds.”
The man turned to look at the Drev, who, surprisingly, out of the two of them seemed less crazy and violent.
She caught his eye, “Maybe you should do what he says. I don’t think he’s kidding.”
THe bug creature inflated his helium sack and rose into the air scalpel held out nonchalantly. He leaned in close quietly, “I hear humans taste like chicken.”
His mouth quivered, “I, I thought you bugs only ate plants.”
The alien smacked his lips together, or at least made the approximation of smacking his lips together, “I don’t know a light based diet hasn’t really been sustaining me lately. He leaned a little further in, “besides, I think sauteed lightly in butter with a couple of onions…. You might just manage to convert me to carnivorism.”
The man pushed back against the ground, metal scraping against concrete until his back was planted right against the wall, “I…. I don’t know what is wrong with you, but I swear….”
THe Drev placed a hand on the bug’s shoulder, “krill, seriously, don’t you think this is going a little too far.”
“This coming from you, Sunny.” He shrugged hr off, “I think I would like his toes first.”
The human took a deep breath staring down into the little creature’s prismatic orange eyes, crazy eyes, manic eyes.
Sunny, the Drev shook her head, “Look we don’t really want to hurt you, we just want to help our friend.”
“Toes.” The Vrul whispered 
The look on the creature’s face was enough to have him loose his nerve completely, “OK OK fine, I will tell you what you want to know, just don’t. Just don’t touch my toes, OK. you Freak.”
*** “Dear lord in heaven above give me the strength not to smash my head through this table.”
“Are you sure you don’t want something to drink.”
“You know that whole trying to be my friend thing isn’t going to work. You called me xenophobic after all, which is the msot damned insulting thing I have ever been called. My best friend is an alien, my g….my gr-reatest allies are aliens. I was the one who DISCOVERED them. I am the leader of a Drev CLAN for crying out loud.”
“People do things they don’t like for power.”
“Were you dropped on your head as a child or were you just born stupid.”
The Detective glowered at him, “Name calling isnt going to help you here.”
“I demand a lawyer.”
The detective snarled.
He tired to cross his arms but only managed to tug against his jacket, “I demand a lawyer immediately,  and until I get one, I am not saying another word to you.”
“Admiral Vir, there is no law on the Tesraki homeworld that says.”
“Twinkle twinkle little star-”
“That is really mature Admiral.”
“Wanna hit you with my car.”
“Toss you off a cliff so high!” “Admiral, stop that right now.”
The detective was seen storming out of the interrogation room not minutes later fuming with the sound of lyrics followed him down the hall, which didn’t stop until the door closed all the way.
It would remain to be seen who was going to break first.
Sunny stared at Krill, and Krill did his best to ignore Sunny as he paced back and forth over the ground.
“What the hell was that.”
“What was what.”
“What you just did in there.”
“That guy nearly shat himself.”
Krill looked up at her with a very serious expression, “That is what I was hoping for.”
“Have you gone insane.”
“No, not at all besides, it worked didn’t it.”
Sunny grumbled in acknowledgement. She supposed he was right. The revelations they had received from the man as he cowered back against his chair begging Krill not to cut off his nose.
Someone had hired the four of them for sure. He was in charge of locating their targets while the other three men did their dirty work. Following that he was supposed to doctor some information given to him by his outside source, “I fixed the surveillance to make it look like the admiral was there. I have the doctored files in my computer, and I was supposed to bring them to my source tomorrow night so they could use it as evidence against him.’
“And who are your contacts.’
“I don’t know, I never saw their faces, or asked questions. I was just the guy who dropped off what they needed.”
“Than that means you can take us to this dropoff point.”
“No I…”
“Did you know it only takes a spoon and less than a pound of pressure to pop a human eye out of it’s socket.”
“FINE FINE ILL TAKE YOU. Just get this crazy freak away from me.”
Sunny had grabbed krill then and dragged him out of the room with a disapproving frown. 
“What you are a drev you should love scaring the shit out of people.”
“I love beating the shit out of people krill, not threatening to eat their toes.”
He shrugged seeming very unconcerned about the whole thing, “Either way, we have our way in. As long as Adam can hang in there, we might be able to save him.”
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pizzaboat · 4 years
So I've seen alot of people give their theory's and opinions on what's going to happen to Lilith in season 2 of the owl house, whether or not she's forgiven, where she's going to stay and how she'll act I guess, and the major thing being if she's redeemed or how redeemed she is.
I'm just going to throw my own thoughts out there and say that obviously there's still alot to do with her character. I also have no intention of bashing her character, I actually enjoy when she's on screen. I do like her but she's still problematic. So buckle up this is a long one.
To get my thoughts straight I'll break what I have to say down into parts, cause I get distracted easily.
First up im going to say I think she is far from redeemed. My impression of her is that she regrets cursing her sister, but she also finds some sort of sick pride in it too, as shown in agony of a witch when she screams " then why were you so easy to curse!?".
She also has no problem hurting literal children to get what she wants either, but that's another issue I'll discuse.
Lilith seems to resent her younger sister to an extreme, unhealthy degree. I could sit here and theorise about her child-hood and teen years wondering what could have created such insecurities in her, but im not going to. That is irrelevant to the point im trying to make. What's important to keep in mind though is that she was "perfect prissy Lilith"- the covention growing up, Eda was good at almost everything, and that Lilith cursed Eda to secure a spot in the emperors coven when Lilith was 18-19 and Eda was 16-17.
Is she redeemed ?
No i don't think she is even half way there. She cursed Eda in her sleep to win a fight. Lied for over thirty years to Eda about that curse. Mocked Eda for the symptoms of a curse she put on her "Why don't you go home and rest wouldn't want you breaking hip"- sense and insensitivity . she kidnapped Luz to use her against her sister, used Luz as a human meat shield in her and Eda's battle during agony of a witch, was generally quite rude to Luz when she wasn't dangling her over a pit of spikes, and also SPIKES.
Taking on half of a curse she put on her sister in the first place doesn't begin to cover the trauma and pain she's caused in the name of healing her sister, enforcing the emperors laws and joining said emperors coven.
I would also like to point out that she had a way to elevate her sisters pain all this time but she didn't. I've seen arguments like she trusted the emperor to heal her sister but I can already point out so many things wrong with that.
even if she did trust him, no normal person could sit by and watch any family member they claim to care about suffer, if she trusted the emperor so much she would have split the curse sooner, (providing Eda would have let her of course) and had him heal her or Eda both.
But she didn't do that she lied to her sister for years, partly because she was scared of losing Eda and also Eda's reaction which was, and would always be unbridalled rage. but also to an extent it suited her, it suited her to be the successful sibling, the sibling doing things "right" Lilith seems to be as I said before extremely insecure, and I think that just going off the episodes she was in and the impression the show puts forward.
If what I've noticed is correct, Lilith has spent her life in her sisters shadow, bullied in school as revealed in the end of something ventured something framed, nobody took her seriously due to her appearance and probably being a late bloomer in a lot of ways. She would have jumped at the chance to be given the same respect that Eda and other talented witches or well off, higher up witches recieved.
In other words the emperors coven fed Liliths' battered ego, telling her what she wanted to hear.
It makes sense that she wouldn't want to let that go, but in the context of what has happened and the fact she seemed to still try and stick with the emperors coven before Belos sent her to be executed along with eda and king.
She isn't redeemed, she probably doesn't see much wrong with how she's behaved up until now(besides cursing Eda) and there's still alot of work for her to do. She only split half the curse because her expulsion from the coven forced her to address a mistake she made for once.
Season 2 and maybe more seasons looks like where she'll be earning her redemption. Hopefully she'll be forced to face more of her flaws and short comings and work on them.
Will she be forgiven?
Lilith from what has been shown has hurt;
Eda Luz, King, Amity, Willow and Gus. They all have different reasons to be hostile towards her.
She cursed Eda and almost subjected her to a faith worse than death, lied to her, mocked her. Kidnapped her apprentice and almost got Luz killed a number of times,using her as a sheild. She dragged Luz into the whole messed up rivalry. I don't think Eda will forgive her emediatly, after all, even if she can forgive Lilith for what she did to her, she would also have to forgive her for what she did to Luz.
She essentially kidnapped Edas' surrogate daughter, Eda was much angrier about Luz's suffering than her own "you hurt luz, you cursed me. before anything turns me to stone I'm going to tear you apart!" - young blood, old souls
Yeah Eda was fit to murder her sister, taking some of the curse probably only got rid of her homicidal desire towards Lilith, thats it.
I've seen some people make fan content in which Luz immediately forgives Lilith or comes round eventually to her when Lilith acts nice around the house.
That seems super out of character for Luz, sure Luz is characterised to be kind and sweet but if the final proves anything its that she has a ruthless streak that comes out when she tries to protect the people she loves, her family. Lilith has threatened the people she cares about. I don't see Luz letting that slide, and she would probably still be on guard. Luz may have accepted her help in young blood old souls, but that was only because she wanted to save Eda she told Lilith she didn't like her "whole deal" and she meant it.
Lilith would have to prove she's really changed for the better for luz to begin to for give her.
I like the idea of King and Lilith becoming friends simply for comedy perposes, if King were to forgive her and I think he'd be one of the closest to it out of the main characters.
They'd be a force of sheer stupidity and ego they'd be bad and good for each other, King weirdly enough would be more emotionally mature since he's learned things like you can't be posesive over people in really small problems it's a lesson Lilith needs to learn since she seems to resent Luz to an extent, thinking Luz was taking her sister from her "Edalyn is with her family, her real family. Go back to your world human this one is ours" - agony of a witch
Of course before this she needs to also earn his forgiveness, he wasn't there for agony of a witch but he did experience the fear and worry of losing eda in young blood, old souls the only person he had up until then was Eda " King and I, we don't have much in this world. we only have each other"- A lying witch and a Warden. Lilith helping rescue Eda might have helped improve his opinion of her, but Lilith would have to get over herself first to begin her redemption.
I don't think Hooty would hold a grudge, mostly because he's comic relief and weird. Since I personally think no one in the owl house would be bothering with her, and I see her being forced to live In the shed. I think Hooty would be her only company and I think it would be unexpected and really funny if he's the first person/bird thing to open her eyes to her awful behaviour. You gotta start somewhere and Hooty is it.
Amity, Gus and Willow
I think Gus and Willow will be stand-offish until Luz and King forgive Lilith.
Once Lilith has developed more as a person she owes Amity an apology for how she behaved as a teacher. Amity would be mad after the covention episode, but almost killing her crush would make her protective of Luz, and wary of her in general.
Lilith hasn't been redeemed in my opinion, there's still alot of growth she needs to go through, she's made alot of terrible mistakes and decisions, its what makes her so interesting. I like her but she's a sh*t person, but she can learn to be less of a sh*t person.
I'm aware this is a kids show and she probably won't get all this development or she could get different character development and that would be awesome, its just my thoughts and opinions and I'm really excited for season 2.
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