#Start of Something New | Amity Blight
tag dump
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picturejasper20 · 1 month
I’m pretty sure tons of other people might’ve said it, but based on what I’ve seen from A New Wish, Dev is giving me some Amity Blight vibes except even more messed up.
Funny how i was just minutes ago talking with some people about this on Discord.
But, yeah, you can see that by watching a few episodes FOP A New Wish takes quite a lot of inspiration in recent DTVA shows from the latest years.
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Amity seems to be one of the first examples that comes to mind. She was quite cold at the start of the series and over time, through different series of events, she got to know Luz and learned that she could do better than just following what her parents told her to do.
However, i would say Dev leans more to be like characters like Scratch from The Ghost and Molly Mcgee and Max from Camp Camp, specially Max. Both Max and Dev have similar ways of speaking, coming off as dry and rather insensitive towards others. Dev has this ¨pessimistic worldview¨ and he would rather pretend he doesn't care about things.
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Both Dev and Max also can be power hungry,they have very chaotic energy and don't care about breaking the rules at all. Just Max, Dev often has problems with treating other people well, we see this with how he treats Peri in some episodes.
And of course, both have parents who are very neglectful to them and they both show different signs of abandonment issues as result in different occasions.
Other comparisons i could make are Jason and King Xavier from Craig of the Creek, a show the main producers worked on before working on this show. Dev feels like a mix of both of these characters, so i wouldn't be surprised if they were inspired from there.
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I could make more comparisons, but yeah. I think Dev is intended to be more a ¨deconstruction¨ of characters like Amity, Andrea, ect that shows that just because he made a friend it doesn't mean that all his issues were ¨fixed¨ and in fact he still can get worse even after becoming better in some ways.
It is a more ¨realistic¨ take on neglectful parenting/ abandonment issues than you see in other animated family shows. It shows how badly it can mess a kid up and it isn't something that goes away so easily.
I think another factor that plays a role here is that Infinity Train writers worked in this show, so they probably wanted to do something quite different with Dev's character and her relationship with Hazel. People who worked COTC as well, since that series tackles themes like complicated and toxic friendships.
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toh-tagteam-au · 2 years
Tag Team AU Synopsis – Lost in Language + Once Upon a Swap
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Previous [Hooty's Moving Hassle]
Next Part [Something Ventured + Escape of the Palisman] [coming soon]
WOO first double episode post! I'm going to double-up on certain episodes since some are too short/don't have a lot of substance to justify having their own posts/are too much like canon. So, let's vibe. Library time.
Lost in Language
Eda gets the bat baby again. Hunter shows up to tell Eda that he’s going to the library to research and he’ll take her books back for her.
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(lmao it’s because he’s helping the palisman eater)
Once he gets to the library, he researches for the whole day until the Blight twins start talking to him, saying they were impressed by how he made a quick negative first impression on Amity at the covention. He doesn’t like them immediately, but Edric invites him to come to the library at night.
So they do the wishing star stuff and Hunter actually ends up having fun. Montage Moment. Eventually, they take him to Amity’s study room and reveal their plan, which Hunter HATES.
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He leaves the study room, but not before stealing Amity’s diary without the twins noticing. 
He then literally runs into Amity, who overheard the twins inviting Hunter to the library earlier that day. Hunter gives her the diary, saying that even she doesn’t deserve to be screwed over by family. 
Otabin suddenly attacks, and Amity and Hunter have to save the twins from their own creation. Everyone sticks around to clean up the damages, and Hunter encourages the twins to apologize to Amity. 
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Oh and also
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Once Upon a Swap
Episode opens up at the market, with each character having the same gripes as canon except instead of Luz’s problem with Eda not wanting her name in lights, Hunter has a problem with Eda not explaining how her human stuff works to her customers. Body swap is the same, Hunter in Eda’s body and King in Hunter’s body.
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The narrative sticks with Hunter pretty much the whole time, who tries explaining how human things work to customers. Eventually, people stop coming to his stall because there’s no mysticism surrounding the human stuff now that they know they’re just normal objects. He gets caught by coven scouts at some point during this, and Lilith visits her “sister” similar to canon.
Hunter explains to Lilith in VERY detailed terms that Eda does not want to be part of the Emperor’s coven.
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Basically, Hunter’s “lesson” that he learns is that people will not always listen to you, regardless of how many facts your side is based on. 
Cut to King, who is doing teen stuff in Hunter’s body, when he’s pulled into an alleyway by Luz the Golden Guard, who tells him that Eda was arrested and they have to bail her out. 
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So King knows now.
Cut back to Lilith and Hunter when the Golden Guards arrive. Hunter is understandably terrified seeing King there while Luz smooth-talks Lilith. Luz gets into a stalemate with Lilith before King speaks up, to the confusion of Luz. Apparently, the Owl Lady performed a body swap spell in the market today, so even if they DO put a sigil on her, it won't stick! (He is lying about the sigil thing).
The bodyswap spell is backed up by a few other scouts, who mention they did hear “bodyswap” be yelled earlier, and eventually by Hunter, who says that he is in fact Eda’s new apprentice. Lilith says that Eda did mention him at the covention.
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Luz, quickly using the excuse that this isn’t Eda and thus a false arrest, escorts King and Hunter out of the station and drags them into town before Lilith can wisen up. 
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Eventually, Luz and Hunter beg King to not tell Eda that Hunter is a Golden Guard, saying that they’re trying to help someone with knowledge of wild magic, and Eda is their last shot. King tentatively agrees, as long as they keep Eda safe and don’t hurt her. 
Eventually, they all converge together so King, Eda, and Hunter can end the bodyswap spell and get away like in canon.
Previous Part [Hooty's Moving Hassle]
Next Part [Something Ventured + Escape of the Palisman]
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morgy-doo · 6 months
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Luz noceda~
has 100% made you read all of the azura books ATLEAST once
has started teaching you spanish because she thought it would be cute if you two had your own cute lil conversations without over people over hearing
always pestering amity on relationship advice
the owl house is basically your second home by now
hooty can never leave you both alone for more than 5 minutes when your with each other
tries to hide whats going on with belos from you but you figure it out pretty quick because she is a BADDDD liar
she just doesn't want you to worry <3
AMAZING at cheering you up, honestly she would throw herself off a cliff just to hear you do that little cry laugh thing
Amity blight~
she is constantly worrying she is not good enough for you
please give this poor girl some love and reassurance
based on the past person she was she is terrified that one day you will realise there are better people and will never speak to her again
even if your not in the track, abomination magic has become a big part of your life
sometimes at school she gets an abomination to follow you around and carry your bags and stuff when she is not avaliable
she thinks its sweet and endearing
you think its terrifying but don't have the heart to tell her
literally gulps down your praise
"you really think i did good?"
she is so proud of herself after that
she cares about you SM
lucky bitch
your safety always becomes before hers and sometimes she forgets to do certain things for herself because she is to occupied with worrying about you
Willow park~
loves gardening with you
honestly you were clueless about how to diffrentiate (did i spell that right?) different types of trees
but ever since dating her you know the label and scientific name of ever plant that's ever grown
good for you boo <3
always is slightly self concious around you
always trying to smooth down her hair
but DAMN this girl is STRICT
if you play a sport or any type of activity that involves potential injury, you better expect her to be wrapping you in bubble wrap the moment you leave that field
if you were trying to impress her with your skills and get hurt, she will scold you the entire time she is fixing your injury, but secretly finds it cute
she will find simple little things to brighten your day like leaving cute little potted plants on your desk before class
Gus porter~
THE MOST supportive boyfriend to ever grace this earth
you wanna try something new? go ahead he will be excited to hear how you liked it
you wanna try out a new sport? he will be cheering you on at every practice and game in the stands
definately owns one of those shirts that say "i love my bf/gf"
tries so hard to impress you
he wants to be the perfect boyfriend for you so if you show interest in the slightest thing then boom you own a whole collection of items related to that interest and he has learnt everything there is to know about it off witchapedia
loves watching you use your magic
it interests him
learns so many different jokes just to make you laugh and smile everyday
Boscha (i only just realised she doesn't have a last name)~
oh god how do i even start this
can be super clingy one minute, but then acts as if she is used to the attention from you and couldn't care less
she takes it upon herself to be your protector
even if its from a potential splinter
BIG on pet names
babe,baby,darling,sweetheart, yk
"heh did you see that babe? i totally just saved you from that rogue grudgby ball"
speaking of grudgby, as cliche as it sounds she has bought you a jersey that has her name on it for when she plays grudgby
honestly dies of happiness when she hears you shout "that's my girlfriend!"
always lends you her jacket when your cold, even when she is freezing herself she is way to stubborn to take it back
or she just lets you wear it around the school hallways so everyone knows the coolest girl in school is your girlfriend
when she is ruling hexside, she keeps an eye on you, no matter where you are in the room, her third eye is always on you
she is terrified she is going to lose you like she did the others
lets you sit on her lap when she is on the throne
can you tell she is my favourite?
Hunter deamonne~
he is literally the definition of acts of service
the biggest gentlemen ever
holds open every door, pulls out your chairs for you, literally he could be your slave
gets red VERY easily
when you give him praise he practically melts
found it hard to open up to you about his past but when he does he feels a huge relief
now he tells you literally everything
you totally gossip together all the time
he loves training with you, it's never serious and he can see your magic in action
you are honestly his everything
he loves playing with your hair too
is honestly so good at doing hair, he has learnt how to get the perfect rounded bun
loves you more than life itself
part two? <3
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bookishgalaxies · 7 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐮𝐳 𝐍𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐝𝐚
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ch. 2
summary: When Luz Noceda gets her Hogwarts acceptance letter in the mail, she was over the moon. Little did she know that a Hogwarts acceptance letter meant more than just the chance to learn magic.
pairings: luz noceda x amity blight, hunter x willow park, and eda clawthorne x raine whispers
type: ongoing story, not proofread
warnings: slight bullying on Amity’s part, bad writing??
a/n: I didn’t die, calc just consumed me.
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Luz’s mom coming to terms that her daughter was going off to a magical school and wouldn’t return home until Christmas was…..difficult. Ever since the letter had arrived in the mail and Luz had come home with all sorts of magical items, her mom had debated her attending Hogwarts. Eventually deciding if it was what her daughter wanted, then it would be worth giving it a shot. Also secretly hoping Luz would make some friends while at this wizarding school.
“Mija, you wanted to go to the train station today, didn’t you?” Her mother called from the living room downstairs.
Luz hurriedly wiped invisible dust off of her hoodie as she picked up her suitcases and backpack. One holding clothes, shoes, and her favourite cartoon plushie. The other holding everything she had gotten on Diagon Alley. Her backpack had a few books of her own and random things her mother insisted she pack.
“Headed down right now!” Luz replied to her mother as she rolled her suitcases out of her room and put her backpack on her shoulders.
Hopping into the car with her mom, Luz felt raindrops slide down her short brown hair. It was always raining in London, something Luz had observed for the last two years since her and her mom had moved to West London.
The sound of the rain pattering on the car windows was calming. Rainy days always birthed a sense of pondering in Luz’s mind. She let her mind wander to the possibilities of the new wizarding school. The possibility of having friends for once in her life made Luz’s stomach flip with excitement. She had been reading through her spell books throughout the months leading up to September 1st. Neville had told her that she wasn’t allowed to cast spells and use her wand outside of Hogwarts. That didn’t stop her raging curiosity from reading everything she bought at Diagon Alley though. She had concluded mid August after reading through everything that Defense Against the Dark Arts seemed to be the coolest class. Well, at least the class with the best textbook.
Arriving at the train station, Luz ensured she had all her things before strolling in with her mother. Looking at the different platform numbers, she didn’t immediately spot platform 9 ¾. She scanned again intently, walking around and asking her mom to keep an eye out just in case she was overlooking it due to excitement. Finally, after about 20 minutes her mom concluded she should ask a train station employee. So, Luz proudly strolled up to an employee standing by platform 9 and asked the question with excitement in her voice.
“Excuse me, could you show me the way to platform 9 ¾?”
The employee gave her an odd look then chuckled.
“This some TikTok prank I haven’t heard of yet?” He asked in a way that indicated it wasn’t actually a question.
“No sir, I’m looking for platform 9 ¾ so I can travel to Hogwarts, Term starts today and I really don't want to miss it.” She explained to the officer with a genuine expression.
“Sorry kid, this platform 9 ¾ of your’s doesn’t exist. At least not at this train station. Maybe you need to try somewhere else.” The employee said before giving a swift goodbye and walking away.
Luz walked over to her mom and explained to her what was going on. Her mom of course asked Luz to double check she had the right place, and she did. The writing on the piece of parchment Neville had given her was quite clear she was supposed to be at King’s Cross station. She was getting quickly discouraged, and 11 a.m. was nearing. If she didn't catch the train in time she would have to go back to Diagon Alley and hope to find someone that could help her. Thinking of Diagon Alley, Luz pulled her wand from the side pouch of her backpack. Maybe she needed to use magic to access the platform?
“Wait! Don’t use that until you get on the train!” A girl Luz’s age called out, rushing up to Luz with three large trunks in her arms.
The girl was shorter than normal with pale skin and navy hair pulled into pigtails. She had circular glasses and a kind looking face, Wearing a shirt that had diagrams of plants Luz did not recognize with caramel-coloured corduroy pants. She was out of breath by the time she had ran up to Luz, seeming to have sped across the train station.
“Are you trying to get arrested by The Ministry?” The girl asked in an accusatory tone.
“No, no, I’m just looking for platform 9 ¾! I promise I do not want to upset whoever The Ministry is.” Luz put her hands up in surrender as she pleaded her case.
“Are you going to Hogwarts?” The navy-haired girl asked, her demeanor becoming less tense.
“Yeah! Or at least If I can figure out how to get there.” Luz answered
“Oh! You’re a muggle-born! Makes total sense, they really need to get better at communicating this stuff to newcomers like you.” Willow deduced from the cluelessness Luz exhibited
“A muggle what? I’m just trying to find my way to this magical school so I can learn how to kick butt wizard style!” Luz responded
“I’m Willow, my older sister is in her second year, so I can show you the ropes.” Willow offered with a smile, holding her hand out for Luz to shake it.
“I’m Luz, and it’s nice to meet you!” Luz greeted, shaking Willow’s hand.
Much to Luz’s surprise she had been standing in front of the place she needed to go the whole time. In her and her mom’s defence though, it just looked like a brick wall. There wasn’t exactly a flashing sign that said “Hogwarts Train Boards Here.”. Luz might have to make a few suggestions to the headmaster when she got to school.
She was trying to wrap her head around how Willow was able to simply run straight at the brick wall and go right through it like she was a ghost. Luz was terrified of running straight at it then ending up in the ER with a gaping scar on her head. She borrowed one of the luggage carts for her two suitcases and gave her mom a re-assuring talk about how she wasn’t running into her demise.
Finally facing the brick wall, luggage on cart and backpack secured, Luz closed her eyes tight and ran forward. She was expecting her face to hit the hard slab and scrunched her face on instinct. However, the pain of slapping into a brick wall never came. Instead, when she opened her eyes, she saw a room of bustling students and a shiny maroon and gold train.
“The Hogwarts Express, really is magical,” Willow said, standing next to Luz “c’mon, let’s go grab a seat before all the good ones are taken!”
As they boarded the train, Luz was in awe at how large it was. Toes of cabins seeming to go on forever and ever. She was even more amazed at how Willow seemed to know exactly where she was going, not hesitating even a bit.
“Willow! Over here! I saved us the best seat in the house.” Said a voice that sounded like it came from a young boy.
“Gus, just because it is right beside the candy trolley, doesn’t mean it’s the best seat in the house.” Willow mused, stepping into the cabin and putting her luggage in the top storage containers.
“That’s exactly what that means!” Gus exclaimed.
Luz shoved her suitcases above an empty seat and plopped down, being careful not to mess up her plain robes she had gotten in Diagon Alley.
“Gus, this is Luz!” Willow exclaimed, gesturing to Luz who sat across from the two supposed friends.
“Pleasure to meet you! Have any takes on what house you think you’ll be sorted into?” Gus asked excitedly, leaning forward with anticipation.
“House…..? Like, where I’m going to live at Hogwarts?” Luz inquired in a confused tone.
“Gus, she’s completely new to all this! Maybe tell her what the houses are first, then let her decide.” Willow explains, looking over at Gus.
“Well, there’s Gryffindor, which is typically where really brave and chivalrous people go, Hufflepuff is for the loyal and hard-working. Then there’s Ravenclaw where intelligence and creativity is valued most. And last, but certainly not least, is Slytherin, which is for the ambitious and cunning. Despite what everyone says, not all people who are sorted into Slytherin are evil.” Gus explained, seeming to not take a breath in between any of his sentences.
Luz didn’t have much time to take in all the information before the door to their compartment opened. Whipping her head around at the sudden noise, Luz saw the pretty girl with purple hair and golden eyes standing in the doorway, looking down on the three of them.
“Seems they really let anyone in this train nowadays.” She sneered, looking at Willow and Gus.
“What do you want, Amity?” Willow asked in a dejected tone
“I want to know why you losers are in the best cart on this whole train.” Amity asked in an accusatory manner.
“See, I told you this was the best spot!” Gus insisted, looking at Willow.
“Hey! Stop calling them losers, Besides, we were here first, that’s why we have this spot.” Luz spoke up, ignoring the butterflies whizzing around in her stomach at the girl’s gorgeous appearance.
“Someone’s set to be sorted into Gryffindor.” Amity mumbled under her breath.
“There’s still some room if you want to sit with us….” Willow offered weakly.
“I don’t sit with ignorant witches and wizards like yourselves.” Amity scoffed, turning on her heel.
“Well, maybe we didn’t want you to sit with us anyway!” Luz exclaimed, before the cabin door shut. Them, she blew a raspberry at door.
“She couldn’t have at least waited until we got to Hogwarts to call us losers?” Gus sighed, sitting back in his seat.
Luz was half-listening to the two friends talk of the girl named Amity. Why did someone so pretty have to have such a foul attitude? The words she spoke reminded Luz of the bullies at her past schools and it frightened Luz a little. She has hoped that Hogwarts would be different. Which, she guessed it already was considering Gus and Willow were nice and seemed likke they would become great friends. Still, the idea of bullies with magic unsettled her.
It wasn’t long before the candy trolley came and Luz watched Gus buy an absurd amount of something they called Chocolate Frogs.
“That’s my third Dumbledore this month!” Gus exclaimed, looking at the card. To Luz’s surprise, completely disregarding the brown frog about o hop out of the train window. Diving to catch it, she ended face planting into the window, with no frog in her hands.
“Luz! Are you okay?” Willow asked, whipping her head around to look at the window
“I’m alright! Your living chocolate frog isn’t though.” Luz mused, referring to the frog who had climbed out of he window and had immediately been blown away.
“You really only get chocolate frogs for the cards.” Willow explained, nodding her head to Gus who had a small booklet that held all of his cards.
“Oh! So, you collect them? Like action figures!” Luz said with realisation, becoming excited at the thought of another cool thing to collect.
Hogwarts was close, that's what the lady that came back around with the trolley said. Luz felt a few butterflies spawn in her stomach. She was really nervous to see this magical and fantastical place. She knew though, that in the back of her mind this is where she was meant to be.
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thank you so much for reading !!
Remember to stay hydrated and rest well !!
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toh-rarepair-otd · 7 days
todays TOH rarepair is:
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Hunter x Amity!
They first meet by chance. Amity’s parents often throw big parties for the richer witches on the Isles, and always invite a representative from the Emperor’s Coven. One year, when hunter is in training to be the Golden Guard, he is sent along with the coven scouts who attend. Hunter tries his best to behave himself, but he gets bored easily, so he ends up wandering around Blight Manor a little. This is how he stumbles upon Amity, hiding off in a dark hallway somewhere, avoiding the socialization. He introduces himself as the Golden Guard, and she very clearly doesn’t trust him. He’s wearing a mask after all. Nothing much comes out of that meeting, but Hunter does realize that he and Amity have a few things in common— not only how they’re both sneaking off to spend time alone, but also the weariness in her eyes… it’s a mirror image of his own troubles, if bit better hidden. They don’t see each other again for a long time. Amity forgets about him, but Hunter doesn’t forget about her— the youngest Blight daughter, abomination track, top of her class— he keeps tabs on her. Just out of curiosity. In his isolation, he likes to pretend that she could be his friend, if only their circumstances were different. Then comes his mission to get the portal key for Belos, and suddenly she’s right there in front of him again. He hardly recognizes her, and he feels ashamed to have her see him in such a frazzled state. He’d always imagined that the next time they see each other, he’d act all cool, and charm her with his wit and kindness. But no. They end up fighting, and they’re damn well matched. The withering way she glares at him makes him want to die, but he doesn’t show it outwardly. That mission was a failure. The next time their paths cross, things are moving far too fast for them to talk. At the very least, she recognizes that he’s no longer a threat. But in the months that follow, while they’re trapped in the human realm, things slow down. Hunter is able to really talk to her, get to know her. They become friends, slowly but surely, based on a mutual respect and understanding for the sort of struggles they both grew up with. Amity is funny, Hunter realizes. She’s also very sweet, and kind, and nerdy, and overthinks everything, and before he realizes it, he starts liking her just a bit too much. But he doesn’t have time to think about that, Halloween comes and goes and Belos returns and Flapjack dies, and his mind is a mess— but as they return to the Isles, over the next few days, Amity is a comforting constant in his life. She sticks with him even as he pushes everyone away, because she knows that he’s not truly angry. He’s hurting. It feels so good to be understood like that, so Hunter just lets it happen even though he feels guilty knowing his feelings run deeper than hers. Time passes, Luz saves the day, things settle into a new normal… but Hunter can’t ignore his stupid feelings. Eventually, it all comes out, and he’s terrified that he’s ruined his friendship with Amity— she’s one of his best friends by now, and he loves her— but she isn’t mad. She’s known. She’s okay with it. The slow, easy relationship they start isn’t something typical— some jumbled mess of friends, lovers, soulmates— but it’s beautiful, to both of them.
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writing-fanics · 1 year
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⁂ starry eyed ⁂
✦ Hunter X Collector!Reader ✦
[Chapter Five: Watching and Dreaming]
previous chapter
[Y/n] smiles, as she sits up happy the war is over, watching as the sun shines between the clouds. She looked down at a puddle of water, and her reflection stared back at her, and her eyes were no longer that of the same as her brother. But, [e/c] and her hair was now, [h/c], and the purple batch on her face no longer there.
‘And that's how we saved the Boiling Isles.’
In the forest where the red pine trees are to be placed horizontally. A bird perches on one horizontally.’Well, as much as we could.’ 
At the Archives, where everyone starts to come out safely. 
‘We were so relieved to see everyone safely released from the Archives. They were spared the worst of it, at least.’
Lilith hands over a puppet Steve to be returned to normal by The Collector. Steve then feels his body and sees Lilith, who offers him a hug. Instead, Steve scoops her into a big hug, much to Lilith and The Collector’s happiness. Inside everyone was reuniting with their families and loved ones. 
with their families and loved ones. 
‘Because of that, everyone got to reunite with their families and loved ones.’
Amity runs over to hug her father, who happily hugs her. “Dad!” Amity laughs happily, Odalia scowling to the side. Gus, looks around for his father worriedly. When he does, he releases several illusions of himself which all approach his father. Once surrounded, Perry tries to hug the first two illusions until he gets to the third one, who turns out to be the real Gus. He picks him up and hugs him as the other illusions disappear. 
Willow looks around for her fathers, accompanied by Hunter. He then suddenly smiles and points to someone. Willow instantly stares in shock and she runs to hug her fathers tight, who then kiss each other after. 
Hunter’s expression returns to gloom as he reaches into his pocket; pulling out the single wolf ear hairclip. He had forgotten to give it to her when they reunited, and something in him told him that he’d never see him again. The moment he saw the tiny stars fall from the sky in the archives, it was just that gut feeling. He looks down sadly, as he looks after realizing no one might be probably waiting for him.
‘And if someone thought they had no one waiting for them, well, they were in for a nice surprise.’ 
Someone suddenly ruffles Hunter’s hair, and he looks towards them in annoyance to reveal Darius and Eberwolf, with an appreciative looks on both of their faces. Darius then points to Hunter’s shirt to which he goes into detail explaining everything while Darius and Eberwolf look on, interested. 
Someone suddenly taps on Hunter’s shoulder, and he looks towards them in annoyance but turns into a look of joy, revealing [Y/n]. Emotions took over and he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her as if her life depended on it. She pulled back from the hug and smiled at him, the excitement of seeing her again and the emotions, just seemed to take over, cause the next moment he crashed his lips on hers. She was taken aback for a moment but slowly melted into the kiss and kissed him back. 
Back in Hexside, everyone celebrates the return of Principal Bump, which is met with applause. His long black hair, which is flowing in the wind, stops to reveal Amelia and Cat, who wave happily. Boscha suddenly pushes through the Blight twins who were in front of her, Edric falling due to his cast, runs over and hugs them, crying.
‘Still, there was a lot of work to be done—’
Various Bonesborough citizens, including Morton, observe all the damage done. Darius and Eberwold, inside the ruined castle, look on at the Titan’s hand, now in its new position. 
‘And not everyone was keen to change things—’ 
Belos’ ruined throne. Vitimir, Terra and Adrian all walk towards it with mischievous looks on their faces. Two big shadows loon over them, revealed to be Darius and Eberwolf. Darius forms his left hand into an abomination fist, seemingly threatening them, as the three coven heads walk away nervously. Vitimit suddenly returns to touch the edge of the throne and it is promptly smashed away by Darius’ abomination hand. 
‘But we were ready to give it a shot. All of us.’
Inside the owl house, Eda fixes the nest as she lays Raine down, then resting by their side. King jumps from behind, plopping into the spot beside Raine as Luz, Eda, and [Y/n] laugh. A blue light suddenly flashes and the gang turns to look at the Collector, followed by a hooded Lilith. The sisters reunite and hug as Camila and Amity, also enter the house. Amity and Luz hugs, and subsequently share a kiss. Camila then nudges Luz’s hand and the two share a hug. 
‘As for The Collector—’
The Collector then approaches King and decides to give him back Francois. King happily hugs Francois as he walks away.
‘he and I made a pinky promise to keep trying our best. He said he had a lot of growing up to do, so he decided to return to the stars.’
[Y/n] looks down at her little brother and hugged him, and he hugged her back “Even though, I’m no longer a Collector, I’m still your big sister.” She said, kissing him on the forehead. King then catches up with the Collector and decided to let him have Francois. He then whispers in The Collector’s ear, which makes him tear up. 
‘No one argued, but I think I heard King whisper, "I hope I see you again.” 
‘We got our happy ending, but I realized something in that moment.’
‘When the Titan had finally passed on, so did the powers of the glyphs.’
But there would be a new adventure.. 
[ four years later ] 
Owlbert flies next to Willow, who is now a professional flyer derby player. Together, they dive into the forest, where Hunter is carving a palisman from palistorm wood to give to Braxas. Willow lands on the ground and surfs on thorny vines. Hunter turns and he has a bluejay on his shoulder. He glances at the Bat Queen and Eda’s parents working in the garden. He catches up with Willow and walks before sliding down a steep incline. Hunter loses his balance and Willow breaks Hunter’s fall, and they are in shock. 
They look to the side and they warmly smile. It is a gravestone for Flapjack, and Willow conjures delicate vines to decorate the gravestone. Hunter and Willow fly off to Bonesborough. They stop at the library, which is in the process of renovation. Mattholomule is seen overseeing the construction, while Kikimore is struggling with the wooden beams. Lilith unfurls her plans for a library wing, and Hooty eagerly watches. 
The wind suddenly picks up and an Abomintaion themed blimp lands in front of them. Amity steps out and hugs Lilith. Lilith then revealed her new harpy form, which resembles a raven. [Y/n] lands on the ground, and holds her staff in her hand while holding a sketchbook in the other. She smiled happily seeing, everyone, and walked towards Hunter kissing him on the cheek.
‘Jasper, stop I’m trying to listen!’
‘Me too, shh be quiet Stella!’ 
Sitting in a chair sat a much older [Y/n] her hair had been cut short, and there was a wedding band around her left ring finger. Closing the picture book in her hands she looked down at the children in front of her. A boy with blonde hair and [e/c] eyes looked at his twin sister with an annoyed look. A girl with [h/c] hair and brown eyes stuck her tongue out her at older twin. [Y/n] shook her head, and watched as her children bickered over them continuously interrupting the story. 
“Knock it off you two,” She said, looking at the twins whose gaze shifted back to their mother, who still held the book in her hands. She opens the book, and was about to continue reading. 
“Mommy?” Stella said, causing her mother to look up from the book. “Yes, sweetie?” [Y/n] said, looking at her daughter. “What, was it like when you kissed daddy?” She asked, and Jasper looked at her disgusted making a barf face. 
[Y/n] chuckled, patting her lap Stella stood up and waddled her way towards her, and she picked her up. “Well, the first thing there was a lot of emotion behind it.” She said, smiling looking down at her daughter, “We hadn’t seen each other in almost a day, and he thought he’d lost me again, and that he’d never see me again.” She said, sadly causing Stella to frown. 
“But, the moment he saw me it was like seeing an old friend after years of being apart. And all that emotion just took over.” She said, recalling it and smiling warmly at the memory. “Then he said I love you?” Stella asked, and [Y/n] shook her head, “Nope, not yet thats my little star.” [Y/n] said, nuzzling her head against Stella’s. “Is a story for another day.” She said, causing Stella to frown. 
“Awe, did I miss storytime?” A voice said, the children looked over towards the doorway, a much older Hunter stood there. “Daddy!” the twins exclaimed, running over to their father he knelt down wrapping his arms around his children. 
“How’s, my little stars?” He asked, Jasper looked at his father happily, “Mommy’s telling us the story of how you and everyone defeated Belos.” She said, and Hunter looked at her, “They’ve been begging me nonstop.” She said, and Hunter just rolled his eyes with a smile. “Plus, they wanted to stay up so they could see you.” she said, smiling and placing a bookmark in the book for later. 
She pushed herself up from the chair, revealing her bump of a stomach. “Now, that you back….Bedtime!” She said, clapping her hands, causing the twins to whine. “Daddy! Can we stay up to finish the story?!” They asked, and Hunter shook his head, “Nope, mom said it’s bedtime.” Hunter said, and they pouted folding their arms across their chest. 
“Plus, mommy needs rest,” Hunter said, gesturing toward their mother’s growing stomach. “But, I’ll finish the story tomorrow,” Hunter said, looking down at the twins whose eyes lit up with joy. 
@tinkerbellsgf @supernerdycookietrashblr
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sergeantsporks · 1 year
Dadrius Week Day 4: Free Space
“So. Hunter.” Jasmin swirled her cup around. “Do you go to Hexside?”
“I start next month.” Hunter sat ramrod straight in his chair, keeping his hands still on his own glass. Darius’ family seemed friendly enough, perhaps overly friendly in Jasmin’s case, but that didn’t mean anything. They’d raised Darius, after all, and he’d been a bubbling hot rebellion under a surface of cool disdain for the world and everyone in it. Anything could be going on underneath their polite, friendly exterior. A chef critic who might be evaluating Darius’ cake for any slight mistake, and a designer with an eye for detail—both of them professional judgers. Anything could be a test, and small talk was not a subject he was well versed in.
Darius seemed tense, too, but not the same nervous tension from before. More… upset. Had he already failed the introduction? Had Darius’ father said something when he was out of earshot? Darius didn’t seem to be talking to Marcus, despite having come over specifically for Father’s Day, and his mother’s attempts at small talk so far had all fallen flat, with short, one sentence responses from Darius.
Jasmin’s laughing eyes slid ever so slightly to Darius. Hunter had to wonder if she couldn’t sense the tension in the room, or if she was doing her best to slam into it with a blunt baseball bat and twirl it up like noodles. “Oh, you should look up the Blight kids while you’re there. If you’re interested in abominations, their youngest might be helpful to know.”
“Oh!” Finally, something he could talk about. “Amity! I know her, we’re friends.”
“Really? History does repeat itself, doesn’t it?” Her nose crinkled, as if she were in on some joke that Hunter wasn’t. “Odalia’s been fishing around for a new business partner for a new business venture, so I’m guessing Alador’s single these days.”
Darius choked on his drink, coughing. “Jasmin.”
Hunter tapped his glass, giving in to the nervous energy that spiked through him. “Yeah… We… may have had something to do with that.”
“Really? Nice. Hey, Hunter, out of nowhere question, how do you feel about stepsiblings? How good of friends are you and Amity?”
“I,” Darius wheezed between coughs, “am going to cause you physical harm.”
Hunter shifted in his seat, trying to put any sort of polite distance between himself and the ticking time bomb that was Jasmin Deamonne. “Um…”
“Jasmin, don’t tease your brother,” Ariana ordered, “Or poor Hunter. You don’t have to answer that.”
Jasmin held her hands up. “I would never.” She leaned her chin in her hand. “Although, speaking of, maybe I should pay Alador a visit. He was always fun.”
Hunter scooted out of his chair before Darius could respond. “I’m going to get some more water. Excuse me.”
“Jasmin,” he heard Ariana sigh deeply as he left the dining room, “You’ve embarrassed him.”
Well, Hunter reflected, this was going spectacularly. Except for Jasmin, Darius’ family didn’t seem to know what to do with Darius and himself any more than he or Darius knew what to do with them.
Think of how it must be in their shoes, all of them.
If I’d just ditched Uncle for years with little contact and suddenly showed up again—
Hunter’s right hand trembled uncontrollably at the thought.
He had left. He’d left, had fled, and he’d lost nearly everything. Control over himself. Flapjack. His life. He’d nearly drowned in the soil of Belos’ mindscape, and then only months later in water while he struggled to surface in his own mind.
Sometimes it felt like Belos was still crawling through his veins, and Hunter could feel him like a second heartbeat right now, pulsing against his skin.
Why would you think that?
Why would you go there?
Why would you think that, why would you think that, why would you—
His glass shattered, and the sound of it breaking against the floor snapped his thoughts back into the Deamonne kitchen, shards of broken glass all around his feet.
The quiet conversation in the other room halted.
“Hunter?” Darius called, “Are you alright?”
“Titan’s bones,” Hunter hissed under his breath. He crouched down, frantically fumbling for the pieces of the glass. “I’m fine!” he called, “I’ve got it, I’ve got it, don’t worry about—”
“Don’t move,” Darius ordered.
Hunter flinched, and the motion closed his hands, pushing the shards of glass he’d picked up into his palms. Blood dripped out of his clenched fists, and he bit his lip to hold back a yip of pain.
Abomination matter slid into the kitchen, sweeping around Hunter’s feet and collecting the broken glass. The swirling mass brushed against his boot, sluggish and—Hunter could tell, even through his heavy leather boot, he could just feel it, in his bones—slimy.
One of Hunter’s knees dropped out of the crouch and onto the ground in a half-kneeling position. His arms dropped to his sides, still curled into fists of painful cuts. He stared at the floor, struggling to control his breathing and squashing any thoughts that tried to pop up.
Throne room
Not thinking about it
That horrible stench and that shuddering, slimy feel
No. We’re not remembering that. Not today.
No, no, no, no, no, no, nononononononono
“He’s bleeding—hey, are you holding glass—”
“Jasmin, wait—don’t touch—”
Something closed over Hunter’s hand, and he yanked backwards, skidding in a patch of abomination goo and landing on his tailbone in a big puddle. Darius swore, and the abomination cleared up, removing all of the glass from the floor. Marcus and Ariana stood in the doorway between kitchen and dining room, watching with something in their expression that was concerned but… it wasn’t quite pity; more like they were solving some puzzle that he stood in the center of.
Jasmin stared at him, her hand still outstretched and her eyes huge puddles of concern in her face. “I’m sorry!” she cried, “I was just trying to—”
“Don’t worry about it, Jasmin.” Darius knelt next to him. “Hunter, take a deep breath. You’re in my parents’ house. You’re safe. You’re—well, you’re clutching a handful of glass, so I won’t lie and say you’re unharmed. But you will be alright. Deep breath.”
Hunter gulped for air as if he’d been drowning. “I’m sorry,” he managed to Ariana and Marcus, “I’m sorry about the glass, and—” He pulled his hands close to his chest, checking for blood on the floor.
“Don’t worry about that,” Darius said crisply. He made a motion as if to take Hunter’s elbow, but paused just before he did. “May I?”
Hunter nodded, and Darius hauled him to his feet, standing in front of him and half hiding him from his family.
“Hunter and I are going,” he announced briskly, “Thank you for dinner. Enjoy the cake. It was lovely to see you all. Happy Father’s Day, Dad. Goodbye.”
Darius steered Hunter out of the house and halfway down the street. He summoned his Penstagram scroll, typing quickly.
“What are you doing?” Hunter whispered hoarsely. Out of the house and away from staring eyes, his hand stung, and the sick dread in his stomach was starting to turn into a more active horror over what had just happened.
“I’m messaging Eberwolf for a ride. I don’t think trying to use my abomination warp is a good idea at this particular moment in time.”
“Oh.” Hunter’s stomach sank. What a failure of a father’s day. “You should just go. I can use my flashstep to get home.”
Darius shook his head. “No, I won’t leave you right now.” He dismissed the scroll and tugged his gloves off. “He’ll be here in a quarter of an hour. Let me see your hands.”
Hunter slowly uncurled his hands, holding them out. Darius hissed softly. “That looks… bad.”
“It’s just bloody,” Hunter said dismissively, “it’s not that b-AD!” his voice rose in a yelp as Darius pulled a shard of glass out of his palm.
“Warning, I’m doing it again.”
Hunter looked anywhere but at his hands, refusing to watch the glass pull out of his skin. “You didn’t have to leave early.”
“Please don’t start this.”
“Start what? You can go back, I’ll go home with E—”
“No.” Darius crushed the bloody glass shards into a harmless fine powder under his boot. “Before you go further down this road and think yourself into a hole; leaving isn’t your fault; I’m happy to go home with you, and I think you needed out of there. I promise this isn’t an insurmountable burden of terrible weight for me to bear. You’re fine. And once Eber arrives, we’re taking you to a clinic.”
Have we really had conversations like this that many times? Darius’ reassurances didn’t really make him feel better—if anything, the realization that Darius could distill a conversation down to his side because he’d needed to have this talk with Hunter so many times made him feel worse.Hunter examined the cuts in his hand to distract himself from the lingering sick feeling in his stomach that he’d irreversibly screwed up. They still stung, and they still bled, but he’d seen worse. He opened one of the pouches hanging from his belt and dug around, shoving past his father’s day card to find a roll of gauze that he wrapped around his palm. “It’s not that bad. I don’t need a clinic.”
“Are you sure? You have a day with Dell tomorrow; won’t a sliced-up hand be painful to carve with?”
It probably would be, but the last thing Hunter wanted was for Darius to spend his father’s day in a clinic, filling out paperwork for cuts that would heal on their own anyway. He’d caused enough damage today. “Darius. Please. Can we just go home?”
“Alright,” Darius said softly, turning away to watch for Eber. “If that’s really what you want.”
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justphilia · 3 months
Hi!!! I wrote something ^_^
Fandom: The Owl House (Cartoon) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Hunter | The Golden Guard/Willow Park Characters: Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Willow Park, Gus Porter, Luz Noceda, Amity Blight Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Established Relationship, Fluff, and just a sliver of, Angst, just a little bit, at best, Hurt/Comfort, BUT PREDOMINANTLY FLUFF OKAY, School, Autistic Hunter | The Golden Guard (The Owl House), Lumity is established despite not being tagged, Hunter's Love Language is Acts of Service (The Owl House), Unreliable Narrator
It has been precisely twenty-four hours since Hunter started officially dating Willow. He had made sure to take note of the time then, when Willow had gently tucked a strand of hair back and then took both his hands into hers, smiling up at him softly. 
He wanted to so badly memorize the callouses on her hands, trace every line out with his fingers. There was so much warmth in them, and in her eyes, that he felt like he was being consumed whole by her love. And how he loves her so much too.
“We should date,” she had put it very simply, so straightforwardly. He had misunderstood her countless of times before, she wasn’t going to add onto that number any longer.
And Hunter, ever so eloquent and intelligent with his words, replied with, “Heheheh, mmhughuh.”
She laughed, of course, squeezing his hands tighter, and though the Hunter at that time considered his response a total failure, the Hunter now marking their day-versary thinks her laughter from his non-words was a definite success.
From this point on, nothing matters more than Willow Park’s happiness. He will make sure to serve his duty as a good boyfriend and see to it that she becomes the happiest girl ever. Fortunately enough, he has prepared for this.
There’s nothing you can’t learn about through books. However, only a pathetic idiot would read a self-help book on how to maintain a relationship. They’re way too theory-based, and hardly provide any evidence on results. 
The best way to learn something is through experience, which is why Hunter has studied up plenty with romance books. After all, how could a novelist write about romance if they haven’t experienced romance themselves? The results are in the narrative, and they always usually end with a happily ever after.
(Now he’s glad he suffered through the embarrassment of being caught reading one by Darius. With Hunter now actually dating Willow, his initial explanation on wanting to be prepared, which Darius didn’t believe, will finally be proven.)
According to one of his favorites, ‘Aubade’, it’s important to be consistent with communication. The reason of conflict was that the main character, at some point in the story, ceased contact with the love interest, and though their time apart strengthened their love in a longing sense, it still inevitably hurt both parties.
To be honest, if Hunter was the main character, he’d never be wrapped up in that. He will never cease contact with Willow. 
“Ohh, looks like we’re going to be in separate classes for General Magic and History,” Willow cross references her letter with Hunter’s, which lists all their new class schedules and rooms. 
“Huh?!” Hunter practically smashes his face against Willow’s letter, while Luz and Amity cheer in the background about sharing all of their common classes. “Why would they do this?!”
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lollytea · 2 years
if we're talking Huntlow: ASIAS makes me lose it bc like. Willow not knowing Hunter was the Golden Guard and Hunter not knowing Willow was associated with Luz/Eda meant they like. met each other as they are. with no attached judgement. Hunter met Willow and saw a girl who's kind and fierce and powerful and determined and smart. Willow met Hunter and saw a boy who's intense and socially awkward but skilled and good-hearted and just trying to prove himself. they SAW each other, y'know?
YEAH YEAH EXACTLY!!! This whole thing drives me absolutely insane. That episode aired and I was immediately possessed by something demonic and churned out a whole fic about them in like two weeks with the central theme of what it means to be truly Seen because I could not get all of their stupid symbolism to stop eating my skull from the inside out.
First impressions can be everything sometimes. They can be the foundation of how you view a person. Which is why it's so interesting that they became acquainted having no idea who each other were. They don't know their stories yet. They're perfect strangers.
It's not like Willow's relationship with Hunter is, in any way, superior to the bonds she has with her other friends. They're just. Different. Different circumstances. He sees Willow differently as a result.
There's too much about Willow and Amity's relationship to get into but the basic jist of it is that once the girls begin to repair their friendship Amity only sees bits and pieces of Willow. She sees her kindness and her wisdom and her bubbly personality. But she's still not getting the full picture and this frustrates Willow. With her history in mind, the way she's seen as she currently is means everything to Willow's sense of identity.
Obviously Luz and Gus both adore Willow. And they understand that she's not the person she used to be. They recognize her strength. Luz once described her as "tough as nails" and Gus referred to her current confident personality as "the real [Willow]." They hype her up endlessly. They're fantastic friends. They do not look down on her, not even a little bit.
But maybe every so often Willow tires of being reminded that she's always gonna be viewed as an inspirational story to them. In their eyes it's "Wow Willow, look at what you've become." So maybe it'd be nice to meet somebody who instead thinks like "Wow Willow, look at what you are." It's good to have friends who have known you from your rough beginnings and can understand how you got this point but it's also nice to make friends who you have a clean slate with, yknow?
Willow makes it clear during the intro of ASIAS that she's still not entirely satisfied with her current self. She likes it just fine but there's still quite a bit of climbing to do before she can truly see herself as the witch she wants to be. Willow is reaching for the stars.
It must mean something that ASIAS was the debut of Willow's new look. She had the pigtails near the end of Follies, but it's them paired with the new glasses that makes the whole statement.
The hair was braided by Amity. It's the hair she used to braid for her when they were little. It's an old part of herself that she's reclaiming. It's to symbolise that Willow refuses to define herself as her trauma caused by Amity Blight anymore. She is trying to mend bridges and move forward.
And the glasses? They're not really linked to anyone in particular. At least nobody she knows yet. The glasses are something brand new, something different, something to establish that Willow is turning over a new leaf in terms of her identity. There's this cooler, more confident version of herself that has been growing lately and this is her fully embracing it. She wants to be perceived as this new (real) Willow and the new glasses reflect that. She wants somebody to see her the way she wants to be seen. So isn't it a cool detail how she starts wearing them in this episode in particular? Isn't it interesting how her frames are gold? Doesn't it make you go batshit how she began wearing those glasses wishing for somebody to see her and then somebody does? Because it makes ME go batshit.
In Willow's mind, she's still reaching for the stars. In Hunter's mind, she's already caught them.
Hunter on the other hand, goes in the complete opposite direction and yet still ends up in the same place. While Willow strolls into Hexside that morning to establish her true self, Hunter arrives in "disguise." In his eyes, he's not portraying the version of himself that he wants to be seen as. The Golden Guard is who Hunter wants to be. That's his whole motivation in the episode. But when he shows up at Hexside, he's unmasked. It's revealed in a later episode that he feels significantly less confidant when his face is bare, which adds a funny bit of irony to all his recruitment tactics. Hunter tries to put on an act, to become somebody else, but the moment that mask comes off he can't help but become the messy, awkward, moody yet energetic and painfully sincere person that he tries so hard not to be.
Hunter very much does not want to be seen as his true self. In fact, he is trying to completely dismantle his true self and lose himself entirely to the Golden Guard persona. But Willow sees the person underneath, completely unaware that this person she's meeting is supposed to be a shameful secret and she likes what she's seeing. She likes him.
And the absolute kicker here is that it was because of Willow that Hunter first started to like himself outside of the mask. I think the Flyer Derby game was the first time we ever saw unmasked Hunter so happy and confident. Willow took his hand to help him cross the first stepping stone into accepting himself for the person that he's been trying so hard to stomp out all this time.
So it's like. They see the best version of each other. Hunter sees the version Willow wants everyone to see. Willow sees the version Hunter doesn't want anyone to see but it's the version that helps him grow in the long run.
And that's only the foundation. But sometimes foundation is everything. The respective pasts do end up crashing into this tentative relationship. Willow learns Hunter is the Golden Guard. Hunter learns that Willow has weaknesses too. However, the foundation will always remain the core of how they see each other. At the end of the episode, Hunter reaffirms just how he sees Willow by referring to her as "Captain." And Willow, in turn, decides to believe in Hunter's capacity for good and keeps the friendship door open. If they hadn't met each other in the way they did they may not have really seen each other as clearly and it's possible the series of events that followed may have gone much differently. Who knows if they'd even have become friends. Its all about foundations, yknow??
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pespillo · 4 months
I forgot to add on to my first ask dammit- Imma guess that Odalia won't be apart of the kingdom of the red sun the way she was "mamadalia" for the collector in the og series. But I'm kinda curious where she is
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i think you might have misunderstood the premise of the kingdom of the Red Sun but no worries lemme clarify:
People dont get turned into puppets in this AU UNLESS they are seen as a threat to others (especially the youth) and havent gone into a trial yet , the kingdom isnt really Collector n King´s wholly pretend play of "the owl house" because Collector got freed with the intent of helping King get rid of the Trappers n reshape the Isles into something "new", their larping leans more into fairytale knights and princesses and kings and so on, the people get put into the Sun Court or the Moon Court , they move around and rotate between activities and sports and events of importance (for King) , King has built up the defenses of the Isles and is now overt alert of outsider threats because of a found distrust of Humans now.
All coven head members have gone through a trial at the start of the new regime, Kikimora has been loyal to King since the start and holds a position she actually enjoys being in, Raine has been essentially promoted to advisor because of their role in the past rebellion against Belos Empire, Adrian has passed the trial and went through some weeks at a dungeon but sent to be the Royal Jester as a way to prove himself and remain unscathed from further punishments, Odalia almost got killed off because Collector held a terrible grudge against her since he´s been around the Blights (mostly Amity) in this AU and she tried manipulating him into doing her bidding and almost go back to Belos that way, but Edric and Emira begged for her pardon (they really didnt wanna see that n they are still coping with the fact their family has been so abusive) , and she´s been stuck between low jobs ever since n being stuck in a dungeon.
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geminialchemist · 2 years
I did it again. I made a physical copy of one of my fanfics, and it turned out brilliant. I love it, and I wanted to share it with you all.
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The fic is a The Owl House fic called “On Earth and Boiling Isles.”
“Luz is an overactive girl being sent to Summer camp. Her sister is a punk who picked too many fights on her sister’s behalf and is stuck taking Summer classes to make up for a suspension.
Luz goes to the Boiling Isles, and meets Amity Blight, a witch who is her rival-turned-friend-turned-girlfriend.
Lucia is stuck in class, and meets Amelia, a green haired, pointy earred girl and local class flirt.
Luz destroys the portal that will take her back home at the end of the summer to keep it out of an Emperors hands.
Lucia greets her sister back from Summer camp, and can’t shake the feeling that something is very wrong.”
It clocks in at 278 pages, and 172k words. Unlike my last fic, this one doesn’t have any illustrations inside, as I hadn’t really hit my artsy phase, but I did create the covers! It has two covers due to the two plots that go on in the story, one focused on big sis Lucia on Earth, and the other on Luz in the Boiling Isles. See, so clever! I deserve headpats and praise for being so smart!
The story was written over a year ago, and only stays with canon up until the end of S2e8. I started writing it almost immediately after S2e4, where “Creepy Luz” first appeared, and had to draw a line on when canon had to end, since I kept having to update written parts of the fic, and find roles for new characters as they were added. Raine hadn’t shown up yet when I started writing, and Hunter was still just the Golden Guard, after all! The story started getting posted about two weeks after 2A ended, with the bulk written before Yesterday’s Lie even aired.
I hope you all will give it a look over. Maybe even a read. Until then, here are the links, and the art.
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wackulart · 1 year
hi there! could i request an amity x fem! reader where its either general head cannons (romantic) or going on a date? thanks so much!!
I haven't written Amity before but I'm willing to try! Sorry if it isn't in character or anything
Amity x Fem!Reader ----------------------------
She pushed her hair back in the mirror before pulling it back out of place. Amity sighed heavily as she picked up her brush again and fixed her hair all over again. She just wanted to look perfect for your date and yet she couldn't stop fretting over her hair.
It wasn't that she regretted dyeing her hair purple, but she wondered what you would think.
The thought made her chest tighten.
Placing her hands on her nightstand she took a deep breath and looked at herself in the mirror. She had to believe that this would go well, it was your first date and it just had to be perfect.
Amity flinched at her brother and sister calling for her, realizing it was you. She took a step back, dusted off her dress and smiled in the mirror.
She rushed down the stairs and almost missed a few steps as she finally made it to the bottom. Her siblings gave her a knowing look before pinching her cheeks and wishing her a good time.
Edric called down the stairs. "Tell your girlfriend we say 'Hi'!"
Amity brushed them off and walked to the door. Seeing you stood there with a bright smile and a trimmed flower in your hand made her reach up to tug on her hair.
"So, ready to go?" She asked and you nodded, moving to place the flower on the side of her ear.
Amity giggled and took your hand, heading down the path of the manor.
The two of you had made plans to visit the park in Bonesborough. There was usually food carts, so you'd grab something on the way and sit under a tree for a while.
As you were walking, you nudged Amity and pointed at her hair. She visibly flushed and looked away.
With a nervous chuckle, she spoke quietly. "I wanted to try something new, I thought purple would.. be a good idea?"
Her eyes met yours and when she saw nothing but love in your eyes it almost didn't feel real. You leaned in and smiled at her.
"It looks amazing, purple really suits you!"
She hid part of her face with her hand and smiled back at you.
Finally, you two had passed a food cart that was serving Not Dogs and ordered one each. You both got to put on your own condiments, so you drew a little smiley face on your hot dog. When Amity noticed she drew a curvy line on hers and you tilted your head.
"It's a snake, of course." She shrugged playfully.
You began to laugh which led her to start laughing as well. Your hand moved to stifle your laugh and you spoke up afterwards. "You're so sweet, Amity."
Her laughs calmed by the grin on her face remained the same.
Eventually you made it to your next destination, spotting the tree a bit aways in front of your path. The two of you picked up the pace and sat underneath its shade. You leaned back into the tree and Amity leaned on your shoulder.
You both talked about school life, home life, strange rocks you found on the sidewalk. That was one of the things Amity loved about you, she loved that she could say things without having to worry about sounding childish or stupid. Whenever she would look to check on your reaction, you were tuned in and interested in every word that came out of her mouth.
"Hey," She said, looking for your attention. You looked up from your food to her and she took your hand. "Thanks, I just- I really like being around you."
Your heart skipped a beat. "I like being around you too."
Once it began to get dark, you walked her home and she placed a kiss on your cheek before you left. Her face was almost as red as yours as she rushed out a quick goodbye and she shut the door.
Standing in front of the door, you giggled and skipped back home.
Amity Blight liked you.
And you really liked her too.
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vickysaurus · 1 year
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"You said I was hurting Willow? I was just finishing what you started!"
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"You have to get out, Willow, now!"
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"Is it because I still can't do magic? Amity, I'm—I'm sorry I got us in trouble at the beach, I just—I can't get the spells right."
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"Well, yes, that—that is why! Because you're a weakling! You can't do magic so I don't wanna be your friend. Now, go!"
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"Then you let your new friends pick on her for years. All because you thought she was weak. Well, now I can erase all that pain. After all, out of sight, out of mind."
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"Wait! Please. Before all this started, there—there was something else..."
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Odalia: "What is Willow doing here? She wasn't on the guest list for a reason."
Amity: "But, she's- she's my best friend!"
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Alador: "Nonsense, Blights only associate with the strongest of witchlings. You can choose a new friend from one of the suitable companions we invited."
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"But they're mean! Just because you work with their parents doesn't mean I have to like them!"
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Odalia: "Good children don't squabble, dear. Sever your ties with Willow, and if you don't…"
Alador: "Then we. Will." Odalia: "We'll make sure the girl is never admitted into Hexside. Now go, and try not to make a scene."
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kailsssss · 2 months
Stars and scars
Hunter x reader
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So you’re a criminal.
Weird way to start this off, but it’s the truth, now it is at least. This might be a bit confusing so let’s backtrack!
A few weeks ago: you met this… human, Luz. She was weird to say the least but she was nice and funny. Over all, she was fun to be around and Willow and Gus liked Luz so you did too! The four of you had a load of fun, then this girl joined: Amity Blight. At first, you were skeptical but she proved herself as a good person.
Surprisingly, you grown attached to Luz and her guardian, Eda. (Idk what to call Eda so Ima call Eda Luz’s guardian <3). Throughout time you started spending more and more time at the owl house since life at your house was… traumatizing to say the least whether that be unappreciative guardians, homophobic/transphobic family, or something else. You decided to stay with the Owl Lady.
Life was simple, you guys went on small missions and had your fun. Eda even helped you with your magic abilities! Then of course things got complicated. Lilith. You guys met her when you all switched bodies, more specifically you did. You learned a lot that day…
And then of course the petrifaction… you guys don’t talk about it but good news Lilith was now an ally and not a foe! (Sorry for not explaining this well, but this isn’t the main story).
Oh and Luz and Amity are dating.
Great now we’re all caught up! Let’s get going with this silly little story.
You’re a criminal, a wild witch, and he’s the Golden Guard. So why was he in your room. Eda, Lilith, King, and Luz’s girlfriend Amity were a few rooms away and he’s in your room! On your bed with you. Titan, what were you thinking?! Oh, but you couldn’t help yourself…
Ever since you started talking… due to the whole Flyer Derby incident. You still haven’t forgiven him for that. Point is: you two have gotten close. Closer than you should have. Yet, here you were.
One of his arms around your waist, the other firmly at his side. Even while spooning you he was so formal. It was so stupid that you two were together… so, so stupid yet the two of you were.
At first, Hunter would have always worn his mask around you but then you took it and wore it and he got all flustered by that… he couldn’t let you know how he thinks you are the cutest being alive. So, he stopped wearing it.
“Hey, Hunter?” You finally spoke up, probably because of some silly, stupid idea. He knows, how? That smug smile you had, the same smile you always had before you ask about or do something stupid.
“Yes, Y/N?” He replied, tiredly. He was exhausted from his missions and also because he had to chase you around all day. You forgot he was your boyfriend again. It’s getting tiring. Very tiring.
You looked outside, at the pretty stars. You loved stars and he did too, ironically that’s how you two got together.
“Could you take off your shirt?” You asked, of course you would. You horny bastard.
“No.” Hunter replied, firmly as per usual.
“Please.” You begged, apparently you were desperate and horny. Two in one tonight, huh? Wow.
“Still no.” He groaned.
“PLEEEEEAAAAAAASEEEEE.” You whined. Loudly. You forgot the others were in the other room, but he didn’t.
Hunter’s free hand clamped down on your mouth. “Shhhh! I will, jeez, just be quiet.” He sighed, you licked his hand which got him to quickly pull away. He was gobsmacked, a look of sheer terror and shock etched on his face. It was that: ‘Holy shit, did you actually do that?’ Kinda look while you looked as smug as ever. You were a jerk.
“I don’t know why I date you.” He said, disappointment laced in his tone but his cold, serious gaze softened when looked at you. Titan, you were so adorable he wanted to punch you as hard as possible. So cute.
“Shirt off, pretty boy.” You said, completely ignoring his last comment because you can. You little fucking gremlin.
Hunter complied but he made sure to take his shirt off slowly, probably to piss you off.
“Hurry up!” You whined.
Hunter ignored that comment but finally taking off his shirt, a look of shame etched on his face. Not of the beautiful muscles that came from only hours upon hours of working out, something you couldn’t relate to, but he was ashamed of something else: the scars he gained from missions and… Belos.
You didn’t say much, but it was clear as to why he refused to take off his shirt off. A pang of guilt overwhelmed you, was this too much for him? Was he insecure? Did you make him feel shitty or something? Ugh, now you feel bad for wanting to simp over your boyfriend! A clash came from the other room and then a lot screech. “That’s King don’t worry.” You sighed, causing Hunter to smile slightly.
You decided to admire your boyfriend’s beautiful body, nothing too much but come on, you gotta admire a good body! Duh. But unfortunately, you weren’t so subtle and he kinda noticed… “You like what you’re seeing, darling?” He teased, there’s that confidence. You swear he loves teasing you more than he loves you.
“Shut up!” You whined, your face all flustered. He wrapped an arm around you which got you to be more embarrassed, he’s topless and cuddling you! It was shocking. He laughed, revealing that adorable tooth gap of his. Titan, he’s so adorable. “To think this is the same person some coven scouts fear.” He joked, causing you to roll your eyes. You decided to ignore that comment.
Talking about the Emperors Coven wasn’t something the two of you often do, especially since your views are completely different. You despised anyone who was in it for hurting Eda (except Hunter) and he loved it, he was loyal to Belos. It was a dangerous topic.
“Jerk.” You mumbled, yawning. You started to trace the scars on his back with your pointer finger. Your head rested on his shoulder. You two started to feel more and more drowsy. To the point where it became a fight to stay awake, maybe a competition to see who fell asleep first.
Hunter was fighting to stay awake, not wanting to lose to you, he was always so darn competitive but he ended up closing his eyes. The feeling of your finger gently tracing each scar was so comforting.
Your eyes drifted to the stars, watching them in the sky. A shooting star passed and you made a small wish, who knows what it was. You pulled the covers above your head, since you liked it like that. Your free hand reached up to feel Hunter’s dirty blonde hair, fluffy as ever. You kissed the scar on his cheek and fell asleep as well.
This took… a lot of motivation…
Sorry I took a long ass break, a family member died and a lot of drama with my dad has kinda happened sorry to pull a AO3 writer on you all.
Anyway, I will try to write more! And please request stuff! I can only be so creative before I explode.
Anyway, I might make a part two! Where you two get caught by everyone since there is a huge lack of Luminty in this story.
I will be on vacation while making this and also other stories are coming up!!!
Anyway, I’m making a board of what is okay and not okay with me! I will say I’m okay with smut… just nothing too weird and not with anyone below sixteen and with sixteen it can’t be with adults. Nothing weird too!
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Luzs main problem is that she puts everything on herself. Every problem that pops up is something she has to solve on her own bc she doesnt want to be a burden on her loved ones. She does a book report with live snakes bc she thinks itll take the stress off her mother worrying about her grades. She nearly gets blasted to bits by the blights to get gus and willow unexpelled. She brushes off her grief over her father so Amity can focus on her own problems.
It's kind of like how hunter thought in s2 and early s3, but luz isnt so jaded that she consciously recognizes this. "This is tangentially caused by me so its all my fault" and "Im just as bad as belos because im doing similar things to him" are her ways of explaining this mindset to herwelf because deep down, even luz doesnt know what the root of her problem is. These are logical fallacies that are easily broken, but luzs actual problem is her fear of burdening those she loves. Unless she addresses this, she will just come up with a new fallacy to keep with this mindset.
Luz told eda that it was her fault her magic was gone, so shes been a burden and needs to put herself in danger to make money for the family. Eda does talk about how luz should depend on her, but she mostly focuses on telling luz she isnt a burden. And its true! Eda views luz as a net good in her life! But luz still views herself as a burden.
Luz says that her grief over her dad is no big deal because she wants to help amity. Amity says that no, it is a big deal and shell help luz grieve. And amitys right. It is a big deal. Luz thinks so too. Its just that she doesnt want anyone else to be brought down by her personal isues.
Luz thinks because she helped phillip find the collector, that its her responsibility to atone for everything. Her friends and mother assure her that it wasnt her fault, and even if it was, its okay to make mistakes. But even if luz knows all that, she still thinks of herself responsible for defeating belos. Her friends who want to help are just tagalongs that she needs to do all this for.
Finally, luz questions if killing belos would make her as bad as him. The titan assures her thats not the case. Luz is nothing like belos because her intentions are good. Luz knows this. She says this in kings tide and says something similar every other time she gets to banter with belos. Maybe she doesnt believe what she says in some of the more stressful scenes but at least in the finale, luz understands this.
And then the titan grants luz their power. He gives her their hope of defeating belos and makes her responsible for the fate of everyone on the boiling isles. Luz gets help from king and eda in mastering her power, but otherwise she is the gamechanger in the fight, the one who deals the most damage. She accepts that she needs to be the one to defeat belos, and most of her friends dont get the opportunity to share in her burden by helping.
When belos spews his nonsense about how luz is evil for not helping him, she doesnt respond because shes known its not true for a long time. The titan just confirmed it for her. But luz is still shouldering the burden of saving the isles. With help from barely any of her loved ones.
The solution to luzs fear of burdening the people she loves is for her loved ones to show that its okay. To be loved is to be someone elses burden and share someone elses burden in turn. If luz cant do something, someone who cares about her can help her do it. Or do it for her.
In thanks to them, luz puts herself in danger to save hunter from belos, but hunter and flapjack were ultimately the ones who defeated him. In for the future, luz couldnt stave off kikimora on her own, so the students at hexside do it for her. In watching and dreaming, luz was killed by belos. In return, she was rewarded with the power to defeat him with almost none of her friends to help. She is still bearing most of the burden on her own, same as the start of the show.
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