#Story So Far
punkrockmixtapes · 1 year
Listen/purchase: Say What You Mean by No Pressure
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To catch everyone up!
Already explained this to Silver-mod, but going to leave this here too!
Scootaloo and Applebloom are gonna try and save the mane six/turn them back. Sweetie Belle's at the library, has a book of Sombra's. She read a spell that /makes him/ listen to her (think that one episode where Rarity read that line in that book and Spike had to break her out of it), that's what we're dealing with. She's still discorded, but she's not the ally that the anons believe she is. All in all, Sweetie is being built up as the villain and she's scheming. She's framed Sombra to be an imaginary friend to the askers, but it's now been revealed that this isn't true. He's serving under her and obeying. Sombra's magic from the book is also possessing her.
Right now, she's under m!a and non-discorded for a certain amount of asks before she changes back.
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theplottdump · 2 years
The Story So Far. || Part 7
( aka How the Hell did we Get Here? ) First | Previous | Next
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With the consequences of his actions behind him, Valerian fled the scene. A smile on his face for the first time in his life.
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Luckily no one died, but Beau sustained some minor injuries, and the local police were on the lookout for Valerian, with no luck. It was like he disappeared.
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And it's here we say goodbye to Beau and Dahlia.
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The Spare and the Prom King. Dahlia and Beau went to Foxbury together, Beau got his Athletic Scholarship and they got married in San Myshuno Central Park. The two settled down in Evergreen Harbor together and adopted a golden retriever named Belle!
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Poppy decided to put her big brain to use and got a job in a Secret Agent Facility as their star receptionist! She's working with some familiar faces, and finally learned to make real friends.
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And Valerian? Well he's still got more story to tell before we fully catch up. But don't worry, he'll be fine...
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thescarletmansion · 1 year
Rika's Tale - The Story So Far - Prologue
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Rika had no inspiration concerning the case of the missing girls. Then again, having left her long time home and only starting to get her bearings in her new home, it was only normal for her mind to be strained. Being pulled in all sorts of directions from many things that needed her at once.
Noodles. Noodles were the answer. Sort of. Their slurpy, saltiness definitely lead her to a better clarity on the situation. Just enjoying her meal, her magatama (a gift from the missing shrine maiden) snapped off of its cord, landing in front of her. Perfectly placed like a final puzzle piece. A quick call corroborated her suspicions.
In the end, she sought out the mother of the lost priestess, who reminded her the cautions of running headlong into danger. 'To send another's daughter to search for her own' just seemed wrong to Lady Aya.
Though, with the presence of her mother ever at her side, Rika, a former Elite Four member, would no longer hesitate. Come Hell or high water, she was entering that mansion to repay a kindness made to her.
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niuttuc · 2 years
Dolores Story Summary
Since I’m still preparing to post some story developments about her that happened on New Capenna, let’s do a quick summary of the character (beyond her old character sheet) and what happened to her up until the point she went to New Capenna.
She’s an Azra from a fan-plane. As part of Azran culture on that plane, the true name of any Azra is a well-kept secret, generally only known of them, their spouse(s), and their demonic ancestor. Day to day, they use other names they choose for themselves. Dolores isn’t Dolores’s true name, and she tends to use a different one on every plane. Though most of the time I don’t bother with that myself for clarity and call her Dolores.
She grew in a city with quite a few siblings and her parents, trying their best to set their children on promising paths despite their own humble origins. And sometimes despite what said children wanted.
Dolores ended up a nurse, apprenticed to a physician (she will never mention this part of her past and good luck finding out,) and there she learned to use magic in the form of a few minor pain relief spells, taking patients’ pain away from them and turning it into harmless light.
She practiced with what she knew and developed those spells into much more than they were ever meant to be, and a form of magic all her own. Using pain as a fuel for many different spells or using it as it was. But before she got too far into that, she had a confrontation with her father, a bad one.
It ended up with her sparking, and forever hating her father, wanting him dead, and worse. But the demon patriarch of their family intervened and exiled him instead, giving him a new name and a new life, a decision she still resents. She occasionally looks for him when she’s back on her home plane.
Her first planeswalk landed her in Trest, on Fiora. There, she made a new career for herself, still improving her mastery of her magic and of torture, of the art of getting answers and knowing if they’re true. No shortage of places or people to practice that on Fiora. Her unique style, and her ability to leave no marks on her targets, gained the attention of an ambitious and favored noble, Leovold, who took her under his employ.
When he was sent to Paliano as an emissary, he brought her with him, as a minor noble of his entourage.
Paliano was when she started getting into the scheming herself. Always wanting to get her worth, she slowly offered her services to more and more of the factions of the city, thinking she was playing them against each other and telling them all she was really working for them and double-crossing the others. She’s good at torturing people. She’ll tell you she’s the best. But she’s no sadist, she doesn’t take pleasure in inflicting pain, it’s just something she’s very good at and how she earns her pay and place.
In Paliano, she met her current girlfriend, a bounty hunter that sometimes was the one to brought her the people she’d work on, a Zendikari vampire planeswalker named Inza (belonging to @astrisjanus).
...But her stunts in Paliano didn’t last more than a year. One night, blades and clubs were drawn on her, along with a couple of crossbows. She got badly hurt, but unintentionally turned into a demon temporarily after being cornered and wounded. This isn’t a thing Azras do on her plane nor something she thought possible, and she has no idea how it happened in the first place.
Next thing she knew, her assailants were dead. She met up with Inza, and they salvaged what they could from Dolores’s home in Paliano, already turned over and partially burned. They fled together and (after some crying,) Dolores resolved to make herself a new life in a new place. Maybe not repeat some of her mistakes. Inza might have a place in mind for that, a city named New Capenna.
Dolores is also determined to find out who flipped on her in Paliano at some point, and get back at them, as well as figure out what happened to her and turned her into a demon that night. Though from what Inza told her, New Capenna might have some hints to answer that latter question too.
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breakingjustxn · 8 months
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well i mean, not wrong // credits: @screamingemonight on Instagram
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shinmothra13returns · 2 months
The Complete Ed Edd n Eddy Rap Song Story, So Far (ft. Rolf)
This is a stylish rap story so far.
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nerdpoe · 14 days
Danny, new Ancient of Space (but not quite yet) may be in a little bit of trouble. He saved a dimension from collapse and sort of. Just. Shoved it into a broom closet?
So he was out training, like Clockwork told him to do. He was just observing and trying to "understand the fleeting nature of realities", looking over the dimensions scattered in the Space Between Spaces.
When he got a little attached to one.
It was a dimension with heroes and villains, and because one of the heroes that was based on speed kept making changes to the timeline, it was about to shatter. The fragments of it would be tossed to similar Dimensions, and the surrounding closest ones were already reaching out to grab bits and pieces of it. The one Dimension he really, really liked checking in on would be gone.
Danny...kind of just picked it up.
Removed it from the dimensions trying to absorb it, isolated it from the same flow of time and space that connected it to the others.
Snuck it into his lair.
Annnnnd shoved it into a broom closet before the Observants or Clockwork could realize what he did.
He just needs to keep it hidden and then all the people he likes will be fine!
Meanwhile, the Flash Family find themselves unable to use the Speedforce, and no matter how much research they do, they cannot figure out why.
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bluegiragi · 2 months
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mutt. (small explanation under the cut)
early access + nsfw on patreon
so. a couple of lore things here.
Roba only took one of the blood vials before he went out to fight Price. But during Ghost's final interaction with Vernon, he smashes all of the remaining ones over the floor. When he finally killed Vernon, the impact of the blow splashed blood onto his hands, which he then used to a) slash Roba across the face and b) literally grab his tongue. So you can kind of assume that Roba's gotten a much much higher dose than he's supposed to safely take.
Also, his symptoms look pretty similar to the transformed state of Konig, no? Rabid, mindless, inability to talk, and most importantly, he's huge. I think my thought behind this is that the way the world used to be, monsters were way WAY larger than they are now. Roba was underselling it when he said that the vial "unlocks what is dormant" - probably a better description is that it strips away any hybrid's evolutionary 'safety cap' so to speak, in exchange for the original being's mind.
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egophiliac · 4 months
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(almost) four years in, and I finally had time to draw something for the anniversary! woo! 🎉🎉🎉
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lilybug-02 · 4 months
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Pain is a great motivator…
Part 26 || First || Previous || Next
—Full Series—
Meanwhile Toriel:
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(Loud noises don't wake her up usually.)
Artist note: I’m so proud of this :))) I know it’s a lot of dialogue and reading, but dialogue is grueling work for me. I’m glad with the art and for the amount of pages I made in such a relatively short time span -w- page 5 was super fun to work on. A lot of blood, sweat, and hours here... :) The backgrounds were a big bore tbh, but I finished them! Yippie!
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my-hero-university · 1 year
The Story So Far
The events of the canon story happened and were resolved. Society is still in the process of recovering. While the physical damages may have been repaired, civilians no longer have as much trust in heroes as they once did. The students are now required to do further training after graduating UA. They're essentially doing College with regular in the field training under the supervision of a licensed hero. Their classes are now more specialized depending on the type of hero work they focus on. The students of Class 1-A are now in their second year of university and are all 19-20 years old.
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saessenach · 2 months
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What is honor compared to a woman’s love? What is duty against the feel of a newborn son in your arms… or the memory of a brother’s smile? Wind and words. Wind and words. We are only human, and the gods have fashioned us for love. That is our great glory, and our great tragedy.
Jon Snow - and family that haunts him, because sometimes ghosts make for the best love stories.
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theplottdump · 2 years
The Story So Far. || Part 4
( aka How the Hell did we Get Here? ) First | Previous | Next
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For Winterfest, Fynn decides to invite the Brokes over as a kind gesture, since Dahlia won't shut up about Beau, and Brandi thinks that they're sex cultists that worship the devil and rock and roll. Win Win.
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After getting so close to having their first kiss, Beau asks Dahlia to meet him on the field after the Big Football Game (tmtmtmtm)
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Valerian would like to remind the audience that he is the heir and you will rue the day you ever crossed him.
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Valerian continues to be his grandmother's favorite grandson. She sees a lot of potential in him, but a lot of darkness and anger as well.
Sade: You're not a pawn, are you Valerian?
Val: No Obaasan, I am not.
Sade: Then act like it.
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Finally it was day for big sport game!! I spent so many hours posing out these guys to make this game look fun oh my god.
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It was the Andrew Knight Valley High Football Team vs @tiptoesims Canyon Valley Hamsters!
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Down to the wire, Chad was able to gain control of the ball and throw it to Beau who caught it in the endzone winning them the game!! (I think thats how sport works don't come for me)
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The crowd went wild! Beau had done it!
[[ Valerian will remember this ]]
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Dahlia rushed down to the field to congratulate Beau and more importantly keep her promise.
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bloominglegumes · 2 months
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i love normal guys doomed by the narrative
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quietwingsinthesky · 4 months
im just saying that if i had been in charge of s6 of doctor who, i would have fully leaned into the horror of amy's pregnancy, the loss of her own agency in it, the way she was used as a vessel to create a child she would never hold again, amy pond who never indicated once that she even wanted a child and was made to have one anyway against her will, and once they were done using her, they even took away any choice she might make about it in the future.
and i would have had this be a factor in amy and river's relationship going forward. how do you interact with a child you never knew, never got to decide if you wanted to have, and she's also already your friend, you love her as this miraculous, insane woman who has saved your life more than once. she's always known more about you than you could about her, but now you know exactly how much she was keeping from you. it's not like she could have told you, could have stopped it, but all this time, she was your friend and she was your daughter, and how do you learn to live with her?
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