#Starch Processing Plant
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Innovative, ecofriendly rigid foam production from pineapple field leftovers
A team of researchers from Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore has successfully harnessed pineapple waste materials from agriculture to create biodegradable rigid composite foams. The foam's base was formulated using starch extracted from pineapple stems, known for their high amylose content, while the filling material was derived from non-fibrous cellulosic components found in pineapple leaves. Diverging from conventional techniques which involve preparing a batter, this study introduced a unique methodology. It began by creating a starch gel mixed with glycerol, achieved through the use of a common household microwave oven. The resulting mixture was then blended with the filling material using a two-roll mill. Subsequently, the amalgam was transformed into foam through compression molding at a temperature of 160°C.
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urgothgfsbeltchain · 1 year
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“i’ve been loved before,
but right now, in this moment,
i feel more and more like i was made for you.”
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headspace-hotel · 9 months
you know how people say "cats domesticated themselves?" I find this statement irksome because as i've been studying plants and particularly weeds, a theory has slowly been forming in my head about domestication that makes a lot more sense than other theories.
Basically, I think everything domesticated itself. Or rather, domestication involves adaptation and active participation on both sides.
Evidence for this is found in studying weed and crop plants—truth be told, most weeds are or were also crops.
Amaranthus, the genus that gives us the most costly USA agricultural weeds? All edible and healthy, and several members of the genus are domesticated. They were staple crops for Mesoamerican empires.
Kudzu, the vine so aggressive in the USA it turns trees into looming kudzu monoliths? It's been bred and cultivated by humans since the Neolithic in its native range, in China it was one of the main sources of fiber for cloth for MILLENNIA to the point that the Zhou dynasty had a whole government office of kudzu affairs. Kudzu roots are edible and they can be as tall as a human and weighing over 200 pounds, you can make them into flour, make noodles out of the flour, you can process them down into a starch and use it just like potato or tapioca starch and make all sorts of sauces and confections and stuff out of it. In Japan it was used for clothes too, if you see pictures of clothes worn by a samurai that's probably kudzu! It has loads of unresearched phytochemicals that probably have medicinal use, it's good for making paper, a researcher even made a biodegradable alternative to plastic out of it
Yellow Nutsedge is a food crop, Purslane is a food crop, at least some species of morning-glories are food crops, crabgrass is a food crop, Nettles are food AND fiber, Milkweed is food and fiber too, Broadleaf Plantain is food and medicinal, Dandelion is food and medicinal AND great companion plant (they used to sell them in seed catalogues around the 1890's or so!) and have y'all ever seen queen-anne's-lace along the side of the road? THATS CARROTS. That's the wild ancestor of carrots! (ofc don't eat anything you aren't 1000% sure you can identify)
Simply put. A weed is a plant that has co-evolved with humans. And most of them are Like That because they co-evolved with us. And honestly I reckon that many plants were domesticated in the first place because they liked to grow in disturbed environments near human settlements and agricultural fields.
Now thinking about this in terms of animals...when our domestic species were first domesticated, there weren't fences, there wasn't "inside" or any controlled environment to bring animals into, and if you tried to overpower or coerce any of those species, they would 100% just kill you. It makes a lot more sense if the humans were just following herds around, and it gradually developed into protecting those herds from predators and tending to them more intentionally until we were kind of just part of the herds ourselves.
a lot of people are familiar with Biblical stories and metaphors about shepherds...it's clear those guys were basically living with sheep 24/7. They were assimilated to the sheep lifestyle.
this theory kinda suggests that we've lost the ability to domesticate new animal species to some extent because domestication has never really involved removing an animal from its natural environment. Feeding wild animals and trying to socialize them to humans isn't in line with the mutualistic nature of domestication because it's trying to change the animal to our whims, and usually decreases the fitness of the animal rather than increases it. And domestication probably takes a long long time to reach the level where an animal can be a "pet" instead of a more distant form of domestication where the association is not as close.
EXCEPT. Animals that adapt to our environment are prime candidates for domestication. This actually checks out because rats and mice are some of the most recently domesticated animals, iirc. Basically, pest animals are the most likely to be domesticated because they've already started evolving into a relationship with us. Just like weeds.
An interesting side note is how both animals and plants can de-domesticate and become "weeds/pests" again. Like "weedy rice" is becoming a problem in some crops where rice has evolved into a weed. And with animals, there's pigeons who were domesticated by us and now their habitat is cities because they co-evolved with us.
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wachinyeya · 3 months
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From the article; Enormous islands of it float in our oceans and microscopic particles of it are in our bodies. The durability, malleability and low cost of plastics has made them ubiquitous, from packaging to clothing to aircraft parts. But plastics have a downside. Plastics contaminate nature, are tough to recycle and their production emits more CO2 than all air traffic combined.
Now, researchers at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences have invented a new material made from modified starch that can completely decompose in nature – and do so within only two months. The material is made using natural plant material from crops and could be used for food packaging, among many other things.
"We have an enormous problem with our plastic waste that recycling seems incapable of solving. Therefore, we’ve developed a new type of bioplastic that is stronger and can better withstand water than current bioplastics. At the same time, our material is one hundred percent biodegradable and can be converted into compost by microorganisms if it ends up somewhere other than a bin," says Professor Andreas Blennow of the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences.
Only about nine percent of plastic is recycled globally, with the rest being either incinerated or winding up in nature or dumped into enormous plastic landfills.
Bioplastics already exist, but the name is misleading says Professor Blennow. While today’s bioplastics are made of bio-derived materials, only a limited part of them is actually degradable, and only under special conditions in industrial composting plants.
"I don't find the name suitable because the most common types of bioplastics don't break down that easily if tossed into nature. The process can take many years and some of it continues to pollute as microplastic. Specialized facilities are needed to break down bioplastics. And even then, a very limited part of them can be recycled, with the rest ending up as waste," says the researcher.
Starch from barley and sugar industry waste
The new material is a so-called biocomposite and composed of several different substances that decompose naturally. Its main ingredients, amylose and cellulose, are common across the plant kingdom. Amylose is extracted from many crops including corn, potatoes, wheat and barley.
Together with researchers from Aarhus University, the research team founded a spinoff company in which they developed a barley variety that produces pure amylose in its kernels. This new variety is important because pure amylose is far less likely to turn into a paste when it interacts with water compared to regular starch. Cellulose is a carbohydrate found in all plants and we know it from cotton and linen fibers, as well as from wood and paper products. The cellulose used by the researchers is a so-called nanocellulose made from local sugar industry waste. And these nanocellulose fibers, which are one thousand times smaller than the fibers of linen and cotton, are what contribute to the material’s mechanical strength.
"Amylose and cellulose form long, strong molecular chains. Combining them has allowed us to create a durable, flexible material that has the potential to be used for shopping bags and the packaging of goods that we now wrap in plastic," says Andreas Blennow.
The new biomaterial is produced by either dissolving the raw materials in water and mixing them together or by heating them under pressure. By doing so, small 'pellets' or chips are created that can then be processed and compressed into a desired form.
Thus far, the researchers have only produced prototypes in the laboratory. But according to Professor Blennow, getting production started in Denmark and many other places in the world would be relatively easy.
"The entire production chain of amylose-rich starch already exists. Indeed, millions of tons of pure potato and corn starch are produced every year and used by the food industry and elsewhere. Therefore, easy access to the majority of our ingredients is guaranteed for the large-scale production of this material," he says.
Could reduce plastic problem
Andreas Blennow and his fellow researchers are now processing a patent application that, once it has been approved, could pave the way for production of the new biocomposite material. Because, despite the huge sums of money being devoted to sorting and recycling our plastic, the researcher does not believe that it will really be a success. Doing so should be seen as a transitional technology until we bid fossil-based plastics a final farewell.
"Recycling plastic efficiently is anything but straightforward. Different things in plastics must be separated from each other and there are major differences between plastic types, meaning that the process must be done in a safe way so that no contaminants end up in the recycled plastic. At the same time, countries and consumers must sort their plastic. This is a massive task that I don’t see us succeeding at. Instead, we should rethink things in terms of utilizing new materials that perform like plastic, but don’t pollute the planet," says Blennow.
The researcher is already collaborating with two Danish packaging companies to develop prototypes for food packaging, among other things. He envisions many other uses for the material as well, such as for the interior trims of cars by the automotive industry. Though it is difficult to say when this biofriendly barley-based plastic will reach the shelves, the researcher predicts that the new material may become a reality in the foreseeable future.
“It's quite close to the point where we can really start producing prototypes in collaboration with our research team and companies. I think it's realistic that different prototypes in soft and hard packaging, such as trays, bottles and bags, will be developed within one to five years," concludes Andreas Blennow.
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denkidere · 2 months
nanami x reader
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drunk sex, submissive nanami, oral (reader receiving), overstimulation (if you squint)
nanami comes home from a work dinner (really, a work drinking event) with you on his mind.
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nanami coming home late was nothing out of the ordinary. it wasn't strange, either, for him to stumble in, drunk out of his mind, bruised or bloodied from falling down on his way home. you always wished he would at least call and ask you to walk back with him, but on the worst nights it seemed like he was hardly able to operate his phone. getting onto him about it was useless; he always insisted that you just didn't get it, and you supposed that much was true. if you weren't already awake, his fumbling with keys or ramming into furniture usually woke you, drawing you out of bed to help him half undress and ice his bumps and bruises, feeding him aspirin and sips of water in a weak attempt to stave off an inevitable hangover. the times that you didn't wake, you would find him in the morning slumped awkwardly in the chair or draped across the couch like a tarp, half-scuffed dress shoes still on his feet. the apparent encouragement from his superiors and colleagues to drink himself into a stupor always slightly disturbed you, but you were both helpless to change it.
that night, you had been on the verge of sleep, pulled out of it by the helpless scrape of nanami's keys against all the wrong parts of the door. the curses under his breath came to an abrupt stop as you unlocked and opened the door for him, blinking in your pajamas (or, rather, underwear and one of his retired work shirts). his expression turned from frustration to admiration as he processed what he was looking at, stepping into the apartment haphazardly. "babe," he breathed, smelling of sake and cigar smoke, "you have no idea.. no idea how good it is you're awake." he planted his hands on your shoulders, wobbling slightly.
"you need to sit, nanami. i'll get you a drink," you said softly, trying to herd him towards the recliner. he shook his head slowly as you helped him sit, grasping at your forearms desperately.
"no, i'm okay, i'm okay, i don't need that yet," he insisted, grip tightening a bit. "need something else, babe." his eyes were tired but pleading.
"what do you mean, something else? it's late, nanami," you mumbled, freeing yourself to go hunt down the aspirin. he whined, the chair squeaking as he leaned back in defeat. you made quick work of filling his glass, afraid as usual of him passing out in the living room before you could get him to drink anything. that time, though, you didn't hear the telltale slowing of his breath over the running tap. aspirin and water in hand, you sped back to the living room, hardly noticing the noises coming from nanami's mouth. you paused at the edge of the carpet, eyes finally falling on him. his pants had been unzipped and pushed down, sure to wrinkle and crease, tie loose around his neck, eyes half-lidded as he palmed himself through his underwear. his sleepy smile returned when he noticed you, not pausing his movements for even a second.
"need you," he mumbled, free hand struggling with the buttons of his shirt halfheartedly. "please, sweetheart, i can't think." you moved towards him slowly, heartbeat quickening. nanami, always in starched whites and polished cuff links, always rational and put-together, was disheveled, drunk, and begging for you. standing above him, you sat the water on an end table, taking his face in one hand.
"aspirin first, okay?" you cooed, easing his mouth open with your thumb, pressing the small pill onto his tongue. he reached blindly beside him for the water, eager to swallow if it meant you would oblige. "good," you said softly, releasing him. "now, what do you need from me, nanami?" his eyes widened, mouth still slightly open.
"ah, anything, just please," he whimpered, eyes pleading. you considered asking teasingly for specifics, but he seemed to already be at his wit's end. dutifully, you sank to your knees before him, hands resting on his thighs lightly. without a trace of hesitation, he spread his legs enough to let you in closer, pulling himself out for you. he was panting before you had even touched him, twitching as soon as you had him in your mouth. his hands gripped the arms of the chair, knuckles turning white. he groaned, looking down at you with needy eyes. he freed one hand, placing it on your jaw, thumb caressing your cheek. you traced a long vein with your tongue. suddenly he gave your face a gentle shove, pulling his dick out of your mouth with a small pop. "babe, s-stop, no more," nanami panted.
"not enough?" you teased, pumping him slowly with a hand instead. he gave his head another slow shake, drawing in a shaky breath.
"i need more," he managed to say, placing a hand on your head as he rose to his feet. "so good, but i need to fuck you." he helped you up, nearly falling over himself, and spun you around, bending you gently into the chair. "you look so nice," he mumbled, admiring how his shirt draped over your frame. hastily, he shoved your underwear down, jutting against you eagerly. "so sweet to me. did you want me, sweetheart?" he asked, continuing to tease you. "already so wet, hm?" you could only respond with a small moan.
you gasped as he bucked into you, his hands gripping your hips. his breath was hot on your neck, muttering about how tight you were around him, how badly he needed you, how he couldn't stop thinking about fucking you at his dreadful work dinner. you grasped at the fabric of the chair, unable to speak. one of nanami's hands found itself at your chest, squeezing roughly. you had been so eager to please him that you had both failed to worry about protection. unlike most times, you could feel the vein your tongue had traced. you felt him twitch inside you, his thrusts getting erratic.
"baby," he breathed, "i'm so close, i'm gonna cum in you, okay?" he kept up his pace, but his voice remained steady. "i'll clean you up, okay, don't worry. so close," he murmured again. you felt him release, his groan delivered into your back. as he pulled gently out of you, you turned around again, curling up in the chair. he settled onto the floor to catch his breath, reaching for the water again.
"what were you saying about cleaning me up, nanami?" you purred, looking down at him. he had made quite a mess; you were afraid the chair might stain. the drunken smile made its way back to his face. he discarded the water again, crawling over to you. he placed a large hand on one thigh, pushing it to the side. nanami leaned in, placing a sloppy kiss at the innermost part of your thigh.
"you know how i am, darling. i don't like to make messes, and i have to finish what i start." his breath tickled you, making you squirm. your hand flew to his hair impatiently, which was already falling out of its style, burying his face in the wet mess. he wasted no time, lapping at it hungrily, drawing squeaks and moans out of you as he licked higher and higher. you grasped harder, tugging his his hair gently.
"nanami," you gasped, eyes screwed shut as he sucked and nipped at you, pressing hot kisses into your clit. his hands squeezed at your legs. already, you felt close, but he was unrelenting.
"not done yet," he whispered into you. your legs squeezed around him as you came roughly, fingers knotting into his hair. he drew a whine out of you with his refusal to stop, his chiseled face already doused.
"please, nanamin, no more," you managed to squeak, finally pulling his head out from between your legs. he looked up at you with sleepy eyes, dazed. "you did so good, handsome," you praised, but he had already slumped into the carpet, dozing off.
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chalogreen · 7 months
Exploring Eco-Friendly Packaging
What is Sustainable Packaging?
Sustainable packaging uses materials and production processes that yield a minimal environmental impact. The aim is to be environmentally friendly.
Benefits of Sustainable Packaging
Biodegradable - They are made from either plant-based or recycled materials that naturally degrade without leaving toxic waste.
Compostable - Decomposes naturally through commercial compost processes. Leaves no trace of plastic.
Recyclable - Commodities consisting of post-consumer recycled paper are recyclable.
Accountable Materials - For example, mushroom fibers, banana leaves, and algae reduce the over-reliance on plastic and the excessive processes involved.
Ethical production - the use of sustainably sourced, locally produced, and fairly traded materials has proven to improve lives while having a lighter impact on the environment.
Small Carbon Footprint - Eco packaging vastly reduces the carbon emissions resulting from traditional manufacturing and waste.
Simple Swaps
Paper or Plastics - Go for paper envelopes, boxes and filler made from recycled content. Don’t use plastic poly bags and bubbles.
Glass vs Plastic - Choose glass bottles over single-use plastics because glass is infinitely recyclable.Support plastic reduction initiatives.
Compostable vs. Styrofoam - Replace styrofoam peanuts with compostable corn starch alternatives. Support the ban on non-recyclable products.
For stylish, zero waste, environmentally friendly packaging solutions pay a visit to Chalogreen. They manufacture their products which are entirely plant-based thus saving the planet.
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hellenhighwater · 2 years
any more weird gift ideas? i've got 6 more nights of hanukkah and i'm desperate
Uh, there's cocoliocello? I got the recipe for this from a coworker. It's a chocolatey vodka-based alcoholic beverage, that's great for sipping straight, or mixing into hot chocolate or coffee. It's just these things combined, and then chilled. This makes a half-gallon. Personally, I find this too rich to have with a meal, but it's good if you're just sitting and sipping and chatting.
24 oz chocolate syrup
14 oz can of sweetend condensed milk
14 oz can of evaporated milk (I believe Eagle brand of both is Kosher)
750 ml. flavored vodka--caramel, vanilla, whatever you want. Don't go too cheap here.
This does wind up being about half vodka, so mixing it down may be a good call. I bottled it in reusable glass bottles from the dollar store. Because all these products are individually quite shelf-stable, it tends to last well.
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You can also do a homemade powdered hot cocoa mix--usually nothing more than cocca, powdered sugar, and powdered milk, with some people adding a little salt and corn starch to the mix. You can find lots of recipes for that. This is another opportunity to use a tiny bottle and a weird label. And if you're up for the challenge of homemade marshmallows, that's also a fun activity; there's lots of recipes and tutorials for that too.
You could also print out some of my murder stationery and gift that with a nice pen? You said you wanted weird. There's actually a bit of non-murder printable stationery in this folder too, if murder isn't quite your speed. I made these all from public-use scans from vintage prints, so you could also make your own custom stationery.
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In the theme of paper, you could make a chinese thread book. It looks harder than it is; this was my first (and only) attempt at making one. But here's some of my process and here's the write-up I did.
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Macramé plant hangers are not difficult either, you can kind of just make them up as you go. Apparently I did not take pictures of what I made, but trust that if you follow the link there is a video.
You can also just trawl through my insomnia cooking with hell tag, or search recipes on my blog--dragon beard candy, herb salts, and flavored syrups come to mind as fun options. You can use the citrus-drying steps I used to make orange garland to make dried orange to eat (especially good dipped in chocolate), or make a custom mulling spice mix. You can use air dry clay to make a weird little creachure. You could make peppermint bark.
I dunno. That's what I've got off the top of my head. Happy Hanukkah!
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eljackinton · 3 months
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Salaris "Butchess" Flamanka. Gang Queen and champion of Khorne. What started as an attempt to take over a corpse starch processing plant for her ended with a taste for violence beyond what the Clan Houses could offer. Only the Lady of Skin and Sinew could satiate her apatite.
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Announcer: ...and our four contestants are ready. They will have 1 hour to put together their dishes. Before we get started, let's go to the floor and put our contestants in the hotseat.
Interviewer: First up, hailing from the US's very own NYC. Perseus ssss Jackson! How are you feeling, Percy?
Percy: I'm doing alright, thanks.
Interviewer: What do you have planned for the judges today?
Percy: I'm doing seafood.
Announcer: Seafood. No surprises from the son of Poseidon. Let's go now to Leo Valdez.
Interviewer: Hailing from the southern metropolis of Houston, Texas. It's the senior counselor of the Hephaestus cabin at Camp Half-Blood. Give it up for Leo Valdez!
Leo: WASSUP everybody!?
Interviewer: You seem excited.
Leo: Nah, that's just how I roll. I'd like to take a moment to say - let's everybody do the Team Leo!
Interviewer: What you have planned for us Leo?
Leo: Hispanic food! I do it best...
Interviewer: Confident, ain't he?
Announcer: That's Leo Valdez, folks. Now we go to our third contestant.
Interviewer: Let's all put our hands together for Athena's own daughter, Annabeth Chase. How're you feeling Annabeth?
Annabeth: I'm feeling great.
Interviewer: Psyched to win it?
Annabeth: You know it!
Interviewer: What are you cooking up for us today?
Annabeth: I'm doing desserts.
Announcer: Desserts! A bold choice from the daughter of Athena. Time will tell if Annabeth's desserts blow the judges away and send her home with the grand prize. Now let's go to our last contestant.
Interviewer: Our last contestant is His Grace, the Ambassador of Hades. The Ghost King himself. Nico di Angelo! How are you doing Nico?
Nico: Okay, I guess...
Interviewer: What are you cooking up for us?
Nico: I'm doing dishes with black ingredients.
Announcer: Another bold choice from this son of Hades. I think it is safe to say that our judges can look forward to a diverse spread of food at the end of the night. Now, let's get it started. One hour on the clock! Contestants... GO!
-starts placing large lettuce leaves on plates
-chops up onions
-dices potatoes
-cuts deboned fish into thin slices
-squeezes mayo into a bowl
-finely chops up two whole dill pickles
-measures out 1/4 cup of lemon juice
Announcer: I think it seems obvious that the son of Poseidon is preparing some kind of fish dish and tartar sauce, but what are the diced potatoes and onions for? It's anyone's guess, folks.
-chops up two tomatoes and two bell peppers
-opens two cans of refried beans
-starts rolling out corn flour flat
-starts ground pork to frying on low heat
-makes a four-cheese blend
Announcer: Leo appears to have two dishes underway already. One is probably tacos, but the corn flour is an interesting choice. What's he doing now?
Interviewer: Can you tell us what you're planning with the corn flour?
Leo: Sure. I'm making pupusas.
Announcer: ...and it is! Pupusas! A rather unexpected pleasure for our judges.
-whips up chocolate pudding mix
-crushes up graham crackers
-starts whipping cream
-breaks 3 eggs into a bowl
-starts adding two tablespoons of peanut butter,
Announcer: It looks like the daughter of Athena might be making peanut butter cookies. Clearly the pudding and the graham crackers are intended for something else. What could the whipped cream be for?
-stirs together blackberries, amaretto, and corn starch in a bowl
-sets premade pie crust on the counter
-starts black beans on low in a food processer
-starts melting cheese
-slices up two egg plants
-pours rice into rice cooker
Announcer: The son of Hades is fast on his feet. Watch him go folks! He already has what appears to be at least three dishes in the works. It's a little early to call, but the competition starts with Nico clearly in the lead.
(in audience) Will: Go Nico! Yeah!
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anarchistin · 11 months
Humans have been harnessing the power of yeast for thousands of years. These fungi allow fermentation, the molecular process whereby living cells typically transform sugar or starch into more complex molecules or chemicals. Discovered 10,000 years ago, the technology of liquid fermentation—from mead to beer to spirits—and solid-state fermentation—bread and cheese—helped put humanity on a rapidly accelerating path of evolution and advancement.
Fast forward 9,950 years. Around three decades ago, humans applied the potential of liquid fermentation to create medicines. In 1978 Arthur Riggs and Keiichi Itakura produced the first biosynthetic insulin using E. coli as a single-celled manufacturing plant. The epiphany that single-celled bacteria and yeast are sugar-powered microfactories that can be utilized to synthesize novel compounds is one of the most powerful discoveries of the past 100 years.
Since that revolutionary insight occurred, science has been devoted to understanding, cultivating and ultimately reprogramming single-celled organisms such as yeast, bacteria and algae, and we've been using the process to make more lifesaving drugs, biobased fuels such as corn ethanol, fragrances and a growing suite of small biological molecules.
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science-lover33 · 1 year
Exploring the Marvels of Biological Macromolecules: The Molecular Machinery of Life (Part 1)
In the captivating realm of biochemistry, biological macromolecules stand as the cornerstone of life itself. These intricately structured molecules, each with its unique role, orchestrate the complex symphony of biological processes. Let's dive deep into the world of macromolecules and unravel their astounding intricacies.
Carbohydrates, a group of organic compounds, are fundamental biomolecules in biochemistry. These compounds, composed of carbon (C), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O) atoms, play multifaceted roles in various biological processes, acting as both an essential energy source and critical structural elements.
Monosaccharides: The Building Blocks
At the most basic level, carbohydrates are composed of monosaccharides, which are simple sugars. Glucose, fructose, and galactose are examples of monosaccharides. They serve as the fundamental building blocks from which more complex carbohydrates are constructed.
Polysaccharides: Storage and Structure
Carbohydrates manifest as polysaccharides, intricate macromolecules created by linking numerous monosaccharide units. Glycogen, found in animals, and starch, prevalent in plants, are storage forms of glucose. In contrast, cellulose, another glucose-based polysaccharide, forms the structural component of plant cell walls.
Energy Production: Glucose Metabolism
Carbohydrates' primary function within biological systems is to provide energy. Glucose, a hexose sugar, undergoes catabolic processes such as glycolysis and cellular respiration to generate adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the cellular energy currency. The controlled release of energy from carbohydrates fuels vital cellular functions.
Regulation of Blood Glucose: Hormonal Control
Maintaining blood glucose levels within a narrow range is crucial for homeostasis. Hormones like insulin and glucagon intricately regulate glucose levels, ensuring cells have a steady supply of this essential fuel source.
Structural Carbohydrates: Cellulose and Chitin
Carbohydrates also contribute to the structural integrity of cells and organisms. Cellulose, a linear polymer of glucose, forms the rigid cell walls of plants. Similarly, chitin, composed of N-acetylglucosamine units, provides structural support in the exoskeletons of arthropods and the cell walls of fungi.
Glycoproteins and Glycolipids: Molecular Signaling
Carbohydrates are often attached to proteins (glycoproteins) and lipids (glycolipids) on cell surfaces. These complex molecules participate in cell recognition and molecular signaling, which is crucial for various cellular processes, including immune responses and cell adhesion.
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blackbackedjackal · 1 year
do you know why dogs store fat so differently to other closely related canids? is it their diet? tho foxes and I assume coyotes too would also have quite a lot of plant based foods
Tbh I have no idea. I kinda point at the domestication process (possibly the starch adaptation), selective breeding (different breeds have different feeling skin, mainly elasticity and how thick/rubbery the skin feels), and/or diet (more specifically, type of dog food they've had). It's similar in some ranched foxes as well, not exactly the same, but certainly similar (especially ones that had poor diets).
The only comparable fat tissue I've seen is human fat tissue tbh. Similar viscosity, texture, and color. It's wild. And gross.
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luna-the-bard · 6 months
👁️👁️teeny tiny giant infodump about terranian foods
* Skeets has never had chicken noodle soup before Samus made it for her when she was sick
* Terranian cultures have broths and soups, but they’re usually veggie soups with lots of turnip & potato-like veggies/starches. That’s not to say they can’t add meat in them - but there’s only one species of chicken exists around these parts (the Big Blue Dinochicken), so it’s off limits.
Some soups have grain in them, too - mix some potatoes and buckwheat together in poultry/meat broth, add some other vegetables to it like carrots, and maybe even some meatballs if you’re feeling fancy (the ones that are specifically for soup, they’re different), and you have yourself a pot full of nutritious deliciousness.
The broths themselves are usually a lot spicier than one might be used to, and oftentimes have stuff like ginger or seafood-related products like seaweed in them. Those make things a bit more flavorful - since terranians can’t really taste spice, they go for sour or salty tastes when they want to make something less bland.
They also have lots of herbal tea blends, caffeinated and not. Terran tea has to be brewed ice-cold, the temperature of that water being crucial to the leaves releasing the light toxins stored within them, and a cold drink is usually well-appreciated in a warm climate like Te’rra’s.
There’s a kvas-like (carbonated fermented non-alcoholic drink) beverage that can be made at home from concentrate or from scratch. Put it in a big pot/bucket with a lid and let it stand in the shade for a couple days, and you’ll have yourself something nice and refreshing to sip on during the hot day cycle.
* Anyways the chicken noodle soup became an act of care for Skeets, like it becomes for a lot of people that were fed it when they would get sick. Also both Skeets and Samus add diced Swiss cheese to it because it’s delicious and I said so.😒
Terranians have many delicious stew recipes. The most popular ones are beef veggie stews (whatever equivalent to beef Te’rra has to offer, anyway), and several types of shepherd’s pie (which also utilizes terran beef; it’s easier sourced than the elusive poultry).
There is a number of pickled vegetables that are popular on Te’rra, and some pickled fruit, but I personally only care about pickled cucumbers bc those are superior. Also Skeets is mildly allergic to pickled beets.
Preserved fruit is mostly peaches and a crunchy apple-like fruit named grabi (because the shrub it grows on feeds on small animals via grabbing and entangling them in its branches, to prepare for digestion).
Speaking of flora, because the plants are so springy and often dense (aside from nectar flowers/honeyplants, which have a mushy inside - in case of being squished, it feeds the soil and attracts insects with its smell so they can spread the pollen/seeds), a lot of veggie dishes have to be steamed, stewed, slow cooked or sautéed for a long time to prepare them for consumption. This is why cooking in large portions for a crowd of people is so common; it’s just less time-consuming to throw everything into a big pot and make a bunch at once. It gives other terranians more time to dedicate to their own tasks, as they don’t have to prepare meals as often.
This is also why there’s so many stews, and steamed veggies, or veggie blends fried in oil (they’re usually steamed a bit before or during the process, too, to soften the fibers). Skeets likes the fried blends a lot. If she’s eating steamed veggies, she tends to add a lot of salt to them to compensate for the blandness. She loves meat stews, too, even if the meat is just in the sauce. At some point, when her and Samus were visiting a tourist hotspot somewhere outside of Te’rra, they stopped for dinner at a small restaurant. This is how Skeets was introduced to fettuccine bolognese. To this day, this is one of her favorite non-terran dishes; at least a third of her and Samus’s dates now involve going somewhere that serves it (lucky for them, those places aren’t hard to find).
While eating honeyplant nectar is great, its petals and fruit are also often harvested and either eaten raw/with little preparation, or cooked, or preserved/pickled. Raw or slightly cooked, the petals and fruit retain a very nice ✨crunchy✨ texture (crispy crunchy watery like a cucumber on the outside, sweet and sticky like fresh honey on the inside). Preserved, the skin tends to soften a little bit and lose that crunchiness, but the petals become a lot sweeter because of the added sugar.
Also, terran shrimp. Are blue and green. That’s it that’s all I have to say about them👍🏻
Enjoy, @coldgoldlazarus
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school56df · 10 days
The Evolution of Packaged Food Products Ideas Convenience Meets Nutrition
Apples, bananas, oranges, strawberries, and berries are famous worldwide for his or her sweetness and dietary blessings.
Leafy greens like spinach and kale, root greens which include carrots and potatoes, and cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cauliflower provide essential nutrients.
Herbs and Spices
Fresh herbs like basil, cilantro, and mint enhance the taste of dishes while presenting medicinal advantages.
Grains and Cereal Products
Grains are a staple in lots of diets internationally. They offer electricity through carbohydrates and are often enriched with extra nutrients. Common grain merchandise include:
 A staple in many Asian and Latin American cuisines, rice is flexible and available in sorts together with white, brown, and wild rice.
Wheat and Bread Products
Bread, pasta, and pastries are crafted from wheat and are commonplace in many Western diets. Whole wheat options are frequently preferred for his or her higher fiber content.
Oats and Cereals:
 Breakfast cereals made from oats, corn, and wheat provide a quick and handy alternative for starting the day.
Dairy Products
Dairy merchandise are derived from milk and are an vital source of calcium, protein, and different nutrients. Dairy items encompass:
Available in numerous forms, along with entire, skim, and plant-primarily based alternatives like almond and soy milk.
A flexible meals product, cheese comes in loads of sorts, consisting of cheddar, mozzarella, and Parmesan, each with particular flavors and textures.
Yogurt is a probiotic-rich food that promotes intestine fitness. Varieties consist of Greek yogurt, flavored yogurt, and plant-primarily based options.
Meat and Seafood Products
Meat and seafood offer essential proteins, nutrients, and minerals like iron and zinc. There are numerous varieties of meat and seafood merchandise, consisting of:
Red Meat
 Beef, lamb, and beef are resources of protein and are broadly consumed globally.
Chicken and turkey are famous alternatives because of their lean protein content and flexibility in cooking.
Fish like salmon, tuna, and shrimp are wealthy in omega-3 fatty acids, that are beneficial for heart health.
 Plant-Based Products
With the upward thrust of vegetarian and vegan diets, plant-based totally food merchandise have grow to be greater prominent. These gadgets are designed to mimic the flavor and texture of animal products however are made absolutely from vegetation. Examples encompass:
Plant-Based Meats
Alternatives to traditional meat made from soy, pea protein, or mushrooms. Brands like Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods provide burgers, sausages, and more.
Dairy-Free Milk and Cheese: 
Almond, soy, oat, and coconut milk are not unusual options to dairy, along with plant-based cheeses crafted from nuts or starches.
Processed and Packaged Foods
Processed foods are the ones that have been altered from their natural nation for comfort, protection, or taste. These can variety from minimally processed items, like bagged salad veggies, to closely processed snacks and frozen meals. Some examples are:
Canned Goods
Canned greens, culmination, and beans provide convenience and a longer shelf life.
Frozen Foods
Frozen dinners, pizzas, and vegetables are popular for his or her ease of instruction.
Snack Foods
Chips, crackers, cookies, and other snacks are widely fed on however should be enjoyed carefully due to excessive stages of sugar, salt, and fat.
Beverages embody a extensive range of products, from water to complicated electricity liquids. Important classes consist of:
Still and sparkling water, flavored waters, and more advantageous waters with introduced electrolytes or vitamins.
Fruit and vegetable juices are popular for his or her clean taste, however they also can include excessive degrees of sugar.
Coffee and Tea: 
Widely fed on round the arena, espresso and tea are available in diverse forms, consisting of equipped-to-drink alternatives, ground coffee, and tea luggage.
Soft Drinks
Sodas, electricity beverages, and flavored carbonated beverages, even as famous, are regularly criticized for his or her sugar content.
 Baked Goods and Confectioneries
Baked items and sweets are liked across cultures and come in many paperwork, from simple to problematic. Examples include:
Bread and Rolls
 Baguettes, sourdough, and multigrain breads are staples in lots of houses.
Croissants, truffles, and donuts are enjoyed as snacks or breakfast treats.
Food Product Ideas merchandise encompass a wide variety of objects designed for human consumption, and they come in many bureaucracy to meet unique dietary wishes, possibilities, and lifestyles. From clean produce to packaged items, meals products play a crucial position in day by day nutrition, cultural traditions, and the worldwide economy. Below, we explore numerous classes of meals products, their importance, and trends shaping the enterprise.
Fresh Produce
Fresh end result, greens, and herbs are foundational additives of a wholesome food plan. They are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which can be vital for retaining suitable fitness. 
Sweets and Candies
Food Products Brands is  Chocolates, gummies, and sweets, while indulgent, have to be consumed in moderation.
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swords-of-a-soilder · 7 months
The Healing Process
Chapter 5
Factory reset
Missa phase into place on the wall, then took a moment to breathe in the fresh air. The air was always more crisp there, perhaps that's why so many plants grow there, that and Phil's remarkable green thumb.
The practice came naturally to him, like growing plants was a part of his bloodline. Missa of course allow himself to enjoy the greeny then turned to the entrance of their home.
He open the door then dropped his backpack at the doorway, then turn his attention to the left, suddenly he yelp in shock at sight in front of him.
Cellbit observed the large bird asleep on the double bed, it's abdomen raising slowly with each breath; eyes shut tight, it was dead asleep.
"Are you're sure it's Philza?" Cellbit finally asked as he turned his attention back to Missa, whom only responded with a slow nod. He didn't even know where to start, Phil had been acting strangely even since he got back.
Midnight possession, excessive drinking and now he's a bird, he's just a bird; how does that even happen? Forever step pass Cellbit to examine Phil's bird form, gently he lifted his wing, then Audible hissed at the sight.
"His wing doesn't look goo-" before he could finish, the bird, allegedly Phil jump awaken, Then began pecking at forever despite his pleases.
Missa quickly step in then successfully calm Phil down, Forever met the bird with an annoyed look. Cellbit observing the tension stood to his feet, then split attention between all three boys, or rather two boys and a bird.
"You probably spook him, he was asleep after all." Forever's expression soften at Cellbit's statements, "But how does it look?"
"Broken...honestly the pain might also be why he's so hostile." Forever informed as he starched his chin, "We really can't let the Federation know about this."
"Why not, wouldn't it best to ask them for help?" Missa asked
"I don't think you understand what it means for the Federation to help." Cellbit informed, "any medical help they often is for their own benefit."
"Doesn't help that they already don't like Philza." Forever added
Suddenly Phil flapped his wings as he rushed outside, the others quickly followed behind but were too late as Phil had bearly flutter his way down to ground below the wall.
The group stood by the fence as they look down at Phil, Soon distracted by the rattle of a maraca; Tallulah had successfully gain their attention and therefore took the opportunity to Inquire about the unusual circumstances.
"Hello, little Princess!" Forever greeted, "everything is fine, your father is not a bird!"
Tallulah raised her eyebrow at that statement then glanced over at the others hoping someone who explain. "Listen, We'll explain later, right now we need to keep track of your father." Cellbit explained
"Guys he's getting away!" Missa warned. He then attempted to slide down the wall falling near his death; Cellbit followed shortly after using the gapple squak to land safely, Forever however safely brought Tallulah down with the elevator.
They'd unsuccessful chase phil to spawn, where he manage to wrap to an unknown location; they all took a moment to express frustration at the events. "He couldn't have gone that far, right?" Cellbit inquired
"you guys need help?" Fit asked, acknowledging his own present not too far away. "Did you guys see that giant bird? left like a million feathers for me to clean up."
"You've know Phil longer than us, you haven't seen him like that before?" Forever inquired
"That was Phil?!" That answer told them everything they needed to know. At the moment understanding why Phil had suddenly gone full bird was out the window, which left just one thing.
"We could use your help yes, Phil trust you, maybe you know where he could have gone?" Cellbit started
Fit starched his chin, chosing to put Phil's odd transformation aside and he brainstorm where Phil could have gone off to. "Well yeah I have an idea, I'll place a sharestone down for you."
The group would soon phase on top a stone structure floating in the air, they took a moment to observe their surrounding, pillers stretching up to the sky.
"Where is this place?" Cellbit asked
"Ah I think Philza called it uppies." Missa explained
"Uppies.." Forever whispered recalling something from earlier. The sound of Tallulah's maraca gained his attention, she then informed him this what they consider a crow's nest.
"I don't see any signs of him." Cellbit noted.
"There is somewhere else he might be, but it's a little personal, I don't think he'd want this many people there."
"In the case we can split up." Cellbit suggested, "Fit you and me, Missa you take Tallulah.. and I guess Forever is alone."
"As always," Forever joked
"I would say just say spilt up individualy but I want to at least check throughly." Cellbit Informed, forever waved him off dismally then turn the opposite way as he began his search.
Fit made his way to the west of the structure then prepared his paraglider, " It was this way." He informed as he jump off the base, his paraglider immediately catching wind.
Cellbit followed shortly after deploying his own paraglider, it wasn't that long of a journey about five minute from uppies to wherever Fit was leading him.
They would drop off in the mids of a forest, though most of it was burnt down; Cellbit almost immediately notice the lone sign painted purple, the words "R.I.P it gave my papa a hard time" writing in black ink.
"Huh.. Looks like it burnt down." Fit acknowledge
"I'll have to ask Tallulah why." Cellbit add as he pointed to the purple sign; he then slide down the hill to do a further search follow shortly after by Fit.
"I don't think he's here." Fit informed as he followed closely behind.
"Why would Phil had come here anyways?" Cellbit asked, "I mean what's the significance?"
"I'm not really sure, he said there was a birdhouse. He seem more obsessed with proving it was real than anything." Fit suddenly stop walking.
"Actually I don't know if I should say but Phil has been worrying me."Cellbit gave his full attention to Fit as he offerred a reassuring expressions, in an attempt to show he could be trusted.
"He said he was seeing things, and he was acting really frantic lately, always on edge. It's probably not my place to say he told me in confidence but.. I've know Phil for years and I've never seen that man turn into a bird!" Fit declared
Cellbit chuckled at Fit's final statement, "yeah he told me about the visions actually, I thought it was just an after effect of purgatory but..this is so much more than I originally thought."
The discussion was interupped by The beeps of the cellular device, Cellbit open the groups chat then rose his eyebrow as he read the message, "Forever found him." He informed
"that was quick." Fit joked.
Missa gently stoke his partners head as he sat by the bank comforting Phil whom had mostly submerged himself under water. "Philza, you almost gave me a heart attack you know!" He complained, "you really stressed me out!"
"welcome to my world," Forever comment under his breath.
Soon the rest of the group phased a top the moss covered mountains, Fit thankful thought quickly and grabbed hold of Cell's shirt, sucesseful stoping him form falling to his death. "Ah here is is!"
Phil glance at Fit then quickly turn his attention back to Missa. Forever walked around the pond then pulled Cellbit aside, "This is where I found him!" He exclaimed.
Recognition suddenly flashed in Cellbit's eyes. "Wait, he suffered really bad injuries the other day, he's suffered massive injuries all week!"
"you're saying that like it's supposed to make sense, but I'm really not following." Forever explained with fold arms
"what do you do when your phone breaks?" Cellbit proposed
"get a new one?"
"No, okay let me rephrase, if your phone start lagging and it takes like a minute for an app to open, what do you do?"
".. Factory reset?"
"Excalty!" Cellbit cut in, "We already knew Phil was a bird hybrid we just didn't know to what degree; maybe this is his default form!"
Forever starched his chin in though, "so he's like this because he's healing?"
Cellbit walked over to the water then pulled out a empty glass bottle from his inventory, he used it to collect the water. "I'll run some test on the water, see if there's anything special about it."
Suddenly a splash of water came his way, Cellbit was bearly able to stop any of it with his hands, thanks to Phil he was now soaking wet, "Agh, it's freezing cold!"
Phil in his involuntary bird mode, crackled at Cellbit's misery, thought it was somewhat difficult to tell the difference between such and his regular laugh.
"you should probably sync to the waystone if he's gonna keep coming here." Forever suggested, lend against such.
"Ah, right." Cellbit acknowledge, he made his way over, then synced up to the waystone, "uppies 2" he noted outloud.
Tallulah soon removed herself from the mountain edge then sat by Missa with her flute in hand, she played a gentle tune sucesseful being peace to everyone's soul.
Phil's eye's flutter closed at the tune, Forever also slide down the waystone, resting his eyes and he sat at the base. Cellbit sat soon sat next to him, "Are you ok?"
"yeah, Philza's just been stressing me out for the past few week." Forever exclaim
"Ah I know what you mean, I mean everyone except me to know what wrong." Cellbit commented, "but so much all at onc-"
"you're being too hard on yourself," Forever interupped, "you're the only one making any sense of this."
The group stayed seated for a little while longer, Forever himself had doze off at least three times often jumping awake in a panic then passing out again, Cellbit assumed out of fear for what might happen to Phil.
In reality they were all afarid, Fit was worried sick, Cellbit bearly had idea what to do and it seem that chasing after Phil would contuine to be Forever's hobbie.
Missa seemed to be the only one at peace and that was likely because he hadn't been there to see Phil's pervious melt downs, even then you could see the worry on his face.
Perhaps Phil hadn't noticed it himself, but the entire island depend on him in some way or another so with him in an unstable state the whole island was at risk.
After an hour's pass, Phil suddenly sprung up from the water; taking flight he glide down the hill with ease, waking everyone in the process.
Missa stood by the edge observing where Phil had landing, noticing the large glass structure that sat in the midst of the Forest, he breath a sigh of relief. "It's ok, I know where he is."
"Do you think you'll be able to keep an eye on him?" As much as Cellbit didn't want to drop that much pressure on Missa, he was exhausted from the past few days.
"Well.. I don't think he's gonna leave this area." Missa informed.
"Right, still don't hesitate to ask for help." Cellbit suggeested, he pulled Forever up by his shelve, "don't go far, I want to talk to you." He informed him.
Forever simply nod as he rubbed the exhaustion from his eyes, the rest of the group would take their leave viva the way stone, leaving Missa and Tallulah behind. He observed the structure once again relieved to see Phil had landed in the nest.
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truthdawn · 6 months
Bread is a staple food prepared from a dough of flour (usually wheat) and water, usually by baking. Throughout recorded history and around the world, it has been an important part of many cultures' diet. It is one of the oldest human-made foods, having been of significance since the dawn of agriculture, and plays an essential role in both religious rituals and secular culture.
Bread may be leavened by naturally occurring microbes (e.g. sourdough), chemicals (e.g. baking soda), industrially produced yeast, or high-pressure aeration, which creates the gas bubbles that fluff up bread. In many countries, commercial bread often contains additives to improve flavor, texture, color, shelf life, nutrition, and ease of production.
The Old English word for bread was hlaf (hlaifs in Gothic: modern English loaf), which appears to be the oldest Teutonic name.[1] Old High German hleib[2] and modern German Laib derive from this Proto-Germanic word, which was borrowed into some Slavic (Czech: chléb, Polish: bochen chleba, Russian: khleb) and Finnic (Finnish: leipä, Estonian: leib) languages as well. The Middle and Modern English word bread appears in Germanic languages, such as West Frisian: brea, Dutch: brood, German: Brot, Swedish: bröd, and Norwegian and Danish: brød; it may be related to brew or perhaps to break, originally meaning "broken piece", "morsel".[3][better source needed]
Main article: History of bread
Bread is one of the oldest prepared foods. Evidence from 30,000 years ago in Europe and Australia revealed starch residue on rocks used for pounding plants.[4][5] It is possible that during this time, starch extract from the roots of plants, such as cattails and ferns, was spread on a flat rock, placed over a fire and cooked into a primitive form of flatbread. The oldest evidence of bread-making has been found in a 14,500-year-old Natufian site in Jordan's northeastern desert.[6][7] Around 10,000 BC, with the dawn of the Neolithic age and the spread of agriculture, grains became the mainstay of making bread. Yeast spores are ubiquitous, including on the surface of cereal grains, so any dough left to rest leavens naturally.[8]Woman baking bread (c. 2200 BC); Louvre
An early leavened bread was baked as early as 6000 BC in southern Mesopotamia, cradle of the Sumerian civilization, who may have passed on the knowledge to the Egyptians around 3000 BC. The Egyptians refined the process and started adding yeast to the flour. The Sumerians were already using ash to supplement the dough as it was baked.[9]
There were multiple sources of leavening available for early bread. Airborne yeasts could be harnessed by leaving uncooked dough exposed to air for some time before cooking. Pliny the Elder reported that the Gauls and Iberians used the foam skimmed from beer, called barm, to produce "a lighter kind of bread than other peoples" such as barm cake. Parts of the ancient world that drank wine instead of beer used a paste composed of grape juice and flour that was allowed to begin fermenting, or wheat bran steeped in wine, as a source for yeast. The most common source of leavening was to retain a piece of dough from the previous day to use as a form of sourdough starter, as Pliny also reported.[10][11]
The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans all considered the degree of refinement in the bakery arts as a sign of civilization.[9]
The Chorleywood bread process was developed in 1961; it uses the intense mechanical working of dough to dramatically reduce the fermentation period and the time taken to produce a loaf. The process, whose high-energy mixing allows for the use of grain with a lower protein content, is now widely used around the world in large factories. As a result, bread can be produced very quickly and at low costs to the manufacturer and the consumer. However, there has been some criticism of the effect on nutritional value.[12][13][14]
Main article: List of breads
Brown bread (left) and whole grain bread
Dark sprouted bread
Ruisreikäleipä, a flat rye flour loaf with a hole
Bread is the staple food of the Middle East, Central Asia, North Africa, Europe, and in European-derived cultures such as those in the Americas, Australia, and Southern Africa. This is in contrast to parts of South and East Asia, where rice or noodles are the staple. Bread is usually made from a wheat-flour dough that is cultured with yeast, allowed to rise, and baked in an oven. Carbon dioxide and ethanol vapors produced during yeast fermentation result in bread's air pockets.[15] Owing to its high levels of gluten (which give the dough sponginess and elasticity), common or bread wheat is the most common grain used for the preparation of bread, which makes the largest single contribution to the world's food supply of any food.[16]Sangak, an Iranian flatbreadStrucia — a type of European sweet bread
Bread is also made from the flour of other wheat species (including spelt, emmer, einkorn and kamut).[17] Non-wheat cereals including rye, barley, maize (corn), oats, sorghum, millet and rice have been used to make bread, but, with the exception of rye, usually in combination with wheat flour as they have less gluten.[18]
Gluten-free breads are made using flours from a variety of ingredients such as almonds, rice, sorghum, corn, legumes such as beans, and tubers such as cassava. Since these foods lack gluten, dough made from them may not hold its shape as the loaves rise, and their crumb may be dense with little aeration. Additives such as xanthan gum, guar gum, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC), corn starch, or eggs are used to compensate for the lack of gluten.[19][20][21][22]
Physical-chemical composition
In wheat, phenolic compounds are mainly found in hulls in the form of insoluble bound ferulic acid, where it is relevant to wheat resistance to fungal diseases.[23]
Rye bread contains phenolic acids and ferulic acid dehydrodimers.[24]
Three natural phenolic glucosides, secoisolariciresinol diglucoside, p-coumaric acid glucoside and ferulic acid glucoside, can be found in commercial breads containing flaxseed.[25]Small home made bread with pumpkin and sunflower seeds
Glutenin and gliadin are functional proteins found in wheat bread that contribute to the structure of bread. Glutenin forms interconnected gluten networks within bread through interchain disulfide bonds.[26] Gliadin binds weakly to the gluten network established by glutenin via intrachain disulfide bonds.[26] Structurally, bread can be defined as an elastic-plastic foam (same as styrofoam). The glutenin protein contributes to its elastic nature, as it is able to regain its initial shape after deformation. The gliadin protein contributes to its plastic nature, because it demonstrates non-reversible structural change after a certain amount of applied force. Because air pockets within this gluten network result from carbon dioxide production during leavening, bread can be defined as a foam, or a gas-in-solid solution.[27]
Acrylamide, like in other starchy foods that have been heated higher than 120 °C (248 °F), has been found in recent years to occur in bread. Acrylamide is neurotoxic, has adverse effects on male reproduction and developmental toxicity and is carcinogenic. A study has found that more than 99 percent of the acrylamide in bread is found in the crust.[28]
A study by the University of Hohenheim found that industrially produced bread typically has a high proportion of FODMAP carbohydrates due to a short rising time (often only one hour). The high proportion of FODMAP carbohydrates in such bread then causes flatulence. This is particularly problematic in intestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome. While in traditional bread making the dough rises for several hours, industrial breads rise for a much shorter time, usually only one hour. However, a sufficiently long rising time is important to break down the indigestible FODMAP carbohydrates. Some flours (for example, spelt, emmer and einkorn) contain fewer FODMAPs, but the difference between grain types is relatively small (between 1 and 2 percent by weight). Instead, 90% of the FODMAPs that cause discomfort can be broken down during a rising time of 4 hours. In the study, whole-grain yeast doughs were examined after different rising times; the highest level of FODMAPs was present after one hour in each case and decreased thereafter. The study thus shows that it is essentially the baking technique and not the type of grain that determines whether a bread is well tolerated or not. A better tolerance of bread made from original cereals can therefore not be explained by the original cereal itself, but rather by the fact that traditional, artisanal baking techniques are generally used when baking original cereals, which include a long dough process. The study also showed that a long rising time also breaks down undesirable phytates more effectively, flavors develop better, and the finished bread contains more biologically accessible trace elements.[29][30]
Culinary uses
Bread pudding
Bread can be served at many temperatures; once baked, it can subsequently be toasted. It is most commonly eaten with the hands, either by itself or as a carrier for other foods. Bread can be spread with butter, dipped into liquids such as gravy, olive oil, or soup;[31] it can be topped with various sweet and savory spreads, or used to make sandwiches containing meats, cheeses, vegetables, and condiments.[32]
Bread is used as an ingredient in other culinary preparations, such as the use of breadcrumbs to provide crunchy crusts or thicken sauces; toasted cubes of bread, called croutons, are used as a salad topping; seasoned bread is used as stuffing inside roasted turkey; sweet or savoury bread puddings are made with bread and various liquids; egg and milk-soaked bread is fried as French toast; and bread is used as a binding agent in sausages, meatballs and other ground meat products.[33]
Nutritional significance
Bread is a good source of carbohydrates and micronutrients such as magnesium, iron, selenium, and B vitamins. Whole grain bread is a good source of dietary fiber and all breads are a common source of protein in the diet, though not a rich one.[34][35]
Crust of a cut bread made of whole-grainrye with crust crack (half right at the top)
Bread crust is formed from surface dough during the cooking process. It is hardened and browned through the Maillard reaction using the sugars and amino acids due to the intense heat at the bread surface. The crust of most breads is harder, and more complexly and intensely flavored, than the rest. Old wives' tales suggest that eating the bread crust makes a person's hair curlier.[36] Additionally, the crust is rumored to be healthier than the remainder of the bread. Some studies have shown that this is true as the crust has more dietary fiber and antioxidants such as pronyl-lysine.[37]
Steps in bread making, here for an unleavened Chilean tortilla
Doughs are usually baked, but in some cuisines breads are steamed (e.g., mantou), fried (e.g., puri), or baked on an unoiled frying pan (e.g., tortillas). It may be leavened or unleavened (e.g. matzo). Salt, fat and leavening agents such as yeast and baking soda are common ingredients, though bread may contain other ingredients, such as milk, egg, sugar, spice, fruit (such as raisins), vegetables (such as onion), nuts (such as walnut) or seeds (such as poppy).[38]
Methods of processing dough into bread include the straight dough process, the sourdough process, the Chorleywood bread process and the sponge and dough process.Baking bread in East Timor
Professional bread recipes are stated using the baker's percentage notation. The amount of flour is denoted to be 100%, and the other ingredients are expressed as a percentage of that amount by weight. Measurement by weight is more accurate and consistent than measurement by volume, particularly for dry ingredients. The proportion of water to flour is the most important measurement in a bread recipe, as it affects texture and crumb the most. Hard wheat flours absorb about 62% water, while softer wheat flours absorb about 56%.[39] Common table breads made from these doughs result in a finely textured, light bread. Most artisan bread formulas contain anywhere from 60 to 75% water. In yeast breads, the higher water percentages result in more CO2 bubbles and a coarser bread crumb.
Dough recipes commonly call for 500 grams (about 1.1 pounds) of flour, which yields a single loaf of bread or two baguettes.
Calcium propionate is commonly added by commercial bakeries to retard the growth of molds.[citation needed]
Main article: Flour
Flour is grain ground into a powder. Flour provides the primary structure, starch and protein to the final baked bread. The protein content of the flour is the best indicator of the quality of the bread dough and the finished bread. While bread can be made from all-purpose wheat flour, a specialty bread flour, containing more protein (12–14%), is recommended for high-quality bread. If one uses a flour with a lower protein content (9–11%) to produce bread, a shorter mixing time is required to develop gluten strength properly. An extended mixing time leads to oxidization of the dough, which gives the finished product a whiter crumb, instead of the cream color preferred by most artisan bakers.[40]
Wheat flour, in addition to its starch, contains three water-soluble protein groups (albumin, globulin, and proteoses) and two water-insoluble protein groups (glutenin and gliadin). When flour is mixed with water, the water-soluble proteins dissolve, leaving the glutenin and gliadin to form the structure of the resulting bread. When relatively dry dough is worked by kneading, or wet dough is allowed to rise for a long time (see no-knead bread), the glutenin forms strands of long, thin, chainlike molecules, while the shorter gliadin forms bridges between the strands of glutenin. The resulting networks of strands produced by these two proteins are known as gluten. Gluten development improves if the dough is allowed to autolyse.[41]
Water, or some other liquid, is used to form the flour into a paste or dough. The weight or ratio of liquid required varies between recipes, but a ratio of three parts liquid to five parts flour is common for yeast breads.[42] Recipes that use steam as the primary leavening method may have a liquid content in excess of one part liquid to one part flour. Instead of water, recipes may use liquids such as milk or other dairy products (including buttermilk or yogurt), fruit juice, or eggs. These contribute additional sweeteners, fats, or leavening components, as well as water.[43]
Fats or shortenings
Fats, such as butter, vegetable oils, lard, or that contained in eggs, affect the development of gluten in breads by coating and lubricating the individual strands of protein. They also help to hold the structure together. If too much fat is included in a bread dough, the lubrication effect causes the protein structures to divide. A fat content of approximately 3% by weight is the concentration that produces the greatest leavening action.[44] In addition to their effects on leavening, fats also serve to tenderize breads and preserve freshness.
Bread improvers
Main article: Bread improver
Bread improvers and dough conditioners are often used in producing commercial breads to reduce the time needed for rising and to improve texture and volume and to give antistaling effects. The substances used may be oxidising agents to strengthen the dough or reducing agents to develop gluten and reduce mixing time, emulsifiers to strengthen the dough or to provide other properties such as making slicing easier, or enzymes to increase gas production.[45]
Salt (sodium chloride) is very often added to enhance flavor and restrict yeast activity. It also affects the crumb and the overall texture by stabilizing and strengthening[46] the gluten. Some artisan bakers forego early addition of salt to the dough, whether wholemeal or refined, and wait until after a 20-minute rest to allow the dough to autolyse.[47]
Mixtures of salts are sometimes employed, such as employing potassium chloride to reduce the sodium level, and monosodium glutamate to give flavor (umami).
See also: Unleavened breadA dough trough, located in Aberdour Castle, once used for leavening bread
Leavening is the process of adding gas to a dough before or during baking to produce a lighter, more easily chewed bread. Most bread eaten in the West is leavened.[48]
A simple technique for leavening bread is the use of gas-producing chemicals. There are two common methods. The first is to use baking powder or a self-raising flour that includes baking powder. The second is to include an acidic ingredient such as buttermilk and add baking soda; the reaction of the acid with the soda produces gas.[48] Chemically leavened breads are called quick breads and soda breads. This method is commonly used to make muffins, pancakes, American-style biscuits, and quick breads such as banana bread.
Main article: Baker's yeastCompressed fresh yeast
Many breads are leavened by yeast. The yeast most commonly used for leavening bread is Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the same species used for brewing alcoholic beverages. This yeast ferments some of the sugars producing carbon dioxide. Commercial bakers often leaven their dough with commercially produced baker's yeast. Baker's yeast has the advantage of producing uniform, quick, and reliable results, because it is obtained from a pure culture.[48] Many artisan bakers produce their own yeast with a growth culture. If kept in the right conditions, it provides leavening for many years.[49]
The baker's yeast and sourdough methods follow the same pattern. Water is mixed with flour, salt and the leavening agent. Other additions (spices, herbs, fats, seeds, fruit, etc.) are not needed to bake bread, but are often used. The mixed dough is then allowed to rise one or more times (a longer rising time results in more flavor, so bakers often "punch down" the dough and let it rise again), loaves are formed, and (after an optional final rising time) the bread is baked in an oven.[48]
Many breads are made from a "straight dough", which means that all of the ingredients are combined in one step, and the dough is baked after the rising time;[48] others are made from a "pre-ferment" in which the leavening agent is combined with some of the flour and water a day or so ahead of baking and allowed to ferment overnight. On the day of baking, the rest of the ingredients are added, and the process continues as with straight dough. This produces a more flavorful bread with better texture. Many bakers see the starter method as a compromise between the reliable results of baker's yeast and the flavor and complexity of a longer fermentation. It also allows the baker to use only a minimal amount of baker's yeast, which was scarce and expensive when it first became available. Most yeasted pre-ferments fall into one of three categories: "poolish" or "pouliche", a loose-textured mixture composed of roughly equal amounts of flour and water (by weight); "biga", a stiff mixture with a higher proportion of flour; and "pâte fermentée", which is a portion of dough reserved from a previous batch.[50][51]
Before first rising
After first rising
After proofing, ready to bake
Main article: SourdoughSourdough loaves
Sourdough is a type of bread produced by a long fermentation of dough using naturally occurring yeasts and lactobacilli. It usually has a mildly sour taste because of the lactic acid produced during anaerobic fermentation by the lactobacilli. Longer fermented sourdoughs can also contain acetic acid, the main non-water component of vinegar.[52][53][54]
Sourdough breads are made with a sourdough starter. The starter cultivates yeast and lactobacilli in a mixture of flour and water, making use of the microorganisms already present on flour; it does not need any added yeast. A starter may be maintained indefinitely by regular additions of flour and water. Some bakers have starters many generations old, which are said to have a special taste or texture.[52] At one time, all yeast-leavened breads were sourdoughs. Recently there has been a revival of sourdough bread in artisan bakeries.[55]
Traditionally, peasant families throughout Europe baked on a fixed schedule, perhaps once a week. The starter was saved from the previous week's dough. The starter was mixed with the new ingredients, the dough was left to rise, and then a piece of it was saved to be the starter for next week's bread.[48]
The rapid expansion of steam produced during baking leavens the bread, which is as simple as it is unpredictable. Steam-leavening is unpredictable since the steam is not produced until the bread is baked. Steam leavening happens regardless of the raising agents (baking soda, yeast, baking powder, sour dough, beaten egg white) included in the mix. The leavening agent either contains air bubbles or generates carbon dioxide. The heat vaporises the water from the inner surface of the bubbles within the dough. The steam expands and makes the bread rise. This is the main factor in the rising of bread once it has been put in the oven.[56] CO2 generation, on its own, is too small to account for the rise. Heat kills bacteria or yeast at an early stage, so the CO2 generation is stopped.
Salt-rising bread does not use yeast. Instead, it is leavened by Clostridium perfringens, one of the most common sources of food-borne illness.[57][58]
Aerated bread is leavened by carbon dioxide being forced into dough under pressure. From the mid-19th to mid-20th centuries, bread made this way was somewhat popular in the United Kingdom, made by the Aerated Bread Company and sold in its high-street tearooms. The company was founded in 1862, and ceased independent operations in 1955.[59]
The Pressure-Vacuum mixer was later developed by the Flour Milling and Baking Research Association for the Chorleywood bread process. It manipulates the gas bubble size and optionally the composition of gases in the dough via the gas applied to the headspace.[60]
Cultural Significance
A Ukrainian woman in national dress welcoming with bread and salt
Main article: Bread in culture
Bread has a significance beyond mere nutrition in many cultures because of its history and contemporary importance. Bread is also significant in Christianity as one of the elements (alongside wine) of the Eucharist,[61] and in other religions including Paganism.[62]
In many cultures, bread is a metaphor for basic necessities and living conditions in general. For example, a "bread-winner" is a household's main economic contributor and has little to do with actual bread-provision. This is also seen in the phrase "putting bread on the table". The Roman poet Juvenal satirized superficial politicians and the public as caring only for "panem et circenses" (bread and circuses).[63] In Russia in 1917, the Bolsheviks promised "peace, land, and bread."[64][65] The term "breadbasket" denotes an agriculturally productive region. In parts of Northern, Central, Southern and Eastern Europe bread and salt is offered as a welcome to guests.[66] In India, life's basic necessities are often referred to as "roti, kapra aur makan" (bread, cloth, and house).[67]
Words for bread, including "dough" and "bread" itself, are used in English-speaking countries as synonyms for money.[1] A remarkable or revolutionary innovation may be called the best thing since "sliced bread".[68] The expression "to break bread with someone" means "to share a meal with someone".[69] The English word "lord" comes from the Anglo-Saxon hlāfweard, meaning "bread keeper."[70]
Bread is sometimes referred to as "the staff of life", although this term can refer to other staple foods in different cultures: the Oxford English Dictionary defines it as "bread (or similar staple food)".[71][72] This is sometimes thought to be a biblical reference, but the nearest wording is in Leviticus 26 "when I have broken the staff of your bread".[73] The term has been adopted in the names of bakery firms.[74]
See also
Food portal
Bark bread – Scandinavian bread used as famine food
Bread bowl – Round loaf of bread which has had a large portion of the middle cut out to create an edible bowl
Bread clip – Closure device for plastic bags
Bread dildo – Dildo prepared using bread, allegedly made in the Greco-Roman era around 2,000 years ago
Breading – Residue of dried bread
Bread machine – Type of home appliance for baking bread
Bread pan – Kitchen utensil
Crouton – Rebaked breads
List of breads
List of bread dishes – Dishes using bread as a main ingredient, listed by category
List of toast dishes
Quick bread – Bread leavened with agents other than yeast
Sliced bread – Loaf of bread that has been sliced with a machine
Slow Bread – Type of bread made using very little yeast
Sop – Piece of bread or toast that is drenched in liquid and then eaten.
Stuffing – Edible mixture filling a food's cavity
White bread – Type of bread made from white wheat flour
oh fuck yes bread
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