#Stephanie Stack
feyinvestigations · 11 months
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Is this even anything?
Prev. /// pt.3
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imuncreativesorry · 4 months
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I know he’s just lying to protect his secret identity but I’m sobbing over the idea of Jack Drake being the Tony Hawk of philanthropists in Gotham
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momachan · 5 months
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"I'm Robin the Boy Wonder. -Whereas I'm Robin, the even more wondruos Girl Wonder. And you're nicked. -Nicked? -What can I say? I'm a fan of british cop patois."
Batman Vs. Bigby! A Wolf In Gotham (2021). "Chapter Six: Wild Animals."
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slozhnos · 1 month
how i wish russian broadway shut down could have won a tony
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oatmlks · 2 years
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redflagshipwriter · 8 months
Mama Bat pt3 progress Post
Part 3 Progress
Batcount: Stephanie, Dick
“Danny Fenton, parents declared him dead and claimed they buried him,” Dick said, spinning around in the batcomputer batchair. Anxious, unhappy, too much energy because there's nothing to fight here. “He has an older sister, I think she knows he's in Gotham and she's covering for him. She'll be coming to Gotham University next semester, despite having accepted a better offer from Harvard last year.” 
Steph let out a low, long whistle. “Whatever's going on at home must be bad,” she commented. “No other contacts?”
Dick pulled up a grainy class photo. “He's part of a small friend group, but neither of them have made any unusual moves. If Sam Manson or Tucker Foley get a plane ticket we'll know, but for now?” He shrugged, eyes distant. “Seems like he ran off alone. But probably for really good reasons.” He switched tabs back to the unhinged Fenton works website. He all but vibrated: wanna go, want to run, look, see.
Steph squinted for a few moments, reading. “...We’re going to go see what crimes against nature they're committing, aren't we?” She sounded resigned to it.
Dick shrugged. “It's not ideal,” he said unhappily. “The town is too small for how we normally do our night work. But face out is a big risk.” 
“Maybe we should lean on a friend?” Stephanie suggested. “Someone who has a public role that wouldn't be a problem?” 
“We’ll have to ask Mama Bat.” 
They both turned to look at Cass, who was sitting on a desk. She arched an eyebrow at them. “We ask Danny,” she said pointedly. “He knows best.” 
Stephanie made a face that said she disagreed. 
Cass huffed. “He knows,” she reiterated. He had lived there. He knew the people. “We could make a mess.” She mimed sweeping the stack of Bruce papers off the desk surface and then an expression of exaggerated batdad horror.
Stephanie untensed enough to laugh. 
Cass considered that good enough. She jumped down and patted Dick as she passed. He let out an exaggerated sigh but he powered down the computer and followed her up. “I'm excited to get to meet the little guy,” he said. The lights turned off. All three of them hit the stairs and jogged up. Dick chattered away, tweet tweet tweet. “It's so sweet that Dami latched onto him like this. When I asked what Danny would like as a welcome home gift, he told me that I was a cretin and should not corrupt the baby.” He laughed, high and joyous. It was contagious. Cass found herself laughing with him.
Stephanie squinted at the back of Dick's head as the oldest brother bounded up the stairs. “Damian… likes him?” She confirmed. 
Cass beamed. Of course he did. Danny was a good baby. He and Damian were out now walking dogs at the animal shelter while Alfie did the big weekly shop. 
Dick shrugged. “He gets to be the mentor,” he pointed out. “He’s not the Babiest Bat anymore.” 
“Danny is older than Damian,” Stephanie protested. Cass glared at her. 
“He's baby,” she said firmly. End of conversation. 
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casscainmainly · 2 months
My Top 10 Batgirl (2000) Moments
This is my list of top 10 Batgirl (2000) moments!! There were so many to choose from, but these are my personal favs :)). Counting down from 10 to my absolute favourite.
10. Volving
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An absolute classic. Perfectly encapsulates what Cass does throughout the entire run, and more writers should play with Cass' use of language like this!
9. Beat Up Every Mob In Gotham
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Perfect encapsulation of the early Barbara-Cass dynamic, and one of the funniest moments in the series. Just love the expressions and the way this shows so much of Cass' character.
8. Choosing to Write
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The entirety of issue #2 builds up to this heart-wrenching moment. After delivering a dead man's final message to his wife, Cass sees the wife's reaction to the written message and decides to learn to write. A foundational moment for her character, and a nice motherly Babs scene too.
7. Alpha Redemption
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Capping off issues 35 + 36, Batgirl unmasks herself to convince Alpha (an amnesiac villain) that he doesn't have to be defined by his past. Brilliantly displays her core belief that people can change, and the fact that her belief pays off makes this moment extremely moving.
6. For God's Sake
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Possibly a controversial pick, but I really like this moment because it underscores some of the fundamental conflict between Babs and Cass. They love each other, but they don't always understand each other, particularly in regards to each other's disabilities. A painful moment that should have been explored more.
5. Fight For Your Life
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My favourite Stephanie and Cass moment in this run. You can feel Cass' grief throughout this hallucination, but there's also so much hope and love (for Stephanie and for herself). It's an amazing conclusion to Cass' initial suicidal tendencies: instead of desiring death, she now actively fights to live.
4. Darknight Detectives
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This interaction sums up a lot of Bruce and Cass' best moments. Cass' unwavering moral beliefs, Bruce's pride, their instinctive understanding of each other; they just get each other in a way few others do. I picked this one instead of the 'instinct/good answer' moment because it also marks Cass' development in her detective ability. From Moment 8 above to here, the confidence in her mental capacities has grown so much. She really volved!
3. Perfect For A Year
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I mean of course this had to be here. These lines literally take up 90% of my brain space, it's an incredibly tense moment that illustrates Cass' desire to be perfect, her need to be useful and good. This issue is also just awesome.
2. You're... Not
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Another absolute classic. Illustrates Cass' compassion and her belief that people aren't defined by their lineage, which is particularly personal to her, given her own dad. This struggle between good/bad, parent/child defines many of Cass' best stories.
1. Who Do You Think You Are? + Father's Day
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What else would number 1 be?? Issue 33 is my favourite in the entire run, and the entire thing is stacked with moments that could fill up this list. I just love 'who do you think you are' because it's all of Cass' rage spilling out, and yet she still loves David Cain in her own complicated way (and he reciprocates, too). Then we have the ending, which is the BEST Bruce and Cass moment ever. The sparse, meaningful dialogue, the expressions, the reveal of the TITLE: comic book writing at its finest.
Honorary mention to the Shiva/Cass fight, which just narrowly missed out.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year
What yes? I didn't write one.
WC: 808 Masterpost
Jason didn’t see Danny until Tuesday. Which was fine.
It was fine.
He knew how busy Danny’s Monday classes were. But knowing that Danny was busy and waiting out the other’s expected arrival were two very different things. Jason did his best to occupy his time with reviewing the proposition for the new Park Row Library.
His kitchen counter covered in baked goods showed how well the distraction went.
It’s just that if he thought to much about Danny and all of the… surrounding Danny-ness, he started over thinking everything about it. It was better to just not think, which was hard, so baking. Baking always calmed him down. But now Jason had nowhere to set down the tray of cookies that were in hand. Maybe he should invite his siblings over, all of this would be gone by nights end with that swarm of locust.
A knock at his door paused Jason’s attempts to Tetris his counter into order. Thanking his good balance, Jason pulled up his door camera on his phone.
It was only Danny.
Fuck, it was only Danny.
Plate of cookies still in hand, Jason opened the door. “Danny, hi.”
Danny opened his mouth, closed it, and then took a step back. He brought a hand up to cover his grin. “Jason.”
“Danny…,” Jason said back warily.
“I, um,” Danny did his best to muffle a snicker. “,ah, like your apron. Did Dick get you it?”
Jason had to glance down at the apron he had put on that morning. He didn’t really look at them, it’s just whatever was on top of the clean stack. Today though, meeting him was the upside down text of ‘Titty Protector’. It was bright white on the blue apron.
As Jason sighed Danny gave up on trying to hide his laughter and just cackled.
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up and see how many cookies you get.”
“No! I’m sorry,” Danny whined, trying to get his laughter back under control. “It’s a great apron. Amazing. Would ogle again. Dick totally bought it for you, didn’t he?”
“Actually it was Stephanie, friend of the family.”
“She must be something,” Danny said. He snagged a cookie as Jason backed up to let him through the door, only to pause with it halfway to his mouth. “Um, prepping for a bake sale?”
“No,” Jason grumbled. He locked his door before joining Danny in staring at the counter covered in baked goods. It really was absurd looking at it with fresh eyes. Even his siblings might have issues with this pile.
“So… ah, why all the food?”
Jason just frowned and clicked his nail against the edge of the plate. He didn’t know how to explain this to Danny.
“Oh Jason,” Danny sighed. He took the plate from Jason’s left hand, snagged his right, and led them over to the couch. The cookies got set down on the coffee table. “Hood talked to you, didn’t it?”
Jason nodded.
“Jason, it’s okay. We can still just be friends, right? I promise I won’t try anything with Hood either, it’s both of you or neither of you—”
Jason jerked his gaze to Danny. “What?”
Danny smile was sad and a little wobbly. “Like I told Hood, I’m not a home wrecker and clearly this is stressing you out. You don’t have to worry about letting me down gently.”
“I just… I’d still like to be friends?”
“Danny! I’m stress baking because I want to say yes. I mean, we both want to say yes.”
Danny’s mouth snapped closed. His brow furrowed. “Saying yes is stressing you out?”
“Well… you have kept me waiting. You never did ask me, actually, and—”
“Hey Jason?” Danny asked, cutting Jason off.
Jason didn’t know whether to smile or sigh. He settled for both. “Yes Danny?”
“I’d really like to date you and your boyfriend. I think you’re both pretty amazing and I’ve gotten permission from your boyfriend to ask you. So, what do you say, want to date me too?”
“It could be dangerous.”
“Luckily I’ve been getting self defense lessons.”
“I’m a public figure.”
“I’m pretty oblivious to news, or you can keep me a secret like Hood.”
“He’s a crime lord.”
“Let’s be real, he’s a philanthropist with guns.”
“I’ve… only dated Hood. I might be really bad at it.”
“Luckily I already like being around you. And you feed me. Come on Jason, date me?” Danny asked, finally taking a bite of the cookie he had been holding this whole time.
Jason rolled his eyes, but could feel the smile pulling at his lips. “How can I say no to that?”
“That a yes?”
Danny whooped and leaned in to press a quick kiss to Jason’s lips.
“You taste like cookies,” Jason said. He was grinning now.
“Yeah, and who’s fault is that?”
AN: Thank you for the suggestions! I actually had a few lines of this one written so I went with it because I've been slayed. Had some bad new from work on the end of 3 meetings and then came home to a disturbing comment so I'm just a little done today.
BUT! We got something cute! And the boys have the scene where they start dating! Woohoo. Stay delightful and kind, darlings.
I no longer tag, you can instead subscribe to the masterpost.
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aealzx · 2 months
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Update Post
Prologue | AO3
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Waking the kids was an interesting experience that told them a lot more about their dynamic. A simple knock on the door frame before flicking the light on earned a startled yelp from Tucker, a slight gasp from Jazz as she grabbed onto Danielle and shielded her, and Sam grabbed the nearest object and threw it at the source of the noise. Jason just caught the shoe with one hand, keeping it away from the stack of containers he had in the other, and waited for them to realize who was there.
“Don’t sneak up on us, sheesh,” Sam hissed, trying to steady her nerves with a slow breath while Tucker smashed his face in his own pillow with a groan
“I didn’t,” Jason responded, amused not only by their reactions, but also because Danielle looked more like a rag doll in Jazz’s arms. Limp, and still snoring softly, as though oblivious to the commotion. “Breakfast is here. Hope you’re hungry again.”
He earned a few sighs in return, and Jazz even gave a weak chuckle at the incident before she started rubbing Danielle’s back to wake her. The protective borderline smothering hold was loosened, but Jazz still kept her supported. And after a moment Danielle twitched with a small snort, blinking hazily and glancing around the room. “Oh shwee, p’nc’ks,” she slurred, attempting to crawl forward to maybe help pull the sleeping mats out of the way but sagging down to lay on the floor again instead.
“Sorry for waking you. Did you guys sleep well?” Duke asked, bringing in another load of containers from the car Tim had driven there. Alfred had outdone himself again, giving them several boxes of pancakes, bacon, eggs, toast and fruits.
“Yeah, kinda,” Sam admitted, rubbing one eye and yawning. “Not having windows or a breeze was pretty nice. But it was a little cramped.”
At least she was honest. Duke found he couldn’t blame her for feeling cramped in that room. Having the four sleeping mats spread out had covered the entire floor between the two medical beds. “Sorry about that. It’s not the best sleeping arrangements, I know. But hopefully we can get you guys actual beds soon,” he apologized, resting the containers on the table Tucker helped Jason unfold. They had quickly found the night before that the other medical table wasn’t quite big enough to fit everyone comfortably for eating, so had dragged a spare folding one from the other rooms.
“Oh?” Sam questioned, feeling that comment held more to it than an empty placation.
Jason couldn’t help glancing back through the doorway. “... We’ll be moving you guys after breakfast. Just as a precaution,” he admitted, setting his own containers down and turning to fetch more of the load Alfred had provided them. He felt tense ever since Tim and Stephanie had confirmed it was the League of Assassins the kids had stolen Lazarus water from. No one thought the League would let the kids go after just one attempt at killing them. And the first group that they had turned over to the police had been freed, so they had decided to start a relocation pattern for the kids until they could placate the League. But something still felt off.
Tim shared Jason’s unease, lingering at the entrance and scanning the surrounding area as Dick picked up the second to last stack of food. “Something wrong?” Dick asked, pausing for a moment as Tim squinted.
“...Maybe just paranoid,” Tim admitted quietly. “They shouldn’t have found this place yet.”
“We’ll use the time while the kids are eating to pack up. We shouldn’t be here much longer,” Dick tried to reassure, knowing everyone’s mutual discomfort was justified, but not wanting to rush unnecessarily
“I’m with our kid,” Jason commented, coming up on the tail end of the comments and grabbing the last stack of food and ignoring the slight glare Tim gave him for calling him a kid. “Maybe we should just get them to eat in the car.” He suggested it, but already knew the others wouldn’t agree so still followed Dick back inside. It was hard to eat pancakes in a vehicle. Plus getting syrup out of the seats was a nightmare.
The others were starting to dish up their own plates when he arrived, shuffling containers around to make room for the others and moving some to the medical table for extra space. Jazz was taking a moment to check on Danny, feeling her limited knowledge was once again severely lacking but still finding comfort in the fact he still seemed the same as always. Cold to the touch other than the faint warmth in his face, no movement other than shallow breaths that were at least a little better because of the oxygen mask. She hoped the vitamin IV Dick had brought last night had helped too, but she couldn’t tell.
Smothering down her emotions once again, Jazz let go of a small sigh and pushed off the table, heading to join the others for breakfast when Danielle looked around with a scrunched nose. “Okay, which one of you brought a murder hobo? And who are they wanting to kill?” she asked, half glaring at the three that were in the room as their comms crackled to life with a warning from Barbara.
“They hired Deathstroke! Get out of there, now!”
Jason swore as Tim sprinted into the room, making a beeline for Danny and earning startled looks from the other kids. “We have to go! Now!” Tim’s order was barked with a semi frantic sense of urgency as started disconnecting the heart monitor and IV tubes, trying to be fast but not cause any damage either.
Someone asked the question, but Jason didn’t fully register who, grabbing the nearest two kids and pulling them to their feet. “Later. Just go. Follow Nightwing and get in the car,” he ordered, shoving them towards the door as Dick rushed to the entrance to peek out while remaining behind cover. The good news is it was someone they were familiar with. The bad news is the League had apparently upgraded their contractor. The strange thing was that they didn’t think the League of Assassins got along with Deathstroke all things considered. 
“Signal, you’re driving,” Dick directed, scanning for any tell of where Deathstroke was hiding. Was he going to take them out from a distance or in person? It seemed to depend on his mood, and what the thought of the target. Did he know Dick and the others were there as well? Most likely. Would he still attack them? …. Unfortunately, yes.
“O’okay,” Duke stammered, rushing to join Nightwing before darting to the half covered parking spot, keeping low. He didn’t think he was the best person for a car chase, if it came to one. But he wasn’t going to fight back if Dick thought otherwise.
After pushing Sam and Tucker into the other room to follow Duke, Jason caught a slight flash to the side and turned his head to see Danielle floating above the floor, her hair the same white it had been before. Looked like one of them was ready to fight back. The sentiment earned a slight grin from Jason.
“Dani,” Jazz hissed, worried that the others would see her transformation as an act of aggression.
“You said only when protecting, yeah? Well I’m not gonna just sit here and play damsel while someone’s trying to kill us again,” Danielle retorted, then looked at Jason. “I’ll keep you covered while you move Danny. That’s what you’re still here for, yeah?”
Tim could honestly carry Danny too, but it would still be easier for Jason to do it while Tim grabbed any vital equipment from the safehouse. So to Danielle’s question Jason just nodded, once again scooping Danny up easily after Tim had disconnected the last medical tether. “Get in the backseat. I’ll pass him to you, and you’ll need to keep him stable if there’s any problems. Got it?” Jason directed Jazz, heading towards the exit as well while Danielle and Jazz followed. As they moved to the next room Jason blinked slightly when Danielle raised her hands and a mostly transparent green dome formed over the four of them, just in case. Jazz just wordlessly nodded, sticking close and looking with worry between her two siblings. She didn’t want Danielle to get in a fight, but Jason had loosely put her in charge of watching over Danny.
As they paused near Dick to wait for clearance to continue, Jason was mildly interested in Danielle’s barrier being able to phase through the walls, and wondered if that was a conscious effort on her end or not. It was surprising they hadn’t been fired on yet, considering Danielle’s note of someone with murderous intent suggesting Deathstroke was already there. Dick was still by the entrance, keeping behind cover and eyes flicking to each of the prime hiding spots he could see, but he also hadn’t been able to notice any sign of their assassin.
“You two take the bikes, I’ll follow through an alternate route,” Dick directed to Jason and Tim, only glancing at the barrier from Danielle before giving orders.
“Yeah, you and what gun?” Jason retorted, nodding for Tim to escort Jazz to the car first.
“Hood,” Dick scolded, not wanting to deal with disobedience.
“Wing,” Jason countered, staring Dick down defiantly. There was no way he was going to let Dick try to fight Deathstroke alone, and they both knew that was what was going to happen. Luckily it only took a moment before Dick sighed a huff in defeat.
“Fine, we’ll both stay,” he agreed.
Jason only let out a huff of mild triumph before ducking through the door to hurry to the car, carefully passing Danny inside to Jazz and Tucker in the back seat. “Just hold on tight, and don’t worry. The car is bulletproof,” he directed, trying to be reassuring as Jazz pursed her lips and wrapped her arms around her brother. Tucker just gulped and nodded, clinging to Danny’s legs and hunching over.
A soft hiss was their only alert to the start of the attack, Dick’s head snapping to the source of the sound and immediately ducking low. “GRENADE!”
Jason swore softly this time, pulling the car door closed as much as he could without climbing into the cramped car with the others. Tim dove behind his motorcycle, also reinforced against ballistics, only to look over the top and feel a strain of panic. “Dani, get down!” Why the hell hadn’t she taken cover with the others? She was still floating next to the car, and the grenade missile was definitely heading towards them.
“Yeah yeah,” Danielle huffed, unimpressed as she abruptly darted towards the grenade missile, catching it in her hands midair, twisting her body to follow for a half second then turning its trajectory in a half loop and letting it go back the way it came.
It was unexpected. But pleasantly so, and after a short breath of relief Dick, Jason and Tim left their cover to find better positions. Watching Deathstroke leap from the building he’d set up in to avoid his own redirected attack, Dick stepped into the street between Deathstroke’s approach and the others. Glancing over, Jason dodged out of the way of slamming the car door on the others, looking to the driver’s seat and shouting, “Floor it Signal!”
Duke tried not to flinch when Jason banged on the back of the car, but followed the order and stomped on the gas. “Hold on!” he called to the passengers, feeling just a little bad when Sam made a nervous noise while slapping her hands out to stabilize herself somewhat as Duke cranked the wheel.
“ Wait! Dani!- Don’t leave her!” Jazz shouted, pulling Danny close and bracing her feet on parts of the seats while craning her head to look back through the back window. Tucker just whimpered and kept low, and Duke glanced at the mirrors to make sure Tim was following them on his motorcycle.
“Don’t worry, the others will keep her safe and bring her back. They’ve dealt with Deathstroke before,” Duke assured, trying to keep his charges calm while also focusing on driving. Considering how Danielle had handled the missile, Duke was honestly more worried about his brothers than the meta girl.
“Signal, status update? Who do you have?” Barbara’s request came through the comms as she noticed his and Tim’s trackers starting to move, having already contacted the others to help coordinate.
“Sam, Tucker, Jazz and Danny are with me in the car. Red Robin is external, following on a bike,” Duke responded quickly.
“Critical material has been loaded into the back of the car, and I opened the link to the systems for you to backup and wipe the site. Nightwing and Red Hood have remained behind to prevent Deathstroke from following, and it looks like the girl Dani is staying with them. She redirected the grenade missile sent at us, so I think she’ll be able to keep up,” Tim added.
“Understood. Head to site 137 and wait for rendezvous. Spoiler, Orphan, Batman and Robin are en route for back up,” Barbara directed, eyes flicking between screens. The site was an abandoned parking garage with sixteen levels. It made it easier to hide vehicles in without compromising other safehouses.
“It’s confirmed to be Deathstroke?” Bruce chimed in, doubting the report.
“Yeah it’s him. The cockroach is in sight, and just as ugly as usual” Jason confirmed.
“That’s impossible. Mother would never approve collaboration with him. He killed grandfather,” Damian retorted.
“And I find it hard to believe Deathstroke would be willing to work with the League after everything either,” Stephanie added.
“It appears to be from a subordinate lower in the ranks. Talia may be unaware Deathstroke was hired as a second choice,” Barbara offered, half as a way to placate Damian’s protests.
“Deathstroke could be seeing it as a way to secure a debt with the League to cash in later,” Bruce commented, grateful that Damian’s anger seemed to lower considerably at the additional possibilities.
“...I will handle it,” Damian spoke next, pulling out his cell phone to type in a number he had memorized and never saved to his contacts.
I initially wrote this and two more sections before watching Son of Batman, and then watched that movie and went "oh crap" and had to modify stuff X'DD please forgive if it doesn't seem completely in character for Slade. I only know him from Son of Batman, and Judas Contract.
Tag list: @galaxy-sharks-and-bottled-ships, @starscreamlover, @nerdynonnativenarnian, @dragongoblet, @zeestarfishalien, 
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@op-sys-chaos, @kirasigncomics
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incorrectbatfam · 11 months
What do you think are each batfam’s “useless” talents?
Dick: villain voice impressions
Jason: flipping people off a dozen different ways
Tim: deleting his family from vacation photos
Damian: creating tiny finger assassins with his sleeves
Duke: translating into Elvish
Cullen: cup stacking
Stephanie: stand-up comedy
Cassandra: wiggling her ears in two different directions
Barbara: playing music on a calculator
Harper: making engine sounds with a crushed can
Carrie: doing a dolphin squeak
Kate: identifying different kinds of paprika by taste
Helena: playing card trickshots
Luke: turning a soda tab into a hook
Bette: peeling an orange with one hand
Alfred: wax seal etiquette
Selina: rolling a coin over her knuckles
Bruce: spinning a case file like a basketball
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wizardprime · 18 days
the batfamily play minecraft
alfred: i don’t believe he can physically interact with computers
barbara: there’s always one person in the group who can do redstone and here it’s her. builds all the farms everyone loves having at the beginning of the game like the ender ender and a villager trading hall. as usual everyone would fucking die without her. servers she doesn’t join never really get off the ground for the most part because everyone is so used to having her farms on hand and gets lazy to play without them. would probably really enjoy elaborate progression mods like feed the beast
bruce: doesn’t get it. “what are you supposed to do?” “just whatever i want? that sounds silly.” if he gave it a chance i think it could be great for his mental health. i mean mining is basically meditation let’s be real. but let’s also be real he would try it for 5 minutes 30 if his kids really did the puppy eyes and then he would wander away and get killed by a zombie
cass: hard to say, honestly. depends on from what angle the game would be presented to her. she would probably enjoy the hanging out and the cozy atmosphere but she doesn’t strike me as the type to enjoy very grindy games beyond mindless resource gathering. she’d like hopping on the batfam server while everyone else is online and dicking around but alone i think she would just wander the landscapes aimlessly without progressing the game much.
damian: he’s collecting all the animals. 2.000 dogs and no sign of stopping. at least just as many cats. has wrangled half the passive mobs into his house, which is a wooden cube with a roof. it should be ugly but mostly it’s just really charming. i think he would enjoy the foxes
dick: also doesn’t get it. i think he’d prefer story based games or just straight up board games. he would enjoy the communal aspect and if someone introduced him to hypixel or something he would like that but i can’t see him enjoying casual minecraft unless it was a story based adventure map of some kind. he might like blightfall
duke: stacked. plays the game and plays it well. he has netherite armour while everyone else is just getting iron. he just strikes me as a minecraft kid. only other person who’s halfway decent at redstone, but only uses it to make cursed contraptions that give everyone else a headache.
jason: not the most impressive builds or the best with pvp but he likes to explore and creates really elaborate beautiful storylines into all his builds and the environments he cultivates that end up dragging half of the others into the plot. the kid who built fences around villages to protect the citizens from monsters. would enjoy mods that expand the minecraft world like better end.
stephanie: would play with incredibly silly mods that are all only working together with glue and hope. finding incredibly niche categories of speedrunning to complete just for fun; she actually gets briefly famous for setting a decent world record in something and would probably have many twitch followers if she didn’t already have med school and vigilante work to manage. maybe in another life
tim: doesn’t understand the term sandbox game and refuses to learn. he logs on and starts playing achievement hunter. not necessarily in a speedrunning way, but he does play the game like it has a tasklist. perpetual dirt hut tenant. either that or his unsupervised internet access as a child has lead to minecraft youtuber trauma
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On July 23, 1903, Ford Motor Company (according to their website as a few sources had conflicting dates) sold its first automobile. It was a Model A for $850.
For today, Howard letterpress printed an image from an electrotype of an automobile, but it is not Ford’s Model A. We don’t have many automobile cuts to choose from in our print shop exhibit though! This is one of our newest cuts from Stephanie in Georgia and recently delivered by one of our local followers, David. This cut is very under Type High so the stack of paper underneath helps bring the cut to 0.918 of an inch. This was printed with black rubber base ink using our Washington hand press.
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✶ DEMO (TBA) ✶
It's always the picture-perfect days that end the shittiest...
You had finally been having a good day after a horrible week-- nice weather, good company, and you got your manager off your ass-- but you should have known that was only the calm before the storm. A storm that completely rips apart not only your life but that of your family-- not the ones related by blood, you had given up on them long ago, but the people that had taken you in and given you a home. The Vipers, the most reputable gang in the Northside of Riverwood, and the only family you had left.
The boss is dead... We have no leads.
A single message had completely turned your life on its head. The man that had singlehandedly saved you from yourself, from ending up face down in a gutter, was dead. You don't hesitate in volunteering to help hunt down his killer-- not if it meant protecting your family and avenging his death. Even if it means calling on your biggest rivals for help or getting assisted by an over-eager detective.
Desperate times called for desperate measures...
Desperate Measures is rated 18+ for explicit language, sexual themes, drug and alcohol use, violence, intense interrogations, blood, questionable behavior, and more.
✶ Features ✶ Character Intros (WIP) ✶
Customize your MC: appearance, parts of your personality, segments of your background, hobbies, vices, and more! Do you have what it takes to avenge the death of your mentor? Do you have a nickname that's specific to the Vipers?
While you're investigating make sure you maintain contact with your gang, and don't forget that you have a job. Even if it is just at a shitty cafe.
Romance is definitely something that is offered and will bring insightful moments to characters that may otherwise remain an enigma to you. Or, of course, you can strike up a friendship with them!
Find a killer and either take justice into your own hands, allow someone else to do it, or follow the law!
✶ The ROs ✶
Heather Grant ✶ She/Her ✶ 29 ✶
The Heiress of Riverwood Royalty, the Grant Family, and one of the only people that could offer assistance with the investigation-- with her limitless amount of resources and the fact that the Grant Family seemed to own all of Riverwood. The only problem? She absolutely hates the Vipers. Will you be able to come to some sort of middle ground?
Special Aspects: Enemies-to-Lovers, but will you be able even to blame her for her hatred in the end?
Damien Frost ✶ He/Him ✶ 29 ✶
A recently promoted detective within the RPD. A man that's been assigned the case, either out of pity or malevolence, you aren't quite sure, but Detective Frost isn't one to give up, even when all the odds seem to be stacked against him. In fact, he seems to have a penchant to appear wherever you are, and he doesn't seem to mind at all that he's working alongside criminals. He simply wants to get the crime solved. Is it only because he wishes to prove himself? Or is it something more?
Special Aspects: Law Enforcement Officer with a Gangster... Need I say more?
Stephen/Stephanie Matthews ✶ He/Him or She/Her ✶ 27 ✶
Stephen/Stephanie, or simply Stevie, is someone you know you can count on no matter what. They'd as easily offer you their last beer as they would knife someone in the gut to protect you. Your best friend since you joined the Vipers, being the one that had trained you after your initiation, it's no surprise that they join you on the hunt for the killer.
Special Aspects: Best Friends to Lovers
Gabriel/Gabriella DeLuca ✶ He/Him or She/Her ✶ 28 ✶
The other half of your motley crew within the Vipers. Gabby is known for a multitude of things within the Northside, being a jack of all trades when it comes to their skills, but their true trademark is the sea of broken hearts they've left in their wake. With a disarming smile and devil-may-care attitude, it isn't hard to understand how someone could be pulled into their axis. It's just escaping it unscathed that's the challenge.
Special Aspects: Have the option to be friends with benefits, or simply friends, and see how that could influence the possible romance to come.
Leon/Lena Prince ✶ He/Him or She/Her ✶ 28 ✶
The one person you wouldn't wish to run into within Riverwood-- having completely destroyed your relationship with them; possibly breaking their heart in the process. You haven't heard much about them since you left the Southside, but learning about them taking over the rival gang of the Vipers? Your week just couldn't get any better, could it?
Special Aspects: Exes-to-Rivals-to-Friends-to-Lovers (once more). Will you be able to build back the trust you lost?
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taylorswiftstyle · 7 months
Tumblr media
Super Bowl LVIII | Las Vegas, NV | February 11, 2024
Shahla Karimi Jewelry ‘Baguette Stacking Ring’ - $810.00 Shahla Karimi Jewelry ‘Bezel Set Demi Ring’ - $850.00 SHAY 'Ruby Eternity Band' - $5,660.00 Retrouvai ‘Magna Ring’ - $3,210.00
This isn’t the first time Taylor has worn Retrouvai. Another L.A.-based jewelry brand. The last time being the "I Bet You Think About Me" music video - directed of course by Blake Lively who just so happens to be there with Taylor to take in tonights game. ‘Magna’ of course meaning ‘great’ in Latin - which feels like a bejeweled way to manifest a Chiefs win.
Worn with: Wear by EA jacket, Stephanie Gottlieb pendant and tennis necklace, Shay necklace and bracelet, The Last Line earring, Dion Lee top, Judith Leiber clutch, Area pants, and Christian Louboutin boots
Photo by Ezra Shaw via Getty Images
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818-jadelvr · 10 months
Jude beinh Inlove with readers accent?
The Sound of Your Voice
jb5 x f!pen latina!reader
I love this.
Summary: You’re playing UNO with ur family Jude which brings out your anger, which brings out your accent.
It wasn’t that your accent was thick or anything but you did have one and it came out when ur mad. You were currently VERY mad. You were in the living room playing UNO with your mom, dad, older sister Stephanie, and your three older brothers, Ivan, Evan, and Christopher, Jude was also playing with you seven and let’s just say that he was having the time of his life.
Hearing you get angry at any of your siblings for either skipping your turn, making you draw four cards, or choosing a color that you didn’t have in your current stack. It all angered you, and worst of all that said NO stacking because they would’ve all lost to you.
Jude on the other hand was enjoying all this, your sudden out bursts of rage that filled you when you got skipped AGAIN. Only this time it wasn’t Stephanie, it wasn’t Christopher, Evan, OR Ivan… it was your dad. Your own father. you suddenly get up and do a lap around the kitchen table. “LOOK IF ONE OF YOU DO THIS TO ME AGAIN I’LL KICK YOU. THIS ISN’T FUNNY.” you yelled in a thick accent.
It kind of reflex of your vocal cords that once you got mad or you were super excited you started sounding like Gloria from Modern Family. (I love Sofia Vergara) and it only happened to you. Only you. And Jude ate it up every time. He loved it, he loved the way you pronounced certain words, the way you would roll your ‘r’s’, he loved everything about it
As everyone laughed at you Jude was looking at you in awe, like he was in love with you accent itself, so he stood up and followed you, as now you were doing a lap around the WHOLE house “Love come back” he says pleading as if you were leaving him “No. ellos piensan que son tan graciosos.” (No they think they’re so funny)
“oh my goodness, please babe, they’re just trying to have fun.” he says trying to calm you down, but to be honest you didn’t know why you were so worked up, it was just a game. “You know what? You’re right this is so stupid. Fuck why am I mad?” you ask him like he knew the answer to the question “I don’t know angel. But all I know is that I love the sound of your voice” he says smiling at you “Gracias mi amor” (thank you my love)
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 9 months
Some gas lamp Au please
"I see the girls had a productive shopping excursion," Bruce observed, more amused than annoyed.
"Exceedingly," Tim said, handing him a stack of receipts from modistes, milliners, and stationers.
"Miss Y/N seems none the worse for wear. And if not in fine spirits, holding up well."
"Good," Bruce said nodding, scanning them briefly. "And the other part of the operation?"
"Going well," Tim reported. "Stephanie and I are staging a detour to the scavenger hunt due to a road closure. And of course, Dick is happy to play the part of a robber on the road."
"And the Uncle?"
"I have him set to invest the dowry money he's stolen in a shell company- a fake silver mine. Once that's done I'll entrust it to Jason to give back to Y/N. He likes the idea that she should have money of her own."
"Where are you going to put them?" Tim asked looking around. "Are you moving them here?"
"God no. I've no particular urge to live with a young married couple. But. I did find a nice little house-"
"Little by who's standards?"
"It's a nice house," Bruce amended. "I think it'll suit them."
"You're going soft, Bruce."
Bruce snorted, "Maybe. But- You know I just want you all to be-"
"Don't give me the happiness speech," Tim implored, "Please. Jason's gonna get married. Have a passel of brats and you can play Victorian papa with them."
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