He arrives
53 posts
one day you will come face to face with your maker, and you will have to justify the space you filled.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
murielsphatass · 4 years ago
I love this
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“Curse here, curse there. A curse for he, and she, why care. A bottomless curse, a bottomless sea, source of all greatness, all things that be. Listen for the baneful chants. Weep with them, as one in trance. And weep with us, oh, weep with us…
Listen for the baneful chants. A call to the bloodless, wherever they be. A call to the bloodless, wherever they be. Fix your ears, to hear our call.“
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murielsphatass · 4 years ago
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“Even if it means my murder….”
worked my ass off with this one
not perfect! but certainly proud of it
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murielsphatass · 4 years ago
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there is no way solaire knows what sex is
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murielsphatass · 4 years ago
i know im a dark souls centered page and all but ive been drawing alot recently and im pretty happy with the turn outs
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murielsphatass · 5 years ago
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unas escenas de dark souls que me quedaron en la cabeza y quería dibujar <3 
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murielsphatass · 5 years ago
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"Heavens, she was already dead...  Thank you. I-I'm not surprised, though.  Hmm, almost a relief, really.  You can keep the ring.  As, well, a little trinket of thanks, I suppose."
-Greirat the Thief
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murielsphatass · 5 years ago
I need to hunt down a good gif set for the Crows
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Bloody Crow of Cainhurst - Bloodborne
It’s been a long time since I did a big fanart Bloodborne, my soul needed it, this time it’s from one of the “mini bosses” in the game, but this bastard I’m as scared as other more difficult bosses in the game, I killed more times than Ebrietas and Martyr Logarius. That was the Bloody Crow of Cainhurst, this hunter can only be found by Cathedral Ward, if you correctly fulfill the Eileen the Crow quest line. I needed to return to Bloodborne, thanks to this game I knew the games of the Souls series, that’s why I am so fond of this game. I hope it is to your liking and greetings to all. Eme
Tools: Painted in ink and in Winsor & Newton watercolors on Canson paper.
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murielsphatass · 5 years ago
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ENG: a portrait of my hunter. I made her look as if she was in her teens.
ESP: un retrato de mu cazadora. La hice ver como si estuviera en su adolescencia.
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murielsphatass · 5 years ago
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"Oh-hoh! Forgive me. I was absorbed in thought. I am Siegmeyer of Catarina. Quite honestly, I have run flat up against a wall. Or, a gate, I should say. The thing just won't budge. No matter how long I wait. And, oh, have I waited! So, here I sit, in quite a pickle. Weighing my options, so to speak! Hah hah hah hah!"
-Siegmeyer of Catarina
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murielsphatass · 5 years ago
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The curse... truly one of the cruelest tricks to be played on humanity. To gradually take everything from you... your family, homeland, memories... and the worst of all, your sense of self... yet hope dangles a hairs length out of reach. What terrible sin must have been committed to deserve a fate this unjust.
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murielsphatass · 5 years ago
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Sometimes I wonder... the motives of this plain old doll. What has she to gain from us? How and for what purpose does she help us become more powerful? What motivates something that comes off as the most passive? She's not our subordinate, nor does she owe us anything. Could this be kindness? No, how could it be... In a night as cold, dark, and hopeless as this.
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murielsphatass · 5 years ago
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murielsphatass · 5 years ago
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Demon’s Souls (2009) / Demon’s Souls Remake (TBA)
Pre-rendered Intro on PS3 | In-game Visuals on PS5
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murielsphatass · 5 years ago
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So I have a Bloodborne theory that was heavily inspired by my caffeine hiatus.
In the world of Bloodborne we are told to seek out the Pale Blood, which we never find as an item (spoilers I know but the game has been out for 5 years, if you haven't beaten it yet get your shit together and sack a weekend to do it). In fact we only find two creatures with the Pale Blood, The Doll, and Ebrietas, both of whom are Great Ones.
So let's take a step back and look at how many Great Ones we see in our little adventure: we have The Doll, Rom the vacuous spider, Amygdala, and Ebrietas. And two of these Great Ones are not like the others, because The Doll and Ebrietas both bleed pale blood. I have 3 theories after noting this.
Theory 1: Over the course of time the Great Ones have changed significantly, possibly evolving. I think this is my weakest theory, because if the old Great Ones had pale blood, and we have been asking around looking for that blood, why did no one say anything about it? surly people would have shown some sort of reaction.
Theory 2: Great Ones who bleed red were originally human, and they managed to assend to be Great Ones. For similar reasons I don't like this theory either, we have no way of telling other than this theory on if mankind was ever able to become Great Ones. Also, if the old Great Ones had pale blood, surely we would have found something, or someone who knew of it.
Theory 3: (what I think is most likely) The Doll and Ebrietas are special in some way shape or form, both of them are not hostile (at least Ebrietas is at first), but only one of them is capable of speech. But what is it about this blood that makes it so special? why do we only find it in 2 beings? and when we ourselves turn into a Great One, what color is our blood?
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murielsphatass · 5 years ago
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"Didn't anyone teach you to let the dead rest?"
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murielsphatass · 5 years ago
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In the Soulsborne community, we love talking about the lore and our theories of the cause and events of the world. But something we haven't talked much about is the lore of our character. For every game I loved coming up with a back story to my character.
In Dark Souls I was a pyromancer who studied the first flame, and in my travels I had slowly begun to realize what the Lords had done to the world, thus I sought out to extinguish the very flame that birthed my power.
In Dark Souls II, I was but a simple undead who wasn't strong enough to win the war of my homeland, so I sought power. But in the end, even with all the souls I had accumulated, no power was strong enough to fix my homeland, so I linked the fire.
And in Dark Souls III, I was an assassin, who had studied the cycle of linking the fire, and had heard rumors about how to end it. Risen as Ashen, I was gifted the chance to break the cycle, and the claim the title of Lord of Hollows.
I wonder what backtory was given to other people's characters.
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murielsphatass · 5 years ago
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"You offed the Lords of Cinder, the Undead Legion.... So that's how they're delivered to their thrones.... I pity the sorry souls... Is that really Lordships last reward?"
-Hawkward, The Deserter
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