#Stephy Slays
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mrfearlessriot · 2 years ago
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GiGi Gianni & Amber Rodriguez vs. Jennifer Florez & Stephy Slays • WOW Women Of Wrestling, 5/13/23
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galaxygeeksunite · 2 years ago
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melancholytimes · 28 days ago
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Okay I really like the away black kit. The all black is clean.
I don't dislike the home as much as I thought I would however I don't love it. I feel like it's the tone of the colours. They're so neon.
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lana-starscream · 1 year ago
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Adriana Gambino Appreciation Post
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dailycass-cain · 2 years ago
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Spirit World #2 continues with Batgirl's adventure in said place. Where we get some twists and turns that open up questions from over 20 years ago! So here are my thoughts all about Cass (with a bit on Xanthe too)...
So this continues with the last one with Mr. Hong literally breaking into Po Po's place. Well, it ain't someone Cass knows but at the very least, writer Alyssa Wong again showcases their mastery of the character knowing the aggression of Hong behind the door last issue.
Likewise, I love the overall body horror design of "mutilated" Mr. Hong.  Artist Haining ups the ante of the two sisterly stretchy neck demons' last issue with well an amazing design with this one easily.
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Though an outsider, I do like that Wong clearly doesn't have Cass in the backseat when Hong breaks in and showcases why she's one of the deadliest fighters in the DCU.
But not only that but I do love the little winged-like appearance Po Po has with her scarf.
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The whole sequence is a nice establishment of three dynamics at play here. On why Bowen is with Po Po (Cassandra he is not), and how he pleas that even this tainted life is still a life (echoing to Cass's remorse last issue of slaying a spirit in the prelude issue).
That's another element I enjoyed as Wong expands on what can come into the Spirit World and what tethers a being here back to the real world.
By doing so we get a much more look into Xanthe's own past with full confirmation they passed away and that their link to the real world was their sister Stephie (who ironically wears purple and a hood).
I really got to admit Wong is just some real powerlifting this issue by doing this with Xanthe, playing into an interesting way of dead naming, plus just the weaving into family issues too.
For other authors, it might take many issues to do all this, but Wong knows they got in two already exceptional issues and teasing for more. And damn I want more even when this is basically the third issue.
That brings us to the big twist pertaining to Cass this issue. As to find out who wants to gobble her up Po Po, Bowen, and Cass meet another interesting mystical figure in To Shen who um.. is making me question things stupid sexy probably evil fox spirit.
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*ahem* Anyway, again the design is just crazy good and I'm curious to learn more about them and the connection they have to Cass as well.. we get the first ramification from Batgirl Vol. 1.
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Now already some are thinking Wong is doing some retconning and explaining Ghost Steph (and if so oh boy are we in for a wild ride).
The thing that makes me wonder if Wong will go for the hat trick as Cass has technically been on death's door three times.  Lady Shiva (#25), the Brotherhood of Evil (#61), and Mad Dog (#72).
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On two of those times, she was visited by a ghostly Stephanie.  And given To  Shen is a rocking blonde and given solicitation (which spoiled this). You just have to wonder.
Again, this is Wong showing how long they've been a fan of the character adding to what's already come in the past with Cass, by giving this mystical adventure to her she's not really had as a character.
It's a different avenue, but it's also one Wong looks to use steeped in Cass's past.  A past not many acknowledge since the end of Vol. 1. Literally, the only two who've acknowledged the series have been four times (Simone twice, Tynion, and recently Conrad/Cloonan).
It makes me scream why Tamaki wasn't allowed this much leeway with her Batman stuff. But I digress, offhandedly (by showing Huntress in NML and Jim Gordon referencing it) she's the one who put Cass's NML back to the forefront.
That leaves me more amped for #3. This series is just everything I wanted with the character. It's giving us new interactions (Xanthe, John, Po Po, and Bowen), a mystical adventure, and using past Cass stories to build toward SOMETHING. I am REALLY digging the kinetic energy Haining continues to bring with Cass stuff. It's soooooo good. More so seeing Cass's new design in action as well. Spirit World #2 is another exceptional issue. Something that fans who are reading should tell other fans. "Hey, you wanna read some good stuff? This is good stuff right here!"
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imaginespazzi · 5 months ago
I think a Mario Kart family costume would suit good to Bueckers-Fudd
Scooby Doo would also be a slay, Azzi as Velma, Stephie as Daphne and Paige maybe the dog haha joking (or not, I think Paige would be the dog just to make Stephie laugh at her)
But you're so right, if Stephie wanted it, Paige absolutely would be it. Though I lowkey kinda like Pazzi and Fred and Daphne and then Stephie as Scooby-doo.
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wowwomenofwrestling · 5 years ago
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Stephy Slays
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keitelsborne · 5 years ago
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mrfearlessriot · 2 years ago
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Miami Sweet Heat vs. Jennifer Florez & Stephy Slays {WOW Tag Team Championship Match} • WOW Women Of Wrestling, 6/10/23
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woso-fan91 · 1 year ago
For all the love that‘s holy… Slay Stephy 🔥
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a-wayne-at-heart-too · 5 years ago
The Robins as...
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Glam rock / Heartland rock ; goes by the pseudonym “Azul”; the Artist Formerly Known as Nightsing
He’s an incredible all-around performer, so it should come as no surprise that he’s a natural frontman (or solo act).
He’s constantly reinventing his look (short, long, mullet - you name it, he’s probably sported the hairstyle). And Discowing’s got nothing on the outfits he wears onstage.
People love booking or working with him because he’s very professional (but does have a volatile temper from time to time). 
The only thing that he requests for in his hotel room or trailer? A poster of The Flying Graysons. Oh, and cereal. Lots of it.
He actually uses the Cirque-du-Soleil-ish set design, blowing minds all over the world.
He likes calling audience members onto the stage, and never forgets to introduce his bandmates and give credit to those who made the concert possible.
His bodyguards don’t get paid enough for the number (and level of aggression) of fans who throw themselves at him.
He actually responds to fan mail, loves visiting sick fans in the hospitals, and gives warm hugs during meet-and-greets.
A substantial part of the proceeds from all his concerts go to the Martha Wayne Foundation, which supports many schools and orphanages.
His “entourage”? His long-term girlfriend, Kory Anders ( “Azul! Over here! Gotham Gazette! Why haven’t you proposed yet?”), and his childhood best friend, Wally West. 
For all his showmanship, he’s notoriously private about his personal life. And, honestly? The spotlight does make him tired.
Folk rock / Grunge rock ; goes by the pseudonym “Rason Rodd”
He sings and plays rhythm guitar, while Roy Harper’s on either bass or drums and Lady Artemis slays on lead guitar. Together they’re known as The Outlaws, managed by Mr. Am Not Bizarro.
He sounds so much like Eddie Vedder that it’s eerie. Eerily beautiful.
His debut solo album “I Ain’t No Joker” went straight to #1 on the world charts.
He’s found that music can be an effective political tool, so expect to find him lending his talents, free of charge, to various charities and advocacies. (On that note, he’s already done jail time for his blatantly subversive lyrics.) 
He’s on the road so much that he practically lives on the tour bus (that’s always stocked with beer and cigarettes). At this point, he’s... trying not to mind. He’s been away from what he used to consider “home” for so long that he’s not sure where to go.
With The Outlaws and their connections, he holds free music workshops and provides informal foster care for Gotham’s street children, who often don’t have proper adult supervision.
During his downtime, he visits prisons in Gotham City to perform for the inmates, hoping to encourage them. Then he’ll anonymously send their low-income families some groceries every now and then.
It’s either you’ll barely recognize him on the streets because he’s so low-key or know it’s him because he’s wearing something outrageous, like a tinted gas mask or a plague doctor getup, on a grocery run.
Rap rock / Electronic rock ; goes simply by his last name, “Drake” (not to be confused with other famous artist Drake or Gotham vigilante Drake or male fowl -- "I'm not any of them, alright!")
He’s moved on from his punk rock roots and has been experimenting with fusion subgenres.
Once in a while, he’ll do reunion performances with former bandmates Bart Allen and Cassandra Sandsmark.
Nowadays, he frequently collaborates with other artists with different musical backgrounds, such as rapper D.u.k.e. T and country crooner Conner “Kon” Kent. 
He’s notoriously hardworking (and his PA’s got some toned legs from all those coffee runs). 
His albums are a hit among the younger demographic, but his famous adoptive father says that he “is extremely proud of my son, but I... I don’t really understand his music.” (Hmm. Makes you wonder if billionaire Bruce Wayne’s got a closet full of Drake’s “Sedimentary / Metamorphic / Igneous - The Anthology”.)
He’s developed his own state-of-the-art software for composing music and even performs live as a hologram (through the help of information technology magnate Barbara Gordon’s company, Oracle).
He’s made the said software, which makes it possible to produce professional-quality music using little to no equipment other than a mobile phone, free and accessible so that aspiring musicians who can’t afford to work in studios can pursue their dreams.
He enjoys discovering new talent, especially among young people who haven’t had as many opportunities as he’s had, and offers to manage them for free.
His on-again-off-again relationship with pop star Stephy Brown has made him a tabloid staple.
When asked by a reporter what he likes to do for fun, he answered, “Sleep” while slowly sinking into the couch. 
Heavy metal meets orchestra music (think Metallica’s “S&M”concert) ; goes by the pseudonym “Habibi”
He’s a musical prodigy who can play practically any instrument from percussion to wind, but the need for control led him to being a conductor.
Like Timothy, he likes to experiment. His latest project, which he’s very secretive to the media about, has to do with oriental influences. He’s called upon the help of his sister, a musical prodigy like him, Cassandra Cain.  
He’s notoriously a perfectionist, which makes it challenging to work with him. (But no one argues that he’s a musical genius, so they put up with it.)
He owns the Wayne Conservatory of Music, which offers full educational scholarships and training programs to the poor youth in Gotham who are musically gifted. 
He once told a news reporter that his greatest dream is to conduct the ultimate performance -- his obra maestra --  starring Azul, Rason Rodd, and Drake.
When he’s not busy in the studio or mentoring budding musicians, he’s just in his mahal (palace), hanging out with his best friend Jon Kent, practicing martial arts, or enjoying the company of his pets. 
And in the quiet moments of their famous lives, they dial one number that always brings them back down to earth...
Alfred: *picks up* Hello? I’ve missed you, too, Master -- What’s the matter? Why are you crying? Oh, bullocks, don’t listen to what they’re saying... In which part of the world are you right no-- Ah, never mind. I’ll just follow the tracker Master Bruce has put on you. I’ll see you in a bit.
~ * ~ * ~ * ~ *  ~ 
For you, @xellexavierxau.
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lana-starscream · 1 year ago
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askthechaoticwitch · 2 years ago
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My finals will be tomorrow! 🙂 Finally, I'm graduating soon. 💕
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naseemmohammedabdullah · 4 years ago
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"The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine"! It took 28 years for a court to pronounce Father Thomas Kottoor and Sister Stephy guilty for the murder of #SisterAbhaya! Justice delayed is justice denied! They'll do a few years in prison and will be out on good behaviour! The Indian justice system sucks! It doesn't matter what the police does! All that matters is what goes in the report! We need a special police to investigate the regular police! Both these police should be present at the same time at all crime scenes! This way evidences can't be tampered with, destroyed or whisked away! Sister Abhaya Case pitted the weak against the mighty and the result is there for all to see! However this 'victory' of David over Goliath is an exception rather than the rule! More often than not, Goliath slays David! Given the circumstances, I hope that Sister Abhaya's soul rests in peace! (at Kuttichira Medicals) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJH0MQrhfY7/?igshid=m1fqn58lytty
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squaredcirclesirens · 6 years ago
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REVIEW: WOW Women of Wrestling - September 14th, 2019
We’re back with reviews! Starting this week we’ll be reviewing all the new episodes of WOW Women of Wrestling every Saturday! This week the show sees Tessa Blanchard seemingly conspires with World’s Greatest Attorney, Sophia Lopez to handpick her Championship opponent, WOW’s newest competitor, Serpentine. We also are treated to the debut of Adrenaline. Also, The WOW Tag Team Championship Series continues as teams do battle to crown new champions!
The show opens up with WOW Champion Tessa Blanchard seemingly conspiring with “The World’s Greatest Attorney”, Sophia Lopez to handpick her Championship opponent… WOW’s newest competitor, Mexico’s Serpentine. Money talks, am I right?
We’re sent back to ringside where we see WOW legend Lana Star announces her return to wrestling alongside The Beverly Hills Babe! She shocks the world by entering the WOW Tag Team Championship Series! Much to the shock of everyone, it isn’t The Beverly Hills Babe, but it’s one of the fastest rising stars in WOW… Faith The Lioness! How could she do this to The Beverly Hills Babe?! Lana says she loves a real Hollywood Story – the two of them can fight to decide who will team with her in the tag championship series!
The bell rings and the first match starts with The Beverly Hills Babe taking advantage of the much less experienced, Faith. Lana joins the commentary booth for the match and tells everyone she expects The Babe to let her down once again. Some harsh words! The Lioness begins to mount a comeback but as she does The Babe rolls to the outside to jaw jack with Lana Star. It’s The Lana Star show – Lana claims as both women are fighting for her attention during the match. Beverly Hills Babe has the match won but spends too much time focusing on Lana which allows Faith to roll her into a pin and gain the victory in a nice match between the blondes.
We return from a break as we see Abiline Maverick walking backstage as she bumps into Stephy Slays. Stephy asks for another match against her but Maverick has no time for that! Her win over her was a fluke and she needs to defeat an opponent before she steps into the ring with her again!
Shaul Guerrero introduces the next match which sees Abilene Maverick take on the debuting Adrenaline – Former IMPACT Wrestling Knockout – Diamante. While Maverick is used to having things go in her favor it is anything but the case in this match! Adrenaline shows off her speed, taking the Governor’s Daughter down with a hurricanrana and firing the crowd up! Abilene begs and pleads for mercy, but it’s just an act and she takes a cheap shot at the high energy Adrenaline, trying to turn the match in her favor! The match does change in her favor but try as she might she wasn’t able to pick up the win as Adrenaline hit her with a Code Red for a successful debut!
We’re thrown into a segment at the home of Holidead and her partner Siren The VoDoo Doll. They’re playing with Tarot cards and it shows that the titles will be around their waists.
As we return from a commercial we see a video package highlighting Stephy Slays and Keta Rush who are collectively known as “The Bully Busters” – a name they adopted after the both bonded after joining WOW Women of Wrestlers and bonding due to how they both had experiences with bullying in their lives! They will be entering the WOW Tag Team Title Championship Series! They are out to face The Vodoo Doll Siren & Holidead right now! A great match between the two teams but it seems as if Stephy and Keta focusing on being singles competitors was what lead to the downfall of them in this match. Holidead and The Vodoo Doll Siren pick up the win after Holidead pins Stephy Slays following a sit-out underhook facebuster. Could what they said earlier ring true? It is really in the cards for them to be tag champions?
Backstage Jessie Jones tells The Beverly Hills Babe used to be known as The Bullet Babe Amber O’Neal and it’s pathetic to see what happened to her. She’s Amber O’Neal and she’s going to get her out of her “clown outfit”. What could this lead to?
DIAMOND DDT spells T-H-E E-N-D for #WOWSuperheroes for tonight. The night isn't over! #SaturdaySlam continues right now with #NJPW from London, England. pic.twitter.com/HikxNNnApv
— AXS TV Fights (@AXSTVFights) September 15, 2019
It’s now time for the Main Event! Would Serpentine be able to pick up the win? Was it a big mistake for Tessa t take the money from Sophia Lopez? The crowd almost blows the roof of the arena when WOW Champion – Tessa Blanchard makes her entrance! They jockey for position in the beginning but like the snake she is, Serpentine slithers out of everything Tessa throws at her. Tessa has had enough of playing with the snake and chokes her back into the corner, showing everyone why she’s the champion. Her dominance doesn’t last as Serpentine slithers into pin attempt after pin attempt – but always failing to keep Tessa’s shoulders down for a three count. Following a hard back elbow, Tessa puts a stop to Serpentine and the match falls back in her favor. Tessa works over her back! Aren’t snakes spineless though? The fight spills to the outside and Serpentine takes Tessa down with a headscissors off the apron! Serpentine throws Tessa back into the ring and takes a moment to catch a breath but Tessa comes flying through the ropes with a suicide dive! Near fall after near fall from both these women! They are showing why they are two of the best wrestlers in the world today! Tessa retains the title after hitting a superkick and following it up with her signature DDT in one hell of a match! Tessa holds the title high in the air as The Beast, Havok, Jungle Girl, and Hazard all come out and stare her down as the episode comes to an end!
Final Thoughts:
I really enjoyed this week’s episode. WOW has a roster of immensely talented females and it’s so easy to get into! They do a great job of explaining the storylines for newer viewers.
Diamante who debuted as Adrenaline is so good and I’m so glad she’s getting a chance to show what she can do on TV as she had some pretty bad luck when she was with IMPACT Wrestling.
Faith The LLioness has become one of my favorites and I’m so intrigued as to how her relationship with Lana Star is going to play out. I can’t think of anyone who would boo her, but the fans do really hate Lana.
Serpentine vs. Tessa was clearly match of the night. Just WOW (no pun intended)! They proved that they are among the best in wrestling today!
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cmpink · 3 years ago
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The Beast with a Stand On Titty Pin Attempt on Stephy Slays are you kidding??
bro i've been watching wow (women of wrestling) for 7 minutes and i already know that people don't understand how cool this shit is
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