#Starbucks one shot
I requested more of the scenario Molt meeting og nightmare
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I'm sorry for the wait anon! For a change of pace, you get a one-shot this time! word count: 3411 general content warning for canon typical violence and angst.
Something grainy, like gravel and sand, crunched under the soles of his boots as he shuffled back a step. One looping tendril made contact with a roughly cut boulder behind him. The height of the stone reached his hip. Clumsily, he ran his phalanges along its surface. He stepped around it and stopped once he stood on the south side, uncertain of how to proceed from there.
It was rare that he found himself in a space so wide open without someone nearby. He’d like to think he was better at navigating now than he had been when he was younger. Yet, regardless of how much time passed, he could never seem to quite outgrow the sudden spike of anxiety he felt whenever he entered a space that seemed... empty.
 He didn’t know what he was walking towards or away from. He could be approaching a canyon for all he knew.
A steady, lonely wind howled above him. It caught the tail of his tunic and the fabric slapped against his side. Something rustled in the distance. 
The wind turned cold. 
Ley lines of magic, negative and positive, wrapped around this world in a vast net of ever-shifting ripe tides. Instinct had directed him to follow the nearest positive swell but now he felt it move again. Bending as though to make way. Just as suddenly as the air had turned cold, a well opened up, and negativity cascaded down the pit and condensed into a single point of black frost. 
A shiver ran down his spine. “Nightmare…?”
Something about Rem’s magic didn’t feel right—
“How unlike you to make the first move. Was it not enough for you to…” his brother’s voice trailed off. “You are not my brother.” 
No... no he was not. Rem’s magic felt cold, but not this cold. Though, the undercurrent of bitterness was painfully familiar. 
“… the sentiment is mutual,” Molt murmured. He steadied himself on the boulder behind him. Silently, he tried to gauge the other’s intent.
An air of suspicion and curiosity rolled underneath the cold. He had the sense he was also being appraised.
“And yet, you are Dream.”
He did not sound—did not feel happy about that.
“If it were not impossible, I would wager you were from a divergent timeline.”
“Our world had only one timeline,” Molt confirmed cautiously. His voice remained low. “… it’s tied to the multiverse itself. No resets. Just the one.”
“Ah, so you are informed,” his brother's voice mocked. “Your presence here suggests a paradox, then. For all my searching, I have never met another iteration of us who could breach the confines of their AU on their own. It seemed there was some law restricting the role of Guardian to Two.”
He nodded because that more or less described the situation back home. With a renewed sense of scrutiny, Nightmare said, “Can I assume then, that instead of your brother, you were the one who bit the apple?”
And Molt stalled. The question was so direct. It felt a bit like a verbal slap to the face. 
Nightmare hummed. “I see. That expression you’re making... It makes sense for my alternative self to have other motives if you are like this yourself.” He heard the grin in his tone, even if he could not see it. “Tell me, Dream. What do you say to adding to that collection of yours?” He— he couldn’t be serious. 
“In this multiverse, you have the opportunity to increase your power. If you collect the last apple from my brother, perhaps we can reach an agreement.”
His mouth felt suddenly dry. He had to consciously still his tentacles to keep them from lashing defensively.
“You… you want me to kill my counterpart.”
He struggled to wrap his mind around that. Less so the threat itself and more so that it was Nightmare who was asking him to do it. He felt sick.
His brother’s alternate rumbled a low laugh. “It would not be difficult for you. You dwarf him in raw power. I’m confident you could easily subdue him... Ah, but I see I cannot convince you. The thought distresses you. A pity.”
Gravel and sand crunched underfoot. The sound came quietly. “ … hmm just as I thought, you are blind.”
“...what are you doing?” 
Nightmare was amused by the question. Dread washed over him. Nightmare had been speaking to him civilly until that point, and while this mirror of his brother gave off an ambient feeling of danger, he had not taken the feeling as seriously as he should have. 
“I am considering what to do with you. Since it seems you are reluctant to cooperate. But you would be of a dull mind not to suspect that already. If you are anything like the thorn I have in my side now, I’m sure you will quickly surmise why I simply cannot let your existence go unchecked.” 
Molt slowly shuffled a step back. 
“… where do you think you will escape to? Are you even aware of what is behind you?”
Molt froze.
He sensed no one behind him but— the subtle rustle of fabric. A step was taken closer and it dawned on him that Nightmare had been trying to distract him.
Molt’s hearing was keen. It had to be. He learned to rely on it when sensing nearby emotions, and the flow of positive and negative wasn’t enough. But his haptic memory was better, and with one tentacle brushing against the boulder behind him, he knew which side he stood on and which direction he originally came from. 
He darted around the boulder, squarely placing it between himself and Nightmare. His brother’s alternate self stood still, contemplative and mildly surprised. 
“Hm. You cannot see, and yet you are able to pinpoint my position. Interesting.” 
Molt didn’t feel like providing a reply.
Nightmare didn’t move for a width of time that felt like years. And then, he vanished. The cold sucked out of the air in a blip of distorted space-time.
Alarm seized him. Given no time to think, he picked direction and distance at random and took a shortcut through. As he felt his bones materialize in reality again, a dense frame of cold magic solidified where he had stood seconds prior.
Displeasure radiated off of Nightmare in waves. “Come now. Don’t run. It’s unbecoming. We can discuss the terms of your departure from this world with maturity.”
Molt shivered. “Don’t. I would return to my reality if I knew how.”
“Then allow me to assist you,” Nightmare said, and the malice in his words sent needles crawling up his spine. He vanished again in a wash of cold. Molt leaped back, grasping at the nearest tide of positivity to carry him away.
He found his feet again on the sand. The sudden incline made him stumble. The seconds it took to catch his balance nearly cost him. A frustrated growl and the sensation of ice to his right was the only warning he had before a sharp object whistled past his skull. He teleported again and Nightmare followed. 
“Enough! Cease this childishness.” The burning cold struck his side. Molt tumbled to the ground. He rolled, gasping in pain, and launched himself to the side. “Stop! I don’t want to fight you.” A loud crack sounded where he’d just been. Gravel pelted his arm. 
“Then what happens next is your own fault,” His brother’s voice snarled.
He took another shortcut. Aiming north of the dense vortex of cold desperately trying to put some distance between himself and his brother’s counterpart. He needed that distance to escape this AU. If he attempted the jump too close to Nightmare he might unintentionally drag him along, or Nightmare would be able to sense where he went and this fight would never end. The temperature plummeted. In a split second, a cold tendril snapped around his middle. And then he was flung. His body hit the ground once, twice, and his skull was knocked against something hard. 
A hiss shuddered through his ribcage. Molt clenched his teeth as the world spun, attempting to swallow back the sound. 
“You brought this on yourself, Dream.” 
Gravel and sand crunched at a steady pace. Malice approached slowly. 
He struggled to push himself upright. The ground beneath him swayed dangerously. His tendrils lashed, writhing in defense of their host. But the ground beneath him lurched, his arms buckled, and the ground swung up to meet the side of his skull again. 
His soul pulsed so fast and hard in his chest, he thought he was going to be sick. 
“Poetic, isn’t it? I wonder... did the same desperation drive you?”
Cold wrapped around him and slammed his back into a hard, stone wall. 
Claws dug into his jaw, roughly pinning his skull to the stone slab behind him. A strained hiss tore from his bared teeth. He found the strength to wrestle one arm free and dug his claws into the wrist pinning his head down. Nightmare’s strength didn’t waver, but an involuntary noise rattled through him, a jolt that was close enough to a flinch to be nothing else. 
Faintly, Molt felt the phantom echo of a hot brand race up Nightmare’s arm, starting from where his claws dug into his wrist.
“W-why are you doing this? I am not from your timeline, so why?”
“The distinction is irrelevant,” the grip on his jaw tightened. “This fate, it’s the least you deserve. For everything you put me through. For every day I was left to defend myself while you selfishly basked in undeserved praise.” 
Exhaustion crept into his limbs. He felt weaker and heavier by the second.
“Would you have always resented me?” Molt gasped out. “If things had been different... If our lives had been better—”
Nightmare barked out a bitter laugh. “Even as you are now, you are naive. No. I cannot imagine a world where I did not hate you. For us, no other outcome was possible.” Molt flinched. “... you doubt me? Do you actually believe my alternate self doesn’t resent you?” 
The knife in his heart gave a sharp lurch. It would make sense... wouldn’t it. For all he hadn’t done, who wouldn’t resent him? 
“You neglected your responsibilities, Dream. You were selfish. I’ve always wondered if you had known what I stood to lose that day. If you had known what they had planned to do—” “Nightmare!” Molt snapped. He was terrified, his soul shook, and he was painfully cold. “That was my home too!” Something snapped. He felt the abrupt, quaking shift in Nightmare’s demeanor. Rage colored all rational thought. Molt didn’t know what he intended to do and he didn’t have time to think about it. That rage solidified into a single, sharp tool. Malice soaked the thing so vividly, he could almost see it. A serrated bone dagger.
Molt jerked his head to the side, the claws on his jaw slipped, and something sharp and blisteringly cold scraped the side of his skull.
He might have blacked out for a few seconds. He couldn’t be sure. One moment, his vision was black. Then it was white. He’d yanked a tentacle free in the next. A resounding crack thundered through the stone lab behind him. Nightmare’s grip on his head slipped, caught off guard. Molt kicked his shin, and as Nightmare staggered, snarling, he flash-stepped out of immediate reach. 
A safe distance away he sank to the ground. 
Head swimming, he lifted a shaky hand to the side of his skull. He felt bone. The dry, clean surface of a malar bone. The muddy, blurred shape of his palm swam in and out of focus. 
Nightmare stood very still for a long moment. His emotions felt stunted and Molt could not identify the feeling that had rendered him so still. Moments ago, Nightmare had been content to hurt him in every possible way.
“Get up,” Nightmare said. And he couldn’t identify the emotion behind that command either. It felt like anger but brittle. “I said get up!”
A tremble racked through his body. He felt a forbidden spark of anger ignite in his throat and shakily rose to his feet.
As he slowly lifted his gaze, palm still pressed to the side of his skull, he saw black tar and went still. 
It was one thing to guess the shape of the magic that had tossed him around the field like a rag doll, but it was another thing entirely, to see it.
The ground felt like it was tilting. Nightmare was taking too long to respond. And though he hid it well, he was clearly in pain. Head swimming. Pounding. Red-hot needles. Nausea pricked through his brother’s bones.
Nightmare took one step closer. Molt flinched back, and a bitter smile crawled over his brother’s teeth—
A sharp ping. His vision was eclipsed in hazy blue. Before Molt could blink, he found himself yanked to the side, several feet away.
He was released, gently at that, and stumbled once as gravity resumed its normal weight. The world erupted in a cacophony of noise. With color and light sloshing together, it was difficult to make out shape and form, but the stirring magic immediately in front of him was familiar.
“Blue?” Molt whispered, but like Nightmare his magic felt just slightly off. The hope in his soul withered. He was surrounded by strangers.
Whatever his brother’s mirror said in reply it was drowned out by noise.
But his voice was too low. Too quiet. And his plea went ignored.
Too much happened at once after that. The Swap Sans launched himself into the fight. Light. Movement. A flash of white. Bones summoned then shattered by the furious sweep of a black arm. Nightmare’s strength was weakening. The balance had tipped. And battling three by himself? Nightmare couldn’t keep this up for much longer.
Most of the fight happened too fast for his barely stable eyelight to track.
So he did what he always did when the world around him became too chaotic to follow. He reached for the cold pitch of his brother’s magic. 
He followed the current of cold as it funneled into a singular point. Pushed back, and back again by a burning white star. Hope. Concentration. Concern for the other, yet the courage to see his actions through to the end. The familiarity of the magic here was disconcerting. But his head already ached something awful and he didn't think his nausea could get much worse. The phantom lashes he’d endured at Nightmare’s hand still burned. But... Nightmare. He felt his twin’s exhaustion, felt the unsteady slip to his heel, and his alternate was closing in now and—
The shortcut was rough. Poorly executed. And finding his balance on the balls of his feet was not fun. He raised his arm defensively, anticipating the attack seconds before, and found his hand closing around the pole of a golden staff. It smacked into his palm with a solid clank. It hurt only a little bit. His own magic absorbed the brunt of the blow to feed itself. To lessen some of his own pain. And staring into the wide eyes of his own face was... 
Everything was dizzying. 
That startled look melted into one of fear, and it didn’t make sense. His own rib cage hitched, sharing that fear second hand and then it dawned on him how this might look. Oh. He thought. …oh.
He released his counterpart's weapon and yanked his hand back. The other skeleton flash stepped out of reach, his soul pulsing with the rhythm of a terrified rabbit.
Within the pool of frigid cold at his back, he felt a spark of something that felt suspiciously like gratitude. Nightmare struggled to stand for a moment, winded, then laughed. The sound was not pleasant. “Recklessness must be a universal trait.”
“That’s enough,” Molt rasped. “Please. Just stop…”
“You should have taken my offer when you had the chance,” Nightmare sneered, words bitting. But more than anything, they felt defensive. The darkness pinched into a small, black star, and then he was gone.
“I SEE. WAS I MISTAKEN THEN? ARE YOU AND NIGHTMARE ALLIES?” Blue had taken a defensive stance beside his teammate. His weapon was drawn, but he didn’t move yet. His soul hummed with grim focus. The suspicion hurt. 
Molt struggled to speak for several precious seconds. Unsettled. He was reeling from the fight, from everything he had learned about this reality and the cruelty of his brother's words and actions and he was trying ever so hard not to let a tremble snake its way into his voice. It was very hard... to hear someone say those awful things in Rem’s voice.
He shook his head and said softly. “We aren’t.”
Blue’s brow furrowed. “THEN, WHY DID YOU DEFEND HIM? 
The words ‘because he is my brother?’ were on the edge of his teeth but the hostile edge to Blue’s magic and tone made him pause. It was less a question and more of an accusation. And that answer wouldn’t have been exactly true besides. 
The tendril on his back coiled defensively. 
He hadn’t stopped to think before he leapt in front of Nightmare. It hadn’t been a “should I or shouldn’t I” situation in his mind. In that moment he was unable to look past the pain and hurt his brother’s mirror was experiencing. In that moment, the distinction didn’t matter. He had to put a stop to it, that’s all. He couldn’t fight his brother. In any form he took. He just couldn’t do it. It reminded him of too much. And he couldn’t stand to watch that either. 
But how could he possibly explain that? 
A step behind his teammate, Dream was trying to calm down. Blue’s presence helped but he was struggling. Molt took a step back. He was causing someone pain and distress. He didn’t want that. Blue’s stance shifted. Bracing.
That felt like betrayal too. Molt swallowed something bitter behind his teeth and tried not to think of it that way. Ignored that small part of him that hissed and felt a little bit angry. It didn’t make sense. He knew the person in front of him wasn’t his friend.
“I’ll leave,” Molt said. His head was pounding, and the last thing he wanted was to be dragged into another fight. “Wait...” Dream took a breath. “You’re hurt. Stay for a minute, let’s talk.” “DREAM IS RIGHT, POTENTIAL ENEMY OR NOT, IT WOULDN’T BE RIGHT TO LEAVE YOU THIS WAY. NOT TO FEAR HOWEVER, I AM ALWAYS PREPARED!” “It’s okay. I don’t need candy,” Molt said and felt vaguely like he was reading the lines of a script. If Rem or any of the others were here, they’d be calling his bluff. “Then, what do you need?”
“Somewhere calm, with hope. That’s all.”
The two exchanged a look. Surprise, suspicion, resignation, dread. “I SEE. SO YOU ARE LIKE DREAM THEN. BUT SURELY THAT'S NOT ENOUGH. I... I CANNOT SEEM TO CHECK YOU FOR SOME REASON, BUT YOU DO NOT LOOK WELL.”
Blue seemed to ask to Dream something silently. Concern. Suspicion. Acceptance. Dream sighed. “I know somewhere. It’ll be okay. We’ll be keeping an eye on him together, right? The place I’m thinking of is isolated so...”
“IT’S SETTLED THEN.” he finally dismissed his weapon, and Molt felt the tendrils on his back slowly lower. “SO THEN, NEW FRIEND, WHAT DO YOU SAY TO A TRUCE? WILL YOU COME WITH US?”
He gauged their intent for a moment. Rem had sometimes remarked that his empathy made him gullible. But Molt was tired, and sore, and aching. The others weren’t here. And he let them make decisions for him too much anyway. He hated to admit it but Nightmare was right. Dream wasn’t a physical threat to him. He was scared and trying so hard to be brave, and Molt was trying equally hard not to feel rattled.
“Okay,” he said.
Blue made a noise, something between acknowledgment and mild confusion. Dream offered a strained smile. He supposed they had a lot of questions.
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justonemorewallflower · 2 months
Hey guys! I am back with another Starpollo oneshot!!! This one is my longest one yet at around 9500 words and it's going to get a sequel/follow up oneshot too! This one is a very dark one though I will warn as it covers some sensitive topics/nsfw content/has triggers. So if you plan to read it please read tags! Your mental health comes first! But I really enjoyed writing this one, especially since I had originally planned for it to only be around 4000 words haha. It kind of just wrote itself and I absolutely love all the angst, whump, tension, etc. in it! I hope all of you who read it will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
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backtodecembertv · 2 months
and it kills me i just don’t understand how you don’t miss me in the shower and remember how my rain-soaked body was shaking do you hate me was it hazing for a cruel fraternity i pledged and i still mean it old habits die screaming! six weeks of breathing clean air i still miss the smoke were you making fun of me with some esoteric joke now i wanna sell my house and set fire to all my clothes and hire a priest to come and exorcise my demons even if i die screaming and i hope you hear it!!!!! and i hope it’s SHITTY in the black dog!!!
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eidingate · 5 months
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Romance Arc
you started this story a little hard, or awkward, or stubborn. that's okay. it's harder than it should be to admit, but what you really want is love. that's what your story is all about - not just the act of loving, but the allowance of it. the confession that you do not want to fight or bleed or save the world, but to simply feel the way two hands fit so easily together. you will have two chairs and a table and you will shut your blinds, and you will say the word love without faltering. this is a happy ending, and you do not need to feel guilty. it hurts our hands to fight - never to hold.
...if you say so
Everyone was out here getting corruption arcs and tragic hero arcs for their WoLs, things that could have happened but thankfully did not. Eidin, instead, got something that fell through her grasp.
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what the tags to my posts have taught me is that the wurthering heights stans are eating devouring enjoying while im locked in Moby Dick Jail with the ahab starbuck emotionally draining yuri that lives only in my mind-
#me staring at the direction that they decided to take starbuck's character#LOOK WHAT THEY DID TO MY BOY#also sometimes i get annoyed about the way that pip and ahab's interactions were adapted#like if anyone could have dragged ahab's ass back from the edge. ranked. 1. pip and 2. MAYBE starbuck had a small chance but like#not really#pip and starbuck are like....... two examples of how ahab's damage couldve been averted#pip and ahab are SUCH an important relationship that got kinda lost#bc it shows that ahab COULDVE walked back his ego for human connection. he and pip wind up kinda getting each other in a weird way#pip in moby dick is like. if apollo was the ocean pip would be cassandra. do you understand.#pip and ahab know how each other tick in the book.#they were like each other's One Chances bc ahab couldve left his ego and done the one damn thing which would've REALLY saved#the one goddamn person who he's come to genuinely care about#and pip gave ahab the chance to have someone sort of get how actually scared ahab is of the ocean and how that fear was the biggest#damn insult a dude like that could have. bc if you read the book and how ahab was treated directly after losing his leg.#it wasnt JUST moby dick it was the way his ship treated him. you understand why he's Like That.#the ocean AND the whaling crew fucked them both over.#uhhh meanwhile starbuck Thought that he could walk ahab's ego back from the edge!#but in reality the way that starbuck was ahab's One Chance at not killing everyone on that ship is if starbuck had shot his ass in the cabi#limbus company#IM GLAD THE WURTHERING HEIGHTS FANS ARE HAVING FUN THOUGH IM GL
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thesugarhole · 3 months
'whats your coffee order' posts especially the starbucks type answers fascinate me. you guys drinking all that when you have coffee??
coffee here is like. one coffee please. from context clues i believe this to be an 'espresso shot' in english. if you dont specify they sometimes ask 'curto ou cheio' short or long. this is to determine how much coffee in that little cup you get, with long making it more full and slightly more dilluted. and that's that.
of course, we have other drinks that have milk, tea, wheat? (not sure dont feel like looking it up. translate 'cevada') and some of these do have coffee in it. but they're no longer considered coffee.
a little insight into my wonder and sometimes confusion at the usa centered internet corners
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gobbluthbutagirl · 4 months
june 2022 was literally such a horrible Target Month for me like it started with spending over an hour of my one precious life cleaning Thee single most disgusting target cart of all eternity and ended with the beginning of my stomach ulcer era and in the middle it had the time i almost passed away from dehydration, the family vacation i ditched my family on due to the shame of the just everything about my life, AND the time i almost quit but decided not to after i came in when i wasn’t working, called hr guy an asshole to his face like 5 times, and he just sat there begging me to stay and paid me for an hour for doing that even though i was in there for under 30 minutes. But i always forget about all of that due to the fact that despite it all, august was worse
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electromignion · 1 year
The Pinkest Pinkish Pink Drink (Drowley OS - AO3)
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Link to the fic
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Dean Winchester/Crowley
Characters: Dean Winchester, Crowley
Rating: General Audience
Words: 3,770
Synopsis: Dean has a guilty pleasure — fancy Starbucks drinks. What he does not expect as he grabs the pinkest drink he could ever had from the menu is to find Crowley with another pinkish drink. What neither of them expect is that feelings start to come with the drinks as they become regulars.
Tags: Drowley, Trans Male Character, Trans Dean Winchester, Comfort, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Coming Out, First Dates, John Winchester and Rowena are mentioned being bad parents, Sam Winchester mentioned slightly, Starbucks, First Kiss, Declarations Of Love, Love Confessions, Falling In Love, Soft Drinks, Mild Language, Crowley (Supernatural) Loves Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester loves Crowley (Supernatural), Crowlean - Freeform, No Smut, Happy Ending, frenemies to lovers, Getting to Know Each Other, Starbucks is bad with names
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vox-off · 1 year
i work from home 2 days out of the week and i get like. fuck all done on those days. my cat is adorable and my neighbors are loud and we have so many windows and there are noises and some smells sometimes and i've been convinced that my quarterly review was going to be "you're slacking, stop that or you're fired"
had my review this morning
not only was absolutely nothing negative said about me at all, three different department heads are fighting. over who gets me on their team. my director wants me to become the full-time trainer, the technical analyst wants to create a analyst team with me as the founding member, and my current department head is metaphorically crouched over me like a dog with food aggression
is this
is this job satisfaction
imagine what could happen if i did my job 5 days a week instead of 3 😳
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justonemorewallflower · 7 months
Posted my second Starpollo one shot on AO3!! This one is an alternate sort of start to their relationship, pre season 1. It's also longer than my first one, at around 2,600 words!
If you want to check it out:
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redjennies · 2 years
I cannot explain to people how much getting extra shots* of espresso at most coffee places is a collosal waste of money in comparison to just buying a medium roast coffee (with a shot/cream). hell for the price y'all gotta be paying for this shit, buy two medium roast coffees.
*note: this is about people getting an absurd amount of espresso and how people think that's so hardcore even though it's just a massive waste of money. this is not about people who are going through the drive-thru and want to treat themselves by getting an extra shot in their iced caramel latte because it's sweet but they're sleepy and they don't mind spending the extra .50 cents. I do this too even though I know better.
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parasolids · 2 years
idk if ive ever met a starbucks barista who wasnt just the absolute sweetest person ive ever met like i remember the baristas next to my high school started remembering my order and one time i was just getting changed in the starbucks bathroom and the baristas were like yeah whatever man here's the code and the other day i spelled out my ethnic name to the barista and he was like "how do you pronounce that? just so i can remember next time you come thru here" and i dont even go to starbucks particularly often so idk why he had the idea but it was still really nice of him. shoutout to all the starbucks baristas out there for making nice drink and being friendly it is the highlight of my day sometimes i love u guys i hope yall unionize
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apathyfairy · 2 years
listen i get so tired of needing an app to do everything but the invention of ordering on the app and picking up at the store is the best thing to come out of smart phones
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southislandwren · 1 year
im getting alphonse a new bucket tomorrow because SOMEONEEEE has figured out how to escape while we're traveling (this is not a good thing.)
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daeluin · 1 year
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the face of a motherfucker forced to get up at 6am after a 14hs shift and work on a holiday
at least saturday came on the shuffle and i feel even more depressed now
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