#Still am tbh
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ultra-art-blog · 1 year ago
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wakingbreathlessly · 8 months ago
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jamietwat · 5 days ago
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The TikTok for you page targeting is getting REALLY specific these days
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But also a different time I was scrolling the fyp and it was someone looking for RJK fic recs so I looked in the comments also interested in fic recs and saw mine there and I was giggling and kicking my feet over it internally for weeks and weeks… but that just makes this feel even more targeted
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percyweasleyapologist · 1 month ago
erm so I may have just realized I might've been in love with my best-friend...?
here's the thing- I used to say this all the time:
"I'd totally date you if you were a guy! I mean, you're exactly my type, but just a girl!"
whoops!! (sorry Viv, I'm not in love with you anymore, promise <3)
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everythingisawayoflife · 9 months ago
just rewatched the episode of justice league unlimited when circe makes bruce sing “am i blue?” in order to turn diana back to normal and my sappy little brain is now thinking of bruce singing his boys lullabyes.
like think - a nightmare of dick’s gets too bad. he watches his parents fall to their deaths over and over and he can’t stop it. he wakes, screaming, and bruce dashes in and is caught off guard when dick’s sobbing into his pajamas. it’s the first thing he thinks of so he hums, low at first, but then he starts quietly singing the lyrics to some lost jazz song from the great american song book as he holds dick and within those three minutes, dick’s out like a light.
then comes jason. he gets a little too reckless in the field and he’s got himself an injury, a pretty bad one too. normally he sucks it up and takes the pain on like nobody’s business but maybe this one is just a little more painful. he’s just too tired and is now just an exhausted kid who’s emotionally overwhelmed. and he cries. cries like he’s never cried before. he’s in a lot of pain and wants it to stop. but then comes bruce with his gentle melodies and deep voice and suddenly the pain isn’t so bad anymore.
(thinking about how after the whole death and revival thing and maybe jason and bruce are on shaky terms and while he’s not exactly clamoring to be with bruce, he buys himself a dandy little music box containing a song a certain someone use to sing to him and the first time he hears the melody, he sheds some silent tears. he listens to it any time he just needs to be calm. don’t tell bruce)
or there’s tim who doesn’t no when to say no (to staying up late, that is). three, four days go by and he’s still at a case he can’t just crack. he needs to sleep and he knows this but he’s this close. eventually he can’t keep trucking and he passes out all over his assortment of files and clues. he’s found drooling on one file and bruce resolves to just carry his kid to bed. he starts humming snd singing while he helps an unconscious tim get ready for bed. what bruce doesn’t realize is tim woke up when he felt the altitude change of being carried. bruce’s singing voice becomes one of tim’s favorite sounds in the whole world and he resolves to hear it anytime he can.
then we get to damian. he’s in a new environment, he doesn’t really trust much. then the unthinkable happens: he gets sick. its so remarkable cause he’s never gotten sick before. or, at least had someone to care for him. it’s some pesky little flu bug but it hits hard. he tries hiding himself away, not wanting to be seen as weak. in the middle of the night, he throws up. it hurts like a bitch. his stomach pushes but there’s nothing left to give. damian finds he can’t stand and bruce finds him. damian tries shooing him away, he doesn’t want to be seen as weak but eventually he just stops. he’s tired. he throws his head back down in the toilet and bruce lays a hesitant hand on his son’s back. when he’s not pushed away, he rubs soothing circles. again, he’s not dismissed. then, he sings. through the blood pounding in his ears, damian hears his father’s voice above the noise. it helps quite a bit.
that got longer than expected. i will now be listening to “am i blue?” on repeat. kevin conroy you are so loved and so missed.
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hushedpresence · 9 months ago
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I opened my FB for the first time in years and had a folder of old drawings from like a kajillion years ago before art school drained all the love I had for drawing out of my soul until LoP came out. Wtf, dawg. I've regressed.
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sky--phantom · 24 days ago
Me seeing the Blighted Viper/Ashur/Black Divine alive and fighting during the Last Gambit:
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sydsaint · 1 year ago
You know Nick Wayne sure does talk a lot of shit for someone who is still within grounding age. Mama Wayne just needs to tell that boy to go to his room and think about what he did. Ground him, woman! You have The power! He's still just 18! Hit 'em with the, No wrestling for a month young man!!!
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giantratbf · 5 months ago
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I was born // Knowing what I want
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reverieartz · 3 months ago
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Redrew an old piece of mine <3
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emilydickinsonsghost · 1 year ago
Literally always assumed that Indiana Jones and Han Solo are both bi, like ever since being a child and watching those movies on my aunt’s old TV recorded VHS tapes from the 80’s I lowkey assumed that was canon.
Idk why, I guess you put Harrison Ford in a slutty outfit and I’m just like “that’s a bisexual that is!”
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adrift-in-thyme · 1 year ago
Whumptober Day 19: Psychological + “I’m not as stupid as you think I am”
Read on Ao3
- Sky
- Summary: The Shadow pulls a dirty trick to gain an advantage over Sky
CW for blood and injury
Sky’s hands are shaking.
It has been a long time since they have trembled while wrapped around the hilt of a blade. He could never afford for them too. Shaking hands means clumsiness, hesitation and fear made obvious to the enemy. In a fight against Ghirahim or Demise such weakness had spelled death. And besides, with the anger raging through him and the sorrow and terror hounding at his every step, he had found a strength he hadn’t even known was within him. A strength to keep going even when exhaustion dragged at him and every part of him ached. A strength to remain brave no matter the consequences.
That bravery has not left him now, nor the strength. But it is hidden regardless, hidden deep within. In the last few seconds it has fled to the recesses of his heart.
Because in the last few seconds his opponent has transformed. He had been fighting the Shadow, trading blows at a speed even he had had a bit of trouble keeping up with. Now, Zelda stands in the Shadow’s place, with the blade of Master Sword pressed against her neck.
Sky inhales sharply. Air filters through his nostrils, but still he feels like he is suffocating.
She smiles, sweet and familiar, like a dagger to his heart.
“Hey, sleepyhead.”
Sky fights not to take a stumbling step back, fights against the urge to lower his weapon and his defenses alongside it. Everything within him screams that this is real, that the being standing before him is the woman he loves. And she certainly looks the part. Those big blue eyes look the same as the ones he loses himself in so often, the golden hair the same as the strands he weaves into little braids on lazy mornings. The way her nose crinkles slightly when she smiles, the tilt of her head, the way she holds herself, even — he realizes as she moves closer, heedless of the blade still against her neck — her scent…is all so very much like Zelda.
His Zelda.
She takes another step, eyes never leaving his. Sky swallows hard.
He wants to look around for the others. He can hear them still fighting somewhere behind him though, close enough for the sounds of struggle to be audible, too far to notice something is amiss and come to his aid.
He resists the urge to sigh. He should never have let himself become lost in the fight and lead away from his brothers. He knows better than that, he knows…
But he had dared hope that this could be it, the end of the Shadow. He had dared think that he could save those he loves.
Yet, now here he stands, facing the Shadow but staring at Zelda.
Sky closes his eyes for a long moment, reveling in the feel of cool darkness that alleviates some of the pressure behind them. The Shadow won’t attack him, not like this. He fears the blade too much.
…that’s right. The Shadow. The monster who stalks them in the dark and nearly stole Twilight’s life. The monster bent on killing nine heroes merely because they hold the sacred title.
The Shadow. A demon. Not his goddess.
He opens his eyes.
Zelda – no not Zelda, the Shadow – raises her eyebrows. “What’s wrong, sleepyhead? Surely, you believe that it’s truly me.”
“No, I don’t.” His voice is far more level than he expected it to be and it possesses a dangerous edge too. “You’re not her.”
Her lips curve upward. Something dangerous glints behind her eyes, a bit of crimson in a sea of blue.
“Well, then, I suppose you won’t have any problem killing me.”
Sky grits his teeth. One movement is all it will take, one swift swing of the blade. And with the anger roiling within him it should be an easy task.
Yet, still he can’t bring himself to do it.
The Shadow smirks. “No? I thought not. Few would be willing to slaughter someone with the appearance of a loved one.”
That glint returns. Alarm bells blare in the back of Sky’s mind, but they seem impossibly far away. It is dangerously easy to ignore them.
“Luckily, however, I have no such qualms.”
The monster moves quickly, little more than a flash of darkness in the waning sunlight, a stretch of shadows upon the ground. And in the next moment Sky chokes on a gasp as a blade embeds itself in his abdomen. His trembling hands finally give up. The Master Sword slips to the ground.
He follows suit mere seconds later, collapsing in a heap of limp limbs. Pain grips his abdomen and spreads outward, following the trail of his scars. Sky claws blindly at the hilt of the weapon still lodged in him. He wraps wet, blood drenched fingers around it and readies himself to pull it out. But a pair of soft hands enclose his own before he can.
He blinks away the gray and white static crackling before him and stares up into those cursed blue irises.
“You heroes are truly pathetic.”
Though his form is the same, the Shadow no longer sounds like Zelda. His voice is entirely his own now. And as Sky watches darkness begins to replace light, the offending disguise melting into the familiar being he has faced far too many times.
“You were so close to winning and yet you hesitated because you couldn’t kill her. For a seasoned warrior you certainly are soft. Foolish as well. You knew that the person before you was not your loved one. But it made no difference.”
The Master Sword lies a short ways away. Carefully, Sky reaches out for it. The hilt warms slightly at his touch.
“You’d be surprised,” he grits out past the pain and the blood. “I’m not nearly as soft and stupid as you think.”
He brings the sword up and plunges it into the Shadow’s neck.
It’s easy now, even with his arms already starting to feel leaden and his mind fuzzy. It’s easy now that the mask that had paralyzed him is gone.
The monster lets out an unholy screech and disappears in a cloud of black. Sky lets his arm fall limply back to the ground.
He isn’t even going to try and fool himself into thinking that the Shadow is gone for good. The Master Sword is powerful, but their enemy is cunning. Who knows what tricks he has up his sleeve that allow him to escape an early death?
But Sky can’t bring himself to care right now. It’s a bit difficult to think of anything with a sword still sticking out of him. His tunic has begun to feel terribly damp and he doesn’t have to look down to know why.
He blinks, hard, fighting against the oncoming haze. It’s a losing battle however. Everything hurts and the darkness seems far preferable to the harshness of his current surroundings. Plus, he is utterly exhausted. Maybe just a little nap wouldn’t hurt…
The call reaches him past the ringing in his ears. Sky drags open eyes he hadn’t even registered closing.
The traveler comes into his line of vision, worry in his eyes and determination in his stance.
“Yeah, it’s me. Don’t worry. Just hold on, okay? I’m gonna heal you.”
Sky hums softly. Already, he is drifting away.
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saltcxrcle · 1 year ago
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this is my roman empire you don’t even know
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lovecidik · 2 years ago
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i remembered mysims exists
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spaceshipellie · 1 year ago
had to charge my phone on the work computer and the fear that went through me when i nearly clicked “allow” on letting it access my photos i’d honestly rather jump off a cliff
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gracefullou · 2 years ago
He won’t be performing defenceless on tour. I know it, I’ll mourn for it 😭 his greatest crime
We'll mourn together 😭 he won't play it. I think from the pre-fitf era he'll play kmm, walls and copy. Defenceless doesn't stand a chance, unfortunately 🤧
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