#Stranger Things Headcanons
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marrziy · 3 days ago
RAIO-X: Stranger Things
★: Hopper, Steve, Jonathan, Billy, Eddie e Enzo.
+18 leitores & leitoras.
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Nenhum pouco de acordo com os imagines; neles, eu descrevo como convém. Aqui são apenas achismos meus, baseados no que aparenta para mim (com aquela dose de licença poética, pois amo um exagero).
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★: Jim Hopper
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24 cm — não se gaba, mas reconhece o colosso entre as pernas e tem orgulho dele.
Grossura: muito acima da média.
Do tipo que arromba e impressiona quando alojado dentro de algum buraco. Encaixado numa buceta, força os lábios tão longe que o inchaço é quase imediato. Já atolado num cuzinho, alarga tanto que deixa as bordas vermelhas e o formato da própria circunferência como lembrança.
Balança/Curvatura: reto e muito pesado.
Ao pulsar, é alavancado, mas, devido ao peso, nunca permanece de pé. Para colocar na boca, é necessário guiá-lo com as mãos até os lábios ou curvar-se perante a glande.
Cor: alguns tons mais escuros que a pele; fica mais aparente quando está mole. A cabecinha é rosada.
Veias: grossas e de um azul visível na base, mas afinam no caminho, deixando de protuberar no comprimento.
Glande: quando mole, a ponta é completamente coberta pelo prepúcio; quando duro, é exibida até a metade. Se forçada durante a masturbação ou penetração, a cabecinha é totalmente exposta. O pré-sêmen acumulado costuma estalar, produzindo um som molhado no ritmo da movimentação.
Pau babão. No auge da dureza, vaza muito. Você saberá que é o mais gostoso/a do recinto aos olhos dele se conseguir deixá-lo de farda molhada, sendo que cueca úmida é o padrão para o chefe de polícia.
Pelos: Não liga muito para eles (diferente do bigode). Raramente depila a virilha e, quando o faz, é com aparador barato, cuja eficiência não é lá grande coisa.
Bolas: Pesadas e rechonchudas; espancadoras de quadril. Poluição sonora garantida caso o sexo seja bruto.
Porra: Goza até transbordar.
Sêmen branco, salgado, espesso e mil por cento fértil. Jorros pouco potentes, mas o esperma é abundante e ininterrupto; se Jim atinge o ápice, são uma ou duas sequências de jatos grossos até secar, sem pausas. Caso você tenha útero e não queira engravidar, camisinha ultra-resistente já!
★: Steve Harrington
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19.5 cm — longe das réguas, ele arredonda para 20.
Grossura: na média.
O pau de Steve marca. Mesmo amolecido, é volumoso, e, dependendo da calça, dificilmente passará despercebido. Há sempre um caroço esticando o tecido; é impossível sentar no colo dele sem sentir. Steve gosta quando reparam e faz questão de acompanhar o olhar baixo de quem nota.
Balança/Curvatura: reto e um tanto pesado.
Não é suave ao ponto de bater no abdômen, nem denso o suficiente para alcançar as coxas. Um cacete perfeitamente posicionado para meter.
Cor: comprimento pouco escuro, não chegando a inibir o vermelho da excitação. A glande segue a cor, em uma tonalidade levemente mais forte.
Veias: finas e pouco marcadas.
Glande: torneira humana! Escorre pré-sêmen pra caralho sob pressão e umedece da ponta às bolas. É muito sensível na dureza; o simples roçar da cueca deixa o Harrington eriçado. Tem prepúcio, mas a pele só cobre a ponta por influência, quando Steve se movimenta ou quando é estimulado.
Pelos: por vontade de estar liso, nunca beirou uma lâmina, mas, para pegar mulher, caso a moça prefira, ele se dispõe a ficar com a virilha macia. Se você for um cara que quer mamar uma piroca lisinha: bye bye. Ele só move um dedo para agradar homem caso esteja extremamente apaixonado ou se o cara fizer muito o tipo dele.
Bolas: tamanho padrão. Boas de colocar na boca, pois não se espalham sem precedentes, e as chances de relar nos dentes são baixas. Steve as posiciona para cima na calça, aparentando ter mais conteúdo do que realmente tem lá dentro.
Porra: não desperdiça um Steve Júnior sequer.
Esperma líquido e transparente, de um amargor quase imperceptível, mas notável. Goza cargas fortes que vão fundo no interior de quem ele fode e raramente transborda, pois ele não deixa escorrer. Gosta de se despedir sabendo que deixou sua semente plantada nas entranhas de alguém.
★: Jonathan Byers
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16 cm — brisado, já refletiu sobre ter mais saco que pinto.
Grossura: ligeiramente acima da média.
Cacete bastante responsivo, que vibra entre as paredes quentinhas de uma boceta e pulsa em tom de ameaça precoce no aperto de uma bunda. Muito enérgico e apressado, sem tempo para tirar a roupa!
Balança/Curvatura: maneiro e levemente curvado para cima. Super erguido, batendo no abdômen ao ser liberto. Pau fácil de manusear.
Cor: o comprimento apresenta uma tonalidade clara de pêssego, enquanto a ponta esbanja um rosa forte.
Veias: azuis, visíveis e pouco protuberantes.
Glande: metade superior de um coração, com globos perfeitos. Sem capuz e vagamente dobrada para cima. Gotas peroladas escorrem moderadamente da fenda, deixando-a brilhosa numa nota cativante de rosa. Sensibilidade alta.
Pelos: gosta da sensação de estar liso, mas não faz tanta questão de estar. Se tiver ânimo para gastar mais tempo no banho ou antes de sair com alguém, caso preveja uma foda, provavelmente depilará a virilha. Acontece, no máximo, duas vezes ao mês.
Bolas: Caídas, pesadas e espaçosas; em abundância para qualquer esporte. Acumulam muito, e, se Jonathan passa tempo demais sem transar, na hora de afogar o ganso, afogará no próprio gozo dentro do buraco que acabou de inundar. Gosta de meter devagarinho para sentir-se selando o interior da pessoa, com a pressão das bolas na entrada que alarga.
Porra: orgasmo teatral.
Sêmen branco, um pouco salgado e líquido. Jatos potentes entre pausas dramáticas; a primeira erupção vem abundante, e as demais enfraquecem com vagareza. Enquanto goza, Jonathan continua metendo, forte e erraticamente, errando o buraco em algumas investidas devido à euforia que o envolve, desperdiçando cargas no chão ou entre as coxas de quem está comendo. Fica mais agitado a cada jorrada e não tem previsão de quando o saco parará de contrair e lançar esperma.
★: Billy Hargrove
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18 cm — ele adora a circunferência farta que carrega no meio das pernas.
Grossura: muito acima da média.
Billy gosta de foder podendo intercalar a atenção entre seu pau entrando e as expressões que são dadas a ele. Um caralho grosso da raíz a ponta, que provoca quando visto e desafia limites quando inserido, sempre esticando entradinhas até não poder mais e, para o divertimento do loiro, arrancando as mais exageradas e variadas reações dos alegremente arrependidos que caem em seu colo.
Pobrezinho... Nunca encontrou alguém capaz de levá-lo inteiramente na boca. Até mãos grandes o suficiente para circundá-lo são difíceis de achar.
Balança/Curvatura: pesado e reto. Pau que pende um pouco para baixo, mas não a ponto de precisar ser conduzido. É denso demais para pulsar intensamente, mas compensa ao aparentar estar num latejar pausado, constante no mais forte dos ápices.
Cor: comprimento rosa-quente, um bocado mais escuro que o tom predominante no corpo. Ponta vermelha.
Veias: não se percebe o azul sob a pele, mas são volumosas, e pelo menos duas delas se destacam nas laterais, estendidas da base até o corte. Algumas protuberam na virilha.
Glande: antes do orgasmo, libera pouquíssimo pré-sêmen para ajudar no manuseio; nem as células do filho da puta facilitam a vida de quem o cerca. Razoavelmente sensível, sem prepúcio e muito inchada na dureza.
Pelos: nessa piroca não! Billy se depila constantemente; é quase impossível encontrar um pentelho crescido na região. Talvez tope com alguns em fase de crescimento poucos dias após o aparo, mas nunca no auge. Billy não odeio os fiozinhos, mas prefere em infinitas vidas a pele sem eles.
Bolas: sempre cheias e ansiosas para gastar. O tamanho é o mesmo com ou sem tesão, e até no frio a mudança é mínima. Costumam marcar em calças justas; Billy constantemente verifica se elas não estão divididas pela costura do jeans.
Porra: trava o quadril e só sai quando está satisfeito.
Gozo quente, branco e relativamente transparente. Billy libera cargas espessas, recheando sem miséria e acalentando o interior que recém espancou. Permanece um bom tempo fincado até a virilha, latejando, enchendo, e só retorna o caminho ao ser empurrado para fora pela própria essência, sempre ansioso para vê-la vazar borbulhando de uma bordinha inchada e pulsante.
★: Eddie Munson
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21 cm — ele genuinamente queria ser menos pauzudo; considera a própria pica uma vadia inconveniente.
Grossura: ligeiramente acima da média.
Duro, costuma escapar pelo cós da calça. Eddie até evita usar shorts fora de casa e, se usa, são bem grandes, para evitar que a cabecinha escape pela barra da perna. Cuecas ajudam, mas Eddie não gosta muito de usá-las. Ele se excita facilmente e raramente se vê meia-bomba, endurecendo sempre até o pico, pulsando tanto na calça que chega a doer.
A excitação é incômoda; deixa o Munson extremamente rijo, jurando poder demolir uma casa inteira usando o pau como marreta. Ele geralmente se perde durante o sexo, pulsando violentamente e metendo brutalmente, querendo gozar mais do que tudo.
Balança/Curvatura: reto e muito leve.
Apesar do tamanho, o pau de Eddie não pesa quase nada e é bastante flexível, apontado para frente não devido à gravidade, mas, sim, por ser a posição natural de seu pênis. Quando livre da cueca, bate no abdômen, ultrapassando a altura do umbigo. Não possui prepúcio.
Cor: imita o tom da pele, ou seja, claro que só. O vermelho da cabecinha escorre da ponta, colorindo parte do comprimento abaixo dela.
Veias: pouquíssimo aparentes.
Glande: pouco responsiva no geral, mas uma grande catalisadora de tudo que é bom durante o clímax.
Pelos: quando o pensamento de apará-los surge, "foda-se" é a resposta mental programada. Eddie tem preguiça de se depilar, costuma desistir antes mesmo de tocar no aparador e fica genuinamente frustrado com a velocidade com que os pelos crescem. Tem queda por ficar lisinho antes de usar o pau; só um rabo de shortinho é capaz de fazê-lo tirar o lacre da Gillette.
Bolas: de pouca presença, um tanto ofuscadas pelo mastro comprido, mas se fazem audíveis na transa ao se chocarem contra o quadril alheio.
Porra: todo clímax é o melhor que já teve.
Viscosa, com pouco sabor e muito grudenta, podendo vir branca ou transparente. Graças aos efeitos potentes acoplados ao tesão, Eddie explode, como se cada fibra do corpo acompanhasse seu orgasmo; o prazer que sente é alucinante. Ele urra, com as bolas convulsionando e o comprimento palpitando, despejando uma carga tão farta e copiosa que não seria surpresa caso uma poça de porra se formasse sobre a cama, sofá, chão, mesa ou bancada.
★: Dmitri Antonov
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20 cm — Enzo é amigo da própria peça e, se conseguir brecha para falar sobre o tamanho, ele falará.
Grossura: ligeiramente acima média.
Adora foder vestido. Em um top 10 orgasmos, pelo menos cinco seriam com ele de pica marcada na cueca ou na calça, esfregando o volume entre as pernas de alguém, e nos outros cinco, apenas com o zíper aberto e o pau para fora, atolado num buraquinho apertado.
Dmitri é apaixonado por atingir o clímax sob limites. Sente que alcança o máximo possível do celeste em vida ao afogar uma buceta em esperma usando somente a cabeça do pau, ou ao ser cavalgado de forma tortuosamente lenta por uma bunda farta, quase colapsando enquanto é impedido de ditar o próprio ritmo e de meter até às bolas.
Balança/Curvatura: um pouco pesado e bastante educado, sempre apontando a direção ➜ ➜ ➜
Levemente curvado para o lado e denso o suficiente para que o impacto faça tremer, ele ama chocar e esfregar na pele. É um homem que se entretém batendo e roçando o pau no rosto do parceiro/a. Para ele, foder entre as coxas ou os peitos, e deslizar sobre uma barriguinha quente, é mais divertido do que a penetração em si.
Cor: segue a coloração da pele, mas em tons mais escuros. O mesmo vale para a ponta, com a adição do rubro irritadiço característico da excitação.
Veias: algumas linhas de cor visíveis, mas é, majoritariamente, um pau liso.
Glande: um cogumelo rechonchudo muito sensível, capaz de arrancar dele choramingos manhosos e gemidos roucos. Libera bastante pré-sêmen, e o prepúcio, sob estímulo, não cobre mais que metade da ponta.
Pelos: gosta do meio termo. Muito o desagrada, mas também detesta a sensação da pele pura, sem nada áspero para equilibrar.
Bolas: constantemente inchadas e perfeitamente cabíveis na mão, boas de apertar. Enzo ama ter seu pau mimado; é óbvio que ele não irá dispensar uma carícia nas bolas.
Porra: mais para fora do que para dentro.
Esperma abrasador, um alívio em dias frios. Branco e muito líquido, vindo em esguichos fortes e sequenciais. Goza um pouco rápido, mas o lance dele é atingir vários clímaces e se derramar em diferentes partes do corpo. Qualquer pedaço de pele, dos pés à cabeça, é válido. Leita perto das beiras para ver a porra vazar e cobrir a entrada, empurrando com tudo para dentro em seguida, alojando o esperma fundo nas entranhas. Gosta de capotar abraçado, com os corpos grudentos.
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Acho que coloquei coisa demais, não sei até onde ficou interessante 😬, mas e aí, em qual dessas pikas vcs sentariam? Queria ir quicando de uma pra outra aff 😮‍💨
—★💋📂: HOT masterlist
—★🎃📂: HORROR masterlist
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steddiefication · 3 months ago
The first time Steve goes to Eddie and Wayne’s trailer, he tells Eddie that he likes how cozy it is. Eddie shoots him a dirty look before turning to go straight to his bedroom, no doubt thinking that his tentatively new friend meant it in the same way he’s heard other rich people use that word- when they think a place is small and cramped, but don’t want to look bad by saying what they truly mean.
Meanwhile, Steve barely notices the reaction, too caught up in thinking about how lonely it is in his parents’ big, empty, sterile-feeling house. How it looks as though it’s from a catalogue- nice but impersonal, with little indication that anyone even lives there. How he wishes it was instead like the trailer he was standing in- not just a house, but a home.
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space-invading-pigeon · 1 month ago
Hellfire Adopts Steve Pt. 2
Pt 1
Eddie may be repeating his senior year, but he's no idiot. He's intuitive, a quick thinker, and generally, he's an excellent judge of character. Which is exactly why he protested Gareth's decision to drag Steve Harrington, the former King of Hawkins High and current King of Don't Fuck With Me, to lunch with Hellfire.
Jeff and Freak are both genuinely terrified to have His Royal Highness picking at subpar mashed potatoes in the uncomfortable plastic chair across from them; to his credit, Steve Harrington seemed unbothered by the situation, even as Princess Nancy Wheeler and her own little pet outcast Jonathan pass him on the way to their own table. Eddie watches with growing interest as Steve boredly ignores Nancy's attempt to catch his eye (it's almost hilarious- he'd been at the Halloween party last month where Nancy got absolutely shitfaced and then screamed at Steve in front of the entire student body, and yet here they are, Nancy trying awkwardly to speak to Steve and Steve resolutely going about his business).
Gareth stammers through a story about their latest DnD campaign, his round face practically glowing with excitement as he uses the peas on his tray to illustrate what their party had been up against. Eddie fully expects Steve to say something rude, dousing Gareth's smile and deserving every bit of ire Eddie can muster, but Steve just smiles at Gareth and ruffles his hand through the unkempt curls Eddie's been trying to get Gareth to take care of.
From there it only gets weirder. Steve seems to have taken a real shine to Gareth and is nothing short of a perfect gentleman to Jeff and Freak, but he loves to bicker with Eddie. Honestly, Eddie's impressed at just how much Steve seems to like bitching at people.
Steve is also surprisingly responsible? After that first lunch, Steve is around all the time; he shows up to Hellfire meetings with his backpack full of homework and a Tupperware full of something delicious (Eddie had nearly cried the first time he took a bite of Steve's macaroni), only to completely ignore their entire session to study. Occasionally, the walkie Steve carries with him whenever they aren't in school will crackle to life, and Steve will make himself scarce pretty quickly.
Overall, Steve is awesome. Eddie hates to admit it, but watching such a prim and proper guy emotionally destroy someone for commenting on Freak's size, and Eddie just knows that the damage done to Tommy Hagan's car after Gareth showed up to Hellfire with a busted lip and glassy eyes was Steve's fault.
Steve is actually really enjoying his time in Hellfire. He doesn't really mention it to the kids, and both Nancy and Jonathan are still avoiding him, so Steve sees it as a win: he gets to make friends who haven't seen him get his ass beat by interdimensional horrorterrors that have ruined dogs and flowers for him forever, he gets to learn more about the game his new little brother is obsessed with, and innocent kids don't have to bear the brunt of King Billy's reign of terror.
Gareth decides almost instantly that he likes Steve; not only because he saved Gareth from bullies or brings them food better even than Wayne Munson's, but because Steve always listens to his DnD stories. Jeff and Freak (who Steve will only refer to by his Government Name, Melvin) grow to like him as well, not at all encouraged by the food Steve brings or (on one memorable occasion) the incredibly realistic melee weapon, straight out of a flick like Red Dawn, that they found under his seat one day.
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mona-tiktak · 2 months ago
ive definitely seen a few headcanons where steve is secretly a huge dork who pretends to not know anything about anything to annoy the party and i love that so much
bc imagine a scenario where eddie, dustin or mike find out about it
i feel like itd be similar to that scene from b99 when holt tells jake about how he actually broke his wrist
obvs robin knows bc that her other half and she would absolutely fuck with them as well. shes a ride and die.
"you've known what we were talking about the entire time?"
"why are you telling me this?"
"because no one will ever believe you."
tho eddie would keep it a secret after finding out bc he would find the chaos of the reveal hilarious. like he finds out when he and steve finally get their shit together and is like "oh, okay. this is gonna be funny as hell." and promptly keeps his trap shut until the big reveal.
and he sets up little moments for steve to be both clueless and correct in front of the party that causes them to squint at steve bc either he's learning from listening or he just straight up guessed.
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greengoblinswifey · 2 months ago
𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒓 𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝑴𝒂𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕
➳ Key: fluff=❤️, angst=💔, smut=💦, sexual themes=🍒
Eddie Munson
My Pretty Girl 💦
Reader's first time with Eddie ❤️💦
Sub!Eddie Headcanons ❤️💦
Tension 💦
Eddie caring for you after a fight 💔❤️
I Want More 💔❤️💦
Sweet Boy 💦
Spin the Bottle 💦
Eddie making you squirt 💦
Angry Fucking 💔💦
I Love You Too Much 💔❤️
Threeway 💦
Milf Lover Eddie ❤️💦
You Should've Run 💔
Jealous Eddie 💔💦
Cockwarming 🍒
Beg Me 💦
It Started With a Kiss ❤️💦
Reader Death 💔
Jealous Eddie💦
Daddy Kink 💦
By the Beach 💦
Sex Dice 💦
Public sex with Eddie 💦
I Can Fix Him 💦
Steve Harrington
Tension 💦
Threeway 💦
Eddie x Steve x Reader 💦
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momofadhd · 6 months ago
The first time Eddie sees Steve wearing glasses he gets so distracted by the sight of it that he walks into a wall.
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blakeswritingimagines · 5 months ago
Sitting On Their Lap
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Eddie: "Woah-" He'd chuckle. Immediately, his hands instinctively went to your waist, sitting you down on his thighs completely. "You're being cute again.." He'd tease, smiling warmly in your direction as his hands slipped down towards your thighs, gently rubbing up and down your sides lovingly
Gareth: He’d smile and immediately put his arm around you, pulling you a bit closer as his other hand slides down your hip. He’d love your hair in his face and your warmth against him.
Steve: He'd definitely be surprised at first. He'd chuckle softly before wrapping his arms around your hips and pulling you a little closer against him. Then he'd look at you with a cheeky smile. "Now, what do we have here?"
Robin: she'd have a surprised/flushed look on her face until she realized it was you. After that, she would wrap her arms around you and pull you closer. She'd ask, "And what is this for?"
Nancy: She’d gasp and be surprised, but then, she’d smile. She'd wrap her arms around your waist and pull you against her chest, and bury her face into your hair.
Jonathan: “Hey woah, hi to you too, love.” He’d smile up at you, his hands landing on your hips before they’d wrap gently around your torso, securing your position on his lap in place. He’d let out a content sigh from your proximity, taking comfort in your weight on top and pressing closer against you. “What’d I do to earn the honor of being used as your personal chair?”
Argyle: He immediately stopped what he was doing and wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you close so your back was pressed tightly against his chest. He could feel the heat radiating from you. “Hey.” He said with a grin.
Billy: He was surprised a bit but smiled at you. He wrapped his muscular arms around your body and pulled you close into a hug, his muscular chest pressed against your back. "Hey, you." He said and chuckled softly in your ear. He let one hand wander down your side until it rested on your thigh.
Henry: He would be surprised first and look at you with a suprised expression, but after that it would probably just make him smile as he would wrap his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him. He might also bury his face into your hair and place a small kiss on your neck.
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lillie98 · 1 year ago
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You Can’t Be What You Can’t See.
Positive, authentic representation means the difference between feeling like an alien in your community and discovering your identity. I’ve been on this journey for the last four years. Diving into media, my past, and other autistic creators to put together some semblance of what it means to be me. A large piece of that puzzle snapped together last year after watching Stranger Things Season 4, specifically the Painting Scene. I could not wrap my head around why Mike didn’t take the time to comfort Will as he cried or why he didn’t seem to understand Will was talking about himself. I thought back on his whole characterization and what I would have done in that situation, and the lightbulb dinged: Mike is autistic…just like me.
It was an overwhelming moment of joy, understanding, and identity that not only did we share the same diagnosis, we practically share the same brain. Since then Autistic Mike has taken over my mind and taught me more about myself than any doctor. I’ve explored him through my writing and used his (eventual) relationship with Will as something to aspire to, that maybe someday my Will will come for me. Someone to accept, love, and understand every part of me. It is incredibly healing and life-giving and I’m so thankful for everyone involved in creating such a beautiful story. When Bhavna announced she had opened commissions for her art, I knew I had to have this turning point in my life memorialized. We worked together for about a month to come up with this piece and I could not be happier. I sobbed when I saw the preliminary sketch—I finally felt seen.
All that to say, never be embarrassed about something you love. There is someone out there who needs to see it’s okay to exist. Please enjoy Mike’s latest DnD info-dumping session while his boyfriend, Will, looks on. It’s late, they should be in bed, but Mike can’t stop and Will’s too infatuated with Mike’s happiness to make him. The world is a little too loud, so Mike donned his headphones, and Will loves the way they relax Mike and allow him to process the world a little easier. Thank you, Bhavna. Happy Stranger Things Day. ❤️
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batty4steddie · 8 months ago
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Steve Harrington friend of (children) Dustin Henderson & Robin Buckley. Stranger Things 3
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xgumiho · 10 months ago
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pov: you find your old magazine collection under your bed
©xgumiho | do not repost/steal/edit/crop/sell
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space-invading-pigeon · 1 year ago
Post s2 steddie where Steve just. Gives up. Not to say he does anything drastic, I mean he goes from the King of Hawkins High to the King of Fuck Around, Find Out.
His old friends, the ones Eddie will refer to as the King's Court, are terrified of him because Steve was the Nice Guy of their group. He has all of their secrets, and now there's nothing keeping him from airing that but general human decency. Billy doesn't much talk to him, not after being drugged and threatened within an inch of his life by a thirteen-year-old with nothing to lose, so Steve is mostly left to his own devices.
He keeps to himself, but he sticks up for the less popular kids when he sees them. It's amazing to see; sophomore Gareth is saved from Tommy H and Jason Carver when Steve levels them both with a glare and says, "Muncie." Both boys go sheet-white and pretend that they've lost interest in Gareth before scrambling off. Gareth is grateful enough to invite Steve to Hellfire's lunch table, and Steve agrees pretty easily.
Sitting with Hellfire is more nerve-wracking for the members than it is for Steve: the only person completely unaffected by Steve's completely expressionless face is Eddie, who seems to have no problem reading Steve like a book. It's a little terrifying for the Hellfire members, but Steve very clearly likes Gareth (at the very least) and seems to enjoy bickering with Eddie.
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dwobbitfromtheshire · 2 years ago
My headcannon is that no one in the party would feel the need to give them the shovel talk because they know Eddie and Steve well enough to know that they gave the shovel talk to each other. (Edit: Sorry, I meant to themselves, lmao)
Steve: *talking aggressively to his reflection in the mirror* If you hurt this guy, I will give you another concussion, asshole.
Robin: 🤨
Meanwhile, in the Munson trailer, Wayne was watching his nephew do the same exact thing.
Eddie: *glaring at his reflection* Listen up, motherfucker, if you hurt this angel I will reign hellfire and cast you out as Dungeon Master, got me?
Wayne: 🙄
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munsonshire · 9 months ago
Eddies excuses to play with your boobs
Pairing: Eddie x reader (with boobs, but im not using any gendered pronouns)
Warnings: just Eddie being a menace, like always
Main Masterlist
Eddie Masterlist
"If god didn't want me to touch your tits then why did he make them so pretty and made them fit perfectly in my hands? While whining like a kid
"They say playing with someones boobs can make their serotonin boost" - "Hey, don't hit me, scientists said that, not me"
"I don't know why you complain so much, if I felt them enough I could tell you if you had any lumps or so, who knows, I could potentially save your life. Also, a professional would charge you a lot of money for it, and I do it for free" While smirking and winking at you.
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curseyouperrytheplatypus · 1 year ago
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robinbuckleyluvr · 2 months ago
⊹˚˖⁺ check you out - robin buckley
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masterlist | requests
Summary: goodness! imagine robin buckley accidentally says she was checking you out...
Warnings: she/her pronouns used on reader
Notes: this was lowkey hilarious to write
Word count: 698
The door opened, the familiar bell signaling the entrance of yet another customer. Robin barely had a second to look up and catch herself from dropping the VHS tapes she carried as she watched a girl come in. Steve was just as dazzled as Robin, he stumbled out his usual “Welcome to Family Video!” line, and Robin just… stared.
Robin and Steve made eye contact, both exclaiming “Dibs!” at the exact same time. 
“She looks like she would be into more intelligent conversation anyway,” Robin raised her eyebrows.
“Uh, rude?” Steve joked, making his way over to the girl before Robin could even respond, “Guess we’ll just have to find out.”
Robin sighed and crossed her arms, scouring her mind to think of an excuse to replace hush Steve away from the girl.
“Hey, uh, need any help around here? What are we browsing for today?” Steve flirted as he approached her.
“Just looking, I don’t have anything in mind,” she responded, a lack of interest filled her words, but it was a hint a guy such as Steve wouldn’t really get.
Robin, clearly amused, watched Steve’s desperate commentary, her mind running faster than ever. Okay, Robin, think! He is totally dumb and will fall for anything. You just have to come up with something that he will actually believe.
“Steve!” Robin exclaimed, “Can you please come help me? The computer is totally jammed again!” 
Steve sighed at Robin’s words as he muttered an apology to the girl, who didn’t really seem to mind as she kept on looking around. 
Robin stepped back as Steve approached the computer, and before he knew it, Robin had approached the girl already. Steve sighed and rolled his eyes as he realized the computer was working perfectly, watching Robin hurry away to speak to the girl instead.
“Hey! Hi, do you need any help?” Robin smiled nervously.
The girl offered a kind smile, “Thanks! I’m just unsure of what to get. Just looking for something to watch over the weekend I suppose.”
“Cool cool cool,” Robin breathed out, “Well, are you a rom-com kind of girl? Or do you like sci-fi movies and stuff?”
“Oh gosh…” She laughed, “Not a rom-com girl I don’t think… I avoid watching them alone. It's saddening, I prefer sci-fi for sure. I love horror, does that help?”
“Understandable! I’m the same,” Robin smiled, “But uh… sci-fi and horror! I can work with that.” She spoke shyly as she scanned the ‘horror’ shelf that stood behind the girl. 
The girl stood there quietly next to Robin as she looked around, Steve stood watching them from afar, having his eyes nearly popping out of his skull as he noticed the girl checked Robin out — something Robin, of course, had completely missed. 
“How about…” Robin spoke as she reached over to grab one of the VHS tapes, “‘The Shining’! A total classic. It’s one of my all-time favorite movies. Have you seen it before?”
“Are you joking? I love that movie. Wouldn’t mind re-watching it, I think.”
Robin’s face lit up as the girl accepted her request. “Alright! You’re all set then! I’ll just get you checked out.” Robin paused, flustered, “I mean, I’ll check you out—Not check you out like that, uh, check out your movie! Not that I wouldn’t, you know, check you out. I mean, wait, that’s not, I mean, get your movie checked. You checked. For the movie that you’re renting! Which… yeah — pay there?” She motioned to the counter and walked off, her voice increasingly getting higher with each word.
As she followed Robin to the counter, the girl shook her head slightly, a shy smile forming as she did so. 
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ymaohoh · 10 months ago
Nancy “fuck it” Wheeler
Steve “fuck my life” Harrington
Robin “well fuck” Buckley
Jonathan “fuck this” Byers
Billy “fuck me” Hargrove
Eddie “fuck off” Munson
Chrissy “oh fuck” Cunningham
Dustin “fuuuuccck” Henderson
Will “fuck fuck fuck” Byers
Mike “fuck everything” Wheeler
Max “fuck you” Mayfield
Lucas “for fucks sake” Sinclair
Erica “what the fuck” Sinclair
Based on this post
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